path: root/scripts/codeconverter
diff options
authorTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
committerTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
commite02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (patch)
treeaee302e3cf8b59ec2d32ec481be3d1afddfc8968 /scripts/codeconverter
parentcc668e6b7e0ffd8c9d130513d12053cf5eda1d3b (diff)
Introduce Virtio-loopback epsilon release:
Epsilon release introduces a new compatibility layer which make virtio-loopback design to work with QEMU and rust-vmm vhost-user backend without require any changes. Signed-off-by: Timos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com> Change-Id: I52e57563e08a7d0bdc002f8e928ee61ba0c53dd9
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/codeconverter')
9 files changed, 2995 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/__init__.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/__init__.py
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/patching.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/patching.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9e92505d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/patching.py
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+from typing import IO, Match, NamedTuple, Optional, Literal, Iterable, Type, Dict, List, Any, TypeVar, NewType, Tuple, Union
+from pathlib import Path
+from itertools import chain
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+from io import StringIO
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DBG = logger.debug
+INFO = logger.info
+WARN = logger.warning
+ERROR = logger.error
+from .utils import *
+T = TypeVar('T')
+class Patch(NamedTuple):
+ # start inside file.original_content
+ start: int
+ # end position inside file.original_content
+ end: int
+ # replacement string for file.original_content[start:end]
+ replacement: str
+IdentifierType = Literal['type', 'symbol', 'include', 'constant']
+class RequiredIdentifier(NamedTuple):
+ type: IdentifierType
+ name: str
+class FileMatch:
+ """Base class for regex matches
+ Subclasses just need to set the `regexp` class attribute
+ """
+ regexp: Optional[str] = None
+ def __init__(self, f: 'FileInfo', m: Match) -> None:
+ self.file: 'FileInfo' = f
+ self.match: Match[str] = m
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str:
+ if 'name' not in self.match.groupdict():
+ return '[no name]'
+ return self.group('name')
+ @classmethod
+ def compiled_re(klass):
+ return re.compile(klass.regexp, re.MULTILINE)
+ def start(self) -> int:
+ return self.match.start()
+ def end(self) -> int:
+ return self.match.end()
+ def line_col(self) -> LineAndColumn:
+ return self.file.line_col(self.start())
+ def group(self, group: Union[int, str]) -> str:
+ return self.match.group(group)
+ def getgroup(self, group: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ if group not in self.match.groupdict():
+ return None
+ return self.match.group(group)
+ def log(self, level, fmt, *args) -> None:
+ pos = self.line_col()
+ logger.log(level, '%s:%d:%d: '+fmt, self.file.filename, pos.line, pos.col, *args)
+ def debug(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
+ self.log(logging.DEBUG, fmt, *args)
+ def info(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
+ self.log(logging.INFO, fmt, *args)
+ def warn(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
+ self.log(logging.WARNING, fmt, *args)
+ def error(self, fmt, *args) -> None:
+ self.log(logging.ERROR, fmt, *args)
+ def sub(self, original: str, replacement: str) -> str:
+ """Replace content
+ XXX: this won't use the match position, but will just
+ replace all strings that look like the original match.
+ This should be enough for all the patterns used in this
+ script.
+ """
+ return original.replace(self.group(0), replacement)
+ def sanity_check(self) -> None:
+ """Sanity check match, and print warnings if necessary"""
+ pass
+ def replacement(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Return replacement text for pattern, to use new code conventions"""
+ return None
+ def make_patch(self, replacement: str) -> 'Patch':
+ """Make patch replacing the content of this match"""
+ return Patch(self.start(), self.end(), replacement)
+ def make_subpatch(self, start: int, end: int, replacement: str) -> 'Patch':
+ return Patch(self.start() + start, self.start() + end, replacement)
+ def make_removal_patch(self) -> 'Patch':
+ """Make patch removing contents of match completely"""
+ return self.make_patch('')
+ def append(self, s: str) -> 'Patch':
+ """Make patch appending string after this match"""
+ return Patch(self.end(), self.end(), s)
+ def prepend(self, s: str) -> 'Patch':
+ """Make patch prepending string before this match"""
+ return Patch(self.start(), self.start(), s)
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable['Patch']:
+ """Patch source code contents to use new code patterns"""
+ replacement = self.replacement()
+ if replacement is not None:
+ yield self.make_patch(replacement)
+ @classmethod
+ def has_replacement_rule(klass) -> bool:
+ return (klass.gen_patches is not FileMatch.gen_patches
+ or klass.replacement is not FileMatch.replacement)
+ def contains(self, other: 'FileMatch') -> bool:
+ return other.start() >= self.start() and other.end() <= self.end()
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ start = self.file.line_col(self.start())
+ end = self.file.line_col(self.end() - 1)
+ return '<%s %s at %d:%d-%d:%d: %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.name,
+ start.line, start.col,
+ end.line, end.col, self.group(0)[:100])
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ """Can be implemented by subclasses to keep track of identifier references
+ This method will be used by the code that moves declarations around the file,
+ to make sure we find the right spot for them.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ """Can be implemented by subclasses to keep track of identifier references
+ This method will be used by the code that moves declarations around the file,
+ to make sure we find the right spot for them.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ @classmethod
+ def finditer(klass, content: str, pos=0, endpos=-1) -> Iterable[Match]:
+ """Helper for re.finditer()"""
+ if endpos >= 0:
+ content = content[:endpos]
+ return klass.compiled_re().finditer(content, pos)
+ @classmethod
+ def domatch(klass, content: str, pos=0, endpos=-1) -> Optional[Match]:
+ """Helper for re.match()"""
+ if endpos >= 0:
+ content = content[:endpos]
+ return klass.compiled_re().match(content, pos)
+ def group_finditer(self, klass: Type['FileMatch'], group: Union[str, int]) -> Iterable['FileMatch']:
+ assert self.file.original_content
+ return (klass(self.file, m)
+ for m in klass.finditer(self.file.original_content,
+ self.match.start(group),
+ self.match.end(group)))
+ def try_group_match(self, klass: Type['FileMatch'], group: Union[str, int]) -> Optional['FileMatch']:
+ assert self.file.original_content
+ m = klass.domatch(self.file.original_content,
+ self.match.start(group),
+ self.match.end(group))
+ if not m:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return klass(self.file, m)
+ def group_match(self, group: Union[str, int]) -> 'FileMatch':
+ m = self.try_group_match(FullMatch, group)
+ assert m
+ return m
+ @property
+ def allfiles(self) -> 'FileList':
+ return self.file.allfiles
+class FullMatch(FileMatch):
+ """Regexp that will match all contents of string
+ Useful when used with group_match()
+ """
+ regexp = r'(?s).*' # (?s) is re.DOTALL
+def all_subclasses(c: Type[FileMatch]) -> Iterable[Type[FileMatch]]:
+ for sc in c.__subclasses__():
+ yield sc
+ yield from all_subclasses(sc)
+def match_class_dict() -> Dict[str, Type[FileMatch]]:
+ d = dict((t.__name__, t) for t in all_subclasses(FileMatch))
+ return d
+def names(matches: Iterable[FileMatch]) -> Iterable[str]:
+ return [m.name for m in matches]
+class PatchingError(Exception):
+ pass
+class OverLappingPatchesError(PatchingError):
+ pass
+def apply_patches(s: str, patches: Iterable[Patch]) -> str:
+ """Apply a sequence of patches to string
+ >>> apply_patches('abcdefg', [Patch(2,2,'xxx'), Patch(0, 1, 'yy')])
+ 'yybxxxcdefg'
+ """
+ r = StringIO()
+ last = 0
+ def patch_sort_key(item: Tuple[int, Patch]) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
+ """Patches are sorted by byte position,
+ patches at the same byte position are applied in the order
+ they were generated.
+ """
+ i,p = item
+ return (p.start, p.end, i)
+ for i,p in sorted(enumerate(patches), key=patch_sort_key):
+ DBG("Applying patch at position %d (%s) - %d (%s): %r",
+ p.start, line_col(s, p.start),
+ p.end, line_col(s, p.end),
+ p.replacement)
+ if last > p.start:
+ raise OverLappingPatchesError("Overlapping patch at position %d (%s), last patch at %d (%s)" % \
+ (p.start, line_col(s, p.start), last, line_col(s, last)))
+ r.write(s[last:p.start])
+ r.write(p.replacement)
+ last = p.end
+ r.write(s[last:])
+ return r.getvalue()
+class RegexpScanner:
+ def __init__(self) -> None:
+ self.match_index: Dict[Type[Any], List[FileMatch]] = {}
+ self.match_name_index: Dict[Tuple[Type[Any], str, str], Optional[FileMatch]] = {}
+ def _matches_of_type(self, klass: Type[Any]) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def matches_of_type(self, t: Type[T]) -> List[T]:
+ if t not in self.match_index:
+ self.match_index[t] = list(self._matches_of_type(t))
+ return self.match_index[t] # type: ignore
+ def find_matches(self, t: Type[T], name: str, group: str='name') -> List[T]:
+ indexkey = (t, name, group)
+ if indexkey in self.match_name_index:
+ return self.match_name_index[indexkey] # type: ignore
+ r: List[T] = []
+ for m in self.matches_of_type(t):
+ assert isinstance(m, FileMatch)
+ if m.getgroup(group) == name:
+ r.append(m) # type: ignore
+ self.match_name_index[indexkey] = r # type: ignore
+ return r
+ def find_match(self, t: Type[T], name: str, group: str='name') -> Optional[T]:
+ l = self.find_matches(t, name, group)
+ if not l:
+ return None
+ if len(l) > 1:
+ logger.warn("multiple matches found for %r (%s=%r)", t, group, name)
+ return None
+ return l[0]
+ def reset_index(self) -> None:
+ self.match_index.clear()
+ self.match_name_index.clear()
+class FileInfo(RegexpScanner):
+ filename: Path
+ original_content: Optional[str] = None
+ def __init__(self, files: 'FileList', filename: os.PathLike, force:bool=False) -> None:
+ super().__init__()
+ self.allfiles = files
+ self.filename = Path(filename)
+ self.patches: List[Patch] = []
+ self.force = force
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f'<FileInfo {repr(self.filename)}>'
+ def filename_matches(self, name: str) -> bool:
+ nameparts = Path(name).parts
+ return self.filename.parts[-len(nameparts):] == nameparts
+ def line_col(self, start: int) -> LineAndColumn:
+ """Return line and column for a match object inside original_content"""
+ return line_col(self.original_content, start)
+ def _matches_of_type(self, klass: Type[Any]) -> List[FileMatch]:
+ """Build FileMatch objects for each match of regexp"""
+ if not hasattr(klass, 'regexp') or klass.regexp is None:
+ return []
+ assert hasattr(klass, 'regexp')
+ DBG("%s: scanning for %s", self.filename, klass.__name__)
+ DBG("regexp: %s", klass.regexp)
+ matches = [klass(self, m) for m in klass.finditer(self.original_content)]
+ DBG('%s: %d matches found for %s: %s', self.filename, len(matches),
+ klass.__name__,' '.join(names(matches)))
+ return matches
+ def find_match(self, t: Type[T], name: str, group: str='name') -> Optional[T]:
+ for m in self.matches_of_type(t):
+ assert isinstance(m, FileMatch)
+ if m.getgroup(group) == name:
+ return m # type: ignore
+ return None
+ def reset_content(self, s:str):
+ self.original_content = s
+ self.patches.clear()
+ self.reset_index()
+ self.allfiles.reset_index()
+ def load(self) -> None:
+ if self.original_content is not None:
+ return
+ with open(self.filename, 'rt') as f:
+ self.reset_content(f.read())
+ @property
+ def all_matches(self) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
+ lists = list(self.match_index.values())
+ return (m for l in lists
+ for m in l)
+ def gen_patches(self, matches: List[FileMatch]) -> None:
+ for m in matches:
+ DBG("Generating patches for %r", m)
+ for i,p in enumerate(m.gen_patches()):
+ DBG("patch %d generated by %r:", i, m)
+ DBG("replace contents at %s-%s with %r",
+ self.line_col(p.start), self.line_col(p.end), p.replacement)
+ self.patches.append(p)
+ def scan_for_matches(self, class_names: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
+ DBG("class names: %r", class_names)
+ class_dict = match_class_dict()
+ if class_names is None:
+ DBG("default class names")
+ class_names = list(name for name,klass in class_dict.items()
+ if klass.has_replacement_rule())
+ DBG("class_names: %r", class_names)
+ for cn in class_names:
+ matches = self.matches_of_type(class_dict[cn])
+ DBG('%d matches found for %s: %s',
+ len(matches), cn, ' '.join(names(matches)))
+ yield from matches
+ def apply_patches(self) -> None:
+ """Replace self.original_content after applying patches from self.patches"""
+ self.reset_content(self.get_patched_content())
+ def get_patched_content(self) -> str:
+ assert self.original_content is not None
+ return apply_patches(self.original_content, self.patches)
+ def write_to_file(self, f: IO[str]) -> None:
+ f.write(self.get_patched_content())
+ def write_to_filename(self, filename: os.PathLike) -> None:
+ with open(filename, 'wt') as of:
+ self.write_to_file(of)
+ def patch_inplace(self) -> None:
+ newfile = self.filename.with_suffix('.changed')
+ self.write_to_filename(newfile)
+ os.rename(newfile, self.filename)
+ def show_diff(self) -> None:
+ with NamedTemporaryFile('wt') as f:
+ self.write_to_file(f)
+ f.flush()
+ subprocess.call(['diff', '-u', self.filename, f.name])
+ def ref(self):
+ return TypeInfoReference
+class FileList(RegexpScanner):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.files: List[FileInfo] = []
+ def extend(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.files.extend(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return iter(self.files)
+ def _matches_of_type(self, klass: Type[Any]) -> Iterable[FileMatch]:
+ return chain(*(f._matches_of_type(klass) for f in self.files))
+ def find_file(self, name: str) -> Optional[FileInfo]:
+ """Get file with path ending with @name"""
+ for f in self.files:
+ if f.filename_matches(name):
+ return f
+ else:
+ return None
+ def one_pass(self, class_names: List[str]) -> int:
+ total_patches = 0
+ for f in self.files:
+ INFO("Scanning file %s", f.filename)
+ matches = list(f.scan_for_matches(class_names))
+ INFO("Generating patches for file %s", f.filename)
+ f.gen_patches(matches)
+ total_patches += len(f.patches)
+ if total_patches:
+ for f in self.files:
+ try:
+ f.apply_patches()
+ except PatchingError:
+ logger.exception("%s: failed to patch file", f.filename)
+ return total_patches
+ def patch_content(self, max_passes, class_names: List[str]) -> None:
+ """Multi-pass content patching loop
+ We run multiple passes because there are rules that will
+ delete init functions once they become empty.
