
Bluetooth Service


Bluetooth service uses the respective BlueZ package to connect to bluetooth devices


Name Description JSON Response
subscribe subscribe to bluetooth events Request: {"value": "device_changes"}
unsubscribe unsubscribe to bluetooth events Request: {"value": "device_changes"}
managed_objects retrieve managed bluetooth devices see managed_objects verb section
adapter_state retrieve or change adapter scan settings see adapter_state verb section
default_adapter retrieve or change default adapter setting Request: {"adapter": "hci1"}
avrcp_controls avrcp controls for MediaPlayer1 playback see avrcp_controls verb section
connect connect to already paired device see connect/disconnect verb section
disconnect disconnect to already connected device see connect/disconnect verb section
pair initialize a pairing request Request: {"device":"dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20"}
cancel_pairing cancel an outgoing pair request
confirm_pairing confirm incoming/outgoing bluetooth pairing pincode Request: {"pincode": 31415}
remove_device remove already paired device Request: {"device": "dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20"}
set_pincode set pincode as string into database for outgoing pairing request Request: {"pincode": "4321"}

managed_objects verb

This verb allows an client to get initial paired devices, and discovered unpaired devices before subscriptio to devices_changed event.

  "response": {
    "adapters": [
        "name": "hci0",
        "properties": {
          "address": "00:1A:7D:DA:71:0F",
          "powered": true,
          "discoverable": true,
          "discoverabletimeout": 180,
          "pairable": true,
          "pairabletimeout": 0,
          "discovering": true,
          "uuids": [
    "devices": [
        "adapter": "hci0",
        "device": "dev_F8_34_41_DA_BA_46",
        "properties": {
          "address": "F8:34:41:DA:BA:46",
          "name": "roguebox",
          "alias": "roguebox",
          "class": 1835276,
          "icon": "computer",
          "paired": false,
          "trusted": false,
          "blocked": false,
          "legacypairing": false,
          "rssi": -63,
          "connected": false,
          "uuids": [
          "modalias": "usb:v1D6Bp0246d0530",
          "adapter": "/org/bluez/hci0",
          "txpower": 12,
          "servicesresolved": false
        "adapter": "hci0",
        "device": "dev_67_13_E2_57_29_0F",
        "properties": {
          "address": "68:13:E2:57:29:0F",
          "alias": "67-13-E2-57-29-0F",
          "paired": false,
          "trusted": false,
          "blocked": false,
          "legacypairing": false,
          "rssi": -69,
          "connected": false,
          "uuids": [],
          "adapter": "/org/bluez/hci0",
          "servicesresolved": false
    "transports": [
          "endpoint": "fd1",
          "adapter": "hci0",
          "device": "dev_D0_81_7A_5A_BC_5E",
          "properties": {
            "uuid": "0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
            "state": "idle",
            "volume": 127

adapter_state verb

adapter_state verb allows setting and retrieving of requested adapter settings

Name Description
adapter Must be the name of the adapter (i.e. hci0)
discovery Discover nearby broadcasting devices
discoverable Allow other devices to detect this device
powered Adapter power state (optional, rfkill should be disabled already)

adapter_state verb write-only parameters

Name Description
filter Scan for devices only with respective UUIDS listed
transport Scan for devices with only defined transport type (e.g. auto, bredr, le)

avrcp_controls verb

avrcp_controls verb allow controlling the playback of the defined device

Name Description
adapter Name of the adapter (optional, i.e. hci0)
device Must be the name of the device (optional, i.e. dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20)
action Playback control action to take (e.g Play, Pause, Stop, Next, Previous, FastForward, Rewind)

connect/disconnect verbs

NOTE: uuid in this respect is not related to the afb framework but the Bluetooth profile UUID

To connect/disconnect using the respective verb with all known and authenticated profiles:

  {"device": "dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20"}

To do the same for the respective device, verb, and for singular profile

  {"device": "dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20", "uuid": "0000110e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"}


Name Description JSON Event Data
adapter_changes report on Bluetooth adapter states see adapter_changes event section
device_changes report on Bluetooth devices see device_changes event section
media report on MediaPlayer1 events see media event section
agent PIN from BlueZ agent for confirmation see agent event section

adapter_changes event

Sample of adding new adapter event:

  "adapter": "hci0",
  "action": "added",
  "properties": {
    "address": "60:30:D4:66:55:A7",
    "powered": false,
    "discoverable": false,
    "discoverabletimeout": 180,
    "pairable": true,
    "pairabletimeout": 0,
    "discovering": false,
    "uuids": [

Sample of adapter property changes:

  "adapter": "hci0",
  "action": "changed",
  "properties": {
    "powered": false,
    "discovering": false,
    "discoverable": false

Sample of adapter being removed:

  "adapter": "hci0",
  "action": "removed",

device_changes event

Sample of discovering a new device event:

  "adapter": "hci0",
  "device": "dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20",
  "action": "added",
  "properties": {
    "address": "88:0F:10:96:D3:20",
    "name": "MI_SCALE",
    "alias": "MI_SCALE",
    "class": 7995916,
    "icon": "phone",
    "paired": false,
    "trusted": false,
    "blocked": false,
    "legacypairing": false,
    "rssi": -55,
    "connected": false,
    "uuids": [
    "adapter": "/org/bluez/hci0",
    "servicesresolved": false

Changed status events for a device:

  "adapter": "hci0",
  "device": "dev_88_0F_10_96_D3_20",
  "action": "changed",
  "properties": {
    "connected": true

media event

Playing audio reporting event (not all fields will be passed in every event):

        "adapter": "hci0",
        "device": "dev_D0_81_7A_5A_BC_5E",
        "type": "playback",
        "track": {
                "title": "True Colors",
                "duration": 228000,
                "album": "True Colors",
                "tracknumber": 6,
                "artist": "Zedd",
                "numberoftracks": 11,
                "genre": "Dance & DJ/General"
        "position": 5600,
        "status": "playing",
        "connected": true,
        "player": "player0"

A2DP transport addition/removal (some fields are optional):

        "adapter": "hci0",
        "device": "dev_D0_81_7A_5A_BC_5E",
        "action": "added",
        "type": "transport",
        "endpoint": "fd0"
        "properties": {
                "uuid": "0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",
                "state": "idle",
                "volume": 127
        "adapter": "hci0",
        "device": "dev_D0_81_7A_5A_BC_5E",
        "action": "removed",
        "type": "transport",
        "endpoint": "fd0"

agent event

After pairing request agent will send event for a pincode that must be confirmed on both sides:

  "adapter": "hci0",
  "device": "dev_88_OF_10_96_D3_20",
  "action": "request_confirmation",
  "pincode": 327142

If pairing is canceled or fails:

  "action": "canceled_pairing"