path: root/meson/mesonbuild/mconf.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /meson/mesonbuild/mconf.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'meson/mesonbuild/mconf.py')
1 files changed, 334 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson/mesonbuild/mconf.py b/meson/mesonbuild/mconf.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b3f33179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/mesonbuild/mconf.py
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# Copyright 2014-2016 The Meson development team
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import itertools
+import shutil
+import os
+import textwrap
+import typing as T
+from . import build
+from . import coredata
+from . import environment
+from . import mesonlib
+from . import mintro
+from . import mlog
+from .ast import AstIDGenerator
+from .mesonlib import MachineChoice, OptionKey
+ import argparse
+ from .coredata import UserOption
+def add_arguments(parser: 'argparse.ArgumentParser') -> None:
+ coredata.register_builtin_arguments(parser)
+ parser.add_argument('builddir', nargs='?', default='.')
+ parser.add_argument('--clearcache', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Clear cached state (e.g. found dependencies)')
+def make_lower_case(val: T.Any) -> T.Union[str, T.List[T.Any]]: # T.Any because of recursion...
+ if isinstance(val, bool):
+ return str(val).lower()
+ elif isinstance(val, list):
+ return [make_lower_case(i) for i in val]
+ else:
+ return str(val)
+class ConfException(mesonlib.MesonException):
+ pass
+class Conf:
+ def __init__(self, build_dir):
+ self.build_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(build_dir))
+ if 'meson.build' in [os.path.basename(self.build_dir), self.build_dir]:
+ self.build_dir = os.path.dirname(self.build_dir)
+ self.build = None
+ self.max_choices_line_length = 60
+ self.name_col = []
+ self.value_col = []
+ self.choices_col = []
+ self.descr_col = []
+ # XXX: is there a case where this can actually remain false?
+ self.has_choices = False
+ self.all_subprojects: T.Set[str] = set()
+ self.yielding_options: T.Set[OptionKey] = set()
+ if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, 'meson-private')):
+ self.build = build.load(self.build_dir)
+ self.source_dir = self.build.environment.get_source_dir()
+ self.coredata = coredata.load(self.build_dir)
+ self.default_values_only = False
+ elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.build_dir, environment.build_filename)):
+ # Make sure that log entries in other parts of meson don't interfere with the JSON output
+ mlog.disable()
+ self.source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(self.build_dir))
+ intr = mintro.IntrospectionInterpreter(self.source_dir, '', 'ninja', visitors = [AstIDGenerator()])
+ intr.analyze()
+ # Re-enable logging just in case
+ mlog.enable()
+ self.coredata = intr.coredata
+ self.default_values_only = True
+ else:
+ raise ConfException(f'Directory {build_dir} is neither a Meson build directory nor a project source directory.')
+ def clear_cache(self):
+ self.coredata.clear_deps_cache()
+ def set_options(self, options):
+ self.coredata.set_options(options)
+ def save(self):
+ # Do nothing when using introspection
+ if self.default_values_only:
+ return
+ # Only called if something has changed so overwrite unconditionally.
+ coredata.save(self.coredata, self.build_dir)
+ # We don't write the build file because any changes to it
+ # are erased when Meson is executed the next time, i.e. when
+ # Ninja is run.
+ def print_aligned(self) -> None:
+ """Do the actual printing.
+ This prints the generated output in an aligned, pretty form. it aims
+ for a total width of 160 characters, but will use whatever the tty
+ reports it's value to be. Though this is much wider than the standard
+ 80 characters of terminals, and even than the newer 120, compressing
+ it to those lengths makes the output hard to read.
+ Each column will have a specific width, and will be line wrapped.
