path: root/ucs2-afb
diff options
authorJosé Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>2019-08-09 16:45:47 +0200
committerJosé Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>2019-08-09 16:45:47 +0200
commit6043c1ae174905e4bfd06bc5ed89e09c7ef9c7cb (patch)
treee92e6e2b10b60e91b44c4068d1d60743ca7f8e03 /ucs2-afb
parent83543cbdc814c5c4cfaf3be5b9772e228ba6c6ec (diff)
Migration to binding V3
Bug-AGL: SPEC-2744 Change-Id: Icc273b8865ab2e41f99d7feeafd15d4bbcdac494 Signed-off-by: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>
Diffstat (limited to 'ucs2-afb')
5 files changed, 174 insertions, 159 deletions
diff --git a/ucs2-afb/CMakeLists.txt b/ucs2-afb/CMakeLists.txt
index cdaf2be..8af2b67 100644
--- a/ucs2-afb/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ucs2-afb/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ PROJECT_TARGET_ADD(ucs2-afb)
# Binder exposes a unique public entry point
PREFIX "afb-"
diff --git a/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.h b/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.h
index 379966b..ebc3cc3 100644
--- a/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.h
+++ b/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.h
@@ -1,61 +1,65 @@
static const char _afb_description_UNICENS[] =
- "{\"openapi\":\"3.0.0\",\"$schema\":\"http:iot.bzh/download/openapi/schem"
- "a-3.0/default-schema.json\",\"info\":{\"description\":\"\",\"title\":\"u"
- "cs2\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"x-binding-c-generator\":{\"api\":\"UNICENS\""
- ",\"version\":2,\"prefix\":\"ucs2_\",\"postfix\":\"\",\"start\":null,\"on"
- "event\":null,\"preinit\":null,\"init\":\"ucs2_initbinding\",\"scope\":\""
- "\",\"private\":false}},\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"ws://{host}:{port}/api/mo"
- "nitor\",\"description\":\"Unicens2 API.\",\"variables\":{\"host\":{\"def"
- "ault\":\"localhost\"},\"port\":{\"default\":\"1234\"}},\"x-afb-events\":"
- "[{\"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/afb-event\"}]}],\"components\":{\"sche"
- "mas\":{\"afb-reply\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/afb-reply-v2\"},\""
- "afb-event\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/afb-event-v2\"},\"afb-reply"
- "-v2\":{\"title\":\"Generic response.\",\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":"
- "[\"jtype\",\"request\"],\"properties\":{\"jtype\":{\"type\":\"string\",\""
- "const\":\"afb-reply\"},\"request\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\""
- "status\"],\"properties\":{\"status\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"info\":{\"t"
- "ype\":\"string\"},\"token\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"uuid\":{\"type\":\"s"
- "tring\"},\"reqid\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}},\"response\":{\"type\":\"obje"
- "ct\"}}},\"afb-event-v2\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\"jtype\",\""
- "event\"],\"properties\":{\"jtype\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"const\":\"afb-"
- "event\"},\"event\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"data\":{\"type\":\"object\"}}"
- "}},\"x-permissions\":{\"config\":{\"permission\":\"urn:AGL:permission:UN"
- "ICENS:public:initialise\"},\"monitor\":{\"permission\":\"urn:AGL:permiss"
- "ion:UNICENS:public:monitor\"},\"controller\":{\"permission\":\"urn:AGL:p"
- "ermission:UNICENS:public:controller\"}},\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"descri"
- "ption\":\"A complex object array response\",\"content\":{\"application/j"
- "son\":{\"schema\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/afb-reply\"}}}}}},\"p"
- "aths\":{\"/listconfig\":{\"description\":\"List Config Files\",\"get\":{"
- "\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/x-permissions/config\"},\"par"
- "ameters\":[{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"cfgpath\",\"required\":false,\"s"
- "chema\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/com"
- "ponents/responses/200\"}}}},\"/initialise\":{\"description\":\"configure"
- " Unicens2 lib from NetworkConfig.XML.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$r"
- "ef\":\"#/components/x-permissions/config\"},\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"qu"
- "ery\",\"name\":\"filename\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"str"
- "ing\"}}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\""
- "}}}},\"/subscribe\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to network events.\",\""
- "get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/x-permissions/monitor\""
- "},\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\"}}}},\""
- "/subscriberx\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to Rx control message events"
- ".\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/x-permissions/mo"
- "nitor\"},\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\""
- "}}}},\"/writei2c\":{\"description\":\"Writes I2C command to remote node."
