path: root/conf.d/project/lua.d/aft.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'conf.d/project/lua.d/aft.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/conf.d/project/lua.d/aft.lua b/conf.d/project/lua.d/aft.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5032929..0000000
--- a/conf.d/project/lua.d/aft.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh"
- Author Romain Forlot <romain.forlot@iot.bzh>
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- NOTE: strict mode: every global variables should be prefixed by '_'
-local lu = require('luaunit')
-lu.LuaUnit.fname = "var/jUnitResults.xml"
--- Use our own print function to redirect it to a file the standard output
-_standard_print = print
-print = function(...)
- io.write(... .. '\n')
- _standard_print(...)
-_AFT = {
- exit = {0, code},
- context = _ctx,
- tests_list = {},
- event_history = false,
- monitored_events = {},
-function _AFT.enableEventHistory()
- _AFT.event_history = true
-function _AFT.setJunitFile(filePath)
- lu.LuaUnit.fname = filePath
-function _AFT.setOutputFile(filePath)
- local file = assert(io.open(filePath, "w+"))
- io.output(file)
-function _AFT.exitAtEnd(code)
- _AFT.exit = {1, code}
- Events listener and assertion functions to test correctness of received
- event data.
- Check are in 2 times. First you need to register the event that you want to
- monitor then you test that it has been correctly received.
- Notice that there is a difference between log and event. Logs are daemon
- messages normally handled by the host log system (journald, syslog...) and
- events are generated by the apis to communicate and send informations to the
- subscribed listeners.
-function _AFT.addEventToMonitor(eventName, callback)
- _AFT.monitored_events[eventName] = { cb = callback, receivedCount = 0 }
-function _AFT.incrementCount(dict)
- if dict.receivedCount then
- dict.receivedCount = dict.receivedCount + 1
- else
- dict.receivedCount = 1
- end
-function _AFT.registerData(dict, eventData)
- if dict.data and type(dict.data) == 'table' then
- if _AFT.event_history == true then
- table.insert(dict.data, eventData, 1)
- else
- dict.data[1] = eventData
- end
- else
- dict.data = {}
- table.insert(dict.data, eventData)
- end
-function _AFT.requestDaemonEventHandler(eventObj)
- local eventName = eventObj.data.message
- local log = _AFT.monitored_events[eventName]
- local api = nil
- if eventObj.daemon then
- api = eventObj.daemon.api
- elseif eventObj.request then
- api = eventObj.request.api
- end
- if log and log.api == api and log.type == eventObj.data.type then
- _AFT.incrementCount(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName])
- _AFT.registerData(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName], eventObj.data)
- end
-function _AFT.bindingEventHandler(eventObj)
- local eventName = eventObj.event.name
- local eventListeners = eventObj.data.result
- -- Remove from event to hold the bare event data and be able to assert it
- eventObj.data.result = nil
- if type(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName]) == 'table' then
- _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].eventListeners = eventListeners
- _AFT.incrementCount(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName])
- _AFT.registerData(_AFT.monitored_events[eventName], eventObj.data)
- end
-function _evt_catcher_ (source, action, eventObj)
- if eventObj.type == "event" then
- _AFT.bindingEventHandler(eventObj)
- elseif eventObj.type == "daemon" or eventObj.type == "request" then
- _AFT.requestDaemonEventHandler(eventObj)
- end
- Assert and test functions about the event part.
-function _AFT.assertEvtNotReceived(eventName)
- local count = 0
- if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount then
- count = _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount
- end
- _AFT.assertIsTrue(count == 0, "Event '".. eventName .."' received but it shouldn't")
- if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb then
- local data_n = #_AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data
- _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb(eventName, _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data[data_n])
- end
-function _AFT.assertEvtReceived(eventName)
- local count = 0
- if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount then
- count = _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].receivedCount
- end
- _AFT.assertIsTrue(count > 0, "No event '".. eventName .."' received")
- if _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb then
- local data_n = #_AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data
- _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].cb(eventName, _AFT.monitored_events[eventName].data[data_n])
- end
-function _AFT.testEvtNotReceived(testName, eventName, timeout)
- table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function()
- if timeout then sleep(timeout) end
- _AFT.assertEvtNotReceived(eventName)
- end})
-function _AFT.testEvtReceived(testName, eventName, timeout)
- table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function()
- if timeout then sleep(timeout) end
- _AFT.assertEvtReceived(eventName)
- end})
- Assert function meant to tests API Verbs calls
-local function assertVerbCallParameters(src, api, verb, args)
- _AFT.assertIsUserdata(src, "Source must be an opaque userdata pointer which will be passed to the binder")
- _AFT.assertIsString(api, "API and Verb must be string")
- _AFT.assertIsString(verb, "API and Verb must be string")
- _AFT.assertIsTable(args, "Arguments must use LUA Table (event empty)")
-function _AFT.assertVerb(api, verb, args, cb)
- assertVerbCallParameters(_AFT.context, api, verb, args)
- local err,responseJ = AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, api, verb, args)
- _AFT.assertIsFalse(err)
- _AFT.assertStrContains(responseJ.request.status, "success", nil, nil, "Call for API/Verb failed.")
- local tcb = type(cb)
- if cb then
- if tcb == 'function' then
- cb(responseJ)
- elseif tcb == 'table' then
- _AFT.assertEquals(responseJ.response, cb)
- elseif tcb == 'string' or tcb == 'number' then
- _AFT.assertEquals(responseJ.response, cb)
- else
- _AFT.assertIsTrue(false, "Wrong parameter passed to assertion. Last parameter should be function, table representing a JSON object or nil")
- end
- end
-function _AFT.assertVerbError(api, verb, args, cb)
- assertVerbCallParameters(_AFT.context, api, verb, args)
- local err,responseJ = AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, api, verb, args)
- _AFT.assertIsTrue(err)
- _AFT.assertNotStrContains(responseJ.request.status, "success", nil, nil, "Call for API/Verb succeed but it shouldn't.")
