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+# Arm performance test
+Performance differences in build systems become more apparent on
+slower platforms. To examine this difference we compared the
+performance of Meson with GNU Autotools. We took the GLib software
+project and rewrote its build setup with Meson. GLib was chosen
+because it is a relatively large C code base which requires lots of
+low level configuration.
+The Meson version of the build system is not fully equivalent to the
+original Autotools one. It does not do all the same configuration
+steps and does not build all the same targets. The biggest missing
+piece being internationalisation support with Gettext. However it does
+configure the system enough to build all C source and run all unit
+All measurements were done on a Nexus 4 smart phone running the latest
+Ubuntu touch image (updated on September 9th 2013).
+The first thing we measured was the time it took to run the configure step.
+![GLib config time](images/glib_conf.png)
+Meson takes roughly 20 seconds whereas Autotools takes 220. This is a
+difference of one order of magnitude. Autotools' time contains both
+autogen and configure. Again it should be remembered that Meson does
+not do all the configure steps that Autotools does. It does do about
+90% of them and it takes just 10% of the time to do it.
+Then we measured the build times. Two parallel compilation processes
+were used for both systems.
+![GLib build time](images/glib_build.png)
+On desktop machines Ninja based build systems are 10-20% faster than
+Make based ones. On this platform the difference grows to 50%. The
+difference is probably caused by Make's inefficient disk access
+patterns. Ninja is better at keeping both cores running all the time
+which yields impressive performance improvements.
+![GLib no-op time](images/glib_empty.png)
+Next we measured the "empty build" case. That is, how long does it
+take for the build system to detect that no changes need to be
+made. This is one of the most important metrics of build systems
+because it places a hard limit on how fast you can iterate on your
+code. Autotools takes 14 seconds to determine that no work needs to be
+done. Meson (or, rather, Ninja) takes just one quarter of a second.
+![GLib link time](images/glib_link.png)
+One step which takes quite a lot of time is linking. A common case is
+that you are working on a library and there are tens of small test
+executables that link to it. Even if the compilation step would be
+fast, relinking all of the test executables takes time. It is common
+for people to manually compile only one test application with a
+command such as `make sometest` rather than rebuild everything.
+Meson has an optimization for this case. Whenever a library is
+rebuilt, Meson inspects the ABI it exports. If it has not changed,
+Meson will skip all relinking steps as unnecessary. The difference
+this makes can be clearly seen in the chart above. In that test the
+source was fully built, then the file `glib/gbytes.c` was touched to
+force the rebuild of the base glib shared library. As can be seen,
+Autotools then relinks all test executables that link with glib. Since
+Meson can detect that the ABI is the same it can skip those steps. The
+end result being that Meson is almost one hundred times faster on this
+very common use case.
+One of the main drawbacks of C and C++ compared to languages such as
+Java are long compilation times. However at least some of the blame
+can be found in the build tools used rather than the languages
+themselves or their compilers. Choosing proper tools can bring C and
+C++ compilation very close to instantaneous rebuilds. This has a
+direct impact on programmer productivity.
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+short-description: Adding compiler arguments
+# Adding arguments
+Often you need to specify extra compiler arguments. Meson provides two
+different ways to achieve this: global arguments and per-target
+Global arguments
+Global compiler arguments are set with the following command. As an
+example you could do this.
+add_global_arguments('-DFOO=bar', language : 'c')
+This makes Meson add the define to all C compilations. Usually you
+would use this setting for flags for global settings. Note that for
+setting the C/C++ language standard (the `-std=c99` argument in GCC),
+you would probably want to use a default option of the `project()`
+function. For details see the [reference manual](Reference-manual.md).
+Global arguments have certain limitations. They all have to be defined
+before any build targets are specified. This ensures that the global
+flags are the same for every single source file built in the entire
+project with one exception. Compilation tests that are run as part of
+your project configuration do not use these flags. The reason for that
+is that you may need to run a test compile with and without a given
+flag to determine your build setup. For this reason tests do not use
+these global arguments.
+You should set only the most essential flags with this setting, you
+should *not* set debug or optimization flags. Instead they should be
+specified by selecting an appropriate build type.
+Project arguments
+Project arguments work similar to global arguments except that they
+are valid only within the current subproject. The usage is simple:
+add_project_arguments('-DMYPROJ=projname', language : 'c')
+This would add the compiler flags to all C sources in the current
+Per target arguments
+Per target arguments are just as simple to define.
+executable('prog', 'prog.cc', cpp_args : '-DCPPTHING')
+Here we create a C++ executable with an extra argument that is used
+during compilation but not for linking.
+You can find the parameter name for other languages in the [reference
+Specifying extra linker arguments is done in the same way:
+executable('prog', 'prog.cc', link_args : '-Wl,--linker-option')
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+# Adding new projects to WrapDB
+## How it works
+Each wrap repository has a master branch with only one initial commit
+and *no* wrap files. And that is the only commit ever made on that
+For every release of a project a new branch is created. The new branch
+is named after the the upstream release number (e.g. `1.0.0`). This
+branch holds a wrap file for this particular release.
+There are two types of wraps on WrapDB - regular wraps and wraps with
+Meson build definition patches. A wrap file in a repository on WrapDB
+must have a name `upstream.wrap`.
+Wraps with Meson build definition patches work in much the same way as
+Debian: we take the unaltered upstream source package and add a new
+build system to it as a patch. These build systems are stored as Git
+repositories on GitHub. They only contain build definition files. You
+may also think of them as an overlay to upstream source.
+Whenever a new commit is pushed into GitHub's project branch, a new
+wrap is generated with an incremented version number. All the old
+releases remain unaltered. New commits are always done via GitHub
+merge requests and must be reviewed by someone other than the
+Note that your Git repo with wrap must not contain the subdirectory of
+the source release. That gets added automatically by the service. You
+also must not commit any source code from the original tarball into
+the wrap repository.
+## Choosing the repository name
+Wrapped subprojects are used much like external dependencies. Thus
+they should have the same name as the upstream projects.
+NOTE: Repo names must fully match this regexp: `[a-z0-9._]+`.
+If the project provides a pkg-config file, then the repository name
+should be the same as the pkg-config name. Usually this is the name of
+the project, such as `libpng`. Sometimes it is slightly different,
+however. As an example the libogg project's chosen pkg-config name is
+`ogg` instead of `libogg`, which is the reason why the repository is
+named plain `ogg`.
+If there is no a pkg-config file, the name the project uses/promotes
+should be used, lowercase only (Catch2 -> catch2).
+If the project name is too generic or ambiguous (e.g. `benchmark`),
+consider using `organization-project` naming format (e.g.
+## How to contribute a new wrap
+If the project already uses Meson build system, then only a wrap file
+- `upstream.wrap` should be provided. In other case a Meson build
+definition patch - a set of `meson.build` files - should be also
+### Request a new repository
+*Note:* you should only do this if you have written the build files
+and want to contribute them for inclusion to WrapDB. The maintainers
+have only limited reesources and unfortunately can not take requests
+to write Meson build definitions for arbitrary projects.
+The submission starts by creating an issue on the [wrapdb bug
+tracker](https://github.com/mesonbuild/wrapdb/issues) using *Title*
+and *Description* below as a template.
+*Title:* `new wrap: <project_name>`
+upstream url: <link_to_updastream>
+version: <version_you_have_a_wrap_for>
+Wait until the new repository or branch is created. A link to the new
+repository or branch will be posted in a comment to this issue. After
+this you can createa a merge request in that repository for your build
+NOTE: Requesting a branch is not necessary. WrapDB maintainer can
+create the branch and modify the PR accordingly if the project
+repository exists.
+### Creating the wrap contents
+Setting up the contents might seem a bit counterintuitive at first.
+Just remember that the outcome needs to have one (and only one) commit
+that has all the build definition files (i.e. `meson.build` and
+`meson_options.txt` files) and _nothing else_. It is good practice to
+have this commit in a branch whose name matches the release as
+described above.
+First you need to fork the repository to your own page using GitHub's
+fork button. Then you can clone the repo to your local machine.
+git clone git@github.com:yourusername/libfoo.git foo-wrap
+Create a new branch for your work:
+git checkout -b 1.0.0
+If you are adding new changes to an existing branch, leave out the
+`-b` argument.
+Now you need to copy the source code for the original project to this
+directory. If you already have it extracted somewhere, you'd do
+something like this:
+cd /path/to/source/extract/dir
+cp -r * /path/to/foo-wrap
+Now all the files should be in the wrap directory. Do _not_ add them
+to Git, though. Neither now or at any time during this process. The
+repo must contain only the newly created build files.
+New release branches require an `upstream.wrap` file, so create one if
+${EDITOR} upstream.wrap
+The file format is simple, see any existing wrapdb repo for the
+content. The checksum is SHA-256 and can be calculated with the
+following command on most unix-like operating systems:
+sha256sum path/to/libfoo-1.0.0.tar.gz
+Under macOS the command is the following:
+shasum -a 256 path/to/libfoo-1.0.0.tar.gz
+Next you need to add the entries that define what dependencies the
+current project provides. This is important, as it is what makes
+Meson's automatic dependency resolver work. It is done by adding a
+`provide` entry at the end of the `upstream.wrap` file. Using the Ogg
+library as an example, this is what it would look like:
+ogg = ogg_dep
+The `ogg` part on the left refers to the dependency name, which should
+be the same as its Pkg-Config name. `ogg_dep` on the right refers to
+the variable in the build definitions that provides the dependency.
+Most commonly it holds the result of a `declare_dependency` call. If a
+variable of that name is not defined, Meson will exit with a hard
+error. For further details see [the main Wrap
+Now you can create the build files and work on them until the project
+builds correctly.
+${EDITOR} meson.build meson_options.txt
+When you are satisfied with the results, add the build files to Git
+and push the result to GitHub.
+<verify that your project builds and runs>
+git add upstream.wrap meson.build
+git commit -a -m 'Add wrap files for libfoo-1.0.0'
+git push -u origin 1.0.0
+Now you should create a pull request on GitHub. Try to create it
+against the correct branch rather than master (`1.0.0` branch in this
+example). GitHub should do this automatically.
+If the branch doesn't exist file a pull request against master.
+WrapDB maintainers can fix it before merging.
+If packaging review requires you to do changes, use the `--amend`
+argument to `commit` so that your branch will continue to have only
+one commit.
+${EDITOR} meson.build
+git commit -a --amend
+git push --force
+### Request a new release version to an existing repository
+Adding new releases to an existing repo is straightforward. All you
+need to do is to follow the rules discussed above but when you create
+the merge request, file it against the master branch. The repository
+reviewer will create the necessary branch and retarget your merge
+request accordingly.
+## What is done by WrapDB maintainers
+[mesonwrap tools](Wrap-maintainer-tools.md) must be used for the tasks
+### Adding new project to the Wrap provider service
+Each project gets its own repo. It is initialized like this:
+mesonwrap new_repo --homepage=$HOMEPAGE --directory=$NEW_LOCAL_PROJECT_DIR $PROJECT_NAME
+The command creates a new repository and uploads it to GitHub.
+`--version` flag may be used to create a branch immediately.
+### Adding a new branch to an existing project
+Create a new branch whose name matches the upstream release number.
+git checkout master
+git checkout -b 1.0.0
+git push origin 1.0.0
+(or from GitHub web page, remember to branch from master)
+Branch names must fully match this regexp: `[a-z0-9._]+`.
+## Changes to original source
+The point of a wrap is to provide the upstream project with as few
+changes as possible. Most projects should not contain anything more
+than a few Meson definition files. Sometimes it may be necessary to
+add a template header file or something similar. These should be held
+at a minimum.
+It should especially be noted that there must **not** be any patches
+to functionality. All such changes must be submitted to upstream. You
+may also host your own Git repo with the changes if you wish. The Wrap
+system has native support for Git subprojects.
+## Passing automatic validation
+Every submitted wrap goes through an automated correctness review and
+passing it is a requirement for merging. Therefore it is highly
+recommended that you run the validation checks yourself so you can fix
+any issues faster.
+Instructions on how to install and run the review tool can be found on
+the [Wrap review guidelines page](Wrap-review-guidelines.md). If your
+submission is merge request number 5 for a repository called `mylib`,
+then you'd run the following command:
+ mesonwrap review --pull-request 5 mylib
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+short-description: Misc documentation
+# Additional documentation
+This section references documents miscellaneous design, benchmarks, or
+basically anything concerning Meson.
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+short-description: Build options to configure project properties
+# Build options
+Most non-trivial builds require user-settable options. As an example a
+program may have two different data backends that are selectable at
+build time. Meson provides for this by having a option definition
+file. Its name is `meson_options.txt` and it is placed at the root of
+your source tree.
+Here is a simple option file.
+option('someoption', type : 'string', value : 'optval', description : 'An option')
+option('other_one', type : 'boolean', value : false)
+option('combo_opt', type : 'combo', choices : ['one', 'two', 'three'], value : 'three')
+option('integer_opt', type : 'integer', min : 0, max : 5, value : 3) # Since 0.45.0
+option('free_array_opt', type : 'array', value : ['one', 'two']) # Since 0.44.0
+option('array_opt', type : 'array', choices : ['one', 'two', 'three'], value : ['one', 'two'])
+option('some_feature', type : 'feature', value : 'enabled') # Since 0.47.0
+option('long_desc', type : 'string', value : 'optval',
+ description : 'An option with a very long description' +
+ 'that does something in a specific context') # Since 0.55.0
+For built-in options, see [Built-in options][builtin_opts].
+## Build option types
+All types allow a `description` value to be set describing the option,
+if no description is set then the name of the option will be used instead.
+### Strings
+The string type is a free form string. If the default value is not set
+then an empty string will be used as the default.
+### Booleans
+Booleans may have values of either `true` or `false`. If no default
+value is supplied then `true` will be used as the default.
+### Combos
+A combo allows any one of the values in the `choices` parameter to be
+selected. If no default value is set then the first value will be the
+### Integers
+An integer option contains a single integer with optional upper and
+lower values that are specified with the `min` and `max` keyword
+This type is available since Meson version 0.45.0.
+### Arrays
+Arrays represent an array of strings. By default the array can contain
+arbitrary strings. To limit the possible values that can used set the
+`choices` parameter. Meson will then only allow the value array to
+contain strings that are in the given list. The array may be
+empty. The `value` parameter specifies the default value of the option
+and if it is unset then the values of `choices` will be used as the
+As of 0.47.0 -Dopt= and -Dopt=[] both pass an empty list, before this
+-Dopt= would pass a list with an empty string.
+This type is available since version 0.44.0
+### Features
+A `feature` option has three states: `enabled`, `disabled` or `auto`.
+It is intended to be passed as value for the `required` keyword
+argument of most functions. Currently supported in
+[`find_program()`](Reference-manual.md#find_program) and
+[`add_languages()`](Reference-manual.md#add_languages) functions.
+- `enabled` is the same as passing `required : true`.
+- `auto` is the same as passing `required : false`.
+- `disabled` do not look for the dependency and always return 'not-found'.
+When getting the value of this type of option using `get_option()`, a
+special [feature option
+object](Reference-manual.md#feature-option-object) is returned instead
+of the string representation of the option's value. This object can be
+passed to `required`:
+d = dependency('foo', required : get_option('myfeature'))
+if d.found()
+ app = executable('myapp', 'main.c', dependencies : [d])
+To check the value of the feature, the object has three methods
+returning a boolean and taking no argument:
+- `.enabled()`
+- `.disabled()`
+- `.auto()`
+This is useful for custom code depending on the feature:
+if get_option('myfeature').enabled()
+ # ...
+If the value of a `feature` option is set to `auto`, that value is
+overridden by the global `auto_features` option (which defaults to
+`auto`). This is intended to be used by packagers who want to have
+full control on which dependencies are required and which are
+disabled, and not rely on build-deps being installed (at the right
+version) to get a feature enabled. They could set
+`auto_features=enabled` to enable all features and disable explicitly
+only the few they don't want, if any.
+This type is available since version 0.47.0
+## Using build options
+optval = get_option('opt_name')
+This function also allows you to query the value of Meson's built-in
+project options. For example, to get the installation prefix you would
+issue the following command:
+prefix = get_option('prefix')
+It should be noted that you can not set option values in your Meson
+scripts. They have to be set externally with the `meson configure`
+command line tool. Running `meson configure` without arguments in a
+build dir shows you all options you can set.
+To change their values use the `-D`
+$ meson configure -Doption=newvalue
+Setting the value of arrays is a bit special. If you only pass a
+single string, then it is considered to have all values separated by
+commas. Thus invoking the following command:
+$ meson configure -Darray_opt=foo,bar
+would set the value to an array of two elements, `foo` and `bar`.
+If you need to have commas in your string values, then you need to
+pass the value with proper shell quoting like this:
+$ meson configure "-Doption=['a,b', 'c,d']"
+The inner values must always be single quotes and the outer ones
+double quotes.
+To change values in subprojects prepend the name of the subproject and
+a colon:
+$ meson configure -Dsubproject:option=newvalue
+**NOTE:** If you cannot call `meson configure` you likely have a old
+ version of Meson. In that case you can call `mesonconf` instead, but
+ that is deprecated in newer versions
+## Yielding to superproject option
+Suppose you have a master project and a subproject. In some cases it
+might be useful to have an option that has the same value in both of
+them. This can be achieved with the `yield` keyword. Suppose you have
+an option definition like this:
+option('some_option', type : 'string', value : 'value', yield : true)
+If you build this project on its own, this option behaves like
+usual. However if you build this project as a subproject of another
+project which also has an option called `some_option`, then calling
+`get_option` returns the value of the superproject. If the value of
+`yield` is `false`, `get_option` returns the value of the subproject's
+## Built-in build options
+There are a number of [built-in options][builtin_opts]. To get the
+current list execute `meson configure` in the build directory.
+[builtin_opts]: https://mesonbuild.com/Builtin-options.html
+### Visual Studio
+#### Startup project
+The `backend_startup_project` option can be set to define the default
+project that will be executed with the "Start debugging F5" action in
+visual studio. It should be the same name as an executable target
+project('my_project', 'c', default_options: ['backend_startup_project=my_exe'])
+executable('my_exe', ...)
+### Ninja
+#### Max links
+The `backend_max_links` can be set to limit the number of processes
+that ninja will use to link.
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+short-description: Converting other build systems to Meson
+# Build system converters
+Moving from one build system into another includes a fair bit of
+work. To make things easier, Meson provides scripts to convert other
+build systems into Meson. At the time of writing, scripts for CMake
+and autotools exist. It can be found in the `tools` subdirectory in
+Meson's source tree.
+The scripts do not try to do a perfect conversion. This would be
+extremely difficult because the data models of other build systems are
+very different. The goal of the converter script is to convert as much
+of the low level drudgery as possible. Using the scripts is
+straightforward. We'll use the CMake one as an example but the
+Autotools one works exactly the same way.
+ cmake2meson.py path/to/CMake/project/root
+This command generates a skeleton Meson project definition that tries
+to mirror CMake's setup as close as possible. Once this is done, you
+need to go through these files manually and finalize the
+conversion. To make this task as simple as possible, the converter
+script will transfer all comments from the CMake definition into Meson
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+short-description: Definition of build targets
+# Build targets
+Meson provides four kinds of build targets: executables, libraries
+(which can be set to be built as static or shared or both of them at
+the build configuration time), static libraries, and shared libraries.
+They are created with the commands `executable`, `library`,
+`static_library` and `shared_library`, respectively. All objects created
+in this way are **immutable**. That is, you can not change any aspect of
+them after they have been constructed. This ensures that all information
+pertaining to a given build target is specified in one well defined
+Libraries and executables
+As an example, here is how you would build a library.
+project('shared lib', 'c')
+library('mylib', 'source.c')
+It is generally preferred to use the `library` command instead of
+`shared_library` and `static_library` and then configure which
+libraries (static or shared or both of them) will be built at the
+build configuration time using the `default_library`
+[built-in option](Builtin-options.md).
+In Unix-like operating systems, shared libraries can be
+versioned. Meson supports this with keyword arguments, which will be
+ignored if the library is configured as static at the compile time.
+project('shared lib', 'c')
+library('mylib', 'source.c', version : '1.2.3', soversion : '0')
+It is common to build a library and then an executable that links
+against it. This is supported as well.
+project('shared lib', 'c')
+lib = library('mylib', 'source.c')
+executable('program', 'prog.c', link_with : lib)
+Meson sets things up so that the resulting executable can be run
+directly from the build directory. There is no need to write shell
+scripts or set environment variables.
+One target can have multiple language source files.
+project('multilang', 'c', 'cpp')
+executable('multiexe', 'file.c', 'file2.cc')
+Object files
+Sometimes you can't build files from sources but need to utilize an
+existing object file. A typical case is using an object file provided
+by a third party. Object files can be specified just like sources.
+exe = executable('myexe', 'source.cpp', objects : 'third_party_object.o')
+A different case is when you want to use object files built in one
+target directly in another. A typical case is when you build a shared
+library and it has an internal class that is not exported in the
+ABI. This means you can't access it even if you link against the
+library. Typical workarounds for this include building both a shared
+and static version of the library or putting the source file in the
+test executable's source list. Both of these approaches cause the
+source to be built twice, which is slow.
+In Meson you can extract object files from targets and use them as-is
+on other targets. This is the syntax for it.
+lib = shared_library('somelib', 'internalclass.cc', 'file.cc', ...)
+eo = lib.extract_objects('internalclass.cc')
+executable('classtest', 'classtest.cpp', objects : eo)
+Here we take the internal class object and use it directly in the
+test. The source file is only compiled once.
+Note that careless use of this feature may cause strange bugs. As an
+example trying to use objects of an executable or static library in a
+shared library will not work because shared library objects require
+special compiler flags. Getting this right is the user's
+responsibility. For this reason it is strongly recommended that you
+only use this feature for generating unit test executables in the
+manner described above.
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+short-description: Built-in options to configure project properties
+# Built-in options
+Meson provides two kinds of options: [build options provided by the
+build files](Build-options.md) and built-in options that are either
+universal options, base options, compiler options.
+## Universal options
+A list of these options can be found by running `meson --help`. All
+these can be set by passing `-Doption=value` to `meson` (aka `meson
+setup`), or by setting them inside `default_options` of `project()` in
+your `meson.build`. Some options can also be set by `--option=value`,
+or `--option value`--- a list is shown by running `meson setup
+For legacy reasons `--warnlevel` is the cli argument for the
+`warning_level` option.
+They can also be edited after setup using `meson configure
+Installation options are all relative to the prefix, except:
+* When the prefix is `/usr`: `sysconfdir` defaults to `/etc`,
+* `localstatedir` defaults to `/var`, and `sharedstatedir` defaults to
+* `/var/lib` When the prefix is `/usr/local`: `localstatedir` defaults
+* to `/var/local`, and `sharedstatedir` defaults to `/var/local/lib`
+### Directories
+| Option | Default value | Description |
+| ------ | ------------- | ----------- |
+| prefix | see below | Installation prefix |
+| bindir | bin | Executable directory |
+| datadir | share | Data file directory |
+| includedir | include | Header file directory |
+| infodir | share/info | Info page directory |
+| libdir | see below | Library directory |
+| libexecdir | libexec | Library executable directory |
+| localedir | share/locale | Locale data directory |
+| localstatedir | var | Localstate data directory |
+| mandir | share/man | Manual page directory |
+| sbindir | sbin | System executable directory |
+| sharedstatedir | com | Architecture-independent data directory |
+| sysconfdir | etc | Sysconf data directory |
+`prefix` defaults to `C:/` on Windows, and `/usr/local` otherwise. You
+should always override this value.
+`libdir` is automatically detected based on your platform, it should
+be correct when doing "native" (build machine == host machine)
+compilation. For cross compiles Meson will try to guess the correct
+libdir, but it may not be accurate, especially on Linux where
+different distributions have different defaults. Using a [cross
+file](Cross-compilation.md#defining-the-environment), particularly the
+paths section may be necessary.
+### Core options
+Options that are labeled "per machine" in the table are set per
+machine. See the [specifying options per
+machine](#specifying-options-per-machine) section for details.
+| Option | Default value | Description | Is per machine | Is per subproject |
+| ------ | ------------- | ----------- | -------------- | ----------------- |
+| auto_features {enabled, disabled, auto} | auto | Override value of all 'auto' features | no | no |
+| backend {ninja, vs,<br>vs2010, vs2012, vs2013, vs2015, vs2017, vs2019, xcode} | ninja | Backend to use | no | no |
+| buildtype {plain, debug,<br>debugoptimized, release, minsize, custom} | debug | Build type to use | no | no |
+| debug | true | Debug | no | no |
+| default_library {shared, static, both} | shared | Default library type | no | yes |
+| errorlogs | true | Whether to print the logs from failing tests. | no | no |
+| install_umask {preserve, 0000-0777} | 022 | Default umask to apply on permissions of installed files | no | no |
+| layout {mirror,flat} | mirror | Build directory layout | no | no |
+| optimization {0, g, 1, 2, 3, s} | 0 | Optimization level | no | no |
+| pkg_config_path {OS separated path} | '' | Additional paths for pkg-config to search before builtin paths | yes | no |
+| cmake_prefix_path | [] | Additional prefixes for cmake to search before builtin paths | yes | no |
+| stdsplit | true | Split stdout and stderr in test logs | no | no |
+| strip | false | Strip targets on install | no | no |
+| unity {on, off, subprojects} | off | Unity build | no | no |
+| unity_size {>=2} | 4 | Unity file block size | no | no |
+| warning_level {0, 1, 2, 3} | 1 | Set the warning level. From 0 = none to 3 = highest | no | yes |
+| werror | false | Treat warnings as errors | no | yes |
+| wrap_mode {default, nofallback,<br>nodownload, forcefallback, nopromote} | default | Wrap mode to use | no | no |
+| force_fallback_for | [] | Force fallback for those dependencies | no | no |
+<a name="build-type-options"></a> For setting optimization levels and
+toggling debug, you can either set the `buildtype` option, or you can
+set the `optimization` and `debug` options which give finer control
+over the same. Whichever you decide to use, the other will be deduced
+from it. For example, `-Dbuildtype=debugoptimized` is the same as
+`-Ddebug=true -Doptimization=2` and vice-versa. This table documents
+the two-way mapping:
+| buildtype | debug | optimization |
+| --------- | ----- | ------------ |
+| plain | false | 0 |
+| debug | true | 0 |
+| debugoptimized | true | 2 |
+| release | false | 3 |
+| minsize | true | s |
+All other combinations of `debug` and `optimization` set `buildtype` to `'custom'`.
+## Base options
+These are set in the same way as universal options, either by
+`-Doption=value`, or by setting them inside `default_options` of
+`project()` in your `meson.build`. However, they cannot be shown in
+the output of `meson --help` because they depend on both the current
+platform and the compiler that will be selected. The only way to see
+them is to setup a builddir and then run `meson configure` on it with
+no options.
+The following options are available. Note that they may not be
+available on all platforms or with all compilers:
+| Option | Default value | Possible values | Description |
+| b_asneeded | true | true, false | Use -Wl,--as-needed when linking |
+| b_bitcode | false | true, false | Embed Apple bitcode, see below |
+| b_colorout | always | auto, always, never | Use colored output |
+| b_coverage | false | true, false | Enable coverage tracking |
+| b_lundef | true | true, false | Don't allow undefined symbols when linking |
+| b_lto | false | true, false | Use link time optimization |
+| b_lto_threads | 0 | Any integer* | Use multiple threads for lto. *(Added in 0.57.0)* |
+| b_lto_mode | default | default, thin | Select between lto modes, thin and default. *(Added in 0.57.0)* |
+| b_ndebug | false | true, false, if-release | Disable asserts |
+| b_pch | true | true, false | Use precompiled headers |
+| b_pgo | off | off, generate, use | Use profile guided optimization |
+| b_sanitize | none | see below | Code sanitizer to use |
+| b_staticpic | true | true, false | Build static libraries as position independent |
+| b_pie | false | true, false | Build position-independent executables (since 0.49.0) |
+| b_vscrt | from_buildtype | none, md, mdd, mt, mtd, from_buildtype, static_from_buildtype | VS runtime library to use (since 0.48.0) (static_from_buildtype since 0.56.0) |
+The value of `b_sanitize` can be one of: `none`, `address`, `thread`,
+`undefined`, `memory`, `address,undefined`, but note that some
+compilers might not support all of them. For example Visual Studio
+only supports the address sanitizer.
+* < 0 means disable, == 0 means automatic selection, > 0 sets a specific number to use
+LLVM supports `thin` lto, for more discussion see [LLVM's documentation](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/ThinLTO.html)
+<a name="b_vscrt-from_buildtype"></a>
+The default value of `b_vscrt` is `from_buildtype`. The following table is
+used internally to pick the CRT compiler arguments for `from_buildtype` or
+`static_from_buildtype` *(since 0.56)* based on the value of the `buildtype`
+| buildtype | from_buildtype | static_from_buildtype |
+| -------- | -------------- | --------------------- |
+| debug | `/MDd` | `/MTd` |
+| debugoptimized | `/MD` | `/MT` |
+| release | `/MD` | `/MT` |
+| minsize | `/MD` | `/MT` |
+| custom | error! | error! |
+### Notes about Apple Bitcode support
+`b_bitcode` will pass `-fembed-bitcode` while compiling and will pass
+`-Wl,-bitcode_bundle` while linking. These options are incompatible
+with `b_asneeded`, so that option will be silently disabled.
+[Shared modules](Reference-manual.md#shared_module) will not have
+bitcode embedded because `-Wl,-bitcode_bundle` is incompatible with
+both `-bundle` and `-Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup` which are necessary
+for shared modules to work.
+## Compiler options
+Same caveats as base options above.
+The following options are available. They can be set by passing
+`-Doption=value` to `meson`. Note that both the options themselves and
+the possible values they can take will depend on the target platform
+or compiler being used:
+| Option | Default value | Possible values | Description |
+| ------ | ------------- | --------------- | ----------- |
+| c_args | | free-form comma-separated list | C compile arguments to use |
+| c_link_args | | free-form comma-separated list | C link arguments to use |
+| c_std | none | none, c89, c99, c11, c17, c18, c2x, gnu89, gnu99, gnu11, gnu17, gnu18, gnu2x | C language standard to use |
+| c_winlibs | see below | free-form comma-separated list | Standard Windows libs to link against |
+| c_thread_count | 4 | integer value ≥ 0 | Number of threads to use with emcc when using threads |
+| cpp_args | | free-form comma-separated list | C++ compile arguments to use |
+| cpp_link_args | | free-form comma-separated list | C++ link arguments to use |
+| cpp_std | none | none, c++98, c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17, c++20 <br/>c++2a, c++1z, gnu++03, gnu++11, gnu++14, gnu++17, gnu++1z, <br/> gnu++2a, gnu++20, vc++14, vc++17, vc++latest | C++ language standard to use |
+| cpp_debugstl | false | true, false | C++ STL debug mode |
+| cpp_eh | default | none, default, a, s, sc | C++ exception handling type |
+| cpp_rtti | true | true, false | Whether to enable RTTI (runtime type identification) |
+| cpp_thread_count | 4 | integer value ≥ 0 | Number of threads to use with emcc when using threads |
+| cpp_winlibs | see below | free-form comma-separated list | Standard Windows libs to link against |
+| fortran_std | none | [none, legacy, f95, f2003, f2008, f2018] | Fortran language standard to use |
+| cuda_ccbindir | | filesystem path | CUDA non-default toolchain directory to use (-ccbin) *(Added in 0.57.1)* |
+The default values of `c_winlibs` and `cpp_winlibs` are in
+compiler-specific argument forms, but the libraries are: kernel32,
+user32, gdi32, winspool, shell32, ole32, oleaut32, uuid, comdlg32,
+All these `<lang>_*` options are specified per machine. See below in
+the [specifying options per machine](#specifying-options-per-machine)
+section on how to do this in cross builds.
+When using MSVC, `cpp_eh=none` will result in no exception flags being
+passed, while the `cpp_eh=[value]` will result in `/EH[value]`. Since
+*0.51.0* `cpp_eh=default` will result in `/EHsc` on MSVC. When using
+gcc-style compilers, nothing is passed (allowing exceptions to work),
+while `cpp_eh=none` passes `-fno-exceptions`.
+Since *0.54.0* The `<lang>_thread_count` option can be used to control
+the value passed to `-s PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE` when using emcc. No other
+c/c++ compiler supports this option.
+## Specifying options per machine
+Since *0.51.0*, some options are specified per machine rather than
+globally for all machine configurations. Prefixing the option with
+`build.` just affects the build machine configuration, while
+unprefixed just affects the host machine configuration, respectively.
+For example:
+ - `build.pkg_config_path` controls the paths pkg-config will search
+ for just `native: true` dependencies (build machine).
+ - `pkg_config_path` controls the paths pkg-config will search for
+ just `native: false` dependencies (host machine).
+This is useful for cross builds. In the native builds, build = host,
+and the unprefixed option alone will suffice.
+Prior to *0.51.0*, these options just effected native builds when
+specified on the command line, as there was no `build.` prefix.
+Similarly named fields in the `[properties]` section of the cross file
+would effect cross compilers, but the code paths were fairly different
+allowing differences in behavior to crop out.
+## Specifying options per subproject
+Since *0.54.0* `default_library` and `werror` built-in options can be
+defined per subproject. This is useful for example when building
+shared libraries in the main project, but static link a subproject, or
+when the main project must build with no warnings but some subprojects
+Most of the time this would be used either by the parent project by
+setting subproject's default_options (e.g. `subproject('foo',
+default_options: 'default_library=static')`), or by the user using the
+command line `-Dfoo:default_library=static`.
+The value is overridden in this order:
+- Value from parent project
+- Value from subproject's default_options if set
+- Value from subproject() default_options if set
+- Value from command line if set
+Since 0.56.0 `warning_level` can also be defined per subproject.
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+# CMake module
+**Note**: the functionality of this module is governed by [Meson's
+ rules on mixing build systems](Mixing-build-systems.md).
+This module provides helper tools for generating cmake package files.
+It also supports the usage of CMake based subprojects, similar to
+the normal [Meson subprojects](Subprojects.md).
+## Usage
+To use this module, just do: **`cmake = import('cmake')`**. The
+following functions will then be available as methods on the object
+with the name `cmake`. You can, of course, replace the name `cmake`
+with anything else.
+It is generally recommended to use the latest Meson version and
+CMake >=3.17 for best compatibility. CMake subprojects will
+usually also work with older CMake versions. However, this can
+lead to unexpected issues in rare cases.
+## CMake subprojects
+Using CMake subprojects is similar to using the "normal" Meson
+subprojects. They also have to be located in the `subprojects`
+add_library(cm_lib SHARED ${SOURCES})
+cmake = import('cmake')
+# Configure the CMake project
+sub_proj = cmake.subproject('libsimple_cmake')
+# Fetch the dependency object
+cm_lib = sub_proj.dependency('cm_lib')
+executable(exe1, ['sources'], dependencies: [cm_lib])
+The `subproject` method is almost identical to the normal Meson
+`subproject` function. The only difference is that a CMake project
+instead of a Meson project is configured.
+The returned `sub_proj` supports the same options as a "normal"
+subproject. Meson automatically detects CMake build targets, which can
+be accessed with the methods listed [below](#subproject-object).
+It is usually enough to just use the dependency object returned by the
+`dependency()` method in the build targets. This is almost identical
+to using `declare_dependency()` object from a normal Meson subproject.
+It is also possible to use executables defined in the CMake project as code
+generators with the `target()` method:
+add_executable(cm_exe ${EXE_SRC})
+cmake = import('cmake')
+# Subproject with the "code generator"
+sub_pro = cmake.subproject('cmCodeGen')
+# Fetch the code generator exe
+sub_exe = sub_pro.target('cm_exe')
+# Use the code generator
+generated = custom_target(
+ 'cmake-generated',
+ input: [],
+ output: ['test.cpp'],
+ command: [sub_exe, '@OUTPUT@']
+It should be noted that not all projects are guaranteed to work. The
+safest approach would still be to create a `meson.build` for the
+subprojects in question.
+### Configuration options
+*New in meson 0.55.0*
+Meson also supports passing configuration options to CMake and overriding
+certain build details extracted from the CMake subproject.
+cmake = import('cmake')
+opt_var = cmake.subproject_options()
+# Call CMake with `-DSOME_OTHER_VAR=ON`
+opt_var.add_cmake_defines({'SOME_OTHER_VAR': true})
+# Globally override the C++ standard to c++11
+opt_var.set_override_option('cpp_std', 'c++11')
+# Override the previous global C++ standard
+# with c++14 only for the CMake target someLib
+opt_var.set_override_option('cpp_std', 'c++14', target: 'someLib')
+sub_pro = cmake.subproject('someLibProject', options: opt_var)
+# Further changes to opt_var have no effect
+See [the CMake options object](#cmake-options-object) for a complete
+reference of all supported functions.
+The CMake configuration options object is very similar to the
+[configuration data
+object](Reference-manual.md#configuration-data-object) object returned
+by [`configuration_data`](Reference-manual.md#configuration_data). It
+is generated by the `subproject_options` function
+All configuration options have to be set *before* the subproject is
+configured and must be passed to the `subproject` method via the
+`options` key. Altering the configuration object won't have any effect
+on previous `cmake.subproject` calls.
+In earlier Meson versions CMake command-line parameters could be set
+with the `cmake_options` kwarg. However, this feature is deprecated
+since 0.55.0 and only kept for compatibility. It will not work
+together with the `options` kwarg.
+### `subproject` object
+This object is returned by the `subproject` function described above
+and supports the following methods:
+ - `dependency(target)` returns a dependency object for any CMake target. The
+ `include_type` kwarg *(new in 0.56.0)* controls the include type of the
+ returned dependency object similar to the same kwarg in the
+ [`dependency()`](Reference-manual.md#dependency) function.
+ - `include_directories(target)` returns a Meson `include_directories()`
+ object for the specified target. Using this function is not necessary
+ if the dependency object is used.
+ - `target(target)` returns the raw build target.
+ - `target_type(target)` returns the type of the target as a string
+ - `target_list()` returns a list of all target *names*.
+ - `get_variable(name)` fetches the specified variable from inside
+ the subproject. Usually `dependency()` or `target()` should be
+ preferred to extract build targets.
+ - `found` returns true if the subproject is available, otherwise false
+ *new in Meson 0.53.2*
+### `cmake options` object
+This object is returned by the `subproject_options()` function and
+consumed by the `options` kwarg of the `subproject` function. The
+following methods are supported:
+ - `add_cmake_defines({'opt1': val1, ...})` add additional CMake commandline defines
+ - `set_override_option(opt, val)` set specific [build options](Build-options.md)
+ for targets. This will effectively add `opt=val` to the `override_options`
+ array of the [build target](Reference-manual.md#executable)
+ - `set_install(bool)` override wether targets should be installed or not
+ - `append_compile_args(lang, arg1, ...)` append compile flags for a specific
+ language to the targets
+ - `append_link_args(arg1, ...)` append linger args to the targets
+ - `clear()` reset all data in the `cmake options` object
+The methods `set_override_option`, `set_install`,
+`append_compile_args` and `append_link_args` support the optional
+`target` kwarg. If specified, the set options affect the specific
+target. The effect of the option is global for the subproject
+If, for instance, `opt_var.set_install(false)` is called, no target
+will be installed regardless of what is set by CMake. However, it is
+still possible to install specific targets (here `foo`) by setting the
+`target` kwarg: `opt_var.set_install(true, target: 'foo')`
+Options that are not set won't affect the generated subproject. So, if
+for instance, `set_install` was not called then the values extracted
+from CMake will be used.
+### Cross compilation
+*New in 0.56.0*
+Meson will try to automatically guess most of the required CMake
+toolchain variables from existing entries in the cross and native
+files. These variables will be stored in an automatically generate
+CMake toolchain file in the build directory. The remaining variables
+that can't be guessed can be added by the user in the `[cmake]`
+cross/native file section (*new in 0.56.0*).
+Adding a manual CMake toolchain file is also supported with the
+`cmake_toolchain_file` setting in the `[properties]` section. Directly
+setting a CMake toolchain file with
+`-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/some/Toolchain.cmake` in the
+`meson.build` is **not** supported since the automatically generated
+toolchain file is also used by Meson to inject arbitrary code into
+CMake to enable the CMake subproject support.
+The closest configuration to only using a manual CMake toolchain file
+would be to set these options in the machine file:
+cmake_toolchain_file = '/path/to/some/Toolchain.cmake'
+cmake_defaults = false
+# No entries in this section
+This will result in a toolchain file with just the bare minimum to
+enable the CMake subproject support and `include()` the
+`cmake_toolchain_file` as the last instruction.
+For more information see the [cross and native file
+## CMake configuration files
+### cmake.write_basic_package_version_file()
+This function is the equivalent of the corresponding [CMake
+it generates a `name` package version file.
+* `name`: the name of the package.
+* `version`: the version of the generated package file.
+* `compatibility`: a string indicating the kind of compatibility, the accepted values are
+`AnyNewerVersion`, `SameMajorVersion`, `SameMinorVersion` or `ExactVersion`.
+It defaults to `AnyNewerVersion`. Depending on your cmake installation some kind of
+compatibility may not be available.
+* `install_dir`: optional installation directory, it defaults to `$(libdir)/cmake/$(name)`
+cmake = import('cmake')
+cmake.write_basic_package_version_file(name: 'myProject', version: '1.0.0')
+### cmake.configure_package_config_file()
+This function is the equivalent of the corresponding [CMake
+it generates a `name` package configuration file from the `input`
+template file. Just like the cmake function in this file the
+`@PACKAGE_INIT@` statement will be replaced by the appropriate piece
+of cmake code. The equivalent `PATH_VARS` argument is given through
+the `configuration` parameter.
+* `name`: the name of the package.
+* `input`: the template file where that will be treated for variable substitutions contained in `configuration`.
+* `install_dir`: optional installation directory, it defaults to `$(libdir)/cmake/$(name)`.
+* `configuration`: a `configuration_data` object that will be used for variable substitution in the template file.
+cmake = import('cmake')
+conf = configuration_data()
+conf.set_quoted('VAR', 'variable value')
+ name: 'myProject',
+ input: 'myProject.cmake.in',
+ configuration: conf
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+short-description: Code formatting
+# clang-format
+*Since 0.50.0*
+When `clang-format` is installed and a `.clang-format` file is found at the main
+project's root source directory, Meson automatically adds a `clang-format` target
+that reformat all C and C++ files (currently only with Ninja backend).
+ninja -C builddir clang-format
+*Since 0.58.0*
+It is possible to restrict files to be reformatted with optional
+`.clang-format-include` and `.clang-format-ignore` files.
+The file `.clang-format-include` contains a list of patterns matching the files
+that will be reformatted. The `**` pattern matches this directory and all
+subdirectories recursively. Empty lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored.
+If `.clang-format-include` is not found, the pattern defaults to `**/*` which
+means all files recursively in the source directory but has the disadvantage to
+walk the whole source tree which could be slow in the case it contains lots of
+Example of `.clang-format-include` file:
+# All files in src/ and its subdirectories
+# All files in include/ but not its subdirectories
+The file `.clang-format-ignore` contains a list of patterns matching the files
+that will be excluded. Files matching the include list (see above) that match
+one of the ignore pattern will not be reformatted. Unlike include patters, ignore
+patterns does not support `**` and a single `*` match any characters including
+path separators. Empty lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored.
+The build directory and file without a well known C or C++ suffix are always
+Example of `.clang-format-ignore` file:
+# Skip C++ files in src/ directory
+Note that `.clang-format-ignore` has the same format as used by
+A new target `clang-format-check` has been added. It returns an error code if
+any file needs to be reformatted. This is intended to be used by CI.
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+# Command-line commands
+There are two different ways of invoking Meson. First, you can run it
+directly from the source tree with the command
+`/path/to/source/meson.py`. Meson may also be installed in which case
+the command is simply `meson`. In this manual we only use the latter
+format for simplicity.
+Meson is invoked using the following syntax:
+This section describes all available commands and some of their
+Optional arguments. The most common workflow is to run
+[`setup`](#setup), followed by [`compile`](#compile), and then
+For the full list of all available options for a specific command use
+the following syntax: `meson COMMAND --help`
+### configure
+{{ configure_usage.inc }}
+Changes options of a configured meson project.
+{{ configure_arguments.inc }}
+Most arguments are the same as in [`setup`](#setup).
+Note: reconfiguring project will not reset options to their default
+values (even if they were changed in `meson.build`).
+#### Examples:
+List all available options:
+meson configure builddir
+Change value of a single option:
+meson configure builddir -Doption=new_value
+### compile
+*(since 0.54.0)*
+{{ compile_usage.inc }}
+Builds a default or a specified target of a configured Meson project.
+{{ compile_arguments.inc }}
+`--verbose` argument is available since 0.55.0.
+#### Targets
+*(since 0.55.0)*
+`TARGET` has the following syntax `[PATH/]NAME[:TYPE]`, where:
+- `NAME`: name of the target from `meson.build` (e.g. `foo` from `executable('foo', ...)`).
+- `PATH`: path to the target relative to the root `meson.build` file. Note: relative path for a target specified in the root `meson.build` is `./`.
+- `TYPE`: type of the target. Can be one of the following: 'executable', 'static_library', 'shared_library', 'shared_module', 'custom', 'run', 'jar'.
+`PATH` and/or `TYPE` can be omitted if the resulting `TARGET` can be
+used to uniquely identify the target in `meson.build`.
+#### Backend specific arguments
+*(since 0.55.0)*
+`BACKEND-args` use the following syntax:
+If you only pass a single string, then it is considered to have all
+values separated by commas. Thus invoking the following command:
+$ meson compile --ninja-args=-n,-d,explain
+would add `-n`, `-d` and `explain` arguments to ninja invocation.
+If you need to have commas or spaces in your string values, then you
+need to pass the value with proper shell quoting like this:
+$ meson compile "--ninja-args=['a,b', 'c d']"
+#### Examples:
+Build the project:
+meson compile -C builddir
+Execute a dry run on ninja backend with additional debug info:
+meson compile --ninja-args=-n,-d,explain
+Build three targets: two targets that have the same `foo` name, but
+different type, and a `bar` target:
+meson compile foo:shared_library foo:static_library bar
+Produce a coverage html report (if available):
+meson compile coverage-html
+### dist
+*(since 0.52.0)*
+{{ dist_usage.inc }}
+Generates a release archive from the current source tree.
+{{ dist_arguments.inc }}
+See [notes about creating releases](Creating-releases.md) for more info.
+#### Examples:
+Create a release archive:
+meson dist -C builddir
+### init
+*(since 0.45.0)*
+{{ init_usage.inc }}
+Creates a basic set of build files based on a template.
+{{ init_arguments.inc }}
+#### Examples:
+Create a project in `sourcedir`:
+meson init -C sourcedir
+### introspect
+{{ introspect_usage.inc }}
+Displays information about a configured Meson project.
+{{ introspect_arguments.inc }}
+#### Examples:
+Display basic information about a configured project in `builddir`:
+meson introspect builddir --projectinfo
+### install
+*(since 0.47.0)*
+{{ install_usage.inc }}
+Installs the project to the prefix specified in [`setup`](#setup).
+{{ install_arguments.inc }}
+See [the installation documentation](Installing.md) for more info.
+#### Examples:
+Install project to `prefix`:
+meson install -C builddir
+Install project to `$DESTDIR/prefix`:
+DESTDIR=/path/to/staging/area meson install -C builddir
+### rewrite
+*(since 0.50.0)*
+{{ rewrite_usage.inc }}
+Modifies the Meson project.
+{{ rewrite_arguments.inc }}
+See [the Meson file rewriter documentation](Rewriter.md) for more info.
+### setup
+{{ setup_usage.inc }}
+Configures a build directory for the Meson project.
+This is the default Meson command (invoked if there was no COMMAND supplied).
+{{ setup_arguments.inc }}
+See [Meson introduction
+page](Running-Meson.md#configuring-the-build-directory) for more info.
+#### Examples:
+Configures `builddir` with default values:
+meson setup builddir
+### subprojects
+*(since 0.49.0)*
+{{ subprojects_usage.inc }}
+Manages subprojects of the Meson project. *Since 0.59.0* commands are run on
+multiple subprojects in parallel by default, use `--num-processes=1` if it is
+not desired.
+{{ subprojects_arguments.inc }}
+### test
+{{ test_usage.inc }}
+Run tests for the configure Meson project.
+{{ test_arguments.inc }}
+See [the unit test documentation](Unit-tests.md) for more info.
+#### Examples:
+Run tests for the project:
+meson test -C builddir
+Run only `specific_test_1` and `specific_test_2`:
+meson test -C builddir specific_test_1 specific_test_2
+### wrap
+{{ wrap_usage.inc }}
+An utility to manage WrapDB dependencies.
+{{ wrap_arguments.inc }}
+See [the WrapDB tool documentation](Using-wraptool.md) for more info.
+### devenv
+*(since 0.58.0)*
+{{ devenv_usage.inc }}
+Runs a command, or open interactive shell if no command is provided, with
+environment setup to run project from the build directory, without installation.
+We automatically handle `bash` and set `$PS1` accordingly. If the automatic `$PS1`
+override is not desired (maybe you have a fancy custom prompt), set the
+`$MESON_DISABLE_PS1_OVERRIDE` environment variable and use `$MESON_PROJECT_NAME`
+when setting the custom prompt, for example with a snippet like the following:
+if [[ -n "${MESON_PROJECT_NAME-}" ]];
+These variables are set in environment in addition to those set using `meson.add_devenv()`:
+- `MESON_DEVENV` is defined to `'1'`.
+- `MESON_PROJECT_NAME` is defined to the main project's name.
+- `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` includes the directory where Meson generates `-uninstalled.pc`
+ files.
+- `PATH` includes every directory where there is an executable that would be
+ installed into `bindir`. On windows it also includes every directory where there
+ is a DLL needed to run those executables.
+- `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` includes every directory where there is a shared library that
+ would be installed into `libdir`. This allows to run system application using
+ custom build of some libraries. For example running system GEdit when building
+ GTK from git. On OSX the environment variable is `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` and
+ `PATH` on Windows.
+- `GI_TYPELIB_PATH` includes every directory where a GObject Introspection
+ typelib is built. This is automatically set when using `gnome.generate_gir()`.
+- `GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR` *Since 0.59.0* includes every directory where a GSettings
+ schemas is compiled. This is automatically set when using `gnome.compile_schemas()`.
+ Note that this requires GLib >= 2.64 when `gnome.compile_schemas()` is used in
+ more than one directory.
+{{ devenv_arguments.inc }}
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+title: Comparisons
+# Comparing Meson with other build systems
+A common question is *Why should I choose Meson over a different build
+system X?* There is no one true answer to this as it depends on the
+use case. Almost all build systems have all the functionality needed
+to build medium-to-large projects so the decision is usually made on
+other points. Here we list some pros and cons of various build systems
+to help you do the decision yourself.
+## GNU Autotools
+### Pros
+Excellent support for legacy Unix platforms, large selection of
+existing modules.
+### Cons
+Needlessly slow, complicated, hard to use correctly, unreliable,
+painful to debug, incomprehensible for most people, poor support for
+non-Unix platforms (especially Windows).
+## CMake
+### Pros
+Great support for multiple backends (Visual Studio, XCode, etc).
+### Cons
+The scripting language is cumbersome to work with. Some simple things
+are more complicated than necessary.
+## SCons
+### Pros
+Full power of Python available for defining your build.
+### Cons
+Slow. Requires you to pass your configuration settings on every
+invocation. That is, if you do `scons OPT1 OPT2` and then just
+`scons`, it will reconfigure everything without settings `OPT1` and
+`OPT2`. Every other build system remembers build options from the
+previous invocation.
+## Bazel
+### Pros
+Proven to scale to very large projects.
+### Cons
+Implemented in Java. Poor Windows support. Heavily focused on Google's
+way of doing things (which may be a good or a bad thing). Contributing
+code requires [signing a CLA](https://bazel.build/contributing.html).
+## Meson
+### Pros
+The fastest build system [see
+measurements](Performance-comparison.md), user friendly, designed to
+be as invisible to the developer as possible, native support for
+modern tools (precompiled headers, coverage, Valgrind etc). Not Turing
+complete so build definition files are easy to read and understand.
+### Cons
+Relatively new so it does not have a large user base yet, and may thus
+contain some unknown bugs. Visual Studio and XCode backends not as
+high quality as Ninja one.
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+# Compiler properties
+Not all compilers and platforms are alike. Therefore Meson provides
+the tools to detect properties of the system during configure time. To
+get most of this information, you first need to extract the *compiler
+object* from the main *meson* variable.
+compiler = meson.get_compiler('c')
+Here we extract the C compiler. We could also have given the argument
+`cpp` to get the C++ compiler, `objc` to get the objective C compiler
+and so on. The call is valid for all languages specified in the
+*project* declaration. Trying to obtain some other compiler will lead
+to an unrecoverable error.
+## System information
+This is a bit complex and more thoroughly explained on the page on
+[cross compilation](Cross-compilation.md). But if you just want to
+know the operating system your code will run on, issue this command:
+## Compiler id
+The compiler object method `get_id` returns a
+lower case string describing the "family" of the compiler. Since 0.53.0
+`get_linker_id` returns a lower case string with the linker name. Since
+compilers can often choose from multiple linkers depending on operating
+system, `get_linker_id` can be useful for handling or mitigating effects
+of particular linkers.
+The compiler object also has a method `get_argument_syntax` which
+returns a lower case string of `gcc`, `msvc`, or another undefined string
+value; identifying whether the compiler arguments use the same syntax as
+either `gcc` or `msvc`, or that its arguments are not like either. This should
+only be used to select the syntax of the arguments, such as those to test
+with `has_argument`.
+See [reference tables](Reference-tables.md#compiler-ids) for a list of
+supported compiler ids and their argument type.
+## Does code compile?
+Sometimes the only way to test the system is to try to compile some
+sample code and see if it works. For example, this can test that a
+"C++17" compiler actually supports a particular C++17 feature,
+without resorting to maintaining a feature list vs. compiler vendor,
+compiler version and operating system.
+Testing that a code snippet runs is a two-phase operation. First
+we define some code using the multiline string operator:
+code = '''#include<stdio.h>
+void func() { printf("Compile me.\n"); }
+Then we can run the test.
+result = compiler.compiles(code, name : 'basic check')
+The variable *result* will now contain either `true` or `false`
+depending on whether the compilation succeeded or not. The keyword
+argument `name` is optional. If it is specified, Meson will write the
+result of the check to its log.
+## Does code compile and link?
+Sometimes it is necessary to check whether a certain code fragment not
+only compiles, but also links successfully, e.g. to check if a symbol
+is actually present in a library. This can be done using the
+'''.links()''' method on a compiler object like this:
+code = '''#include<stdio.h>
+void func() { printf("Compile me.\n"); }
+Then we can run the test.
+result = compiler.links(code, args : '-lfoo', name : 'link check')
+The variable *result* will now contain either `true` or `false`
+depending on whether the compilation and linking succeeded or not. The
+keyword argument `name` is optional. If it is specified, Meson will
+write the result of the check to its log.
+## Compile and run test application
+Here is how you would compile and run a small test application.
+Testing if a code snippets **runs** versus merely that it links
+is particularly important for some dependencies such as MPI.
+code = '''#include<stdio.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ printf("%s\n", "stdout");
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "stderr");
+ return 0;
+result = compiler.run(code, name : 'basic check')
+The `result` variable encapsulates the state of the test, which can be
+extracted with the following methods. The `name` keyword argument
+works the same as with `compiles`.
+| Method | Return value |
+| ------ | ------------ |
+| compiled | `True` if compilation succeeded. If `false` then all other methods return undefined values. |
+| returncode | The return code of the application as an integer |
+| stdout | Program's standard out as text. |
+| stderr | Program's standard error as text. |
+Here is an example usage:
+if result.stdout().strip() == 'some_value'
+ # do something
+## Does a header exist?
+Header files provided by different platforms vary quite a lot. Meson
+has functionality to detect whether a given header file is available
+on the system. The test is done by trying to compile a simple test
+program that includes the specified header. The following snippet
+describes how this feature can be used.
+if compiler.has_header('sys/fstat.h')
+ # header exists, do something
+## Expression size
+Often you need to determine the size of a particular element (such as
+`int`, `wchar_t` or `char*`). Using the `compiler` variable mentioned
+above, the check can be done like this.
+wcharsize = compiler.sizeof('wchar_t', prefix : '#include<wchar.h>')
+This will put the size of `wchar_t` as reported by sizeof into
+variable `wcharsize`. The keyword argument `prefix` is optional. If
+specified its contents is put at the top of the source file. This
+argument is typically used for setting `#include` directives in
+configuration files.
+In older versions (<= 0.30) Meson would error out if the size could
+not be determined. Since version 0.31 it returns -1 if the size could
+not be determined.
+## Does a function exist?
+Just having a header doesn't say anything about its contents.
+Sometimes you need to explicitly check if some function exists. This
+is how we would check whether the function `open_memstream` exists in
+header `stdio.h`
+if compiler.has_function('open_memstream', prefix : '#include <stdio.h>')
+ # function exists, do whatever is required.
+Note that, on macOS programs can be compiled targeting older macOS
+versions than the one that the program is compiled on. It can't be
+assumed that the OS version that is compiled on matches the OS version
+that the binary will run on.
+Therefore when detecting function availability with `has_function`, it
+is important to specify the correct header in the prefix argument.
+In the example above, the function `open_memstream` is detected, which
+was introduced in macOS 10.13. When the user builds on macOS 10.13,
+but targeting macOS 10.11 (`-mmacosx-version-min=10.11`), this will
+correctly report the function as missing. Without the header however,
+it would lack the necessary availability information and incorrectly
+report the function as available.
+## Does a structure contain a member?
+Some platforms have different standard structures. Here's how one
+would check if a struct called `mystruct` from header `myheader.h`
+contains a member called `some_member`.
+if compiler.has_member('struct mystruct', 'some_member', prefix : '#include<myheader.h>')
+ # member exists, do whatever is required
+## Type alignment
+Most platforms can't access some data types at any address. For
+example it is common that a `char` can be at any address but a 32 bit
+integer only at locations which are divisible by four. Determining the
+alignment of data types is simple.
+int_alignment = compiler.alignment('int') # Will most likely contain the value 4.
+## Has argument
+This method tests if the compiler supports a given command line
+argument. This is implemented by compiling a small file with the given
+has_special_flags = compiler.has_argument('-Wspecialthing')
+*Note*: some compilers silently swallow command line arguments they do
+not understand. Thus this test can not be made 100% reliable.
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+# Conference presentations on Meson
+- FOSDEM 2014, [Introducing the Meson build
+ system](https://video.fosdem.org/2014/H2215_Ferrer/Sunday/Introducing_the_Meson_build_system.webm)
+ (jpakkane)
+- LCA 2015, [Making build systems not
+ suck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPi0AuVpxLI) (jpakkane)
+- GUADEC 2015, [Improving the way Gnome apps are
+ built](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTf0NjjNwTU) (jpakkane)
+- GStreamer conference 2015, [Done in 6.0
+ seconds](https://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/done-in-60-seconds-a-new-build-system-for-gstreamer)
+ (jpakkane)
+- LCA 2016, [Builds, dependencies and deployment in the modern
+ multiplatform world](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTJtKtQ8R5k)
+ (jpakkane)
+- GUADEC 2016, [Making your GNOME app compile 2.4x
+ faster](https://media.ccc.de/v/44-making_your_gnome_app_compile_24x_faster)
+ (nirbheek)
+- Libre Application Summit 2016, [New world, new
+ tools](https://youtu.be/0-gx1qU2pPo) (jpakkane)
+- GStreamer conference 2016, [GStreamer Development on Windows and
+ faster builds everywhere with
+ Meson](https://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/gstreamer-development-on-windows-ans-faster-builds-everywhere-with-meson/)
+ (tpm)
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+short-description: Build-time configuration options
+# Configuration
+If there are multiple configuration options, passing them through
+compiler flags becomes very burdensome. It also makes the
+configuration settings hard to inspect. To make things easier, Meson
+supports the generation of configure files. This feature is similar to
+one found in other build systems such as CMake.
+Suppose we have the following Meson snippet:
+conf_data = configuration_data()
+conf_data.set('version', '1.2.3')
+configure_file(input : 'config.h.in',
+ output : 'config.h',
+ configuration : conf_data)
+and that the contents of `config.h.in` are
+#define VERSION_STR "@version@"
+Meson will then create a file called `config.h` in the corresponding
+build directory whose contents are the following.
+#define VERSION_STR "1.2.3"
+More specifically, Meson will find all strings of the type `@varname@`
+and replace them with respective values set in `conf_data`. You can
+use a single `configuration_data` object as many times as you like,
+but it becomes immutable after being passed to the `configure_file`
+function. That is, after it has been used once to generate output the
+`set` function becomes unusable and trying to call it causes an error.
+Copy of immutable `configuration_data` is still immutable.
+For more complex configuration file generation Meson provides a second
+form. To use it, put a line like this in your configuration file.
+ #mesondefine TOKEN
+The replacement that happens depends on what the value and type of TOKEN is:
+#define TOKEN // If TOKEN is set to boolean true.
+#undef TOKEN // If TOKEN is set to boolean false.
+#define TOKEN 4 // If TOKEN is set to an integer or string value.
+/* undef TOKEN */ // If TOKEN has not been set to any value.
+Note that if you want to define a C string, you need to do the quoting
+yourself like this:
+conf_data.set('TOKEN', '"value"')
+Since this is such a common operation, Meson provides a convenience
+plain_var = 'value'
+conf_data.set_quoted('TOKEN', plain_var) # becomes #define TOKEN "value"
+Often you have a boolean value in Meson but need to define the C/C++
+token as 0 or 1. Meson provides a convenience function for this use
+conf_data.set10(token, boolean_value)
+# The line above is equivalent to this:
+if boolean_value
+ conf_data.set(token, 1)
+ conf_data.set(token, 0)
+## Configuring without an input file
+If the input file is not defined then Meson will generate a header
+file all the entries in the configuration data object. The
+replacements are the same as when generating `#mesondefine` entries:
+conf_data.set('FOO', '"string"') => #define FOO "string"
+conf_data.set('FOO', 'a_token') => #define FOO a_token
+conf_data.set('FOO', true) => #define FOO
+conf_data.set('FOO', false) => #undef FOO
+conf_data.set('FOO', 1) => #define FOO 1
+conf_data.set('FOO', 0) => #define FOO 0
+In this mode, you can also specify a comment which will be placed
+before the value so that your generated files are self-documenting.
+conf_data.set('BAR', true, description : 'Set BAR if it is available')
+Will produce:
+/* Set BAR if it is available */
+#define BAR
+## Dealing with file encodings
+The default Meson file encoding to configure files is utf-8. If you
+need to configure a file that is not utf-8 encoded the encoding
+keyword will allow you to specify which file encoding to use. It is
+however strongly advised to convert your non utf-8 file to utf-8
+whenever possible. Supported file encodings are those of python3, see
+## Using dictionaries
+Since *0.49.0* `configuration_data()` takes an optional dictionary as
+first argument. If provided, each key/value pair is added into the
+`configuration_data` as if `set()` method was called for each of them.
+`configure_file()`'s `configuration` kwarg also accepts a dictionary
+instead of a configuration_data object.
+cdata = configuration_data({
+ 'STRING' : '"foo"',
+ 'INT' : 42,
+ 'DEFINED' : true,
+ 'UNDEFINED' : false,
+configure_file(output : 'config1.h',
+ configuration : cdata,
+configure_file(output : 'config2.h',
+ configuration : {
+ 'STRING' : '"foo"',
+ 'INT' : 42,
+ 'DEFINED' : true,
+ 'UNDEFINED' : false,
+ }
+# A full example
+Generating and using a configuration file requires the following steps:
+ - generate the file
+ - create an include directory object for the directory that holds the file
+ - use it in a target
+We are going to use the traditional approach of generating a header
+file in the top directory. The common name is `config.h` but we're
+going to use an unique name. This avoids the problem of accidentally
+including the wrong header file when building a project with many
+At the top level we generate the file:
+conf_data = configuration_data()
+# Set data
+configure_file(input : 'projconfig.h.in',
+ output : 'projconfig.h',
+ configuration : conf_data)
+Immediately afterwards we generate the include object.
+configuration_inc = include_directories('.')
+Finally we specify this in a target that can be in any subdirectory.
+executable(..., include_directories : configuration_inc)
+Now any source file in this target can include the configuration
+header like this:
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+short-description: Configuring a pre-generated build directory
+# Configuring a build directory
+Often you want to change the settings of your build after it has been
+generated. For example you might want to change from a debug build
+into a release build, set custom compiler flags, change the build
+options provided in your `meson_options.txt` file and so on.
+The main tool for this is the `meson configure` command.
+You invoke `meson configure` by giving it the location of your build
+dir. If omitted, the current working directory is used instead. Here's
+a sample output for a simple project.
+ Core properties
+ Source dir /home/jpakkane/clangdemo/2_address
+ Build dir /home/jpakkane/clangdemo/2_address/buildmeson
+ Core options:
+ Option Current Value Possible Values Description
+ ------ ------------- --------------- -----------
+ auto_features auto [enabled, disabled, auto] Override value of all 'auto' features
+ backend ninja [ninja, vs, vs2010, vs2015, vs2017, vs2019, xcode] Backend to use
+ buildtype release [plain, debug, debugoptimized, release, minsize, custom] Build type to use
+ debug false [true, false] Debug
+ default_library shared [shared, static, both] Default library type
+ install_umask 0022 [preserve, 0000-0777] Default umask to apply on permissions of installed files
+ layout mirror [mirror, flat] Build directory layout
+ optimization 3 [0, g, 1, 2, 3, s] Optimization level
+ strip false [true, false] Strip targets on install
+ unity off [on, off, subprojects] Unity build
+ warning_level 1 [0, 1, 2, 3] Compiler warning level to use
+ werror false [true, false] Treat warnings as errors
+ Backend options:
+ Option Current Value Possible Values Description
+ ------ ------------- --------------- -----------
+ backend_max_links 0 >=0 Maximum number of linker processes to run or 0 for no limit
+ Base options:
+ Option Current Value Possible Values Description
+ ------ ------------- --------------- -----------
+ b_asneeded true [true, false] Use -Wl,--as-needed when linking
+ b_colorout always [auto, always, never] Use colored output
+ b_coverage false [true, false] Enable coverage tracking.
+ b_lto false [true, false] Use link time optimization
+ b_lundef true [true, false] Use -Wl,--no-undefined when linking
+ b_ndebug false [true, false, if-release] Disable asserts
+ b_pch true [true, false] Use precompiled headers
+ b_pgo off [off, generate, use] Use profile guided optimization
+ b_sanitize none [none, address, thread, undefined, memory, address,undefined] Code sanitizer to use
+ b_staticpic true [true, false] Build static libraries as position independent
+ Compiler options:
+ Option Current Value Possible Values Description
+ ------ ------------- --------------- -----------
+ c_args [] Extra arguments passed to the C compiler
+ c_link_args [] Extra arguments passed to the C linker
+ c_std c99 [none, c89, c99, c11, c17, c18, c2x, gnu89, gnu99, gnu11, gnu17, gnu18, gnu2x] C language standard to use
+ cpp_args [] Extra arguments passed to the C++ compiler
+ cpp_debugstl false [true, false] STL debug mode
+ cpp_link_args [] Extra arguments passed to the C++ linker
+ cpp_std c++11 [none, c++98, c++03, c++11, c++14, c++17, c++1z, c++2a, c++20, gnu++03, gnu++11, gnu++14, gnu++17, gnu++1z, gnu++2a, gnu++20] C++ language standard to use
+ fortran_std [] [none, legacy, f95, f2003, f2008, f2018] language standard to use
+ Directories:
+ Option Current Value Description
+ ------ ------------- -----------
+ bindir bin Executable directory
+ datadir share Data file directory
+ includedir include Header file directory
+ infodir share/info Info page directory
+ libdir lib/x86_64-linux-gnu Library directory
+ libexecdir libexec Library executable directory
+ localedir share/locale Locale data directory
+ localstatedir /var/local Localstate data directory
+ mandir share/man Manual page directory
+ prefix /usr/local Installation prefix
+ sbindir sbin System executable directory
+ sharedstatedir /var/local/lib Architecture-independent data directory
+ sysconfdir etc Sysconf data directory
+ Project options:
+ Option Current Value Possible Values Description
+ ------ ------------- --------------- -----------
+ array_opt [one, two] [one, two, three] array_opt
+ combo_opt three [one, two, three] combo_opt
+ free_array_opt [one, two] free_array_opt
+ integer_opt 3 >=0, <=5 integer_opt
+ other_one false [true, false] other_one
+ some_feature enabled [enabled, disabled, auto] some_feature
+ someoption optval An option
+ Testing options:
+ Option Current Value Possible Values Description
+ ------ ------------- --------------- -----------
+ errorlogs true [true, false] Whether to print the logs from failing tests
+ stdsplit true [true, false] Split stdout and stderr in test logs
+These are all the options available for the current project arranged
+into related groups. The first column in every field is the name of
+the option. To set an option you use the `-D` option. For example,
+changing the installation prefix from `/usr/local` to `/tmp/testroot`
+you would issue the following command.
+ meson configure -Dprefix=/tmp/testroot
+Then you would run your build command (usually `meson compile`), which
+would cause Meson to detect that the build setup has changed and do
+all the work required to bring your build tree up to date.
+Since 0.50.0, it is also possible to get a list of all build options
+by invoking [`meson configure`](Commands.md#configure) with the
+project source directory or the path to the root `meson.build`. In
+this case, Meson will print the default values of all options similar
+to the example output from above.
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+# Contact information
+For general discussion and questions, it is strongly recommended that
+you use the [mailing
+If you find bugs, please file them in the [issue
+The maintainer of Meson is Jussi Pakkanen. You should usually not
+contact him privately but rather use the channels listed above.
+However if such a need arises, he can be reached at gmail where his
+username is `jpakkane` (that is not a typo, the last letter is indeed
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+# Continuous Integration
+Here you will find snippets to use Meson with various CI such as
+Travis and AppVeyor.
+Please [file an issue](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/new)
+if these instructions don't work for you.
+## Travis-CI with Docker
+Travis with Docker gives access to newer non-LTS Ubuntu versions with
+pre-installed libraries of your choice.
+This `yml` file is derived from the
+[configuration used by Meson](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/.travis.yml)
+for running its own tests.
+ - linux
+ - osx
+ - cpp
+ - docker
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew update; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then brew install python3 ninja; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then pip3 install meson; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then docker pull YOUR/REPO:eoan; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then echo FROM YOUR/REPO:eoan > Dockerfile; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then echo ADD . /root >> Dockerfile; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then docker build -t withgit .; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then docker run withgit /bin/sh -c "cd /root && TRAVIS=true CC=$CC CXX=$CXX meson builddir && meson test -C builddir"; fi
+ - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then SDKROOT=$(xcodebuild -version -sdk macosx Path) meson builddir && meson test -C builddir; fi
+## CircleCi for Linux (with Docker)
+[CircleCi](https://circleci.com/) can work for spinning all of the
+Linux images you wish. Here's a sample `yml` file for use with that.
+version: 2.1
+ # Your dependencies would go in the docker images that represent
+ # the Linux distributions you are supporting
+ meson_ubuntu_builder:
+ docker:
+ - image: your_dockerhub_username/ubuntu-sys
+ meson_debian_builder:
+ docker:
+ - image: your_dockerhub_username/debian-sys
+ meson_fedora_builder:
+ docker:
+ - image: your_dockerhub_username/fedora-sys
+ meson_ubuntu_build:
+ executor: meson_ubuntu_builder
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run: meson setup builddir --backend ninja
+ - run: meson compile -C builddir
+ - run: meson test -C builddir
+ meson_debian_build:
+ executor: meson_debian_builder
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run: meson setup builddir --backend ninja
+ - run: meson compile -C builddir
+ - run: meson test -C builddir
+ meson_fedora_build:
+ executor: meson_fedora_builder
+ steps:
+ - checkout
+ - run: meson setup builddir --backend ninja
+ - run: meson compile -C builddir
+ - run: meson test -C builddir
+ version: 2
+ linux_workflow:
+ jobs:
+ - meson_ubuntu_build
+ - meson_debian_build
+ - meson_fedora_build
+## AppVeyor for Windows
+For CI on Windows, [AppVeyor](https://www.appveyor.com/) has a wide
+selection of [default
+AppVeyor also has
+[MacOS](https://www.appveyor.com/docs/macos-images-software/) and
+[Linux](https://www.appveyor.com/docs/linux-images-software/) CI
+images. This is a sample `appveyor.yml` file for Windows with Visual
+Studio 2015 and 2017.
