path: root/meson/mesonbuild/modules/qt.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /meson/mesonbuild/modules/qt.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'meson/mesonbuild/modules/qt.py')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson/mesonbuild/modules/qt.py b/meson/mesonbuild/modules/qt.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..207a02564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/mesonbuild/modules/qt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+# Copyright 2015 The Meson development team
+# Copyright © 2021 Intel Corporation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from mesonbuild import coredata
+import os
+import shutil
+import typing as T
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from . import ModuleReturnValue, ExtensionModule
+from .. import build
+from .. import mlog
+from ..dependencies import find_external_dependency, Dependency, ExternalLibrary
+from ..mesonlib import MesonException, File, FileOrString, version_compare, Popen_safe
+from . import ModuleReturnValue, ExtensionModule
+from ..interpreter import extract_required_kwarg
+from ..interpreterbase import ContainerTypeInfo, FeatureDeprecated, KwargInfo, noPosargs, FeatureNew, typed_kwargs
+from ..programs import ExternalProgram, NonExistingExternalProgram
+ from . import ModuleState
+ from ..dependencies.qt import QtPkgConfigDependency, QmakeQtDependency
+ from ..interpreter import Interpreter
+ from ..interpreter import kwargs
+ QtDependencyType = T.Union[QtPkgConfigDependency, QmakeQtDependency]
+ from typing_extensions import TypedDict
+ class ResourceCompilerKwArgs(TypedDict):
+ """Keyword arguments for the Resource Compiler method."""
+ name: T.Optional[str]
+ sources: T.List[FileOrString]
+ extra_args: T.List[str]
+ method: str
+ class UICompilerKwArgs(TypedDict):
+ """Keyword arguments for the Ui Compiler method."""
+ sources: T.Sequence[T.Union[FileOrString, build.CustomTarget]]
+ extra_args: T.List[str]
+ method: str
+ class MocCompilerKwArgs(TypedDict):
+ """Keyword arguments for the Moc Compiler method."""
+ sources: T.List[T.Union[FileOrString, build.CustomTarget]]
+ headers: T.List[T.Union[FileOrString, build.CustomTarget]]
+ extra_args: T.List[str]
+ method: str
+ include_directories: T.List[T.Union[str, build.IncludeDirs]]
+ dependencies: T.List[T.Union[Dependency, ExternalLibrary]]
+ class PreprocessKwArgs(TypedDict):
+ sources: T.List[FileOrString]
+ moc_sources: T.List[T.Union[FileOrString, build.CustomTarget]]
+ moc_headers: T.List[T.Union[FileOrString, build.CustomTarget]]
+ qresources: T.List[FileOrString]
+ ui_files: T.List[T.Union[FileOrString, build.CustomTarget]]
+ moc_extra_arguments: T.List[str]
+ rcc_extra_arguments: T.List[str]
+ uic_extra_arguments: T.List[str]
+ include_directories: T.List[T.Union[str, build.IncludeDirs]]
+ dependencies: T.List[T.Union[Dependency, ExternalLibrary]]
+ method: str
+ class HasToolKwArgs(kwargs.ExtractRequired):
+ method: str
+ class CompileTranslationsKwArgs(TypedDict):
+ build_by_default: bool
+ install: bool
+ install_dir: T.Optional[str]
+ method: str
+ qresource: T.Optional[str]
+ rcc_extra_arguments: T.List[str]
+ ts_files: T.List[str]
+class QtBaseModule(ExtensionModule):
+ _tools_detected = False
+ _rcc_supports_depfiles = False
+ def __init__(self, interpreter: 'Interpreter', qt_version: int = 5):
+ ExtensionModule.__init__(self, interpreter)
+ self.qt_version = qt_version
+ self.tools: T.Dict[str, ExternalProgram] = {
+ 'moc': NonExistingExternalProgram('moc'),
+ 'uic': NonExistingExternalProgram('uic'),
+ 'rcc': NonExistingExternalProgram('rcc'),
+ 'lrelease': NonExistingExternalProgram('lrelease'),
+ }
+ self.methods.update({
+ 'has_tools': self.has_tools,
+ 'preprocess': self.preprocess,
+ 'compile_translations': self.compile_translations,
+ 'compile_resources': self.compile_resources,
+ 'compile_ui': self.compile_ui,
+ 'compile_moc': self.compile_moc,
+ })
+ def compilers_detect(self, state: 'ModuleState', qt_dep: 'QtDependencyType') -> None:
+ """Detect Qt (4 or 5) moc, uic, rcc in the specified bindir or in PATH"""
+ # It is important that this list does not change order as the order of
+ # the returned ExternalPrograms will change as well
+ wanted = f'== {qt_dep.version}'
+ def gen_bins() -> T.Generator[T.Tuple[str, str], None, None]:
+ for b in self.tools:
+ if qt_dep.bindir:
+ yield os.path.join(qt_dep.bindir, b), b
+ # prefer the <tool>-qt<version> of the tool to the plain one, as we
+ # don't know what the unsuffixed one points to without calling it.
