path: root/scripts/tracetool/format
diff options
authorTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
committerTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
commite02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (patch)
treeaee302e3cf8b59ec2d32ec481be3d1afddfc8968 /scripts/tracetool/format
parentcc668e6b7e0ffd8c9d130513d12053cf5eda1d3b (diff)
Introduce Virtio-loopback epsilon release:
Epsilon release introduces a new compatibility layer which make virtio-loopback design to work with QEMU and rust-vmm vhost-user backend without require any changes. Signed-off-by: Timos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com> Change-Id: I52e57563e08a7d0bdc002f8e928ee61ba0c53dd9
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/tracetool/format')
13 files changed, 1016 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/__init__.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dc46f3dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Format management.
+Creating new formats
+A new format named 'foo-bar' corresponds to Python module
+A format module should provide a docstring, whose first non-empty line will be
+considered its short description.
+All formats must generate their contents through the 'tracetool.out' routine.
+Format functions
+======== ==================================================================
+Function Description
+======== ==================================================================
+generate Called to generate a format-specific file.
+======== ==================================================================
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2014, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+import os
+import tracetool
+def get_list():
+ """Get a list of (name, description) pairs."""
+ res = []
+ modnames = []
+ for filename in os.listdir(tracetool.format.__path__[0]):
+ if filename.endswith('.py') and filename != '__init__.py':
+ modnames.append(filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0])
+ for modname in sorted(modnames):
+ module = tracetool.try_import("tracetool.format." + modname)
+ # just in case; should never fail unless non-module files are put there
+ if not module[0]:
+ continue
+ module = module[1]
+ doc = module.__doc__
+ if doc is None:
+ doc = ""
+ doc = doc.strip().split("\n")[0]
+ name = modname.replace("_", "-")
+ res.append((name, doc))
+ return res
+def exists(name):
+ """Return whether the given format exists."""
+ if len(name) == 0:
+ return False
+ name = name.replace("-", "_")
+ return tracetool.try_import("tracetool.format." + name)[1]
+def generate(events, format, backend, group):
+ if not exists(format):
+ raise ValueError("unknown format: %s" % format)
+ format = format.replace("-", "_")
+ func = tracetool.try_import("tracetool.format." + format,
+ "generate")[1]
+ if func is None:
+ raise AttributeError("format has no 'generate': %s" % format)
+ func(events, backend, group)
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/c.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/c.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c390c1844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/c.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2014, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ active_events = [e for e in events
+ if "disable" not in e.properties]
+ header = "trace-" + group + ".h"
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ '#include "qemu/osdep.h"',
+ '#include "qemu/module.h"',
+ '#include "%s"' % header,
+ '')
+ for e in events:
+ out('uint16_t %s;' % e.api(e.QEMU_DSTATE))
+ for e in events:
+ if "vcpu" in e.properties:
+ vcpu_id = 0
+ else:
+ out('TraceEvent %(event)s = {',
+ ' .id = 0,',
+ ' .vcpu_id = %(vcpu_id)s,',
+ ' .name = \"%(name)s\",',
+ ' .sstate = %(sstate)s,',
+ ' .dstate = &%(dstate)s ',
+ '};',
+ event = e.api(e.QEMU_EVENT),
+ vcpu_id = vcpu_id,
+ name = e.name,
+ sstate = "TRACE_%s_ENABLED" % e.name.upper(),
+ dstate = e.api(e.QEMU_DSTATE))
+ out('TraceEvent *%(group)s_trace_events[] = {',
+ group = group.lower())
+ for e in events:
+ out(' &%(event)s,', event = e.api(e.QEMU_EVENT))
+ out(' NULL,',
+ '};',
+ '')
+ out('static void trace_%(group)s_register_events(void)',
+ '{',
+ ' trace_event_register_group(%(group)s_trace_events);',
+ '}',
+ 'trace_init(trace_%(group)s_register_events)',
+ group = group.lower())
+ backend.generate_begin(active_events, group)
+ for event in active_events:
+ backend.generate(event, group)
+ backend.generate_end(active_events, group)
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/d.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/d.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebfb71420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/d.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+trace/generated-tracers.dtrace (DTrace only).
