path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py b/roms/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a98d1b4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/buildman/control.py
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors.
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from buildman import board
+from buildman import bsettings
+from buildman import toolchain
+from buildman.builder import Builder
+from patman import command
+from patman import gitutil
+from patman import patchstream
+from patman import terminal
+from patman.terminal import Print
+def GetPlural(count):
+ """Returns a plural 's' if count is not 1"""
+ return 's' if count != 1 else ''
+def GetActionSummary(is_summary, commits, selected, options):
+ """Return a string summarising the intended action.
+ Returns:
+ Summary string.
+ """
+ if commits:
+ count = len(commits)
+ count = (count + options.step - 1) // options.step
+ commit_str = '%d commit%s' % (count, GetPlural(count))
+ else:
+ commit_str = 'current source'
+ str = '%s %s for %d boards' % (
+ 'Summary of' if is_summary else 'Building', commit_str,
+ len(selected))
+ str += ' (%d thread%s, %d job%s per thread)' % (options.threads,
+ GetPlural(options.threads), options.jobs, GetPlural(options.jobs))
+ return str
+def ShowActions(series, why_selected, boards_selected, builder, options,
+ board_warnings):
+ """Display a list of actions that we would take, if not a dry run.
+ Args:
+ series: Series object
+ why_selected: Dictionary where each key is a buildman argument
+ provided by the user, and the value is the list of boards
+ brought in by that argument. For example, 'arm' might bring
+ in 400 boards, so in this case the key would be 'arm' and
+ the value would be a list of board names.
+ boards_selected: Dict of selected boards, key is target name,
+ value is Board object
+ builder: The builder that will be used to build the commits
+ options: Command line options object
+ board_warnings: List of warnings obtained from board selected
+ """
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ print('Dry run, so not doing much. But I would do this:')
+ print()
+ if series:
+ commits = series.commits
+ else:
+ commits = None
+ print(GetActionSummary(False, commits, boards_selected,
+ options))
+ print('Build directory: %s' % builder.base_dir)
+ if commits:
+ for upto in range(0, len(series.commits), options.step):
+ commit = series.commits[upto]
+ print(' ', col.Color(col.YELLOW, commit.hash[:8], bright=False), end=' ')
+ print(commit.subject)
+ print()
+ for arg in why_selected:
+ if arg != 'all':
+ print(arg, ': %d boards' % len(why_selected[arg]))
+ if options.verbose:
+ print(' %s' % ' '.join(why_selected[arg]))
+ print(('Total boards to build for each commit: %d\n' %
+ len(why_selected['all'])))
+ if board_warnings:
+ for warning in board_warnings:
+ print(col.Color(col.YELLOW, warning))
+def ShowToolchainPrefix(boards, toolchains):
+ """Show information about a the tool chain used by one or more boards
+ The function checks that all boards use the same toolchain, then prints
+ the correct value for CROSS_COMPILE.
+ Args:
+ boards: Boards object containing selected boards
+ toolchains: Toolchains object containing available toolchains
+ Return:
+ None on success, string error message otherwise
+ """
+ boards = boards.GetSelectedDict()
+ tc_set = set()
+ for brd in boards.values():
+ tc_set.add(toolchains.Select(brd.arch))
+ if len(tc_set) != 1:
+ return 'Supplied boards must share one toolchain'
+ return False
+ tc = tc_set.pop()
+ print(tc.GetEnvArgs(toolchain.VAR_CROSS_COMPILE))
+ return None
+def DoBuildman(options, args, toolchains=None, make_func=None, boards=None,
+ clean_dir=False, test_thread_exceptions=False):
+ """The main control code for buildman
+ Args:
+ options: Command line options object
+ args: Command line arguments (list of strings)
+ toolchains: Toolchains to use - this should be a Toolchains()
+ object. If None, then it will be created and scanned
+ make_func: Make function to use for the builder. This is called
+ to execute 'make'. If this is None, the normal function
+ will be used, which calls the 'make' tool with suitable
+ arguments. This setting is useful for tests.
+ board: Boards() object to use, containing a list of available
+ boards. If this is None it will be created and scanned.
