path: root/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts')
2 files changed, 686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts/phberr.py b/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts/phberr.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5f295fdc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts/phberr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+import ppc
+import re
+# Mnemonic PHB_ESR - Address Offset 0x0C80 - phbErrorStatusRegister
+phb_esr_bits = [
+ (0, "ETU/RSB Request Address Error"),
+ (1, "Fundamental A Request Address Error"),
+ (2, "Fundamental A Request Size/Alignment Error"),
+ (3, "Fundamental A PCI CFG Addr/Size Error"),
+ (4, "Fundamental A IODA Table Access Error"),
+ (5, "Fundamental A Internal Registers Parity Error"),
+ (6, "PHB Error Registers Request Address Error"),
+ (7, "PHB Error Registers Request Size/Alignment Error"),
+ (8, "Fundamental B Request Address Error"),
+ (9, "Fundamental B Request Size/Alignment Error"),
+ (10, "Fundamental B Internal Registers Parity Error"),
+ (11, "Internal Bus Logic Bad PCIE Macro Request Address"),
+ (12, "Debug Request Address Error"),
+ (13, "Debug Request Size/Alignment Error"),
+ (14, "Debug Internal Registers Parity Error"),
+ (15, "Internal Bus Logic State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (16, "UV Page Request Address Error"),
+ (17, "UV Page Request Size/Alignment Error"),
+ (18, "UV Page Internal Registers Parity Error"),
+ (20, "RXE_ARB OR Error Status"),
+ (21, "RXE_MRG OR Error Status"),
+ (22, "RXE_TCE OR Error Status"),
+ (23, "TXE OR Error Status"),
+ (24, "pcie_etu_regb_err_inf"),
+ (25, "pcie_etu_regb_err_erc"),
+ (26, "pcie_etu_regb_err_fat"),
+ (27, "bus_regs_req_wr_data_p_e"),
+ (28, "SCOM HV Indirect Access Error"),
+ (29, "SCOM UV Indirect Access Error"),
+ (30, "SCOM Internal Registers Parity Error"),
+ (31, "SCOM Satellite Finite State Machine Error"),
+# Mnemonic TXE_ESR - Address Offset 0x0D00 - txeFirstErrorStatus
+txe_esr_bits = [
+ (0, "AIB Command Invalid"),
+ (2, "AIB Address Decode Error"),
+ (3, "AIB Size Invalid"),
+ (4, "AIB Cmd Ctrls Parity Error"),
+ (5, "AIB Data Ctrls Parity Error"),
+ (8, "AIB Alignment Error"),
+ (9, "AIB Cmd Bus Parity Error"),
+ (10, "AIB Data Bus UE ECC Error"),
+ (11, "AIB Data Ctrls Sequence Error"),
+ (12, "AIB Data Bus CE ECC Error"),
+ (13, "TCE Rd Response DAT_ERR Indication"),
+ (14, "AIB Command Credits Error"),
+ (15, "AIB Data Credits Error"),
+ (16, "BLIF Controls Parity Error"),
+ (17, "CFG Write Error CA or UR response"),
+ (18, "BLIF Forward Progress Timeout"),
+ (19, "MMIO RD Pending Error"),
+ (20, "MMIO WR Pending Error"),
+ (21, "MMIO CFG Pending Error"),
+ (22, "MMIO Write DAT_ERR Indication"),
+ (23, "CI Store Data Fifo Error"),
+ (24, "CFG Enable Error, RRB"),
+ (25, "CFG Size Error"),
+ (26, "CFG Bus Address Error"),
+ (27, "CFG Link Down Error"),
+ (28, "PAPR TXE Injection Error Triggered"),
+ (29, "CFG Write Request Timeout"),
+ (30, "PAPR TXE Injection Error Triggered"),
+ (36, "CI Trigger Buffer ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (37, "CI Trigger Buffer ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (38, "CI Trigger Buffer Stage Data Parity Error"),
+ (40, "MMIO BAR Table (MBT) Parity Error"),