+image: Visual Studio 2017
+ matrix:
+ - arch: x86
+ compiler: msvc2015
+ - arch: x64
+ compiler: msvc2015
+ - arch: x86
+ compiler: msvc2017
+ - arch: x64
+ compiler: msvc2017
+ - x64
+ # Set paths to dependencies (based on architecture)
+ - cmd: if %arch%==x86 (set PYTHON_ROOT=C:\python37) else (set PYTHON_ROOT=C:\python37-x64)
+ # Print out dependency paths
+ - cmd: echo Using Python at %PYTHON_ROOT%
+ # Add necessary paths to PATH variable
+ - cmd: set PATH=%cd%;%PYTHON_ROOT%;%PYTHON_ROOT%\Scripts;%PATH%
+ # Install meson and ninja
+ - cmd: pip install ninja meson
+ # Set up the build environment
+ - cmd: if %compiler%==msvc2015 ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" %arch% )
+ - cmd: if %compiler%==msvc2017 ( call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" %arch% )
+ - cmd: echo Building on %arch% with %compiler%
+ - cmd: meson --backend=ninja builddir
+ - cmd: meson compile -C builddir
+ - cmd: meson test -C builddir
+### Qt
+For Qt 5, add the following line near the `PYTHON_ROOT` assignment:
+ - cmd: if %arch%==x86 (set QT_ROOT=C:\Qt\5.11\%compiler%) else (set QT_ROOT=C:\Qt\5.11\%compiler%_64)
+And afterwards add `%QT_ROOT%\bin` to the `PATH` variable.
+You might have to adjust your build matrix as there are, for example,
+no msvc2017 32-bit builds. Visit the [Build
+Environment](https://www.appveyor.com/docs/build-environment/) page in
+the AppVeyor docs for more details.
+### Boost
+The following statement is sufficient for Meson to find Boost:
+ - cmd: set BOOST_ROOT=C:\Libraries\boost_1_67_0
+## Travis without Docker
+Non-Docker Travis-CI builds can use Linux, MacOS or Windows.
+Set the desired compiler(s) in the build **matrix**.
+This example is for **Linux** (Ubuntu 18.04) and **C**.
+dist: bionic
+group: travis_latest
+os: linux
+language: python
+ include:
+ - env: CC=gcc
+ - env: CC=clang
+ - pip install meson ninja
+ - meson builddir
+ - meson compile -C builddir
+ - meson test -C builddir
+## GitHub Actions
+GitHub Actions are distinct from Azure Pipelines in their workflow
+syntax. It can be easier to setup specific CI tasks in Actions than
+Pipelines, depending on the particular task. This is an example file:
+.github/workflows/ci_meson.yml supposing the project is C-based, using
+GCC on Linux, Mac and Windows. The optional `on:` parameters only run
+this CI when the C code is changed--corresponding ci_python.yml might
+run only on "**.py" file changes.
+name: ci_meson
+ push:
+ paths:
+ - "**.c"
+ - "**.h"
+ pull_request:
+ paths:
+ - "**.c"
+ - "**.h"
+ linux:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - run: pip install meson ninja
+ - run: meson setup builddir/
+ env:
+ CC: gcc
+ - run: meson test -C builddir/ -v
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ if: failure()
+ with:
+ name: Linux_Meson_Testlog
+ path: builddir/meson-logs/testlog.txt
+ macos:
+ runs-on: macos-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - run: brew install gcc
+ - run: pip install meson ninja
+ - run: meson setup builddir/
+ env:
+ CC: gcc
+ - run: meson test -C builddir/ -v
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ if: failure()
+ with:
+ name: MacOS_Meson_Testlog
+ path: builddir/meson-logs/testlog.txt
+ windows:
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v1
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v1
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - run: pip install meson ninja
+ - run: meson setup builddir/
+ env:
+ CC: gcc
+ - run: meson test -C builddir/ -v
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ if: failure()
+ with:
+ name: Windows_Meson_Testlog
+ path: builddir/meson-logs/testlog.txt
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+short-description: Contributing to Meson
+# Contributing to Meson
+A large fraction of Meson is contributed by people outside the core
+team. This documentation explains some of the design rationales of
+Meson as well as how to create and submit your patches for inclusion
+to Meson.
+Thank you for your interest in participating to the development.
+## Submitting patches
+All changes must be submitted as [pull requests to
+Github](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pulls). This causes them
+to be run through the CI system. All submissions must pass a full CI
+test run before they are even considered for submission.
+## Keeping pull requests up to date
+It is possible that while your pull request is being reviewed, other
+changes are committed to master that cause merge conflicts that must
+be resolved. The basic rule for this is very simple: keep your pull
+request up to date using rebase _only_.
+Do not merge head back to your branch. Any merge commits in your pull
+request make it not acceptable for merging into master and you must
+remove them.
+## Special procedure for new features
+Every new feature requires some extra steps, namely:
+- Must include a project test under `test cases/`, or if that's not
+ possible or if the test requires a special environment, it must go
+ into `run_unittests.py`.
+- Must be registered with the [FeatureChecks
+ framework](Release-notes-for-0.47.0.md#feature-detection-based-on-meson_version-in-project)
+ that will warn the user if they try to use a new feature while
+ targeting an older Meson version.
+- Needs a release note snippet inside `docs/markdown/snippets/` with
+ a heading and a brief paragraph explaining what the feature does
+ with an example.
+## Acceptance and merging
+The kind of review and acceptance any merge proposal gets depends on
+the changes it contains. All pull requests must be reviewed and
+accepted by someone with commit rights who is not the original
+submitter. Merge requests can be roughly split into three different
+The first one consists of MRs that only change the markdown
+documentation under `docs/markdown`. Anyone with access rights can
+push changes to these directly to master. For major changes it is
+still recommended to create a MR so other people can comment on it.
+The second group consists of merges that don't change any
+functionality, fixes to the CI system and bug fixes that have added
+regression tests (see below) and don't change existing
+functionality. Once successfully reviewed anyone with merge rights can
+merge these to master.
+The final kind of merges are those that add new functionality or
+change existing functionality in a backwards incompatible way. These
+require the approval of the project lead.
+In a simplified list form the split would look like the following:
+- members with commit access can do:
+ - documentation changes (directly to master if warranted)
+ - bug fixes that don't change functionality
+ - refactorings
+ - new dependency types
+ - new tool support (e.g. a new Doxygen-kind of tool)
+ - support for new compilers to existing languages
+- project leader decision is needed for:
+ - new modules
+ - new functions in the Meson language
+ - syntax changes for Meson files
+ - changes breaking backwards compatibility
+ - support for new languages
+## Strategy for merging pull requests to trunk
+Meson's merge strategy should fulfill the following guidelines:
+- preserve as much history as possible
+- have as little junk in the repo as possible
+- everything in the "master lineage" should always pass all tests
+These goals are slightly contradictory so the correct thing to do
+often requires some judgement on part of the person doing the
+merge. Github provides three different merge options, The rules of
+thumb for choosing between them goes like this:
+- single commit pull requests should always be rebased
+- a pull request with one commit and one "fixup" commit (such as
+ testing something to see if it passes CI) should be squashed
+- large branches with many commits should be merged with a merge
+ commit, especially if one of the commits does not pass all tests
+ (which happens in e.g. large and difficult refactorings)
+If in doubt, ask for guidance on IRC.
+## Tests
+All new features must come with automatic tests that thoroughly prove
+that the feature is working as expected. Similarly bug fixes must come
+with a unit test that demonstrates the bug, proves that it has been
+fixed and prevents the feature from breaking in the future.
+Sometimes it is difficult to create a unit test for a given bug. If
+this is the case, note this in your pull request. We may permit bug
+fix merge requests in these cases. This is done on a case by case
+basis. Sometimes it may be easier to write the test than convince the
+maintainers that one is not needed. Exercise judgment and ask for help
+in problematic cases.
+The tests are split into two different parts: unit tests and full
+project tests. To run all tests, execute `./run_tests.py`. Unit tests
+can be run with `./run_unittests.py` and project tests with
+### Project tests
+Subsets of project tests can be selected with
+`./run_project_tests.py --only` option. This can save a great deal of
+time when only a certain part of Meson is being tested.
+For example, a useful and easy contribution to Meson is making
+sure the full set of compilers is supported. One could for example test
+various Fortran compilers by setting `FC=ifort` or `FC=flang` or similar
+with `./run_project_test.py --only fortran`.
+Some families of tests require a particular backend to run.
+For example, all the CUDA project tests run and pass on Windows via
+`./run_project_tests.py --only cuda --backend ninja`
+Each project test is a standalone project that can be compiled on its
+own. They are all in the `test cases` subdirectory. The simplest way to
+run a single project test is to do something like `./meson.py test\
+cases/common/1\ trivial builddir`. The one exception to this is `test
+cases/unit` directory discussed below.
+The test cases in the `common` subdirectory are meant to be run always
+for all backends. They should only depend on C and C++, without any
+external dependencies such as libraries. Tests that require those are
+in the `test cases/frameworks` directory. If there is a need for an
+external program in the common directory, such as a code generator, it
+should be implemented as a Python script. The goal of test projects is
+also to provide sample projects that end users can use as a base for
+their own projects.
+All project tests follow the same pattern: they are configured,
+compiled, tests are run and finally install is run. Passing means that
+configuring, building and tests succeed and that installed files match
+those expected.
+Any tests that require more thorough analysis, such as checking that
+certain compiler arguments can be found in the command line or that
+the generated pkg-config files actually work should be done with a
+unit test.
+* `crossfile.ini` and `nativefile.ini` are passed to the configure step with
+`--cross-file` and `--native-file` options, respectively.
+* `mlog.cmd_ci_include()` can be called from anywhere inside Meson to
+capture the contents of an additional file into the CI log on failure.
+Projects needed by unit tests are in the `test cases/unit`
+subdirectory. They are not run as part of `./run_project_tests.py`.
+### Configuring project tests
+The (optional) `test.json` file, in the root of a test case, is used
+for configuring the test. All of the following root entries in the `test.json`
+are independent of each other and can be combined as needed.
+Exanple `test.json`:
+ "env": {
+ "VAR": "VAL"
+ },
+ "installed": [
+ { "type": "exe", "file": "usr/bin/testexe" },
+ { "type": "pdb", "file": "usr/bin/testexe" },
+ { "type": "shared_lib", "file": "usr/lib/z", "version": "1.2.3" },
+ ],
+ "matrix": {
+ "options": {
+ "opt1": [
+ { "val": "abc" },
+ { "val": "qwert" },
+ { "val": "bad" }
+ ],
+ "opt2": [
+ { "val": null },
+ { "val": "true" },
+ { "val": "false" },
+ ]
+ },
+ "exclude": [
+ { "opt1": "qwert", "opt2": "false" },
+ { "opt1": "bad" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "tools": {
+ "cmake": ">=3.11"
+ }
+#### env
+The `env` key contains a dictionary which specifies additional
+environment variables to be set during the configure step of the test.
+There is some basic support for configuring the string with the `@<VAR>@` syntax:
+- `@ROOT@`: absolute path of the source directory
+- `@PATH@`: current value of the `PATH` env variable
+#### installed
+The `installed` dict contains a list of dicts, describing which files are expected
+to be installed. Each dict contains the following keys:
+- `file`
+- `type`
+- `platform` (optional)
+- `version` (optional)
+- `language` (optional)
+The `file` entry contains the relative path (from the install root) to the
+actually installed file.
+The `type` entry specifies how the `file` path should be interpreted based on the
+current platform. The following values are currently supported:
+| type | Description |
+| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `file` | No postprocessing, just use the provided path |
+| `python_file` | Use the provided path while replacing the python directory. |
+| `dir` | To include all files inside the directory (for generated docs, etc). The path must be a valid directory |
+| `exe` | For executables. On Windows the `.exe` suffix is added to the path in `file` |
+| `shared_lib` | For shared libraries, always written as `name`. The appropriate suffix and prefix are added by platform |
+| `python_lib` | For python libraries, while replacing the python directory. The appropriate suffix is added by platform |
+| `pdb` | For Windows PDB files. PDB entries are ignored on non Windows platforms |
+| `implib` | For Windows import libraries. These entries are ignored on non Windows platforms |
+| `py_implib` | For Windows import libraries. These entries are ignored on non Windows platforms |
+| `implibempty` | Like `implib`, but no symbols are exported in the library |
+| `expr` | `file` is an expression. This type should be avoided and removed if possible |
+Except for the `file`, `python_file` and `expr` types, all paths should be provided *without* a suffix.
+| Argument | Applies to | Description |
+| -----------|----------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+| `version` | `shared_lib`, `pdb` | Sets the version to look for appropriately per-platform |
+| `language` | `pdb` | Determines which compiler/linker determines the existence of this file |
+The `shared_lib` and `pdb` types takes an optional additional
+parameter, `version`, this is us a string in `X.Y.Z` format that will
+be applied to the library. Each version to be tested must have a
+single version. The harness will apply this correctly per platform:
+The `python_file`, `python_lib`, and `py_implib` types have basic support for configuring the string with the `@<VAR>@` syntax:
+- `@PYTHON_PLATLIB@`: python `get_install_dir` directory relative to prefix
+- `@PYTHON_PURELIB@`: python `get_install_dir(pure: true)` directory relative to prefix
+`pdb` takes an optional `language` argument. This determines which
+compiler/linker should generate the pdb file. Because it's possible to
+mix compilers that do and don't generate pdb files (dmd's optlink
+doesn't). Currently this is only needed when mixing D and C code.
+ "type": "shared_lib", "file": "usr/lib/lib",
+ "type": "shared_lib", "file": "usr/lib/lib", "version": "1",
+ "type": "shared_lib", "file": "usr/lib/lib", "version": "1.2.3.",
+This will be applied appropriately per platform. On windows this
+expects `lib.dll` and `lib-1.dll`. on MacOS it expects `liblib.dylib`
+and `liblib.1.dylib`. On other Unices it expects `liblib.so`,
+`liblib.so.1`, and `liblib.so.1.2.3`.
+If the `platform` key is present, the installed file entry is only
+considered if the platform matches. The following values for
+`platform` are currently supported:
+| platform | Description |
+| ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `msvc` | Matches when a msvc like compiler is used (`msvc`, `clang-cl`, etc.) |
+| `gcc` | Not `msvc` |
+| `cygwin` | Matches when the platform is cygwin |
+| `!cygwin` | Not `cygwin` |
+#### matrix
+The `matrix` section can be used to define a test matrix to run
+project tests with different Meson options.
+In the `options` dict, all possible options and their values are
+specified. Each key in the `options` dict is a Meson option. It stores
+a list of all potential values in a dict format.
+Each value must contain the `val` key for the value of the option.
+`null` can be used for adding matrix entries without the current
+The `skip_on_env`, `skip_on_jobname` and `skip_on_os` keys (as described below)
+may be used in the value to skip that matrix entry, based on the current
+Similarly, the `compilers` key can be used to define a mapping of
+compilers to languages that are required for this value.
+ "compilers": {
+ "c": "gcc",
+ "cpp": "gcc",
+ "d": "gdc"
+ }
+Specific option combinations can be excluded with the `exclude`
+section. It should be noted that `exclude` does not require exact
+matches. Instead, any matrix entry containing all option value
+combinations in `exclude` will be excluded. Thus an empty dict (`{}`)
+to will match **all** elements in the test matrix.
+The above example will produce the following matrix entries:
+- `opt1=abc`
+- `opt1=abc opt2=true`
+- `opt1=abc opt2=false`
+- `opt1=qwert`
+- `opt1=qwert opt2=true`
+#### do_not_set_opts
+Currently supported values are:
+- `prefix`
+- `libdir`
+#### tools
+This section specifies a dict of tool requirements in a simple
+key-value format. If a tool is specified, it has to be present in the
+environment, and the version requirement must be fulfilled. Otherwise,
+the entire test is skipped (including every element in the test
+#### stdout
+The `stdout` key contains a list of dicts, describing the expected
+Each dict contains the following keys:
+- `line`
+- `match` (optional)
+Each item in the list is matched, in order, against the remaining
+actual stdout lines, after any previous matches. If the actual stdout
+is exhausted before every item in the list is matched, the expected
+output has not been seen, and the test has failed.
+The `match` element of the dict determines how the `line` element is
+| Type | Description |
+| -------- | ----------------------- |
+| `literal` | Literal match (default) |
+| `re` | regex match |
+#### skip_on_env
+The `skip_on_env` key can be used to specify a list of environment variables. If
+at least one environment variable in the `skip_on_env` list is present, the test
+is skipped.
+#### skip_on_jobname
+The `skip_on_jobname` key contains a list of strings. If the `MESON_CI_JOBNAME`
+environment variable is set, and any of them are a sub-string of it, the test is
+expected to be skipped (that is, it is expected that the test will output
+`MESON_SKIP_TEST`, because the CI environment is not one in which it can run,
+for whatever reason).
+The test is failed if it skips or runs unexpectedly.
+#### skip_on_os
+The `skip_on_os` key can be used to specify a list of OS names (or their
+negations, prefixed with a `!`). If at least one item in the `skip_on_os` list
+is matched, the test is expected to be skipped.
+The test is failed if it skips or runs unexpectedly.
+### Skipping integration tests
+Meson uses several continuous integration testing systems that have
+slightly different interfaces for indicating a commit should be
+Continuous integration systems currently used:
+- [Azure Pipelines](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/pipelines/scripts/git-commands?view=vsts&tabs=yaml#how-do-i-avoid-triggering-a-ci-build-when-the-script-pushes)
+ allows `***NO_CI***` in the commit message.
+- [Sider](https://sider.review)
+ runs Flake8 ([see below](#python-coding-style))
+To promote consistent naming policy, use:
+- `[skip ci]` in the commit title if you want to disable all
+ integration tests
+## Documentation
+The `docs` directory contains the full documentation that will be used
+to generate [the Meson web site](http://mesonbuild.com). Every change
+in functionality must change the documentation pages. In most cases
+this means updating the reference documentation page but bigger
+changes might need changes in other documentation, too.
+All new functionality needs to have a mention in the release
+notes. These features should be written in standalone files in the
+`docs/markdown/snippets` directory. The release manager will combine
+them into one page when doing the release.
+[Integration tests should be disabled](#skipping-integration-tests) for
+documentation-only commits by putting `[skip ci]` into commit title.
+Reviewers should ask contributors to put `[skip ci]` into the title because
+tests are run again after merge for `master`.
+## Python Coding style
+Meson follows the basic Python coding style. Additional rules are the
+- indent 4 spaces, no tabs ever
+- indent meson.build files with two spaces
+- try to keep the code as simple as possible
+- contact the mailing list before embarking on large scale projects
+ to avoid wasted effort
+Meson uses Flake8 for style guide enforcement. The Flake8 options for
+the project are contained in .flake8.
+To run Flake8 on your local clone of Meson:
+$ python3 -m pip install flake8
+$ cd meson
+$ flake8
+To run it automatically before committing:
+$ flake8 --install-hook=git
+$ git config --bool flake8.strict true
+## C/C++ coding style
+Meson has a bunch of test code in several languages. The rules for
+those are simple.
+- indent 4 spaces, no tabs ever
+- brace always on the same line as if/for/else/function definition
+## External dependencies
+The goal of Meson is to be as easily usable as possible. The user
+experience should be "get Python3 and Ninja, run", even on
+Windows. Unfortunately this means that we can't have dependencies on
+projects outside of Python's standard library. This applies only to
+core functionality, though. For additional helper programs etc the use
+of external dependencies may be ok. If you feel that you are dealing
+with this kind of case, please contact the developers first with your
+use case.
+## Turing completeness
+The main design principle of Meson is that the definition language is
+not Turing complete. Any change that would make Meson Turing complete
+is automatically rejected. In practice this means that defining your
+own functions inside `meson.build` files and generalised loops will
+not be added to the language.
+## Do I need to sign a CLA in order to contribute?
+No you don't. All contributions are welcome.
+## No lingering state
+Meson operates in much the same way as functional programming
+languages. It has inputs, which include `meson.build` files, values of
+options, compilers and so on. These are passed to a function, which
+generates output build definition. This function is pure, which means that:
+- for any given input the output is always the same
+- running Meson twice in a row _always_ produce the same output in both runs
+The latter one is important, because it enforces that there is no way
+for "secret state" to pass between consecutive invocations of
+Meson. This is the reason why, for example, there is no `set_option`
+function even though there is a `get_option` one.
+If this were not the case, we could never know if the build output is
+"stable". For example suppose there were a `set_option` function and a
+boolean variable `flipflop`. Then you could do this:
+set_option('flipflop', not get_option('flipflop'))
+This piece of code would never converge. Every Meson run would change
+the value of the option and thus the output you get out of this build
+definition would be random.
+Meson does not permit this by forbidding these sorts of covert
+There is one exception to this rule. Users can call into external
+commands with `run_command`. If the output of that command does not
+behave like a pure function, this problem arises. Meson does not try
+to guard against this case, it is the responsibility of the user to
+make sure the commands they run behave like pure functions.
+## Environment variables
+Environment variables are like global variables, except that they are
+also hidden by default. Envvars should be avoided whenever possible,
+all functionality should be exposed in better ways such as command
+line switches.
+## Random design points that fit nowhere else
+- All features should follow the 90/9/1 rule. 90% of all use cases
+ should be easy, 9% should be possible and it is totally fine to not
+ support the final 1% if it would make things too complicated.
+- Any build directory will have at most two toolchains: one native and
+ one cross.
+- Prefer specific solutions to generic frameworks. Solve the end
+ user's problems rather than providing them tools to do it
+ themselves.
+- Never use features of the Unix shell (or Windows shell for that
+ matter). Doing things like forwarding output with `>` or invoking
+ multiple commands with `&&` are not permitted. Whenever these sorts
+ of requirements show up, write an internal Python script with the
+ desired functionality and use that instead.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-Linux-binaries.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-Linux-binaries.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71c96e470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-Linux-binaries.md
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+short-description: Creating universal Linux binaries
+# Creating Linux binaries
+Creating Linux binaries that can be downloaded and run on any distro
+(like .dmg packages for OSX or .exe installers for Windows) has
+traditionally been difficult. This is even more tricky if you want to
+use modern compilers and features, which is especially desired in game
+development. There is still no simple turn-key solution for this
+problem but with a bit of setup it can be relatively straightforward.
+## Installing system and GCC
+First you need to do a fresh operating system install. You can use
+spare hardware, VirtualBox, cloud or whatever you want. Note that the
+distro you install must be *at least as old* as the oldest release you
+wish to support. Debian stable is usually a good choice, though
+immediately after its release you might want to use Debian oldstable
+or the previous Ubuntu LTS. The oldest supported version of CentOS is
+also a good choice.
+Once you have installed the system, you need to install
+build-dependencies for GCC. In Debian-based distros this can be done
+with the following commands:
+$ apt-get build-dep g++
+$ apt-get install pkg-config libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev
+Then create a `src` subdirectory in your home directory. Copy-paste
+the following into `install_gcc.sh` and execute it.
+wget ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/languages/gcc/releases/gcc-4.9.2/gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2
+tar xf gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2
+mkdir objdir
+cd objdir
+../gcc-4.9.2/configure --disable-bootstrap --prefix=${HOME}/devroot \
+ --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c,c++
+make -j 4
+make install-strip
+ln -s gcc ${HOME}/devroot/bin/cc
+Then finally add the following lines to your `.bashrc`.
+$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${HOME}/devroot/lib
+$ export PATH=${HOME}/devroot/bin:$PATH
+$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${HOME}/devroot/lib/pkgconfig
+Log out and back in and now your build environment is ready to use.
+## Adding other tools
+Old distros might have too old versions of some tools. For Meson this
+could include Python 3 and Ninja. If this is the case you need to
+download, build and install new versions into `~/devroot` in the usual
+## Adding dependencies
+You want to embed and statically link every dependency you can
+(especially C++ dependencies). Meson's [Wrap package
+manager](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md) might be of use here. This
+is equivalent to what you would do on Windows, OSX, Android etc.
+Sometimes static linking is not possible. In these cases you need to
+copy the .so files inside your package. Let's use SDL2 as an example.
+First we download and install it as usual giving it our custom install
+prefix (that is, `./configure --prefix=${HOME}/devroot`). This makes
+Meson's dependency detector pick it up automatically.
+## Building and installing
+Building happens in much the same way as normally. There are just two
+things to note. First, you must tell GCC to link the C++ standard
+library statically. If you don't then your app is guaranteed to break
+as different distros have binary-incompatible C++ libraries. The
+second thing is that you need to point your install prefix to some
+empty staging area. Here's the Meson command to do that:
+$ LDFLAGS=-static-libstdc++ meson --prefix=/tmp/myapp <other args>
+The aim is to put the executable in `/tmp/myapp/bin` and shared
+libraries to `/tmp/myapp/lib`. The next thing you need is the
+embedder. It takes your dependencies (in this case only
+`libSDL2-2.0.so.0`) and copies them in the lib directory. Depending on
+your use case you can either copy the files by hand or write a script
+that parses the output of `ldd binary_file`. Be sure not to copy
+system libraries (`libc`, `libpthread`, `libm` etc). For an example,
+see the [sample
+Make the script run during install with this:
+## Final steps
+If you try to run the program now it will most likely fail to start or
+crashes. The reason for this is that the system does not know that the
+executable needs libraries from the `lib` directory. The solution for
+this is a simple wrapper script. Create a script called `myapp.sh`
+with the following content:
+cd "${0%/*}"
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/lib"
+Install it with this Meson snippet:
+install_data('myapp.sh', install_dir : '.')
+And now you are done. Zip up your `/tmp/myapp` directory and you have
+a working binary ready for deployment. To run the program, just unzip
+the file and run `myapp.sh`.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-OSX-packages.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-OSX-packages.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..849d5fd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-OSX-packages.md
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+short-description: Tools to create OS X packages
+# Creating OSX packages
+Meson does not have native support for building OSX packages but it
+does provide all the tools you need to create one yourself. The reason
+for this is that it is a very hard task to write a system that
+provides for all the different ways to do that but it is very easy to
+write simple scripts for each application.
+Sample code for this can be found in [the Meson manual test
+## Creating an app bundle
+OSX app bundles are actually extremely simple. They are just a
+directory of files in a certain format. All the details you need to
+know are on [this
+and it is highly recommended that you read it first.
+Let's assume that we are creating our app bundle into
+`/tmp/myapp.app`. Suppose we have one executable, so we need to
+install that into `Contents/MacOS`. If we define the executable like
+executable('myapp', 'foo1.c', ..., install : true)
+then we just need to initialize our build tree with this command:
+$ meson --prefix=/tmp/myapp.app \
+ --bindir=Contents/MacOS \
+ builddir \
+ <other flags you might need>
+Now when we do `meson install` the bundle is properly staged. If you
+have any resource files or data, you need to install them into
+`Contents/Resources` either by custom install commands or specifying
+more install paths to the Meson command.
+Next we need to install an `Info.plist` file and an icon. For those we
+need the following two Meson definitions.
+install_data('myapp.icns', install_dir : 'Contents/Resources')
+install_data('Info.plist', install_dir : 'Contents')
+The format of `Info.plist` can be found in the link or the sample
+project linked above. The simplest way to get an icon in the `icns`
+format is to save your image as a tiff an then use the `tiff2icns` helper
+application that comes with XCode.
+Some applications assume that the working directory of the app process
+is the same where the binary executable is. If this is the case for
+you, then you need to create a wrapper script that looks like this:
+cd "${0%/*}"
+install it with this:
+install_data('myapp.sh', install_dir : 'Contents/MacOS')
+and make sure that you specify `myapp.sh` as the executable to run in
+your `Info.plist`.
+If you are not using any external libraries, this is all you need to
+do. You now have a full app bundle in `/tmp/myapp.app` that you can
+use. Most applications use third party frameworks and libraries,
+though, so you need to add them to the bundle so it will work on other
+peoples' machines.
+As an example we are going to use the [SDL2](https://libsdl.org/)
+framework. In order to bundle it in our app, we first specify an
+installer script to run.
+The install script does two things. First it copies the whole
+framework into our bundle.
+$ mkdir -p ${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Contents/Frameworks
+$ cp -R /Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework \
+ ${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Contents/Frameworks
+Then it needs to alter the library search path of our
+executable(s). This tells OSX that the libraries your app needs are
+inside your bundle. In the case of SDL2, the invocation goes like
+$ install_name_tool -change @rpath/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2 \
+ @executable_path/../FrameWorks/SDL2.framework/Versions/A/SDL2 \
+ ${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/Contents/MacOS/myapp
+This is the part of OSX app bundling that you must always do
+manually. OSX dependencies come in many shapes and forms and
+unfortunately there is no reliable automatic way to determine how each
+dependency should be handled. Frameworks go to the `Frameworks`
+directory while plain `.dylib` files usually go to
+`Contents/Resources/lib` (but you can put them wherever you like). To
+get this done you have to check what your program links against with
+`otool -L /path/to/binary` and manually add the copy and fix steps to
+your install script. Do not copy system libraries inside your bundle,
+After this you have a fully working, self-contained OSX app bundle
+ready for distribution.
+## Creating a .dmg installer
+A .dmg installer is similarly quite simple, at its core it is
+basically a fancy compressed archive. A good description can be found
+on [this page](https://el-tramo.be/guides/fancy-dmg/). Please read it
+and create a template image file according to its instructions.
+The actual process of creating the installer is very simple: you mount
+the template image, copy your app bundle in it, unmount it and convert
+the image into a compressed archive. The actual commands to do this
+are not particularly interesting, feel free to steal them from either
+the linked page above or from the sample script in Meson's test suite.
+## Putting it all together
+There are many ways to put the .dmg installer together and different
+people will do it in different ways. The linked sample code does it by
+having two different scripts. This separates the different pieces
+generating the installer into logical pieces.
+`install_script.sh` only deals with embedding dependencies and fixing
+the library paths.
+`build_osx_installer.sh` sets up the build with the proper paths,
+compiles, installs and generates the .dmg package.
+The main reasoning here is that in order to build a complete OSX
+installer package from source, all you need to do is to cd into the
+source tree and run `./build_osx_installer.sh`. To build packages on
+other platforms you would write scripts such as
+`build_windows_installer.bat` and so on.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-releases.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-releases.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8244596e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Creating-releases.md
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+short-description: Creating releases
+# Creating releases
+In addition to development, almost all projects provide periodical
+source releases. These are standalone packages (usually either in
+tar or zip format) of the source code. They do not contain any
+revision control metadata, only the source code. Meson provides
+a simple way of generating these, with the `meson dist` command.
+Meson provides a simple way of generating these. It consists of a
+single command *(available since 0.52.0)*:
+meson dist
+or alternatively (on older Meson versions with `ninja` backend):
+ninja dist
+This creates a file called `projectname-version.tar.xz` in the build
+tree subdirectory `meson-dist`. This archive contains the full
+contents of the latest commit in revision control including all the
+submodules (recursively). All revision control metadata is removed.
+Meson then takes this archive and tests that it works by doing a full
+`compile` + `test` + `install` cycle. If all these pass, Meson will
+then create a `SHA-256` checksum file next to the archive.
+## Autotools dist VS Meson dist
+Meson behaviour is different from Autotools. The Autotools "dist"
+target packages up the current source tree. Meson packages the latest
+revision control commit. The reason for this is that it prevents
+developers from doing accidental releases where the distributed
+archive does not match any commit in revision control (especially the
+one tagged for the release).
+## Include subprojects in your release
+The `meson dist` command has `--include-subprojects` command line
+option. When enabled, the source tree of all subprojects used by the
+current build will also be included in the final tarball. This is
+useful to distribute self contained tarball that can be built offline
+(i.e. `--wrap-mode=nodownload`).
+## Skip build and test with `--no-tests`
+The `meson dist` command has a `--no-tests` option to skip build and
+tests steps of generated packages. It can be used to not waste time
+for example when done in CI that already does its own testing.
+So with `--no-tests` you can tell Meson "Do not build and test generated
+## Release a subproject separately
+*Since 0.57.0* the `meson dist` command can now create a distribution tarball
+for a subproject in the same git repository as the main project. This can be
+useful if parts of the project (e.g. libraries) can be built and distributed
+separately. In that case they can be moved into `subprojects/mysub` and running
+`meson dist` in that directory will now create a tarball containing only the
+source code from that subdir and not the rest of the main project or other
+For example:
+git clone https://github.com/myproject
+cd myproject/subprojects/mysubproject
+meson builddir
+meson dist -C builddir
+This produces `builddir/meson-dist/mysubproject-1.0.tar.xz` tarball.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Cross-compilation.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Cross-compilation.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4410c0363
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Cross-compilation.md
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+short-description: Setting up cross-compilation
+# Cross compilation
+Meson has full support for cross compilation. Since cross compiling is
+more complicated than native building, let's first go over some
+nomenclature. The three most important definitions are traditionally
+called *build*, *host* and *target*. This is confusing because those
+terms are used for quite many different things. To simplify the issue,
+we are going to call these the *build machine*, *host machine* and
+*target machine*. Their definitions are the following:
+* *build machine* is the computer that is doing the actual compiling.
+* *host machine* is the machine on which the compiled binary will run.
+* *target machine* is the machine on which the compiled binary's
+ output will run, *only meaningful* if the program produces
+ machine-specific output.
+The `tl/dr` summary is the following: if you are doing regular cross
+compilation, you only care about `build_machine` and
+`host_machine`. Just ignore `target_machine` altogether and you will
+be correct 99% of the time. Only compilers and similar tools care
+about the target machine. In fact, for so-called "multi-target" tools
+the target machine need not be fixed at build-time like the others but
+chosen at runtime, so `target_machine` *still* doesn't matter. If your
+needs are more complex or you are interested in the actual details, do
+read on.
+This might be easier to understand through examples. Let's start with
+the regular, not cross-compiling case. In these cases all of these
+three machines are the same. Simple so far.
+Let's next look at the most common cross-compilation setup. Let's
+suppose you are on a 64 bit OSX machine and you are cross compiling a
+binary that will run on a 32 bit ARM Linux board. In this case your
+*build machine* is 64 bit OSX, your *host machine* is 32 bit ARM Linux
+and your *target machine* is irrelevant (but defaults to the same
+value as the *host machine*). This should be quite understandable as
+The usual mistake in this case is to call the OSX system the *host*
+and the ARM Linux board the *target*. That's because these were their
+actual names when the cross-compiler itself was compiled! Let's assume
+the cross-compiler was created on OSX too. When that happened the
+*build* and *host machines* were the same OSX and different from the
+ARM Linux *target machine*.
+In a nutshell, the typical mistake assumes that the terms *build*,
+*host* and *target* refer to some fixed positions whereas they're
+actually relative to where the current compiler is running. Think of
+*host* as a *child* of the current compiler and *target* as an
+optional *grand-child*. Compilers don't change their terminology when
+they're creating another compiler, that would at the very least make
+their user interface much more complex.
+The most complicated case is when you cross-compile a cross compiler.
+As an example you can, on a Linux machine, generate a cross compiler
+that runs on Windows but produces binaries on MIPS Linux. In this case
+*build machine* is x86 Linux, *host machine* is x86 Windows and
+*target machine* is MIPS Linux. This setup is known as the [Canadian
+As a side note, be careful when reading cross compilation articles on
+Wikipedia or the net in general. It is very common for them to get
+build, host and target mixed up, even in consecutive sentences, which
+can leave you puzzled until you figure it out.
+Again note that when you cross-compile something, the 3 systems
+(*build*, *host*, and *target*) used when building the cross compiler
+don't align with the ones used when building something with that
+newly-built cross compiler. To take our Canadian Cross scenario from
+above (for full generality), since its *host machine* is x86 Windows,
+the *build machine* of anything we build with it is *x86 Windows*. And
+since its *target machine* is MIPS Linux, the *host machine* of
+anything we build with it is *MIPS Linux*. Only the *target machine*
+of whatever we build with it can be freely chosen by us, say if we
+want to build another cross compiler that runs on MIPS Linux and
+targets Aarch64 iOS. As this example hopefully makes clear to you, the
+machine names are relative and shifted over to the left by one
+If you did not understand all of the details, don't worry. For most
+people it takes a while to wrap their head around these concepts.
+Don't panic, it might take a while to click, but you will get the hang
+of it eventually.
+## Defining the environment
+Meson requires you to write a cross build definition file. It defines
+various properties of the cross build environment. The cross file
+consists of different sections.
+There are a number of options shared by cross and native files,
+[here](Machine-files.md). It is assumed that you have read that
+section already, as this documentation will only call out options
+specific to cross files.
+### Binaries
+exe_wrapper = 'wine' # A command used to run generated executables.
+The `exe_wrapper` option defines a *wrapper command* that can be used
+to run executables for this host. In this case we can use Wine, which
+runs Windows applications on Linux. Other choices include running the
+application with qemu or a hardware simulator. If you have this kind
+of a wrapper, these lines are all you need to write. Meson will
+automatically use the given wrapper when it needs to run host
+binaries. This happens e.g. when running the project's test suite.
+### Properties
+In addition to the properties allowed in [all machine
+files](Machine-files.md#properties), the cross file may contain
+specific information about the cross compiler or the host machine. It
+looks like this:
+sizeof_int = 4
+sizeof_wchar_t = 4
+sizeof_void* = 4
+alignment_char = 1
+alignment_void* = 4
+alignment_double = 4
+has_function_printf = true
+sys_root = '/some/path'
+pkg_config_libdir = '/some/path/lib/pkgconfig'
+In most cases you don't need the size and alignment settings, Meson
+will detect all these by compiling and running some sample programs.
+If your build requires some piece of data that is not listed here,
+Meson will stop and write an error message describing how to fix the
+issue. If you need extra compiler arguments to be used during cross
+compilation you can set them with `[langname]_args = [args]`. Just
+remember to specify the args as an array and not as a single string
+(i.e. not as `'-DCROSS=1 -DSOMETHING=3'`).
+*Since 0.52.0* The `sys_root` property may point to the root of the
+host system path (the system that will run the compiled binaries).
+This is used internally by Meson to set the PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR
+environment variable for pkg-config. If this is unset the host system
+is assumed to share a root with the build system.
+*Since 0.54.0* The pkg_config_libdir property may point to a list of
+path used internally by Meson to set the PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR environment
+variable for pkg-config. This prevents pkg-config from searching cross
+dependencies in system directories.
+One important thing to note, if you did not define an `exe_wrapper` in
+the previous section, is that Meson will make a best-effort guess at
+whether it can run the generated binaries on the build machine. It
+determines whether this is possible by looking at the `system` and
+`cpu_family` of build vs host. There will however be cases where they
+do match up, but the build machine is actually not compatible with the
+host machine. Typically this will happen if the libc used by the build
+and host machines are incompatible, or the code relies on kernel
+features not available on the build machine. One concrete example is a
+macOS build machine producing binaries for an iOS Simulator x86-64
+host. They're both `darwin` and the same architecture, but their
+binaries are not actually compatible. In such cases you may use the
+`needs_exe_wrapper` property to override the auto-detection:
+needs_exe_wrapper = true
+### Machine Entries
+The next bit is the definition of host and target machines. Every
+cross build definition must have one or both of them. If it had
+neither, the build would not be a cross build but a native build. You
+do not need to define the build machine, as all necessary information
+about it is extracted automatically. The definitions for host and
+target machines look the same. Here is a sample for host machine.
+system = 'windows'
+cpu_family = 'x86'
+cpu = 'i686'
+endian = 'little'
+These values define the machines sufficiently for cross compilation
+purposes. The corresponding target definition would look the same but
+have `target_machine` in the header. These values are available in
+your Meson scripts. There are three predefined variables called,
+surprisingly, `build_machine`, `host_machine` and `target_machine`.
+Determining the operating system of your host machine is simply a
+matter of calling `host_machine.system()`.
+There are two different values for the CPU. The first one is
+`cpu_family`. It is a general type of the CPU. This should have a
+value from [the CPU Family table](Reference-tables.md#cpu-families).
+*Note* that Meson does not add `el` to end cpu_family value for little
+endian systems. Big endian and little endian mips are both just
+`mips`, with the `endian` field set approriately.
+The second value is `cpu` which is a more specific subtype for the
+CPU. Typical values for a `x86` CPU family might include `i386` or
+`i586` and for `arm` family `armv5` or `armv7hl`. Note that CPU type
+strings are very system dependent. You might get a different value if
+you check its value on the same machine but with different operating
+If you do not define your host machine, it is assumed to be the build
+machine. Similarly if you do not specify target machine, it is assumed
+to be the host machine.
+## Starting a cross build
+Once you have the cross file, starting a build is simple
+$ meson srcdir builddir --cross-file cross_file.txt
+Once configuration is done, compilation is started by invoking `meson compile`
+in the usual way.
+## Introspection and system checks
+The main *meson* object provides two functions to determine cross
+compilation status.
+meson.is_cross_build() # returns true when cross compiling
+meson.can_run_host_binaries() # returns true if the host binaries can be run, either with a wrapper or natively
+You can run system checks on both the system compiler or the cross
+compiler. You just have to specify which one to use.
+build_compiler = meson.get_compiler('c', native : true)
+host_compiler = meson.get_compiler('c', native : false)
+build_int_size = build_compiler.sizeof('int')
+host_int_size = host_compiler.sizeof('int')
+## Mixing host and build targets
+Sometimes you need to build a tool which is used to generate source
+files. These are then compiled for the actual target. For this you
+would want to build some targets with the system's native compiler.
+This requires only one extra keyword argument.
+native_exe = executable('mygen', 'mygen.c', native : true)
+You can then take `native_exe` and use it as part of a generator rule or anything else you might want.
+## Using a custom standard library
+Sometimes in cross compilation you need to build your own standard
+library instead of using the one provided by the compiler. Meson has
+built-in support for switching standard libraries transparently. The
+invocation to use in your cross file is the following:
+c_stdlib = ['mylibc', 'mylibc_dep'] # Subproject name, variable name
+This specifies that C standard library is provided in the Meson
+subproject `mylibc` in internal dependency variable `mylibc_dep`. It
+is used on every cross built C target in the entire source tree
+(including subprojects) and the standard library is disabled. The
+build definitions of these targets do not need any modification.
+Note that it is supported for any language, not only `c`, using `<lang>_stdlib`
+Since *0.56.0* the variable name parameter is no longer required as long as the
+subproject calls `meson.override_dependency('c_stdlib', mylibc_dep)`.
+The above example becomes:
+c_stdlib = 'mylibc'
+## Changing cross file settings
+Cross file settings are only read when the build directory is set up
+the first time. Any changes to them after the fact will be ignored.
+This is the same as regular compiles where you can't change the
+compiler once a build tree has been set up. If you need to edit your
+cross file, then you need to wipe your build tree and recreate it from
+## Custom data
+You can store arbitrary data in `properties` and access them from your
+Meson files. As an example if you cross file has this:
+somekey = 'somevalue'
+then you can access that using the `meson` object like this:
+myvar = meson.get_external_property('somekey')
+# myvar now has the value 'somevalue'
+## Cross file locations
+As of version 0.44.0 Meson supports loading cross files from system
+locations (except on Windows). This will be
+$XDG_DATA_DIRS/meson/cross, or if XDG_DATA_DIRS is undefined, then
+/usr/local/share/meson/cross and /usr/share/meson/cross will be tried
+in that order, for system wide cross files. User local files can be
+put in $XDG_DATA_HOME/meson/cross, or ~/.local/share/meson/cross if
+that is undefined.
+The order of locations tried is as follows:
+ - A file relative to the local dir
+ - The user local location
+ - The system wide locations in order
+Distributions are encouraged to ship cross files either with their
+cross compiler toolchain packages or as a standalone package, and put
+them in one of the system paths referenced above.
+These files can be loaded automatically without adding a path to the
+cross file. For example, if a ~/.local/share/meson/cross contains a
+file called x86-linux, then the following command would start a cross
+build using that cross files:
+meson builddir/ --cross-file x86-linux
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+short-description: CUDA module
+ - name: Olexa Bilaniuk
+ years: [2019]
+ has-copyright: false
+# Unstable CUDA Module
+_Since: 0.50.0_
+This module provides helper functionality related to the CUDA Toolkit and
+building code using it.
+**Note**: this module is unstable. It is only provided as a technology preview.
+Its API may change in arbitrary ways between releases or it might be removed
+from Meson altogether.
+## Importing the module
+The module may be imported as follows:
+``` meson
+cuda = import('unstable-cuda')
+It offers several useful functions that are enumerated below.
+## Functions
+### `nvcc_arch_flags()`
+_Since: 0.50.0_
+``` meson
+cuda.nvcc_arch_flags(cuda_version_string, ...,
+ detected: string_or_array)
+Returns a list of `-gencode` flags that should be passed to `cuda_args:` in
+order to compile a "fat binary" for the architectures/compute capabilities
+enumerated in the positional argument(s). The flags shall be acceptable to
+an NVCC with CUDA Toolkit version string `cuda_version_string`.
+A set of architectures and/or compute capabilities may be specified by:
+- The single positional argument `'All'`, `'Common'` or `'Auto'`
+- As (an array of)
+ - Architecture names (`'Kepler'`, `'Maxwell+Tegra'`, `'Turing'`) and/or
+ - Compute capabilities (`'3.0'`, `'3.5'`, `'5.3'`, `'7.5'`)
+A suffix of `+PTX` requests PTX code generation for the given architecture.
+A compute capability given as `A.B(X.Y)` requests PTX generation for an older
+virtual architecture `X.Y` before binary generation for a newer architecture
+Multiple architectures and compute capabilities may be passed in using
+- Multiple positional arguments
+- Lists of strings
+- Space (` `), comma (`,`) or semicolon (`;`)-separated strings
+The single-word architectural sets `'All'`, `'Common'` or `'Auto'`
+cannot be mixed with architecture names or compute capabilities. Their
+interpretation is:
+| Name | Compute Capability |
+| `'All'` | All CCs supported by given NVCC compiler. |
+| `'Common'` | Relatively common CCs supported by given NVCC compiler. Generally excludes Tegra and Tesla devices. |
+| `'Auto'` | The CCs provided by the `detected:` keyword, filtered for support by given NVCC compiler. |
+The supported architecture names and their corresponding compute capabilities
+| Name | Compute Capability |
+| `'Fermi'` | 2.0, 2.1(2.0) |
+| `'Kepler'` | 3.0, 3.5 |
+| `'Kepler+Tegra'` | 3.2 |
+| `'Kepler+Tesla'` | 3.7 |
+| `'Maxwell'` | 5.0, 5.2 |
+| `'Maxwell+Tegra'` | 5.3 |
+| `'Pascal'` | 6.0, 6.1 |
+| `'Pascal+Tegra'` | 6.2 |
+| `'Volta'` | 7.0 |
+| `'Xavier'` | 7.2 |
+| `'Turing'` | 7.5 |
+| `'Ampere'` | 8.0, 8.6 |
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', '3.0', '3.5', '5.0+PTX')
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', ['3.0', '3.5', '5.0+PTX'])
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', [['3.0', '3.5'], '5.0+PTX'])
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', '3.0 3.5 5.0+PTX')
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', '3.0,3.5,5.0+PTX')
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', '3.0;3.5;5.0+PTX')
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', 'Kepler 5.0+PTX')
+ # Returns ['-gencode', 'arch=compute_30,code=sm_30',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_35,code=sm_35',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_50,code=sm_50',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_50,code=compute_50']
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('10.0', '3.5(3.0)')
+ # Returns ['-gencode', 'arch=compute_30,code=sm_35']
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('8.0', 'Common')
+ # Returns ['-gencode', 'arch=compute_30,code=sm_30',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_35,code=sm_35',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_50,code=sm_50',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_52,code=sm_52',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_60,code=sm_60',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_61,code=sm_61',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_61,code=compute_61']
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('9.2', 'Auto', detected: '6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0')
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags('9.2', 'Auto', detected: ['6.0', '6.0', '6.0', '6.0'])
+ # Returns ['-gencode', 'arch=compute_60,code=sm_60']
+ cuda.nvcc_arch_flags(nvcc, 'All')
+ # Returns ['-gencode', 'arch=compute_20,code=sm_20',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_20,code=sm_21',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_30,code=sm_30',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_32,code=sm_32',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_35,code=sm_35',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_37,code=sm_37',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_50,code=sm_50', # nvcc.version() < 7.0
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_52,code=sm_52',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_53,code=sm_53', # nvcc.version() >= 7.0
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_60,code=sm_60',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_61,code=sm_61', # nvcc.version() >= 8.0
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_70,code=sm_70',
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_72,code=sm_72', # nvcc.version() >= 9.0
+ # '-gencode', 'arch=compute_75,code=sm_75'] # nvcc.version() >= 10.0
+_Note:_ This function is intended to closely replicate CMake's FindCUDA module
+function `CUDA_SELECT_NVCC_ARCH_FLAGS(out_variable, [list of CUDA compute architectures])`
+### `nvcc_arch_readable()`
+_Since: 0.50.0_
+``` meson
+cuda.nvcc_arch_readable(cuda_version_string, ...,
+ detected: string_or_array)
+Has precisely the same interface as [`nvcc_arch_flags()`](#nvcc_arch_flags),
+but rather than returning a list of flags, it returns a "readable" list of
+architectures that will be compiled for. The output of this function is solely
+intended for informative message printing.
+ archs = '3.0 3.5 5.0+PTX'
+ readable = cuda.nvcc_arch_readable('10.0', archs)
+ message('Building for architectures ' + ' '.join(readable))
+This will print
+ Message: Building for architectures sm30 sm35 sm50 compute50
+_Note:_ This function is intended to closely replicate CMake's
+FindCUDA module function `CUDA_SELECT_NVCC_ARCH_FLAGS(out_variable,
+[list of CUDA compute architectures])`
+### `min_driver_version()`
+_Since: 0.50.0_
+``` meson
+Returns the minimum NVIDIA proprietary driver version required, on the
+host system, by kernels compiled with a CUDA Toolkit with the given
+version string.
+The output of this function is generally intended for informative
+message printing, but could be used for assertions or to conditionally
+enable features known to exist within the minimum NVIDIA driver
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+short-description: Build targets for custom languages or corner-cases
+# Custom build targets
+While Meson tries to support as many languages and tools as possible,
+there is no possible way for it to cover all corner cases. For these
+cases it permits you to define custom build targets. Here is how one
+would use it.
+comp = find_program('custom_compiler')
+infile = 'source_code.txt'
+outfile = 'output.bin'
+mytarget = custom_target('targetname',
+ output : outfile,
+ input : infile,
+ command : [comp, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : 'subdir')
+This would generate the binary `output.bin` and install it to
+`${prefix}/subdir/output.bin`. Variable substitution works just like
+it does for source generation.
+See [Generating Sources](Generating-sources.md) for more information on this topic.
+## Details on command invocation
+Meson only permits you to specify one command to run. This is by
+design as writing shell pipelines into build definition files leads to
+code that is very hard to maintain. If your command requires multiple
+steps you need to write a wrapper script that does all the necessary
+When doing this you need to be mindful of the following issues:
+* do not assume that the command is invoked in any specific directory
+* a target called `target` file `outfile` defined in subdir `subdir`
+ must be written to `build_dir/subdir/foo.dat`
+* if you need a subdirectory for temporary files, use
+ `build_dir/subdir/target.dir`
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+title: Cython
+short-description: Support for Cython in Meson
+# Cython
+Meson provides native support for cython programs starting with version 0.59.0.
+This means that you can include it as a normal language, and create targets like
+any other supported language:
+lib = static_library(
+ 'foo',
+ 'foo.pyx',
+Generally Cython is most useful when combined with the python module's
+extension_module method:
+project('my project', 'cython')
+py = import('python').find_installation()
+dep_py = py.dependency()
+ 'foo',
+ 'foo.pyx',
+ dependencies : dep_py,
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+title: D
+short-description: Compiling D sources
+# Compiling D applications
+Meson has support for compiling D programs. A minimal `meson.build`
+file for D looks like this:
+project('myapp', 'd')
+executable('myapp', 'app.d')
+## [Conditional compilation](https://dlang.org/spec/version.html)
+If you are using the
+feature for conditional compilation, you can use it using the
+`d_module_versions` target property:
+project('myapp', 'd')
+executable('myapp', 'app.d', d_module_versions: ['Demo', 'FeatureA'])
+For debugging, [debug()](https://dlang.org/spec/version.html#debug)
+conditions are compiled automatically in debug builds, and extra
+identifiers can be added with the `d_debug` argument:
+project('myapp', 'd')
+executable('myapp', 'app.d', d_debug: [3, 'DebugFeatureA'])
+## Using embedded unittests
+If you are using embedded [unittest
+functions](https://dlang.org/spec/unittest.html), your source code
+needs to be compiled twice, once in regular mode, and once with
+unittests active. This is done by setting the `d_unittest` target
+property to `true`. Meson will only ever pass the respective
+compiler's `-unittest` flag, and never have the compiler generate an
+empty main function. If you need that feature in a portable way,
+create an empty `main()` function for unittests yourself, since the
+GNU D compiler does not have this feature.
+This is an example for using D unittests with Meson:
+project('myapp_tested', 'd')
+myapp_src = ['app.d', 'alpha.d', 'beta.d']
+executable('myapp', myapp_src)
+test_exe = executable('myapp_test', myapp_src, d_unittest: true)
+test('myapptest', test_exe)
+# Compiling D libraries and installing them
+Building D libraries is a straightforward process, not different from
+how C libraries are built in Meson. You should generate a pkg-config
+file and install it, in order to make other software on the system
+find the dependency once it is installed.
+This is an example on how to build a D shared library:
+project('mylib', 'd', version: '1.2.0')
+project_soversion = 0
+glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0')
+my_lib = library('mylib',
+ ['src/mylib/libfunctions.d'],
+ dependencies: [glib_dep],
+ install: true,
+ version: meson.project_version(),
+ soversion: project_soversion,
+ d_module_versions: ['FeatureA', 'featureB']
+pkgc = import('pkgconfig')
+pkgc.generate(name: 'mylib',
+ libraries: my_lib,
+ subdirs: 'd/mylib',
+ version: meson.project_version(),
+ description: 'A simple example D library.',
+ d_module_versions: ['FeatureA']
+install_subdir('src/mylib/', install_dir: 'include/d/mylib/')
+It is important to make the D sources install in a subdirectory in the
+include path, in this case `/usr/include/d/mylib/mylib`. All D
+compilers include the `/usr/include/d` directory by default, and if
+your library would be installed into `/usr/include/d/mylib`, there is
+a high chance that, when you compile your project again on a machine
+where you installed it, the compiler will prefer the old installed
+include over the new version in the source tree, leading to very
+confusing errors.
+This is an example of how to use the D library we just built and
+installed in an application:
+project('myapp', 'd')
+mylib_dep = dependency('mylib', version: '>= 1.2.0')
+myapp_src = ['app.d', 'alpha.d', 'beta.d']
+executable('myapp', myapp_src, dependencies: [mylib_dep])
+Please keep in mind that the library and executable would both need to
+be built with the exact same D compiler and D compiler version. The D
+ABI is not stable across compilers and their versions, and mixing
+compilers will lead to problems.
+# Integrating with DUB
+DUB is a fully integrated build system for D, but it is also a way to
+provide dependencies. Adding dependencies from the [D package
+registry](https://code.dlang.org/) is pretty straight forward. You can
+find how to do this in
+[Dependencies](Dependencies.md#some-notes-on-dub). You can also
+automatically generate a `dub.json` file as explained in
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+short-description: Dependencies for external libraries and frameworks
+# Dependencies
+Very few applications are fully self-contained, but rather they use
+external libraries and frameworks to do their work. Meson makes it
+very easy to find and use external dependencies. Here is how one would
+use the zlib compression library.
+zdep = dependency('zlib', version : '>=1.2.8')
+exe = executable('zlibprog', 'prog.c', dependencies : zdep)
+First Meson is told to find the external library `zlib` and error out
+if it is not found. The `version` keyword is optional and specifies a
+version requirement for the dependency. Then an executable is built
+using the specified dependency. Note how the user does not need to
+manually handle compiler or linker flags or deal with any other
+If you have multiple dependencies, pass them as an array:
+executable('manydeps', 'file.c', dependencies : [dep1, dep2, dep3, dep4])
+If the dependency is optional, you can tell Meson not to error out if
+the dependency is not found and then do further configuration.
+opt_dep = dependency('somedep', required : false)
+if opt_dep.found()
+ # Do something.
+ # Do something else.
+You can pass the `opt_dep` variable to target construction functions
+whether the actual dependency was found or not. Meson will ignore
+non-found dependencies.
+Meson also allows to get variables that are defined in the
+`pkg-config` file. This can be done by using the
+`get_pkgconfig_variable` function.
+zdep_prefix = zdep.get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix')
+These variables can also be redefined by passing the `define_variable`
+parameter, which might be useful in certain situations:
+zdep_prefix = zdep.get_pkgconfig_variable('libdir', define_variable: ['prefix', '/tmp'])
+The dependency detector works with all libraries that provide a
+`pkg-config` file. Unfortunately several packages don't provide
+pkg-config files. Meson has autodetection support for some of these,
+and they are described [later in this
+# Arbitrary variables from dependencies that can be found multiple ways
+*Note* new in 0.51.0
+*new in 0.54.0, the `internal` keyword*
+When you need to get an arbitrary variables from a dependency that can
+be found multiple ways and you don't want to constrain the type you
+can use the generic `get_variable` method. This currently supports
+cmake, pkg-config, and config-tool based variables.
+foo_dep = dependency('foo')
+var = foo_dep.get_variable(cmake : 'CMAKE_VAR', pkgconfig : 'pkg-config-var', configtool : 'get-var', default_value : 'default')
+It accepts the keywords 'cmake', 'pkgconfig', 'pkgconfig_define',
+'configtool', 'internal', and 'default_value'. 'pkgconfig_define'
+works just like the 'define_variable' argument to
+`get_pkgconfig_variable`. When this method is invoked the keyword
+corresponding to the underlying type of the dependency will be used to
+look for a variable. If that variable cannot be found or if the caller
+does not provide an argument for the type of dependency, one of the
+following will happen: If 'default_value' was provided that value will
+be returned, if 'default_value' was not provided then an error will be
+# Declaring your own
+You can declare your own dependency objects that can be used
+interchangeably with dependency objects obtained from the system. The
+syntax is straightforward:
+my_inc = include_directories(...)
+my_lib = static_library(...)
+my_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : my_lib,
+ include_directories : my_inc)
+This declares a dependency that adds the given include directories and
+static library to any target you use it in.
+# Building dependencies as subprojects
+Many platforms do not provide a system package manager. On these
+systems dependencies must be compiled from source. Meson's subprojects
+make it simple to use system dependencies when they are available and
+to build dependencies manually when they are not.
+To make this work, the dependency must have Meson build definitions
+and it must declare its own dependency like this:
+ foo_dep = declare_dependency(...)
+Then any project that wants to use it can write out the following
+declaration in their main `meson.build` file.
+ foo_dep = dependency('foo', fallback : ['foo', 'foo_dep'])
+What this declaration means is that first Meson tries to look up the
+dependency from the system (such as by using pkg-config). If it is not
+available, then it builds subproject named `foo` and from that
+extracts a variable `foo_dep`. That means that the return value of
+this function is either an external or an internal dependency object.
+Since they can be used interchangeably, the rest of the build
+definitions do not need to care which one it is. Meson will take care
+of all the work behind the scenes to make this work.
+# Dependency detection method
+You can use the keyword `method` to let Meson know what method to use
+when searching for the dependency. The default value is `auto`.
+Additional methods are `pkg-config`, `config-tool`, `cmake`,
+`builtin`, `system`, `sysconfig`, `qmake`, `extraframework` and `dub`.
+cups_dep = dependency('cups', method : 'pkg-config')
+For dependencies without [specific detection
+logic](#dependencies-with-custom-lookup-functionality), the dependency method
+order for `auto` is:
+ 1. `pkg-config`
+ 2. `cmake`
+ 3. `extraframework` (OSX only)
+## System
+Some dependencies provide no valid methods for discovery, or do so only in
+some cases. Some examples of this are Zlib, which provides both pkg-config
+and cmake, except when it is part of the base OS image (such as in FreeBSD
+and macOS); OpenGL which has pkg-config on Unices from glvnd or mesa, but has
+no pkg-config on macOS and Windows.
+In these cases Meson provides convenience wrappers in the form of `system`
+dependencies. Internally these dependencies do exactly what a user would do
+in the build system DSL or with a script, likely calling
+`compiler.find_library()`, setting `link_with` and `include_directories`. By
+putting these in Meson upstream the barrier of using them is lowered, as
+projects using Meson don't have to re-implement the logic.
+## Builtin
+Some dependencies provide no valid methods for discovery on some systems,
+because they are provided internally by the language. One example of this is
+intl, which is built into GNU or musl libc but otherwise comes as a `system`
+In these cases Meson provides convenience wrappers for the `system` dependency,
+but first checks if the functionality is usable by default.
+## CMake
+Meson can use the CMake `find_package()` function to detect
+dependencies with the builtin `Find<NAME>.cmake` modules and exported
+project configurations (usually in `/usr/lib/cmake`). Meson is able to
+use both the old-style `<NAME>_LIBRARIES` variables as well as
+imported targets.
+It is possible to manually specify a list of CMake targets that should
+be used with the `modules` property. However, this step is optional
+since Meson tries to automatically guess the correct target based on
+the name of the dependency.
+Depending on the dependency it may be necessary to explicitly specify
+a CMake target with the `modules` property if Meson is unable to guess
+it automatically.
+ cmake_dep = dependency('ZLIB', method : 'cmake', modules : ['ZLIB::ZLIB'])
+Support for adding additional `COMPONENTS` for the CMake
+`find_package` lookup is provided with the `components` kwarg
+(*introduced in 0.54.0*). All specified componets will be passed
+directly to `find_package(COMPONENTS)`.
+Support for packages which require a specified version for CMake
+`find_package` to succeed is provided with the `cmake_package_version`
+kwarg (*introduced in 0.57.0*). The specified `cmake_package_version`
+will be passed directly as the second parameter to `find_package`.
+It is also possible to reuse existing `Find<name>.cmake` files with
+the `cmake_module_path` property. Using this property is equivalent to
+setting the `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH` variable in CMake. The path(s) given
+to `cmake_module_path` should all be relative to the project source
+directory. Absolute paths should only be used if the CMake files are
+not stored in the project itself.
+Additional CMake parameters can be specified with the `cmake_args`
+## Dub
+Please understand that Meson is only able to find dependencies that
+exist in the local Dub repository. You need to manually fetch and
+build the target dependencies.
+For `urld`.
+dub fetch urld
+dub build urld
+Other thing you need to keep in mind is that both Meson and Dub need
+to be using the same compiler. This can be achieved using Dub's
+`-compiler` argument and/or manually setting the `DC` environment
+variable when running Meson.
+dub build urld --compiler=dmd
+DC="dmd" meson builddir
+## Config tool
+[CUPS](#cups), [LLVM](#llvm), [pcap](#pcap), [WxWidgets](#wxwidgets),
+[libwmf](#libwmf), [GCrypt](#libgcrypt), [GPGME](#gpgme), and GnuStep either do not provide pkg-config
+modules or additionally can be detected via a config tool
+(cups-config, llvm-config, libgcrypt-config, etc). Meson has native support for these
+tools, and they can be found like other dependencies:
+pcap_dep = dependency('pcap', version : '>=1.0')
+cups_dep = dependency('cups', version : '>=1.4')
+llvm_dep = dependency('llvm', version : '>=4.0')
+libgcrypt_dep = dependency('libgcrypt', version: '>= 1.8')
+gpgme_dep = dependency('gpgme', version: '>= 1.0')
+*Since 0.55.0* Meson won't search $PATH any more for a config tool
+binary when cross compiling if the config tool did not have an entry
+in the cross file.
+# Dependencies with custom lookup functionality
+Some dependencies have specific detection logic.
+Generic dependency names are case-sensitive<sup>[1](#footnote1)</sup>,
+but these dependency names are matched case-insensitively. The
+recommended style is to write them in all lower-case.
+In some cases, more than one detection method exists, and the `method`
+keyword may be used to select a detection method to use. The `auto`
+method uses any checking mechanisms in whatever order Meson thinks is
+e.g. libwmf and CUPS provide both pkg-config and config-tool support.
+You can force one or another via the `method` keyword:
+cups_dep = dependency('cups', method : 'pkg-config')
+wmf_dep = dependency('libwmf', method : 'config-tool')
+## AppleFrameworks
+Use the `modules` keyword to list frameworks required, e.g.
+dep = dependency('appleframeworks', modules : 'foundation')
+These dependencies can never be found for non-OSX hosts.
+## Blocks
+Enable support for Clang's blocks extension.
+dep = dependency('blocks')
+*(added 0.52.0)*
+## Boost
+Boost is not a single dependency but rather a group of different
+libraries. To use Boost headers-only libraries, simply add Boost as a
+boost_dep = dependency('boost')
+exe = executable('myprog', 'file.cc', dependencies : boost_dep)
+To link against boost with Meson, simply list which libraries you
+would like to use.
+boost_dep = dependency('boost', modules : ['thread', 'utility'])
+exe = executable('myprog', 'file.cc', dependencies : boost_dep)
+You can call `dependency` multiple times with different modules and
+use those to link against your targets.
+If your boost headers or libraries are in non-standard locations you
+can set the `BOOST_ROOT`, or the `BOOST_INCLUDEDIR` and
+`BOOST_LIBRARYDIR` environment variables. *(added in 0.56.0)* You can
+also set these parameters as `boost_root`, `boost_include`, and
+`boost_librarydir` in your native or cross machine file. Note that
+machine file variables are preferred to environment variables, and
+that specifying any of these disables system-wide search for boost.
+You can set the argument `threading` to `single` to use boost
+libraries that have been compiled for single-threaded use instead.
+## CUDA
+*(added 0.53.0)*
+Enables compiling and linking against the CUDA Toolkit. The `version`
+and `modules` keywords may be passed to request the use of a specific
+CUDA Toolkit version and/or additional CUDA libraries, correspondingly:
+dep = dependency('cuda', version : '>=10', modules : ['cublas'])
+Note that explicitly adding this dependency is only necessary if you are
+using CUDA Toolkit from a C/C++ file or project, or if you are utilizing
+additional toolkit libraries that need to be explicitly linked to.
+## CUPS
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool`, `pkg-config`, `cmake` or `extraframework`.
+## Curses
+*(Since 0.54.0)*
+Curses (and ncurses) are a cross platform pain in the butt. Meson
+wraps up these dependencies in the `curses` dependency. This covers
+both `ncurses` (preferred) and other curses implementations.
+`method` may be `auto`, `pkg-config`, `config-tool`, or `system`.
+*New in 0.56.0* The `config-tool` and `system` methods.
+To define some of the the preprocessor symbols mentioned in the
+[curses autoconf documentation](http://git.savannah.gnu.org/gitweb/?p=autoconf-archive.git;a=blob_plain;f=m4/ax_with_curses.m4):
+conf = configuration_data()
+check_headers = [
+ ['ncursesw/menu.h', 'HAVE_NCURSESW_MENU_H'],
+ ['ncurses/menu.h', 'HAVE_NCURSES_MENU_H'],
+ ['menu.h', 'HAVE_MENU_H'],
+ ['ncursesw/curses.h', 'HAVE_NCURSESW_CURSES_H'],
+ ['ncursesw.h', 'HAVE_NCURSESW_H'],
+ ['ncurses/curses.h', 'HAVE_NCURSES_CURSES_H'],
+ ['ncurses.h', 'HAVE_NCURSES_H'],
+ ['curses.h', 'HAVE_CURSES_H'],
+foreach h : check_headers
+ if compiler.has_header(h.get(0))
+ conf.set(h.get(1), 1)
+ endif
+## Fortran Coarrays
+*(added 0.50.0)*
+ Coarrays are a Fortran language intrinsic feature, enabled by
+GCC will use OpenCoarrays if present to implement coarrays, while Intel and NAG
+use internal coarray support.
+*(added 0.51.0)*
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool` or `pkg-config`.
+## GL
+This finds the OpenGL library in a way appropriate to the platform.
+`method` may be `auto`, `pkg-config` or `system`.
+## GTest and GMock
+GTest and GMock come as sources that must be compiled as part of your
+project. With Meson you don't have to care about the details, just
+pass `gtest` or `gmock` to `dependency` and it will do everything for
+you. If you want to use GMock, it is recommended to use GTest as well,
+as getting it to work standalone is tricky.
+You can set the `main` keyword argument to `true` to use the `main()`
+function provided by GTest:
+gtest_dep = dependency('gtest', main : true, required : false)
+e = executable('testprog', 'test.cc', dependencies : gtest_dep)
+test('gtest test', e)
+## HDF5
+*(added 0.50.0)*
+HDF5 is supported for C, C++ and Fortran. Because dependencies are
+language-specific, you must specify the requested language using the
+`language` keyword argument, i.e.,
+ * `dependency('hdf5', language: 'c')` for the C HDF5 headers and libraries
+ * `dependency('hdf5', language: 'cpp')` for the C++ HDF5 headers and libraries
+ * `dependency('hdf5', language: 'fortran')` for the Fortran HDF5 headers and libraries
+Meson uses pkg-config to find HDF5. The standard low-level HDF5
+function and the `HL` high-level HDF5 functions are linked for each
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool` or `pkg-config`.
+*New in 0.56.0* the `config-tool` method.
+*New in 0.56.0* the dependencies now return proper dependency types
+ and `get_variable` and similar methods should work as expected.
+## intl
+*(added 0.59.0)*
+Provides access to the `*gettext` family of C functions. On systems where this
+is not built into libc, tries to find an external library providing them
+`method` may be `auto`, `builtin` or `system`.
+## libgcrypt
+*(added 0.49.0)*
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool` or `pkg-config`.
+## libwmf
+*(added 0.44.0)*
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool` or `pkg-config`.
+## LLVM
+Meson has native support for LLVM going back to version LLVM version
+3.5. It supports a few additional features compared to other
+config-tool based dependencies.
+As of 0.44.0 Meson supports the `static` keyword argument for LLVM.
+Before this LLVM >= 3.9 would always dynamically link, while older
+versions would statically link, due to a quirk in `llvm-config`.
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool`, or `cmake`.
+### Modules, a.k.a. Components
+Meson wraps LLVM's concept of components in it's own modules concept.
+When you need specific components you add them as modules as Meson
+will do the right thing:
+llvm_dep = dependency('llvm', version : '>= 4.0', modules : ['amdgpu'])
+As of 0.44.0 it can also take optional modules (these will affect the arguments
+generated for a static link):
+llvm_dep = dependency(
+ 'llvm', version : '>= 4.0', modules : ['amdgpu'], optional_modules : ['inteljitevents'],
+### Using LLVM tools
+When using LLVM as library but also needing its tools, it is often
+beneficial to use the same version. This can partially be achieved
+with the `version` argument of `find_program()`. However,
+distributions tend to package different LLVM versions in rather
+different ways. Therefore, it is often better to use the llvm
+dependency directly to retrieve the tools:
+llvm_dep = dependency('llvm', version : ['>= 8', '< 9'])
+llvm_link = find_program(llvm_dep.get_variable(configtool: 'bindir') / 'llvm-link')
+## MPI
+*(added 0.42.0)*
+MPI is supported for C, C++ and Fortran. Because dependencies are
+language-specific, you must specify the requested language using the
+`language` keyword argument, i.e.,
+ * `dependency('mpi', language: 'c')` for the C MPI headers and libraries
+ * `dependency('mpi', language: 'cpp')` for the C++ MPI headers and libraries
+ * `dependency('mpi', language: 'fortran')` for the Fortran MPI headers and libraries
+Meson prefers pkg-config for MPI, but if your MPI implementation does
+not provide them, it will search for the standard wrapper executables,
+`mpic`, `mpicxx`, `mpic++`, `mpifort`, `mpif90`, `mpif77`. If these
+are not in your path, they can be specified by setting the standard
+environment variables `MPICC`, `MPICXX`, `MPIFC`, `MPIF90`, or
+`MPIF77`, during configuration. It will also try to use the Microsoft
+implementation on windows via the `system` method.
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool`, `pkg-config` or `system`.
+*New in 0.54.0* The `config-tool` and `system` method values. Previous
+versions would always try `pkg-config`, then `config-tool`, then `system`.
+## NetCDF
+*(added 0.50.0)*
+NetCDF is supported for C, C++ and Fortran. Because NetCDF dependencies are
+language-specific, you must specify the requested language using the
+`language` keyword argument, i.e.,
+ * `dependency('netcdf', language: 'c')` for the C NetCDF headers and libraries
+ * `dependency('netcdf', language: 'cpp')` for the C++ NetCDF headers and libraries
+ * `dependency('netcdf', language: 'fortran')` for the Fortran NetCDF headers and libraries
+Meson uses pkg-config to find NetCDF.
+## OpenMP
+*(added 0.46.0)*
+This dependency selects the appropriate compiler flags and/or libraries to use
+for OpenMP support.
+The `language` keyword may used.
+## pcap
+*(added 0.42.0)*
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool` or `pkg-config`.
+## Python3
+Python3 is handled specially by Meson:
+1. Meson tries to use `pkg-config`.
+2. If `pkg-config` fails Meson uses a fallback:
+ - On Windows the fallback is the current `python3` interpreter.
+ - On OSX the fallback is a framework dependency from `/Library/Frameworks`.
+Note that `python3` found by this dependency might differ from the one
+used in `python3` module because modules uses the current interpreter,
+but dependency tries `pkg-config` first.