+ """
+ total_width = shutil.get_terminal_size(fallback=(160, 0))[0]
+ _col = max(total_width // 5, 20)
+ four_column = (_col, _col, _col, total_width - (3 * _col))
+ # In this case we don't have the choices field, so we can redistribute
+ # the extra 40 characters to val and desc
+ three_column = (_col, _col * 2, total_width // 2)
+ for line in zip(self.name_col, self.value_col, self.choices_col, self.descr_col):
+ if not any(line):
+ print('')
+ continue
+ # This is a header, like `Subproject foo:`,
+ # We just want to print that and get on with it
+ if line[0] and not any(line[1:]):
+ print(line[0])
+ continue
+ # wrap will take a long string, and create a list of strings no
+ # longer than the size given. Then that list can be zipped into, to
+ # print each line of the output, such the that columns are printed
+ # to the right width, row by row.
+ if self.has_choices:
+ name = textwrap.wrap(line[0], four_column[0])
+ val = textwrap.wrap(line[1], four_column[1])
+ choice = textwrap.wrap(line[2], four_column[2])
+ desc = textwrap.wrap(line[3], four_column[3])
+ for l in itertools.zip_longest(name, val, choice, desc, fillvalue=''):
+ # We must use the length modifier here to get even rows, as
+ # `textwrap.wrap` will only shorten, not lengthen each item
+ print('{:{widths[0]}} {:{widths[1]}} {:{widths[2]}} {}'.format(*l, widths=four_column))
+ else:
+ name = textwrap.wrap(line[0], three_column[0])
+ val = textwrap.wrap(line[1], three_column[1])
+ desc = textwrap.wrap(line[3], three_column[2])
+ for l in itertools.zip_longest(name, val, desc, fillvalue=''):
+ print('{:{widths[0]}} {:{widths[1]}} {}'.format(*l, widths=three_column))
+ def split_options_per_subproject(self, options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType') -> T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, 'UserOption']]:
+ result: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, 'UserOption']] = {}
+ for k, o in options.items():
+ subproject = k.subproject
+ if k.subproject:
+ k = k.as_root()
+ if o.yielding and k in options:
+ self.yielding_options.add(k)
+ self.all_subprojects.add(subproject)
+ result.setdefault(subproject, {})[str(k)] = o
+ return result
+ def _add_line(self, name: OptionKey, value, choices, descr) -> None:
+ self.name_col.append(' ' * self.print_margin + str(name))
+ self.value_col.append(value)
+ self.choices_col.append(choices)
+ self.descr_col.append(descr)
+ def add_option(self, name, descr, value, choices):
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ value = '[{}]'.format(', '.join(make_lower_case(value)))
+ else:
+ value = make_lower_case(value)
+ if choices:
+ self.has_choices = True
+ if isinstance(choices, list):
+ choices_list = make_lower_case(choices)
+ current = '['
+ while choices_list:
+ i = choices_list.pop(0)
+ if len(current) + len(i) >= self.max_choices_line_length:
+ self._add_line(name, value, current + ',', descr)
+ name = ''
+ value = ''
+ descr = ''
+ current = ' '
+ if len(current) > 1:
+ current += ', '
+ current += i
+ choices = current + ']'
+ else:
+ choices = make_lower_case(choices)
+ else:
+ choices = ''
+ self._add_line(name, value, choices, descr)
+ def add_title(self, title):
+ titles = {'descr': 'Description', 'value': 'Current Value', 'choices': 'Possible Values'}
+ if self.default_values_only:
+ titles['value'] = 'Default Value'
+ self._add_line('', '', '', '')
+ self._add_line(title, titles['value'], titles['choices'], titles['descr'])
+ self._add_line('-' * len(title), '-' * len(titles['value']), '-' * len(titles['choices']), '-' * len(titles['descr']))
+ def add_section(self, section):
+ self.print_margin = 0
+ self._add_line('', '', '', '')
+ self._add_line(section + ':', '', '', '')
+ self.print_margin = 2
+ def print_options(self, title: str, options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType') -> None:
+ if not options:
+ return
+ if title:
+ self.add_title(title)
+ for k, o in sorted(options.items()):
+ printable_value = o.printable_value()
+ if k in self.yielding_options:
+ printable_value = '<inherited from main project>'
+ self.add_option(k, o.description, printable_value, o.choices)
+ def print_conf(self):
+ def print_default_values_warning():
+ mlog.warning('The source directory instead of the build directory was specified.')