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2014, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+from sys import platform
+# Reserved keywords from
+# https://wikis.oracle.com/display/DTrace/Types,+Operators+and+Expressions
+ 'auto', 'goto', 'sizeof', 'break', 'if', 'static', 'case', 'import',
+ 'string', 'char', 'inline', 'stringof', 'const', 'int', 'struct',
+ 'continue', 'long', 'switch', 'counter', 'offsetof', 'this',
+ 'default', 'probe', 'translator', 'do', 'provider', 'typedef',
+ 'double', 'register', 'union', 'else', 'restrict', 'unsigned',
+ 'enum', 'return', 'void', 'extern', 'self', 'volatile', 'float',
+ 'short', 'while', 'for', 'signed', 'xlate',
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disable" not in e.properties]
+ # SystemTap's dtrace(1) warns about empty "provider qemu {}" but is happy
+ # with an empty file. Avoid the warning.
+ # But dtrace on macOS can't deal with empty files.
+ if not events and platform != "darwin":
+ return
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */'
+ '',
+ 'provider qemu {')
+ for e in events:
+ args = []
+ for type_, name in e.args:
+ if platform == "darwin":
+ # macOS dtrace accepts only C99 _Bool
+ if type_ == 'bool':
+ type_ = '_Bool'
+ if type_ == 'bool *':
+ type_ = '_Bool *'
+ # It converts int8_t * in probe points to char * in header
+ # files and introduces [-Wpointer-sign] warning.
+ # Avoid it by changing probe type to signed char * beforehand.
+ if type_ == 'int8_t *':
+ type_ = 'signed char *'
+ # SystemTap dtrace(1) emits a warning when long long is used
+ type_ = type_.replace('unsigned long long', 'uint64_t')
+ type_ = type_.replace('signed long long', 'int64_t')
+ type_ = type_.replace('long long', 'int64_t')
+ if name in RESERVED_WORDS:
+ name += '_'
+ args.append(type_ + ' ' + name)
+ # Define prototype for probe arguments
+ out('',
+ 'probe %(name)s(%(args)s);',
+ name=e.name,
+ args=','.join(args))
+ out('',
+ '};')
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/h.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/h.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e94f0be7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/h.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2017, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ if group == "root":
+ header = "trace/control-vcpu.h"
+ else:
+ header = "trace/control.h"
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ '#ifndef TRACE_%s_GENERATED_TRACERS_H' % group.upper(),
+ '#define TRACE_%s_GENERATED_TRACERS_H' % group.upper(),
+ '',
+ '#include "%s"' % header,
+ '')
+ for e in events:
+ out('extern TraceEvent %(event)s;',
+ event = e.api(e.QEMU_EVENT))
+ for e in events:
+ out('extern uint16_t %s;' % e.api(e.QEMU_DSTATE))
+ # static state
+ for e in events:
+ if 'disable' in e.properties:
+ enabled = 0
+ else:
+ enabled = 1
+ if "tcg-exec" in e.properties:
+ # a single define for the two "sub-events"
+ out('#define TRACE_%(name)s_ENABLED %(enabled)d',
+ name=e.original.name.upper(),
+ enabled=enabled)
+ out('#define TRACE_%s_ENABLED %d' % (e.name.upper(), enabled))
+ backend.generate_begin(events, group)
+ for e in events:
+ # tracer-specific dstate
+ out('',
+ '#define %(api)s() ( \\',
+ api=e.api(e.QEMU_BACKEND_DSTATE))
+ if "disable" not in e.properties:
+ backend.generate_backend_dstate(e, group)
+ out(' false)')
+ # tracer without checks
+ out('',
+ 'static inline void %(api)s(%(args)s)',
+ '{',
+ api=e.api(e.QEMU_TRACE_NOCHECK),
+ args=e.args)
+ if "disable" not in e.properties:
+ backend.generate(e, group)
+ out('}')
+ # tracer wrapper with checks (per-vCPU tracing)
+ if "vcpu" in e.properties:
+ trace_cpu = next(iter(e.args))[1]
+ cond = "trace_event_get_vcpu_state(%(cpu)s,"\
+ " TRACE_%(id)s)"\
+ % dict(
+ cpu=trace_cpu,
+ id=e.name.upper())
+ else:
+ cond = "true"
+ out('',
+ 'static inline void %(api)s(%(args)s)',
+ '{',
+ ' if (%(cond)s) {',
+ ' %(api_nocheck)s(%(names)s);',
+ ' }',
+ '}',
+ api=e.api(),
+ api_nocheck=e.api(e.QEMU_TRACE_NOCHECK),
+ args=e.args,
+ names=", ".join(e.args.names()),
+ cond=cond)
+ backend.generate_end(events, group)
+ out('#endif /* TRACE_%s_GENERATED_TRACERS_H */' % group.upper())
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/log_stap.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/log_stap.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b6549d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/log_stap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate .stp file that printfs log messages (DTrace with SystemTAP only).
