path: root/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.c
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.c
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.c')
1 files changed, 3183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.c b/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a55630709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/ShellPkg/Application/Shell/Shell.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3183 @@
+/** @file
+ This is THE shell (application)
+ Copyright (c) 2009 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+ (C) Copyright 2013-2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
+ Copyright 2015-2018 Dell Technologies.<BR>
+ SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include "Shell.h"
+// Initialize the global structure
+SHELL_INFO ShellInfoObject = {
+ {
+ {{
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ }},
+ 0,
+ },
+ {
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ },
+ 0,
+STATIC CONST CHAR16 mScriptExtension[] = L".NSH";
+STATIC CONST CHAR16 mExecutableExtensions[] = L".NSH;.EFI";
+STATIC CONST CHAR16 mStartupScript[] = L"startup.nsh";
+CONST CHAR16 mNoNestingEnvVarName[] = L"nonesting";
+CONST CHAR16 mNoNestingTrue[] = L"True";
+CONST CHAR16 mNoNestingFalse[] = L"False";
+ Cleans off leading and trailing spaces and tabs.
+ @param[in] String pointer to the string to trim them off.
+ IN CHAR16 **String
+ )
+ ASSERT(String != NULL);
+ ASSERT(*String!= NULL);
+ //
+ // Remove any spaces and tabs at the beginning of the (*String).
+ //
+ while (((*String)[0] == L' ') || ((*String)[0] == L'\t')) {
+ CopyMem((*String), (*String)+1, StrSize((*String)) - sizeof((*String)[0]));
+ }
+ //
+ // Remove any spaces and tabs at the end of the (*String).
+ //
+ while ((StrLen (*String) > 0) && (((*String)[StrLen((*String))-1] == L' ') || ((*String)[StrLen((*String))-1] == L'\t'))) {
+ (*String)[StrLen((*String))-1] = CHAR_NULL;
+ }
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Parse for the next instance of one string within another string. Can optionally make sure that
+ the string was not escaped (^ character) per the shell specification.
+ @param[in] SourceString The string to search within
+ @param[in] FindString The string to look for
+ @param[in] CheckForEscapeCharacter TRUE to skip escaped instances of FinfString, otherwise will return even escaped instances
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *SourceString,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *FindString,
+ IN CONST BOOLEAN CheckForEscapeCharacter
+ )
+ CHAR16 *Temp;
+ if (SourceString == NULL) {
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ Temp = StrStr(SourceString, FindString);
+ //
+ // If nothing found, or we don't care about escape characters
+ //
+ if (Temp == NULL || !CheckForEscapeCharacter) {
+ return (Temp);
+ }
+ //
+ // If we found an escaped character, try again on the remainder of the string
+ //
+ if ((Temp > (SourceString)) && *(Temp-1) == L'^') {
+ return FindNextInstance(Temp+1, FindString, CheckForEscapeCharacter);
+ }
+ //
+ // we found the right character
+ //
+ return (Temp);
+ Check whether the string between a pair of % is a valid environment variable name.
+ @param[in] BeginPercent pointer to the first percent.
+ @param[in] EndPercent pointer to the last percent.
+ @retval TRUE is a valid environment variable name.
+ @retval FALSE is NOT a valid environment variable name.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *BeginPercent,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *EndPercent
+ )
+ CONST CHAR16 *Walker;
+ Walker = NULL;
+ ASSERT (BeginPercent != NULL);
+ ASSERT (EndPercent != NULL);
+ ASSERT (BeginPercent < EndPercent);
+ if ((BeginPercent + 1) == EndPercent) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ for (Walker = BeginPercent + 1; Walker < EndPercent; Walker++) {
+ if (
+ (*Walker >= L'0' && *Walker <= L'9') ||
+ (*Walker >= L'A' && *Walker <= L'Z') ||
+ (*Walker >= L'a' && *Walker <= L'z') ||
+ (*Walker == L'_')
+ ) {
+ if (Walker == BeginPercent + 1 && (*Walker >= L'0' && *Walker <= L'9')) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ Determine if a command line contains a split operation
+ @param[in] CmdLine The command line to parse.
+ @retval TRUE CmdLine has a valid split.
+ @retval FALSE CmdLine does not have a valid split.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ CONST CHAR16 *TempSpot;
+ CONST CHAR16 *FirstQuote;
+ CONST CHAR16 *SecondQuote;
+ FirstQuote = FindNextInstance (CmdLine, L"\"", TRUE);
+ SecondQuote = NULL;
+ TempSpot = FindFirstCharacter(CmdLine, L"|", L'^');
+ if (FirstQuote == NULL ||
+ TempSpot == NULL ||
+ TempSpot == CHAR_NULL ||
+ FirstQuote > TempSpot
+ ) {
+ return (BOOLEAN) ((TempSpot != NULL) && (*TempSpot != CHAR_NULL));
+ }
+ while ((TempSpot != NULL) && (*TempSpot != CHAR_NULL)) {
+ if (FirstQuote == NULL || FirstQuote > TempSpot) {
+ break;
+ }
+ SecondQuote = FindNextInstance (FirstQuote + 1, L"\"", TRUE);
+ if (SecondQuote == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (SecondQuote < TempSpot) {
+ FirstQuote = FindNextInstance (SecondQuote + 1, L"\"", TRUE);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ FirstQuote = FindNextInstance (SecondQuote + 1, L"\"", TRUE);
+ TempSpot = FindFirstCharacter(TempSpot + 1, L"|", L'^');
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return (BOOLEAN) ((TempSpot != NULL) && (*TempSpot != CHAR_NULL));
+ Function to start monitoring for CTRL-S using SimpleTextInputEx. This
+ feature's enabled state was not known when the shell initially launched.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The feature is enabled.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES There is not enough memory available.
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ Status = gBS->OpenProtocol(
+ gST->ConsoleInHandle,
+ &gEfiSimpleTextInputExProtocolGuid,
+ (VOID**)&SimpleEx,
+ gImageHandle,
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle);
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ KeyData.KeyState.KeyToggleState = 0;
+ KeyData.Key.ScanCode = 0;
+ KeyData.Key.UnicodeChar = L's';
+ Status = SimpleEx->RegisterKeyNotify(
+ SimpleEx,
+ &KeyData,
+ NotificationFunction,
+ &ShellInfoObject.CtrlSNotifyHandle1);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ Status = SimpleEx->RegisterKeyNotify(
+ SimpleEx,
+ &KeyData,
+ NotificationFunction,
+ &ShellInfoObject.CtrlSNotifyHandle2);
+ }
+ KeyData.Key.UnicodeChar = 19;
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ Status = SimpleEx->RegisterKeyNotify(
+ SimpleEx,
+ &KeyData,
+ NotificationFunction,
+ &ShellInfoObject.CtrlSNotifyHandle3);
+ }
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ Status = SimpleEx->RegisterKeyNotify(
+ SimpleEx,
+ &KeyData,
+ NotificationFunction,
+ &ShellInfoObject.CtrlSNotifyHandle4);
+ }
+ return (Status);
+ The entry point for the application.
+ @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
+ @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully.
+ @retval other Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
+UefiMain (
+ IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ CHAR16 *TempString;
+ UINTN Size;
+ EFI_HANDLE ConInHandle;
+ SPLIT_LIST *Split;
+ if (PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel) > 3) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Clear the screen
+ //
+ Status = gST->ConOut->ClearScreen(gST->ConOut);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ //
+ // Populate the global structure from PCDs
+ //
+ ShellInfoObject.ImageDevPath = NULL;
+ ShellInfoObject.FileDevPath = NULL;
+ ShellInfoObject.PageBreakEnabled = PcdGetBool(PcdShellPageBreakDefault);
+ ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.InsertMode = PcdGetBool(PcdShellInsertModeDefault);
+ ShellInfoObject.LogScreenCount = PcdGet8 (PcdShellScreenLogCount );
+ //
+ // verify we dont allow for spec violation
+ //
+ ASSERT(ShellInfoObject.LogScreenCount >= 3);
+ //
+ // Initialize the LIST ENTRY objects...
+ //
+ InitializeListHead(&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link);
+ InitializeListHead(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link);
+ InitializeListHead(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link);
+ //
+ // Check PCDs for optional features that are not implemented yet.
+ //
+ if ( PcdGetBool(PcdShellSupportOldProtocols)
+ || !FeaturePcdGet(PcdShellRequireHiiPlatform)
+ || FeaturePcdGet(PcdShellSupportFrameworkHii)
+ ) {
+ }
+ //
+ // turn off the watchdog timer
+ //
+ gBS->SetWatchdogTimer (0, 0, 0, NULL);
+ //
+ // install our console logger. This will keep a log of the output for back-browsing
+ //
+ Status = ConsoleLoggerInstall(ShellInfoObject.LogScreenCount, &ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ //
+ // Enable the cursor to be visible
+ //
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor (gST->ConOut, TRUE);
+ //
+ // If supporting EFI 1.1 we need to install HII protocol
+ // only do this if PcdShellRequireHiiPlatform == FALSE
+ //
+ // remove EFI_UNSUPPORTED check above when complete.
