diff options
authorNaoto Yamaguchi <naoto.yamaguchi@aisin.co.jp>2024-01-02 16:01:54 +0900
committerNaoto Yamaguchi <naoto.yamaguchi@aisin.co.jp>2024-01-06 20:55:40 +0900
commit47d84121e7869ba9b35c6c33f87c9ac597c6ce1c (patch)
parentcb21f0fe4259c3b427ef7b2dd2c43fa73369ae42 (diff)
Rework momiplayer information panel design
Existing momiplayer design has many blank area. That is cased by loss capability for an artwork in Qt. This patch change artwork area to music file information. Bug-AGL: SPEC-5047 Change-Id: I5ec0da9f2b8a93d0fe1b9235acae945db8770148 Signed-off-by: Naoto Yamaguchi <naoto.yamaguchi@aisin.co.jp>
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/momiplay.qml b/momiplay.qml
index 8945b57..6b5bfd2 100644
--- a/momiplay.qml
+++ b/momiplay.qml
@@ -49,13 +49,54 @@ ApplicationWindow {
width: 920
height: 1080
clip: true
- Image {
- x: 204
- y: 100
- width: 512
- height: 512
- fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
- source: player.metaData.coverArtImage ? player.metaData.coverArtImage : ''
+ Item {
+ id: infopanel
+ x: 30
+ y: 100
+ height :400
+ width : 920-30
+ ColumnLayout {
+ anchors.fill: parent
+ Label {
+ id: title
+ font.pixelSize: 48
+ color: '#ffffffff'
+ Layout.alignment: Layout.right
+ text: "Title: " + (player.metaData.title ? player.metaData.title : 'No Data')
+ horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: artist
+ font.pixelSize: 48
+ color: '#ffffffff'
+ Layout.alignment: Layout.right
+ text: "Artist: " + (player.metaData.contributingArtist ? player.metaData.contributingArtist : 'No Data')
+ horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: audiocodec
+ font.pixelSize: 38
+ color: '#ffffffff'
+ Layout.alignment: Layout.right
+ text: "Codec: " + (player.metaData.audioCodec ? player.metaData.audioCodec : 'No Data')
+ horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ Label {
+ id: audiobitrate
+ font.pixelSize: 38
+ color: '#ffffffff'
+ Layout.alignment: Layout.right
+ text: "BitRate: " + (player.metaData.audioBitRate ? (player.metaData.audioBitRate + 'bps') : 'No Data')
+ horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
+ verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
+ }
+ }
Item {
@@ -88,24 +129,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
onImage: './images/AGL_MediaPlayer_Loop_Active.svg'
- ColumnLayout {
- anchors.fill: parent
- Label {
- id: title
- Layout.alignment: Layout.Center
- text: player.metaData.title ? player.metaData.title : ''
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
- }
- Label {
- id: artist
- Layout.alignment: Layout.Center
- text: player.metaData.author ? player.metaData.author : ''
- horizontalAlignment: Label.AlignHCenter
- verticalAlignment: Label.AlignVCenter
- font.pixelSize: title.font.pixelSize * 0.6
- }
- }
Slider {
id: slider