path: root/roms/u-boot/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/u-boot/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py')
1 files changed, 662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py b/roms/u-boot/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7325486cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Linaro Limited
+# Author: Takahiro Akashi <takahiro.akashi@linaro.org>
+import os
+import os.path
+import pytest
+import re
+from subprocess import call, check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError
+from fstest_defs import *
+supported_fs_basic = ['fat16', 'fat32', 'ext4']
+supported_fs_ext = ['fat16', 'fat32']
+supported_fs_mkdir = ['fat16', 'fat32']
+supported_fs_unlink = ['fat16', 'fat32']
+supported_fs_symlink = ['ext4']
+# Filesystem test specific setup
+def pytest_addoption(parser):
+ """Enable --fs-type option.
+ See pytest_configure() about how it works.
+ Args:
+ parser: Pytest command-line parser.
+ Returns:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ parser.addoption('--fs-type', action='append', default=None,
+ help='Targeting Filesystem Types')
+def pytest_configure(config):
+ """Restrict a file system(s) to be tested.
+ A file system explicitly named with --fs-type option is selected
+ if it belongs to a default supported_fs_xxx list.
+ Multiple options can be specified.
+ Args:
+ config: Pytest configuration.
+ Returns:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ global supported_fs_basic
+ global supported_fs_ext
+ global supported_fs_mkdir
+ global supported_fs_unlink
+ global supported_fs_symlink
+ def intersect(listA, listB):
+ return [x for x in listA if x in listB]
+ supported_fs = config.getoption('fs_type')
+ if supported_fs:
+ print('*** FS TYPE modified: %s' % supported_fs)
+ supported_fs_basic = intersect(supported_fs, supported_fs_basic)
+ supported_fs_ext = intersect(supported_fs, supported_fs_ext)
+ supported_fs_mkdir = intersect(supported_fs, supported_fs_mkdir)
+ supported_fs_unlink = intersect(supported_fs, supported_fs_unlink)
+ supported_fs_symlink = intersect(supported_fs, supported_fs_symlink)
+def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
+ """Parametrize fixtures, fs_obj_xxx
+ Each fixture will be parametrized with a corresponding support_fs_xxx
+ list.
+ Args:
+ metafunc: Pytest test function.
+ Returns:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ if 'fs_obj_basic' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ metafunc.parametrize('fs_obj_basic', supported_fs_basic,
+ indirect=True, scope='module')
+ if 'fs_obj_ext' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ metafunc.parametrize('fs_obj_ext', supported_fs_ext,
+ indirect=True, scope='module')
+ if 'fs_obj_mkdir' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ metafunc.parametrize('fs_obj_mkdir', supported_fs_mkdir,
+ indirect=True, scope='module')
+ if 'fs_obj_unlink' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ metafunc.parametrize('fs_obj_unlink', supported_fs_unlink,
+ indirect=True, scope='module')
+ if 'fs_obj_symlink' in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ metafunc.parametrize('fs_obj_symlink', supported_fs_symlink,
+ indirect=True, scope='module')
+# Helper functions
+def fstype_to_ubname(fs_type):
+ """Convert a file system type to an U-boot specific string
+ A generated string can be used as part of file system related commands
+ or a config name in u-boot. Currently fat16 and fat32 are handled
+ specifically.
+ Args:
+ fs_type: File system type.
+ Return:
+ A corresponding string for file system type.
+ """
+ if re.match('fat', fs_type):
+ return 'fat'
+ else:
+ return fs_type
+def check_ubconfig(config, fs_type):
+ """Check whether a file system is enabled in u-boot configuration.
+ This function is assumed to be called in a fixture function so that
+ the whole test cases will be skipped if a given file system is not
+ enabled.
+ Args:
+ fs_type: File system type.
+ Return:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ if not config.buildconfig.get('config_cmd_%s' % fs_type, None):
+ pytest.skip('.config feature "CMD_%s" not enabled' % fs_type.upper())
+ if not config.buildconfig.get('config_%s_write' % fs_type, None):
+ pytest.skip('.config feature "%s_WRITE" not enabled'
+ % fs_type.upper())
+def mk_fs(config, fs_type, size, id):
+ """Create a file system volume.
