@media only all and (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .highlight .hll { background-color: #49483e } .highlight .c { color: #75715e } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #960050; background-color: #1e0010 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword */ .highlight .l { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal */ .highlight .n { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name */ .highlight .o { color: #f92672 } /* Operator */ .highlight .p { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Punctuation */ .highlight .ch { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #75715e } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #75715e } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #f92672 } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gi { color: #a6e22e } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #75715e } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .kc { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #f92672 } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #66d9ef } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .ld { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.Date */ .highlight .m { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #66d9ef } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ni { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Entity */ .highlight .ne { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .nx { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Other */ .highlight .py { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #f92672 } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #f92672 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #e6db74 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #a6e22e } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #f8f8f2 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #ae81ff } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ } @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc } .highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */ .highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */ .highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */ .highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */ .highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */ .highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */ .highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */ .highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */ .highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */ .highlight .gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */ .highlight .ge { font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */ .highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */ .highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */ .highlight .gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */ .highlight .go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */ .highlight .gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */ .highlight .gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */ .highlight .gu { color: #666666 } /* Generic.Subheading */ .highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */ .highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */ .highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */ .highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */ .highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */ .highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */ .highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */ .highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */ .highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */ .highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */ .highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */ .highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */ .highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */ .highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */ .highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */ .highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */ .highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */ .highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */ .highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */ .highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */ .highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */ .highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */ .highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */ .highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */ .highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */ .highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */ .highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */ .highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */ .highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */ .highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */ .highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */ }
** for the 'meta-agl' layer.**

**See for general information about Automotive Grade Linux.**

meta-agl, the core layer for Automotive Grade Linux Distribution

AGL is creating an automotive specific Linux distribution that unifies
the software that has been written in a number of places already,
such as GENIVI and Tizen IVI.

The layer 'meta-agl' provides a minimal set of software
to boot system of AGL Distribution. 'meta-agl' is the minimal
core which is used build AGL profiles on top of it.

Especially there is no reference UI included which is part of 'meta-agl-demo'.

Additional components like the security framework are part of 'meta-agl-extra'.

The AGL community appreciates feedback, ideas, suggestion, bugs and
documentation just as much as code. Please join the irc conversation
at the #automotive channel on and our mailing list.

For infomation for subscribing to the mailing list
For information about AGL Distribution, see the
    [AGL Distribution](
For information abount Getting started with AGL
For information about contributing to the AGL Distro

Quick start guide

'meta-agl' Layer Dependencies
* poky
> URI: git://
> branch         : jethro
> tested revision: 40376446904ae3529be41737fed9a0b650ed167d

* meta-openembedded
> URI: git://
> layer          : meta-openembedded
> branch         : jethro
> tested revision: 8ab04afbffb4bc5184cfe0655049de6f44269990

 Specifically out of meta-openembedded these sub-layers are used:
	* meta-openembedded/meta-oe
	* meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia
	* meta-openembedded/meta-efl
	* meta-openembedded/meta-networking
	* meta-openembedded/meta-python


There are 5 layers in top-level `meta-agl`.

* `meta-agl/meta-ivi-common`
`meta-ivi-common` is a layer which contains common packages to AGL
Distribution and other platforms for In-Vehicle Infotainment system.

* `meta-agl/meta-agl`
`meta-agl` is a layer which contains AGL common and middleware packages.

* `meta-agl/meta-agl-bsp`
`meta-agl-bsp` is a layer which contains required packages to boot AGL
distribution on an emulated machine(QEMU).

* `meta-agl/meta-netboot`
`meta-netboot` contains the netboot initrd support recipes. This is needed
in case of booting over the network as NFS does not support the securitylabels.


AGL package group design:

* packagegroup-agl-image-minimal

These are for making image ``agl-image-minimal`` which is small image just
capable of allowing a device to boot.

Subsystem should maintain packagegroup-agl-core-[subsystem].bb which should
hold sufficient packages to build ``agl-image-minimal``.

* packagegroup-agl-image-ivi

These are for making image ``agl-image-ivi`` which is baseline for the profiles
of AGL distro. 'Baseline' means Service Layer and Operating System Layer defined
in AGL Spec v1.0.


