path: root/meson/mesonbuild/ast/introspection.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /meson/mesonbuild/ast/introspection.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'meson/mesonbuild/ast/introspection.py')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson/mesonbuild/ast/introspection.py b/meson/mesonbuild/ast/introspection.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42813db66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/mesonbuild/ast/introspection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# Copyright 2018 The Meson development team
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter
+# or an interpreter-based tool
+from .interpreter import AstInterpreter
+from .visitor import AstVisitor
+from .. import compilers, environment, mesonlib, optinterpreter
+from .. import coredata as cdata
+from ..mesonlib import MachineChoice, OptionKey
+from ..interpreterbase import InvalidArguments, TYPE_nvar
+from ..build import BuildTarget, Executable, Jar, SharedLibrary, SharedModule, StaticLibrary
+from ..mparser import BaseNode, ArithmeticNode, ArrayNode, ElementaryNode, IdNode, FunctionNode, StringNode
+from ..compilers import detect_compiler_for
+import typing as T
+import os
+import argparse
+build_target_functions = ['executable', 'jar', 'library', 'shared_library', 'shared_module', 'static_library', 'both_libraries']
+class IntrospectionHelper(argparse.Namespace):
+ # mimic an argparse namespace
+ def __init__(self, cross_file: str):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.cross_file = cross_file # type: str
+ self.native_file = None # type: str
+ self.cmd_line_options = {} # type: T.Dict[str, str]
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
+ return NotImplemented
+class IntrospectionInterpreter(AstInterpreter):
+ # Interpreter to detect the options without a build directory
+ # Most of the code is stolen from interpreter.Interpreter
+ def __init__(self,
+ source_root: str,
+ subdir: str,
+ backend: str,
+ visitors: T.Optional[T.List[AstVisitor]] = None,
+ cross_file: T.Optional[str] = None,
+ subproject: str = '',
+ subproject_dir: str = 'subprojects',
+ env: T.Optional[environment.Environment] = None):
+ visitors = visitors if visitors is not None else []
+ super().__init__(source_root, subdir, subproject, visitors=visitors)
+ options = IntrospectionHelper(cross_file)
+ self.cross_file = cross_file
+ if env is None:
+ self.environment = environment.Environment(source_root, None, options)
+ else:
+ self.environment = env
+ self.subproject_dir = subproject_dir
+ self.coredata = self.environment.get_coredata()
+ self.option_file = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, 'meson_options.txt')
+ self.backend = backend
+ self.default_options = {OptionKey('backend'): self.backend}
+ self.project_data = {} # type: T.Dict[str, T.Any]
+ self.targets = [] # type: T.List[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]
+ self.dependencies = [] # type: T.List[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]
+ self.project_node = None # type: BaseNode
+ self.funcs.update({
+ 'add_languages': self.func_add_languages,
+ 'dependency': self.func_dependency,
+ 'executable': self.func_executable,
+ 'jar': self.func_jar,
+ 'library': self.func_library,
+ 'project': self.func_project,
+ 'shared_library': self.func_shared_lib,
+ 'shared_module': self.func_shared_module,
+ 'static_library': self.func_static_lib,
+ 'both_libraries': self.func_both_lib,
+ })
+ def func_project(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> None:
+ if self.project_node:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Second call to project()')
+ self.project_node = node
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Not enough arguments to project(). Needs at least the project name.')