- local tcb = type(cb)
- if cb then
- if tcb == 'function' then
- cb(responseJ)
- elseif tcb == 'string' then
- _AFT.assertNotEquals(responseJ.request.info, cb)
- else
- _AFT.assertIsFalse(false, "Wrong parameter passed to assertion. Last parameter should be a string representing the failure informations")
- end
- end
-function _AFT.testVerb(testName, api, verb, args, cb)
- table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function()
- _AFT.assertVerb(api, verb, args, cb)
- end})
-function _AFT.testVerbError(testName, api, verb, args, cb)
- table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function()
- _AFT.assertVerbError(api, verb, args, cb)
- end})
-function _AFT.testCustom(testName, testFunction)
- table.insert(_AFT.tests_list, {testName, function()
- testFunction()
- end})
- Make all assertions accessible using _AFT and declare some convenients
- aliases.
-local luaunit_list_of_assert = {
- -- official function name from luaunit test framework
- -- general assertions
- 'assertEquals',
- 'assertItemsEquals',
- 'assertNotEquals',
- 'assertAlmostEquals',
- 'assertNotAlmostEquals',
- 'assertEvalToTrue',
- 'assertEvalToFalse',
- 'assertStrContains',
- 'assertStrIContains',
- 'assertNotStrContains',
- 'assertNotStrIContains',
- 'assertStrMatches',
- 'assertError',
- 'assertErrorMsgEquals',
- 'assertErrorMsgContains',
- 'assertErrorMsgMatches',
- 'assertIs',
- 'assertNotIs',
- -- type assertions: assertIsXXX -> assert_is_xxx
- 'assertIsNumber',
- 'assertIsString',
- 'assertIsTable',
- 'assertIsBoolean',
- 'assertIsNil',
- 'assertIsTrue',
- 'assertIsFalse',
- 'assertIsNaN',
- 'assertIsInf',
- 'assertIsPlusInf',
- 'assertIsMinusInf',
- 'assertIsPlusZero',
- 'assertIsMinusZero',
- 'assertIsFunction',
- 'assertIsThread',
- 'assertIsUserdata',
- -- type assertions: assertNotIsXXX -> assert_not_is_xxx
- 'assertNotIsNumber',
- 'assertNotIsString',
- 'assertNotIsTable',
- 'assertNotIsBoolean',
- 'assertNotIsNil',
- 'assertNotIsTrue',
- 'assertNotIsFalse',
- 'assertNotIsNaN',
- 'assertNotIsInf',
- 'assertNotIsPlusInf',
- 'assertNotIsMinusInf',
- 'assertNotIsPlusZero',
- 'assertNotIsMinusZero',
- 'assertNotIsFunction',
- 'assertNotIsThread',
- 'assertNotIsUserdata',
-local luaunit_list_of_functions = {
- "setOutputType",
-local _AFT_list_of_funcs = {
- -- AF Binder generic assertions
- { 'addEventToMonitor', 'resetEventReceivedCount' },
- { 'assertVerb', 'assertVerbStatusSuccess' },
- { 'assertVerb', 'assertVerbResponseEquals' },
- { 'assertVerb', 'assertVerbCb' },
- { 'assertVerbError', 'assertVerbStatusError' },
- { 'assertVerbError', 'assertVerbResponseEqualsError' },
- { 'assertVerbError', 'assertVerbCbError' },
- { 'testVerb', 'testVerbStatusSuccess' },
- { 'testVerb', 'testVerbResponseEquals' },
- { 'testVerb', 'testVerbCb' },
- { 'testVerbError', 'testVerbStatusError' },
- { 'testVerbError', 'testVerbResponseEqualsError' },
- { 'testVerbError', 'testVerbCbError' },
--- Import all luaunit assertion function to _AFT object
-for _, v in pairs( luaunit_list_of_assert ) do
- local funcname = v
- _AFT[funcname] = lu[funcname]
--- Import specific luaunit configuration functions to _AFT object
-for _, v in pairs( luaunit_list_of_functions ) do
- local funcname = v
- _AFT[funcname] = lu.LuaUnit[funcname]
--- Create all aliases in _AFT
-for _, v in pairs( _AFT_list_of_funcs ) do
- local funcname, alias = v[1], v[2]
- _AFT[alias] = _AFT[funcname]
-function _launch_test(context, args)
- _AFT.context = context
- _AFT.setOutputFile("var/test_results.log")
- AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, "monitor", "set", { verbosity = "debug" })
- AFB:servsync(_AFT.context, "monitor", "trace", { add = { api = args.trace, request = "vverbose", event = "push_after" }})
- if args.files and type(args.files) == 'table' then
- for _,f in pairs(args.files) do
- dofile('var/'..f)
- end
- elseif type(args.files) == 'string' then
- dofile('var/'..args.files)
- end
- AFB:success(_AFT.context, { info = "Launching tests"})
- lu.LuaUnit:runSuiteByInstances(_AFT.tests_list)
- local success ="Success : "..tostring(lu.LuaUnit.result.passedCount)
- local failures="Failures : "..tostring(lu.LuaUnit.result.testCount-lu.LuaUnit.result.passedCount)
- local evtHandle = AFB:evtmake(_AFT.context, 'results')
- AFB:subscribe(_AFT.context,evtHandle)
- AFB:evtpush(_AFT.context,evtHandle,{info = success.." "..failures})
- if _AFT.exit[1] == 1 then os.exit(_AFT.exit[2]) end