+`method` may be `auto`, `extraframework`, `pkg-config` or `sysconfig`
+## Qt4 & Qt5
+Meson has native Qt support. Its usage is best demonstrated with an
+qt5_mod = import('qt5')
+qt5widgets = dependency('qt5', modules : 'Widgets')
+processed = qt5_mod.preprocess(
+ moc_headers : 'mainWindow.h', # Only headers that need moc should be put here
+ moc_sources : 'helperFile.cpp', # must have #include"moc_helperFile.cpp"
+ ui_files : 'mainWindow.ui',
+ qresources : 'resources.qrc',
+q5exe = executable('qt5test',
+ sources : ['main.cpp',
+ 'mainWindow.cpp',
+ processed],
+ dependencies: qt5widgets)
+Here we have an UI file created with Qt Designer and one source and
+header file each that require preprocessing with the `moc` tool. We
+also define a resource file to be compiled with `rcc`. We just have to
+tell Meson which files are which and it will take care of invoking all
+the necessary tools in the correct order, which is done with the
+`preprocess` method of the `qt5` module. Its output is simply put in
+the list of sources for the target. The `modules` keyword of
+`dependency` works just like it does with Boost. It tells which
+subparts of Qt the program uses.
+You can set the `main` keyword argument to `true` to use the
+`WinMain()` function provided by qtmain static library (this argument
+does nothing on platforms other than Windows).
+Setting the optional `private_headers` keyword to true adds the
+private header include path of the given module(s) to the compiler
+flags. (since v0.47.0)
+**Note** using private headers in your project is a bad idea, do so at
+your own risk.
+`method` may be `auto`, `pkg-config` or `qmake`.
+## SDL2
+SDL2 can be located using `pkg-confg`, the `sdl2-config` config tool,
+or as an OSX framework.
+`method` may be `auto`, `config-tool`, `extraframework` or
+## Shaderc
+*(added 0.51.0)*
+Shaderc currently does not ship with any means of detection.
+Nevertheless, Meson can try to detect it using `pkg-config`, but will
+default to looking for the appropriate library manually. If the
+`static` keyword argument is `true`, `shaderc_combined` is preferred.
+Otherwise, `shaderc_shared` is preferred. Note that it is not possible
+to obtain the shaderc version using this method.
+`method` may be `auto`, `pkg-config` or `system`.
+## Threads
+This dependency selects the appropriate compiler flags and/or
+libraries to use for thread support.
+See [threads](Threads.md).
+## Valgrind
+Meson will find valgrind using `pkg-config`, but only uses the
+compilation flags and avoids trying to link with it's non-PIC static
+## Vulkan
+*(added 0.42.0)*
+Vulkan can be located using `pkg-config`, or the `VULKAN_SDK`
+environment variable.
+`method` may be `auto`, `pkg-config` or `system`.
+## WxWidgets
+Similar to [Boost](#boost), WxWidgets is not a single library but rather
+a collection of modules. WxWidgets is supported via `wx-config`.
+Meson substitutes `modules` to `wx-config` invocation, it generates
+- `compile_args` using `wx-config --cxxflags $modules...`
+- `link_args` using `wx-config --libs $modules...`
+### Example
+wx_dep = dependency(
+ 'wxwidgets', version : '>=3.0.0', modules : ['std', 'stc'],
+# compile_args:
+$ wx-config --cxxflags std stc
+# link_args:
+$ wx-config --libs std stc
+## Zlib
+Zlib ships with pkg-config and cmake support, but on some operating
+systems (windows, macOs, FreeBSD, dragonflybsd), it is provided as
+part of the base operating system without pkg-config support. The new
+System finder can be used on these OSes to link with the bundled
+`method` may be `auto`, `pkg-config`, `cmake`, or `system`.
+*New in 0.54.0* the `system` method.
+<a name="footnote1">1</a>: They may appear to be case-insensitive, if the
+ underlying file system happens to be case-insensitive.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Design-rationale.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Design-rationale.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..462129e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Design-rationale.md
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+title: Design rationale
+This is the original design rationale for Meson. The syntax it
+describes does not match the released version
+A software developer's most important tool is the editor. If you talk
+to coders about the editors they use, you are usually met with massive
+enthusiasm and praise. You will hear how Emacs is the greatest thing
+ever or how vi is so elegant or how Eclipse's integration features
+make you so much more productive. You can sense the enthusiasm and
+affection that the people feel towards these programs.
+The second most important tool, even more important than the compiler,
+is the build system.
+Those are pretty much universally despised.
+The most positive statement on build systems you can usually get (and
+it might require some coaxing) is something along the lines of *well,
+it's a terrible system, but all other options are even worse*. It is
+easy to see why this is the case. For starters, commonly used free
+build systems have obtuse syntaxes. They use for the most part global
+variables that are set in random locations so you can never really be
+sure what a given line of code does. They do strange and unpredictable
+things at every turn.
+Let's illustrate this with a simple example. Suppose we want to run a
+program built with GNU Autotools under GDB. The instinctive thing to
+do is to just run `gdb programname`. The problem is that this may or
+may not work. In some cases the executable file is a binary whereas at
+other times it is a wrapper shell script that invokes the real binary
+which resides in a hidden subdirectory. GDB invocation fails if the
+binary is a script but succeeds if it is not. The user has to remember
+the type of each one of his executables (which is an implementation
+detail of the build system) just to be able to debug them. Several
+other such pain points can be found in [this blog
+Given these idiosyncrasies it is no wonder that most people don't want
+to have anything to do with build systems. They'll just copy-paste
+code that works (somewhat) in one place to another and hope for the
+best. They actively go out of their way not to understand the system
+because the mere thought of it is repulsive. Doing this also provides
+a kind of inverse job security. If you don't know tool X, there's less
+chance of finding yourself responsible for its use in your
+organisation. Instead you get to work on more enjoyable things.
+This leads to a vicious circle. Since people avoid the tools and don't
+want to deal with them, very few work on improving them. The result is
+apathy and stagnation.
+Can we do better?
+At its core, building C and C++ code is not a terribly difficult
+task. In fact, writing a text editor is a lot more complicated and
+takes more effort. Yet we have lots of very high quality editors but
+only few build systems with questionable quality and usability.
+So, in the grand tradition of own-itch-scratching, I decided to run a
+scientific experiment. The purpose of this experiment was to explore
+what would it take to build a "good" build system. What kind of syntax
+would suit this problem? What sort of problems would this application
+need to solve? What sort of solutions would be the most appropriate?
+To get things started, here is a list of requirements any modern
+cross-platform build system needs to provide.
+### 1. Must be simple to use
+One of the great virtues of Python is the fact that it is very
+readable. It is easy to see what a given block of code does. It is
+concise, clear and easy to understand. The proposed build system must
+be syntactically and semantically clean. Side effects, global state
+and interrelations must be kept at a minimum or, if possible,
+eliminated entirely.
+### 2. Must do the right thing by default
+Most builds are done by developers working on the code. Therefore the
+defaults must be tailored towards that use case. As an example the
+system shall build objects without optimization and with debug
+information. It shall make binaries that can be run directly from the
+build directory without linker tricks, shell scripts or magic
+environment variables.
+### 3. Must enforce established best practices
+There really is no reason to compile source code without the
+equivalent of `-Wall`. So enable it by default. A different kind of
+best practice is the total separation of source and build
+directories. All build artifacts must be stored in the build
+directory. Writing stray files in the source directory is not
+permitted under any circumstances.
+### 4. Must have native support for platforms that are in common use
+A lot of free software projects can be used on non-free platforms such
+as Windows or OSX. The system must provide native support for the
+tools of choice on those platforms. In practice this means native
+support for Visual Studio and XCode. Having said IDEs invoke external
+builder binaries does not count as native support.
+### 5. Must not add complexity due to obsolete platforms
+Work on this build system started during the Christmas holidays of 2012.
+This provides a natural hard cutoff line of 2012/12/24. Any
+platform, tool or library that was not in active use at that time is
+explicitly not supported. These include Unixes such as IRIX, SunOS,
+OSF-1, Ubuntu versions older than 12/10, GCC versions older than 4.7
+and so on. If these old versions happen to work, great. If they don't,
+not a single line of code will be added to the system to work around
+their bugs.
+### 6. Must be fast
+Running the configuration step on a moderate sized project must not
+take more than five seconds. Running the compile command on a fully up
+to date tree of 1000 source files must not take more than 0.1 seconds.
+### 7. Must provide easy to use support for modern sw development features
+An example is precompiled headers. Currently no free software build
+system provides native support for them. Other examples could include
+easy integration of Valgrind and unit tests, test coverage reporting
+and so on.
+### 8. Must allow override of default values
+Sometimes you just have to compile files with only given compiler
+flags and no others, or install files in weird places. The system must
+allow the user to do this if he really wants to.
+Overview of the solution
+Going over these requirements it becomes quite apparent that the only
+viable approach is roughly the same as taken by CMake: having a domain
+specific language to declare the build system. Out of this declaration
+a configuration is generated for the backend build system. This can be
+a Makefile, Visual Studio or XCode project or anything else.
+The difference between the proposed DSL and existing ones is that the
+new one is declarative. It also tries to work on a higher level of
+abstraction than existing systems. As an example, using external
+libraries in current build systems means manually extracting and
+passing around compiler flags and linker flags. In the proposed system
+the user just declares that a given build target uses a given external
+dependency. The build system then takes care of passing all flags and
+settings to their proper locations. This means that the user can focus
+on his own code rather than marshalling command line arguments from
+one place to another.
+A DSL is more work than the approach taken by SCons, which is to
+provide the system as a Python library. However it allows us to make
+the syntax more expressive and prevent certain types of bugs by
+e.g. making certain objects truly immutable. The end result is again
+the same: less work for the user.
+The backend for Unix requires a bit more thought. The default choice
+would be Make. However it is extremely slow. It is not uncommon on
+large code bases for Make to take several minutes just to determine
+that nothing needs to be done. Instead of Make we use
+[Ninja](https://ninja-build.org/), which is extremely fast. The
+backend code is abstracted away from the core, so other backends can
+be added with relatively little effort.
+Sample code
+Enough design talk, let's get to the code. Before looking at the
+examples we would like to emphasize that this is not in any way the
+final code. It is proof of concept code that works in the system as it
+currently exists (February 2013), but may change at any time.
+Let's start simple. Here is the code to compile a single executable
+project('compile one', 'c')
+executable('program', 'prog.c')
+This is about as simple as one can get. First you declare the project
+name and the languages it uses. Then you specify the binary to build
+and its sources. The build system will do all the rest. It will add
+proper suffixes (e.g. '.exe' on Windows), set the default compiler
+flags and so on.
+Usually programs have more than one source file. Listing them all in
+the function call can become unwieldy. That is why the system supports
+keyword arguments. They look like this.
+project('compile several', 'c')
+sourcelist = ['main.c', 'file1.c', 'file2.c', 'file3.c']
+executable('program', sources : sourcelist)
+External dependencies are simple to use.
+project('external lib', 'c')
+libdep = find_dep('extlibrary', required : true)
+sourcelist = ['main.c', 'file1.c', 'file2.c', 'file3.c']
+executable('program', sources : sourcelist, dep : libdep)
+In other build systems you have to manually add the compile and link
+flags from external dependencies to targets. In this system you just
+declare that extlibrary is mandatory and that the generated program
+uses that. The build system does all the plumbing for you.
+Here's a slightly more complicated definition. It should still be
+project('build library', 'c')
+foolib = shared_library('foobar', sources : 'foobar.c',\
+install : true)
+exe = executable('testfoobar', 'tester.c', link : foolib)
+add_test('test library', exe)
+First we build a shared library named foobar. It is marked
+installable, so running `meson install` installs it to the library
+directory (the system knows which one so the user does not have to
+care). Then we build a test executable which is linked against the
+library. It will not be installed, but instead it is added to the list
+of unit tests, which can be run with the command `meson test`.
+Above we mentioned precompiled headers as a feature not supported by
+other build systems. Here's how you would use them.
+project('pch demo', 'cxx')
+executable('myapp', 'myapp.cpp', pch : 'pch/myapp.hh')
+The main reason other build systems can not provide pch support this
+easily is because they don't enforce certain best practices. Due to
+the way include paths work, it is impossible to provide pch support
+that always works with both in-source and out-of-source
+builds. Mandating separate build and source directories makes this and
+many other problems a lot easier.
+Get the code
+The code for this experiment can be found at [the Meson
+repository](https://sourceforge.net/p/meson/code/). It should be noted
+that it is not a build system. It is only a proposal for one. It does
+not work reliably yet. You probably should not use it as the build
+system of your project.
+All that said I hope that this experiment will eventually turn into a
+full blown build system. For that I need your help. Comments and
+especially patches are more than welcome.
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+short-description: Disabling options
+# Disabling parts of the build
+*This feature is available since version 0.44.0.*
+The following is a common fragment found in many projects:
+dep = dependency('foo')
+# In some different directory
+lib = shared_library('mylib', 'mylib.c',
+ dependencies : dep)
+# And ín a third directory
+exe = executable('mytest', 'mytest.c',
+ link_with : lib)
+test('mytest', exe)
+This works fine but gets a bit inflexible when you want to make this
+part of the build optional. Basically it reduces to adding `if/else`
+statements around all target invocations. Meson provides a simpler way
+of achieving the same with a disabler object.
+A disabler object is created with the `disabler` function:
+d = disabler()
+The only thing you can do to a disabler object is to ask if it has
+been found:
+f = d.found() # returns false
+Any other statement that uses a disabler object will immediately
+return a disabler. For example assuming that `d` contains a disabler
+object then
+d2 = some_func(d) # value of d2 will be disabler
+d3 = true or d2 # value of d3 will be true because of short-circuiting
+d4 = false or d2 # value of d4 will be disabler
+if d # neither branch is evaluated
+Thus to disable every target that depends on the dependency given
+above, you can do something like this:
+if use_foo_feature
+ d = dependency('foo')
+ d = disabler()
+This concentrates the handling of this option in one place and other
+build definition files do not need to be sprinkled with `if`
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+# Dlang module
+This module provides tools related to the D programming language.
+## Usage
+To use this module, just do: **`dlang = import('dlang')`**.
+You can, of course, replace the name `dlang` with anything else.
+The module only exposes one function, `generate_dub_file`, used to
+automatically generate Dub configuration files.
+### generate_dub_file()
+This method only has two required arguments, the project name and the
+source folder. You can pass other arguments with additional keywords,
+they will be automatically translated to json and added to the
+`dub.json` file.
+generate_dub_file("project name", "source/folder", key: "value" ...)
+dlang = import('dlang')
+dlang.generate_dub_file(meson.project_name().to_lower(), meson.source_root(),
+ authors: 'Meson Team',
+ description: 'Test executable',
+ copyright: 'Copyright © 2018, Meson Team',
+ license: 'MIT',
+ sourceFiles: 'test.d',
+ targetType: 'executable',
+ dependencies: my_dep
+You can manually edit a Meson generated `dub.json` file or provide a
+initial one. The module will only update the values specified in
+Although not required, you will need to have a `description` and
+`license` if you want to publish the package in the [D package
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+# External Project module
+**Note**: the functionality of this module is governed by [Meson's
+ rules on mixing build systems](Mixing-build-systems.md).
+*This is an experimental module, API could change.*
+This module allows building code that uses build systems other than
+Meson. This module is intended to be used to build Autotools
+subprojects as fallback if the dependency couldn't be found on the
+system (e.g. too old distro version).
+The project will be compiled out-of-tree inside Meson's build
+directory. The project will also be installed inside Meson's build
+directory using make's
+feature. During project installation step, that DESTDIR will be copied
+verbatim into the desired location.
+External subprojects can use libraries built by Meson (main project,
+or other subprojects) using pkg-config, thanks to `*-uninstalled.pc`
+files generated by [`pkg.generate()`](Pkgconfig-module.md).
+External build system requirements:
+- Must support out-of-tree build. The configure script will be invoked with the
+ current workdir inside Meson's build directory and not subproject's top source
+ directory.
+- Configure script must generate a `Makefile` in the current workdir.
+- Configure script must take common directories like prefix, libdir, etc, as
+ command line arguments.
+- Configure script must support common environment variable like CFLAGS, CC, etc.
+- Compilation step must detect when a reconfigure is needed, and do it
+ transparently.
+Known limitations:
+- Executables from external projects cannot be used uninstalled, because they
+ would need its libraries to be installed in the final location. This is why
+ there is no `find_program()` method.
+- The configure script must generate a `Makefile`, other build systems are not
+ yet supported.
+- When cross compiling, if `PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR` is set in environment or
+ `sys_root` in the cross file properties, the external subproject will not be
+ able to find dependencies built by Meson using pkg-config. The reason is
+ pkg-config and pkgconf both prepend the sysroot path to `-I` and `-L` arguments
+ from `-uninstalled.pc` files. This is arguably a bug that could be fixed in
+ future version of pkg-config/pkgconf.
+*Added 0.56.0*
+## Functions
+### `add_project()`
+This function should be called at the root directory of a project
+using another build system. Usually in a `meson.build` file placed in
+the top directory of a subproject, but could be also in any subdir.
+Its first positional argument is the name of the configure script to
+be executed (e.g. `configure`), that file must be in the current
+directory and executable. Note that if a bootstrap script is required
+(e.g. `autogen.sh` when building from git instead of tarball), it can
+be done using `run_command()` before calling `add_project()` method.
+Keyword arguments:
+- `configure_options`: An array of strings to be passed as arguments to the
+ configure script. Some special tags will be replaced by Meson before passing
+ them to the configure script: `@PREFIX@`, `@LIBDIR@` and `@INCLUDEDIR@`.
+ Note that `libdir` and `includedir` paths are relative to `prefix` in Meson
+ but some configure scripts requires absolute path, in that case they can be
+ passed as `'--libdir=@PREFIX@/@LIBDIR@'`. *Since 0.57.0* default arguments are
+ added in case some tags are not found in `configure_options`:
+ `'--prefix=@PREFIX@'`, `'--libdir=@PREFIX@/@LIBDIR@'`, and
+ `'--includedir=@PREFIX@/@INCLUDEDIR@'`. It was previously considered a fatal
+ error to not specify them.
+- `cross_configure_options`: Extra options appended to `configure_options` only
+ when cross compiling. special tag `@HOST@` will be replaced by
+ `'{}-{}-{}'.format(host_machine.cpu_family(), build_machine.system(), host_machine.system()`.
+ If omitted it defaults to `['--host=@HOST@']`.
+- `verbose`: If set to `true` the output of sub-commands ran to configure, build
+ and install the project will be printed onto Meson's stdout.
+- `env` : environment variables to set, such as `['NAME1=value1', 'NAME2=value2']`,
+ a dictionary, or an [`environment()` object](Reference-manual.md#environment-object).
+Returns an [`ExternalProject`](#ExternalProject_object) object
+## `ExternalProject` object
+### Methods
+#### `dependency(libname)`
+Return a dependency object that can be used to build targets against a library
+from the external project.
+Keyword arguments:
+- `subdir` path relative to `includedir` to be added to the header search path.
+## Example `meson.build` file for a subproject
+project('My Autotools Project', 'c',
+ meson_version : '>=0.56.0',
+mod = import('unstable_external_project')
+p = mod.add_project('configure',
+ configure_options : ['--prefix=@PREFIX@',
+ '--libdir=@LIBDIR@',
+ '--incdir=@INCLUDEDIR@',
+ '--enable-foo',
+ ],
+mylib_dep = p.dependency('mylib')
+## Using wrap file
+Most of the time the project will be built as a subproject, and
+fetched using a `.wrap` file. In that case the simple `meson.build`
+file needed to build the subproject can be provided by adding
+`patch_directory=mysubproject` line in the wrap file, and place the
+build definition file at
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+short-description: Running external commands
+# External commands
+As a part of the software configuration, you may want to get extra
+data by running external commands. The basic syntax is the following.
+r = run_command('command', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3')
+if r.returncode() != 0
+ # it failed
+output = r.stdout().strip()
+errortxt = r.stderr().strip()
+Since 0.52.0, you can pass the command environment as a dictionary:
+run_command('command', 'arg1', 'arg2', env: {'FOO': 'bar'})
+Since 0.50.0, you can also pass the command
+[`environment`](Reference-manual.md#environment-object) object:
+env = environment()
+env.set('FOO', 'bar')
+run_command('command', 'arg1', 'arg2', env: env)
+The `run_command` function returns an object that can be queried for
+return value and text written to stdout and stderr. The `strip` method
+call is used to strip trailing and leading whitespace from strings.
+Usually output from command line programs ends in a newline, which is
+unwanted in string variables. The first argument can be either a
+string or an executable you have detected earlier with `find_program`.
+Meson will autodetect scripts with a shebang line and run them with
+the executable/interpreter specified in it both on Windows and on
+Note that you can not pass your command line as a single string. That
+is, calling `run_command('do_something foo bar')` will not work. You
+must either split up the string into separate arguments or pass the
+split command as an array. It should also be noted that Meson will not
+pass the command to the shell, so any command lines that try to use
+things such as environment variables, backticks or pipelines will not
+work. If you require shell semantics, write your command into a script
+file and call that with `run_command`.
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+title: FAQ
+# Meson Frequently Asked Questions
+See also [How do I do X in Meson](howtox.md).
+## Why is it called Meson?
+When the name was originally chosen, there were two main limitations:
+there must not exist either a Debian package or a Sourceforge project
+of the given name. This ruled out tens of potential project names. At
+some point the name Gluon was considered. Gluons are elementary
+particles that hold protons and neutrons together, much like a build
+system's job is to take pieces of source code and a compiler and bind
+them to a complete whole.
+Unfortunately this name was taken, too. Then the rest of subatomic
+particles were examined and Meson was found to be available.
+## What is the correct way to use threads (such as pthreads)?
+thread_dep = dependency('threads')
+This will set up everything on your behalf. People coming from
+Autotools or CMake want to do this by looking for `libpthread.so`
+manually. Don't do that, it has tricky corner cases especially when
+cross compiling.
+## How to use Meson on a host where it is not available in system packages?
+Starting from version 0.29.0, Meson is available from the [Python
+Package Index](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/meson/), so installing it
+simply a matter of running this command:
+$ pip3 install <your options here> meson
+If you don't have access to PyPI, that is not a problem either. Meson
+has been designed to be easily runnable from an extracted source
+tarball or even a git checkout. First you need to download Meson. Then
+use this command to set up you build instead of plain `meson`.
+$ /path/to/meson.py <options>
+After this you don't have to care about invoking Meson any more. It
+remembers where it was originally invoked from and calls itself
+appropriately. As a user the only thing you need to do is to `cd` into
+your build directory and invoke `meson compile`.
+## Why can't I specify target files with a wildcard?
+Instead of specifying files explicitly, people seem to want to do this:
+executable('myprog', sources : '*.cpp') # This does NOT work!
+Meson does not support this syntax and the reason for this is simple.
+This can not be made both reliable and fast. By reliable we mean that
+if the user adds a new source file to the subdirectory, Meson should
+detect that and make it part of the build automatically.
+One of the main requirements of Meson is that it must be fast. This
+means that a no-op build in a tree of 10 000 source files must take no
+more than a fraction of a second. This is only possible because Meson
+knows the exact list of files to check. If any target is specified as
+a wildcard glob, this is no longer possible. Meson would need to
+re-evaluate the glob every time and compare the list of files produced
+against the previous list. This means inspecting the entire source
+tree (because the glob pattern could be `src/\*/\*/\*/\*.cpp` or
+something like that). This is impossible to do efficiently.
+The main backend of Meson is Ninja, which does not support wildcard
+matches either, and for the same reasons.
+Because of this, all source files must be specified explicitly.
+## But I really want to use wildcards!
+If the tradeoff between reliability and convenience is acceptable to
+you, then Meson gives you all the tools necessary to do wildcard
+globbing. You are allowed to run arbitrary commands during
+configuration. First you need to write a script that locates the files
+to compile. Here's a simple shell script that writes all `.c` files in
+the current directory, one per line.
+for i in *.c; do
+ echo $i
+Then you need to run this script in your Meson file, convert the
+output into a string array and use the result in a target.
+c = run_command('grabber.sh')
+sources = c.stdout().strip().split('\n')
+e = executable('prog', sources)
+The script can be any executable, so it can be written in shell,
+Python, Lua, Perl or whatever you wish.
+As mentioned above, the tradeoff is that just adding new files to the
+source directory does *not* add them to the build automatically. To
+add them you need to tell Meson to reinitialize itself. The simplest
+way is to touch the `meson.build` file in your source root. Then Meson
+will reconfigure itself next time the build command is run. Advanced
+users can even write a small background script that utilizes a
+filesystem event queue, such as
+[inotify](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inotify), to do this
+## Should I use `subdir` or `subproject`?
+The answer is almost always `subdir`. Subproject exists for a very
+specific use case: embedding external dependencies into your build
+process. As an example, suppose we are writing a game and wish to use
+SDL. Let us further suppose that SDL comes with a Meson build
+definition. Let us suppose even further that we don't want to use
+prebuilt binaries but want to compile SDL for ourselves.
+In this case you would use `subproject`. The way to do it would be to
+grab the source code of SDL and put it inside your own source
+tree. Then you would do `sdl = subproject('sdl')`, which would cause
+Meson to build SDL as part of your build and would then allow you to
+link against it or do whatever else you may prefer.
+For every other use you would use `subdir`. As an example, if you
+wanted to build a shared library in one dir and link tests against it
+in another dir, you would do something like this:
+project('simple', 'c')
+subdir('src') # library is built here
+subdir('tests') # test binaries would link against the library here
+## Why is there not a Make backend?
+Because Make is slow. This is not an implementation issue, Make simply
+can not be made fast. For further info we recommend you read [this
+by Evan Martin, the author of Ninja. Makefiles also have a syntax that
+is very unpleasant to write which makes them a big maintenance burden.
+The only reason why one would use Make instead of Ninja is working on
+a platform that does not have a Ninja port. Even in this case it is an
+order of magnitude less work to port Ninja than it is to write a Make
+backend for Meson.
+Just use Ninja, you'll be happier that way. I guarantee it.
+## Why is Meson not just a Python module so I could code my build setup in Python?
+A related question to this is *Why is Meson's configuration language
+not Turing-complete?*
+There are many good reasons for this, most of which are summarized on
+this web page: [Against The Use Of Programming Languages in
+Configuration Files](https://taint.org/2011/02/18/001527a.html).
+In addition to those reasons, not exposing Python or any other "real"
+programming language makes it possible to port Meson's implementation
+to a different language. This might become necessary if, for example,
+Python turns out to be a performance bottleneck. This is an actual
+problem that has caused complications for GNU Autotools and SCons.
+## How do I do the equivalent of Libtools export-symbol and export-regex?
+Either by using [GCC symbol
+visibility](https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility) or by writing a
+script](https://ftp.gnu.org/old-gnu/Manuals/ld-2.9.1/html_mono/ld.html). This
+has the added benefit that your symbol definitions are in a standalone
+file instead of being buried inside your build definitions. An example
+can be found
+## My project works fine on Linux and MinGW but fails to link with MSVC due to a missing .lib file (fatal error LNK1181). Why?
+With GCC, all symbols on shared libraries are exported automatically
+unless you specify otherwise. With MSVC no symbols are exported by
+default. If your shared library exports no symbols, MSVC will silently
+not produce an import library file leading to failures. The solution
+is to add symbol visibility definitions [as specified in GCC
+## I added some compiler flags and now the build fails with weird errors. What is happening?
+You probably did the equivalent to this:
+executable('foobar', ...
+ c_args : '-some_arg -other_arg')
+Meson is *explicit*. In this particular case it will **not**
+automatically split your strings at whitespaces, instead it will take
+it as is and work extra hard to pass it to the compiler unchanged,
+including quoting it properly over shell invocations. This is
+mandatory to make e.g. files with spaces in them work flawlessly. To
+pass multiple command line arguments, you need to explicitly put them
+in an array like this:
+executable('foobar', ...
+ c_args : ['-some_arg', '-other_arg'])
+## Why are changes to default project options ignored?
+You probably had a project that looked something like this:
+project('foobar', 'cpp')
+This defaults to `c++11` on GCC compilers. Suppose you want to use
+`c++14` instead, so you change the definition to this:
+project('foobar', 'cpp', default_options : ['cpp_std=c++14'])
+But when you recompile, it still uses `c++11`. The reason for this is
+that default options are only looked at when you are setting up a
+build directory for the very first time. After that the setting is
+considered to have a value and thus the default value is ignored. To
+change an existing build dir to `c++14`, either reconfigure your build
+dir with `meson configure` or delete the build dir and recreate it
+from scratch.
+The reason we don't automatically change the option value when the
+default is changed is that it is impossible to know to do that
+reliably. The actual question that we need to solve is "if the
+option's value is foo and the default value is bar, should we change
+the option value to bar also". There are many choices:
+ - if the user has changed the value themselves from the default, then
+ we must not change it back
+ - if the user has not changed the value, but changes the default
+ value, then this section's premise would seem to indicate that the
+ value should be changed
+ - suppose the user changes the value from the default to foo, then
+ back to bar and then changes the default value to bar, the correct
+ step to take is ambiguous by itself
+In order to solve the latter question we would need to remember not
+only the current and old value, but also all the times the user has
+changed the value and from which value to which other value. Since
+people don't remember their own actions that far back, toggling
+between states based on long history would be confusing.
+Because of this we do the simple and understandable thing: default
+values are only defaults and will never affect the value of an option
+once set.
+## Does wrap download sources behind my back?
+It does not. In order for Meson to download anything from the net
+while building, two conditions must be met.
+First of all there needs to be a `.wrap` file with a download URL in
+the `subprojects` directory. If one does not exist, Meson will not
+download anything.
+The second requirement is that there needs to be an explicit
+subproject invocation in your `meson.build` files. Either
+`subproject('foobar')` or `dependency('foobar', fallback : ['foobar',
+'foo_dep'])`. If these declarations either are not in any build file
+or they are not called (due to e.g. `if/else`) then nothing is
+If this is not sufficient for you, starting from release 0.40.0 Meson
+has a option called `wrap-mode` which can be used to disable wrap
+downloads altogether with `--wrap-mode=nodownload`. You can also
+disable dependency fallbacks altogether with `--wrap-mode=nofallback`,
+which also implies the `nodownload` option.
+If on the other hand, you want Meson to always use the fallback
+for dependencies, even when an external dependency exists and could
+satisfy the version requirements, for example in order to make
+sure your project builds when fallbacks are used, you can use
+`--wrap-mode=forcefallback` since 0.46.0.
+## Why is Meson implemented in Python rather than [programming language X]?
+Because build systems are special in ways normal applications aren't.
+Perhaps the biggest limitation is that because Meson is used to build
+software at the very lowest levels of the OS, it is part of the core
+bootstrap for new systems. Whenever support for a new CPU architecture
+is added, Meson must run on the system before software using it can be
+compiled natively. This requirement adds two hard limitations.
+The first one is that Meson must have the minimal amount of
+dependencies, because they must all be built during the bootstrap to
+get Meson to work.
+The second is that Meson must support all CPU architectures, both
+existing and future ones. As an example many new programming languages
+have only an LLVM based compiler available. LLVM has limited CPU
+support compared to, say, GCC, and thus bootstrapping Meson on such
+platforms would first require adding new processor support to
+LLVM. This is in most cases unfeasible.
+A further limitation is that we want developers on as many platforms
+as possible to submit to Meson development using the default tools
+provided by their operating system. In practice what this means is
+that Windows developers should be able to contribute using nothing but
+Visual Studio.
+At the time of writing (April 2018) there are only three languages
+that could fulfill these requirements:
+ - C
+ - C++
+ - Python
+Out of these we have chosen Python because it is the best fit for our
+## I have proprietary compiler toolchain X that does not work with Meson, how can I make it work?
+Meson needs to know several details about each compiler in order to
+compile code with it. These include things such as which compiler
+flags to use for each option and how to detect the compiler from its
+output. This information can not be input via a configuration file,
+instead it requires changes to Meson's source code that need to be
+submitted to Meson master repository. In theory you can run your own
+forked version with custom patches, but that's not good use of your
+time. Please submit the code upstream so everyone can use the
+The steps for adding a new compiler for an existing language are
+roughly the following. For simplicity we're going to assume a C
+- Create a new class with a proper name in
+ `mesonbuild/compilers/c.py`. Look at the methods that other
+ compilers for the same language have and duplicate what they do.
+- If the compiler can only be used for cross compilation, make sure to
+ flag it as such (see existing compiler classes for examples).
+- Add detection logic to `mesonbuild/environment.py`, look for a
+ method called `detect_c_compiler`.
+- Run the test suite and fix issues until the tests pass.
+- Submit a pull request, add the result of the test suite to your MR
+ (linking an existing page is fine).
+- If the compiler is freely available, consider adding it to the CI
+ system.
+## Why does building my project with MSVC output static libraries called `libfoo.a`?
+The naming convention for static libraries on Windows is usually
+`foo.lib`. Unfortunately, import libraries are also called `foo.lib`.
+This causes filename collisions with the default library type where we
+build both shared and static libraries, and also causes collisions
+during installation since all libraries are installed to the same
+directory by default.
+To resolve this, we decided to default to creating static libraries of
+the form `libfoo.a` when building with MSVC. This has the following
+1. Filename collisions are completely avoided.
+1. The format for MSVC static libraries is `ar`, which is the same as the GNU
+ static library format, so using this extension is semantically correct.
+1. The static library filename format is now the same on all platforms and with
+ all toolchains.
+1. Both Clang and GNU compilers can search for `libfoo.a` when specifying
+ a library as `-lfoo`. This does not work for alternative naming schemes for
+ static libraries such as `libfoo.lib`.
+1. Since `-lfoo` works out of the box, pkgconfig files will work correctly for
+ projects built with both MSVC, GCC, and Clang on Windows.
+1. MSVC does not have arguments to search for library filenames, and [it does
+ not care what the extension is](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/link-input-files?view=vs-2019),
+ so specifying `libfoo.a` instead of `foo.lib` does not change the workflow,
+ and is an improvement since it's less ambiguous.
+If, for some reason, you really need your project to output static
+libraries of the form `foo.lib` when building with MSVC, you can set
+kwarg to `''` and the
+kwarg to `'lib'`. To get the default behaviour for each, you can
+either not specify the kwarg, or pass `[]` (an empty array) to it.
+## Do I need to add my headers to the sources list like in Autotools?
+Autotools requires you to add private and public headers to the sources list so
+that it knows what files to include in the tarball generated by `make dist`.
+Meson's `dist` command simply gathers everything committed to your git/hg
+repository and adds it to the tarball, so adding headers to the sources list is
+Meson uses Ninja which uses compiler dependency information to automatically
+figure out dependencies between C sources and headers, so it will rebuild
+things correctly when a header changes.
+The only exception to this are generated headers, for which you must [declare
+dependencies correctly](#how-do-i-tell-meson-that-my-sources-use-generated-headers).
+If, for whatever reason, you do add non-generated headers to the sources list
+of a target, Meson will simply ignore them.
+## How do I tell Meson that my sources use generated headers?
+Let's say you use a [`custom_target()`](https://mesonbuild.com/Reference-manual.html#custom_target)
+to generate the headers, and then `#include` them in your C code. Here's how
+you ensure that Meson generates the headers before trying to compile any
+sources in the build target:
+libfoo_gen_headers = custom_target('gen-headers', ..., output: 'foo-gen.h')
+libfoo_sources = files('foo-utils.c', 'foo-lib.c')
+# Add generated headers to the list of sources for the build target
+libfoo = library('foo', sources: [libfoo_sources + libfoo_gen_headers])
+Now let's say you have a new target that links to `libfoo`:
+libbar_sources = files('bar-lib.c')
+libbar = library('bar', sources: libbar_sources, link_with: libfoo)
+This adds a **link-time** dependency between the two targets, but note that the
+sources of the targets have **no compile-time** dependencies and can be built
+in any order; which improves parallelism and speeds up builds.
+If the sources in `libbar` *also* use `foo-gen.h`, that's a *compile-time*
+dependency, and you'll have to add `libfoo_gen_headers` to `sources:` for
+`libbar` too:
+libbar_sources = files('bar-lib.c')
+libbar = library('bar', sources: libbar_sources + libfoo_gen_headers, link_with: libfoo)
+Alternatively, if you have multiple libraries with sources that link to
+a library and also use its generated headers, this code is equivalent to above:
+# Add generated headers to the list of sources for the build target
+libfoo = library('foo', sources: libfoo_sources + libfoo_gen_headers)
+# Declare a dependency that will add the generated headers to sources
+libfoo_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libfoo, sources: libfoo_gen_headers)
+libbar = library('bar', sources: libbar_sources, dependencies: libfoo_dep)
+**Note:** You should only add *headers* to `sources:` while declaring
+a dependency. If your custom target outputs both sources and headers, you can
+use the subscript notation to get only the header(s):
+libfoo_gen_sources = custom_target('gen-headers', ..., output: ['foo-gen.h', 'foo-gen.c'])
+libfoo_gen_headers = libfoo_gen_sources[0]
+# Add static and generated sources to the target
+libfoo = library('foo', sources: libfoo_sources + libfoo_gen_sources)
+# Declare a dependency that will add the generated *headers* to sources
+libfoo_dep = declare_dependency(link_with: libfoo, sources: libfoo_gen_headers)
+libbar = library('bar', sources: libbar_sources, dependencies: libfoo_dep)
+A good example of a generator that outputs both sources and headers is
+## How do I disable exceptions and RTTI in my C++ project?
+With the `cpp_eh` and `cpp_rtti` options. A typical invocation would
+look like this:
+meson -Dcpp_eh=none -Dcpp_rtti=false <other options>
+The RTTI option is only available since Meson version 0.53.0.
+## Should I check for `buildtype` or individual options like `debug` in my build files?
+This depends highly on what you actually need to happen. The
+´buildtype` option is meant do describe the current build's
+_intent_. That is, what it will be used for. Individual options are
+for determining what the exact state is. This becomes clearer with a
+few examples.
+Suppose you have a source file that is known to miscompile when using
+`-O3` and requires a workaround. Then you'd write something like this:
+if get_option('optimization') == '3'
+ add_project_arguments('-DOPTIMIZATION_WORKAROUND', ...)
+On the other hand if your project has extra logging and sanity checks
+that you would like to be enabled during the day to day development
+work (which uses the `debug` buildtype), you'd do this instead:
+if get_option('buildtype') == 'debug'
+ add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_EXTRA_CHECKS', ...)
+In this way the extra options are automatically used during
+development but are not compiled in release builds. Note that (since
+Meson 0.57.0) you can set optimization to, say, 2 in your debug builds
+if you want to. If you tried to set this flag based on optimization
+level, it would fail in this case.
+## How do I use a library before declaring it?
+This is valid (and good) code:
+libA = library('libA', 'fileA.cpp', link_with : [])
+libB = library('libB', 'fileB.cpp', link_with : [libA])
+But there is currently no way to get something like this to work:
+libB = library('libB', 'fileB.cpp', link_with : [libA])
+libA = library('libA', 'fileA.cpp', link_with : [])
+This means that you HAVE to write your `library(...)` calls in the order that the
+dependencies flow. While ideas to make arbitrary orders possible exist, they were
+rejected because reordering the `library(...)` calls was considered the "proper"
+way. See [here](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/8178) for the discussion.
+## Why doesn't meson have user defined functions/macros?
+The tl;dr answer to this is that meson's design is focused on solving specific
+problems rather than providing a general purpose language to write complex
+code solutions in build files. Build systems should be quick to write and
+quick to understand, functions muddle this simplicity.
+The long answer is twofold:
+First, Meson aims to provide a rich set of tools that solve specific problems
+simply out of the box. This is similar to the "batteries included" mentality of
+Python. By providing tools that solve common problems in the simplest way
+possible *in* Meson we are solving that problem for everyone instead of forcing
+everyone to solve that problem for themselves over and over again, often
+badly. One example of this are Meson's dependency wrappers around various
+config-tool executables (sdl-config, llvm-config, etc). In other build
+systems each user of that dependency writes a wrapper and deals with the
+corner cases (or doesn't, as is often the case), in Meson we handle them
+internally, everyone gets fixes and the corner cases are ironed out for
+*everyone*. Providing user defined functions or macros goes directly against
+this design goal.
+Second, functions and macros makes the build system more difficult to reason
+about. When you encounter some function call, you can refer to the reference
+manual to see that function and its signature. Instead of spending
+frustrating hours trying to interpret some bit of m4 or follow long include
+paths to figure out what `function1` (which calls `function2`, which calls
+`function3`, ad infinitum), you know what the build system is doing. Unless
+you're actively developing Meson itself, it's just a tool to orchestrate
+building the thing you actually care about. We want you to spend as little
+time worrying about build systems as possible so you can spend more time on
+*your code*.
+Many times user defined functions are used due to a lack of loops or
+because loops are tedious to use in the language. Meson has both arrays/lists
+and hashes/dicts natively. Compare the following pseudo code:
+func(name, sources, extra_args)
+ executable(
+ name,
+ sources,
+ c_args : extra_args
+ )
+func(exe1, ['1.c', 'common.c'], [])
+func(exe2, ['2.c', 'common.c'], [])
+func(exe2_a, ['2.c', 'common.c'], ['-arg'])
+foreach e : [['1', '1.c', []],
+ ['2', '2.c', []],
+ ['2', '2.c', ['-arg']]]
+ executable(
+ 'exe' + e[0],
+ e[1],
+ c_args : e[2],
+ )
+The loop is both less code and is much easier to reason about than the function
+version is, especially if the function were to live in a separate file, as is
+common in other popular build systems.
+Build system DSLs also tend to be badly thought out as generic programming
+languages, Meson tries to make it easy to use external scripts or programs
+for handling complex problems. While one can't always convert build logic
+into a scripting language (or compiled language), when it can be done this is
+often a better solution. External languages tend to be well-thought-out and
+tested, generally don't regress, and users are more likely to have domain
+knowledge about them. They also tend to have better tooling (such as
+autocompletion, linting, testing solutions), which make them a lower
+maintenance burden over time.
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+short-description: Auto-detection of features like ccache and code coverage
+# Feature autodetection
+Meson is designed for high productivity. It tries to do as many things
+automatically as it possibly can.
+[Ccache](https://ccache.dev/) is a cache system designed to make
+compiling faster. When you run Meson for the first time for a given
+project, it checks if Ccache is installed. If it is, Meson will use it
+If you do not wish to use Ccache for some reason, just specify your
+compiler with environment variables `CC` and/or `CXX` when first
+running Meson (remember that once specified the compiler can not be
+changed). Meson will then use the specified compiler without Ccache.
+When doing a code coverage build, Meson will check for existence of
+the binaries `gcovr`, `lcov` and `genhtml`. If version 3.3 or higher
+of the first is found, targets called *coverage-text*, *coverage-xml*
+and *coverage-html* are generated. Alternatively, if the latter two
+are found, only the target *coverage-html* is generated. Coverage
+reports can then be produced simply by calling e.g. `meson compile
+coverage-xml`. As a convenience, a high-level *coverage* target is
+also generated which will produce all 3 coverage report types, if
+Note that generating any of the coverage reports described above
+requires the tests (i.e. `meson test`) to finish running so the
+information about the functions that are called in the tests can be
+gathered for the report.
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+# FS (filesystem) module
+This module provides functions to inspect the file system. It is
+available starting with version 0.53.0.
+Since 0.59.0, all functions accept `files()` objects if they can do something
+useful with them (this excludes `exists`, `is_dir`, `is_file`, `is_absolute`
+since a `files()` object is always the absolute path to an existing file).
+## File lookup rules
+Non-absolute paths are looked up relative to the directory where the
+current `meson.build` file is.
+If specified, a leading `~` is expanded to the user home directory.
+Environment variables are not available as is the rule throughout Meson.
+That is, $HOME, %USERPROFILE%, $MKLROOT, etc. have no meaning to the Meson
+filesystem module. If needed, pass such variables into Meson via command
+line options in `meson_options.txt`, native-file or cross-file.
+Where possible, symlinks and parent directory notation are resolved to an
+absolute path.
+### exists
+Takes a single string argument and returns true if an entity with that
+name exists on the file system. This can be a file, directory or a
+special entry such as a device node.
+### is_dir
+Takes a single string argument and returns true if a directory with
+that name exists on the file system.
+### is_file
+Takes a single string argument and returns true if an file with that
+name exists on the file system.
+### is_symlink
+Takes a single string or (since 0.59.0) `files()` argument and returns true if
+the path pointed to by the string is a symbolic link.
+## File Parameters
+### is_absolute
+*since 0.54.0*
+Return a boolean indicating if the path string or (since 0.59.0) `files()`
+specified is absolute, WITHOUT expanding `~`.
+fs.is_absolute('~') # false
+home = fs.expanduser('~')
+fs.is_absolute(home) # true
+fs.is_absolute(home / 'foo') # true, even if ~/foo doesn't exist
+fs.is_absolute('foo/bar') # false, even if ./foo/bar exists
+### hash
+The `fs.hash(filename, hash_algorithm)` method returns a string containing
+the hexadecimal `hash_algorithm` digest of a file.
+`hash_algorithm` is a string; the available hash algorithms include:
+md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512.
+### size
+The `fs.size(filename)` method returns the size of the file in integer bytes.
+### is_samepath
+The `fs.is_samepath(path1, path2)` returns boolean `true` if both
+paths resolve to the same path. For example, suppose path1 is a
+symlink and path2 is a relative path. If `path1` can be resolved to
+`path2`, then `true` is returned. If `path1` is not resolved to
+`path2`, `false` is returned. If `path1` or `path2` do not exist,
+`false` is returned.
+x = 'foo.txt'
+y = 'sub/../foo.txt'
+z = 'bar.txt' # a symlink pointing to foo.txt
+j = 'notafile.txt' # non-existent file
+fs.is_samepath(x, y) # true
+fs.is_samepath(x, z) # true
+fs.is_samepath(x, j) # false
+p = 'foo/bar'
+q = 'foo/bar/baz/..'
+r = 'buz' # a symlink pointing to foo/bar
+s = 'notapath' # non-existent directory
+fs.is_samepath(p, q) # true
+fs.is_samepath(p, r) # true
+fs.is_samepath(p, s) # false
+## Filename modification
+The files need not actually exist yet for these path string
+manipulation methods.
+### expanduser
+*since 0.54.0*
+A path string with a leading `~` is expanded to the user home
+fs.expanduser('~') # user home directory
+fs.expanduser('~/foo') # <homedir>/foo
+### as_posix
+*since 0.54.0*
+`fs.as_posix(path)` assumes a Windows path, even if on a Unix-like
+system. Thus, all `'\'` or `'\\'` are turned to '/', even if you meant
+to escape a character.
+fs.as_posix('\\') == '/' # true
+fs.as_posix('\\\\') == '/' # true
+fs.as_posix('foo\\bar/baz') == 'foo/bar/baz' # true
+### replace_suffix
+The `replace_suffix` method is a *string manipulation* convenient for
+filename modifications. It allows changing the filename suffix like:
+#### swap suffix
+original = '/opt/foo.ini'
+new = fs.replace_suffix(original, '.txt') # /opt/foo.txt
+#### add suffix
+original = '/opt/foo'
+new = fs.replace_suffix(original, '.txt') # /opt/foo.txt
+#### compound suffix swap
+original = '/opt/foo.dll.a'
+new = fs.replace_suffix(original, '.so') # /opt/foo.dll.so
+#### delete suffix
+original = '/opt/foo.dll.a'
+new = fs.replace_suffix(original, '') # /opt/foo.dll
+### parent
+Returns the parent directory (i.e. dirname).
+new = fs.parent('foo/bar') # foo
+new = fs.parent('foo/bar/baz.dll') # foo/bar
+### name
+Returns the last component of the path (i.e. basename).
+fs.name('foo/bar/baz.dll.a') # baz.dll.a
+### stem
+*since 0.54.0*
+Returns the last component of the path, dropping the last part of the
+fs.stem('foo/bar/baz.dll') # baz
+fs.stem('foo/bar/baz.dll.a') # baz.dll
+### read
+- `read(path, encoding: 'utf-8')` *(since 0.57.0)*:
+ return a [string](Syntax.md#strings) with the contents of the given `path`.
+ If the `encoding` keyword argument is not specified, the file specified by
+ `path` is assumed to be utf-8 encoded. Binary files are not supported. The
+ provided paths should be relative to the current `meson.current_source_dir()`
+ or an absolute path outside the build directory is accepted. If the file
+ specified by `path` changes, this will trigger Meson to reconfigure the
+ project. If the file specified by `path` is a `files()` object it
+ cannot refer to a built file.
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+short-description: Generation of source files before compilation
+# Generating sources
+Sometimes source files need to be preprocessed before they are passed
+to the actual compiler. As an example you might want build an IDL
+compiler and then run some files through that to generate actual
+source files. In Meson this is done with
+[`generator()`](Reference-manual.md#generator) or
+## Using custom_target()
+Let's say you have a build target that must be built using sources
+generated by a compiler. The compiler can either be a built target:
+mycomp = executable('mycompiler', 'compiler.c')
+Or an external program provided by the system, or script inside the
+source tree:
+mycomp = find_program('mycompiler')
+Custom targets can take zero or more input files and use them to
+generate one or more output files. Using a custom target, you can run
+this compiler at build time to generate the sources:
+gen_src = custom_target('gen-output',
+ input : ['somefile1.c', 'file2.c'],
+ output : ['out.c', 'out.h'],
+ command : [mycomp, '@INPUT@',
+ '--c-out', '@OUTPUT0@',
+ '--h-out', '@OUTPUT1@'])
+The `@INPUT@` there will be transformed to `'somefile1.c'
+'file2.c'`. Just like the output, you can also refer to each input
+file individually by index.
+Then you just put that in your program and you're done.
+### Generating headers
+Adding a generated header to a source list will ensure that the header
+is generated and that the proper include paths are created for the
+prog_python = import('python').find_installation('python3')
+foo_c = custom_target(
+ 'foo.c',
+ output : 'foo.c',
+ input : 'my_gen.py',
+ command : [prog_python, '@INPUT@', '--code', '@OUTPUT@'],
+foo_h = custom_target(
+ 'foo.h',
+ output : 'foo.h',
+ input : 'my_gen.py',
+ command : [prog_python, '@INPUT@', '--header', '@OUTPUT@'],
+libfoo = static_library('foo', [foo_c, foo_h])
+executable('myexe', ['main.c', foo_h], link_with : libfoo)
+Each target that depends on a generated header should add that header
+to it's sources, as seen above with `libfoo` and `myexe`. This is
+because there is no way for Meson or the backend to know that `myexe`
+depends on `foo.h` just because `libfoo` does, it could be a private
+### Generating multiple files at a time
+Sometimes it makes sense for a single generator to create two or more
+files at a time, (perhaps a header and source file), Meson has this
+case covered as well. `custom_target`s can be indexed like a list to
+get each output file separately. The order is the same as the order of
+the output argument to `custom_target`
+prog_python = import('python').find_installation('python3')
+foo_ch = custom_target(
+ 'foo.[ch]',
+ output : ['foo.c', 'foo.h'],
+ input : 'my_gen.py',
+ command : [prog_python, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
+libfoo = static_library('foo', [foo_ch])
+executable('myexe', ['main.c', foo_ch[1]], link_with : libfoo)
+In this case `libfoo` depends on both `foo.c` and `foo.h` but `myexe`
+only depends on `foo.h`, the second output.
+### Using dependencies to manage generated resources
+In some cases it might be easier to use `declare_dependency` to
+"bundle" the header and library dependency, especially if there are
+many generated headers:
+idep_foo = declare_dependency(
+ sources : [foo_h, bar_h],
+ link_with : [libfoo],
+See [dependencies](Dependencies.md#declaring-your-own), and
+[reference](Reference-manual.md#declare_dependency) for more
+## Using generator()
+Generators are similar to custom targets, except that we define a
+*generator*, which defines how to transform an input file into one or
+more output files, and then use that on as many input files as we
+Note that generators should only be used for outputs that will only be
+used as inputs for a build target or a custom target. When you use the
+processed output of a generator in multiple targets, the generator
+will be run multiple times to create outputs for each target. Each
+output will be created in a target-private directory `@BUILD_DIR@`.
+If you want to generate files for general purposes such as for
+generating headers to be used by several sources, or data that will be
+installed, and so on, use a
+[`custom_target()`](Reference-manual.md#custom_target) instead.
+gen = generator(mycomp,
+ output : '@BASENAME@.c',
+ arguments : ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'])
+The first argument is the executable file to run. The next file
+specifies a name generation rule. It specifies how to build the output
+file name for a given input name. `@BASENAME@` is a placeholder for
+the input file name without preceding path or suffix (if any). So if
+the input file name were `some/path/filename.idl`, then the output
+name would be `filename.c`. You can also use `@PLAINNAME@`, which
+preserves the suffix which would result in a file called
+`filename.idl.c`. The last line specifies the command line arguments
+to pass to the executable. `@INPUT@` and `@OUTPUT@` are placeholders
+for the input and output files, respectively, and will be
+automatically filled in by Meson. If your rule produces multiple
+output files and you need to pass them to the command line, append the
+location to the output holder like this: `@OUTPUT0@`, `@OUTPUT1@` and
+so on.
+With this rule specified we can generate source files and add them to
+a target.
+gen_src = gen.process('input1.idl', 'input2.idl')
+executable('program', 'main.c', gen_src)
+Generators can also generate multiple output files with unknown names:
+gen2 = generator(someprog,
+ output : ['@BASENAME@.c', '@BASENAME@.h'],
+ arguments : ['--out_dir=@BUILD_DIR@', '@INPUT@'])
+In this case you can not use the plain `@OUTPUT@` variable, as it
+would be ambiguous. This program only needs to know the output
+directory, it will generate the file names by itself.
+To make passing different additional arguments to the generator
+program at each use possible, you can use the `@EXTRA_ARGS@` string in
+the `arguments` list. Note that this placeholder can only be present
+as a whole string, and not as a substring. The main reason is that it
+represents a list of strings, which may be empty, or contain multiple
+elements; and in either case, interpolating it into the middle of a
+single string would be troublesome. If there are no extra arguments
+passed in from a `process()` invocation, the placeholder is entirely
+omitted from the actual list of arguments, so an empty string won't be
+passed to the generator program because of this. If there are multiple
+elements in `extra_args`, they are inserted into to the actual
+argument list as separate elements.
+gen3 = generator(genprog,
+ output : '@BASENAME@.cc',
+ arguments : ['@INPUT@', '@EXTRA_ARGS@', '@OUTPUT@'])
+gen3_src1 = gen3.process('input1.y')
+gen3_src2 = gen3.process('input2.y', extra_args: '--foo')
+gen3_src3 = gen3.process('input3.y', extra_args: ['--foo', '--bar'])
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+# Getting Meson
+Meson is implemented in Python 3, and requires 3.6 or newer. If your
+operating system provides a package manager, you should install it
+with that. For platforms that don't have a package manager, you need
+to download it from [Python's home page]. See below for
+[platform-specific Python3 quirks](#platformspecific-install-quirks).
+## Downloading Meson
+Meson releases can be downloaded from the [GitHub release page], and
+you can run `./meson.py` from inside a release or the git repository
+itself without doing anything special.
+On Windows, if you did not install Python with the installer options
+that make Python scripts executable, you will have to run `python
+/path/to/meson.py`, where `python` is Python 3.6 or newer.
+The newest development code can be obtained directly from [Git], and
+we strive to ensure that it will always be working and usable. All
+commits go through a pull-request process that runs CI and tests
+several platforms.
+## Installing Meson with pip
+Meson is available in the [Python Package Index] and can be installed
+with `sudo pip3 install meson` which requires root and will install it
+If you have downloaded a copy of the Meson sources already, you can
+install it with `sudo pip3 install path/to/source/root/`.
+Alternatively, you can use `pip3 install --user meson` which will
+install it for your user and does not require any special
+privileges. This will install the package in `~/.local/`, so you will
+have to add `~/.local/bin` to your `PATH`, and `sudo meson install`
+will be completely broken since the program will not be available to
+root. Only use a user copy of Meson if you do not care about
+installing projects as root.
+## Installing Meson and Ninja with the MSI installer
+We provide an MSI installer on the [GitHub release page] that can be
+used to install both Meson and Ninja at once for Windows. It also
+contains an embedded copy of Python, so scripts that use the [Python
+module](Python-module.md) and do not have any external dependencies
+will continue to work as expected.
+Please note that this is a new feature, so bug reports are expected
+and welcome!
+## Dependencies
+In the most common case, you will need the [Ninja executable] for
+using the `ninja` backend, which is the default in Meson. This backend
+can be used on all platforms and with all toolchains, including GCC,
+Clang, Visual Studio, MinGW, ICC, ARMCC, etc.
+You can use the version provided by your package manager if possible,
+otherwise download the binary executable from the [Ninja project's
+release page](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases).
+If you will only use the Visual Studio backend (`--backend=vs`) to
+generate Visual Studio solutions on Windows or the XCode backend
+(`--backend=xcode`) to generate XCode projects on macOS, you do not
+need Ninja.
+# Platform-specific install quirks
+## Windows Python3 quirks
+When installing Python 3, it is highly recommended (but not required)
+that you select the installer options as follows:
+![installer step 1](images/py3-install-1.png "Enable 'Add Python 3.6 to PATH' and click 'Customize installation'")
+![installer step 2](images/py3-install-2.png "Optional Features: ensure 'pip' is enabled")
+![installer step 3](images/py3-install-3.png "Advanced Options: enable 'Install for all users'")
+With this, you will have `python` and `pip` in `PATH`, and you can
+install Meson with pip. You will also be able to directly run `meson`
+in any shell on Windows instead of having to run `py -3` with the full
+path to the `meson.py` script.
+## MSYS2 Python3 quirks
+If you are using MSYS2 on Windows as your development environment,
+please make sure that you **do not use** the `msys/python` package to
+provide Python 3. Use either `mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-python3` or
+`mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python3` depending on which MinGW target you
+are building for.
+ [GitHub release page]: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/releases
+ [Python Package Index]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/meson/
+ [Git]: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson
+ [Python's home page]: https://www.python.org/downloads/
+ [Ninja executable]: https://ninja-build.org/
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+# Obtendo o Meson
+Meson é implementado em Python 3, e requer a versão 3.6 ou mais nova.
+se o seu sistema operacional provê um gerenciador de pacotes, você deve
+instalar o Meson com ele. Para plataformas que não tem um gerenciador de
+pacotes, você precisa baixa-lo da [página inicial do Python]. Veja abaixo
+[peculiaridades do Python3 específicas de plataformas](#platformspecific-install-quirks).
+## Baixando o Meson
+*Releases* do Meson podem ser baixadas da [página de releases do GitHub]
+e você pode executar `./meson.py` de dentro do *release* ou do próprio repositório
+do git sem fazer nada de especial.
+No Windows, se você não instalar o Python com a opção do instalador que fazem
+os *scripts* Python executáveis, você vai ter que executar `python
+/path/to/meson.py`, onde `python` é o Python 3.6 ou mais novo.
+O código de desenvolvimento mais recente pode ser obtido diretamente do [Git],
+e nós lutamos para garatir que ele vai estar sempre funcionando e usável. Todos
+*commits* passam por um processo de *pull-request* que executa CI e testam diversas
+## Instalando o Meson com o pip
+O Meson está disponível no [Indice de Pacotes do Python] e pode ser instalado com
+`sudo pip3 install meson` que requer root e vai instala-lo para todo o sistema.
+Se você já baixou uma cópia do código do Meson, você pode instalar com
+`sudo pip3 install path/to/source/root/`.
+Como alternativa, você pode usar o `pip3 install --user meson` que vai instalar
+o Meson para o seu usuário e não requer nenhum privilégio especial. Esse comando
+vai instalar o pacote em `~/.local/`, então você terá que adicionar `~/.local/bin`
+para o seu `PATH`, e `sudo meson install` vai estar completamente quebrado já que
+o programa não vai estar disponível para o root. Apeas use uma cópia de usuário do Meson
+se você não se importa sobre instalar os projetos como root.
+## Instalando o Meson e o Ninja com o instalador MSI
+Nós provemos um instalador MSI na [página de *release* do GitHub] que pode ser usada
+para instalar tanto o Meson quanto o Ninja de uma vez para o Windows. O instalador também
+contém uma cópia integrada do Python, então scripts que usam o [módulo Python](Python-module.md)
+e não tem nenhuma dependência externa vão continuar funcionando como esperado.
+Por favor, note que essa é uma funcionalidade nova, então relatórios de bugs são esperados e bem-vindos!
+## Dependências
+Na maioria dos casos comums, você vai precisar do [executável do Ninja] para usar o *backend* do `ninja`,
+que é o padrão no Meson. Esse *backend* pode ser usado em todas plataformas e com todas **toolchains**, incluindo o GCC,
+Clang, Visual Studio, MinGW, ICC, ARMCC, etc.
+Você deve usar a versão provida pelo seu gerenciador de pacotes se possível, caso contrário,
+baixe o binário executável da [página de *release* do projeto Ninja](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/releases).
+Se você apenas usa o *backend* do Visual Studio (`--backend=vs`) para gerar soluções do Visual Studio no Windows ou o
+*backend* do XCode (`--backend=xcode`) para gerar projetos no macOS, você não precisa do Ninja.
+# Peculiaridades de instalação específicas de plataformas
+## Peculiaridades do Python 3 no Windows
+Quando estiver instalando o Python 3, é altamente recomendável (mas não obrigatório)
+que você selecione as opções do instalador como a seguir:
+![passo 1 do instalador](images/py3-install-1.png "Ative 'Add Python 3.6 to PATH' e clique em 'Customize installation'")
+![passo 2 do instalador](images/py3-install-2.png "Funcionalidade Opcional: garanta que 'pip' está ativado")
+![passo 3 do instalador](images/py3-install-3.png "Opções Avançadas: ative 'Instalar para todos usuários'")
+Com isso, você terá o `python` e o `pip` no `PATH`, e você poderá instalar o Meson com o pip. Você também vai poder
+executar o comando `meson` em qualquer shell no Windows ao invés de ter que executar `py -3` com o caminho completo para
+o *script* `meson.py`.
+## Peculiaridades do Python 3 no MSYS2
+Se você está usando o MSYS2 no Windows como seu ambiente de desenvolvimento,
+por favor se certifique que você não esteja usando o pacote `msys/python` para
+fornecer o Python 3. Uso o `mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-python3` ou o
+If you are using MSYS2 on Windows as your development environment,
+please make sure that you **do not use** the `msys/python` package to
+provide Python 3. Use either `mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-python3` or `mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python3`
+dependendo de para qual *target* do MinGW você está compilando.
+ [página de *release* do GitHub]: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/releases
+ [Indice de Pacotes do Python]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/meson/
+ [Git]: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson
+ [página inicial do Python]: https://www.python.org/downloads/
+ [executável do Ninja]: https://ninja-build.org/
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+# 获取Meson
+Meson基于Python3运行,要求Python版本3.5以上。 如果你的操作系统提供包管理器, 你应该用包管理器安装meson;如果没有包管理器,你应该在[Python主页]下载合适的Python3。相关请参阅[特殊平台的安装特例](#特殊平台的安装特例).
+## 下载Meson
+Meson发行版可在 [GitHub发行页面]下载, 你可以在release的解压目录或者git仓库目录里直接运行 `./meson.py` ,不需要进行任何特殊操作。
+在Windows下,如果你安装Python时没有将Python路径添加到环境变量, 那你应该使用`python /path/to/meson.py`命令运行Meson,当然`python` 的版本应该大于3.5。
+最新的开发版本的源码可以直接通过[Git]获得,我们尽可能保证它总是可以正常使用。所有的提交通过pull-request进行,此过程将运行 CI 并且会在多个平台进行测试。
+## 使用pip安装Meson
+Meson在[Python包索引]中,可通过`pip3 install meson`命令安装,如果在root环境下,它会在系统范围内安装。
+相反,你也可以使用 `pip3 install --user meson`命令来为`user`用户单独安装,此过程不需要任何特殊权限. Meson会被安装到`~/.local/`目录下,所以你需要将 `~/.local/bin`添加至你的`PATH`.
+## 使用MSI安装包安装Meson和Ninja
+我们也在[GitHub发行页面]提供MSI安装包,可以同时为Windows安装 Meson和Ninja。 它也包含一份嵌入性的Python拷贝, 所以[Python module](Python-module.md)可以不靠任何外部依赖的情况下正如期望般的正常工作。
+## 所需依赖
+最主要的, 你需要 [Ninja可执行程序] 来使用Meson默认的
+`ninja` 后端参数。这个参数可以用于所有平台和工具链包括 GCC, Clang, Visual Studio, MinGW,ICC, ARMCC.
+如果你只用Visual Studio后端参数 (`--backend=vs`)来生成Windows上的Visual Studio工程文件或者XCode后端参数 (`--backend=xcode`) 生成macOS上的
+XCode工程文件, 那么你不需要安装Ninja.
+# 特殊平台的安装特例
+## Windows Python3
+安装Python3时,强烈推荐以下安装器选项 (非必须,请结合实际) :
+![installer step 1](images/py3-install-1.png "Enable 'Add Python 3.6 to PATH' and click 'Customize installation'")
+![installer step 2](images/py3-install-2.png "Optional Features: ensure 'pip' is enabled")
+![installer step 3](images/py3-install-3.png "Advanced Options: enable 'Install for all users'")
+完成这个之后, `python` 和`pip`的路径会收录进`PATH`,你可以使用pip安装Meson. 你也可以在Windows任何终端下直接运行`meson`而不是不得不输入`py -3`完整路径去运行 `meson.py`脚本.
+## MSYS2 Python3
+如果你使用MSYS2作为你的Windows开发环境,请确信你**没有**将 `msys/python` 当作你的默认Python使用. 请使用 `mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-python3` 或者 `mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-python3`,这取决于MinGW不同的构建对象.
+ [GitHub发行页面]: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/releases
+ [Python包索引]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/meson/
+ [Git]: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson
+ [Python主页]: https://www.python.org/downloads/
+ [Ninja可执行程序]: https://ninja-build.org/
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+# GNOME module
+This module provides helper tools for build operations needed when
+building Gnome/GLib programs.
+**Note**: the compilation commands here might not work properly when
+ you change the source files. This is a bug in the respective
+ compilers which do not expose the required dependency
+ information. This has been reported upstream in [this bug]. Until
+ this is fixed you need to be careful when changing your source
+ files.
+ [this bug]: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=745754
+## Usage
+To use this module, just do: **`gnome = import('gnome')`**. The
+following functions will then be available as methods on the object
+with the name `gnome`. You can, of course, replace the name `gnome`
+with anything else.
+### gnome.compile_resources()
+This function compiles resources specified in an XML file into code
+that can be embedded inside the main binary. Similar a build target it
+takes two positional arguments. The first one is the name of the
+resource and the second is the XML file containing the resource
+definitions. If the name is `foobar`, Meson will generate a header
+file called `foobar.h`, which you can then include in your sources.
+* `c_name`: passed to the resource compiler as an argument after
+ `--c-name`
+* `dependencies`: extra targets to depend upon for building
+* `export`: (*Added 0.37.0*) if true, export the symbols of the
+ generated sources
+* `extra_args`: extra command line arguments to pass to the resource
+* `gresource_bundle`: (*Added 0.37.0*) if true, output a `.gresource`
+ file instead of source
+* `install`: (*Added 0.37.0*) if true, install the gresource file
+* `install_dir`: (*Added 0.37.0*) location to install the header or
+ bundle depending on previous options
+* `install_header`: (*Added 0.37.0*) if true, install the header file
+* `source_dir`: a list of directories where the resource compiler
+ should look up the files
+Returns an array containing: `[c_source, header_file]` or
+gnome = import('gnome')
+asresources = gnome.compile_resources(
+ 'as-resources', 'data/asresources.gresource.xml',
+ source_dir: 'data',
+ c_name: 'as'
+ meson.project_name(),
+ asresources,
+ dependencies: my_deps,
+ install: true
+### gnome.generate_gir()
+Generates GObject introspection data.
+Takes one or more positional arguments:
+Either one or more library objects you want to build gir data for, or a single
+executable object.
+There are several keyword arguments. Many of these map directly to the
+`g-ir-scanner` tool so see its documentation for more information.
+* `dependencies`: deps to use during introspection scanning
+* `extra_args`: command line arguments to pass to gir compiler
+* `export_packages`: extra packages the gir file exports
+* `sources`: the list of sources to be scanned for gir data
+* `nsversion`: namespace version
+* `namespace`: the namespace for this gir object which determines
+ output files
+* `identifier_prefix`: the identifier prefix for the gir object,
+ e.g. `Gtk`
+* `includes`: list of gir names to be included, can also be a GirTarget
+* `header`: *(Added 0.43.0)* name of main c header to include for the library, e.g. `glib.h`
+* `include_directories`: extra include paths to look for gir files
+* `install`: if true, install the generated files
+* `install_dir_gir`: (*Added 0.35.0*) which directory to install the
+ gir file into
+* `install_dir_typelib`: (*Added 0.35.0*) which directory to install
+ the typelib file into
+* `link_with`: list of libraries to link with
+* `symbol_prefix`: the symbol prefix for the gir object, e.g. `gtk`,
+ (*Since 0.43.0*) an ordered list of multiple prefixes is allowed
+* `fatal_warnings`: *Since 0.55.0* turn scanner warnings into fatal errors.
+Returns an array of two elements which are: `[gir_target,
+### gnome.genmarshal()
+Generates a marshal file using the `glib-genmarshal` tool. The first
+argument is the basename of the output files.
+* `extra_args`: (*Added 0.42.0*) additional command line arguments to
+ pass
+* `install_header`: if true, install the generated header
+* `install_dir`: directory to install header to
+* `nostdinc`: if true, don't include the standard marshallers from
+ glib
+* `internal`: if true, mark generated sources as internal to
+ `glib-genmarshal` (*Requires GLib 2.54*)
+* `prefix`: the prefix to use for symbols
+* `skip_source`: if true, skip source location comments
+* `stdinc`: if true, include the standard marshallers from glib
+* `sources`: the list of sources to use as inputs
+* `valist_marshallers`: if true, generate va_list marshallers
+*Added 0.35.0*
+Returns an array of two elements which are: `[c_source, header_file]`
+### gnome.mkenums()
+Generates enum files for GObject using the `glib-mkenums` tool. The
+first argument is the base name of the output files, unless
+`c_template` and `h_template` are specified. In this case, the output
+files will be the base name of the values passed as templates.
+This method is essentially a wrapper around the `glib-mkenums` tool's
+command line API. It is the most featureful method for enum creation.
+Typically you either provide template files or you specify the various
+template sections manually as strings.
+Most libraries and applications will be using the same standard
+template with only minor tweaks, in which case the
+`gnome.mkenums_simple()` convenience method can be used instead.
+Note that if you `#include` the generated header in any of the sources
+for a build target, you must add the generated header to the build
+target's list of sources to codify the dependency. This is true for
+all generated sources, not just `mkenums`.
+* `c_template`: template to use for generating the source
+* `comments`: comment passed to the command
+* `h_template`: template to use for generating the header
+* `identifier_prefix`: prefix to use for the identifiers
+* `install_header`: if true, install the generated header
+* `install_dir`: directory to install the header
+* `sources`: the list of sources to make enums with
+* `symbol_prefix`: prefix to use for the symbols
+* `eprod`: enum text
+* `fhead`: file header
+* `fprod`: file text
+* `ftail`: file tail
+* `vhead`: value text
+* `vtail`: value tail
+*Added 0.35.0*
+Returns an array of two elements which are: `[c_source, header_file]`
+### gnome.mkenums_simple()
+Generates enum `.c` and `.h` files for GObject using the
+`glib-mkenums` tool with the standard template used by most
+GObject-based C libraries. The first argument is the base name of the
+output files.
+Note that if you `#include` the generated header in any of the sources
+for a build target, you must add the generated header to the build
+target's list of sources to codify the dependency. This is true for
+all generated sources, not just `mkenums_simple`.
+* `body_prefix`: additional prefix at the top of the body file,
+ e.g. for extra includes
+* `decorator`: optional decorator for the function declarations,
+* `function_prefix`: additional prefix for function names, e.g. in
+ case you want to add a leading underscore to functions used only
+ internally
+* `header_prefix`: additional prefix at the top of the header file,
+ e.g. for extra includes (which may be needed if you specify a
+ decorator for the function declarations)
+* `install_header`: if true, install the generated header
+* `install_dir`: directory to install the header
+* `identifier_prefix`: prefix to use for the identifiers
+* `sources`: the list of sources to make enums with
+* `symbol_prefix`: prefix to use for the symbols
+gnome = import('gnome')
+my_headers = ['myheader1.h', 'myheader2.h']
+my_sources = ['mysource1.c', 'mysource2.c']
+# will generate myenums.c and myenums.h based on enums in myheader1.h and myheader2.h
+enums = gnome.mkenums_simple('myenums', sources : my_headers)
+mylib = library('my', my_sources, enums,
+ include_directories: my_incs,
+ dependencies: my_deps,
+ c_args: my_cargs,
+ install: true)
+*Added 0.42.0*
+Returns an array of two elements which are: `[c_source, header_file]`
+### gnome.compile_schemas()
+When called, this method will compile the gschemas in the current
+directory. Note that this is not for installing schemas and is only
+useful when running the application locally for example during tests.
+* `build_by_default`: causes, when set to true, to have this target be
+ built by default, that is, when invoking plain `meson compile`, the default
+ value is true for all built target types
+* `depend_files`: files ([`string`](Reference-manual.md#string-object),
+ [`files()`](Reference-manual.md#files), or
+ [`configure_file()`](Reference-manual.md#configure_file)) of
+ schema source XML files that should trigger a re-compile if changed.
+### gnome.gdbus_codegen()
+Compiles the given XML schema into gdbus source code. Takes two
+positional arguments, the first one specifies the base name to use
+while creating the output source and header and the second specifies
+one XML file.
