path: root/roms/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Library/OrderedCollectionLib.h
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authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Library/OrderedCollectionLib.h
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Library/OrderedCollectionLib.h')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Library/OrderedCollectionLib.h b/roms/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Library/OrderedCollectionLib.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24e296f1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/MdePkg/Include/Library/OrderedCollectionLib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+/** @file
+ An ordered collection library interface.
+ The library class provides a set of APIs to manage an ordered collection of
+ items.
+ Copyright (C) 2014, Red Hat, Inc.
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Base.h>
+// Opaque structure for a collection.
+// Opaque structure for collection entries.
+// Collection entries do not take ownership of the associated user structures,
+// they only link them. This makes it easy to link the same user structure into
+// several collections. If reference counting is required, the caller is
+// responsible for implementing it, as part of the user structure.
+// A pointer-to-ORDERED_COLLECTION_ENTRY is considered an "iterator". Multiple,
+// simultaneous iterations are supported.
+// Altering the key field of an in-collection user structure (ie. the portion
+// of the user structure that ORDERED_COLLECTION_USER_COMPARE and
+// ORDERED_COLLECTION_KEY_COMPARE, below, read) is not allowed in-place. The
+// caller is responsible for bracketing the key change with the deletion and
+// the reinsertion of the user structure, so that the changed key value is
+// reflected in the collection.
+ Comparator function type for two user structures.
+ @param[in] UserStruct1 Pointer to the first user structure.
+ @param[in] UserStruct2 Pointer to the second user structure.
+ @retval <0 If UserStruct1 compares less than UserStruct2.
+ @retval 0 If UserStruct1 compares equal to UserStruct2.
+ @retval >0 If UserStruct1 compares greater than UserStruct2.
+ IN CONST VOID *UserStruct1,
+ IN CONST VOID *UserStruct2
+ );
+ Compare a standalone key against a user structure containing an embedded key.
+ @param[in] StandaloneKey Pointer to the bare key.
+ @param[in] UserStruct Pointer to the user structure with the embedded
+ key.
+ @retval <0 If StandaloneKey compares less than UserStruct's key.
+ @retval 0 If StandaloneKey compares equal to UserStruct's key.
+ @retval >0 If StandaloneKey compares greater than UserStruct's key.
+ IN CONST VOID *StandaloneKey,
+ IN CONST VOID *UserStruct
+ );
+// Some functions below are read-only, while others are read-write. If any
+// write operation is expected to run concurrently with any other operation on
+// the same collection, then the caller is responsible for implementing locking
+// for the whole collection.
+ Retrieve the user structure linked by the specified collection entry.
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Entry Pointer to the collection entry whose associated user
+ structure we want to retrieve. The caller is responsible
+ for passing a non-NULL argument.
+ @return Pointer to user structure linked by Entry.
+OrderedCollectionUserStruct (
+ );
+ Allocate and initialize the ORDERED_COLLECTION structure.
+ @param[in] UserStructCompare This caller-provided function will be used to
+ order two user structures linked into the
+ collection, during the insertion procedure.
+ @param[in] KeyCompare This caller-provided function will be used to
+ order the standalone search key against user
+ structures linked into the collection, during
+ the lookup procedure.
+ @retval NULL If allocation failed.
+ @return Pointer to the allocated, initialized ORDERED_COLLECTION
+ structure, otherwise.
+OrderedCollectionInit (
+ );
+ Check whether the collection is empty (has no entries).
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Collection The collection to check for emptiness.
+ @retval TRUE The collection is empty.
+ @retval FALSE The collection is not empty.
+OrderedCollectionIsEmpty (
+ );
+ Uninitialize and release an empty ORDERED_COLLECTION structure.
+ Read-write operation.
+ It is the caller's responsibility to delete all entries from the collection
+ before calling this function.
+ @param[in] Collection The empty collection to uninitialize and release.
+OrderedCollectionUninit (
+ );
+ Look up the collection entry that links the user structure that matches the
+ specified standalone key.
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Collection The collection to search for StandaloneKey.
+ @param[in] StandaloneKey The key to locate among the user structures linked
+ into Collection. StandaloneKey will be passed to
+ @retval NULL StandaloneKey could not be found.
+ @return The collection entry that links to the user structure matching
+ StandaloneKey, otherwise.
+OrderedCollectionFind (
+ IN CONST VOID *StandaloneKey
+ );
+ Find the collection entry of the minimum user structure stored in the
+ collection.
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Collection The collection to return the minimum entry of. The
+ user structure linked by the minimum entry compares
+ less than all other user structures in the collection.
+ @retval NULL If Collection is empty.
+ @return The collection entry that links the minimum user structure,
+ otherwise.
+OrderedCollectionMin (
+ );
+ Find the collection entry of the maximum user structure stored in the
+ collection.