+ ///@todo add support for Framework HII
+ //
+ // install our (solitary) HII package
+ //
+ ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle = HiiAddPackages (&gEfiCallerIdGuid, gImageHandle, ShellStrings, NULL);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle == NULL) {
+ if (PcdGetBool(PcdShellSupportFrameworkHii)) {
+ ///@todo Add our package into Framework HII
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle == NULL) {
+ goto FreeResources;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // create and install the EfiShellParametersProtocol
+ //
+ Status = CreatePopulateInstallShellParametersProtocol(&ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol, &ShellInfoObject.RootShellInstance);
+ ASSERT(ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol != NULL);
+ //
+ // create and install the EfiShellProtocol
+ //
+ Status = CreatePopulateInstallShellProtocol(&ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol);
+ ASSERT(ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol != NULL);
+ //
+ // Now initialize the shell library (it requires Shell Parameters protocol)
+ //
+ Status = ShellInitialize();
+ Status = CommandInit();
+ Status = ShellInitEnvVarList ();
+ //
+ // Check the command line
+ //
+ Status = ProcessCommandLine ();
+ if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ goto FreeResources;
+ }
+ //
+ // If shell support level is >= 1 create the mappings and paths
+ //
+ if (PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel) >= 1) {
+ Status = ShellCommandCreateInitialMappingsAndPaths();
+ }
+ //
+ // Set the environment variable for nesting support
+ //
+ Size = 0;
+ TempString = NULL;
+ if (!ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoNest) {
+ //
+ // No change. require nesting in Shell Protocol Execute()
+ //
+ StrnCatGrow(&TempString,
+ &Size,
+ L"False",
+ 0);
+ } else {
+ StrnCatGrow(&TempString,
+ &Size,
+ mNoNestingTrue,
+ 0);
+ }
+ Status = InternalEfiShellSetEnv(mNoNestingEnvVarName, TempString, TRUE);
+ Size = 0;
+ //
+ // save the device path for the loaded image and the device path for the filepath (under loaded image)
+ // These are where to look for the startup.nsh file
+ //
+ Status = GetDevicePathsForImageAndFile(&ShellInfoObject.ImageDevPath, &ShellInfoObject.FileDevPath);
+ //
+ // Display the version
+ //
+ if (!ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoVersion) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx (
+ 0,
+ gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorRow,
+ ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle,
+ SupportLevel[PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel)],
+ gEfiShellProtocol->MajorVersion,
+ gEfiShellProtocol->MinorVersion
+ );
+ ShellPrintHiiEx (
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle,
+ (CHAR16 *) PcdGetPtr (PcdShellSupplier)
+ );
+ ShellPrintHiiEx (
+ -1,
+ -1,
+ ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle,
+ (gST->Hdr.Revision&0xffff0000)>>16,
+ (gST->Hdr.Revision&0x0000ffff),
+ gST->FirmwareVendor,
+ gST->FirmwareRevision
+ );
+ }
+ //
+ // Display the mapping
+ //
+ if (PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel) >= 2 && !ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoMap) {
+ Status = RunCommand(L"map");
+ }
+ //
+ // init all the built in alias'
+ //
+ Status = SetBuiltInAlias();
+ //
+ // Initialize environment variables
+ //
+ if (ShellCommandGetProfileList() != NULL) {
+ Status = InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"profiles", ShellCommandGetProfileList(), TRUE);
+ }
+ Size = 100;
+ TempString = AllocateZeroPool(Size);
+ UnicodeSPrint(TempString, Size, L"%d", PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel));
+ Status = InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"uefishellsupport", TempString, TRUE);
+ UnicodeSPrint(TempString, Size, L"%d.%d", ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->MajorVersion, ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->MinorVersion);
+ Status = InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"uefishellversion", TempString, TRUE);
+ UnicodeSPrint(TempString, Size, L"%d.%d", (gST->Hdr.Revision & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16, gST->Hdr.Revision & 0x0000FFFF);
+ Status = InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"uefiversion", TempString, TRUE);
+ FreePool(TempString);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ if (!ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoInterrupt) {
+ //
+ // Set up the event for CTRL-C monitoring...
+ //
+ Status = InernalEfiShellStartMonitor();
+ }
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && !ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleIn) {
+ //
+ // Set up the event for CTRL-S monitoring...
+ //
+ Status = InternalEfiShellStartCtrlSMonitor();
+ }
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleIn) {
+ //
+ // close off the gST->ConIn
+ //
+ OldConIn = gST->ConIn;
+ ConInHandle = gST->ConsoleInHandle;
+ gST->ConIn = CreateSimpleTextInOnFile((SHELL_FILE_HANDLE)&FileInterfaceNulFile, &gST->ConsoleInHandle);
+ } else {
+ OldConIn = NULL;
+ ConInHandle = NULL;
+ }
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status) && PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel) >= 1) {
+ //
+ // process the startup script or launch the called app.
+ //
+ Status = DoStartupScript(ShellInfoObject.ImageDevPath, ShellInfoObject.FileDevPath);
+ }
+ if (!ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Exit && !ShellCommandGetExit() && (PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel) >= 3 || PcdGetBool(PcdShellForceConsole)) && !EFI_ERROR(Status) && !ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleIn) {
+ //
+ // begin the UI waiting loop
+ //
+ do {
+ //
+ // clean out all the memory allocated for CONST <something> * return values
+ // between each shell prompt presentation
+ //
+ if (!IsListEmpty(&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link)){
+ FreeBufferList(&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList);
+ }
+ //
+ // Reset page break back to default.
+ //
+ ShellInfoObject.PageBreakEnabled = PcdGetBool(PcdShellPageBreakDefault);
+ ASSERT (ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo != NULL);
+ ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo->Enabled = TRUE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo->RowCounter = 0;
+ //
+ // Display Prompt
+ //
+ Status = DoShellPrompt();
+ } while (!ShellCommandGetExit());
+ }
+ if (OldConIn != NULL && ConInHandle != NULL) {
+ CloseSimpleTextInOnFile (gST->ConIn);
+ gST->ConIn = OldConIn;
+ gST->ConsoleInHandle = ConInHandle;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // uninstall protocols / free memory / etc...
+ //
+ if (ShellInfoObject.UserBreakTimer != NULL) {
+ gBS->CloseEvent(ShellInfoObject.UserBreakTimer);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.UserBreakTimer = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ImageDevPath != NULL) {
+ FreePool(ShellInfoObject.ImageDevPath);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.ImageDevPath = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.FileDevPath != NULL) {
+ FreePool(ShellInfoObject.FileDevPath);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.FileDevPath = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol != NULL) {
+ CleanUpShellParametersProtocol(ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol != NULL){
+ if (ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->IsRootShell()){
+ InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"cwd", NULL, TRUE);
+ }
+ CleanUpShellEnvironment (ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (!IsListEmpty(&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link)){
+ FreeBufferList(&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList);
+ }
+ if (!IsListEmpty(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link)){
+ ASSERT(FALSE); ///@todo finish this de-allocation (free SplitStdIn/Out when needed).
+ for ( Split = (SPLIT_LIST*)GetFirstNode (&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link)
+ ; !IsNull (&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link, &Split->Link)
+ ; Split = (SPLIT_LIST *)GetNextNode (&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link, &Split->Link)
+ ) {
+ RemoveEntryList (&Split->Link);
+ FreePool (Split);
+ }
+ DEBUG_CODE (InitializeListHead (&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link););
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName != NULL) {
+ FreePool(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions != NULL) {
+ FreePool(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle != NULL) {
+ HiiRemovePackages(ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle = NULL;);
+ }
+ if (!IsListEmpty(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link)){
+ FreeBufferList(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory);
+ }
+ ASSERT(ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo != NULL);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo != NULL) {
+ ConsoleLoggerUninstall(ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo);
+ FreePool(ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo);
+ DEBUG_CODE(ShellInfoObject.ConsoleInfo = NULL;);
+ }
+ ShellFreeEnvVarList ();
+ if (ShellCommandGetExit()) {
+ return ((EFI_STATUS)ShellCommandGetExitCode());
+ }
+ return (Status);
+ Sets all the alias' that were registered with the ShellCommandLib library.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS all init commands were run successfully.
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ //
+ // Get all the commands we want to run
+ //
+ List = ShellCommandGetInitAliasList();
+ //
+ // for each command in the List
+ //
+ for ( Node = (ALIAS_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&List->Link)
+ ; !IsNull (&List->Link, &Node->Link)
+ ; Node = (ALIAS_LIST *)GetNextNode(&List->Link, &Node->Link)
+ ){
+ //
+ // install the alias'
+ //
+ Status = InternalSetAlias(Node->CommandString, Node->Alias, TRUE);
+ }
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Internal function to determine if 2 command names are really the same.
+ @param[in] Command1 The pointer to the first command name.
+ @param[in] Command2 The pointer to the second command name.
+ @retval TRUE The 2 command names are the same.
+ @retval FALSE The 2 command names are not the same.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Command1,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Command2
+ )
+ if (StringNoCaseCompare(&Command1, &Command2) == 0) {
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+ Internal function to determine if a command is a script only command.
+ @param[in] CommandName The pointer to the command name.
+ @retval TRUE The command is a script only command.
+ @retval FALSE The command is not a script only command.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CommandName
+ )
+ if (IsCommand(CommandName, L"for")
+ ||IsCommand(CommandName, L"endfor")
+ ||IsCommand(CommandName, L"if")
+ ||IsCommand(CommandName, L"else")
+ ||IsCommand(CommandName, L"endif")
+ ||IsCommand(CommandName, L"goto")) {
+ return (TRUE);
+ }
+ return (FALSE);
+ This function will populate the 2 device path protocol parameters based on the
+ global gImageHandle. The DevPath will point to the device path for the handle that has
+ loaded image protocol installed on it. The FilePath will point to the device path
+ for the file that was loaded.
+ @param[in, out] DevPath On a successful return the device path to the loaded image.
+ @param[in, out] FilePath On a successful return the device path to the file.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The 2 device paths were successfully returned.
+ @retval other A error from gBS->HandleProtocol.
+ @sa HandleProtocol
+GetDevicePathsForImageAndFile (
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ ASSERT(DevPath != NULL);
+ ASSERT(FilePath != NULL);
+ Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
+ gImageHandle,
+ &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid,
+ (VOID**)&LoadedImage,
+ gImageHandle,
+ );
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ Status = gBS->OpenProtocol (
+ LoadedImage->DeviceHandle,
+ &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
+ (VOID**)&ImageDevicePath,
+ gImageHandle,
+ );
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ *DevPath = DuplicateDevicePath (ImageDevicePath);
+ *FilePath = DuplicateDevicePath (LoadedImage->FilePath);
+ gBS->CloseProtocol(
+ LoadedImage->DeviceHandle,
+ &gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid,
+ gImageHandle,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ gBS->CloseProtocol(
+ gImageHandle,
+ &gEfiLoadedImageProtocolGuid,
+ gImageHandle,
+ NULL);
+ }
+ return (Status);
+ Process all Uefi Shell 2.0 command line options.
+ see Uefi Shell 2.0 section 3.2 for full details.
+ the command line must resemble the following:
+ shell.efi [ShellOpt-options] [options] [file-name [file-name-options]]
+ ShellOpt-options Options which control the initialization behavior of the shell.
+ These options are read from the EFI global variable "ShellOpt"
+ and are processed before options or file-name.
