path: root/meson/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/interpreterbase.py
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authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /meson/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/interpreterbase.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'meson/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/interpreterbase.py')
1 files changed, 959 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/interpreterbase.py b/meson/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/interpreterbase.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..115e24be0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/mesonbuild/interpreterbase/interpreterbase.py
@@ -0,0 +1,959 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2017 The Meson development team
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# This class contains the basic functionality needed to run any interpreter
+# or an interpreter-based tool.
+from .. import mparser, mesonlib, mlog
+from .. import environment
+from .baseobjects import (
+ InterpreterObject,
+ MesonInterpreterObject,
+ MutableInterpreterObject,
+ InterpreterObjectTypeVar,
+ ObjectHolder,
+ RangeHolder,
+ TYPE_elementary,
+ TYPE_var,
+ TYPE_kwargs,
+from .exceptions import (
+ InterpreterException,
+ InvalidCode,
+ InvalidArguments,
+ SubdirDoneRequest,
+ ContinueRequest,
+ BreakRequest
+from .decorators import FeatureNew, builtinMethodNoKwargs
+from .disabler import Disabler, is_disabled
+from .helpers import check_stringlist, default_resolve_key, flatten, resolve_second_level_holders
+from ._unholder import _unholder
+import os, copy, re
+import typing as T
+ from ..interpreter import Interpreter
+HolderMapType = T.Dict[
+ T.Type[mesonlib.HoldableObject],
+ # For some reason, this has to be a callable and can't just be ObjectHolder[InterpreterObjectTypeVar]
+ T.Callable[[InterpreterObjectTypeVar, 'Interpreter'], ObjectHolder[InterpreterObjectTypeVar]]
+FunctionType = T.Dict[
+ str,
+ T.Callable[[mparser.BaseNode, T.List[TYPE_var], T.Dict[str, TYPE_var]], TYPE_var]
+class MesonVersionString(str):
+ pass
+class InterpreterBase:
+ elementary_types = (int, str, bool, list)
+ def __init__(self, source_root: str, subdir: str, subproject: str):
+ self.source_root = source_root
+ self.funcs: FunctionType = {}
+ self.builtin: T.Dict[str, InterpreterObject] = {}
+ # Holder maps store a mapping from an HoldableObject to a class ObjectHolder
+ self.holder_map: HolderMapType = {}
+ self.bound_holder_map: HolderMapType = {}
+ self.subdir = subdir
+ self.root_subdir = subdir
+ self.subproject = subproject
+ # TODO: This should actually be more strict: T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject]
+ self.variables: T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]] = {}
+ self.argument_depth = 0
+ self.current_lineno = -1
+ # Current node set during a function call. This can be used as location
+ # when printing a warning message during a method call.
+ self.current_node = None # type: mparser.BaseNode
+ # This is set to `version_string` when this statement is evaluated:
+ # meson.version().compare_version(version_string)
+ # If it was part of a if-clause, it is used to temporally override the
+ # current meson version target within that if-block.
+ self.tmp_meson_version = None # type: T.Optional[str]
+ def load_root_meson_file(self) -> None:
+ mesonfile = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, environment.build_filename)
+ if not os.path.isfile(mesonfile):
+ raise InvalidArguments('Missing Meson file in %s' % mesonfile)
+ with open(mesonfile, encoding='utf-8') as mf:
+ code = mf.read()
+ if code.isspace():
+ raise InvalidCode('Builder file is empty.')
+ assert(isinstance(code, str))
+ try:
+ self.ast = mparser.Parser(code, mesonfile).parse()
+ except mesonlib.MesonException as me:
+ me.file = mesonfile
+ raise me
+ def join_path_strings(self, args: T.Sequence[str]) -> str:
+ return os.path.join(*args).replace('\\', '/')
+ def parse_project(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Parses project() and initializes languages, compilers etc. Do this
+ early because we need this before we parse the rest of the AST.
+ """
+ self.evaluate_codeblock(self.ast, end=1)
+ def sanity_check_ast(self) -> None:
+ if not isinstance(self.ast, mparser.CodeBlockNode):
+ raise InvalidCode('AST is of invalid type. Possibly a bug in the parser.')
+ if not self.ast.lines:
+ raise InvalidCode('No statements in code.')
+ first = self.ast.lines[0]
+ if not isinstance(first, mparser.FunctionNode) or first.func_name != 'project':
+ raise InvalidCode('First statement must be a call to project')
+ def run(self) -> None:
+ # Evaluate everything after the first line, which is project() because
+ # we already parsed that in self.parse_project()
+ try:
+ self.evaluate_codeblock(self.ast, start=1)
+ except SubdirDoneRequest:
+ pass
+ def evaluate_codeblock(self, node: mparser.CodeBlockNode, start: int = 0, end: T.Optional[int] = None) -> None:
+ if node is None:
+ return
+ if not isinstance(node, mparser.CodeBlockNode):
+ e = InvalidCode('Tried to execute a non-codeblock. Possibly a bug in the parser.')
