path: root/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/func_test.py
diff options
authorAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
committerAngelos Mouzakitis <a.mouzakitis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 14:33:42 +0000
commitaf1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a (patch)
tree2fc46203448ddcc6f81546d379abfaeb323575e9 /roms/u-boot/tools/patman/func_test.py
parente02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (diff)
Add submodule dependency filesHEADmaster
Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/u-boot/tools/patman/func_test.py')
1 files changed, 1284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/func_test.py b/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/func_test.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ce6448d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/u-boot/tools/patman/func_test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1284 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright 2017 Google, Inc
+"""Functional tests for checking that patman behaves correctly"""
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+from patman.commit import Commit
+from patman import control
+from patman import gitutil
+from patman import patchstream
+from patman.patchstream import PatchStream
+from patman.series import Series
+from patman import settings
+from patman import terminal
+from patman import tools
+from patman.test_util import capture_sys_output
+import pygit2
+from patman import status
+class TestFunctional(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Functional tests for checking that patman behaves correctly"""
+ leb = (b'Lord Edmund Blackadd\xc3\xabr <weasel@blackadder.org>'.
+ decode('utf-8'))
+ fred = 'Fred Bloggs <f.bloggs@napier.net>'
+ joe = 'Joe Bloggs <joe@napierwallies.co.nz>'
+ mary = 'Mary Bloggs <mary@napierwallies.co.nz>'
+ commits = None
+ patches = None
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='patman.')
+ self.gitdir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'git')
+ self.repo = None
+ def tearDown(self):
+ shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir)
+ terminal.SetPrintTestMode(False)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_path(fname):
+ """Get the path to a test file
+ Args:
+ fname (str): Filename to obtain
+ Returns:
+ str: Full path to file in the test directory
+ """
+ return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0])),
+ 'test', fname)
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_text(cls, fname):
+ """Read a file as text
+ Args:
+ fname (str): Filename to read
+ Returns:
+ str: Contents of file
+ """
+ return open(cls._get_path(fname), encoding='utf-8').read()
+ @classmethod
+ def _get_patch_name(cls, subject):
+ """Get the filename of a patch given its subject
+ Args:
+ subject (str): Patch subject
+ Returns:
+ str: Filename for that patch
+ """
+ fname = re.sub('[ :]', '-', subject)
+ return fname.replace('--', '-')
+ def _create_patches_for_test(self, series):
+ """Create patch files for use by tests
+ This copies patch files from the test directory as needed by the series
+ Args:
+ series (Series): Series containing commits to convert
+ Returns:
+ tuple:
+ str: Cover-letter filename, or None if none
+ fname_list: list of str, each a patch filename
+ """
+ cover_fname = None
+ fname_list = []
+ for i, commit in enumerate(series.commits):
+ clean_subject = self._get_patch_name(commit.subject)
+ src_fname = '%04d-%s.patch' % (i + 1, clean_subject[:52])
+ fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, src_fname)
+ shutil.copy(self._get_path(src_fname), fname)
+ fname_list.append(fname)
+ if series.get('cover'):
+ src_fname = '0000-cover-letter.patch'
+ cover_fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, src_fname)
+ fname = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, src_fname)
+ shutil.copy(self._get_path(src_fname), fname)
+ return cover_fname, fname_list
+ def testBasic(self):
+ """Tests the basic flow of patman
+ This creates a series from some hard-coded patches build from a simple
+ tree with the following metadata in the top commit:
+ Series-to: u-boot
+ Series-prefix: RFC
+ Series-cc: Stefan Brüns <stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de>
+ Cover-letter-cc: Lord Mëlchett <clergy@palace.gov>
+ Series-version: 3
+ Patch-cc: fred
+ Series-process-log: sort, uniq
+ Series-changes: 4
+ - Some changes
+ - Multi
+ line
+ change
+ Commit-changes: 2
+ - Changes only for this commit
+ Cover-changes: 4
+ - Some notes for the cover letter