+ Args:
+ fs_type: File system type.
+ size: Size of file system in MiB.
+ id: Prefix string of volume's file name.
+ Return:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ fs_img = '%s.%s.img' % (id, fs_type)
+ fs_img = config.persistent_data_dir + '/' + fs_img
+ if fs_type == 'fat16':
+ mkfs_opt = '-F 16'
+ elif fs_type == 'fat32':
+ mkfs_opt = '-F 32'
+ else:
+ mkfs_opt = ''
+ if re.match('fat', fs_type):
+ fs_lnxtype = 'vfat'
+ else:
+ fs_lnxtype = fs_type
+ count = (size + 1048576 - 1) / 1048576
+ # Some distributions do not add /sbin to the default PATH, where mkfs lives
+ if '/sbin' not in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
+ os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + '/sbin'
+ try:
+ check_call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1M count=%d'
+ % (fs_img, count), shell=True)
+ check_call('mkfs.%s %s %s'
+ % (fs_lnxtype, mkfs_opt, fs_img), shell=True)
+ if fs_type == 'ext4':
+ sb_content = check_output('tune2fs -l %s' % fs_img, shell=True).decode()
+ if 'metadata_csum' in sb_content:
+ check_call('tune2fs -O ^metadata_csum %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return fs_img
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ raise
+# from test/py/conftest.py
+def tool_is_in_path(tool):
+ """Check whether a given command is available on host.
+ Args:
+ tool: Command name.
+ Return:
+ True if available, False if not.
+ """
+ for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
+ fn = os.path.join(path, tool)
+ if os.path.isfile(fn) and os.access(fn, os.X_OK):
+ return True
+ return False
+fuse_mounted = False
+def mount_fs(fs_type, device, mount_point):
+ """Mount a volume.
+ Args:
+ fs_type: File system type.
+ device: Volume's file name.
+ mount_point: Mount point.
+ Return:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ global fuse_mounted
+ fuse_mounted = False
+ try:
+ if tool_is_in_path('guestmount'):
+ fuse_mounted = True
+ check_call('guestmount -a %s -m /dev/sda %s'
+ % (device, mount_point), shell=True)
+ else:
+ mount_opt = 'loop,rw'
+ if re.match('fat', fs_type):
+ mount_opt += ',umask=0000'
+ check_call('sudo mount -o %s %s %s'
+ % (mount_opt, device, mount_point), shell=True)
+ # may not be effective for some file systems
+ check_call('sudo chmod a+rw %s' % mount_point, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ raise
+def umount_fs(mount_point):
+ """Unmount a volume.
+ Args:
+ mount_point: Mount point.
+ Return:
+ Nothing.
+ """
+ if fuse_mounted:
+ call('sync')
+ call('guestunmount %s' % mount_point, shell=True)
+ else:
+ call('sudo umount %s' % mount_point, shell=True)
+# Fixture for basic fs test
+# derived from test/fs/fs-test.sh
+def fs_obj_basic(request, u_boot_config):
+ """Set up a file system to be used in basic fs test.
+ Args:
+ request: Pytest request object.
+ u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+ Return:
+ A fixture for basic fs test, i.e. a triplet of file system type,
+ volume file name and a list of MD5 hashes.
+ """
+ fs_type = request.param
+ fs_img = ''
+ fs_ubtype = fstype_to_ubname(fs_type)
+ check_ubconfig(u_boot_config, fs_ubtype)
+ mount_dir = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/mnt'
+ small_file = mount_dir + '/' + SMALL_FILE
+ big_file = mount_dir + '/' + BIG_FILE
+ try:
+ # 3GiB volume
+ fs_img = mk_fs(u_boot_config, fs_type, 0xc0000000, '3GB')
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Creating failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ return
+ try:
+ check_call('mkdir -p %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Preparing mount folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Mount the image so we can populate it.