+ (42, "MMIO Domain Table (MDT) ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (43, "MMIO Domain Table (MDT) ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (44, "MMIO Domain Table (MDT) Stage Parity Error"),
+ (45, "MMIO Domain Table (MDT) Stage Valid Error"),
+ (46, "AIB Data Special Uncorrectable Error (SUE)"),
+ (47, "MMIO Domain Table (MDT)"),
+ (48, "P2P Store Data Fifo Error"),
+ (49, "EPAT Table Parity Error"),
+ (50, "MMIO Cmd Parity Error"),
+ (51, "BLIF1 Reg Parity Error"),
+ (52, "P2P1 Reg Parity Error"),
+ (53, "P2P WR Pending Error"),
+ (54, "CRW Onehot Error"),
+ (55, "CRW Pending Error"),
+ (56, "RRB Parity Error"),
+ (57, "RRB Size/Alignment Error"),
+ (58, "s_bad_addr_e_q"),
+ (59, "s_req_size_align_e_q"),
+# Mnemonic RXE_ARB_ESR - Address Offset 0x0D80 - phbRxeArbErrorStatus
+rxe_arb_bits = [
+ (0, "BLIF Inbound CA Completion Error"),
+ (1, "BLIF Inbound UR Completion Error"),
+ (2, "MSI Size Error"),
+ (3, "MSI Address Alignment Error"),
+ (5, "BLIF Inbound Header ECC Correctable (CE)"),
+ (6, "BLIF Inbound Header ECC Uncorrectable (UE)"),
+ (7, "ARB Stage Valid Error"),
+ (8, "TCE Tag Release Unused"),
+ (9, "TCE Tag Used, Not Free"),
+ (10, "ARB MMIO Buffer Overflow"),
+ (11, "ARB MMIO Buffer Underflow"),
+ (12, "ARB MMIO Internal Parity Error"),
+ (13, "ARB DMA Buffer Overflow"),
+ (14, "ARB DMA Buffer Underflow"),
+ (15, "ARB DMA Internal Parity Error"),
+ (16, "BLIF Header Control Bits Parity Error"),
+ (17, "BLIF Data Control Bits Parity Error"),
+ (18, "BLIF Unsupported Request (UR) Error"),
+ (19, "BLIF Completion Timeout Error"),
+ (20, "SEID Table ECC Correctable (CE)"),
+ (21, "SEID Table ECC Uncorrectable (UE)"),
+ (22, "NBW Size Error"),
+ (23, "DEC IODA Table Fatal Error"),
+ (24, "TLP Poisoned Error"),
+ (25, "MIST ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (26, "IODA TVT Entry Invalid"),
+ (27, "MSI PE# Mismatch"),
+ (28, "IODA TVT Address"),
+ (29, "TVT ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (30, "TVT ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (31, "MIST ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (32, "PELT-V BAR Disabled Error"),
+ (33, "IODA Table Parity Error"),
+ (34, "PCT Timeout"),
+ (35, "PCT Unexpected Completion"),
+ (36, "PCT Parity Error"),
+ (37, "DEC Stage Valid Error"),
+ (38, "DEC Stage Parity Error"),
+ (39, "PAPR Inbound Injection Error Triggered"),
+ (40, "DMA/MSI: RTE PE Number"),
+ (41, "RTT BAR Disabled Error"),
+ (42, "RTC Internal Parity Error"),
+ (43, "RTC Queue Overflow"),
+ (44, "RTC Queue Underflow"),
+ (45, "RTC Stage Valid Error"),
+ (46, "RTC RCAM Bad State Error"),
+ (47, "RTC RCAM Multiple Hit Error"),
+ (48, "RRB Parity Error"),
+ (49, "RRB request Size / Alignment Error"),
+ (50, "s_bad_addr_e_q"),
+ (51, "s_req_size_align_e_q"),
+ (54, "Discontiguous DMA Write Fragmentation"),
+ (55, "LIST Table Parity Error"),
+ (56, "LKP PEST Data Queue Error"),
+ (57, "PCIE Fatal Error Message Received"),
+ (58, "PCIE Nonfatal Error Message Received"),
+ (59, "PCIE Correctable Error Message Received"),
+#Mnemonic RXE_MRG_ESR - Address Offset 0x0E00, phbRxeMrgErrorStatus
+rxe_mrg_bits = [
+ (8, "MRG TMB Allocation Error"),
+ (9, "MRG TMB Response Invalid"),
+ (10, "MRG TMB Response Ready Error"),
+ (11, "MRG MMIO Queue Overflow Error"),