- "\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/x-permissions/mon"
- "itor\"},\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"node\",\"required\""
- ":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"integer\",\"format\":\"int32\"}},{\"in\":\""
- "query\",\"name\":\"data\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"array"
- "\",\"format\":\"int32\"},\"style\":\"simple\"}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{"
- "\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\"}}}},\"/sendmessage\":{\"descript"
- "ion\":\"Transmits a control message to a node.\",\"get\":{\"x-permission"
- "s\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/x-permissions/controller\"},\"parameters\":"
- "[{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"node\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"typ"
- "e\":\"integer\",\"format\":\"int32\"}},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"msgi"
- "d\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"integer\",\"format\":\"int3"
- "2\"}},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"data\",\"required\":false,\"schema\":"
- "{\"type\":\"string\",\"format\":\"byte\"},\"style\":\"simple\"}],\"respo"
- "nses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\"}}}}}}"
+ "{\"openapi\":\"3.0.0\",\"$schema\":\"http:iot.bzh/download/openapi/s"
+ "chema-3.0/default-schema.json\",\"info\":{\"description\":\"\",\"tit"
+ "le\":\"ucs2\",\"version\":\"1.0\",\"x-binding-c-generator\":{\"api\""
+ ":\"UNICENS\",\"version\":3,\"prefix\":\"ucs2_\",\"postfix\":\"\",\"s"
+ "tart\":null,\"onevent\":null,\"preinit\":null,\"init\":\"ucs2_initbi"
+ "nding\",\"scope\":\"\",\"private\":false}},\"servers\":[{\"url\":\"w"
+ "s://{host}:{port}/api/monitor\",\"description\":\"Unicens2 API.\",\""
+ "variables\":{\"host\":{\"default\":\"localhost\"},\"port\":{\"defaul"
+ "t\":\"1234\"}},\"x-afb-events\":[{\"$ref\":\"#/components/schemas/af"
+ "b-event\"}]}],\"components\":{\"schemas\":{\"afb-reply\":{\"$ref\":\""
+ "#/components/schemas/afb-reply-v2\"},\"afb-event\":{\"$ref\":\"#/com"
+ "ponents/schemas/afb-event-v2\"},\"afb-reply-v2\":{\"title\":\"Generi"
+ "c response.\",\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\"jtype\",\"request\""
+ "],\"properties\":{\"jtype\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"const\":\"afb-rep"
+ "ly\"},\"request\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\"status\"],\"p"
+ "roperties\":{\"status\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"info\":{\"type\":\"s"
+ "tring\"},\"token\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"uuid\":{\"type\":\"string"
+ "\"},\"reqid\":{\"type\":\"string\"}}},\"response\":{\"type\":\"objec"
+ "t\"}}},\"afb-event-v2\":{\"type\":\"object\",\"required\":[\"jtype\""
+ ",\"event\"],\"properties\":{\"jtype\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"const\""
+ ":\"afb-event\"},\"event\":{\"type\":\"string\"},\"data\":{\"type\":\""
+ "object\"}}}},\"x-permissions\":{\"config\":{\"permission\":\"urn:AGL"
+ ":permission:UNICENS:public:initialise\"},\"monitor\":{\"permission\""
+ ":\"urn:AGL:permission:UNICENS:public:monitor\"},\"controller\":{\"pe"
+ "rmission\":\"urn:AGL:permission:UNICENS:public:controller\"}},\"resp"
+ "onses\":{\"200\":{\"description\":\"A complex object array response\""
+ ",\"content\":{\"application/json\":{\"schema\":{\"$ref\":\"#/compone"
+ "nts/schemas/afb-reply\"}}}}}},\"paths\":{\"/listconfig\":{\"descript"
+ "ion\":\"List Config Files\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#"
+ "/components/x-permissions/config\"},\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"query\""
+ ",\"name\":\"cfgpath\",\"required\":false,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"stri"
+ "ng\"}}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/20"
+ "0\"}}}},\"/initialise\":{\"description\":\"configure Unicens2 lib fr"
+ "om NetworkConfig.XML.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/com"
+ "ponents/x-permissions/config\"},\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"query\",\""
+ "name\":\"filename\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"string\""
+ "}}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\"}"
+ "}}},\"/subscribe\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to network events.\""
+ ",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/x-permissions/m"
+ "onitor\"},\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/"
