path: root/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe')
4 files changed, 422 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3Data.c b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3Data.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2be335d91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3Data.c
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+/** @file
+ACPI CPU Data initialization module
+This module initializes the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure and registers the address
+of this structure in the PcdCpuS3DataAddress PCD. This is a generic/simple
+version of this module. It does not provide a machine check handler or CPU
+register initialization tables for ACPI S3 resume. It also only supports the
+number of CPUs reported by the MP Services Protocol, so this module does not
+support hot plug CPUs. This module can be copied into a CPU specific package
+and customized if these additional features are required.
+Copyright (c) 2013 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc.
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <PiDxe.h>
+#include <AcpiCpuData.h>
+#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
+#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
+#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
+#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
+#include <Library/MtrrLib.h>
+#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
+#include <Protocol/MpService.h>
+#include <Guid/EventGroup.h>
+// Data structure used to allocate ACPI_CPU_DATA and its supporting structures
+typedef struct {
+ ACPI_CPU_DATA AcpiCpuData;
+ IA32_DESCRIPTOR GdtrProfile;
+ IA32_DESCRIPTOR IdtrProfile;
+ Allocate EfiACPIMemoryNVS memory.
+ @param[in] Size Size of memory to allocate.
+ @return Allocated address for output.
+AllocateAcpiNvsMemory (
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ VOID *Buffer;
+ Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
+ AllocateAnyPages,
+ EfiACPIMemoryNVS,
+ &Address
+ );
+ if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Buffer = (VOID *)(UINTN)Address;
+ ZeroMem (Buffer, Size);
+ return Buffer;
+ Allocate memory and clean it with zero.
+ @param[in] Size Size of memory to allocate.
+ @return Allocated address for output.
+AllocateZeroPages (
+ )
+ VOID *Buffer;
+ Buffer = AllocatePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (Size));
+ if (Buffer != NULL) {
+ ZeroMem (Buffer, Size);
+ }
+ return Buffer;
+ Callback function executed when the EndOfDxe event group is signaled.
+ We delay allocating StartupVector and saving the MTRR settings until BDS signals EndOfDxe.
+ @param[in] Event Event whose notification function is being invoked.
+ @param[out] Context Pointer to the MTRR_SETTINGS buffer to fill in.
+CpuS3DataOnEndOfDxe (
+ OUT VOID *Context
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ ACPI_CPU_DATA_EX *AcpiCpuDataEx;
+ AcpiCpuDataEx = (ACPI_CPU_DATA_EX *) Context;
+ //
+ // Allocate a 4KB reserved page below 1MB
+ //
+ AcpiCpuDataEx->AcpiCpuData.StartupVector = BASE_1MB - 1;
+ Status = gBS->AllocatePages (
+ AllocateMaxAddress,
+ EfiReservedMemoryType,
+ 1,
+ &AcpiCpuDataEx->AcpiCpuData.StartupVector
+ );
+ DEBUG ((EFI_D_VERBOSE, "%a\n", __FUNCTION__));
+ MtrrGetAllMtrrs (&AcpiCpuDataEx->MtrrTable);
+ //
+ // Close event, so it will not be invoked again.
+ //
+ gBS->CloseEvent (Event);
+ The entry function of the CpuS3Data driver.
+ Allocate and initialize all fields of the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure except the
+ MTRR settings. Register an event notification on gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid
+ to capture the ACPI_CPU_DATA MTRR settings. The PcdCpuS3DataAddress is set
+ to the address that ACPI_CPU_DATA is allocated at.
+ @param[in] ImageHandle The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
+ @param[in] SystemTable A pointer to the EFI System Table.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS The entry point is executed successfully.
+ @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED Do not support ACPI S3.
+ @retval other Some error occurs when executing this entry point.