+ proj_name = args[0]
+ proj_vers = kwargs.get('version', 'undefined')
+ proj_langs = self.flatten_args(args[1:])
+ if isinstance(proj_vers, ElementaryNode):
+ proj_vers = proj_vers.value
+ if not isinstance(proj_vers, str):
+ proj_vers = 'undefined'
+ self.project_data = {'descriptive_name': proj_name, 'version': proj_vers}
+ if os.path.exists(self.option_file):
+ oi = optinterpreter.OptionInterpreter(self.subproject)
+ oi.process(self.option_file)
+ self.coredata.update_project_options(oi.options)
+ def_opts = self.flatten_args(kwargs.get('default_options', []))
+ _project_default_options = mesonlib.stringlistify(def_opts)
+ self.project_default_options = cdata.create_options_dict(_project_default_options, self.subproject)
+ self.default_options.update(self.project_default_options)
+ self.coredata.set_default_options(self.default_options, self.subproject, self.environment)
+ if not self.is_subproject() and 'subproject_dir' in kwargs:
+ spdirname = kwargs['subproject_dir']
+ if isinstance(spdirname, StringNode):
+ assert isinstance(spdirname.value, str)
+ self.subproject_dir = spdirname.value
+ if not self.is_subproject():
+ self.project_data['subprojects'] = []
+ subprojects_dir = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subproject_dir)
+ if os.path.isdir(subprojects_dir):
+ for i in os.listdir(subprojects_dir):
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(subprojects_dir, i)):
+ self.do_subproject(i)
+ self.coredata.init_backend_options(self.backend)
+ options = {k: v for k, v in self.environment.options.items() if k.is_backend()}
+ self.coredata.set_options(options)
+ self._add_languages(proj_langs, MachineChoice.HOST)
+ self._add_languages(proj_langs, MachineChoice.BUILD)
+ def do_subproject(self, dirname: str) -> None:
+ subproject_dir_abs = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), self.subproject_dir)
+ subpr = os.path.join(subproject_dir_abs, dirname)
+ try:
+ subi = IntrospectionInterpreter(subpr, '', self.backend, cross_file=self.cross_file, subproject=dirname, subproject_dir=self.subproject_dir, env=self.environment, visitors=self.visitors)
+ subi.analyze()
+ subi.project_data['name'] = dirname
+ self.project_data['subprojects'] += [subi.project_data]
+ except (mesonlib.MesonException, RuntimeError):
+ return
+ def func_add_languages(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> None:
+ kwargs = self.flatten_kwargs(kwargs)
+ if 'native' in kwargs:
+ native = kwargs.get('native', False)
+ self._add_languages(args, MachineChoice.BUILD if native else MachineChoice.HOST)
+ else:
+ for for_machine in [MachineChoice.BUILD, MachineChoice.HOST]:
+ self._add_languages(args, for_machine)
+ def _add_languages(self, raw_langs: T.List[TYPE_nvar], for_machine: MachineChoice) -> None:
+ langs = [] # type: T.List[str]
+ for l in self.flatten_args(raw_langs):
+ if isinstance(l, str):
+ langs.append(l)
+ elif isinstance(l, StringNode):
+ langs.append(l.value)
+ for lang in sorted(langs, key=compilers.sort_clink):
+ lang = lang.lower()
+ if lang not in self.coredata.compilers[for_machine]:
+ detect_compiler_for(self.environment, lang, for_machine)
+ def func_dependency(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> None:
+ args = self.flatten_args(args)
+ kwargs = self.flatten_kwargs(kwargs)
+ if not args:
+ return
+ name = args[0]
+ has_fallback = 'fallback' in kwargs
+ required = kwargs.get('required', True)
+ version = kwargs.get('version', [])
+ if not isinstance(version, list):
+ version = [version]
+ if isinstance(required, ElementaryNode):
+ required = required.value
+ if not isinstance(required, bool):
+ required = False
+ self.dependencies += [{
+ 'name': name,
+ 'required': required,
+ 'version': version,
+ 'has_fallback': has_fallback,
+ 'conditional': node.condition_level > 0,
+ 'node': node
+ }]
+ def build_target(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs_raw: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar], targetclass: T.Type[BuildTarget]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ args = self.flatten_args(args)
+ if not args or not isinstance(args[0], str):
+ return None
+ name = args[0]
+ srcqueue = [node]
+ extra_queue = []
+ # Process the sources BEFORE flattening the kwargs, to preserve the original nodes
+ if 'sources' in kwargs_raw:
+ srcqueue += mesonlib.listify(kwargs_raw['sources'])
+ if 'extra_files' in kwargs_raw:
+ extra_queue += mesonlib.listify(kwargs_raw['extra_files'])
+ kwargs = self.flatten_kwargs(kwargs_raw, True)
+ def traverse_nodes(inqueue: T.List[BaseNode]) -> T.List[BaseNode]:
+ res = [] # type: T.List[BaseNode]