+ "200\"}}}},\"/subscriberx\":{\"description\":\"Subscribe to Rx contro"
+ "l message events.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":\"#/compone"
+ "nts/x-permissions/monitor\"},\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/co"
+ "mponents/responses/200\"}}}},\"/writei2c\":{\"description\":\"Writes"
+ " I2C command to remote node.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\":"
+ "\"#/components/x-permissions/monitor\"},\"parameters\":[{\"in\":\"qu"
+ "ery\",\"name\":\"node\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"int"
+ "eger\",\"format\":\"int32\"}},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"data\",\""
+ "required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"array\",\"format\":\"int32\"}"
+ ",\"style\":\"simple\"}],\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/compone"
+ "nts/responses/200\"}}}},\"/sendmessage\":{\"description\":\"Transmit"
+ "s a control message to a node.\",\"get\":{\"x-permissions\":{\"$ref\""
+ ":\"#/components/x-permissions/controller\"},\"parameters\":[{\"in\":"
+ "\"query\",\"name\":\"node\",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\""
+ "integer\",\"format\":\"int32\"}},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"msgid\""
+ ",\"required\":true,\"schema\":{\"type\":\"integer\",\"format\":\"int"
+ "32\"}},{\"in\":\"query\",\"name\":\"data\",\"required\":false,\"sche"
+ "ma\":{\"type\":\"string\",\"format\":\"byte\"},\"style\":\"simple\"}"
+ "],\"responses\":{\"200\":{\"$ref\":\"#/components/responses/200\"}}}"
+ "}}}"
static const struct afb_auth _afb_auths_UNICENS[] = {
@@ -71,61 +75,75 @@ void ucs2_subscriberx(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_writei2c(afb_req_t req);
void ucs2_sendmessage(afb_req_t req);
-static const struct afb_verb_v2 _afb_verbs_UNICENS[] = {
+static const struct afb_verb_v3 _afb_verbs_UNICENS[] = {
.verb = "listconfig",
.callback = ucs2_listconfig,
.auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[0],
.info = "List Config Files",
- .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
+ .glob = 0
.verb = "initialise",
.callback = ucs2_initialise,
.auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[0],
.info = "configure Unicens2 lib from NetworkConfig.XML.",
- .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
+ .glob = 0
.verb = "subscribe",
.callback = ucs2_subscribe,
.auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[1],
.info = "Subscribe to network events.",
- .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
+ .glob = 0
.verb = "subscriberx",
.callback = ucs2_subscriberx,
.auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[1],
.info = "Subscribe to Rx control message events.",
- .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
+ .glob = 0
.verb = "writei2c",
.callback = ucs2_writei2c,
.auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[1],
.info = "Writes I2C command to remote node.",
- .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
+ .glob = 0
.verb = "sendmessage",
.callback = ucs2_sendmessage,
.auth = &_afb_auths_UNICENS[2],
.info = "Transmits a control message to a node.",
- .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE,
+ .glob = 0
.verb = NULL,
.callback = NULL,
.auth = NULL,
.info = NULL,
- .session = 0
- }
+ .vcbdata = NULL,
+ .session = 0,
+ .glob = 0
+ }
-int ucs2_initbinding();
+int ucs2_initbinding(afb_api_t api);
-const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
+const struct afb_binding_v3 afbBindingV3 = {
.api = "UNICENS",
.specification = _afb_description_UNICENS,
.info = "",
@@ -133,6 +151,10 @@ const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
.preinit = NULL,
.init = ucs2_initbinding,
.onevent = NULL,
+ .userdata = NULL,
+ .provide_class = NULL,
+ .require_class = NULL,
+ .require_api = NULL,
.noconcurrency = 0
diff --git a/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.json b/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.json
index b7550ff..9d543e2 100644
--- a/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.json
+++ b/ucs2-afb/ucs_apidef.json
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
"version": "1.0",
"x-binding-c-generator": {
"api": "UNICENS",
- "version": 2,
+ "version": 3,
"prefix": "ucs2_",
"postfix": "",
"start": null ,
diff --git a/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.c b/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.c
index bf0fd8e..81ca3bb 100644
--- a/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.c