+ """
+ passes = 0
+ total_patches = 0
+ DBG("max_passes: %r", max_passes)
+ while not max_passes or max_passes <= 0 or passes < max_passes:
+ passes += 1
+ INFO("Running pass: %d", passes)
+ count = self.one_pass(class_names)
+ DBG("patch content: pass %d: %d patches generated", passes, count)
+ total_patches += count
+ DBG("%d patches applied total in %d passes", total_patches, passes)
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2d2f2055a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_macros.py
@@ -0,0 +1,861 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import re
+from itertools import chain
+from typing import *
+from .regexps import *
+from .patching import *
+from .utils import *
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DBG = logger.debug
+INFO = logger.info
+WARN = logger.warning
+# simple expressions:
+class DefineDirective(FileMatch):
+ """Match any #define directive"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE, NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\b')
+class ExpressionDefine(FileMatch):
+ """Simple #define preprocessor directive for an expression"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE, NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ CPP_SPACE, NAMED('value', RE_EXPRESSION), r'[ \t]*\n')
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('name'))
+class ConstantDefine(ExpressionDefine):
+ """Simple #define preprocessor directive for a number or string constant"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE, NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ CPP_SPACE, NAMED('value', RE_CONSTANT), r'[ \t]*\n')
+class TypeIdentifiers(NamedTuple):
+ """Type names found in type declarations"""
+ typename: Optional[str]
+ uppercase: Optional[str] = None
+ # MyDevice
+ instancetype: Optional[str] = None
+ # MyDeviceClass
+ classtype: Optional[str] = None
+ # my_device
+ lowercase: Optional[str] = None
+ def allfields(self):
+ return tuple(getattr(self, f) for f in self._fields)
+ def merge(self, other: 'TypeIdentifiers') -> Optional['TypeIdentifiers']:
+ """Check if identifiers match, return new identifier with complete list"""
+ if any(not opt_compare(a, b) for a,b in zip(self, other)):
+ return None
+ return TypeIdentifiers(*(merge(a, b) for a,b in zip(self, other)))
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ values = ((f, getattr(self, f)) for f in self._fields)
+ s = ', '.join('%s=%s' % (f,v) for f,v in values if v is not None)
+ return f'{s}'
+ def check_consistency(self) -> List[str]:
+ """Check if identifiers are consistent with each other,
+ return list of problems (or empty list if everything seems consistent)
+ """
+ r = []
+ if self.typename is None:
+ r.append("typename (TYPE_MYDEVICE) is unavailable")
+ if self.uppercase is None:
+ r.append("uppercase name is unavailable")
+ if (self.instancetype is not None
+ and self.classtype is not None
+ and self.classtype != f'{self.instancetype}Class'):
+ r.append("class typedef %s doesn't match instance typedef %s" %
+ (self.classtype, self.instancetype))
+ if (self.uppercase is not None
+ and self.typename is not None
+ and f'TYPE_{self.uppercase}' != self.typename):
+ r.append("uppercase name (%s) doesn't match type name (%s)" %
+ (self.uppercase, self.typename))
+ return r
+class TypedefMatch(FileMatch):
+ """typedef declaration"""
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('name'))
+class SimpleTypedefMatch(TypedefMatch):
+ """Simple typedef declaration
+ (no replacement rules)"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*typedef', SP,
+ NAMED('typedef_type', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*;[ \t]*\n')
+RE_MACRO_DEFINE = S(r'^[ \t]*#\s*define\s+', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ r'\s*\(\s*', RE_IDENTIFIER, r'\s*\)', CPP_SPACE)
+# This doesn't parse the struct definitions completely, it just assumes
+# the closing brackets are going to be in an unindented line:
+RE_FULL_STRUCT = S('struct', SP, M(RE_IDENTIFIER, n='?', name='structname'), SP,
+ NAMED('body', r'{\n',
+ # acceptable inside the struct body:
+ # - lines starting with space or tab
+ # - empty lines
+ # - preprocessor directives
+ # - comments
+ OR(r'[ \t][^\n]*\n',
+ r'#[^\n]*\n',
+ r'\n',
+ S(r'[ \t]*', RE_COMMENT, r'[ \t]*\n'),
+ repeat='*?'),
+ r'}', M(RE_STRUCT_ATTRIBUTE, SP, n='*')))
+RE_STRUCT_TYPEDEF = S(r'^[ \t]*typedef', SP, RE_FULL_STRUCT, SP,
+ NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*;[ \t]*\n')
+class FullStructTypedefMatch(TypedefMatch):
+ """typedef struct [SomeStruct] { ...} SomeType
+ Will be replaced by separate struct declaration + typedef
+ """
+ def make_structname(self) -> str:
+ """Make struct name for struct+typedef split"""
+ name = self.group('structname')
+ if not name:
+ name = self.name
+ return name
+ def strip_typedef(self) -> Patch:
+ """generate patch that will strip typedef from the struct declartion
+ The caller is responsible for readding the typedef somewhere else.
+ """
+ name = self.make_structname()
+ body = self.group('body')
+ return self.make_patch(f'struct {name} {body};\n')
+ def make_simple_typedef(self) -> str:
+ structname = self.make_structname()
+ name = self.name
+ return f'typedef struct {structname} {name};\n'
+ def move_typedef(self, position) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ """Generate patches to move typedef elsewhere"""
+ yield self.strip_typedef()
+ yield Patch(position, position, self.make_simple_typedef())
+ def split_typedef(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ """Split into struct definition + typedef in-place"""
+ yield self.strip_typedef()
+ yield self.append(self.make_simple_typedef())
+class StructTypedefSplit(FullStructTypedefMatch):
+ """split struct+typedef declaration"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ if self.group('structname'):
+ yield from self.split_typedef()
+class DuplicatedTypedefs(SimpleTypedefMatch):
+ """Delete ALL duplicate typedefs (unsafe)"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ other_td = [td for td in chain(self.file.matches_of_type(SimpleTypedefMatch),
+ self.file.matches_of_type(FullStructTypedefMatch))
+ if td.name == self.name]
+ DBG("other_td: %r", other_td)
+ if any(td.start() < self.start() for td in other_td):
+ # patch only if handling the first typedef
+ return
+ for td in other_td:
+ if isinstance(td, SimpleTypedefMatch):
+ DBG("other td: %r", td.match.groupdict())
+ if td.group('typedef_type') != self.group('typedef_type'):
+ yield td.make_removal_patch()
+ elif isinstance(td, FullStructTypedefMatch):
+ DBG("other td: %r", td.match.groupdict())
+ if self.group('typedef_type') == 'struct '+td.group('structname'):
+ yield td.strip_typedef()
+class QOMDuplicatedTypedefs(DuplicatedTypedefs):
+ """Delete duplicate typedefs if used by QOM type"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ qom_macros = [TypeCheckMacro, DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
+ qom_matches = chain(*(self.file.matches_of_type(t) for t in qom_macros))
+ in_use = any(RequiredIdentifier('type', self.name) in m.required_identifiers()
+ for m in qom_matches)
+ if in_use:
+ yield from DuplicatedTypedefs.gen_patches(self)
+class QOMStructTypedefSplit(FullStructTypedefMatch):
+ """split struct+typedef declaration if used by QOM type"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ qom_macros = [TypeCheckMacro, DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
+ qom_matches = chain(*(self.file.matches_of_type(t) for t in qom_macros))
+ in_use = any(RequiredIdentifier('type', self.name) in m.required_identifiers()
+ for m in qom_matches)
+ if in_use:
+ yield from self.split_typedef()
+def typedefs(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypedefMatch]:
+ return (cast(TypedefMatch, m)
+ for m in chain(file.matches_of_type(SimpleTypedefMatch),
+ file.matches_of_type(FullStructTypedefMatch)))
+def find_typedef(f: FileInfo, name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[TypedefMatch]:
+ if not name:
+ return None
+ for td in typedefs(f):
+ if td.name == name:
+ return td
+ return None
+ OR(*CHECKER_MACROS, name='checker'),
+ M(r'\s*\(\s*', OR(NAMED('typedefname', RE_IDENTIFIER), RE_TYPE, name='c_type'), r'\s*,', CPP_SPACE,
+ NAMED('qom_typename', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\)\n',
+ n='?', name='check_args'))
+EXPECTED_CHECKER_SUFFIXES: List[Tuple[CheckerMacroName, str]] = [
+class TypeCheckMacro(FileMatch):
+ Will be replaced by DECLARE_*_CHECKERS macro
+ """
+ regexp = RE_CHECK_MACRO
+ @property
+ def checker(self) -> CheckerMacroName:
+ """Name of checker macro being used"""
+ return self.group('checker') # type: ignore
+ @property
+ def typedefname(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.group('typedefname')
+ def find_typedef(self) -> Optional[TypedefMatch]:
+ return find_typedef(self.file, self.typedefname)
+ def sanity_check(self) -> None:
+ DBG("groups: %r", self.match.groups())
+ if not self.group('check_args'):
+ self.warn("type check macro not parsed completely: %s", self.name)
+ return
+ DBG("type identifiers: %r", self.type_identifiers)
+ if self.typedefname and self.find_typedef() is None:
+ self.warn("typedef used by %s not found", self.name)
+ def find_matching_macros(self) -> List['TypeCheckMacro']:
+ """Find other check macros that generate the same macro names
+ The returned list will always be sorted.