+ options Options which control the initialization behavior of the shell.
+ file-name The name of a UEFI shell application or script to be executed
+ after initialization is complete. By default, if file-name is
+ specified, then -nostartup is implied. Scripts are not supported
+ by level 0.
+ file-name-options The command-line options that are passed to file-name when it
+ is invoked.
+ This will initialize the ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings global variable.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The variable is initialized.
+ )
+ UINTN Size;
+ UINTN LoopVar;
+ CHAR16 *CurrentArg;
+ CHAR16 *DelayValueStr;
+ UINT64 DelayValue;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ // `file-name-options` will contain arguments to `file-name` that we don't
+ // know about. This would cause ShellCommandLineParse to error, so we parse
+ // arguments manually, ignoring those after the first thing that doesn't look
+ // like a shell option (which is assumed to be `file-name`).
+ Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (
+ &gEfiUnicodeCollation2ProtocolGuid,
+ (VOID **) &UnicodeCollation
+ );
+ if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (
+ &gEfiUnicodeCollationProtocolGuid,
+ (VOID **) &UnicodeCollation
+ );
+ if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ return Status;
+ }
+ }
+ // Set default options
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Startup = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoStartup = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleOut = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleIn = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoInterrupt = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoMap = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoVersion = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Delay = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Exit = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoNest = FALSE;
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.Delay = 5;
+ //
+ // Start LoopVar at 0 to parse only optional arguments at Argv[0]
+ // and parse other parameters from Argv[1]. This is for use case that
+ // UEFI Shell boot option is created, and OptionalData is provided
+ // that starts with shell command-line options.
+ //
+ for (LoopVar = 0 ; LoopVar < gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc ; LoopVar++) {
+ CurrentArg = gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar];
+ if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-startup",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Startup = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-nostartup",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoStartup = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-noconsoleout",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleOut = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-noconsolein",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleIn = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-nointerrupt",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoInterrupt = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-nomap",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoMap = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-noversion",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoVersion = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-nonest",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoNest = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-delay",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Delay = TRUE;
+ // Check for optional delay value following "-delay"
+ if ((LoopVar + 1) >= gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc) {
+ DelayValueStr = NULL;
+ } else {
+ DelayValueStr = gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar + 1];
+ }
+ if (DelayValueStr != NULL){
+ if (*DelayValueStr == L':') {
+ DelayValueStr++;
+ }
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(ShellConvertStringToUint64 (
+ DelayValueStr,
+ &DelayValue,
+ ))) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.Delay = (UINTN)DelayValue;
+ LoopVar++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (UnicodeCollation->StriColl (
+ UnicodeCollation,
+ L"-exit",
+ CurrentArg
+ ) == 0) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Exit = TRUE;
+ } else if (StrnCmp (L"-", CurrentArg, 1) == 0) {
+ // Unrecognized option
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL,
+ ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle,
+ CurrentArg
+ );
+ } else {
+ //
+ // First argument should be Shell.efi image name
+ //
+ if (LoopVar == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName = NULL;
+ Size = 0;
+ //
+ // If first argument contains a space, then add double quotes before the argument
+ //
+ if (StrStr (CurrentArg, L" ") != NULL) {
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName, &Size, L"\"", 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName == NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName, &Size, CurrentArg, 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName == NULL) {
+ }
+ //
+ // If first argument contains a space, then add double quotes after the argument
+ //
+ if (StrStr (CurrentArg, L" ") != NULL) {
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName, &Size, L"\"", 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName == NULL) {
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // We found `file-name`.
+ //
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoStartup = 1;
+ LoopVar++;
+ // Add `file-name-options`
+ for (Size = 0 ; LoopVar < gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argc ; LoopVar++) {
+ ASSERT((ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions == NULL && Size == 0) || (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions != NULL));
+ //
+ // Add a space between arguments
+ //
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions != NULL) {
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions, &Size, L" ", 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // If an argument contains a space, then add double quotes before the argument
+ //
+ if (StrStr (gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], L" ") != NULL) {
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions,
+ &Size,
+ L"\"",
+ 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ }
+ }
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions,
+ &Size,
+ gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar],
+ 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ }
+ //
+ // If an argument contains a space, then add double quotes after the argument
+ //
+ if (StrStr (gEfiShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], L" ") != NULL) {
+ StrnCatGrow(&ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions,
+ &Size,
+ L"\"",
+ 0);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // "-nointerrupt" overrides "-delay"
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoInterrupt) {
+ ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.Delay = 0;
+ }
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
+ Function try to find location of the Startup.nsh file.
+ The buffer is callee allocated and should be freed by the caller.
+ @param ImageDevicePath The path to the image for shell. first place to look for the startup script
+ @param FileDevicePath The path to the file for shell. second place to look for the startup script.
+ @retval NULL No Startup.nsh file was found.
+ @return !=NULL Pointer to NULL-terminated path.
+CHAR16 *
+LocateStartupScript (
+ )
+ CHAR16 *StartupScriptPath;
+ CHAR16 *TempSpot;
+ CONST CHAR16 *MapName;
+ UINTN Size;
+ StartupScriptPath = NULL;
+ Size = 0;
+ //
+ // Try to find 'Startup.nsh' in the directory where the shell itself was launched.
+ //
+ MapName = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->GetMapFromDevicePath (&ImageDevicePath);
+ if (MapName != NULL) {
+ StartupScriptPath = StrnCatGrow (&StartupScriptPath, &Size, MapName, 0);
+ if (StartupScriptPath == NULL) {
+ //
+ // Do not locate the startup script in sys path when out of resource.
+ //
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ TempSpot = StrStr (StartupScriptPath, L";");
+ if (TempSpot != NULL) {
+ *TempSpot = CHAR_NULL;
+ }
+ InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"homefilesystem", StartupScriptPath, TRUE);
+ StartupScriptPath = StrnCatGrow (&StartupScriptPath, &Size, ((FILEPATH_DEVICE_PATH *)FileDevicePath)->PathName, 0);
+ PathRemoveLastItem (StartupScriptPath);
+ StartupScriptPath = StrnCatGrow (&StartupScriptPath, &Size, mStartupScript, 0);
+ }
+ //
+ // Try to find 'Startup.nsh' in the execution path defined by the environment variable PATH.
+ //
+ if ((StartupScriptPath == NULL) || EFI_ERROR (ShellIsFile (StartupScriptPath))) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL (StartupScriptPath);
+ StartupScriptPath = ShellFindFilePath (mStartupScript);
+ }
+ return StartupScriptPath;
+ Handles all interaction with the default startup script.
+ this will check that the correct command line parameters were passed, handle the delay, and then start running the script.
+ @param ImagePath the path to the image for shell. first place to look for the startup script
+ @param FilePath the path to the file for shell. second place to look for the startup script.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the variable is initialized.
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ EFI_STATUS CalleeStatus;
+ UINTN Delay;
+ CHAR16 *FileStringPath;
+ CHAR16 *FullFileStringPath;
+ UINTN NewSize;
+ Key.UnicodeChar = CHAR_NULL;
+ Key.ScanCode = 0;
+ if (!ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Startup && ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName != NULL) {
+ //
+ // launch something else instead
+ //
+ NewSize = StrSize(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions != NULL) {
+ NewSize += StrSize(ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions) + sizeof(CHAR16);
+ }
+ FileStringPath = AllocateZeroPool(NewSize);
+ if (FileStringPath == NULL) {
+ }
+ StrCpyS(FileStringPath, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16), ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileName);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions != NULL) {
+ StrnCatS(FileStringPath, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16), L" ", NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16) - StrLen(FileStringPath) -1);
+ StrnCatS(FileStringPath, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16), ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.FileOptions, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16) - StrLen(FileStringPath) -1);
+ }
+ Status = RunShellCommand(FileStringPath, &CalleeStatus);
+ if (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Exit == TRUE) {
+ ShellCommandRegisterExit(gEfiShellProtocol->BatchIsActive(), (UINT64)CalleeStatus);
+ }
+ FreePool(FileStringPath);
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ //
+ // for shell level 0 we do no scripts
+ // Without the Startup bit overriding we allow for nostartup to prevent scripts
+ //
+ if ( (PcdGet8(PcdShellSupportLevel) < 1)
+ || (ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoStartup && !ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.Startup)
+ ){
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor(gST->ConOut, FALSE);
+ //
+ // print out our warning and see if they press a key
+ //
+ for ( Status = EFI_UNSUPPORTED, Delay = ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.Delay
+ ; Delay != 0 && EFI_ERROR(Status)
+ ; Delay--
+ ){
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(0, gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorRow, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_STARTUP_QUESTION), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, Delay);
+ gBS->Stall (1000000);
+ if (!ShellInfoObject.ShellInitSettings.BitUnion.Bits.NoConsoleIn) {
+ Status = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key);
+ }
+ }
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_CRLF), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle);
+ gST->ConOut->EnableCursor(gST->ConOut, TRUE);
+ //
+ // ESC was pressed
+ //
+ if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS && Key.UnicodeChar == 0 && Key.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC) {
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ FileStringPath = LocateStartupScript (ImagePath, FilePath);
+ if (FileStringPath != NULL) {
+ FullFileStringPath = FullyQualifyPath(FileStringPath);
+ if (FullFileStringPath == NULL) {
+ Status = RunScriptFile (FileStringPath, NULL, FileStringPath, ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol);
+ } else {
+ Status = RunScriptFile (FullFileStringPath, NULL, FullFileStringPath, ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol);
+ FreePool(FullFileStringPath);
+ }
+ FreePool (FileStringPath);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // we return success since startup script is not mandatory.
