path: root/scripts/ias_image_app
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-12-18Adding mkabl to support MRB platforms (non signed kernel) and detection/rejec...Dominig ar Foll Intel Open Source1-0/+191
> 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
/* DO NOT MODIFY:  This source is generated by the scripts in the
 * vi-firmware repository.
 * Generated for v7.x of the OpenXC VI firmware.

#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "can/canread.h"
#include "can/canwrite.h"
#include "signals.h"
#include "obd2.h"
#include "util/log.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "shared_handlers.h"

namespace can = openxc::can;

using openxc::util::log::debug;
using openxc::pipeline::Pipeline;
using openxc::config::getConfiguration;
using openxc::can::read::booleanDecoder;
using openxc::can::read::stateDecoder;
using openxc::can::read::ignoreDecoder;
using openxc::diagnostics::obd2::handleObd2Pid;
using namespace openxc::signals::handlers;

#include "can/canread.h"

using openxc::can::read::publishNumericalMessage;

void handleSteeringWheelMessage(CanMessage* message,
        CanSignal* signals, int signalCount, Pipeline* pipeline) {
    publishNumericalMessage("latitude", 42.0, pipeline);

openxc_DynamicField handleInverted(CanSignal* signal, CanSignal* signals,
        int signalCount, float value, bool* send) {
    return openxc::payload::wrapNumber(value * -1);

void initializeMyStuff() { }

void initializeOtherStuff() { }

void myLooper() {
    // this function will be called once each time through the main loop, after
    // all CAN message processing has been completed

const int MESSAGE_SET_COUNT = 1;
    { 0, "example", 2, 1, 5, 1 },

const int MAX_CAN_BUS_COUNT = 2;
    { // message set: example
        { speed: 500000,
        address: 1,
        maxMessageFrequency: 0,
        rawWritable: false,
        passthroughCanMessages: false,
        bypassFilters: false,
        loopback: false

        { speed: 125000,
        address: 2,
        maxMessageFrequency: 0,
        rawWritable: false,
        passthroughCanMessages: false,
        bypassFilters: false,
        loopback: false


const int MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT = 1;
CanMessageDefinition CAN_MESSAGES[][MAX_MESSAGE_COUNT] = {
    { // message set: example
        { bus: &CAN_BUSES[0][0], id: 0x128, format: STANDARD, frequencyClock: {0.000000}, forceSendChanged: true}, // ECM_z_5D2

const int MAX_SIGNAL_STATES = 12;
    { // message set: example
        { {value: 1, name: "FIRST"}, {value: 2, name: "SECOND"}, {value: 3, name: "THIRD"}, {value: 4, name: "FOURTH"}, {value: 5, name: "REVERSE"}, {value: 6, name: "NEUTRAL"}, { 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL }, { 0, NULL }, },