+ """
+ my_ids = self.type_identifiers
+ assert my_ids
+ return [m for m in self.file.matches_of_type(TypeCheckMacro)
+ if m.type_identifiers is not None
+ and my_ids.uppercase is not None
+ and (my_ids.uppercase == m.type_identifiers.uppercase
+ or my_ids.typename == m.type_identifiers.typename)]
+ def merge_ids(self, matches: List['TypeCheckMacro']) -> Optional[TypeIdentifiers]:
+ """Try to merge info about type identifiers from all matches in a list"""
+ if not matches:
+ return None
+ r = matches[0].type_identifiers
+ if r is None:
+ return None
+ for m in matches[1:]:
+ assert m.type_identifiers
+ new = r.merge(m.type_identifiers)
+ if new is None:
+ self.warn("macro %s identifiers (%s) don't match macro %s (%s)",
+ matches[0].name, r, m.name, m.type_identifiers)
+ return None
+ r = new
+ return r
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ if self.type_identifiers is None:
+ return
+ # to make sure typedefs will be moved above all related macros,
+ # return dependencies from all of them, not just this match
+ for m in self.find_matching_macros():
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', m.group('c_type'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', m.group('qom_typename'))
+ @property
+ def type_identifiers(self) -> Optional[TypeIdentifiers]:
+ """Extract type identifier information from match"""
+ typename = self.group('qom_typename')
+ c_type = self.group('c_type')
+ if not typename or not c_type:
+ return None
+ typedef = self.group('typedefname')
+ classtype = None
+ instancetype = None
+ uppercase = None
+ expected_suffix = dict(EXPECTED_CHECKER_SUFFIXES).get(self.checker)
+ # here the available data depends on the checker macro being called:
+ # - we need to remove the suffix from the macro name
+ # - depending on the macro type, we know the class type name, or
+ # the instance type name
+ if self.checker in ('OBJECT_GET_CLASS', 'OBJECT_CLASS_CHECK'):
+ classtype = c_type
+ elif self.checker == 'OBJECT_CHECK':
+ instancetype = c_type
+ uppercase = self.name
+ else:
+ assert False
+ if expected_suffix and self.name.endswith(expected_suffix):
+ uppercase = self.name[:-len(expected_suffix)]
+ return TypeIdentifiers(typename=typename, classtype=classtype,
+ instancetype=instancetype, uppercase=uppercase)
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ # the implementation is a bit tricky because we need to group
+ # macros dealing with the same type into a single declaration
+ if self.type_identifiers is None:
+ self.warn("couldn't extract type information from macro %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if self.name == 'INTERFACE_CLASS':
+ # INTERFACE_CLASS is special and won't be patched
+ return
+ for checker,suffix in EXPECTED_CHECKER_SUFFIXES:
+ if self.name.endswith(suffix):
+ if self.checker != checker:
+ self.warn("macro %s is using macro %s instead of %s", self.name, self.checker, checker)
+ return
+ break
+ matches = self.find_matching_macros()
+ DBG("found %d matching macros: %s", len(matches), ' '.join(m.name for m in matches))
+ # we will generate patches only when processing the first macro:
+ if matches[0].start != self.start:
+ DBG("skipping %s (will patch when handling %s)", self.name, matches[0].name)
+ return
+ ids = self.merge_ids(matches)
+ if ids is None:
+ DBG("type identifier mismatch, won't patch %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if not ids.uppercase:
+ self.warn("macro %s doesn't follow the expected name pattern", self.name)
+ return
+ if not ids.typename:
+ self.warn("macro %s: couldn't extract type name", self.name)
+ return
+ #issues = ids.check_consistency()
+ #if issues:
+ # for i in issues:
+ # self.warn("inconsistent identifiers: %s", i)
+ names = [n for n in (ids.instancetype, ids.classtype, ids.uppercase, ids.typename)
+ if n is not None]
+ if len(set(names)) != len(names):
+ self.warn("duplicate names used by macro: %r", ids)
+ return
+ assert ids.classtype or ids.instancetype
+ assert ids.typename
+ assert ids.uppercase
+ if ids.classtype and ids.instancetype:
+ new_decl = (f'DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS({ids.instancetype}, {ids.classtype},\n'
+ f' {ids.uppercase}, {ids.typename})\n')
+ elif ids.classtype:
+ new_decl = (f'DECLARE_CLASS_CHECKERS({ids.classtype}, {ids.uppercase},\n'
+ f' {ids.typename})\n')
+ elif ids.instancetype:
+ new_decl = (f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER({ids.instancetype}, {ids.uppercase},\n'
+ f' {ids.typename})\n')
+ else:
+ assert False
+ # we need to ensure the typedefs are already available
+ issues = []
+ for t in [ids.instancetype, ids.classtype]:
+ if not t:
+ continue
+ if re.fullmatch(RE_STRUCT_TYPE, t):
+ self.info("type %s is not a typedef", t)
+ continue
+ td = find_typedef(self.file, t)
+ #if not td and self.allfiles.find_file('include/qemu/typedefs.h'):
+ #
+ if not td:
+ # it is OK if the typedef is in typedefs.h
+ f = self.allfiles.find_file('include/qemu/typedefs.h')
+ if f and find_typedef(f, t):
+ self.info("typedef %s found in typedefs.h", t)
+ continue
+ issues.append("couldn't find typedef %s" % (t))
+ elif td.start() > self.start():
+ issues.append("typedef %s need to be moved earlier in the file" % (td.name))
+ for issue in issues:
+ self.warn(issue)
+ if issues and not self.file.force:
+ return
+ # delete all matching macros and add new declaration:
+ for m in matches:
+ yield m.make_patch('')
+ for issue in issues:
+ yield self.prepend("/* FIXME: %s */\n" % (issue))
+ yield self.append(new_decl)
+class InterfaceCheckMacro(FileMatch):
+ """Type checking macro using INTERFACE_CHECK
+ """
+ regexp = S(RE_MACRO_DEFINE,
+ r'\s*\(\s*', OR(NAMED('instancetype', RE_IDENTIFIER), RE_TYPE, name='c_type'),
+ r'\s*,', CPP_SPACE,
+ NAMED('qom_typename', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\)\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('qom_typename'))
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ if self.file.filename_matches('qom/object.h'):
+ self.debug("skipping object.h")
+ return
+ typename = self.group('qom_typename')
+ uppercase = self.name
+ instancetype = self.group('instancetype')
+ c = f"DECLARE_INTERFACE_CHECKER({instancetype}, {uppercase},\n"+\
+ f" {typename})\n"
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class TypeDeclaration(FileMatch):
+ """Parent class to all type declarations"""
+ @property
+ def instancetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.getgroup('instancetype')
+ @property
+ def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.getgroup('classtype')
+ @property
+ def typename(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.getgroup('typename')
+class TypeCheckerDeclaration(TypeDeclaration):
+ """Parent class to all type checker declarations"""
+ @property
+ def typename(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('typename')
+ @property
+ def uppercase(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('uppercase')
+class DeclareInstanceChecker(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ # if all types are found.
+ # This will require looking up the correct class type in the TypeInfo
+ # structs in another file
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_INSTANCE_CHECKER\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class DeclareInterfaceChecker(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_INTERFACE_CHECKER\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class DeclareInstanceType(TypeDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class DeclareClassType(TypeDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('classtype'))
+class DeclareClassCheckers(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_CLASS_CHECKERS\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('classtype'))
+class DeclareObjCheckers(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ #TODO: detect when OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE can be used
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def required_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', '"qom/object.h"')
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('constant', self.group('typename'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('classtype'))
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('type', self.group('instancetype'))
+class TypeDeclarationFixup(FileMatch):
+ """Common base class for code that will look at a set of type declarations"""
+ regexp = RE_FILE_BEGIN
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ if self.file.filename_matches('qom/object.h'):
+ self.debug("skipping object.h")
+ return
+ # group checkers by uppercase name:
+ decl_types: List[Type[TypeDeclaration]] = [DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareInstanceType,
+ DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareClassType,
+ DeclareObjCheckers]
+ checker_dict: Dict[str, List[TypeDeclaration]] = {}
+ for t in decl_types:
+ for m in self.file.matches_of_type(t):
+ checker_dict.setdefault(m.group('uppercase'), []).append(m)
+ self.debug("checker_dict: %r", checker_dict)
+ for uppercase,checkers in checker_dict.items():
+ fields = ('instancetype', 'classtype', 'uppercase', 'typename')
+ fvalues = dict((field, set(getattr(m, field) for m in checkers
+ if getattr(m, field, None) is not None))
+ for field in fields)
+ for field,values in fvalues.items():
+ if len(values) > 1:
+ for c in checkers:
+ c.warn("%s mismatch (%s)", field, ' '.join(values))
+ return
+ field_dict = dict((f, v.pop() if v else None) for f,v in fvalues.items())
+ yield from self.gen_patches_for_type(uppercase, checkers, field_dict)
+ def find_conflicts(self, uppercase: str, checkers: List[TypeDeclaration]) -> bool:
+ """Look for conflicting declarations that would make it unsafe to add new ones"""
+ conflicting: List[FileMatch] = []
+ # conflicts in the same file:
+ conflicting.extend(chain(self.file.find_matches(DefineDirective, uppercase),
+ self.file.find_matches(DeclareInterfaceChecker, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.file.find_matches(DeclareClassType, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.file.find_matches(DeclareInstanceType, uppercase, 'uppercase')))
+ # conflicts in another file:
+ conflicting.extend(o for o in chain(self.allfiles.find_matches(DeclareInstanceChecker, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.allfiles.find_matches(DeclareClassCheckers, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.allfiles.find_matches(DeclareInterfaceChecker, uppercase, 'uppercase'),
+ self.allfiles.find_matches(DefineDirective, uppercase))
+ if o is not None and o.file != self.file
+ # if both are .c files, there's no conflict at all:
+ and not (o.file.filename.suffix == '.c' and
+ self.file.filename.suffix == '.c'))
+ if conflicting:
+ for c in checkers:
+ c.warn("skipping due to conflicting %s macro", uppercase)
+ for o in conflicting:
+ if o is None:
+ continue
+ o.warn("conflicting %s macro is here", uppercase)
+ return True
+ return False
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ """Should be reimplemented by subclasses"""
+ return
+ yield
+class DeclareVoidTypes(TypeDeclarationFixup):
+ """Add DECLARE_*_TYPE(..., void) when there's no declared type"""
+ regexp = RE_FILE_BEGIN
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ if self.find_conflicts(uppercase, checkers):
+ return