+* `sources`: list of XML files
+* `interface_prefix`: prefix for the interface
+* `namespace`: namespace of the interface
+* `extra_args`: (*Added 0.47.0*) additional command line arguments to pass
+* `autocleanup`: *(Added 0.47.0)* if set generates autocleanup code. Can be one of `none`, `objects` or `all`
+* `object_manager`: *(Added 0.40.0)* if true generates object manager code
+* `annotations`: *(Added 0.43.0)* list of lists of 3 strings for the annotation for `'ELEMENT', 'KEY', 'VALUE'`
+* `docbook`: *(Added 0.43.0)* prefix to generate `'PREFIX'-NAME.xml` docbooks
+* `build_by_default`: causes, when set to true, to have this target be
+ built by default, that is, when invoking plain `meson compile`, the default
+ value is true for all built target types
+* `install_dir`: (*Added 0.46.0*) location to install the header or
+ bundle depending on previous options
+* `install_header`: (*Added 0.46.0*) if true, install the header file
+Starting *0.46.0*, this function returns a list of at least two custom
+targets (in order): one for the source code and one for the header.
+The list will contain a third custom target for the generated docbook
+files if that keyword argument is passed.
+Earlier versions return a single custom target representing all the
+outputs. Generally, you should just add this list of targets to a top
+level target's source list.
+gnome = import('gnome')
+# The returned source would be passed to another target
+gdbus_src = gnome.gdbus_codegen('example-interface',
+ sources: 'com.example.Sample.xml',
+ interface_prefix : 'com.example.',
+ namespace : 'Sample',
+ annotations : [
+ ['com.example.Hello()', 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated', 'true']
+ ],
+ docbook : 'example-interface-doc'
+### gnome.generate_vapi()
+Creates a VAPI file from gir. The first argument is the name of the
+* `gir_dirs`: extra directories to include for gir files
+* `install`: if true, install the VAPI file
+* `install_dir`: location to install the VAPI file (defaults to datadir/vala/vapi)
+* `metadata_dirs`: extra directories to include for metadata files
+* `packages`: VAPI packages that are depended upon
+* `sources`: the gir source to generate the VAPI from
+* `vapi_dirs`: extra directories to include for VAPI files
+Returns a custom dependency that can be included when building other
+VAPI or Vala binaries.
+*Added 0.36.0*
+### gnome.yelp()
+Installs help documentation using Yelp. The first argument is the
+project id.
+This also creates two targets for translations
+`help-$project-update-po` and `help-$project-pot`.
+* `languages`: list of languages for translations
+* `media`: list of media such as images
+* `sources`: list of pages
+* `symlink_media`: if media should be symlinked not copied (defaults to `true` since 0.42.0)
+Note that very old versions of yelp may not support symlinked media;
+At least 3.10 should work.
+*Added 0.36.0*
+### gnome.gtkdoc()
+Compiles and installs gtkdoc documentation into
+`prefix/share/gtk-doc/html`. Takes one positional argument: The name
+of the module.
+* `content_files`: a list of content files
+* `dependencies`: a list of dependencies
+* `fixxref_args`: a list of arguments to pass to `gtkdoc-fixxref`
+* `gobject_typesfile`: a list of type files
+* `include_directories`: extra include paths to pass to `gtkdoc-scangobj`
+* `ignore_headers`: a list of header files to ignore
+* `html_assets`: a list of assets for the HTML pages
+* `html_args` a list of arguments to pass to `gtkdoc-mkhtml`
+* `install`: if true, installs the generated docs
+* `install_dir`: the directory to install the generated docs relative
+ to the gtk-doc html dir or an absolute path (default: module name)
+* `main_xml`: specifies the main XML file
+* `main_sgml`: equal to `main_xml`
+* `mkdb_args`: a list of arguments to pass to `gtkdoc-mkdb`
+* `namespace`: specifies the name space to pass to `gtkdoc-mkdb`
+* `module_version`: the version of the module, affects the installed location and the devhelp2 file location
+* `scan_args`: a list of arguments to pass to `gtkdoc-scan`
+* `scanobjs_args`: a list of arguments to pass to `gtkdoc-scangobj`
+* `c_args`: (*Added 0.48.0*) additional compile arguments to pass
+* `src_dir`: include_directories to include
+* `check`: (*Since 0.52.0*) if `true` runs `gtkdoc-check` when running unit tests.
+ Note that this has the downside of rebuilding the doc for each build, which is
+ often very slow. It usually should be enabled only in CI.
+This also creates a `$module-doc` target that can be run to build
+documentation. Normally the documentation is only built on install.
+*Since 0.52.0* Returns a target object that can be passed as
+dependency to other targets using generated doc files (e.g. in
+`content_files` of another doc).
+### gnome.gtkdoc_html_dir()
+Takes as argument a module name and returns the path where that
+module's HTML files will be installed. Usually used with
+`install_data` to install extra files, such as images, to the output
+### gnome.post_install()
+*Since 0.57.0*
+Post-install update of various system wide caches. Each script will be executed
+only once even if `gnome.post_install()` is called multiple times from multiple
+subprojects. If `DESTDIR` is specified during installation all scripts will be
+It takes the following keyword arguments:
+- `glib_compile_schemas`: If set to `true`, update `gschemas.compiled` file in
+ `<prefix>/<datadir>/glib-2.0/schemas`.
+- `gio_querymodules`: List of directories relative to `prefix` where
+ `giomodule.cache` file will be updated.
+- `gtk_update_icon_cache`: If set to `true`, update `icon-theme.cache` file in
+ `<prefix>/<datadir>/icons/hicolor`.
+- `update_desktop_database`: *Since 0.59.0* If set to `true`, update cache of
+ MIME types handled by desktop files in `<prefix>/<datadir>/applications`.
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+short-description: Hotdoc module
+ - name: Thibault Saunier
+ email: tsaunier@igalia.com
+ years: [2018]
+ has-copyright: false
+# Hotdoc module
+This module provides helper functions for generating documentation using
+*Added 0.48.0*
+## Usage
+To use this module, just do: **`hotdoc = import('hotdoc')`**. The
+following functions will then be available as methods on the object
+with the name `hotdoc`. You can, of course, replace the name `hotdoc`
+with anything else.
+### hotdoc.generate_doc()
+Generates documentation using [hotdoc] and installs it into `$prefix/share/doc/html`.
+**Positional argument:**
+* `project_name`: The name of the hotdoc project
+**Keyworded arguments:**
+* `sitemap` (*[string] or [file]*) (**required**): The hotdoc sitemap file
+* `index` (*[string] or [file]*) (**required**): Location of the index file
+* `dependencies`(*[targets]*): Targets on which the documentation generation depends on.
+* `subprojects`: A list of `HotdocTarget` that are used as subprojects for hotdoc to generate
+ the documentation.
+* ... Any argument of `hotdoc` can be used replacing dashes (`-`) with underscores (`_`).
+ For a full list of available parameters, just have a look at `hotdoc help`.
+[file]: Reference-manual.md#files
+[string]: Reference-manual.md#string-object
+[targets]: Reference-manual.md#build-target-object
+`HotdocTarget`: A [`custom_target`](Reference-manual.md#custom-target-object) with the
+following extra methods:
+* `config_path`: Path to the generated `hotdoc` configuration file.
+### hotdoc.has_extensions()
+**Positional arguments:**
+* `...`: The hotdoc extension names to look for
+**No keyworded arguments**
+**Returns:** `true` if all the extensions where found, `false` otherwise.
+### Example
+``` meson
+hotdoc = import('hotdoc')
+ project_version: '0.1',
+ sitemap: 'sitemap.txt',
+ index: 'index.md',
+ c_sources: ['path/to/file.c'],
+ c_smart_index: true,
+ languages: ['c'],
+ install: true,
+[hotdoc]: https://hotdoc.github.io/ \ No newline at end of file
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+short-description: Meson's API to integrate Meson support into an IDE
+# IDE integration
+Meson has exporters for Visual Studio and XCode, but writing a custom
+backend for every IDE out there is not a scalable approach. To solve
+this problem, Meson provides an API that makes it easy for any IDE or
+build tools to integrate Meson builds and provide an experience
+comparable to a solution native to the IDE.
+All the resources required for such a IDE integration can be found in
+the `meson-info` directory in the build directory.
+The first thing to do when setting up a Meson project in an IDE is to
+select the source and build directories. For this example we assume
+that the source resides in an Eclipse-like directory called
+`workspace/project` and the build tree is nested inside it as
+`workspace/project/build`. First, we initialize Meson by running the
+following command in the source directory.
+ meson builddir
+With this command Meson will configure the project and also generate
+introspection information that is stored in `intro-*.json` files in
+the `meson-info` directory. The introspection dump will be
+automatically updated when Meson is (re)configured, or the build
+options change. Thus, an IDE can watch for changes in this directory
+to know when something changed. Note that `meson-info.json` guaranteed
+to be the last file written.
+The `meson-info` directory should contain the following files:
+| File | Description |
+| ------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `intro-benchmarks.json` | Lists all benchmarks |
+| `intro-buildoptions.json` | Contains a full list of Meson configuration options for the project |
+| `intro-buildsystem_files.json` | Full list of all Meson build files |
+| `intro-dependencies.json` | Lists all dependencies used in the project |
+| `intro-installed.json` | Contains mapping of files to their installed location |
+| `intro-projectinfo.json` | Stores basic information about the project (name, version, etc.) |
+| `intro-targets.json` | Full list of all build targets |
+| `intro-tests.json` | Lists all tests with instructions how to run them |
+The content of the JSON files is further specified in the remainder of
+this document.
+## The `targets` section
+The most important file for an IDE is probably `intro-targets.json`.
+Here each target with its sources and compiler parameters is
+specified. The JSON format for one target is defined as follows:
+ "name": "Name of the target",
+ "id": "The internal ID meson uses",
+ "type": "<TYPE>",
+ "defined_in": "/Path/to/the/targets/meson.build",
+ "subproject": null,
+ "filename": ["list", "of", "generated", "files"],
+ "build_by_default": true / false,
+ "target_sources": [],
+ "extra_files": ["/path/to/file1.hpp", "/path/to/file2.hpp"],
+ "installed": true / false,
+If the key `installed` is set to `true`, the key `install_filename`
+will also be present. It stores the installation location for each
+file in `filename`. If one file in `filename` is not installed, its
+corresponding install location is set to `null`.
+The `subproject` key specifies the name of the subproject this target
+was defined in, or `null` if the target was defined in the top level
+*(New in 0.56.0)* The `extra_files` key lists all files specified via
+the `extra_files` kwarg of a build target. See
+A target usually generates only one file. However, it is possible for
+custom targets to have multiple outputs.
+### Target sources
+The `intro-targets.json` file also stores a list of all source objects
+of the target in the `target_sources`. With this information, an IDE
+can provide code completion for all source files.
+ "language": "language ID",
+ "compiler": ["The", "compiler", "command"],
+ "parameters": ["list", "of", "compiler", "parameters"],
+ "sources": ["list", "of", "all", "source", "files", "for", "this", "language"],
+ "generated_sources": ["list", "of", "all", "source", "files", "that", "where", "generated", "somewhere", "else"]
+It should be noted that the compiler parameters stored in the
+`parameters` differ from the actual parameters used to compile the
+file. This is because the parameters are optimized for the usage in an
+IDE to provide autocompletion support, etc. It is thus not recommended
+to use this introspection information for actual compilation.
+### Possible values for `type`
+The following table shows all valid types for a target.
+| value of `type` | Description |
+| ---------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `executable` | This target will generate an executable file |
+| `static library` | Target for a static library |
+| `shared library` | Target for a shared library |
+| `shared module` | A shared library that is meant to be used with dlopen rather than linking into something else |
+| `custom` | A custom target |
+| `run` | A Meson run target |
+| `jar` | A Java JAR target |
+### Using `--targets` without a build directory
+It is also possible to get most targets without a build directory.
+This can be done by running `meson introspect --targets
+The generated output is similar to running the introspection with a
+build directory or reading the `intro-targets.json`. However, there
+are some key differences:
+- The paths in `filename` now are _relative_ to the future build directory
+- The `install_filename` key is completely missing
+- There is only one entry in `target_sources`:
+ - With the language set to `unknown`
+ - Empty lists for `compiler` and `parameters` and `generated_sources`
+ - The `sources` list _should_ contain all sources of the target
+There is no guarantee that the sources list in `target_sources` is
+correct. There might be differences, due to internal limitations. It
+is also not guaranteed that all targets will be listed in the output.
+It might even be possible that targets are listed, which won't exist
+when Meson is run normally. This can happen if a target is defined
+inside an if statement. Use this feature with care.
+## Build Options
+The list of all build options (build type, warning level, etc.) is
+stored in the `intro-buildoptions.json` file. Here is the JSON format
+for each option.
+ "name": "name of the option",
+ "description": "the description",
+ "type": "type ID",
+ "value": "value depends on type",
+ "section": "section ID",
+ "machine": "machine ID"
+The supported types are:
+ - string
+ - boolean
+ - combo
+ - integer
+ - array
+For the type `combo` the key `choices` is also present. Here all valid
+values for the option are stored.
+The possible values for `section` are:
+ - core
+ - backend
+ - base
+ - compiler
+ - directory
+ - user
+ - test
+The `machine` key specifies the machine configuration for the option.
+Possible values are:
+ - any
+ - host
+ - build
+To set the options, use the `meson configure` command.
+Since Meson 0.50.0 it is also possible to get the default buildoptions
+without a build directory by providing the root `meson.build` instead
+of a build directory to `meson introspect --buildoptions`.
+Running `--buildoptions` without a build directory produces the same
+output as running it with a freshly configured build directory.
+However, this behavior is not guaranteed if subprojects are present.
+Due to internal limitations all subprojects are processed even if they
+are never used in a real Meson run. Because of this options for the
+subprojects can differ.
+## The dependencies section
+The list of all _found_ dependencies can be acquired from
+`intro-dependencies.json`. Here, the name, version, compiler and
+linker arguments for a dependency are listed.
+### Scanning for dependecie with `--scan-dependencies`
+It is also possible to get most dependencies used without a build
+directory. This can be done by running `meson introspect
+--scan-dependencies /path/to/meson.build`.
+The output format is as follows:
+ {
+ "name": "The name of the dependency",
+ "required": true,
+ "version": [">=1.2.3"],
+ "conditional": false,
+ "has_fallback": false
+ }
+The `required` keyword specifies whether the dependency is marked as
+required in the `meson.build` (all dependencies are required by
+default). The `conditional` key indicates whether the `dependency()`
+function was called inside a conditional block. In a real Meson run
+these dependencies might not be used, thus they _may_ not be required,
+even if the `required` key is set. The `has_fallback` key just
+indicates whether a fallback was directly set in the `dependency()`
+function. The `version` key always contains a list of version
+requirements from the `meson.build` and **not** the actual version of
+the dependency on disc. The version list is empty if no version was
+specified in the `meson.build`.
+## Tests
+Compilation and unit tests are done as usual by running the `meson
+compile` and `meson test` commands. A JSON formatted result log can be
+found in `workspace/project/builddir/meson-logs/testlog.json`.
+When these tests fail, the user probably wants to run the failing test
+in a debugger. To make this as integrated as possible, extract the
+tests from the `intro-tests.json` and `intro-benchmarks.json` files.
+This provides you with all the information needed to run the test:
+what command to execute, command line arguments, environment variable
+settings and how to process the output.
+ "name": "name of the test",
+ "workdir": "the working directory (can be null)",
+ "timeout": "the test timeout",
+ "suite": ["list", "of", "test", "suites"],
+ "is_parallel": true / false,
+ "protocol": "exitcode" / "tap",
+ "cmd": ["command", "to", "run"],
+ "depends": ["target1-id", "target2-id"],
+ "env": {
+ "VARIABLE1": "value 1",
+ "VARIABLE2": "value 2"
+ }
+The `depends` entry *(since 0.56.0)* contains target ids; they can be
+looked up in the targets introspection data. The executable pointed to
+by `cmd` is also included in the entry, as are any arguments to the
+test that are build products.
+## Build system files
+It is also possible to get Meson build files used in your current
+project. This can be done by running `meson introspect
+--buildsystem-files /path/to/builddir`.
+The output format is as follows:
+ "/Path/to/the/targets/meson.build",
+ "/Path/to/the/targets/meson_options.txt",
+ "/Path/to/the/targets/subdir/meson.build"
+# Programmatic interface
+Meson also provides the `meson introspect` for project introspection
+via the command line. Use `meson introspect -h` to see all available
+This API can also work without a build directory for the
+`--projectinfo` command.
+# AST of a `meson.build`
+Since Meson *0.55.0* it is possible to dump the AST of a `meson.build`
+as a JSON object. The interface for this is `meson introspect --ast
+Each node of the AST has at least the following entries:
+| Key | Description |
+| ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `node` | Type of the node (see following table) |
+| `lineno` | Line number of the node in the file |
+| `colno` | Column number of the node in the file |
+| `end_lineno` | Marks the end of the node (may be the same as `lineno`) |
+| `end_colno` | Marks the end of the node (may be the same as `colno`) |
+Possible values for `node` with additional keys:
+| Node type | Additional keys |
+| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ |
+| `BooleanNode` | `value`: bool |
+| `IdNode` | `value`: str |
+| `NumberNode` | `value`: int |
+| `StringNode` | `value`: str |
+| `ContinueNode` | |
+| `BreakNode` | |
+| `ArgumentNode` | `positional`: node list; `kwargs`: accept_kwargs |
+| `ArrayNode` | `args`: node |
+| `DictNode` | `args`: node |
+| `EmptyNode` | |
+| `OrNode` | `left`: node; `right`: node |
+| `AndNode` | `left`: node; `right`: node |
+| `ComparisonNode` | `left`: node; `right`: node; `ctype`: str |
+| `ArithmeticNode` | `left`: node; `right`: node; `op`: str |
+| `NotNode` | `right`: node |
+| `CodeBlockNode` | `lines`: node list |
+| `IndexNode` | `object`: node; `index`: node |
+| `MethodNode` | `object`: node; `args`: node; `name`: str |
+| `FunctionNode` | `args`: node; `name`: str |
+| `AssignmentNode` | `value`: node; `var_name`: str |
+| `PlusAssignmentNode` | `value`: node; `var_name`: str |
+| `ForeachClauseNode` | `items`: node; `block`: node; `varnames`: list |
+| `IfClauseNode` | `ifs`: node list; `else`: node |
+| `IfNode` | `condition`: node; `block`: node |
+| `UMinusNode` | `right`: node |
+| `TernaryNode` | `condition`: node; `true`: node; `false`: node |
+We do not guarantee the stability of this format since it is heavily
+linked to the internal Meson AST. However, breaking changes (removal
+of a node type or the removal of a key) are unlikely and will be
+announced in the release notes.
+# Existing integrations
+- [Gnome Builder](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Builder)
+- [KDevelop](https://www.kdevelop.org)
+- [Eclipse CDT](https://www.eclipse.org/cdt/) (experimental)
+- [Meson Cmake Wrapper](https://github.com/prozum/meson-cmake-wrapper) (for cmake IDEs) (currently unmaintained !!)
+- [Meson-UI](https://github.com/michaelbadcrumble/meson-ui) (Meson build GUI)
+- [Meson Syntax Highlighter](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/13269-meson-syntax-highlighter) plugin for JetBrains IDEs.
+- [asabil.meson](https://open-vsx.org/extension/asabil/meson) extension for VS Code/Codium
+- [Qt Creator](https://doc.qt.io/qtcreator/creator-project-meson.html)
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+# Unstable IceStorm module
+This module is available since version 0.45.0.
+**Note**: this module is unstable. It is only provided as a technology
+preview. Its API may change in arbitrary ways between releases or it
+might be removed from Meson altogether.
+## Usage
+This module provides an experimental method to create FPGA bitstreams
+using the [IceStorm](http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/) suite of tools.
+The module exposes only one method called `project` and it is used
+like this:
+ is.project('projname',
+ <verilog files>,
+ constraint_file : <pcf file>,
+ )
+The input to this function is the set of Verilog files and a
+constraint file. This produces output files called `projname.asc`,
+`projname.blif` and `projname.bin`. In addition it creates two run
+targets called `projname-time` for running timing analysis and
+`projname-upload` that uploads the generated bitstream to an FPGA
+device using the `iceprog` programming executable.
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+# In the press
+This page lists cases where Meson has been presented in the press.
+* [Linux Magazin](http://www.linux-magazin.de/Ausgaben/2014/08/), in German, August 2014, and also later in [Linux Magazine](http://www.linux-magazine.com/Issues/2014/166/Meson-Build-System) in English
+* [Admin Magazine](http://www.admin-magazine.com/HPC/Articles/The-Meson-Build-System)
+* [Phoronix](https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTc1MDc) regarding compilation of Mesa3D
+* [CppCast](http://cppcast.com/2015/12/jussi-pakkanen/) interviewed Jussi about Meson for C++ development in 12/2015
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+short-description: Instructions on handling include directories
+# Include directories
+Most `C`/`C++` projects have headers in different directories than
+sources. Thus you need to specify include directories. Let's assume
+that we are at some subdirectory and wish to add its `include`
+subdirectory to some target's search path. To create a include
+directory object we do this:
+incdir = include_directories('include')
+The `incdir` variable now holds a reference to the `include` subdir.
+Now we pass that as an argument to a build target:
+executable('someprog', 'someprog.c', include_directories : incdir)
+Note that these two commands can be given in any subdirectories and it
+will still work. Meson will keep track of the locations and generate
+proper compiler flags to make it all work.
+Another thing to note is that `include_directories` adds both the
+source directory and corresponding build directory to include path, so
+you don't have to care.
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+# An in-depth tutorial
+In this tutorial we set up a project with multiple targets, unit tests
+and dependencies between targets. Our main product is a shared library
+called *foo* that is written in `C++11`. We are going to ignore the
+contents of the source files, as they are not really important from a
+build definition point of view. The library makes use of the `GLib`
+library so we need to detect and link it properly. We also make the
+resulting library installable.
+The source tree contains three subdirectories `src`, `include` and
+`test` that contain, respectively, the source code, headers and unit
+tests of our project.
+To start things up, here is the top level `meson.build` file.
+project('c++ foolib', 'cpp',
+ version : '1.0.0',
+ license : 'MIT')
+add_global_arguments('-DSOME_TOKEN=value', language : 'cpp')
+glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0')
+inc = include_directories('include')
+pkg_mod = import('pkgconfig')
+pkg_mod.generate(libraries : foolib,
+ version : '1.0',
+ name : 'libfoobar',
+ filebase : 'foobar',
+ description : 'A Library to barnicate your foos.')
+The definition always starts with a call to the `project` function. In
+it you must specify the project's name and programming languages to
+use, in this case only `C++`. We also specify two additional
+arguments, the project's version and the license it is under. Our
+project is version `1.0.0` and is specified to be under the MIT
+Then we find GLib, which is an *external dependency*. The `dependency`
+function tells Meson to find the library (by default using
+`pkg-config`). If the library is not found, Meson will raise an error
+and stop processing the build definition.
+Then we add a global compiler argument `-DSOME_TOKEN=value`. This flag
+is used for *all* C++ source file compilations. It is not possible to
+unset it for some targets. The reason for this is that it is hard to
+keep track of what compiler flags are in use if global settings change
+per target.
+Since `include` directory contains the header files, we need a way to
+tell compilations to add that directory to the compiler command line.
+This is done with the `include_directories` command that takes a
+directory and returns an object representing this directory. It is
+stored in variable `inc` which makes it accessible later on.
+After this are three `subdir` commands. These instruct Meson to go to
+the specified subdirectory, open the `meson.build` file that's in
+there and execute it. The last few lines are a stanza to generate a
+`pkg-config` file. We'll skip that for now and come back to it at the
+end of this document.
+The first subdirectory we go into is `include`. In it we have a a
+header file for the library that we want to install. This requires one
+This installs the given header file to the system's header directory.
+This is by default `/[install prefix]/include`, but it can be changed
+with a command line argument.
+The Meson definition of `src` subdir is simple.
+foo_sources = ['source1.cpp', 'source2.cpp']
+foolib = shared_library('foo',
+ foo_sources,
+ include_directories : inc,
+ dependencies : glib_dep,
+ install : true)
+Here we just tell Meson to build the library with the given sources.
+We also tell it to use the include directories we stored to variable
+`inc` earlier. Since this library uses GLib, we tell Meson to add all
+necessary compiler and linker flags with the `dependencies` keyword
+argument. Its value is `glib_dep` which we set at the top level
+`meson.build` file. The `install` argument tells Meson to install the
+result. As with the headers, the shared library is installed to the
+system's default location (usually `/[install prefix]/lib`) but is
+again overridable.
+The resulting library is stored in variable `foolib` just like the
+include directory was stored in the previous file.
+Once Meson has processed the `src` subdir it returns to the main Meson
+file and executes the next line that moves it into the `test` subdir.
+Its contents look like this.
+testexe = executable('testexe', 'footest.cpp',
+ include_directories : inc,
+ link_with : foolib)
+test('foolib test', testexe)
+First we build a test executable that has the same include directory
+as the main library and which also links against the freshly built
+shared library. Note that you don't need to specify `glib_dep` here
+just to be able to use the built library `foolib`. If the executable
+used GLib functionality itself, then we would of course need to add it
+as a keyword argument here.
+Finally we define a test with the name `foolib test`. It consists of
+running the binary we just built. If the executable exits with a zero
+return value, the test is considered passed. Nonzero return values
+mark the test as failed.
+At this point we can return to the pkg-config generator line. All
+shared libraries should provide a pkg-config file, which explains how
+that library is used. Meson provides this simple generator that should
+be sufficient for most simple projects. All you need to do is list a
+few basic pieces of information and Meson takes care of generating an
+appropriate file. More advanced users might want to create their own
+pkg-config files using Meson's [configuration file generator
+With these four files we are done. To configure, build and run the
+test suite, we just need to execute the following commands (starting
+at source tree root directory).
+$ meson builddir && cd builddir
+$ meson compile
+$ meson test
+To then install the project you only need one command.
+$ meson install
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+short-description: Installing targets
+# Installing
+Invoked via the [following command](Commands.md#install) *(available
+since 0.47.0)*:
+meson install
+or alternatively (on older Meson versions with `ninja` backend):
+ninja install
+By default Meson will not install anything. Build targets can be
+installed by tagging them as installable in the definition.
+project('install', 'c')
+shared_library('mylib', 'libfile.c', install : true)
+There is usually no need to specify install paths or the like. Meson
+will automatically install it to the standards-conforming location. In
+this particular case the executable is installed to the `bin`
+subdirectory of the install prefix. However if you wish to override
+the install dir, you can do that with the `install_dir` argument.
+executable('prog', 'prog.c', install : true, install_dir : 'my/special/dir')
+Other install commands are the following.
+install_headers('header.h', subdir : 'projname') # -> include/projname/header.h
+install_man('foo.1') # -> share/man/man1/foo.1
+install_data('datafile.dat', install_dir : get_option('datadir') / 'progname')
+# -> share/progname/datafile.dat
+`install_data()` supports rename of the file *since 0.46.0*.
+# file.txt -> {datadir}/{projectname}/new-name.txt
+install_data('file.txt', rename : 'new-name.txt')
+# file1.txt -> share/myapp/dir1/data.txt
+# file2.txt -> share/myapp/dir2/data.txt
+install_data(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'],
+ rename : ['dir1/data.txt', 'dir2/data.txt'],
+ install_dir : 'share/myapp')
+Sometimes you want to copy an entire subtree directly. For this use
+case there is the `install_subdir` command, which can be used like
+install_subdir('mydir', install_dir : 'include') # mydir subtree -> include/mydir
+Most of the time you want to install files relative to the install
+prefix. Sometimes you need to go outside of the prefix (such as writing
+files to `/etc` instead of `/usr/etc`. This can be accomplished by
+giving an absolute install path.
+install_data(sources : 'foo.dat', install_dir : '/etc') # -> /etc/foo.dat
+## Custom install behavior
+Sometimes you need to do more than just install basic targets. Meson
+makes this easy by allowing you to specify a custom script to execute
+at install time. As an example, here is a script that generates an
+empty file in a custom directory.
+touch "${DESTDIR}/${MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX}/mydir/file.dat"
+As you can see, Meson sets up some environment variables to help you
+write your script (`DESTDIR` is not set by Meson, it is inherited from
+the outside environment). In addition to the install prefix, Meson
+also sets the variables `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT` and `MESON_BUILD_ROOT`.
+Telling Meson to run this script at install time is a one-liner.
+The argument is the name of the script file relative to the current
+## DESTDIR support
+Sometimes you need to install to a different directory than the
+install prefix. This is most common when building rpm or deb
+packages. This is done with the `DESTDIR` environment variable and it
+is used just like with other build systems:
+$ DESTDIR=/path/to/staging/area meson install
+## Custom install behaviour
+Installation behaviour can be further customized using additional
+For example, if you wish to install the current setup without
+rebuilding the code (which the default install target always does) and
+only installing those files that have changed, you would run this
+command in the build tree:
+$ meson install --no-rebuild --only-changed
+## Finer control over install locations
+Sometimes it is necessary to only install a subsection of output files
+or install them in different directories. This can be done by
+specifying `install_dir` as an array rather than a single string. The
+array must have as many items as there are outputs and each entry
+specifies how the corresponding output file should be installed. For
+ output: ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'],
+ install_dir: ['path1', false, 'path3'],
+ ...
+In this case `file1` would be installed to `/prefix/path1/file1`,
+`file2` would not be installed at all and `file3` would be installed
+to `/prefix/path3/file3'.
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+title: Java
+short-description: Compiling Java programs
+# Compiling Java applications
+Meson has experimental support for compiling Java programs. The basic
+syntax consists of only one function and would be used like this:
+project('javaprog', 'java')
+myjar = jar('mything', 'com/example/Prog.java',
+ main_class : 'com.example.Prog')
+test('javatest', myjar)
+However note that Meson places limitations on how you lay out your code.
+* all Java files for a jar must be under the subdirectory the jar definition is in
+* all Java files must be in paths specified by their package, e.g. a class called `com.example.Something` must be in a Java file situated at `com/example/Something.java`.
+* Meson only deals with jar files, you cannot poke individual class files (unless you do so manually)
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+short-description: Keyval module
+ - name: Mark Schulte, Paolo Bonzini
+ years: [2017, 2019]
+ has-copyright: false
+# keyval module
+This module parses files consisting of a series of `key=value` lines.
+One use of this module is to load kconfig configurations in Meson
+**Note**: this does not provide kconfig frontend tooling to generate a
+configuration. You still need something such as kconfig frontends (see
+link below) to parse your Kconfig files, and then (after you've chosen
+the configuration options), output a ".config" file.
+ [kconfig-frontends]: http://ymorin.is-a-geek.org/projects/kconfig-frontends
+## Usage
+The module may be imported as follows:
+``` meson
+keyval = import('keyval')
+The following functions will then be available as methods on the object
+with the name `keyval`. You can, of course, replace the name
+`keyval` with anything else.
+### keyval.load()
+This function loads a file consisting of a series of `key=value` lines
+and returns a dictionary object.
+`keyval.load()` makes no attempt at parsing the values in the file. In
+particular boolean and integer values will be represented as strings,
+and strings will keep any quoting that is present in the input file.
+It can be useful to create a
+[`configuration_data()`](#configuration_data) object from the
+dictionary and use methods such as `get_unquoted()`.
+Kconfig frontends usually have ".config" as the default name for the
+configuration file. However, placing the configuration file in the
+source directory limits the user to one configuration per source
+directory. In order to allow separate configurations for each build
+directory, as is the Meson standard, `meson.build` should not hardcode
+".config" as the argument to `kconfig.load()`, and should instead make
+the argument to `kconfig.load()` a [project build
+* The first (and only) argument is the path to the configuration file to
+ load (usually ".config").
+**Returns**: a [dictionary object](Reference-manual.md#dictionary-object).
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+short-description: Localization with GNU Gettext
+# Localisation
+Localising your application with GNU gettext takes a little effort but
+is quite straightforward. We'll create a `po` subdirectory at your
+project root directory for all the localisation info.
+## Generating .pot and .po files
+In your main meson.build file include the `po` subdirectory in the build process.
+ subdir('po')
+In this `po` subdirectory we need:
+- `LINGUAS`: Space separated list of languages
+- `POTFILES`: List of source files to scan for translatable strings.
+- `meson.build`: Localization specific Meson file
+File with space separated list of languages. A sample LINGUAS might look like this.
+ aa ab ae af
+File that lists all the source files that gettext should scan in order
+to find strings to translate. The syntax of the file is one line per
+source file and the line must contain the relative path from source
+root. A sample POTFILES might look like this.
+ src/file1.c
+ src/file2.c
+ src/subdir/file3.c
+ include/mything/somefile.h
+### meson.build
+Localization specific Meson file. It imports and uses the `i18n`
+module. If not defined before it needs to define the `GETTEXT_PACKAGE`
+i18n = import('i18n')
+add_project_arguments('-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE="intltest"', language:'c')
+ args: '--directory=' + meson.source_root()
+The first command imports the `i18n` module that provides gettext
+features. The fourth line does the actual invocation. The first
+argument is the gettext package name. This causes two things to
+happen. The first is that Meson will generate binary mo files and put
+them to their proper locations when doing an install. The second is
+that it creates a build rule to regenerate the main pot file. If you
+are using the Ninja backend, this is how you would invoke the rebuild.
+### generate .pot file
+Then we need to generate the main pot file. The potfile can have any
+name but is usually the name of the gettext package. Let's say the
+project is called *intltest*. In this case the corresponding pot file
+would be called `intltest.pot`.
+Run the following command from your build folder to generate the pot
+file. It is recommended to inspect it manually afterwards and fill in
+e.g. proper copyright and contact information.
+$ meson compile intltest-pot
+### generate .po files
+For each language listed in the array above we need a corresponding
+`.po` file. Those can be generated by running the following command
+from your build folder.
+$ meson compile intltest-update-po
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+# Cross and Native File reference
+Cross and native files are nearly identical, but not completely. This
+is the documentation on the common values used by both, for the
+specific values of one or the other see the [cross
+compilation](Cross-compilation.md) and [native
+*Changed in 0.56.0* Keys within sections are now case sensitive. This
+is required to make project options work correctly.
+## Data Types
+There are four basic data types in a machine file:
+- strings
+- arrays
+- booleans
+- integers
+A string is specified single quoted:
+option1 = 'false'
+option2 = '2'
+An array is enclosed in square brackets, and must consist of strings or booleans
+option = ['value']
+A boolean must be either `true` or `false`, and unquoted.
+option = false
+An integer must be an unquoted numeric constant.
+option = 42
+## Sections
+The following sections are allowed:
+- constants
+- binaries
+- paths
+- properties
+- cmake
+- project options
+- built-in options
+### constants
+*Since 0.56.0*
+String and list concatenation is supported using the `+` operator,
+joining paths is supported using the `/` operator. Entries defined in
+the `[constants]` section can be used in any other section (they are
+always parsed first), entries in any other section can be used only
+within that same section and only after it has been defined.
+toolchain = '/toolchain'
+common_flags = ['--sysroot=' + toolchain / 'sysroot']
+c_args = common_flags + ['-DSOMETHING']
+cpp_args = c_args + ['-DSOMETHING_ELSE']
+c = toolchain / 'gcc'
+This can be useful with cross file composition as well. A generic
+cross file could be composed with a platform specific file where
+constants are defined:
+# aarch64.ini
+arch = 'aarch64-linux-gnu'
+# cross.ini
+c = arch + '-gcc'
+cpp = arch + '-g++'
+strip = arch + '-strip'
+pkgconfig = arch + '-pkg-config'
+This can be used as `meson setup --cross-file aarch64.ini --cross-file
+cross.ini builddir`.
+Note that file composition happens before the parsing of values. The
+example below results in `b` being `'HelloWorld'`:
+# file1.ini:
+a = 'Foo'
+b = a + 'World'
+a = 'Hello'
+The example below results in an error when file1.ini is included
+before file2.ini because `b` would be defined before `a`:
+# file1.ini:
+b = a + 'World'
+a = 'Hello'
+### Binaries
+The binaries section contains a list of binaries. These can be used
+internally by Meson, or by the `find_program` function.
+These values must be either strings or an array of strings
+Compilers and linkers are defined here using `<lang>` and `<lang>_ld`.
+`<lang>_ld` is special because it is compiler specific. For compilers
+like gcc and clang which are used to invoke the linker this is a value
+to pass to their "choose the linker" argument (-fuse-ld= in this
+case). For compilers like MSVC and Clang-Cl, this is the path to a
+linker for Meson to invoke, such as `link.exe` or `lld-link.exe`.
+Support for `ld` is *new in 0.53.0*
+*changed in 0.53.1* the `ld` variable was replaced by `<lang>_ld`,
+because it regressed a large number of projects. in 0.53.0 the `ld`
+variable was used instead.
+Native example:
+c = '/usr/bin/clang'
+c_ld = 'lld'
+sed = 'C:\\program files\\gnu\\sed.exe'
+llvm-config = '/usr/lib/llvm8/bin/llvm-config'
+Cross example:
+c = ['ccache', '/usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-gcc']
+cpp = ['ccache', '/usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-g++']
+c_ld = 'gold'
+cpp_ld = 'gold'
+ar = '/usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin/ar'
+strip = '/usr/i586-mingw32msvc/bin/strip'
+pkgconfig = '/usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-pkg-config'
+An incomplete list of internally used programs that can be overridden
+here is:
+- cmake
+- cups-config
+- gnustep-config
+- gpgme-config
+- libgcrypt-config
+- libwmf-config
+- llvm-config
+- pcap-config
+- pkgconfig
+- sdl2-config
+- wx-config (or wx-3.0-config or wx-config-gtk)
+### Paths and Directories
+*Deprecated in 0.56.0* use the built-in section instead.
+As of 0.50.0 paths and directories such as libdir can be defined in
+the native and cross files in a paths section. These should be
+libdir = 'mylibdir'
+prefix = '/my prefix'
+These values will only be loaded when not cross compiling. Any
+arguments on the command line will override any options in the native
+file. For example, passing `--libdir=otherlibdir` would result in a
+prefix of `/my prefix` and a libdir of `otherlibdir`.
+### Properties
+*New in native files in 0.54.0*, always in cross files.
+In addition to special data that may be specified in cross files, this
+section may contain random key value pairs accessed using the
+`meson.get_external_property()`, or `meson.get_cross_property()`.
+*Changed in 0.56.0* putting `<lang>_args` and `<lang>_link_args` in
+the properties section has been deprecated, and should be put in the
+built-in options section.
+#### Supported properties
+This is a non exhaustive list of supported variables in the `[properties]`
+- `cmake_toolchain_file` specifies an absolute path to an already existing
+ CMake toolchain file that will be loaded with `include()` as the last
+ instruction of the automatically generated CMake toolchain file from Meson.
+ (*new in 0.56.0*)
+- `cmake_defaults` is a boolean that specifies whether Meson should automatically
+ generate default toolchain variables from other sections (`binaries`,
+ `host_machine`, etc.) in the machine file. Defaults are always overwritten
+ by variables set in the `[cmake]` section. The default is `true`. (*new in 0.56.0*)
+- `cmake_skip_compiler_test` is an enum that specifies when Meson should
+ automatically generate toolchain variables to skip the CMake compiler
+ sanity checks. This only has an effect if `cmake_defaults` is `true`.
+ Supported values are `always`, `never`, `dep_only`. The default is `dep_only`.
+ (*new in 0.56.0*)
+- `cmake_use_exe_wrapper` is a boolean that controls whether to use the
+ `exe_wrapper` specified in `[binaries]` to run generated executables in CMake
+ subprojects. This setting has no effect if the `exe_wrapper` was not specified.
+ The default value is `true`. (*new in 0.56.0*)
+- `java_home` is an absolute path pointing to the root of a Java installation.
+### CMake variables
+*New in 0.56.0*
+All variables set in the `[cmake]` section will be added to the
+generate CMake toolchain file used for both CMake dependencies and
+CMake subprojects. The type of each entry must be either a string or a
+list of strings.
+**Note:** All occurrences of `\` in the value of all keys will be replaced with
+ a `/` since CMake has a lot of issues with correctly escaping `\` when
+ dealing with variables (even in cases where a path in `CMAKE_C_COMPILER`
+ is correctly escaped, CMake will still trip up internaly for instance)
+ A custom toolchain file should be used (via the `cmake_toolchain_file`
+ property) if `\` support is required.
+CMAKE_C_COMPILER = '/usr/bin/gcc'
+CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER = 'C:\\user\\bin\\g++'
+CMAKE_SOME_VARIABLE = ['some', 'value with spaces']
+For instance, the `[cmake]` section from above will generate the
+following code in the CMake toolchain file:
+set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER "/usr/bin/gcc")
+set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "C:/usr/bin/g++")
+set(CMAKE_SOME_VARIABLE "some" "value with spaces")
+### Project specific options
+*New in 0.56.0*
+Path options are not allowed, those must be set in the `[paths]`
+Being able to set project specific options in a cross or native file
+can be done using the `[project options]` section of the specific file
+(if doing a cross build the options from the native file will be
+For setting options in subprojects use the `[<subproject>:project
+options]` section instead.
+[project options]
+build-tests = true
+[zlib:project options]
+build-tests = false
+### Meson built-in options
+Meson built-in options can be set the same way:
+[built-in options]
+c_std = 'c99'
+You can set some Meson built-in options on a per-subproject basis,
+such as `default_library` and `werror`. The order of precedence is:
+1) Command line
+2) Machine file
+3) Build system definitions
+[zlib:built-in options]
+default_library = 'static'
+werror = false
+Options set on a per-subproject basis will inherit the option from the
+parent if the parent has a setting but the subproject doesn't, even
+when there is a default set Meson language.
+[built-in options]
+default_library = 'static'
+will make subprojects use default_library as static.
+Some options can be set on a per-machine basis (in other words, the
+value of the build machine can be different than the host machine in a
+cross compile). In these cases the values from both a cross file and a
+native file are used.
+An incomplete list of options is:
+- pkg_config_path
+- cmake_prefix_path
+## Loading multiple machine files
+Native files allow layering (cross files can be layered since Meson
+0.52.0). More than one file can be loaded, with values from a previous
+file being overridden by the next. The intention of this is not
+overriding, but to allow composing files. This composition is done by
+passing the command line argument multiple times:
+meson setup builddir/ --cross-file first.ini --cross-file second.ini --cross-file thrid.ini
+In this case `first.ini` will be loaded, then `second.ini`, with
+values from `second.ini` replacing `first.ini`, and so on.
+For example, if there is a project using C and C++, python 3.4-3.7,
+and LLVM 5-7, and it needs to build with clang 5, 6, and 7, and gcc
+5.x, 6.x, and 7.x; expressing all of these configurations in
+monolithic configurations would result in 81 different native files.
+By layering them, it can be expressed by just 12 native files.
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+short-description: User manual for Meson
+# Manual
+This is the user manual for Meson. It currently tracks the state of
+Git head. If you are using an older version, some of the information
+here might not work for you.
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+short-description: Simple project step by step explanation
+# Meson sample
+A Meson file that builds an executable looks like this.
+project('simple', 'c')
+executable('myexe', 'source.c')
+All Meson build definitions begin with the `project` command. It
+specifies the name of the project and what programming languages it
+uses. Here the project is called *simple* and it uses only the C
+programming language. All strings are single-quoted.
+On the next line we define a *build target*, in this case an
+executable called *myexe*. It consists of one source file. This is all
+the code that a user needs to write to compile an executable with
+Variables are fully supported. The above code snippet could also have
+been declared like this.
+project('simple', 'c')
+src = 'source.c'
+executable('myexe', src)
+Most executables consist of more than one source file. The easiest way
+to deal with this is to put them in an array.
+project('simple', 'c')
+src = ['source1.c', 'source2.c', 'source3.c']
+executable('myexe', src)
+Meson also supports the notion of *keyword arguments*. Indeed most
+arguments to functions can only be passed using them. The above
+snippet could be rewritten like this.
+project('simple', 'c')
+src = ['source1.c', 'source2.c', 'source3.c']
+executable('myexe', sources : src)
+These two formats are equivalent and choosing one over the other is
+mostly a question of personal preference.
+The `executable` command actually returns an *executable object*,
+which represents the given build target. It can be passed on to other
+functions, like this.
+project('simple', 'c')
+src = ['source1.c', 'source2.c', 'source3.c']
+exe = executable('myexe', src)
+test('simple test', exe)
+Here we create a unit test called *simple test*, and which uses the
+built executable. When the tests are run with the `meson test`
+command, the built executable is run. If it returns zero, the test
+passes. A non-zero return value indicates an error, which Meson will
+then report to the user.
+A note to Visual Studio users
+There's a slight terminology difference between Meson and Visual
+Studio. A Meson *project* is the equivalent to a Visual Studio
+*solution*. That is, the topmost thing that encompasses all things to
+be built. A Visual Studio *project* on the other hand is the
+equivalent of a Meson top level build target, such as an executable or
+a shared library.
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+# Meson CI setup
+This document is aimed for Meson contributors and documents the CI
+setup used for testing Meson itself. The Meson project uses multiple
+CI platforms for covering a wide range of target systems.
+## GitHub actions
+The configuration files for GitHub actions are located in
+`.github/workflows`. Here, all [images](#docker-images) are tested
+with the full `run_tests.py` run. Additionally, some other, smaller,
+tests are run.
+## Docker images
+The Linux docker images are automatically built and uploaded by GitHub
+actions. An image rebuild is triggerd when any of the image definition
+files are changed (in `ci/ciimage`) in the master branch.
+Additionally, the images are also updated weekly.
+Each docker image has one corresponding dirctory in `ci/ciimage` with
+an `image.json` and an `install.sh`.
+### Image generation
+There are no manual Dockerfiles. Instead the Dockerfile is
+automatically generated by the `build.py` script. This is done to
+ensure that all images have the same layout and can all be built and
+tested automatically.
+The Dockerfile is generated from the `image.json` file and basically
+only adds a few common files and runs the `install.sh` script which
+should contain all distribution specific setup steps. The `common.sh`
+can be sourced via `source /ci/common.sh` to access some shared
+To generate the image run `build.py -t build <image>`. A generated
+image can be tested with `build.py -t test <image>`.
+### Common image setup
+Each docker image has a `/ci` directory with an `env_vars.sh` script.
+This script has to be sourced before running the Meson test suite.
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+# Meson's policy on mixing multiple build systems in one build directory
+Meson has been designed with the principle that all dependencies are
+either provided by "the platform" via a mechanism such as Pkg-Config
+or that they are built as Meson subprojects under the main project.
+There are several projects that would like to mix build systems, that
+is, build dependencies in the same build directory as the other build
+system by having one build system call the other. The build
+directories do not necessarily need to be inside each other, but that
+is the common case.
+This page lists the Meson project's stance on mixing build systems.
+The tl/dr version is that while we do provide some functionality for
+this use case, it only works for simple cases. Anything more complex
+can not be made reliable and trying to do that would burden Meson
+developers with an effectively infinite maintenance burden. Thus these
+use cases are not guaranteed to work, and even if a project using them
+works today there are no guarantees that it will work in any future
+## The definition of "build system mixing"
+For the purposes of this page, mixing build systems means any and all
+mechanisms where one build system uses build artifacts from a
+different build system's build directory in any way.
+Note that this definition does not specify what the dependencies are
+and how they are built, only how they are consumed. For example
+suppose you have a standalone dependency library that builds with
+build system X. In this case having Meson call the build system to
+build the dependency at build time would be interpreted as mixing
+build systems. On the other hand a "Flatpak-like" approach of building
+and installing the library with an external mechanism and consuming it
+via a standard build-system agnostic method such as Pkg-Config would
+not be considered build system mixing. Use of uninstalled-pkgconfig
+files is considered mixing, though.
+## What does this mean for support and compatibility?
+The Meson project will not take on any maintenance burden to ensure
+anything other than the simple builds setups as discussed above will
+work. Nor will we make changes to support these use cases that would
+worsen the user experience of users of plain Meson. This includes, but
+is not limited to, the following:
+- Any changes in other build systems that cause mixed project breakage
+ will not be considered a bug in Meson.
+- Breakages in mixed build projects will not be considered regressions
+ and such problems will never be considered release blockers,
+ regardless of what the underlying issue is.
+- Any use case that would require major changes in Meson to work
+ around missing or broken functionality in the other build system is
+ not supported. These issues must be fixed upstream.
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+short-description: Meson modules for common build operations
+# Modules
+In addition to core language features, Meson also provides a module
+system aimed at providing helper methods for common build operations.
+Using modules is simple, first you import them:
+mymod = import('somemodule')
+After this you can use the returned object to use the functionality
+mymod.do_something('text argument')
+Meson has a selection of modules to make common requirements easy to
+use. Modules can be thought of like the standard library of a
+programming language. Currently Meson provides the modules listed on
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+short-description: Setting up native compilation
+# Persistent native environments
+New in 0.49.0
+Meson has [cross files for describing cross compilation
+environments](Cross-compilation.md), for describing native
+environments it has equivalent "native files".
+Natives describe the *build machine*, and can be used to override
+properties of non-cross builds, as well as properties that are marked
+as "native" in a cross build.
+There are a couple of reasons you might want to use a native file to
+keep a persistent environment:
+* To build with a non-default native tool chain (such as clang instead of gcc)
+* To use a non-default version of another binary, such as yacc, or llvm-config
+## Changing native file settings
+All of the rules about cross files and changed settings apply to native files
+as well, see [here](Cross-compilation.md#changing-cross-file-settings)
+## Defining the environment
+See the [config-files section](Machine-files.md), for options shared by cross
+and native files.
+## Native file locations
+Like cross files, native files may be installed to user or system wide
+locations, defined as:
+ - $XDG_DATA_DIRS/meson/native
+ (/usr/local/share/meson/native:/usr/share/meson/native if $XDG_DATA_DIRS is
+ undefined)
+ - $XDG_DATA_HOME/meson/native ($HOME/.local/share/meson/native if
+ $XDG_DATA_HOME is undefined)
+The order of locations tried is as follows:
+ - A file relative to the local dir
+ - The user local location
+ - The system wide locations in order
+These files are not intended to be shipped by distributions, unless
+they are specifically for distribution packaging, they are mainly
+intended for developers.
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+short-description: Overview of the Meson build system
+# Overview
+Meson is a build system that is designed to be as user-friendly as
+possible without sacrificing performance. The main tool for this is a
+custom language that the user uses to describe the structure of his
+build. The main design goals of this language has been simplicity,
+clarity and conciseness. Much inspiration was drawn from the Python
+programming language, which is considered very readable, even to
+people who have not programmed in Python before.
+Another main idea has been to provide first class support for modern
+programming tools and best practices. These include features as varied
+as unit testing, code coverage reporting, precompiled headers and the
+like. All of these features should be immediately available to any
+project using Meson. The user should not need to hunt for third party
+macros or write shell scripts to get these features. They should just
+work out of the box.
+This power should not come at the expense of limited usability. Many
+software builds require unorthodox steps. A common example is that you
+first need to build a custom tool and then use that tool to generate
+more source code to build. This functionality needs to be supported
+and be as easy to use as other parts of the system.
+Meson follows the overall structure of other popular build systems,
+such as CMake and GNU Autotools. This means that the build is divided
+into two discrete steps: *configure step* and *build step*. The first
+step inspects the system, checks for dependencies and does all other
+steps necessary to configure the build. It then generates the actual
+build system. The second step is simply executing this generated build
+system. The end result is a bunch of *build targets*, which are
+usually executables and shared and static libraries.
+The directory that contains the source code is called the *source
+directory*. Correspondingly the directory where the output is written
+is called the *build directory*. In other build systems it is common
+to have these two be the same directory. This is called an *in-source
+build*. The case where the build directory is separate is called an
+*out-of-source build*.
+What sets Meson apart from most build systems is that it enforces a
+separate build directory. All files created by the build system are
+put in the build directory. It is actually impossible to do an
+in-source build. For people used to building inside their source tree,
+this may seem like a needless complication. However there are several
+benefits to doing only out-of-source builds. These will be explained
+in the next chapter.
+When the source code is built, a set of *unit tests* is usually
+run. They ensure that the program is working as it should. If it does,
+the build result can be *installed* after which it is ready for use.
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+# Performance comparison
+This page lists experiments comparing build performance between Meson
+and other build systems.
+- [Simple comparison](Simple-comparison.md)
+- [ARM performance test](ARM-performance-test.md)
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+# Pkg config files
+[Pkg-config](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pkg-config) is a way for
+shared libraries to declare the compiler flags needed to use them.
+There are two different ways of generating Pkg-config files in Meson.
+The first way is to build them manually with the `configure_file`
+command. The second way is to use Meson's built in Pkg-config file
+generator. The difference between the two is that the latter is very
+simple and meant for basic use cases. The former should be used when
+you need to provide a more customized solution.
+In this document we describe the simple generator approach. It is used in the following way.
+pkg = import('pkgconfig')
+libs = ... # the library/libraries users need to link against
+h = ['.', ...] # subdirectories of ${prefix}/${includedir} to add to header path
+pkg.generate(libraries : libs,
+ subdirs : h,
+ version : '1.0',
+ name : 'libsimple',
+ filebase : 'simple',
+ description : 'A simple demo library.')
+This causes a file called `simple.pc` to be created and placed into
+the install directory during the install phase.
+More information on the pkg-config module and the parameters can be
+found on the [pkgconfig-module](Pkgconfig-module.md) page.
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+# Pkgconfig module
+This module is a simple generator for
+[pkg-config](https://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/) files.
+## Usage
+pkg = import('pkgconfig')
+bar_dep = dependency('bar')
+lib = library('foo', dependencies : [bar])
+### pkg.generate()
+The generated file's properties are specified with the following
+keyword arguments.
+- `description` a string describing the library, used to set the `Description:` field
+- `extra_cflags` a list of extra compiler flags to be added to the
+ `Cflags` field after the header search path
+- `filebase` the base name to use for the pkg-config file; as an
+ example, the value of `libfoo` would produce a pkg-config file called
+ `libfoo.pc`
+- `install_dir` the directory to install to, defaults to the value of
+ option `libdir` followed by `/pkgconfig`
+- `libraries` a list of built libraries (usually results of
+ shared_library) that the user needs to link against. Arbitrary strings can
+ also be provided and they will be added into the `Libs` field. Since 0.45.0
+ dependencies of built libraries will be automatically added, see the
+ [Implicit dependencies](#implicit-dependencies) section below for the exact
+ rules. Since 0.58.0 custom_target() objects are supported as long as they are
+ linkable (has known extension such as `.a`, `.so`, etc).
+- `libraries_private` list of built libraries or strings to put in the
+ `Libs.private` field. Since 0.45.0 dependencies of built libraries will be
+ automatically added, see the [Implicit dependencies](#implicit-dependencies)
+ section below for the exact rules. Since 0.58.0 custom_target() objects are
+ supported as long as they are linkable (has known extension such as `.a`,
+ `.so`, etc).
+- `name` the name of this library, used to set the `Name:` field
+- `subdirs` which subdirs of `include` should be added to the header
+ search path, for example if you install headers into
+ `${PREFIX}/include/foobar-1`, the correct value for this argument
+ would be `foobar-1`
+- `requires` list of strings, pkgconfig-dependencies or libraries that
+ `pkgconfig.generate()` was used on to put in the `Requires` field
+- `requires_private` same as `requires` but for `Requires.private` field
+ field
+- `url` a string with a url for the library
+- `variables` a list of strings with custom variables to add to the
+ generated file. The strings must be in the form `name=value` and may
+ reference other pkgconfig variables,
+ e.g. `datadir=${prefix}/share`. The names `prefix`, `libdir` and
+ `includedir` are reserved and may not be used. *Since 0.56.0* it can also be a
+ dictionary but ordering of Meson dictionaries are not guaranteed, which could
+ cause issues when some variables reference other variables.
+ Spaces in values are escaped with `\`, this is required in the case the value is
+ a path that and is used in `cflags` or `libs` arguments. *Since 0.59.0* if
+ escaping is not desired (e.g. space separate list of values) `unescaped_variables`
+ keyword argument should be used instead.
+- `uninstalled_variables` used instead of the `variables` keyword argument, when
+ generating the uninstalled pkg-config file. Since *0.54.0*
+ Spaces in values are escaped with `\`, this is required in the case the value is
+ a path that and is used in `cflags` or `libs` arguments. *Since 0.59.0* if
+ escaping is not desired (e.g. space separate list of values)
+ `unescaped_uninstalled_variables` keyword argument should be used instead.
+- `version` a string describing the version of this library, used to set the
+ `Version:` field. (*since 0.46.0*) Defaults to the project version if unspecified.
+- `d_module_versions` a list of module version flags used when compiling
+ D sources referred to by this pkg-config file
+- `dataonly` field. (*since 0.54.0*) this is used for architecture-independent
+ pkg-config files in projects which also have architecture-dependent outputs.
+- `conflicts` (*since 0.36.0, incorrectly issued a warning prior to 0.54.0*) list of strings to be put in the `Conflicts` field.
+Since 0.46 a `StaticLibrary` or `SharedLibrary` object can optionally
+be passed as first positional argument. If one is provided a default
+value will be provided for all required fields of the pc file:
+- `install_dir` is set to `pkgconfig` folder in the same location than the provided library.
+- `description` is set to the project's name followed by the library's name.
+- `name` is set to the library's name.
+Since 0.54.0 uninstalled pkg-config files are generated as well. They
+are located in `<build dir>/meson-uninstalled/`. It is sometimes
+useful to build projects against libraries built by Meson without
+having to install them into a prefix. In order to do so, just set
+`PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<builddir>/meson-uninstalled` before building your
+application. That will cause pkg-config to prefer those
+`-uninstalled.pc` files and find libraries and headers from the Meson
+builddir. This is an experimental feature provided on a best-effort
+basis, it might not work in all use-cases.
+### Implicit dependencies
+The exact rules followed to find dependencies that are implicitly
+added into the pkg-config file have evolved over time. Here are the
+rules as of Meson *0.49.0*, previous versions might have slightly
+different behaviour.
+- Not found libraries or dependencies are ignored.
+- Libraries and dependencies are private by default (i.e. added into
+ `Requires.private:` or `Libs.private:`) unless they are explicitly added in
+ `libraries` or `requires` keyword arguments, or is the main library (first
+ positional argument).
+- Libraries and dependencies will be de-duplicated, if they are added in both
+ public and private (e.g `Requires:` and `Requires.private:`) it will be removed
+ from the private list.
+- Shared libraries (i.e. `shared_library()` and **NOT** `library()`) add only
+ `-lfoo` into `Libs:` or `Libs.private:` but their dependencies are not pulled.
+ This is because dependencies are only needed for static link.
+- Other libraries (i.e. `static_library()` or `library()`) add `-lfoo` into `Libs:`
+ or `Libs.private:` and recursively add their dependencies into `Libs.private:` or
+ `Requires.private:`.
+- Dependencies provided by pkg-config are added into `Requires:` or
+ `Requires.private:`. If a version was specified when declaring that dependency
+ it will be written into the generated file too.
+- The threads dependency (i.e. `dependency('threads')`) adds `-pthread` into
+ `Libs:` or `Libs.private:`.
+- Internal dependencies (i.e.
+ `declare_dependency(compiler_args : '-DFOO', link_args : '-Wl,something', link_with : foo)`)
+ add `compiler_args` into `Cflags:` if public, `link_args` and `link_with` into
+ `Libs:` if public or `Libs.private:` if private.
+- Other dependency types add their compiler arguments into `Cflags:` if public,
+ and linker arguments into `Libs:` if public or `Libs.private:` if private.
+- Once a pkg-config file is generated for a library using `pkg.generate(mylib)`,
+ any subsequent call to `pkg.generate()` where mylib appears, will generate a
+ `Requires:` or `Requires.private` instead of a `Libs:` or `Libs.private:`.
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+# playground
+This page is *not* part of official documentation. It exists merely
+for testing new stuff for the wiki.
+## Ref manual reformat
+The current format is not very readable. We should have something more
+like what
+or [Python](https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html) do.
+Here's a first proposal.
+ project(<project name>,
+ <languages to use, comma separated>,
+ version : <project version>,
+ subproject_dir : <alternative directory to store subprojects>,
+ meson_version : <required version of Meson>,
+ license : <string or array of licenses>,
+ default_options : <default values for project options>,
+Longer descriptions of arguments go here.
+Take two:
+## project
+ <project name>
+ <languages to use, comma separated>
+ version : <project version>
+ subproject_dir : <alternative directory to store subprojects>
+ meson_version : <required version of Meson>
+ license : <string or array of licenses>
+ default_options : <default values for project options>
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+# Porting from Autotools
+This page uses
+[AppStream-glib](https://github.com/hughsie/appstream-glib/) as an
+example project. AppStream-Glib contains some libraries, GObject
+Introspection data, tests, man pages, i18n, bash-completion with
+optional flags to build/not build support for some things.
+Meson comes with a helper script `ac_converter` that you can use to
+convert the basic autoconf checks for your project.
+## Configure.ac
+First let's look at `configure.ac` and write the same in
+Meson doesn't provide the same function, so just ignore this.
+### Defining variables
+m4_define([as_major_version], [0])
+m4_define([as_minor_version], [3])
+m4_define([as_micro_version], [6])
+ [as_major_version.as_minor_version.as_micro_version])
+as_version = meson.project_version() # set in project() below
+ver_arr = as_version.split('.')
+as_major_version = ver_arr[0]
+as_minor_version = ver_arr[1]
+as_micro_version = ver_arr[2]
+### Initializing project and setting compilers
+project('appstream-glib', 'c', version : '0.3.6')
+Note that this must be the first line of your `meson.build` file.
+You don't need to do the same in Meson, because it does not have two
+different types of files (Makefile, configure).
+### Auto headers
+conf = configuration_data()
+# Surround the version in quotes to make it a C string
+conf.set_quoted('VERSION', as_version)
+configure_file(output : 'config.h',
+ configuration : conf)
+Meson doesn't support autoheaders, you need to manually specify what
+do you want to see in header file, write `configuration_data()` object
+and use `configure_file()`.
+You can also substitute variables of type `@SOME_VAR@` with configure
+data. The details are on the [configuration page](Configuration.md).
+### Finding programs
+AC_PATH_PROG(GPERF, [gperf], [no])
+if test x$GPERF != xno ; then
+ AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GPERF,[1], [Use gperf])
+gperf = find_program('gperf', required : false)
+if gperf.found()
+ conf.set('HAVE_GPERF', 1)
+### Finding pkg-config modules
+PKG_CHECK_MODULES(SOUP, libsoup-2.4 >= 2.24)
+soup = dependency('libsoup-2.4', version : '>= 2.24')
+### Arguments
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(dep11, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-dep11],[enable DEP-11]),
+ enable_dep11=$enableval,enable_dep11=yes)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_DEP11, test x$enable_dep11 = xyes)
+if test x$enable_dep11 = xyes; then
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER(yaml.h, [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([No yaml.h])])
+ YAML_LIBS="-lyaml"
+ AC_DEFINE(AS_BUILD_DEP11,1,[Build DEP-11 code])
+if get_option('enable-dep11')
+ yaml = dependency('yaml-0.1')
+ conf.set('AS_BUILD_DEP11', 1)
+ yaml = dependency('yaml-0.1', required : false)
+option('enable-dep11', type : 'boolean', value : true, description : 'enable DEP-11')
+## Makefile.am
+Next step is `Makefile.am`. In Meson you don't need to have other
+file, you still use `meson.build`.
+### Sub directories
+ libappstream-glib
+ appstream-glib-*.tar.xz
+ *~ \
+ aclocal.m4 \
+ ChangeLog \
+ compile \
+ config.guess \
+ config.h.* \
+ config.rpath
+ README.md \
+ NEWS \
+ autogen.sh \
+ config.h
+In Meson you don't need have `*CLEANFILES`, because in Meson you are
+building in temporary directory (usually called `build`), you manually
+removing it. You also not need to use `EXTRA_DIST`, because you will
+make tarballs via `git archive` or something like this.
+### glib-compile-resources
+as-resources.c: appstream-glib.gresource.xml \
+ as-stock-icons.txt \
+ as-license-ids.txt \
+ as-blacklist-ids.txt \
+ as-category-ids.txt \
+ as-environment-ids.txt
+ $(AM_V_GEN) \
+ glib-compile-resources \
+ --sourcedir=$(srcdir) \
+ --sourcedir=$(top_builddir)/data \
+ --target=$@ \
+ --generate-source \
+ --c-name as \
+ $(srcdir)/appstream-glib.gresource.xml
+as-resources.h: appstream-glib.gresource.xml \
+ as-stock-icons.txt \
+ as-license-ids.txt \
+ as-blacklist-ids.txt \
+ as-category-ids.txt \
+ as-environment-ids.txt
+ $(AM_V_GEN) \
+ glib-compile-resources \
+ --sourcedir=$(srcdir) \
+ --sourcedir=$(top_builddir)/data \
+ --target=$@ \
+ --generate-header \
+ --c-name as \
+ $(srcdir)/appstream-glib.gresource.xml
+ as-resources.c \
+ as-resources.h
+asresources = gnome.compile_resources(
+ 'as-resources', 'appstream-glib.gresource.xml',
+ source_dir : '.',
+ c_name : 'as')
+### Headers
+libappstream_glib_includedir = $(includedir)/libappstream-glib
+libappstream_glib_include_HEADERS = \
+ appstream-glib.h \
+ as-app.h \
+ as-bundle.h \
+ as-enums.h \
+ as-icon.h \
+ as-image.h \
+ as-inf.h \
+ as-node.h \
+ as-problem.h \
+ as-provide.h \
+ as-release.h \
+ as-screenshot.h \
+ as-store.h \
+ as-tag.h \
+ as-utils.h \
+ as-version.h
+headers = [
+ 'appstream-glib.h',
+ 'as-app.h',
+ 'as-bundle.h',
+ 'as-enums.h',
+ 'as-icon.h',
+ 'as-image.h',
+ 'as-inf.h',
+ 'as-node.h',
+ 'as-problem.h',
+ 'as-provide.h',
+ 'as-release.h',
+ 'as-screenshot.h',
+ 'as-store.h',
+ 'as-tag.h',
+ 'as-utils.h',
+ 'as-version.h']
+install_headers(headers, subdir : 'libappstream-glib')
+### Libraries
+ libappstream-glib.la
+libappstream_glib_la_SOURCES = \
+ as-app.c \
+ as-app-desktop.c \
+ as-app-inf.c \
+ as-app-private.h \
+ as-app-validate.c \
+ as-bundle.c \
+ as-bundle-private.h \
+ as-cleanup.h \
+ as-enums.c \
+ as-icon.c \
+ as-icon-private.h \
+ as-image.c \
+ as-image-private.h \
+ as-inf.c \
+ as-inf.h \
+ as-node.c \
+ as-node-private.h \
+ as-problem.c \
+ as-problem.h \
+ as-provide.c \
+ as-provide-private.h \
+ as-release.c \
+ as-release-private.h \
+ as-resources.c \
+ as-resources.h \
+ as-screenshot.c \
+ as-screenshot-private.h \
+ as-store.c \
+ as-tag.c \
+ as-utils.c \
+ as-utils-private.h \
+ as-version.h \
+ as-yaml.c \
+ as-yaml.h
+libappstream_glib_la_LIBADD = \
+ $(GLIB_LIBS) \
+ $(SOUP_LIBS) \
+libappstream_glib_la_LDFLAGS = \
+ -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE) \
+ -export-dynamic \
+ -no-undefined \
+ -export-symbols-regex '^as_.*'
+sources = [
+ 'as-app.c',
+ 'as-app-desktop.c',
+ 'as-app-inf.c',
+ 'as-app-private.h',
+ 'as-app-validate.c',
+ 'as-bundle.c',
+ 'as-bundle-private.h',
+ 'as-cleanup.h',
+ 'as-enums.c',
+ 'as-icon.c',
+ 'as-icon-private.h',
+ 'as-image.c',
+ 'as-image-private.h',
+ 'as-inf.c',
+ 'as-inf.h',
+ 'as-node.c',
+ 'as-node-private.h',
+ 'as-problem.c',
+ 'as-problem.h',
+ 'as-provide.c',
+ 'as-provide-private.h',
+ 'as-release.c',
+ 'as-release-private.h',
+ asresources,
+ 'as-screenshot.c',
+ 'as-screenshot-private.h',
+ 'as-store.c',
+ 'as-tag.c',
+ 'as-utils.c',
+ 'as-utils-private.h',
+ 'as-version.h',
+ 'as-yaml.c',
+ 'as-yaml.h']
+deps = [glib, gdkpixbuf, libarchive, soup, yaml]
+mapfile = 'appstream-glib.map'
+vflag = '-Wl,--version-script,@0@/@1@'.format(meson.current_source_dir(), mapfile)
+asglib = shared_library(
+ 'appstream-glib', sources,
+ soversion : lt_current,
+ version : lt_version,
+ dependencies : deps,
+ include_directories : include_directories('@0@/..'.format(meson.current_build_dir())),
+ link_args : ['-Wl,--no-undefined', vflag],
+ link_depends : mapfile,
+ install : true)
+ as_*;
+ *;
+### Custom targets
+as-tag-private.h: as-tag.gperf
+ $(AM_V_GEN) gperf < $< > $@
+libappstream_glib_la_SOURCES += as-tag-private.h
+BUILT_SOURCES += as-tag-private.h
+if gperf.found()
+ astagpriv = custom_target('gperf as-tag',
+ output : 'as-tag-private.h',
+ input : 'as-tag.gperf',
+ command : [gperf, '@INPUT@', '--output-file', '@OUTPUT@'])
+ sources = sources + [astagpriv]
+### Global CFLAGS
+ -DLOCALSTATEDIR=\""$(localstatedir)"\" \
+add_project_arguments('-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="As"', language : 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-DAS_COMPILATION', language : 'c')
+add_project_arguments('-DLOCALSTATEDIR="/var"', language : 'c')
+### Tests
+check_PROGRAMS = \
+ as-self-test
+as_self_test_SOURCES = \
+ as-self-test.c
+as_self_test_LDADD = \
+ $(GLIB_LIBS) \
+ $(SOUP_LIBS) \
+ $(YAML_LIBS) \
+as_self_test_CFLAGS = -DTESTDATADIR=\""$(top_srcdir)/data/tests"\"
+TESTS = as-self-test
+selftest = executable(
+ 'as-self-test', 'as-self-test.c',
+ include_directories : include_directories('@0@/..'.format(meson.current_build_dir())),
+ dependencies : deps,
+ c_args : '-DTESTDATADIR="@0@/../data/tests"'.format(meson.current_source_dir()),
+ link_with : asglib)
+test('as-self-test', selftest)
+### GObject Introspection
+introspection_sources = \
+ as-app.c \
+ as-app-validate.c \
+ as-app.h \
+ as-bundle.c \
+ as-bundle.h \
+ as-enums.c \
+ as-enums.h \
+ as-icon.c \
+ as-icon.h \
+ as-image.c \
+ as-image.h \
+ as-inf.c \
+ as-inf.h \
+ as-node.c \
+ as-node.h \
+ as-problem.c \
+ as-problem.h \
+ as-provide.c \
+ as-provide.h \
+ as-release.c \
+ as-release.h \
+ as-screenshot.c \
+ as-screenshot.h \
+ as-store.c \
+ as-store.h \
+ as-tag.c \
+ as-tag.h \
+ as-utils.c \
+ as-utils.h \
+ as-version.h
+AppStreamGlib-1.0.gir: libappstream-glib.la
+AppStreamGlib_1_0_gir_INCLUDES = GObject-2.0 Gio-2.0 GdkPixbuf-2.0
+AppStreamGlib_1_0_gir_CFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
+AppStreamGlib_1_0_gir_SCANNERFLAGS = --identifier-prefix=As \
+ --symbol-prefix=as_ \
+ --warn-all \
+ --add-include-path=$(srcdir)
+AppStreamGlib_1_0_gir_EXPORT_PACKAGES = appstream-glib
+AppStreamGlib_1_0_gir_LIBS = libappstream-glib.la
+AppStreamGlib_1_0_gir_FILES = $(introspection_sources)
+INTROSPECTION_GIRS += AppStreamGlib-1.0.gir
+girdir = $(datadir)/gir-1.0
+typelibdir = $(libdir)/girepository-1.0
+typelib_DATA = $(INTROSPECTION_GIRS:.gir=.typelib)
+CLEANFILES += $(gir_DATA) $(typelib_DATA)
+introspection_sources = [
+ 'as-app.c',
+ 'as-app-validate.c',
+ 'as-app.h',
+ 'as-bundle.c',
+ 'as-bundle.h',
+ 'as-enums.c',
+ 'as-enums.h',
+ 'as-icon.c',
+ 'as-icon.h',
+ 'as-image.c',
+ 'as-image.h',
+ 'as-inf.c',
+ 'as-inf.h',
+ 'as-node.c',
+ 'as-node.h',
+ 'as-problem.c',
+ 'as-problem.h',
+ 'as-provide.c',
+ 'as-provide.h',
+ 'as-release.c',
+ 'as-release.h',
+ 'as-screenshot.c',
+ 'as-screenshot.h',
+ 'as-store.c',
+ 'as-store.h',
+ 'as-tag.c',
+ 'as-tag.h',
+ 'as-utils.c',
+ 'as-utils.h',
+ 'as-version.h']
+ sources : introspection_sources,
+ nsversion : '1.0',
+ namespace : 'AppStreamGlib',
+ symbol_prefix : 'as_',
+ identifier_prefix : 'As',
+ export_packages : 'appstream-glib',
+ includes : ['GObject-2.0', 'Gio-2.0', 'GdkPixbuf-2.0'],
+ install : true
+### GSettings
+gsettings_SCHEMAS = foo.gschema.xml
+install_data('foo.gschema.xml', install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'glib-2.0' / 'schemas')
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import subprocess
+schemadir = os.path.join(os.environ['MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX'], 'share', 'glib-2.0', 'schemas')
+if not os.environ.get('DESTDIR'):
+ print('Compiling gsettings schemas...')
