path: root/README.md
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+# nss-localuser
+- [License](#license)
+- [Overview](#overview)
+- [Install](#documentation)
+## License
+This code is published with the license MIT (see LICENSE.txt) for details.
+## Overview
+`nss-localuser` is a plugin for the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS)
+functionality of the GNU C Library (`glibc`) providing host name
+resolution for *"localuser"* family of virtual hostnames.
+The delivered NSS service defines one virtual host of name `localuser`
+that resolves to an IP address of the localhost loopback that integrates
+user ID.
+It is intended to enable distinct IP for distinct users.
+The name "localuser" is resolved to the IPv4 address:
+where x.y.z encode the current user UID in such way that:
+UID = 65536*(x - 128) + 256*y + z
+Allowed UID are from 0 to 4194303 included.
+And so:
+z = [0..255]
+y = [0..255]
+x = [128..191]
+The names "localuser-${UID}", where UID is a decimal number, are resolved to addresses:
+z = UID % 255
+y = (UID >> 8) % 256
+x = ((UID >> 16) % 256) + 128
+localuser => (when user has UID = 0)
+localuser => (when user has UID = 1001)
+localuser-1024 => (for any user)
+The service also provides the reverse resolution.
+This module provides a value for IPv6: it translates to a IPv4-mapped IPv6 address
+because IPv6 lacks of loopback range.
+localuser-1024 => ::ffff:
+For details about NSS integration, see
+[Gnu libc documentation](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Name-Service-Switch.html).
+## Install
+To install this file:
+make all && sudo install
+The installation directory is automatically detected by the tiny
+script detect-nssdir.sh.
+If the script detect-nssdir.sh gives the wrong result, just define the
+variable nssdir when calling make, as below:
+make install nssdir=~/lib
+## Configuration and activation
+### Manual setting
+To activate the NSS module localuser you have to edit
+`/etc/nsswitch.conf` and add `localuser` to the
+line starting with "`hosts:`".
+Your nsswitch file can then look as below:
+<pre># /etc/nsswitch.conf
+passwd: files sss systemd
+shadow: files sss
+group: files sss systemd
+hosts: <b>localuser</b> files dns myhostname
+ethers: files
+netmasks: files
+networks: files
+protocols: files
+services: files sss
+aliases: files nisplus</pre>
+### Scripted setting
+The script activate-localuser.sh can be used to activate,
+deactivate or query the status of localuser activation.
+It accepts 0, 1 or 2 arguments.
+<pre>usage: activate-localuser.sh [command [file]]
+command: on, yes, true, 1: activate
+ off, no, false, 0: deactivate
+ status, test, check, query: status (default)
+file: file to change (default /etc/nsswitch.conf)</pre>