+ Cover-letter:
+ test: A test patch series
+ This is a test of how the cover
+ letter
+ works
+ and this in the first commit:
+ Commit-changes: 2
+ - second revision change
+ Series-notes:
+ some notes
+ about some things
+ from the first commit
+ Commit-notes:
+ Some notes about
+ the first commit
+ with the following commands:
+ git log -n2 --reverse >/path/to/tools/patman/test/test01.txt
+ git format-patch --subject-prefix RFC --cover-letter HEAD~2
+ mv 00* /path/to/tools/patman/test
+ It checks these aspects:
+ - git log can be processed by patchstream
+ - emailing patches uses the correct command
+ - CC file has information on each commit
+ - cover letter has the expected text and subject
+ - each patch has the correct subject
+ - dry-run information prints out correctly
+ - unicode is handled correctly
+ - Series-to, Series-cc, Series-prefix, Cover-letter
+ - Cover-letter-cc, Series-version, Series-changes, Series-notes
+ - Commit-notes
+ """
+ process_tags = True
+ ignore_bad_tags = False
+ stefan = b'Stefan Br\xc3\xbcns <stefan.bruens@rwth-aachen.de>'.decode('utf-8')
+ rick = 'Richard III <richard@palace.gov>'
+ mel = b'Lord M\xc3\xablchett <clergy@palace.gov>'.decode('utf-8')
+ add_maintainers = [stefan, rick]
+ dry_run = True
+ in_reply_to = mel
+ count = 2
+ settings.alias = {
+ 'fdt': ['simon'],
+ 'u-boot': ['u-boot@lists.denx.de'],
+ 'simon': [self.leb],
+ 'fred': [self.fred],
+ }
+ text = self._get_text('test01.txt')
+ series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_test(text)
+ cover_fname, args = self._create_patches_for_test(series)
+ with capture_sys_output() as out:
+ patchstream.fix_patches(series, args)
+ if cover_fname and series.get('cover'):
+ patchstream.insert_cover_letter(cover_fname, series, count)
+ series.DoChecks()
+ cc_file = series.MakeCcFile(process_tags, cover_fname,
+ not ignore_bad_tags, add_maintainers,
+ None)
+ cmd = gitutil.EmailPatches(
+ series, cover_fname, args, dry_run, not ignore_bad_tags,
+ cc_file, in_reply_to=in_reply_to, thread=None)
+ series.ShowActions(args, cmd, process_tags)
+ cc_lines = open(cc_file, encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()
+ os.remove(cc_file)
+ lines = iter(out[0].getvalue().splitlines())
+ self.assertEqual('Cleaned %s patches' % len(series.commits),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Change log missing for v2', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Change log missing for v3', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Change log for unknown version v4', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual("Alias 'pci' not found", next(lines))
+ self.assertIn('Dry run', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('', next(lines))
+ self.assertIn('Send a total of %d patches' % count, next(lines))
+ prev = next(lines)
+ for i, commit in enumerate(series.commits):
+ self.assertEqual(' %s' % args[i], prev)
+ while True:
+ prev = next(lines)
+ if 'Cc:' not in prev:
+ break
+ self.assertEqual('To: u-boot@lists.denx.de', prev)
+ self.assertEqual('Cc: %s' % stefan, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Version: 3', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Prefix:\t RFC', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Cover: 4 lines', next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(' Cc: %s' % self.fred, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(' Cc: %s' % self.leb,
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(' Cc: %s' % mel, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(' Cc: %s' % rick, next(lines))
+ expected = ('Git command: git send-email --annotate '
+ '--in-reply-to="%s" --to "u-boot@lists.denx.de" '
+ '--cc "%s" --cc-cmd "%s send --cc-cmd %s" %s %s'
+ % (in_reply_to, stefan, sys.argv[0], cc_file, cover_fname,
+ ' '.join(args)))
+ self.assertEqual(expected, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(('%s %s\0%s' % (args[0], rick, stefan)), cc_lines[0])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '%s %s\0%s\0%s\0%s' % (args[1], self.fred, self.leb, rick, stefan),
+ cc_lines[1])
+ expected = '''
+This is a test of how the cover
+some notes
+about some things
+from the first commit
+Changes in v4:
+- Multi
+ line
+ change
+- Some changes
+- Some notes for the cover letter
+Simon Glass (2):
+ pci: Correct cast for sandbox
+ fdt: Correct cast for sandbox in fdtdec_setup_mem_size_base()
+ cmd/pci.c | 3 ++-
+ fs/fat/fat.c | 1 +
+ lib/efi_loader/efi_memory.c | 1 +
+ lib/fdtdec.c | 3 ++-