+__author__ = "Daniel P. Berrange <berrange@redhat.com>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014-2019, Red Hat, Inc."
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Daniel Berrange"
+__email__ = "berrange@redhat.com"
+import re
+from tracetool import out
+from tracetool.backend.dtrace import binary, probeprefix
+from tracetool.backend.simple import is_string
+from tracetool.format.stap import stap_escape
+def global_var_name(name):
+ return probeprefix().replace(".", "_") + "_" + name
+def c_macro_to_format(macro):
+ if macro.startswith("PRI"):
+ return macro[3]
+ raise Exception("Unhandled macro '%s'" % macro)
+def c_fmt_to_stap(fmt):
+ state = 0
+ bits = []
+ literal = ""
+ macro = ""
+ escape = 0;
+ for i in range(len(fmt)):
+ if fmt[i] == '\\':
+ if escape:
+ escape = 0
+ else:
+ escape = 1
+ if state != STATE_LITERAL:
+ raise Exception("Unexpected escape outside string literal")
+ literal = literal + fmt[i]
+ elif fmt[i] == '"' and not escape:
+ if state == STATE_LITERAL:
+ state = STATE_SKIP
+ bits.append(literal)
+ literal = ""
+ else:
+ if state == STATE_MACRO:
+ bits.append(c_macro_to_format(macro))
+ macro = ""
+ elif fmt[i] == ' ' or fmt[i] == '\t':
+ if state == STATE_MACRO:
+ bits.append(c_macro_to_format(macro))
+ macro = ""
+ state = STATE_SKIP
+ elif state == STATE_LITERAL:
+ literal = literal + fmt[i]
+ else:
+ escape = 0
+ if state == STATE_SKIP:
+ state = STATE_MACRO
+ if state == STATE_LITERAL:
+ literal = literal + fmt[i]
+ else:
+ macro = macro + fmt[i]
+ if state == STATE_MACRO:
+ bits.append(c_macro_to_format(macro))
+ elif state == STATE_LITERAL:
+ bits.append(literal)
+ # All variables in systemtap are 64-bit in size
+ # The "%l" integer size qualifier is thus redundant
+ # and "%ll" is not valid at all. Similarly the size_t
+ # based "%z" size qualifier is not valid. We just
+ # strip all size qualifiers for sanity.
