diff options
author | 2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000 | |
committer | 2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000 | |
commit | af1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch) | |
tree | 2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py | |
parent | e02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff) |
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py')
-rw-r--r-- | roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py | 989 |
1 files changed, 989 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77ba3584e --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py @@ -0,0 +1,989 @@ +## @file
+# Common routines used by all tools
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import os.path
+from os import access
+from os import F_OK
+from os import makedirs
+from os import getcwd
+from os import chdir
+from os import listdir
+from os import remove
+from os import rmdir
+from os import linesep
+from os import walk
+from os import environ
+import re
+from collections import OrderedDict as Sdict
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Logger import ToolError
+from Library import GlobalData
+from Library.DataType import SUP_MODULE_LIST
+from Library.DataType import END_OF_LINE
+from Library.DataType import TAB_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US
+from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN
+from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X
+from Library.DataType import TAB_UNI_FILE_SUFFIXS
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidHexVersion
+from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import TextObject
+from Core.FileHook import __FileHookOpen__
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+## Convert GUID string in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx style to C
+# structure style
+# @param Guid: The GUID string
+def GuidStringToGuidStructureString(Guid):
+ GuidList = Guid.split('-')
+ Result = '{'
+ for Index in range(0, 3, 1):
+ Result = Result + '0x' + GuidList[Index] + ', '
+ Result = Result + '{0x' + GuidList[3][0:2] + ', 0x' + GuidList[3][2:4]
+ for Index in range(0, 12, 2):
+ Result = Result + ', 0x' + GuidList[4][Index:Index + 2]
+ Result += '}}'
+ return Result
+## Check whether GUID string is of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+# @param GuidValue: The GUID value
+def CheckGuidRegFormat(GuidValue):
+ ## Regular expression used to find out register format of GUID
+ #
+ RegFormatGuidPattern = re.compile("^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\s*$")
+ if RegFormatGuidPattern.match(GuidValue):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## Convert GUID string in C structure style to
+# xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+# @param GuidValue: The GUID value in C structure format
+def GuidStructureStringToGuidString(GuidValue):
+ GuidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").\
+ replace(" ", "").replace(";", "")
+ GuidValueList = GuidValueString.split(",")
+ if len(GuidValueList) != 11:
+ return ''
+ try:
+ return "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
+ int(GuidValueList[0], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[1], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[2], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[3], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[4], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[5], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[6], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[7], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[8], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[9], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[10], 16)
+ )
+ except BaseException:
+ return ''
+## Create directories
+# @param Directory: The directory name
+def CreateDirectory(Directory):
+ if Directory is None or Directory.strip() == "":
+ return True
+ try:
+ if not access(Directory, F_OK):
+ makedirs(Directory)
+ except BaseException:
+ return False
+ return True
+## Remove directories, including files and sub-directories in it
+# @param Directory: The directory name
+def RemoveDirectory(Directory, Recursively=False):
+ if Directory is None or Directory.strip() == "" or not \
+ os.path.exists(Directory):
+ return
+ if Recursively:
+ CurrentDirectory = getcwd()
+ chdir(Directory)
+ for File in listdir("."):
+ if os.path.isdir(File):
+ RemoveDirectory(File, Recursively)
+ else:
+ remove(File)
+ chdir(CurrentDirectory)
+ rmdir(Directory)
+## Store content in file
+# This method is used to save file only when its content is changed. This is
+# quite useful for "make" system to decide what will be re-built and what
+# won't.