+ //
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return (Status);
+ Function to perform the shell prompt looping. It will do a single prompt,
+ dispatch the result, and then return. It is expected that the caller will
+ call this function in a loop many times.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS
+DoShellPrompt (
+ )
+ UINTN Column;
+ UINTN Row;
+ CHAR16 *CmdLine;
+ CONST CHAR16 *CurDir;
+ UINTN BufferSize;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ LIST_ENTRY OldBufferList;
+ CurDir = NULL;
+ //
+ // Get screen setting to decide size of the command line buffer
+ //
+ gST->ConOut->QueryMode (gST->ConOut, gST->ConOut->Mode->Mode, &Column, &Row);
+ BufferSize = Column * Row * sizeof (CHAR16);
+ CmdLine = AllocateZeroPool (BufferSize);
+ if (CmdLine == NULL) {
+ }
+ SaveBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ CurDir = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->GetEnv(L"cwd");
+ //
+ // Prompt for input
+ //
+ gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorRow);
+ if (CurDir != NULL && StrLen(CurDir) > 1) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_CURDIR), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, CurDir);
+ } else {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_SHELL), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle);
+ }
+ //
+ // Read a line from the console
+ //
+ Status = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->ReadFile(ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol->StdIn, &BufferSize, CmdLine);
+ //
+ // Null terminate the string and parse it
+ //
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ //
+ // Reset the CTRL-C event just before running the command (yes we ignore the return values)
+ //
+ Status = gBS->CheckEvent (ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->ExecutionBreak);
+ CmdLine[BufferSize / sizeof (CHAR16)] = CHAR_NULL;
+ Status = RunCommand(CmdLine);
+ }
+ //
+ // Done with this command
+ //
+ RestoreBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ FreePool (CmdLine);
+ return Status;
+ Add a buffer to the Buffer To Free List for safely returning buffers to other
+ places without risking letting them modify internal shell information.
+ @param Buffer Something to pass to FreePool when the shell is exiting.
+AddBufferToFreeList (
+ VOID *Buffer
+ )
+ BUFFER_LIST *BufferListEntry;
+ if (Buffer == NULL) {
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ BufferListEntry = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (BUFFER_LIST));
+ if (BufferListEntry == NULL) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ BufferListEntry->Buffer = Buffer;
+ InsertTailList (&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link, &BufferListEntry->Link);
+ return (Buffer);
+ Create a new buffer list and stores the old one to OldBufferList
+ @param OldBufferList The temporary list head used to store the nodes in BufferToFreeList.
+SaveBufferList (
+ OUT LIST_ENTRY *OldBufferList
+ )
+ CopyMem (OldBufferList, &ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link, sizeof (LIST_ENTRY));
+ InitializeListHead (&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link);
+ Restore previous nodes into BufferToFreeList .
+ @param OldBufferList The temporary list head used to store the nodes in BufferToFreeList.
+RestoreBufferList (
+ IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *OldBufferList
+ )
+ FreeBufferList (&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList);
+ CopyMem (&ShellInfoObject.BufferToFreeList.Link, OldBufferList, sizeof (LIST_ENTRY));
+ Add a buffer to the Line History List
+ @param Buffer The line buffer to add.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Buffer
+ )
+ BUFFER_LIST *Walker;
+ UINT16 MaxHistoryCmdCount;
+ UINT16 Count;
+ Count = 0;
+ MaxHistoryCmdCount = PcdGet16(PcdShellMaxHistoryCommandCount);
+ if (MaxHistoryCmdCount == 0) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ Node = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(BUFFER_LIST));
+ if (Node == NULL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Node->Buffer = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (Buffer), Buffer);
+ if (Node->Buffer == NULL) {
+ FreePool (Node);
+ return;
+ }
+ for ( Walker = (BUFFER_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link)
+ ; !IsNull(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link, &Walker->Link)
+ ; Walker = (BUFFER_LIST*)GetNextNode(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link, &Walker->Link)
+ ){
+ Count++;
+ }
+ if (Count < MaxHistoryCmdCount){
+ InsertTailList(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link, &Node->Link);
+ } else {
+ Walker = (BUFFER_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link);
+ RemoveEntryList(&Walker->Link);
+ if (Walker->Buffer != NULL) {
+ FreePool(Walker->Buffer);
+ }
+ FreePool(Walker);
+ InsertTailList(&ShellInfoObject.ViewingSettings.CommandHistory.Link, &Node->Link);
+ }
+ Checks if a string is an alias for another command. If yes, then it replaces the alias name
+ with the correct command name.
+ @param[in, out] CommandString Upon entry the potential alias. Upon return the
+ command name if it was an alias. If it was not
+ an alias it will be unchanged. This function may
+ change the buffer to fit the command name.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The name was changed.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The name was not an alias.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory allocation failed.
+ IN OUT CHAR16 **CommandString
+ )
+ CONST CHAR16 *NewString;
+ NewString = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->GetAlias(*CommandString, NULL);
+ if (NewString == NULL) {
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ FreePool(*CommandString);
+ *CommandString = AllocateCopyPool(StrSize(NewString), NewString);
+ if (*CommandString == NULL) {
+ }
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ This function will eliminate unreplaced (and therefore non-found) environment variables.
+ @param[in,out] CmdLine The command line to update.
+ IN OUT CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ CHAR16 *FirstPercent;
+ CHAR16 *FirstQuote;
+ CHAR16 *SecondPercent;
+ CHAR16 *SecondQuote;
+ CHAR16 *CurrentLocator;
+ for (CurrentLocator = CmdLine ; CurrentLocator != NULL ; ) {
+ FirstQuote = FindNextInstance(CurrentLocator, L"\"", TRUE);
+ FirstPercent = FindNextInstance(CurrentLocator, L"%", TRUE);
+ SecondPercent = FirstPercent!=NULL?FindNextInstance(FirstPercent+1, L"%", TRUE):NULL;
+ if (FirstPercent == NULL || SecondPercent == NULL) {
+ //
+ // If we ever don't have 2 % we are done.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ if (FirstQuote!= NULL && FirstQuote < FirstPercent) {
+ SecondQuote = FindNextInstance(FirstQuote+1, L"\"", TRUE);
+ //
+ // Quote is first found
+ //
+ if (SecondQuote < FirstPercent) {
+ //
+ // restart after the pair of "
+ //
+ CurrentLocator = SecondQuote + 1;
+ } else /* FirstPercent < SecondQuote */{
+ //
+ // Restart on the first percent
+ //
+ CurrentLocator = FirstPercent;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (FirstQuote == NULL || SecondPercent < FirstQuote) {
+ if (IsValidEnvironmentVariableName(FirstPercent, SecondPercent)) {
+ //
+ // We need to remove from FirstPercent to SecondPercent
+ //
+ CopyMem(FirstPercent, SecondPercent + 1, StrSize(SecondPercent + 1));
+ //
+ // don't need to update the locator. both % characters are gone.
+ //
+ } else {
+ CurrentLocator = SecondPercent + 1;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ CurrentLocator = FirstQuote;
+ }
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Function allocates a new command line and replaces all instances of environment
+ variable names that are correctly preset to their values.
+ If the return value is not NULL the memory must be caller freed.
+ @param[in] OriginalCommandLine The original command line
+ @retval NULL An error occurred.
+ @return The new command line with no environment variables present.
+ShellConvertVariables (
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *OriginalCommandLine
+ )
+ CONST CHAR16 *MasterEnvList;
+ UINTN NewSize;
+ CHAR16 *NewCommandLine1;
+ CHAR16 *NewCommandLine2;
+ CHAR16 *Temp;
+ UINTN ItemSize;
+ CHAR16 *ItemTemp;
+ SCRIPT_FILE *CurrentScriptFile;
+ ALIAS_LIST *AliasListNode;
+ ASSERT(OriginalCommandLine != NULL);
+ ItemSize = 0;
+ NewSize = StrSize(OriginalCommandLine);
+ CurrentScriptFile = ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile();
+ Temp = NULL;
+ ///@todo update this to handle the %0 - %9 for scripting only (borrow from line 1256 area) ? ? ?
+ //
+ // calculate the size required for the post-conversion string...
+ //
+ if (CurrentScriptFile != NULL) {
+ for (AliasListNode = (ALIAS_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&CurrentScriptFile->SubstList)
+ ; !IsNull(&CurrentScriptFile->SubstList, &AliasListNode->Link)
+ ; AliasListNode = (ALIAS_LIST*)GetNextNode(&CurrentScriptFile->SubstList, &AliasListNode->Link)
+ ){
+ for (Temp = StrStr(OriginalCommandLine, AliasListNode->Alias)
+ ; Temp != NULL
+ ; Temp = StrStr(Temp+1, AliasListNode->Alias)
+ ){
+ //
+ // we need a preceding and if there is space no ^ preceding (if no space ignore)
+ //
+ if ((((Temp-OriginalCommandLine)>2) && *(Temp-2) != L'^') || ((Temp-OriginalCommandLine)<=2)) {
+ NewSize += StrSize(AliasListNode->CommandString);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (MasterEnvList = EfiShellGetEnv(NULL)
+ ; MasterEnvList != NULL && *MasterEnvList != CHAR_NULL //&& *(MasterEnvList+1) != CHAR_NULL
+ ; MasterEnvList += StrLen(MasterEnvList) + 1
+ ){
+ if (StrSize(MasterEnvList) > ItemSize) {
+ ItemSize = StrSize(MasterEnvList);
+ }
+ for (Temp = StrStr(OriginalCommandLine, MasterEnvList)
+ ; Temp != NULL
+ ; Temp = StrStr(Temp+1, MasterEnvList)
+ ){
+ //
+ // we need a preceding and following % and if there is space no ^ preceding (if no space ignore)
+ //
+ if (*(Temp-1) == L'%' && *(Temp+StrLen(MasterEnvList)) == L'%' &&
+ ((((Temp-OriginalCommandLine)>2) && *(Temp-2) != L'^') || ((Temp-OriginalCommandLine)<=2))) {
+ NewSize+=StrSize(EfiShellGetEnv(MasterEnvList));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // now do the replacements...