+ 4 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+ lines = open(cover_fname, encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Subject: [RFC PATCH v3 0/2] test: A test patch series',
+ lines[3])
+ self.assertEqual(expected.splitlines(), lines[7:])
+ for i, fname in enumerate(args):
+ lines = open(fname, encoding='utf-8').read().splitlines()
+ subject = [line for line in lines if line.startswith('Subject')]
+ self.assertEqual('Subject: [RFC %d/%d]' % (i + 1, count),
+ subject[0][:18])
+ # Check that we got our commit notes
+ start = 0
+ expected = ''
+ if i == 0:
+ start = 17
+ expected = '''---
+Some notes about
+the first commit
+(no changes since v2)
+Changes in v2:
+- second revision change'''
+ elif i == 1:
+ start = 17
+ expected = '''---
+Changes in v4:
+- Multi
+ line
+ change
+- Some changes
+Changes in v2:
+- Changes only for this commit'''
+ if expected:
+ expected = expected.splitlines()
+ self.assertEqual(expected, lines[start:(start+len(expected))])
+ def make_commit_with_file(self, subject, body, fname, text):
+ """Create a file and add it to the git repo with a new commit
+ Args:
+ subject (str): Subject for the commit
+ body (str): Body text of the commit
+ fname (str): Filename of file to create
+ text (str): Text to put into the file
+ """
+ path = os.path.join(self.gitdir, fname)
+ tools.WriteFile(path, text, binary=False)
+ index = self.repo.index
+ index.add(fname)
+ author = pygit2.Signature('Test user', 'test@email.com')
+ committer = author
+ tree = index.write_tree()
+ message = subject + '\n' + body
+ self.repo.create_commit('HEAD', author, committer, message, tree,
+ [self.repo.head.target])
+ def make_git_tree(self):
+ """Make a simple git tree suitable for testing
+ It has three branches:
+ 'base' has two commits: PCI, main
+ 'first' has base as upstream and two more commits: I2C, SPI
+ 'second' has base as upstream and three more: video, serial, bootm
+ Returns:
+ pygit2.Repository: repository
+ """
+ repo = pygit2.init_repository(self.gitdir)
+ self.repo = repo
+ new_tree = repo.TreeBuilder().write()
+ author = pygit2.Signature('Test user', 'test@email.com')
+ committer = author
+ _ = repo.create_commit('HEAD', author, committer, 'Created master',
+ new_tree, [])
+ self.make_commit_with_file('Initial commit', '''
+''', 'README', '''This is the README file
+describing this project
+in very little detail''')
+ self.make_commit_with_file('pci: PCI implementation', '''
+Here is a basic PCI implementation
+''', 'pci.c', '''This is a file
+it has some contents
+and some more things''')
+ self.make_commit_with_file('main: Main program', '''
+Hello here is the second commit.
+''', 'main.c', '''This is the main file
+there is very little here
+but we can always add more later
+if we want to
+Series-to: u-boot
+Series-cc: Barry Crump <bcrump@whataroa.nz>
+ base_target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
+ self.make_commit_with_file('i2c: I2C things', '''
+This has some stuff to do with I2C
+''', 'i2c.c', '''And this is the file contents
+with some I2C-related things in it''')
+ self.make_commit_with_file('spi: SPI fixes', '''
+SPI needs some fixes
+and here they are
+Signed-off-by: %s
+Series-to: u-boot
+title of the series
+This is the cover letter for the series
+with various details
+''' % self.leb, 'spi.c', '''Some fixes for SPI in this
+file to make SPI work
+better than before''')
+ first_target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
+ target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD~2')
+ repo.reset(target.oid, pygit2.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
+ self.make_commit_with_file('video: Some video improvements', '''
+Fix up the video so that
+it looks more purple. Purple is
+a very nice colour.
+''', 'video.c', '''More purple here
+Purple and purple
+Even more purple
+Could not be any more purple''')
+ self.make_commit_with_file('serial: Add a serial driver', '''
+Here is the serial driver
+for my chip.
+Series for my board
+This series implements support
+for my glorious board.
+Series-links: 183237
+''', 'serial.c', '''The code for the
+serial driver is here''')
+ self.make_commit_with_file('bootm: Make it boot', '''
+This makes my board boot
+with a fix to the bootm
+''', 'bootm.c', '''Fix up the bootm
+command to make the code as
+complicated as possible''')
+ second_target = repo.revparse_single('HEAD')
+ repo.branches.local.create('first', first_target)
+ repo.config.set_multivar('branch.first.remote', '', '.')
+ repo.config.set_multivar('branch.first.merge', '', 'refs/heads/base')
+ repo.branches.local.create('second', second_target)
+ repo.config.set_multivar('branch.second.remote', '', '.')
