path: root/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2
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authorJan-Simon Moeller <>2020-03-02 23:02:15 +0100
committerJan-Simon Moeller <>2020-03-02 23:02:15 +0100
commitaa9912660e08f8d406e74807bab476cc60dd9581 (patch)
tree0ae6224559314904492033378795bd21b96623d6 /agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2
parent4e7e82a279ffa322f31e0dfee8a4bad370878753 (diff)
Add agl-documentation subfolder into agl repo
Signed-off-by: Jan-Simon Moeller <>
Diffstat (limited to 'agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2')
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+# Part 2 - Build your 1st application
+## Abstract
+In the first part of this document, entitled "** Build AGL image from scratch**",
+we rebuilt a complete bootable AGL image from source code. We also generated
+and installed related SDK files in our development container.
+This document describes the next step: using the SDK to build applications and
+deploy them on a target board running an AGL image.
+AGL DevKit as a whole contains:
+- "**AGL Devkit - Image and SDK for porter**" guide for preparing a
+ Docker container with AGL SDK, ready to build AGL applications
+- Application templates and demos, allowing developers to start developing
+ various types of applications:
+ - Services
+ - Native applications
+ - HTML5 applications
+ - ...
+- This guide, focused on how to use these applications templates
+*This document focuses on: initializing the SDK environment, building the
+development templates, modifying them, and installing them on the
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+# Initializing SDK environment and templates
+## Initializing the SDK environment
+*(This document assumes that you are logged inside the **bsp-devkit** Docker
+container, used to produce Rcar Gen3 BSP image and AGL SDK in the
+previous **"SDK quick setup"** document)*
+To be able to use the toolchain and utilities offered by AGL SDK, it is
+necessary to source the proper setup script. This script is in the SDK
+root folder and is named `/xdt/sdk/environment-setup-*` (full name
+depends on the target machine)
+For Rcar Gen3 boards, we source the required SDK environment variables like
+source /xdt/sdk/environment-setup-aarch64-agl-linux
+To verify that it succeeded, we should obtain a non-empty result for
+this command:
+echo $CONFIG_SITE | grep sdk /xdt/sdk/site-config-aarch64-agl-linux
+## Application categories
+We provide multiple development templates for the AGL SDK:
+- Service
+ A Service is a headless background process, allowing Bindings to expose
+ various APIs accessible through the transports handled by the application
+ framework, which are currently:
+ - [WebSocket](
+ - [D-Bus](
+- Native application
+ A Native application is a compiled application, generally written in C/C++,
+ accessing one or more services, either by its own means or using a helper
+ library with HTTP REST/WebSocket capabilities.
+ *(our template is written in C and uses the "libafbwsc" helper library
+ available in the app-framework-binder source tree on AGL Gerrit)*
+- HTML5 application
+ An HTML5 application is a web application, generally written with a framework
+ (AngularJS, Zurb Foundation...), accessing services with its built-in HTTP
+ REST/WebSocket capabilities.
+- Legacy application
+ A legacy application contains a native application not made for AGL
+ Application Framework but launched by it. For such application, only
+ security setup is made.
+## Getting helloworld templates
+Application Framework _helloworld_ example live in a dedicated Git
+Repository, currently hosted on GitHub at the following address:
+To get the templates in our development container, let us simply clone
+the source repository:
+$ cd ~
+$ git clone --recursive
+Cloning into 'helloworld-service'...
+Resolving deltas: 100% (125/125), done.
+Checking connectivity... done.
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+# Trying out the templates
+In this section, we describe how to build the various templates, how to
+package them and finally how to deploy and run them on the target board.
+Every template is stored in a single directory and is independent of the
+rest of the tree: each template can be used as a foundation for a fresh
+new application.
+For deployment, we assume that the target board is booted with an AGL
+image and available on the network. Let us use the `BOARDIP` variable
+for the board IP address (replace by appropriate address or hostname)
+and test the SSH connection:
+$ export BOARDIP=
+$ ssh root@$BOARDIP cat /etc/os-release
+NAME="Automotive Grade Linux"
+VERSION="1.0+snapshot-20160717 (master)"
+PRETTY_NAME="Automotive Grade Linux 1.0+snapshot-20160717 (master)"
+## Building
+All operations are executed inside the Docker "Devkit" container. For
+convenience, a build script named `autobuild` can build template and
+package at once.