+ yield f'{b}-qt{qt_dep.qtver}', b
+ yield b, b
+ for b, name in gen_bins():
+ if self.tools[name].found():
+ continue
+ if name == 'lrelease':
+ arg = ['-version']
+ elif version_compare(qt_dep.version, '>= 5'):
+ arg = ['--version']
+ else:
+ arg = ['-v']
+ # Ensure that the version of qt and each tool are the same
+ def get_version(p: ExternalProgram) -> str:
+ _, out, err = Popen_safe(p.get_command() + arg)
+ if b.startswith('lrelease') or not qt_dep.version.startswith('4'):
+ care = out
+ else:
+ care = err
+ return care.split(' ')[-1].replace(')', '').strip()
+ p = state.find_program(b, required=False,
+ version_func=get_version,
+ wanted=wanted)
+ if p.found():
+ self.tools[name] = p
+ def _detect_tools(self, state: 'ModuleState', method: str, required: bool = True) -> None:
+ if self._tools_detected:
+ return
+ self._tools_detected = True
+ mlog.log(f'Detecting Qt{self.qt_version} tools')
+ kwargs = {'required': required, 'modules': 'Core', 'method': method}
+ # Just pick one to make mypy happy
+ qt = T.cast('QtPkgConfigDependency', find_external_dependency(f'qt{self.qt_version}', state.environment, kwargs))
+ if qt.found():
+ # Get all tools and then make sure that they are the right version
+ self.compilers_detect(state, qt)
+ if version_compare(qt.version, '>=5.14.0'):
+ self._rcc_supports_depfiles = True
+ else:
+ mlog.warning('rcc dependencies will not work properly until you move to Qt >= 5.14:',
+ mlog.bold('https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-45460'), fatal=False)
+ else:
+ suffix = f'-qt{self.qt_version}'
+ self.tools['moc'] = NonExistingExternalProgram(name='moc' + suffix)
+ self.tools['uic'] = NonExistingExternalProgram(name='uic' + suffix)
+ self.tools['rcc'] = NonExistingExternalProgram(name='rcc' + suffix)
+ self.tools['lrelease'] = NonExistingExternalProgram(name='lrelease' + suffix)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _qrc_nodes(state: 'ModuleState', rcc_file: 'FileOrString') -> T.Tuple[str, T.List[str]]:
+ abspath: str
+ if isinstance(rcc_file, str):
+ abspath = os.path.join(state.environment.source_dir, state.subdir, rcc_file)
+ rcc_dirname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
+ else:
+ abspath = rcc_file.absolute_path(state.environment.source_dir, state.environment.build_dir)
+ rcc_dirname = os.path.dirname(abspath)
+ # FIXME: what error are we actually tring to check here?
+ try:
+ tree = ET.parse(abspath)
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ result: T.List[str] = []
+ for child in root[0]:
+ if child.tag != 'file':
+ mlog.warning("malformed rcc file: ", os.path.join(state.subdir, str(rcc_file)))
+ break
+ else:
+ result.append(child.text)
+ return rcc_dirname, result
+ except Exception:
+ raise MesonException(f'Unable to parse resource file {abspath}')
+ def _parse_qrc_deps(self, state: 'ModuleState', rcc_file: 'FileOrString') -> T.List[File]:
+ rcc_dirname, nodes = self._qrc_nodes(state, rcc_file)
+ result: T.List[File] = []
+ for resource_path in nodes:
+ # We need to guess if the pointed resource is:
+ # a) in build directory -> implies a generated file
+ # b) in source directory
+ # c) somewhere else external dependency file to bundle
+ #
+ # Also from qrc documentation: relative path are always from qrc file
+ # So relative path must always be computed from qrc file !