+ subprocess.call(['glib-compile-schemas', schemadir])
+### gettext
+Note this example does not include `intltool` usage.
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "$GETTEXT_PACKAGE", [The prefix for our gettext translation domains.])
+XGETTEXT_OPTIONS = --from-code=UTF-8 --keyword=_ --keyword=N_ --keyword=C_:1c,2 --keyword=NC_:1c,2 --keyword=g_dngettext:2,3 --add-comments
+%.desktop: %.desktop.in
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(MSGFMT) --desktop --template $< -d $(top_srcdir)/po -o $@
+%.appdata.xml: %.appdata.xml.in
+ $(AM_V_GEN)$(MSGFMT) --xml --template $< -d $(top_srcdir)/po -o $@
+i18n = import('i18n')
+gettext_package = 'foo'
+add_project_arguments('-DGETTEXT_PACKAGE=' + gettext_package, language: 'c')
+ input: 'foo.desktop.in',
+ output: 'foo.desktop',
+ type: 'desktop',
+ po_dir: 'po',
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'applications'
+ input: 'foo.appdata.xml.in',
+ output: 'foo.appdata.xml',
+ po_dir: 'po',
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'appdata'
+i18n.gettext(gettext_package, preset: 'glib')
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Precompiled-headers.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Precompiled-headers.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e78dfe04e
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Precompiled-headers.md
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+short-description: Using precompiled headers to reduce compilation time
+# Precompiled headers
+Parsing header files of system libraries is surprisingly expensive. A
+typical source file has less than one thousand lines of code. In
+contrast the headers of large libraries can be tens of thousands of
+lines. This is especially problematic with C++, where header-only
+libraries are common and they may contain extremely complex code. This
+makes them slow to compile.
+Precompiled headers are a tool to mitigate this issue. Basically what
+they do is parse the headers and then serialize the compiler's
+internal state to disk. The downside of precompiled headers is that
+they are tricky to set up. Meson has native support for precompiled
+headers, but using them takes a little work.
+A precompiled header file is relatively simple. It is a header file
+that contains `#include` directives for the system headers to
+precompile. Here is a C++ example.
+ #include<vector>
+ #include<string>
+ #include<map>
+In Meson, precompiled header files are always per-target. That is, the
+given precompiled header is used when compiling every single file in
+the target. Due to limitations of the underlying compilers, this
+header file must not be in the same subdirectory as any of the source
+files. It is strongly recommended that you create a subdirectory
+called `pch` in the target directory and put the header files (and
+nothing else) there.
+Toggling the usage of precompiled headers
+If you wish to compile your project without precompiled headers, you
+can change the value of the pch option by passing `-Db_pch=false`
+argument to Meson at configure time or later with `meson configure`.
+You can also toggle the use of pch in a configured build directory
+with the GUI tool. You don't have to do any changes to the source
+code. Typically this is done to test whether your project compiles
+cleanly without pch (that is, checking that its #includes are in
+order) and working around compiler bugs.
+Using precompiled headers with GCC and derivatives
+Once you have a file to precompile, you can enable the use of pch for
+a given target with a *pch* keyword argument. As an example, let's
+assume you want to build a small C binary with precompiled headers.
+Let's say the source files of the binary use the system headers
+`stdio.h` and `string.h`. Then you create a header file
+`pch/myexe_pch.h` with this content:
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+And add this to Meson:
+executable('myexe', sources : sourcelist, c_pch : 'pch/myexe_pch.h')
+That's all. You should note that your source files must _not_ include
+the file `myexe_pch.h` and you must _not_ add the pch subdirectory to
+your search path. Any modification of the original program files is
+not necessary. Meson will make the compiler include the pch with
+compiler options. If you want to disable pch (because of, say,
+compiler bugs), it can be done entirely on the build system side with
+no changes to source code.
+You can use precompiled headers on any build target. If your target
+has multiple languages, you can specify multiple pch files like this.
+executable('multilang', sources : srclist,
+ c_pch : 'pch/c_pch.h', cpp_pch : 'pch/cpp_pch.h')
+Using precompiled headers with MSVC
+Since Meson version 0.50.0, precompiled headers with MSVC work just like
+with GCC. Meson will automatically create the matching pch implementation
+file for you.
+Before version 0.50.0, in addition to the header file, Meson
+also requires a corresponding source file. If your header is called
+`foo_pch.h`, the corresponding source file is usually called
+`foo_pch.cpp` and it resides in the same `pch` subdirectory as the
+header. Its contents are this:
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
+#error "This file is only for use with MSVC."
+#include "foo_pch.h"
+To enable pch, simply list both files in the target definition:
+executable('myexe', sources : srclist,
+ cpp_pch : ['pch/foo_pch.h', 'pch/foo_pch.cpp'])
+This form will work with both GCC and msvc, because Meson knows that
+GCC does not need a `.cpp` file and thus just ignores it.
+It should be noted that due to implementation details of the MSVC
+compiler, having precompiled headers for multiple languages in the
+same target is not guaranteed to work.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Project-templates.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Project-templates.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Project-templates.md
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+short-description: Project templates
+# Project templates
+To make it easier for new developers to start working, Meson ships a
+tool to generate the basic setup of different kinds of projects. This
+functionality can be accessed with the `meson init` command. A typical
+project setup would go like this:
+$ mkdir project_name
+$ cd project_name
+$ meson init --language=c --name=myproject --version=0.1
+This would create the build definitions for a helloworld type
+project. The result can be compiled as usual. For example it
+could be done like this:
+$ meson setup builddir
+$ meson compile -C builddir
+The generator has many different projects and settings. They can all
+be listed by invoking the command `meson init --help`.
+This feature is available since Meson version 0.45.0.
+# Generate a build script for an existing project
+With `meson init` you can generate a build script for an existing
+project with existing project files by running the command in the
+root directory of your project. Meson currently supports this
+feature for `executable`, and `jar` projects.
+# Build after generation of template
+It is possible to have Meson generate a build directory from the
+`meson init` command without running `meson setup`. This is done
+by passing `-b` or `--build` switch.
+$ mkdir project_name
+$ cd project_name
+$ meson init --language=c --name=myproject --version=0.1 --build
+``` \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Python-3-module.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Python-3-module.md
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+# Python 3 module
+This module provides support for dealing with Python 3. It has the
+following methods.
+This module is deprecated and replaced by the
+[python](Python-module.md) module.
+## find_python
+This is a cross platform way of finding the Python 3 executable, which
+may have a different name on different operating systems. Returns an
+[external program](Reference-manual.md#external-program-object)
+*Added 0.38.0*
+Deprecated, replaced by
+[`find_installation`](Python-module.md#find_installation) function
+from `python` module.
+## extension_module
+Creates a `shared_module` target that is named according to the naming
+conventions of the target platform. All positional and keyword
+arguments are the same as for
+`extension_module` does not add any dependencies to the library so user may
+need to add `dependencies : dependency('python3')`, see
+[Python3 dependency](Dependencies.md#python3).
+*Added 0.38.0*
+Deprecated, replaced by
+[`extension_module`](Python-module.md#extension_module) method from
+`python` module.
+## language_version
+Returns a string with the Python language version such as `3.5`.
+*Added 0.40.0*
+Deprecated, replaced by
+[`language_version`](Python-module.md#language_version) method from
+`python` module.
+## sysconfig_path
+Returns the Python sysconfig path without prefix, such as
+*Added 0.40.0*
+Deprecated, replaced by [`get_path`](Python-module.md#get_path)
+method from `python` module.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Python-module.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Python-module.md
new file mode 100644
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+short-description: Generic python module
+ - name: Mathieu Duponchelle
+ email: mathieu@centricular.com
+ years: [2018]
+ has-copyright: false
+# Python module
+This module provides support for finding and building extensions against
+python installations, be they python 2 or 3.
+*Added 0.46.0*
+## Functions
+### `find_installation()`
+``` meson
+pymod.find_installation(name_or_path, ...)
+Find a python installation matching `name_or_path`.
+That argument is optional, if not provided then the returned python
+installation will be the one used to run Meson.
+If provided, it can be:
+- A simple name, eg `python-2.7`, Meson will look for an external program
+ named that way, using [find_program]
+- A path, eg `/usr/local/bin/python3.4m`
+- One of `python2` or `python3`: in either case, the module will try
+ some alternative names: `py -2` or `py -3` on Windows, and `python`
+ everywhere. In the latter case, it will check whether the version
+ provided by the sysconfig module matches the required major version
+Keyword arguments are the following:
+- `required`: by default, `required` is set to `true` and Meson will
+ abort if no python installation can be found. If `required` is set to `false`,
+ Meson will continue even if no python installation was found. You can
+ then use the `.found()` method on the returned object to check
+ whether it was found or not. Since *0.48.0* the value of a
+ [`feature`](Build-options.md#features) option can also be passed to the
+ `required` keyword argument.
+- `disabler`: if `true` and no python installation can be found, return a
+ [disabler object](Reference-manual.md#disabler-object) instead of a not-found object.
+ *Since 0.49.0*
+- `modules`: a list of module names that this python installation must have.
+ *Since 0.51.0*
+**Returns**: a [python installation][`python_installation` object]
+## `python_installation` object
+The `python_installation` object is an [external program], with several
+added methods.
+### Methods
+#### `path()`
+str py_installation.path()
+*Added 0.50.0*
+Works like the path method of other `ExternalProgram` objects. Was not
+provided prior to 0.50.0 due to a bug.
+#### `extension_module()`
+``` meson
+shared_module py_installation.extension_module(module_name, list_of_sources, ...)
+Create a `shared_module` target that is named according to the naming
+conventions of the target platform.
+All positional and keyword arguments are the same as for
+[shared_module], excluding `name_suffix` and `name_prefix`, and with
+the addition of the following:
+- `subdir`: By default, Meson will install the extension module in
+ the relevant top-level location for the python installation, eg
+ `/usr/lib/site-packages`. When subdir is passed to this method,
+ it will be appended to that location. This keyword argument is
+ mutually exclusive with `install_dir`
+`extension_module` does not add any dependencies to the library so
+user may need to add `dependencies : py_installation.dependency()`,
+see [][`dependency()`].
+**Returns**: a [buildtarget object]
+#### `dependency()`
+``` meson
+python_dependency py_installation.dependency(...)
+This method accepts no positional arguments, and the same keyword
+arguments as the standard [dependency] function. It also supports the
+following keyword argument:
+- `embed`: *(since 0.53.0)* If true, Meson will try to find a python
+ dependency that can be used for embedding python into an
+ application.
+**Returns**: a [python dependency][`python_dependency` object]
+#### `install_sources()`
+``` meson
+void py_installation.install_sources(list_of_files, ...)
+Install actual python sources (`.py`).
+All positional and keyword arguments are the same as for
+[install_data], with the addition of the following:
+- `pure`: On some platforms, architecture independent files are
+ expected to be placed in a separate directory. However, if the
+ python sources should be installed alongside an extension module
+ built with this module, this keyword argument can be used to
+ override that behaviour. Defaults to `true`
+- `subdir`: See documentation for the argument of the same name to
+ [][`extension_module()`]
+#### `get_install_dir()`
+``` meson
+string py_installation.get_install_dir(...)
+Retrieve the directory [][`install_sources()`] will install to.
+It can be useful in cases where `install_sources` cannot be used
+directly, for example when using [configure_file].
+This function accepts no arguments, its keyword arguments are the same
+as [][`install_sources()`].
+**Returns**: A string
+#### `language_version()`
+``` meson
+string py_installation.language_version()
+Get the major.minor python version, eg `2.7`.
+The version is obtained through the `sysconfig` module.
+This function expects no arguments or keyword arguments.
+**Returns**: A string
+#### `get_path()`
+``` meson
+string py_installation.get_path(path_name, fallback)
+Get a path as defined by the `sysconfig` module.
+For example:
+``` meson
+purelib = py_installation.get_path('purelib')
+This function requires at least one argument, `path_name`,
+which is expected to be a non-empty string.
+If `fallback` is specified, it will be returned if no path
+with the given name exists. Otherwise, attempting to read
+a non-existing path will cause a fatal error.
+**Returns**: A string
+#### `has_path()`
+``` meson
+ bool py_installation.has_path(path_name)
+**Returns**: true if a path named `path_name` can be retrieved with
+[][`get_path()`], false otherwise.
+#### `get_variable()`
+``` meson
+string py_installation.get_variable(variable_name, fallback)
+Get a variable as defined by the `sysconfig` module.
+For example:
+``` meson
+py_bindir = py_installation.get_variable('BINDIR', '')
+This function requires at least one argument, `variable_name`,
+which is expected to be a non-empty string.
+If `fallback` is specified, it will be returned if no variable
+with the given name exists. Otherwise, attempting to read
+a non-existing variable will cause a fatal error.
+**Returns**: A string
+#### `has_variable()`
+``` meson
+ bool py_installation.has_variable(variable_name)
+**Returns**: true if a variable named `variable_name` can be retrieved
+with [][`get_variable()`], false otherwise.
+## `python_dependency` object
+This [dependency object] subclass will try various methods to obtain
+the compiler and linker arguments, starting with pkg-config then
+potentially using information obtained from python's `sysconfig`
+It exposes the same methods as its parent class.
+[find_program]: Reference-manual.md#find_program
+[shared_module]: Reference-manual.md#shared_module
+[external program]: Reference-manual.md#external-program-object
+[dependency]: Reference-manual.md#dependency
+[install_data]: Reference-manual.md#install_data
+[configure_file]: Reference-manual.md#configure_file
+[dependency object]: Reference-manual.md#dependency-object
+[buildtarget object]: Reference-manual.md#build-target-object
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Qt4-module.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Qt4-module.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b6241569
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Qt4-module.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Qt4 module
+This module provides support for Qt4's `moc`, `uic` and `rcc`
+tools. It is used identically to the [Qt 5 module](Qt5-module.md).
+{{ _include_qt_base.md }}
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Qt5-module.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Qt5-module.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a5eb00a0
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Qt5-module.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Qt5 module
+The Qt5 module provides tools to automatically deal with the various
+tools and steps required for Qt.
+{{ _include_qt_base.md }}
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Qt6-module.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Qt6-module.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Qt6 module
+*New in Meson 0.57.0*
+The Qt5 module provides tools to automatically deal with the various
+tools and steps required for Qt.
+{{ _include_qt_base.md }}
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Quick-guide.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Quick-guide.md
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index 000000000..c1de82048
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Quick-guide.md
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+title: Quickstart Guide
+short-description: Getting Started using Mesonbuild
+# Using Meson
+Meson has been designed to be as simple to use as possible. This page
+outlines the initial steps needed for installation, troubleshooting,
+and standard use.
+For more advanced configuration please refer to the command line help
+`meson --help` or the Meson documentation located at the
+[Mesonbuild](https://mesonbuild.com) website.
+Table of Contents:
+* [Requirements](#requirements)
+* [Installation using package manager](#installation-using-package-manager)
+* [Installation using Python](#installation-using-python)
+* [Installation from source](#installation-from-source)
+* [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
+* [Compiling a Meson project](#compiling-a-meson-project)
+* [Using Meson as a distro packager](#using-meson-as-a-distro-packager)
+* [Python 3](https://python.org)
+* [Ninja](https://github.com/ninja-build/ninja/)
+*Ninja is only needed if you use the Ninja backend. Meson can also
+generate native VS and Xcode project files.*
+Installation using package manager
+$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools \
+ python3-wheel ninja-build
+*Due to our frequent release cycle and development speed, distro packaged software may quickly become outdated.*
+Installation using Python
+Requirements: **pip3**
+The best way to receive the most up-to-date version of Mesonbuild.
+Install as a local user (recommended):
+$ pip3 install --user meson
+Install as root:
+$ pip3 install meson
+*If you are unsure whether to install as root or a local user, install
+ as a local user.*
+Installation from source
+Requirements: **git**
+Meson can be run directly from the cloned git repository.
+$ git clone https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson.git /path/to/sourcedir
+Common Issues:
+$ meson builddir
+$ bash: /usr/bin/meson: No such file or directory
+Description: The default installation prefix for the python pip module
+installation is not included in your shell environment PATH. The
+default prefix for python pip installation modules is located under
+This issue can be resolved by altering the default shell environment
+PATH to include ``/usr/local/bin``. **
+*Note: There are other ways of fixing this issue such as using
+ symlinks or copying the binaries to a default path and these methods
+ are not recommended or supported as they may break package management
+ interoperability.*
+Compiling a Meson project
+The most common use case of Meson is compiling code on a code base you
+are working on. The steps to take are very simple.
+$ cd /path/to/source/root
+$ meson builddir && cd builddir
+$ meson compile
+$ meson test
+The only thing to note is that you need to create a separate build
+directory. Meson will not allow you to build source code inside your
+source tree. All build artifacts are stored in the build directory.
+This allows you to have multiple build trees with different
+configurations at the same time. This way generated files are not
+added into revision control by accident.
+To recompile after code changes, just type `meson compile`. The build
+command is always the same. You can do arbitrary changes to source
+code and build system files and Meson will detect those and will do
+the right thing. If you want to build optimized binaries, just use the
+argument `--buildtype=debugoptimized` when running Meson. It is
+recommended that you keep one build directory for unoptimized builds
+and one for optimized ones. To compile any given configuration, just
+go into the corresponding build directory and run `meson compile`.
+Meson will automatically add compiler flags to enable debug
+information and compiler warnings (i.e. `-g` and `-Wall`). This means
+the user does not have to deal with them and can instead focus on
+Using Meson as a distro packager
+Distro packagers usually want total control on the build flags
+used. Meson supports this use case natively. The commands needed to
+build and install Meson projects are the following.
+$ cd /path/to/source/root
+$ meson --prefix /usr --buildtype=plain builddir -Dc_args=... -Dcpp_args=... -Dc_link_args=... -Dcpp_link_args=...
+$ meson compile -C builddir
+$ meson test -C builddir
+$ DESTDIR=/path/to/staging/root meson install -C builddir
+The command line switch `--buildtype=plain` tells Meson not to add its
+own flags to the command line. This gives the packager total control
+on used flags.
+This is very similar to other build systems. The only difference is
+that the `DESTDIR` variable is passed as an environment variable
+rather than as an argument to `meson install`.
+As distro builds happen always from scratch, you might consider
+enabling [unity builds](Unity-builds.md) on your packages because they
+are faster and produce better code. However there are many projects
+that do not build with unity builds enabled so the decision to use
+unity builds must be done by the packager on a case by case basis.
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+# RPM module
+The RPM module can be used to create a sample rpm spec file for a
+Meson project. It autodetects installed files, dependencies and so
+on. Using it is very simple. At the very end of your Meson project
+(that is, the end of your top level `meson.build` file) add these two
+rpm = import('rpm')
+Run Meson once on your code and the template will be written in your
+build directory. Then remove the two lines above and manually edit the
+template to add missing information. After this it is ready for use.
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+# Reference manual
+## Functions
+The following functions are available in build files. Click on each to
+see the description and usage. The objects returned by them are [list
+### add_global_arguments()
+``` meson
+ void add_global_arguments(arg1, arg2, ...)
+Adds the positional arguments to the compiler command line. This
+function has two keyword arguments:
+- `language`: specifies the language(s) that the arguments should be
+applied to. If a list of languages is given, the arguments are added
+to each of the corresponding compiler command lines. Note that there
+is no way to remove an argument set in this way. If you have an
+argument that is only used in a subset of targets, you have to specify
+it in per-target flags.
+- `native` *(since 0.48.0)*: a boolean specifying whether the arguments should be
+ applied to the native or cross compilation. If `true` the arguments
+ will only be used for native compilations. If `false` the arguments
+ will only be used in cross compilations. If omitted, the flags are
+ added to native compilations if compiling natively and cross
+ compilations (only) when cross compiling.
+The arguments are used in all compiler invocations with the exception
+of compile tests, because you might need to run a compile test with
+and without the argument in question. For this reason only the
+arguments explicitly specified are used during compile tests.
+**Note:** Usually you should use `add_project_arguments` instead,
+ because that works even when you project is used as a subproject.
+**Note:** You must pass always arguments individually `arg1, arg2,
+ ...` rather than as a string `'arg1 arg2', ...`
+### add_global_link_arguments()
+``` meson
+ void add_global_link_arguments(*arg1*, *arg2*, ...)
+Like `add_global_arguments` but the arguments are passed to the linker.
+### add_languages()
+``` meson
+ bool add_languages(*langs*)
+Add programming languages used by the project. Equivalent to having
+them in the `project` declaration. This function is usually used to
+add languages that are only used under some conditions, like this:
+project('foobar', 'c')
+if compiling_for_osx
+ add_languages('objc')
+if add_languages('cpp', required : false)
+ executable('cpp-app', 'main.cpp')
+Takes the following keyword arguments:
+- `required`: defaults to `true`, which means that if any of the languages
+specified is not found, Meson will halt. *(since 0.47.0)* The value of a
+[`feature`](Build-options.md#features) option can also be passed.
+- `native` *(since 0.54.0)*: if set to `true`, the language will be used to compile for the build
+ machine, if `false`, for the host machine.
+Returns `true` if all languages specified were found and `false` otherwise.
+If `native` is omitted, the languages may be used for either build or host
+machine, but are never required for the build machine. (i.e. it is equivalent
+to `add_languages(*langs*, native: false, required: *required*) and
+add_languages(*langs*, native: true, required: false)`. This default behaviour
+may change to `native: false` in a future Meson version.
+### add_project_arguments()
+``` meson
+ void add_project_arguments(arg1, arg2, ...)
+This function behaves in the same way as `add_global_arguments` except
+that the arguments are only used for the current project, they won't
+be used in any other subproject.
+### add_project_link_arguments()
+``` meson
+ void add_project_link_arguments(*arg1*, *arg2*, ...)
+Like `add_project_arguments` but the arguments are passed to the linker.
+### add_test_setup()
+``` meson
+ void add_test_setup(*name*, ...)
+Add a custom test setup that can be used to run the tests with a
+custom setup, for example under Valgrind. The keyword arguments are
+the following:
+- `env`: environment variables to set, such as `['NAME1=value1',
+ 'NAME2=value2']`, or an [`environment()`
+ object](#environment-object) which allows more sophisticated
+ environment juggling. *(since 0.52.0)* A dictionary is also accepted.
+- `exe_wrapper`: a list containing the wrapper command or script followed by the arguments to it
+- `gdb`: if `true`, the tests are also run under `gdb`
+- `timeout_multiplier`: a number to multiply the test timeout with.
+ *Since 0.57* if timeout_multiplier is `<= 0` the test has infinite duration,
+ in previous versions of Meson the test would fail with a timeout immediately.
+- `is_default` *(since 0.49.0)*: a bool to set whether this is the default test setup.
+ If `true`, the setup will be used whenever `meson test` is run
+ without the `--setup` option.
+- `exclude_suites` *(since 0.57.0)*: a list of test suites that should be
+ excluded when using this setup. Suites specified in the `--suite` option
+ to `meson test` will always run, overriding `add_test_setup` if necessary.
+To use the test setup, run `meson test --setup=*name*` inside the
+build dir.
+Note that all these options are also available while running the
+`meson test` script for running tests instead of `ninja test` or
+`msbuild RUN_TESTS.vcxproj`, etc depending on the backend.
+### alias_target
+``` meson
+runtarget alias_target(target_name, dep1, ...)
+*(since 0.52.0)*
+This function creates a new top-level target. Like all top-level
+targets, this integrates with the selected backend. For instance, with
+you can run it as `meson compile target_name`. This is a dummy target
+that does not execute any command, but ensures that all dependencies
+are built. Dependencies can be any build target (e.g. return value of
+[executable()](#executable), custom_target(), etc)
+### assert()
+``` meson
+ void assert(*condition*, *message*)
+Abort with an error message if `condition` evaluates to `false`.
+*(since 0.53.0)* `message` argument is optional and defaults to print the condition
+statement instead.
+### benchmark()
+``` meson
+ void benchmark(name, executable, ...)
+Creates a benchmark item that will be run when the benchmark target is
+run. The behavior of this function is identical to [`test()`](#test)
+except for:
+* benchmark() has no `is_parallel` keyword because benchmarks are not run in parallel
+* benchmark() does not automatically add the `MALLOC_PERTURB_` environment variable
+*Note:* Prior to 0.52.0 benchmark would warn that `depends` and
+`priority` were unsupported, this is incorrect.
+### both_libraries()
+``` meson
+ buildtarget = both_libraries(library_name, list_of_sources, ...)
+*(since 0.46.0)*
+Builds both a static and shared library with the given sources.
+Positional and keyword arguments are otherwise the same as for
+[`library`](#library). Source files will be compiled only once and
+object files will be reused to build both shared and static libraries,
+unless `b_staticpic` user option or `pic` argument are set to false in
+which case sources will be compiled twice.
+The returned [buildtarget](#build-target-object) always represents the
+shared library. In addition it supports the following extra methods:
+- `get_shared_lib()` returns the shared library build target
+- `get_static_lib()` returns the static library build target
+### build_target()
+Creates a build target whose type can be set dynamically with the
+`target_type` keyword argument.
+`target_type` may be set to one of:
+- `executable`
+- `shared_library`
+- `shared_module`
+- `static_library`
+- `both_libraries`
+- `library`
+- `jar`
+This declaration:
+executable(<arguments and keyword arguments>)
+is equivalent to this:
+build_target(<arguments and keyword arguments>, target_type : 'executable')
+The object returned by `build_target` and all convenience wrappers for
+`build_target` such as [`executable`](#executable) and
+[`library`](#library) has methods that are documented in the [object
+methods section](#build-target-object) below.
+### configuration_data()
+``` meson
+ configuration_data_object = configuration_data(...)
+Creates an empty configuration object. You should add your
+configuration with [its method calls](#configuration-data-object) and
+finally use it in a call to `configure_file`.
+*(since 0.49.0)* Takes an optional dictionary as first argument. If
+provided, each key/value pair is added into the `configuration_data`
+as if `set()` method was called for each of them.
+### configure_file()
+``` meson
+ generated_file = configure_file(...)
+This function can run in three modes depending on the keyword arguments
+passed to it.
+When a [`configuration_data()`](#configuration_data) object is passed
+to the `configuration:` keyword argument, it takes a template file as
+the `input:` (optional) and produces the `output:` (required) by
+substituting values from the configuration data as detailed in [the
+configuration file documentation](Configuration.md). *(since 0.49.0)*
+A dictionary can be passed instead of a
+[`configuration_data()`](#configuration_data) object.
+When a list of strings is passed to the `command:` keyword argument,
+it takes any source or configured file as the `input:` and assumes
+that the `output:` is produced when the specified command is run.
+*(since 0.47.0)* When the `copy:` keyword argument is set to `true`,
+this function will copy the file provided in `input:` to a file in the
+build directory with the name `output:` in the current directory.
+These are all the supported keyword arguments:
+- `capture` *(since 0.41.0)*: when this argument is set to true,
+ Meson captures `stdout` of the `command` and writes it to the target
+ file specified as `output`.
+- `command`: as explained above, if specified, Meson does not create
+ the file itself but rather runs the specified command, which allows
+ you to do fully custom file generation. *(since 0.52.0)* The command can contain
+ file objects and more than one file can be passed to the `input` keyword
+ argument, see [`custom_target()`](#custom_target) for details about string
+ substitutions.
+- `copy` *(since 0.47.0)*: as explained above, if specified Meson only
+ copies the file from input to output.
+- `depfile` *(since 0.52.0)*: a dependency file that the command can write listing
+ all the additional files this target depends on. A change
+ in any one of these files triggers a reconfiguration.
+- `format` *(since 0.46.0)*: the format of defines. It defaults to `meson`, and so substitutes
+`#mesondefine` statements and variables surrounded by `@` characters, you can also use `cmake`
+to replace `#cmakedefine` statements and variables with the `${variable}` syntax. Finally you can use
+`cmake@` in which case substitutions will apply on `#cmakedefine` statements and variables with
+the `@variable@` syntax.
+- `input`: the input file name. If it's not specified in configuration
+ mode, all the variables in the `configuration:` object (see above)
+ are written to the `output:` file.
+- `install` *(since 0.50.0)*: when true, this generated file is installed during
+the install step, and `install_dir` must be set and not empty. When false, this
+generated file is not installed regardless of the value of `install_dir`.
+When omitted it defaults to true when `install_dir` is set and not empty,
+false otherwise.
+- `install_dir`: the subdirectory to install the generated file to
+ (e.g. `share/myproject`), if omitted or given the value of empty
+ string, the file is not installed.
+- `install_mode` *(since 0.47.0)*: specify the file mode in symbolic format
+ and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.
+- `output`: the output file name. *(since 0.41.0)* may contain
+ `@PLAINNAME@` or `@BASENAME@` substitutions. In configuration mode,
+ the permissions of the input file (if it is specified) are copied to
+ the output file.
+- `output_format` *(since 0.47.0)*: the format of the output to generate when no input
+ was specified. It defaults to `c`, in which case preprocessor directives
+ will be prefixed with `#`, you can also use `nasm`, in which case the
+ prefix will be `%`.
+- `encoding` *(since 0.47.0)*: set the file encoding for the input and output file,
+ defaults to utf-8. The supported encodings are those of python3, see
+ [standard-encodings](https://docs.python.org/3/library/codecs.html#standard-encodings).
+### custom_target()
+``` meson
+ customtarget custom_target(*name*, ...)
+Create a custom top level build target. The only positional argument
+is the name of this target and the keyword arguments are the
+- `build_by_default` *(since 0.38.0)*: causes, when set to true, to
+ have this target be built by default. This means it will be built when
+ `meson compile` is called without any arguments. The default value is `false`.
+ *(since 0.50.0)* If `build_by_default` is explicitly set to false, `install`
+ will no longer override it. If `build_by_default` is not set, `install` will
+ still determine its default.
+- `build_always` **(deprecated)**: if `true` this target is always considered out of
+ date and is rebuilt every time. Equivalent to setting both
+ `build_always_stale` and `build_by_default` to true.
+- `build_always_stale` *(since 0.47.0)*: if `true` the target is always considered out of date.
+ Useful for things such as build timestamps or revision control tags.
+ The associated command is run even if the outputs are up to date.
+- `capture`: there are some compilers that can't be told to write
+ their output to a file but instead write it to standard output. When
+ this argument is set to true, Meson captures `stdout` and writes it
+ to the target file. Note that your command argument list may not
+ contain `@OUTPUT@` when capture mode is active.
+- `console` *(since 0.48.0)*: keyword argument conflicts with `capture`, and is meant
+ for commands that are resource-intensive and take a long time to
+ finish. With the Ninja backend, setting this will add this target
+ to [Ninja's `console` pool](https://ninja-build.org/manual.html#_the_literal_console_literal_pool),
+ which has special properties such as not buffering stdout and
+ serializing all targets in this pool.
+- `command`: command to run to create outputs from inputs. The command
+ may be strings or the return value of functions that return file-like
+ objects such as [`find_program()`](#find_program),
+ [`executable()`](#executable), [`configure_file()`](#configure_file),
+ [`files()`](#files), [`custom_target()`](#custom_target), etc.
+ Meson will automatically insert the appropriate dependencies on
+ targets and files listed in this keyword argument.
+ Note: always specify commands in array form `['commandname',
+ '-arg1', '-arg2']` rather than as a string `'commandname -arg1
+ -arg2'` as the latter will *not* work.
+- `depend_files`: files ([`string`](#string-object),
+ [`files()`](#files), or [`configure_file()`](#configure_file)) that
+ this target depends on but are not listed in the `command` keyword
+ argument. Useful for adding regen dependencies.
+- `depends`: specifies that this target depends on the specified
+ target(s), even though it does not take any of them as a command
+ line argument. This is meant for cases where you have a tool that
+ e.g. does globbing internally. Usually you should just put the
+ generated sources as inputs and Meson will set up all dependencies
+ automatically.
+- `depfile`: a dependency file that the command can write listing
+ all the additional files this target depends on, for example a C
+ compiler would list all the header files it included, and a change
+ in any one of these files triggers a recompilation
+- `input`: list of source files. *(since 0.41.0)* the list is flattened.
+- `install`: when true, this target is installed during the install step
+- `install_dir`: directory to install to
+- `install_mode` *(since 0.47.0)*: the file mode and optionally the
+ owner/uid and group/gid
+- `output`: list of output files
+- `env` *(since 0.57.0)*: environment variables to set, such as
+ `{'NAME1': 'value1', 'NAME2': 'value2'}` or `['NAME1=value1', 'NAME2=value2']`,
+ or an [`environment()` object](#environment-object) which allows more
+ sophisticated environment juggling.
+- `feed` *(since 0.59.0)*: there are some compilers that can't be told to read
+ their input from a file and instead read it from standard input. When this
+ argument is set to true, Meson feeds the input file to `stdin`. Note that
+ your argument list may not contain `@INPUT@` when feed mode is active.
+The list of strings passed to the `command` keyword argument accept
+the following special string substitutions:
+- `@INPUT@`: the full path to the input passed to `input`. If more than
+ one input is specified, all of them will be substituted as separate
+ arguments only if the command uses `'@INPUT@'` as a
+ standalone-argument. For instance, this would not work: `command :
+ ['cp', './@INPUT@']`, but this would: `command : ['cp', '@INPUT@']`.
+- `@OUTPUT@`: the full path to the output passed to `output`. If more
+ than one outputs are specified, the behavior is the same as
+ `@INPUT@`.
+- `@INPUT0@` `@INPUT1@` `...`: the full path to the input with the specified array index in `input`
+- `@OUTPUT0@` `@OUTPUT1@` `...`: the full path to the output with the specified array index in `output`
+- `@OUTDIR@`: the full path to the directory where the output(s) must be written
+- `@DEPFILE@`: the full path to the dependency file passed to `depfile`
+- `@PLAINNAME@`: the input filename, without a path
+- `@BASENAME@`: the input filename, with extension removed
+- `@PRIVATE_DIR@` *(since 0.50.1)*: path to a directory where the custom target must store all its intermediate files.
+- `@SOURCE_ROOT@`: the path to the root of the source tree. Depending on the backend,
+ this may be an absolute or a relative to current workdir path.
+- `@BUILD_ROOT@`: the path to the root of the build tree. Depending on the backend,
+ this may be an absolute or a relative to current workdir path.
+- `@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@`: this is the directory where the currently
+ processed meson.build is located in. Depending on the backend,
+ this may be an absolute or a relative to current workdir path.
+*(since 0.47.0)* The `depfile` keyword argument also accepts the
+ `@BASENAME@` and `@PLAINNAME@` substitutions.
+The returned object also has methods that are documented in the
+[object methods section](#custom-target-object) below.
+**Note:** Assuming that `command:` is executed by a POSIX `sh` shell
+is not portable, notably to Windows. Instead, consider using a
+`native: true` [executable()](#executable), or a python script.
+### declare_dependency()
+``` meson
+ dependency_object declare_dependency(...)
+This function returns a [dependency object](#dependency-object) that
+behaves like the return value of [`dependency`](#dependency) but is
+internal to the current build. The main use case for this is in
+subprojects. This allows a subproject to easily specify how it should
+be used. This makes it interchangeable with the same dependency that
+is provided externally by the system. This function has the following
+keyword arguments:
+- `compile_args`: compile arguments to use.
+- `dependencies`: other dependencies needed to use this dependency.
+- `include_directories`: the directories to add to header search path,
+ must be include_directories objects or *(since 0.50.0)* plain strings
+- `link_args`: link arguments to use.
+- `link_with`: libraries to link against.
+- `link_whole` *(since 0.46.0)*: libraries to link fully, same as [`executable`](#executable).
+- `sources`: sources to add to targets (or generated header files
+ that should be built before sources including them are built)
+- `version`: the version of this dependency, such as `1.2.3`. Defaults to the
+ project version.
+- `variables` *(since 0.54.0)*: a dictionary of arbitrary strings, this is meant to be used
+ in subprojects where special variables would be provided via cmake or
+ pkg-config. *since 0.56.0* it can also be a list of `'key=value'` strings.
+### dependency()
+``` meson
+ dependency_object dependency(*dependency_name*, ...)
+Finds an external dependency (usually a library installed on your
+system) with the given name with `pkg-config` and [with
+CMake](Dependencies.md#cmake) if `pkg-config` fails. Additionally,
+frameworks (OSX only) and [library-specific fallback detection
+are also supported.
+Dependencies can also be resolved in two other ways:
+* if the same name was used in a `meson.override_dependency` prior to
+ the call to `dependency`, the overriding dependency will be returned
+ unconditionally; that is, the overriding dependency will be used
+ independent of whether an external dependency is installed in the system.
+ Typically, `meson.override_dependency` will have been used by a
+ subproject.
+* by a fallback subproject which, if needed, will be brought into the current
+ build specification as if [`subproject()`](#subproject) had been called.
+ The subproject can be specified with the `fallback` argument. Alternatively,
+ if the `fallback` argument is absent, *since 0.55.0* Meson can
+ automatically identify a subproject as a fallback if a wrap file
+ [provides](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md#provide-section) the
+ dependency, or if a subproject has the same name as the dependency.
+ In the latter case, the subproject must use `meson.override_dependency` to
+ specify the replacement, or Meson will report a hard error. See the
+ [Wrap documentation](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md#provide-section)
+ for more details. This automatic search can be controlled using the
+ `allow_fallback` keyword argument.
+This function supports the following keyword arguments:
+- `default_options` *(since 0.37.0)*: an array of default option values
+ that override those set in the subproject's `meson_options.txt`
+ (like `default_options` in [`project()`](#project), they only have
+ effect when Meson is run for the first time, and command line
+ arguments override any default options in build files)
+- `allow_fallback` (boolean argument, *since 0.56.0*): specifies whether Meson
+ should automatically pick a fallback subproject in case the dependency
+ is not found in the system. If `true` and the dependency is not found
+ on the system, Meson will fallback to a subproject that provides this
+ dependency. If `false`, Meson will not fallback even if a subproject
+ provides this dependency. By default, Meson will do so if `required`
+ is `true` or [`enabled`](Build-options.md#features); see the [Wrap
+ documentation](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md#provide-section)
+ for more details.
+- `fallback` (string or array argument): manually specifies a subproject
+ fallback to use in case the dependency is not found in the system.
+ This is useful if the automatic search is not applicable or if you
+ want to support versions of Meson older than 0.55.0. If the value is an
+ array `['subproj_name', 'subproj_dep']`, the first value is the name
+ of the subproject and the second is the variable name in that
+ subproject that contains a dependency object such as the return
+ value of [`declare_dependency`](#declare_dependency) or
+ [`dependency()`](#dependency), etc. Note that this means the
+ fallback dependency may be a not-found dependency, in which
+ case the value of the `required:` kwarg will be obeyed.
+ *Since 0.54.0* the value can be a single string, the subproject name;
+ in this case the subproject must use
+ `meson.override_dependency('dependency_name', subproj_dep)`
+ to specify the dependency object used in the superproject.
+ If the value is an empty list, it has the same effect as
+ `allow_fallback: false`.
+- `language` *(since 0.42.0)*: defines what language-specific
+ dependency to find if it's available for multiple languages.
+- `method`: defines the way the dependency is detected, the default is
+ `auto` but can be overridden to be e.g. `qmake` for Qt development,
+ and [different dependencies support different values](
+ Dependencies.md#dependencies-with-custom-lookup-functionality)
+ for this (though `auto` will work on all of them)
+- `native`: if set to `true`, causes Meson to find the dependency on
+ the build machine system rather than the host system (i.e. where the
+ cross compiled binary will run on), usually only needed if you build
+ a tool to be used during compilation.
+- `not_found_message` *(since 0.50.0)*: an optional string that will
+ be printed as a `message()` if the dependency was not found.
+- `required`: when set to false, Meson will proceed with the build
+ even if the dependency is not found. *(since 0.47.0)* The value of a
+ [`feature`](Build-options.md#features) option can also be passed.
+- `static`: tells the dependency provider to try to get static
+ libraries instead of dynamic ones (note that this is not supported
+ by all dependency backends)
+- `version` *(since 0.37.0)*: specifies the required version, a string containing a
+ comparison operator followed by the version string, examples include
+ `>1.0.0`, `<=2.3.5` or `3.1.4` for exact matching.
+ You can also specify multiple restrictions by passing a list to this
+ keyword argument, such as: `['>=3.14.0', '<=4.1.0']`.
+ These requirements are never met if the version is unknown.
+- `include_type` *(since 0.52.0)*: an enum flag, marking how the dependency
+ flags should be converted. Supported values are `'preserve'`, `'system'` and
+ `'non-system'`. System dependencies may be handled differently on some
+ platforms, for instance, using `-isystem` instead of `-I`, where possible.
+ If `include_type` is set to `'preserve'`, no additional conversion will be
+ performed. The default value is `'preserve'`.
+- other
+keywords may also be accepted (e.g. `modules` specifies submodules to use for
+dependencies such as Qt5 or Boost. `components` allows the user to manually
+add CMake `COMPONENTS` for the `find_package` lookup)
+- `disabler` *(since 0.49.0)*: if `true` and the dependency couldn't be found,
+ returns a [disabler object](#disabler-object) instead of a not-found dependency.
+If dependency_name is `''`, the dependency is always not found. So
+with `required: false`, this always returns a dependency object for
+which the `found()` method returns `false`, and which can be passed
+like any other dependency to the `dependencies:` keyword argument of a
+`build_target`. This can be used to implement a dependency which is
+sometimes not required e.g. in some branches of a conditional, or with
+a `fallback:` kwarg, can be used to declare an optional dependency
+that only looks in the specified subproject, and only if that's
+allowed by `--wrap-mode`.
+The returned object also has methods that are documented in the
+[object methods section](#dependency-object) below.
+### disabler()
+*(since 0.44.0)*
+Returns a [disabler object](#disabler-object).
+### error()
+``` meson
+ void error(message)
+Print the argument string and halts the build process.
+*(since 0.58.0)* Can take more than one argument that will be separated by
+### environment()
+``` meson
+ environment_object environment(...)
+*(since 0.35.0)*
+Returns an empty [environment variable object](#environment-object).
+*(since 0.52.0)* Takes an optional dictionary as first argument. If
+provided, each key/value pair is added into the `environment_object`
+as if `set()` method was called for each of them.
+### executable()
+``` meson
+ buildtarget executable(*exe_name*, *sources*, ...)
+Creates a new executable. The first argument specifies its name and
+the remaining positional arguments define the input files to use. They
+can be of the following types:
+- Strings relative to the current source directory
+- [`files()`](#files) objects defined in any preceding build file
+- The return value of configure-time generators such as [`configure_file()`](#configure_file)
+- The return value of build-time generators such as
+ [`custom_target()`](#custom_target) or
+ [`generator.process()`](#generator-object)
+These input files can be sources, objects, libraries, or any other
+file. Meson will automatically categorize them based on the extension
+and use them accordingly. For instance, sources (`.c`, `.cpp`,
+`.vala`, `.rs`, etc) will be compiled and objects (`.o`, `.obj`) and
+libraries (`.so`, `.dll`, etc) will be linked.
+With the Ninja backend, Meson will create a build-time [order-only
+dependency](https://ninja-build.org/manual.html#ref_dependencies) on
+all generated input files, including unknown files. This is needed to
+bootstrap the generation of the real dependencies in the
+[depfile](https://ninja-build.org/manual.html#ref_headers) generated
+by your compiler to determine when to rebuild sources. Ninja relies on
+this dependency file for all input files, generated and non-generated.
+The behavior is similar for other backends.
+Executable supports the following keyword arguments. Note that just
+like the positional arguments above, these keyword arguments can also
+be passed to [shared and static libraries](#library).
+- `<languagename>_pch`: precompiled header file to use for the given language
+- `<languagename>_args`: compiler flags to use for the given language;
+ eg: `cpp_args` for C++
+- `build_by_default` *(since 0.38.0)*: causes, when set to true, to
+ have this target be built by default. This means it will be built when
+ `meson compile` is called without any arguments. The default value is
+ `true` for all built target types.
+- `build_rpath`: a string to add to target's rpath definition in the
+ build dir, but which will be removed on install
+- `dependencies`: one or more objects created with
+ [`dependency`](#dependency) or [`find_library`](#compiler-object)
+ (for external deps) or [`declare_dependency`](#declare_dependency)
+ (for deps built by the project)
+- `extra_files`: not used for the build itself but are shown as
+ source files in IDEs that group files by targets (such as Visual
+ Studio)
+- `gui_app`: when set to true flags this target as a GUI application
+ on platforms where this makes a differerence, **deprecated** since
+ 0.56.0, use `win_subsystem` instead.
+- `link_args`: flags to use during linking. You can use UNIX-style
+ flags here for all platforms.
+- `link_depends`: strings, files, or custom targets the link step
+ depends on such as a symbol visibility map. The purpose is to
+ automatically trigger a re-link (but not a re-compile) of the target
+ when this file changes.
+- `link_language` *(since 0.51.0)* *(broken until 0.55.0)*: makes the linker for this
+ target be for the specified language. It is generally unnecessary to set
+ this, as Meson will detect the right linker to use in most cases. There are
+ only two cases where this is needed. One, your main function in an
+ executable is not in the language Meson picked, or second you want to force
+ a library to use only one ABI.
+- `link_whole` *(since 0.40.0)*: links all contents of the given static libraries
+ whether they are used by not, equivalent to the `-Wl,--whole-archive` argument flag of GCC.
+ *(since 0.41.0)* If passed a list that list will be flattened.
+ *(since 0.51.0)* This argument also accepts outputs produced by
+ custom targets. The user must ensure that the output is a library in
+ the correct format.
+- `link_with`: one or more shared or static libraries (built by this
+ project) that this target should be linked with. *(since 0.41.0)* If passed a
+ list this list will be flattened. *(since 0.51.0)* The arguments can also be custom targets.
+ In this case Meson will assume that merely adding the output file in the linker command
+ line is sufficient to make linking work. If this is not sufficient,
+ then the build system writer must write all other steps manually.
+- `export_dynamic` *(since 0.45.0)*: when set to true causes the target's symbols to be
+ dynamically exported, allowing modules built using the
+ [`shared_module`](#shared_module) function to refer to functions,
+ variables and other symbols defined in the executable itself. Implies
+ the `implib` argument.
+- `implib` *(since 0.42.0)*: when set to true, an import library is generated for the
+ executable (the name of the import library is based on *exe_name*).
+ Alternatively, when set to a string, that gives the base name for
+ the import library. The import library is used when the returned
+ build target object appears in `link_with:` elsewhere. Only has any
+ effect on platforms where that is meaningful (e.g. Windows). Implies
+ the `export_dynamic` argument.
+- `implicit_include_directories` *(since 0.42.0)*: a boolean telling whether Meson
+ adds the current source and build directories to the include path,
+ defaults to `true`.
+- `include_directories`: one or more objects created with the
+ `include_directories` function, or *(since 0.50.0)* strings, which
+ will be transparently expanded to include directory objects
+- `install`: when set to true, this executable should be installed, defaults to `false`
+- `install_dir`: override install directory for this file. The value is
+ relative to the `prefix` specified. F.ex, if you want to install
+ plugins into a subdir, you'd use something like this: `install_dir :
+ get_option('libdir') / 'projectname-1.0'`.
+- `install_mode` *(since 0.47.0)*: specify the file mode in symbolic format
+ and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.
+- `install_rpath`: a string to set the target's rpath to after install
+ (but *not* before that). On Windows, this argument has no effect.
+- `objects`: list of prebuilt object files (usually for third party
+ products you don't have source to) that should be linked in this
+ target, **never** use this for object files that you build yourself.
+- `name_suffix`: the string that will be used as the extension for the
+ target by overriding the default. By default on Windows this is
+ `exe` and on other platforms it is omitted. Set this to `[]`, or omit
+ the keyword argument for the default behaviour.
+- `override_options` *(since 0.40.0)*: takes an array of strings in the same format as
+ `project`'s `default_options` overriding the values of these options
+ for this target only.
+- `gnu_symbol_visibility` *(since 0.48.0)*: specifies how symbols should be exported, see
+ e.g [the GCC Wiki](https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/Visibility) for more
+ information. This value can either be an empty string or one of
+ `default`, `internal`, `hidden`, `protected` or `inlineshidden`, which
+ is the same as `hidden` but also includes things like C++ implicit
+ constructors as specified in the GCC manual. Ignored on compilers that
+ do not support GNU visibility arguments.
+- `d_import_dirs`: list of directories to look in for string imports used
+ in the D programming language
+- `d_unittest`: when set to true, the D modules are compiled in debug mode
+- `d_module_versions`: list of module version identifiers set when compiling D sources
+- `d_debug`: list of module debug identifiers set when compiling D sources
+- `pie` *(since 0.49.0)*: build a position-independent executable
+- `native`: is a boolean controlling whether the target is compiled for the
+ build or host machines. Defaults to false, building for the host machine.
+- `win_subsystem` *(since 0.56.0)* specifies the subsystem type to use
+ on the Windows platform. Typical values include `console` for text
+ mode programs and `windows` for gui apps. The value can also contain
+ version specification such as `windows,6.0`. See [MSDN
+ documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/subsystem-specify-subsystem)
+ for the full list. The default value is `console`.
+The list of `sources`, `objects`, and `dependencies` is always
+flattened, which means you can freely nest and add lists while
+creating the final list.
+The returned object also has methods that are documented in the
+[object methods section](#build-target-object) below.
+### find_library()
+*(since 0.31.0)* **(deprecated)** Use `find_library()` method of
+[the compiler object](#compiler-object) as obtained from
+### find_program()
+``` meson
+ program find_program(program_name1, program_name2, ...)
+`program_name1` here is a string that can be an executable or script
+to be searched for in `PATH` or other places inside the project.
+The search order is:
+1. Program overrides set via [`meson.override_find_program()`](Reference-manual.md#meson-object)
+1. [`[provide]` sections](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md#provide-section)
+ in subproject wrap files, if [`wrap_mode`](Builtin-options.md#core-options) is
+ set to `forcefallback`
+1. [`[binaries]` section](Machine-files.md#binaries) in your machine files
+1. Directories provided using the `dirs:` kwarg (see below)
+1. Project's source tree relative to the current subdir
+ - If you use the return value of [`configure_file()`](#configure_file), the
+ current subdir inside the build tree is used instead
+1. `PATH` environment variable
+1. [`[provide]` sections](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md#provide-section) in
+ subproject wrap files, if [`wrap_mode`](Builtin-options.md#core-options) is
+ set to anything other than `nofallback`
+*(since 0.37.0)* `program_name2` and later positional arguments are used as fallback
+strings to search for. This is meant to be used for cases where the
+program may have many alternative names, such as `foo` and
+`foo.py`. The function will check for the arguments one by one and the
+first one that is found is returned.
+Keyword arguments are the following:
+- `required` By default, `required` is set to `true` and Meson will
+ abort if no program can be found. If `required` is set to `false`,
+ Meson continue even if none of the programs can be found. You can
+ then use the `.found()` method on the [returned object](#external-program-object) to check
+ whether it was found or not. *(since 0.47.0)* The value of a
+ [`feature`](Build-options.md#features) option can also be passed to the
+ `required` keyword argument.
+- `native` *(since 0.43.0)*: defines how this executable should be searched. By default
+ it is set to `false`, which causes Meson to first look for the
+ executable in the cross file (when cross building) and if it is not
+ defined there, then from the system. If set to `true`, the cross
+ file is ignored and the program is only searched from the system.
+- `disabler` *(since 0.49.0)*: if `true` and the program couldn't be found, return a
+ [disabler object](#disabler-object) instead of a not-found object.
+- `version` *(since 0.52.0)*: specifies the required version, see
+ [`dependency()`](#dependency) for argument format. The version of the program
+ is determined by running `program_name --version` command. If stdout is empty
+ it fallbacks to stderr. If the output contains more text than simply a version
+ number, only the first occurrence of numbers separated by dots is kept.
+ If the output is more complicated than that, the version checking will have to
+ be done manually using [`run_command()`](#run_command).
+- `dirs` *(since 0.53.0)*: extra list of absolute paths where to look for program
+ names.
+Meson will also autodetect scripts with a shebang line and run them
+with the executable/interpreter specified in it both on Windows
+(because the command invocator will reject the command otherwise) and
+Unixes (if the script file does not have the executable bit set).
+Hence, you *must not* manually add the interpreter while using this
+script as part of a list of commands.
+If you need to check for a program in a non-standard location, you can
+just pass an absolute path to `find_program`, e.g.
+setcap = find_program('setcap', '/usr/sbin/setcap', '/sbin/setcap', required : false)
+It is also possible to pass an array to `find_program` in case you
+need to construct the set of paths to search on the fly:
+setcap = find_program(['setcap', '/usr/sbin/setcap', '/sbin/setcap'], required : false)
+The returned object also has methods that are documented in the
+[object methods section](#external-program-object) below.
+### files()
+``` meson
+ file_array files(list_of_filenames)
+This command takes the strings given to it in arguments and returns
+corresponding File objects that you can use as sources for build
+targets. The difference is that file objects remember the subdirectory
+they were defined in and can be used anywhere in the source tree. As
+an example suppose you have source file `foo.cpp` in subdirectory
+`bar1` and you would like to use it in a build target that is defined
+in `bar2`. To make this happen you first create the object in `bar1`
+like this:
+ foofile = files('foo.cpp')
+Then you can use it in `bar2` like this:
+ executable('myprog', 'myprog.cpp', foofile, ...)
+Meson will then do the right thing.
+### generator()
+``` meson
+ generator_object generator(*executable*, ...)
+See also: [`custom_target`](#custom_target)
+This function creates a [generator object](#generator-object) that can
+be used to run custom compilation commands. The only positional
+argument is the executable to use. It can either be a self-built
+executable or one returned by find_program. Keyword arguments are the
+- `arguments`: a list of template strings that will be the command line
+ arguments passed to the executable
+- `depends` *(since 0.51.0)*: is an array of build targets that must be built before this
+ generator can be run. This is used if you have a generator that calls
+ a second executable that is built in this project.
+- `depfile`: is a template string pointing to a dependency file that a
+ generator can write listing all the additional files this target
+ depends on, for example a C compiler would list all the header files
+ it included, and a change in any one of these files triggers a
+ recompilation
+- `output`: a template string (or list of template strings) defining
+ how an output file name is (or multiple output names are) generated
+ from a single source file name
+- `capture` *(since 0.43.0)*: when this argument is set to true, Meson
+ captures `stdout` of the `executable` and writes it to the target file
+ specified as `output`.
+The returned object also has methods that are documented in the
+[object methods section](#generator-object) below.
+The template strings passed to all the above keyword arguments accept
+the following special substitutions:
+- `@PLAINNAME@`: the complete input file name, e.g: `foo.c` becomes `foo.c` (unchanged)
+- `@BASENAME@`: the base of the input filename, e.g.: `foo.c.y` becomes `foo.c` (extension is removed)
+Each string passed to the `output` keyword argument *must* be
+constructed using one or both of these two substitutions.
+In addition to the above substitutions, the `arguments` keyword
+argument also accepts the following:
+- `@OUTPUT@`: the full path to the output file
+- `@INPUT@`: the full path to the input file
+- `@DEPFILE@`: the full path to the depfile
+- `@SOURCE_DIR@`: the full path to the root of the source tree
+- `@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@`: this is the directory where the currently processed meson.build is located in
+- `@BUILD_DIR@`: the full path to the root of the build dir where the output will be placed
+NOTE: Generators should only be used for outputs that will ***only***
+be used as inputs for a [build target](#build_target) or a [custom
+target](#custom_target). When you use the processed output of a
+generator in multiple targets, the generator will be run multiple
+times to create outputs for each target. Each output will be created
+in a target-private directory `@BUILD_DIR@`.
+If you want to generate files for general purposes such as for
+generating headers to be used by several sources, or data that will be
+installed, and so on, use a [`custom_target`](#custom_target) instead.
+### get_option()
+``` meson
+ value get_option(option_name)
+Obtains the value of the [project build option](Build-options.md)
+specified in the positional argument.
+Note that the value returned for built-in options that end in `dir`
+such as `bindir` and `libdir` is always a path relative to (and
+inside) the `prefix`.
+The only exceptions are: `sysconfdir`, `localstatedir`, and
+`sharedstatedir` which will return the value passed during
+configuration as-is, which may be absolute, or relative to `prefix`.
+[`install_dir` arguments](Installing.md) handles that as expected, but
+if you need the absolute path to one of these e.g. to use in a define
+etc., you should use `get_option('prefix') /
+For options of type `feature` a
+[feature option object](#feature-option-object)
+is returned instead of a string.
+See [`feature` options](Build-options.md#features)
+documentation for more details.
+### get_variable()
+``` meson
+ value get_variable(variable_name, fallback)
+This function can be used to dynamically obtain a variable. `res =
+get_variable(varname, fallback)` takes the value of `varname` (which
+must be a string) and stores the variable of that name into `res`. If
+the variable does not exist, the variable `fallback` is stored to
+`res`instead. If a fallback is not specified, then attempting to read
+a non-existing variable will cause a fatal error.
+### import()
+ module_object import(string, required : bool | feature, disabler : bool)
+Imports the given extension module. Returns an object that can be used to call
+the methods of the module. Here's an example for a hypothetical `testmod`
+ tmod = import('testmod')
+ tmod.do_something()
+*Since 0.59.0* the required and disabler keyword arguments
+### include_directories()
+``` meson
+ include_object include_directories(directory_names, ...)
+Returns an opaque object which contains the directories (relative to
+the current directory) given in the positional arguments. The result
+can then be passed to the `include_directories:` keyword argument when
+building executables or libraries. You can use the returned object in
+any subdirectory you want, Meson will make the paths work
+Note that this function call itself does not add the directories into
+the search path, since there is no global search path. For something
+like that, see [`add_project_arguments()`](#add_project_arguments).
+See also `implicit_include_directories` parameter of
+[executable()](#executable), which adds current source and build
+directories to include path.
+Each directory given is converted to two include paths: one that is
+relative to the source root and one relative to the build root.
+For example, with the following source tree layout in
+inc = include_directories('.')
+sources = [...]
+executable('some-tool', sources,
+ include_directories : inc,
+ ...)
+If the build tree is `/tmp/build-tree`, the following include paths
+will be added to the `executable()` call: `-I/tmp/build-tree/include
+This function has one keyword argument `is_system` which, if set,
+flags the specified directories as system directories. This means that
+they will be used with the `-isystem` compiler argument rather than
+`-I` on compilers that support this flag (in practice everything
+except Visual Studio).
+### install_data()
+``` meson
+ void install_data(list_of_files, ...)
+Installs files from the source tree that are listed as positional
+arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported:
+- `install_dir`: the absolute or relative path to the installation
+ directory. If this is a relative path, it is assumed to be relative
+ to the prefix.
+ If omitted, the directory defaults to `{datadir}/{projectname}` *(since 0.45.0)*.
+- `install_mode`: specify the file mode in symbolic format and
+ optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files. For
+ example:
+ `install_mode: 'rw-r--r--'` for just the file mode
+ `install_mode: ['rw-r--r--', 'nobody', 'nogroup']` for the file mode and the user/group
+ `install_mode: ['rw-r-----', 0, 0]` for the file mode and uid/gid
+ To leave any of these three as the default, specify `false`.
+- `rename` *(since 0.46.0)*: if specified renames each source file into corresponding
+ file from `rename` list. Nested paths are allowed and they are
+ joined with `install_dir`. Length of `rename` list must be equal to
+ the number of sources.
+See [Installing](Installing.md) for more examples.
+### install_headers()
+``` meson
+ void install_headers(list_of_headers, ...)
+Installs the specified header files from the source tree into the
+system header directory (usually `/{prefix}/include`) during the
+install step. This directory can be overridden by specifying it with
+the `install_dir` keyword argument. If you just want to install into a
+subdirectory of the system header directory, then use the `subdir`
+argument. As an example if this has the value `myproj` then the
+headers would be installed to `/{prefix}/include/myproj`.
+For example, this will install `common.h` and `kola.h` into
+install_headers('common.h', 'proj/kola.h')
+This will install `common.h` and `kola.h` into `/{prefix}/include/myproj`:
+install_headers('common.h', 'proj/kola.h', subdir : 'myproj')
+This will install `common.h` and `kola.h` into `/{prefix}/cust/myproj`:
+install_headers('common.h', 'proj/kola.h', install_dir : 'cust', subdir : 'myproj')
+Accepts the following keywords:
+- `install_mode` *(since 0.47.0)*: can be used to specify the file mode in symbolic
+ format and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.
+ An example value could be `['rwxr-sr-x', 'root', 'root']`.
+### install_man()
+``` meson
+ void install_man(list_of_manpages, ...)
+Installs the specified man files from the source tree into system's
+man directory during the install step. This directory can be
+overridden by specifying it with the `install_dir` keyword argument.
+Accepts the following keywords:
+- `install_mode` *(since 0.47.0)*: can be used to specify the file mode in symbolic
+ format and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.
+ An example value could be `['rwxr-sr-x', 'root', 'root']`.
+- `locale` *(since 0.58.0)*: can be used to specify the locale into which the
+ man page will be installed within the manual page directory tree.
+ An example manual might be `foo.fr.1` with a locale of `fr`, such
+ that `{mandir}/{locale}/man{num}/foo.1` becomes the installed file.
+*(since 0.49.0)* [manpages are no longer compressed
+ implicitly][install_man_49].
+### install_subdir()
+``` meson
+ void install_subdir(subdir_name,
+ install_dir : ...,
+ exclude_files : ...,
+ exclude_directories : ...,
+ strip_directory : ...)
+Installs the entire given subdirectory and its contents from the
+source tree to the location specified by the keyword argument
+If the subdirectory does not exist in the source tree, an empty directory is
+created in the specified location. *(since 0.45.0)* A newly created
+subdirectory may only be created in the keyword argument `install_dir`.
+The following keyword arguments are supported:
+- `exclude_files`: a list of file names that should not be installed.
+ Names are interpreted as paths relative to the `subdir_name` location.
+- `exclude_directories`: a list of directory names that should not be installed.
+ Names are interpreted as paths relative to the `subdir_name` location.
+- `install_dir`: the location to place the installed subdirectory.
+- `install_mode` *(since 0.47.0)*: the file mode in symbolic format and optionally
+ the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.
+- `strip_directory` *(since 0.45.0)*: install directory contents. `strip_directory=false` by default.
+ If `strip_directory=true` only the last component of the source path is used.
+For a given directory `foo`:
+ bar/
+ file1
+ file2
+`install_subdir('foo', install_dir : 'share', strip_directory : false)` creates
+ foo/
+ bar/
+ file1
+ file2
+`install_subdir('foo', install_dir : 'share', strip_directory : true)` creates
+ bar/
+ file1
+ file2
+`install_subdir('foo/bar', install_dir : 'share', strip_directory : false)` creates
+ bar/
+ file1
+`install_subdir('foo/bar', install_dir : 'share', strip_directory : true)` creates
+ file1
+`install_subdir('new_directory', install_dir : 'share')` creates
+ new_directory/
+### is_disabler()
+``` meson
+ bool is_disabler(var)
+*(since 0.52.0)*
+Returns true if a variable is a disabler and false otherwise.
+### is_variable()
+``` meson
+ bool is_variable(varname)
+Returns true if a variable of the given name exists and false otherwise.
+### jar()
+ jar_object jar(name, list_of_sources, ...)
+Build a jar from the specified Java source files. Keyword arguments
+are the same as [`executable`](#executable)'s, with the addition of
+`main_class` which specifies the main class to execute when running
+the jar with `java -jar file.jar`.
+### join_paths()
+``` meson
+string join_paths(string1, string2, ...)
+*(since 0.36.0)*
+Joins the given strings into a file system path segment. For example
+`join_paths('foo', 'bar')` results in `foo/bar`. If any one of the
+individual segments is an absolute path, all segments before it are
+dropped. That means that `join_paths('foo', '/bar')` returns `/bar`.
+**Warning** Don't use `join_paths()` for sources in [`library`](#library) and
+[`executable`](#executable), you should use [`files`](#files) instead.
+*(since 0.49.0)* Using the`/` operator on strings is equivalent to calling
+# res1 and res2 will have identical values
+res1 = join_paths(foo, bar)
+res2 = foo / bar
+### library()
+``` meson
+ buildtarget library(library_name, list_of_sources, ...)
+Builds a library that is either static, shared or both depending on
+the value of `default_library`
+user [option](https://mesonbuild.com/Builtin-options.html).
+You should use this instead of [`shared_library`](#shared_library),
+[`static_library`](#static_library) or
+[`both_libraries`](#both_libraries) most of the time. This allows you
+to toggle your entire project (including subprojects) from shared to
+static with only one option. This option applies to libraries being
+built internal to the entire project. For external dependencies, the
+default library type preferred is shared. This can be adapted on a per
+library basis using the [dependency()](#dependency)) `static` keyword.
+The keyword arguments for this are the same as for
+[`executable`](#executable) with the following additions:
+- `name_prefix`: the string that will be used as the prefix for the
+ target output filename by overriding the default (only used for
+ libraries). By default this is `lib` on all platforms and compilers,
+ except for MSVC shared libraries where it is omitted to follow
+ convention, and Cygwin shared libraries where it is `cyg`.
+- `name_suffix`: the string that will be used as the suffix for the
+ target output filename by overriding the default (see also:
+ [executable()](#executable)). By default, for shared libraries this
+ is `dylib` on macOS, `dll` on Windows, and `so` everywhere else.
+ For static libraries, it is `a` everywhere. By convention MSVC
+ static libraries use the `lib` suffix, but we use `a` to avoid a
+ potential name clash with shared libraries which also generate
+ import libraries with a `lib` suffix.
+- `rust_crate_type`: specifies the crate type for Rust
+ libraries. Defaults to `dylib` for shared libraries and `rlib` for
+ static libraries.
+`static_library`, `shared_library` and `both_libraries` also accept
+these keyword arguments.
+Note: You can set `name_prefix` and `name_suffix` to `[]`, or omit
+them for the default behaviour for each platform.
+### message()
+``` meson
+ void message(text)
+This function prints its argument to stdout.
+*(since 0.54.0)* Can take more than one argument that will be
+separated by space.
+### warning()
+``` meson
+ void warning(text)
+*(since 0.44.0)*
+This function prints its argument to stdout prefixed with WARNING:.
+*(since 0.54.0)* Can take more than one argument that will be separated by
+### summary()
+``` meson
+ void summary(key, value)
+ void summary(dictionary)
+*(since 0.53.0)*
+This function is used to summarize build configuration at the end of the build
+process. This function provides a way for projects (and subprojects) to report
+this information in a clear way.
+The content is a series of key/value pairs grouped into sections. If
+the section keyword argument is omitted, those key/value pairs are
+implicitly grouped into a section with no title. key/value pairs can
+optionally be grouped into a dictionary, but keep in mind that
+dictionaries does not guarantee ordering. `key` must be string,
+`value` can be:
+- an integer, boolean or string
+- *since 0.57.0* an external program or a dependency
+- *since 0.58.0* a feature option
+- a list of those.
+`summary()` can be called multiple times as long as the same
+section/key pair doesn't appear twice. All sections will be collected
+and printed at the end of the configuration in the same order as they
+have been called.
+Keyword arguments:
+- `section`: title to group a set of key/value pairs.
+- `bool_yn`: if set to true, all boolean values will be replaced by green YES
+ or red NO.
+- `list_sep` *(since 0.54.0)*: string used to separate list values (e.g. `', '`).
+project('My Project', version : '1.0')
+summary({'bindir': get_option('bindir'),
+ 'libdir': get_option('libdir'),
+ 'datadir': get_option('datadir'),
+ }, section: 'Directories')
+summary({'Some boolean': false,
+ 'Another boolean': true,
+ 'Some string': 'Hello World',
+ 'A list': ['string', 1, true],
+ }, section: 'Configuration')
+My Project 1.0
+ Directories
+ prefix : /opt/gnome
+ bindir : bin
+ libdir : lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
+ datadir : share
+ Configuration
+ Some boolean : False
+ Another boolean: True
+ Some string : Hello World
+ A list : string
+ 1
+ True
+### project()
+``` meson
+ void project(project_name, list_of_languages, ...)
+The first argument to this function must be a string defining the name
+of this project.
+The project name can be any string you want, it's not used for
+anything except descriptive purposes. However since it is written to
+e.g. the dependency manifest is usually makes sense to have it be the
+same as the project tarball or pkg-config name. So for example you
+would probably want to use the name _libfoobar_ instead of _The Foobar
+It may be followed by the list of programming languages that the project uses.
+*(since 0.40.0)* The list of languages is optional.
+These languages may be used both for `native: false` (the default)
+(host machine) targets and for `native: true` (build machine) targets.
+*(since 0.56.0)* The build machine compilers for the specified
+languages are not required.
+Supported values for languages are `c`, `cpp` (for `C++`), `cuda`, `d`,
+`objc`, `objcpp`, `fortran`, `java`, `cs` (for `C#`), `vala` and `rust`.
+Project supports the following keyword arguments.
+- `default_options`: takes an array of strings. The strings are in the
+ form `key=value` and have the same format as options to
+ `meson configure`. For example to set the default project type you would
+ set this: `default_options : ['buildtype=debugoptimized']`. Note
+ that these settings are only used when running Meson for the first
+ time. Global options such as `buildtype` can only be specified in
+ the master project, settings in subprojects are ignored. Project
+ specific options are used normally even in subprojects.
+- `license`: takes a string or array of strings describing the license(s) the
+ code is under. To avoid ambiguity it is recommended to use a standardized
+ license identifier from the [SPDX license list](https://spdx.org/licenses/).
+ Usually this would be something like `license : 'GPL-2.0-or-later'`, but if
+ the code has multiple licenses you can specify them as an array like this:
+ `license : ['proprietary', 'GPL-3.0-only']`. Note that the text is informal
+ and is only written to the dependency manifest. Meson does not do any license
+ validation, you are responsible for verifying that you abide by all licensing
+ terms. You can access the value in your Meson build files with
+ `meson.project_license()`.
+- `meson_version`: takes a string describing which Meson version the
+ project requires. Usually something like `>=0.28.0`.
+- `subproject_dir`: specifies the top level directory name that holds
+ Meson subprojects. This is only meant as a compatibility option
+ for existing code bases that house their embedded source code in a
+ custom directory. All new projects should not set this but instead
+ use the default value. It should be noted that this keyword
+ argument is ignored inside subprojects. There can be only one
+ subproject dir and it is set in the top level Meson file.
+- `version`: which is a free form string describing the version of
+ this project. You can access the value in your Meson build files
+ with `meson.project_version()`. Since 0.57.0 this can also be a
+ `File` object pointing to a file that contains exactly one line of
+ text.
+### run_command()
+``` meson
+ runresult run_command(command, list_of_args, ...)
+Runs the command specified in positional arguments. `command` can be a
+string, or the output of [`find_program()`](#find_program),
+[`files()`](#files) or [`configure_file()`](#configure_file), or [a
+compiler object](#compiler-object).
+Returns [an opaque object](#run-result-object) containing the result
+of the invocation. The command is run from an *unspecified* directory,
+and Meson will set three environment variables `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT`,
+`MESON_BUILD_ROOT` and `MESON_SUBDIR` that specify the source
+directory, build directory and subdirectory the target was defined in,
+This function supports the following keyword arguments:
+ - `check` *(since 0.47.0)*: takes a boolean. If `true`, the exit status code of the command will
+ be checked, and the configuration will fail if it is non-zero. The default is
+ `false`.
+ - `env` *(since 0.50.0)*: environment variables to set, such as `['NAME1=value1',
+ 'NAME2=value2']`, or an [`environment()`
+ object](#environment-object) which allows more sophisticated
+ environment juggling. *(since 0.52.0)* A dictionary is also accepted.
+See also [External commands](External-commands.md).
+### run_target
+``` meson
+runtarget run_target(target_name, ...)
+This function creates a new top-level target that runs a specified
+command with the specified arguments. Like all top-level targets, this
+integrates with the selected backend. For instance, you can run it as
+`meson compile target_name`. Note that a run target produces no output
+as far as Meson is concerned. It is only meant for tasks such as
+running a code formatter or flashing an external device's firmware
+with a built file.
+The command is run from an *unspecified* directory, and Meson will set
+three environment variables `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT`, `MESON_BUILD_ROOT`
+and `MESON_SUBDIR` that specify the source directory, build directory
+and subdirectory the target was defined in, respectively.
+ - `command` is a list containing the command to run and the arguments
+ to pass to it. Each list item may be a string or a target. For
+ instance, passing the return value of [`executable()`](#executable)
+ as the first item will run that executable, or passing a string as
+ the first item will find that command in `PATH` and run it.
