path: root/templates/machine/m3ulcb-nogfx/
blob: 521dedb461ec7e84d9bc728b9d14dbb4c223989b (plain)
MACHINE = "m3ulcb"
#see meta-agl/meta-agl-bsp/conf/include/
require conf/include/
is class expects a "make package" target in the makefile # which creates the wgt files in the package/ subfolder. # The makefile needs to use wgtpkg-pack. # # 'wgtpkg-pack' in af-main-native is required. DEPENDS_append = " af-main-native" # for bindings af-binder is required. DEPENDS_append = " af-binder" do_aglwgt_package() { cd ${B} make package || ( \ bbwarn "Your makefile must support the 'make package' target" ; \ bbwarn "and generate a .wgt file using wgtpack in the"; \ bbwarn "subfolder ./package/ !" ; \ bbwarn "Fix your package as it will not work within the SDK" ; \ bbwarn "See:" \ ) } python () { d.setVarFlag('do_aglwgt_deploy', 'fakeroot', '1') } POST_INSTALL_LEVEL ?= "10" POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT ?= "${POST_INSTALL_LEVEL}-${PN}.sh" EXTRA_WGT_POSTINSTALL ?= "" do_aglwgt_deploy() { install -d ${D}/usr/AGL/apps install -m 0644 ${B}/package/*.wgt ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/ APP_FILES="" for file in ${D}/usr/AGL/apps/*.wgt;do APP_FILES="${APP_FILES} $(basename $file)"; done install -d ${D}/${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts cat > ${D}/${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts/${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT} <<EOF #!/bin/sh -e for file in ${APP_FILES}; do /usr/bin/afm-install install /usr/AGL/apps/\$file done sync ${EXTRA_WGT_POSTINSTALL} EOF chmod a+x ${D}/${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts/${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT} } FILES_${PN} += "/usr/AGL/apps/*.wgt ${sysconfdir}/agl-postinsts/${POST_INSTALL_SCRIPT}" addtask aglwgt_deploy before do_package after do_install addtask aglwgt_package before do_aglwgt_deploy after do_compile