+ mount_fs(fs_type, fs_img, mount_dir)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Mounting to folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Create a subdirectory.
+ check_call('mkdir %s/SUBDIR' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ # Create big file in this image.
+ # Note that we work only on the start 1MB, couple MBs in the 2GB range
+ # and the last 1 MB of the huge 2.5GB file.
+ # So, just put random values only in those areas.
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=1'
+ % big_file, shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=2 seek=2047'
+ % big_file, shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=1 seek=2499'
+ % big_file, shell=True)
+ # Create a small file in this image.
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=1'
+ % small_file, shell=True)
+ # Delete the small file copies which possibly are written as part of a
+ # previous test.
+ # check_call('rm -f "%s.w"' % MB1, shell=True)
+ # check_call('rm -f "%s.w2"' % MB1, shell=True)
+ # Generate the md5sums of reads that we will test against small file
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1M skip=0 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % small_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val = [ out.split()[0] ]
+ # Generate the md5sums of reads that we will test against big file
+ # One from beginning of file.
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1M skip=0 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % big_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ # One from end of file.
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1M skip=2499 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % big_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ # One from the last 1MB chunk of 2GB
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1M skip=2047 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % big_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ # One from the start 1MB chunk from 2GB
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1M skip=2048 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % big_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ # One 1MB chunk crossing the 2GB boundary
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=512K skip=4095 count=2 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % big_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Setup failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ return
+ else:
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ yield [fs_ubtype, fs_img, md5val]
+ finally:
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+# Fixture for extended fs test
+def fs_obj_ext(request, u_boot_config):
+ """Set up a file system to be used in extended fs test.
+ Args:
+ request: Pytest request object.
+ u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+ Return:
+ A fixture for extended fs test, i.e. a triplet of file system type,
+ volume file name and a list of MD5 hashes.
+ """
+ fs_type = request.param
+ fs_img = ''
+ fs_ubtype = fstype_to_ubname(fs_type)
+ check_ubconfig(u_boot_config, fs_ubtype)
+ mount_dir = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/mnt'
+ min_file = mount_dir + '/' + MIN_FILE
+ tmp_file = mount_dir + '/tmpfile'
+ try:
+ # 128MiB volume
+ fs_img = mk_fs(u_boot_config, fs_type, 0x8000000, '128MB')
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Creating failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ return
+ try:
+ check_call('mkdir -p %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Preparing mount folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Mount the image so we can populate it.
+ mount_fs(fs_type, fs_img, mount_dir)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Mounting to folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Create a test directory
+ check_call('mkdir %s/dir1' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ # Create a small file and calculate md5
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1K count=20'
+ % min_file, shell=True)
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1K 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % min_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val = [ out.split()[0] ]
+ # Calculate md5sum of Test Case 4
+ check_call('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1K count=20'
+ % (min_file, tmp_file), shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1K seek=5 count=20'
+ % (min_file, tmp_file), shell=True)
+ out = check_output('dd if=%s bs=1K 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % tmp_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ # Calculate md5sum of Test Case 5
+ check_call('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1K count=20'
+ % (min_file, tmp_file), shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1K seek=5 count=5'
+ % (min_file, tmp_file), shell=True)
+ out = check_output('dd if=%s bs=1K 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % tmp_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ # Calculate md5sum of Test Case 7
+ check_call('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1K count=20'
+ % (min_file, tmp_file), shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=%s of=%s bs=1K seek=20 count=20'
+ % (min_file, tmp_file), shell=True)
+ out = check_output('dd if=%s bs=1K 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % tmp_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.append(out.split()[0])
+ check_call('rm %s' % tmp_file, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ pytest.skip('Setup failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type)
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ return
+ else:
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ yield [fs_ubtype, fs_img, md5val]
+ finally:
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+# Fixture for mkdir test
+def fs_obj_mkdir(request, u_boot_config):
+ """Set up a file system to be used in mkdir test.
+ Args:
+ request: Pytest request object.
+ u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+ Return:
+ A fixture for mkdir test, i.e. a duplet of file system type and
+ volume file name.