+ #_,last_checker = max((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ _,first_checker = min((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ if not any(m.instancetype for m in checkers):
+ yield first_checker.prepend(f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
+ if not any(m.classtype for m in checkers):
+ yield first_checker.prepend(f'DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
+ #if not all(len(v) == 1 for v in fvalues.values()):
+ # return
+ #
+ #final_values = dict((field, values.pop())
+ # for field,values in fvalues.items())
+ #s = (f"DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS({final_values['instancetype']}, {final_values['classtype']},\n"+
+ # f" {final_values['uppercase']}, {final_values['typename']})\n")
+ #for c in checkers:
+ # yield c.make_removal_patch()
+ #yield last_checker.append(s)
+class AddDeclareTypeName(TypeDeclarationFixup):
+ """Add DECLARE_TYPE_NAME declarations if necessary"""
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ typename = fields.get('typename')
+ if typename is None:
+ self.warn("typename unavailable")
+ return
+ if typename == f'TYPE_{uppercase}':
+ self.info("already using TYPE_%s as type name", uppercase)
+ return
+ if self.file.find_match(DeclareTypeName, uppercase, 'uppercase'):
+ self.info("type name for %s already declared", uppercase)
+ return
+ _,first_checker = min((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ s = f'DECLARE_TYPE_NAME({uppercase}, {typename})\n'
+ yield first_checker.prepend(s)
+class TrivialClassStruct(FileMatch):
+ """Trivial class struct"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*struct\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ r'\s*{\s*', NAMED('parent_struct', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*parent(_class)?\s*;\s*};\n')
+class DeclareTypeName(FileMatch):
+ """DECLARE_TYPE_NAME usage"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*DECLARE_TYPE_NAME\s*\(',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ r'\s*\);?[ \t]*\n')
+class ObjectDeclareType(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ Will be replaced with OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE if possible
+ """
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DECLARE_TYPE\s*\(',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ def gen_patches(self):
+ DBG("groups: %r", self.match.groupdict())
+ trivial_struct = self.file.find_match(TrivialClassStruct, self.group('classtype'))
+ if trivial_struct:
+ d = self.match.groupdict().copy()
+ d['parent_struct'] = trivial_struct.group("parent_struct")
+ yield trivial_struct.make_removal_patch()
+ c = ("OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE(%(instancetype)s, %(lowercase)s,\n"
+ " %(uppercase)s, %(parent_struct)s)\n" % d)
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class ObjectDeclareSimpleType(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE\s*\(',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+class OldStyleObjectDeclareSimpleType(TypeCheckerDeclaration):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE\s*\(',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('lowercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('parent_classtype', RE_TYPE), SP,
+ r'\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+ @property
+ def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ instancetype = self.instancetype
+ assert instancetype
+ return f"{instancetype}Class"
+def find_typename_uppercase(files: FileList, typename: str) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Try to find what's the right MODULE_OBJ_NAME for a given type name"""
+ decl = files.find_match(DeclareTypeName, name=typename, group='typename')
+ if decl:
+ return decl.group('uppercase')
+ if typename.startswith('TYPE_'):
+ return typename[len('TYPE_'):]
+ return None
+def find_type_checkers(files:FileList, name:str, group:str='uppercase') -> Iterable[TypeCheckerDeclaration]:
+ """Find usage of DECLARE*CHECKER macro"""
+ c: Type[TypeCheckerDeclaration]
+ for c in (DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers, ObjectDeclareType, ObjectDeclareSimpleType):
+ yield from files.find_matches(c, name=name, group=group)
+class Include(FileMatch):
+ """#include directive"""
+ regexp = RE_INCLUDE
+ def provided_identifiers(self) -> Iterable[RequiredIdentifier]:
+ yield RequiredIdentifier('include', self.group('includepath'))
+class InitialIncludes(FileMatch):
+ """Initial #include block"""
+ regexp = S(RE_FILE_BEGIN,
+ r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*ifndef[ \t]+', RE_IDENTIFIER, r'[ \t]*\n',
+ n='?', name='ifndef_block'),
+ n='*', name='includes'))
+class SymbolUserList(NamedTuple):
+ definitions: List[FileMatch]
+ users: List[FileMatch]
+class MoveSymbols(FileMatch):
+ """Handle missing symbols
+ - Move typedefs and defines when necessary
+ - Add missing #include lines when necessary
+ """
+ regexp = RE_FILE_BEGIN
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterator[Patch]:
+ if self.file.filename_matches('qom/object.h'):
+ self.debug("skipping object.h")
+ return
+ index: Dict[RequiredIdentifier, SymbolUserList] = {}
+ definition_classes = [SimpleTypedefMatch, FullStructTypedefMatch, ConstantDefine, Include]
+ user_classes = [TypeCheckMacro, DeclareObjCheckers, DeclareInstanceChecker, DeclareClassCheckers, InterfaceCheckMacro]
+ # first we scan for all symbol definitions and usage:
+ for dc in definition_classes:
+ defs = self.file.matches_of_type(dc)
+ for d in defs:
+ DBG("scanning %r", d)
+ for i in d.provided_identifiers():
+ index.setdefault(i, SymbolUserList([], [])).definitions.append(d)
+ DBG("index: %r", list(index.keys()))
+ for uc in user_classes:
+ users = self.file.matches_of_type(uc)
+ for u in users:
+ for i in u.required_identifiers():
+ index.setdefault(i, SymbolUserList([], [])).users.append(u)
+ # validate all symbols:
+ for i,ul in index.items():
+ if not ul.users:
+ # unused symbol
+ continue
+ # symbol not defined
+ if len(ul.definitions) == 0:
+ if i.type == 'include':
+ includes, = self.file.matches_of_type(InitialIncludes)
+ #FIXME: don't do this if we're already inside qom/object.h
+ yield includes.append(f'#include {i.name}\n')
+ else:
+ u.warn("definition of %s %s not found in file", i.type, i.name)
+ continue
+ # symbol defined twice:
+ if len(ul.definitions) > 1:
+ ul.definitions[1].warn("%s defined twice", i.name)
+ ul.definitions[0].warn("previously defined here")
+ continue
+ # symbol defined. check if all users are after its definition:
+ assert len(ul.definitions) == 1
+ definition = ul.definitions[0]
+ DBG("handling repositioning of %r", definition)
+ earliest = min(ul.users, key=lambda u: u.start())
+ if earliest.start() > definition.start():
+ DBG("%r is OK", definition)
+ continue
+ DBG("%r needs to be moved", definition)
+ if isinstance(definition, SimpleTypedefMatch) \
+ or isinstance(definition, ConstantDefine):
+ # simple typedef or define can be moved directly:
+ yield definition.make_removal_patch()
+ yield earliest.prepend(definition.group(0))
+ elif isinstance(definition, FullStructTypedefMatch) \
+ and definition.group('structname'):
+ # full struct typedef is more complex: we need to remove
+ # the typedef
+ yield from definition.move_typedef(earliest.start())
+ else:
+ definition.warn("definition of %s %s needs to be moved earlier in the file", i.type, i.name)
+ earliest.warn("definition of %s %s is used here", i.type, i.name)
+class EmptyPreprocessorConditional(FileMatch):
+ """Delete empty preprocessor conditionals"""
+ regexp = r'^[ \t]*#(if|ifdef)[ \t].*\n+[ \t]*#endif[ \t]*\n'
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ yield self.make_removal_patch()
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_type_info.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_type_info.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..255cb5992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/qom_type_info.py
@@ -0,0 +1,969 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import re
+from .regexps import *
+from .patching import *
+from .utils import *
+from .qom_macros import *
+TI_FIELDS = [ 'name', 'parent', 'abstract', 'interfaces',
+ 'instance_size', 'instance_init', 'instance_post_init', 'instance_finalize',
+ 'class_size', 'class_init', 'class_base_init', 'class_data']
+RE_TI_FIELD_INIT = S(r'[ \t]*', NAMED('comments', RE_COMMENTS),
+ r'\.', NAMED('field', RE_TI_FIELD_NAME), r'\s*=\s*',
+ NAMED('value', RE_EXPRESSION), r'[ \t]*,?[ \t]*\n')
+RE_TYPEINFO_START = S(r'^[ \t]*', M(r'(static|const)\s+', name='modifiers'), r'TypeInfo\s+',
+ NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*=\s*{[ \t]*\n')
+ParsedArray = List[str]
+ParsedInitializerValue = Union[str, ParsedArray]
+class InitializerValue(NamedTuple):
+ raw: str
+ parsed: Optional[ParsedInitializerValue]
+ match: Optional[Match]
+class ArrayItem(FileMatch):
+ regexp = RE_ARRAY_ITEM
+class ArrayInitializer(FileMatch):
+ regexp = RE_ARRAY
+ def parsed(self) -> ParsedArray:
+ #DBG('parse_array: %r', m.group(0))
+ return [m.group('arrayitem') for m in self.group_finditer(ArrayItem, 'arrayitems')]
+class FieldInitializer(FileMatch):
+ regexp = RE_TI_FIELD_INIT
+ @property
+ def raw(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('value')
+ @property
+ def parsed(self) -> ParsedInitializerValue:
+ parsed: ParsedInitializerValue = self.raw
+ #DBG("parse_initializer_value: %r", s)
+ array = self.try_group_match(ArrayInitializer, 'value')
+ if array:
+ assert isinstance(array, ArrayInitializer)
+ return array.parsed()
+ return parsed
+TypeInfoInitializers = Dict[str, FieldInitializer]
+class TypeDefinition(FileMatch):
+ """
+ Common base class for type definitions (TypeInfo variables or OBJECT_DEFINE* macros)
+ """
+ @property
+ def instancetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.group('instancetype')
+ @property
+ def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.group('classtype')
+ @property
+ def uppercase(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.group('uppercase')
+ @property
+ def parent_uppercase(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('parent_uppercase')
+ @property
+ def initializers(self) -> Optional[TypeInfoInitializers]:
+ if getattr(self, '_inititalizers', None):
+ self._initializers: TypeInfoInitializers
+ return self._initializers
+ fields = self.group('fields')
+ if fields is None:
+ return None
+ d = dict((fm.group('field'), fm)
+ for fm in self.group_finditer(FieldInitializer, 'fields'))
+ self._initializers = d # type: ignore
+ return self._initializers
+class TypeInfoVar(TypeDefinition):
+ """TypeInfo variable declaration with initializer"""
+ regexp = S(NAMED('begin', RE_TYPEINFO_START),
+ M(NAMED('fields', RE_TI_FIELDS),
+ NAMED('endcomments', SP, RE_COMMENTS),
+ NAMED('end', r'};?\n'),
+ n='?', name='fullspec'))
+ def is_static(self) -> bool:
+ return 'static' in self.group('modifiers')
+ def is_const(self) -> bool:
+ return 'const' in self.group('modifiers')
+ def is_full(self) -> bool:
+ return bool(self.group('fullspec'))
+ def get_initializers(self) -> TypeInfoInitializers:
+ """Helper for code that needs to deal with missing initializer info"""
+ if self.initializers is None:
+ return {}
+ return self.initializers
+ def get_raw_initializer_value(self, field: str, default: str = '') -> str:
+ initializers = self.get_initializers()
+ if field in initializers:
+ return initializers[field].raw