+# @param File: The path of file
+# @param Content: The new content of the file
+# @param IsBinaryFile: The flag indicating if the file is binary file
+# or not
+def SaveFileOnChange(File, Content, IsBinaryFile=True):
+ if os.path.exists(File):
+ if IsBinaryFile:
+ try:
+ if Content == __FileHookOpen__(File, "rb").read():
+ return False
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ else:
+ try:
+ if Content == __FileHookOpen__(File, "r").read():
+ return False
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(File))
+ if IsBinaryFile:
+ try:
+ FileFd = __FileHookOpen__(File, "wb")
+ FileFd.write(Content)
+ FileFd.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ else:
+ try:
+ FileFd = __FileHookOpen__(File, "w")
+ FileFd.write(Content)
+ FileFd.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ return True
+## Get all files of a directory
+# @param Root: Root dir
+# @param SkipList : The files need be skipped
+def GetFiles(Root, SkipList=None, FullPath=True):
+ OriPath = os.path.normpath(Root)
+ FileList = []
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in walk(Root):
+ if SkipList:
+ for Item in SkipList:
+ if Item in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove(Item)
+ if Item in Files:
+ Files.remove(Item)
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.startswith('.'):
+ Dirs.remove(Dir)
+ for File in Files:
+ if File.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ File = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ if not FullPath:
+ File = File[len(OriPath) + 1:]
+ FileList.append(File)
+ return FileList
+## Get all non-metadata files of a directory
+# @param Root: Root Dir
+# @param SkipList : List of path need be skipped
+# @param FullPath: True if the returned file should be full path
+# @param PrefixPath: the path that need to be added to the files found
+# @return: the list of files found
+def GetNonMetaDataFiles(Root, SkipList, FullPath, PrefixPath):
+ FileList = GetFiles(Root, SkipList, FullPath)
+ NewFileList = []
+ for File in FileList:
+ ExtName = os.path.splitext(File)[1]
+ #
+ # skip '.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', '.fdf' files
+ #
+ if ExtName.lower() not in ['.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', '.fdf']:
+ NewFileList.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PrefixPath, File)))
+ return NewFileList
+## Check if given file exists or not
+# @param File: File name or path to be checked
+# @param Dir: The directory the file is relative to
+def ValidFile(File, Ext=None):
+ File = File.replace('\\', '/')
+ if Ext is not None:
+ FileExt = os.path.splitext(File)[1]
+ if FileExt.lower() != Ext.lower():
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(File):
+ return False
+ return True
+## RealPath
+# @param File: File name or path to be checked
+# @param Dir: The directory the file is relative to
+# @param OverrideDir: The override directory
+def RealPath(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
+ NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[NewFile]
+ if not NewFile and OverrideDir:
+ NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[NewFile]
+ return NewFile
+## RealPath2
+# @param File: File name or path to be checked
+# @param Dir: The directory the file is relative to
+# @param OverrideDir: The override directory
+def RealPath2(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
+ if OverrideDir:
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[os.path.normpath(os.path.join\
+ (OverrideDir, File))]
+ if NewFile:
+ if OverrideDir[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ return NewFile[len(OverrideDir):], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
+ else:
+ return NewFile[len(OverrideDir) + 1:], \
+ NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))]
+ if NewFile:
+ if Dir:
+ if Dir[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ return NewFile[len(Dir):], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
+ else:
+ return NewFile[len(Dir) + 1:], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
+ else:
+ return NewFile, ''
+ return None, None
+## CommonPath
+# @param PathList: PathList
+def CommonPath(PathList):
+ Path1 = min(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
+ Path2 = max(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
+ for Index in range(min(len(Path1), len(Path2))):
+ if Path1[Index] != Path2[Index]:
+ return os.path.sep.join(Path1[:Index])
+ return os.path.sep.join(Path1)
+## PathClass
+class PathClass(object):
+ def __init__(self, File='', Root='', AlterRoot='', Type='', IsBinary=False,
+ Arch='COMMON', ToolChainFamily='', Target='', TagName='', \
+ ToolCode=''):
+ self.Arch = Arch
+ self.File = str(File)
+ if os.path.isabs(self.File):
+ self.Root = ''
+ self.AlterRoot = ''
+ else:
+ self.Root = str(Root)
