path: root/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_attach.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'ucs2-lib/src/ucs_attach.c')
1 files changed, 607 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_attach.c b/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_attach.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33604ef
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+++ b/ucs2-lib/src/ucs_attach.c
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+/* UNICENS V2.1.0-3491 */
+/* Copyright (c) 2017 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG. */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify */
+/* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
+/* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or */
+/* (at your option) any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
+/* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
+/* GNU General Public License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
+/* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
+/* */
+/* You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. */
+/* Please contact Microchip for further information. */
+ * \file
+ * \brief Implementation of CAttachService class
+ *
+ * \addtogroup G_ATS
+ * @{
+ */
+/* Includes */
+#include "ucs_attach.h"
+#include "ucs_pmevent.h"
+#include "ucs_misc.h"
+/* Service parameters */
+/*! Priority of the ATS service used by scheduler */
+static const uint8_t ATS_SRV_PRIO = 254U; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */
+/*! Main event for the ATS service */
+static const Srv_Event_t ATS_EVENT_SERVICE = 1U;
+/* Internal constants */
+/*! \brief Initialization timeout in milliseconds (t = 3s) */
+static const uint16_t ATS_INIT_TIMEOUT = 3000U; /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */
+/* Internal definitions */
+#define ATS_NUM_STATES 11U /*!< \brief Number of state machine states */
+#define ATS_NUM_EVENTS 5U /*!< \brief Number of state machine events */
+/* Internal enumerators */
+/*! \brief Possible events of the attach state machine */
+typedef enum Ats_Events_
+ ATS_E_NIL = 0, /*!< \brief NIL Event */
+ ATS_E_NEXT = 1, /*!< \brief Go to next state */
+ ATS_E_RETRY = 2, /*!< \brief Retry current action */
+ ATS_E_ERROR = 3, /*!< \brief An error has been occurred */
+ ATS_E_TIMEOUT = 4 /*!< \brief An timeout has been occurred */
+} Ats_Events_t;
+/*! \brief States of the attach state machine */
+typedef enum Ats_State_
+ ATS_S_START = 0, /*!< \brief Start state */
+ ATS_S_PMS_UNSYNC = 1, /*!< \brief Initially un-synchronizes all FIFOs */
+ ATS_S_PMS_INIT = 2, /*!< \brief PMS initialization state */
+ ATS_S_VERS_CHK = 3, /*!< \brief Version check state */
+ ATS_S_INIC_OVHL = 4, /*!< \brief INIC overhaul state */
+ ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_1 = 5, /*!< \brief Device attach state 1 (wait for first condition) */
+ ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_2 = 6, /*!< \brief Device attach state 2 (wait for second condition) */
+ ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_3 = 7, /*!< \brief Device attach state 3 (wait for third condition) */
+ ATS_S_NW_CONFIG = 8, /*!< \brief Retrieve network configuration */
+ ATS_S_INIT_CPL = 9, /*!< \brief Initialization complete state */
+ ATS_S_ERROR = 10 /*!< \brief Error state */
+} Ats_State_t;
+/* Internal prototypes */
+static void Ats_TimeoutCb(void *self);
+static void Ats_Service(void *self);
+static void Ats_ResetObservers(CAttachService *self);
+static void Ats_StartPmsUnsync(void *self);
+static void Ats_StartPmsInit(void *self);
+static void Ats_StartVersChk(void *self);
+static void Ats_StartInicOvhl(void *self);
+static void Ats_StartDevAtt(void *self);
+static void Ats_StartNwConfig(void *self);
+static void Ats_InitCpl(void *self);
+static void Ats_HandleInternalErrors(void *self, void *error_code_ptr);
+static void Ats_HandleError(void *self);
+static void Ats_HandleTimeout(void *self);
+static void Ats_InvalidTransition(void *self);
+static void Ats_CheckPmsUnsyncResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Ats_CheckPmsInitResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Ats_CheckVersChkResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Ats_CheckNetworkStatusReceived(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Ats_CheckDeviceStatusReceived(void *self, void *data_ptr);
+static void Ats_CheckDevAttResult(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+static void Ats_CheckNwConfigStatus(void *self, void *result_ptr);
+/* State transition table (used by finite state machine) */
+/*! \brief State transition table */