+ e.lineno = node.lineno
+ e.colno = node.colno
+ raise e
+ statements = node.lines[start:end]
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(statements):
+ cur = statements[i]
+ try:
+ self.current_lineno = cur.lineno
+ self.evaluate_statement(cur)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if getattr(e, 'lineno', None) is None:
+ # We are doing the equivalent to setattr here and mypy does not like it
+ e.lineno = cur.lineno # type: ignore
+ e.colno = cur.colno # type: ignore
+ e.file = os.path.join(self.source_root, self.subdir, environment.build_filename) # type: ignore
+ raise e
+ i += 1 # In THE FUTURE jump over blocks and stuff.
+ def evaluate_statement(self, cur: mparser.BaseNode) -> T.Optional[T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]:
+ self.current_node = cur
+ if isinstance(cur, mparser.FunctionNode):
+ return self.function_call(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.AssignmentNode):
+ self.assignment(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.MethodNode):
+ return self.method_call(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.StringNode):
+ return cur.value
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.BooleanNode):
+ return cur.value
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IfClauseNode):
+ return self.evaluate_if(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IdNode):
+ return self.get_variable(cur.value)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ComparisonNode):
+ return self.evaluate_comparison(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ArrayNode):
+ return self.evaluate_arraystatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.DictNode):
+ return self.evaluate_dictstatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.NumberNode):
+ return cur.value
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.AndNode):
+ return self.evaluate_andstatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.OrNode):
+ return self.evaluate_orstatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.NotNode):
+ return self.evaluate_notstatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.UMinusNode):
+ return self.evaluate_uminusstatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ArithmeticNode):
+ return self.evaluate_arithmeticstatement(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ForeachClauseNode):
+ self.evaluate_foreach(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.PlusAssignmentNode):
+ self.evaluate_plusassign(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.IndexNode):
+ return self.evaluate_indexing(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.TernaryNode):
+ return self.evaluate_ternary(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.FormatStringNode):
+ return self.evaluate_fstring(cur)
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.ContinueNode):
+ raise ContinueRequest()
+ elif isinstance(cur, mparser.BreakNode):
+ raise BreakRequest()
+ elif isinstance(cur, self.elementary_types):
+ return cur
+ else:
+ raise InvalidCode("Unknown statement.")
+ return None
+ def evaluate_arraystatement(self, cur: mparser.ArrayNode) -> T.List[T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]:
+ (arguments, kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(cur.args)
+ if len(kwargs) > 0:
+ raise InvalidCode('Keyword arguments are invalid in array construction.')
+ return arguments
+ @FeatureNew('dict', '0.47.0')
+ def evaluate_dictstatement(self, cur: mparser.DictNode) -> T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]:
+ def resolve_key(key: mparser.BaseNode) -> str:
+ if not isinstance(key, mparser.StringNode):
+ FeatureNew.single_use('Dictionary entry using non literal key', '0.53.0', self.subproject)
+ str_key = self.evaluate_statement(key)
+ if not isinstance(str_key, str):
+ raise InvalidArguments('Key must be a string')
+ return str_key
+ arguments, kwargs = self.reduce_arguments(cur.args, key_resolver=resolve_key, duplicate_key_error='Duplicate dictionary key: {}')
+ assert not arguments
+ return kwargs
+ def evaluate_notstatement(self, cur: mparser.NotNode) -> T.Union[bool, Disabler]:
+ v = self.evaluate_statement(cur.value)
+ if isinstance(v, Disabler):
+ return v
+ if not isinstance(v, bool):
+ raise InterpreterException('Argument to "not" is not a boolean.')
+ return not v
+ def evaluate_if(self, node: mparser.IfClauseNode) -> T.Optional[Disabler]:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.IfClauseNode))
+ for i in node.ifs:
+ # Reset self.tmp_meson_version to know if it gets set during this
+ # statement evaluation.
+ self.tmp_meson_version = None
+ result = self.evaluate_statement(i.condition)
+ if isinstance(result, Disabler):
+ return result
+ if not(isinstance(result, bool)):
+ raise InvalidCode(f'If clause {result!r} does not evaluate to true or false.')