+ //
+ NewCommandLine1 = AllocateZeroPool (NewSize);
+ NewCommandLine2 = AllocateZeroPool(NewSize);
+ ItemTemp = AllocateZeroPool(ItemSize+(2*sizeof(CHAR16)));
+ if (NewCommandLine1 == NULL || NewCommandLine2 == NULL || ItemTemp == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(NewCommandLine1);
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(NewCommandLine2);
+ return (NULL);
+ }
+ CopyMem (NewCommandLine1, OriginalCommandLine, StrSize (OriginalCommandLine));
+ for (MasterEnvList = EfiShellGetEnv(NULL)
+ ; MasterEnvList != NULL && *MasterEnvList != CHAR_NULL
+ ; MasterEnvList += StrLen(MasterEnvList) + 1
+ ){
+ StrCpyS( ItemTemp,
+ ((ItemSize+(2*sizeof(CHAR16)))/sizeof(CHAR16)),
+ L"%"
+ );
+ StrCatS( ItemTemp,
+ ((ItemSize+(2*sizeof(CHAR16)))/sizeof(CHAR16)),
+ MasterEnvList
+ );
+ StrCatS( ItemTemp,
+ ((ItemSize+(2*sizeof(CHAR16)))/sizeof(CHAR16)),
+ L"%"
+ );
+ ShellCopySearchAndReplace(NewCommandLine1, NewCommandLine2, NewSize, ItemTemp, EfiShellGetEnv(MasterEnvList), TRUE, FALSE);
+ StrCpyS(NewCommandLine1, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16), NewCommandLine2);
+ }
+ if (CurrentScriptFile != NULL) {
+ for (AliasListNode = (ALIAS_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&CurrentScriptFile->SubstList)
+ ; !IsNull(&CurrentScriptFile->SubstList, &AliasListNode->Link)
+ ; AliasListNode = (ALIAS_LIST*)GetNextNode(&CurrentScriptFile->SubstList, &AliasListNode->Link)
+ ){
+ ShellCopySearchAndReplace(NewCommandLine1, NewCommandLine2, NewSize, AliasListNode->Alias, AliasListNode->CommandString, TRUE, FALSE);
+ StrCpyS(NewCommandLine1, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16), NewCommandLine2);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Remove non-existent environment variables
+ //
+ StripUnreplacedEnvironmentVariables(NewCommandLine1);
+ //
+ // Now cleanup any straggler intentionally ignored "%" characters
+ //
+ ShellCopySearchAndReplace(NewCommandLine1, NewCommandLine2, NewSize, L"^%", L"%", TRUE, FALSE);
+ StrCpyS(NewCommandLine1, NewSize/sizeof(CHAR16), NewCommandLine2);
+ FreePool(NewCommandLine2);
+ FreePool(ItemTemp);
+ return (NewCommandLine1);
+ Internal function to run a command line with pipe usage.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The pointer to the command line.
+ @param[in] StdIn The pointer to the Standard input.
+ @param[in] StdOut The pointer to the Standard output.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The split command is executed successfully.
+ @retval other Some error occurs when executing the split command.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ CHAR16 *NextCommandLine;
+ CHAR16 *OurCommandLine;
+ UINTN Size1;
+ UINTN Size2;
+ SPLIT_LIST *Split;
+ BOOLEAN Unicode;
+ ASSERT(StdOut == NULL);
+ ASSERT(StrStr(CmdLine, L"|") != NULL);
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ NextCommandLine = NULL;
+ OurCommandLine = NULL;
+ Size1 = 0;
+ Size2 = 0;
+ NextCommandLine = StrnCatGrow(&NextCommandLine, &Size1, StrStr(CmdLine, L"|")+1, 0);
+ OurCommandLine = StrnCatGrow(&OurCommandLine , &Size2, CmdLine , StrStr(CmdLine, L"|") - CmdLine);
+ if (NextCommandLine == NULL || OurCommandLine == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(OurCommandLine);
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(NextCommandLine);
+ } else if (StrStr(OurCommandLine, L"|") != NULL || Size1 == 0 || Size2 == 0) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(OurCommandLine);
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(NextCommandLine);
+ } else if (NextCommandLine[0] == L'a' &&
+ (NextCommandLine[1] == L' ' || NextCommandLine[1] == CHAR_NULL)
+ ){
+ CopyMem(NextCommandLine, NextCommandLine+1, StrSize(NextCommandLine) - sizeof(NextCommandLine[0]));
+ while (NextCommandLine[0] == L' ') {
+ CopyMem(NextCommandLine, NextCommandLine+1, StrSize(NextCommandLine) - sizeof(NextCommandLine[0]));
+ }
+ if (NextCommandLine[0] == CHAR_NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(OurCommandLine);
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(NextCommandLine);
+ }
+ Unicode = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ Unicode = TRUE;
+ }
+ //
+ // make a SPLIT_LIST item and add to list
+ //
+ Split = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(SPLIT_LIST));
+ if (Split == NULL) {
+ }
+ Split->SplitStdIn = StdIn;
+ Split->SplitStdOut = ConvertEfiFileProtocolToShellHandle(CreateFileInterfaceMem(Unicode), NULL);
+ ASSERT(Split->SplitStdOut != NULL);
+ InsertHeadList(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link, &Split->Link);
+ Status = RunCommand(OurCommandLine);
+ //
+ // move the output from the first to the in to the second.
+ //
+ TempFileHandle = Split->SplitStdOut;
+ if (Split->SplitStdIn == StdIn) {
+ Split->SplitStdOut = NULL;
+ } else {
+ Split->SplitStdOut = Split->SplitStdIn;
+ }
+ Split->SplitStdIn = TempFileHandle;
+ ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->SetFilePosition (Split->SplitStdIn, 0);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ Status = RunCommand(NextCommandLine);
+ }
+ //
+ // remove the top level from the ScriptList
+ //
+ ASSERT((SPLIT_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link) == Split);
+ RemoveEntryList(&Split->Link);
+ //
+ // Note that the original StdIn is now the StdOut...
+ //
+ if (Split->SplitStdOut != NULL) {
+ ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->CloseFile (Split->SplitStdOut);
+ }
+ if (Split->SplitStdIn != NULL) {
+ ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->CloseFile (Split->SplitStdIn);
+ }
+ FreePool(Split);
+ FreePool(NextCommandLine);
+ FreePool(OurCommandLine);
+ return (Status);
+ Take the original command line, substitute any variables, free
+ the original string, return the modified copy.
+ @param[in] CmdLine pointer to the command line to update.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the function was successful.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES a memory allocation failed.
+ IN CHAR16 **CmdLine
+ )
+ CHAR16 *NewCmdLine;
+ NewCmdLine = ShellConvertVariables(*CmdLine);
+ if (NewCmdLine == NULL) {
+ }
+ *CmdLine = NewCmdLine;
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Take the original command line, substitute any alias in the first group of space delimited characters, free
+ the original string, return the modified copy.
+ @param[in] CmdLine pointer to the command line to update.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the function was successful.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES a memory allocation failed.
+ IN CHAR16 **CmdLine
+ )
+ CHAR16 *NewCmdLine;
+ CHAR16 *CommandName;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINTN PostAliasSize;
+ ASSERT(CmdLine != NULL);
+ ASSERT(*CmdLine!= NULL);
+ CommandName = NULL;
+ if (StrStr((*CmdLine), L" ") == NULL){
+ StrnCatGrow(&CommandName, NULL, (*CmdLine), 0);
+ } else {
+ StrnCatGrow(&CommandName, NULL, (*CmdLine), StrStr((*CmdLine), L" ") - (*CmdLine));
+ }
+ //
+ // This cannot happen 'inline' since the CmdLine can need extra space.
+ //
+ NewCmdLine = NULL;
+ if (!ShellCommandIsCommandOnList(CommandName)) {
+ //
+ // Convert via alias
+ //
+ Status = ShellConvertAlias(&CommandName);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)){
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ PostAliasSize = 0;
+ NewCmdLine = StrnCatGrow(&NewCmdLine, &PostAliasSize, CommandName, 0);
+ if (NewCmdLine == NULL) {
+ }
+ NewCmdLine = StrnCatGrow(&NewCmdLine, &PostAliasSize, StrStr((*CmdLine), L" "), 0);
+ if (NewCmdLine == NULL) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ NewCmdLine = StrnCatGrow(&NewCmdLine, NULL, (*CmdLine), 0);
+ }
+ //
+ // re-assign the passed in double pointer to point to our newly allocated buffer
+ //
+ *CmdLine = NewCmdLine;
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Takes the Argv[0] part of the command line and determine the meaning of it.
+ @param[in] CmdName pointer to the command line to update.
+ @retval Internal_Command The name is an internal command.
+ @retval File_Sys_Change the name is a file system change.
+ @retval Script_File_Name the name is a NSH script file.
+ @retval Unknown_Invalid the name is unknown.
+ @retval Efi_Application the name is an application (.EFI).
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdName
+ )
+ CHAR16* FileWithPath;
+ CONST CHAR16* TempLocation;
+ CONST CHAR16* TempLocation2;
+ FileWithPath = NULL;
+ //
+ // test for an internal command.
+ //
+ if (ShellCommandIsCommandOnList(CmdName)) {
+ return (Internal_Command);
+ }
+ //
+ // Test for file system change request. anything ending with first : and cant have spaces.
+ //
+ if (CmdName[(StrLen(CmdName)-1)] == L':') {
+ if ( StrStr(CmdName, L" ") != NULL
+ || StrLen(StrStr(CmdName, L":")) > 1
+ ) {
+ return (Unknown_Invalid);
+ }
+ return (File_Sys_Change);
+ }
+ //
+ // Test for a file
+ //
+ if ((FileWithPath = ShellFindFilePathEx(CmdName, mExecutableExtensions)) != NULL) {
+ //
+ // See if that file has a script file extension
+ //
+ if (StrLen(FileWithPath) > 4) {
+ TempLocation = FileWithPath+StrLen(FileWithPath)-4;
+ TempLocation2 = mScriptExtension;
+ if (StringNoCaseCompare((VOID*)(&TempLocation), (VOID*)(&TempLocation2)) == 0) {
+ return (Script_File_Name);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Was a file, but not a script. we treat this as an application.
+ //
+ return (Efi_Application);
+ }
+ //
+ // No clue what this is... return invalid flag...
+ //
+ return (Unknown_Invalid);
+ Determine if the first item in a command line is valid.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The command line to parse.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The item is valid.
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory allocation failed.