+ fmt = re.sub("%(\d*)(l+|z)(x|u|d)", "%\\1\\3", "".join(bits))
+ return fmt
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '')
+ for event_id, e in enumerate(events):
+ if 'disable' in e.properties:
+ continue
+ out('probe %(probeprefix)s.log.%(name)s = %(probeprefix)s.%(name)s ?',
+ '{',
+ probeprefix=probeprefix(),
+ name=e.name)
+ # Get references to userspace strings
+ for type_, name in e.args:
+ name = stap_escape(name)
+ if is_string(type_):
+ out(' try {',
+ ' arg%(name)s_str = %(name)s ? ' +
+ 'user_string_n(%(name)s, 512) : "<null>"',
+ ' } catch {}',
+ name=name)
+ # Determine systemtap's view of variable names
+ fields = ["pid()", "gettimeofday_ns()"]
+ for type_, name in e.args:
+ name = stap_escape(name)
+ if is_string(type_):
+ fields.append("arg" + name + "_str")
+ else:
+ fields.append(name)
+ # Emit the entire record in a single SystemTap printf()
+ arg_str = ', '.join(arg for arg in fields)
+ fmt_str = "%d@%d " + e.name + " " + c_fmt_to_stap(e.fmt) + "\\n"
+ out(' printf("%(fmt_str)s", %(arg_str)s)',
+ fmt_str=fmt_str, arg_str=arg_str)
+ out('}')
+ out()
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/simpletrace_stap.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/simpletrace_stap.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f4633b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/simpletrace_stap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate .stp file that outputs simpletrace binary traces (DTrace with SystemTAP only).
+__author__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi <redhat.com>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2014, Red Hat, Inc."
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+from tracetool.backend.dtrace import probeprefix
+from tracetool.backend.simple import is_string
+from tracetool.format.stap import stap_escape
+def global_var_name(name):
+ return probeprefix().replace(".", "_") + "_" + name
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '')
+ for event_id, e in enumerate(events):
+ if 'disable' in e.properties:
+ continue
+ out('probe %(probeprefix)s.simpletrace.%(name)s = %(probeprefix)s.%(name)s ?',
+ '{',
+ probeprefix=probeprefix(),
+ name=e.name)
+ # Calculate record size
+ sizes = ['24'] # sizeof(TraceRecord)
+ for type_, name in e.args:
+ name = stap_escape(name)
+ if is_string(type_):
+ out(' try {',
+ ' arg%(name)s_str = %(name)s ? user_string_n(%(name)s, 512) : "<null>"',
+ ' } catch {}',
+ ' arg%(name)s_len = strlen(arg%(name)s_str)',
+ name=name)
+ sizes.append('4 + arg%s_len' % name)
+ else:
+ sizes.append('8')
+ sizestr = ' + '.join(sizes)
+ # Generate format string and value pairs for record header and arguments
+ fields = [('8b', str(event_id)),
+ ('8b', 'gettimeofday_ns()'),
+ ('4b', sizestr),
+ ('4b', 'pid()')]
+ for type_, name in e.args:
+ name = stap_escape(name)
+ if is_string(type_):
+ fields.extend([('4b', 'arg%s_len' % name),
+ ('.*s', 'arg%s_len, arg%s_str' % (name, name))])
+ else:
+ fields.append(('8b', name))
+ # Emit the entire record in a single SystemTap printf()
+ fmt_str = '%'.join(fmt for fmt, _ in fields)
+ arg_str = ', '.join(arg for _, arg in fields)
+ out(' printf("%%8b%%%(fmt_str)s", 1, %(arg_str)s)',
+ fmt_str=fmt_str, arg_str=arg_str)
+ out('}')
+ out()
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/stap.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/stap.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a218b0445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/stap.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate .stp file (DTrace with SystemTAP only).
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2014, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+from tracetool.backend.dtrace import binary, probeprefix
+# Technically 'self' is not used by systemtap yet, but
+# they recommended we keep it in the reserved list anyway
+ 'break', 'catch', 'continue', 'delete', 'else', 'for',
+ 'foreach', 'function', 'global', 'if', 'in', 'limit',
+ 'long', 'next', 'probe', 'return', 'self', 'string',
+ 'try', 'while'
+ )
+def stap_escape(identifier):
+ # Append underscore to reserved keywords
+ if identifier in RESERVED_WORDS:
+ return identifier + '_'
+ return identifier
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disable" not in e.properties]
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '')
+ for e in events:
+ # Define prototype for probe arguments
+ out('probe %(probeprefix)s.%(name)s = process("%(binary)s").mark("%(name)s")',
+ '{',
+ probeprefix=probeprefix(),
+ name=e.name,
+ binary=binary())
+ i = 1
+ if len(e.args) > 0:
+ for name in e.args.names():
+ name = stap_escape(name)
+ out(' %s = $arg%d;' % (name, i))
+ i += 1
+ out('}')
+ out()
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_h.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_h.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d84440af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_h.py
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate .h file for TCG code generation.