+ self.AlterRoot = str(AlterRoot)
+ #
+ # Remove any '.' and '..' in path
+ #
+ if self.Root:
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Root, self.File))
+ self.Root = os.path.normpath(CommonPath([self.Root, self.Path]))
+ #
+ # eliminate the side-effect of 'C:'
+ #
+ if self.Root[-1] == ':':
+ self.Root += os.path.sep
+ #
+ # file path should not start with path separator
+ #
+ if self.Root[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root):]
+ else:
+ self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root) + 1:]
+ else:
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(self.File)
+ self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(self.File)
+ self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
+ if self.Root:
+ if self.SubDir:
+ self.Dir = os.path.join(self.Root, self.SubDir)
+ else:
+ self.Dir = self.Root
+ else:
+ self.Dir = self.SubDir
+ if IsBinary:
+ self.Type = Type
+ else:
+ self.Type = self.Ext.lower()
+ self.IsBinary = IsBinary
+ self.Target = Target
+ self.TagName = TagName
+ self.ToolCode = ToolCode
+ self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily
+ self._Key = None
+ ## Convert the object of this class to a string
+ #
+ # Convert member Path of the class to a string
+ #
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.Path
+ ## Override __eq__ function
+ #
+ # Check whether PathClass are the same
+ #
+ def __eq__(self, Other):
+ if isinstance(Other, type(self)):
+ return self.Path == Other.Path
+ else:
+ return self.Path == str(Other)
+ ## Override __hash__ function
+ #
+ # Use Path as key in hash table
+ #
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.Path)
+ ## _GetFileKey
+ #
+ def _GetFileKey(self):
+ if self._Key is None:
+ self._Key = self.Path.upper()
+ return self._Key
+ ## Validate
+ #
+ def Validate(self, Type='', CaseSensitive=True):
+ if GlobalData.gCASE_INSENSITIVE:
+ CaseSensitive = False
+ if Type and Type.lower() != self.Type:
+ return ToolError.FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH, '%s (expect %s but got %s)' % \
+ (self.File, Type, self.Type)
+ RealFile, RealRoot = RealPath2(self.File, self.Root, self.AlterRoot)
+ if not RealRoot and not RealFile:
+ RealFile = self.File
+ if self.AlterRoot:
+ RealFile = os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, self.File)
+ elif self.Root:
+ RealFile = os.path.join(self.Root, self.File)
+ return ToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, RealFile)
+ ErrorCode = 0
+ ErrorInfo = ''
+ if RealRoot != self.Root or RealFile != self.File:
+ if CaseSensitive and (RealFile != self.File or \
+ (RealRoot != self.Root and RealRoot != \
+ self.AlterRoot)):
+ ErrorCode = ToolError.FILE_CASE_MISMATCH
+ ErrorInfo = self.File + '\n\t' + RealFile + \
+ " [in file system]"
+ self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(RealFile)
+ self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
+ if self.SubDir:
+ self.Dir = os.path.join(RealRoot, self.SubDir)
+ else:
+ self.Dir = RealRoot
+ self.File = RealFile
+ self.Root = RealRoot
+ self.Path = os.path.join(RealRoot, RealFile)
+ return ErrorCode, ErrorInfo
+ Key = property(_GetFileKey)
+## Get current workspace
+# get WORKSPACE from environment variable if present,if not use current working directory as WORKSPACE
+def GetWorkspace():
+ #
+ # check WORKSPACE
+ #
+ if "WORKSPACE" in environ:
+ WorkspaceDir = os.path.normpath(environ["WORKSPACE"])
+ if not os.path.exists(WorkspaceDir):
+ Logger.Error("UPT",
+ ExtraData="%s" % WorkspaceDir)
+ else:
+ WorkspaceDir = os.getcwd()
+ if WorkspaceDir[-1] == ':':
+ WorkspaceDir += os.sep
+ PackagesPath = os.environ.get("PACKAGES_PATH")
+ mws.setWs(WorkspaceDir, PackagesPath)
+ return WorkspaceDir, mws.PACKAGES_PATH
+## Get relative path
+# use full path and workspace to get relative path
+# the destination of this function is mainly to resolve the root path issue(like c: or c:\)
+# @param Fullpath: a string of fullpath
+# @param Workspace: a string of workspace
+def GetRelativePath(Fullpath, Workspace):
+ RelativePath = ''
+ if Workspace.endswith(os.sep):
+ RelativePath = Fullpath[Fullpath.upper().find(Workspace.upper())+len(Workspace):]
+ else:
+ RelativePath = Fullpath[Fullpath.upper().find(Workspace.upper())+len(Workspace)+1:]
+ return RelativePath
+## Check whether all module types are in list
+# check whether all module types (SUP_MODULE_LIST) are in list
+# @param ModuleList: a list of ModuleType
+def IsAllModuleList(ModuleList):
+ NewModuleList = [Module.upper() for Module in ModuleList]
+ for Module in SUP_MODULE_LIST:
+ if Module not in NewModuleList:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+## Dictionary that use comment(GenericComment, TailComment) as value,
+# if a new comment which key already in the dic is inserted, then the
+# comment will be merged.
