path: root/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/DecParserMisc.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/DecParserMisc.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/DecParserMisc.py')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/DecParserMisc.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/DecParserMisc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27990467d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Parser/DecParserMisc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+## @file
+# This file is used to define helper class and function for DEC parser
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+## Import modules
+import os
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_PARSE_FAILURE
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidBareCString
+from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidCFormatGuid
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidFeatureFlagExp
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidLogicalExpr
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidStringTest
+from Library.Misc import CheckGuidRegFormat
+TOOL_NAME = 'DecParser'
+VERSION_PATTERN = '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?'
+CVAR_PATTERN = '[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+PCD_TOKEN_PATTERN = '(0[xX]0*[a-fA-F0-9]{1,8})|([0-9]+)'
+MACRO_PATTERN = '[A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*'
+## FileContent
+# Class to hold DEC file information
+class FileContent:
+ def __init__(self, Filename, FileContent2):
+ self.Filename = Filename
+ self.PackagePath, self.PackageFile = os.path.split(Filename)
+ self.LineIndex = 0
+ self.CurrentLine = ''
+ self.NextLine = ''
+ self.HeadComment = []
+ self.TailComment = []
+ self.CurrentScope = None
+ self.Content = FileContent2
+ self.Macros = {}
+ self.FileLines = len(FileContent2)
+ def GetNextLine(self):
+ if self.LineIndex >= self.FileLines:
+ return ''
+ Line = self.Content[self.LineIndex]
+ self.LineIndex += 1
+ return Line
+ def UndoNextLine(self):
+ if self.LineIndex > 0:
+ self.LineIndex -= 1
+ def ResetNext(self):
+ self.HeadComment = []
+ self.TailComment = []
+ self.NextLine = ''
+ def SetNext(self, Line, HeadComment, TailComment):
+ self.NextLine = Line
+ self.HeadComment = HeadComment
+ self.TailComment = TailComment
+ def IsEndOfFile(self):
+ return self.LineIndex >= self.FileLines
+## StripRoot
+# Strip root path
+# @param Root: Root must be absolute path
+# @param Path: Path to be stripped
+def StripRoot(Root, Path):
+ OrigPath = Path
+ Root = os.path.normpath(Root)
+ Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
+ if not os.path.isabs(Root):
+ return OrigPath
+ if Path.startswith(Root):
+ Path = Path[len(Root):]
+ if Path and Path[0] == os.sep:
+ Path = Path[1:]
+ return Path
+ return OrigPath
+## CleanString
+# Split comments in a string
+# Remove spaces
+# @param Line: The string to be cleaned
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content,
+# default is DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+def CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter=TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, \
+ AllowCppStyleComment=False):
+ #
+ # remove whitespace
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Replace EDK1's comment character
+ #
+ if AllowCppStyleComment:
+ Line = Line.replace(TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT, CommentCharacter)
+ #
+ # separate comments and statements
+ #
+ Comment = ''
+ InQuote = False
+ for Index in range(0, len(Line)):
+ if Line[Index] == '"':
+ InQuote = not InQuote
+ continue
+ if Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and not InQuote:
+ Comment = Line[Index:].strip()
+ Line = Line[0:Index].strip()
+ break
+ return Line, Comment
+## IsValidNumValUint8
+# Check if Token is NumValUint8: <NumValUint8> ::= {<ShortNum>} {<UINT8>} {<Expression>}
+# @param Token: Token to be checked
+def IsValidNumValUint8(Token):
+ Valid = True
+ Cause = ""
+ TokenValue = None
+ Token = Token.strip()
+ if Token.lower().startswith('0x'):
+ Base = 16
+ else:
+ Base = 10
+ try:
+ TokenValue = int(Token, Base)
+ except BaseException:
+ Valid, Cause = IsValidLogicalExpr(Token, True)
+ if Cause:
+ pass
+ if not Valid:
+ return False
+ if TokenValue and (TokenValue < 0 or TokenValue > 0xFF):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+## IsValidNList
+# Check if Value has the format of <NumValUint8> ["," <NumValUint8>]{0,}
+# <NumValUint8> ::= {<ShortNum>} {<UINT8>} {<Expression>}
+# @param Value: Value to be checked
+def IsValidNList(Value):
+ Par = ParserHelper(Value)
+ if Par.End():
+ return False
+ while not Par.End():
+ Token = Par.GetToken(',')