+ if result:
+ prev_meson_version = mesonlib.project_meson_versions[self.subproject]
+ if self.tmp_meson_version:
+ mesonlib.project_meson_versions[self.subproject] = self.tmp_meson_version
+ try:
+ self.evaluate_codeblock(i.block)
+ finally:
+ mesonlib.project_meson_versions[self.subproject] = prev_meson_version
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(node.elseblock, mparser.EmptyNode):
+ self.evaluate_codeblock(node.elseblock)
+ return None
+ def validate_comparison_types(self, val1: T.Any, val2: T.Any) -> bool:
+ if type(val1) != type(val2):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def evaluate_in(self, val1: T.Any, val2: T.Any) -> bool:
+ if not isinstance(val1, (str, int, float, mesonlib.HoldableObject)):
+ raise InvalidArguments('lvalue of "in" operator must be a string, integer, float, or object')
+ if not isinstance(val2, (list, dict)):
+ raise InvalidArguments('rvalue of "in" operator must be an array or a dict')
+ return val1 in val2
+ def evaluate_comparison(self, node: mparser.ComparisonNode) -> T.Union[bool, Disabler]:
+ val1 = self.evaluate_statement(node.left)
+ if isinstance(val1, Disabler):
+ return val1
+ val2 = self.evaluate_statement(node.right)
+ if isinstance(val2, Disabler):
+ return val2
+ # Do not compare the ObjectHolders but the actual held objects
+ val1 = _unholder(val1)
+ val2 = _unholder(val2)
+ if node.ctype == 'in':
+ return self.evaluate_in(val1, val2)
+ elif node.ctype == 'notin':
+ return not self.evaluate_in(val1, val2)
+ valid = self.validate_comparison_types(val1, val2)
+ # Ordering comparisons of different types isn't allowed since PR #1810
+ # (0.41.0). Since PR #2884 we also warn about equality comparisons of
+ # different types, which will one day become an error.
+ if not valid and (node.ctype == '==' or node.ctype == '!='):
+ mlog.warning('''Trying to compare values of different types ({}, {}) using {}.
+The result of this is undefined and will become a hard error in a future Meson release.'''
+ .format(type(val1).__name__, type(val2).__name__, node.ctype), location=node)
+ if node.ctype == '==':
+ return val1 == val2
+ elif node.ctype == '!=':
+ return val1 != val2
+ elif not valid:
+ raise InterpreterException(
+ 'Values of different types ({}, {}) cannot be compared using {}.'.format(type(val1).__name__,
+ type(val2).__name__,
+ node.ctype))
+ elif not isinstance(val1, self.elementary_types):
+ raise InterpreterException('{} can only be compared for equality.'.format(getattr(node.left, 'value', '<ERROR>')))
+ elif not isinstance(val2, self.elementary_types):
+ raise InterpreterException('{} can only be compared for equality.'.format(getattr(node.right, 'value', '<ERROR>')))
+ # Use type: ignore because mypy will complain that we are comparing two Unions,
+ # but we actually guarantee earlier that both types are the same
+ elif node.ctype == '<':
+ return val1 < val2 # type: ignore
+ elif node.ctype == '<=':
+ return val1 <= val2 # type: ignore
+ elif node.ctype == '>':
+ return val1 > val2 # type: ignore
+ elif node.ctype == '>=':
+ return val1 >= val2 # type: ignore
+ else:
+ raise InvalidCode('You broke my compare eval.')
+ def evaluate_andstatement(self, cur: mparser.AndNode) -> T.Union[bool, Disabler]:
+ l = self.evaluate_statement(cur.left)
+ if isinstance(l, Disabler):
+ return l
+ if not isinstance(l, bool):
+ raise InterpreterException('First argument to "and" is not a boolean.')
+ if not l:
+ return False
+ r = self.evaluate_statement(cur.right)
+ if isinstance(r, Disabler):
+ return r
+ if not isinstance(r, bool):
+ raise InterpreterException('Second argument to "and" is not a boolean.')
+ return r
+ def evaluate_orstatement(self, cur: mparser.OrNode) -> T.Union[bool, Disabler]:
+ l = self.evaluate_statement(cur.left)
+ if isinstance(l, Disabler):
+ return l
+ if not isinstance(l, bool):
+ raise InterpreterException('First argument to "or" is not a boolean.')
+ if l:
+ return True
+ r = self.evaluate_statement(cur.right)
+ if isinstance(r, Disabler):
+ return r
+ if not isinstance(r, bool):
+ raise InterpreterException('Second argument to "or" is not a boolean.')
+ return r
+ def evaluate_uminusstatement(self, cur: mparser.UMinusNode) -> T.Union[int, Disabler]:
+ v = self.evaluate_statement(cur.value)
+ if isinstance(v, Disabler):
+ return v
+ if not isinstance(v, int):
+ raise InterpreterException('Argument to negation is not an integer.')
+ return -v
+ @FeatureNew('/ with string arguments', '0.49.0')
+ def evaluate_path_join(self, l: str, r: str) -> str:
+ if not isinstance(l, str):
+ raise InvalidCode('The division operator can only append to a string.')
+ if not isinstance(r, str):
+ raise InvalidCode('The division operator can only append a string.')
