path: root/capstone/bindings/vb6/mMisc.bas
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'capstone/bindings/vb6/mMisc.bas')
1 files changed, 385 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/capstone/bindings/vb6/mMisc.bas b/capstone/bindings/vb6/mMisc.bas
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ccb1308e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/capstone/bindings/vb6/mMisc.bas
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+Attribute VB_Name = "mMisc"
+Option Explicit
+'These are old library functions
+Private Type Bit64Currency
+ value As Currency
+End Type
+Private Type Bit64Integer
+ LowValue As Long
+ HighValue As Long
+End Type
+Global Const LANG_US = &H409
+Public Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
+Public Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
+Public Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
+Public Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
+Public Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal lpModuleName As String) As Long
+Public Declare Function SetDllDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetDllDirectoryA" (ByVal lpPathName As String) As Long
+Function makeCur(high As Long, low As Long) As Currency
+ Dim c As Bit64Currency
+ Dim dl As Bit64Integer
+ dl.LowValue = low
+ dl.HighValue = high
+ LSet c = dl
+ makeCur = c.value
+End Function
+Function lng2Cur(v As Long) As Currency
+ Dim c As Bit64Currency
+ Dim dl As Bit64Integer
+ dl.LowValue = v
+ dl.HighValue = 0
+ LSet c = dl
+ lng2Cur = c.value
+End Function
+Function cur2str(v As Currency) As String
+ Dim c As Bit64Currency
+ Dim dl As Bit64Integer
+ c.value = v
+ LSet dl = c
+ If dl.HighValue = 0 Then
+ cur2str = Right("00000000" & Hex(dl.LowValue), 8)
+ Else
+ cur2str = Right("00000000" & Hex(dl.HighValue), 8) & "`" & Right("00000000" & Hex(dl.LowValue), 8)
+ End If
+End Function
+Function x64StrToCur(ByVal str As String) As Currency
+ str = Replace(Trim(str), "0x", "")
+ str = Replace(str, " ", "")
+ str = Replace(str, "`", "")
+ Dim low As String, high As String
+ Dim c As Bit64Currency
+ Dim dl As Bit64Integer
+ low = VBA.Right(str, 8)
+ dl.LowValue = CLng("&h" & low)
+ If Len(str) > 8 Then
+ high = Mid(str, 1, Len(str) - 8)
+ dl.HighValue = CLng("&h" & high)
+ End If
+ LSet c = dl
+ x64StrToCur = c.value
+End Function
+Function cur2lng(v As Currency) As Long
+ Dim c As Bit64Currency
+ Dim dl As Bit64Integer
+ c.value = v
+ LSet dl = c
+ cur2lng = dl.LowValue
+End Function
+Function readLng(offset As Long) As Long
+ Dim tmp As Long
+ CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(tmp), ByVal offset, 4
+ readLng = tmp
+End Function
+Function readByte(offset As Long) As Byte
+ Dim tmp As Byte
+ CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(tmp), ByVal offset, 1
+ readByte = tmp
+End Function
+Function readCur(offset As Long) As Currency
+ Dim tmp As Currency
+ CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(tmp), ByVal offset, 8
+ readCur = tmp
+End Function
+Function col2Str(c As Collection, Optional emptyVal = "") As String
+ Dim v, tmp As String
+ If c.count = 0 Then
+ col2Str = emptyVal
+ Else
+ For Each v In c
+ col2Str = col2Str & hhex(v) & ", "
+ Next
+ col2Str = Mid(col2Str, 1, Len(col2Str) - 2)
+ End If
+End Function
+Function regCol2Str(hEngine As Long, c As Collection) As String
+ Dim v, tmp As String
+ If c.count = 0 Then Exit Function
+ For Each v In c
+ regCol2Str = regCol2Str & regName(hEngine, CLng(v)) & ", "
+ Next
+ regCol2Str = Mid(regCol2Str, 1, Len(regCol2Str) - 2)
+End Function
+Function b2Str(b() As Byte) As String
+ Dim i As Long
+ If AryIsEmpty(b) Then
+ b2Str = "Empty"
+ Else
+ For i = 0 To UBound(b)
+ b2Str = b2Str & hhex(b(i)) & " "
+ Next
+ b2Str = Trim(b2Str)
+ End If
+End Function
+Function AryIsEmpty(ary) As Boolean
+ Dim i As Long
+ On Error GoTo oops
+ i = UBound(ary) '<- throws error if not initalized
+ AryIsEmpty = False
+ Exit Function
+oops: AryIsEmpty = True
+End Function
+Public Function toBytes(ByVal hexstr, Optional strRet As Boolean = False)
+'11 22 33 44 spaced hex chars
+'11223344 run together hex strings
+'11,22,33,44 csv hex
+'\x11,0x22 misc C source rips
+'ignores common C source prefixes, operators, delimiters, and whitespace
+'not supported
+'1,2,3,4 all hex chars are must have two chars even if delimited
+'a version which supports more formats is here:
+' https://github.com/dzzie/libs/blob/master/dzrt/globals.cls
+ Dim ret As String, x As String, str As String
+ Dim r() As Byte, b As Byte, b1 As Byte
+ Dim foundDecimal As Boolean, tmp, i, a, a2
+ Dim pos As Long, marker As String
+ On Error GoTo nope