+# Key is (Statement, SupArch), when TailComment is added, it will ident
+# according to Statement
+class MergeCommentDict(dict):
+ ## []= operator
+ #
+ def __setitem__(self, Key, CommentVal):
+ GenericComment, TailComment = CommentVal
+ if Key in self:
+ OrigVal1, OrigVal2 = dict.__getitem__(self, Key)
+ Statement = Key[0]
+ dict.__setitem__(self, Key, (OrigVal1 + GenericComment, OrigVal2 \
+ + len(Statement) * ' ' + TailComment))
+ else:
+ dict.__setitem__(self, Key, (GenericComment, TailComment))
+ ## =[] operator
+ #
+ def __getitem__(self, Key):
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, Key)
+## GenDummyHelpTextObj
+# @retval HelpTxt: Generated dummy help text object
+def GenDummyHelpTextObj():
+ HelpTxt = TextObject()
+ HelpTxt.SetString(' ')
+ return HelpTxt
+## ConvertVersionToDecimal, the minor version should be within 0 - 99
+# <HexVersion> ::= "0x" <Major> <Minor>
+# <Major> ::= (a-fA-F0-9){4}
+# <Minor> ::= (a-fA-F0-9){4}
+# <DecVersion> ::= (0-65535) ["." (0-99)]
+# @param StringIn: The string contains version defined in INF file.
+# It can be Decimal or Hex
+def ConvertVersionToDecimal(StringIn):
+ if IsValidHexVersion(StringIn):
+ Value = int(StringIn, 16)
+ Major = Value >> 16
+ Minor = Value & 0xFFFF
+ MinorStr = str(Minor)
+ if len(MinorStr) == 1:
+ MinorStr = '0' + MinorStr
+ return str(Major) + '.' + MinorStr
+ else:
+ if StringIn.find(TAB_SPLIT) != -1:
+ return StringIn
+ elif StringIn:
+ return StringIn + '.0'
+ else:
+ #
+ # when StringIn is '', return it directly
+ #
+ return StringIn
+## GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey
+# Remove hash key at the header of string and return the remain.
+# @param String: The string need to be processed.
+def GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey(String):
+ ReturnString = ''
+ PattenRemoveHashKey = re.compile(r"^[#+\s]+", re.DOTALL)
+ String = String.strip()
+ if String == '':
+ return String
+ LineList = GetSplitValueList(String, END_OF_LINE)
+ for Line in LineList:
+ ValueList = PattenRemoveHashKey.split(Line)
+ if len(ValueList) == 1:
+ ReturnString += ValueList[0] + END_OF_LINE
+ else:
+ ReturnString += ValueList[1] + END_OF_LINE
+ if ReturnString.endswith('\n') and not ReturnString.endswith('\n\n') and ReturnString != '\n':
+ ReturnString = ReturnString[:-1]
+ return ReturnString
+## ConvPathFromAbsToRel
+# Get relative file path from absolute path.
+# @param Path: The string contain file absolute path.
+# @param Root: The string contain the parent path of Path in.
+def ConvPathFromAbsToRel(Path, Root):
+ Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
+ Root = os.path.normpath(Root)
+ FullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, Path))
+ #
+ # If Path is absolute path.
+ # It should be in Root.
+ #
+ if os.path.isabs(Path):
+ return FullPath[FullPath.find(Root) + len(Root) + 1:]
+ else:
+ return Path
+## ConvertPath
+# Convert special characters to '_', '\' to '/'
+# return converted path: Test!1.inf -> Test_1.inf
+# @param Path: Path to be converted
+def ConvertPath(Path):
+ RetPath = ''
+ for Char in Path.strip():
+ if Char.isalnum() or Char in '.-_/':
+ RetPath = RetPath + Char
+ elif Char == '\\':
+ RetPath = RetPath + '/'
+ else:
+ RetPath = RetPath + '_'
+ return RetPath
+## ConvertSpec
+# during install, convert the Spec string extract from UPD into INF allowable definition,
+# the difference is period is allowed in the former (not the first letter) but not in the latter.
