path: root/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
diff options
authorTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
committerTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
commite02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (patch)
treeaee302e3cf8b59ec2d32ec481be3d1afddfc8968 /contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
parentcc668e6b7e0ffd8c9d130513d12053cf5eda1d3b (diff)
Introduce Virtio-loopback epsilon release:
Epsilon release introduces a new compatibility layer which make virtio-loopback design to work with QEMU and rust-vmm vhost-user backend without require any changes. Signed-off-by: Timos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com> Change-Id: I52e57563e08a7d0bdc002f8e928ee61ba0c53dd9
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h')
1 files changed, 122 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h b/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2a4a6ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/elf2dmp/pe.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2018 Virtuozzo International GmbH
+ *
+ * This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef PE_H
+#define PE_H
+#ifndef _WIN32
+typedef struct IMAGE_DOS_HEADER {
+ uint16_t e_magic; /* 0x00: MZ Header signature */
+ uint16_t e_cblp; /* 0x02: Bytes on last page of file */
+ uint16_t e_cp; /* 0x04: Pages in file */
+ uint16_t e_crlc; /* 0x06: Relocations */
+ uint16_t e_cparhdr; /* 0x08: Size of header in paragraphs */
+ uint16_t e_minalloc; /* 0x0a: Minimum extra paragraphs needed */
+ uint16_t e_maxalloc; /* 0x0c: Maximum extra paragraphs needed */
+ uint16_t e_ss; /* 0x0e: Initial (relative) SS value */
+ uint16_t e_sp; /* 0x10: Initial SP value */
+ uint16_t e_csum; /* 0x12: Checksum */
+ uint16_t e_ip; /* 0x14: Initial IP value */
+ uint16_t e_cs; /* 0x16: Initial (relative) CS value */
+ uint16_t e_lfarlc; /* 0x18: File address of relocation table */
+ uint16_t e_ovno; /* 0x1a: Overlay number */
+ uint16_t e_res[4]; /* 0x1c: Reserved words */
+ uint16_t e_oemid; /* 0x24: OEM identifier (for e_oeminfo) */
+ uint16_t e_oeminfo; /* 0x26: OEM information; e_oemid specific */
+ uint16_t e_res2[10]; /* 0x28: Reserved words */
+ uint32_t e_lfanew; /* 0x3c: Offset to extended header */
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_DOS_HEADER;
+typedef struct IMAGE_FILE_HEADER {
+ uint16_t Machine;
+ uint16_t NumberOfSections;
+ uint32_t TimeDateStamp;
+ uint32_t PointerToSymbolTable;
+ uint32_t NumberOfSymbols;
+ uint16_t SizeOfOptionalHeader;
+ uint16_t Characteristics;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_FILE_HEADER;
+typedef struct IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY {
+ uint32_t VirtualAddress;
+ uint32_t Size;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY;
+typedef struct IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64 {
+ uint16_t Magic; /* 0x20b */
+ uint8_t MajorLinkerVersion;
+ uint8_t MinorLinkerVersion;
+ uint32_t SizeOfCode;
+ uint32_t SizeOfInitializedData;
+ uint32_t SizeOfUninitializedData;
+ uint32_t AddressOfEntryPoint;
+ uint32_t BaseOfCode;
+ uint64_t ImageBase;
+ uint32_t SectionAlignment;
+ uint32_t FileAlignment;
+ uint16_t MajorOperatingSystemVersion;
+ uint16_t MinorOperatingSystemVersion;
+ uint16_t MajorImageVersion;
+ uint16_t MinorImageVersion;
+ uint16_t MajorSubsystemVersion;
+ uint16_t MinorSubsystemVersion;
+ uint32_t Win32VersionValue;
+ uint32_t SizeOfImage;
+ uint32_t SizeOfHeaders;
+ uint32_t CheckSum;
+ uint16_t Subsystem;
+ uint16_t DllCharacteristics;
+ uint64_t SizeOfStackReserve;
+ uint64_t SizeOfStackCommit;
+ uint64_t SizeOfHeapReserve;
+ uint64_t SizeOfHeapCommit;
+ uint32_t LoaderFlags;
+ uint32_t NumberOfRvaAndSizes;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64;
+typedef struct IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64 {
+ uint32_t Signature;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64;
+typedef struct IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY {
+ uint32_t Characteristics;
+ uint32_t TimeDateStamp;
+ uint16_t MajorVersion;
+ uint16_t MinorVersion;
+ uint32_t Type;
+ uint32_t SizeOfData;
+ uint32_t AddressOfRawData;
+ uint32_t PointerToRawData;
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY;
+typedef struct guid_t {
+ uint32_t a;
+ uint16_t b;
+ uint16_t c;
+ uint8_t d[2];
+ uint8_t e[6];
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) guid_t;
+typedef struct OMFSignatureRSDS {
+ char Signature[4];
+ guid_t guid;
+ uint32_t age;
+ char name[];
+} __attribute__ ((packed)) OMFSignatureRSDS;
+#endif /* PE_H */