+Compile the service:
+$ cd ~/helloworld-service/
+$ ./conf.d/autobuild/agl/autobuild package
+-- The C compiler identification is GNU 6.3.1
+-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6.3.1
+[100%] Generating helloworld-service.wgt
+NOTICE: -- PACKING widget helloworld-service.wgt from directory /home/claneys/Workspace/Sources/IOTbzh/helloworld-service/build/package
+++ Install widget file using in the target : afm-util install helloworld-service.wgt
+This produced a `helloworld-service.wgt` package. Let us copy it to the
+$ scp helloworld-service.wgt root@$BOARDIP:~/
+helloworld-service.wgt 100% 24KB 24.3KB/s 00:00
+## Installing on the target
+And then, in a separate window, log in to the target board:
+ssh root@$BOARDIP
+and install our packages:
+$ afm-util install helloworld-service.wgt
+{ "added": "helloworld-service@1.0" }
+We can verify that they were correctly installed by listing all
+available applications:
+$ afm-util list
+[ { "description": "The name says it all!", "name": "helloworld-service", "shortname": "", "id": "helloworld-service@1.0", "version": "1.0", "author": "Stephane Desneux <>", "author-email": "", "width": "", "height": "" } ]
+## Running the template
+Even if the template is mostly skeleton application, we can still
+start them and see them in action.
+Once installed Application Framework created appropriate systemD unit file
+to get able to manage the application. You can directly connect to the unix
+socket to get connected to the application template, it will be launched
+automatically if not already started.
+when systemD receives a connection to an existing socket that it handles, it
+launch the associated application using its service unit. Service unit is
+generated by wgtpkg-unit at installation, its content depends of the
+`config.xml` configuration file located in its specific directory
+Generation is controlled by the global `/etc/afm/afm-unit.conf` config
+This file defines how various applications types are handled by the
+system and application framework.
+### Run and connect to the service
+Let us first run the Service:
+$ afm-util run helloworld-service@1.0
+Then confirm it is running:
+$ afm-util ps
+[ { "runid": 20091, "pids": [ 20091 ], "state": "running", "id": "helloworld-service@1.0" } ]
+$ ps -ef | grep afb
+ps -ef|grep afb
+root 5764 3876 0 15:34 ? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/afb-daemon --rootdir=/var/local/lib/afm/applications/helloworld-service/1.0 --workdir=/home/root/app-data/helloworld-service --roothttp=htdocs --binding=/var/local/lib/afm/applications/helloworld-service/1.0/lib/ --ws-server=sd:helloworld --no-httpd
+We can see that an afb-daemon (Binder) process for this Service started
+and get a websocket server up, meaning that an unix socket is available
+from directory `/var/run/user/<uid>/apis/ws` named as the api name.
+We also see that the shared library as been loaded as binding using `binding`
+A Service has no user interface, but we can still try the binding API.
+Looking at the Service source code, we see that the Service implements
+an API named '**helloworld**' providing a `ping` verb. Let us try to launch
+a websocket client connected to that service invoking the `ping` verb.
+First as we don't know security token used to launch the service, we still can
+connect to through the unix socket and use the websocket client demo:
+$ afb-daemon --ws-client=/var/run/user/0/apis/ws/helloworld --port=12345 --token='' --roothttp=.
+$ afb-client-demo ws://localhost:12345/api?token= helloworld ping
+ON-REPLY 1:helloworld/ping: {"response":"Make the World great again!","jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","info":"Ping Binder Daemon tag=pingSample count=2 query=\"null\"","uuid":"2edcfee9-943b-40d7-a0c6-08a31141f045"}}
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+# Developing smoothly with the container
+The previous chapter pretty much illustrated the virtues of the Docker
+container by letting you compile AGL applications, independently of your
+host machine.
+There is one catch, though, in that the container does not feature a
+full graphical environment similar to those which developers are used to.
+But this can be circumvented.
+For this reason, and before we start developing our own apps, we will
+explain how to get the best from the provided development container.
