* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "wayland_ivi_wm.hpp"
* namespace wl
namespace wl
* display
: d(std::unique_ptr<struct wl_display, void (*)(struct wl_display *)>(
wl_display_connect(nullptr), &wl_display_disconnect)),
r(d.get()) {}
bool display::ok() const { return d && wl_display_get_error(d.get()) == 0; }
void display::roundtrip() { wl_display_roundtrip(this->d.get()); }
int display::dispatch() { return wl_display_dispatch(this->d.get()); }
int display::dispatch_pending() { return wl_display_dispatch_pending(this->d.get()); }
int display::read_events()
while (wl_display_prepare_read(this->d.get()) == -1)
if (wl_display_dispatch_pending(this->d.get()) == -1)
return -1;
if (wl_display_flush(this->d.get()) == -1)
return -1;
if (wl_display_read_events(this->d.get()) == -1)
return 0;
void display::flush() { wl_display_flush(this->d.get()); }
int display::get_fd() const { return wl_display_get_fd(this->d.get()); }
int display::get_error() { return wl_display_get_error(this->d.get()); }
* registry
void registry_global_created(void *data, struct wl_registry * /*r*/, uint32_t name,
char const *iface, uint32_t v)
static_cast<struct registry *>(data)->global_created(name, iface, v);
void registry_global_removed(void *data, struct wl_registry * /*r*/,
uint32_t name)
static_cast<struct registry *>(data)->global_removed(name);
constexpr struct wl_registry_listener registry_listener = {
registry_global_created, registry_global_removed};
} // namespace
registry::registry(struct wl_display *d)
: wayland_proxy(d == nullptr ? nullptr : wl_display_get_registry(d))
if (this->proxy != nullptr)
wl_registry_add_listener(this->proxy.get(), ®istry_listener, this);
void registry::add_global_handler(char const *iface, binder bind)
this->bindings[iface] = std::move(bind);
void registry::global_created(uint32_t name, char const *iface, uint32_t v)
auto b = this->bindings.find(iface);
if (b != this->bindings.end())
b->second(this->proxy.get(), name, v);
HMI_DEBUG("wl::registry @ %p global n %u i %s v %u", this->proxy.get(), name,
iface, v);
void registry::global_removed(uint32_t /*name*/) {}
* output
void output_geometry(void *data, struct wl_output * /*wl_output*/, int32_t x,
int32_t y, int32_t physical_width, int32_t physical_height,
int32_t subpixel, const char *make, const char *model,
int32_t transform)
static_cast<struct output *>(data)->geometry(
x, y, physical_width, physical_height, subpixel, make, model, transform);
void output_mode(void *data, struct wl_output * /*wl_output*/, uint32_t flags,
int32_t width, int32_t height, int32_t refresh)
static_cast<struct output *>(data)->mode(flags, width, height, refresh);
void output_done(void *data, struct wl_output * /*wl_output*/)
static_cast<struct output *>(data)->done();
void output_scale(void *data, struct wl_output * /*wl_output*/,
int32_t factor)
static_cast<struct output *>(data)->scale(factor);
constexpr struct wl_output_listener output_listener = {
output_geometry, output_mode, output_done, output_scale};
} // namespace
output::output(struct wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t v)
: wayland_proxy(wl_registry_bind(r, name, &wl_output_interface, v))
wl_output_add_listener(this->proxy.get(), &output_listener, this);
void output::geometry(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t pw, int32_t ph,
int32_t subpel, char const *make, char const *model,
int32_t tx)
HMI_DEBUG("wl::output %s @ %p x %i y %i w %i h %i spel %x make %s model %s tx %i",
__func__, this->proxy.get(), x, y, pw, ph, subpel, make, model, tx);
this->physical_width = pw;
this->physical_height = ph;
this->transform = tx;
void output::mode(uint32_t flags, int32_t w, int32_t h, int32_t r)
HMI_DEBUG("wl::output %s @ %p f %x w %i h %i r %i", __func__,
this->proxy.get(), flags, w, h, r);
if ((flags & WL_OUTPUT_MODE_CURRENT) != 0u)
this->width = w;
this->height = h;
this->refresh = r;
void output::done()
HMI_DEBUG("wl::output %s @ %p done", __func__, this->proxy.get());
// Pivot and flipped
if (this->transform == WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_90 ||
this->transform == WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_270 ||
this->transform == WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_90 ||
this->transform == WL_OUTPUT_TRANSFORM_FLIPPED_270)
std::swap(this->width, this->height);
std::swap(this->physical_width, this->physical_height);
void output::scale(int32_t factor)
HMI_DEBUG("wl::output %s @ %p f %i", __func__, this->proxy.get(), factor);
} // namespace wl
* namespace compositor
namespace compositor