+ else:
+ return default
+ @property
+ def typename(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ return self.get_raw_initializer_value('name')
+ @property
+ def uppercase(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ typename = self.typename
+ if not typename:
+ return None
+ if not typename.startswith('TYPE_'):
+ return None
+ return typename[len('TYPE_'):]
+ @property
+ def classtype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ class_size = self.get_raw_initializer_value('class_size')
+ if not class_size:
+ return None
+ m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, class_size)
+ if not m:
+ return None
+ return m.group('sizeoftype')
+ @property
+ def instancetype(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ instance_size = self.get_raw_initializer_value('instance_size')
+ if not instance_size:
+ return None
+ m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, instance_size)
+ if not m:
+ return None
+ return m.group('sizeoftype')
+ #def extract_identifiers(self) -> Optional[TypeIdentifiers]:
+ # """Try to extract identifiers from names being used"""
+ # DBG("extracting idenfiers from %s", self.name)
+ #uppercase = None
+ #if typename and re.fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, typename) and typename.startswith("TYPE_"):
+ # uppercase = typename[len('TYPE_'):]
+ #lowercase = None
+ #funcs = set()
+ #prefixes = set()
+ #for field,suffix in [('instance_init', '_init'),
+ # ('instance_finalize', '_finalize'),
+ # ('class_init', '_class_init')]:
+ # if field not in values:
+ # continue
+ # func = values[field].raw
+ # funcs.add(func)
+ # if func.endswith(suffix):
+ # prefixes.add(func[:-len(suffix)])
+ # else:
+ # self.warn("function name %s doesn't have expected %s suffix",
+ # func, suffix)
+ #if len(prefixes) == 1:
+ # lowercase = prefixes.pop()
+ #elif len(prefixes) > 1:
+ # self.warn("inconsistent function names: %s", ' '.join(funcs))
+ #return TypeIdentifiers(typename=typename,
+ # uppercase=uppercase, lowercase=lowercase,
+ # instancetype=instancetype, classtype=classtype)
+ def append_field(self, field: str, value: str) -> Patch:
+ """Generate patch appending a field initializer"""
+ content = f' .{field} = {value},\n'
+ fm = self.group_match('fields')
+ assert fm
+ return fm.append(content)
+ def patch_field(self, field: str, replacement: str) -> Patch:
+ """Generate patch replacing a field initializer"""
+ initializers = self.initializers
+ assert initializers
+ value = initializers.get(field)
+ assert value
+ return value.make_patch(replacement)
+ def remove_field(self, field: str) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ initializers = self.initializers
+ assert initializers
+ if field in initializers:
+ yield self.patch_field(field, '')
+ def remove_fields(self, *fields: str) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ for f in fields:
+ yield from self.remove_field(f)
+ def patch_field_value(self, field: str, replacement: str) -> Patch:
+ """Replace just the value of a field initializer"""
+ initializers = self.initializers
+ assert initializers
+ value = initializers.get(field)
+ assert value
+ vm = value.group_match('value')
+ assert vm
+ return vm.make_patch(replacement)
+class RemoveRedundantClassSize(TypeInfoVar):
+ """Remove class_size when using OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ initializers = self.initializers
+ if initializers is None:
+ return
+ if 'class_size' not in initializers:
+ return
+ self.debug("Handling %s", self.name)
+ m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, initializers['class_size'].raw)
+ if not m:
+ self.warn("%s class_size is not sizeof?", self.name)
+ return
+ classtype = m.group('sizeoftype')
+ if not classtype.endswith('Class'):
+ self.warn("%s class size type (%s) is not *Class?", self.name, classtype)
+ return
+ self.debug("classtype is %s", classtype)
+ instancetype = classtype[:-len('Class')]
+ self.debug("intanceypte is %s", instancetype)
+ self.debug("searching for simpletype declaration using %s as InstanceType", instancetype)
+ decl = self.allfiles.find_match(OldStyleObjectDeclareSimpleType,
+ instancetype, 'instancetype')
+ if not decl:
+ self.debug("No simpletype declaration found for %s", instancetype)
+ return
+ self.debug("Found simple type declaration")
+ decl.debug("declaration is here")
+ yield from self.remove_field('class_size')
+class RemoveDeclareSimpleTypeArg(OldStyleObjectDeclareSimpleType):
+ """Remove class_size when using OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE({self.group("instancetype")}, {self.group("lowercase")},\n'
+ f' {self.group("uppercase")})\n')
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class UseDeclareTypeExtended(TypeInfoVar):
+ """Replace TypeInfo variable with OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ # this will just ensure the caches for find_match() and matches_for_type()
+ # will be loaded in advance:
+ find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
+ if not self.is_static():
+ self.info("Skipping non-static TypeInfo variable")
+ return
+ type_info_macro = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoMacro, self.name)
+ if not type_info_macro:
+ self.warn("TYPE_INFO(%s) line not found", self.name)
+ return
+ values = self.initializers
+ if values is None:
+ return
+ if 'name' not in values:
+ self.warn("name not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ return
+ typename = values['name'].raw
+ if 'parent' not in values:
+ self.warn("parent not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ return
+ parent_typename = values['parent'].raw
+ instancetype = None
+ if 'instance_size' in values:
+ m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, values['instance_size'].raw)
+ if m:
+ instancetype = m.group('sizeoftype')
+ else:
+ self.warn("can't extract instance type in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ self.warn("instance_size is set to: %r", values['instance_size'].raw)
+ return
+ classtype = None
+ if 'class_size' in values:
+ m = re.fullmatch(RE_SIZEOF, values['class_size'].raw)
+ if m:
+ classtype = m.group('sizeoftype')
+ else:
+ self.warn("can't extract class type in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ self.warn("class_size is set to: %r", values['class_size'].raw)
+ return
+ #for t in (typename, parent_typename):
+ # if not re.fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, t):
+ # self.info("type name is not a macro/constant")
+ # if instancetype or classtype:
+ # self.warn("macro/constant type name is required for instance/class type")
+ # if not self.file.force:
+ # return
+ # Now, the challenge is to find out the right MODULE_OBJ_NAME for the
+ # type and for the parent type
+ self.info("TypeInfo variable for %s is here", typename)
+ uppercase = find_typename_uppercase(self.allfiles, typename)
+ if not uppercase:
+ self.info("Can't find right uppercase name for %s", typename)
+ if instancetype or classtype:
+ self.warn("Can't find right uppercase name for %s", typename)
+ self.warn("This will make type validation difficult in the future")
+ return
+ parent_uppercase = find_typename_uppercase(self.allfiles, parent_typename)
+ if not parent_uppercase:
+ self.info("Can't find right uppercase name for parent type (%s)", parent_typename)
+ if instancetype or classtype:
+ self.warn("Can't find right uppercase name for parent type (%s)", parent_typename)
+ self.warn("This will make type validation difficult in the future")
+ return
+ ok = True
+ #checkers: List[TypeCheckerDeclaration] = list(find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, uppercase))
+ #for c in checkers:
+ # c.info("instance type checker declaration (%s) is here", c.group('uppercase'))
+ #if not checkers:
+ # self.info("No type checkers declared for %s", uppercase)
+ # if instancetype or classtype:
+ # self.warn("Can't find where type checkers for %s (%s) are declared. We will need them to validate sizes of %s",
+ # typename, uppercase, self.name)
+ if not instancetype:
+ instancetype = 'void'
+ if not classtype:
+ classtype = 'void'
+ #checker_instancetypes = set(c.instancetype for c in checkers
+ # if c.instancetype is not None)
+ #if len(checker_instancetypes) > 1:
+ # self.warn("ambiguous set of type checkers")
+ # for c in checkers:
+ # c.warn("instancetype is %s here", c.instancetype)
+ # ok = False
+ #elif len(checker_instancetypes) == 1:
+ # checker_instancetype = checker_instancetypes.pop()
+ # DBG("checker instance type: %r", checker_instancetype)
+ # if instancetype != checker_instancetype:
+ # self.warn("type at instance_size is %r. Should instance_size be set to sizeof(%s) ?",
+ # instancetype, checker_instancetype)
+ # ok = False
+ #else:
+ # if instancetype != 'void':
+ # self.warn("instance type checker for %s (%s) not found", typename, instancetype)
+ # ok = False
+ #checker_classtypes = set(c.classtype for c in checkers
+ # if c.classtype is not None)
+ #if len(checker_classtypes) > 1:
+ # self.warn("ambiguous set of type checkers")
+ # for c in checkers:
+ # c.warn("classtype is %s here", c.classtype)
+ # ok = False
+ #elif len(checker_classtypes) == 1:
+ # checker_classtype = checker_classtypes.pop()
+ # DBG("checker class type: %r", checker_classtype)
+ # if classtype != checker_classtype:
+ # self.warn("type at class_size is %r. Should class_size be set to sizeof(%s) ?",
+ # classtype, checker_classtype)
+ # ok = False
+ #else:
+ # if classtype != 'void':
+ # self.warn("class type checker for %s (%s) not found", typename, classtype)
+ # ok = False
+ #if not ok:
+ # for c in checkers:
+ # c.warn("Type checker declaration for %s (%s) is here",
+ # typename, type(c).__name__)
+ # return
+ #if parent_decl is None:
+ # self.warn("Can't find where parent type %s is declared", parent_typename)
+ #yield self.prepend(f'DECLARE_TYPE_NAME({uppercase}, {typename})\n')
+ #if not instancetype:
+ # yield self.prepend(f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
+ #if not classtype:
+ # yield self.prepend(f'DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n')
+ self.info("%s can be patched!", self.name)
+ replaced_fields = ['name', 'parent', 'instance_size', 'class_size']
+ begin = self.group_match('begin')
+ newbegin = f'OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED({self.name},\n'
+ newbegin += f' {instancetype}, {classtype},\n'
+ newbegin += f' {uppercase}, {parent_uppercase}'
+ if set(values.keys()) - set(replaced_fields):
+ newbegin += ',\n'
+ yield begin.make_patch(newbegin)
+ yield from self.remove_fields(*replaced_fields)
+ end = self.group_match('end')
+ yield end.make_patch(')\n')
+ yield type_info_macro.make_removal_patch()
+class ObjectDefineTypeExtended(TypeDefinition):
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('instancetype', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('classtype', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('parent_uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ M(r',\s*\n',
+ NAMED('fields', RE_TI_FIELDS),
+ n='?'),
+ r'\s*\);?\n?')
+class ObjectDefineType(TypeDefinition):
+ """OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE usage"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*OBJECT_DEFINE_TYPE\s*\(\s*',
+ NAMED('lowercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*,\s*',
+ NAMED('parent_uppercase', RE_IDENTIFIER),
+ M(r',\s*\n',
+ NAMED('fields', RE_TI_FIELDS),
+ n='?'),
+ r'\s*\);?\n?')