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Collection The collection to return the maximum entry of. The
+ user structure linked by the maximum entry compares
+ greater than all other user structures in the
+ collection.
+ @retval NULL If Collection is empty.
+ @return The collection entry that links the maximum user structure,
+ otherwise.
+OrderedCollectionMax (
+ );
+ Get the collection entry of the least user structure that is greater than the
+ one linked by Entry.
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Entry The entry to get the successor entry of.
+ @retval NULL If Entry is NULL, or Entry is the maximum entry of its
+ containing collection (ie. Entry has no successor entry).
+ @return The collection entry linking the least user structure that is
+ greater than the one linked by Entry, otherwise.
+OrderedCollectionNext (
+ );
+ Get the collection entry of the greatest user structure that is less than the
+ one linked by Entry.
+ Read-only operation.
+ @param[in] Entry The entry to get the predecessor entry of.
+ @retval NULL If Entry is NULL, or Entry is the minimum entry of its
+ containing collection (ie. Entry has no predecessor entry).
+ @return The collection entry linking the greatest user structure that
+ is less than the one linked by Entry, otherwise.
+OrderedCollectionPrev (
+ );
+ Insert (link) a user structure into the collection, allocating a new
+ collection entry.
+ Read-write operation.
+ @param[in,out] Collection The collection to insert UserStruct into.
+ @param[out] Entry The meaning of this optional, output-only
+ parameter depends on the return value of the
+ function.
+ When insertion is successful (RETURN_SUCCESS),
+ Entry is set on output to the new collection entry
+ that now links UserStruct.
+ When insertion fails due to lack of memory
+ (RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES), Entry is not changed.
+ When insertion fails due to key collision (ie.
+ another user structure is already in the
+ collection that compares equal to UserStruct),
+ with return value RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED, then
+ Entry is set on output to the entry that links the
+ colliding user structure. This enables
+ "find-or-insert" in one function call, or helps
+ with later removal of the colliding element.
+ @param[in] UserStruct The user structure to link into the collection.
+ UserStruct is ordered against in-collection user
+ structures with the
+ @retval RETURN_SUCCESS Insertion successful. A new collection entry
+ has been allocated, linking UserStruct. The
+ new collection entry is reported back in
+ Entry (if the caller requested it).
+ into Collection remain valid. For example,
+ on-going iterations in the caller can
+ continue with OrderedCollectionNext() /
+ OrderedCollectionPrev(), and they will
+ return the new entry at some point if user
+ structure order dictates it.
+ @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The function failed to allocate memory for
+ the new collection entry. The collection has
+ not been changed. Existing
+ Collection remain valid.
+ @retval RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED A user structure has been found in the
+ collection that compares equal to
+ UserStruct. The entry linking the colliding
+ user structure is reported back in Entry (if
+ the caller requested it). The collection has
+ not been changed. Existing
+ Collection remain valid.
+OrderedCollectionInsert (
+ IN VOID *UserStruct
+ );
+ Delete an entry from the collection, unlinking the associated user structure.
+ Read-write operation.
+ @param[in,out] Collection The collection to delete Entry from.
+ @param[in] Entry The collection entry to delete from Collection.
+ The caller is responsible for ensuring that Entry
+ belongs to Collection, and that Entry is non-NULL
+ and valid. Entry is typically an earlier return
+ value, or output parameter, of:
+ - OrderedCollectionFind(), for deleting an entry
+ by user structure key,
+ - OrderedCollectionMin() / OrderedCollectionMax(),
+ for deleting the minimum / maximum entry,
+ - OrderedCollectionNext() /
+ OrderedCollectionPrev(), for deleting an entry
+ found during an iteration,
+ - OrderedCollectionInsert() with return value
+ RETURN_ALREADY_STARTED, for deleting an entry
+ whose linked user structure caused collision
+ during insertion.
+ Existing ORDERED_COLLECTION_ENTRY pointers (ie.
+ iterators) *different* from Entry remain valid.
+ For example:
+ - OrderedCollectionNext() /
+ OrderedCollectionPrev() iterations in the caller
+ can be continued from Entry, if
+ OrderedCollectionNext() or
+ OrderedCollectionPrev() is called on Entry
+ *before* OrderedCollectionDelete() is. That is,
+ fetch the successor / predecessor entry first,
+ then delete Entry.
+ - On-going iterations in the caller that would
+ have otherwise returned Entry at some point, as
+ dictated by user structure order, will correctly
+ reflect the absence of Entry after
+ OrderedCollectionDelete() is called
+ mid-iteration.
+ @param[out] UserStruct If the caller provides this optional output-only
+ parameter, then on output it is set to the user
+ structure originally linked by Entry (which is now
+ freed).
+ This is a convenience that may save the caller a
+ OrderedCollectionUserStruct() invocation before
+ calling OrderedCollectionDelete(), in order to
+ retrieve the user structure being unlinked.
+OrderedCollectionDelete (
+ );