void surface_visibility_changed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t surface_id, int32_t visibility)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_visibility_changed(surface_id, visibility);
void surface_opacity_changed(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t surface_id, wl_fixed_t opacity)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_opacity_changed(surface_id, float(wl_fixed_to_double(opacity)));
void surface_source_rectangle_changed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t surface_id,
int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_source_rectangle_changed(surface_id, x, y, width, height);
void surface_destination_rectangle_changed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t surface_id,
int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_destination_rectangle_changed(surface_id, x, y, width, height);
void surface_created(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t id_surface)
static_cast<struct controller *>(data)->surface_created(id_surface);
void surface_destroyed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t surface_id)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
void surface_error_detected(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t object_id,
uint32_t error_code, const char *error_text)
static_cast<struct controller *>(data)->surface_error_detected(
object_id, error_code, error_text);
void surface_size_changed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t surface_id,
int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_size_changed(surface_id, width, height);
void surface_stats_received(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t surface_id, uint32_t frame_count, uint32_t pid)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_stats_received(surface_id, frame_count, pid);
void surface_added_to_layer(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t layer_id, uint32_t surface_id)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->surface_added_to_layer(layer_id, surface_id);
void layer_visibility_changed(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t layer_id, int32_t visibility)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->layer_visibility_changed(layer_id, visibility);
void layer_opacity_changed(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t layer_id, wl_fixed_t opacity)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->layer_opacity_changed(layer_id, float(wl_fixed_to_double(opacity)));
void layer_source_rectangle_changed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t layer_id,
int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->layer_source_rectangle_changed(layer_id, x, y, width, height);
void layer_destination_rectangle_changed(
void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t layer_id,
int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t width, int32_t height)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
c->layer_destination_rectangle_changed(layer_id, x, y, width, height);
void layer_created(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/,
uint32_t id_layer)
static_cast<struct controller *>(data)->layer_created(id_layer);
void layer_destroyed(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t layer_id)
auto c = static_cast<struct controller *>(data);
void layer_error_detected(void *data, struct ivi_wm * /*ivi_wm*/, uint32_t object_id,
uint32_t error_code, const char *error_text)
static_cast<struct controller *>(data)->layer_error_detected(
object_id, error_code, error_text);
constexpr struct ivi_wm_listener listener = {
void screen_created(void *data, struct ivi_wm_screen *ivi_wm_screen, uint32_t id)
static_cast<struct screen *>(data)->screen_created((struct screen *)data, id);
void layer_added(void *data,
struct ivi_wm_screen *ivi_wm_screen,
uint32_t layer_id)
HMI_DEBUG("added layer_id:%d", layer_id);
void connector_name(void *data,
struct ivi_wm_screen *ivi_wm_screen,
const char *process_name)
HMI_DEBUG("process_name:%s", process_name);
void screen_error(void *data,
struct ivi_wm_screen *ivi_wm_screen,
uint32_t error,
const char *message)
HMI_DEBUG("screen error:%d message:%s", error, message);
constexpr struct ivi_wm_screen_listener screen_listener = {
} // namespace
* surface
surface::surface(uint32_t i, struct controller *c)
: controller_child(c, i)
this->parent->add_proxy_to_sid_mapping(this->parent->proxy.get(), i);
void surface::set_visibility(uint32_t visibility)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface id:%d v:%d", this->id, visibility);