Additional tools used in QA tests (for agl-image*-qa).

* packagegroup-ivi-common*

These are for picking up some packages from upstreams like GENIVI/Tizen/Others.
The layer of ``meta-ivi-common`` has no image to build, all packagegroups are
aggregated to ``packagegroup-ivi-common-core' and it is included by images,
```` and ````.

Supported Machines


Supported Target for bitbake


* `agl-image-ivi` The baseline image of AGL Distributions (console only)
* `agl-image-minimal` For internal use to develop distribution (experimental)
* `agl-image-weston`  For internal use to develop distribution (experimental)
BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
ricefishPrepare Royal Ricefish 18.0.4Jan-Simon Moeller7 min.
salmonmeta-agl-bsp: remove imx8mx-evk-viv configurationScott Murray7 min.
mastermeta-agl-bsp: remove imx8mx-evk-viv configurationScott Murray3 days
nextFix UNPACKDIR for agl-compositor-init-pipewireJan-Simon Moeller4 weeks
quillbackPrepare Quirky Quillback 17.1.5Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks
lampreyPrepare Lucky Lamprey 12.1.20Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
sandbox/jsmoeller/qt6WIP: Prepare for QT6Jan-Simon Moeller9 months
sandbox/jsmoeller/lampreymeta-agl-bsp/meta-ti: remove local patch from meta-agl-bsp before updateJan-Simon Moeller9 months
sandbox/jsmoeller/next-riscv-EW24Include visionfive2 board templatesJan-Simon Moeller9 months
sandbox/jsmoeller/canbusfdWIP canfd
ta-agl/commit/?h=flounder_6.0.3&id=b32d437148d27debb9fd7014e86fbdcf2ee888f2'>commit b32d437148...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks salmon/18.92.0commit b32d437148...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks salmon_18.92.0commit b32d437148...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks 18.0.3commit 993439c93a...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks ricefish/18.0.3commit 993439c93a...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks ricefish_18.0.3commit 993439c93a...Jan-Simon Moeller5 weeks 17.1.5commit a120153e6d...Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks quillback/17.1.5commit a120153e6d...Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks quillback_17.1.5commit a120153e6d...Jan-Simon Moeller7 weeks 18.91.0commit fd31d2d7c8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 weeks salmon/18.91.0commit fd31d2d7c8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 weeks salmon_18.91.0commit fd31d2d7c8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 weeks 17.1.4commit 510a73d8eb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 months quillback/17.1.4commit 510a73d8eb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 months quillback_17.1.4commit 510a73d8eb...Jan-Simon Moeller2 months 18.0.2commit 833270ad85...Jan-Simon Moeller3 months ricefish/18.0.2commit 833270ad85...Jan-Simon Moeller3 months ricefish_18.0.2commit 833270ad85...Jan-Simon Moeller3 months 17.1.3commit 3ef9b693b0...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months quillback/17.1.3commit 3ef9b693b0...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months quillback_17.1.3commit 3ef9b693b0...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months 18.0.1commit ba309eca42...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months ricefish/18.0.1commit ba309eca42...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months ricefish_18.0.1commit ba309eca42...Jan-Simon Moeller4 months 17.1.2commit 7af3c4ada2...Jan-Simon Moeller5 months quillback/17.1.2commit 7af3c4ada2...Jan-Simon Moeller5 months quillback_17.1.2commit 7af3c4ada2...Jan-Simon Moeller5 months 18.90.0commit f30ecab82f...Jan-Simon Moeller6 months salmon/18.90.0commit f30ecab82f...Jan-Simon Moeller6 months salmon_18.90.0commit f30ecab82f...Jan-Simon Moeller6 months 18.0.0commit a0a7e439dc...Jan-Simon Moeller6 months ricefish/18.0.0commit a0a7e439dc...Jan-Simon Moeller6 months ricefish_18.0.0commit a0a7e439dc...Jan-Simon Moeller6 months 17.93.0commit 5e78669431...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months ricefish/17.93.0commit 5e78669431...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months ricefish_17.93.0commit 5e78669431...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months 17.92.0commit 9c99d6680b...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months ricefish/17.92.0commit 9c99d6680b...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months ricefish_17.92.0commit 9c99d6680b...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months 17.1.1commit 46d21f6825...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months quillback/17.1.1commit 46d21f6825...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months quillback_17.1.1commit 46d21f6825...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months 17.1.0commit 5b7d795f02...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months quillback/17.1.0commit 5b7d795f02...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months quillback_17.1.0commit 5b7d795f02...Jan-Simon Moeller7 months 17.91.0commit 72db048777...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months ricefish/17.91.0commit 72db048777...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months ricefish_17.91.0commit 72db048777...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months 12.1.20commit f57e2f15d8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months lamprey/12.1.20commit f57e2f15d8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months lamprey_12.1.20commit f57e2f15d8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months 17.0.2commit d6053c3f40...Jan-Simon Moeller9 months quillback/17.0.2commit d6053c3f40...Jan-Simon Moeller9 months quillback_17.0.2commit d6053c3f40...Jan-Simon Moeller9 months 12.1.19commit b7c477e750...Jan-Simon Moeller9 months lamprey/12.1.19commit b7c477e750...Jan-Simon Moeller9 months lamprey_12.1.19commit b7c477e750...Jan-Simon Moeller9 months 17.0.1commit 7cf570926f...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months quillback/17.0.1commit 7cf570926f...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months quillback_17.0.1commit 7cf570926f...