path: root/scripts/analyse-9p-simpletrace.py
diff options
authorTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
committerTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
commite02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (patch)
treeaee302e3cf8b59ec2d32ec481be3d1afddfc8968 /scripts/analyse-9p-simpletrace.py
parentcc668e6b7e0ffd8c9d130513d12053cf5eda1d3b (diff)
Introduce Virtio-loopback epsilon release:
Epsilon release introduces a new compatibility layer which make virtio-loopback design to work with QEMU and rust-vmm vhost-user backend without require any changes. Signed-off-by: Timos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com> Change-Id: I52e57563e08a7d0bdc002f8e928ee61ba0c53dd9
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/analyse-9p-simpletrace.py')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/analyse-9p-simpletrace.py b/scripts/analyse-9p-simpletrace.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7dfcb6ba2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/analyse-9p-simpletrace.py
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Pretty print 9p simpletrace log
+# Usage: ./analyse-9p-simpletrace <trace-events> <trace-pid>
+# Author: Harsh Prateek Bora
+import os
+import simpletrace
+symbol_9p = {
+ 6 : 'TLERROR',
+ 7 : 'RLERROR',
+ 8 : 'TSTATFS',
+ 9 : 'RSTATFS',
+ 12 : 'TLOPEN',
+ 13 : 'RLOPEN',
+ 14 : 'TLCREATE',
+ 15 : 'RLCREATE',
+ 16 : 'TSYMLINK',
+ 17 : 'RSYMLINK',
+ 18 : 'TMKNOD',
+ 19 : 'RMKNOD',
+ 20 : 'TRENAME',
+ 21 : 'RRENAME',
+ 22 : 'TREADLINK',
+ 23 : 'RREADLINK',
+ 24 : 'TGETATTR',
+ 25 : 'RGETATTR',
+ 26 : 'TSETATTR',
+ 27 : 'RSETATTR',
+ 30 : 'TXATTRWALK',
+ 31 : 'RXATTRWALK',
+ 40 : 'TREADDIR',
+ 41 : 'RREADDIR',
+ 50 : 'TFSYNC',
+ 51 : 'RFSYNC',
+ 52 : 'TLOCK',
+ 53 : 'RLOCK',
+ 54 : 'TGETLOCK',
+ 55 : 'RGETLOCK',
+ 70 : 'TLINK',
+ 71 : 'RLINK',
+ 72 : 'TMKDIR',
+ 73 : 'RMKDIR',
+ 74 : 'TRENAMEAT',
+ 75 : 'RRENAMEAT',
+ 76 : 'TUNLINKAT',
+ 77 : 'RUNLINKAT',
+ 100 : 'TVERSION',
+ 101 : 'RVERSION',
+ 102 : 'TAUTH',
+ 103 : 'RAUTH',
+ 104 : 'TATTACH',
+ 105 : 'RATTACH',
+ 106 : 'TERROR',
+ 107 : 'RERROR',
+ 108 : 'TFLUSH',
+ 109 : 'RFLUSH',
+ 110 : 'TWALK',
+ 111 : 'RWALK',
+ 112 : 'TOPEN',
+ 113 : 'ROPEN',
+ 114 : 'TCREATE',
+ 115 : 'RCREATE',
+ 116 : 'TREAD',
+ 117 : 'RREAD',
+ 118 : 'TWRITE',
+ 119 : 'RWRITE',
+ 120 : 'TCLUNK',
+ 121 : 'RCLUNK',
+ 122 : 'TREMOVE',
+ 123 : 'RREMOVE',
+ 124 : 'TSTAT',
+ 125 : 'RSTAT',
+ 126 : 'TWSTAT',
+ 127 : 'RWSTAT'
+class VirtFSRequestTracker(simpletrace.Analyzer):
+ def begin(self):
+ print("Pretty printing 9p simpletrace log ...")
+ def v9fs_rerror(self, tag, id, err):
+ print("RERROR (tag =", tag, ", id =", symbol_9p[id], ", err = \"", os.strerror(err), "\")")
+ def v9fs_version(self, tag, id, msize, version):
+ print("TVERSION (tag =", tag, ", msize =", msize, ", version =", version, ")")
+ def v9fs_version_return(self, tag, id, msize, version):
+ print("RVERSION (tag =", tag, ", msize =", msize, ", version =", version, ")")
+ def v9fs_attach(self, tag, id, fid, afid, uname, aname):
+ print("TATTACH (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", afid =", afid, ", uname =", uname, ", aname =", aname, ")")
+ def v9fs_attach_return(self, tag, id, type, version, path):
+ print("RATTACH (tag =", tag, ", qid={type =", type, ", version =", version, ", path =", path, "})")
+ def v9fs_stat(self, tag, id, fid):
+ print("TSTAT (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ")")
+ def v9fs_stat_return(self, tag, id, mode, atime, mtime, length):
+ print("RSTAT (tag =", tag, ", mode =", mode, ", atime =", atime, ", mtime =", mtime, ", length =", length, ")")
+ def v9fs_getattr(self, tag, id, fid, request_mask):
+ print("TGETATTR (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", request_mask =", hex(request_mask), ")")
+ def v9fs_getattr_return(self, tag, id, result_mask, mode, uid, gid):
+ print("RGETATTR (tag =", tag, ", result_mask =", hex(result_mask), ", mode =", oct(mode), ", uid =", uid, ", gid =", gid, ")")
+ def v9fs_walk(self, tag, id, fid, newfid, nwnames):
+ print("TWALK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", newfid =", newfid, ", nwnames =", nwnames, ")")
+ def v9fs_walk_return(self, tag, id, nwnames, qids):
+ print("RWALK (tag =", tag, ", nwnames =", nwnames, ", qids =", hex(qids), ")")
+ def v9fs_open(self, tag, id, fid, mode):
+ print("TOPEN (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", mode =", oct(mode), ")")
+ def v9fs_open_return(self, tag, id, type, version, path, iounit):
+ print("ROPEN (tag =", tag, ", qid={type =", type, ", version =", version, ", path =", path, "}, iounit =", iounit, ")")
+ def v9fs_lcreate(self, tag, id, dfid, flags, mode, gid):