+- `depends` is a list of targets that this target depends on but which
+ are not listed in the command array (because, for example, the
+ script does file globbing internally)
+- `env` *(since 0.57.0)*: environment variables to set, such as
+ `{'NAME1': 'value1', 'NAME2': 'value2'}` or `['NAME1=value1', 'NAME2=value2']`,
+ or an [`environment()` object](#environment-object) which allows more
+ sophisticated environment juggling.
+*Since 0.57.0* The template strings passed to `command` keyword arguments accept
+the following special substitutions:
+- `@SOURCE_ROOT@`: the path to the root of the source tree. Depending on the backend,
+ this may be an absolute or a relative to current workdir path.
+- `@BUILD_ROOT@`: the path to the root of the build tree. Depending on the backend,
+ this may be an absolute or a relative to current workdir path.
+- `@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@` *Since 0.57.1*: this is the directory where the currently
+ processed meson.build is located in. Depending on the backend,
+ this may be an absolute or a relative to current workdir path.
+### set_variable()
+``` meson
+ void set_variable(variable_name, value)
+Assigns a value to the given variable name. Calling
+`set_variable('foo', bar)` is equivalent to `foo = bar`.
+*(since 0.46.1)* The `value` parameter can be an array type.
+### shared_library()
+``` meson
+ buildtarget shared_library(library_name, list_of_sources, ...)
+Builds a shared library with the given sources. Positional and keyword
+arguments are the same as for [`library`](#library) with the following
+extra keyword arguments.
+- `soversion`: a string specifying the soversion of this shared
+ library, such as `0`. On Linux and Windows this is used to set the
+ soversion (or equivalent) in the filename. For example, if
+ `soversion` is `4`, a Windows DLL will be called `foo-4.dll` and one
+ of the aliases of the Linux shared library would be
+ `libfoo.so.4`. If this is not specified, the first part of `version`
+ is used instead (see below). For example, if `version` is `3.6.0` and
+ `soversion` is not defined, it is set to `3`.
+- `version`: a string specifying the version of this shared library,
+ such as `1.1.0`. On Linux and OS X, this is used to set the shared
+ library version in the filename, such as `libfoo.so.1.1.0` and
+ `libfoo.1.1.0.dylib`. If this is not specified, `soversion` is used
+ instead (see above).
+- `darwin_versions` *(since 0.48.0)*: an integer, string, or a list of
+ versions to use for setting dylib `compatibility version` and
+ `current version` on macOS. If a list is specified, it must be
+ either zero, one, or two elements. If only one element is specified
+ or if it's not a list, the specified value will be used for setting
+ both compatibility version and current version. If unspecified, the
+ `soversion` will be used as per the aforementioned rules.
+- `vs_module_defs`: a string, a File object, or Custom Target for a
+ Microsoft module definition file for controlling symbol exports,
+ etc., on platforms where that is possible (e.g. Windows).
+### shared_module()
+``` meson
+ buildtarget shared_module(module_name, list_of_sources, ...)
+*(since 0.37.0)*
+Builds a shared module with the given sources. Positional and keyword
+arguments are the same as for [`library`](#library).
+This is useful for building modules that will be `dlopen()`ed and
+hence may contain undefined symbols that will be provided by the
+library that is loading it.
+If you want the shared module to be able to refer to functions and
+variables defined in the [`executable`](#executable) it is loaded by,
+you will need to set the `export_dynamic` argument of the executable to
+Supports the following extra keyword arguments:
+- `vs_module_defs` *(since 0.52.0)*: a string, a File object, or
+ Custom Target for a Microsoft module definition file for controlling
+ symbol exports, etc., on platforms where that is possible
+ (e.g. Windows).
+**Note:** Linking to a shared module is not supported on some
+platforms, notably OSX. Consider using a
+[`shared_library`](#shared_library) instead, if you need to both
+`dlopen()` and link with a library.
+### static_library()
+``` meson
+ buildtarget static_library(library_name, list_of_sources, ...)
+Builds a static library with the given sources. Positional and keyword
+arguments are as for [`library`](#library), as well as:
+ - `pic` *(since 0.36.0)*: builds the library as positional
+ independent code (so it can be linked into a shared library). This
+ option has no effect on Windows and OS X since it doesn't make
+ sense on Windows and PIC cannot be disabled on OS X.
+- `prelink` *since0.57.0*: if `true` the object files in the target
+ will be prelinked, meaning that it will contain only one prelinked
+ object file rather than the individual object files.
+### subdir()
+``` meson
+ void subdir(dir_name, ...)
+Enters the specified subdirectory and executes the `meson.build` file
+in it. Once that is done, it returns and execution continues on the
+line following this `subdir()` command. Variables defined in that
+`meson.build` file are then available for use in later parts of the
+current build file and in all subsequent build files executed with
+Note that this means that each `meson.build` file in a source tree can
+and must only be executed once.
+This function has one keyword argument.
+ - `if_found`: takes one or several dependency objects and will only
+ recurse in the subdir if they all return `true` when queried with
+ `.found()`
+### subdir_done()
+``` meson
+ subdir_done()
+Stops further interpretation of the Meson script file from the point
+of the invocation. All steps executed up to this point are valid and
+will be executed by Meson. This means that all targets defined before
+the call of `subdir_done` will be build.
+If the current script was called by `subdir` the execution returns to
+the calling directory and continues as if the script had reached the
+end. If the current script is the top level script Meson configures
+the project as defined up to this point.
+project('example exit', 'cpp')
+executable('exe1', 'exe1.cpp')
+executable('exe2', 'exe2.cpp')
+The executable `exe1` will be build, while the executable `exe2` is not
+### subproject()
+``` meson
+ subproject_object subproject(subproject_name, ...)
+Takes the project specified in the positional argument and brings that
+in the current build specification by returning a [subproject
+object](#subproject-object). Subprojects must always be placed inside
+the `subprojects` directory at the top source directory. So for
+example a subproject called `foo` must be located in
+`${MESON_SOURCE_ROOT}/subprojects/foo`. Supports the following keyword
+ - `default_options` *(since 0.37.0)*: an array of default option values
+ that override those set in the subproject's `meson_options.txt`
+ (like `default_options` in `project`, they only have effect when
+ Meson is run for the first time, and command line arguments override
+ any default options in build files). *(since 0.54.0)*: `default_library`
+ built-in option can also be overridden.
+ - `version`: works just like the same as in `dependency`.
+ It specifies what version the subproject should be, as an example `>=1.0.1`
+ - `required` *(since 0.48.0)*: By default, `required` is `true` and
+ Meson will abort if the subproject could not be setup. You can set
+ this to `false` and then use the `.found()` method on the [returned
+ object](#subproject-object). You may also pass the value of a
+ [`feature`](Build-options.md#features) option, same as
+ [`dependency()`](#dependency).
+Note that you can use the returned [subproject
+object](#subproject-object) to access any variable in the
+subproject. However, if you want to use a dependency object from
+inside a subproject, an easier way is to use the `fallback:` keyword
+argument to [`dependency()`](#dependency).
+[See additional documentation](Subprojects.md).
+### test()
+``` meson
+ void test(name, executable, ...)
+Defines a test to run with the test harness. Takes two positional
+arguments, the first is the name of the test and the second is the
+executable to run. The executable can be an [executable build target
+object](#build-target-object) returned by
+[`executable()`](#executable) or an [external program
+object](#external-program-object) returned by
+*(since 0.55.0)* When cross compiling, if an exe_wrapper is needed and
+defined the environment variable `MESON_EXE_WRAPPER` will be set to
+the string value of that wrapper (implementation detail: using
+`mesonlib.join_args`). Test scripts may use this to run cross built
+binaries. If your test needs `MESON_EXE_WRAPPER` in cross build
+situations it is your responsibility to return code 77 to tell the
+harness to report "skip".
+By default, environment variable
+is automatically set by `meson test` to a random value between 1..255.
+This can help find memory leaks on configurations using glibc,
+including with non-GCC compilers. However, this can have a performance
+impact, and may fail a test due to external libraries whose internals
+are out of the user's control. To check if this feature is causing an
+expected runtime crash, disable the feature by temporarily setting
+environment variable `MALLOC_PERTURB_=0`. While it's preferable to
+only temporarily disable this check, if a project requires permanent
+disabling of this check in meson.build do like:
+nomalloc = environment({'MALLOC_PERTURB_': '0'})
+test(..., env: nomalloc, ...)
+#### test() Keyword arguments
+- `args`: arguments to pass to the executable
+- `env`: environment variables to set, such as `['NAME1=value1',
+ 'NAME2=value2']`, or an [`environment()`
+ object](#environment-object) which allows more sophisticated
+ environment juggling. *(since 0.52.0)* A dictionary is also accepted.
+- `is_parallel`: when false, specifies that no other test must be
+ running at the same time as this test
+- `should_fail`: when true the test is considered passed if the
+ executable returns a non-zero return value (i.e. reports an error)
+- `suite`: `'label'` (or list of labels `['label1', 'label2']`)
+ attached to this test. The suite name is qualified by a (sub)project
+ name resulting in `(sub)project_name:label`. In the case of a list
+ of strings, the suite names will be `(sub)project_name:label1`,
+ `(sub)project_name:label2`, etc.
+- `timeout`: the amount of seconds the test is allowed to run, a test
+ that exceeds its time limit is always considered failed, defaults to
+ 30 seconds. *Since 0.57* if timeout is `<= 0` the test has infinite duration,
+ in previous versions of Meson the test would fail with a timeout immediately.
+- `workdir`: absolute path that will be used as the working directory
+ for the test
+- `depends` *(since 0.46.0)*: specifies that this test depends on the specified
+ target(s), even though it does not take any of them as a command
+ line argument. This is meant for cases where test finds those
+ targets internally, e.g. plugins or globbing. Those targets are built
+ before test is executed even if they have `build_by_default : false`.
+- `protocol` *(since 0.50.0)*: specifies how the test results are parsed and can
+ be one of `exitcode`, `tap`, or `gtest`. For more information about test
+ harness protocol read [Unit Tests](Unit-tests.md). The following values are
+ accepted:
+ - `exitcode`: the executable's exit code is used by the test harness
+ to record the outcome of the test).
+ - `tap`: [Test Anything Protocol](https://www.testanything.org/).
+ - `gtest` *(since 0.55.0)*: for Google Tests.
+ - `rust` *(since 0.56.0)*: for native rust tests
+- `priority` *(since 0.52.0)*:specifies the priority of a test. Tests with a
+ higher priority are *started* before tests with a lower priority.
+ The starting order of tests with identical priorities is
+ implementation-defined. The default priority is 0, negative numbers are
+ permitted.
+Defined tests can be run in a backend-agnostic way by calling
+`meson test` inside the build dir, or by using backend-specific
+commands, such as `ninja test` or `msbuild RUN_TESTS.vcxproj`.
+### vcs_tag()
+``` meson
+ customtarget vcs_tag(...)
+This command detects revision control commit information at build time
+and places it in the specified output file. This file is guaranteed to
+be up to date on every build. Keywords are similar to `custom_target`.
+- `command`: string list with the command to execute, see
+ [`custom_target`](#custom_target) for details on how this command
+ must be specified
+- `fallback`: version number to use when no revision control
+ information is present, such as when building from a release tarball
+ (defaults to `meson.project_version()`)
+- `input`: file to modify (e.g. `version.c.in`) (required)
+- `output`: file to write the results to (e.g. `version.c`) (required)
+- `replace_string`: string in the input file to substitute with the
+ commit information (defaults to `@VCS_TAG@`)
+Meson will read the contents of `input`, substitute the
+`replace_string` with the detected revision number, and write the
+result to `output`. This method returns a
+[`custom_target`](#custom_target) object that (as usual) should be
+used to signal dependencies if other targets use the file outputted
+by this.
+For example, if you generate a header with this and want to use that
+in a build target, you must add the return value to the sources of
+that build target. Without that, Meson will not know the order in
+which to build the targets.
+If you desire more specific behavior than what this command provides,
+you should use `custom_target`.
+### range()
+``` meson
+ rangeobject range(stop)
+ rangeobject range(start, stop[, step])
+*Since 0.58.0*
+Return an opaque object that can be only be used in `foreach` statements.
+- `start` must be integer greater or equal to 0. Defaults to 0.
+- `stop` must be integer greater or equal to `start`.
+- `step` must be integer greater or equal to 1. Defaults to 1.
+It cause the `foreach` loop to be called with the value from `start` included
+to `stop` excluded with an increment of `step` after each loop.
+# Loop 15 times with i from 0 to 14 included.
+foreach i : range(15)
+ ...
+The range object can also be assigned to a variable and indexed.
+r = range(5, 10, 2)
+assert(r[2] == 9)
+## Built-in objects
+These are built-in objects that are always available.
+### `meson` object
+The `meson` object allows you to introspect various properties of the
+system. This object is always mapped in the `meson` variable. It has
+the following methods.
+- `add_dist_script(script_name, arg1, arg2, ...)` *(since 0.48.0)*: causes the script
+ given as argument to run during `dist` operation after the
+ distribution source has been generated but before it is
+ archived. Note that this runs the script file that is in the
+ _staging_ directory, not the one in the source directory. If the
+ script file can not be found in the staging directory, it is a hard
+ error. The `MESON_DIST_ROOT` environment variables is set when dist scripts is
+ run.
+ *(since 0.49.0)* Accepts multiple arguments for the script.
+ *(since 0.54.0)* The `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT` and `MESON_BUILD_ROOT`
+ environment variables are set when dist scripts are run. They are path to the
+ root source and build directory of the main project, even when the script
+ comes from a subproject.
+ *(since 0.55.0)* The output of `configure_file`, `files`, and `find_program`
+ as well as strings.
+ *(since 0.57.0)* `file` objects and the output of `configure_file` may be
+ used as the `script_name` parameter.
+ *(since 0.58.0)* This command can be invoked from a subproject, it was a hard
+ error in earlier versions. Subproject dist scripts will only be executed
+ when running `meson dist --include-subprojects`. `MESON_PROJECT_SOURCE_ROOT`,
+ variables are set when dist scripts are run. They are identical to
+ scripts, but for subproject scripts they have the path to the root of the
+ subproject appended, usually `subprojects/<subproject-name>`.
+- `add_install_script(script_name, arg1, arg2, ...)`: causes the script
+ given as an argument to be run during the install step, this script
+ will have the environment variables `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT`,
+ All positional arguments are passed as parameters.
+ *since 0.57.0* `skip_if_destdir` boolean keyword argument (defaults to `false`)
+ can be specified. If `true` the script will not be run if DESTDIR is set during
+ installation. This is useful in the case the script updates system wide
+ cache that is only needed when copying files into final destination.
+ *(since 0.54.0)* If `meson install` is called with the `--quiet` option, the
+ environment variable `MESON_INSTALL_QUIET` will be set.
+ *(since 0.55.0)* The output of `configure_file`, `files`, `find_program`,
+ `custom_target`, indexes of `custom_target`, `executable`, `library`, and
+ other built targets as well as strings.
+ *(since 0.57.0)* `file` objects and the output of `configure_file` may be
+ *used as the `script_name` parameter.
+ Meson uses the `DESTDIR` environment variable as set by the
+ inherited environment to determine the (temporary) installation
+ location for files. Your install script must be aware of this while
+ manipulating and installing files. The correct way to handle this is
+ with the `MESON_INSTALL_DESTDIR_PREFIX` variable which is always set
+ and contains `DESTDIR` (if set) and `prefix` joined together. This
+ is useful because both are usually absolute paths and there are
+ platform-specific edge-cases in joining two absolute paths.
+ In case it is needed, `MESON_INSTALL_PREFIX` is also always set and
+ has the value of the `prefix` option passed to Meson.
+ `MESONINTROSPECT` contains the path to the introspect command that
+ corresponds to the `meson` executable that was used to configure the
+ build. (This might be a different path than the first executable
+ found in `PATH`.) It can be used to query build configuration. Note
+ that the value will contain many parts, f.ex., it may be `python3
+ /path/to/meson.py introspect`. The user is responsible for splitting
+ the string to an array if needed by splitting lexically like a UNIX
+ shell would. If your script uses Python, `shlex.split()` is the
+ easiest correct way to do this.
+- `add_postconf_script(script_name, arg1, arg2, ...)`: runs the
+ executable given as an argument after all project files have been
+ generated. This script will have the environment variables
+ *(since 0.55.0)* The output of `configure_file`, `files`, and `find_program`
+ as well as strings.
+ *(since 0.57.0)* `file` objects and the output of `configure_file` may be
+ *used as the `script_name` parameter.
+- `backend()` *(since 0.37.0)*: returns a string representing the
+ current backend: `ninja`, `vs2010`, `vs2012`, `vs2013`, `vs2015`,
+ `vs2017`, `vs2019`, or `xcode`.
+- `build_root()`: returns a string with the absolute path to the build
+ root directory. *(deprecated since 0.56.0)*: this function will return the
+ build root of the parent project if called from a subproject, which is usually
+ not what you want. Try using `current_build_dir()` or `project_build_root()`.
+ In the rare cases where the root of the main project is needed,
+ use `global_build_root()` that has the same behaviour but with a more explicit
+ name.
+- `source_root()`: returns a string with the absolute path to the
+ source root directory. Note: you should use the `files()` function
+ to refer to files in the root source directory instead of
+ constructing paths manually with `meson.source_root()`.
+ *(deprecated since 0.56.0)*: This function will return the source root of the
+ parent project if called from a subproject, which is usually not what you want.
+ Try using `current_source_dir()` or `project_source_root()`.
+ In the rare cases where the root of the main project is needed,
+ use `global_source_root()` that has the same behaviour but with a more explicit
+ name.
+- `project_build_root()` *(since 0.56.0)*: returns a string with the absolute path
+ to the build root directory of the current (sub)project.
+- `project_source_root()` *(since 0.56.0)*: returns a string with the absolute path
+ to the source root directory of the current (sub)project.
+- `global_build_root()` *(since 0.58.0)*: returns a string with the absolute path
+ to the build root directory. This function will return the build root of the
+ main project if called from a subproject, which is usually not what you want.
+ It is usually preferable to use `current_build_dir()` or `project_build_root()`.
+- `global_source_root()` *(since 0.58.0)*: returns a string with the absolute path
+ to the source root directory. This function will return the source root of the
+ main project if called from a subproject, which is usually not what you want.
+ It is usually preferable to use `current_source_dir()` or `project_source_root()`.
+- `current_build_dir()`: returns a string with the absolute path to the
+ current build directory.
+- `current_source_dir()`: returns a string to the current source
+ directory. Note: **you do not need to use this function** when
+ passing files from the current source directory to a function since
+ that is the default. Also, you can use the `files()` function to
+ refer to files in the current or any other source directory instead
+ of constructing paths manually with `meson.current_source_dir()`.
+- `get_compiler(language)`: returns [an object describing a
+ compiler](#compiler-object), takes one positional argument which is
+ the language to use. It also accepts one keyword argument, `native`
+ which when set to true makes Meson return the compiler for the build
+ machine (the "native" compiler) and when false it returns the host
+ compiler (the "cross" compiler). If `native` is omitted, Meson
+ returns the "cross" compiler if we're currently cross-compiling and
+ the "native" compiler if we're not.
+- `get_cross_property(propname, fallback_value)`:
+ *Deprecated since 0.58.0, use `get_external_property()` instead*.
+ Returns the given property from a cross file, the optional fallback_value
+ is returned if not cross compiling or the given property is not found.
+- `get_external_property(propname, fallback_value, native: true/false)`
+ *(since 0.54.0)*: returns the given property from a native or cross file.
+ The optional fallback_value is returned if the given property is not found.
+ The optional `native: true` forces retrieving a variable from the
+ native file, even when cross-compiling.
+ If `native: false` or not specified, variable is retrieved from the
+ cross-file if cross-compiling, and from the native-file when not cross-compiling.
+- `has_external_property(propname, native: true/false)`
+ *(since 0.58.0)*: checks whether the given property exist in a native or
+ cross file. The optional `native: true` forces checking for the variable
+ in the native file, even when cross-compiling.
+ If `native: false` or not specified, the variable is checked for in the
+ cross-file if cross-compiling, and in the native-file when not cross-compiling.
+- `can_run_host_binaries()` *(since 0.55.0)*: returns true if the build machine can run
+ binaries compiled for the host. This returns true unless you are
+ cross compiling, need a helper to run host binaries, and don't have one.
+ For example when cross compiling from Linux to Windows, one can use `wine`
+ as the helper.
+- `has_exe_wrapper()`: *(since 0.55.0)* **(deprecated)**. Use `can_run_host_binaries` instead.
+- `install_dependency_manifest(output_name)`: installs a manifest file
+ containing a list of all subprojects, their versions and license
+ files to the file name given as the argument.
+- `is_cross_build()`: returns `true` if the current build is a [cross
+ build](Cross-compilation.md) and `false` otherwise.
+- `is_subproject()`: returns `true` if the current project is being
+ built as a subproject of some other project and `false` otherwise.
+- `is_unity()`: returns `true` when doing a [unity
+ build](Unity-builds.md) (multiple sources are combined before
+ compilation to reduce build time) and `false` otherwise.
+- `override_find_program(progname, program)` *(since 0.46.0)*:
+ specifies that whenever `find_program` is used to find a program
+ named `progname`, Meson should not look it up on the system but
+ instead return `program`, which may either be the result of
+ `find_program`, `configure_file` or `executable`. *(since 0.55.0)* If a version
+ check is passed to `find_program` for a program that has been overridden with
+ an executable, the current project version is used.
+ If `program` is an `executable`, it cannot be used during configure.
+- `override_dependency(name, dep_object)` *(since 0.54.0)*:
+ specifies that whenever `dependency(name, ...)` is used, Meson should not
+ look it up on the system but instead return `dep_object`, which may either be
+ the result of `dependency()` or `declare_dependency()`. It takes optional
+ `native` keyword arguments. Doing this in a subproject allows the parent
+ project to retrieve the dependency without having to know the dependency
+ variable name: `dependency(name, fallback : subproject_name)`.
+- `project_version()`: returns the version string specified in
+ `project` function call.
+- `project_license()`: returns the array of licenses specified in
+ `project` function call.
+- `project_name()`: returns the project name specified in the `project`
+ function call.
+- `version()`: return a string with the version of Meson.
+- `add_devenv()`: *(Since 0.58.0)* add an [`environment()`](#environment) object
+ to the list of environments that will be applied when using [`meson devenv`](Commands.md#devenv)
+ command line. This is useful for developpers who wish to use the project without
+ installing it, it is often needed to set for example the path to plugins
+ directory, etc. Alternatively, a list or dictionary can be passed as first
+ argument.
+ ``` meson
+ devenv = environment()
+ devenv.set('PLUGINS_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())
+ ...
+ meson.add_devenv(devenv)
+ ```
+ After configuring and compiling that project, a terminal can be opened with
+ the environment set:
+ ```sh
+ $ meson devenv -C <builddir>
+ $ echo $PLUGINS_PATH
+ /path/to/source/subdir
+ ```
+ See [`meson devenv`](Commands.md#devenv) command documentation for a list of
+ environment variables that are set by default by Meson.
+### `build_machine` object
+Provides information about the build machine — the machine that is
+doing the actual compilation. See
+[Cross-compilation](Cross-compilation.md). It has the following
+- `cpu_family()`: returns the CPU family name. [This
+ table](Reference-tables.md#cpu-families) contains all known CPU
+ families. These are guaranteed to continue working.
+- `cpu()`: returns a more specific CPU name, such as `i686`, `amd64`,
+ etc.
+- `system()`: returns the operating system name. [This
+ table](Reference-tables.md#operating-system-names) Lists all of
+ the currently known Operating System names, these are guaranteed to
+ continue working.
+- `endian()`: returns `big` on big-endian systems and `little` on
+ little-endian systems.
+Currently, these values are populated using
+[`platform.machine()`](https://docs.python.org/3.4/library/platform.html#platform.machine). If
+you think the returned values for any of these are incorrect for your
+system or CPU, or if your OS is not in the linked table, please file
+[a bug report](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/new) with
+details and we'll look into it.
+### `host_machine` object
+Provides information about the host machine — the machine on which the
+compiled binary will run. See
+It has the same methods as [`build_machine`](#build_machine-object).
+When not cross-compiling, all the methods return the same values as
+`build_machine` (because the build machine is the host machine)
+Note that while cross-compiling, it simply returns the values defined
+in the cross-info file.
+### `target_machine` object
+Provides information about the target machine — the machine on which
+the compiled binary's output will run. Hence, this object should only
+be used while cross-compiling a compiler. See
+It has the same methods as [`build_machine`](#build_machine-object).
+When all compilation is 'native', all the methods return the same
+values as `build_machine` (because the build machine is the host
+machine and the target machine).
+Note that while cross-compiling, it simply returns the values defined
+in the cross-info file. If `target_machine` values are not defined in
+the cross-info file, `host_machine` values are returned instead.
+### `string` object
+All [strings](Syntax.md#strings) have the following methods. Strings
+are immutable, all operations return their results as a new string.
+- `contains(string)`: returns true if string contains the string
+ specified as the argument.
+- `endswith(string)`: returns true if string ends with the string
+ specified as the argument.
+- `format()`: formats text, see the [Syntax
+ manual](Syntax.md#string-formatting) for usage info.
+- `join(list_of_strings)`: the opposite of split, for example
+ `'.'.join(['a', 'b', 'c']` yields `'a.b.c'`.
+- `replace('old_substr', 'new_str')` *(since 0.58.0)*: replaces instances of
+ `old_substr` in the string with `new_str` and returns a new string
+- `split(split_character)`: splits the string at the specified
+ character (or whitespace if not set) and returns the parts in an
+ array.
+- `startswith(string)`: returns true if string starts with the string
+ specified as the argument
+- `substring(start,end)` *(since 0.56.0)*: returns a substring specified from start to end.
+ Both `start` and `end` arguments are optional, so, for example, `'foobar'.substring()` will return `'foobar'`.
+- `strip()`: removes whitespace at the beginning and end of the string.
+ *(since 0.43.0)* Optionally can take one positional string argument,
+ and all characters in that string will be stripped.
+- `to_int()`: returns the string converted to an integer (error if string
+ is not a number).
+- `to_lower()`: creates a lower case version of the string.
+- `to_upper()`: creates an upper case version of the string.
+- `underscorify()`: creates a string where every non-alphabetical
+ non-number character is replaced with `_`.
+- `version_compare(comparison_string)`: does semantic version
+ comparison, if `x = '1.2.3'` then `x.version_compare('>1.0.0')`
+ returns `true`.
+### `Number` object
+[Numbers](Syntax.md#numbers) support these methods:
+- `is_even()`: returns true if the number is even
+- `is_odd()`: returns true if the number is odd
+- `to_string()`: returns the value of the number as a string.
+### `boolean` object
+A [boolean](Syntax.md#booleans) object has two simple methods:
+- `to_int()`: returns either `1` or `0`.
+- `to_string()`: returns the string `'true'` if the boolean is true or
+ `'false'` otherwise. You can also pass it two strings as positional
+ arguments to specify what to return for true/false. For instance,
+ `bool.to_string('yes', 'no')` will return `yes` if the boolean is
+ true and `no` if it is false.
+### `array` object
+The following methods are defined for all [arrays](Syntax.md#arrays):
+- `contains(item)`: returns `true` if the array contains the object
+ given as argument, `false` otherwise
+- `get(index, fallback)`: returns the object at the given index,
+ negative indices count from the back of the array, indexing out of
+ bounds returns the `fallback` value *(since 0.38.0)* or, if it is
+ not specified, causes a fatal error
+- `length()`: the size of the array
+You can also iterate over arrays with the [`foreach`
+### `dictionary` object
+*(since 0.47.0)*
+The following methods are defined for all [dictionaries](Syntax.md#dictionaries):
+- `has_key(key)`: returns `true` if the dictionary contains the key
+ given as argument, `false` otherwise
+- `get(key, fallback)`: returns the value for the key given as first
+ argument if it is present in the dictionary, or the optional
+ fallback value given as the second argument. If a single argument
+ was given and the key was not found, causes a fatal error
+- `keys()`: returns an array of keys in the dictionary
+You can also iterate over dictionaries with the [`foreach`
+*(since 0.48.0)* Dictionaries can be added (e.g. `d1 = d2 + d3` and `d1 += d2`).
+Values from the second dictionary overrides values from the first.
+## Returned objects
+These are objects returned by the [functions listed above](#functions).
+### `compiler` object
+This object is returned by
+[`meson.get_compiler(lang)`](#meson-object). It represents a compiler
+for a given language and allows you to query its properties. It has
+the following methods:
+- `alignment(typename)`: returns the alignment of the type specified in
+ the positional argument, you can specify external dependencies to
+ use with `dependencies` keyword argument.
+- `cmd_array()`: returns an array containing the command(s) for the compiler.
+- `compiles(code)`: returns true if the code fragment given in the
+ positional argument compiles, you can specify external dependencies
+ to use with `dependencies` keyword argument, `code` can be either a
+ string containing source code or a `file` object pointing to the
+ source code.
+- `compute_int(expr, ...')`: computes the value of the given expression
+ (as an example `1 + 2`). When cross compiling this is evaluated with
+ an iterative algorithm, you can specify keyword arguments `low`
+ (defaults to -1024), `high` (defaults to 1024) and `guess` to
+ specify max and min values for the search and the value to try
+ first.
+- `find_library(lib_name, ...)`: tries to find the library specified in
+ the positional argument. The [result
+ object](#external-library-object) can be used just like the return
+ value of `dependency`. If the keyword argument `required` is false,
+ Meson will proceed even if the library is not found. By default the
+ library is searched for in the system library directory
+ (e.g. /usr/lib). This can be overridden with the `dirs` keyword
+ argument, which can be either a string or a list of strings.
+ *(since 0.47.0)* The value of a [`feature`](Build-options.md#features)
+ option can also be passed to the `required` keyword argument.
+ *(since 0.49.0)* If the keyword argument `disabler` is `true` and the
+ dependency couldn't be found, return a [disabler object](#disabler-object)
+ instead of a not-found dependency. *(since 0.50.0)* The `has_headers` keyword
+ argument can be a list of header files that must be found as well, using
+ `has_header()` method. All keyword arguments prefixed with `header_` will be
+ passed down to `has_header()` method with the prefix removed. *(since 0.51.0)*
+ The `static` keyword (boolean) can be set to `true` to limit the search to
+ static libraries and `false` for dynamic/shared.
+- `first_supported_argument(list_of_strings)`: given a list of
+ strings, returns the first argument that passes the `has_argument`
+ test or an empty array if none pass.
+- `first_supported_link_argument(list_of_strings)` *(since 0.46.0)*:
+ given a list of strings, returns the first argument that passes the
+ `has_link_argument` test or an empty array if none pass.
+- `get_define(definename)`: returns the given preprocessor symbol's
+ value as a string or empty string if it is not defined.
+ *(since 0.47.0)* This method will concatenate string literals as
+ the compiler would. E.g. `"a" "b"` will become `"ab"`.
+- `get_id()`: returns a string identifying the compiler. For example,
+ `gcc`, `msvc`, [and more](Reference-tables.md#compiler-ids).
+- `get_argument_syntax()` *(since 0.49.0)*: returns a string identifying the type
+ of arguments the compiler takes. Can be one of `gcc`, `msvc`, or an undefined
+ string value. This method is useful for identifying compilers that are not
+ gcc or msvc, but use the same argument syntax as one of those two compilers
+ such as clang or icc, especially when they use different syntax on different
+ operating systems.
+- `get_linker_id()` *(since 0.53.0)*: returns a string identifying the linker.
+ For example, `ld.bfd`, `link`, [and more](Reference-tables.md#linker-ids).
+- `get_supported_arguments(list_of_string)` *(since 0.43.0)*: returns
+ an array containing only the arguments supported by the compiler,
+ as if `has_argument` were called on them individually.
+- `get_supported_link_arguments(list_of_string)` *(since 0.46.0)*: returns
+ an array containing only the arguments supported by the linker,
+ as if `has_link_argument` were called on them individually.
+- `has_argument(argument_name)`: returns true if the compiler accepts
+ the specified command line argument, that is, can compile code
+ without erroring out or printing a warning about an unknown flag.
+- `has_link_argument(argument_name)` *(since 0.46.0)*: returns true if
+ the linker accepts the specified command line argument, that is, can
+ compile and link code without erroring out or printing a warning
+ about an unknown flag. Link arguments will be passed to the
+ compiler, so should usually have the `-Wl,` prefix. On VisualStudio
+ a `/link` argument will be prepended.
+- `has_function(funcname)`: returns true if the given function is
+ provided by the standard library or a library passed in with the
+ `args` keyword, you can specify external dependencies to use with
+ `dependencies` keyword argument.
+- `check_header(header_name)` *(since 0.47.0)*: returns true if the
+ specified header is *usable* with the specified prefix,
+ dependencies, and arguments. You can specify external dependencies
+ to use with `dependencies` keyword argument and extra code to put
+ above the header test with the `prefix` keyword. In order to look
+ for headers in a specific directory you can use `args :
+ '-I/extra/include/dir`, but this should only be used in exceptional
+ cases for includes that can't be detected via pkg-config and passed
+ via `dependencies`. *(since 0.50.0)* The `required` keyword argument
+ can be used to abort if the header cannot be found.
+- `has_header(header_name)`: returns true if the specified header
+ *exists*, and is faster than `check_header()` since it only does a
+ pre-processor check. You can specify external dependencies to use
+ with `dependencies` keyword argument and extra code to put above the
+ header test with the `prefix` keyword. In order to look for headers
+ in a specific directory you can use `args : '-I/extra/include/dir`,
+ but this should only be used in exceptional cases for includes that
+ can't be detected via pkg-config and passed via `dependencies`.
+ *(since 0.50.0)* The `required` keyword argument can be used to
+ abort if the header cannot be found.
+- `has_header_symbol(headername, symbolname)`: detects
+ whether a particular symbol (function, variable, #define, type
+ definition, etc) is declared in the specified header, you can
+ specify external dependencies to use with `dependencies` keyword
+ argument. *(since 0.50.0)* The `required` keyword argument can be
+ used to abort if the symbol cannot be found.
+- `has_member(typename, membername)`: takes two arguments, type name
+ and member name and returns true if the type has the specified
+ member, you can specify external dependencies to use with
+ `dependencies` keyword argument.
+- `has_members(typename, membername1, membername2, ...)`: takes at
+ least two arguments, type name and one or more member names, returns
+ true if the type has all the specified members, you can specify
+ external dependencies to use with `dependencies` keyword argument.
+- `has_multi_arguments(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)` *(since 0.37.0)*: the same as
+ `has_argument` but takes multiple arguments and uses them all in a
+ single compiler invocation.
+- `has_multi_link_arguments(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...)` *(since 0.46.0)*:
+ the same as `has_link_argument` but takes multiple arguments and
+ uses them all in a single compiler invocation.
+- `has_type(typename)`: returns true if the specified token is a type,
+ you can specify external dependencies to use with `dependencies`
+ keyword argument.
+- `links(code)`: returns true if the code fragment given in the
+ positional argument compiles and links, you can specify external
+ dependencies to use with `dependencies` keyword argument, `code` can
+ be either a string containing source code or a `file` object
+ pointing to the source code.
+- `run(code)`: attempts to compile and execute the given code fragment,
+ returns a run result object, you can specify external dependencies
+ to use with `dependencies` keyword argument, `code` can be either a
+ string containing source code or a `file` object pointing to the
+ source code.
+- `symbols_have_underscore_prefix()` *(since 0.37.0)*: returns `true`
+ if the C symbol mangling is one underscore (`_`) prefixed to the symbol.
+- `sizeof(typename, ...)`: returns the size of the given type
+ (e.g. `'int'`) or -1 if the type is unknown, to add includes set
+ them in the `prefix` keyword argument, you can specify external
+ dependencies to use with `dependencies` keyword argument.
+- `version()`: returns the compiler's version number as a string.
+- `has_function_attribute(name)` *(since 0.48.0)*: returns `true` if the
+ compiler supports the GNU style (`__attribute__(...)`) `name`. This is
+ preferable to manual compile checks as it may be optimized for compilers that
+ do not support such attributes.
+ [This table](Reference-tables.md#gcc-__attribute__) lists all of the
+ supported attributes.
+- `get_supported_function_attributes(list_of_names)` *(since 0.48.0)*:
+ returns an array containing any names that are supported GCC style
+ attributes. Equivalent to `has_function_attribute` was called on each of them
+ individually.
+The following keyword arguments can be used:
+- `args`: used to pass a list of compiler arguments that are
+ required to find the header or symbol. For example, you might need
+ to pass the include path `-Isome/path/to/header` if a header is not
+ in the default include path. *(since 0.38.0)* you should use the
+ `include_directories` keyword described below. You may also want to
+ pass a library name `-lfoo` for `has_function` to check for a function.
+ Supported by all methods except `get_id`, `version`, and `find_library`.
+- `include_directories` *(since 0.38.0)*: specifies extra directories for
+ header searches.
+- `name`: the name to use for printing a message about the compiler
+ check. Supported by the methods `compiles()`, `links()`, and
+ `run()`. If this keyword argument is not passed to those methods, no
+ message will be printed about the check.
+- `no_builtin_args`: when set to true, the compiler arguments controlled
+ by built-in configuration options are not added.
+- `prefix`: adds #includes and other things that are
+ required for the symbol to be declared. System definitions should be
+ passed via compiler args (eg: `_GNU_SOURCE` is often required for
+ some symbols to be exposed on Linux, and it should be passed via
+ `args` keyword argument, see below). Supported by the methods
+ `sizeof`, `has_type`, `has_function`, `has_member`, `has_members`,
+ `check_header`, `has_header`, `has_header_symbol`, `get_define`
+**Note:** These compiler checks do not use compiler arguments added
+with `add_*_arguments()`, via `-Dlang_args` on the command-line, or
+through `CFLAGS`/`LDFLAGS`, etc in the environment. Hence, you can
+trust that the tests will be fully self-contained, and won't fail
+because of custom flags added by other parts of the build file or by
+Note that if you have a single prefix with all your dependencies, you
+might find it easier to append to the environment variables
+`C_INCLUDE_PATH` with GCC/Clang and `INCLUDE` with MSVC to expand the
+default include path, and `LIBRARY_PATH` with GCC/Clang and `LIB` with
+MSVC to expand the default library search path.
+However, with GCC, these variables will be ignored when
+cross-compiling. In that case you need to use a specs file. See:
+### `build target` object
+A build target is either an [executable](#executable), [shared
+library](#shared_library), [static library](#static_library), [both
+shared and static library](#both_libraries) or [shared
+- `extract_all_objects()`: is same as `extract_objects` but returns all
+ object files generated by this target. *(since 0.46.0)* keyword argument
+ `recursive` must be set to `true` to also return objects passed to
+ the `object` argument of this target. By default only objects built
+ for this target are returned to maintain backward compatibility with
+ previous versions. The default will eventually be changed to `true`
+ in a future version.
+- `extract_objects(source1, source2, ...)`: takes as its arguments
+ a number of source files as [`string`](#string-object) or
+ [`files()`](#files) and returns an opaque value representing the
+ object files generated for those source files. This is typically used
+ to take single object files and link them to unit tests or to compile
+ some source files with custom flags. To use the object file(s)
+ in another build target, use the [`objects:`](#executable) keyword
+ argument or include them in the command line of a
+ [`custom_target`](#custom_target)`.
+- `full_path()`: returns a full path pointing to the result target file.
+ NOTE: In most cases using the object itself will do the same job as
+ this and will also allow Meson to setup inter-target dependencies
+ correctly. Please file a bug if that doesn't work for you.
+- `path()` *(since 0.59.0)* **(deprecated)**: does the exact same
+ as `full_path()`. **NOTE:** This function is solely kept for compatebility
+ with [`external program`](#external-program-object) objects. It will be
+ removed once the, also deprecated, corresponding `path()` function in the
+ `external program` object is removed.
+- `private_dir_include()`: returns a opaque value that works like
+ `include_directories` but points to the private directory of this
+ target, usually only needed if an another target needs to access
+ some generated internal headers of this target
+- `name()` *(since 0.54.0)*: returns the target name.
+- `found()` *(since 0.59.0)*: Always returns `true`. This function is meant
+ to make executables objects feature compatible with
+ [`external program`](#external-program-object) objects. This simplifies
+ use-cases where an executable is used instead of an external program.
+### `configuration` data object
+This object is returned by
+[`configuration_data()`](#configuration_data) and encapsulates
+configuration values to be used for generating configuration files. A
+more in-depth description can be found in the [the configuration wiki
+page](Configuration.md) It has three methods:
+- `get(varname, default_value)`: returns the value of `varname`, if the
+ value has not been set returns `default_value` if it is defined
+ *(since 0.38.0)* and errors out if not
+- `get_unquoted(varname, default_value)` *(since 0.44.0)*: returns the value
+ of `varname` but without surrounding double quotes (`"`). If the value has
+ not been set returns `default_value` if it is defined and errors out if not.
+- `has(varname)`: returns `true` if the specified variable is set
+- `keys()`*(since 0.57.0)*: returns an array of keys of
+ the configuration data object.
+ You can iterate over this array with the [`foreach`
+ statement](Syntax.md#foreach-statements).
+- `merge_from(other)` *(since 0.42.0)*: takes as argument a different
+ configuration data object and copies all entries from that object to
+ the current.
+- `set(varname, value)`, sets a variable to a given value
+- `set10(varname, boolean_value)` is the same as above but the value
+ is either `true` or `false` and will be written as 1 or 0,
+ respectively
+- `set_quoted(varname, value)` is same as `set` but quotes the value
+ in double quotes (`"`)
+They all take the `description` keyword that will be written in the
+result file. The replacement assumes a file with C syntax. If your
+generated file is source code in some other language, you probably
+don't want to add a description field because it most likely will
+cause a syntax error.
+### `custom target` object
+This object is returned by [`custom_target`](#custom_target) and
+contains a target with the following methods:
+- `full_path()`: returns a full path pointing to the result target file
+ NOTE: In most cases using the object itself will do the same job as
+ this and will also allow Meson to setup inter-target dependencies
+ correctly. Please file a bug if that doesn't work for you.
+ *(since 0.54.0)* It can be also called on indexes objects:
+ `custom_targets[i].full_path()`.
+- `[index]`: returns an opaque object that references this target, and
+ can be used as a source in other targets. When it is used as such it
+ will make that target depend on this custom target, but the only
+ source added will be the one that corresponds to the index of the
+ custom target's output argument.
+- `to_list()` *(since 0.54.0)*: returns a list of opaque objects that references
+ this target, and can be used as a source in other targets. This can be used to
+ iterate outputs with `foreach` loop.
+### `dependency` object
+This object is returned by [`dependency()`](#dependency) and contains
+an external dependency with the following methods:
+ - `found()`: returns whether the dependency was found.
+ - `name()` *(since 0.48.0)*: returns the name of the dependency that was
+ searched. Returns `internal` for dependencies created with
+ `declare_dependency()`.
+ - `get_pkgconfig_variable(varname)` *(since 0.36.0)*: gets the
+ pkg-config variable specified, or, if invoked on a non pkg-config
+ dependency, error out. *(since 0.44.0)* You can also redefine a
+ variable by passing a list to the `define_variable` parameter
+ that can affect the retrieved variable: `['prefix', '/'])`.
+ *(since 0.45.0)* A warning is issued if the variable is not defined,
+ unless a `default` parameter is specified.
+ *(Deprecated since 0.56.0*) use `get_variable(pkgconfig : ...)` instead
+ - `get_configtool_variable(varname)` *(since 0.44.0)*: gets the
+ command line argument from the config tool (with `--` prepended), or,
+ if invoked on a non config-tool dependency, error out.
+ *(Deprecated since 0.56.0*) use `get_variable(configtool : ...)` instead
+ - `type_name()`: returns a string describing the type of the
+ dependency, the most common values are `internal` for deps created
+ with `declare_dependency()` and `pkgconfig` for system dependencies
+ obtained with Pkg-config.
+ - `version()`: the version number as a string, for example `1.2.8`.
+ `unknown` if the dependency provider doesn't support determining the
+ version.
+ - `include_type()`: returns whether the value set by the `include_type` kwarg
+ - `as_system(value)`: returns a copy of the dependency object, which has changed
+ the value of `include_type` to `value`. The `value` argument is optional and
+ defaults to `'preserve'`.
+ - `as_link_whole()` *Since 0.56.0* Only dependencies created with
+ `declare_dependency()`, returns a copy of the dependency object with all
+ link_with arguments changed to link_whole. This is useful for example for
+ fallback dependency from a subproject built with `default_library=static`.
+ Note that all `link_with` objects must be static libraries otherwise an error
+ will be raised when trying to `link_whole` a shared library.
+ - `partial_dependency(compile_args : false, link_args : false, links
+ : false, includes : false, sources : false)` *(since 0.46.0)*: returns
+ a new dependency object with the same name, version, found status,
+ type name, and methods as the object that called it. This new
+ object will only inherit other attributes from its parent as
+ controlled by keyword arguments.
+ If the parent has any dependencies, those will be applied to the new
+ partial dependency with the same rules. So, given:
+ ```meson
+ dep1 = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-Werror=foo', link_with : 'libfoo')
+ dep2 = declare_dependency(compile_args : '-Werror=bar', dependencies : dep1)
+ dep3 = dep2.partial_dependency(compile_args : true)
+ ```
+ dep3 will add `['-Werror=foo', '-Werror=bar']` to the compiler args
+ of any target it is added to, but libfoo will not be added to the
+ link_args.
+ *Note*: A bug present until 0.50.1 results in the above behavior
+ not working correctly.
+ The following arguments will add the following attributes:
+ - compile_args: any arguments passed to the compiler
+ - link_args: any arguments passed to the linker
+ - links: anything passed via link_with or link_whole
+ - includes: any include_directories
+ - sources: any compiled or static sources the dependency has
+ - `get_variable(varname, cmake : str, pkgconfig : str, configtool : str,
+ internal: str, default_value : str, pkgconfig_define : [str, str])`
+ *(since 0.51.0)*: a generic variable getter method, which replaces the
+ get_*type*_variable methods. This allows one to get the variable
+ from a dependency without knowing specifically how that dependency
+ was found. If default_value is set and the value cannot be gotten
+ from the object then default_value is returned, if it is not set
+ then an error is raised.
+ *(since 0.54.0)* added `internal` keyword.
+ *(since 0.58.0)* added `varname` as first positional argument. It is used as
+ default value for `cmake`, `pkgconfig`, `configtool` and `internal` keyword
+ arguments. It is useful in the common case where `pkgconfig` and `internal`
+ use the same variable name, in which case it's easier to write `dep.get_variable('foo')`
+ instead of `dep.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'foo', internal: 'foo')`.
+### `disabler` object
+A disabler object is an object that behaves in much the same way as
+NaN numbers do in floating point math. That is when used in any
+statement (function call, logical op, etc) they will cause the
+statement evaluation to immediately short circuit to return a disabler
+object. A disabler object has one method:
+- `found()`: always returns `false`.
+### `external program` object
+This object is returned by [`find_program()`](#find_program) and
+contains an external (i.e. not built as part of this project) program
+and has the following methods:
+- `found()`: returns whether the executable was found.
+- `path()`: *(since 0.55.0)* **(deprecated)** use `full_path()` instead.
+ Returns a string pointing to the script or executable
+ **NOTE:** You should not need to use this method. Passing the object
+ itself should work in all cases. For example: `run_command(obj, arg1, arg2)`.
+- `full_path()` (*since 0.55.0*): which returns a string pointing to the script or
+ executable **NOTE:** You should not need to use this method. Passing the object
+ itself should work in all cases. For example: `run_command(obj, arg1, arg2)`.
+### `environment` object
+This object is returned by [`environment()`](#environment) and stores
+detailed information about how environment variables should be set
+during tests. It should be passed as the `env` keyword argument to
+tests and other functions. It has the following methods.
+- `append(varname, value1, value2, ...)`: appends the given values to
+ the old value of the environment variable, e.g. `env.append('FOO',
+ 'BAR', 'BAZ', separator : ';')` produces `BOB;BAR;BAZ` if `FOO` had
+ the value `BOB` and plain `BAR;BAZ` if the value was not defined. If
+ the separator is not specified explicitly, the default path
+ separator for the host operating system will be used, i.e. ';' for
+ Windows and ':' for UNIX/POSIX systems.
+- `prepend(varname, value1, value2, ...)`: same as `append`
+ except that it writes to the beginning of the variable.
+- `set(varname, value1, value2)`: sets the environment variable
+ specified in the first argument to the values in the second argument
+ joined by the separator, e.g. `env.set('FOO', 'BAR'),` sets envvar
+ `FOO` to value `BAR`. See `append()` above for how separators work.
+*Since 0.58.0* `append()` and `prepend()` methods can be called multiple times
+on the same `varname`. Earlier Meson versions would warn and only the last
+operation took effect.
+env = environment()
+# MY_PATH will be '0:1:2:3'
+env.set('MY_PATH', '1')
+env.append('MY_PATH', '2')
+env.append('MY_PATH', '3')
+env.prepend('MY_PATH', '0')
+### `external library` object
+This object is returned by [`find_library()`](#find_library) and
+contains an external (i.e. not built as part of this project)
+library. This object has the following methods:
+- `found()`: returns whether the library was found.
+- `type_name()` *(since 0.48.0)*: returns a string describing
+ the type of the dependency, which will be `library` in this case.
+- `partial_dependency(compile_args : false, link_args : false, links
+ : false, includes : false, source : false)` *(since 0.46.0)*: returns
+ a new dependency object with the same name, version, found status,
+ type name, and methods as the object that called it. This new
+ object will only inherit other attributes from its parent as
+ controlled by keyword arguments.
+### Feature option object
+*(since 0.47.0)*
+The following methods are defined for all [`feature` options](Build-options.md#features):
+- `enabled()`: returns whether the feature was set to `'enabled'`
+- `disabled()`: returns whether the feature was set to `'disabled'`
+- `auto()`: returns whether the feature was set to `'auto'`
+- `allowed()` *(since 0.59.0)*: returns whether the feature was set to `'enabled'` or `'auto'`
+- `disable_auto_if(value)` *(since 0.59.0)*: returns the feature, with
+ `'auto'` converted to `'disabled'` if value is true.
+ | Feature / Condition | True | False |
+ | ------------------- | ---- | ----- |
+ | Enabled | Enabled | Enabled |
+ | Disabled | Disabled | Disabled |
+ | Auto | Disabled | Auto |
+- `require(value, error_message: '')` *(since 0.59.0)*: returns
+ the object itself if the value is true; an error if the object is
+ `'enabled'` and the value is false; a disabled feature if the object
+ is `'auto'` or `'disabled'` and the value is false.
+`require` is useful to restrict the applicability of `'auto'` features,
+for example based on other features or on properties of the host machine:
+if get_option('directx').require(host_machine.system() == 'windows',
+ error_message: 'DirectX only available on Windows').allowed() then
+ src += ['directx.c']
+ config.set10('HAVE_DIRECTX', 1)
+### `generator` object
+This object is returned by [`generator()`](#generator) and contains a
+generator that is used to transform files from one type to another by
+an executable (e.g. `idl` files into source code and headers).
+- `process(list_of_files, ...)`: takes a list of files, causes them to
+ be processed and returns an object containing the result which can
+ then, for example, be passed into a build target definition. The
+ keyword argument `extra_args`, if specified, will be used to replace
+ an entry `@EXTRA_ARGS@` in the argument list. The keyword argument
+ `preserve_path_from`, if given, specifies that the output files need
+ to maintain their directory structure inside the target temporary
+ directory. The most common value for this is
+ `meson.current_source_dir()`. With this value when a file called
+ `subdir/one.input` is processed it generates a file `<target private
+ directory>/subdir/one.out` as opposed to `<target private
+ directory>/one.out`.
+### `subproject` object
+This object is returned by [`subproject()`](#subproject) and is an
+opaque object representing it.
+- `found()` *(since 0.48.0)*: returns whether the subproject was
+ successfully setup
+- `get_variable(name, fallback)`: fetches the specified variable from
+ inside the subproject. This is useful to, for instance, get a
+ [declared dependency](#declare_dependency) from the
+ [subproject](Subprojects.md).
+ If the variable does not exist, the variable `fallback` is returned.
+ If a fallback is not specified, then attempting to read a non-existing
+ variable will cause a fatal error.
+### `run result` object
+This object encapsulates the result of trying to compile and run a
+sample piece of code with [`compiler.run()`](#compiler-object) or
+[`run_command()`](#run_command). It has the following methods:
+- `compiled()`: if true, the compilation succeeded, if false it did not
+ and the other methods return unspecified data. This is only available
+ for `compiler.run()` results.
+- `returncode()`: the return code of executing the compiled binary
+- `stderr()`: the standard error produced when the command was run
+- `stdout()`: the standard out produced when the command was run
+### `module` object
+Modules provide their own specific implementation methods, but all modules
+proivide the following methods:
+- `bool found()`: returns True if the module was successfully imported,
+ otherwise false. *Since 0.59.0*
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+# Reference tables
+## Compiler ids
+These are return values of the `get_id` (Compiler family) and
+`get_argument_syntax` (Argument syntax) method in a compiler object.
+| Value | Compiler family | Argument syntax |
+| ----- | --------------- | --------------- |
+| arm | ARM compiler | |
+| armclang | ARMCLANG compiler | |
+| c2000 | Texas Instruments C2000 compiler | |
+| ccomp | The CompCert formally-verified C compiler | |
+| ccrx | Renesas RX Family C/C++ compiler | |
+| clang | The Clang compiler | gcc |
+| clang-cl | The Clang compiler (MSVC compatible driver) | msvc |
+| dmd | D lang reference compiler | |
+| emscripten| Emscripten WASM compiler | |
+| flang | Flang Fortran compiler | |
+| g95 | The G95 Fortran compiler | |
+| gcc | The GNU Compiler Collection | gcc |
+| intel | Intel compiler (Linux and Mac) | gcc |
+| intel-cl | Intel compiler (Windows) | msvc |
+| lcc | Elbrus C/C++/Fortran Compiler | |
+| llvm | LLVM-based compiler (Swift, D) | |
+| mono | Xamarin C# compiler | |
+| msvc | Microsoft Visual Studio | msvc |
+| nagfor | The NAG Fortran compiler | |
+| nvidia_hpc| NVidia HPC SDK compilers | |
+| open64 | The Open64 Fortran Compiler | |
+| pathscale | The Pathscale Fortran compiler | |
+| pgi | Portland PGI C/C++/Fortran compilers | |
+| rustc | Rust compiler | |
+| sun | Sun Fortran compiler | |
+| valac | Vala compiler | |
+| xc16 | Microchip XC16 C compiler | |
+| cython | The Cython compiler | |
+## Linker ids
+These are return values of the `get_linker_id` method in a compiler object.
+| Value | Linker family |
+| ----- | --------------- |
+| ld.bfd | The GNU linker |
+| ld.gold | The GNU gold linker |
+| ld.lld | The LLVM linker, with the GNU interface |
+| ld.solaris | Solaris and illumos |
+| ld.wasm | emscripten's wasm-ld linker |
+| ld64 | Apple ld64 |
+| link | MSVC linker |
+| lld-link | The LLVM linker, with the MSVC interface |
+| xilink | Used with Intel-cl only, MSVC like |
+| optlink | optlink (used with DMD) |
+| rlink | The Renesas linker, used with CCrx only |
+| xc16-ar | The Microchip linker, used with XC16 only |
+| ar2000 | The Texas Instruments linker, used with C2000 only |
+| armlink | The ARM linker (arm and armclang compilers) |
+| pgi | Portland/Nvidia PGI |
+| nvlink | Nvidia Linker used with cuda |
+| ccomp | CompCert used as the linker driver |
+For languages that don't have separate dynamic linkers such as C# and Java, the
+`get_linker_id` will return the compiler name.
+## Script environment variables
+| Value | Comment |
+| ----- | ------- |
+| MESONINTROSPECT | Command to run to run the introspection command, may be of the form `python /path/to/meson introspect`, user is responsible for splitting the path if necessary. |
+| MESON_BUILD_ROOT | Absolute path to the build dir |
+| MESON_DIST_ROOT | Points to the root of the staging directory, only set when running `dist` scripts |
+| MESON_SOURCE_ROOT | Absolute path to the source dir |
+| MESON_SUBDIR | Current subdirectory, only set for `run_command` |
+## CPU families
+These are returned by the `cpu_family` method of `build_machine`,
+`host_machine` and `target_machine`. For cross compilation they are
+set in the cross file.
+| Value | Comment |
+| ----- | ------- |
+| aarch64 | 64 bit ARM processor |
+| alpha | DEC Alpha processor |
+| arc | 32 bit ARC processor |
+| arm | 32 bit ARM processor |
+| avr | Atmel AVR processor |
+| c2000 | 32 bit C2000 processor |
+| csky | 32 bit CSky processor |
+| dspic | 16 bit Microchip dsPIC |
+| e2k | MCST Elbrus processor |
+| ia64 | Itanium processor |
+| loongarch64 | 64 bit Loongson processor|
+| m68k | Motorola 68000 processor |
+| microblaze | MicroBlaze processor |
+| mips | 32 bit MIPS processor |
+| mips64 | 64 bit MIPS processor |
+| parisc | HP PA-RISC processor |
+| pic24 | 16 bit Microchip PIC24 |
+| ppc | 32 bit PPC processors |
+| ppc64 | 64 bit PPC processors |
+| riscv32 | 32 bit RISC-V Open ISA |
+| riscv64 | 64 bit RISC-V Open ISA |
+| rl78 | Renesas RL78 |
+| rx | Renesas RX 32 bit MCU |
+| s390 | IBM zSystem s390 |
+| s390x | IBM zSystem s390x |
+| sh4 | SuperH SH-4 |
+| sparc | 32 bit SPARC |
+| sparc64 | SPARC v9 processor |
+| wasm32 | 32 bit Webassembly |
+| wasm64 | 64 bit Webassembly |
+| x86 | 32 bit x86 processor |
+| x86_64 | 64 bit x86 processor |
+Any cpu family not listed in the above list is not guaranteed to
+remain stable in future releases.
+Those porting from autotools should note that Meson does not add
+endianness to the name of the cpu_family. For example, autotools
+will call little endian PPC64 "ppc64le", Meson will not, you must
+also check the `.endian()` value of the machine for this information.
+## Operating system names
+These are provided by the `.system()` method call.
+| Value | Comment |
+| ----- | ------- |
+| android | By convention only, subject to change |
+| cygwin | The Cygwin environment for Windows |
+| darwin | Either OSX or iOS |
+| dragonfly | DragonFly BSD |
+| emscripten | Emscripten's Javascript environment |
+| freebsd | FreeBSD and its derivatives |
+| gnu | GNU Hurd |
+| haiku | |
+| linux | |
+| netbsd | |
+| openbsd | |
+| windows | Any version of Windows |
+| sunos | illumos and Solaris |
+Any string not listed above is not guaranteed to remain stable in
+future releases.
+## Language arguments parameter names
+These are the parameter names for passing language specific arguments to your build target.
+| Language | compiler name | linker name |
+| ------------- | ------------- | ----------------- |
+| C | c_args | c_link_args |
+| C++ | cpp_args | cpp_link_args |
+| C# | cs_args | cs_link_args |
+| D | d_args | d_link_args |
+| Fortran | fortran_args | fortran_link_args |
+| Java | java_args | java_link_args |
+| Objective C | objc_args | objc_link_args |
+| Objective C++ | objcpp_args | objcpp_link_args |
+| Rust | rust_args | rust_link_args |
+| Vala | vala_args | vala_link_args |
+| Cython | cython_args | cython_link_args |
+All these `<lang>_*` options are specified per machine. See in
+[specifying options per
+machine](Builtin-options.md#Specifying-options-per-machine) for on how
+to do this in cross builds.
+## Compiler and linker flag environment variables
+These environment variables will be used to modify the compiler and
+linker flags.
+It is recommended that you **do not use these**. They are provided
+purely to for backwards compatibility with other build systems. There
+are many caveats to their use, especially when rebuilding the project.
+It is **highly** recommended that you use [the command line
+arguments](#language-arguments-parameter-names) instead.
+| Name | Comment |
+| ----- | ------- |
+| CFLAGS | Flags for the C compiler |
+| CXXFLAGS | Flags for the C++ compiler |
+| OBJCFLAGS | Flags for the Objective C compiler |
+| FFLAGS | Flags for the Fortran compiler |
+| DFLAGS | Flags for the D compiler |
+| VALAFLAGS | Flags for the Vala compiler |
+| RUSTFLAGS | Flags for the Rust compiler |
+| CYTHONFLAGS | Flags for the Cython compiler |
+| LDFLAGS | The linker flags, used for all languages |
+N.B. these settings are specified per machine, and so the environment
+varibles actually come in pairs. See the [environment variables per
+machine](#Environment-variables-per-machine) section for details.
+## Function Attributes
+These are the parameters names that are supported using
+`compiler.has_function_attribute()` or
+### GCC `__attribute__`
+These values are supported using the GCC style `__attribute__` annotations,
+which are supported by GCC, Clang, and other compilers.
+| Name |
+| alias |
+| aligned |
+| alloc_size |
+| always_inline |
+| artificial |
+| cold |
+| const |
+| constructor |
+| constructor_priority |
+| deprecated |
+| destructor |
+| error |
+| externally_visible |
+| fallthrough |
+| flatten |
+| format |
+| format_arg |
+| force_align_arg_pointer³ |
+| gnu_inline |
+| hot |
+| ifunc |
+| malloc |
+| noclone |
+| noinline |
+| nonnull |
+| noreturn |
+| nothrow |
+| optimize |
+| packed |
+| pure |
+| returns_nonnull |
+| unused |
+| used |
+| visibility* |
+| visibility:default† |
+| visibility:hidden† |
+| visibility:internal† |
+| visibility:protected† |
+| warning |
+| warn_unused_result |
+| weak |
+| weakreaf |
+\* *Changed in 0.52.0* the "visibility" target no longer includes
+"protected", which is not present in Apple's clang.
+† *New in 0.52.0* These split visibility attributes are preferred to the plain
+"visibility" as they provide narrower checks.
+³ *New in 0.55.0*
+### MSVC __declspec
+These values are supported using the MSVC style `__declspec` annotation,
+which are supported by MSVC, GCC, Clang, and other compilers.
+| Name |
+| dllexport |
+| dllimport |
+## Dependency lookup methods
+These are the values that can be passed to `dependency` function's
+`method` keyword argument.
+| Name | Comment |
+| ----- | ------- |
+| auto | Automatic method selection |
+| pkg-config | Use Pkg-Config |
+| cmake | Look up as a CMake module |
+| config-tool | Use a custom dep tool such as `cups-config` |
+| system | System provided (e.g. OpenGL) |
+| extraframework | A macOS/iOS framework |
+## Compiler and Linker selection variables
+N.B. these settings are specified per machine, and so the environment
+varibles actually come in pairs. See the [environment variables per
+machine](#Environment-variables-per-machine) section for details.
+| Language | Compiler | Linker | Note |
+| C | CC | CC_LD | |
+| C++ | CXX | CXX_LD | |
+| D | DC | DC_LD | Before 0.54 D_LD* |
+| Fortran | FC | FC_LD | Before 0.54 F_LD* |
+| Objective-C | OBJC | OBJC_LD | |
+| Objective-C++ | OBJCXX | OBJCXX_LD | Before 0.54 OBJCPP_LD* |
+| Rust | RUSTC | RUSTC_LD | Before 0.54 RUST_LD* |
+| Vala | VALAC | | Use CC_LD. Vala transpiles to C |
+| C# | CSC | CSC | The linker is the compiler |
+*The old environment variales are still supported, but are deprecated
+and will be removed in a future version of Meson.*
+## Environment variables per machine
+Since *0.54.0*, Following Autotool and other legacy build systems,
+environment variables that affect machine-specific settings come in
+pairs: for every bare environment variable `FOO`, there is a suffixed
+`FOO_FOR_BUILD`, where `FOO` just affects the host machine
+configuration, while `FOO_FOR_BUILD` just affects the build machine
+configuration. For example:
+ - `PKG_CONFIG_PATH_FOR_BUILD` controls the paths pkg-config will search for
+ just `native: true` dependencies (build machine).
+ - `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` controls the paths pkg-config will search for just
+ `native: false` dependencies (host machine).
+This mirrors the `build.` prefix used for (built-in) Meson options,
+which has the same meaning.
+This is useful for cross builds. In the native builds, build = host,
+and the unsuffixed environment variables alone will suffice.
+Prior to *0.54.0*, there was no `_FOR_BUILD`-suffixed variables, and
+most environment variables only effected native machine
+configurations, though this wasn't consistent (e.g. `PKG_CONFIG_PATH`
+still affected cross builds).
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+title: Release 0.37
+short-description: Release notes for 0.37
+# New features
+## Mesontest
+Mesontest is a new testing tool that allows you to run your tests in
+many different ways. As an example you can run tests multiple times:
+ mesontest --repeat=1000 a_test
+or with an arbitrary wrapper executable:
+ mesontest --wrap='valgrind --tool=helgrind' a_test
+or under `gdb`, 1000 times in a row. This is handy for tests that fail
+spuriously, as when the crash happens you are given the full GDB
+command line:
+ mesontest --repeat=1000 --gdb a_test
+## Mesonrewriter
+Mesonrewriter is an experimental tool to manipulate your build
+definitions programmatically. It is not installed by default yet but
+those interested can run it from the source repository.
+As an example, here is how you would add a source file to a build target:
+ mesonrewriter add --target=program --filename=new_source.c
+## Shared modules
+The new `shared_module` function allows the creation of shared
+modules, that is, extension modules such as plugins that are meant to
+be used solely with `dlopen` rather than linking them to targets.
+## Gnome module
+- Detect required programs and print useful errors if missing
+### gtkdoc
+- Allow passing a list of directories to `src_dir` keyword argument
+- Add `namespace` keyword argument
+- Add `mode` keyword argument
+- Fix `gtkdoc-scangobj` finding local libraries
+### compile_resources
+- Add `gresource_bundle` keyword argument to output `.gresource` files
+- Add `export` and `install_header` keyword arguments
+- Use depfile support available in GLib >= 2.52.0
+## i18n module
+- Add `merge_file()` function for creating translated files
+- Add `preset` keyword argument to included common gettext flags
+- Read languages from `LINGUAS` file
+## LLVM IR compilation
+Meson has long had support for compiling assembler (GAS) files. In
+this release we add support for compiling LLVM IR files in a similar
+way when building with the Clang compiler. Just add it to the list of
+files when creating a `library` or `executable` target like any other
+source file. No special handling is required:
+executable('some-exe', 'main.c', 'asm-file.S', 'ir-file.ll')
+As always, you can also mix LLVM IR files with C++, C, and Assembly
+(GAS) sources.
+## ViM indent and syntax files
+We now include filetype, indent, and syntax files for ViM [with the
+Please file issues (or pull requests!) for enhancements or if you face
+any problems using them.
+## Push URLs in .wrap files
+[.wrap files](Using-the-WrapDB.md) for subprojects can now include a
+separate push URL to allow developers to push changes directly from a
+subproject git checkout.
+## pkg-config dependencies
+Meson now supports multiple version restrictions while searching for pkg-config dependencies.
+# Just want a lower limit
+dependency('zlib', version : '>1.2.1')
+# Want both a lower and an upper limit
+dependency('opencv', version : ['>=2.3.0', '<=3.1.0'])
+# Want to exclude one specific broken version
+dependency('foolite', version : ['>=3.12.1', '!=3.13.99'])
+## Overriding more binaries with environment variables
+You can now specify the binary to be used for the following tools by
+setting the corresponding environment variable
+| Name | Environment variable |
+| ---- | -------------------- |
+| pkg-config | PKG_CONFIG |
+| readelf | READELF |
+| nm | NM |
+## Support for `localstatedir`
+Similar to other options such as `bindir` and `datadir`, you can now
+specify the `localstatedir` for a project by passing
+`--localstatedir=dir` to `meson` or `-Dlocalstatedir=dir` to
+`mesonconf` after configuration. You can also access it from inside
+the `meson.build` file with `get_option('localstatedir')`.
+## New compiler function `symbols_have_underscore_prefix`
+Checks if the compiler prefixes an underscore to C global symbols with
+the default calling convention. This is useful when linking to
+compiled assembly code, or other code that does not have its C symbol
+mangling handled transparently by the compiler.
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+conf = configuration_data()
+if cc.symbols_have_underscore_prefix()
+ conf.set('SYMBOLS_HAVE_UNDERSCORE', true)
+C symbol mangling is platform and architecture dependent, and a helper
+function is needed to detect it. For example, Windows 32-bit prefixes
+underscore, but 64-bit does not. Linux does not prefix an underscore
+but OS X does.
+## Vala
+GLib Resources compiled with
+[`gnome.compile_resources`](Gnome-module.md#compile_resources) that
+are added to the sources of a Vala build target will now cause the
+appropriate `--gresources` flag to be passed to the Vala compiler so
+you don't need to add that yourself to `vala_args:`.
+## Improvements to install scripts
+You can now pass arguments to install scripts added with
+[`meson.add_install_script()`](Reference-manual.md#meson-object). All
+arguments after the script name will be passed to the script.
+The `MESON_INSTALL_DESTDIR_PREFIX` environment variable is now set
+when install scripts are called. This contains the values of the
+`DESTDIR` environment variable and the `prefix` option passed to Meson
+joined together. This is useful because both those are usually
+absolute paths, and joining absolute paths in a cross-platform way is
+tricky. [`os.path.join` in
+will discard all previous path segments when it encounters an absolute
+path, and simply concatenating them will not work on Windows where
+absolute paths begin with the drive letter.
+## More install directories
+Added new options `sbindir` and `infodir` that can be used for
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+title: Release 0.38
+short-description: Release notes for 0.38
+## Uninstall target
+Meson allows you to uninstall an install step by invoking the
+uninstall target. This will remove all files installed as part of
+install. Note that this does not restore the original files. This also
+does not undo changes done by custom install scripts (because they can
+do arbitrary install operations).
+## Support for arbitrary test setups
+Sometimes you need to run unit tests with special settings. For
+example under Valgrind. Usually this requires extra command line
+options for the tool. This is supported with the new *test setup*
+feature. For example to set up a test run with Valgrind, you'd write
+this in a `meson.build` file:
+ exe_wrapper : [vg, '--error-exitcode=1', '--leak-check=full'],
+ timeout_multiplier : 100)
+This tells Meson to run tests with Valgrind using the given options
+and multiplying the test timeout values by 100. To run this test setup
+simply issue the following command:
+$ mesontest --setup=valgrind
+## Intel C/C++ compiler support
+As usual, just set `CC=icc CXX=icpc` and Meson will use it as the
+C/C++ compiler. Currently only Linux is supported.
+## Get values from configuration data objects
+Now it is possible to query values stored in configuration data
+cdata.set('key', 'value')
+cdata.get('key') # returns 'value'
+cdata.get('nokey', 'default') # returns 'default'
+cdata.get('nokey') # halts with an error
+## Python 3 module support
+Building Python 3 extension modules has always been possible, but it
+is now even easier:
+py3_mod = import('python3')
+pylib = py3_mod.extension_module('modname',
+ 'modsource.c',
+ dependencies : py3_dep)
+## Default options to subprojects
+Projects can specify overriding values for subprojects'
+`default_options` when invoking a subproject:
+subproject('foo', default_options : ['optname=overridevalue'])
+dependency('some-dep', fallback : ['some_subproject', 'some_dep'], default_options : ['optname=overridevalue'])
+The effect is the same as if the default options were written in the
+subproject's `project` call.
+## Set targets to be built (or not) by default
+Build targets got a new keyword `build_by_default` which tells whether
+the target should be built by default when running e.g. `ninja`.
+Custom targets are not built by default but other targets are. Any
+target that is tagged as installed or to be built always is also built
+by default, regardless of the value of this keyword.
+## Add option to mesonconf to wipe cached data.
+Meson caches the results of dependency lookups. Sometimes these may
+get out of sync with the system state. Mesonconf now has a
+`--clearcache` option to clear these values so they will be
+re-searched from the system upon next compile.
+## Can specify file permissions and owner when installing data
+The new `install_mode` keyword argument can be used to specify file
+permissions and uid/gid of files when doing the install. This allows
+you to, for example, install suid root scripts.
+## `has_header()` checks are now faster
+When using compilers that implement the [`__has_include()`
+the check is now ~40% faster.
+## Array indexing now supports fallback values
+The second argument to the array
+[`.get()`](Reference-manual.md#array-object) function is now returned
+if the specified index could not be found
+array = [10, 11, 12, 13]
+array.get(0) # this will return `10`
+array.get(4) # this will give an error about invalid index
+array.get(4, 0) # this will return `0`
+## Silent mode for Mesontest
+The Meson test executor got a new argument `-q` (and `--quiet`) that
+suppresses all output of successful tests. This makes interactive
+usage nicer because only errors are printed.
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+title: Release 0.39
+short-description: Release notes for 0.39
+The 0.39.0 release turned out to consist almost entirely of bug fixes
+and minor polishes.
+# New features
+## Extra arguments for tests
+The Meson test executable allows specifying extra command line
+arguments to pass to test executables.
+ mesontest --test-args=--more-debug-info currenttest
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+title: Release 0.40
+short-description: Release notes for 0.40
+# New features
+## Outputs of generators can be used in custom targets in the VS backend
+This has been possible with the Ninja backend for a long time but now
+the Visual Studio backend works too.