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months 16.0.5commit ea9a6cc06b...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months pike/16.0.5commit ea9a6cc06b...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months pike_16.0.5commit ea9a6cc06b...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months 17.0.0commit d276d6a221...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months quillback/17.0.0commit d276d6a221...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months quillback_17.0.0commit d276d6a221...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months 17.90.0commit 63e5c14ba2...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months ricefish/17.90.0commit 63e5c14ba2...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months ricefish_17.90.0commit 63e5c14ba2...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months 12.1.18commit 6779dc072a...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months lamprey/12.1.18commit 6779dc072a...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months lamprey_12.1.18commit 6779dc072a...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months 16.93.0commit ebbd871280...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months quillback/16.93.0commit ebbd871280...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months quillback_16.93.0commit ebbd871280...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months 16.0.4commit 0c4ff8ecf9...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months pike/16.0.4commit 0c4ff8ecf9...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months pike_16.0.4commit 0c4ff8ecf9...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months 12.1.17commit 4ce5e70c2b...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months lamprey/12.1.17commit 4ce5e70c2b...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months lamprey_12.1.17commit 4ce5e70c2b...Jan-Simon Moeller12 months 16.92.0commit 64258485d6...Jan-Simon Moeller13 months quillback/16.92.0commit 64258485d6...Jan-Simon Moeller13 months quillback_16.92.0commit 64258485d6...Jan-Simon Moeller13 months 16.0.3commit 35368f9251...Jan-Simon Moeller13 months pike/16.0.3commit 35368f9251...Jan-Simon Moeller13 months pike_16.0.3commit 35368f9251...Jan-Simon Moeller13 months 12.1.16commit 512d244d48...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months lamprey/12.1.16commit 512d244d48...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months lamprey_12.1.16commit 512d244d48...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months 16.91.0commit 4c9618f6af...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months quillback/16.91.0commit 4c9618f6af...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months quillback_16.91.0commit 4c9618f6af...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months 16.91.1commit c764d00258...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months quillback/16.91.1commit c764d00258...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months quillback_16.91.1commit c764d00258...Jan-Simon Moeller14 months 16.0.2commit ae3e2918a0...Jan-Simon Moeller15 months pike/16.0.2commit ae3e2918a0...Jan-Simon Moeller15 months pike_16.0.2commit ae3e2918a0...Jan-Simon Moeller15 months 12.1.15commit 280f7e70af...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months lamprey/12.1.15commit 280f7e70af...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months lamprey_12.1.15commit 280f7e70af...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months 15.0.5commit 36d25dc63d...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months octopus/15.0.5commit 36d25dc63d...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months octopus_15.0.5commit 36d25dc63d...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months 16.0.1commit 9af4ff37f3...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months pike/16.0.1commit 9af4ff37f3...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months pike_16.0.1commit 9af4ff37f3...Jan-Simon Moeller16 months 12.1.14commit e0f6590189...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months lamprey/12.1.14commit e0f6590189...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months lamprey_12.1.14commit e0f6590189...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months 15.0.4commit f0783c76a5...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months octopus/15.0.4commit f0783c76a5...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months octopus_15.0.4commit f0783c76a5...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months 16.0.0commit 1c7b328ce8...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months pike/16.0.0commit 1c7b328ce8...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months pike_16.0.0commit 1c7b328ce8...Jan-Simon Moeller17 months 15.93.0commit 903e108049...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months pike/15.93.0commit 903e108049...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months pike_15.93.0commit 903e108049...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months 15.92.0commit 2d0f4726b3...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months pike/15.92.0commit 2d0f4726b3...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months pike_15.92.0commit 2d0f4726b3...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months 12.1.13commit 583f80f8e9...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months lamprey/12.1.13commit 583f80f8e9...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months lamprey_12.1.13commit 583f80f8e9...Jan-Simon Moeller18 months 15.0.3commit 2fc0726d1f...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months octopus/15.0.3commit 2fc0726d1f...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months octopus_15.0.3commit 2fc0726d1f...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months 15.91.1commit e3c77539cd...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months pike/15.91.1commit e3c77539cd...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months pike_15.91.1commit e3c77539cd...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months 15.91.0commit cce8856658...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months pike/15.91.0commit cce8856658...