+static const Fsm_StateElem_t ats_trans_tab[ATS_NUM_STATES][ATS_NUM_EVENTS] = /* parasoft-suppress MISRA2004-8_7 "Value shall be part of the module, not part of a function." */
+/* |--------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|
+ * |--------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|----------------------------------------|
+ */
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_START }, {&Ats_StartPmsUnsync, ATS_S_PMS_UNSYNC }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_PMS_UNSYNC }, {&Ats_StartPmsInit, ATS_S_PMS_INIT }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_PMS_INIT }, {&Ats_StartVersChk, ATS_S_VERS_CHK }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_VERS_CHK }, {&Ats_StartInicOvhl, ATS_S_INIC_OVHL }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_INIC_OVHL }, {&Ats_StartDevAtt, ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_1}, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_1}, {NULL, ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_2}, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_2}, {NULL, ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_3}, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_DEV_ATT_STAGE_3}, {&Ats_StartNwConfig, ATS_S_NW_CONFIG }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_NW_CONFIG }, {&Ats_InitCpl, ATS_S_INIT_CPL }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_HandleError, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_HandleTimeout, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_INIT_CPL }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR} },
+ { {NULL, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR }, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR}, {&Ats_InvalidTransition, ATS_S_ERROR} }
+/* Implementation of class CAttachService */
+/*! \brief Constructor of the attach service class
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param init_ptr Reference to the initialization data
+ */
+void Ats_Ctor(CAttachService *self, Ats_InitData_t *init_ptr)
+ MISC_MEM_SET(self, 0, sizeof(*self));
+ T_Ctor(&self->timer);
+ self->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_SUCCESS;
+ self->init_data = *init_ptr;
+ Ssub_Ctor(&self->ats_result_subject, self->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr);
+ Fsm_Ctor(&self->fsm, self, &(ats_trans_tab[0][0]), ATS_NUM_EVENTS, ATS_S_START);
+ /* Initialize ATS service */
+ Srv_Ctor(&self->ats_srv, ATS_SRV_PRIO, self, &Ats_Service);
+ /* Add ATS service to scheduler */
+ (void)Scd_AddService(&self->init_data.base_ptr->scd, &self->ats_srv);
+/*! \brief Starts the attach process and the initialization timeout.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param obs_ptr Reference to result observer
+ */
+void Ats_Start(void *self, CSingleObserver *obs_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ /* Observe internal errors during the attach process */
+ Mobs_Ctor(&self_->internal_error_obs, self_, (EH_E_BIST_FAILED | EH_E_SYNC_LOST), &Ats_HandleInternalErrors);
+ Eh_AddObsrvInternalEvent(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->eh, &self_->internal_error_obs);
+ /* Set first event of attach state machine */
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ /* Start timeout timer used for attach process */
+ Tm_SetTimer(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->tm,
+ &self_->timer,
+ &Ats_TimeoutCb,
+ self_,
+ 0U);
+ (void)Ssub_AddObserver(&self_->ats_result_subject, obs_ptr);
+/*! \brief Timer callback used for initialization timeout.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_TimeoutCb(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_TIMEOUT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+/*! \brief Service function of the attach service.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_Service(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Srv_Event_t event_mask;
+ Srv_GetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, &event_mask);
+ if (ATS_EVENT_SERVICE == (event_mask & ATS_EVENT_SERVICE)) /* Is event pending? */
+ {
+ Fsm_State_t result;
+ Srv_ClearEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ result = Fsm_Service(&self_->fsm);
+ TR_ASSERT(self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", (result != FSM_STATE_ERROR));
+ MISC_UNUSED(result);
+ }
+/*! \brief Resets all module internal observers.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_ResetObservers(CAttachService *self)
+ Eh_DelObsrvInternalEvent(&self->init_data.base_ptr->eh, &self->internal_error_obs);
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self->sobs, NULL, NULL);
+ Obs_Ctor(&self->obs, NULL, NULL);
+ Obs_Ctor(&self->obs2, NULL, NULL);
+/* State machine actions */