+ return self.join_path_strings((l, r))
+ def evaluate_division(self, l: T.Any, r: T.Any) -> T.Union[int, str]:
+ if isinstance(l, str) or isinstance(r, str):
+ return self.evaluate_path_join(l, r)
+ if isinstance(l, int) and isinstance(r, int):
+ if r == 0:
+ raise InvalidCode('Division by zero.')
+ return l // r
+ raise InvalidCode('Division works only with strings or integers.')
+ def evaluate_arithmeticstatement(self, cur: mparser.ArithmeticNode) -> T.Union[int, str, dict, list, Disabler]:
+ l = self.evaluate_statement(cur.left)
+ if isinstance(l, Disabler):
+ return l
+ r = self.evaluate_statement(cur.right)
+ if isinstance(r, Disabler):
+ return r
+ if cur.operation == 'add':
+ if isinstance(l, dict) and isinstance(r, dict):
+ return {**l, **r}
+ try:
+ # MyPy error due to handling two Unions (we are catching all exceptions anyway)
+ return l + r # type: ignore
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise InvalidCode('Invalid use of addition: ' + str(e))
+ elif cur.operation == 'sub':
+ if not isinstance(l, int) or not isinstance(r, int):
+ raise InvalidCode('Subtraction works only with integers.')
+ return l - r
+ elif cur.operation == 'mul':
+ if not isinstance(l, int) or not isinstance(r, int):
+ raise InvalidCode('Multiplication works only with integers.')
+ return l * r
+ elif cur.operation == 'div':
+ return self.evaluate_division(l, r)
+ elif cur.operation == 'mod':
+ if not isinstance(l, int) or not isinstance(r, int):
+ raise InvalidCode('Modulo works only with integers.')
+ return l % r
+ else:
+ raise InvalidCode('You broke me.')
+ def evaluate_ternary(self, node: mparser.TernaryNode) -> T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.TernaryNode))
+ result = self.evaluate_statement(node.condition)
+ if isinstance(result, Disabler):
+ return result
+ if not isinstance(result, bool):
+ raise InterpreterException('Ternary condition is not boolean.')
+ if result:
+ return self.evaluate_statement(node.trueblock)
+ else:
+ return self.evaluate_statement(node.falseblock)
+ @FeatureNew('format strings', '0.58.0')
+ def evaluate_fstring(self, node: mparser.FormatStringNode) -> TYPE_var:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.FormatStringNode))
+ def replace(match: T.Match[str]) -> str:
+ var = str(match.group(1))
+ try:
+ val = self.variables[var]
+ if not isinstance(val, (str, int, float, bool)):
+ raise InvalidCode(f'Identifier "{var}" does not name a formattable variable ' +
+ '(has to be an integer, a string, a floating point number or a boolean).')
+ return str(val)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise InvalidCode(f'Identifier "{var}" does not name a variable.')
+ return re.sub(r'@([_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*)@', replace, node.value)
+ def evaluate_foreach(self, node: mparser.ForeachClauseNode) -> None:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.ForeachClauseNode))
+ items = self.evaluate_statement(node.items)
+ if isinstance(items, (list, RangeHolder)):
+ if len(node.varnames) != 1:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Foreach on array does not unpack')
+ varname = node.varnames[0]
+ for item in items:
+ self.set_variable(varname, item)
+ try:
+ self.evaluate_codeblock(node.block)
+ except ContinueRequest:
+ continue
+ except BreakRequest:
+ break
+ elif isinstance(items, dict):
+ if len(node.varnames) != 2:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Foreach on dict unpacks key and value')
+ for key, value in sorted(items.items()):
+ self.set_variable(node.varnames[0], key)
+ self.set_variable(node.varnames[1], value)
+ try:
+ self.evaluate_codeblock(node.block)
+ except ContinueRequest:
+ continue
+ except BreakRequest:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise InvalidArguments('Items of foreach loop must be an array or a dict')
+ def evaluate_plusassign(self, node: mparser.PlusAssignmentNode) -> None:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.PlusAssignmentNode))
+ varname = node.var_name
+ addition = self.evaluate_statement(node.value)
+ # Remember that all variables are immutable. We must always create a
+ # full new variable and then assign it.
+ old_variable = self.get_variable(varname)
+ new_value = None # type: T.Union[str, int, float, bool, dict, list]
+ if isinstance(old_variable, str):
+ if not isinstance(addition, str):
+ raise InvalidArguments('The += operator requires a string on the right hand side if the variable on the left is a string')
+ new_value = old_variable + addition
+ elif isinstance(old_variable, int):
+ if not isinstance(addition, int):
+ raise InvalidArguments('The += operator requires an int on the right hand side if the variable on the left is an int')
+ new_value = old_variable + addition
+ elif isinstance(old_variable, list):
+ if isinstance(addition, list):
+ new_value = old_variable + addition
+ else:
+ new_value = old_variable + [addition]
+ elif isinstance(old_variable, dict):
+ if not isinstance(addition, dict):
+ raise InvalidArguments('The += operator requires a dict on the right hand side if the variable on the left is a dict')
+ new_value = {**old_variable, **addition}
+ # Add other data types here.