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months pike_15.91.0commit cce8856658...Jan-Simon Moeller19 months 12.1.12commit 009153010c...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months lamprey/12.1.12commit 009153010c...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months lamprey_12.1.12commit 009153010c...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months 15.0.2commit 89143beca6...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months octopus/15.0.2commit 89143beca6...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months octopus_15.0.2commit 89143beca6...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months 14.0.5commit 48af618813...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months needlefish/14.0.5commit 48af618813...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months needlefish_14.0.5commit 48af618813...Jan-Simon Moeller20 months 12.1.11commit bb1af1fb24...Jan-Simon Moeller21 months lamprey/12.1.11commit bb1af1fb24...Jan-Simon Moeller21 months lamprey_12.1.11commit bb1af1fb24...Jan-Simon Moeller21 months 14.0.4commit a0fd17fd51...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months needlefish/14.0.4commit a0fd17fd51...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months needlefish_14.0.4commit a0fd17fd51...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months 15.0.1commit 33ac6e22d9...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months octopus/15.0.1commit 33ac6e22d9...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months octopus_15.0.1commit 33ac6e22d9...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months 12.1.10commit b86985a00f...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months lamprey/12.1.10commit b86985a00f...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months lamprey_12.1.10commit b86985a00f...Jan-Simon Moeller22 months 15.0.0commit cc1710f95b...Jan-Simon Moeller23 months octopus/15.0.0commit cc1710f95b...Jan-Simon Moeller23 months octopus_15.0.0commit cc1710f95b...Jan-Simon Moeller23 months 12.1.9commit 13f0267039...Jan-Simon Moeller23 months lamprey/12.1.9commit 13f0267039...Jan-Simon Moeller23 months lamprey_12.1.9commit 13f0267039...Jan-Simon Moeller23 months 14.94.0commit d32e234309...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months octopus/14.94.0commit d32e234309...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months octopus_14.94.0commit d32e234309...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months 14.93.0commit b9d4796f44...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months octopus/14.93.0commit b9d4796f44...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months octopus_14.93.0commit b9d4796f44...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months 14.0.3commit 0ff2cdad22...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months needlefish/14.0.3commit 0ff2cdad22...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months needlefish_14.0.3commit 0ff2cdad22...Jan-Simon Moeller24 months 12.1.8commit ae982d798a...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey/12.1.8commit ae982d798a...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey_12.1.8commit ae982d798a...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 14.92.0commit 7406bdefc6...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years octopus/14.92.0commit 7406bdefc6...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years octopus_14.92.0commit 7406bdefc6...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 14.91.0commit fc9f15eef8...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years octopus/14.91.0commit fc9f15eef8...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years octopus_14.91.0commit fc9f15eef8...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 14.0.2commit fdcfaf6bc2...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish/14.0.2commit fdcfaf6bc2...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish_14.0.2commit fdcfaf6bc2...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 12.1.7commit 8e87a90505...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey/12.1.7commit 8e87a90505...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey_12.1.7commit 8e87a90505...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 12.1.6commit 10a00fc8e9...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey/12.1.6commit 10a00fc8e9...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey_12.1.6commit 10a00fc8e9...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 14.0.1commit 5181312423...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish/14.0.1commit 5181312423...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish_14.0.1commit 5181312423...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 13.0.3commit ce1e486b05...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years marlin/13.0.3commit ce1e486b05...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years marlin_13.0.3commit ce1e486b05...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 12.1.5commit 68942b0d3c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey/12.1.5commit 68942b0d3c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years lamprey_12.1.5commit 68942b0d3c...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 14.0.0commit 02eef14403...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish/14.0.0commit 02eef14403...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish_14.0.0commit 02eef14403...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 13.93.0commit 015a9b684d...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish/13.93.0commit 015a9b684d...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish_13.93.0commit 015a9b684d...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 13.92.0commit 1cf04e3f6e...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish/13.92.0commit 1cf04e3f6e...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years needlefish_13.92.0commit 1cf04e3f6e...Jan-Simon Moeller2 years 13.0.2commit 92fb641075...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin/13.0.2commit 92fb641075...