+## `compute_int` method in the compiler objects
+This method can be used to evaluate the value of an expression. As an
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+two = cc.compute_int('1 + 1') # A very slow way of adding two numbers.
+## Visual Studio 2017 support
+There is now a VS2017 backend (`--backend=vs2017`) as well as a
+generic VS backend (`--backend=vs`) that autodetects the currently
+active VS version.
+## Automatic initialization of subprojects that are git submodules
+If you have a directory inside your subprojects directory (usually
+`subprojects/`) that is a git submodule, Meson will automatically
+initialize it if your build files refer to it. This will be done
+without needing a wrap file since git contains all the information
+## No download mode for wraps
+Added a new option `wrap-mode` that can be toggled to prevent Meson
+from downloading dependency projects. Attempting to do so will cause
+an error. This is useful for distro packagers and other cases where
+you must explicitly enforce that nothing is downloaded from the net
+during configuration or build.
+## Overriding options per target
+Build targets got a new keyword argument `override_options` that can
+be used to override system options. As an example if you have a target
+that you know can't be built with `-Werror` enabled you can override
+the value of the option like this:
+executable('foo', 'foo.c', override_options : ['werror=false'])
+Note that this does not affect project options, only those options
+that come from Meson (language standards, unity builds etc).
+## Compiler object get define
+Compiler objects got a new method `get_define()` that returns the
+given preprocessor symbol as a string.
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+one = cc.get_define('__linux__') # returns '1' on Linux hosts
+## Cygwin support
+Meson now works under Cygwin and we have added it to our CI test
+## Multiple install directories
+Custom targets can produce many output files. Previously it was only
+possible to install all of them in the same directory, but now you can
+install each output in its own directory like this:
+ output : ['diff.h', 'diff.sh'],
+ command : [creator, '@OUTDIR@'],
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : ['dir1', 'dir2'])
+For backwards compatibility and for conciseness, if you only specify
+one directory all outputs will be installed into it.
+The same feature is also available for Vala build targets. For
+instance, to install a shared library built by valac, the generated
+header, and the generated VAPI (respectively) into the default
+locations, you can do:
+shared_library('valalib', 'mylib.vala',
+ install : true,
+ install_dir : [true, true, true])
+To install any of the three in a custom directory, just pass it as a
+string instead of `true`. To not install it, pass `false`. You can
+also pass a single string (as before) and it will cause only the
+library to be installed, so this is a backwards-compatible change.
+## Can specify method of obtaining dependencies
+Some dependencies have many ways of being provided. As an example Qt
+can either be detected via `pkg-config` or `qmake`. Until now Meson
+has had a heuristic for selecting which method to choose but sometimes
+it does the wrong thing. This can now be overridden with the `method`
+keyword like this:
+qt5_dep = dependency('qt5', modules : 'core', method : 'qmake')
+## Link whole contents of static libraries
+The default behavior of static libraries is to discard all symbols
+that are not not directly referenced. This may lead to exported
+symbols being lost. Most compilers support "whole archive" linking
+that includes all symbols and code of a given static library. This is
+exposed with the `link_whole` keyword.
+shared_library('foo', 'foo.c', link_whole : some_static_library)
+Note that Visual Studio compilers only support this functionality on
+VS 2015 and newer.
+## Unity builds only for subprojects
+Up until now unity builds were either done for every target or none of
+them. Now unity builds can be specified to be enabled only for
+subprojects, which change seldom, and not for the master project,
+which changes a lot. This is enabled by setting the `unity` option to
+## Running `mesonintrospect` from scripts
+Meson now sets the `MESONINTROSPECT` environment variable in addition
+to `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT` and other variables when running scripts. It is
+guaranteed to point to the correct `mesonintrospect` script, which is
+important when running Meson uninstalled from git or when your `PATH`s
+may not be set up correctly.
+Specifically, the following Meson functions will set it:
+`meson.add_install_script()`, `meson.add_postconf_script()`,
+`run_command()`, `run_target()`.
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+title: Release 0.41
+short-description: Release notes for 0.41
+# New features
+## Dependency Handler for LLVM
+Native support for linking against LLVM using the `dependency` function.
+## vcs_tag keyword fallback is now optional
+The `fallback` keyword in `vcs_tag()` is now optional. If not given,
+its value defaults to the return value of `meson.project_version()`.
+## Better quoting of special characters in ninja command invocations
+The ninja backend now quotes special characters that may be
+interpreted by ninja itself, providing better interoperability with
+custom commands. This support may not be perfect; please report any
+issues found with special characters to the issue tracker.
+## Pkgconfig support for custom variables
+The Pkgconfig module object can add arbitrary variables to the generated .pc
+file with the new `variables` keyword:
+pkg.generate(libraries : libs,
+ subdirs : h,
+ version : '1.0',
+ name : 'libsimple',
+ filebase : 'simple',
+ description : 'A simple demo library.',
+ variables : ['datadir=${prefix}/data'])
+## A target for creating tarballs
+Creating distribution tarballs is simple:
+ ninja dist
+This will create a `.tar.xz` archive of the source code including
+submodules without any revision control information. This command also
+verifies that the resulting archive can be built, tested and
+installed. This is roughly equivalent to the `distcheck` target in
+other build systems. Currently this only works for projects using Git
+and only with the Ninja backend.
+## Support for passing arguments to Rust compiler
+Targets for building rust now take a `rust_args` keyword.
+## Code coverage export for tests
+Code coverage can be generated for tests by passing the `--cov` argument to
+the `run_tests.py` test runner. Note, since multiple processes are used,
+coverage must be combined before producing a report (`coverage3 combine`).
+## Reproducible builds
+All known issues have been fixed and Meson can now build reproducible Debian
+packages out of the box.
+## Extended template substitution in configure_file
+The output argument of `configure_file()` is parsed for @BASENAME@ and
+@PLAINNAME@ substitutions.
+## Cross-config property for overriding whether an exe wrapper is needed
+The new `needs_exe_wrapper` property allows overriding auto-detection for
+cases where `build_machine` appears to be compatible with `host_machine`,
+but actually isn't. For example when:
+- `build_machine` is macOS and `host_machine` is the iOS Simulator
+- the `build_machine`'s libc is glibc but the `host_machine` libc is uClibc
+- code relies on kernel features not available on the `build_machine`
+## Support for capturing stdout of a command in configure_file
+`configure_file()` now supports a new keyword - `capture`. When this argument
+is set to true, Meson captures `stdout` of the `command` and writes it to
+the target file specified as `output`.
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+title: Release 0.42
+short-description: Release notes for 0.42
+# New features
+## Distribution tarballs from Mercurial repositories
+Creating distribution tarballs can now be made out of projects based
+on Mercurial. As before, this remains possible only with the Ninja
+## Keyword argument verification
+Meson will now check the keyword arguments used when calling any
+function and print a warning if any of the keyword arguments is not
+known. In the future this will become a hard error.
+## Add support for Genie to Vala compiler
+The Vala compiler has an alternative syntax, Genie, that uses the
+`.gs` file extension. Meson now recognises and uses Genie files.
+## Pkgconfig support for additional cflags
+The Pkgconfig module object can add arbitrary extra cflags to the Cflags
+value in the .pc file, using the "extra_cflags" keyword:
+pkg.generate(libraries : libs,
+ subdirs : h,
+ version : '1.0',
+ name : 'libsimple',
+ filebase : 'simple',
+ description : 'A simple demo library.',
+ extra_cflags : '-Dfoo' )
+## Base options accessible via get_option()
+Base options are now accessible via the get_option() function.
+uses_lto = get_option('b_lto')
+## Allow crate type configuration for Rust compiler
+Rust targets now take an optional `rust_crate_type` keyword, allowing
+you to set the crate type of the resulting artifact. Valid crate types
+are `dylib` or `cdylib` for shared libraries, and `rlib` or
+`staticlib` for static libraries. For more, see Rust's [linkage
+[rust-linkage]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/reference/linkage.html
+## Simultaneous use of Address- and Undefined Behavior Sanitizers
+Both the address- and undefined behavior sanitizers can now be used
+simultaneously by passing `-Db_sanitize=address,undefined` to Meson.
+## Unstable SIMD module
+A new experimental module to compile code with many different SIMD
+instruction sets and selecting the best one at runtime. This module
+is unstable, meaning its API is subject to change in later releases.
+It might also be removed altogether.
+## Import libraries for executables on Windows
+The new keyword `implib` to `executable()` allows generation of an import
+library for the executable.
+## Added build_rpath keyword argument
+You can specify `build_rpath : '/foo/bar'` in build targets and the
+given path will get added to the target's rpath in the build tree. It
+is removed during the install step.
+Meson will print a warning when the user tries to add an rpath linker
+flag manually, e.g. via `link_args` to a target. This is not
+recommended because having multiple rpath causes them to stomp on each
+other. This warning will become a hard error in some future release.
+## Vulkan dependency module
+Vulkan can now be used as native dependency. The dependency module
+will detect the VULKAN_SDK environment variable or otherwise try to
+receive the vulkan library and header via pkgconfig or from the
+## Limiting the maximum number of linker processes
+With the Ninja backend it is now possible to limit the maximum number of
+concurrent linker processes. This is usually only needed for projects
+that have many large link steps that cause the system to run out of
+memory if they are run in parallel. This limit can be set with the
+new `backend_max_links` option.
+## Disable implicit include directories
+By default Meson adds the current source and build directories to the
+header search path. On some rare occasions this is not desired. Setting
+the `implicit_include_directories` keyword argument to `false` these
+directories are not used.
+## Support for MPI dependency
+MPI is now supported as a dependency. Because dependencies are
+language-specific, you must specify the requested language with the
+`language` keyword, i.e., `dependency('mpi', language='c')` will
+request the C MPI headers and libraries. See [the MPI
+dependency](Dependencies.md#mpi) for more information.
+## Allow excluding files or directories from `install_subdir`
+The [`install_subdir`](Reference-manual.md#install_subdir) command
+accepts the new `exclude_files` and `exclude_directories` keyword
+arguments that allow specified files or directories to be excluded
+from the installed subdirectory.
+## Make all Meson functionality invokable via the main executable
+Previously Meson had multiple executables such as `mesonintrospect`
+and `mesontest`. They are now invokable via the main Meson executable
+like this:
+ meson configure <arguments> # equivalent to mesonconf <options>
+ meson test <arguments> # equivalent to mesontest <arguments>
+The old commands are still available but they are deprecated
+and will be removed in some future release.
+## Pcap dependency detector
+Meson will automatically obtain dependency information for pcap
+using the `pcap-config` tool. It is used like any other dependency:
+pcap_dep = dependency('pcap', version : '>=1.0')
+## GNOME module mkenums_simple() addition
+Most libraries and applications use the same standard templates for
+glib-mkenums. There is now a new `mkenums_simple()` convenience method
+that passes those default templates to glib-mkenums and allows some tweaks
+such as optional function decorators or leading underscores.
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.43.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+title: Release 0.43
+short-description: Release notes for 0.43
+## Portability improvements to Boost Dependency
+The Boost dependency has been improved to better detect the various
+ways to install boost on multiple platforms. At the same time the
+`modules` semantics for the dependency has been changed. Previously it
+was allowed to specify header directories as `modules` but it wasn't
+required. Now, modules are only used to specify libraries that require
+This is a breaking change and the fix is to remove all modules that aren't
+## Generator learned capture
+Generators can now be configured to capture the standard output. See
+`test cases/common/98 gen extra/meson.build` for an example.
+## Can index CustomTarget objects
+The `CustomTarget` object can now be indexed like an array. The
+resulting object can be used as a source file for other Targets, this
+will create a dependency on the original `CustomTarget`, but will only
+insert the generated file corresponding to the index value of the
+`CustomTarget`'s `output` keyword.
+c = custom_target(
+ ...
+ output : ['out.h', 'out.c'],
+lib1 = static_library(
+ 'lib1',
+ [lib1_sources, c[0]],
+ ...
+exec = executable(
+ 'executable',
+ c[1],
+ link_with : lib1,
+## Can override executables in the cross file
+The cross file can now be used for overriding the result of
+`find_program`. As an example if you want to find the `objdump`
+command and have the following definition in your cross file:
+objdump = '/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-objdump-6'
+Then issuing the command `find_program('objdump')` will return the
+version specified in the cross file. If you need the build machine's
+objdump, you can specify the `native` keyword like this:
+native_objdump = find_program('objdump', native : true)
+## Easier handling of supported compiler arguments
+A common pattern for handling multiple desired compiler arguments, was
+to test their presence and add them to an array one-by-one, e.g.:
+warning_flags_maybe = [
+ '-Wsomething',
+ '-Wanother-thing',
+ '-Wno-the-other-thing',
+warning_flags = []
+foreach flag : warning_flags_maybe
+ if cc.has_argument(flag)
+ warning_flags += flag
+ endif
+A helper has been added for the foreach/has_argument pattern, so you
+can now simply do:
+warning_flags = [ ... ]
+flags = cc.get_supported_arguments(warning_flags)
+## Better support for shared libraries in non-system paths
+Meson has support for prebuilt object files and static libraries. This
+release adds feature parity to shared libraries that are either in
+non-standard system paths or shipped as part of your project. On
+systems that support rpath, Meson automatically adds rpath entries to
+built targets using manually found external libraries.
+This means that e.g. supporting prebuilt libraries shipped with your
+source or provided by subprojects or wrap definitions by writing a
+build file like this:
+project('myprebuiltlibrary', 'c')
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+prebuilt = cc.find_library('mylib', dirs : meson.current_source_dir())
+mydep = declare_dependency(include_directories : include_directories('.'),
+ dependencies : prebuilt)
+Then you can use the dependency object in the same way as any other.
+## wrap-svn
+The [Wrap dependency system](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md) now
+supports [Subversion](https://subversion.apache.org/) (svn). This
+support is rudimentary. The repository url has to point to a specific
+(sub)directory containing the `meson.build` file (typically `trunk/`).
+However, providing a `revision` is supported.
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@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+title: Release 0.44
+short-description: Release notes for 0.44
+# New features
+## Added warning function
+This function prints its argument to the console prefixed by
+"WARNING:" in yellow color. A simple example:
+warning('foo is deprecated, please use bar instead')
+## Adds support for additional Qt5-Module keyword `moc_extra_arguments`
+When `moc`-ing sources, the `moc` tool does not know about any
+preprocessor macros. The generated code might not match the input
+files when the linking with the moc input sources happens.
+This amendment allows to specify a a list of additional arguments
+passed to the `moc` tool. They are called `moc_extra_arguments`.
+## Prefix-dependent defaults for sysconfdir, localstatedir and sharedstatedir
+These options now default in a way consistent with
+[FHS](http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/fhs.shtml) and common usage.
+If prefix is `/usr`, default sysconfdir to `/etc`, localstatedir to `/var` and
+sharedstatedir to `/var/lib`.
+If prefix is `/usr/local` (the default), default localstatedir to
+`/var/local` and sharedstatedir to `/var/local/lib`.
+## An array type for user options
+Previously to have an option that took more than one value a string
+value would have to be created and split, but validating this was
+difficult. A new array type has been added to the `meson_options.txt`
+for this case. It works like a 'combo', but allows more than one
+option to be passed. The values can optionally be validated against a
+list of valid values. When used on the command line (with -D), values
+are passed as a comma separated list.
+option('array_opt', type : 'array', choices : ['one', 'two', 'three'], value : ['one'])
+These can be overwritten on the command line,
+meson _build -Darray_opt=two,three
+## LLVM dependency supports both dynamic and static linking
+The LLVM dependency has been improved to consistently use dynamic
+linking. Previously recent version (>= 3.9) would link dynamically
+while older versions would link statically.
+Now LLVM also accepts the `static` keyword to enable statically
+linking to LLVM modules instead of dynamically linking.
+## Added `if_found` to subdir
+Added a new keyword argument to the `subdir` command. It is given a
+list of dependency objects and the function will only recurse in the
+subdirectory if they are all found. Typical usage goes like this.
+d1 = dependency('foo') # This is found
+d2 = dependency('bar') # This is not found
+subdir('somedir', if_found : [d1, d2])
+In this case the subdirectory would not be entered since `d2` could
+not be found.
+## `get_unquoted()` method for the `configuration` data object
+New convenience method that allows reusing a variable value
+defined quoted. Useful in C for config.h strings for example.
+## Added disabler object
+A disabler object is a new kind of object that has very specific
+semantics. If it is used as part of any other operation such as an
+argument to a function call, logical operations etc, it will cause the
+operation to not be evaluated. Instead the return value of said
+operation will also be the disabler object.
+For example if you have an setup like this:
+dep = dependency('foo')
+lib = shared_library('mylib', 'mylib.c',
+ dependencies : dep)
+exe = executable('mytest', 'mytest.c',
+ link_with : lib)
+test('mytest', exe)
+If you replace the dependency with a disabler object like this:
+dep = disabler()
+lib = shared_library('mylib', 'mylib.c',
+ dependencies : dep)
+exe = executable('mytest', 'mytest.c',
+ link_with : lib)
+test('mytest', exe)
+Then the shared library, executable and unit test are not
+created. This is a handy mechanism to cut down on the number of `if`
+## Config-Tool based dependencies gained a method to get arbitrary options
+A number of dependencies (CUPS, LLVM, pcap, WxWidgets, GnuStep) use a
+config tool instead of pkg-config. As of this version they now have a
+`get_configtool_variable` method, which is analogous to the
+`get_pkgconfig_variable` for pkg config.
+dep_llvm = dependency('LLVM')
+llvm_inc_dir = dep_llvm.get_configtool_variable('includedir')
+## Embedded Python in Windows MSI packages
+Meson now ships an internal version of Python in the MSI installer
+packages. This means that it can run Python scripts that are part of
+your build transparently. That is, if you do the following:
+myprog = find_program('myscript.py')
+Then Meson will run the script with its internal Python version if necessary.
+## Libwmf dependency now supports libwmf-config
+Earlier, `dependency('libwmf')` could only detect the library with
+pkg-config files. Now, if pkg-config files are not found, Meson will
+look for `libwmf-config` and if it's found, will use that to find the
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@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+title: Release 0.45
+short-description: Release notes for 0.45
+# New features
+## Python minimum version is now 3.5
+Meson will from this version on require Python version 3.5 or newer.
+## Config-Tool based dependencies can be specified in a cross file
+Tools like LLVM and pcap use a config tool for dependencies, this is a
+script or binary that is run to get configuration information (cflags,
+ldflags, etc) from.
+These binaries may now be specified in the `binaries` section of a
+cross file.
+cc = ...
+llvm-config = '/usr/bin/llvm-config32'
+## Visual Studio C# compiler support
+In addition to the Mono C# compiler we also support Visual Studio's C#
+compiler. Currently this is only supported on the Ninja backend.
+## Removed two deprecated features
+The standalone `find_library` function has been a no-op for a long
+time. Starting with this version it becomes a hard error.
+There used to be a keywordless version of `run_target` which looked
+like this:
+run_target('targetname', 'command', 'arg1', 'arg2')
+This is now an error. The correct format for this is now:
+ command : ['command', 'arg1', 'arg2'])
+## Experimental FPGA support
+This version adds support for generating, analysing and uploading FPGA
+programs using the [IceStorm
+toolchain](http://www.clifford.at/icestorm/). This support is
+experimental and is currently limited to the `iCE 40` series of FPGA
+FPGA generation integrates with other parts of Meson seamlessly. As an
+example, [here](https://github.com/jpakkane/lm32) is an example
+project that compiles a simple firmware into Verilog and combines that
+with an lm32 softcore processor.
+## Generator outputs can preserve directory structure
+Normally when generating files with a generator, Meson flattens the
+input files so they all go in the same directory. Some code
+generators, such as Protocol Buffers, require that the generated files
+have the same directory layout as the input files used to generate
+them. This can now be achieved like this:
+g = generator(...) # Compiles protobuf sources
+generated = gen.process('com/mesonbuild/one.proto',
+ 'com/mesonbuild/two.proto',
+ preserve_path_from : meson.current_source_dir())
+This would cause the following files to be generated inside the target
+private directory:
+ com/mesonbuild/one.pb.h
+ com/mesonbuild/one.pb.cc
+ com/mesonbuild/two.pb.h
+ com/mesonbuild/two.pb.cc
+## Hexadecimal string literals
+Hexadecimal integer literals can now be used in build and option files.
+int_255 = 0xFF
+## b_ndebug : if-release
+The value `if-release` can be given for the `b_ndebug` project option.
+This will make the `NDEBUG` pre-compiler macro to be defined for
+release type builds as if the `b_ndebug` project option had had the
+value `true` defined for it.
+## `install_data()` defaults to `{datadir}/{projectname}`
+If `install_data()` is not given an `install_dir` keyword argument, the
+target directory defaults to `{datadir}/{projectname}` (e.g.
+## install_subdir() supports strip_directory
+If strip_directory=true install_subdir() installs directory contents
+instead of directory itself, stripping basename of the source directory.
+## Integer options
+There is a new integer option type with optional minimum and maximum
+values. It can be specified like this in the `meson_options.txt` file:
+option('integer_option', type : 'integer', min : 0, max : 5, value : 3)
+## New method meson.project_license()
+The `meson` builtin object now has a `project_license()` method that
+returns a list of all licenses for the project.
+## Rust cross-compilation
+Cross-compilation is now supported for Rust targets. Like other
+cross-compilers, the Rust binary must be specified in your cross file.
+It should specify a `--target` (as installed by `rustup target`) and a
+custom linker pointing to your C cross-compiler. For example:
+c = '/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-7'
+rust = [
+ 'rustc',
+ '--target', 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf',
+ '-C', 'linker=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc-7',
+## Rust compiler-private library disambiguation
+When building a Rust target with Rust library dependencies, an
+`--extern` argument is now specified to avoid ambiguity between the
+dependency library, and any crates of the same name in `rustc`'s
+private sysroot.
+## Project templates
+Meson ships with predefined project templates. To start a new project
+from scratch, simply go to an empty directory and type:
+ meson init --name=myproject --type=executable --language=c
+## Improve test setup selection
+Test setups are now identified (also) by the project they belong to
+and it is possible to select the used test setup from a specific
+project. E.g. to use a test setup `some_setup` from project
+`some_project` for all executed tests one can use
+ meson test --setup some_project:some_setup
+Should one rather want test setups to be used from the same project as
+where the current test itself has been defined, one can use just
+ meson test --setup some_setup
+In the latter case every (sub)project must have a test setup `some_setup`
+defined in it.
+## Can use custom targets as Windows resource files
+The `compile_resources()` function of the `windows` module can now be
+used on custom targets as well as regular files.
+## Can promote dependencies with wrap command
+The `promote` command makes it easy to copy nested dependencies to the
+top level.
+ meson wrap promote scommon
+This will search the project tree for a subproject called `scommon`
+and copy it to the top level.
+If there are many embedded subprojects with the same name, you have to
+specify which one to promote manually like this:
+ meson wrap promote subprojects/s1/subprojects/scommon
+## Yielding subproject option to superproject
+Normally project options are specific to the current project. However
+sometimes you want to have an option whose value is the same over all
+projects. This can be achieved with the new `yield` keyword for
+options. When set to `true`, getting the value of this option in
+`meson.build` files gets the value from the option with the same name
+in the master project (if such an option exists).
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@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+title: Release 0.46
+short-description: Release notes for 0.46
+# New features
+## Allow early return from a script
+Added the function `subdir_done()`. Its invocation exits the current
+script at the point of invocation. All previously invoked build
+targets and commands are build/executed. All following ones are
+ignored. If the current script was invoked via `subdir()` the parent
+script continues normally.
+## Log output slightly changed
+The format of some human-readable diagnostic messages has changed in
+minor ways. In case you are parsing these messages, you may need to
+adjust your code.
+## ARM compiler for C and CPP
+Cross-compilation is now supported for ARM targets using ARM compiler
+- ARMCC. The current implementation does not support shareable
+libraries. The default extension of the output is .axf. The
+environment path should be set properly for the ARM compiler
+executables. The '--cpu' option with the appropriate target type
+should be mentioned in the cross file as shown in the snippet below.
+c_args = ['--cpu=Cortex-M0plus']
+cpp_args = ['--cpu=Cortex-M0plus']
+## Building both shared and static libraries
+A new function `both_libraries()` has been added to build both shared
+and static libraries at the same time. Source files will be compiled
+only once and object files will be reused to build both shared and
+static libraries, unless `b_staticpic` user option or `pic:` keyword
+argument are set to false in which case sources will be compiled
+The returned `buildtarget` object always represents the shared library.
+## Compiler object can now be passed to run_command()
+This can be used to run the current compiler with the specified
+arguments to obtain additional information from it. One of the use
+cases is to get the location of development files for the GCC plugins:
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+result = run_command(cc, '-print-file-name=plugin')
+plugin_dev_path = result.stdout().strip()
+## declare_dependency() now supports `link_whole:`
+`declare_dependency()` now supports the `link_whole:` keyword argument which
+transparently works for build targets which use that dependency.
+## Old command names are now errors
+The old executable names `mesonintrospect`, `mesonconf`,
+`mesonrewriter` and `mesontest` have been deprecated for a long time.
+Starting from this version they no longer do anything but instead
+always error out. All functionality is available as subcommands in the
+main `meson` binary.
+## Meson and meson configure now accept the same arguments
+Previously Meson required that builtin arguments (like prefix) be
+passed as `--prefix` to `meson` and `-Dprefix` to `meson configure`.
+`meson` now accepts -D form like `meson configure` has. `meson
+configure` also accepts the `--prefix` form, like `meson` has.
+## Recursively extract objects
+The `recursive:` keyword argument has been added to
+`extract_all_objects()`. When set to `true` it will also return
+objects passed to the `objects:` argument of this target. By default
+only objects built for this target are returned to maintain backward
+compatibility with previous versions. The default will eventually be
+changed to `true` in a future version.
+lib1 = static_library('a', 'source.c', objects : 'prebuilt.o')
+lib2 = static_library('b', objects : lib1.extract_all_objects(recursive : true))
+## Can override find_program()
+It is now possible to override the result of `find_program` to point
+to a custom program you want. The overriding is global and applies to
+every subproject from there on. Here is how you would use it.
+In master project
+In the called subproject:
+prog = find_program('my_custom_script')
+meson.override_find_program('mycodegen', prog)
+In master project (or, in fact, any subproject):
+genprog = find_program('mycodegen')
+Now `genprog` points to the custom script. If the dependency had come
+from the system, then it would point to the system version.
+You can also use the return value of `configure_file()` to override
+a program in the same way as above:
+prog_script = configure_file(input : 'script.sh.in',
+ output : 'script.sh',
+ configuration : cdata)
+meson.override_find_program('mycodegen', prog_script)
+## New functions: has_link_argument() and friends
+A new set of methods has been added to [compiler
+objects](Reference-manual.md#compiler-object) to test if the linker
+supports given arguments.
+- `has_link_argument()`
+- `has_multi_link_arguments()`
+- `get_supported_link_arguments()`
+- `first_supported_link_argument()`
+## "meson help" now shows command line help
+Command line parsing is now less surprising. "meson help" is now
+equivalent to "meson --help" and "meson help <subcommand>" is
+equivalent to "meson <subcommand> --help", instead of creating a build
+directory called "help" in these cases.
+## Autogeneration of simple meson.build files
+A feature to generate a meson.build file compiling given C/C++ source
+files into a single executable has been added to "meson init". By
+default, it will take all recognizable source files in the current
+directory. You can also specify a list of dependencies with the -d
+flag and automatically invoke a build with the -b flag to check if the
+code builds with those dependencies.
+For example,
+meson init -fbd sdl2,gl
+will look for C or C++ files in the current directory, generate a
+meson.build for them with the dependencies of sdl2 and gl and
+immediately try to build it, overwriting any previous meson.build and
+build directory.
+## install_data() supports `rename:`
+The `rename:` keyword argument is used to change names of the installed
+files. Here's how you install and rename the following files:
+- `file1.txt` into `share/myapp/dir1/data.txt`
+- `file2.txt` into `share/myapp/dir2/data.txt`
+install_data(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'],
+ rename : ['dir1/data.txt', 'dir2/data.txt'],
+ install_dir : 'share/myapp')
+## Support for lcc compiler for e2k (Elbrus) architecture
+In this version, a support for lcc compiler for Elbrus processors
+based on [e2k
+microarchitecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbrus_2000) has been
+Examples of such CPUs:
+* [Elbrus-8S](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbrus-8S);
+* Elbrus-4S;
+* [Elbrus-2S+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elbrus-2S%2B).
+Such compiler have a similar behavior as gcc (basic option compatibility),
+but, in is not strictly compatible with gcc as of current version.
+Major differences as of version 1.21.22:
+* it does not support LTO and PCH;
+* it suffers from the same dependency file creation error as icc;
+* it has minor differences in output, especially version output;
+* it differently reacts to lchmod() detection;
+* some backend messages are produced in ru_RU.KOI8-R even if LANG=C;
+* its preprocessor treats some characters differently.
+So every noted difference is properly handled now in Meson.
+## String escape character sequence update
+Single-quoted strings in Meson have been taught the same set of escape
+sequences as in Python. It is therefore now possible to use arbitrary
+bytes in strings, like for example `NUL` (`\0`) and other ASCII
+control characters. See the chapter about [*Strings* in
+*Syntax*](Syntax.md#strings) for more details.
+Potential backwards compatibility issue: Any valid escape sequence
+according to the new rules will be interpreted as an escape sequence
+instead of the literal characters. Previously only the following
+escape sequences were supported in single-quote strings: `\'`, `\\`
+and `\n`.
+Note that the behaviour of triple-quoted (multiline) strings has not
+changed. They behave like raw strings and do not support any escape
+## New `forcefallback` wrap mode
+A new wrap mode was added, `--wrap-mode=forcefallback`. When this is
+set, dependencies for which a fallback was provided will always use
+it, even if an external dependency exists and satisfies the version
+## Relaxing of target name requirements
+In earlier versions of Meson you could only have one target of a given
+name for each type. For example you could not have two executables
+named `foo`. This requirement is now relaxed so that you can have
+multiple targets with the same name, as long as they are in different
+Note that projects that have multiple targets with the same name can
+not be built with the `flat` layout or any backend that writes outputs
+in the same directory.
+## Addition of OpenMP dependency
+An OpenMP dependency (`openmp`) has been added that encapsulates the
+various flags used by compilers to enable OpenMP and checks for the
+existence of the `omp.h` header. The `language` keyword may be passed
+to force the use of a specific compiler for the checks.
+## Added new partial_dependency method to dependencies and libraries
+It is now possible to use only part of a dependency in a target. This
+allows, for example, to only use headers with convenience libraries to
+avoid linking to the same library multiple times.
+dep = dependency('xcb')
+helper = static_library(
+ 'helper',
+ ['helper1.c', 'helper2.c'],
+ dependencies : dep.partial_dependency(includes : true),
+final = shared_library(
+ 'final',
+ ['final.c'],
+ dependencyes : dep,
+A partial dependency will have the same name version as the full
+dependency it is derived from, as well as any values requested.
+## Improved generation of pkg-config files for static only libraries.
+Previously pkg-config files generated by the pkgconfig modules for
+static libraries with dependencies could only be used in a
+dependencies with `static: true`.
+Now the generated file contains the needed dependencies libraries
+directly within `Requires` and `Libs` for build static libraries
+passed via the `libraries` keyword argument.
+Projects that install both a static and a shared version of a library
+should use the result of
+[`both_libraries()`](Reference-manual.md#both_libraries) to the
+pkg-config file generator or use
+[`configure_file()`](Reference-manual.md#configure_file) for more
+complicated setups.
+## Improvements to pkgconfig module
+A `StaticLibrary` or `SharedLibrary` object can optionally be passed
+as first positional argument of the `generate()` method. If one is provided a
+default value will be provided for all required fields of the pc file:
+- `install_dir` is set to `pkgconfig` folder in the same location than the provided library.
+- `description` is set to the project's name followed by the library's name.
+- `name` is set to the library's name.
+Generating a .pc file is now as simple as:
+## pkgconfig.generate() requires parameters non-string arguments
+`pkgconfig.generate()` `requires:` and `requires_private:` keyword
+arguments now accept pkgconfig-dependencies and libraries that
+pkgconfig-files were generated for.
+## Generic python module
+Meson now has is a revamped and generic (python 2 and 3) version of
+the python3 module. With [this new interface](Python-module.md),
+projects can now fully specify the version of python they want to
+build against / install sources to, and can do so against multiple
+major or minor versions in parallel.
+## test() now supports the `depends:` keyword argument
+Build targets and custom targets can be listed in the `depends:`
+keyword argument of test function. These targets will be built before
+test is run even if they have `build_by_default : false`.
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.47.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+title: Release 0.47
+short-description: Release notes for 0.47
+# New features
+## Allow early return from a script
+Added the function `subdir_done()`. Its invocation exits the current
+script at the point of invocation. All previously invoked build
+targets and commands are build/executed. All following ones are
+ignored. If the current script was invoked via `subdir()` the parent
+script continues normally.
+## Concatenate string literals returned from `get_define()`
+After obtaining the value of a preprocessor symbol consecutive string
+literals are merged into a single string literal. For example a
+preprocessor symbol's value `"ab" "cd"` is returned as `"abcd"`.
+## ARM compiler(version 6) for C and CPP
+Cross-compilation is now supported for ARM targets using ARM compiler
+version 6 - ARMCLANG. The required ARMCLANG compiler options for
+building a shareable library are not included in the current Meson
+implementation for ARMCLANG support, so it can not build shareable
+libraries. This current Meson implementation for ARMCLANG support can
+not build assembly files with arm syntax (we need to use armasm
+instead of ARMCLANG for the `.s` files with this syntax) and only
+supports GNU syntax.
+The default extension of the executable output is `.axf`. The
+environment path should be set properly for the ARM compiler
+executables. The `--target`, `-mcpu` options with the appropriate
+values should be mentioned in the cross file as shown in the snippet
+c_args = ['--target=arm-arm-none-eabi', '-mcpu=cortex-m0plus']
+cpp_args = ['--target=arm-arm-none-eabi', '-mcpu=cortex-m0plus']
+- The current changes are tested on Windows only.
+- PIC support is not enabled by default for ARM,
+ if users want to use it, they need to add the required arguments
+ explicitly from cross-file(`c_args`/`cpp_args`) or some other way.
+## New base build option for LLVM (Apple) bitcode support
+When building with clang on macOS, you can now build your static and
+shared binaries with embedded bitcode by enabling the `b_bitcode`
+[base option](Builtin-options.md#base-options) by passing
+`-Db_bitcode=true` to Meson.
+This is better than passing the options manually in the environment
+since Meson will automatically disable conflicting options such as
+`b_asneeded`, and will disable bitcode support on targets that don't
+support it such as `shared_module()`.
+Since this requires support in the linker, it is currently only
+enabled when using Apple ld. In the future it can be extended to clang
+on other platforms too.
+## New compiler check: `check_header()`
+The existing compiler check `has_header()` only checks if the header
+exists, either with the `__has_include` C++11 builtin, or by running
+the pre-processor.
+However, sometimes the header you are looking for is unusable on some
+platforms or with some compilers in a way that is only detectable at
+compile-time. For such cases, you should use `check_header()` which
+will include the header and run a full compile.
+Note that `has_header()` is much faster than `check_header()`, so it
+should be used whenever possible.
+## New action `copy:` for `configure_file()`
+In addition to the existing actions `configuration:` and `command:`,
+[`configure_file()`](Reference-manual.md#configure_file) now accepts a
+keyword argument `copy:` which specifies a new action to copy the file
+specified with the `input:` keyword argument to a file in the build
+directory with the name specified with the `output:` keyword argument.
+These three keyword arguments are, as before, mutually exclusive. You
+can only do one action at a time.
+## New keyword argument `encoding:` for `configure_file()`
+Add a new keyword to
+[`configure_file()`](Reference-manual.md#configure_file) that allows
+the developer to specify the input and output file encoding. The
+default value is the same as before: UTF-8.
+In the past, Meson would not handle non-UTF-8/ASCII files correctly,
+and in the worst case would try to coerce it to UTF-8 and mangle the
+data. UTF-8 is the standard encoding now, but sometimes it is
+necessary to process files that use a different encoding.
+For additional details see [#3135](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/3135).
+## New keyword argument `output_format:` for `configure_file()`
+When called without an input file, `configure_file` generates a C
+header file by default. A keyword argument was added to allow
+specifying the output format, for example for use with nasm or yasm:
+conf = configuration_data()
+conf.set('FOO', 1)
+ configuration: conf,
+ output_format: 'nasm')
+## Substitutions in `custom_target(depfile:)`
+The `depfile` keyword argument to `custom_target` now accepts the `@BASENAME@`
+and `@PLAINNAME@` substitutions.
+## Deprecated `build_always:` for custom targets
+Setting `build_always` to `true` for a custom target not only marks
+the target to be always considered out of date, but also adds it to
+the set of default targets. This option is therefore deprecated and
+the new option `build_always_stale` is introduced.
+`build_always_stale` *only* marks the target to be always considered
+out of date, but does not add it to the set of default targets. The
+old behaviour can be achieved by combining `build_always_stale` with
+The documentation has been updated accordingly.
+## New built-in object type: dictionary
+Meson dictionaries use a syntax similar to python's dictionaries, but
+have a narrower scope: they are immutable, keys can only be string
+literals, and initializing a dictionary with duplicate keys causes a
+fatal error.
+Example usage:
+d = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 'baz'}
+foo = d.get('foo')
+foobar = d.get('foobar', 'fallback-value')
+foreach key, value : d
+ Do something with key and value
+## Array options treat `-Dopt=` and `-Dopt=[]` as equivalent
+Prior to this change passing -Dopt= to an array opt would be
+interpreted as `['']` (an array with an empty string), now `-Dopt=` is
+the same as `-Dopt=[]`, an empty list.
+## Feature detection based on `meson_version:` in `project()`
+Meson will now print a `WARNING:` message during configuration if you
+use a function or a keyword argument that was added in a Meson version
+that's newer than the version specified inside `project()`. For
+project('featurenew', meson_version: '>=0.43')
+cdata = configuration_data()
+cdata.set('FOO', 'bar')
+This will output:
+The Meson build system
+Version: 0.47.0.dev1
+Source dir: C:\path\to\srctree
+Build dir: C:\path\to\buildtree
+Build type: native build
+Project name: featurenew
+Project version: undefined
+Build machine cpu family: x86_64
+Build machine cpu: x86_64
+WARNING: Project targeting '>=0.43' but tried to use feature introduced in '0.44.0': configuration_data.get_unquoted()
+Message: bar
+Build targets in project: 0
+WARNING: Project specifies a minimum meson_version '>=0.43' which conflicts with:
+ * 0.44.0: {'configuration_data.get_unquoted()'}
+## New type of build option for features
+A new type of [option called `feature`](Build-options.md#features) can
+be defined in `meson_options.txt` for the traditional `enabled /
+disabled / auto` tristate. The value of this option can be passed to
+the `required` keyword argument of functions `dependency()`,
+`find_library()`, `find_program()` and `add_languages()`.
+A new global option `auto_features` has been added to override the
+value of all `auto` features. It is intended to be used by packagers
+to have full control on which feature must be enabled or disabled.
+## New options to `gnome.gdbus_codegen()`
+You can now pass additional arguments to gdbus-codegen using the
+`extra_args` keyword. This is the same for the other gnome function
+Meson now automatically adds autocleanup support to the generated
+code. This can be modified by setting the autocleanup keyword.
+For example:
+sources += gnome.gdbus_codegen('com.mesonbuild.Test',
+ 'com.mesonbuild.Test.xml',
+ autocleanup : 'none',
+ extra_args : ['--pragma-once'])
+## Made 'install' a top level Meson command
+You can now run `meson install` in your build directory and it will do
+the install. It has several command line options you can toggle the
+behaviour that is not in the default `ninja install` invocation. This
+is similar to how `meson test` already works.
+For example, to install only the files that have changed, you can do:
+$ meson install --only-changed
+## `install_mode:` keyword argument extended to all installable targets
+It is now possible to pass an `install_mode` argument to all
+installable targets, such as `executable()`, libraries, headers, man
+pages and custom/generated targets.
+The `install_mode` argument can be used to specify the file mode in
+symbolic format and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the
+installed files.
+## New built-in option `install_umask` with a default value 022
+This umask is used to define the default permissions of files and
+directories created in the install tree. Files will preserve their
+executable mode, but the exact permissions will obey the
+The `install_umask` can be overridden in the Meson command-line:
+$ meson --install-umask=027 builddir/
+A project can also override the default in the `project()` call:
+project('myproject', 'c',
+ default_options : ['install_umask=027'])
+To disable the `install_umask`, set it to `preserve`, in which case
+permissions are copied from the files in their origin.
+## Octal and binary string literals
+Octal and binary integer literals can now be used in build and option files.
+int_493 = 0o755
+int_1365 = 0b10101010101
+## New keyword arguments: 'check' and 'capture' for `run_command()`
+If `check:` is `true`, then the configuration will fail if the command
+returns a non-zero exit status. The default value is `false` for
+compatibility reasons.
+`run_command()` used to always capture the output and stored it for
+use in build files. However, sometimes the stdout is in a binary
+format which is meant to be discarded. For that case, you can now set
+the `capture:` keyword argument to `false`.
+## Windows resource files dependencies
+The `compile_resources()` function of the `windows` module now takes
+the `depend_files:` and `depends:` keywords.
+When using binutils's `windres`, dependencies on files `#include`'d by
+the preprocessor are now automatically tracked.
+## Polkit support for privileged installation
+When running `install`, if installation fails with a permission error
+and `pkexec` is available, Meson will attempt to use it to spawn a
+permission dialog for privileged installation and retry the
+If `pkexec` is not available, the old behaviour is retained and you
+will need to explicitly run the install step with `sudo`.
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index 000000000..4b68b6d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.48.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+title: Release 0.48
+short-description: Release notes for 0.48
+# New features
+## Toggles for build type, optimization and vcrt type
+Since the very beginning Meson has provided different project types to
+use, such as *debug* and *minsize*. There is also a *plain* type that
+adds nothing by default but instead makes it the user's responsibility
+to add everything by hand. This works but is a bit tedious.
+In this release we have added new new options to manually toggle e.g.
+optimization levels and debug info so those can be changed
+independently of other options. For example by default the debug
+buildtype has no optmization enabled at all. If you wish to use GCC's
+`-Og` instead, you could set it with the following command:
+meson configure -Doptimization=g
+Similarly we have added a toggle option to select the version of
+Visual Studio C runtime to use. By default it uses the debug runtime
+DLL debug builds and release DLL for release builds but this can be
+manually changed with the new base option `b_vscrt`.
+## Meson warns if two calls to `configure_file()` write to the same file
+If two calls to
+[`configure_file()`](Reference-manual.md#configure_file) write to the
+same file Meson will print a `WARNING:` message during configuration.
+For example:
+project('configure_file', 'cpp')
+ input: 'a.in',
+ output: 'out',
+ command: ['./foo.sh']
+ input: 'a.in',
+ output: 'out',
+ command: ['./foo.sh']
+This will output:
+The Meson build system
+Version: 0.47.0.dev1
+Source dir: /path/to/srctree
+Build dir: /path/to/buildtree
+Build type: native build
+Project name: configure_file
+Project version: undefined
+Build machine cpu family: x86_64
+Build machine cpu: x86_64
+Configuring out with command
+WARNING: Output file out for configure_file overwritten. First time written in line 3 now in line 8
+Configuring out with command
+Build targets in project: 0
+Found ninja-1.8.2 at /usr/bin/ninja
+## New kwarg `console` for `custom_target()`
+This keyword argument conflicts with `capture`, and is meant for
+commands that are resource-intensive and take a long time to
+finish. With the Ninja backend, setting this will add this target to
+[Ninja's `console`
+which has special properties such as not buffering stdout and
+serializing all targets in this pool.
+The primary use-case for this is to be able to run external commands
+that take a long time to exeute. Without setting this, the user does
+not receive any feedback about what the program is doing.
+## `dependency(version:)` now applies to all dependency types
+Previously, version constraints were only enforced for dependencies
+found using the pkg-config dependency provider. These constraints now
+apply to dependencies found using any dependency provider.
+Some combinations of dependency, host and method do not currently
+support discovery of the version. In these cases, the dependency will
+not be found if a version constraint is applied, otherwise the
+`version()` method for the dependency object will return `'unknown'`.
+(If discovering the version in one of these combinations is important
+to you, and a method exists to determine the version in that case,
+please file an issue with as much information as possible.)
+## python3 module is deprecated
+A generic module `python` has been added in Meson `0.46.0` and has a superset of
+the features implemented by the previous `python3` module.
+In most cases, it is a simple matter of renaming:
+py3mod = import('python3')
+python = py3mod.find_python()
+pymod = import('python')
+python = pymod.find_installation()
+## Dictionary addition
+Dictionaries can now be added, values from the second dictionary overrides values
+from the first
+d1 = {'a' : 'b'}
+d3 = d1 + {'a' : 'c'}
+d3 += {'d' : 'e'}
+## Dist scripts
+You can now specify scripts that are run as part of the `dist`
+target. An example usage would go like this:
+project('foo', 'c')
+# other stuff here
+## Fatal warnings
+A new command line option has been added: `--fatal-meson-warnings`.
+When enabled, any warning message printed by Meson will be fatal and
+raise an exception. It is intended to be used by developers and CIs to
+easily catch deprecation warnings, or any other potential issues.
+## Helper methods added for checking GNU style attributes: `__attribute__(...)`
+A set of new helpers have been added to the C and C++ compiler objects
+for checking GNU style function attributes. These are not just simpler
+to use, they may be optimized to return fast on compilers that don't
+support these attributes. Currently this is true for MSVC.
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+if cc.has_function_attribute('aligned')
+ add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_ALIGNED', language : 'c')
+Would replace code like:
+if cc.compiles('''into foo(void) __attribute__((aligned(32)))''')
+ add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_ALIGNED', language : 'c')
+Additionally, a multi argument version has been added:
+foreach s : cc.get_supported_function_attributes(['hidden', 'alias'])
+ add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_@0@'.format(s.to_upper()), language : 'c')
+## `gnome.generate_gir()` now optionally accepts multiple libraries
+The GNOME module can now generate a single gir for multiple libraries,
+which is something `g-ir-scanner` supported, but had not been exposed
+gnome.generate_gir() will now accept multiple positional arguments, if
+none of these arguments are an `Executable` instance.
+## Hotdoc module
+A new module has been written to ease generation of
+[hotdoc](https://hotdoc.github.io/) based documentation. It supports
+complex use cases such as hotdoc subprojects (to create documentation
+portals) and makes it straight forward to leverage full capabilities
+of hotdoc.
+Simple usage:
+``` meson
+hotdoc = import('hotdoc')
+ 'foobar',
+ c_smart_index: true,
+ project_version: '0.1',
+ sitemap: 'sitemap.txt',
+ index: 'index.md',
+ c_sources: ['path/to/file.c'],
+ languages: ['c'],
+ install: true,
+## `i18n.merge_file()` now fully supports variable substitutions defined in `custom_target()`
+Filename substitutions like @BASENAME@ and @PLAINNAME@ were previously
+accepted but the name of the build target wasn't altered leading to
+colliding target names when using the substitution twice.
+i18n.merge_file() now behaves as custom_target() in this regard.
+## Projects args can be set separately for cross and native builds (potentially breaking change)
+It has been a longstanding bug (or let's call it a "delayed bug fix")
+that if you do this:
+add_project_arguments('-DFOO', language : 'c')
+Then the flag is used both in native and cross compilations. This is
+very confusing and almost never what you want. To fix this a new
+keyword `native` has been added to all functions that add arguments,
+namely `add_global_arguments`, `add_global_link_arguments`,
+`add_project_arguments` and `add_project_link_arguments` that behaves
+like the following:
+# Added to native builds when compiling natively and to cross
+# compilations when doing cross compiles.
+# Added only to native compilations, not used in cross compilations.
+add_project_arguments(..., native : true)
+# Added only to cross compilations, not used in native compilations.
+add_project_arguments(..., native : false)
+Also remember that cross compilation is a property of each target.
+There can be target that are compiled with the native compiler and
+some which are compiled with the cross compiler.
+Unfortunately this change is backwards incompatible and may cause some
+projects to fail building. However this should be very rare in
+## More flexible `override_find_program()`.
+It is now possible to pass an `executable` to
+`override_find_program()` if the overridden program is not used during
+This is particularly useful for fallback dependencies like Protobuf
+that also provide a tool like protoc.
+## `shared_library()` now supports setting dylib compatibility and current version
+Now, by default `shared_library()` sets `-compatibility_version` and
+`-current_version` of a macOS dylib using the `soversion`.
+This can be overridden by using the `darwin_versions:` kwarg to
+[`shared_library()`](Reference-manual.md#shared_library). As usual,
+you can also pass this kwarg to `library()` or `build_target()` and it
+will be used in the appropriate circumstances.
+## Version comparison
+`dependency(version:)` and other version constraints now handle
+versions containing non-numeric characters better, comparing versions
+using the rpmvercmp algorithm (as using the `pkg-config` autoconf
+macro `PKG_CHECK_MODULES` does).
+This is a breaking change for exact comparison constraints which rely
+on the previous comparison behaviour of extending the compared
+versions with `'0'` elements, up to the same length of `'.'`-separated
+For example, a version of `'0.11.0'` would previously match a version
+constraint of `'==0.11'`, but no longer does, being instead considered
+strictly greater.
+Instead, use a version constraint which exactly compares with the
+precise version required, e.g. `'==0.11.0'`.
+## Keyword argument for GNU symbol visibility
+Build targets got a new keyword, `gnu_symbol_visibility` that controls
+how symbols are exported from shared libraries. This is most commonly
+used to hide implementation symbols like this:
+shared_library('mylib', ...
+ gnu_symbol_visibility: 'hidden')
+In this case only symbols explicitly marked as visible in the source
+files get exported.
+## Git wraps can now clone submodules automatically
+To enable this, the following needs to be added to the `.wrap` file:
+## `subproject()` function now supports the `required:` kwarg
+This allows you to declare an optional subproject. You can now call
+`found()` on the return value of the `subproject()` call to see if the
+subproject is available before calling `get_variable()` to fetch
+information from it.
+## `dependency()` objects now support the `.name()` method
+You can now fetch the name of the dependency that was searched like
+glib_dep = dependency('glib-2.0')
+message("dependency name is " + glib_dep.name())
+# This outputs `dependency name is glib-2.0`
+qt_dep = dependency('qt5')
+message("dependency name is " + qt_dep.name())
+# This outputs `dependency name is qt5`
+decl_dep = declare_dependency()
+message("dependency name is " + decl_dep.name())
+# This outputs `dependency name is internal`
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b84af19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.49.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+title: Release 0.49
+short-description: Release notes for 0.49
+# New features
+## Libgcrypt dependency now supports libgcrypt-config
+Earlier, `dependency('libgcrypt')` could only detect the library with
+pkg-config files. Now, if pkg-config files are not found, Meson will
+look for `libgcrypt-config` and if it's found, will use that to find
+the library.
+## New `section` key for the buildoptions introspection
+Meson now has a new `section` key in each build option. This allows
+IDEs to group these options similar to `meson configure`.
+The possible values for `section` are:
+ - core
+ - backend
+ - base
+ - compiler
+ - directory
+ - user
+ - test
+## CC-RX compiler for C and CPP
+Cross-compilation is now supported for Renesas RX targets with the
+CC-RX compiler.
+The environment path should be set properly for the CC-RX compiler
+executables. The `-cpu` option with the appropriate value should be
+mentioned in the cross-file as shown in the snippet below.
+c_args = ['-cpu=rx600']
+cpp_args = ['-cpu=rx600']
+The default extension of the executable output is `.abs`. Other target
+specific arguments to the compiler and linker will need to be added
+explicitly from the
+cross-file(`c_args`/`c_link_args`/`cpp_args`/`cpp_link_args`) or some
+other way. Refer to the CC-RX User's manual for additional compiler
+and linker options.
+## CMake `find_package` dependency backend
+Meson can now use the CMake `find_package` ecosystem to detect
+dependencies. Both the old-style `<NAME>_LIBRARIES` variables as well
+as imported targets are supported. Meson can automatically guess the
+correct CMake target in most cases but it is also possible to manually
+specify a target with the `modules` property.
+# Implicitly uses CMake as a fallback and guesses a target
+dep1 = dependency('KF5TextEditor')
+# Manually specify one or more CMake targets to use
+dep2 = dependency('ZLIB', method : 'cmake', modules : ['ZLIB::ZLIB'])
+CMake is automatically used after `pkg-config` fails when
+no `method` (or `auto`) was provided in the dependency options.
+## New compiler method `get_argument_syntax`
+The compiler object now has `get_argument_syntax` method, which
+returns a string value of `gcc`, `msvc`, or an undefined value string
+value. This can be used to determine if a compiler uses gcc syntax
+(`-Wfoo`), msvc syntax (`/w1234`), or some other kind of arguments.
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+if cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'msvc'
+ if cc.has_argument('/w1235')
+ add_project_arguments('/w1235', language : ['c'])
+ endif
+elif cc.get_argument_syntax() == 'gcc'
+ if cc.has_argument('-Wfoo')
+ add_project_arguments('-Wfoo', language : ['c'])
+ endif
+elif cc.get_id() == 'some other compiler'
+ add_project_arguments('--error-on-foo', language : ['c'])
+## Return `Disabler()` instead of not-found object
+Functions such as `dependency()`, `find_library()`, `find_program()`,
+and `python.find_installation()` have a new keyword argument:
+`disabler`. When set to `true` those functions return `Disabler()`
+objects instead of not-found objects.
+## `introspect --projectinfo` can now be used without configured build directory
+This allows IDE integration to get information about the project
+before the user has configured a build directory.
+Before you could use `meson.py introspect --projectinfo
+build-directory`. Now you also can use `meson.py introspect
+--projectinfo project-dir/meson.build`.
+The output is similar to the output with a build directory but
+additionally also includes information from `introspect
+For example `meson.py introspect --projectinfo test\ cases/common/47\
+subproject\ options/meson.build` This outputs (pretty printed for
+ "buildsystem_files": [
+ "meson_options.txt",
+ "meson.build"
+ ],
+ "name": "suboptions",
+ "version": null,
+ "descriptive_name": "suboptions",
+ "subprojects": [
+ {
+ "buildsystem_files": [
+ "subprojects/subproject/meson_options.txt",
+ "subprojects/subproject/meson.build"
+ ],
+ "name": "subproject",
+ "version": "undefined",
+ "descriptive_name": "subproject"
+ }
+ ]
+Both usages now include a new `descriptive_name` property which always
+shows the name set in the project.
+## Can specify keyword arguments with a dictionary
+You can now specify keyword arguments for any function and method call
+with the `kwargs` keyword argument. This is perhaps best described
+with an example:
+options = {'include_directories': include_directories('inc')}
+ kwargs: options)
+The above code is identical to this:
+ include_directories: include_directories('inc'))
+That is, Meson will expand the dictionary given to `kwargs` as if the
+entries in it had been given as keyword arguments directly.
+Note that any individual argument can be specified either directly or
+with the `kwarg` dict but not both. If a key is specified twice, it
+is a hard error.
+## Manpages are no longer compressed implicitly
+Earlier, the `install_man` command has automatically compressed
+installed manpages into `.gz` format. This collided with manpage
+compression hooks already used by various distributions. Now, manpages
+are installed uncompressed and distributors are expected to handle
+compressing them according to their own compression preferences.
+## Native config files
+Native files (`--native-file`) are the counterpart to cross files
+(`--cross-file`), and allow specifying information about the build
+machine, both when cross compiling and when not.
+Currently the native files only allow specifying the names of
+binaries, similar to the cross file, for example:
+llvm-config = "/opt/llvm-custom/bin/llvm-config"
+Will override the llvm-config used for *native* binaries. Targets for
+the host machine will continue to use the cross file.
+## Foreach `break` and `continue`
+`break` and `continue` keywords can be used inside foreach loops.
+items = ['a', 'continue', 'b', 'break', 'c']
+result = []
+foreach i : items
+ if i == 'continue'
+ continue
+ elif i == 'break'
+ break
+ endif
+ result += i
+# result is ['a', 'b']
+You can check if an array contains an element like this:
+my_array = [1, 2]
+if 1 in my_array
+# This condition is true
+if 1 not in my_array
+# This condition is false
+You can check if a dictionary contains a key like this:
+my_dict = {'foo': 42, 'foo': 43}
+if 'foo' in my_dict
+# This condition is true
+if 42 in my_dict
+# This condition is false
+if 'foo' not in my_dict
+# This condition is false
+## Joining paths with /
+For clarity and conciseness, we recommend using the `/` operator to separate
+path elements:
+joined = 'foo' / 'bar'
+Before Meson 0.49, joining path elements was done with the legacy
+`join_paths` function, but the `/` syntax above is now recommended.
+joined = join_paths('foo', 'bar')
+This only works for strings.
+## Position-independent executables
+When `b_pie` option, or `executable()`'s `pie` keyword argument is set
+to `true`, position-independent executables are built. All their
+objects are built with `-fPIE` and the executable is linked with
+`-pie`. Any static library they link must be built with `pic` set to
+`true` (see `b_staticpic` option).
+## Deprecation warning in pkg-config generator
+All libraries passed to the `libraries` keyword argument of the
+`generate()` method used to be associated with that generated
+pkg-config file. That means that any subsequent call to `generate()`
+where those libraries appear would add the filebase of the
+`generate()` that first contained them into `Requires:` or
+`Requires.private:` field instead of adding an `-l` to `Libs:` or
+This behaviour is now deprecated. The library that should be
+associated with the generated pkg-config file should be passed as
+first positional argument instead of in the `libraries` keyword
+argument. The previous behaviour is maintained but prints a
+deprecation warning and support for this will be removed in a future
+Meson release. If you can not create the needed pkg-config file
+without this warning, please file an issue with as much details as
+possible about the situation.
+For example this sample will write `Requires: liba` into `libb.pc` but
+print a deprecation warning:
+liba = library(...)
+pkg.generate(libraries : liba)
+libb = library(...)
+pkg.generate(libraries : [liba, libb])
+It can be fixed by passing `liba` as first positional argument::
+liba = library(...)
+libb = library(...)
+pkg.generate(libb, libraries : [liba])
+## Subprojects download, checkout, update command-line
+New command-line tool has been added to manage subprojects:
+- `meson subprojects download` to download all subprojects that have a wrap file.
+- `meson subprojects update` to update all subprojects to latest version.
+- `meson subprojects checkout` to checkout or create a branch in all git subprojects.
+## New keyword argument `is_default` to `add_test_setup()`
+The keyword argument `is_default` may be used to set whether the test
+setup should be used by default whenever `meson test` is run without
+the `--setup` option.
+add_test_setup('default', is_default: true, env: 'G_SLICE=debug-blocks')
+add_test_setup('valgrind', env: 'G_SLICE=always-malloc', ...)
+test('mytest', exe)
+For the example above, running `meson test` and `meson test
+--setup=default` is now equivalent.
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index 000000000..0f7dbb878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.50.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+title: Release 0.50.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.50.0
+# New features
+## Added `cmake_module_path` and `cmake_args` to dependency
+The CMake dependency backend can now make use of existing
+`Find<name>.cmake` files by setting the `CMAKE_MODULE_PATH` with the
+new `dependency()` property `cmake_module_path`. The paths given to
+`cmake_module_path` should be relative to the project source
+Furthermore the property `cmake_args` was added to give CMake
+additional parameters.
+## Added PGI compiler support
+Nvidia / PGI C, C++ and Fortran
+[no-cost](https://www.pgroup.com/products/community.htm) compilers are
+now supported. They have been tested on Linux so far.
+## Fortran Coarray
+Fortran 2008 / 2018 coarray support was added via `dependency('coarray')`
+## Libdir defaults to `lib` when cross compiling
+Previously `libdir` defaulted to the value of the build machine such
+as `lib/x86_64-linux-gnu`, which is almost always incorrect when cross
+compiling. It now defaults to plain `lib` when cross compiling. Native
+builds remain unchanged and will point to the current system's library
+## Native and Cross File Paths and Directories
+A new `[paths]` section has been added to native and cross files. This
+can be used to set paths such a prefix and libdir in a persistent way.
+## Add warning_level 0 option
+Adds support for a warning level 0 which does not enable any static
+analysis checks from the compiler
+## A builtin target to run clang-format
+If you have `clang-format` installed and there is a `.clang-format`
+file in the root of your master project, Meson will generate a run
+target called `clang-format` so you can reformat all files with one
+ninja clang-format
+## Added `.path()` method to object returned by `python.find_installation()`
+`ExternalProgram` objects as well as the object returned by the
+`python3` module provide this method, but the new `python` module did
+## Fix ninja console log from generators with multiple output nodes
+This resolves [issue
+#4760](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/4760) where a
+generator with multiple output nodes printed an empty string to the
+## `introspect --buildoptions` can now be used without configured build directory
+It is now possible to run `meson introspect --buildoptions /path/to/meson.build`
+without a configured build directory.
+Running `--buildoptions` without a build directory produces the same
+output as running it with a freshly configured build directory.
+However, this behavior is not guaranteed if subprojects are
+present. Due to internal limitations all subprojects are processed
+even if they are never used in a real Meson run. Because of this
+options for the subprojects can differ.
+## `include_directories` accepts a string
+The `include_directories` keyword argument now accepts plain strings
+rather than an include directory object. Meson will transparently
+expand it so that a declaration like this:
+executable(..., include_directories: 'foo')
+Is equivalent to this:
+foo_inc = include_directories('foo')
+executable(..., include_directories: foo_inc)
+## Fortran submodule support
+Initial support for Fortran `submodule` was added, where the submodule
+is in the same or different file than the parent `module`. The
+submodule hierarchy specified in the source Fortran code `submodule`
+statements are used by Meson to resolve source file dependencies. For
+submodule (ancestor:parent) child
+## Add `subproject_dir` to `--projectinfo` introspection output
+This allows applications interfacing with Meson (such as IDEs) to know
+about an overridden subproject directory.
+## Find library with its headers
+The `find_library()` method can now also verify if the library's
+headers are found in a single call, using the `has_header()` method
+# Aborts if the 'z' library is found but not its header file
+zlib = find_library('z', has_headers : 'zlib.h')
+# Returns not-found if the 'z' library is found but not its header file
+zlib = find_library('z', has_headers : 'zlib.h', required : false)
+Any keyword argument with the `header_` prefix passed to
+`find_library()` will be passed to the `has_header()` method with the
+prefix removed.
+libfoo = find_library('foo',
+ has_headers : ['foo.h', 'bar.h'],
+ header_prefix : '#include <baz.h>',
+ header_include_directories : include_directories('.'))
+## NetCDF
+NetCDF support for C, C++ and Fortran is added via pkg-config.
+## Added the Flang compiler
+[Flang](https://github.com/flang-compiler/flang/releases) Fortran
+compiler support was added. As with other Fortran compilers, flang is
+specified using `FC=flang meson ..` or similar.
+## New `not_found_message` for `dependency()`
+You can now specify a `not_found_message` that will be printed if the
+specified dependency was not found. The point is to convert constructs
+that look like this:
+d = dependency('something', required: false)
+if not d.found()
+ message('Will not be able to do something.')
+Into this:
+d = dependency('something',
+ required: false,
+ not_found_message: 'Will not be able to do something.')
+Or constructs like this:
+d = dependency('something', required: false)
+if not d.found()
+ error('Install something by doing XYZ.')
+into this:
+d = dependency('something',
+ not_found_message: 'Install something by doing XYZ.')
+Which works, because the default value of `required` is `true`.
+## Cuda support
+Compiling Cuda source code is now supported, though only with the
+Ninja backend. This has been tested only on Linux for now.
+Because NVidia's Cuda compiler does not produce `.d` dependency files,
+dependency tracking does not work.
+## `run_command()` accepts `env` kwarg
+You can pass [`environment`](Reference-manual.md#environment-object)
+object to [`run_command`](Reference-manual.md#run-command), just
+like to `test`:
+env = environment()
+env.set('FOO', 'bar')
+run_command('command', 'arg1', 'arg2', env: env)
+## `extract_objects:` accepts `File` arguments
+The `extract_objects` function now supports File objects to tell it
+what to extract. Previously, file paths could only be passed as strings.
+## Changed the JSON format of the introspection
+All paths used in the Meson introspection JSON format are now
+absolute. This affects the `filename` key in the targets introspection
+and the output of `--buildsystem-files`.
+Furthermore, the `filename` and `install_filename` keys in the targets
+introspection are now lists of strings with identical length.
+The `--target-files` option is now deprecated, since the same information
+can be acquired from the `--tragets` introspection API.
+## Meson file rewriter
+This release adds the functionality to perform some basic modification
+on the `meson.build` files from the command line. The currently
+supported operations are:
+- For build targets:
+ - Add/Remove source files
+ - Add/Remove targets
+ - Modify a select set of kwargs
+ - Print some JSON information
+- For dependencies:
+ - Modify a select set of kwargs
+- For the project function:
+ - Modify a select set of kwargs
+ - Modify the default options list
+For more information see the rewriter documentation.
+## `introspect --scan-dependencies` can now be used to scan for dependencies used in a project
+It is now possible to run `meson introspect --scan-dependencies
+/path/to/meson.build` without a configured build directory to scan for
+The output format is as follows:
+ {
+ "name": "The name of the dependency",
+ "required": true,
+ "conditional": false,
+ "has_fallback": false
+ }
+The `required` keyword specifies whether the dependency is marked as
+required in the `meson.build` (all dependencies are required by
+default). The `conditional` key indicates whether the `dependency()`
+function was called inside a conditional block. In a real Meson run
+these dependencies might not be used, thus they _may_ not be required,
+even if the `required` key is set. The `has_fallback` key just
+indicates whether a fallback was directly set in the `dependency()`
+## `introspect --targets` can now be used without configured build directory
+It is now possible to run `meson introspect --targets
+/path/to/meson.build` without a configured build directory.
+The generated output is similar to running the introspection with a
+build directory. However, there are some key differences:
+- The paths in `filename` now are _relative_ to the future build directory
+- The `install_filename` key is completely missing
+- There is only one entry in `target_sources`:
+ - With the language set to `unknown`
+ - Empty lists for `compiler` and `parameters` and `generated_sources`
+ - The `sources` list _should_ contain all sources of the target
+There is no guarantee that the sources list in `target_sources` is
+correct. There might be differences, due to internal limitations. It
+is also not guaranteed that all targets will be listed in the output.
+It might even be possible that targets are listed, which won't exist
+when Meson is run normally. This can happen if a target is defined
+inside an if statement. Use this feature with care.
+## Added option to introspect multiple parameters at once
+Meson introspect can now print the results of multiple introspection
+commands in a single call. The results are then printed as a single
+JSON object.
+The format for a single command was not changed to keep backward
+Furthermore the option `-a,--all`, `-i,--indent` and
+`-f,--force-object-output` were added to print all introspection
+information in one go, format the JSON output (the default is still
+compact JSON) and force use the new output format, even if only one
+introspection command was given.
+A complete introspection dump is also stored in the `meson-info`
+directory. This dump will be (re)generated each time meson updates the
+configuration of the build directory.
+Additionlly the format of `meson introspect target` was changed:
+ - New: the `sources` key. It stores the source files of a target and their compiler parameters.
+ - New: the `defined_in` key. It stores the Meson file where a target is defined
+ - New: the `subproject` key. It stores the name of the subproject where a target is defined.
+ - Added new target types (`jar`, `shared module`).
+## `meson configure` can now print the default options of an unconfigured project
+With this release, it is also possible to get a list of all build
+options by invoking `meson configure` with the project source
+directory or the path to the root `meson.build`. In this case, Meson
+will print the default values of all options.
+## HDF5
+HDF5 support is added via pkg-config.
+## Added the `meson-info.json` introspection file
+Meson now generates a `meson-info.json` file in the `meson-info`
+directory to provide introspection information about the latest Meson
+run. This file is updated when the build configuration is changed and
+the build files are (re)generated.
+## New kwarg `install:` for `configure_file()`
+Previously when using `configure_file()`, you could install the
+outputted file by setting the `install_dir:` keyword argument. Now,
+there is an explicit kwarg `install:` to enable/disable it. Omitting
+it will maintain the old behaviour.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd94f6aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.51.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+title: Release 0.51.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.51.0
+# New features
+## (C) Preprocessor flag handling
+Meson previously stored `CPPFLAGS` and per-language compilation flags
+separately. (That latter would come from `CFLAGS`, `CXXFLAGS`, etc.,
+along with `<lang>_args` options whether specified no the command-line
+interface (`-D..`), `meson.build` (`default_options`), or cross file
+(`[properties]`).) This was mostly unobservable, except for certain
+preprocessor-only checks like `check_header` would only use the
+preprocessor flags, leading to confusion if some `-isystem` was in
+`CFLAGS` but not `CPPFLAGS`. Now, they are lumped together, and
+`CPPFLAGS`, for the languages which are deemed to care to about, is
+just another source of compilation flags along with the others already
+## Sanity checking compilers with user flags
+Sanity checks previously only used user-specified flags for cross
+compilers, but now do in all cases.
+All compilers Meson might decide to use for the build are "sanity
+checked" before other tests are run. This usually involves building
+simple executable and trying to run it. Previously user flags
+(compilation and/or linking flags) were used for sanity checking cross
+compilers, but not native compilers. This is because such flags might
+be essential for a cross binary to succeed, but usually aren't for a
+native compiler.
+In recent releases, there has been an effort to minimize the
+special-casing of cross or native builds so as to make building more
+predictable in less-tested cases. Since this the user flags are
+necessary for cross, but not harmful for native, it makes more sense
+to use them in all sanity checks than use them in no sanity checks, so
+this is what we now do.
+## New `sourceset` module
+A new module, `sourceset`, was added to help building many binaries
+from the same source files. Source sets associate source files and
+dependencies to keys in a `configuration_data` object or a dictionary;
+they then take multiple `configuration_data` objects or dictionaries,
+and compute the set of source files and dependencies for each of those
+## n_debug=if-release and buildtype=plain means no asserts
+Previously if this combination was used then assertions were enabled,
+which is fairly surprising behavior.
+## `target_type` in `build_targets` accepts the value 'shared_module'
+The `target_type` keyword argument in `build_target()` now accepts the
+value `'shared_module'`.
+The statement
+build_target(..., target_type: 'shared_module')
+is equivalent to this:
+## New modules kwarg for python.find_installation
+This mirrors the modules argument that some kinds of dependencies
+(such as qt, llvm, and cmake based dependencies) take, allowing you to
+check that a particular module is available when getting a python
+py = import('python').find_installation('python3', modules : ['numpy'])
+## Support for the Intel Compiler on Windows (ICL)
+Support has been added for ICL.EXE and ifort on windows. The support
+should be on part with ICC support on Linux/MacOS. The ICL C/C++
+compiler behaves like Microsoft's CL.EXE rather than GCC/Clang like
+ICC does, and has a different id, `intel-cl` to differentiate it.
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+if cc.get_id == 'intel-cl'
+ add_project_argument('/Qfoobar:yes', language : 'c')
+## Added basic support for the Xtensa CPU toolchain
+You can now use `xt-xcc`, `xt-xc++`, `xt-nm`, etc... on your cross
+compilation file and Meson won't complain about an unknown toolchain.
+## Dependency objects now have a get_variable method
+This is a generic replacement for type specific variable getters such as
+`ConfigToolDependency.get_configtool_variable` and
+`PkgConfigDependency.get_pkgconfig_variable`, and is the only way to query
+such variables from cmake dependencies.
+This method allows you to get variables without knowing the kind of
+dependency you have.
+dep = dependency('could_be_cmake_or_pkgconfig')
+# cmake returns 'YES', pkg-config returns 'ON'
+if ['YES', 'ON'].contains(dep.get_variable(pkgconfig : 'var-name', cmake : 'COP_VAR_NAME', default_value : 'NO'))
+ error('Cannot build your project when dep is built with var-name support')
+## CMake prefix path overrides
+When using pkg-config as a dependency resolver we can pass
+`-Dpkg_config_path=$somepath` to extend or overwrite where pkg-config
+will search for dependencies. Now cmake can do the same, as long as
+the dependency uses a ${Name}Config.cmake file (not a
+Find{$Name}.cmake file), by passing
+`-Dcmake_prefix_path=list,of,paths`. It is important that point this
+at the prefix that the dependency is installed into, not the cmake
+If you have installed something to `/tmp/dep`, which has a layout like:
+then invoke Meson as `meson builddir/ -Dcmake_prefix_path=/tmp/dep`
+## Tests that should fail but did not are now errors
+You can tag a test as needing to fail like this:
+test('shoulfail', exe, should_fail: true)
+If the test passes the problem is reported in the error logs but due
+to a bug it was not reported in the test runner's exit code. Starting
+from this release the unexpected passes are properly reported in the
+test runner's exit code. This means that test runs that were passing
+in earlier versions of Meson will report failures with the current
+version. This is a good thing, though, since it reveals an error in
+your test suite that has, until now, gone unnoticed.