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The operation type is unknown or invalid.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ CHAR16 *Temp;
+ CHAR16 *FirstParameter;
+ CHAR16 *TempWalker;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ Temp = NULL;
+ Temp = StrnCatGrow(&Temp, NULL, CmdLine, 0);
+ if (Temp == NULL) {
+ }
+ FirstParameter = StrStr(Temp, L"|");
+ if (FirstParameter != NULL) {
+ *FirstParameter = CHAR_NULL;
+ }
+ FirstParameter = NULL;
+ //
+ // Process the command line
+ //
+ Status = ProcessCommandLineToFinal(&Temp);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ FirstParameter = AllocateZeroPool(StrSize(CmdLine));
+ if (FirstParameter == NULL) {
+ }
+ TempWalker = (CHAR16*)Temp;
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(GetNextParameter(&TempWalker, &FirstParameter, StrSize(CmdLine), TRUE))) {
+ if (GetOperationType(FirstParameter) == Unknown_Invalid) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_NOT_FOUND), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, FirstParameter);
+ SetLastError(SHELL_NOT_FOUND);
+ Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(FirstParameter);
+ return Status;
+ Determine if a command line contains with a split contains only valid commands.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The command line to parse.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS CmdLine has only valid commands, application, or has no split.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED CmdLine has at least one invalid command or application.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ CONST CHAR16 *TempSpot;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ //
+ // If this was the only item, then get out
+ //
+ if (!ContainsSplit(CmdLine)) {
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ //
+ // Verify up to the pipe or end character
+ //
+ Status = IsValidSplit(CmdLine);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ //
+ // recurse to verify the next item
+ //
+ TempSpot = FindFirstCharacter(CmdLine, L"|", L'^') + 1;
+ if (*TempSpot == L'a' &&
+ (*(TempSpot + 1) == L' ' || *(TempSpot + 1) == CHAR_NULL)
+ ) {
+ // If it's an ASCII pipe '|a'
+ TempSpot += 1;
+ }
+ return (VerifySplit(TempSpot));
+ Process a split based operation.
+ @param[in] CmdLine pointer to the command line to process
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful
+ @return an error occurred.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ SPLIT_LIST *Split;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ Status = VerifySplit(CmdLine);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ Split = NULL;
+ //
+ // are we in an existing split???
+ //
+ if (!IsListEmpty(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link)) {
+ Split = (SPLIT_LIST*)GetFirstNode(&ShellInfoObject.SplitList.Link);
+ }
+ if (Split == NULL) {
+ Status = RunSplitCommand(CmdLine, NULL, NULL);
+ } else {
+ Status = RunSplitCommand(CmdLine, Split->SplitStdIn, Split->SplitStdOut);
+ }
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_INVALID_SPLIT), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, CmdLine);
+ }
+ return (Status);
+ Handle a request to change the current file system.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The passed in command line.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ //
+ // make sure we are the right operation
+ //
+ ASSERT(CmdLine[(StrLen(CmdLine)-1)] == L':' && StrStr(CmdLine, L" ") == NULL);
+ //
+ // Call the protocol API to do the work
+ //
+ Status = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->SetCurDir(NULL, CmdLine);
+ //
+ // Report any errors
+ //
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_INVALID_MAPPING), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, CmdLine);
+ }
+ return (Status);
+ Reprocess the command line to direct all -? to the help command.
+ if found, will add "help" as argv[0], and move the rest later.
+ @param[in,out] CmdLine pointer to the command line to update
+ IN OUT CHAR16 **CmdLine
+ )
+ CHAR16 *CurrentParameter;
+ CHAR16 *Walker;
+ CHAR16 *NewCommandLine;
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINTN NewCmdLineSize;
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ CurrentParameter = AllocateZeroPool(StrSize(*CmdLine));
+ if (CurrentParameter == NULL) {
+ }
+ Walker = *CmdLine;
+ while(Walker != NULL && *Walker != CHAR_NULL) {
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(GetNextParameter(&Walker, &CurrentParameter, StrSize(*CmdLine), TRUE))) {
+ if (StrStr(CurrentParameter, L"-?") == CurrentParameter) {
+ CurrentParameter[0] = L' ';
+ CurrentParameter[1] = L' ';
+ NewCmdLineSize = StrSize(L"help ") + StrSize(*CmdLine);
+ NewCommandLine = AllocateZeroPool(NewCmdLineSize);
+ if (NewCommandLine == NULL) {
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // We know the space is sufficient since we just calculated it.
+ //
+ StrnCpyS(NewCommandLine, NewCmdLineSize/sizeof(CHAR16), L"help ", 5);
+ StrnCatS(NewCommandLine, NewCmdLineSize/sizeof(CHAR16), *CmdLine, StrLen(*CmdLine));
+ *CmdLine = NewCommandLine;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CurrentParameter);
+ return (Status);
+ Function to update the shell variable "lasterror".
+ @param[in] ErrorCode the error code to put into lasterror.
+ )
+ CHAR16 LeString[19];
+ if (sizeof(EFI_STATUS) == sizeof(UINT64)) {
+ UnicodeSPrint(LeString, sizeof(LeString), L"0x%Lx", ErrorCode);
+ } else {
+ UnicodeSPrint(LeString, sizeof(LeString), L"0x%x", ErrorCode);
+ }
+ DEBUG_CODE(InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"debuglasterror", LeString, TRUE););
+ InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"lasterror", LeString, TRUE);
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Converts the command line to its post-processed form. this replaces variables and alias' per UEFI Shell spec.
+ @param[in,out] CmdLine pointer to the command line to update
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful
+ @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES A memory allocation failed.
+ @return some other error occurred
+ IN OUT CHAR16 **CmdLine
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ TrimSpaces(CmdLine);
+ Status = ShellSubstituteAliases(CmdLine);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ TrimSpaces(CmdLine);
+ Status = ShellSubstituteVariables(CmdLine);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ ASSERT (*CmdLine != NULL);
+ TrimSpaces(CmdLine);
+ //
+ // update for help parsing
+ //
+ if (StrStr(*CmdLine, L"?") != NULL) {
+ //
+ // This may do nothing if the ? does not indicate help.
+ // Save all the details for in the API below.
+ //
+ Status = DoHelpUpdate(CmdLine);
+ }
+ TrimSpaces(CmdLine);
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Run an internal shell command.
+ This API will update the shell's environment since these commands are libraries.
+ @param[in] CmdLine the command line to run.
+ @param[in] FirstParameter the first parameter on the command line
+ @param[in] ParamProtocol the shell parameters protocol pointer
+ @param[out] CommandStatus the status from the command line.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command was completed.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED The command's operation was aborted.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ IN CHAR16 *FirstParameter,
+ OUT EFI_STATUS *CommandStatus
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINTN Argc;
+ CHAR16 **Argv;
+ SHELL_STATUS CommandReturnedStatus;
+ BOOLEAN LastError;
+ CHAR16 *Walker;
+ CHAR16 *NewCmdLine;
+ NewCmdLine = AllocateCopyPool (StrSize (CmdLine), CmdLine);
+ if (NewCmdLine == NULL) {
+ }
+ for (Walker = NewCmdLine; Walker != NULL && *Walker != CHAR_NULL ; Walker++) {
+ if (*Walker == L'^' && *(Walker+1) == L'#') {
+ CopyMem(Walker, Walker+1, StrSize(Walker) - sizeof(Walker[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // get the argc and argv updated for internal commands
+ //
+ Status = UpdateArgcArgv(ParamProtocol, NewCmdLine, Internal_Command, &Argv, &Argc);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ //
+ // Run the internal command.
+ //
+ Status = ShellCommandRunCommandHandler(FirstParameter, &CommandReturnedStatus, &LastError);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ if (CommandStatus != NULL) {
+ if (CommandReturnedStatus != SHELL_SUCCESS) {
+ *CommandStatus = (EFI_STATUS)(CommandReturnedStatus | MAX_BIT);
+ } else {
+ *CommandStatus = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Update last error status.
+ // some commands do not update last error.
+ //
+ if (LastError) {
+ SetLastError(CommandReturnedStatus);
+ }
+ //
+ // Pass thru the exitcode from the app.
+ //
+ if (ShellCommandGetExit()) {
+ //
+ // An Exit was requested ("exit" command), pass its value up.
+ //
+ Status = CommandReturnedStatus;
+ } else if (CommandReturnedStatus != SHELL_SUCCESS && IsScriptOnlyCommand(FirstParameter)) {
+ //
+ // Always abort when a script only command fails for any reason
+ //
+ Status = EFI_ABORTED;
+ } else if (ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile() != NULL && CommandReturnedStatus == SHELL_ABORTED) {
+ //
+ // Abort when in a script and a command aborted
+ //
+ Status = EFI_ABORTED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // This is guaranteed to be called after UpdateArgcArgv no matter what else happened.
+ // This is safe even if the update API failed. In this case, it may be a no-op.
+ //
+ RestoreArgcArgv(ParamProtocol, &Argv, &Argc);
+ //
+ // If a script is running and the command is not a script only command, then
+ // change return value to success so the script won't halt (unless aborted).
+ //
+ // Script only commands have to be able halt the script since the script will
+ // not operate if they are failing.
+ //
+ if ( ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile() != NULL
+ && !IsScriptOnlyCommand(FirstParameter)
+ && Status != EFI_ABORTED
+ ) {
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ FreePool (NewCmdLine);
+ return (Status);
+ Function to run the command or file.
+ @param[in] Type the type of operation being run.
+ @param[in] CmdLine the command line to run.
+ @param[in] FirstParameter the first parameter on the command line
+ @param[in] ParamProtocol the shell parameters protocol pointer
+ @param[out] CommandStatus the status from the command line.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command was completed.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED The command's operation was aborted.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ IN CHAR16 *FirstParameter,
+ OUT EFI_STATUS *CommandStatus
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ EFI_STATUS StartStatus;
+ CHAR16 *CommandWithPath;
+ CHAR16 *FullCommandWithPath;
+ SHELL_STATUS CalleeExitStatus;
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ CommandWithPath = NULL;
+ DevPath = NULL;
+ switch (Type) {
+ case Internal_Command:
+ Status = RunInternalCommand(CmdLine, FirstParameter, ParamProtocol, CommandStatus);
+ break;
+ case Script_File_Name:
+ case Efi_Application:
+ //
+ // Process a fully qualified path
+ //
+ if (StrStr(FirstParameter, L":") != NULL) {
+ ASSERT (CommandWithPath == NULL);
+ if (ShellIsFile(FirstParameter) == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+ CommandWithPath = StrnCatGrow(&CommandWithPath, NULL, FirstParameter, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Process a relative path and also check in the path environment variable
+ //
+ if (CommandWithPath == NULL) {
+ CommandWithPath = ShellFindFilePathEx(FirstParameter, mExecutableExtensions);
+ }
+ //
+ // This should be impossible now.