+ repo.config.set_multivar('branch.second.merge', '', 'refs/heads/base')
+ repo.branches.local.create('base', base_target)
+ return repo
+ def testBranch(self):
+ """Test creating patches from a branch"""
+ repo = self.make_git_tree()
+ target = repo.lookup_reference('refs/heads/first')
+ self.repo.checkout(target, strategy=pygit2.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
+ control.setup()
+ try:
+ orig_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.gitdir)
+ # Check that it can detect the current branch
+ self.assertEqual(2, gitutil.CountCommitsToBranch(None))
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ with capture_sys_output() as _:
+ _, cover_fname, patch_files = control.prepare_patches(
+ col, branch=None, count=-1, start=0, end=0,
+ ignore_binary=False, signoff=True)
+ self.assertIsNone(cover_fname)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(patch_files))
+ # Check that it can detect a different branch
+ self.assertEqual(3, gitutil.CountCommitsToBranch('second'))
+ with capture_sys_output() as _:
+ _, cover_fname, patch_files = control.prepare_patches(
+ col, branch='second', count=-1, start=0, end=0,
+ ignore_binary=False, signoff=True)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(cover_fname)
+ self.assertEqual(3, len(patch_files))
+ # Check that it can skip patches at the end
+ with capture_sys_output() as _:
+ _, cover_fname, patch_files = control.prepare_patches(
+ col, branch='second', count=-1, start=0, end=1,
+ ignore_binary=False, signoff=True)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(cover_fname)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(patch_files))
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(orig_dir)
+ def testTags(self):
+ """Test collection of tags in a patchstream"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
+Signed-off-by: Terminator
+Reviewed-by: %s
+Reviewed-by: %s
+Tested-by: %s
+''' % (self.joe, self.mary, self.leb)
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(pstrm.commit.rtags, {
+ 'Reviewed-by': {self.joe, self.mary},
+ 'Tested-by': {self.leb}})
+ def testMissingEnd(self):
+ """Test a missing END tag"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
+This is the title
+missing END after this line
+Signed-off-by: Fred
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(["Missing 'END' in section 'cover'"],
+ pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testMissingBlankLine(self):
+ """Test a missing blank line after a tag"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
+Series-changes: 2
+- First line of changes
+- Missing blank line after this line
+Signed-off-by: Fred
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(["Missing 'blank line' in section 'Series-changes'"],
+ pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testInvalidCommitTag(self):
+ """Test an invalid Commit-xxx tag"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
+Commit-fred: testing
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(["Line 3: Ignoring Commit-fred"], pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testSelfTest(self):
+ """Test a tested by tag by this user"""
+ test_line = 'Tested-by: %s@napier.com' % os.getenv('USER')
+ text = '''This is a patch
+''' % test_line
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(["Ignoring '%s'" % test_line], pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testSpaceBeforeTab(self):
+ """Test a space before a tab"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
++ \tSomething
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(["Line 3/0 has space before tab"], pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testLinesAfterTest(self):
+ """Test detecting lines after TEST= line"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
+more lines
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(["Found 2 lines after TEST="], pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testBlankLineAtEnd(self):
+ """Test detecting a blank line at the end of a file"""
+ text = '''This is a patch
+diff --git a/lib/fdtdec.c b/lib/fdtdec.c
+index c072e54..942244f 100644
+--- a/lib/fdtdec.c
++++ b/lib/fdtdec.c
+@@ -1200,7 +1200,8 @@ int fdtdec_setup_mem_size_base(void)
+ }
+ gd->ram_size = (phys_size_t)(res.end - res.start + 1);
+- debug("%s: Initial DRAM size %llx\n", __func__, (u64)gd->ram_size);
++ debug("%s: Initial DRAM size %llx\n", __func__,
++ (unsigned long long)gd->ram_size);
+diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_memory.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_memory.c
+ '''
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ["Found possible blank line(s) at end of file 'lib/fdtdec.c'"],
+ pstrm.commit.warn)
+ def testNoUpstream(self):
+ """Test CountCommitsToBranch when there is no upstream"""
+ repo = self.make_git_tree()
+ target = repo.lookup_reference('refs/heads/base')
+ self.repo.checkout(target, strategy=pygit2.GIT_CHECKOUT_FORCE)
+ # Check that it can detect the current branch
+ try:
+ orig_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.gitdir)
+ with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
+ gitutil.CountCommitsToBranch(None)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "Failed to determine upstream: fatal: no upstream configured for branch 'base'",
+ str(exc.exception))
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(orig_dir)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _fake_patchwork(url, subpath):
+ """Fake Patchwork server for the function below
+ This handles accessing a series, providing a list consisting of a
+ single patch
+ Args:
+ url (str): URL of patchwork server
+ subpath (str): URL subpath to use
+ """
+ re_series = re.match(r'series/(\d*)/$', subpath)
+ if re_series:
+ series_num = re_series.group(1)
+ if series_num == '1234':
+ return {'patches': [
+ {'id': '1', 'name': 'Some patch'}]}
+ raise ValueError('Fake Patchwork does not understand: %s' % subpath)
+ def testStatusMismatch(self):
+ """Test Patchwork patches not matching the series"""
+ series = Series()
+ with capture_sys_output() as (_, err):
+ status.collect_patches(series, 1234, None, self._fake_patchwork)
+ self.assertIn('Warning: Patchwork reports 1 patches, series has 0',
+ err.getvalue())
+ def testStatusReadPatch(self):