+++ b/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.c
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@ typedef struct {
} ucsContextT;
typedef struct {
- struct afb_event node_event;
+ afb_event_t node_event;
} EventData_t;
typedef struct {
- struct afb_event rx_event;
+ afb_event_t rx_event;
} EventDataRx_t;
static ucsContextT *ucsContextS = NULL;
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ static EventData_t *eventData = NULL;
static EventDataRx_t *eventDataRx = NULL;
PUBLIC void UcsXml_CB_OnError(const char format[], uint16_t vargsCnt, ...) {
- /*AFB_DEBUG (afbIface, format, args); */
+ /*AFB_API_DEBUG (afbBindingRoot, afbIface, format, args); */
va_list args;
va_start (args, vargsCnt);
vfprintf (stderr, format, args);
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ PUBLIC void UcsXml_CB_OnError(const char format[], uint16_t vargsCnt, ...) {
va_start(argptr, vargsCnt);
vsprintf(outbuf, format, argptr);
- AFB_WARNING ("%s", outbuf);
+ AFB_API_WARNING (afbBindingRoot, "%s", outbuf);
PUBLIC uint16_t UCSI_CB_OnGetTime(void *pTag) {
@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ STATIC int onTimerCB (sd_event_source* source,uint64_t timer, void* pTag) {
void UCSI_CB_OnNetworkState(void *pTag, bool isAvailable, uint16_t packetBandwidth, uint8_t amountOfNodes)
- AFB_NOTICE ("Network is available=%d, bw=%d, nodeCnt=%d", isAvailable, packetBandwidth, amountOfNodes);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "Network is available=%d, bw=%d, nodeCnt=%d", isAvailable, packetBandwidth, amountOfNodes);
/* UCS2 Interface Timer Callback */
PUBLIC void UCSI_CB_OnSetServiceTimer(void *pTag, uint16_t timeout) {
uint64_t usec;
/* set a timer with 250ms accuracy */
- sd_event_now(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &usec);
- sd_event_add_time(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), NULL, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec + (timeout*1000), 250, onTimerCB, pTag);
+ sd_event_now(afb_api_get_event_loop(afbBindingRoot), CLOCK_BOOTTIME, &usec);
+ sd_event_add_time(afb_api_get_event_loop(afbBindingRoot), NULL, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, usec + (timeout*1000), 250, onTimerCB, pTag);
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ void UCSI_CB_OnUserMessage(void *pTag, bool isError, const char format[],
va_start(argptr, vargsCnt);
vsprintf(outbuf, format, argptr);
- AFB_NOTICE ("%s",outbuf);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "%s",outbuf);
/** UCSI_Service cannot be called directly within UNICENS context, need to service stack through mainloop */
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ STATIC int OnServiceRequiredCB (sd_event_source *source, uint64_t usec, void *pT
PUBLIC void UCSI_CB_OnServiceRequired(void *pTag) {
/* push an asynchronous request for loopback to call UCSI_Service */
- sd_event_add_time(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), NULL, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, 0, OnServiceRequiredCB, pTag);
+ sd_event_add_time(afb_api_get_event_loop(afbBindingRoot), NULL, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, 0, OnServiceRequiredCB, pTag);
/* Callback when ever this UNICENS wants to send a message to INIC. */
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ STATIC int OnStopCB (sd_event_source *source, uint64_t usec, void *pTag) {
* \param pTag - Pointer given by the integrator by UCSI_Init
void UCSI_CB_OnStop(void *pTag) {
- AFB_NOTICE ("UNICENS stopped");
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "UNICENS stopped");
/* push an asynchronous request for loopback to call UcsXml_FreeVal */
- sd_event_add_time(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), NULL, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, 0, OnStopCB, pTag);
+ sd_event_add_time(afb_api_get_event_loop(afbBindingRoot), NULL, CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, 0, OnStopCB, pTag);
/* helper function: wraps Rx message in json and triggers notification */
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ STATIC void NotifyEventRxMsg(uint16_t src_addr, uint16_t msg_id, uint8_t *data_p
if (data_sz > CTRL_MAX_DATA_SZ) {
- AFB_NOTICE("RX-MSG: discarded, payload exceeds %d bytes", CTRL_MAX_DATA_SZ);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "RX-MSG: discarded, payload exceeds %d bytes", CTRL_MAX_DATA_SZ);
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ STATIC int OnAmsMessageReceivedCB (sd_event_source *source, void *pTag) {