+ (12, "MRG MMIO Queue Underflow Error"),
+ (13, "MRG MMIO Internal Parity Error"),
+ (14, "MRG DMA Queue Overflow Error"),
+ (15, "MRG DMA Queue Underflow Error"),
+ (16, "MRG DMA Internal Parity Error"),
+ (17, "MRG Migration Register Table"),
+ (18, "MRG Migration Register Table"),
+ (20, "s_bad_addr_e_q"),
+ (21, "s_req_size_align_e_q"),
+ (22, "RRB Parity Error"),
+ (23, "RRB request Size / Alignment Error"),
+ (24, "DSP AIB TX Timeout Error"),
+ (25, "Reserved (vA4.1)"),
+ (26, "DSP AIB TX CMD Credit Parity Error"),
+ (28, "DSP AIB TX DAT Credit Parity Error"),
+ (30, "DSP Command Credit Overflow Error"),
+ (31, "DSP Command Credit Underflow Error"),
+ (32, "DSP Command Credit Parity Error"),
+ (33, "DSP Data Credit Overflow Error"),
+ (34, "DSP Data Credit Underflow Error"),
+ (35, "DSP Data Credit Parity Error"),
+ (36, "DSP Completion State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (37, "DSP Write Thread State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (38, "DSP DMA Secure Address Error (vA4.2)"),
+ (39, "DSP MSI Interrupt Notification Secure Address"),
+ (40, "DSP TREQ ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (41, "DSP TREQ ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (42, "DSP MMIO Queue Overflow Error"),
+ (43, "DSP MMIO Queue Underflow Error"),
+ (44, "DSP MMIO Internal Parity Error"),
+ (45, "DSP DMA Queue Overflow Error"),
+ (46, "DSP DMA Queue Underflow Error"),
+ (47, "DSP DMA Internal Parity Error"),
+ (48, "DSP Read Thread State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (49, "DSP Table State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (50, "DSP NBW State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (51, "DSP TSM PEST BAR Disabled Error"),
+ (56, "IPD ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (57, "IPD ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (58, "ICPLD ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (59, "ICPLD ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (60, "NBWD ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (61, "NBWD ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (63, "pb_etu_ai_rx_raise_fence"),
+# Mnemonic RXE_TCE_ESR - Address Offset 0x0E80 - phbRxeTceErrorStatus
+rxe_tce_bits = [
+ (0, "TCE CMP Internal Parity Error"),
+ (1, "TCE Request Page Access Error"),
+ (2, "TCE Response Page Access Error"),
+ (3, "TCE CMP Queue Overflow"),
+ (4, "TCE CMP Queue Underflow"),
+ (5, "TCE Secure Address Error"),
+ (6, "TCE Cache Bad State Error"),
+ (7, "TCE Cache Multi-Way Hit Error"),
+ (8, "TCE Request Timeout Error"),
+ (9, "TCE TCR ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (10, "TCE TCR ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (11, "TCE TDR ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (12, "TCE TDR ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (13, "TCE Unexpected Response Error"),
+ (14, "RRB Parity Error"),
+ (15, "RRB request Size / Alignment Error"),
+ (16, "TCE RES Internal Parity Error"),
+ (17, "s_bad_addr_e_q"),
+ (18, "s_req_size_align_e_q"),
+ (19, "TCE RES Queue Overflow"),
+ (20, "TCE RES Queue Underflow"),
+ (21, "TCE Response Data Parity Error"),
+ (22, "TCE TCLB CAM Bad State Error"),
+ (23, "TCE TCLB CAM Multi-Hit Error"),