+ """Test handling a single patch in Patchwork"""
+ series = Series()
+ series.commits = [Commit('abcd')]
+ patches = status.collect_patches(series, 1234, None,
+ self._fake_patchwork)
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(patches))
+ patch = patches[0]
+ self.assertEqual('1', patch.id)
+ self.assertEqual('Some patch', patch.raw_subject)
+ def testParseSubject(self):
+ """Test parsing of the patch subject"""
+ patch = status.Patch('1')
+ # Simple patch not in a series
+ patch.parse_subject('Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.raw_subject)
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(1, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(1, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.version)
+ # First patch in a series
+ patch.parse_subject('[1/2] Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('[1/2] Testing', patch.raw_subject)
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(1, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(2, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.version)
+ # Second patch in a series
+ patch.parse_subject('[2/2] Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(2, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(2, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.version)
+ # RFC patch
+ patch.parse_subject('[RFC,3/7] Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(3, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(7, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual('RFC', patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.version)
+ # Version patch
+ patch.parse_subject('[v2,3/7] Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(3, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(7, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual('v2', patch.version)
+ # All fields
+ patch.parse_subject('[RESEND,v2,3/7] Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(3, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(7, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual('RESEND', patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual('v2', patch.version)
+ # RFC only
+ patch.parse_subject('[RESEND] Testing')
+ self.assertEqual('Testing', patch.subject)
+ self.assertEqual(1, patch.seq)
+ self.assertEqual(1, patch.count)
+ self.assertEqual('RESEND', patch.prefix)
+ self.assertEqual(None, patch.version)
+ def testCompareSeries(self):
+ """Test operation of compare_with_series()"""
+ commit1 = Commit('abcd')
+ commit1.subject = 'Subject 1'
+ commit2 = Commit('ef12')
+ commit2.subject = 'Subject 2'
+ commit3 = Commit('3456')
+ commit3.subject = 'Subject 2'
+ patch1 = status.Patch('1')
+ patch1.subject = 'Subject 1'
+ patch2 = status.Patch('2')
+ patch2.subject = 'Subject 2'
+ patch3 = status.Patch('3')
+ patch3.subject = 'Subject 2'
+ series = Series()
+ series.commits = [commit1]
+ patches = [patch1]
+ patch_for_commit, commit_for_patch, warnings = (
+ status.compare_with_series(series, patches))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(patch_for_commit))
+ self.assertEqual(patch1, patch_for_commit[0])
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(commit_for_patch))
+ self.assertEqual(commit1, commit_for_patch[0])
+ series.commits = [commit1]
+ patches = [patch1, patch2]
+ patch_for_commit, commit_for_patch, warnings = (
+ status.compare_with_series(series, patches))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(patch_for_commit))
+ self.assertEqual(patch1, patch_for_commit[0])
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(commit_for_patch))
+ self.assertEqual(commit1, commit_for_patch[0])
+ self.assertEqual(["Cannot find commit for patch 2 ('Subject 2')"],
+ warnings)
+ series.commits = [commit1, commit2]
+ patches = [patch1]
+ patch_for_commit, commit_for_patch, warnings = (
+ status.compare_with_series(series, patches))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(patch_for_commit))
+ self.assertEqual(patch1, patch_for_commit[0])
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(commit_for_patch))
+ self.assertEqual(commit1, commit_for_patch[0])
+ self.assertEqual(["Cannot find patch for commit 2 ('Subject 2')"],
+ warnings)
+ series.commits = [commit1, commit2, commit3]
+ patches = [patch1, patch2]
+ patch_for_commit, commit_for_patch, warnings = (
+ status.compare_with_series(series, patches))
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(patch_for_commit))
+ self.assertEqual(patch1, patch_for_commit[0])
+ self.assertEqual(patch2, patch_for_commit[1])
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(commit_for_patch))
+ self.assertEqual(commit1, commit_for_patch[0])
+ self.assertEqual(["Cannot find patch for commit 3 ('Subject 2')",
+ "Multiple commits match patch 2 ('Subject 2'):\n"
+ ' Subject 2\n Subject 2'],
+ warnings)
+ series.commits = [commit1, commit2]
+ patches = [patch1, patch2, patch3]
+ patch_for_commit, commit_for_patch, warnings = (
+ status.compare_with_series(series, patches))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(patch_for_commit))
+ self.assertEqual(patch1, patch_for_commit[0])
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(commit_for_patch))
+ self.assertEqual(commit1, commit_for_patch[0])
+ self.assertEqual(["Multiple patches match commit 2 ('Subject 2'):\n"
+ ' Subject 2\n Subject 2',
+ "Cannot find commit for patch 3 ('Subject 2')"],
+ warnings)
+ def _fake_patchwork2(self, url, subpath):
+ """Fake Patchwork server for the function below
+ This handles accessing series, patches and comments, providing the data
+ in self.patches to the caller
+ Args:
+ url (str): URL of patchwork server
+ subpath (str): URL subpath to use
+ """
+ re_series = re.match(r'series/(\d*)/$', subpath)
+ re_patch = re.match(r'patches/(\d*)/$', subpath)
+ re_comments = re.match(r'patches/(\d*)/comments/$', subpath)
+ if re_series:
+ series_num = re_series.group(1)
+ if series_num == '1234':
+ return {'patches': self.patches}
+ elif re_patch:
+ patch_num = int(re_patch.group(1))
+ patch = self.patches[patch_num - 1]
+ return patch
+ elif re_comments:
+ patch_num = int(re_comments.group(1))
+ patch = self.patches[patch_num - 1]
+ return patch.comments
+ raise ValueError('Fake Patchwork does not understand: %s' % subpath)
+ def testFindNewResponses(self):
+ """Test operation of find_new_responses()"""
