Run the supervisor on the target for the public IP:
# afs-supervisor --port 1619 --token HELLO
Run the client
# afb-client-demo -H host:1619/api?token=HELLO
verbs that can be run, all are of the API 'supervisor':
- discover
send SIGHUP to daemons not recorded to make them connected
- list
list the connected daemons
- config {"pid":X}
get the configuration of the daemon of pid X
- sessions {"pid":X}
get the active sessions and token of the daemon of pid X
- session-close {"pid":X, "uuid":UUID}
closes the sessions of uuid UUID for the daemon of pid X
- exit {"pid":X,"code":Y}
exit the daemon of pid X with optional code Y (default 0)
- debug-wait {"pid":X}
make the daemon of pid X wait for a signal SIGINT
- debug-break {"pid":X}
make the daemon of pid X self killing with SIGINT
- do {"pid":X,"api":A,"verb":V,"args":A}
execute the API/VERB(ARGS) for the daemon of pid X
useful for (s/g)etting monitor info. ex: monitor/get({"apis":true})
bound to the current client session (to be checked: usurpation of session?)
- trace {"pid":X, ...}
like monitor/trace but not bound to session (in the future monitor/trace
will be bound to sessions)
allows to trace specific session or any session
the pid isn't returned in the event (not sure to want it but open...)
use "name" and "tag" feature of "trace" to discriminate events on the client side.
Examples of dialog:
supervisor discover
ON-REPLY 1:supervisor/discover: OK
supervisor list
ON-REPLY 2:supervisor/list: OK
supervisor config {"pid":7054}
ON-REPLY 3:supervisor/config: OK
supervisor sessions {"pid":7054}
ON-REPLY 4:supervisor/sessions: OK
supervisor do {"pid":7054,"api":"monitor","verb":"get","args":{"apis":true}}
supervisor trace { "pid": 7054, "add": { "request": "common" } }
ON-REPLY 6:supervisor/trace: OK
ON-EVENT supervisor/trace:
ON-EVENT supervisor/trace:
ON-EVENT supervisor/trace:
"result":"Some String",
"info":"Ping Binder Daemon tag=pingSample count=1 query=\"true\""
ON-EVENT supervisor/trace:
Usefull commands:
afb-client-demo -H ws://$TARGET:1619/api?token=HELLO\&uuid=HELLO supervisor list
afb-client-demo -H ws://$TARGET:1619/api?token=HELLO\&uuid=HELLO config '{"pid":XXXX}'