path: root/capstone/arch/BPF/BPFConstants.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'capstone/arch/BPF/BPFConstants.h')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/capstone/arch/BPF/BPFConstants.h b/capstone/arch/BPF/BPFConstants.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d12590460
--- /dev/null
+++ b/capstone/arch/BPF/BPFConstants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+/* Capstone Disassembly Engine */
+/* BPF Backend by david942j <david942j@gmail.com>, 2019 */
+/* This file defines constants and macros used for parsing a BPF instruction */
+#define BPF_CLASS(code) ((code) & 0x7)
+///< Instruction classes
+#define BPF_CLASS_LD 0x00
+#define BPF_CLASS_LDX 0x01
+#define BPF_CLASS_ST 0x02
+#define BPF_CLASS_STX 0x03
+#define BPF_CLASS_ALU 0x04
+#define BPF_CLASS_JMP 0x05
+#define BPF_CLASS_RET 0x06 ///< cBPF only
+#define BPF_CLASS_MISC 0x07 ///< cBPF only
+#define BPF_CLASS_ALU64 0x07 ///< eBPF only
+#define BPF_OP(code) ((code) & 0xf0)
+///< Types of ALU instruction
+#define BPF_ALU_ADD 0x00
+#define BPF_ALU_SUB 0x10
+#define BPF_ALU_MUL 0x20
+#define BPF_ALU_DIV 0x30
+#define BPF_ALU_OR 0x40
+#define BPF_ALU_AND 0x50
+#define BPF_ALU_LSH 0x60
+#define BPF_ALU_RSH 0x70
+#define BPF_ALU_NEG 0x80
+#define BPF_ALU_MOD 0x90
+#define BPF_ALU_XOR 0xa0
+#define BPF_ALU_MOV 0xb0 ///< eBPF only: mov reg to reg
+#define BPF_ALU_ARSH 0xc0 ///< eBPF only: sign extending shift right
+#define BPF_ALU_END 0xd0 ///< eBPF only: endianness conversion
+///< Types of jmp instruction
+#define BPF_JUMP_JA 0x00 ///< goto
+#define BPF_JUMP_JEQ 0x10 ///< '=='
+#define BPF_JUMP_JGT 0x20 ///< unsigned '>'
+#define BPF_JUMP_JGE 0x30 ///< unsigned '>='
+#define BPF_JUMP_JSET 0x40 ///< '&'
+#define BPF_JUMP_JNE 0x50 ///< eBPF only: '!=' */
+#define BPF_JUMP_JSGT 0x60 ///< eBPF only: signed '>'
+#define BPF_JUMP_JSGE 0x70 ///< eBPF only: signed '>='
+#define BPF_JUMP_CALL 0x80 ///< eBPF only: function call
+#define BPF_JUMP_EXIT 0x90 ///< eBPF only: exit
+#define BPF_JUMP_JLT 0xa0 ///< eBPF only: unsigned '<'
+#define BPF_JUMP_JLE 0xb0 ///< eBPF only: unsigned '<='
+#define BPF_JUMP_JSLT 0xc0 ///< eBPF only: signed '<'
+#define BPF_JUMP_JSLE 0xd0 ///< eBPF only: signed '<='
+#define BPF_SRC(code) ((code) & 0x08)
+#define BPF_RVAL(code) ((code) & 0x18) /* cBPF only: for return types */
+///< Source operand
+#define BPF_SRC_K 0x00
+#define BPF_SRC_X 0x08
+#define BPF_SRC_A 0x10 /* cBPF only */
+#define BPF_SIZE(code) ((code) & 0x18)
+///< Size modifier
+#define BPF_SIZE_W 0x00 ///< word
+#define BPF_SIZE_H 0x08 ///< half word
+#define BPF_SIZE_B 0x10 ///< byte
+#define BPF_SIZE_DW 0x18 ///< eBPF only: double word
+#define BPF_MODE(code) ((code) & 0xe0)
+///< Mode modifier
+#define BPF_MODE_IMM 0x00 ///< used for 32-bit mov in cBPF and 64-bit in eBPF
+#define BPF_MODE_ABS 0x20
+#define BPF_MODE_IND 0x40
+#define BPF_MODE_MEM 0x60
+#define BPF_MODE_LEN 0x80 ///< cBPF only, reserved in eBPF
+#define BPF_MODE_MSH 0xa0 ///< cBPF only, reserved in eBPF
+#define BPF_MODE_XADD 0xc0 ///< eBPF only: exclusive add
+#define BPF_MISCOP(code) ((code) & 0x80)
+///< Operation of misc
+#define BPF_MISCOP_TAX 0x00
+#define BPF_MISCOP_TXA 0x80