path: root/icons/Cancel_Button.svg
diff options
authorNaoto Yamaguchi <naoto.yamaguchi@aisin.co.jp>2024-09-28 03:41:20 +0900
committerNaoto Yamaguchi <naoto.yamaguchi@aisin.co.jp>2024-09-29 13:19:34 +0900
commitb4202d3d5aca7842314edbf010e2e8605a6a9e24 (patch)
tree542146f5e7bcc613fd019ead16c57c94ea65f83f /icons/Cancel_Button.svg
parent0404436ada9d6bb695ba1da5b5a2bb68538c2b66 (diff)
Rework momplay to migrate to Qt6
QtMultimedia has big change from Qt5 to Q6. Existing momiplay is difficult to migrate to Qt6. New momiplay is made from Qt Media Player Example. As a result, it get video player capability. Bug-AGL: SPEC-5162 Change-Id: Ib754f914fc9d5534721f0d29df689ac11034025a Signed-off-by: Naoto Yamaguchi <naoto.yamaguchi@aisin.co.jp>
Diffstat (limited to 'icons/Cancel_Button.svg')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/icons/Cancel_Button.svg b/icons/Cancel_Button.svg
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/icons/Cancel_Button.svg
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