+# return converted Spec string
+# @param SpecStr: SpecStr to be converted
+def ConvertSpec(SpecStr):
+ RetStr = ''
+ for Char in SpecStr:
+ if Char.isalnum() or Char == '_':
+ RetStr = RetStr + Char
+ else:
+ RetStr = RetStr + '_'
+ return RetStr
+## IsEqualList
+# Judge two lists are identical(contain same item).
+# The rule is elements in List A are in List B and elements in List B are in List A.
+# @param ListA, ListB Lists need to be judged.
+# @return True ListA and ListB are identical
+# @return False ListA and ListB are different with each other
+def IsEqualList(ListA, ListB):
+ if ListA == ListB:
+ return True
+ for ItemA in ListA:
+ if not ItemA in ListB:
+ return False
+ for ItemB in ListB:
+ if not ItemB in ListA:
+ return False
+ return True
+## ConvertArchList
+# Convert item in ArchList if the start character is lower case.
+# In UDP spec, Arch is only allowed as: [A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9])*
+# @param ArchList The ArchList need to be converted.
+# @return NewList The ArchList been converted.
+def ConvertArchList(ArchList):
+ NewArchList = []
+ if not ArchList:
+ return NewArchList
+ if isinstance(ArchList, list):
+ for Arch in ArchList:
+ Arch = Arch.upper()
+ NewArchList.append(Arch)
+ elif isinstance(ArchList, str):
+ ArchList = ArchList.upper()
+ NewArchList.append(ArchList)
+ return NewArchList
+## ProcessLineExtender
+# Process the LineExtender of Line in LineList.
+# If one line ends with a line extender, then it will be combined together with next line.
+# @param LineList The LineList need to be processed.
+# @return NewList The ArchList been processed.
+def ProcessLineExtender(LineList):
+ NewList = []
+ Count = 0
+ while Count < len(LineList):
+ if LineList[Count].strip().endswith("\\") and Count + 1 < len(LineList):
+ NewList.append(LineList[Count].strip()[:-2] + LineList[Count + 1])
+ Count = Count + 1
+ else:
+ NewList.append(LineList[Count])
+ Count = Count + 1
+ return NewList
+## ProcessEdkComment
+# Process EDK style comment in LineList: c style /* */ comment or cpp style // comment
+# @param LineList The LineList need to be processed.
+# @return LineList The LineList been processed.
+# @return FirstPos Where Edk comment is first found, -1 if not found
+def ProcessEdkComment(LineList):
+ FindEdkBlockComment = False
+ Count = 0
+ StartPos = -1
+ EndPos = -1
+ FirstPos = -1
+ while(Count < len(LineList)):
+ Line = LineList[Count].strip()
+ if Line.startswith("/*"):
+ #
+ # handling c style comment
+ #
+ StartPos = Count
+ while Count < len(LineList):
+ Line = LineList[Count].strip()
+ if Line.endswith("*/"):
+ if (Count == StartPos) and Line.strip() == '/*/':
+ Count = Count + 1
+ continue
+ EndPos = Count
+ FindEdkBlockComment = True
+ break
+ Count = Count + 1
+ if FindEdkBlockComment:
+ if FirstPos == -1:
+ FirstPos = StartPos
+ for Index in range(StartPos, EndPos+1):
+ LineList[Index] = ''
+ FindEdkBlockComment = False
+ elif Line.find("//") != -1 and not Line.startswith("#"):
+ #
+ # handling cpp style comment
+ #
+ LineList[Count] = Line.replace("//", '#')
+ if FirstPos == -1:
+ FirstPos = Count
+ Count = Count + 1
+ return LineList, FirstPos
+## GetLibInstanceInfo
+# Get the information from Library Instance INF file.
+# @param string. A string start with # and followed by INF file path
+# @param WorkSpace. The WorkSpace directory used to combined with INF file path.
+# @return GUID, Version
+def GetLibInstanceInfo(String, WorkSpace, LineNo):
+ FileGuidString = ""
+ VerString = ""
+ OriginalString = String
+ String = String.strip()
+ if not String:
+ return None, None
+ #
+ # Remove "#" characters at the beginning
+ #
+ String = GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey(String)
+ String = String.strip()
+ #
+ # Validate file name exist.
+ #
+ FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(WorkSpace, String)))
+ if not (ValidFile(FullFileName)):
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME,
+ Line=LineNo,
+ ExtraData=OriginalString)
+ #
+ # Validate file exist/format.