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin_13.0.2commit 92fb641075...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 13.91.0commit b5044156fc...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years needlefish/13.91.0commit b5044156fc...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years needlefish_13.91.0commit b5044156fc...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.1.4commit dc4729dd4c...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey/12.1.4commit dc4729dd4c...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey_12.1.4commit dc4729dd4c...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 13.0.1commit 3a11fd6479...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin/13.0.1commit 3a11fd6479...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin_13.0.1commit 3a11fd6479...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.1.3commit be6f8e99b3...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey/12.1.3commit be6f8e99b3...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey_12.1.3commit be6f8e99b3...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.1.2commit 825a674a08...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey/12.1.2commit 825a674a08...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey_12.1.2commit 825a674a08...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 13.0.0commit 70ee918271...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin/13.0.0commit 70ee918271...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin_13.0.0commit 70ee918271...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.93.0commit 381e2a9405...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin/12.93.0commit 381e2a9405...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin_12.93.0commit 381e2a9405...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.1.1commit e1a973f86e...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey/12.1.1commit e1a973f86e...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey_12.1.1commit e1a973f86e...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.92.0commit c31a7ac007...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin/12.92.0commit c31a7ac007...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin_12.92.0commit c31a7ac007...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.91.0commit 8b273d4b3c...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin/12.91.0commit 8b273d4b3c...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years marlin_12.91.0commit 8b273d4b3c...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 11.0.5commit 38eb21d8a2...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years koi/11.0.5commit 38eb21d8a2...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years koi_11.0.5commit 38eb21d8a2...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.1.0commit 663448671f...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey/12.1.0commit 663448671f...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years lamprey_12.1.0commit 663448671f...Jan-Simon Moeller3 years 12.90.1commit abc4742a71...Jan-Simon Möller3 years marlin/12.90.1commit abc4742a71...Jan-Simon Möller3 years marlin_12.90.1commit abc4742a71...Jan-Simon Möller3 years 12.0.1commit 1b6d5c8ecf...Jan-Simon Möller3 years lamprey/12.0.1commit 1b6d5c8ecf...Jan-Simon Möller3 years lamprey_12.0.1commit 1b6d5c8ecf...Jan-Simon Möller3 years 11.0.4commit b0896b1c70...Jan-Simon Möller3 years koi/11.0.4commit b0896b1c70...Jan-Simon Möller3 years koi_11.0.4commit b0896b1c70...Jan-Simon Möller3 years 11.0.3commit 6ae3e85c24...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years koi/11.0.3commit 6ae3e85c24...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years koi_11.0.3commit 6ae3e85c24...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years 11.93.0commit 9e95c7ed53...Jan-Simon Möller4 years lamprey/11.93.0commit 9e95c7ed53...Jan-Simon Möller4 years lamprey_11.93.0commit 9e95c7ed53...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 12.0.0commit d85019a3ec...Jan-Simon Möller4 years lamprey/12.0.0commit d85019a3ec...Jan-Simon Möller4 years lamprey_12.0.0commit d85019a3ec...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 12.90.0commit 552e691f4e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years marlin/12.90.0commit 552e691f4e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years marlin_12.90.0commit 552e691f4e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 11.92.0commit 042f81bc91...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years lamprey/11.92.0commit 042f81bc91...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years lamprey_11.92.0commit 042f81bc91...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years 11.0.2commit 496a849e4d...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years koi/11.0.2commit 496a849e4d...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years koi_11.0.2commit 496a849e4d...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years 11.91.0commit 851c0a0968...Jan-Simon Möller4 years lamprey/11.91.0commit 851c0a0968...Jan-Simon Möller4 years lamprey_11.91.0commit 851c0a0968...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.0.3commit 384499f6ac...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years jellyfish/10.0.3commit 384499f6ac...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years jellyfish_10.0.3commit 384499f6ac...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years 11.0.1commit 795f0f7aef...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi/11.0.1commit 795f0f7aef...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi_11.0.1commit 795f0f7aef...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.0.2commit 85cc5622e6...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish/10.0.2commit 85cc5622e6...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish_10.0.2commit 85cc5622e6...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 11.0.0commit 4b755c4e17...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi/11.0.0commit 4b755c4e17...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi_11.0.0commit 4b755c4e17...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.93.1commit 2bab673a36...