+ //
+ ASSERT(CommandWithPath != NULL);
+ //
+ // Make sure that path is not just a directory (or not found)
+ //
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(ShellIsDirectory(CommandWithPath))) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_NOT_FOUND), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, FirstParameter);
+ SetLastError(SHELL_NOT_FOUND);
+ }
+ switch (Type) {
+ case Script_File_Name:
+ FullCommandWithPath = FullyQualifyPath(CommandWithPath);
+ if (FullCommandWithPath == NULL) {
+ Status = RunScriptFile (CommandWithPath, NULL, CmdLine, ParamProtocol);
+ } else {
+ Status = RunScriptFile (FullCommandWithPath, NULL, CmdLine, ParamProtocol);
+ FreePool(FullCommandWithPath);
+ }
+ break;
+ case Efi_Application:
+ //
+ // Get the device path of the application image
+ //
+ DevPath = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->GetDevicePathFromFilePath(CommandWithPath);
+ if (DevPath == NULL){
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // Execute the device path
+ //
+ Status = InternalShellExecuteDevicePath(
+ &gImageHandle,
+ DevPath,
+ CmdLine,
+ &StartStatus
+ );
+ if(EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ CalleeExitStatus = (SHELL_STATUS) (Status & (~MAX_BIT));
+ } else {
+ CalleeExitStatus = (SHELL_STATUS) StartStatus;
+ }
+ if (CommandStatus != NULL) {
+ *CommandStatus = CalleeExitStatus;
+ }
+ //
+ // Update last error status.
+ //
+ // Status is an EFI_STATUS. Clear top bit to convert to SHELL_STATUS
+ SetLastError(CalleeExitStatus);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //
+ // Do nothing.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ //
+ // Do nothing.
+ //
+ break;
+ }
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CommandWithPath);
+ return (Status);
+ Function to setup StdIn, StdErr, StdOut, and then run the command or file.
+ @param[in] Type the type of operation being run.
+ @param[in] CmdLine the command line to run.
+ @param[in] FirstParameter the first parameter on the command line.
+ @param[in] ParamProtocol the shell parameters protocol pointer
+ @param[out] CommandStatus the status from the command line.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command was completed.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED The command's operation was aborted.
+ IN CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ IN CHAR16 *FirstParameter,
+ OUT EFI_STATUS *CommandStatus
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ SYSTEM_TABLE_INFO OriginalSystemTableInfo;
+ CONST SCRIPT_FILE *ConstScriptFile;
+ //
+ // Update the StdIn, StdOut, and StdErr for redirection to environment variables, files, etc... unicode and ASCII
+ //
+ Status = UpdateStdInStdOutStdErr(ParamProtocol, CmdLine, &OriginalStdIn, &OriginalStdOut, &OriginalStdErr, &OriginalSystemTableInfo);
+ //
+ // The StdIn, StdOut, and StdErr are set up.
+ // Now run the command, script, or application
+ //
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ TrimSpaces(&CmdLine);
+ Status = RunCommandOrFile(Type, CmdLine, FirstParameter, ParamProtocol, CommandStatus);
+ }
+ //
+ // Now print errors
+ //
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ ConstScriptFile = ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile();
+ if (ConstScriptFile == NULL || ConstScriptFile->CurrentCommand == NULL) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_ERROR), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, (VOID*)(Status));
+ } else {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_ERROR_SCRIPT), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, (VOID*)(Status), ConstScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // put back the original StdIn, StdOut, and StdErr
+ //
+ RestoreStdInStdOutStdErr(ParamProtocol, &OriginalStdIn, &OriginalStdOut, &OriginalStdErr, &OriginalSystemTableInfo);
+ return (Status);
+ Function will process and run a command line.
+ This will determine if the command line represents an internal shell
+ command or dispatch an external application.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The command line to parse.
+ @param[out] CommandStatus The status from the command line.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command was completed.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED The command's operation was aborted.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ OUT EFI_STATUS *CommandStatus
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ CHAR16 *CleanOriginal;
+ CHAR16 *FirstParameter;
+ CHAR16 *TempWalker;
+ CONST CHAR16 *CurDir;
+ ASSERT(CmdLine != NULL);
+ if (StrLen(CmdLine) == 0) {
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ CleanOriginal = NULL;
+ CleanOriginal = StrnCatGrow(&CleanOriginal, NULL, CmdLine, 0);
+ if (CleanOriginal == NULL) {
+ }
+ TrimSpaces(&CleanOriginal);
+ //
+ // NULL out comments (leveraged from RunScriptFileHandle() ).
+ // The # character on a line is used to denote that all characters on the same line
+ // and to the right of the # are to be ignored by the shell.
+ // Afterwards, again remove spaces, in case any were between the last command-parameter and '#'.
+ //
+ for (TempWalker = CleanOriginal; TempWalker != NULL && *TempWalker != CHAR_NULL; TempWalker++) {
+ if (*TempWalker == L'^') {
+ if (*(TempWalker + 1) == L'#') {
+ TempWalker++;
+ }
+ } else if (*TempWalker == L'#') {
+ *TempWalker = CHAR_NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ TrimSpaces(&CleanOriginal);
+ //
+ // Handle case that passed in command line is just 1 or more " " characters.
+ //
+ if (StrLen (CleanOriginal) == 0) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CleanOriginal);
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ }
+ Status = ProcessCommandLineToFinal(&CleanOriginal);
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CleanOriginal);
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ //
+ // We don't do normal processing with a split command line (output from one command input to another)
+ //
+ if (ContainsSplit(CleanOriginal)) {
+ Status = ProcessNewSplitCommandLine(CleanOriginal);
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CleanOriginal);
+ return (Status);
+ }
+ //
+ // We need the first parameter information so we can determine the operation type
+ //
+ FirstParameter = AllocateZeroPool(StrSize(CleanOriginal));
+ if (FirstParameter == NULL) {
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CleanOriginal);
+ }
+ TempWalker = CleanOriginal;
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(GetNextParameter(&TempWalker, &FirstParameter, StrSize(CleanOriginal), TRUE))) {
+ //
+ // Depending on the first parameter we change the behavior
+ //
+ switch (Type = GetOperationType(FirstParameter)) {
+ case File_Sys_Change:
+ Status = ChangeMappedDrive (FirstParameter);
+ break;
+ case Internal_Command:
+ case Script_File_Name:
+ case Efi_Application:
+ Status = SetupAndRunCommandOrFile(Type, CleanOriginal, FirstParameter, ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol, CommandStatus);
+ break;
+ default:
+ //
+ // Whatever was typed, it was invalid.
+ //
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_NOT_FOUND), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, FirstParameter);
+ SetLastError(SHELL_NOT_FOUND);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_NOT_FOUND), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, FirstParameter);
+ SetLastError(SHELL_NOT_FOUND);
+ }
+ //
+ // Check whether the current file system still exists. If not exist, we need update "cwd" and gShellCurMapping.
+ //
+ CurDir = EfiShellGetCurDir (NULL);
+ if (CurDir != NULL) {
+ if (EFI_ERROR(ShellFileExists (CurDir))) {
+ //
+ // EfiShellSetCurDir() cannot set current directory to NULL.
+ // EfiShellSetEnv() is not allowed to set the "cwd" variable.
+ // Only InternalEfiShellSetEnv () is allowed setting the "cwd" variable.
+ //
+ InternalEfiShellSetEnv (L"cwd", NULL, TRUE);
+ gShellCurMapping = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(CleanOriginal);
+ SHELL_FREE_NON_NULL(FirstParameter);
+ return (Status);
+ Function will process and run a command line.
+ This will determine if the command line represents an internal shell
+ command or dispatch an external application.
+ @param[in] CmdLine The command line to parse.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The command was completed.
+ @retval EFI_ABORTED The command's operation was aborted.
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine
+ )
+ return (RunShellCommand(CmdLine, NULL));
+ Function to process a NSH script file via SHELL_FILE_HANDLE.
+ @param[in] Handle The handle to the already opened file.
+ @param[in] Name The name of the script file.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the script completed successfully
+RunScriptFileHandle (
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ SCRIPT_FILE *NewScriptFile;
+ UINTN LoopVar;
+ UINTN PrintBuffSize;
+ CHAR16 *CommandLine;
+ CHAR16 *CommandLine2;
+ CHAR16 *CommandLine3;
+ BOOLEAN Ascii;
+ BOOLEAN PreScriptEchoState;
+ BOOLEAN PreCommandEchoState;
+ CONST CHAR16 *CurDir;
+ UINTN LineCount;
+ CHAR16 LeString[50];
+ LIST_ENTRY OldBufferList;
+ ASSERT(!ShellCommandGetScriptExit());
+ PreScriptEchoState = ShellCommandGetEchoState();
+ PrintBuffSize = PcdGet16(PcdShellPrintBufferSize);
+ NewScriptFile = (SCRIPT_FILE*)AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(SCRIPT_FILE));
+ if (NewScriptFile == NULL) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Set up the name
+ //
+ ASSERT(NewScriptFile->ScriptName == NULL);
+ NewScriptFile->ScriptName = StrnCatGrow(&NewScriptFile->ScriptName, NULL, Name, 0);
+ if (NewScriptFile->ScriptName == NULL) {
+ DeleteScriptFileStruct(NewScriptFile);
+ }
+ //
+ // Save the parameters (used to replace %0 to %9 later on)
+ //
+ NewScriptFile->Argc = ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol->Argc;
+ if (NewScriptFile->Argc != 0) {
+ NewScriptFile->Argv = (CHAR16**)AllocateZeroPool(NewScriptFile->Argc * sizeof(CHAR16*));
+ if (NewScriptFile->Argv == NULL) {
+ DeleteScriptFileStruct(NewScriptFile);
+ }
+ //
+ // Put the full path of the script file into Argv[0] as required by section
+ // 3.6.2 of version 2.2 of the shell specification.