+ #
+ if IsValidPath(String, WorkSpace):
+ IsValidFileFlag = True
+ else:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME,
+ Line=LineNo,
+ ExtraData=OriginalString)
+ return False
+ if IsValidFileFlag:
+ FileLinesList = []
+ try:
+ FInputfile = open(FullFileName, "r")
+ try:
+ FileLinesList = FInputfile.readlines()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=FullFileName)
+ finally:
+ FInputfile.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=FullFileName)
+ ReFileGuidPattern = re.compile("^\s*FILE_GUID\s*=.*$")
+ ReVerStringPattern = re.compile("^\s*VERSION_STRING\s*=.*$")
+ FileLinesList = ProcessLineExtender(FileLinesList)
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ if ReFileGuidPattern.match(Line):
+ FileGuidString = Line
+ if ReVerStringPattern.match(Line):
+ VerString = Line
+ if FileGuidString:
+ FileGuidString = GetSplitValueList(FileGuidString, '=', 1)[1]
+ if VerString:
+ VerString = GetSplitValueList(VerString, '=', 1)[1]
+ return FileGuidString, VerString
+## GetLocalValue
+# Generate the local value for INF and DEC file. If Lang attribute not present, then use this value.
+# If present, and there is no element without the Lang attribute, and one of the elements has the rfc1766 code is
+# "en-x-tianocore", or "en-US" if "en-x-tianocore" was not found, or "en" if "en-US" was not found, or startswith 'en'
+# if 'en' was not found, then use this value.
+# If multiple entries of a tag exist which have the same language code, use the last entry.
+# @param ValueList A list need to be processed.
+# @param UseFirstValue: True to use the first value, False to use the last value
+# @return LocalValue
+def GetLocalValue(ValueList, UseFirstValue=False):
+ Value1 = ''
+ Value2 = ''
+ Value3 = ''
+ Value4 = ''
+ Value5 = ''
+ for (Key, Value) in ValueList:
+ if Key == TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X:
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value1:
+ Value1 = Value
+ else:
+ Value1 = Value
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value2:
+ Value2 = Value
+ else:
+ Value2 = Value
+ if Key == TAB_LANGUAGE_EN:
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value3:
+ Value3 = Value
+ else:
+ Value3 = Value
+ if Key.startswith(TAB_LANGUAGE_EN):
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value4:
+ Value4 = Value
+ else:
+ Value4 = Value
+ if Key == '':
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value5:
+ Value5 = Value
+ else:
+ Value5 = Value
+ if Value1:
+ return Value1
+ if Value2:
+ return Value2
+ if Value3:
+ return Value3
+ if Value4:
+ return Value4
+ if Value5:
+ return Value5
+ return ''
+## GetCharIndexOutStr
+# Get comment character index outside a string
+# @param Line: The string to be checked
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+# @retval Index
+def GetCharIndexOutStr(CommentCharacter, Line):
+ #
+ # remove whitespace
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Check whether comment character is in a string
+ #
+ InString = False
+ for Index in range(0, len(Line)):
+ if Line[Index] == '"':
+ InString = not InString
+ elif Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and InString :
+ pass
+ elif Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and (Index +1) < len(Line) and Line[Index+1] == CommentCharacter \
+ and not InString :
+ return Index
+ return -1
+## ValidateUNIFilePath
+# Check the UNI file path
+# @param FilePath: The UNI file path
+def ValidateUNIFilePath(Path):
+ Suffix = Path[Path.rfind(TAB_SPLIT):]
+ #
+ # Check if the suffix is one of the '.uni', '.UNI', '.Uni'
+ #
+ if Suffix not in TAB_UNI_FILE_SUFFIXS:
+ Logger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=Path)
+ #
+ # Check if '..' in the file name(without suffix)
+ #
+ if (TAB_SPLIT + TAB_SPLIT) in Path:
+ Logger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=Path)
+ #
+ # Check if the file name is valid according to the DEC and INF specification
+ #
+ Pattern = '[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*'
+ FileName = Path.replace(Suffix, '')
+ InvalidCh = re.sub(Pattern, '', FileName)
+ if InvalidCh:
+ Logger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=Path)