+def find_type_definitions(files: FileList, uppercase: str) -> Iterable[TypeDefinition]:
+ types: List[Type[TypeDefinition]] = [TypeInfoVar, ObjectDefineType, ObjectDefineTypeExtended]
+ for t in types:
+ for m in files.matches_of_type(t):
+ m.debug("uppercase: %s", m.uppercase)
+ yield from (m for t in types
+ for m in files.matches_of_type(t)
+ if m.uppercase == uppercase)
+class AddDeclareVoidClassType(TypeDeclarationFixup):
+ """Will add DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE(..., void) if possible"""
+ def gen_patches_for_type(self, uppercase: str,
+ checkers: List[TypeDeclaration],
+ fields: Dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
+ if len(defs) > 1:
+ self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
+ for d in defs:
+ d.warn("definition found here")
+ return
+ elif len(defs) == 0:
+ self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
+ return
+ d = defs[0]
+ if d.classtype is None:
+ d.info("definition for %s has classtype, skipping", uppercase)
+ return
+ class_type_checkers = [c for c in checkers
+ if c.classtype is not None]
+ if class_type_checkers:
+ for c in class_type_checkers:
+ c.warn("class type checker for %s is present here", uppercase)
+ return
+ _,last_checker = max((m.start(), m) for m in checkers)
+ s = f'DECLARE_CLASS_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n'
+ yield last_checker.append(s)
+class AddDeclareVoidInstanceType(FileMatch):
+ """Will add DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE(..., void) if possible"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define', CPP_SPACE,
+ NAMED('name', r'TYPE_[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\b'),
+ CPP_SPACE, r'.*\n')
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ assert self.name.startswith('TYPE_')
+ uppercase = self.name[len('TYPE_'):]
+ defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
+ if len(defs) > 1:
+ self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
+ for d in defs:
+ d.warn("definition found here")
+ return
+ elif len(defs) == 0:
+ self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
+ return
+ d = defs[0]
+ instancetype = d.instancetype
+ if instancetype is not None and instancetype != 'void':
+ return
+ instance_checkers = [c for c in find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, uppercase)
+ if c.instancetype]
+ if instance_checkers:
+ d.warn("instance type checker for %s already declared", uppercase)
+ for c in instance_checkers:
+ c.warn("instance checker for %s is here", uppercase)
+ return
+ s = f'DECLARE_INSTANCE_TYPE({uppercase}, void)\n'
+ yield self.append(s)
+class AddObjectDeclareType(DeclareObjCheckers):
+ """Will add OBJECT_DECLARE_TYPE(...) if possible"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ uppercase = self.uppercase
+ typename = self.group('typename')
+ instancetype = self.group('instancetype')
+ classtype = self.group('classtype')
+ if typename != f'TYPE_{uppercase}':
+ self.warn("type name mismatch: %s vs %s", typename, uppercase)
+ return
+ typedefs = [(t,self.allfiles.find_matches(SimpleTypedefMatch, t))
+ for t in (instancetype, classtype)]
+ for t,tds in typedefs:
+ if not tds:
+ self.warn("typedef %s not found", t)
+ return
+ for td in tds:
+ td_type = td.group('typedef_type')
+ if td_type != f'struct {t}':
+ self.warn("typedef mismatch: %s is defined as %s", t, td_type)
+ td.warn("typedef is here")
+ return
+ # look for reuse of same struct type
+ other_instance_checkers = [c for c in find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, instancetype, 'instancetype')
+ if c.uppercase != uppercase]
+ if other_instance_checkers:
+ self.warn("typedef %s is being reused", instancetype)
+ for ic in other_instance_checkers:
+ ic.warn("%s is reused here", instancetype)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ decl_types: List[Type[TypeDeclaration]] = [DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
+ class_decls = [m for t in decl_types
+ for m in self.allfiles.find_matches(t, uppercase, 'uppercase')]
+ defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
+ if len(defs) > 1:
+ self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
+ for d in defs:
+ d.warn("definition found here")
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ elif len(defs) == 0:
+ self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ else:
+ d = defs[0]
+ if d.instancetype != instancetype:
+ self.warn("mismatching instance type for %s (%s)", uppercase, instancetype)
+ d.warn("instance type declared here (%s)", d.instancetype)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ if d.classtype != classtype:
+ self.warn("mismatching class type for %s (%s)", uppercase, classtype)
+ d.warn("class type declared here (%s)", d.classtype)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ assert self.file.original_content
+ for t,tds in typedefs:
+ assert tds
+ for td in tds:
+ if td.file is not self.file:
+ continue
+ # delete typedefs that are truly redundant:
+ # 1) defined after DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS
+ if td.start() > self.start():
+ yield td.make_removal_patch()
+ # 2) defined before DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS, but unused
+ elif not re.search(r'\b'+t+r'\b', self.file.original_content[td.end():self.start()]):
+ yield td.make_removal_patch()
+ c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_TYPE({instancetype}, {classtype}, {uppercase})\n')
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class AddObjectDeclareSimpleType(DeclareInstanceChecker):
+ """Will add OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE(...) if possible"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ uppercase = self.uppercase
+ typename = self.group('typename')
+ instancetype = self.group('instancetype')
+ if typename != f'TYPE_{uppercase}':
+ self.warn("type name mismatch: %s vs %s", typename, uppercase)
+ return
+ typedefs = [(t,self.allfiles.find_matches(SimpleTypedefMatch, t))
+ for t in (instancetype,)]
+ for t,tds in typedefs:
+ if not tds:
+ self.warn("typedef %s not found", t)
+ return
+ for td in tds:
+ td_type = td.group('typedef_type')
+ if td_type != f'struct {t}':
+ self.warn("typedef mismatch: %s is defined as %s", t, td_type)
+ td.warn("typedef is here")
+ return
+ # look for reuse of same struct type
+ other_instance_checkers = [c for c in find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, instancetype, 'instancetype')
+ if c.uppercase != uppercase]
+ if other_instance_checkers:
+ self.warn("typedef %s is being reused", instancetype)
+ for ic in other_instance_checkers:
+ ic.warn("%s is reused here", instancetype)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ decl_types: List[Type[TypeDeclaration]] = [DeclareClassCheckers, DeclareObjCheckers]
+ class_decls = [m for t in decl_types
+ for m in self.allfiles.find_matches(t, uppercase, 'uppercase')]
+ if class_decls:
+ self.warn("class type declared for %s", uppercase)
+ for cd in class_decls:
+ cd.warn("class declaration found here")
+ return
+ defs = list(find_type_definitions(self.allfiles, uppercase))
+ if len(defs) > 1:
+ self.warn("multiple definitions for %s", uppercase)
+ for d in defs:
+ d.warn("definition found here")
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ elif len(defs) == 0:
+ self.warn("type definition for %s not found", uppercase)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ else:
+ d = defs[0]
+ if d.instancetype != instancetype:
+ self.warn("mismatching instance type for %s (%s)", uppercase, instancetype)
+ d.warn("instance type declared here (%s)", d.instancetype)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ if d.classtype:
+ self.warn("class type set for %s", uppercase)
+ d.warn("class type declared here")
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ assert self.file.original_content
+ for t,tds in typedefs:
+ assert tds
+ for td in tds:
+ if td.file is not self.file:
+ continue
+ # delete typedefs that are truly redundant:
+ # 1) defined after DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS
+ if td.start() > self.start():
+ yield td.make_removal_patch()
+ # 2) defined before DECLARE_OBJ_CHECKERS, but unused
+ elif not re.search(r'\b'+t+r'\b', self.file.original_content[td.end():self.start()]):
+ yield td.make_removal_patch()
+ c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE({instancetype}, {uppercase})\n')
+ yield self.make_patch(c)
+class TypeInfoStringName(TypeInfoVar):
+ """Replace hardcoded type names with TYPE_ constant"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ values = self.initializers
+ if values is None:
+ return
+ if 'name' not in values:
+ self.warn("name not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ return
+ typename = values['name'].raw
+ if re.fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, typename):
+ return
+ self.warn("name %s is not an identifier", typename)
+ #all_defines = [m for m in self.allfiles.matches_of_type(ExpressionDefine)]
+ #self.debug("all_defines: %r", all_defines)
+ constants = [m for m in self.allfiles.matches_of_type(ExpressionDefine)
+ if m.group('value').strip() == typename.strip()]
+ if not constants:
+ self.warn("No macro for %s found", typename)
+ return
+ if len(constants) > 1:
+ self.warn("I don't know which macro to use: %r", constants)
+ return
+ yield self.patch_field_value('name', constants[0].name)
+class RedundantTypeSizes(TypeInfoVar):
+ """Remove redundant instance_size/class_size from TypeInfo vars"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ values = self.initializers
+ if values is None:
+ return
+ if 'name' not in values:
+ self.warn("name not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ return
+ typename = values['name'].raw
+ if 'parent' not in values:
+ self.warn("parent not set in TypeInfo variable %s", self.name)
+ return
+ parent_typename = values['parent'].raw
+ if 'instance_size' not in values and 'class_size' not in values:
+ self.debug("no need to validate %s", self.name)
+ return
+ instance_decls = find_type_checkers(self.allfiles, typename)
+ if instance_decls:
+ self.debug("won't touch TypeInfo var that has type checkers")
+ return
+ parent = find_type_info(self.allfiles, parent_typename)
+ if not parent:
+ self.warn("Can't find TypeInfo for %s", parent_typename)
+ return
+ if 'instance_size' in values and parent.get_raw_initializer_value('instance_size') != values['instance_size'].raw:
+ self.info("instance_size mismatch")
+ parent.info("parent type declared here")
+ return
+ if 'class_size' in values and parent.get_raw_initializer_value('class_size') != values['class_size'].raw:
+ self.info("class_size mismatch")
+ parent.info("parent type declared here")
+ return
+ self.debug("will patch variable %s", self.name)
+ if 'instance_size' in values:
+ self.debug("deleting instance_size")
+ yield self.patch_field('instance_size', '')
+ if 'class_size' in values:
+ self.debug("deleting class_size")
+ yield self.patch_field('class_size', '')
+#class TypeInfoVarInitFuncs(TypeInfoVar):
+# """TypeInfo variable
+# Will create missing init functions
+# """
+# def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+# values = self.initializers
+# if values is None:
+# self.warn("type not parsed completely: %s", self.name)
+# return
+# macro = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
+# if macro is None:
+# self.warn("No TYPE_INFO macro for %s", self.name)
+# return
+# ids = self.extract_identifiers()
+# if ids is None:
+# return
+# DBG("identifiers extracted: %r", ids)
+# fields = set(values.keys())
+# if ids.lowercase:
+# if 'instance_init' not in fields:
+# yield self.prepend(('static void %s_init(Object *obj)\n'
+# '{\n'
+# '}\n\n') % (ids.lowercase))
+# yield self.append_field('instance_init', ids.lowercase+'_init')
+# if 'instance_finalize' not in fields:
+# yield self.prepend(('static void %s_finalize(Object *obj)\n'
+# '{\n'
+# '}\n\n') % (ids.lowercase))
+# yield self.append_field('instance_finalize', ids.lowercase+'_finalize')
+# if 'class_init' not in fields:
+# yield self.prepend(('static void %s_class_init(ObjectClass *oc, void *data)\n'
+# '{\n'
+# '}\n\n') % (ids.lowercase))
+# yield self.append_field('class_init', ids.lowercase+'_class_init')
+class TypeInitMacro(FileMatch):
+ """Use of type_init(...) macro"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*type_init\s*\(\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\);?[ \t]*\n')
+class DeleteEmptyTypeInitFunc(TypeInitMacro):
+ """Delete empty function declared using type_init(...)"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ fn = self.file.find_match(StaticVoidFunction, self.name)
+ DBG("function for %s: %s", self.name, fn)
+ if fn and fn.body == '':
+ yield fn.make_patch('')
+ yield self.make_patch('')
+class StaticVoidFunction(FileMatch):
+ """simple static void function
+ (no replacement rules)
+ """
+ #NOTE: just like RE_FULL_STRUCT, this doesn't parse any of the body contents
+ # of the function. Tt will just look for "}" in the beginning of a line
+ regexp = S(r'static\s+void\s+', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\(\s*void\s*\)\n',
+ r'{\n',
+ NAMED('body',
+ # acceptable inside the function body:
+ # - lines starting with space or tab
+ # - empty lines
+ # - preprocessor directives
+ OR(r'[ \t][^\n]*\n',
+ r'#[^\n]*\n',
+ r'\n',
+ repeat='*')),
+ r'};?\n')
+ @property
+ def body(self) -> str:
+ return self.group('body')
+ def has_preprocessor_directive(self) -> bool:
+ return bool(re.search(r'^[ \t]*#', self.body, re.MULTILINE))
+def find_containing_func(m: FileMatch) -> Optional['StaticVoidFunction']:
+ """Return function containing this match"""
+ for fn in m.file.matches_of_type(StaticVoidFunction):
+ if fn.contains(m):
+ return fn
+ return None
+class TypeRegisterStaticCall(FileMatch):
+ """type_register_static() call
+ Will be replaced by TYPE_INFO() macro
+ """
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*', NAMED('func_name', 'type_register_static'),
+ r'\s*\(&\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\);[ \t]*\n')
+class UseTypeInfo(TypeRegisterStaticCall):
+ """Replace type_register_static() call with TYPE_INFO declaration"""
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ fn = find_containing_func(self)
+ if fn:
+ DBG("%r is inside %r", self, fn)
+ type_init = self.file.find_match(TypeInitMacro, fn.name)
+ if type_init is None:
+ self.warn("can't find type_init(%s) line", fn.name)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ else:
+ self.warn("can't identify the function where type_register_static(&%s) is called", self.name)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ #if fn.has_preprocessor_directive() and not self.file.force:
+ # self.warn("function %s has preprocessor directives, this requires --force", fn.name)
+ # return
+ var = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
+ if var is None:
+ self.warn("can't find TypeInfo var declaration for %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if not var.is_full():
+ self.warn("variable declaration %s wasn't parsed fully", var.name)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ if fn and fn.contains(var):
+ self.warn("TypeInfo %s variable is inside a function", self.name)
+ if not self.file.force:
+ return
+ # delete type_register_static() call:
+ yield self.make_patch('')
+ # append TYPE_REGISTER(...) after variable declaration:
+ yield var.append(f'TYPE_INFO({self.name})\n')
+class TypeRegisterCall(FileMatch):
+ """type_register_static() call"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*', NAMED('func_name', 'type_register'),
+ r'\s*\(&\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\);[ \t]*\n')
+class MakeTypeRegisterStatic(TypeRegisterCall):
+ """Make type_register() call static if variable is static const"""
+ def gen_patches(self):
+ var = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
+ if var is None:
+ self.warn("can't find TypeInfo var declaration for %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if var.is_static() and var.is_const():
+ yield self.group_match('func_name').make_patch('type_register_static')
+class MakeTypeRegisterNotStatic(TypeRegisterStaticCall):
+ """Make type_register() call static if variable is static const"""
+ def gen_patches(self):
+ var = self.file.find_match(TypeInfoVar, self.name)
+ if var is None:
+ self.warn("can't find TypeInfo var declaration for %s", self.name)
+ return
+ if not var.is_static() or not var.is_const():
+ yield self.group_match('func_name').make_patch('type_register')
+class TypeInfoMacro(FileMatch):
+ """TYPE_INFO macro usage"""
+ regexp = S(r'^[ \t]*TYPE_INFO\s*\(\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\s*\)[ \t]*;?[ \t]*\n')
+def find_type_info(files: RegexpScanner, name: str) -> Optional[TypeInfoVar]:
+ ti = [ti for ti in files.matches_of_type(TypeInfoVar)
+ if ti.get_raw_initializer_value('name') == name]
+ DBG("type info vars: %r", ti)
+ if len(ti) > 1:
+ DBG("multiple TypeInfo vars found for %s", name)
+ return None
+ if len(ti) == 0:
+ DBG("no TypeInfo var found for %s", name)
+ return None
+ return ti[0]
+class CreateClassStruct(DeclareInstanceChecker):
+ def gen_patches(self) -> Iterable[Patch]:
+ typename = self.group('typename')
+ DBG("looking for TypeInfo variable for %s", typename)
+ var = find_type_info(self.allfiles, typename)
+ if var is None:
+ self.warn("no TypeInfo var found for %s", typename)
+ return
+ assert var.initializers
+ if 'class_size' in var.initializers:
+ self.warn("class size already set for TypeInfo %s", var.name)
+ return
+ classtype = self.group('instancetype')+'Class'
+ return
+ yield
+ #TODO: need to find out what's the parent class type...