+ clean_dir: Used for tests only, indicates that the existing output_dir
+ should be removed before starting the build
+ test_thread_exceptions: Uses for tests only, True to make the threads
+ raise an exception instead of reporting their result. This simulates
+ a failure in the code somewhere
+ """
+ global builder
+ if options.full_help:
+ pager = os.getenv('PAGER')
+ if not pager:
+ pager = 'more'
+ fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])),
+ command.Run(pager, fname)
+ return 0
+ gitutil.Setup()
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ options.git_dir = os.path.join(options.git, '.git')
+ no_toolchains = toolchains is None
+ if no_toolchains:
+ toolchains = toolchain.Toolchains(options.override_toolchain)
+ if options.fetch_arch:
+ if options.fetch_arch == 'list':
+ sorted_list = toolchains.ListArchs()
+ print(col.Color(col.BLUE, 'Available architectures: %s\n' %
+ ' '.join(sorted_list)))
+ return 0
+ else:
+ fetch_arch = options.fetch_arch
+ if fetch_arch == 'all':
+ fetch_arch = ','.join(toolchains.ListArchs())
+ print(col.Color(col.CYAN, '\nDownloading toolchains: %s' %
+ fetch_arch))
+ for arch in fetch_arch.split(','):
+ print()
+ ret = toolchains.FetchAndInstall(arch)
+ if ret:
+ return ret
+ return 0
+ if no_toolchains:
+ toolchains.GetSettings()
+ toolchains.Scan(options.list_tool_chains and options.verbose)
+ if options.list_tool_chains:
+ toolchains.List()
+ print()
+ return 0
+ if options.incremental:
+ print(col.Color(col.RED,
+ 'Warning: -I has been removed. See documentation'))
+ if not options.output_dir:
+ if options.work_in_output:
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, '-w requires that you specify -o'))
+ options.output_dir = '..'
+ # Work out what subset of the boards we are building
+ if not boards:
+ if not os.path.exists(options.output_dir):
+ os.makedirs(options.output_dir)
+ board_file = os.path.join(options.output_dir, 'boards.cfg')
+ our_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ genboardscfg = os.path.join(our_path, '../genboardscfg.py')
+ if not os.path.exists(genboardscfg):
+ genboardscfg = os.path.join(options.git, 'tools/genboardscfg.py')
+ status = subprocess.call([genboardscfg, '-q', '-o', board_file])
+ if status != 0:
+ # Older versions don't support -q
+ status = subprocess.call([genboardscfg, '-o', board_file])
+ if status != 0:
+ sys.exit("Failed to generate boards.cfg")
+ boards = board.Boards()
+ boards.ReadBoards(board_file)
+ exclude = []
+ if options.exclude:
+ for arg in options.exclude:
+ exclude += arg.split(',')
+ if options.boards:
+ requested_boards = []
+ for b in options.boards:
+ requested_boards += b.split(',')
+ else:
+ requested_boards = None
+ why_selected, board_warnings = boards.SelectBoards(args, exclude,
+ requested_boards)
+ selected = boards.GetSelected()
+ if not len(selected):
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, 'No matching boards found'))
+ if options.print_prefix:
+ err = ShowToolchainPrefix(boards, toolchains)
+ if err:
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, err))
+ return 0
+ # Work out how many commits to build. We want to build everything on the
+ # branch. We also build the upstream commit as a control so we can see
+ # problems introduced by the first commit on the branch.