+ else:
+ raise InvalidArguments('The += operator currently only works with arrays, dicts, strings or ints')
+ self.set_variable(varname, new_value)
+ def evaluate_indexing(self, node: mparser.IndexNode) -> T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject]:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.IndexNode))
+ iobject = self.evaluate_statement(node.iobject)
+ if isinstance(iobject, Disabler):
+ return iobject
+ if not hasattr(iobject, '__getitem__'):
+ raise InterpreterException(
+ 'Tried to index an object that doesn\'t support indexing.')
+ index = self.evaluate_statement(node.index)
+ if isinstance(iobject, dict):
+ if not isinstance(index, str):
+ raise InterpreterException('Key is not a string')
+ try:
+ # The cast is required because we don't have recursive types...
+ return T.cast(T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject], iobject[index])
+ except KeyError:
+ raise InterpreterException('Key %s is not in dict' % index)
+ else:
+ if not isinstance(index, int):
+ raise InterpreterException('Index value is not an integer.')
+ try:
+ # Ignore the MyPy error, since we don't know all indexable types here
+ # and we handle non indexable types with an exception
+ # TODO maybe find a better solution
+ res = iobject[index] # type: ignore
+ # Only holderify if we are dealing with `InterpreterObject`, since raw
+ # lists already store ObjectHolders
+ if isinstance(iobject, InterpreterObject):
+ return self._holderify(res)
+ else:
+ return res
+ except IndexError:
+ # We are already checking for the existence of __getitem__, so this should be save
+ raise InterpreterException('Index %d out of bounds of array of size %d.' % (index, len(iobject))) # type: ignore
+ def function_call(self, node: mparser.FunctionNode) -> T.Optional[T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject]]:
+ func_name = node.func_name
+ (h_posargs, h_kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(node.args)
+ (posargs, kwargs) = self._unholder_args(h_posargs, h_kwargs)
+ if is_disabled(posargs, kwargs) and func_name not in {'get_variable', 'set_variable', 'is_disabler'}:
+ return Disabler()
+ if func_name in self.funcs:
+ func = self.funcs[func_name]
+ func_args = posargs
+ if not getattr(func, 'no-args-flattening', False):
+ func_args = flatten(posargs)
+ if not getattr(func, 'no-second-level-holder-flattening', False):
+ func_args, kwargs = resolve_second_level_holders(func_args, kwargs)
+ res = func(node, func_args, kwargs)
+ return self._holderify(res)
+ else:
+ self.unknown_function_called(func_name)
+ return None
+ def method_call(self, node: mparser.MethodNode) -> T.Optional[T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]:
+ invokable = node.source_object
+ obj: T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]
+ if isinstance(invokable, mparser.IdNode):
+ object_name = invokable.value
+ obj = self.get_variable(object_name)
+ else:
+ obj = self.evaluate_statement(invokable)
+ method_name = node.name
+ (h_args, h_kwargs) = self.reduce_arguments(node.args)
+ (args, kwargs) = self._unholder_args(h_args, h_kwargs)
+ if is_disabled(args, kwargs):
+ return Disabler()
+ if isinstance(obj, str):
+ return self.string_method_call(obj, method_name, args, kwargs)
+ if isinstance(obj, bool):
+ return self.bool_method_call(obj, method_name, args, kwargs)
+ if isinstance(obj, int):
+ return self.int_method_call(obj, method_name, args, kwargs)
+ if isinstance(obj, list):
+ return self.array_method_call(obj, method_name, args, kwargs)
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return self.dict_method_call(obj, method_name, args, kwargs)
+ if not isinstance(obj, InterpreterObject):
+ raise InvalidArguments('Variable "%s" is not callable.' % object_name)
+ # Special case. This is the only thing you can do with a disabler
+ # object. Every other use immediately returns the disabler object.
+ if isinstance(obj, Disabler):
+ if method_name == 'found':
+ return False
+ else:
+ return Disabler()
+ # TODO: InterpreterBase **really** shouldn't be in charge of checking this
+ if method_name == 'extract_objects':
+ if not isinstance(obj, ObjectHolder):
+ raise InvalidArguments(f'Invalid operation "extract_objects" on variable "{object_name}" of type {type(obj).__name__}')
+ self.validate_extraction(obj.held_object)
+ obj.current_node = node
+ return self._holderify(obj.method_call(method_name, args, kwargs))
+ def _holderify(self, res: T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject, None]) -> T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject]:
+ if res is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(res, (int, bool, str)):
+ return res
+ elif isinstance(res, list):
+ return [self._holderify(x) for x in res]
+ elif isinstance(res, dict):
+ return {k: self._holderify(v) for k, v in res.items()}
+ elif isinstance(res, mesonlib.HoldableObject):
+ # Always check for an exact match first.