+ """
+ fs_type = request.param
+ fs_img = ''
+ fs_ubtype = fstype_to_ubname(fs_type)
+ check_ubconfig(u_boot_config, fs_ubtype)
+ try:
+ # 128MiB volume
+ fs_img = mk_fs(u_boot_config, fs_type, 0x8000000, '128MB')
+ except:
+ pytest.skip('Setup failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type)
+ return
+ else:
+ yield [fs_ubtype, fs_img]
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+# Fixture for unlink test
+def fs_obj_unlink(request, u_boot_config):
+ """Set up a file system to be used in unlink test.
+ Args:
+ request: Pytest request object.
+ u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+ Return:
+ A fixture for unlink test, i.e. a duplet of file system type and
+ volume file name.
+ """
+ fs_type = request.param
+ fs_img = ''
+ fs_ubtype = fstype_to_ubname(fs_type)
+ check_ubconfig(u_boot_config, fs_ubtype)
+ mount_dir = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/mnt'
+ try:
+ # 128MiB volume
+ fs_img = mk_fs(u_boot_config, fs_type, 0x8000000, '128MB')
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Creating failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ return
+ try:
+ check_call('mkdir -p %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Preparing mount folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Mount the image so we can populate it.
+ mount_fs(fs_type, fs_img, mount_dir)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Mounting to folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Test Case 1 & 3
+ check_call('mkdir %s/dir1' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s/dir1/file1 bs=1K count=1'
+ % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s/dir1/file2 bs=1K count=1'
+ % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ # Test Case 2
+ check_call('mkdir %s/dir2' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ for i in range(0, 20):
+ check_call('mkdir %s/dir2/0123456789abcdef%02x'
+ % (mount_dir, i), shell=True)
+ # Test Case 4
+ check_call('mkdir %s/dir4' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ # Test Case 5, 6 & 7
+ check_call('mkdir %s/dir5' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s/dir5/file1 bs=1K count=1'
+ % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ pytest.skip('Setup failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type)
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ return
+ else:
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ yield [fs_ubtype, fs_img]
+ finally:
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+# Fixture for symlink fs test
+def fs_obj_symlink(request, u_boot_config):
+ """Set up a file system to be used in symlink fs test.
+ Args:
+ request: Pytest request object.
+ u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+ Return:
+ A fixture for basic fs test, i.e. a triplet of file system type,
+ volume file name and a list of MD5 hashes.
+ """
+ fs_type = request.param
+ fs_img = ''
+ fs_ubtype = fstype_to_ubname(fs_type)
+ check_ubconfig(u_boot_config, fs_ubtype)
+ mount_dir = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/mnt'
+ small_file = mount_dir + '/' + SMALL_FILE
+ medium_file = mount_dir + '/' + MEDIUM_FILE
+ try:
+ # 1GiB volume
+ fs_img = mk_fs(u_boot_config, fs_type, 0x40000000, '1GB')
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Creating failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ return
+ try:
+ check_call('mkdir -p %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Preparing mount folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Mount the image so we can populate it.
+ mount_fs(fs_type, fs_img, mount_dir)
+ except CalledProcessError as err:
+ pytest.skip('Mounting to folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. {}'.format(err))
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
+ return
+ try:
+ # Create a subdirectory.
+ check_call('mkdir %s/SUBDIR' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ # Create a small file in this image.
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=1'
+ % small_file, shell=True)
+ # Create a medium file in this image.
+ check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=10M count=1'
+ % medium_file, shell=True)
+ # Generate the md5sums of reads that we will test against small file
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=1M skip=0 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % small_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val = [out.split()[0]]
+ out = check_output(
+ 'dd if=%s bs=10M skip=0 count=1 2> /dev/null | md5sum'
+ % medium_file, shell=True).decode()
+ md5val.extend([out.split()[0]])
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ pytest.skip('Setup failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type)
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ return
+ else:
+ umount_fs(mount_dir)
+ yield [fs_ubtype, fs_img, md5val]
+ finally:
+ call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+ call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)