path: root/meta-agl-profile-graphical/classes/agl-graphical.bbclass
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-01-27meta-agl-profile-graphical: update weston and weston-initScott Murray1-3/+2
Update weston and weston-init bbappends to handle weston 6.0.0 to 7.0.0 upgrade and other upstream changes: - weston 6.0.0 bbappend renamed for weston 7.0.0. - Wildcard weston_%.bbappend removed, as none of its changes are required with the latest upstream recipe. - Update weston patches for 7.0.0. Notable changes are that the patch to allow launching weston as a non-root user has been reworked for the switch to meson for weston builds, and the compositor backend patch for Waltham has been disabled until someone more familiar with the code can update it. - weston-init changes and udev rules updated to work with upstream support for running weston as non-root. The major rework is to simplify things such that all AGL configuration is done as an over-ride to the new upstream weston@.service file. The ability to specify which TTY to run weston on has been removed in favor of upstream's hard-coded tty7 as part of this change, to cut down on the amount of extra configuration required. Bug-AGL: SPEC-2932 Change-Id: I6f8b213bacb2de7526aa1a3c01b1482be78becef Signed-off-by: Scott Murray <>
2019-05-27Revert "Add gst-record argument to weston option"Harunobu Kurokawa1-1/+1
Bug-AGL : SPEC-2420 This reverts commit b4cd3148e509f566b1a28a02a5f1032ad48aad8c. After weston 6.0 or later, remoting plugin is used instead of current gst-record. The argumant "--gst-record" is not necessary. Change-Id: I580c2acb63a86b2780f0b1b0ba4b4cb357669f39 Signed-off-by: Harunobu Kurokawa <>
2018-04-20Introduce meta-agl-profile-core and meta-agl-profile-graphicsJan-Simon Möller1-0/+7
Rework towards agl profiles. This change is part of a series of changes to create the AGL profiles. This set will mainly introduce the 'core' profile. It is setup to be a drop-in change, thus some files were kept in (dummy) locations for now. However, they'll be taken care of in the next changes in this series. The main target of the meta-agl-profile-core layer is to host: - a minimal, bootable image with network and package management enabled -- agl-image-boot - a minimal image with network and packagemanagement and the AGL APIs -- agl-image-minimal The layer meta-agl-profile-graphical is used as superset of these and includes support for egl+wayland+weston. All recipes concerning graphics were moved there. This is not a full profile as we still have to migrate some parts of meta-agl-demo in a follow-up changeset. The roadmap as discussed during the F2F session in Karlsruhe is: - week 16 : core profile and profiles w/o graphics - week 17 : graphical profiles - week 18 : final conversion of the demo image v2: moved agl-login-manager from -graphics to -core (see Jose's comment) v3: moved back after discussion - follow-up in separate changeset Change-Id: Idacb0d1274baac1f63f8d1b850d4b1104ac33918 Signed-off-by: Jan-Simon Möller <>
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// Foundation for Apps ALPHA
// by ZURB
// Licensed under MIT Open Source

$include-css: () !default;
$modules: () !default;
$rem-base: 16px !default;

/// Checks if a module is in use.
@function using($name) {
  // Import from global scope
  $include-css: $include-css !global;
  $module-key: map-get($include-css, $name);

  @if $module-key == true or $module-key == null {
    @return true;
  @else {
    @return false;

/// Checks if a module's CSS has already been exported.
@function imported($name) {
  // Import from global scope
  $modules: $modules !global;
  // Check if the module is already on the imported list
  @if type-of(index($modules, $name)) == 'number' {
    @return true;
  @else {
    @return false;

/// Outputs the chunk of content passed if component $name hasn't yet been output.
/// This prevents code duplication by keeping track of which components have already been output.
/// @param {string} $name - Name of component to output
/// @output The content passed, if the component has not yet been exported.
@mixin exports($name) {
  // Check if the module has already been imported
  @if not(imported($name)) {
    // Check if the module should be used
    @if using($name) {
      $modules: append($modules, $name) !global;