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2017, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out, Arguments
+import tracetool.vcpu
+def vcpu_transform_args(args):
+ assert len(args) == 1
+ return Arguments([
+ args,
+ # NOTE: this name must be kept in sync with the one in "tcg_h"
+ # NOTE: Current helper code uses TCGv_env (CPUArchState*)
+ ("TCGv_env", "__tcg_" + args.names()[0]),
+ ])
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ if group == "root":
+ header = "trace/trace-root.h"
+ else:
+ header = "trace.h"
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '/* You must include this file after the inclusion of helper.h */',
+ '',
+ '#ifndef TRACE_%s_GENERATED_TCG_TRACERS_H' % group.upper(),
+ '#define TRACE_%s_GENERATED_TCG_TRACERS_H' % group.upper(),
+ '',
+ '#include "exec/helper-proto.h"',
+ '#include "%s"' % header,
+ '',
+ )
+ for e in events:
+ # just keep one of them
+ if "tcg-exec" not in e.properties:
+ continue
+ out('static inline void %(name_tcg)s(%(args)s)',
+ '{',
+ name_tcg=e.original.api(e.QEMU_TRACE_TCG),
+ args=tracetool.vcpu.transform_args("tcg_h", e.original))
+ if "disable" not in e.properties:
+ args_trans = e.original.event_trans.args
+ args_exec = tracetool.vcpu.transform_args(
+ "tcg_helper_c", e.original.event_exec, "wrapper")
+ if "vcpu" in e.properties:
+ trace_cpu = e.args.names()[0]
+ cond = "trace_event_get_vcpu_state(%(cpu)s,"\
+ " TRACE_%(id)s)"\
+ % dict(
+ cpu=trace_cpu,
+ id=e.original.event_exec.name.upper())
+ else:
+ cond = "true"
+ out(' %(name_trans)s(%(argnames_trans)s);',
+ ' if (%(cond)s) {',
+ ' gen_helper_%(name_exec)s(%(argnames_exec)s);',
+ ' }',
+ name_trans=e.original.event_trans.api(e.QEMU_TRACE),
+ name_exec=e.original.event_exec.api(e.QEMU_TRACE),
+ argnames_trans=", ".join(args_trans.names()),
+ argnames_exec=", ".join(args_exec.names()),
+ cond=cond)
+ out('}')
+ out('',
+ '#endif /* TRACE_%s_GENERATED_TCG_TRACERS_H */' % group.upper())
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_c.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_c.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72576e67d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_c.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate trace/generated-helpers.c.
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2017, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import Arguments, out
+from tracetool.transform import *
+import tracetool.vcpu
+def vcpu_transform_args(args, mode):
+ assert len(args) == 1
+ # NOTE: this name must be kept in sync with the one in "tcg_h"
+ args = Arguments([(args.types()[0], "__tcg_" + args.names()[0])])
+ if mode == "code":
+ return Arguments([
+ # Does cast from helper requirements to tracing types
+ ("CPUState *", "env_cpu(%s)" % args.names()[0]),
+ ])
+ else:
+ args = Arguments([
+ # NOTE: Current helper code uses TCGv_env (CPUArchState*)
+ ("CPUArchState *", args.names()[0]),
+ ])
+ if mode == "header":
+ return args
+ elif mode == "wrapper":
+ return args.transform(HOST_2_TCG)
+ else:
+ assert False
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ if group == "root":
+ header = "trace/trace-root.h"
+ else:
+ header = "trace.h"
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disable" not in e.properties]
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ '#include "qemu/osdep.h"',
+ '#include "cpu.h"',
+ '#include "exec/helper-proto.h"',
+ '#include "%s"' % header,
+ '',
+ )
+ for e in events:
+ if "tcg-exec" not in e.properties:
+ continue
+ e_args_api = tracetool.vcpu.transform_args(
+ "tcg_helper_c", e.original, "header").transform(
+ e_args_call = tracetool.vcpu.transform_args(
+ "tcg_helper_c", e, "code")
+ out('void %(name_tcg)s(%(args_api)s)',
+ '{',
+ # NOTE: the check was already performed at TCG-generation time
+ ' %(name)s(%(args_call)s);',
+ '}',
+ name_tcg="helper_%s_proxy" % e.api(),
+ name=e.api(e.QEMU_TRACE_NOCHECK),
+ args_api=e_args_api,
+ args_call=", ".join(e_args_call.casted()),
+ )
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_h.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_h.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08554fbc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_h.py
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate trace/generated-helpers.h.