+ mlog.warning('Only the default values for the project are printed, and all command line parameters are ignored.')
+ if self.default_values_only:
+ print_default_values_warning()
+ print('')
+ print('Core properties:')
+ print(' Source dir', self.source_dir)
+ if not self.default_values_only:
+ print(' Build dir ', self.build_dir)
+ dir_option_names = set(coredata.BUILTIN_DIR_OPTIONS)
+ test_option_names = {OptionKey('errorlogs'),
+ OptionKey('stdsplit')}
+ dir_options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType' = {}
+ test_options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType' = {}
+ core_options: 'coredata.KeyedOptionDictType' = {}
+ for k, v in self.coredata.options.items():
+ if k in dir_option_names:
+ dir_options[k] = v
+ elif k in test_option_names:
+ test_options[k] = v
+ elif k.is_builtin():
+ core_options[k] = v
+ host_core_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in core_options.items() if k.machine is MachineChoice.HOST})
+ build_core_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in core_options.items() if k.machine is MachineChoice.BUILD})
+ host_compiler_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_compiler() and k.machine is MachineChoice.HOST})
+ build_compiler_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_compiler() and k.machine is MachineChoice.BUILD})
+ project_options = self.split_options_per_subproject({k: v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_project()})
+ show_build_options = self.default_values_only or self.build.environment.is_cross_build()
+ self.add_section('Main project options')
+ self.print_options('Core options', host_core_options[''])
+ if show_build_options:
+ self.print_options('', build_core_options[''])
+ self.print_options('Backend options', {str(k): v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_backend()})
+ self.print_options('Base options', {str(k): v for k, v in self.coredata.options.items() if k.is_base()})
+ self.print_options('Compiler options', host_compiler_options.get('', {}))
+ if show_build_options:
+ self.print_options('', build_compiler_options.get('', {}))
+ self.print_options('Directories', dir_options)
+ self.print_options('Testing options', test_options)
+ self.print_options('Project options', project_options.get('', {}))
+ for subproject in sorted(self.all_subprojects):
+ if subproject == '':
+ continue
+ self.add_section('Subproject ' + subproject)
+ if subproject in host_core_options:
+ self.print_options('Core options', host_core_options[subproject])
+ if subproject in build_core_options and show_build_options:
+ self.print_options('', build_core_options[subproject])
+ if subproject in host_compiler_options:
+ self.print_options('Compiler options', host_compiler_options[subproject])
+ if subproject in build_compiler_options and show_build_options:
+ self.print_options('', build_compiler_options[subproject])
+ if subproject in project_options:
+ self.print_options('Project options', project_options[subproject])
+ self.print_aligned()
+ # Print the warning twice so that the user shouldn't be able to miss it
+ if self.default_values_only:
+ print('')
+ print_default_values_warning()
+ self.print_nondefault_buildtype_options()
+ def print_nondefault_buildtype_options(self):
+ mismatching = self.coredata.get_nondefault_buildtype_args()
+ if not mismatching:
+ return
+ print("\nThe following option(s) have a different value than the build type default\n")
+ print(f' current default')
+ for m in mismatching:
+ print(f'{m[0]:21}{m[1]:10}{m[2]:10}')
+def run(options):
+ coredata.parse_cmd_line_options(options)
+ builddir = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(options.builddir))
+ c = None
+ try:
+ c = Conf(builddir)
+ if c.default_values_only:
+ c.print_conf()
+ return 0
+ save = False
+ if options.cmd_line_options:
+ c.set_options(options.cmd_line_options)
+ coredata.update_cmd_line_file(builddir, options)
+ save = True
+ elif options.clearcache:
+ c.clear_cache()
+ save = True
+ else:
+ c.print_conf()
+ if save:
+ c.save()
+ mintro.update_build_options(c.coredata, c.build.environment.info_dir)
+ mintro.write_meson_info_file(c.build, [])
+ except ConfException as e:
+ print('Meson configurator encountered an error:')
+ if c is not None and c.build is not None:
+ mintro.write_meson_info_file(c.build, [e])
+ raise e
+ return 0