BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
salmonAdd gitreview file for Super Salmon branchJan-Simon Moeller2 months
ricefishAdd gitreview file for Royal Ricefish branchJan-Simon Moeller8 months
masterAdd gitlab issue/merge request templatesJan-Simon Moeller13 months
quillbackAdd gitreview file for Quirky Quillback branchJan-Simon Moeller13 months
pikeAdd gitreview file for Prickly Pike branchJan-Simon Moeller19 months
octopusAdd gitreview file for Optimistic Octopus branchJan-Simon Moeller2 years
needlefishAdd gitreview file for Nifty Needlefish branchJan-Simon Moeller3 years
marlinAdd gitreview file for Magic Marlin branchJan-Simon Moeller3 years
lampreyAdd gitreview file for Lucky Lamprey branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
koiAdd gitreview file for Kooky Koi branchJan-Simon Möller4 years
19.90.0commit c1934527e8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 weeks
trout/19.90.0commit c1934527e8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 weeks
trout_19.90.0commit c1934527e8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 weeks
18.90.0commit c1934527e8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
salmon/18.90.0commit c1934527e8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
salmon_18.90.0commit c1934527e8...Jan-Simon Moeller8 months
12.1.20commit e91ff52a7b...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months
lamprey/12.1.20commit e91ff52a7b...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months
lamprey_12.1.20commit e91ff52a7b...Jan-Simon Moeller10 months
12.1.19commit e91ff52a7b...Jan-Simon Moeller11 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2018-05-25Merge "Fixing typos made in comments"flounder_5.99.1flounder/ Moeller18-76/+76
2018-05-24Fixing typos made in commentsydimitrov18-76/+76
2018-05-16Fix compilation warningRomain Forlot1-1/+1
2018-05-14Fix gitreview file after repo moveydimitrov1-1/+1
2018-04-17Detect engine state and use it during diagnostic messages subscriptionsJonathan Aillet3-3/+86
2018-04-17Add possibility to subscribe to a recurring request permanentlyJonathan Aillet5-14/+34
2018-04-17Add saving of diagnostic messages informationJonathan Aillet9-99/+274
2018-04-09Correct errors in commentsJonathan Aillet3-3/+3
2018-03-23Fix name to fit rename of git repository.Romain Forlot3-6/+7
2018-03-15Change subscribed signals search to check filters as wellJonathan Aillet4-7/+15