+## Remote display
+<a id="anchor-remote-display"></a>
+Apart from popular console tools such as `vi, git, patch, diff...` our
+container also features graphical applications: `gvim` text editor,
+`gitg` frontend for Git, `gvimdiff` ...
+You can display them on your host machine by taking advantage of X11
+protocol remoting capabilities. The procedure differs depending on your
+host machine.
+### Linux
+You have to connect to your container by specifying the `-X` option:
+ssh -X -p 2222 devel@localhost
+and then any graphical window, such as `gvim`'s, should display on your
+host screen.
+### Mac OS X
+You have to connect to your container by specifying the `-X` option:
+ssh -X -p 2222 devel@localhost
+together with a running X11 server such as XQuartz.
+XQuartz was included in old versions such as 10.5 Leopard; you can find it
+under `Applications -> Utilities -> X11`.
+For more recent versions starting from 10.6.3, you may have to download and
+install it from the following URL:
+(it will end up in the same location).
+![mac x11](pictures/mac_x11_logo.png)
+And then after having activated the "X11" icon, any graphical window, such as
+`gvim`'s, should display on your host screen.
+### Windows
+You have to use PuTTY, as suggested in the previous "**Image and SDK
+for porter**" document, together with a running X server such as Xming
+Before connecting with PuTTY as usual, you have to go
+to `Connection -> SSH -> X11` and check the `Enable X11 forwarding` checkbox.
+![putty config](pictures/putty_config.png)
+Then, if Xming is installed and running, as displayed
+in the bottom right of the screen:
+![xming server](pictures/xming_server.png)
+any graphical window, such as `gvim`'s, should display on your screen.
+## Installing new applications (IDE...)
+The container has access to the whole Linux Debian distribution library,
+and can benefit of only package available for it.
+For instance, to install the popular Eclipse IDE, please type:
+sudo apt-get install eclipse
+And then, using the method described in section ["Remote display"](anchor-remote-display),
+you can run it on your host screen by just typing:
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+# AGL CMake templates
+Files used to build an application, or binding, project with the
+AGL Application Framework.
+To build your AGL project using these templates, you have to install
+them within your project and adjust compilation option in `config.cmake`.\
+For technical reasons, you also have to specify **cmake** target in
+sub CMakeLists.txt installed.\
+Make a globbing search to find source files
+isn't recommended now to handle project build especially in a multiuser
+project because CMake will not be aware of new or removed source files.
+You'll find usage samples here:
+- [helloworld-service](
+- [low-level-can-service](
+- [high-level-viwi-service](
+- [audio-binding](
+- [unicens2-binding](
+## Quickstart
+### Initialization
+To use these templates files on your project just install the reference files using
+**git submodule** then use `config.cmake` file to configure your project specificities :
+git submodule add conf.d/app-templates
+mkdir conf.d/cmake
+cp conf.d/app-templates/cmake/config.cmake.sample conf.d/cmake/config.cmake
+Edit the copied config.cmake file to fit your needs.
+Now, create your top CMakeLists.txt file which include `config.cmake` file.
+An example is available in **app-templates** submodule that you can copy and
+cp conf.d/app-templates/cmake/CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt
+### Create your CMake targets
+For each target part of your project, you need to use ***PROJECT_TARGET_ADD***
+to include this target to your project.
+Using it, make available the cmake variable ***TARGET_NAME*** until the next
+***PROJECT_TARGET_ADD*** is invoked with a new target name.
+So, typical usage defining a target is:
+PROJECT_TARGET_ADD(SuperExampleName) --> Adding target to your project
+add_executable/add_library(${TARGET_NAME}.... --> defining your target sources
+SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(${TARGET_NAME} PROPERTIES.... --> fit target properties
+for macros usage
+### Targets PROPERTIES
+You should set properties on your targets that will be used to package your
+apps in a widget file that could be installed on an AGL system.
+Specify what is the type of your targets that you want to be included in the
+widget package with the property **LABELS**:
+Choose between:
+- **BINDING**: Shared library that be loaded by the AGL Application Framework
+- **HTDOCS**: Root directory of a web app
+- **DATA**: Resources used by your application
+- **EXECUTABLE**: Entry point of your application executed by the AGL
+ Application Framework
+ PREFIX "afb-"
+ OUTPUT_NAME "file_output_name")
+> **TIP**: You should use the prefix _afb-_ with your **BINDING* targets which
+> stand for **Application Framework Binding**.