while (UCSI_GetAmsMessage(&ucsContext->ucsiData, &msg_id, &src_addr, &data_ptr, &data_sz)) {
NotifyEventRxMsg(src_addr, msg_id, data_ptr, data_sz);
- AFB_DEBUG("RX-MSG: src=0x%04X, msg_id=0x%04X, size=%d", src_addr, msg_id, data_sz);
+ AFB_API_DEBUG(afbBindingRoot, "RX-MSG: src=0x%04X, msg_id=0x%04X, size=%d", src_addr, msg_id, data_sz);
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ void UCSI_CB_OnAmsMessageReceived(void *pTag)
if (!src_ptr)
/* first time usage: create and trigger event source */
- sd_event_add_defer(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), &src_ptr, &OnAmsMessageReceivedCB, pTag);
+ sd_event_add_defer(afb_api_get_event_loop(afbBindingRoot), &src_ptr, &OnAmsMessageReceivedCB, pTag);
@@ -274,12 +274,12 @@ void UCSI_CB_OnAmsMessageReceived(void *pTag)
void UCSI_CB_OnRouteResult(void *pTag, uint16_t routeId, bool isActive, uint16_t connectionLabel)
- AFB_NOTICE ("Route 0x%X is active=%d, connection label=0x%X", routeId, isActive, connectionLabel);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "Route 0x%X is active=%d, connection label=0x%X", routeId, isActive, connectionLabel);
void UCSI_CB_OnGpioStateChange(void *pTag, uint16_t nodeAddress, uint8_t gpioPinId, bool isHighState)
- AFB_NOTICE ("GPIO state of node 0x%X changed, pin=%d isHigh=%d", nodeAddress, gpioPinId, isHighState);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "GPIO state of node 0x%X changed, pin=%d isHigh=%d", nodeAddress, gpioPinId, isHighState);
PUBLIC void UCSI_CB_OnMgrReport(void *pTag, Ucs_MgrReport_t code, uint16_t nodeAddress, Ucs_Rm_Node_t *pNode){
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ int onReadCB (sd_event_source* src, int fileFd, uint32_t revents, void* pTag) {
return 0;
ok= UCSI_ProcessRxData(&ucsContext->ucsiData, pBuffer, (uint16_t)len);
if (!ok) {
- AFB_DEBUG ("Buffer overrun (not handle)");
+ AFB_API_DEBUG (afbBindingRoot, "Buffer overrun (not handle)");
/* Buffer overrun could replay pBuffer */
return 0;
@@ -365,19 +365,19 @@ STATIC char* GetDefaultConfig(void) {
char const *data_path = getenv("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR");
if (!data_path) {
- AFB_ERROR("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined");
+ AFB_API_ERROR(afbBindingRoot, "AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is not defined");
else {
size_t size;
char * config_path;
- AFB_NOTICE("AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is: %s", data_path);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR is: %s", data_path);
size = strlen(data_path) + strlen(XML_CONFIG_FOLDER) + strlen(XML_CONFIG_FILE) + 2;
config_path = malloc(size);
if (config_path != NULL) {
snprintf(config_path, size, "%s%s%s", data_path, XML_CONFIG_FOLDER, XML_CONFIG_FILE);
if(access(config_path, R_OK ) == 0) {
- AFB_NOTICE("Default configuration: %s", config_path);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "Default configuration: %s", config_path);
return config_path;
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ STATIC UcsXmlVal_t* ParseFile(const char *filename) {
fdHandle = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (fdHandle <= 0) {
- AFB_ERROR("File not accessible: '%s' err=%s", filename, strerror(fdHandle));
+ AFB_API_ERROR(afbBindingRoot, "File not accessible: '%s' err=%s", filename, strerror(fdHandle));
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -407,16 +407,16 @@ STATIC UcsXmlVal_t* ParseFile(const char *filename) {
xmlBuffer[readSize] = '\0'; /* In any case, terminate it. */
if (readSize != fdStat.st_size) {
- AFB_ERROR("File to read fullfile '%s' size(%d!=%d)", filename, (int)readSize, (int)fdStat.st_size);
+ AFB_API_ERROR(afbBindingRoot, "File to read fullfile '%s' size(%d!=%d)", filename, (int)readSize, (int)fdStat.st_size);
goto OnErrorExit;
ucsConfig = UcsXml_Parse(xmlBuffer);
if (!ucsConfig) {
- AFB_ERROR("File XML invalid: '%s'", filename);
+ AFB_API_ERROR(afbBindingRoot, "File XML invalid: '%s'", filename);
goto OnErrorExit;
- AFB_NOTICE ("Parsing result: %d Nodes, %d Scripts, Ethernet Bandwith %d bytes = %.2f MBit/s", ucsConfig->nodSize, ucsConfig->routesSize, ucsConfig->packetBw, (48 * 8 * ucsConfig->packetBw / 1000.0));
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "Parsing result: %d Nodes, %d Scripts, Ethernet Bandwith %d bytes = %.2f MBit/s", ucsConfig->nodSize, ucsConfig->routesSize, ucsConfig->packetBw, (48 * 8 * ucsConfig->packetBw / 1000.0));
return (ucsConfig);
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ PUBLIC int StartConfiguration(const char *filename) {