+ if not IsValidNumValUint8(Token):
+ return False
+ if Par.Expect(','):
+ if Par.End():
+ return False
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+ return Par.End()
+## IsValidCArray
+# check Array is valid
+# @param Array: The input Array
+def IsValidCArray(Array):
+ Par = ParserHelper(Array)
+ if not Par.Expect('{'):
+ return False
+ if Par.End():
+ return False
+ while not Par.End():
+ Token = Par.GetToken(',}')
+ #
+ # ShortNum, UINT8, Expression
+ #
+ if not IsValidNumValUint8(Token):
+ return False
+ if Par.Expect(','):
+ if Par.End():
+ return False
+ continue
+ elif Par.Expect('}'):
+ #
+ # End of C array
+ #
+ break
+ else:
+ return False
+ return Par.End()
+## IsValidPcdDatum
+# check PcdDatum is valid
+# @param Type: The pcd Type
+# @param Value: The pcd Value
+def IsValidPcdDatum(Type, Value):
+ if not Value:
+ Valid = True
+ Cause = ""
+ if Type not in ["UINT8", "UINT16", "UINT32", "UINT64", "VOID*", "BOOLEAN"]:
+ if Type == "VOID*":
+ if not ((Value.startswith('L"') or Value.startswith('"') and \
+ Value.endswith('"'))
+ or (IsValidCArray(Value)) or (IsValidCFormatGuid(Value)) \
+ or (IsValidNList(Value)) or (CheckGuidRegFormat(Value))
+ ):
+ return False, ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_VOID % (Value, Type)
+ RealString = Value[Value.find('"') + 1 :-1]
+ if RealString:
+ if not IsValidBareCString(RealString):
+ return False, ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_VOID % (Value, Type)
+ elif Type == 'BOOLEAN':
+ if Value in ['TRUE', 'FALSE', 'true', 'false', 'True', 'False',
+ '0x1', '0x01', '1', '0x0', '0x00', '0']:
+ return True, ""
+ Valid, Cause = IsValidStringTest(Value, True)
+ if not Valid:
+ Valid, Cause = IsValidFeatureFlagExp(Value, True)
+ if not Valid:
+ return False, Cause
+ else:
+ if Value and (Value[0] == '-' or Value[0] == '+'):
+ return False, ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_INT_NEGTIVE % (Value, Type)
+ try:
+ StrVal = Value
+ if Value and not Value.startswith('0x') \
+ and not Value.startswith('0X'):
+ Value = Value.lstrip('0')
+ if not Value:
+ return True, ""
+ Value = int(Value, 0)
+ MAX_VAL_TYPE = {"BOOLEAN": 0x01, 'UINT8': 0xFF, 'UINT16': 0xFFFF, 'UINT32': 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ if Value > MAX_VAL_TYPE[Type]:
+ return False, ST.ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_INT_EXCEED % (StrVal, Type)
+ except BaseException:
+ Valid, Cause = IsValidLogicalExpr(Value, True)
+ if not Valid:
+ return False, Cause
+ return True, ""
+## ParserHelper
+class ParserHelper:
+ def __init__(self, String, File=''):
+ self._String = String
+ self._StrLen = len(String)
+ self._Index = 0
+ self._File = File
+ ## End
+ #
+ # End
+ #
+ def End(self):
+ self.__SkipWhitespace()
+ return self._Index >= self._StrLen
+ ## __SkipWhitespace
+ #
+ # Skip whitespace
+ #
+ def __SkipWhitespace(self):
+ for Char in self._String[self._Index:]:
+ if Char not in ' \t':
+ break
+ self._Index += 1
+ ## Expect
+ #
+ # Expect char in string
+ #
+ # @param ExpectChar: char expected in index of string
+ #
+ def Expect(self, ExpectChar):
+ self.__SkipWhitespace()
+ for Char in self._String[self._Index:]:
+ if Char != ExpectChar:
+ return False
+ else:
+ self._Index += 1
+ return True
+ #
+ # Index out of bound of String
+ #
+ return False
+ ## GetToken
+ #
+ # Get token until encounter StopChar, front whitespace is consumed
+ #
+ # @param StopChar: Get token until encounter char in StopChar
+ # @param StkipPair: Only can be ' or ", StopChar in SkipPair are skipped
+ #
+ def GetToken(self, StopChar='.,|\t ', SkipPair='"'):
+ self.__SkipWhitespace()
+ PreIndex = self._Index
+ InQuote = False
+ LastChar = ''
+ for Char in self._String[self._Index:]:
+ if Char == SkipPair and LastChar != '\\':
+ InQuote = not InQuote
+ if Char in StopChar and not InQuote:
+ break
+ self._Index += 1
+ if Char == '\\' and LastChar == '\\':
+ LastChar = ''
+ else:
+ LastChar = Char
+ return self._String[PreIndex:self._Index]
+ ## AssertChar
+ #
+ # Assert char at current index of string is AssertChar, or will report
+ # error message
+ #
+ # @param AssertChar: AssertChar
+ # @param ErrorString: ErrorString
+ # @param ErrorLineNum: ErrorLineNum
+ #
+ def AssertChar(self, AssertChar, ErrorString, ErrorLineNum):
+ if not self.Expect(AssertChar):
+ Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._File,
+ Line=ErrorLineNum, ExtraData=ErrorString)
+ ## AssertEnd
+ #
+ # @param ErrorString: ErrorString
+ # @param ErrorLineNum: ErrorLineNum
+ #
+ def AssertEnd(self, ErrorString, ErrorLineNum):
+ self.__SkipWhitespace()
+ if self._Index != self._StrLen:
+ Logger.Error(TOOL_NAME, FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, File=self._File,
+ Line=ErrorLineNum, ExtraData=ErrorString)