+ (24, "TCE Kill Internal Parity Error"),
+ (25, "TCE THASH Array ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (26, "TCE THASH Array ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (27, "TCE TCLB TDAT ECC Correctable Error"),
+ (28, "TCE TCLB TDAT ECC Uncorrectable Error"),
+ (29, "TCE Kill State Machine One-Hot Error"),
+ (30, "TCE Kill Queue Overflow"),
+ (31, "TCE Kill Queue Underflow"),
+ (32, "TCE Request Secure Address Register"),
+ (33, "TCE Response Secure Address Register"),
+#Mnemonic PBL_ESR - Address Offset 0x1900 - phbPblErrorStatus
+pbl_esr_bits = [
+ (0, "pb_err_p_fe_tlif_rx_par_e Parity error detected on TLIF Receive interface."),
+ (1, "pb_err_p_fe_tlif_tx_par_e Parity error detected on TLIF Transmit interface."),
+ (2, "pb_err_p_fe_blif_out_par_e"),
+ (3, "pb_err_p_fe_blif_in_par_e"),
+ (4, "pb_err_p_fe_int_par_e"),
+ (5, "pb_err_p_fe_toc_cred_e"),
+ (6, "pb_err_p_fe_ocf_par_e"),
+ (7, "pb_err_p_fe_ocf_prot_e"),
+ (12, "pb_err_p_fe_pct_erq_overflow_e"),
+ (13, "pb_err_p_fe_pct_erq_underflow_e"),
+ (14, "pb_err_p_fe_pct_onp_tags_rls_unused_e"),
+ (15, "pb_err_p_fe_pct_onp_tags_used_notfree_e"),
+ (16, "pb_err_p_fe_pct_onp_tags_used_unexp_e"),
+ (17, "pb_err_p_fe_bct_onp_tags_rls_unused_e"),
+ (18, "pb_err_p_fe_bct_onp_tags_used_notfree_e"),
+ (19, "pb_err_p_fe_ib_bct_rd_inv"),
+ (20, "pb_err_p_fe_ob_buffer_overflow_e"),
+ (21, "pb_err_p_fe_ob_buffer_underflow_e"),
+ (22, "pb_err_p_fe_ib_buffer_overflow_e"),
+ (23, "pb_err_p_fe_ib_buffer_underflow_e"),
+ (24, "pb_err_p_fe_ib_d_ecc_ue"),
+ (25, "pb_err_p_fe_ib_h_ecc_ue"),
+ (26, "pb_err_p_fe_ob_d_ecc_ue"),
+ (27, "pb_err_p_fe_ob_h_ecc_ue"),
+ (28, "pb_err_p_fe_ocf_ecc_ue"),
+ (32, "pb_err_p_fe_tx_pst_discard_e"),
+ (33, "pb_err_p_inf_tx_npst_discard_e"),
+ (34, "pb_err_p_fe_nbw_tlp_e"),
+ (36, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_cpl_ca_e"),
+ (37, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_cpl_crs_e"),
+ (38, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_cpl_rsvd_e"),
+ (39, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_cpl_ur_e"),
+ (40, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_ecrc_e"),
+ (41, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_malf_tlp_e"),
+ (42, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_overflow_e"),
+ (43, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_poisoned_tlp_e"),
+ (44, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_unexp_cpl_e"),
+ (45, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_rcv_unsup_req_e"),
+ (46, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_sig_cpl_abort_e"),
+ (47, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_sig_cpl_timeout_e"),
+ (48, "pb_err_p_fe_pci_sig_poisoned_tlp_e"),
+ (52, "pb_err_p_inf_out_trans_to_pst_e"),
+ (53, "pb_err_p_inf_out_trans_to_npst_e"),
+ (54, "pb_err_p_inf_out_trans_to_cpl_e"),
+ (56, "pb_err_p_inf_ib_d_ecc_ce"),
+ (57, "pb_err_p_inf_ib_h_ecc_ce"),
+ (58, "pb_err_p_inf_ob_d_ecc_ce"),
+ (59, "pb_err_p_inf_ob_h_ecc_ce"),
+ (60, "pb_err_p_inf_ocf_ecc_ce"),
+ (62, "PBL Bad Register Address Error"),
+ (63, "PBL Register Parity Error"),
+# Mnemonic REGB_ESR - Address Offset 0x1C00 - phbRegbErrorStatus
+regb_esr_bits = [
+ (0, "REGB Internal Register Parity Error"),
+ (1, "PBL Internal Register Parity Error"),