+/*! \brief un-synchronizes PMS and observes PM events
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_StartPmsUnsync(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Obs_Ctor(&self_->obs, self_, &Ats_CheckPmsUnsyncResult);
+ Fifos_ConfigureSyncParams(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, FIFOS_SYNC_RETRIES, FIFOS_SYNC_TIMEOUT);
+ Fifos_Unsynchronize(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, true, true);
+ Fifos_AddEventObserver(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, &self_->obs);
+/*! \brief Synchronizes PMS and observes PM events
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_StartPmsInit(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Obs_Ctor(&self_->obs, self_, &Ats_CheckPmsInitResult);
+ Pmev_Start(self_->init_data.pme_ptr); /* enables failure reporting to all modules */
+ Fifos_Synchronize(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, false, true); /* now synchronizes, counter is not reset to "0" */
+ Fifos_AddEventObserver(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, &self_->obs);
+/*! \brief Starts the request of the INIC firmware and hardware revisions.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_StartVersChk(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self_->sobs, self_, &Ats_CheckVersChkResult);
+ if (Inic_DeviceVersion_Get(self_->init_data.inic_ptr,
+ &self_->sobs) != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "INIC device version check failed!", 0U));
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_BUF_OVERFLOW;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ }
+/*! \brief Starts the overhaul process of the INIC.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_StartInicOvhl(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+/*! \brief Starts the attach process between EHC and INIC.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_StartDevAtt(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_StartDevAtt() called", 0U));
+ /* Assign observer to monitor the initial receipt of INIC message INIC.MOSTNetworkStatus */
+ Obs_Ctor(&self_->obs, self_, &Ats_CheckNetworkStatusReceived);
+ Inic_AddObsrvNwStatus(self_->init_data.inic_ptr, &self_->obs);
+ /* Assign observer to monitor the initial receipt of INIC message INIC.DeviceStatus */
+ Obs_Ctor(&self_->obs2, self_, &Ats_CheckDeviceStatusReceived);
+ Inic_AddObsvrDeviceStatus(self_->init_data.inic_ptr, &self_->obs2);
+ /* Start device attach process */
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self_->sobs, self_, &Ats_CheckDevAttResult);
+ if (Inic_DeviceAttach(self_->init_data.inic_ptr, &self_->sobs) != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "INIC device attach failed!", 0U));
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_BUF_OVERFLOW;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ }
+/*! \brief Starts request of network configuration property required
+ * to retrieve the own group address.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_StartNwConfig(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ /* Assign observer to monitor the initial receipt of INIC message INIC.MOSTNetworkConfigurarion */
+ Sobs_Ctor(&self_->sobs, self_, &Ats_CheckNwConfigStatus);
+ if (Inic_NwConfig_Get(self_->init_data.inic_ptr, &self_->sobs) != UCS_RET_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "INIC network configuration failed!", 0U));
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_BUF_OVERFLOW;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ }
+/*! \brief This method is called when the initialization has been completed.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_InitCpl(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_SUCCESS;
+ /* Attach process finished -> Reset observers and terminate state machine */
+ Ats_ResetObservers(self_);
+ Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->tm, &self_->timer);
+ Fsm_End(&self_->fsm);
+ Eh_ReportEvent(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->eh, EH_E_INIT_SUCCEEDED);
+ Ssub_Notify(&self_->ats_result_subject, &self_->report_result, true);
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_InitCpl() called", 0U));
+/*! \brief Handles internal errors during the attach process.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param error_code_ptr Reference to reported error code
+ */
+static void Ats_HandleInternalErrors(void *self, void *error_code_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ uint32_t error_code = *((uint32_t *)error_code_ptr);
+ switch (error_code)
+ {
+ case EH_E_SYNC_LOST:
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INIC_SYNC;