+ print("TLCREATE (tag =", tag, ", dfid =", dfid, ", flags =", oct(flags), ", mode =", oct(mode), ", gid =", gid, ")")
+ def v9fs_lcreate_return(self, tag, id, type, version, path, iounit):
+ print("RLCREATE (tag =", tag, ", qid={type =", type, ", version =", version, ", path =", path, "}, iounit =", iounit, ")")
+ def v9fs_fsync(self, tag, id, fid, datasync):
+ print("TFSYNC (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", datasync =", datasync, ")")
+ def v9fs_clunk(self, tag, id, fid):
+ print("TCLUNK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ")")
+ def v9fs_read(self, tag, id, fid, off, max_count):
+ print("TREAD (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", off =", off, ", max_count =", max_count, ")")
+ def v9fs_read_return(self, tag, id, count, err):
+ print("RREAD (tag =", tag, ", count =", count, ", err =", err, ")")
+ def v9fs_readdir(self, tag, id, fid, offset, max_count):
+ print("TREADDIR (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", offset =", offset, ", max_count =", max_count, ")")
+ def v9fs_readdir_return(self, tag, id, count, retval):
+ print("RREADDIR (tag =", tag, ", count =", count, ", retval =", retval, ")")
+ def v9fs_write(self, tag, id, fid, off, count, cnt):
+ print("TWRITE (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", off =", off, ", count =", count, ", cnt =", cnt, ")")
+ def v9fs_write_return(self, tag, id, total, err):
+ print("RWRITE (tag =", tag, ", total =", total, ", err =", err, ")")
+ def v9fs_create(self, tag, id, fid, name, perm, mode):
+ print("TCREATE (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", perm =", oct(perm), ", name =", name, ", mode =", oct(mode), ")")
+ def v9fs_create_return(self, tag, id, type, version, path, iounit):
+ print("RCREATE (tag =", tag, ", qid={type =", type, ", version =", version, ", path =", path, "}, iounit =", iounit, ")")
+ def v9fs_symlink(self, tag, id, fid, name, symname, gid):
+ print("TSYMLINK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", name =", name, ", symname =", symname, ", gid =", gid, ")")
+ def v9fs_symlink_return(self, tag, id, type, version, path):
+ print("RSYMLINK (tag =", tag, ", qid={type =", type, ", version =", version, ", path =", path, "})")
+ def v9fs_flush(self, tag, id, flush_tag):
+ print("TFLUSH (tag =", tag, ", flush_tag =", flush_tag, ")")
+ def v9fs_link(self, tag, id, dfid, oldfid, name):
+ print("TLINK (tag =", tag, ", dfid =", dfid, ", oldfid =", oldfid, ", name =", name, ")")
+ def v9fs_remove(self, tag, id, fid):
+ print("TREMOVE (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ")")
+ def v9fs_wstat(self, tag, id, fid, mode, atime, mtime):
+ print("TWSTAT (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", mode =", oct(mode), ", atime =", atime, "mtime =", mtime, ")")
+ def v9fs_mknod(self, tag, id, fid, mode, major, minor):
+ print("TMKNOD (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", mode =", oct(mode), ", major =", major, ", minor =", minor, ")")
+ def v9fs_lock(self, tag, id, fid, type, start, length):
+ print("TLOCK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, "type =", type, ", start =", start, ", length =", length, ")")
+ def v9fs_lock_return(self, tag, id, status):
+ print("RLOCK (tag =", tag, ", status =", status, ")")
+ def v9fs_getlock(self, tag, id, fid, type, start, length):
+ print("TGETLOCK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, "type =", type, ", start =", start, ", length =", length, ")")
+ def v9fs_getlock_return(self, tag, id, type, start, length, proc_id):
+ print("RGETLOCK (tag =", tag, "type =", type, ", start =", start, ", length =", length, ", proc_id =", proc_id, ")")
+ def v9fs_mkdir(self, tag, id, fid, name, mode, gid):
+ print("TMKDIR (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", name =", name, ", mode =", mode, ", gid =", gid, ")")
+ def v9fs_mkdir_return(self, tag, id, type, version, path, err):
+ print("RMKDIR (tag =", tag, ", qid={type =", type, ", version =", version, ", path =", path, "}, err =", err, ")")
+ def v9fs_xattrwalk(self, tag, id, fid, newfid, name):
+ print("TXATTRWALK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", newfid =", newfid, ", xattr name =", name, ")")
+ def v9fs_xattrwalk_return(self, tag, id, size):
+ print("RXATTRWALK (tag =", tag, ", xattrsize =", size, ")")
+ def v9fs_xattrcreate(self, tag, id, fid, name, size, flags):
+ print("TXATTRCREATE (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ", name =", name, ", xattrsize =", size, ", flags =", flags, ")")
+ def v9fs_readlink(self, tag, id, fid):
+ print("TREADLINK (tag =", tag, ", fid =", fid, ")")
+ def v9fs_readlink_return(self, tag, id, target):
+ print("RREADLINK (tag =", tag, ", target =", target, ")")