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi/10.93.1commit 2bab673a36...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi_10.93.1commit 2bab673a36...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.93.0commit 710583ec2e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi/10.93.0commit 710583ec2e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi_10.93.0commit 710583ec2e...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.92.0commit 7edeebda38...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi/10.92.0commit 7edeebda38...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi_10.92.0commit 7edeebda38...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.91.0commit d3f1db09e7...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi/10.91.0commit d3f1db09e7...Jan-Simon Möller4 years koi_10.91.0commit d3f1db09e7...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 9.0.4commit e2abf967b9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years icefish/9.0.4commit e2abf967b9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years icefish_9.0.4commit e2abf967b9...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.0.1commit f092b22cc5...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish/10.0.1commit f092b22cc5...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish_10.0.1commit f092b22cc5...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 10.0.0commit 2bea3a629b...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish/10.0.0commit 2bea3a629b...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish_10.0.0commit 2bea3a629b...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 9.99.4commit 6920e60a3d...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish/9.99.4commit 6920e60a3d...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish_9.99.4commit 6920e60a3d...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 9.99.3commit 4e751e3b5a...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish/9.99.3commit 4e751e3b5a...Jan-Simon Möller4 years jellyfish_9.99.3commit 4e751e3b5a...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 9.0.3commit fdcaa09ee5...Jan-Simon Möller4 years icefish/9.0.3commit fdcaa09ee5...Jan-Simon Möller4 years icefish_9.0.3commit fdcaa09ee5...Jan-Simon Möller4 years 9.99.2commit 5e12e21bf0...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years jellyfish/9.99.2commit 5e12e21bf0...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years jellyfish_9.99.2commit 5e12e21bf0...Jan-Simon Moeller4 years 9.99.1commit 7a1e961b48...Jan-Simon Möller5 years jellyfish/9.99.1commit 7a1e961b48...Jan-Simon Möller5 years jellyfish_9.99.1commit 7a1e961b48...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 9.0.2commit a69184212e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/9.0.2commit a69184212e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_9.0.2commit a69184212e...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 9.0.1commit be63118538...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/9.0.1commit be63118538...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_9.0.1commit be63118538...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.6commit 052722a079...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.6commit 052722a079...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.6commit 052722a079...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 9.0.0commit 60308c26c7...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/9.0.0commit 60308c26c7...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_9.0.0commit 60308c26c7...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.99.5commit 908d7992e1...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/8.99.5commit 908d7992e1...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_8.99.5commit 908d7992e1...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.5commit 9319e53e82...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.5commit 9319e53e82...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.5commit 9319e53e82...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.99.4commit 40fbceab58...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/8.99.4commit 40fbceab58...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_8.99.4commit 40fbceab58...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.4commit ab4c19fb01...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.4commit ab4c19fb01...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.4commit ab4c19fb01...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.99.3commit d444569564...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/8.99.3commit d444569564...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_8.99.3commit d444569564...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.99.2commit dc3958ce86...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/8.99.2commit dc3958ce86...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_8.99.2commit dc3958ce86...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.99.1commit 66c26d2329...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish/8.99.1commit 66c26d2329...Jan-Simon Möller5 years icefish_8.99.1commit 66c26d2329...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.3commit e15a9df48b...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.3commit e15a9df48b...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.3commit e15a9df48b...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.2commit 8a7ddd4627...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.2commit 8a7ddd4627...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.2commit 8a7ddd4627...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 7.0.4commit 57824f4d8f...Jan-Simon Möller5 years guppy/7.0.4commit 57824f4d8f...Jan-Simon Möller5 years guppy_7.0.4commit 57824f4d8f...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.1commit b4099c5fd7...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.1commit b4099c5fd7...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.1commit b4099c5fd7...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 8.0.0commit 59f37556d1...