+ cls = self.holder_map.get(type(res), None)
+ if cls is not None:
+ # Casts to Interpreter are required here since an assertion would
+ # not work for the `ast` module.
+ return cls(res, T.cast('Interpreter', self))
+ # Try the boundary types next.
+ for typ, cls in self.bound_holder_map.items():
+ if isinstance(res, typ):
+ return cls(res, T.cast('Interpreter', self))
+ raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Object {res} of type {type(res).__name__} is neither in self.holder_map nor self.bound_holder_map.')
+ elif isinstance(res, ObjectHolder):
+ raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Returned object {res} of type {type(res).__name__} is an object holder.')
+ elif isinstance(res, MesonInterpreterObject):
+ return res
+ raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'Unknown returned object {res} of type {type(res).__name__} in the parameters.')
+ def _unholder_args(self,
+ args: T.List[T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]],
+ kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]) -> T.Tuple[T.List[TYPE_var], TYPE_kwargs]:
+ return [_unholder(x) for x in args], {k: _unholder(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()}
+ @builtinMethodNoKwargs
+ def bool_method_call(self, obj: bool, method_name: str, posargs: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[str, int]:
+ if method_name == 'to_string':
+ if not posargs:
+ if obj:
+ return 'true'
+ else:
+ return 'false'
+ elif len(posargs) == 2 and isinstance(posargs[0], str) and isinstance(posargs[1], str):
+ if obj:
+ return posargs[0]
+ else:
+ return posargs[1]
+ else:
+ raise InterpreterException('bool.to_string() must have either no arguments or exactly two string arguments that signify what values to return for true and false.')
+ elif method_name == 'to_int':
+ if obj:
+ return 1
+ else:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ raise InterpreterException('Unknown method "%s" for a boolean.' % method_name)
+ @builtinMethodNoKwargs
+ def int_method_call(self, obj: int, method_name: str, posargs: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[str, bool]:
+ if method_name == 'is_even':
+ if not posargs:
+ return obj % 2 == 0
+ else:
+ raise InterpreterException('int.is_even() must have no arguments.')
+ elif method_name == 'is_odd':
+ if not posargs:
+ return obj % 2 != 0
+ else:
+ raise InterpreterException('int.is_odd() must have no arguments.')
+ elif method_name == 'to_string':
+ if not posargs:
+ return str(obj)
+ else:
+ raise InterpreterException('int.to_string() must have no arguments.')
+ else:
+ raise InterpreterException('Unknown method "%s" for an integer.' % method_name)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_one_string_posarg(posargs: T.List[TYPE_var], method_name: str) -> str:
+ if len(posargs) > 1:
+ raise InterpreterException(f'{method_name}() must have zero or one arguments')
+ elif len(posargs) == 1:
+ s = posargs[0]
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ raise InterpreterException(f'{method_name}() argument must be a string')
+ return s
+ return None
+ @builtinMethodNoKwargs
+ def string_method_call(self, obj: str, method_name: str, posargs: T.List[TYPE_var], kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[str, int, bool, T.List[str]]:
+ if method_name == 'strip':
+ s1 = self._get_one_string_posarg(posargs, 'strip')
+ if s1 is not None:
+ return obj.strip(s1)
+ return obj.strip()
+ elif method_name == 'format':
+ return self.format_string(obj, posargs)
+ elif method_name == 'to_upper':
+ return obj.upper()
+ elif method_name == 'to_lower':
+ return obj.lower()
+ elif method_name == 'underscorify':
+ return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', obj)
+ elif method_name == 'split':
+ s2 = self._get_one_string_posarg(posargs, 'split')
+ if s2 is not None:
+ return obj.split(s2)
+ return obj.split()
+ elif method_name == 'startswith' or method_name == 'contains' or method_name == 'endswith':
+ s3 = posargs[0]
+ if not isinstance(s3, str):
+ raise InterpreterException('Argument must be a string.')
+ if method_name == 'startswith':
+ return obj.startswith(s3)
+ elif method_name == 'contains':
+ return obj.find(s3) >= 0
+ return obj.endswith(s3)
+ elif method_name == 'to_int':
+ try:
+ return int(obj)
+ except Exception:
+ raise InterpreterException(f'String {obj!r} cannot be converted to int')
+ elif method_name == 'join':
+ if len(posargs) != 1:
+ raise InterpreterException('Join() takes exactly one argument.')
+ strlist = posargs[0]
+ check_stringlist(strlist)
+ assert isinstance(strlist, list) # Required for mypy
+ return obj.join(strlist)
+ elif method_name == 'version_compare':
+ if len(posargs) != 1:
+ raise InterpreterException('Version_compare() takes exactly one argument.')