+## More details: Typical project architecture
+A typical project architecture would be :
+├── conf.d/
+│ ├── autobuild/
+│ │ ├── agl
+│ │ │ └── autobuild
+│ │ ├── linux
+│ │ │ └── autobuild
+│ │ └── windows
+│ │ └── autobuild
+│ ├── app-templates/
+│ │ ├──
+│ │ ├── autobuild/
+│ │ │ ├── agl
+│ │ │ │ └──
+│ │ │ ├── linux
+│ │ │ │ └──
+│ │ │ └── windows
+│ │ │ └──
+│ │ ├── cmake/
+│ │ │ ├── config.cmake.sample
+│ │ │ ├──
+│ │ │ └── macros.cmake
+│ │ ├── deb/
+│ │ │ └──
+│ │ ├── rpm/
+│ │ │ └──
+│ │ └── wgt/
+│ │ ├──
+│ │ ├──
+│ │ ├── icon-default.png
+│ │ ├── icon-html5.png
+│ │ ├── icon-native.png
+│ │ ├── icon-qml.png
+│ │ └── icon-service.png
+│ ├── packaging/
+│ │ ├── config.spec
+│ │ └── config.deb
+│ ├── cmake
+│ │ └── config.cmake
+│ └── wgt
+│ └──
+├── <libs>
+├── <target>
+│ └── <files>
+├── <target>
+│ └── <file>
+└── <target>
+ └── <files>
+| # | Parent | Description |
+| - | -------| ----------- |
+| \<root-path\> | - | Path to your project. Hold master CMakeLists.txt and general files of your projects. |
+| conf.d | \<root-path\> | Holds needed files to build, install, debug, package an AGL app project |
+| app-templates | conf.d | Git submodule to app-templates AGL repository which provides CMake helpers macros library, and build scripts. config.cmake is a copy of config.cmake.sample configured for the projects. SHOULD NOT BE MODIFIED MANUALLY !|
+| autobuild | conf.d | Scripts generated from app-templates to build packages the same way for differents platforms.|
+| cmake | conf.d | Contains at least config.cmake file modified from the sample provided in app-templates submodule. |
+| wgt | conf.d | Contains at least template file modified from the sample provided in app-templates submodule for the needs of project (See file for more details). |
+| packaging | conf.d | Contains output files used to build packages. |
+| \<libs\> | \<root-path\> | External dependencies libraries. This isn't to be used to include header file but build and link statically specifics libraries. | Library sources files. Can be a decompressed library archive file or project fork. |
+| \<target\> | \<root-path\> | A target to build, typically library, executable, etc. |
+### Update app-templates submodule
+You may have some news bug fixes or features available from app-templates
+repository that you want.\
+To update your submodule proceed like the following:
+git submodule update --remote
+git commit -s conf.d/app-templates
+This will update the submodule to the HEAD of master branch repository.
+You could just want to update at a specified repository tag or branch or commit
+, here are the method to do so:
+cd conf.d/app-templates
+# Choose one of the following depending what you want
+git checkout <tag_name>
+git checkout --detach <branch_name>
+git checkout --detach <commit_id>
+# Then commit
+cd ../..
+git commit -s conf.d/app-templates
+### Build a widget
+#### file
+To build a widget you need a _config.xml_ file describing what is your apps and
+how Application Framework would launch it.\
+This repo provide a simple default file _config.xml.in_ that should work
+for simple application without interactions with others bindings.
+It is recommanded that you use the sample one which is more complete. You can
+find it at the same location under the name (stunning
+isn't it).\
+Just copy the sample file to your _conf.d/wgt_ directory and name it
+_config.xml.in_, then edit it to fit your needs.
+> ***CAUTION*** : The default file is only meant to be use for a
+> simple widget app, more complicated ones which needed to export
+> their api, or ship several app in one widget need to use the provided
+> which had all new Application Framework
+> features explained and examples.
+#### Using cmake template macros
+To leverage all cmake templates features, you have to specify ***properties***
+on your targets.\
+Some macros will not works without specifying which is the target type.