+CpuS3DataInitialize (
+ IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle,
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ ACPI_CPU_DATA_EX *AcpiCpuDataEx;
+ ACPI_CPU_DATA *AcpiCpuData;
+ UINTN NumberOfCpus;
+ UINTN NumberOfEnabledProcessors;
+ VOID *Stack;
+ UINTN TableSize;
+ CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *RegisterTable;
+ UINTN Index;
+ UINTN GdtSize;
+ UINTN IdtSize;
+ VOID *Gdt;
+ VOID *Idt;
+ EFI_EVENT Event;
+ ACPI_CPU_DATA *OldAcpiCpuData;
+ if (!PcdGetBool (PcdAcpiS3Enable)) {
+ }
+ //
+ // Set PcdCpuS3DataAddress to the base address of the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure
+ //
+ OldAcpiCpuData = (ACPI_CPU_DATA *) (UINTN) PcdGet64 (PcdCpuS3DataAddress);
+ AcpiCpuDataEx = AllocateZeroPages (sizeof (ACPI_CPU_DATA_EX));
+ ASSERT (AcpiCpuDataEx != NULL);
+ AcpiCpuData = &AcpiCpuDataEx->AcpiCpuData;
+ //
+ // Get MP Services Protocol
+ //
+ Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (
+ &gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid,
+ (VOID **)&MpServices
+ );
+ //
+ // Get the number of CPUs
+ //
+ Status = MpServices->GetNumberOfProcessors (
+ MpServices,
+ &NumberOfCpus,
+ &NumberOfEnabledProcessors
+ );
+ AcpiCpuData->NumberOfCpus = (UINT32)NumberOfCpus;
+ //
+ // Initialize ACPI_CPU_DATA fields
+ //
+ AcpiCpuData->StackSize = PcdGet32 (PcdCpuApStackSize);
+ AcpiCpuData->ApMachineCheckHandlerBase = 0;
+ AcpiCpuData->ApMachineCheckHandlerSize = 0;
+ AcpiCpuData->GdtrProfile = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)&AcpiCpuDataEx->GdtrProfile;
+ AcpiCpuData->IdtrProfile = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)&AcpiCpuDataEx->IdtrProfile;
+ AcpiCpuData->MtrrTable = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)&AcpiCpuDataEx->MtrrTable;
+ //
+ // Allocate stack space for all CPUs.
+ // Use ACPI NVS memory type because this data will be directly used by APs
+ // in S3 resume phase in long mode. Also during S3 resume, the stack buffer
+ // will only be used as scratch space. i.e. we won't read anything from it
+ // before we write to it, in PiSmmCpuDxeSmm.
+ //
+ Stack = AllocateAcpiNvsMemory (NumberOfCpus * AcpiCpuData->StackSize);
+ ASSERT (Stack != NULL);
+ AcpiCpuData->StackAddress = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Stack;
+ //
+ // Get the boot processor's GDT and IDT
+ //
+ AsmReadGdtr (&AcpiCpuDataEx->GdtrProfile);
+ AsmReadIdtr (&AcpiCpuDataEx->IdtrProfile);
+ //
+ // Allocate GDT and IDT and copy current GDT and IDT contents
+ //
+ GdtSize = AcpiCpuDataEx->GdtrProfile.Limit + 1;
+ IdtSize = AcpiCpuDataEx->IdtrProfile.Limit + 1;
+ Gdt = AllocateZeroPages (GdtSize + IdtSize);
+ ASSERT (Gdt != NULL);
+ Idt = (VOID *)((UINTN)Gdt + GdtSize);
+ CopyMem (Gdt, (VOID *)AcpiCpuDataEx->GdtrProfile.Base, GdtSize);
+ CopyMem (Idt, (VOID *)AcpiCpuDataEx->IdtrProfile.Base, IdtSize);
+ AcpiCpuDataEx->GdtrProfile.Base = (UINTN)Gdt;
+ AcpiCpuDataEx->IdtrProfile.Base = (UINTN)Idt;
+ if (OldAcpiCpuData != NULL) {
+ AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable = OldAcpiCpuData->RegisterTable;
+ AcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable = OldAcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable;
+ AcpiCpuData->ApLocation = OldAcpiCpuData->ApLocation;
+ CopyMem (&AcpiCpuData->CpuStatus, &OldAcpiCpuData->CpuStatus, sizeof (CPU_STATUS_INFORMATION));
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Allocate buffer for empty RegisterTable and PreSmmInitRegisterTable for all CPUs
+ //
+ TableSize = 2 * NumberOfCpus * sizeof (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE);
+ RegisterTable = (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *)AllocateZeroPages (TableSize);
+ ASSERT (RegisterTable != NULL);
+ for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfCpus; Index++) {
+ Status = MpServices->GetProcessorInfo (
+ MpServices,
+ Index,
+ &ProcessorInfoBuffer
+ );
+ RegisterTable[Index].InitialApicId = (UINT32)ProcessorInfoBuffer.ProcessorId;
+ RegisterTable[Index].TableLength = 0;
+ RegisterTable[Index].AllocatedSize = 0;
+ RegisterTable[Index].RegisterTableEntry = 0;
+ RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].InitialApicId = (UINT32)ProcessorInfoBuffer.ProcessorId;
+ RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].TableLength = 0;
+ RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].AllocatedSize = 0;
+ RegisterTable[NumberOfCpus + Index].RegisterTableEntry = 0;
+ }
+ AcpiCpuData->RegisterTable = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)RegisterTable;
+ AcpiCpuData->PreSmmInitRegisterTable = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)(RegisterTable + NumberOfCpus);
+ }
+ //
+ // Set PcdCpuS3DataAddress to the base address of the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure
+ //
+ Status = PcdSet64S (PcdCpuS3DataAddress, (UINT64)(UINTN)AcpiCpuData);
+ //
+ // Register EFI_END_OF_DXE_EVENT_GROUP_GUID event.