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "A control FiFo synchronization lost!", 0U));
+ break;
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INIC_SYSTEM;
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "INIC Build-In-Self-Test failed!", 0U));
+ break;
+ default:
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INTERNAL;
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Unknown internal error occurred! Error code: 0x%04X", 1U, error_code));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Error occurred -> Reset observers and terminate state machine */
+ Ats_ResetObservers(self_);
+ Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->tm, &self_->timer);
+ Fsm_End(&self_->fsm);
+ Eh_ReportEvent(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->eh, EH_E_INIT_FAILED);
+ Ssub_Notify(&self_->ats_result_subject, &self_->report_result, true);
+/*! \brief Handles general errors during the attach process.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_HandleError(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ /* Error occurred -> Reset observers and terminate state machine */
+ Ats_ResetObservers(self_);
+ Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->tm, &self_->timer);
+ Fsm_End(&self_->fsm);
+ Eh_ReportEvent(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->eh, EH_E_INIT_FAILED);
+ Ssub_Notify(&self_->ats_result_subject, &self_->report_result, true);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Error occurred during initialization!", 0U));
+/*! \brief Handles timeouts during the attach process.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_HandleTimeout(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_TIMEOUT;
+ /* Error occurred -> Reset observers and terminate state machine */
+ Ats_ResetObservers(self_);
+ Fsm_End(&self_->fsm);
+ Eh_ReportEvent(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->eh, EH_E_INIT_FAILED);
+ Ssub_Notify(&self_->ats_result_subject, &self_->report_result, true);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Initialization timeout occurred!", 0U));
+/*! \brief This method is invoked if an invalid state machine transition is executed.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ */
+static void Ats_InvalidTransition(void *self)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INTERNAL;
+ /* Invalid Transition -> Reset observers and terminate state machine */
+ Ats_ResetObservers(self_);
+ Tm_ClearTimer(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->tm, &self_->timer);
+ Fsm_End(&self_->fsm);
+ Eh_ReportEvent(&self_->init_data.base_ptr->eh, EH_E_INIT_FAILED);
+ Ssub_Notify(&self_->ats_result_subject, &self_->report_result, true);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Invalid transition within ATS state machine!", 0U));
+/* Implementation of the observer results */
+/*! \brief Result callback for action "PMS Initialization". This function is part of an
+ * observer object and is invoked by Sub_Notify().
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the received PMS event. The pointer must be casted into
+ * data type Fifos_Event_t.
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckPmsUnsyncResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Fifos_Event_t pms_event = *((Fifos_Event_t *)result_ptr);
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckPmsUnsyncResult() called", 0U));
+ if (pms_event == FIFOS_EV_UNSYNC_COMPLETE)
+ {
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INIC_SYNC;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckPmsUnsyncResult(): un-sync failed, event=0x%02X", 1U, pms_event));
+ }
+ Fifos_RemoveEventObserver(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, &self_->obs);
+/*! \brief Result callback for action "PMS Initialization". This function is part of an
+ * observer object and is invoked by Sub_Notify().
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the received PMS event. The pointer must be casted into
+ * data type Fifos_Event_t.
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckPmsInitResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Fifos_Event_t pms_event = *((Fifos_Event_t *)result_ptr);
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckPmsInitResult() called", 0U));
+ if (pms_event == FIFOS_EV_SYNC_ESTABLISHED)
+ {
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INIC_SYNC;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckPmsInitResult(): sync failed, event=0x%02X", 1U, pms_event));
+ }
+ Fifos_RemoveEventObserver(self_->init_data.fifos_ptr, &self_->obs);
+/*! \brief Result callback for action "Version Check". This function is part of a single
+ * observer object and is invoked by Ssub_Notify().
