path: root/roms/skiboot/doc/device-tree/ibm,opal/secvar.rst
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authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/skiboot/doc/device-tree/ibm,opal/secvar.rst
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
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Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
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diff --git a/roms/skiboot/doc/device-tree/ibm,opal/secvar.rst b/roms/skiboot/doc/device-tree/ibm,opal/secvar.rst
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index 000000000..dd37cab6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/skiboot/doc/device-tree/ibm,opal/secvar.rst
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+.. _device-tree/ibm,opal/secvar:
+Secvar Binding
+This device tree binding describes the status of secure variable support,
+including any size values, or values relating to the secure state of the
+/ibm,opal/secvar node bindings
+Node: secvar
+Description: Container of secvar related properties.
+The node name must be "secvar".
+It is implemented as a child of the node "/ibm,opal".
+The node is optional, will be defined if the platform supports secure
+variables. It will not be created if the system does not.
+- compatible
+ Usage:
+ required
+ Value type:
+ string
+ Definition:
+ This property defines the compatibility of the current running
+ backend. This defines the binary format of the data buffers passed
+ via the related secvar OPAL API functions. This also defines the
+ expected behavior of how updates should be processed, such as how
+ key updates should be signed, what the key hierarchy is, what
+ algorithms are in use, etc.
+ This value also determines how a user can signal a desire to require
+ all further images to require signature validations. See the
+ "On Enforcing Secure Mode" section below.
+ This property also contains a generic "ibm,secvar-backend" compatible,
+ which defines the basic-level compatibility of the secvar implementation.
+ This includes the basic behavior of the API (excluding the data format),
+ and the expected device tree properties contained in this node.
+- format
+ Usage:
+ required
+ Value type:
+ string
+ This property defines the format of data passed in and out of the secvar
+ API. In most cases, this should be the same string as the backend-specific
+ string in compatible.
+ The format defined by this string should be documented by the corresponding
+ backend.
+- status
+ Usage:
+ required
+ Value type:
+ string
+ Definition:
+ This property states the general status of secure variable support. This
+ will be set to "okay" if the secvar OPAL API should be working as expected,
+ and there were no unrecoverable faults in the basic secure variable
+ initialization logic.
+ This property may be set to "fail" if the platform does not properly
+ select the drivers to use. Failures may also occur if the storage devices
+ are inaccessible for some reason.
+ Failures are NOT caused by malformed data loaded or processed in either
+ storage or backend drivers, as these are faults correctable by a user.
+- update-status
+ Usage:
+ required
+ Value type:
+ <u64>
+ Definition:
+ This property should contain the status code of the update processing
+ logic, as returned by the backend. This value is intended to be
+ consumed by userspace tools to confirm updates were processed as
+ intended.
+ The value contained in this property should adhere to the table below.
+ Any additional error states that may be specific to a backend should
+ be stored in the backend node.
+- max-var-size
+ Usage:
+ required
+ Value type:
+ <u64>
+ Definition:
+ This is the maximum buffer size accepted for secure variables. The API
+ will reject updates larger than this value, and storage drivers must
+ reject loading variables larger than this value.
+ As this may depend on the persistant storage devices in use, this
+ value is determined by the storage driver, and may differ across
+ platforms.
+- max-var-key-len
+ Usage:
+ required
+ Value type:
+ <u64>
+ Definition:
+ This is the maximum size permitted for the key of a variable. As the
+ value is a constant, it should be the same across platforms unless
+ changed in code.
+.. code-block:: dts
+ /ibm,opal/secvar {
+ compatible = "ibm,secvar-backend" "ibm,edk2-compat-v1";
+ status = "okay";
+ max-var-size = <0x1000>;
+ max-var-key-len = <0x400>
+ };
+Update Status Code Table
+The update status property should be set by the backend driver to a value
+that best fits its error condition. The following table defines the
+general intent of each error code, check backend specific documentation
+for more detail.
+| update-status | Generic Reason |
+| OPAL_SUCCESS | Updates were found and processed successfully |
+| OPAL_EMPTY | No updates were found, none processed |
+| OPAL_PARAMETER | Malformed, or unexpected update data blob |
+| OPAL_PERMISSION | Update failed to apply, possible auth failure |
+| OPAL_HARDWARE | Misc. storage-related error |
+| OPAL_RESOURCE | Out of space (reported by storage |
+| OPAL_NO_MEM | Out of memory |
+On Enforcing Secure Mode
+The os-secureboot-enforcing property in /ibm,secureboot/ is created by the
+backend if the owner has expressed a desire for boot loaders, kernels, etc
+to require any images to be signed by an appropriate key stored in secure
+variables. As this property is created by the backend, it is up to the
+backend to define what the required state of the secure variables should
+be to enter this mode.
+For example, we may want to only enable secure boot if we have a top-
+level "Platform Key", so this property is created by the backend if
+by the end of update processing, a "PK" variable exists. By enrolling a
+PK, the system will be in "secure mode" until the PK is deleted.