+ #yield var.append_field('class_size', f'sizeof({classtype})')
+ #c = (f'OBJECT_DECLARE_SIMPLE_TYPE({instancetype}, {lowercase},\n'
+ # f' MODULE_OBJ_NAME, ParentClassType)\n')
+ #yield self.make_patch(c)
+def type_infos(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypeInfoVar]:
+ return file.matches_of_type(TypeInfoVar)
+def full_types(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypeInfoVar]:
+ return [t for t in type_infos(file) if t.is_full()]
+def partial_types(file: FileInfo) -> Iterable[TypeInfoVar]:
+ return [t for t in type_infos(file) if not t.is_full()]
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/regexps.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/regexps.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77993cc3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/regexps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+"""Helpers for creation of regular expressions"""
+import re
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DBG = logger.debug
+INFO = logger.info
+WARN = logger.warning
+def S(*regexps) -> str:
+ """Just a shortcut to concatenate multiple regexps more easily"""
+ return ''.join(regexps)
+def P(*regexps, name=None, capture=False, repeat='') -> str:
+ """Just add parenthesis around regexp(s), with optional name or repeat suffix"""
+ s = S(*regexps)
+ if name:
+ return f'(?P<{name}>{s}){repeat}'
+ elif capture:
+ return f'({s}){repeat}'
+ else:
+ return f'(?:{s}){repeat}'
+def NAMED(name, *regexps) -> str:
+ """Make named group using <P<name>...) syntax
+ >>> NAMED('mygroup', 'xyz', 'abc')
+ '(?P<mygroup>xyzabc)'
+ """
+ return P(*regexps, name=name)
+def OR(*regexps, **kwargs) -> str:
+ """Build (a|b|c) regexp"""
+ return P('|'.join(regexps), **kwargs)
+def M(*regexps, n='*', name=None) -> str:
+ """Add repetition qualifier to regexp(s)
+ >>> M('a', 'b')
+ '(?:ab)*'
+ >>> M('a' , 'b', n='+')
+ '(?:ab)+'
+ >>> M('a' , 'b', n='{2,3}', name='name')
+ '(?P<name>(?:ab){2,3})'
+ """
+ r = P(*regexps, repeat=n)
+ if name:
+ r = NAMED(name, r)
+ return r
+# helper to make parenthesis optional around regexp
+OPTIONAL_PARS = lambda R: OR(S(r'\(\s*', R, r'\s*\)'), R)
+def test_optional_pars():
+ r = OPTIONAL_PARS('abc')+'$'
+ assert re.match(r, 'abc')
+ assert re.match(r, '(abc)')
+ assert not re.match(r, '(abcd)')
+ assert not re.match(r, '(abc')
+ assert not re.match(r, 'abc)')
+# this disables the MULTILINE flag, so it will match at the
+# beginning of the file:
+RE_FILE_BEGIN = r'(?-m:^)'
+# C primitives:
+SP = r'\s*'
+RE_COMMENT = r'//[^\n]*$|/\*([^*]|\*[^/])*\*/'
+RE_IDENTIFIER = r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*(?![a-zA-Z0-9])'
+RE_STRING = r'\"([^\"\\]|\\[a-z\"])*\"'
+RE_NUMBER = r'[0-9]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+'
+# space or escaped newlines:
+CPP_SPACE = OR(r'\s', r'\\\n', repeat='+')
+RE_PATH = '[a-zA-Z0-9/_.-]+'
+RE_INCLUDEPATH = OR(S(r'\"', RE_PATH, r'\"'),
+ S(r'<', RE_PATH, r'>'))
+RE_INCLUDE = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*include[ \t]+', NAMED('includepath', RE_INCLUDEPATH), r'[ \t]*\n')
+RE_SIMPLEDEFINE = S(r'^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define[ \t]+', RE_IDENTIFIER, r'[ \t]*\n')
+RE_FUN_CALL = S(RE_IDENTIFIER, r'\s*\(\s*', RE_SIMPLE_VALUE, r'\s*\)')
+RE_SIZEOF = S(r'sizeof\s*\(\s*', NAMED('sizeoftype', RE_TYPE), r'\s*\)')
+RE_ARRAY_ITEM = S(r'{\s*', NAMED('arrayitem', M(RE_SIMPLE_VALUE, n='?')), r'\s*}\s*,?')
+RE_ARRAY_CAST = S(r'\(\s*', RE_IDENTIFIER, r'\s*\[\s*\]\)')
+RE_ARRAY = S(M(RE_ARRAY_CAST, n='?'), r'\s*{\s*',
+ NAMED('arrayitems', RE_ARRAY_ITEMS),
+ r'}')
+# NOTE: this covers a very small subset of valid expressions
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/test_patching.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/test_patching.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71dfbd47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/test_patching.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+from .patching import FileInfo, FileMatch, Patch, FileList
+from .regexps import *
+class BasicPattern(FileMatch):
+ regexp = '[abc]{3}'
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return self.group(0)
+ def replacement(self) -> str:
+ # replace match with the middle character repeated 5 times
+ return self.group(0)[1].upper()*5
+def test_pattern_patching():
+ of = NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
+ of.writelines(['one line\n',
+ 'this pattern will be patched: defbbahij\n',
+ 'third line\n',
+ 'another pattern: jihaabfed'])
+ of.flush()
+ files = FileList()
+ f = FileInfo(files, of.name)
+ f.load()
+ matches = f.matches_of_type(BasicPattern)
+ assert len(matches) == 2
+ p2 = matches[1]
+ # manually add patch, to see if .append() works:
+ f.patches.append(p2.append('XXX'))
+ # apply all patches:
+ f.gen_patches(matches)
+ patched = f.get_patched_content()
+ assert patched == ('one line\n'+
+ 'this pattern will be patched: defBBBBBhij\n'+
+ 'third line\n'+
+ 'another pattern: jihAAAAAXXXfed')
+class Function(FileMatch):
+ regexp = S(r'BEGIN\s+', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\n',
+ r'(.*\n)*?END\n')
+class Statement(FileMatch):
+ regexp = S(r'^\s*', NAMED('name', RE_IDENTIFIER), r'\(\)\n')
+def test_container_match():
+ of = NamedTemporaryFile('wt')
+ of.writelines(['statement1()\n',
+ 'statement2()\n',
+ 'BEGIN function1\n',
+ ' statement3()\n',
+ ' statement4()\n',
+ 'END\n',
+ 'BEGIN function2\n',
+ ' statement5()\n',
+ ' statement6()\n',
+ 'END\n',
+ 'statement7()\n'])
+ of.flush()
+ files = FileList()
+ f = FileInfo(files, of.name)
+ f.load()
+ assert len(f.matches_of_type(Function)) == 2
+ print(' '.join(m.name for m in f.matches_of_type(Statement)))
+ assert len(f.matches_of_type(Statement)) == 7
+ f1 = f.find_match(Function, 'function1')
+ f2 = f.find_match(Function, 'function2')
+ st1 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement1')
+ st2 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement2')
+ st3 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement3')
+ st4 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement4')
+ st5 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement5')
+ st6 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement6')
+ st7 = f.find_match(Statement, 'statement7')
+ assert not f1.contains(st1)
+ assert not f1.contains(st2)
+ assert not f1.contains(st2)
+ assert f1.contains(st3)
+ assert f1.contains(st4)
+ assert not f1.contains(st5)
+ assert not f1.contains(st6)
+ assert not f1.contains(st7)
+ assert not f2.contains(st1)
+ assert not f2.contains(st2)
+ assert not f2.contains(st2)
+ assert not f2.contains(st3)
+ assert not f2.contains(st4)
+ assert f2.contains(st5)
+ assert f2.contains(st6)
+ assert not f2.contains(st7)
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/test_regexps.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/test_regexps.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a445634d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/test_regexps.py
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+from .regexps import *
+from .qom_macros import *
+from .qom_type_info import *
+def test_res() -> None:
+ def fullmatch(regexp, s):
+ return re.fullmatch(regexp, s, re.MULTILINE)
+ assert fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, 'sizeof')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, 'X86CPU')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_FUN_CALL, 'sizeof(X86CPU)')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_IDENTIFIER, 'X86_CPU_TYPE_NAME')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_SIMPLE_VALUE, '"base"')
+ print(RE_FUN_CALL)
+ assert fullmatch(RE_FUN_CALL, 'X86_CPU_TYPE_NAME("base")')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_TI_FIELD_INIT, '.name = X86_CPU_TYPE_NAME("base"),\n')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_MACRO_CONCAT, 'TYPE_ASPEED_GPIO "-ast2600"')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_EXPRESSION, 'TYPE_ASPEED_GPIO "-ast2600"')
+ assert re.search(RE_MACRO_DEFINE, r'''
+ #define OFFSET_CHECK(c) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(c)) { \
+ goto bad_offset; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+ ''', re.MULTILINE)
+ print(CPP_SPACE)
+ assert not re.match(RE_CHECK_MACRO, r'''
+ #define OFFSET_CHECK(c) \
+ do { \
+ if (!(c)) { \
+ goto bad_offset; \
+ } \
+ } while (0)''', re.MULTILINE)
+ assert fullmatch(RE_CHECK_MACRO, r'''#define PCI_DEVICE(obj) \
+ assert fullmatch(RE_CHECK_MACRO, r'''#define COLLIE_MACHINE(obj) \
+ assert re.search(RE_TYPEINFO_START, r'''
+ cc->open = qmp_chardev_open_file;
+static const TypeInfo char_file_type_info = {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ .parent = TYPE_CHARDEV_WIN,
+''', re.MULTILINE)
+ assert re.search(RE_TYPEINFO_START, r'''
+ TypeInfo ti = {
+ .name = armsse_variants[i].name,
+ .parent = TYPE_ARMSSE,
+ .class_init = armsse_class_init,
+ .class_data = (void *)&armsse_variants[i],
+ };''', re.MULTILINE)
+ print(RE_ARRAY_ITEM)
+ assert fullmatch(RE_ARRAY_ITEM, '{ TYPE_HOTPLUG_HANDLER },')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_ARRAY_ITEM, '{ TYPE_ACPI_DEVICE_IF },')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_ARRAY_ITEM, '{ }')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_ARRAY_CAST, '(InterfaceInfo[])')
+ assert fullmatch(RE_ARRAY, '''(InterfaceInfo[]) {
+ { }
+ }''')
+ print(RE_COMMENT)
+ assert fullmatch(RE_COMMENT, r'''/* multi-line
+ * comment
+ */''')
+ print(RE_TI_FIELDS)
+ assert fullmatch(RE_TI_FIELDS,
+ r'''/* could be TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE (or LPC etc) */
+ .parent = TYPE_DEVICE,
+ assert fullmatch(RE_TI_FIELDS, r'''.name = TYPE_TPM_CRB,
+ /* could be TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE (or LPC etc) */
+ .parent = TYPE_DEVICE,
+ .instance_size = sizeof(CRBState),
+ .class_init = tpm_crb_class_init,
+ .interfaces = (InterfaceInfo[]) {
+ { TYPE_TPM_IF },
+ { }
+ }
+ assert fullmatch(RE_TI_FIELDS + SP + RE_COMMENTS,
+ r'''.name = TYPE_PALM_MISC_GPIO,
+ .parent = TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE,
+ .instance_size = sizeof(PalmMiscGPIOState),
+ .instance_init = palm_misc_gpio_init,
+ /*
+ * No class init required: device has no internal state so does not
+ * need to set up reset or vmstate, and has no realize method.