+ (2, "Invalid Address Decode Error"),
+ (3, "Register Access Invalid Address+Size Error"),
+ (5, "Register State Machine or Other Internal Error"),
+ (6, "PCI CFG Core Registers Parity Error"),
+ (7, "Register access to CFG core while in reset error."),
+ (8, "PCIE Link Down"),
+ (9, "PCIE Link Up"),
+ (10, "PCIE Link Auto Bandwidth Event Status"),
+ (11, "PCIE Link BW Management Event Status"),
+ (25, "PBL Error Trap: INF Error"),
+ (26, "PBL Error Trap: ERC Error"),
+ (27, "PBL Error Trap: FAT Error"),
+ (28, "tldlpo_dl_mon_rxreceivererror(0)"),
+ (29, "tldlpo_dl_mon_rxreceivererror(1)"),
+ (30, "tldlpo_dl_mon_rxreceivererror(2)"),
+ (32, "DL_EC08_BADDLLP"),
+ (33, "DL_EC08_BADTLP"),
+ (34, "DL_EC08_DLLPE"),
+ (40, "DL_LB_ERROR"),
+ (41, "DL_RX_MALFORMED"),
+ (42, "DL_RX_NULLIFY"),
+ (43, "DL_RX_OVERFLOW"),
+ (44, "DL_TX_CORRERROR"),
+ (46, "TL_EC08_FCPE"),
+ (48, "Replay ECC Correctable Error (CE)"),
+ (49, "Replay ECC UnCorrectable Error (UE)"),
+ (50, "Bad DLLP Error Count Saturated"),
+ (51, "Bad TLP Error Count Saturated"),
+ (52, "Receiver Error Count Saturated"),
+ (53, "DLLPE Error Count Saturated"),
+ (58, "pbl_ptl_dl_al_rx_initcredit_p_e"),
+ (59, "pbl_ptl_dl_al_rx_updatecredit_p_e"),
+ (60, "PTL Core DLIF Protocol Error"),
+ (61, "PTL Core TLIF Protocol Error"),
+ (62, "PTL Core Internal Parity Error"),
+# FIXME: use the long desc
+nfir_bits = [
+ (0, "bar_pe"), # One of the BARs or BAR Mask Register parity error.
+ (1, "nonbar_pe"), # Any non-BAR parity error.
+ (2, "PB_to_PEC_ce"), # ECC correctable error off of outbound SMP interconnect.
+ (3, "PB_to_PEC_ue"), # ECC uncorrectable error off of outbound SMP interconnect.
+ (4, "PB_to_PEC_sue"), # ECC special uncorrectable error off of outbound SMP interconnect
+ (5, "ary_ecc_ce"), # ECC correctable error on an internal array.
+ (6, "ary_ecc_ue"), # ECC uncorrectable error on an internal array.
+ (7, "ary_ecc_sue"), # ECC special uncorrectable error on an internal array.
+ (8, "register_array_pe"), # Parity error on an internal register file.
+ (9, "pb_interface_pe"), # Parity error on the PB interface (address/aTag/tTag/rTAG).
+ (10, "pb_data_hang_errors"), # Any SMP interconnect data hang poll error (only checked for CI stores).
+ (11, "pb_hang_errors"), # Any SMP interconnect command hang error (domestic address range).
+ (12, "rd_are_errors"), # SMP interconnect address error (ARE) detected by a DMA read.
+ (13, "nonrd_are_errors"), # SMP interconnect address error detected by a DMA write or an interrupt engine.
+ (14, "pci_hang_error"), # PBCQ detected that the PCI load, store, EOI, or DMA read response did not make forward progress.
+ (15, "pci_clock_error"), # PBCQ has detected that the PCI clock has stopped.
+ (16, "PFIR_freeze"), # This is the freeze signal from the PFIR freeze output.
+ (17, "hw_errors"), # Any miscellaneous hardware error.
+ (18, "UnsolicitiedPBData"), # The PEC received data with an rTAG matching a queue that was not expecting data or too much data was received.
+ (19, "UnExpectedCResp"), # PEC received an unexpected combined response.
+ (20, "InvalidCResp"), # PEC received an invalid combined response.
+ (21, "PBUnsupportedSize"), # PEC received a CI load/store that hits a BAR but is an unsupported size or address alignment.