ivi_wm_set_surface_visibility(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id, visibility);
void surface::set_source_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y,
int32_t width, int32_t height)
ivi_wm_set_surface_source_rectangle(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id,
x, y, width, height);
void surface::set_destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y,
int32_t width, int32_t height)
ivi_wm_set_surface_destination_rectangle(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id,
x, y, width, height);
* layer
layer::layer(uint32_t i, struct controller *c) : layer(i, 0, 0, c) {}
layer::layer(uint32_t i, int32_t w, int32_t h, struct controller *c)
: controller_child(c, i)
this->parent->add_proxy_to_lid_mapping(this->parent->proxy.get(), i);
ivi_wm_create_layout_layer(c->proxy.get(), i, w, h);
void layer::set_visibility(uint32_t visibility)
ivi_wm_set_layer_visibility(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id, visibility);
void layer::set_destination_rectangle(int32_t x, int32_t y,
int32_t width, int32_t height)
ivi_wm_set_layer_destination_rectangle(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id,
x, y, width, height);
void layer::add_surface(uint32_t surface_id)
ivi_wm_layer_add_surface(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id, surface_id);
void layer::remove_surface(uint32_t surface_id)
ivi_wm_layer_remove_surface(this->parent->proxy.get(), this->id, surface_id);
* screen
screen::screen(uint32_t i, struct controller *c, struct wl_output *o)
: wayland_proxy(ivi_wm_create_screen(c->proxy.get(), o)),
controller_child(c, i)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::screen @ %p id %u o %p", this->proxy.get(), i, o);
// Add listener for screen
ivi_wm_screen_add_listener(this->proxy.get(), &screen_listener, this);
void screen::clear() { ivi_wm_screen_clear(this->proxy.get()); }
void screen::screen_created(struct screen *screen, uint32_t id)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::screen @ %p screen %u (%x) @ %p", this->proxy.get(),
id, id, screen);
this->id = id;
this->parent->screens[id] = screen;
void screen::set_render_order(std::vector<uint32_t> const &ro)
std::size_t i;
// Remove all layers from the screen render order
for (i = 0; i < ro.size(); i++)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::screen @ %p add layer %u", this->proxy.get(), ro[i]);
// Add the layer to screen render order at nearest z-position
ivi_wm_screen_add_layer(this->proxy.get(), ro[i]);
* controller
controller::controller(struct wl_registry *r, uint32_t name, uint32_t version)
: wayland_proxy(
wl_registry_bind(r, name, &ivi_wm_interface, version)),
ivi_wm_add_listener(this->proxy.get(), &listener, this);
void controller::layer_create(uint32_t id, int32_t w, int32_t h)
this->layers[id] = std::make_unique<struct layer>(id, w, h, this);
void controller::surface_create(uint32_t id)
this->surfaces[id] = std::make_unique<struct surface>(id, this);
// TODO: If Clipping is necessary, this process should be modified.
// Set surface type:IVI_WM_SURFACE_TYPE_DESKTOP)
// for resizing wayland surface when switching from split to full surface.
ivi_wm_set_surface_type(this->proxy.get(), id, IVI_WM_SURFACE_TYPE_DESKTOP);
// Set source reactangle even if we should not need to set it
// for enable setting for destination region.
this->surfaces[id]->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, this->output_size.w, this->output_size.h);
// Flush display
void controller::create_screen(struct wl_output *output)
// TODO: screen id is 0 (WM manages one screen for now)
this->screen = std::make_unique<struct screen>(0, this, output);
void controller::get_surface_properties(uint32_t surface_id, int param)
ivi_wm_surface_get(this->proxy.get(), surface_id, param);
void controller::layer_created(uint32_t id)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::controller @ %p layer %u (%x)", this->proxy.get(), id, id);
if (this->layers.find(id) != this->layers.end())
HMI_DEBUG("WindowManager has created layer %u (%x) already", id, id);
this->layers[id] = std::make_unique<struct layer>(id, this);
void controller::layer_error_detected(uint32_t object_id,
uint32_t error_code, const char *error_text)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::controller @ %p error o %d c %d text %s",
this->proxy.get(), object_id, error_code, error_text);
void controller::surface_visibility_changed(uint32_t id, int32_t visibility)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d v %i", __func__, id,
this->sprops[id].visibility = visibility;
this->chooks->surface_visibility(id, visibility);