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the received version check result. The pointer must be casted
+ * into data type Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckVersChkResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Inic_StdResult_t *result_ptr_ = (Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr;
+ if (result_ptr_->result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_INIC_VERSION;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "INIC version check failed!", 0U));
+ }
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckVersChkResult() called", 0U));
+/*! \brief Result callback which handles one of three conditions for action "Device Attach". The
+ * function is called if INIC message INIC.MOSTNetworkStatus was received. The function is
+ * part of an observer object and is invoked by Sub_Notify(). The property
+ * INIC.MOSTNetworkStatus.Status() is notified. Thus, there is no error condition available.
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the MOST Network Status. The pointer must be casted into data
+ * type Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckNetworkStatusReceived(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Inic_DelObsrvNwStatus(self_->init_data.inic_ptr, &self_->obs);
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ MISC_UNUSED(result_ptr);
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckNetworkStatusReceived() called", 0U));
+/*! \brief Observer callback that is notified on received INIC.DeviceStatus
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param data_ptr The pointer to the current INIC.DeviceStatus structure
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckDeviceStatusReceived(void *self, void *data_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Inic_DelObsvrDeviceStatus(self_->init_data.inic_ptr, &self_->obs2);
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ MISC_UNUSED(data_ptr);
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckDeviceStatusReceived() called", 0U));
+/*! \brief Result callback which handles one of two conditions for action "Device Attach". The
+ * function handles the result of the INIC method INIC.DeviceAttach. This function is part
+ * of a single-observer object and is invoked by Ssub_Notify().
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the received device attach result. The pointer must be casted
+ * into data type Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckDevAttResult(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Inic_StdResult_t error_data = *((Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr);
+ switch (error_data.result.code)
+ {
+ /* Operation succeeded */
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ break;
+ /* Configuration error occurred -> attach process failed! */
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_DEV_ATT_CFG;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Device attach failed due to an configuration error!", 0U));
+ TR_ERROR_INIC_RESULT(self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", error_data.result.info_ptr, error_data.result.info_size);
+ break;
+ /* INIC is still attached -> attach process failed! */
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_DEV_ATT_PROC;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "EHC is already attached to the INIC!", 0U));
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* INIC reports an unexpected error -> attach process failed! */
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_DEV_ATT_PROC;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Device attach failed! Unexpected error code = 0x%02X", 1U, error_data.result.code));
+ TR_ERROR_INIC_RESULT(self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", error_data.result.info_ptr, error_data.result.info_size);
+ break;
+ }
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckDevAttResult() called", 0U));
+/*! \brief Result callback for INIC network configuration
+ * \param self Instance pointer
+ * \param result_ptr Reference to the received network configuration status event.
+ * The pointer must be casted into data type Inic_StdResult_t.
+ */
+static void Ats_CheckNwConfigStatus(void *self, void *result_ptr)
+ CAttachService *self_ = (CAttachService *)self;
+ Inic_StdResult_t error_data = *((Inic_StdResult_t *)result_ptr);
+ if (error_data.result.code == UCS_RES_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ /* Operation succeeded */
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_NEXT);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* INIC reports an unexpected error -> attach process failed! */
+ self_->report_result = UCS_INIT_RES_ERR_NET_CFG;
+ Fsm_SetEvent(&self_->fsm, ATS_E_ERROR);
+ Srv_SetEvent(&self_->ats_srv, ATS_EVENT_SERVICE);
+ TR_ERROR((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Network configuration failed! Unexpected error code = 0x%02X", 1U, error_data.result.code));
+ TR_ERROR_INIC_RESULT(self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", error_data.result.info_ptr, error_data.result.info_size);
+ }
+ TR_INFO((self_->init_data.base_ptr->ucs_user_ptr, "[ATS]", "Ats_CheckNwConfigStatus() called", 0U));
+ * @}
+ * \endcond
+ */
+/* End of file */