+pfir_bits = [
+ (0, "register_pe"), # PBAIB register parity error.
+ (1, "hardware_error"), # Hardware error.
+ (2, "AIB_intf_error"), # AIB interface error.
+ (3, "ETU_Reset_error"), # ETU reset error.
+ (4, "PEC_scom_error"), # Common PEC SCOM error.
+ (5, "scomfir_error0"), # SCOM Error bit 0
+ (6, "scomfir_error1"), # SCOM Error bit 1
+class PHBError:
+ reg_bits = {
+ "NEST FIR": nfir_bits,
+ "PCI FIR": pfir_bits,
+ "phbErrorStatus": phb_esr_bits,
+ "phbTxeErrorStatus": txe_esr_bits,
+ "phbRxeArbErrorStatus": rxe_arb_bits,
+ "phbRxeMrgErrorStatus": rxe_mrg_bits,
+ "phbRxeTceErrorStatus": rxe_tce_bits,
+ "phbRegbErrorStatus": regb_esr_bits,
+ "phbPblErrorStatus": pbl_esr_bits,
+ }
+ def __str__(self):
+ s = ""
+ for k, v in self.regs.items():
+ s += "{:30s} - {:#018x} - {}\n".format(k, v, ppc.setbits(v))
+ return s
+ def __init__(self, timestamp = 0):
+ self.timestamp = timestamp
+ self.pest = []
+ self.regs = {}
+ # NB: Value is a str, FIXME: Work out how to use python's type annotations
+ def set_reg(self, reg, value):
+ reg = reg.replace(" ", "")
+ if not self.regs.get(reg):
+ self.regs[reg] = value
+ return True
+ return False
+ def get_reg(self, reg):
+ reg = reg.replace(" ", "")
+ v = self.regs.get(reg)
+ if v:
+ return v
+ return 0
+ # NB: pest entries should be inserted in sort order, but it might be a good
+ # idea to explicitly sort them by PE number
+ def set_pest(self, pe, pesta, pestb):
+ self.pest.append((pe, pesta, pestb))
+ def get_pest(self, pe_number):
+ for pe, a, b in self.pest:
+ if pe == pe_number:
+ return (a, b)
+ return None
+ def header(self):
+ return self.timestamp
+ # TODO: move the formatting out of here and into the main loop
+ def show_errs(self):
+ out = ""
+ for reg_name,reg_bits in self.reg_bits.items():
+ reg_value = self.get_reg(reg_name)
+ parts = reg_name.split("Error");
+ if len(parts) > 1:
+ first_name = "{:s}FirstError{:s}".format(parts[0], parts[1])
+ first_value = self.get_reg(first_name)
+ # skiboot spells it wrong, so check Frst too
+ if first_value == 0:
+ frst_name = "{:s}FrstError{:s}".format(parts[0], parts[1])
+ first_value = self.get_reg(frst_name)
+ else:
+ first_value = 0
+ if reg_value == 0:
+ continue
+ out += "{} = {:016x}:\n".format(reg_name, reg_value);
+ for bit in reg_bits:
+ if ppc.ppcbit(bit[0]) & reg_value:
+ bang = "!" if (ppc.ppcbit(bit[0]) & reg_value & first_value) == ppc.ppcbit(bit[0]) else ""
+ out += "{:s}\t{:2d} - {}\n".format(bang, bit[0], bit[1])
+ out += "\n"
+ if len(self.pest) == 0:
+ return out
+ out += "PEST entries:\n"
+ for pe, pesta, pestb in self.pest:
+ out += "\tPEST[{:03x}] = {:016x} {:016x}\n".format(pe, pesta, pestb)
+ return out
+def parse_opal_log(log_text):
+ # Patterns to match:
+ #
+ # [ 938.249526636,3] PHB#0030[8:0]: NEST FIR WOF=0000800000000000
+ # [ 938.250657886,3] PHB#0030[8:0]: slotStatus = 00402000
+ # [ 938.254305278,3] PHB#0030[8:0]: PEST[511] = 3740002a01000000 0000000000000000
+ #
+ phblog_re = re.compile("" +
+ "^\[\s*[\d.,]+] " + # skiboot log header
+ "(PHB#....\[.:.]):" + # PHB name
+ "\s+" + # whitespace between the PHB and register name
+ "([^:=]+)" + # register name, NB: this might have some trailing WS
+ "=\s*" + # the '=' seperating name and value, along with the whitespace
+ "([a-fA-F\d ]+)") # register value(s)
+ # this alone isn't really sufficent. There's a few cases that can cause a register
+ # dump to be generated (e.g. when the link is retrained we do a reg dump)
+ new_log_marker = re.compile("" +
+ "^\[ [\d.,]+] " +
+ "(PHB#....\[.:.]): " +
+ "PHB Freeze/Fence detected !")