+ count = options.count
+ has_range = options.branch and '..' in options.branch
+ if count == -1:
+ if not options.branch:
+ count = 1
+ else:
+ if has_range:
+ count, msg = gitutil.CountCommitsInRange(options.git_dir,
+ options.branch)
+ else:
+ count, msg = gitutil.CountCommitsInBranch(options.git_dir,
+ options.branch)
+ if count is None:
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, msg))
+ elif count == 0:
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, "Range '%s' has no commits" %
+ options.branch))
+ if msg:
+ print(col.Color(col.YELLOW, msg))
+ count += 1 # Build upstream commit also
+ if not count:
+ str = ("No commits found to process in branch '%s': "
+ "set branch's upstream or use -c flag" % options.branch)
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED, str))
+ if options.work_in_output:
+ if len(selected) != 1:
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED,
+ '-w can only be used with a single board'))
+ if count != 1:
+ sys.exit(col.Color(col.RED,
+ '-w can only be used with a single commit'))
+ # Read the metadata from the commits. First look at the upstream commit,
+ # then the ones in the branch. We would like to do something like
+ # upstream/master~..branch but that isn't possible if upstream/master is
+ # a merge commit (it will list all the commits that form part of the
+ # merge)
+ # Conflicting tags are not a problem for buildman, since it does not use
+ # them. For example, Series-version is not useful for buildman. On the
+ # other hand conflicting tags will cause an error. So allow later tags
+ # to overwrite earlier ones by setting allow_overwrite=True
+ if options.branch:
+ if count == -1:
+ if has_range:
+ range_expr = options.branch
+ else:
+ range_expr = gitutil.GetRangeInBranch(options.git_dir,
+ options.branch)
+ upstream_commit = gitutil.GetUpstream(options.git_dir,
+ options.branch)
+ series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(upstream_commit,
+ options.git_dir, 1, series=None, allow_overwrite=True)
+ series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(range_expr,
+ options.git_dir, None, series, allow_overwrite=True)
+ else:
+ # Honour the count
+ series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(options.branch,
+ options.git_dir, count, series=None, allow_overwrite=True)
+ else:
+ series = None
+ if not options.dry_run:
+ options.verbose = True
+ if not options.summary:
+ options.show_errors = True
+ # By default we have one thread per CPU. But if there are not enough jobs
+ # we can have fewer threads and use a high '-j' value for make.
+ if options.threads is None:
+ options.threads = min(multiprocessing.cpu_count(), len(selected))
+ if not options.jobs:
+ options.jobs = max(1, (multiprocessing.cpu_count() +
+ len(selected) - 1) // len(selected))
+ if not options.step:
+ options.step = len(series.commits) - 1
+ gnu_make = command.Output(os.path.join(options.git,
+ 'scripts/show-gnu-make'), raise_on_error=False).rstrip()
+ if not gnu_make:
+ sys.exit('GNU Make not found')
+ # Create a new builder with the selected options.
+ output_dir = options.output_dir
+ if options.branch:
+ dirname = options.branch.replace('/', '_')
+ # As a special case allow the board directory to be placed in the
+ # output directory itself rather than any subdirectory.
+ if not options.no_subdirs:
+ output_dir = os.path.join(options.output_dir, dirname)
+ if clean_dir and os.path.exists(output_dir):
+ shutil.rmtree(output_dir)
+ builder = Builder(toolchains, output_dir, options.git_dir,
+ options.threads, options.jobs, gnu_make=gnu_make, checkout=True,
+ show_unknown=options.show_unknown, step=options.step,
+ no_subdirs=options.no_subdirs, full_path=options.full_path,
+ verbose_build=options.verbose_build,
+ mrproper=options.mrproper,
+ per_board_out_dir=options.per_board_out_dir,
+ config_only=options.config_only,
+ squash_config_y=not options.preserve_config_y,
+ warnings_as_errors=options.warnings_as_errors,
+ work_in_output=options.work_in_output,
+ test_thread_exceptions=test_thread_exceptions)
+ builder.force_config_on_failure = not options.quick
+ if make_func:
+ builder.do_make = make_func
+ # For a dry run, just show our actions as a sanity check
+ if options.dry_run:
+ ShowActions(series, why_selected, selected, builder, options,
+ board_warnings)
+ else:
+ builder.force_build = options.force_build
+ builder.force_build_failures = options.force_build_failures
+ builder.force_reconfig = options.force_reconfig
+ builder.in_tree = options.in_tree
+ # Work out which boards to build
+ board_selected = boards.GetSelectedDict()
+ if series:
+ commits = series.commits
+ # Number the commits for test purposes
+ for commit in range(len(commits)):
+ commits[commit].sequence = commit
+ else:
+ commits = None
+ Print(GetActionSummary(options.summary, commits, board_selected,
+ options))
+ # We can't show function sizes without board details at present
+ if options.show_bloat:
+ options.show_detail = True
+ builder.SetDisplayOptions(
+ options.show_errors, options.show_sizes, options.show_detail,
+ options.show_bloat, options.list_error_boards, options.show_config,
+ options.show_environment, options.filter_dtb_warnings,
+ options.filter_migration_warnings)
+ if options.summary:
+ builder.ShowSummary(commits, board_selected)
+ else:
+ fail, warned, excs = builder.BuildBoards(
+ commits, board_selected, options.keep_outputs, options.verbose)
+ if excs:
+ return 102
+ elif fail:
+ return 100
+ elif warned and not options.ignore_warnings:
+ return 101
+ return 0