+ if os.path.isabs(resource_path):
+ # a)
+ if resource_path.startswith(os.path.abspath(state.environment.build_dir)):
+ resource_relpath = os.path.relpath(resource_path, state.environment.build_dir)
+ result.append(File(is_built=True, subdir='', fname=resource_relpath))
+ # either b) or c)
+ else:
+ result.append(File(is_built=False, subdir=state.subdir, fname=resource_path))
+ else:
+ path_from_rcc = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(rcc_dirname, resource_path))
+ # a)
+ if path_from_rcc.startswith(state.environment.build_dir):
+ result.append(File(is_built=True, subdir=state.subdir, fname=resource_path))
+ # b)
+ else:
+ result.append(File(is_built=False, subdir=state.subdir, fname=path_from_rcc))
+ return result
+ @FeatureNew('qt.has_tools', '0.54.0')
+ @noPosargs
+ @typed_kwargs(
+ 'qt.has_tools',
+ KwargInfo('required', (bool, coredata.UserFeatureOption), default=False),
+ KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto'),
+ )
+ def has_tools(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'HasToolKwArgs') -> bool:
+ method = kwargs.get('method', 'auto')
+ # We have to cast here because TypedDicts are invariant, even though
+ # ExtractRequiredKwArgs is a subset of HasToolKwArgs, type checkers
+ # will insist this is wrong
+ disabled, required, feature = extract_required_kwarg(kwargs, state.subproject, default=False)
+ if disabled:
+ mlog.log('qt.has_tools skipped: feature', mlog.bold(feature), 'disabled')
+ return False
+ self._detect_tools(state, method, required=False)
+ for tool in self.tools.values():
+ if not tool.found():
+ if required:
+ raise MesonException('Qt tools not found')
+ return False
+ return True
+ @FeatureNew('qt.compile_resources', '0.59.0')
+ @noPosargs
+ @typed_kwargs(
+ 'qt.compile_resources',
+ KwargInfo('name', str),
+ KwargInfo('sources', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str), allow_empty=False), listify=True, required=True),
+ KwargInfo('extra_args', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto')
+ )
+ def compile_resources(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'ResourceCompilerKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
+ """Compile Qt resources files.
+ Uses CustomTargets to generate .cpp files from .qrc files.
+ """
+ out = self._compile_resources_impl(state, kwargs)
+ return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
+ def _compile_resources_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', kwargs: 'ResourceCompilerKwArgs') -> T.List[build.CustomTarget]:
+ # Avoid the FeatureNew when dispatching from preprocess
+ self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
+ if not self.tools['rcc'].found():
+ err_msg = ("{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, "
+ "please check your qt{2} installation")
+ raise MesonException(err_msg.format('RCC', f'rcc-qt{self.qt_version}', self.qt_version))
+ # List of generated CustomTargets
+ targets: T.List[build.CustomTarget] = []
+ # depfile arguments
+ DEPFILE_ARGS: T.List[str] = ['--depfile', '@DEPFILE@'] if self._rcc_supports_depfiles else []
+ name = kwargs['name']
+ sources = kwargs['sources']
+ extra_args = kwargs['extra_args']
+ # If a name was set generate a single .cpp file from all of the qrc
+ # files, otherwise generate one .cpp file per qrc file.
+ if name:
+ qrc_deps: T.List[File] = []
+ for s in sources:
+ qrc_deps.extend(self._parse_qrc_deps(state, s))
+ rcc_kwargs: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = { # TODO: if CustomTarget had typing information we could use that here...
+ 'input': sources,
+ 'output': name + '.cpp',
+ 'command': self.tools['rcc'].get_command() + ['-name', name, '-o', '@OUTPUT@'] + extra_args + ['@INPUT@'] + DEPFILE_ARGS,
+ 'depend_files': qrc_deps,
+ 'depfile': f'{name}.d',
+ }
+ res_target = build.CustomTarget(name, state.subdir, state.subproject, rcc_kwargs)
+ targets.append(res_target)
+ else:
+ for rcc_file in sources:
+ qrc_deps = self._parse_qrc_deps(state, rcc_file)
+ if isinstance(rcc_file, str):
+ basename = os.path.basename(rcc_file)
+ else:
+ basename = os.path.basename(rcc_file.fname)
+ name = f'qt{self.qt_version}-{basename.replace(".", "_")}'
+ rcc_kwargs = {
+ 'input': rcc_file,
+ 'output': f'{name}.cpp',
+ 'command': self.tools['rcc'].get_command() + ['-name', '@BASENAME@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@'] + extra_args + ['@INPUT@'] + DEPFILE_ARGS,
+ 'depend_files': qrc_deps,
+ 'depfile': f'{name}.d',
+ }
+ res_target = build.CustomTarget(name, state.subdir, state.subproject, rcc_kwargs)
+ targets.append(res_target)
+ return targets
+ @FeatureNew('qt.compile_ui', '0.59.0')
+ @noPosargs
+ @typed_kwargs(
+ 'qt.compile_ui',
+ KwargInfo('sources', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str), allow_empty=False), listify=True, required=True),
+ KwargInfo('extra_args', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto')
+ )
+ def compile_ui(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'UICompilerKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
+ """Compile UI resources into cpp headers."""