+ // The notification function allocates StartupVector and saves MTRRs for ACPI_CPU_DATA
+ //
+ Status = gBS->CreateEventEx (
+ CpuS3DataOnEndOfDxe,
+ AcpiCpuData,
+ &gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid,
+ &Event
+ );
+ return EFI_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.inf b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.inf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..510133a61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.inf
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+## @file
+# ACPI CPU Data initialization module
+# This module initializes the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure and registers the address
+# of this structure in the PcdCpuS3DataAddress PCD. This is a generic/simple
+# version of this module. It does not provide a machine check handler or CPU
+# register initialization tables for ACPI S3 resume. It also only supports the
+# number of CPUs reported by the MP Services Protocol, so this module does not
+# support hot plug CPUs. This module can be copied into a CPU specific package
+# and customized if these additional features are required.
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+ INF_VERSION = 0x00010005
+ BASE_NAME = CpuS3DataDxe
+ MODULE_UNI_FILE = CpuS3DataDxe.uni
+ FILE_GUID = 4D2E57EE-0E3F-44DD-93C4-D3B57E96945D
+ ENTRY_POINT = CpuS3DataInitialize
+# The following information is for reference only and not required by the build
+# tools.
+ CpuS3Data.c
+ MdePkg/MdePkg.dec
+ MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec
+ UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.dec
+ UefiDriverEntryPoint
+ UefiBootServicesTableLib
+ BaseMemoryLib
+ DebugLib
+ BaseLib
+ MtrrLib
+ MemoryAllocationLib
+ gEfiEndOfDxeEventGroupGuid ## CONSUMES ## Event
+ gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid ## CONSUMES
+ gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuApStackSize ## CONSUMES
+ gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuS3DataAddress ## PRODUCES
+ gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdAcpiS3Enable ## CONSUMES
+ gEfiMpServiceProtocolGuid
+ CpuS3DataDxeExtra.uni
diff --git a/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.uni b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.uni
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d16c03fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxe.uni
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// /** @file
+// ACPI CPU Data initialization module
+// This module initializes the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure and registers the address
+// of this structure in the PcdCpuS3DataAddress PCD. This is a generic/simple
+// version of this module. It does not provide a machine check handler or CPU
+// register initialization tables for ACPI S3 resume. It also only supports the
+// number of CPUs reported by the MP Services Protocol, so this module does not
+// support hot plug CPUs. This module can be copied into a CPU specific package
+// and customized if these additional features are required.
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+// **/
+#language en-US
+"ACPI CPU Data initialization module"
+#language en-US
+"This module initializes the ACPI_CPU_DATA structure and registers the address "
+"of this structure in the PcdCpuS3DataAddress PCD. This is a generic/simple "
+"version of this module. It does not provide a machine check handler or CPU "
+"register initialization tables for ACPI S3 resume. It also only supports the "
+"number of CPUs reported by the MP Services Protocol, so this module does not "
+"support hot plug CPUs. This module can be copied into a CPU specific package "
+"and customized if these additional features are required."
diff --git a/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxeExtra.uni b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxeExtra.uni
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42653f20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe/CpuS3DataDxeExtra.uni
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// /** @file
+// CpuS3DataDxe Localized Strings and Content
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+// Copyright (c) 2015, Red Hat, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+// **/
+#string STR_PROPERTIES_MODULE_NAME #language en-US "CpuS3DataDxe module"