+ cmpr = posargs[0]
+ if not isinstance(cmpr, str):
+ raise InterpreterException('Version_compare() argument must be a string.')
+ if isinstance(obj, MesonVersionString):
+ self.tmp_meson_version = cmpr
+ return mesonlib.version_compare(obj, cmpr)
+ elif method_name == 'substring':
+ if len(posargs) > 2:
+ raise InterpreterException('substring() takes maximum two arguments.')
+ start = 0
+ end = len(obj)
+ if len (posargs) > 0:
+ if not isinstance(posargs[0], int):
+ raise InterpreterException('substring() argument must be an int')
+ start = posargs[0]
+ if len (posargs) > 1:
+ if not isinstance(posargs[1], int):
+ raise InterpreterException('substring() argument must be an int')
+ end = posargs[1]
+ return obj[start:end]
+ elif method_name == 'replace':
+ FeatureNew.single_use('str.replace', '0.58.0', self.subproject)
+ if len(posargs) != 2:
+ raise InterpreterException('replace() takes exactly two arguments.')
+ if not isinstance(posargs[0], str) or not isinstance(posargs[1], str):
+ raise InterpreterException('replace() requires that both arguments be strings')
+ return obj.replace(posargs[0], posargs[1])
+ raise InterpreterException('Unknown method "%s" for a string.' % method_name)
+ def format_string(self, templ: str, args: T.List[TYPE_var]) -> str:
+ arg_strings = []
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, mparser.BaseNode):
+ arg = self.evaluate_statement(arg)
+ if isinstance(arg, bool): # Python boolean is upper case.
+ arg = str(arg).lower()
+ arg_strings.append(str(arg))
+ def arg_replace(match: T.Match[str]) -> str:
+ idx = int(match.group(1))
+ if idx >= len(arg_strings):
+ raise InterpreterException(f'Format placeholder @{idx}@ out of range.')
+ return arg_strings[idx]
+ return re.sub(r'@(\d+)@', arg_replace, templ)
+ def unknown_function_called(self, func_name: str) -> None:
+ raise InvalidCode('Unknown function "%s".' % func_name)
+ @builtinMethodNoKwargs
+ def array_method_call(self,
+ obj: T.List[T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject]],
+ method_name: str,
+ posargs: T.List[TYPE_var],
+ kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]:
+ if method_name == 'contains':
+ def check_contains(el: T.List[TYPE_var]) -> bool:
+ if len(posargs) != 1:
+ raise InterpreterException('Contains method takes exactly one argument.')
+ item = posargs[0]
+ for element in el:
+ if isinstance(element, list):
+ found = check_contains(element)
+ if found:
+ return True
+ if element == item:
+ return True
+ return False
+ return check_contains([_unholder(x) for x in obj])
+ elif method_name == 'length':
+ return len(obj)
+ elif method_name == 'get':
+ index = posargs[0]
+ fallback = None
+ if len(posargs) == 2:
+ fallback = self._holderify(posargs[1])
+ elif len(posargs) > 2:
+ m = 'Array method \'get()\' only takes two arguments: the ' \
+ 'index and an optional fallback value if the index is ' \
+ 'out of range.'
+ raise InvalidArguments(m)
+ if not isinstance(index, int):
+ raise InvalidArguments('Array index must be a number.')
+ if index < -len(obj) or index >= len(obj):
+ if fallback is None:
+ m = 'Array index {!r} is out of bounds for array of size {!r}.'
+ raise InvalidArguments(m.format(index, len(obj)))
+ if isinstance(fallback, mparser.BaseNode):
+ return self.evaluate_statement(fallback)
+ return fallback
+ return obj[index]
+ raise InterpreterException(f'Arrays do not have a method called {method_name!r}.')
+ @builtinMethodNoKwargs
+ def dict_method_call(self,
+ obj: T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_elementary, InterpreterObject]],
+ method_name: str,
+ posargs: T.List[TYPE_var],
+ kwargs: TYPE_kwargs) -> T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]:
+ if method_name in ('has_key', 'get'):
+ if method_name == 'has_key':
+ if len(posargs) != 1:
+ raise InterpreterException('has_key() takes exactly one argument.')
+ else:
+ if len(posargs) not in (1, 2):
+ raise InterpreterException('get() takes one or two arguments.')
+ key = posargs[0]
+ if not isinstance(key, (str)):
+ raise InvalidArguments('Dictionary key must be a string.')
+ has_key = key in obj
+ if method_name == 'has_key':
+ return has_key
+ if has_key:
+ return obj[key]
+ if len(posargs) == 2:
+ fallback = self._holderify(posargs[1])
+ if isinstance(fallback, mparser.BaseNode):
+ return self.evaluate_statement(fallback)
+ return fallback
+ raise InterpreterException(f'Key {key!r} is not in the dictionary.')