+ //
+ NewScriptFile->Argv[0] = StrnCatGrow(&NewScriptFile->Argv[0], NULL, NewScriptFile->ScriptName, 0);
+ for (LoopVar = 1 ; LoopVar < 10 && LoopVar < NewScriptFile->Argc; LoopVar++) {
+ ASSERT(NewScriptFile->Argv[LoopVar] == NULL);
+ NewScriptFile->Argv[LoopVar] = StrnCatGrow(&NewScriptFile->Argv[LoopVar], NULL, ShellInfoObject.NewShellParametersProtocol->Argv[LoopVar], 0);
+ if (NewScriptFile->Argv[LoopVar] == NULL) {
+ DeleteScriptFileStruct(NewScriptFile);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NewScriptFile->Argv = NULL;
+ }
+ InitializeListHead(&NewScriptFile->CommandList);
+ InitializeListHead(&NewScriptFile->SubstList);
+ //
+ // Now build the list of all script commands.
+ //
+ LineCount = 0;
+ while(!ShellFileHandleEof(Handle)) {
+ CommandLine = ShellFileHandleReturnLine(Handle, &Ascii);
+ LineCount++;
+ if (CommandLine == NULL || StrLen(CommandLine) == 0 || CommandLine[0] == '#') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand = AllocateZeroPool(sizeof(SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST));
+ if (NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand == NULL) {
+ DeleteScriptFileStruct(NewScriptFile);
+ }
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Cl = CommandLine;
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Data = NULL;
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Line = LineCount;
+ InsertTailList(&NewScriptFile->CommandList, &NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Link);
+ }
+ //
+ // Add this as the topmost script file
+ //
+ ShellCommandSetNewScript (NewScriptFile);
+ //
+ // Now enumerate through the commands and run each one.
+ //
+ CommandLine = AllocateZeroPool(PrintBuffSize);
+ if (CommandLine == NULL) {
+ DeleteScriptFileStruct(NewScriptFile);
+ }
+ CommandLine2 = AllocateZeroPool(PrintBuffSize);
+ if (CommandLine2 == NULL) {
+ FreePool(CommandLine);
+ DeleteScriptFileStruct(NewScriptFile);
+ }
+ for ( NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand = (SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST *)GetFirstNode(&NewScriptFile->CommandList)
+ ; !IsNull(&NewScriptFile->CommandList, &NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Link)
+ ; // conditional increment in the body of the loop
+ ){
+ ASSERT(CommandLine2 != NULL);
+ StrnCpyS( CommandLine2,
+ PrintBuffSize/sizeof(CHAR16),
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Cl,
+ PrintBuffSize/sizeof(CHAR16) - 1
+ );
+ SaveBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ //
+ // NULL out comments
+ //
+ for (CommandLine3 = CommandLine2 ; CommandLine3 != NULL && *CommandLine3 != CHAR_NULL ; CommandLine3++) {
+ if (*CommandLine3 == L'^') {
+ if ( *(CommandLine3+1) == L':') {
+ CopyMem(CommandLine3, CommandLine3+1, StrSize(CommandLine3) - sizeof(CommandLine3[0]));
+ } else if (*(CommandLine3+1) == L'#') {
+ CommandLine3++;
+ }
+ } else if (*CommandLine3 == L'#') {
+ *CommandLine3 = CHAR_NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (CommandLine2 != NULL && StrLen(CommandLine2) >= 1) {
+ //
+ // Due to variability in starting the find and replace action we need to have both buffers the same.
+ //
+ StrnCpyS( CommandLine,
+ PrintBuffSize/sizeof(CHAR16),
+ CommandLine2,
+ PrintBuffSize/sizeof(CHAR16) - 1
+ );
+ //
+ // Remove the %0 to %9 from the command line (if we have some arguments)
+ //
+ if (NewScriptFile->Argv != NULL) {
+ switch (NewScriptFile->Argc) {
+ default:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%9", NewScriptFile->Argv[9], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 9:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%8", NewScriptFile->Argv[8], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 8:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%7", NewScriptFile->Argv[7], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 7:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%6", NewScriptFile->Argv[6], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 6:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%5", NewScriptFile->Argv[5], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 5:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%4", NewScriptFile->Argv[4], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 4:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%3", NewScriptFile->Argv[3], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 3:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%2", NewScriptFile->Argv[2], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 2:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%1", NewScriptFile->Argv[1], FALSE, FALSE);
+ case 1:
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%0", NewScriptFile->Argv[0], FALSE, FALSE);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%1", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%2", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%3", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%4", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%5", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%6", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%7", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine, CommandLine2, PrintBuffSize, L"%8", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ Status = ShellCopySearchAndReplace(CommandLine2, CommandLine, PrintBuffSize, L"%9", L"\"\"", FALSE, FALSE);
+ StrnCpyS( CommandLine2,
+ PrintBuffSize/sizeof(CHAR16),
+ CommandLine,
+ PrintBuffSize/sizeof(CHAR16) - 1
+ );
+ LastCommand = NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand;
+ for (CommandLine3 = CommandLine2 ; CommandLine3[0] == L' ' ; CommandLine3++);
+ if (CommandLine3 != NULL && CommandLine3[0] == L':' ) {
+ //
+ // This line is a goto target / label
+ //
+ } else {
+ if (CommandLine3 != NULL && StrLen(CommandLine3) > 0) {
+ if (CommandLine3[0] == L'@') {
+ //
+ // We need to save the current echo state
+ // and disable echo for just this command.
+ //
+ PreCommandEchoState = ShellCommandGetEchoState();
+ ShellCommandSetEchoState(FALSE);
+ Status = RunCommand(CommandLine3+1);
+ //
+ // If command was "@echo -off" or "@echo -on" then don't restore echo state
+ //
+ if (StrCmp (L"@echo -off", CommandLine3) != 0 &&
+ StrCmp (L"@echo -on", CommandLine3) != 0) {
+ //
+ // Now restore the pre-'@' echo state.
+ //
+ ShellCommandSetEchoState(PreCommandEchoState);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ShellCommandGetEchoState()) {
+ CurDir = ShellInfoObject.NewEfiShellProtocol->GetEnv(L"cwd");
+ if (CurDir != NULL && StrLen(CurDir) > 1) {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_CURDIR), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle, CurDir);
+ } else {
+ ShellPrintHiiEx(-1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_SHELL_SHELL), ShellInfoObject.HiiHandle);
+ }
+ ShellPrintEx(-1, -1, L"%s\r\n", CommandLine2);
+ }
+ Status = RunCommand(CommandLine3);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ShellCommandGetScriptExit()) {
+ //
+ // ShellCommandGetExitCode() always returns a UINT64
+ //
+ UnicodeSPrint(LeString, sizeof(LeString), L"0x%Lx", ShellCommandGetExitCode());
+ DEBUG_CODE(InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"debuglasterror", LeString, TRUE););
+ InternalEfiShellSetEnv(L"lasterror", LeString, TRUE);
+ ShellCommandRegisterExit(FALSE, 0);
+ Status = EFI_SUCCESS;
+ RestoreBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ShellGetExecutionBreakFlag()) {
+ RestoreBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ RestoreBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (ShellCommandGetExit()) {
+ RestoreBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // If that commend did not update the CurrentCommand then we need to advance it...
+ //
+ if (LastCommand == NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand) {
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand = (SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST *)GetNextNode(&NewScriptFile->CommandList, &NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Link);
+ if (!IsNull(&NewScriptFile->CommandList, &NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Link)) {
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Reset = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand = (SCRIPT_COMMAND_LIST *)GetNextNode(&NewScriptFile->CommandList, &NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Link);
+ if (!IsNull(&NewScriptFile->CommandList, &NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Link)) {
+ NewScriptFile->CurrentCommand->Reset = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ RestoreBufferList(&OldBufferList);
+ }
+ FreePool(CommandLine);
+ FreePool(CommandLine2);
+ ShellCommandSetNewScript (NULL);
+ //
+ // Only if this was the last script reset the state.
+ //
+ if (ShellCommandGetCurrentScriptFile()==NULL) {
+ ShellCommandSetEchoState(PreScriptEchoState);
+ }
+ return (EFI_SUCCESS);
+ Function to process a NSH script file.
+ @param[in] ScriptPath Pointer to the script file name (including file system path).
+ @param[in] Handle the handle of the script file already opened.
+ @param[in] CmdLine the command line to run.
+ @param[in] ParamProtocol the shell parameters protocol pointer
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS the script completed successfully
+RunScriptFile (
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *ScriptPath,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CmdLine,
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINTN Argc;
+ CHAR16 **Argv;
+ if (ShellIsFile(ScriptPath) != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+ }
+ //
+ // get the argc and argv updated for scripts
+ //
+ Status = UpdateArgcArgv(ParamProtocol, CmdLine, Script_File_Name, &Argv, &Argc);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ if (Handle == NULL) {
+ //
+ // open the file
+ //
+ Status = ShellOpenFileByName(ScriptPath, &FileHandle, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR(Status)) {
+ //
+ // run it
+ //
+ Status = RunScriptFileHandle(FileHandle, ScriptPath);
+ //
+ // now close the file
+ //
+ ShellCloseFile(&FileHandle);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Status = RunScriptFileHandle(Handle, ScriptPath);
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // This is guaranteed to be called after UpdateArgcArgv no matter what else happened.
+ // This is safe even if the update API failed. In this case, it may be a no-op.
+ //
+ RestoreArgcArgv(ParamProtocol, &Argv, &Argc);
+ return (Status);
+ Return the pointer to the first occurrence of any character from a list of characters.
+ @param[in] String the string to parse
+ @param[in] CharacterList the list of character to look for
+ @param[in] EscapeCharacter An escape character to skip
+ @return the location of the first character in the string
+ @retval CHAR_NULL no instance of any character in CharacterList was found in String
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *CharacterList,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 EscapeCharacter
+ )
+ UINT32 WalkChar;
+ UINT32 WalkStr;
+ for (WalkStr = 0; WalkStr < StrLen(String); WalkStr++) {
+ if (String[WalkStr] == EscapeCharacter) {
+ WalkStr++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (WalkChar = 0; WalkChar < StrLen(CharacterList); WalkChar++) {
+ if (String[WalkStr] == CharacterList[WalkChar]) {
+ return (&String[WalkStr]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (String + StrLen(String));