+ out = self._compile_ui_impl(state, kwargs)
+ return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
+ def _compile_ui_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', kwargs: 'UICompilerKwArgs') -> build.GeneratedList:
+ # Avoid the FeatureNew when dispatching from preprocess
+ self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
+ if not self.tools['uic'].found():
+ err_msg = ("{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, "
+ "please check your qt{2} installation")
+ raise MesonException(err_msg.format('UIC', f'uic-qt{self.qt_version}', self.qt_version))
+ # TODO: This generator isn't added to the generator list in the Interpreter
+ gen = build.Generator(
+ self.tools['uic'],
+ kwargs['extra_args'] + ['-o', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
+ ['ui_@BASENAME@.h'],
+ name=f'Qt{self.qt_version} ui')
+ return gen.process_files(kwargs['sources'], state)
+ @FeatureNew('qt.compile_moc', '0.59.0')
+ @noPosargs
+ @typed_kwargs(
+ 'qt.compile_moc',
+ KwargInfo('sources', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str, build.CustomTarget)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('headers', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str, build.CustomTarget)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('extra_args', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto'),
+ KwargInfo('include_directories', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (build.IncludeDirs, str)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('dependencies', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (Dependency, ExternalLibrary)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ )
+ def compile_moc(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'MocCompilerKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
+ out = self._compile_moc_impl(state, kwargs)
+ return ModuleReturnValue(out, [out])
+ def _compile_moc_impl(self, state: 'ModuleState', kwargs: 'MocCompilerKwArgs') -> T.List[build.GeneratedList]:
+ # Avoid the FeatureNew when dispatching from preprocess
+ self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
+ if not self.tools['moc'].found():
+ err_msg = ("{0} sources specified and couldn't find {1}, "
+ "please check your qt{2} installation")
+ raise MesonException(err_msg.format('MOC', f'uic-qt{self.qt_version}', self.qt_version))
+ if not (kwargs['headers'] or kwargs['sources']):
+ raise build.InvalidArguments('At least one of the "headers" or "sources" keyword arguments must be provied and not empty')
+ inc = state.get_include_args(include_dirs=kwargs['include_directories'])
+ compile_args: T.List[str] = []
+ for dep in kwargs['dependencies']:
+ compile_args.extend([a for a in dep.get_all_compile_args() if a.startswith(('-I', '-D'))])
+ output: T.List[build.GeneratedList] = []
+ arguments = kwargs['extra_args'] + inc + compile_args + ['@INPUT@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@']
+ if kwargs['headers']:
+ moc_gen = build.Generator(
+ self.tools['moc'], arguments, ['moc_@BASENAME@.cpp'],
+ name=f'Qt{self.qt_version} moc header')
+ output.append(moc_gen.process_files(kwargs['headers'], state))
+ if kwargs['sources']:
+ moc_gen = build.Generator(
+ self.tools['moc'], arguments, ['@BASENAME@.moc'],
+ name=f'Qt{self.qt_version} moc source')
+ output.append(moc_gen.process_files(kwargs['sources'], state))
+ return output
+ # We can't use typed_pos_args here, the signature is ambiguious
+ @typed_kwargs(
+ 'qt.preprocess',
+ KwargInfo('sources', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str)), listify=True, default=[], deprecated='0.59.0'),
+ KwargInfo('qresources', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('ui_files', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str, build.CustomTarget)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('moc_sources', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str, build.CustomTarget)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('moc_headers', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (File, str, build.CustomTarget)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('moc_extra_arguments', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[], since='0.44.0'),
+ KwargInfo('rcc_extra_arguments', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[], since='0.49.0'),
+ KwargInfo('uic_extra_arguments', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[], since='0.49.0'),
+ KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto'),
+ KwargInfo('include_directories', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (build.IncludeDirs, str)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ KwargInfo('dependencies', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (Dependency, ExternalLibrary)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ )
+ def preprocess(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.List[T.Union[str, File]], kwargs: 'PreprocessKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
+ _sources = args[1:]
+ if _sources:
+ FeatureDeprecated.single_use('qt.preprocess positional sources', '0.59', state.subproject)
+ # List is invariant, os we have to cast...