+ if method_name == 'keys':
+ if len(posargs) != 0:
+ raise InterpreterException('keys() takes no arguments.')
+ return sorted(obj.keys())
+ raise InterpreterException('Dictionaries do not have a method called "%s".' % method_name)
+ def reduce_arguments(
+ self,
+ args: mparser.ArgumentNode,
+ key_resolver: T.Callable[[mparser.BaseNode], str] = default_resolve_key,
+ duplicate_key_error: T.Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> T.Tuple[
+ T.List[T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]],
+ T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]
+ ]:
+ assert(isinstance(args, mparser.ArgumentNode))
+ if args.incorrect_order():
+ raise InvalidArguments('All keyword arguments must be after positional arguments.')
+ self.argument_depth += 1
+ reduced_pos: T.List[T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]] = [self.evaluate_statement(arg) for arg in args.arguments]
+ reduced_kw: T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]] = {}
+ for key, val in args.kwargs.items():
+ reduced_key = key_resolver(key)
+ assert isinstance(val, mparser.BaseNode)
+ reduced_val = self.evaluate_statement(val)
+ if duplicate_key_error and reduced_key in reduced_kw:
+ raise InvalidArguments(duplicate_key_error.format(reduced_key))
+ reduced_kw[reduced_key] = reduced_val
+ self.argument_depth -= 1
+ final_kw = self.expand_default_kwargs(reduced_kw)
+ return reduced_pos, final_kw
+ def expand_default_kwargs(self, kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]) -> T.Dict[str, T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]]:
+ if 'kwargs' not in kwargs:
+ return kwargs
+ to_expand = kwargs.pop('kwargs')
+ if not isinstance(to_expand, dict):
+ raise InterpreterException('Value of "kwargs" must be dictionary.')
+ if 'kwargs' in to_expand:
+ raise InterpreterException('Kwargs argument must not contain a "kwargs" entry. Points for thinking meta, though. :P')
+ for k, v in to_expand.items():
+ if k in kwargs:
+ raise InterpreterException(f'Entry "{k}" defined both as a keyword argument and in a "kwarg" entry.')
+ kwargs[k] = v
+ return kwargs
+ def assignment(self, node: mparser.AssignmentNode) -> None:
+ assert(isinstance(node, mparser.AssignmentNode))
+ if self.argument_depth != 0:
+ raise InvalidArguments('''Tried to assign values inside an argument list.
+To specify a keyword argument, use : instead of =.''')
+ var_name = node.var_name
+ if not isinstance(var_name, str):
+ raise InvalidArguments('Tried to assign value to a non-variable.')
+ value = self.evaluate_statement(node.value)
+ if not self.is_assignable(value):
+ raise InvalidCode(f'Tried to assign the invalid value "{value}" of type {type(value).__name__} to variable.')
+ # For mutable objects we need to make a copy on assignment
+ if isinstance(value, MutableInterpreterObject):
+ value = copy.deepcopy(value)
+ self.set_variable(var_name, value)
+ return None
+ def set_variable(self, varname: str, variable: T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject], *, holderify: bool = False) -> None:
+ if variable is None:
+ raise InvalidCode('Can not assign None to variable.')
+ if holderify:
+ variable = self._holderify(variable)
+ else:
+ # Ensure that we are never storing a HoldableObject
+ def check(x: T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]) -> None:
+ if isinstance(x, mesonlib.HoldableObject):
+ raise mesonlib.MesonBugException(f'set_variable in InterpreterBase called with a HoldableObject {x} of type {type(x).__name__}')
+ elif isinstance(x, list):
+ for y in x:
+ check(y)
+ elif isinstance(x, dict):
+ for v in x.values():
+ check(v)
+ check(variable)
+ if not isinstance(varname, str):
+ raise InvalidCode('First argument to set_variable must be a string.')
+ if not self.is_assignable(variable):
+ raise InvalidCode(f'Assigned value "{variable}" of type {type(variable).__name__} is not an assignable type.')
+ if re.match('[_a-zA-Z][_0-9a-zA-Z]*$', varname) is None:
+ raise InvalidCode('Invalid variable name: ' + varname)
+ if varname in self.builtin:
+ raise InvalidCode('Tried to overwrite internal variable "%s"' % varname)
+ self.variables[varname] = variable
+ def get_variable(self, varname: str) -> T.Union[TYPE_var, InterpreterObject]:
+ if varname in self.builtin:
+ return self.builtin[varname]
+ if varname in self.variables:
+ return self.variables[varname]
+ raise InvalidCode('Unknown variable "%s".' % varname)
+ def is_assignable(self, value: T.Any) -> bool:
+ return isinstance(value, (InterpreterObject, str, int, list, dict))
+ def validate_extraction(self, buildtarget: mesonlib.HoldableObject) -> None:
+ raise InterpreterException('validate_extraction is not implemented in this context (please file a bug)')