+ commit1 = Commit('abcd')
+ commit1.subject = 'Subject 1'
+ commit2 = Commit('ef12')
+ commit2.subject = 'Subject 2'
+ patch1 = status.Patch('1')
+ patch1.parse_subject('[1/2] Subject 1')
+ patch1.name = patch1.raw_subject
+ patch1.content = 'This is my patch content'
+ comment1a = {'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s\n' % self.joe}
+ patch1.comments = [comment1a]
+ patch2 = status.Patch('2')
+ patch2.parse_subject('[2/2] Subject 2')
+ patch2.name = patch2.raw_subject
+ patch2.content = 'Some other patch content'
+ comment2a = {
+ 'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s\nTested-by: %s\n' %
+ (self.mary, self.leb)}
+ comment2b = {'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s' % self.fred}
+ patch2.comments = [comment2a, comment2b]
+ # This test works by setting up commits and patch for use by the fake
+ # Rest API function _fake_patchwork2(). It calls various functions in
+ # the status module after setting up tags in the commits, checking that
+ # things behaves as expected
+ self.commits = [commit1, commit2]
+ self.patches = [patch1, patch2]
+ count = 2
+ new_rtag_list = [None] * count
+ review_list = [None, None]
+ # Check that the tags are picked up on the first patch
+ status.find_new_responses(new_rtag_list, review_list, 0, commit1,
+ patch1, None, self._fake_patchwork2)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rtag_list[0], {'Reviewed-by': {self.joe}})
+ # Now the second patch
+ status.find_new_responses(new_rtag_list, review_list, 1, commit2,
+ patch2, None, self._fake_patchwork2)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rtag_list[1], {
+ 'Reviewed-by': {self.mary, self.fred},
+ 'Tested-by': {self.leb}})
+ # Now add some tags to the commit, which means they should not appear as
+ # 'new' tags when scanning comments
+ new_rtag_list = [None] * count
+ commit1.rtags = {'Reviewed-by': {self.joe}}
+ status.find_new_responses(new_rtag_list, review_list, 0, commit1,
+ patch1, None, self._fake_patchwork2)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rtag_list[0], {})
+ # For the second commit, add Ed and Fred, so only Mary should be left
+ commit2.rtags = {
+ 'Tested-by': {self.leb},
+ 'Reviewed-by': {self.fred}}
+ status.find_new_responses(new_rtag_list, review_list, 1, commit2,
+ patch2, None, self._fake_patchwork2)
+ self.assertEqual(new_rtag_list[1], {'Reviewed-by': {self.mary}})
+ # Check that the output patches expectations:
+ # 1 Subject 1
+ # Reviewed-by: Joe Bloggs <joe@napierwallies.co.nz>
+ # 2 Subject 2
+ # Tested-by: Lord Edmund Blackaddër <weasel@blackadder.org>
+ # Reviewed-by: Fred Bloggs <f.bloggs@napier.net>
+ # + Reviewed-by: Mary Bloggs <mary@napierwallies.co.nz>
+ # 1 new response available in patchwork
+ series = Series()
+ series.commits = [commit1, commit2]
+ terminal.SetPrintTestMode()
+ status.check_patchwork_status(series, '1234', None, None, False, False,
+ None, self._fake_patchwork2)
+ lines = iter(terminal.GetPrintTestLines())
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' 1 Subject 1', col.BLUE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' Reviewed-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False,
+ bright=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.joe, col.WHITE, bright=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' 2 Subject 2', col.BLUE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' Reviewed-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False,
+ bright=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.fred, col.WHITE, bright=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' Tested-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False,
+ bright=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.leb, col.WHITE, bright=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' + Reviewed-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.mary, col.WHITE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ '1 new response available in patchwork (use -d to write them to a new branch)',
+ None), next(lines))
+ def _fake_patchwork3(self, url, subpath):
+ """Fake Patchwork server for the function below
+ This handles accessing series, patches and comments, providing the data
+ in self.patches to the caller
+ Args:
+ url (str): URL of patchwork server
+ subpath (str): URL subpath to use
+ """
+ re_series = re.match(r'series/(\d*)/$', subpath)
+ re_patch = re.match(r'patches/(\d*)/$', subpath)
+ re_comments = re.match(r'patches/(\d*)/comments/$', subpath)
+ if re_series:
+ series_num = re_series.group(1)
+ if series_num == '1234':
+ return {'patches': self.patches}
+ elif re_patch:
+ patch_num = int(re_patch.group(1))
+ patch = self.patches[patch_num - 1]
+ return patch
+ elif re_comments:
+ patch_num = int(re_comments.group(1))
+ patch = self.patches[patch_num - 1]
+ return patch.comments
+ raise ValueError('Fake Patchwork does not understand: %s' % subpath)
+ def testCreateBranch(self):
+ """Test operation of create_branch()"""
+ repo = self.make_git_tree()
+ branch = 'first'
+ dest_branch = 'first2'
+ count = 2
+ gitdir = os.path.join(self.gitdir, '.git')
+ # Set up the test git tree. We use branch 'first' which has two commits
+ # in it
+ series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(branch, gitdir, count)
+ self.assertEqual(2, len(series.commits))
+ patch1 = status.Patch('1')
+ patch1.parse_subject('[1/2] %s' % series.commits[0].subject)
+ patch1.name = patch1.raw_subject
+ patch1.content = 'This is my patch content'
+ comment1a = {'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s\n' % self.joe}
+ patch1.comments = [comment1a]
+ patch2 = status.Patch('2')
+ patch2.parse_subject('[2/2] %s' % series.commits[1].subject)
+ patch2.name = patch2.raw_subject
+ patch2.content = 'Some other patch content'
+ comment2a = {
+ 'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s\nTested-by: %s\n' %
+ (self.mary, self.leb)}
+ comment2b = {
+ 'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s' % self.fred}
+ patch2.comments = [comment2a, comment2b]
+ # This test works by setting up patches for use by the fake Rest API
+ # function _fake_patchwork3(). The fake patch comments above should
+ # result in new review tags that are collected and added to the commits
+ # created in the destination branch.