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut/8.0.0commit 59f37556d1...Jan-Simon Möller5 years halibut_8.0.0commit 59f37556d1...Jan-Simon Möller5 years 7.99.3commit 42ab2045be...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut/7.99.3commit 42ab2045be...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut_7.99.3commit 42ab2045be...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.0.3commit 5855c1d849...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/7.0.3commit 5855c1d849...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_7.0.3commit 5855c1d849...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.99.2commit 0723ce7012...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut/7.99.2commit 0723ce7012...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut_7.99.2commit 0723ce7012...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.99.1commit a039cce097...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut/7.99.1commit a039cce097...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut_7.99.1commit a039cce097...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.0.2commit 6c60ed66a4...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/7.0.2commit 6c60ed66a4...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_7.0.2commit 6c60ed66a4...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.0.1commit 6a170f94b3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/7.0.1commit 6a170f94b3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_7.0.1commit 6a170f94b3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.0.5commit bf364d8911...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/6.0.5commit bf364d8911...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_6.0.5commit bf364d8911...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.0.0commit 725d3c3177...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/7.0.0commit 725d3c3177...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_7.0.0commit 725d3c3177...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 7.90.0commit 8117996305...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut/7.90.0commit 8117996305...Jan-Simon Möller6 years halibut_7.90.0commit 8117996305...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.99.5commit 59abc08de3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/6.99.5commit 59abc08de3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_6.99.5commit 59abc08de3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.0.4commit 4ea0b93b14...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/6.0.4commit 4ea0b93b14...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_6.0.4commit 4ea0b93b14...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.99.4commit f835ee311c...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/6.99.4commit f835ee311c...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_6.99.4commit f835ee311c...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.99.3commit cf71a3e8fd...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/6.99.3commit cf71a3e8fd...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_6.99.3commit cf71a3e8fd...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.0.3commit 0f1bcdcbe3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/6.0.3commit 0f1bcdcbe3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_6.0.3commit 0f1bcdcbe3...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.99.2commit c46d25ae06...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/6.99.2commit c46d25ae06...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_6.99.2commit c46d25ae06...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.99.1commit 7d027fc628...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/6.99.1commit 7d027fc628...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_6.99.1commit 7d027fc628...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.0.2commit f76872c5b8...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/6.0.2commit f76872c5b8...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_6.0.2commit f76872c5b8...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.0.1commit 7a6616c138...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/6.0.1commit 7a6616c138...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_6.0.1commit 7a6616c138...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.90.0commit 065eb6fcd2...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy/6.90.0commit 065eb6fcd2...Jan-Simon Möller6 years guppy_6.90.0commit 065eb6fcd2...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 6.0.0commit 0fde830e52...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/6.0.0commit 0fde830e52...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_6.0.0commit 0fde830e52...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.99.7commit a37385c65b...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/5.99.7commit a37385c65b...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_5.99.7commit a37385c65b...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.99.6commit 1ac6af91ec...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/5.99.6commit 1ac6af91ec...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_5.99.6commit 1ac6af91ec...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.99.5commit ea20324404...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/5.99.5commit ea20324404...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_5.99.5commit ea20324404...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.99.4commit 8ca211abd1...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/5.99.4commit 8ca211abd1...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_5.99.4commit 8ca211abd1...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.99.3commit 499444bfa9...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/5.99.3commit 499444bfa9...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_5.99.3commit 499444bfa9...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.99.2commit f126a1cb09...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder/5.99.2commit f126a1cb09...Jan-Simon Möller6 years flounder_5.99.2commit f126a1cb09...Jan-Simon Möller6 years 5.1.0commit e5cb9cdea2...