+ # Store the current register set for each PHB. Keep in mind that we can have register
+ # dumps from different PHBs being interleaved in the register log.
+ current = {}
+ # list discovered error logs
+ error_logs = []
+ # Match things and split them on a per-PHB basis. We can get multiple PHB error logs
+ # printed interleaved in the skiboot log if there are multiple PHBs frozen.
+ for l in log_text.split("\n"):
+ m = new_log_marker.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ m = phblog_re.match(l)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ match = m.groups()
+ phb = match[0]
+ # new log marker, save the current log and create a new one to store register values in
+ log = current.get(phb)
+ if not log:
+ current[phb] = PHBError(l);
+ elif len(match) == 1:
+ error_logs.append(current[phb])
+ current[phb] = PHBError(l) # create a new log object
+ log = current[phb]
+ if len(match) > 1:
+ if match[1].find("PEST") >= 0: # PEST entry
+ # NB: unlike .match() .search() scans the whole string
+ m = re.search("PEST\[([\da-fA-F]+)] = ([\da-fA-F]+) ([\da-fA-F]+)", l)
+ pe, pesta, pestb = [int(i, 16) for i in m.groups()]
+ current[phb].set_pest(pe, pesta, pestb)
+ else: # Normal register
+ name = match[1].strip()
+ value = int(match[2].strip(), 16)
+ ok = current[phb].set_reg(name, value)
+ # If we have duplicate registers then we're in a new log context
+ # so stash the current one and init a new one.
+ if not ok:
+ error_logs.append(current[phb])
+ current[phb] = PHBError(l)
+ current[phb].set_reg(name, value)
+ # save all the logs we're still processing
+ for k,v in current.items():
+ error_logs.append(v)
+ return error_logs
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: PHB4 PHB#48 Diag-data (Version: 1)
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: brdgCtl: 00000002
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: RootSts: 00010020 00402000 a1030008 00100107 00002000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: RootErrSts: 00000000 00000000 00000001
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: PhbSts: 0000001c00000000 0000001c00000000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: Lem: 0000000100280000 0000000000000000 0000000100000000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: PhbErr: 0000088000000000 0000008000000000 2148000098000240 a008400000000000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: RxeArbErr: 4000200000000000 0000200000000000 02409fde30000000 0000000000000000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: PblErr: 0000000001000000 0000000001000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: PcieDlp: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ffff000000000000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: RegbErr: 0000004a10000800 0000000810000000 8800003c00000000 0000000007011000
+Mar 25 10:01:49 localhost kernel: PE[1fd] A/B: a440002a05000000 8000000000000000
+def parse_kernel_log(log_text):
+ reg8 = "([0-9a-fA-F]{8})"
+ reg16 = "([0-9a-fA-F]{16})"
+ # TODO: pick up the AER stuff the kernel logs too?
+ # NB: The register names used for set_reg are the skiboot register names, not the kernel.