/* Read and parse XML file */
ucsContext.ucsConfig = ParseFile(filename);
if (NULL == ucsContext.ucsConfig) {
- AFB_ERROR ("Cannot access or load file: '%s'", filename);
+ AFB_API_ERROR (afbBindingRoot, "Cannot access or load file: '%s'", filename);
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ PUBLIC int StartConfiguration(const char *filename) {
if (!ucsContextS)
if (!ucsContextS && !InitializeCdevs(&ucsContext)) {
- AFB_ERROR ("Fail to initialise device [rx=%s tx=%s]", CONTROL_CDEV_RX, CONTROL_CDEV_TX);
+ AFB_API_ERROR (afbBindingRoot, "Fail to initialise device [rx=%s tx=%s]", CONTROL_CDEV_RX, CONTROL_CDEV_TX);
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ PUBLIC int StartConfiguration(const char *filename) {
UCSI_Init(&ucsContext.ucsiData, &ucsContext);
/* register aplayHandle file fd into binder mainloop */
- err = sd_event_add_io(afb_daemon_get_event_loop(), &evtSource, ucsContext.rx.fileHandle, EPOLLIN, onReadCB, &ucsContext);
+ err = sd_event_add_io(afb_api_get_event_loop(afbBindingRoot), &evtSource, ucsContext.rx.fileHandle, EPOLLIN, onReadCB, &ucsContext);
if (err < 0) {
- AFB_ERROR ("Cannot hook events to mainloop");
+ AFB_API_ERROR (afbBindingRoot, "Cannot hook events to mainloop");
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@ PUBLIC int StartConfiguration(const char *filename) {
/* Initialise UNICENS with parsed config */
if (!UCSI_NewConfig(&ucsContext.ucsiData, ucsContext.ucsConfig)) {
- AFB_ERROR ("Fail to initialize UNICENS");
+ AFB_API_ERROR (afbBindingRoot, "Fail to initialize UNICENS");
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -470,20 +470,20 @@ PUBLIC int StartConfiguration(const char *filename) {
return -1;
-PUBLIC void ucs2_initialise (struct afb_req request) {
+PUBLIC void ucs2_initialise (afb_req_t request) {
const char *filename = afb_req_value(request, "filename");
if (!filename) {
- afb_req_fail_f (request, "filename-missing", "No filename given");
+ afb_req_reply (request, NULL, "filename-missing", "No filename given");
goto OnErrorExit;
if (StartConfiguration(filename) != 0) {
- afb_req_fail_f (request, "load-failed", "Cannot parse file and start UNICENS");
+ afb_req_reply (request, NULL, "load-failed", "Cannot parse file and start UNICENS");
goto OnErrorExit;
- afb_req_success(request,NULL,"UNICENS-active");
+ afb_req_reply(request,NULL, NULL,"UNICENS-active");
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_initialise (struct afb_req request) {
// List Avaliable Configuration Files
-PUBLIC void ucs2_listconfig (struct afb_req request) {
+PUBLIC void ucs2_listconfig (afb_req_t request) {
struct json_object *queryJ, *tmpJ, *responseJ;
DIR *dirHandle;
char *dirPath, *dirList;
@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_listconfig (struct afb_req request) {
dirList = strdup (json_object_get_string(tmpJ));
} else {
dirList = strdup (UCS2_CFG_PATH);
- AFB_NOTICE ("fgpath:missing uses UCS2_CFG_PATH=%s", UCS2_CFG_PATH);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "fgpath:missing uses UCS2_CFG_PATH=%s", UCS2_CFG_PATH);
responseJ = json_object_new_array();
@@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_listconfig (struct afb_req request) {
dirHandle = opendir (dirPath);
if (!dirHandle) {
- AFB_NOTICE ("ucs2_listconfig dir=%s not readable", dirPath);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "ucs2_listconfig dir=%s not readable", dirPath);
- AFB_NOTICE ("ucs2_listconfig scanning: %s", dirPath);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE (afbBindingRoot, "ucs2_listconfig scanning: %s", dirPath);
while ((dirEnt = readdir(dirHandle)) != NULL) {
// Unknown type is accepted to support dump filesystems
if (dirEnt->d_type == DT_REG || dirEnt->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
@@ -530,77 +530,77 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_listconfig (struct afb_req request) {
free (dirList);
- if (!error) afb_req_success(request,responseJ,NULL);
+ if (!error) afb_req_reply(request,responseJ, NULL,NULL);
else {
char info[40];
snprintf (info, sizeof(info), "[%d] where not scanned", error);
- afb_req_success(request,responseJ, info);
+ afb_req_reply(request,responseJ, NULL, info);
-PUBLIC void ucs2_subscribe (struct afb_req request) {
+PUBLIC void ucs2_subscribe (afb_req_t request) {
if (!eventData) {
eventData = malloc(sizeof(EventData_t));
if (eventData) {
- eventData->node_event = afb_daemon_make_event ("node-availibility");
+ eventData->node_event = afb_api_make_event (afbBindingRoot, "node-availibility");