+ self.patches = [patch1, patch2]
+ count = 2
+ # Expected output:
+ # 1 i2c: I2C things
+ # + Reviewed-by: Joe Bloggs <joe@napierwallies.co.nz>
+ # 2 spi: SPI fixes
+ # + Reviewed-by: Fred Bloggs <f.bloggs@napier.net>
+ # + Reviewed-by: Mary Bloggs <mary@napierwallies.co.nz>
+ # + Tested-by: Lord Edmund Blackaddër <weasel@blackadder.org>
+ # 4 new responses available in patchwork
+ # 4 responses added from patchwork into new branch 'first2'
+ # <unittest.result.TestResult run=8 errors=0 failures=0>
+ terminal.SetPrintTestMode()
+ status.check_patchwork_status(series, '1234', branch, dest_branch,
+ False, False, None, self._fake_patchwork3,
+ repo)
+ lines = terminal.GetPrintTestLines()
+ self.assertEqual(12, len(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "4 responses added from patchwork into new branch 'first2'",
+ lines[11].text)
+ # Check that the destination branch has the new tags
+ new_series = patchstream.get_metadata_for_list(dest_branch, gitdir,
+ count)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'Reviewed-by': {self.joe}},
+ new_series.commits[0].rtags)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'Tested-by': {self.leb},
+ 'Reviewed-by': {self.fred, self.mary}},
+ new_series.commits[1].rtags)
+ # Now check the actual test of the first commit message. We expect to
+ # see the new tags immediately below the old ones.
+ stdout = patchstream.get_list(dest_branch, count=count, git_dir=gitdir)
+ lines = iter([line.strip() for line in stdout.splitlines()
+ if '-by:' in line])
+ # First patch should have the review tag
+ self.assertEqual('Reviewed-by: %s' % self.joe, next(lines))
+ # Second patch should have the sign-off then the tested-by and two
+ # reviewed-by tags
+ self.assertEqual('Signed-off-by: %s' % self.leb, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Reviewed-by: %s' % self.fred, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Reviewed-by: %s' % self.mary, next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual('Tested-by: %s' % self.leb, next(lines))
+ def testParseSnippets(self):
+ """Test parsing of review snippets"""
+ text = '''Hi Fred,
+This is a comment from someone.