/// Map Serialize
/// Converts a Sass map to a URL-encoded string, like this: `key1=value1&key2=value2`. We use this function to encode the media queries in the `$breakpoints` variable, so it can be transferred to our JavaScript for use there.
/// @param {map} $map - Map to convert.
/// @return A string with a map converted to a string.
@function map-serialize($map) {
  $str: '';
  @each $key, $value in $map {
    $str: $str + $key + '=' + $value + '&';
  $str: str-slice($str, 1, -2);

  @return $str;

/// Map Next
/// Find the next key in a map.
/// @param {map} $map - Map to traverse.
/// @param {mixed} $key - Key to use as a starting point.
/// @return The value for the key after `$key` if `$key` was found. If `$key` was not found, or `$key` was the last value in the map, returns null.
@function map-next($map, $key) {
  // Store the values of the map as a list, so we can access them with nth
  $values: map-values($map);

  // Ghetto for loop
  $i: 1;
  $found: false;
  @each $val in map-keys($map) {
    @if $found == false {
      @if ($key == $val) {
        $found: true;
      $i: $i + 1;

  // If the key doesn't exist, or it's the last key in the map, return null
  @if $i > length($map) {
    @return null;
  // Otherwise return the value
  @else {
    @return nth($values, $i);

/// Is It Light?
/// Checks the lightness of $color, and if it passes the $threshold of lightness, it returns the `$yes` color. Otherwise, it returns the `$no` color. Use this function to dynamically output a foreground color based on a given background color.
/// @param {color} $color - Color to check the lightness of.
/// @param {color} $yes - Color to return if $color is light.
/// @param {color} $no - Color to return if $color is dark.
/// @param {percentage} $threshold - Threshold of lightness to check against.
/// @return The $yes color or $no color.
@function isitlight($color, $yes: #000, $no: #fff, $threshold: 60%) {
  @if (lightness($color) > $threshold) {
    @return $yes;
  @else {
    @return $no;

/// Smart Scale
/// Scales a color to be lighter if it's light, or darker if it's dark. Use this function to "fade" a color appropriate to its lightness.
/// @param {color} $color - Color to scale.
/// @param {percentage} $scale - Amount to scale up or down.
/// @param {percentage} $threshold - Threshold of lightness to check against.
/// @return A scaled color.
@function smartscale($color, $scale: 5%, $threshold: 60%) {
  @if lightness($color) > $threshold {
    $scale: -$scale;
  @return scale-color($color, $lightness: $scale);

/// Has Value
/// Returns true if a value is not 0, null, or none. Use this function to check for values like `border: 0` or `box-shadow: none`.
/// @param $val - Value to check.
/// @return True if `$val` is not 0, null, or none.
@function hasvalue($val) {
  @if $val == null or $val == none {
    @return false;
  @if type-of($val) == 'number' and strip-unit($val) == 0 {
    @return false;
  @return true;

/// Get Side
/// Determine a top/right/bottom/right value on a padding, margin, etc. property, no matter how many values were passed in. Use this function if you need to know the specific side of a value, but don't know if the value is using shorthand.
/// @param {list|number} $val - Value to analyze. Should be a shorthand sizing property, e.g. "1em 2em 1em"
/// @param {keyword} $side - Side to return. Should be top, right, bottom, or left.
/// @return A single value based on `$val` and `$side`.
@function get-side($val, $side) {
  $length: length($val);

  @if $length == 1 {
    @return $val;
  @if $length == 2 {
    @return map-get((
      top: nth($val, 1),
      bottom: nth($val, 1),
      left: nth($val, 2),
      right: nth($val, 2),
    ), $side);
  @if $length == 3 {
    @return map-get((
      top: nth($val, 1),
      left: nth($val, 2),
      right: nth($val, 2),
      bottom: nth($val, 3),
    ), $side);
  @if $length == 4 {
    @return map-get((
      top: nth($val, 1),
      right: nth($val, 2),
      bottom: nth($val, 3),
      left: nth($val, 4),
    ), $side);