+ while inqueue:
+ curr = inqueue.pop(0)
+ arg_node = None
+ assert(isinstance(curr, BaseNode))
+ if isinstance(curr, FunctionNode):
+ arg_node = curr.args
+ elif isinstance(curr, ArrayNode):
+ arg_node = curr.args
+ elif isinstance(curr, IdNode):
+ # Try to resolve the ID and append the node to the queue
+ assert isinstance(curr.value, str)
+ var_name = curr.value
+ if var_name in self.assignments:
+ tmp_node = self.assignments[var_name]
+ if isinstance(tmp_node, (ArrayNode, IdNode, FunctionNode)):
+ inqueue += [tmp_node]
+ elif isinstance(curr, ArithmeticNode):
+ inqueue += [curr.left, curr.right]
+ if arg_node is None:
+ continue
+ arg_nodes = arg_node.arguments.copy()
+ # Pop the first element if the function is a build target function
+ if isinstance(curr, FunctionNode) and curr.func_name in build_target_functions:
+ arg_nodes.pop(0)
+ elemetary_nodes = [x for x in arg_nodes if isinstance(x, (str, StringNode))]
+ inqueue += [x for x in arg_nodes if isinstance(x, (FunctionNode, ArrayNode, IdNode, ArithmeticNode))]
+ if elemetary_nodes:
+ res += [curr]
+ return res
+ source_nodes = traverse_nodes(srcqueue)
+ extraf_nodes = traverse_nodes(extra_queue)
+ # Make sure nothing can crash when creating the build class
+ kwargs_reduced = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in targetclass.known_kwargs and k in ['install', 'build_by_default', 'build_always']}
+ kwargs_reduced = {k: v.value if isinstance(v, ElementaryNode) else v for k, v in kwargs_reduced.items()}
+ kwargs_reduced = {k: v for k, v in kwargs_reduced.items() if not isinstance(v, BaseNode)}
+ for_machine = MachineChoice.HOST
+ objects = [] # type: T.List[T.Any]
+ empty_sources = [] # type: T.List[T.Any]
+ # Passing the unresolved sources list causes errors
+ target = targetclass(name, self.subdir, self.subproject, for_machine, empty_sources, objects, self.environment, kwargs_reduced)
+ new_target = {
+ 'name': target.get_basename(),
+ 'id': target.get_id(),
+ 'type': target.get_typename(),
+ 'defined_in': os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, environment.build_filename)),
+ 'subdir': self.subdir,
+ 'build_by_default': target.build_by_default,
+ 'installed': target.should_install(),
+ 'outputs': target.get_outputs(),
+ 'sources': source_nodes,
+ 'extra_files': extraf_nodes,
+ 'kwargs': kwargs,
+ 'node': node,
+ }
+ self.targets += [new_target]
+ return new_target
+ def build_library(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ default_library = self.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('default_library'))
+ if default_library == 'shared':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedLibrary)
+ elif default_library == 'static':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, StaticLibrary)
+ elif default_library == 'both':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedLibrary)
+ return None
+ def func_executable(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, Executable)
+ def func_static_lib(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, StaticLibrary)
+ def func_shared_lib(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedLibrary)
+ def func_both_lib(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedLibrary)
+ def func_shared_module(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedModule)
+ def func_library(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_library(node, args, kwargs)
+ def func_jar(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, Jar)
+ def func_build_target(self, node: BaseNode, args: T.List[TYPE_nvar], kwargs: T.Dict[str, TYPE_nvar]) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ if 'target_type' not in kwargs:
+ return None
+ target_type = kwargs.pop('target_type')
+ if isinstance(target_type, ElementaryNode):
+ target_type = target_type.value
+ if target_type == 'executable':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, Executable)
+ elif target_type == 'shared_library':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedLibrary)
+ elif target_type == 'static_library':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, StaticLibrary)
+ elif target_type == 'both_libraries':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, SharedLibrary)
+ elif target_type == 'library':
+ return self.build_library(node, args, kwargs)
+ elif target_type == 'jar':
+ return self.build_target(node, args, kwargs, Jar)
+ return None
+ def is_subproject(self) -> bool:
+ return self.subproject != ''
+ def analyze(self) -> None:
+ self.load_root_meson_file()
+ self.sanity_check_ast()
+ self.parse_project()
+ self.run()