+ # TODO: check these for completeness / accuracy. I might have missed something
+ register_patterns = [
+ (re.compile("brdgCtl: {}" .format(reg8)), "brdgCtl"),
+ (re.compile("RootSts: {} {} {} {} {}".format(reg8, reg8, reg8, reg8, reg8)),
+ 'deviceStatus', 'slotStatus', 'linkStatus', 'devCmdStatus', 'devSecStatus'),
+ (re.compile("RootErrSts: {} {} {}" .format(reg8, reg8, reg8)),
+ 'rootErrorStatus', 'uncorrErrorStatus', 'corrErrorStatus'),
+ (re.compile("PhbSts: {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16)), "phbPlssr", "phbCsr"),
+ (re.compile("nFir: {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16)), "nFir", "nFirMask", "nFirWOF"),
+ (re.compile("Lem: {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16)), "lemFir", "lemErrorMask", "lemWOF"),
+ (re.compile("PhbErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbErrorStatus", "phbFirstErrorStatus", "phbErrorLog0", "phbErrorLog1"),
+ (re.compile("PhbTxeErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbPhbTxeErrorStatus", "phbPhbTxeFirstErrorStatus", "phbPhbTxeErrorLog0", "phbTxeErrorLog1"),
+ (re.compile("RxeArbErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbRxeArbErrorStatus", "phbRxeArbFirstErrorStatus", "phbRxeArbErrorLog0", "phbRxeArbErrorLog1"),
+ (re.compile("RxeMrgErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbRxeMrgErrorStatus", "phbRxeMrgFirstErrorStatus", "phbRxeMrgErrorLog0", "phbRxeMrgErrorLog1"),
+ (re.compile("RxeTceErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbRxeTceErrorStatus", "phbRxeTceFirstErrorStatus", "phbRxeTceErrorLog0", "phbRxeTceErrorLog1"),
+ (re.compile("PblErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbPblErrorStatus", "phbPblFirstErrorStatus", "phbPblErrorLog0", "phbPblErrorLog1"),
+ (re.compile("PcieDlp: {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbPcieDlpErrorLog1", "phbPcieDlpErrorLog2", "phbPcieDlpErrorStatus"),
+ (re.compile("RegbErr: {} {} {} {}" .format(reg16, reg16, reg16, reg16)),
+ "phbRegbErrorStatus", "phbRegbFirstErrorStatus", "phbRegbErrorLog0", "phbRegbErrorLog1"),
+ ]
+ header_pattern = re.compile("PHB4 PHB#[0-9]+ Diag-data") # match header
+ pe_pattern = re.compile("PE\[{}\] A/B: {} {}".format("([ 0-9a-fA-F]{3})", reg16, reg16)) # the PE number is three hex digits
+ logs = []
+ log = PHBError("");
+ # pretty nasty but since interpreting the kernel logs requires context I
+ # don't have any better ideas
+ for l in log_text.split("\n"):
+ m = header_pattern.search(l)
+ if m: # start a new log
+ logs.append(log)
+ log = PHBError(l)
+ continue
+ for p,*names in register_patterns:
+ m = p.search(l)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ for name, val in zip(names, m.groups()):
+ log.set_reg(name, int(val, 16))
+ break
+ m = pe_pattern.search(l)
+ if m:
+ pe = int(m.groups()[0], 16)
+ pesta = int(m.groups()[1], 16)
+ pestb = int(m.groups()[2], 16)
+ log.set_pest(pe, pesta, pestb)
+ logs.append(log)
+ return logs
+def main(argv):
+ if len(argv) < 2:
+ print("Usage: {} <log file>".format(argv[0]));
+ return
+ try:
+ log_text = open(argv[1]).read();
+ except Exception as err:
+ print(err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ logs = parse_opal_log(log_text);
+ logs.extend(parse_kernel_log(log_text))
+ for err in logs:
+ print("==== PHB Register dump found ====")
+ print("")
+ print(err.header())
+ print("")
+ print(err.show_errs())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts/ppc.py b/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts/ppc.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae04e4b1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/skiboot/external/pci-scripts/ppc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -i
+# Just some helper functions to convert PPC bits (in the docs) to integer
+# values we can actually use in code.
+def ppcbit(i):
+ return 1 << (63 - i)
+def ppcmask(a,b):
+ mask = 0
+ for i in range(a, b + 1):
+ mask += ppcbit(i)
+ return mask
+def ppcfield(a, b, v):
+ return (v & ppcmask(a,b)) >> (63 - b)
+def ppcbit32(i):
+ return 1 << (31 - i)
+def ppcmask32(a,b):
+ mask = 0
+ for i in range(a, b + 1):
+ mask += ppcbit32(i)
+ return mask
+def ppcfield32(a, b, v):
+ return (v & ppcmask32(a,b)) >> (31 - b)