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/5.1.0commit e5cb9cdea2...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_5.1.0commit e5cb9cdea2...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 5.99.1commit d12df8891a...Jan-Simon Möller7 years flounder/5.99.1commit d12df8891a...Jan-Simon Möller7 years flounder_5.99.1commit d12df8891a...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 5.0.3commit e1b558e1f0...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/5.0.3commit e1b558e1f0...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_5.0.3commit e1b558e1f0...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 5.0.2commit 14579523b8...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/5.0.2commit 14579523b8...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_5.0.2commit 14579523b8...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.0.3commit 1b2addabaa...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab/4.0.3commit 1b2addabaa...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab_4.0.3commit 1b2addabaa...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 5.0.1commit bd48aea823...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/5.0.1commit bd48aea823...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_5.0.1commit bd48aea823...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 5.0.0commit b3084b0edd...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/5.0.0commit b3084b0edd...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_5.0.0commit b3084b0edd...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.99.5commit 2a1c8e5e89...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/4.99.5commit 2a1c8e5e89...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_4.99.5commit 2a1c8e5e89...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.99.4commit 2c5e0e646a...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/4.99.4commit 2c5e0e646a...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_4.99.4commit 2c5e0e646a...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.99.3commit 9cdd1e7b56...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/4.99.3commit 9cdd1e7b56...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_4.99.3commit 9cdd1e7b56...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.99.2commit f0e87b1656...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/4.99.2commit f0e87b1656...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_4.99.2commit f0e87b1656...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.99.1commit 970a7f8e15...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel/4.99.1commit 970a7f8e15...Jan-Simon Möller7 years eel_4.99.1commit 970a7f8e15...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.0.2commit a5f69d3d31...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab/4.0.2commit a5f69d3d31...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab_4.0.2commit a5f69d3d31...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.0.1commit 7b971469a8...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab/4.0.1commit 7b971469a8...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab_4.0.1commit 7b971469a8...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 3.0.5commit 29c296c3e1...Jan-Simon Möller7 years chinook/3.0.5commit 29c296c3e1...Jan-Simon Möller7 years chinook_3.0.5commit 29c296c3e1...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 4.0.0commit 84f2e448c6...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab/4.0.0commit 84f2e448c6...Jan-Simon Möller7 years dab_4.0.0commit 84f2e448c6...Jan-Simon Möller7 years 3.99.3commit 4307ed5d28...Jan-Simon Möller8 years dab/3.99.3commit 4307ed5d28...Jan-Simon Möller8 years dab_3.99.3commit 4307ed5d28...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.99.2commit 0c484021ac...Jan-Simon Möller8 years dab/3.99.2commit 0c484021ac...Jan-Simon Möller8 years dab_3.99.2commit 0c484021ac...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.0.4commit 29c296c3e1...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook/3.0.4commit 29c296c3e1...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook_3.0.4commit 29c296c3e1...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.99.1commit 79fe06d7b1...Jan-Simon Möller8 years dab/3.99.1commit 79fe06d7b1...Jan-Simon Möller8 years dab_3.99.1commit 79fe06d7b1...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.0.3commit 900c064d04...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook/3.0.3commit 900c064d04...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook_3.0.3commit 900c064d04...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.0.2commit f12cf6c411...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook/3.0.2commit f12cf6c411...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook_3.0.2commit f12cf6c411...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 2.0.5commit 775d5687d4...Jan-Simon Möller8 years blowfish_2.0.5commit 775d5687d4...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.0.1commit 301c9b3236...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook/3.0.1commit 301c9b3236...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook_3.0.1commit 301c9b3236...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 3.0.0commit fb57dd647f...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook/3.0.0commit fb57dd647f...Jan-Simon Möller8 years chinook_3.0.0commit fb57dd647f...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 2.0.4commit 775d5687d4...Jan-Simon Möller8 years blowfish_2.0.4commit 775d5687d4...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 2.0.3commit fe44384501...Jan-Simon Möller8 years blowfish_2.0.3commit fe44384501...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 2.0.2commit 2031b8aad4...Tadao Tanikawa8 years blowflish_2.0.2commit 2031b8aad4...Tadao Tanikawa8 years blowfish_2.0.1commit 744c7b1093...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 2.0.1commit 744c7b1093...Jan-Simon Möller8 years 2.0.0commit cc54151075...Jan-Simon Möller9 years blowfish_2.0.0commit cc54151075...Jan-Simon Möller9 years albacore_1.0commit b346f282b1...Jan-Simon Möller9 years 0.2015.33commit 752f9723fe...Paul Sherwood9 years