if (!eventData || !afb_event_is_valid(eventData->node_event)) {
- afb_req_fail_f (request, "create-event", "Cannot create or register event");
+ afb_req_reply (request, NULL, "create-event", "Cannot create or register event");
goto OnExitError;
if (afb_req_subscribe(request, eventData->node_event) != 0) {
- afb_req_fail_f (request, "subscribe-event", "Cannot subscribe to event");
+ afb_req_reply (request, NULL, "subscribe-event", "Cannot subscribe to event");
goto OnExitError;
- afb_req_success(request,NULL,"event subscription successful");
+ afb_req_reply(request,NULL, NULL,"event subscription successful");
-PUBLIC void ucs2_subscriberx (struct afb_req request) {
+PUBLIC void ucs2_subscriberx (afb_req_t request) {
if (!eventDataRx) {
eventDataRx = malloc(sizeof(EventDataRx_t));
if (eventDataRx) {
- eventDataRx->rx_event = afb_daemon_make_event("rx-message");
+ eventDataRx->rx_event = afb_api_make_event(afbBindingRoot, "rx-message");
if (!eventDataRx || !afb_event_is_valid(eventDataRx->rx_event)) {
- afb_req_fail_f(request, "create-event", "Cannot create or register event");
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "create-event", "Cannot create or register event");
goto OnExitError;
if (afb_req_subscribe(request, eventDataRx->rx_event) != 0) {
- afb_req_fail_f (request, "subscribe-event", "Cannot subscribe to event");
+ afb_req_reply (request, NULL, "subscribe-event", "Cannot subscribe to event");
goto OnExitError;
- afb_req_success(request,NULL,"event subscription successful");
+ afb_req_reply(request,NULL, NULL,"event subscription successful");
-static json_object * ucs2_validate_command (struct afb_req request,
+static json_object * ucs2_validate_command (afb_req_t request,
const char* func_name) {
struct json_object *j_obj = NULL;
if (!ucsContextS) { /* check UNICENS is initialized */
- afb_req_fail_f(request, "unicens-init",
+ afb_req_reply_f(request, NULL, "unicens-init",
"Load a configuration before calling %s.",
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -608,13 +608,13 @@ static json_object * ucs2_validate_command (struct afb_req request,
j_obj = afb_req_json(request);
if (!j_obj) {
- afb_req_fail_f(request,
+ afb_req_reply_f(request, NULL,
"query-notjson","query=%s not a valid json entry",
goto OnErrorExit;
- AFB_DEBUG("request: %s", json_object_to_json_string(j_obj));
+ AFB_API_DEBUG(afbBindingRoot, "request: %s", json_object_to_json_string(j_obj));
if (json_object_get_type(j_obj)==json_type_array) {
int len = json_object_array_length(j_obj);
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ static json_object * ucs2_validate_command (struct afb_req request,
j_obj = json_object_array_get_idx(j_obj, 0);
else {
- afb_req_fail_f(request,
+ afb_req_reply_f(request, NULL,
"query of multiple %s commands is not supported",
@@ -639,47 +639,45 @@ static json_object * ucs2_validate_command (struct afb_req request,
STATIC void ucs2_writei2c_CB (void *result_ptr, void *request_ptr) {
if (request_ptr){
- afb_req *req = (afb_req *)request_ptr;
+ afb_req_t req = request_ptr;
Ucs_I2c_ResultCode_t *res = (Ucs_I2c_ResultCode_t *)result_ptr;
if (!res) {
- afb_req_fail(*req, "processing","busy or lost initialization");
+ afb_req_reply(req, NULL, "processing","busy or lost initialization");
else if (*res != UCS_I2C_RES_SUCCESS){
- afb_req_fail_f(*req, "error-result", "result code: %d", *res);
+ afb_req_reply_f(req, NULL, "error-result", "result code: %d", *res);
else {
- afb_req_success(*req, NULL, "success");
+ afb_req_reply(req, NULL, NULL, "success");
- afb_req_unref(*req);
- free(request_ptr);
+ afb_req_unref(req);
else {
- AFB_NOTICE("write_i2c: ambiguous response data");
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "write_i2c: ambiguous response data");
/* write a single i2c command */
-STATIC void ucs2_writei2c_cmd(struct afb_req request, json_object *j_obj) {
+STATIC void ucs2_writei2c_cmd(afb_req_t request, json_object *j_obj) {
static uint8_t i2c_data[I2C_MAX_DATA_SZ];
uint8_t i2c_data_sz = 0;
uint16_t node_addr = 0;
- struct afb_req *async_req_ptr = NULL;
json_object *j_tmp;
json_bool key_found;
if (json_object_object_get_ex(j_obj, "node", &j_tmp)) {
node_addr = (uint16_t)json_object_get_int(j_tmp);
- AFB_NOTICE("node_address: 0x%02X", node_addr);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "node_address: 0x%02X", node_addr);
if (node_addr == 0) {
- afb_req_fail_f(request, "query-params","param node invalid type");
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "query-params","param node invalid type");