const int MAX_SIGNAL_COUNT = 5;
    { // message set: example
        {message: &CAN_MESSAGES[0][0], genericName: "GearshiftPosition", bitPosition: 41, bitSize: 3, factor: 1.000000, offset: 0.000000, minValue: 0.000000, maxValue: 0.000000, frequencyClock: {0.000000}, sendSame: true, forceSendChanged: false, states: SIGNAL_STATES[0][0], stateCount: 6, writable: false, decoder: stateDecoder, encoder: NULL}, // GrshftPos
        {message: &CAN_MESSAGES[0][0], genericName: "SteeringWheelAngle", bitPosition: 52, bitSize: 12, factor: 0.153920, offset: 0.000000, minValue: 0.000000, maxValue: 0.000000, frequencyClock: {0.000000}, sendSame: true, forceSendChanged: false, states: NULL, stateCount: 0, writable: false, decoder: handleUnsignedSteeringWheelAngle, encoder: NULL}, // StrAnglAct
        {message: &CAN_MESSAGES[0][0], genericName: "engine_speed", bitPosition: 12, bitSize: 8, factor: 1.000000, offset: 0.000000, minValue: 0.000000, maxValue: 0.000000, frequencyClock: {15.000000}, sendSame: true, forceSendChanged: false, states: NULL, stateCount: 0, writable: false, decoder: NULL, encoder: NULL}, // EngSpd
        {message: &CAN_MESSAGES[0][0], genericName: "steering_angle_sign", bitPosition: 52, bitSize: 12, factor: 1.000000, offset: 0.000000, minValue: 0.000000, maxValue: 0.000000, frequencyClock: {0.000000}, sendSame: true, forceSendChanged: false, states: NULL, stateCount: 0, writable: false, decoder: ignoreDecoder, encoder: NULL}, // StrAnglSign
        {message: &CAN_MESSAGES[0][0], genericName: "steering_wheel_angle_error", bitPosition: 44, bitSize: 12, factor: 1.000000, offset: 0.000000, minValue: 0.000000, maxValue: 0.000000, frequencyClock: {0.000000}, sendSame: true, forceSendChanged: false, states: NULL, stateCount: 0, writable: false, decoder: ignoreDecoder, encoder: NULL}, // StrAnglErr

void openxc::signals::initialize(openxc::diagnostics::DiagnosticsManager* diagnosticsManager) {
    switch(getConfiguration()->messageSetIndex) {
    case 0: // message set: example

void openxc::signals::loop() {
    switch(getConfiguration()->messageSetIndex) {
    case 0: // message set: example

const int MAX_COMMAND_COUNT = 1;
    { // message set: example
        { genericName: "turn_signal_status", handler: handleTurnSignalCommand },

void openxc::signals::decodeCanMessage(Pipeline* pipeline, CanBus* bus, CanMessage* message) {
    switch(getConfiguration()->messageSetIndex) {
    case 0: // message set: example
        switch(bus->address) {
        case 1:
            switch (message->id) {
            case 0x128: // ECM_z_5D2
                handleSteeringWheelMessage(message, SIGNALS[0], getSignalCount(), pipeline);
                can::read::translateSignal(&SIGNALS[0][0], message, SIGNALS[0], getSignalCount(), pipeline); // GrshftPos
                can::read::translateSignal(&SIGNALS[0][1], message, SIGNALS[0], getSignalCount(), pipeline); // StrAnglAct
                can::read::translateSignal(&SIGNALS[0][2], message, SIGNALS[0], getSignalCount(), pipeline); // EngSpd
                can::read::translateSignal(&SIGNALS[0][3], message, SIGNALS[0], getSignalCount(), pipeline); // StrAnglSign
                can::read::translateSignal(&SIGNALS[0][4], message, SIGNALS[0], getSignalCount(), pipeline); // StrAnglErr
        case 2:
            switch (message->id) {

CanCommand* openxc::signals::getCommands() {
    return COMMANDS[getActiveMessageSet()->index];

int openxc::signals::getCommandCount() {
    return getActiveMessageSet()->commandCount;

CanMessageDefinition* openxc::signals::getMessages() {
    return CAN_MESSAGES[getActiveMessageSet()->index];

int openxc::signals::getMessageCount() {
    return getActiveMessageSet()->messageCount;

CanSignal* openxc::signals::get_can_signals() {
    return SIGNALS[getActiveMessageSet()->index];

int openxc::signals::getSignalCount() {
    return getActiveMessageSet()->signalCount;

CanBus* openxc::signals::getCanBuses() {
    return CAN_BUSES[getActiveMessageSet()->index];

int openxc::signals::getCanBusCount() {
    return getActiveMessageSet()->busCount;

CanMessageSet* openxc::signals::getActiveMessageSet() {
    return &MESSAGE_SETS[getConfiguration()->messageSetIndex];

CanMessageSet* openxc::signals::getMessageSets() {
    return MESSAGE_SETS;

int openxc::signals::getMessageSetCount() {