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2016, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+from tracetool.transform import *
+import tracetool.vcpu
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disable" not in e.properties]
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ )
+ for e in events:
+ if "tcg-exec" not in e.properties:
+ continue
+ # TCG helper proxy declaration
+ fmt = "DEF_HELPER_FLAGS_%(argc)d(%(name)s, %(flags)svoid%(types)s)"
+ e_args = tracetool.vcpu.transform_args("tcg_helper_c", e.original, "header")
+ args = e_args.transform(HOST_2_TCG_COMPAT, HOST_2_TCG,
+ types = ", ".join(args.types())
+ if types != "":
+ types = ", " + types
+ flags = "TCG_CALL_NO_RWG, "
+ out(fmt,
+ flags=flags,
+ argc=len(args),
+ name=e.api() + "_proxy",
+ types=types,
+ )
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_wrapper_h.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_wrapper_h.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c5a9797d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_wrapper_h.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Generate trace/generated-helpers-wrappers.h.
+__author__ = "Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012-2016, Lluís Vilanova <vilanova@ac.upc.edu>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+from tracetool.transform import *
+import tracetool.vcpu
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disable" not in e.properties]
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ '#define tcg_temp_new_nop(v) (v)',
+ '#define tcg_temp_free_nop(v)',
+ '',
+ )
+ for e in events:
+ if "tcg-exec" not in e.properties:
+ continue
+ # tracetool.generate always transforms types to host
+ e_args = tracetool.vcpu.transform_args("tcg_helper_c", e.original, "wrapper")
+ # mixed-type to TCG helper bridge
+ args_tcg_compat = e_args.transform(HOST_2_TCG_COMPAT)
+ code_new = [
+ "%(tcg_type)s __%(name)s = %(tcg_func)s(%(name)s);" %
+ {"tcg_type": transform_type(type_, HOST_2_TCG),
+ "tcg_func": transform_type(type_, HOST_2_TCG_TMP_NEW),
+ "name": name}
+ for (type_, name) in args_tcg_compat
+ ]
+ code_free = [
+ "%(tcg_func)s(__%(name)s);" %
+ {"tcg_func": transform_type(type_, HOST_2_TCG_TMP_FREE),
+ "name": name}
+ for (type_, name) in args_tcg_compat
+ ]
+ gen_name = "gen_helper_" + e.api()
+ out('static inline void %(name)s(%(args)s)',
+ '{',
+ ' %(code_new)s',
+ ' %(proxy_name)s(%(tmp_names)s);',
+ ' %(code_free)s',
+ '}',
+ name=gen_name,
+ args=e_args,
+ proxy_name=gen_name + "_proxy",
+ code_new="\n ".join(code_new),
+ code_free="\n ".join(code_free),
+ tmp_names=", ".join(["__%s" % name for _, name in e_args]),
+ )
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_c.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_c.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..deced9533
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_c.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = "Mohamad Gebai <mohamad.gebai@polymtl.ca>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012, Mohamad Gebai <mohamad.gebai@polymtl.ca>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disabled" not in e.properties]
