#AGL Test Framwork This repository stores the code of agl-test-framework The "agl-test framework" encapsulates pytest,which aims to provide a unified test set execution entrance. It supports to run various test sets, even these test sets come from different test frameworks, processing these test logs uniformly, and generating complete test report. In this way, it is convenient to test as many targets as possible, in a wide range, so that the test covers a wider range of objects, and is more comprehensive. At present, we plan to support the following test sets in "agl-test": 1. Transplant test sets under Fuego and AGL-JTA 2. Retain the test set under pyagl and agl-ptest (so will depend on "agl-ptest") 3. Migrate new test sets (with upstream) 4. Append new test sets (without upstream) The output of test run is summarized by levels. The first level is the summary of all test sets, and the second level is the summary of a single test set. Now, they are displayed in HTML format, and other formats also can be considered later. You can compile "agl-test-framework" and "qa-test-misc" by setting the feature "agl-test" when building AGL Image Refer to the compilation document of AGL community https://docs.automotivelinux.org/en/marlin 0_Getting_Started 2_Building_AGL_Image 0_Build_Process ##Running 1. extract the image into the boot device 2. run agl-test cmd with root ###Run all of the test sets: agl-test ###Run default test sets: agl-test -m oss_default ###Run test sets of custom task: agl-test -m ${custom_task} ###Run the specified test set: agl-test tests/${test_set_name}/run_tests.py ##Directory Structure ├── agl-test ├── conftest.py ├── LICENSE ├── plugins │ ├── agl_test_conf.py │ ├── agl_test_log.py │ ├── agl_test_report.py │ └── agl_test_utils.py ├── pytest.ini └── README ###agl-test: The command to start the test ###conftest.py: Fixture function define ###plugins: General script files ###pytest.ini: Customize the contents of test sets