+Something else
+On some recent date, Fred wrote:
+> This is why I wrote the patch
+> so here it is
+Now a comment about the commit message
+A little more to say
+Even more
+> diff --git a/file.c b/file.c
+> Some more code
+> Code line 2
+> Code line 3
+> Code line 4
+> Code line 5
+> Code line 6
+> Code line 7
+> Code line 8
+> Code line 9
+And another comment
+> @@ -153,8 +143,13 @@ def CheckPatch(fname, show_types=False):
+> further down on the file
+> and more code
+> +Addition here
+> +Another addition here
+> codey
+> more codey
+and another thing in same file
+> @@ -253,8 +243,13 @@
+> with no function context
+one more thing
+> diff --git a/tools/patman/main.py b/tools/patman/main.py
+> +line of code
+now a very long comment in a different file
+ pstrm = PatchStream.process_text(text, True)
+ self.assertEqual([], pstrm.commit.warn)
+ # We expect to the filename and up to 5 lines of code context before
+ # each comment. The 'On xxx wrote:' bit should be removed.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [['Hi Fred,',
+ 'This is a comment from someone.',
+ 'Something else'],
+ ['> This is why I wrote the patch',
+ '> so here it is',
+ 'Now a comment about the commit message',
+ 'A little more to say', 'Even more'],
+ ['> File: file.c', '> Code line 5', '> Code line 6',
+ '> Code line 7', '> Code line 8', '> Code line 9',
+ 'And another comment'],
+ ['> File: file.c',
+ '> Line: 153 / 143: def CheckPatch(fname, show_types=False):',
+ '> and more code', '> +Addition here', '> +Another addition here',
+ '> codey', '> more codey', 'and another thing in same file'],
+ ['> File: file.c', '> Line: 253 / 243',
+ '> with no function context', 'one more thing'],
+ ['> File: tools/patman/main.py', '> +line of code',
+ 'now a very long comment in a different file',
+ 'line2', 'line3', 'line4', 'line5', 'line6', 'line7', 'line8']],
+ pstrm.snippets)
+ def testReviewSnippets(self):
+ """Test showing of review snippets"""
+ def _to_submitter(who):
+ m_who = re.match('(.*) <(.*)>', who)
+ return {
+ 'name': m_who.group(1),
+ 'email': m_who.group(2)
+ }
+ commit1 = Commit('abcd')
+ commit1.subject = 'Subject 1'
+ commit2 = Commit('ef12')
+ commit2.subject = 'Subject 2'
+ patch1 = status.Patch('1')
+ patch1.parse_subject('[1/2] Subject 1')
+ patch1.name = patch1.raw_subject
+ patch1.content = 'This is my patch content'
+ comment1a = {'submitter': _to_submitter(self.joe),
+ 'content': '''Hi Fred,
+On some date Fred wrote:
+> diff --git a/file.c b/file.c
+> Some code
+> and more code
+Here is my comment above the above...
+Reviewed-by: %s
+''' % self.joe}
+ patch1.comments = [comment1a]
+ patch2 = status.Patch('2')
+ patch2.parse_subject('[2/2] Subject 2')
+ patch2.name = patch2.raw_subject
+ patch2.content = 'Some other patch content'
+ comment2a = {
+ 'content': 'Reviewed-by: %s\nTested-by: %s\n' %
+ (self.mary, self.leb)}
+ comment2b = {'submitter': _to_submitter(self.fred),
+ 'content': '''Hi Fred,
+On some date Fred wrote:
+> diff --git a/tools/patman/commit.py b/tools/patman/commit.py
+> @@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ class Commit:
+> self.rtags = collections.defaultdict(set)
+> self.warn = []
+> + def __str__(self):
+> + return self.subject
+> +
+> def AddChange(self, version, info):
+> """Add a new change line to the change list for a version.
+A comment
+Reviewed-by: %s
+''' % self.fred}
+ patch2.comments = [comment2a, comment2b]
+ # This test works by setting up commits and patch for use by the fake
+ # Rest API function _fake_patchwork2(). It calls various functions in
+ # the status module after setting up tags in the commits, checking that
+ # things behaves as expected
+ self.commits = [commit1, commit2]
+ self.patches = [patch1, patch2]
+ # Check that the output patches expectations:
+ # 1 Subject 1
+ # Reviewed-by: Joe Bloggs <joe@napierwallies.co.nz>
+ # 2 Subject 2
+ # Tested-by: Lord Edmund Blackaddër <weasel@blackadder.org>
+ # Reviewed-by: Fred Bloggs <f.bloggs@napier.net>
+ # + Reviewed-by: Mary Bloggs <mary@napierwallies.co.nz>
+ # 1 new response available in patchwork
+ series = Series()
+ series.commits = [commit1, commit2]
+ terminal.SetPrintTestMode()
+ status.check_patchwork_status(series, '1234', None, None, False, True,
+ None, self._fake_patchwork2)
+ lines = iter(terminal.GetPrintTestLines())
+ col = terminal.Color()
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' 1 Subject 1', col.BLUE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' + Reviewed-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.joe, col.WHITE), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine('Review: %s' % self.joe, col.RED),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' Hi Fred,', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine('', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' > File: file.c', col.MAGENTA),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' > Some code', col.MAGENTA),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' > and more code', col.MAGENTA),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' Here is my comment above the above...', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine('', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' 2 Subject 2', col.BLUE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' + Reviewed-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.fred, col.WHITE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' + Reviewed-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.mary, col.WHITE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' + Tested-by: ', col.GREEN, newline=False),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(self.leb, col.WHITE),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine('Review: %s' % self.fred, col.RED),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(' Hi Fred,', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine('', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' > File: tools/patman/commit.py', col.MAGENTA), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' > Line: 41 / 41: class Commit:', col.MAGENTA), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' > + return self.subject', col.MAGENTA), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' > +', col.MAGENTA), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ terminal.PrintLine(' > def AddChange(self, version, info):',
+ col.MAGENTA),
+ next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' > """Add a new change line to the change list for a version.',
+ col.MAGENTA), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' >', col.MAGENTA), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ ' A comment', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine('', None), next(lines))
+ self.assertEqual(terminal.PrintLine(
+ '4 new responses available in patchwork (use -d to write them to a new branch)',
+ None), next(lines))