goto OnErrorExit;
else {
- afb_req_fail_f(request, "query-params","param node missing");
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "query-params","param node missing");
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -708,14 +706,11 @@ STATIC void ucs2_writei2c_cmd(struct afb_req request, json_object *j_obj) {
if (i2c_data_sz == 0) {
- AFB_NOTICE("data: invalid or not found");
- afb_req_fail_f(request, "query-params","params wrong or missing");
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "data: invalid or not found");
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "query-params","params wrong or missing");
goto OnErrorExit;
- async_req_ptr = malloc(sizeof(afb_req));
- *async_req_ptr = request;
if (UCSI_I2CWrite( &ucsContextS->ucsiData, /* UCSI_Data_t *pPriv*/
node_addr, /* uint16_t targetAddress*/
false, /* bool isBurst*/
@@ -725,16 +720,14 @@ STATIC void ucs2_writei2c_cmd(struct afb_req request, json_object *j_obj) {
i2c_data_sz, /* uint8_t dataLen */
&i2c_data[0], /* uint8_t *pData */
&ucs2_writei2c_CB, /* callback*/
- (void*)async_req_ptr /* callback argument */
+ (void*)request /* callback argument */
)) {
/* asynchronous command is running */
else {
- AFB_NOTICE("i2c write: scheduling command failed");
- afb_req_fail_f(request, "query-command-queue","command queue overload");
- free(async_req_ptr);
- async_req_ptr = NULL;
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "i2c write: scheduling command failed");
+ afb_req_reply(request, NULL, "query-command-queue","command queue overload");
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -743,7 +736,7 @@ OnErrorExit:
/* parse array or single command */
-PUBLIC void ucs2_writei2c (struct afb_req request) {
+PUBLIC void ucs2_writei2c (afb_req_t request) {
struct json_object *j_obj;
@@ -754,7 +747,7 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_writei2c (struct afb_req request) {
-PUBLIC void ucs2_sendmessage(struct afb_req req) {
+PUBLIC void ucs2_sendmessage(afb_req_t req) {
uint8_t *data_ptr = NULL;
size_t data_sz = 0;
int ret, node_addr, msg_id = 0;
@@ -763,7 +756,7 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_sendmessage(struct afb_req req) {
j_obj = ucs2_validate_command(req, "sendmessageb64");
if (!j_obj) {
- AFB_NOTICE("validation of command failed");
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "validation of command failed");
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -772,11 +765,11 @@ PUBLIC void ucs2_sendmessage(struct afb_req req) {
if ((ret==0) &&
UCSI_SendAmsMessage(&ucsContextS->ucsiData, msg_id, node_addr, &data_ptr[0], data_sz)
) {
- afb_req_success(req, NULL, "sendmessageb64 started successful");
+ afb_req_reply(req, NULL, NULL, "sendmessageb64 started successful");
else {
- AFB_ERROR("sendmessageb64: scheduling command failed. ret: %d", ret);
- afb_req_fail_f(req, "query-command-queue","ambiguous command or queue overload");
+ AFB_API_ERROR(afbBindingRoot, "sendmessageb64: scheduling command failed. ret: %d", ret);
+ afb_req_reply(req, NULL, "query-command-queue","ambiguous command or queue overload");
goto OnErrorExit;
@@ -787,16 +780,16 @@ OnErrorExit:
-PUBLIC int ucs2_initbinding(void) {
+PUBLIC int ucs2_initbinding(afb_api_t api) {
char *filename = GetDefaultConfig();
if (filename != NULL) {
- AFB_NOTICE("AUTO-LOAD configuration: %s", filename);
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "AUTO-LOAD configuration: %s", filename);
if (StartConfiguration(filename) == 0) {
- AFB_NOTICE("AUTO-LOAD successful");
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "AUTO-LOAD successful");
} else {
+ AFB_API_NOTICE(afbBindingRoot, "AUTO-LOAD failed");
diff --git a/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.h b/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.h
index e7b1a3c..cd86594 100644
--- a/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.h
+++ b/ucs2-afb/ucs_binding.h
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ extern const struct afb_binding_interface *afbIface;
extern struct afb_service afbSrv;
// API verbs prototype
-PUBLIC int ucs2_initbinding(void);
-PUBLIC void ucs2_configure (struct afb_req request);
-PUBLIC void ucs2_subscribe (struct afb_req request);
-PUBLIC void ucs2_writei2c (struct afb_req request);
+PUBLIC int ucs2_initbinding(afb_api_t api);
+PUBLIC void ucs2_configure (afb_req_t request);
+PUBLIC void ucs2_subscribe (afb_req_t request);
+PUBLIC void ucs2_writei2c (afb_req_t request);
#endif /* UCS2BINDING_H */