+ str = Replace(hexstr, vbCr, Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, vbLf, Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, vbTab, Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, Chr(0), Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, "{", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, "}", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, ";", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, "+", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, """""", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, "'", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, " ", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, "0x", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, "\x", Empty)
+ str = Replace(str, ",", Empty)
+ For i = 1 To Len(str) Step 2
+ x = Mid(str, i, 2)
+ If Not isHexChar(x, b) Then Exit Function
+ bpush r(), b
+ Next
+ If strRet Then
+ toBytes = StrConv(r, vbUnicode, LANG_US)
+ Else
+ toBytes = r
+ End If
+End Function
+Private Sub bpush(bAry() As Byte, b As Byte) 'this modifies parent ary object
+ On Error GoTo init
+ Dim x As Long
+ x = UBound(bAry) '<-throws Error If Not initalized
+ ReDim Preserve bAry(UBound(bAry) + 1)
+ bAry(UBound(bAry)) = b
+ Exit Sub
+ ReDim bAry(0)
+ bAry(0) = b
+End Sub
+Sub push(ary, value) 'this modifies parent ary object
+ On Error GoTo init
+ Dim x
+ x = UBound(ary)
+ ReDim Preserve ary(x + 1)
+ If IsObject(value) Then
+ Set ary(x + 1) = value
+ Else
+ ary(x + 1) = value
+ End If
+ Exit Sub
+ ReDim ary(0)
+ If IsObject(value) Then
+ Set ary(0) = value
+ Else
+ ary(0) = value
+ End If
+End Sub
+Public Function isHexChar(hexValue As String, Optional b As Byte) As Boolean
+ On Error Resume Next
+ Dim v As Long
+ If Len(hexValue) = 0 Then GoTo nope
+ If Len(hexValue) > 2 Then GoTo nope 'expecting hex char code like FF or 90
+ v = CLng("&h" & hexValue)
+ If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo nope 'invalid hex code
+ b = CByte(v)
+ If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo nope 'shouldnt happen.. > 255 cant be with len() <=2 ?
+ isHexChar = True
+ Exit Function
+ Err.Clear
+ isHexChar = False
+End Function
+Function hhex(b) As String
+ hhex = Right("00" & Hex(b), 2)
+End Function
+Function rpad(x, i, Optional c = " ")
+ rpad = Left(x & String(i, c), i)
+End Function
+Function HexDump(bAryOrStrData, Optional hexOnly = 0, Optional ByVal startAt As Long = 1, Optional ByVal length As Long = -1) As String
+ Dim s() As String, chars As String, tmp As String
+ On Error Resume Next
+ Dim ary() As Byte
+ Dim offset As Long
+ Const LANG_US = &H409
+ Dim i As Long, tt, h, x
+ offset = 0
+ If TypeName(bAryOrStrData) = "Byte()" Then
+ ary() = bAryOrStrData
+ Else
+ ary = StrConv(CStr(bAryOrStrData), vbFromUnicode, LANG_US)
+ End If
+ If startAt < 1 Then startAt = 1
+ If length < 1 Then length = -1
+ While startAt Mod 16 <> 0
+ startAt = startAt - 1
+ Wend
+ startAt = startAt + 1
+ chars = " "
+ For i = startAt To UBound(ary) + 1
+ tt = Hex(ary(i - 1))
+ If Len(tt) = 1 Then tt = "0" & tt
+ tmp = tmp & tt & " "
+ x = ary(i - 1)
+ 'chars = chars & IIf((x > 32 And x < 127) Or x > 191, Chr(x), ".") 'x > 191 causes \x0 problems on non us systems... asc(chr(x)) = 0
+ chars = chars & IIf((x > 32 And x < 127), Chr(x), ".")
+ If i > 1 And i Mod 16 = 0 Then
+ h = Hex(offset)
+ While Len(h) < 6: h = "0" & h: Wend
+ If hexOnly = 0 Then
+ push s, h & " " & tmp & chars
+ Else
+ push s, tmp
+ End If
+ offset = offset + 16
+ tmp = Empty
+ chars = " "
+ End If
+ If length <> -1 Then
+ length = length - 1
+ If length = 0 Then Exit For
+ End If
+ Next
+ 'if read length was not mod 16=0 then
+ 'we have part of line to account for
+ If tmp <> Empty Then
+ If hexOnly = 0 Then
+ h = Hex(offset)
+ While Len(h) < 6: h = "0" & h: Wend
+ h = h & " " & tmp
+ While Len(h) <= 56: h = h & " ": Wend
+ push s, h & chars
+ Else
+ push s, tmp
+ End If
+ End If
+ HexDump = Join(s, vbCrLf)
+ If hexOnly <> 0 Then
+ HexDump = Replace(HexDump, " ", "")
+ HexDump = Replace(HexDump, vbCrLf, "")
+ End If
+End Function
+Function FileExists(path As String) As Boolean
+ On Error GoTo hell
+ If Len(path) = 0 Then Exit Function
+ If Right(path, 1) = "\" Then Exit Function
+ If Dir(path, vbHidden Or vbNormal Or vbReadOnly Or vbSystem) <> "" Then FileExists = True
+ Exit Function
+hell: FileExists = False
+End Function
+Sub WriteFile(path, it)
+ Dim f
+ f = FreeFile
+ Open path For Output As #f
+ Print #f, it
+ Close f
+End Sub
+Function GetParentFolder(path) As String
+ Dim tmp() As String, ub As Long
+ On Error Resume Next
+ tmp = Split(path, "\")
+ ub = tmp(UBound(tmp))
+ If Err.Number = 0 Then
+ GetParentFolder = Replace(Join(tmp, "\"), "\" & ub, "")
+ Else
+ GetParentFolder = path
+ End If
+End Function