/// Get Border Value
/// Given border $val, find a specific element of the border, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are width, style, and color.
/// @param {list} $val - Border value to find a value in.
/// @param {keyword} $elem - Border component to extract.
/// @param If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not in the border definition, the function will return a 0px width, solid style, or black border.
 @function get-border-value($val, $elem) {
   // Find the width, style, or color and return it
   @each $v in $val {
     $type: type-of($v);
     @if $elem == width and $type == 'number' {
       @return $v;
     @if $elem == style and $type == 'string' {
       @return $v;
     @if $elem == color and $type == 'color' {
       @return $v;

   // Defaults
   $defaults: (
     width: 0,
     style: solid,
     color: black,
   @return map-get($defaults, $elem);

/// Get Shadow Value
/// Given shadow value $val, find a specific element of the shadow, which is $elem. The possible values for $elem are x, y, size, spread, color, and inset.
/// @param {list} $val - Shadow value to find a value in.
/// @param {keyword} $elem - Shadow component to extract.
/// @return If the value exists, returns the value. If the value is not set, returns false. If `$elem` is "inset", returns true, otherwise false.
@function get-shadow-value($val, $elem) {
  // Return "none" if there's no shadow
  @if $val == none {
    @return none;

  // Inset and color are always at the beginning and end
  @if $elem == inset {
    @return nth($val, 1) == inset;
  @if $elem == color {
    @if type-of(nth($val, -1)) == color {
      @return nth($val, -1);
    @else {
      @return black;

  // The rest of the values are located perilously in the middle
  $values: ();
  @each $v in $val {
    @if type-of($v) == 'number' {
      $values: append($values, $v);
  @if $elem == x {
    @if length($values) >= 1 {
      @return nth($values, 1);
    @else {
      @return 0;
  @else if $elem == y {
    @if length($values) >= 2 {
      @return nth($values, 2);
    @else {
      @return 0;
  @else if $elem == size {
    @if length($values) >= 3 {
      @return nth($values, 3);
    @else {
      @return 0;
  @else if $elem == spread {
    @if length($values) >= 4 {
      @return nth($values, 4);
    @else {
      @return 0;
  @else {
    @return false;

/// Strip Unit
/// Removes the unit (e.g. px, em, rem) from a value, returning the number only.
/// @param {number} $num - Number to strip unit from.
/// @return The same number, sans unit.
@function strip-unit($num) {
  @return $num / ($num * 0 + 1);

/// Turn to Degrees
/// Converts a turn unit to the equivalent unit in degrees. 1turn is equal to 360 degrees. Not all browsers support turn, so this function allows us to use turns while outputting a value that all browsers understand.
/// @param {number} $value - Turn value to convert.
/// @return The same value, but in degrees.
@function turn-to-deg($value) {
  @return strip-unit($value) * 360deg;

/// Convert to Rem
/// Converts a pixel value to matching rem value. *Any* value passed, regardless of unit, is assumed to be a pixel value. By default, the base pixel value used to calculate the rem value is taken from the `$rem-base` variable.
/// @param {number} $value - Pixel value to convert.
/// @return A number in rems, calculated based on the given value and the base pixel value.
@function convert-to-rem($value, $base-value: $rem-base)  {
  $value: strip-unit($value) / strip-unit($base-value) * 1rem;
  @if ($value == 0rem) { $value: 0; } // Turn 0rem into 0
  @return $value;

/// Rem Calculator
/// Converts one or more pixel values into matching rem values. This function works a lot like `convert-to-rem`, except it can convert more than one value at once, which is useful when setting multiple values on a `margin` or `padding` property.
/// @param {number|list} $values - One or more values to convert. Be sure to separate them with spaces and not commas. If you need to convert a comma-separated list, wrap the list in parentheses.
/// @return A list of converted values.
@function rem-calc($values, $base-value: null) {
  @if $base-value == null {
    $base-value: $rem-base;
  $max: length($values);

  @if $max == 1 { @return convert-to-rem(nth($values, 1), $base-value); }

  $remValues: ();
  @for $i from 1 through $max {
    $remValues: append($remValues, convert-to-rem(nth($values, $i), $base-value));
  @return $remValues;