void controller::surface_opacity_changed(uint32_t id, float opacity)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d o %f",
__func__, id, opacity);
this->sprops[id].opacity = opacity;
void controller::surface_source_rectangle_changed(uint32_t id, int32_t x,
int32_t y, int32_t width,
int32_t height)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d x %i y %i w %i h %i", __func__,
id, x, y, width, height);
this->sprops[id].src_rect = rect{width, height, x, y};
void controller::surface_destination_rectangle_changed(uint32_t id, int32_t x,
int32_t y, int32_t width,
int32_t height)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d x %i y %i w %i h %i", __func__,
id, x, y, width, height);
this->sprops[id].dst_rect = rect{width, height, x, y};
this->chooks->surface_destination_rectangle(id, x, y, width, height);
void controller::surface_size_changed(uint32_t id, int32_t width,
int32_t height)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d w %i h %i", __func__, id,
width, height);
this->sprops[id].size = size{uint32_t(width), uint32_t(height)};
this->surfaces[id]->set_source_rectangle(0, 0, width, height);
void controller::surface_added_to_layer(uint32_t layer_id, uint32_t surface_id)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d l %u",
__func__, layer_id, surface_id);
void controller::surface_stats_received(uint32_t surface_id,
uint32_t frame_count, uint32_t pid)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d f %u pid %u",
__func__, surface_id, frame_count, pid);
void controller::surface_created(uint32_t id)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::controller @ %p surface %u (%x)", this->proxy.get(), id,
if (this->surfaces.find(id) == this->surfaces.end())
this->surfaces[id] = std::make_unique<struct surface>(id, this);
// Set surface type:IVI_WM_SURFACE_TYPE_DESKTOP)
// for resizing wayland surface when switching from split to full surface.
ivi_wm_set_surface_type(this->proxy.get(), id, IVI_WM_SURFACE_TYPE_DESKTOP);
// Flush display
void controller::surface_destroyed(uint32_t surface_id)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::surface %s @ %d", __func__, surface_id);
void controller::surface_error_detected(uint32_t object_id,
uint32_t error_code, const char *error_text)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::controller @ %p error o %d c %d text %s",
this->proxy.get(), object_id, error_code, error_text);
void controller::layer_visibility_changed(uint32_t layer_id, int32_t visibility)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::layer %s @ %d v %i", __func__, layer_id, visibility);
this->lprops[layer_id].visibility = visibility;
void controller::layer_opacity_changed(uint32_t layer_id, float opacity)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::layer %s @ %d o %f", __func__, layer_id, opacity);
this->lprops[layer_id].opacity = opacity;
void controller::layer_source_rectangle_changed(uint32_t layer_id,
int32_t x, int32_t y,
int32_t width, int32_t height)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::layer %s @ %d x %i y %i w %i h %i",
__func__, layer_id, x, y, width, height);
this->lprops[layer_id].src_rect = rect{width, height, x, y};
void controller::layer_destination_rectangle_changed(uint32_t layer_id,
int32_t x, int32_t y,
int32_t width, int32_t height)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::layer %s @ %d x %i y %i w %i h %i",
__func__, layer_id, x, y, width, height);
this->lprops[layer_id].dst_rect = rect{width, height, x, y};
void controller::layer_destroyed(uint32_t layer_id)
HMI_DEBUG("compositor::layer %s @ %d", __func__, layer_id);
void controller::add_proxy_to_sid_mapping(struct ivi_wm *p,
uint32_t id)
HMI_DEBUG("Add surface proxy mapping for %p (%u)", p, id);
this->surface_proxy_to_id[uintptr_t(p)] = id;
this->sprops[id].id = id;
void controller::remove_proxy_to_sid_mapping(struct ivi_wm *p)
HMI_DEBUG("Remove surface proxy mapping for %p", p);
void controller::add_proxy_to_lid_mapping(struct ivi_wm *p,
uint32_t id)
HMI_DEBUG("Add layer proxy mapping for %p (%u)", p, id);
this->layer_proxy_to_id[uintptr_t(p)] = id;
this->lprops[id].id = id;
void controller::remove_proxy_to_lid_mapping(struct ivi_wm *p)
HMI_DEBUG("Remove layer proxy mapping for %p", p);
void controller::add_proxy_to_id_mapping(struct wl_output *p, uint32_t id)
HMI_DEBUG("Add screen proxy mapping for %p (%u)", p, id);
this->screen_proxy_to_id[uintptr_t(p)] = id;
void controller::remove_proxy_to_id_mapping(struct wl_output *p)
HMI_DEBUG("Remove screen proxy mapping for %p", p);
} // namespace compositor