+ */''')
+ print(TypeInfoVar.regexp)
+ test_empty = 'static const TypeInfo x86_base_cpu_type_info = {\n'+\
+ '};\n';
+ assert fullmatch(TypeInfoVar.regexp, test_empty)
+ test_simple = r'''
+ static const TypeInfo x86_base_cpu_type_info = {
+ .name = X86_CPU_TYPE_NAME("base"),
+ .parent = TYPE_X86_CPU,
+ .class_init = x86_cpu_base_class_init,
+ };
+ '''
+ assert re.search(TypeInfoVar.regexp, test_simple, re.MULTILINE)
+ test_interfaces = r'''
+ static const TypeInfo acpi_ged_info = {
+ .name = TYPE_ACPI_GED,
+ .parent = TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE,
+ .instance_size = sizeof(AcpiGedState),
+ .instance_init = acpi_ged_initfn,
+ .class_init = acpi_ged_class_init,
+ .interfaces = (InterfaceInfo[]) {
+ { }
+ }
+ };
+ '''
+ assert re.search(TypeInfoVar.regexp, test_interfaces, re.MULTILINE)
+ test_comments = r'''
+ static const TypeInfo palm_misc_gpio_info = {
+ .parent = TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE,
+ .instance_size = sizeof(PalmMiscGPIOState),
+ .instance_init = palm_misc_gpio_init,
+ /*
+ * No class init required: device has no internal state so does not
+ * need to set up reset or vmstate, and has no realize method.
+ */
+ };
+ '''
+ assert re.search(TypeInfoVar.regexp, test_comments, re.MULTILINE)
+ test_comments = r'''
+ static const TypeInfo tpm_crb_info = {
+ .name = TYPE_TPM_CRB,
+ /* could be TYPE_SYS_BUS_DEVICE (or LPC etc) */
+ .parent = TYPE_DEVICE,
+ .instance_size = sizeof(CRBState),
+ .class_init = tpm_crb_class_init,
+ .interfaces = (InterfaceInfo[]) {
+ { TYPE_TPM_IF },
+ { }
+ }
+ };
+ '''
+ assert re.search(TypeInfoVar.regexp, test_comments, re.MULTILINE)
+def test_struct_re():
+ print('---')
+ assert re.search(RE_STRUCT_TYPEDEF, r'''
+typedef struct TCGState {
+ AccelState parent_obj;
+ bool mttcg_enabled;
+ unsigned long tb_size;
+} TCGState;
+''', re.MULTILINE)
+ assert re.search(RE_STRUCT_TYPEDEF, r'''
+typedef struct {
+ ISADevice parent_obj;
+ QEMUSoundCard card;
+ uint32_t freq;
+ uint32_t port;
+ int ticking[2];
+ int enabled;
+ int active;
+ int bufpos;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ int64_t exp[2];
+ int16_t *mixbuf;
+ uint64_t dexp[2];
+ SWVoiceOut *voice;
+ int left, pos, samples;
+ QEMUAudioTimeStamp ats;
+ FM_OPL *opl;
+ PortioList port_list;
+} AdlibState;
+''', re.MULTILINE)
+ false_positive = r'''
+typedef struct dma_pagetable_entry {
+ int32_t frame;
+ int32_t owner;
+} A B C D E;
+struct foo {
+ int x;
+} some_variable;
+ assert not re.search(RE_STRUCT_TYPEDEF, false_positive, re.MULTILINE)
+def test_initial_includes():
+ print(InitialIncludes.regexp)
+ c = '''
+#ifndef HW_FLASH_H
+#define HW_FLASH_H
+/* NOR flash devices */
+#include "qom/object.h"
+#include "exec/hwaddr.h"
+/* pflash_cfi01.c */
+ print(repr(list(m.groupdict() for m in InitialIncludes.finditer(c))))
+ m = InitialIncludes.domatch(c)
+ assert m
+ print(repr(m.group(0)))
+ assert m.group(0).endswith('#include "exec/hwaddr.h"\n')
+ c = '''#ifndef QEMU_VIRTIO_9P_H
+#define QEMU_VIRTIO_9P_H
+#include "standard-headers/linux/virtio_9p.h"
+#include "hw/virtio/virtio.h"
+#include "9p.h"
+ print(repr(list(m.groupdict() for m in InitialIncludes.finditer(c))))
+ m = InitialIncludes.domatch(c)
+ assert m
+ print(repr(m.group(0)))
+ assert m.group(0).endswith('#include "9p.h"\n')
+ c = '''#include "qom/object.h"
+ * QEMU ES1370 emulation
+ */
+/* #define DEBUG_ES1370 */
+/* #define VERBOSE_ES1370 */
+#define SILENT_ES1370
+#include "qemu/osdep.h"
+#include "hw/audio/soundhw.h"
+#include "audio/audio.h"
+#include "hw/pci/pci.h"
+#include "migration/vmstate.h"
+#include "qemu/module.h"
+#include "sysemu/dma.h"
+/* Missing stuff:
+ print(repr(list(m.groupdict() for m in InitialIncludes.finditer(c))))
+ m = InitialIncludes.domatch(c)
+ assert m
+ print(repr(m.group(0)))
+ assert m.group(0).endswith('#include "sysemu/dma.h"\n')
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/utils.py b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..760ab7eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/codeconverter/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+from typing import *
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DBG = logger.debug
+INFO = logger.info
+WARN = logger.warning
+T = TypeVar('T')
+def opt_compare(a: T, b: T) -> bool:
+ """Compare two values, ignoring mismatches if one of them is None"""
+ return (a is None) or (b is None) or (a == b)
+def merge(a: T, b: T) -> T:
+ """Merge two values if they matched using opt_compare()"""
+ assert opt_compare(a, b)
+ if a is None:
+ return b
+ else:
+ return a
+def test_comp_merge():
+ assert opt_compare(None, 1) == True
+ assert opt_compare(2, None) == True
+ assert opt_compare(1, 1) == True
+ assert opt_compare(1, 2) == False
+ assert merge(None, None) is None
+ assert merge(None, 10) == 10
+ assert merge(10, None) == 10
+ assert merge(10, 10) == 10
+LineNumber = NewType('LineNumber', int)
+ColumnNumber = NewType('ColumnNumber', int)
+class LineAndColumn(NamedTuple):
+ line: int
+ col: int
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%d:%d' % (self.line, self.col)
+def line_col(s, position: int) -> LineAndColumn:
+ """Return line and column for a char position in string
+ Character position starts in 0, but lines and columns start in 1.
+ """
+ before = s[:position]
+ lines = before.split('\n')
+ line = len(lines)
+ col = len(lines[-1]) + 1
+ return LineAndColumn(line, col)
+def test_line_col():
+ assert line_col('abc\ndefg\nhijkl', 0) == (1, 1)
+ assert line_col('abc\ndefg\nhijkl', 2) == (1, 3)
+ assert line_col('abc\ndefg\nhijkl', 3) == (1, 4)
+ assert line_col('abc\ndefg\nhijkl', 4) == (2, 1)
+ assert line_col('abc\ndefg\nhijkl', 10) == (3, 2)
+def not_optional(arg: Optional[T]) -> T:
+ assert arg is not None
+ return arg
+__all__ = ['not_optional', 'opt_compare', 'merge', 'line_col', 'LineAndColumn'] \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/codeconverter/converter.py b/scripts/codeconverter/converter.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..75cb515d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/codeconverter/converter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# QEMU library
+# Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+# Eduardo Habkost <ehabkost@redhat.com>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2. See
+# the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import sys
+import argparse
+import os
+import os.path
+import re
+from typing import *
+from codeconverter.patching import FileInfo, match_class_dict, FileList
+import codeconverter.qom_macros
+from codeconverter.qom_type_info import TI_FIELDS, type_infos, TypeInfoVar
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DBG = logger.debug
+INFO = logger.info
+WARN = logger.warning
+def process_all_files(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, args: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
+ DBG("filenames: %r", args.filenames)
+ files = FileList()
+ files.extend(FileInfo(files, fn, args.force) for fn in args.filenames)
+ for f in files:
+ DBG('opening %s', f.filename)
+ f.load()
+ if args.table:
+ fields = ['filename', 'variable_name'] + TI_FIELDS
+ print('\t'.join(fields))
+ for f in files:
+ for t in f.matches_of_type(TypeInfoVar):
+ assert isinstance(t, TypeInfoVar)
+ values = [f.filename, t.name] + \
+ [t.get_raw_initializer_value(f)
+ for f in TI_FIELDS]
+ DBG('values: %r', values)
+ assert all('\t' not in v for v in values)
+ values = [v.replace('\n', ' ').replace('"', '') for v in values]
+ print('\t'.join(values))
+ return
+ match_classes = match_class_dict()
+ if not args.patterns:
+ parser.error("--pattern is required")
+ classes = [p for arg in args.patterns
+ for p in re.split(r'[\s,]', arg)
+ if p.strip()]
+ for c in classes:
+ if c not in match_classes \
+ or not match_classes[c].regexp:
+ print("Invalid pattern name: %s" % (c), file=sys.stderr)
+ print("Valid patterns:", file=sys.stderr)
+ print(PATTERN_HELP, file=sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ DBG("classes: %r", classes)
+ files.patch_content(max_passes=args.passes, class_names=classes)
+ for f in files:
+ #alltypes.extend(f.type_infos)
+ #full_types.extend(f.full_types())
+ if not args.dry_run:
+ if args.inplace:
+ f.patch_inplace()
+ if args.diff:
+ f.show_diff()
+ if not args.diff and not args.inplace:
+ f.write_to_file(sys.stdout)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+PATTERN_HELP = ('\n'.join(" %s: %s" % (n, str(c.__doc__).strip())
+ for (n,c) in sorted(match_class_dict().items())
+ if c.has_replacement_rule()))
+def main() -> None:
+ p = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter)
+ p.add_argument('filenames', nargs='+')
+ p.add_argument('--passes', type=int, default=1,
+ help="Number of passes (0 means unlimited)")
+ p.add_argument('--pattern', required=True, action='append',
+ default=[], dest='patterns',
+ help="Pattern to scan for")
+ p.add_argument('--inplace', '-i', action='store_true',
+ help="Patch file in place")
+ p.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true',
+ help="Don't patch files or print patching results")
+ p.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_true',
+ help="Perform changes even if not completely safe")
+ p.add_argument('--diff', action='store_true',
+ help="Print diff output on stdout")
+ p.add_argument('--debug', '-d', action='store_true',
+ help="Enable debugging")
+ p.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true',
+ help="Verbose logging on stderr")
+ p.add_argument('--table', action='store_true',
+ help="Print CSV table of type information")
+ p.add_argument_group("Valid pattern names",
+ args = p.parse_args()
+ loglevel = (logging.DEBUG if args.debug
+ else logging.INFO if args.verbose
+ else logging.WARN)
+ logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=loglevel)
+ DBG("args: %r", args)
+ process_all_files(p, args)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main() \ No newline at end of file