+ sources = T.cast(T.List[T.Union[str, File, build.GeneratedList, build.CustomTarget]],
+ _sources + kwargs['sources'])
+ for s in sources:
+ if not isinstance(s, (str, File)):
+ raise build.InvalidArguments('Variadic arguments to qt.preprocess must be Strings or Files')
+ method = kwargs['method']
+ if kwargs['qresources']:
+ # custom output name set? -> one output file, multiple otherwise
+ rcc_kwargs: 'ResourceCompilerKwArgs' = {'name': '', 'sources': kwargs['qresources'], 'extra_args': kwargs['rcc_extra_arguments'], 'method': method}
+ if args:
+ name = args[0]
+ if not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise build.InvalidArguments('First argument to qt.preprocess must be a string')
+ rcc_kwargs['name'] = name
+ sources.extend(self._compile_resources_impl(state, rcc_kwargs))
+ if kwargs['ui_files']:
+ ui_kwargs: 'UICompilerKwArgs' = {'sources': kwargs['ui_files'], 'extra_args': kwargs['uic_extra_arguments'], 'method': method}
+ sources.append(self._compile_ui_impl(state, ui_kwargs))
+ if kwargs['moc_headers'] or kwargs['moc_sources']:
+ moc_kwargs: 'MocCompilerKwArgs' = {
+ 'extra_args': kwargs['moc_extra_arguments'],
+ 'sources': kwargs['moc_sources'],
+ 'headers': kwargs['moc_headers'],
+ 'include_directories': kwargs['include_directories'],
+ 'dependencies': kwargs['dependencies'],
+ 'method': method,
+ }
+ sources.extend(self._compile_moc_impl(state, moc_kwargs))
+ return ModuleReturnValue(sources, [sources])
+ @FeatureNew('qt.compile_translations', '0.44.0')
+ @noPosargs
+ @typed_kwargs(
+ 'qt.compile_translations',
+ KwargInfo('build_by_default', bool, default=False),
+ KwargInfo('install', bool, default=False),
+ KwargInfo('install_dir', str),
+ KwargInfo('method', str, default='auto'),
+ KwargInfo('qresource', str, since='0.56.0'),
+ KwargInfo('rcc_extra_arguments', ContainerTypeInfo(list, str), listify=True, default=[], since='0.56.0'),
+ KwargInfo('ts_files', ContainerTypeInfo(list, (str, File)), listify=True, default=[]),
+ )
+ def compile_translations(self, state: 'ModuleState', args: T.Tuple, kwargs: 'CompileTranslationsKwArgs') -> ModuleReturnValue:
+ ts_files = kwargs['ts_files']
+ install_dir = kwargs['install_dir']
+ qresource = kwargs['qresource']
+ if qresource:
+ if ts_files:
+ raise MesonException('qt.compile_translations: Cannot specify both ts_files and qresource')
+ if os.path.dirname(qresource) != '':
+ raise MesonException('qt.compile_translations: qresource file name must not contain a subdirectory.')
+ qresource_file = File.from_built_file(state.subdir, qresource)
+ infile_abs = os.path.join(state.environment.source_dir, qresource_file.relative_name())
+ outfile_abs = os.path.join(state.environment.build_dir, qresource_file.relative_name())
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(outfile_abs), exist_ok=True)
+ shutil.copy2(infile_abs, outfile_abs)
+ self.interpreter.add_build_def_file(infile_abs)
+ _, nodes = self._qrc_nodes(state, qresource_file)
+ for c in nodes:
+ if c.endswith('.qm'):
+ ts_files.append(c.rstrip('.qm') + '.ts')
+ else:
+ raise MesonException(f'qt.compile_translations: qresource can only contain qm files, found {c}')
+ results = self.preprocess(state, [], {'qresources': qresource_file, 'rcc_extra_arguments': kwargs['rcc_extra_arguments']})
+ self._detect_tools(state, kwargs['method'])
+ translations: T.List[build.CustomTarget] = []
+ for ts in ts_files:
+ if not self.tools['lrelease'].found():
+ raise MesonException('qt.compile_translations: ' +
+ self.tools['lrelease'].name + ' not found')
+ if qresource:
+ outdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(state.subdir, ts)))
+ ts = os.path.basename(ts)
+ else:
+ outdir = state.subdir
+ cmd = [self.tools['lrelease'], '@INPUT@', '-qm', '@OUTPUT@']
+ lrelease_kwargs = {'output': '@BASENAME@.qm',
+ 'input': ts,
+ 'install': kwargs.get('install', False),
+ 'build_by_default': kwargs.get('build_by_default', False),
+ 'command': cmd}
+ if install_dir is not None:
+ lrelease_kwargs['install_dir'] = install_dir
+ lrelease_target = build.CustomTarget(f'qt{self.qt_version}-compile-{ts}', outdir, state.subproject, lrelease_kwargs)
+ translations.append(lrelease_target)
+ if qresource:
+ return ModuleReturnValue(results.return_value[0], [results.new_objects, translations])
+ else:
+ return ModuleReturnValue(translations, [translations])