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ '#include "qemu/osdep.h"',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '/* If gcc version 4.7 or older is used, LTTng ust gives a warning when compiling with',
+ ' -Wredundant-decls.',
+ ' */',
+ '#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wredundant-decls"',
+ '',
+ '#include "trace-ust-all.h"')
diff --git a/scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_h.py b/scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_h.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ce559f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_h.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = "Mohamad Gebai <mohamad.gebai@polymtl.ca>"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012, Mohamad Gebai <mohamad.gebai@polymtl.ca>"
+__license__ = "GPL version 2 or (at your option) any later version"
+__maintainer__ = "Stefan Hajnoczi"
+__email__ = "stefanha@redhat.com"
+from tracetool import out
+def generate(events, backend, group):
+ events = [e for e in events
+ if "disabled" not in e.properties]
+ if group == "all":
+ include = "trace-ust-all.h"
+ else:
+ include = "trace-ust.h"
+ out('/* This file is autogenerated by tracetool, do not edit. */',
+ '',
+ '#define TRACEPOINT_PROVIDER qemu',
+ '',
+ '#define TRACEPOINT_INCLUDE_FILE ./%s' % include,
+ '',
+ '#if !defined (TRACE_%s_GENERATED_UST_H) || \\' % group.upper(),
+ '#define TRACE_%s_GENERATED_UST_H' % group.upper(),
+ '',
+ '#include <lttng/tracepoint.h>',
+ '',
+ '/*',
+ ' * LTTng ust 2.0 does not allow you to use TP_ARGS(void) for tracepoints',
+ ' * requiring no arguments. We define these macros introduced in more recent'
+ ' * versions of LTTng ust as a workaround',
+ ' */',
+ '#ifndef _TP_EXPROTO1',
+ '#define _TP_EXPROTO1(a) void',
+ '#endif',
+ '#ifndef _TP_EXDATA_PROTO1',
+ '#define _TP_EXDATA_PROTO1(a) void *__tp_data',
+ '#endif',
+ '#ifndef _TP_EXDATA_VAR1',
+ '#define _TP_EXDATA_VAR1(a) __tp_data',
+ '#endif',
+ '#ifndef _TP_EXVAR1',
+ '#define _TP_EXVAR1(a)',
+ '#endif',
+ '')
+ for e in events:
+ if len(e.args) > 0:
+ ' qemu,',
+ ' %(name)s,',
+ ' TP_ARGS(%(args)s),',
+ ' TP_FIELDS(',
+ name=e.name,
+ args=", ".join(", ".join(i) for i in e.args))
+ types = e.args.types()
+ names = e.args.names()
+ fmts = e.formats()
+ for t,n,f in zip(types, names, fmts):
+ if ('char *' in t) or ('char*' in t):
+ out(' ctf_string(' + n + ', ' + n + ')')
+ elif ("%p" in f) or ("x" in f) or ("PRIx" in f):
+ out(' ctf_integer_hex('+ t + ', ' + n + ', ' + n + ')')
+ elif ("ptr" in t) or ("*" in t):
+ out(' ctf_integer_hex('+ t + ', ' + n + ', ' + n + ')')
+ elif ('int' in t) or ('long' in t) or ('unsigned' in t) \
+ or ('size_t' in t) or ('bool' in t):
+ out(' ctf_integer(' + t + ', ' + n + ', ' + n + ')')
+ elif ('double' in t) or ('float' in t):
+ out(' ctf_float(' + t + ', ' + n + ', ' + n + ')')
+ elif ('void *' in t) or ('void*' in t):
+ out(' ctf_integer_hex(unsigned long, ' + n + ', ' + n + ')')
+ out(' )',
+ ')',
+ '')
+ else:
+ ' qemu,',
+ ' %(name)s,',
+ ' TP_ARGS(void),',
+ ' TP_FIELDS()',
+ ')',
+ '',
+ name=e.name)
+ out('#endif /* TRACE_%s_GENERATED_UST_H */' % group.upper(),
+ '',
+ '/* This part must be outside ifdef protection */',
+ '#include <lttng/tracepoint-event.h>')