+As the type is not always specified for some custom targets, like an ***HTML5***
+application, macros make the difference using ***LABELS*** property.
+Choose between:
+- **BINDING**: Shared library that be loaded by the AGL Application Framework
+- **HTDOCS**: Root directory of a web app
+- **DATA**: Resources used by your application
+- **EXECUTABLE**: Entry point of your application executed by the AGL
+ Application Framework
+ )
+If your target output is not named as the ***TARGET_NAME***, you need to specify
+***OUTPUT_NAME*** property that will be used by the ***populate_widget*** macro.
+Use the ***populate_widget*** macro as latest statement of your target
+definition. Then at the end of your project definition you should use the macro
+***build_widget*** that make an archive from the populated widget tree using the
+`wgtpkg-pack` Application Framework tools.
+## Macro reference
+Typical usage would be to add the target to your project using macro
+`PROJECT_TARGET_ADD` with the name of your target as parameter.
+> ***NOTE***: This will make available the variable `${TARGET_NAME}`
+> set with the specificied name. This variable will change at the next call
+> to this macros.
+### project_subdirs_add
+This macro will search in all subfolder any `CMakeLists.txt` file. If found then
+it will be added to your project.\
+This could be use in an hybrid application by example where the binding
+lay in a sub directory.
+Usage :
+You also can specify a globbing pattern as argument to filter which folders
+will be looked for.
+To filter all directories that begin with a number followed by a dash the
+## Advanced customization
+### Including additionnals cmake files
+Advanced tuning is possible using addionnals cmake files that are included
+automatically from some specifics locations.\
+They are included in that order:
+- Project CMake files normaly located in _\<project-root-path\>/conf.d/app-templates/cmake/cmake.d_
+- Home CMake files located in _$HOME/.config/app-templates/cmake.d_
+- System CMake files located in _/etc/app-templates/cmake.d_
+CMake files has to be named using the following convention: `XX-***.cmake`,
+where `XX` are numbers, `***` file name (ie. `99-my_customs.cmake`).
+So, saying that you should be aware that every normal cmake variables used at
+project level could be overwrited by home or system located cmake files if
+variables got the same name.\
+Exceptions are cached variables set using **CACHE** keyword:
+set(VARIABLE_NAME 'value string random' CACHE STRING 'docstring')
+### Include customs templated scripts
+As well as for additionnals cmake files you can include your own templated
+scripts that will be passed to cmake command `configure_file`.
+Just create your own script to the following directories:
+- Home location in _$HOME/.config/app-templates/scripts_
+- System location in _/etc/app-templates/scripts_
+Scripts only needs to use the extension `.in` to be parsed and configured by
+CMake command.
+## Autobuild script usage
+### Generation
+To be integrated in the Yocto build workflow you have to generate `autobuild`
+scripts using _autobuild_ target.
+To generate those scripts proceeds:
+mkdir -p build
+cd build
+cmake .. && make autobuild
+You should see _conf.d/autobuild/agl/autobuild_ file now.
+### Available targets
+Here are the available targets available from _autobuild_ scripts:
+- **clean** : clean build directory from object file and targets results.
+- **distclean** : delete build directory
+- **configure** : generate project Makefile from CMakeLists.txt files.
+- **build** : compile all project targets.
+- **package** : build and output a wgt package.
+You can specify variables that modify the behavior of compilation using
+the following variables:
+- **CONFIGURE_ARGS** : Variable used at **configure** time.
+- **BUILD_ARGS** : Variable used at **build** time.
+- **DEST** : Directory where to output ***wgt*** file.
+Variable as to be in CMake format. (ie: BUILD_ARGS="-DC_FLAGS='-g -O2'")
+Usage example:
+./conf.d/autobuild/wgt/autobuild package DEST=/tmp
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d27dfb2
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/mac_x11_logo.png b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/mac_x11_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dace7d
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/putty_config.png b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/putty_config.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56f8d88
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/qml_app.png b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/qml_app.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30f574d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/qml_app.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/web-runtime_app.png b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/web-runtime_app.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c15e98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/web-runtime_app.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/xming_server.png b/agl-documentation/sdk-devkit/docs/part-2/pictures/xming_server.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..566cec7
--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