+## New target keyword argument: `link_language`
+There may be situations for which the user wishes to manually specify
+the linking language. For example, a C++ target may link C, Fortran,
+etc. and perhaps the automatic detection in Meson does not pick the
+desired compiler. The user can manually choose the linker by language
+per-target like this example of a target where one wishes to link with
+the Fortran compiler:
+executable(..., link_language : 'fortran')
+A specific case this option fixes is where for example the main
+program is Fortran that calls C and/or C++ code. The automatic
+language detection of Meson prioritizes C/C++, and so an compile-time
+error results like `undefined reference to main`, because the linker
+is C or C++ instead of Fortran, which is fixed by this per-target
+## New module to parse kconfig output files
+The new module `unstable-kconfig` adds the ability to parse and use
+kconfig output files from `meson.build`.
+## Add new `meson subprojects foreach` command
+`meson subprojects` has learned a new `foreach` command which accepts
+a command with arguments and executes it in each subproject directory.
+For example this can be useful to check the status of subprojects
+(e.g. with `git status` or `git diff`) before performing other actions
+on them.
+## Added c17 and c18 as c_std values for recent GCC and Clang Versions
+For gcc version 8.0 and later, the values c17, c18, gnu17, and gnu18
+were added to the accepted values for built-in compiler option c_std.
+For Clang version 10.0 and later on Apple OSX (Darwin), and for
+version 7.0 and later on other platforms, the values c17 and gnu17
+were added as c_std values.
+## gpgme dependency now supports gpgme-config
+Previously, we could only detect GPGME with custom invocations of
+`gpgme-config` or when the GPGME version was recent enough (>=1.13.0)
+to install pkg-config files. Now we added support to Meson allowing us
+to use `dependency('gpgme')` and fall back on `gpgme-config` parsing.
+## Can link against custom targets
+The output of `custom_target` and `custom_target[i]` can be used in
+`link_with` and `link_whole` keyword arguments. This is useful for
+integrating custom code generator steps, but note that there are many
+ - Meson can not know about link dependencies of the custom target. If
+ the target requires further link libraries, you need to add them manually
+ - The user is responsible for ensuring that the code produced by
+ different toolchains are compatible.
+ - `custom_target` may only be used when it has a single output file.
+ Use `custom_target[i]` when dealing with multiple output files.
+ - The output file must have the correct file name extension.
+## Removed the deprecated `--target-files` API
+The `--target-files` introspection API is now no longer available. The same
+information can be queried with the `--targets` API introduced in 0.50.0.
+## Generators have a new `depends` keyword argument
+Generators can now specify extra dependencies with the `depends`
+keyword argument. It matches the behaviour of the same argument in
+other functions and specifies that the given targets must be built
+before the generator can be run. This is used in cases such as this
+one where you need to tell a generator to indirectly invoke a
+different program.
+exe = executable(...)
+cg = generator(program_runner,
+ output: ['@BASENAME@.c'],
+ arguments: ['--use-tool=' + exe.full_path(), '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
+ depends: exe)
+## Specifying options per mer machine
+Previously, no cross builds were controllable from the command line.
+Machine-specific options like the pkg-config path and compiler options
+only affected native targets, that is to say all targets in native
+builds, and `native: true` targets in cross builds. Now, prefix the
+option with `build.` to affect build machine targets, and leave it
+unprefixed to affect host machine targets.
+For those trying to ensure native and cross builds to the same
+platform produced the same result, the old way was frustrating because
+very different invocations were needed to affect the same targets, if
+it was possible at all. Now, the same command line arguments affect
+the same targets everywhere --- Meson is closer to ignoring whether
+the "overall" build is native or cross, and just caring about whether
+individual targets are for the build or host machines.
+## subproject.get_variable() now accepts a `fallback` argument
+Similar to `get_variable`, a fallback argument can now be passed to
+`subproject.get_variable()`, it will be returned if the requested
+variable name did not exist.
+``` meson
+var = subproject.get_variable('does-not-exist', 'fallback-value')
+## Add keyword `static` to `find_library`
+`find_library` has learned the `static` keyword. They keyword must be
+a boolean, where `true` only searches for static libraries and `false`
+only searches for dynamic/shared. Leaving the keyword unset will keep
+the old behavior of first searching for dynamic and then falling back
+to static.
+## Fortran `include` statements recursively parsed
+While non-standard and generally not recommended, some legacy Fortran
+programs use `include` directives to inject code inline. Since v0.51,
+Meson can handle Fortran `include` directives recursively.
+DO NOT list `include` files as sources for a target, as in general
+their syntax is not correct as a standalone target. In general
+`include` files are meant to be injected inline as if they were copy
+and pasted into the source file.
+`include` was never standard and was superceded by Fortran 90 `module`.
+The `include` file is only recognized by Meson if it has a Fortran
+file suffix, such as `.f` `.F` `.f90` `.F90` or similar. This is to
+avoid deeply nested scanning of large external legacy C libraries that
+only interface to Fortran by `include biglib.h` or similar.
+## CMake subprojects
+Meson can now directly consume CMake based subprojects with the
+CMake module.
+Using CMake subprojects is similar to using the "normal" Meson
+subprojects. They also have to be located in the `subprojects`
+add_library(cm_lib SHARED ${SOURCES})
+cmake = import('cmake')
+# Configure the CMake project
+sub_proj = cmake.subproject('libsimple_cmake')
+# Fetch the dependency object
+cm_lib = sub_proj.dependency('cm_lib')
+executable(exe1, ['sources'], dependencies: [cm_lib])
+It should be noted that not all projects are guaranteed to work. The
+safest approach would still be to create a `meson.build` for the
+subprojects in question.
+## Multiple cross files can be specified
+`--cross-file` can be passed multiple times, with the configuration files overlaying the same way as `--native-file`.
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+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.52.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+title: Release 0.52.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.52.0
+# New features
+## Gettext targets are ignored if `gettext` is not installed
+Previously the `i18n` module has errored out when `gettext` tools are
+not installed on the system. Starting with this version they will
+become no-ops instead. This makes it easier to build projects on
+minimal environments (such as when bootstrapping) that do not have
+translation tools installed.
+## Support taking environment values from a dictionary
+`environment()` now accepts a dictionary as first argument. If
+provided, each key/value pair is added into the `environment_object`
+as if `set()` method was called for each of them.
+On the various functions that take an `env:` keyword argument, you may
+now give a dictionary.
+## alias_target
+``` meson
+runtarget alias_target(target_name, dep1, ...)
+This function creates a new top-level target. Like all top-level
+targets, this integrates with the selected backend. For instance, with
+Ninja you can run it as `ninja target_name`. This is a dummy target
+that does not execute any command, but ensures that all dependencies
+are built. Dependencies can be any build target (e.g. return value of
+executable(), custom_target(), etc)
+## Enhancements to the pkg_config_path argument
+Setting sys_root in the [properties] section of your cross file will
+now set PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR automatically for host system
+dependencies when cross compiling.
+## The Meson test program now accepts an additional "--gdb-path" argument to specify the GDB binary
+`meson test --gdb testname` invokes GDB with the specific test case. However, sometimes GDB is not in the path or a GDB replacement is wanted.
+Therefore, a `--gdb-path` argument was added to specify which binary is executed (per default `gdb`):
+$ meson test --gdb --gdb-path /my/special/location/for/gdb testname
+$ meson test --gdb --gdb-path cgdb testname
+## Better support for illumos and Solaris
+illumos (and hopefully Solaris) support has been dramatically
+improved, and one can reasonably expect projects to compile.
+## Splitting of Compiler.get_function_attribute('visibility')
+On macOS there is no `protected` visibility, which results in the
+visbility check always failing. 0.52.0 introduces two changes to
+improve this situation:
+1. the "visibility" check no longer includes "protected"
+2. a new set of "split" checks are introduced which check for a single
+ attribute instead of all attributes.
+These new attributes are:
+* visibility:default
+* visibility:hidden
+* visibility:internal
+* visibility:protected
+## Clang-tidy target
+If `clang-tidy` is installed and the project's source root contains a
+`.clang-tidy` (or `_clang-tidy`) file, Meson will automatically define
+a `clang-tidy` target that runs Clang-Tidy on all source files.
+If you have defined your own `clang-tidy` target, Meson will not
+generate its own target.
+## Add blocks dependency
+Add `dependency('blocks')` to use the Clang blocks extension.
+## Meson's builtin b_lundef is now supported on macOS
+This has always been possible, but there are some additional
+restrictions on macOS (mainly do to Apple only features). With the
+linker internal re-architecture this has become possible
+## Compiler and dynamic linker representation split
+0.52.0 inclues a massive refactor of the representaitons of compilers to
+tease apart the representations of compilers and dynamic linkers (ld). This
+fixes a number of compiler/linker combinations. In particular this fixes
+use GCC and vanilla clang on macOS.
+## Add `depth` option to `wrap-git`
+To allow shallow cloning, an option `depth` has been added to `wrap-git`.
+This applies recursively to submodules when `clone-recursive` is set to `true`.
+Note that the git server may have to be configured to support shallow cloning
+not only for branches but also for tags.
+## Enhancements to the source_set module
+`SourceSet` objects now provide the `all_dependencies()` method, that
+complement the existing `all_sources()` method.
+## added `--only test(s)` option to run_project_tests.py
+Individual tests or a list of tests from run_project_tests.py can be selected like:
+python run_project_tests.py --only fortran
+python run_project_tests.py --only fortran python3
+This assists Meson development by only running the tests for the
+portion of Meson being worked on during local development.
+## Experimental Webassembly support via Emscripten
+Meson now supports compiling code to Webassembly using the Emscripten
+compiler. As with most things regarding Webassembly, this support is
+subject to change.
+## Version check in `find_program()`
+A new `version` keyword argument has been added to `find_program` to
+specify the required version. See [`dependency()`](#dependency) for
+argument format. The version of the program is determined by running
+`program_name --version` command. If stdout is empty it fallbacks to
+stderr. If the output contains more text than simply a version number,
+only the first occurrence of numbers separated by dots is kept. If the
+output is more complicated than that, the version checking will have
+to be done manually using [`run_command()`](#run_command).
+## Added `vs_module_defs` to `shared_module()`
+Like `shared_library()`, `shared_module()` now accepts
+`vs_module_defs` argument for controlling symbol exports, etc.
+## Improved support for static libraries
+Static libraries had numerous shortcomings in the past, especially
+when using uninstalled static libraries. This release brings many
+internal changes in the way they are handled, including:
+- `link_whole:` of static libraries. In the example below, lib2 used to miss
+ symbols from lib1 and was unusable.
+lib1 = static_library(sources)
+lib2 = static_library(other_sources, link_whole : lib1, install : true)
+- `link_with:` of a static library with an uninstalled static library. In the
+example below, lib2 now implicitly promote `link_with:` to `link_whole:` because
+the installed lib2 would oterhwise be unusable.
+lib1 = static_library(sources, install : false)
+lib2 = static_library(sources, link_with : lib1, install : true)
+- pkg-config generator do not include uninstalled static libraries. In the example
+ below, the generated `.pc` file used to be unusable because it contained
+ `Libs.private: -llib1` and `lib1.a` is not installed. `lib1` is now omitted
+ from the `.pc` file because the `link_with:` has been promoted to
+ `link_whole:` (see above) and thus lib1 is not needed to use lib2.
+lib1 = static_library(sources, install : false)
+lib2 = both_libraries(sources, link_with : lib1, install : true)
+Many projects have been using `extract_all_objects()` to work around
+those issues, and hopefully those hacks could now be removed. Since
+this is a pretty large change, please double check if your static
+libraries behave correctly, and report any regression.
+## Enhancements to the kconfig module
+`kconfig.load()` may now accept a `configure_file()` as input file.
+## Added `include_type` kwarg to `dependency`
+The `dependency()` function now has a `include_type` kwarg. It can take the
+values `'preserve'`, `'system'` and `'non-system'`. If it is set to `'system'`,
+all include directories of the dependency are marked as system dependencies.
+The default value of `include_type` is `'preserve'`.
+Additionally, it is also possible to check and change the
+`include_type` state of an existing dependency object with the new
+`include_type()` and `as_system()` methods.
+## Enhancements to `configure_file()`
+`input:` now accepts multiple input file names for `command:`-configured file.
+`depfile:` keyword argument is now accepted. The dependency file can
+list all the additional files the configure target depends on.
+## Projects args can be set separately for build and host machines (potentially breaking change)
+Simplify `native` flag behavior in `add_global_arguments`,
+`add_global_link_arguments`, `add_project_arguments` and
+`add_project_link_arguments`. The rules are now very simple:
+ - `native: true` affects `native: true` targets
+ - `native: false` affects `native: false` targets
+ - No native flag is the same as `native: false`
+This further simplifies behavior to match the "build vs host" decision
+done in last release with `c_args` vs `build_c_args`. The underlying
+motivation in both cases is to execute the same commands whether the
+overall build is native or cross.
+## Allow checking if a variable is a disabler
+Added the function `is_disabler(var)`. Returns true if a variable is a disabler
+and false otherwise.
+## gtkdoc-check support
+`gnome.gtkdoc()` now has a `check` keyword argument. If `true` runs it
+will run `gtkdoc-check` when running unit tests. Note that this has
+the downside of rebuilding the doc for each build, which is often very
+slow. It usually should be enabled only in CI.
+## `gnome.gtkdoc()` returns target object
+`gnome.gtkdoc()` now returns a target object that can be passed as
+dependency to other targets using generated doc files (e.g. in
+`content_files` of another doc).
+## Dist is now a top level command
+Previously creating a source archive could only be done with `ninja
+dist`. Starting with this release Meson provides a top level `dist`
+that can be invoked directly. It also has a command line option to
+determine which kinds of archives to create:
+meson dist --formats=xztar,zip
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+title: Release 0.53.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.53.0
+# New features
+## A new module for filesystem operations
+The new `fs` module can be used to examine the contents of the current
+file system.
+fs = import('fs')
+ 'The important file is missing.')
+## meson dist --include-subprojects
+`meson dist` command line now gained `--include-subprojects` command
+line option. When enabled, the source tree of all subprojects used by
+the current build will also be included in the final tarball. This is
+useful to distribute self contained tarball that can be built offline
+(i.e. `--wrap-mode=nodownload`).
+## Added new Meson templates for `Dlang`, `Rust`, `Objective-C`
+Meson now ships with predefined project templates for `Dlang`,
+`Fortran`, `Rust`, `Objective-C`, and by passing the associated flags `d`,
+`fortran`, `rust`, `objc` to `meson init --language`.
+## Add a new summary() function
+A new function [`summary()`](Reference-manual.md#summary) has been
+added to summarize build configuration at the end of the build
+project('My Project', version : '1.0')
+summary({'bindir': get_option('bindir'),
+ 'libdir': get_option('libdir'),
+ 'datadir': get_option('datadir'),
+ }, section: 'Directories')
+summary({'Some boolean': false,
+ 'Another boolean': true,
+ 'Some string': 'Hello World',
+ 'A list': ['string', 1, true],
+ }, section: 'Configuration')
+My Project 1.0
+ Directories
+ prefix: /opt/gnome
+ bindir: bin
+ libdir: lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
+ datadir: share
+ Configuration
+ Some boolean: False
+ Another boolean: True
+ Some string: Hello World
+ A list: string
+ 1
+ True
+## Generic Overrider for Dynamic Linker selection
+Previous to Meson 0.52.0 you set the dynamic linker using compiler
+specific flags passed via language flags and hoped things worked out.
+In version 0.52.0 Meson started detecting the linker and making
+intelligent decisions about using it. Unfortunately this broke
+choosing a non-default linker.
+Now there is a generic mechanism for doing this. In 0.53.0, you can
+use the `LD` environment variable. **In 0.53.1** this was changed to
+`<compiler_variable>_LD`, such as `CC_LD`, `CXX_LD`, `D_LD`, etc due
+to regressions. The usual Meson [environment variable
+apply. Alternatively, you can add the following to a cross or native
+In 0.53.0:
+ld = 'gold'
+**In 0.53.1 or newer**:
+c = 'gcc'
+c_ld = 'gold'
+c = 'clang'
+c_ld = 'lld'
+And Meson will select the linker if possible.
+## `fortran_std` option
+**new in 0.53.0** Akin to the `c_std` and `cpp_std` options, the
+`fortran_std` option sets Fortran compilers to warn or error on
+non-Fortran standard code. Only the Gfortran and Intel Fortran
+compilers have support for this option. Other Fortran compilers ignore
+the `fortran_std` option.
+Supported values for `fortran_std` include:
+* `legacy` for non-conforming code--this is especially important for Gfortran, which by default errors on old non-compliant Fortran code
+* `f95` for Fortran 95 compliant code.
+* `f2003` for Fortran 2003 compliant code.
+* `f2008` for Fortran 2008 compliant code.
+* `f2018` for Fortran 2018 compliant code.
+## python.dependency() embed kwarg
+Added the `embed` kwarg to the python module dependency function to
+select the python library that can be used to embed python into an
+## Scalapack
+added in **0.53.0**:
+scalapack = dependency('scalapack')
+Historically and through today, typical Scalapack setups have broken
+and incomplete pkg-config or FindScalapack.cmake. Meson handles
+finding Scalapack on setups including:
+* Linux: Intel MKL or OpenMPI + Netlib
+* MacOS: Intel MKL or OpenMPI + Netlib
+* Windows: Intel MKL (OpenMPI not available on Windows)
+## Search directories for `find_program()`
+It is now possible to give a list of absolute paths where `find_program()` should
+also search, using the `dirs` keyword argument.
+For example on Linux `/sbin` and `/usr/sbin` are not always in the `$PATH`:
+prog = find_program('mytool', dirs : ['/usr/sbin', '/sbin'])
+## Source tags targets
+When the respective tools are available, 'ctags', 'TAGS' and 'cscope'
+targets will be generated by Meson, unless you have defined your own.
+## Dictionary entry using string variable as key
+Keys can now be any expression evaluating to a string value, not limited
+to string literals any more.
+d = {'a' + 'b' : 42}
+k = 'cd'
+d += {k : 43}
+## Improved CMake subprojects support
+With this release even more CMake projects are supported via [CMake
+subprojects](CMake-module.md#cmake-subprojects) due to these internal
+- Use the CMake file API for CMake >=3.14
+- Handle the explicit dependencies via `add_dependency`
+- Basic support for `add_custom_target`
+- Improved `add_custom_command` support
+- Object library support on Windows
+## compiler.get_linker_id()
+since 0.53.0, `compiler.get_linker_id()` allows retrieving a lowercase
+name for the linker. Since each compiler family can typically use a
+variety of linkers depending on operating system, this helps users
+define logic for corner cases not otherwise easily handled.
+## CUDA dependency
+Native support for compiling and linking against the CUDA Toolkit
+using the `dependency` function:
+project('CUDA test', 'cpp', meson_version: '>= 0.53.0')
+exe = executable('prog', 'prog.cc', dependencies: dependency('cuda'))
+See [the CUDA dependency](Dependencies.md#cuda) for more information.
+## Added global option to disable C++ RTTI
+The new boolean option is called `cpp_rtti`.
+## Introspection API changes
+dependencies (--dependencies, intro-dependencies.json):
+- added the `version` key
+scanning dependencies (--scan-dependencies):
+- added the `version` key containing the required dependency version
+tests and benchmarks (--tests, --benchmarks, intro-tests.json,
+- added the `protocol` key
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@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+title: Release 0.54.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.54.0
+# New features
+## Emscripten (emcc) now supports threads
+In addition to properly setting the compile and linker arguments, a
+new Meson builtin has been added to control the PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE
+option, `-D<lang>_thread_count`, which may be set to any integer value
+greater than 0. If it set to 0 then the PTHREAD_POOL_SIZE option will
+not be passed.
+## Introduce dataonly for the pkgconfig module
+This allows users to disable writing out the inbuilt variables to the
+pkg-config file as they might actually not be required.
+One reason to have this is for architecture-independent pkg-config
+files in projects which also have architecture-dependent outputs.
+ name : 'libhello_nolib',
+ description : 'A minimalistic pkgconfig file.',
+ version : libver,
+ dataonly: true
+## Consistently report file locations relative to cwd
+The paths for filenames in error and warning locations are now
+consistently reported relative to the current working directory (when
+possible), or as absolute paths (when a relative path does not exist,
+e.g. a Windows path starting with a different drive letter to the
+current working directory).
+(The previous behaviour was to report a path relative to the source
+root for all warnings and most errors, and relative to cwd for certain
+parser errors)
+## `dependency()` consistency
+The first time a dependency is found, using `dependency('foo', ...)`,
+the return value is now cached. Any subsequent call will return the
+same value as long as version requested match, otherwise not-found
+dependency is returned. This means that if a system dependency is
+first found, it won't fallback to a subproject in a subsequent call
+any more and will rather return not-found instead if the system
+version does not match. Similarly, if the first call returns the
+subproject fallback dependency, it will also return the subproject
+dependency in a subsequent call even if no fallback is provided.
+For example, if the system has `foo` version 1.0:
+# d2 is set to foo_dep and not the system dependency, even without fallback argument.
+d1 = dependency('foo', version : '>=2.0', required : false,
+ fallback : ['foo', 'foo_dep'])
+d2 = dependency('foo', version : '>=1.0', required : false)
+# d2 is not-found because the first call returned the system dependency, but its version is too old for 2nd call.
+d1 = dependency('foo', version : '>=1.0', required : false)
+d2 = dependency('foo', version : '>=2.0', required : false,
+ fallback : ['foo', 'foo_dep'])
+## Override `dependency()`
+It is now possible to override the result of `dependency()` to point
+to any dependency object you want. The overriding is global and
+applies to every subproject from there on.
+For example, this subproject provides 2 libraries with version 2.0:
+project(..., version : '2.0')
+libfoo = library('foo', ...)
+foo_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : libfoo)
+meson.override_dependency('foo', foo_dep)
+libbar = library('bar', ...)
+bar_dep = declare_dependency(link_with : libbar)
+meson.override_dependency('bar', bar_dep)
+Assuming the system has `foo` and `bar` 1.0 installed, and master project does this:
+foo_dep = dependency('foo', version : '>=2.0', fallback : ['foo', 'foo_dep'])
+bar_dep = dependency('bar')
+This used to mix system 1.0 version and subproject 2.0 dependencies,
+but thanks to the override `bar_dep` is now set to the subproject's
+version instead.
+Another case this can be useful is to force a subproject to use a
+specific dependency. If the subproject does `dependency('foo')` but
+the main project wants to provide its own implementation of `foo`, it
+can for example call `meson.override_dependency('foo',
+declare_dependency(...))` before configuring the subproject.
+## Simplified `dependency()` fallback
+In the case a subproject `foo` calls
+`meson.override_dependency('foo-2.0', foo_dep)`, the parent project
+can omit the dependency variable name in fallback keyword argument:
+`dependency('foo-2.0', fallback : 'foo')`.
+## Backend agnostic compile command
+A new `meson compile` command has been added to support backend
+agnostic compilation. It accepts two arguments, `-j` and `-l`, which
+are used if possible (`-l` does nothing with msbuild). A `-j` or `-l`
+value < 1 lets the backend decide how many threads to use. For msbuild
+this means `-m`, for ninja it means passing no arguments.
+meson builddir --backend vs
+meson compile -C builddir -j0 # this is the same as `msbuild builddir/my.sln -m`
+meson builddir
+meson compile -C builddir -j3 # this is the same as `ninja -C builddir -j3`
+Additionally `meson compile` provides a `--clean` switch to clean the
+A complete list of arguments is always documented via `meson compile --help`
+## Native (build machine) compilers not always required
+`add_languages()` gained a `native:` keyword, indicating if a native or cross
+compiler is to be used.
+For the benefit of existing simple build definitions which don't
+contain any `native: true` targets, without breaking backwards
+compatibility for build definitions which assume that the native
+compiler is available after `add_languages()`, if the `native:`
+keyword is absent the languages may be used for either the build or
+host machine, but are never required for the build machine.
+This changes the behaviour of the following Meson fragment (when
+cross-compiling but a native compiler is not available) from reporting
+an error at `add_language` to reporting an error at `executable`.
+executable('main', 'main.c', native: true)
+## Summary improvements
+A new `list_sep` keyword argument has been added to `summary()`
+function. If defined and the value is a list, elements will be
+separated by the provided string instead of being aligned on a new
+The automatic `subprojects` section now also print the number of
+warnings encountered during that subproject configuration, or the
+error message if the configuration failed.
+## Add a system type dependency for zlib
+This allows zlib to be detected on macOS and FreeBSD without the use
+of pkg-config or cmake, neither of which are part of the base install
+on those OSes (but zlib is).
+A side effect of this change is that `dependency('zlib')` also works
+with cmake instead of requiring `dependency('ZLIB')`.
+## Added 'name' method
+Build target objects (as returned by executable(), library(), ...) now
+have a name() method.
+## New option `--quiet` to `meson install`
+Now you can run `meson install --quiet` and Meson will not verbosely
+print every file as it is being installed. As before, the full log is
+always available inside the builddir in `meson-logs/install-log.txt`.
+When this option is passed, install scripts will have the environment
+variable `MESON_INSTALL_QUIET` set.
+Numerous speed-ups were also made for the install step, especially on
+Windows where it is now 300% to 1200% faster than before depending on
+your workload.
+## Property support emscripten's wasm-ld
+Before 0.54.0 we treated emscripten as both compiler and linker, which
+isn't really true. It does have a linker, called wasm-ld (Meson's name
+is ld.wasm). This is a special version of clang's lld. This will now
+be detected properly.
+## Skip sanity tests when cross compiling
+For certain cross compilation environments it is not possible to
+compile a sanity check application. This can now be disabled by adding
+the following entry to your cross file's `properties` section:
+skip_sanity_check = true
+## Support for overiding the linker with ldc and gdc
+LDC (the llvm D compiler) and GDC (The Gnu D Compiler) now honor D_LD
+linker variable (or d_ld in the cross file) and is able to pick
+different linkers.
+GDC supports all of the same values as GCC, LDC supports ld.bfd,
+ld.gold, ld.lld, ld64, link, and lld-link.
+## Native file properties
+As of Meson 0.54.0, the `--native-file nativefile.ini` can contain:
+* binaries
+* paths
+* properties
+which are defined and used the same way as in cross files. The
+`properties` are new for Meson 0.54.0, and are read like:
+x = meson.get_external_property('foobar', 'foo')
+where `foobar` is the property name, and the optional `foo` is the
+fallback string value.
+For cross-compiled projects, `get_external_property()` reads the
+cross-file unless `native: true` is specified.
+## Changed the signal used to terminate a test process (group)
+A test process (group) is now terminated via SIGTERM instead of
+SIGKILL allowing the signal to be handled. However, it is now the
+responsibility of the custom signal handler (if any) to ensure that
+any process spawned by the top-level test processes is correctly
+## Dynamic Linker environment variables actually match docs
+The docs have always claimed that the Dynamic Linker environment
+variable should be `${COMPILER_VAR}_LD`, but that's only the case for
+about half of the variables. The other half are different. In 0.54.0
+the variables match. The old variables are still supported, but are
+deprecated and raise a deprecation warning.
+## Per subproject `default_library` and `werror` options
+The `default_library` and `werror` built-in options can now be defined
+per subproject. This is useful for example when building shared
+libraries in the main project, but static link a subproject, or when
+the main project must build with no warnings but some subprojects
+Most of the time this would be used either by the parent project by
+setting subproject's default_options (e.g. `subproject('foo',
+default_options: 'default_library=static')`), or by the user using the
+command line `-Dfoo:default_library=static`.
+The value is overridden in this order:
+- Value from parent project
+- Value from subproject's default_options if set
+- Value from subproject() default_options if set
+- Value from command line if set
+## Environment Variables with Cross Builds
+Previously in Meson, variables like `CC` effected both the host and
+build platforms for native builds, but the just the build platform for
+cross builds. Now `CC_FOR_BUILD` is used for the build platform in
+cross builds.
+This old behavior is inconsistent with the way Autotools works, which
+undermines the purpose of distro-integration that is the only reason
+environment variables are supported at all in Meson. The new behavior
+is not quite the same, but doesn't conflict: Meson doesn't always
+repond to an environment when Autoconf would, but when it does it
+interprets it as Autotools would.
+## Added 'pkg_config_libdir' property
+Allows to define a list of folders used by pkg-config for a cross
+build and avoid a system directories use.
+## More new sample Meson templates for (`Java`, `Cuda`, and more)
+Meson now ships with predefined project templates for `Java`, `Cuda`,
+`Objective-C++`, and `C#`, we provided with associated values for
+corresponding languages, available for both library, and executable.
+## Ninja version requirement bumped to 1.7
+Meson now uses the [Implicit
+outputs](https://ninja-build.org/manual.html#ref_outputs) feature of
+Ninja for some types of targets that have multiple outputs which may
+not be listed on the command-line. This feature requires Ninja 1.7+.
+Note that the latest version of [Ninja available in Ubuntu
+(the oldest Ubuntu LTS at the time of writing) is 1.7.1. If your
+distro does not ship with a new-enough Ninja, you can download the
+latest release from Ninja's GitHub page:
+## Added `-C` argument to `meson init` command
+The Meson init assumes that it is run inside the project root
+directory. If this isn't the case, you can now use `-C` to specify the
+actual project source directory.
+## More than one argument to `message()` and `warning()`
+Arguments passed to `message()` and `warning()` will be printed
+separated by space.
+## Added `has_tools` method to qt module
+It should be used to compile optional Qt code:
+qt5 = import('qt5')
+if qt5.has_tools(required: get_option('qt_feature'))
+ moc_files = qt5.preprocess(...)
+ ...
+## The MSI installer is only available in 64 bit version
+Microsoft ended support for Windows 7, so only 64 bit Windows OSs are
+officially supported. Thus only a 64 bit MSI installer will be
+provided going forward. People needing a 32 bit version can build
+their own with the `msi/createmsi.py` script in Meson's source
+## Uninstalled pkg-config files
+**Note**: the functionality of this module is governed by [Meson's
+ rules on mixing build systems](Mixing-build-systems.md).
+The `pkgconfig` module now generates uninstalled pc files as well. For
+any generated `foo.pc` file, an extra `foo-uninstalled.pc` file is
+placed into `<builddir>/meson-uninstalled`. They can be used to build
+applications against libraries built by Meson without installing them,
+by pointing `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` to that directory. This is an
+experimental feature provided on a best-effort basis, it might not
+work in all use-cases.
+## CMake find_package COMPONENTS support
+It is now possible to pass components to the CMake dependency backend
+via the new `components` kwarg in the `dependency` function.
+## Added Microchip XC16 C compiler support
+Make sure compiler executables are setup correctly in your path
+Compiler is available from the Microchip website for free
+## Added Texas Instruments C2000 C/C++ compiler support
+Make sure compiler executables are setup correctly in your path
+Compiler is available from Texas Instruments website for free
+## Unity file block size is configurable
+Traditionally the unity files that Meson autogenerates contain all
+source files that belong to a single target. This is the most
+efficient setting for full builds but makes incremental builds slow.
+This release adds a new option `unity_size` which specifies how many
+source files should be put in each unity file.
+The default value for block size is 4. This means that if you have a
+target that has eight source files, Meson will generate two unity
+files each of which includes four source files. The old behaviour can
+be replicated by setting `unity_size` to a large value, such as 10000.
+## Verbose mode for `meson compile`
+The new option `--verbose` has been added to `meson compile` that will
+enable more verbose compilation logs. Note that for VS backend it
+means that logs will be less verbose by default (without `--verbose`
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@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+title: Release 0.55.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.55.0
+# New features
+## rpath removal now more careful
+On Linux-like systems, Meson adds rpath entries to allow running apps
+in the build tree, and then removes those build-time-only rpath
+entries when installing. Rpath entries may also come in via LDFLAGS
+and via .pc files. Meson used to remove those latter rpath entries by
+accident, but is now more careful.
+## Added ability to specify targets in `meson compile`
+It's now possible to specify targets in `meson compile`, which will
+result in building only the requested targets.
+Usage: `meson compile [TARGET [TARGET...]]`
+`TARGET` has the following syntax: `[PATH/]NAME[:TYPE]`.
+`NAME`: name of the target from `meson.build` (e.g. `foo` from `executable('foo', ...)`).
+`PATH`: path to the target relative to the root `meson.build` file. Note: relative path for a target specified in the root `meson.build` is `./`.
+`TYPE`: type of the target (e.g. `shared_library`, `executable` and etc)
+`PATH` and/or `TYPE` can be omitted if the resulting `TARGET` can be used to uniquely identify the target in `meson.build`.
+For example targets from the following code:
+shared_library('foo', ...)
+static_library('foo', ...)
+executable('bar', ...)
+can be invoked with `meson compile foo:shared_library foo:static_library bar`.
+## Test protocol for gtest
+Due to the popularity of Gtest (google test) among C and C++
+developers Meson now supports a special protocol for gtest. With this
+protocol Meson injects arguments to gtests to output JUnit, reads that
+JUnit, and adds the output to the JUnit it generates.
+## meson.add_*_script methods accept new types
+All three (`add_install_script`, `add_dist_script`, and
+`add_postconf_script`) now accept ExternalPrograms (as returned by
+`find_program`), Files, and the output of `configure_file`. The dist and
+postconf methods cannot accept other types because of when they are run.
+While dist could, in theory, take other dependencies, it would require more
+extensive changes, particularly to the backend.
+meson.add_install_script(find_program('foo'), files('bar'))
+meson.add_dist_script(find_program('foo'), files('bar'))
+meson.add_postconf_script(find_program('foo'), files('bar'))
+The install script variant is also able to accept custom_targets,
+custom_target indexes, and build targets (executables, libraries), and
+can use built executables a the script to run
+installer = executable('installer', ...)
+meson.add_install_script(installer, ...)
+meson.add_install_script('foo.py', installer)
+## Machine file constants
+Native and cross files now support string and list concatenation using
+the `+` operator, and joining paths using the `/` operator. Entries
+defined in the `[constants]` section can be used in any other section.
+An entry defined in any other section can be used only within that
+same section and only after it has been defined.
+toolchain = '/toolchain'
+common_flags = ['--sysroot=' + toolchain + '/sysroot']
+c_args = common_flags + ['-DSOMETHING']
+cpp_args = c_args + ['-DSOMETHING_ELSE']
+c = toolchain + '/gcc'
+## Configure CMake subprojects with Meson.subproject_options
+Meson now supports passing configuration options to CMake and
+overriding certain build details extracted from the CMake subproject.
+The new CMake configuration options object is very similar to the
+[configuration data
+object](Reference-manual.md#configuration-data-object) object returned
+by [`configuration_data`](Reference-manual.md#configuration_data). It
+is generated by the `subproject_options` function
+All configuration options have to be set *before* the subproject is
+configured and must be passed to the `subproject` method via the
+`options` key. Altering the configuration object won't have any effect
+on previous `cmake.subproject` calls.
+**Note:** The `cmake_options` kwarg for the `subproject` function is
+now deprecated since it is replaced by the new `options` system.
+## find_program: Fixes when the program has been overridden by executable
+When a program has been overridden by an executable, the returned
+object of find_program() had some issues:
+# In a subproject:
+exe = executable('foo', ...)
+meson.override_find_program('foo', exe)
+# In main project:
+# The version check was crashing Meson.
+prog = find_program('foo', version : '>=1.0')
+# This was crashing Meson.
+# New method to be consistent with built objects.
+## Response files enabled on Linux, reined in on Windows
+Meson used to always use response files on Windows,
+but never on Linux.
+It now strikes a happier balance, using them on both platforms,
+but only when needed to avoid command line length limits.
+## `unstable-kconfig` module renamed to `unstable-keyval`
+The `unstable-kconfig` module is now renamed to `unstable-keyval`. We
+expect this module to become stable once it has some usage experience,
+specifically in the next or the following release
+## Fatal warnings in `gnome.generate_gir()`
+`gnome.generate_gir()` now has `fatal_warnings` keyword argument to
+abort when a warning is produced. This is useful for example in CI
+environment where it's important to catch potential issues.
+## b_ndebug support for D language compilers
+D Language compilers will now set -release/--release/-frelease (depending on
+the compiler) when the b_ndebug flag is set.
+## Meson test now produces JUnit xml from results
+Meson will now generate a JUnit compatible XML file from test results.
+it will be in the `meson-logs` directory and is called
+## Config tool based dependencies no longer search PATH for cross compiling
+Before 0.55.0 config tool based dependencies (llvm-config,
+cups-config, etc), would search system $PATH if they weren't defined
+in the cross file. This has been a source of bugs and has been
+deprecated. It is now removed, config tool binaries must be specified
+in the cross file now or the dependency will not be found.
+## Rename has_exe_wrapper -> can_run_host_binaries
+The old name was confusing as it didn't really match the behavior of
+the function. The old name remains as an alias (the behavior hasn't
+changed), but is now deprecated.
+## String concatenation in meson_options.txt
+It is now possible to use string concatenation (with the `+`
+opperator) in the `meson_options.txt` file. This allows splitting long
+option descriptions.
+ 'testoption',
+ type : 'string',
+ value : 'optval',
+ description : 'An option with a very long description' +
+ 'that does something in a specific context'
+## Wrap fallback URL
+Wrap files can now define `source_fallback_url` and
+`patch_fallback_url` to be used in case the main server is temporaly
+## Clang coverage support
+llvm-cov is now used to generate coverage information when clang is
+used as the compiler.
+## Local wrap source and patch files
+It is now possible to use the `patch_filename` and `source_filename`
+value in a `.wrap` file without `*_url` to specify a local source /
+patch file. All local files must be located in the
+`subprojects/packagefiles` directory. The `*_hash` entries are
+optional with this setup.
+## Local wrap patch directory
+Wrap files can now specify `patch_directory` instead of
+`patch_filename` in the case overlay files are local. Every files in
+that directory, and subdirectories, will be copied to the subproject
+directory. This can be used for example to add `meson.build` files to
+a project not using Meson build system upstream. The patch directory
+must be placed in `subprojects/packagefiles` directory.
+## Patch on all wrap types
+`patch_*` keys are not limited to `wrap-file` any more, they can be
+specified for all wrap types.
+## link_language argument added to all targets
+Previously the `link_language` argument was only supposed to be
+allowed in executables, because the linker used needs to be the linker
+for the language that implements the main function. Unfortunately it
+didn't work in that case, and, even worse, if it had been implemented
+properly it would have worked for *all* targets. In 0.55.0 this
+restriction has been removed, and the bug fixed. It now is valid for
+`executable` and all derivative of `library`.
+## meson dist --no-tests
+`meson dist` has a new option `--no-tests` to skip build and tests of
+generated packages. It can be used to not waste time for example when
+done in CI that already does its own testing.
+## Force fallback for
+A newly-added `--force-fallback-for` command line option can now be
+used to force fallback for specific subprojects.
+meson builddir/ --force-fallback-for=foo,bar
+## Implicit dependency fallback
+`dependency('foo')` now automatically fallback if the dependency is
+not found on the system but a subproject wrap file or directory exists
+with the same name.
+That means that simply adding `subprojects/foo.wrap` is enough to add
+fallback to any `dependency('foo')` call. It is however requires that
+the subproject call `meson.override_dependency('foo', foo_dep)` to
+specify which dependency object should be used for `foo`.
+## Wrap file `provide` section
+Wrap files can define the dependencies it provides in the `[provide]`
+section. When `foo.wrap` provides the dependency `foo-1.0` any call do
+`dependency('foo-1.0')` will automatically fallback to that subproject
+even if no `fallback` keyword argument is given. See [Wrap
+## `find_program()` fallback
+When a program cannot be found on the system but a wrap file has its
+name in the `[provide]` section, that subproject will be used as
+## Test scripts are given the exe wrapper if needed
+Meson will now set the `MESON_EXE_WRAPPER` as the properly wrapped and
+joined representation. For Unix-like OSes this means python's
+shelx.join, on Windows an implementation that attempts to properly
+quote windows argument is used. This allow wrapper scripts to run test
+binaries, instead of just skipping.
+for example, if the wrapper is `['emulator', '--script']`, it will be passed
+as `MESON_EXE_WRAPPER="emulator --script"`.
+## Added ability to specify backend arguments in `meson compile`
+It's now possible to specify backend specific arguments in `meson compile`.
+Usage: `meson compile [--vs-args=args] [--ninja-args=args]`
+ --ninja-args NINJA_ARGS Arguments to pass to `ninja` (applied only on `ninja` backend).
+ --vs-args VS_ARGS Arguments to pass to `msbuild` (applied only on `vs` backend).
+These arguments use the following syntax:
+If you only pass a single string, then it is considered to have all
+values separated by commas. Thus invoking the following command:
+$ meson compile --ninja-args=-n,-d,explain
+would add `-n`, `-d` and `explain` arguments to ninja invocation.
+If you need to have commas or spaces in your string values, then you
+need to pass the value with proper shell quoting like this:
+$ meson compile "--ninja-args=['a,b', 'c d']"
+## Introspection API changes
+dumping the AST (--ast): **new in 0.55.0**
+- prints the AST of a meson.build as JSON
+## `--backend=vs` now matches `-Db_vscrt=from_buildtype` behaviour in the Ninja backend
+When `--buildtype=debugoptimized` is used with the Ninja backend, the
+VS CRT option used is `/MD`, which is the [behaviour documented for
+However, the Visual Studio backend was pass `/MT` in that case, which
+is inconsistent.
+If you need to use the MultiThreaded CRT, you should explicitly pass
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c196fded9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.56.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+title: Release 0.56.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.56.0
+# New features
+## Python 3.5 support will be dropped in the next release
+The final [Python 3.5 release was 3.5.10 in
+September](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0478/#id4). This
+release series is now End-of-Life (EOL). The only LTS distribution
+that still only ships Python 3.5 is Ubuntu 16.04, which will be [EOL
+in April 2021](https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle).
+Python 3.6 has numerous features that we find useful such as improved
+support for the `typing` module, f-string support, and better
+integration with the `pathlib` module.
+As a result, we will begin requiring Python 3.6 or newer in Meson
+0.57, which is the next release. Starting with Meson 0.56, we now
+print a `NOTICE:` when a `meson` command is run on Python 3.5 to
+inform users about this. This notice has also been backported into the
+0.55.2 stable release.
+## `meson test` can now filter tests by subproject
+You could always specify a list of tests to run by passing the names
+as arguments to `meson test`. If there were multiple tests with that
+name (in the same project or different subprojects), all of them would
+be run. Now you can:
+1. Run all tests with the specified name from a specific subproject: `meson test subprojname:testname`
+1. Run all tests defined in a specific subproject: `meson test subprojectname:`
+As before, these can all be specified multiple times and mixed:
+# Run:
+# * All tests called 'name1' or 'name2' and
+# * All tests called 'name3' in subproject 'bar' and
+# * All tests in subproject 'foo'
+$ meson test name1 name2 bar:name3 foo:
+## Native (build machine) compilers not always required by `project()`
+When cross-compiling, native (build machine) compilers for the
+languages specified in `project()` are not required, if no targets use
+## New `extra_files` key in target introspection
+The target introspection (`meson introspect --targets`,
+`intro-targets.json`) now has the new `extra_files` key which lists
+all files specified via the `extra_files` kwarg of a build target (see
+`executable()`, etc.)
+## Preliminary AIX support
+AIX is now supported when compiling with gcc. A number of features are
+not supported yet. For example, only gcc is supported (not xlC).
+Archives with both 32-bit and 64-bit dynamic libraries are not
+generated automatically. The rpath includes both the build and install
+rpath, no attempt is made to change the rpath at install time. Most
+advanced features (eg. link\_whole) are not supported yet.
+## Wraps from subprojects are automatically promoted
+It is not required to promote wrap files for subprojects into the main
+project any more. When configuring a subproject, Meson will look for
+any wrap file or directory in the subproject's `subprojects/`
+directory and add them into the global list of available subprojects,
+to be used by any future `subproject()` call or `dependency()`
+fallback. If a subproject with the same name already exists, the new
+wrap file or directory is ignored. That means that the main project
+can always override any subproject's wrap files by providing their
+own, it also means the ordering in which subprojects are configured
+matters, if 2 subprojects provide foo.wrap only the one from the first
+subproject to be configured will be used.
+This new behavior can be disabled by passing `--wrap-mode=nopromote`.
+## `meson.build_root()` and `meson.source_root()` are deprecated
+Those function are common source of issue when used in a subproject
+because they point to the parent project root which is rarely what is
+expected and is a violation of subproject isolation.
+`meson.current_source_dir()` and `meson.current_build_dir()` should be
+used instead and have been available in all Meson versions. New
+functions `meson.project_source_root()` and
+`meson.project_build_root()` have been added in Meson 0.56.0 to get
+the root of the current (sub)project.
+## `dep.as_link_whole()`
+Dependencies created with `declare_dependency()` now has new method
+`as_link_whole()`. It returns a copy of the dependency object with all
+link_with arguments changed to link_whole. This is useful for example
+for fallback dependency from a subproject built with
+somelib = static_library('somelib', ...)
+dep = declare_dependency(..., link_with: somelib)
+library('someotherlib', ..., dependencies: dep.as_link_whole())
+## Add support for all Windows subsystem types
+It is now possible to build things like Windows kernel drivers with
+the new `win_subsystem` keyword argument. This replaces the old
+`gui_app` keyword argument, which is now deprecated. You should update
+your project to use the new style like this:
+# Old way
+executable(..., gui_app: 'true')
+# New way
+executable(..., win_subsystem: 'windows')
+The argument supports versioning [as described on MSDN
+Thus to build a Windows kernel driver with a specific version you'd
+write something like this:
+executable(..., win_subsystem: 'native,6.02')
+## Added NVidia HPC SDK compilers
+Added support for `nvidia_hpc` NVidia HPC SDK compilers, which are currently in public beta testing.
+## Project and built-in options can be set in native or cross files
+A new set of sections has been added to the cross and native files,
+`[project options]` and `[<subproject_name>:project options]`, where
+`subproject_name` is the name of a subproject. Any options that are
+allowed in the project can be set from this section. They have the
+lowest precedent, and will be overwritten by command line arguments.
+option('foo', type : 'string', value : 'foo')
+[project options]
+foo = 'other val'
+meson builddir/ --native-file my.ini
+Will result in the option foo having the value `other val`,
+meson builddir/ --native-file my.ini -Dfoo='different val'
+Will result in the option foo having the value `different val`,
+Subproject options are assigned like this:
+[zlib:project options]
+foo = 'some val'
+Additionally Meson level options can be set in the same way, using the
+`[built-in options]` section.
+[built-in options]
+c_std = 'c99'
+These options can also be set on a per-subproject basis, although only
+`default_library` and `werror` can currently be set:
+[zlib:built-in options]
+default_library = 'static'
+## `unstable-keyval` is now stable `keyval`
+The `unstable-keyval` has been renamed to `keyval` and now promises stability
+Meson will print a warning when you load an `unstable-` module that has been
+stabilised (so `unstable-keyval` is still accepted for example).
+## CMake subproject cross compilation support
+Meson now supports cross compilation for CMake subprojects. Meson will
+try to automatically guess most of the required CMake toolchain
+variables from existing entries in the cross and native files. These
+variables will be stored in an automatically generate CMake toolchain
+file in the build directory. The remaining variables that can't be
+guessed can be added by the user in the new `[cmake]` cross/native
+file section.
+## Machine file keys are stored case sensitive
+Previous the keys were always lowered, which worked fine for the
+values that were allowed in the machine files. With the addition of
+per-project options we need to make these sensitive to case, as the
+options in meson_options.txt are sensitive to case already.
+## Consistency between `declare_dependency()` and `pkgconfig.generate()` variables
+The `variables` keyword argument in `declare_dependency()` used to
+only support dictionary and `pkgconfig.generate()` only list of
+strings. They now both support dictionary and list of strings in the
+format `'name=value'`. This makes easier to share a common set of
+variables for both:
+vars = {'foo': 'bar'}
+dep = declare_dependency(..., variables: vars)
+pkg.generate(..., variables: vars)
+## Qt5 compile_translations now supports qresource preprocessing
+When using qtmod.preprocess() in combination with
+qtmod.compile_translations() to embed translations using rcc, it is no
+longer required to do this:
+ts_files = ['list', 'of', 'files']
+# lang.qrc also contains the duplicated list of files
+lang_cpp = qtmod.preprocess(qresources: 'lang.qrc')
+Instead, use:
+lang_cpp = qtmod.compile_translations(qresource: 'lang.qrc')
+which will automatically detect and generate the needed
+compile_translations targets.
+## Controlling subproject dependencies with `dependency(allow_fallback: ...)`
+As an alternative to the `fallback` keyword argument to `dependency`,
+you may use `allow_fallback`, which accepts a boolean value. If `true`
+and the dependency is not found on the system, Meson will fallback to
+a subproject that provides this dependency, even if the dependency is
+optional. If `false`, Meson will not fallback even if a subproject
+provides this dependency.
+## Custom standard library
+- It is not limited to cross builds any more, `<lang>_stdlib` property can be
+ set in native files.
+- The variable name parameter is no longer required as long as the subproject
+ calls `meson.override_dependency('c_stdlib', mylibc_dep)`.
+## Improvements for the builtin curses dependency
+This method has been extended to use config-tools, and a fallback to
+find_library for lookup as well as pkg-config.
+## HDF5 dependency improvements
+HDF5 has been improved so that the internal representations have been
+split. This allows selecting pkg-config and config-tool dependencies
+separately. Both work as proper dependencies of their type, so
+`get_variable` and similar now work correctly.
+It has also been fixed to use the selected compiler for the build instead of
+the default compiler.
+## External projects
+A new experimental module `unstable_external_project` has been added
+to build code using other build systems than Meson. Currently only
+supporting projects with a configure script that generates Makefiles.
+project('My Autotools Project', 'c',
+ meson_version : '>=0.56.0',
+mod = import('unstable_external_project')
+p = mod.add_project('configure',
+ configure_options : ['--prefix=@PREFIX@',
+ '--libdir=@LIBDIR@',
+ '--incdir=@INCLUDEDIR@',
+ '--enable-foo',
+ ],
+mylib_dep = p.dependency('mylib')
+## Per subproject `warning_level` option
+`warning_level` can now be defined per subproject, in the same way as
+`default_library` and `werror`.
+## `meson subprojects` command
+A new `--types` argument has been added to all subcommands to run the
+command only on wraps with the specified types. For example this
+command will only print `Hello` for each git subproject: `meson
+subprojects foreach --types git echo "Hello"`. Multiple types can be
+set as comma separated list e.g. `--types git,file`.
+Subprojects with no wrap file are now taken into account as well. This
+happens for example for subprojects configured as git submodule, or
+downloaded manually by the user and placed into the `subprojects/`
+The `checkout` subcommand now always stash any pending changes before
+switching branch. Note that `update` subcommand was already stashing
+changes before updating the branch.
+If the command fails on any subproject the execution continues with
+other subprojects, but at the end an error code is now returned.
+The `update` subcommand has been reworked:
+- In the case the URL of `origin` is different as the `url` set in wrap file,
+ the subproject will not be updated unless `--reset` is specified (see below).
+- In the case a subproject directory exists and is not a git repository but has
+ a `[wrap-git]`, Meson used to run git commands that would wrongly apply to the
+ main project. It now skip the subproject unless `--reset` is specified (see below).
+- The `--rebase` behaviour is now the default for consistency: it was
+ already rebasing when current branch and revision are the same, it is
+ less confusing to rebase when they are different too.
+- Add `--reset` mode that checkout the new branch and hard reset that
+ branch to remote commit. This new mode guarantees that every
+ subproject are exactly at the wrap's revision. In addition the URL of `origin`
+ is updated in case it changed in the wrap file. If the subproject directory is
+ not a git repository but has a `[wrap-git]` the directory is deleted and the
+ new repository is cloned.
+- Local changes are always stashed first to avoid any data loss. In the
+ worst case scenario the user can always check reflog and stash list to
+ rollback.
+## Added CompCert C compiler
+Added experimental support for the [CompCert formally-verified C
+compiler](https://github.com/AbsInt/CompCert). The current state of
+the implementation is good enough to build the [picolibc
+project](https://github.com/picolibc/picolibc) with CompCert, but
+might still need additional adjustments for other projects.
+## Dependencies listed in test and benchmark introspection
+The introspection data for tests and benchmarks now includes the
+target ids for executables and built files that are needed by the
+test. IDEs can use this feature to update the build more quickly
+before running a test.
+## `include_type` support for the CMake subproject object dependency method
+The `dependency()` method of the CMake subproject object now also
+supports the `include_type` kwarg which is similar to the sane kwarg
+in the `dependency()` function.
+## Deprecate Dependency.get_pkgconfig_variable and Dependency.get_configtool_variable
+These have been replaced with the more versatile `get_variable()` method
+already, and shouldn't be used anymore.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..595ebec01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.57.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+title: Release 0.57.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.57.0
+# New features
+## Project version can be specified with a file
+Meson can be instructed to load a project's version string from an
+external file like this:
+project('foo', 'c', version: files('VERSION'))
+The version file must contain exactly one line of text which will
+be used as the project's version. If the line ends in a newline
+character, it is removed.
+## Support for reading files at configuration time with the `fs` module
+Reading text files during configuration is now supported. This can be done at
+any time after `project` has been called
+project('myproject', 'c')
+license_text = run_command(
+ find_program('python3'), '-c', 'print(open("COPYING").read())'
+about_header = configuration_data()
+about_header.add('COPYRIGHT', license_text)
+about_header.add('ABOUT_STRING', meson.project_name())
+There are several problems with the above approach:
+1. It's ugly and confusing
+2. If `COPYING` changes after configuration, Meson won't correctly rebuild when
+ configuration data is based on the data in COPYING
+3. It has extra overhead
+`fs.read` replaces the above idiom thus:
+project('myproject', 'c')
+fs = import('fs')
+license_text = fs.read('COPYING').strip()
+about_header = configuration_data()
+about_header.add('COPYRIGHT', license_text)
+about_header.add('ABOUT_STRING', meson.project_name())
+They are not equivalent, though. Files read with `fs.read` create a
+configuration dependency on the file, and so if the `COPYING` file is modified,
+Meson will automatically reconfigure, guaranteeing the build is consistent. It
+can be used for any properly encoded text files. It supports specification of
+non utf-8 encodings too, so if you're stuck with text files in a different
+encoding, it can be passed as an argument. See the [`meson`
+object](Reference-manual.md#meson-object) documentation for details.
+## meson install --dry-run
+New option to meson install command that does not actually install files, but
+only prints messages.
+## Experimental support for C++ modules in Visual Studio
+Modules are a new C++ 20 feature for organising source code aiming to
+increase compilation speed and reliability. This support is
+experimental and may change in future releases. It only works with the
+latest preview release of Visual Studio.
+## Qt6 module
+A module for Qt6 is now available with the same functionality as the Qt5
+Currently finding Qt6 is only available via `qmake` as pkg-config files aren't
+generated (see [QTBUG-86080](https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-86080)) and
+CMake support is not available for this module yet.
+## Unstable Rust module
+A new unstable module has been added to make using Rust with Meson easier.
+Currently, it adds a single function to ease defining Rust tests, as well as a
+wrapper around bindgen, making it easier to use.
+## Meson test() now accepts `protocol : 'rust'`
+This allows native Rust tests to be run and parsed by Meson; simply set the
+protocol to `rust` and Meson takes care of the rest.
+## MSVC/Clang-Cl Argument Changes/Cleanup
+* "Disable Debug" (`/Od`) is no longer manually specified for optimization levels {`0`,`g`} (it is already the default for MSVC).
+* "Run Time Checking" (`/RTC1`) removed from `debug` buildtype by default
+* Clang-CL `debug` buildtype arguments now match MSVC arguments
+* There is now no difference between `buildtype` flags and `debug` + `optimization` flags
+The /Od flag has been removed, as it is already the default in the MSVC compilers, and conflicts with other user options.
+/RTC1 conflicts with other RTC argument types as there are many different options, and has been removed by default.
+Run Time Checking can be enabled by manually adding `/RTC1` or other RTC flags of your choice.
+The `debug` buildtype for clang-cl added additional arguments compared to MSVC, which had more to do with optimization than debug. The arguments removed are `/Ob0`, `/Od`, `/RTC1`. (`/Zi` was also removed, but it is already added by default when debug is enabled.)
+If these are important issues for you and would like builtin toggle options,
+please file an issue in the Meson bug tracker.
+## Buildtype remains even if dependent options are changed
+Setting the `buildtype` option to a value sets the `debug` and
+`optimization` options to predefined values. Traditionally setting the
+options to other values would then change the buildtype to `custom`.
+This is confusing and means that you can't use, for example, debug
+level `g` in `debug` buildtype even though it would make sense under
+many circumstances.
+Starting with this release, the buildtype is only changed when the user
+explicitly sets it; setting the build type modifies the `debug` and
+`optimization` options as before.
+## Passing internal dependencies to the compiler object
+Methods on the compiler object (such as `compiles`, `links`, `has_header`)
+can be passed dependencies returned by `declare_dependency`, as long as they
+only specify compiler/linker arguments or other dependencies that satisfy
+the same requirements.
+## `unstable_external_project` improvements
+- Default arguments are added to `add_project()` in case some tags are not found
+ in `configure_options`: `'--prefix=@PREFIX@'`, `'--libdir=@PREFIX@/@LIBDIR@'`,
+ and `'--includedir=@PREFIX@/@INCLUDEDIR@'`. It was previously considered a fatal
+ error to not specify them.
+- When the `verbose` keyword argument is not specified, or is false, command outputs
+ are written on file in `<builddir>/meson-logs/`.
+- The `LD` environment variable is not passed any more when running the configure
+ script. It caused issues because Meson sets `LD` to the `CC` linker wrapper but
+ autotools expects it to be a real linker (e.g. `/usr/bin/ld`).
+## `gnome.post_install()`
+Post-install update of various system wide caches. Each script will be executed
+only once even if `gnome.post_install()` is called multiple times from multiple
+subprojects. If `DESTDIR` is specified during installation all scripts will be
+Currently supports `glib-compile-schemas`, `gio-querymodules`, and
+## "Edit and continue" (/ZI) is no longer used by default for Visual Studio
+Meson was adding the `/ZI` compiler argument as an argument for Visual Studio
+in debug mode. This enables the `edit-and-continue` debugging in
+Visual Studio IDE's.
+Unfortunately, it is also extremely expensive and breaks certain use cases such
+as link time code generation. Edit and continue can be enabled by manually by
+adding `/ZI` to compiler arguments.
+The `/ZI` argument has now been replaced by the `/Zi` argument for debug builds.
+If this is an important issue for you and would like a builtin toggle option,
+please file an issue in the Meson bug tracker.
+## Minimum required Python version updated to 3.6
+Meson now requires at least Python version 3.6 to run as Python 3.5
+reaches EOL on September 2020. In practice this should only affect
+people developing on Ubuntu Xenial, which will similarly reach EOL in
+April 2021.
+## Packaging a subproject
+The `meson dist` command can now create a distribution tarball for a subproject
+in the same git repository as the main project. This can be useful if parts of
+the project (e.g. libraries) can be built and distributed separately. In that
+case they can be moved into `subprojects/mysub` and running `meson dist` in that
+directory will now create a tarball containing only the source code from that
+subdir and not the rest of the main project or other subprojects.
+For example:
+git clone https://github.com/myproject
+cd myproject/subprojects/mysubproject
+meson builddir
+meson dist -C builddir
+## `custom_target()` and `run_target()` now accepts an `env` keyword argument
+Environment variables can now be passed to the `custom_target()` command.
+env = environment()
+env.append('PATH', '/foo')
+custom_target(..., env: env)
+custom_target(..., env: {'MY_ENV': 'value'})
+custom_target(..., env: ['MY_ENV=value'])
+## `summary()` accepts external programs or dependencies
+External program objects and dependency objects can be passed to
+`summary()` as the value to be printed.
+## CMake `find_package` version support
+It is now possible to specify a requested package version for the CMake
+dependency backend via the new `cmake_package_version` kwarg in the
+`dependency` function.
+## `meson test` only rebuilds test dependencies
+Until now, `meson test` rebuilt the whole project independent of the
+requested tests and their dependencies. With this release, `meson test`
+will only rebuild what is needed for the tests or suites that will be run.
+This feature can be used, for example, to speed up bisecting regressions
+using commands like the following:
+ git bisect start <broken commit> <working commit>
+ git bisect run meson test <failing test name>
+This would find the broken commit automatically while at each step
+rebuilding only those pieces of code needed to run the test.
+However, this change could cause failures when upgrading to 0.57, if the
+dependencies are not specified correctly in `meson.build`.
+## The `add_*_script` methods now accept a File as the first argument
+Meson now accepts `file` objects, including those produced by
+`configure_file`, as the first parameter of the various
+`add_*_script` methods
+install_script = configure_file(
+ configuration : conf,
+ input : 'myscript.py.in',
+ output : 'myscript.py',
+meson.add_install_script(install_script, other, params)
+## Unity build with Vala disabled
+The approach that meson has used for Vala unity builds is incorrect, we
+combine the generated C files like we would any other C file. This is very
+fragile however, as the Vala compiler generates helper functions and macros
+which work fine when each file is a separate translation unit, but fail when
+they are combined.
+## New logging format for `meson test`
+The console output format for `meson test` has changed in several ways.
+The major changes are:
+* if stdout is a tty, `meson` includes a progress report.
+* if `--print-errorlogs` is specified, the logs are printed as tests run
+rather than afterwards. All the error logs are printed rather than only
+the first ten.
+* if `--verbose` is specified and `--num-processes` specifies more than
+one concurrent test, test output is buffered and printed after the
+test finishes.
+* the console logs include a reproducer command. If `--verbose` is
+specified, the command is printed for all tests at the time they start;
+otherwise, it is printed for failing tests at the time the test finishes.
+* for TAP and Rust tests, Meson is able to report individual subtests. If
+`--verbose` is specified, all tests are reported. If `--print-errorlogs`
+is specified, only failures are.
+In addition, if `--verbose` was specified, Meson used not to generate
+logs. This limitation has now been removed.
+These changes make the default `ninja test` output more readable, while
+`--verbose` output provides detailed, human-readable logs that
+are well suited to CI environments.
+## Specify DESTDIR on command line
+`meson install` command now has a `--destdir` argument that overrides `DESTDIR`
+from environment.
+## Skip install scripts if DESTDIR is set
+`meson.add_install_script()` now has `skip_if_destdir` keyword argument. If set
+to `true` the script won't be run if `DESTDIR` is set during installation. This is
+useful in the case the script updates system wide caches, or performs other tasks
+that are only needed when copying files into final destination.
+## Add support for prelinked static libraries
+The static library gains a new `prelink` keyword argument that can be
+used to prelink object files in that target. This is currently only
+supported for the GNU toolchain, patches to add it to other compilers
+are most welcome.
+## Rust now has an `std` option
+Rust calls these `editions`, however, Meson generally refers to such language
+versions as "standards", or `std` for short. Therefore, Meson's Rust support
+uses `std` for consistency with other languages.
+## Ctrl-C behavior in `meson test`
+Starting from this version, sending a `SIGINT` signal (or pressing `Ctrl-C`)
+to `meson test` will interrupt the longest running test. Pressing `Ctrl-C`
+three times within a second will exit `meson test`.
+## Support added for LLVM's thinLTO
+A new `b_lto_mode` option has been added, which may be set to `default` or
+`thin`. Thin only works for clang, and only with gnu gold, lld variants, or
+## `test()` timeout and timeout_multiplier value <= 0
+`test(..., timeout: 0)`, or negative value, used to abort the test immediately
+but now instead allow infinite duration. Note that omitting the `timeout`
+keyword argument still defaults to 30s timeout.
+Likewise, `add_test_setup(..., timeout_multiplier: 0)`, or
+`meson test --timeout-multiplier 0`, or negative value, disable tests timeout.
+## Knob to control LTO thread
+Both the gnu linker and lld support using threads for speeding up LTO, meson
+now provides a knob for this: `-Db_lto_threads`. Currently this is only
+supported for clang and gcc. Any positive integer is supported, `0` means
+`auto`. If the compiler or linker implements it's on `auto` we use that,
+otherwise the number of threads on the machine is used.
+## `summary()` now uses left alignment for both keys and values
+Previously it aligned keys toward the center, but this was deemed harder
+to read than having everything left aligned.
+## `//` is now allowed as a function id for `meson rewrite`.
+msys bash may expand `/` to a path, breaking
+`meson rewrite kwargs set project / ...`. Passing `//` will be converted to
+`/` by msys bash but in order to keep usage shell-agnostic, this release
+also allows `//` as the id. This way, `meson rewrite kwargs set project
+// ...` will work in both msys bash and other shells.
+## Get keys of configuration data object
+All keys of the `configuration_data` object can be obtained with the `keys()`
+method as an alphabetically sorted array.
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a23abb7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.58.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+title: Release 0.58.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.58.0
+# New features
+## New `meson.global_build_root()` and `meson.global_source_root()` methods
+Returns the root source and build directory of the main project.
+Those are direct replacement for `meson.build_root()` and `meson.source_root()`
+that have been deprecated since 0.56.0. In some rare occasions they could not be
+replaced by `meson.project_source_root()` or `meson.current_source_dir()`, in
+which case the new methods can now be used instead. Old methods are still
+deprecated because their names are not explicit enough and created many issues
+when a project is being used as a subproject.
+## Developer environment
+New method `meson.add_devenv()` adds an [`environment()`](#environment) object
+to the list of environments that will be applied when using `meson devenv`
+command line. This is useful for developpers who wish to use the project without
+installing it, it is often needed to set for example the path to plugins
+directory, etc. Alternatively, a list or dictionary can be passed as first
+``` meson
+devenv = environment()
+devenv.set('PLUGINS_PATH', meson.current_build_dir())
+New command line has been added: `meson devenv -C builddir [<command>]`.
+It runs a command, or open interactive shell if no command is provided, with
+environment setup to run project from the build directory, without installation.
+These variables are set in environment in addition to those set using `meson.add_devenv()`:
+- `MESON_DEVENV` is defined to `'1'`.
+- `MESON_PROJECT_NAME` is defined to the main project's name.
+- `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` includes the directory where Meson generates `-uninstalled.pc`
+ files.
+- `PATH` includes every directory where there is an executable that would be
+ installed into `bindir`. On windows it also includes every directory where there
+ is a DLL needed to run those executables.
+- `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` includes every directory where there is a shared library that
+ would be installed into `libdir`. This allows to run system application using
+ custom build of some libraries. For example running system GEdit when building
+ GTK from git. On OSX the environment variable is `DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` and
+ `PATH` on Windows.
+- `GI_TYPELIB_PATH` includes every directory where a GObject Introspection
+ typelib is built. This is automatically set when using `gnome.generate_gir()`.
+## `-pipe` no longer used by default
+Meson used to add the `-pipe` command line argument to all compilers
+that supported it, but no longer does. If you need this, then you can
+add it manually. However note that you should not do this unless you
+have actually measured that it provides performance improvements. In
+our tests we could not find a case where adding `-pipe` made
+compilation faster and using `-pipe` [can cause sporadic build
+failures in certain
+## `meson.add_dist_script()` allowd in subprojects
+`meson.add_dist_script()` can now be invoked from a subproject, it was a hard
+error in earlier versions. Subproject dist scripts will only be executed
+when running `meson dist --include-subprojects`. `MESON_PROJECT_SOURCE_ROOT`,
+are set when dist scripts are run. They are identical to `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT`,
+`MESON_BUILD_ROOT` and `MESON_DIST_ROOT` for main project scripts, but for
+subproject scripts they have the path to the root of the subproject appended,
+usually `subprojects/<subproject-name>`.
+Note that existing dist scripts likely need to be modified to use those new
+environment variables instead of `MESON_DIST_ROOT` to work properly when used
+from a subproject.
+## Do not add custom target dir to header path if `implicit_include_directories` is `false`
+If you do the following:
+# in some subdirectory
+gen_h = custom_target(...)
+# in some other directory
+executable('foo', 'foo.c', gen_h)
+then the output directory of the custom target is automatically added
+to the header search path. This is convenient, but sometimes it can
+lead to problems. Starting with this version, the directory will no
+longer be put in the search path if the target has
+`implicit_include_directories: false`. In these cases you need to set
+up the path manually with `include_directories`.
+## Multiple append() and prepend() in `environment()` object
+`append()` and `prepend()` methods can now be called multiple times
+on the same `varname`. Earlier Meson versions would warn and only the last
+opperation was taking effect.
+env = environment()
+# MY_PATH will be '0:1:2:3'
+env.set('MY_PATH', '1')
+env.append('MY_PATH', '2')
+env.append('MY_PATH', '3')
+env.prepend('MY_PATH', '0')
+## `dep.get_variable(varname)`
+`dep.get_variable()` now has `varname` as first positional argument.
+It is used as default value for `cmake`, `pkgconfig`, `configtool` and `internal`
+keyword arguments. It is useful in the common case where `pkgconfig` and `internal`
+use the same variable name, in which case it's easier to write `dep.get_variable('foo')`
+instead of `dep.get_variable(pkgconfig: 'foo', internal: 'foo')`.
+## clang-format include and ignore lists
+When clang-format is installed and a `.clang-format` file is found at the main
+project's root source directory, Meson automatically adds a `clang-format` target
+that reformat all C and C++ files.
+It is now possible to restrict files to be reformatted with optional
+`.clang-format-include` and `.clang-format-ignore` files.
+The file `.clang-format-include` contains a list of patterns matching the files
+that will be reformatted. The `**` pattern matches this directory and all
+subdirectories recursively. Empty lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored.
+If `.clang-format-include` is not found, the pattern defaults to `**/*` which
+means all files recursively in the source directory but has the disadvantage to
+walk the whole source tree which could be slow in the case it contains lots of
+Example of `.clang-format-include` file:
+# All files in src/ and its subdirectories
+# All files in include/ but not its subdirectories
+The file `.clang-format-ignore` contains a list of patterns matching the files
+that will be excluded. Files matching the include list (see above) that match
+one of the ignore pattern will not be reformatted. Unlike include patters, ignore
+patterns does not support `**` and a single `*` match any characters including
+path separators. Empty lines and lines starting with `#` are ignored.
+The build directory and file without a well known C or C++ suffix are always
+Example of `.clang-format-ignore` file:
+# Skip C++ files in src/ directory
+A new target `clang-format-check` has been added. It returns an error code if
+any file needs to be reformatted. This is intended to be used by CI.
+## Introducing format strings to the Meson language
+In addition to the conventional `'A string @0@ to be formatted @1@'.format(n, m)`
+method of formatting strings in the Meson language, there's now the additional
+`f'A string @n@ to be formatted @m@'` notation that provides a non-positional
+and clearer alternative. Meson's format strings are currently restricted to
+identity-expressions, meaning `f'format @'m' + 'e'@'` will not parse.
+## Skip subprojects installation
+It is now possible to skip installation of some or all subprojects. This is
+useful when subprojects are internal dependencies static linked into the main
+By default all subprojects are still installed.
+- `meson install -C builddir --skip-subprojects` installs only the main project.
+- `meson install -C builddir --skip-subprojects foo,bar` installs the main project
+ and all subprojects except for subprojects `foo` and `bar` if they are used.
+## String `.replace()`
+String objects now have a method called replace for replacing all instances of a
+substring in a string with another.
+s = 'aaabbb'
+s = s.replace('aaa', 'bbb')
+# 's' is now 'bbbbbb'
+## `meson.get_cross_property()` has been deprecated
+It's a pure subset of `meson.get_external_property`, and works strangely in
+host == build configurations, since it would be more accurately described as
+## New `range()` function
+``` meson
+ rangeobject range(stop)
+ rangeobject range(start, stop[, step])
+Return an opaque object that can be only be used in `foreach` statements.
+- `start` must be integer greater or equal to 0. Defaults to 0.
+- `stop` must be integer greater or equal to `start`.
+- `step` must be integer greater or equal to 1. Defaults to 1.
+It cause the `foreach` loop to be called with the value from `start` included
+to `stop` excluded with an increment of `step` after each loop.
+# Loop 15 times with i from 0 to 14 included.
+foreach i : range(15)
+ ...
+The range object can also be assigned to a variable and indexed.
+r = range(5, 10, 2)
+assert(r[2] == 9)
+## Xcode improvements
+The Xcode backend has been much improved and should now we usable
+enough for day to day development.
+## Use fallback from wrap file when force fallback
+Optional dependency like below will now fallback to the subproject
+defined in the wrap file in the case `wrap_mode` is set to `forcefallback`
+or `force_fallback_for` contains the subproject.
+# required is false because we could fallback to cc.find_library(), but in the
+# forcefallback case this now configure the subproject.
+dep = dependency('foo-1.0', required: false)
+if not dep.found()
+ dep = cc.find_library('foo', has_headers: 'foo.h')
+dependency_names = foo-1.0
+## `error()` with multiple arguments
+Just like `warning()` and `message()`, `error()` can now take more than one
+argument that will be separated by space.
+## Specify man page locale during installation
+Locale directories can now be passed to `install_man`:
+# instead of
+# install_data('foo.fr.1', install_dir: join_paths(get_option('mandir'), 'fr', 'man1'), rename: 'foo.1')`
+install_man('foo.fr.1', locale: 'fr')
+## Passing `custom_target()` output to `pkg.generate()`
+It is now allowed to pass libraries generated by a `custom_target()` to
+pkg-config file generator. The output filename must have a known library extension
+such as `.a`, `.so`, etc.
+## JDK System Dependency
+When building projects such as those interacting with the JNI, you need access
+to a few header files located in a Java installation. This system dependency
+will add the correct include paths to your target. It assumes that either
+`JAVA_HOME` will be set to a valid Java installation, or the default `javac` on
+your system is a located in the `bin` directory of a Java installation. Note:
+symlinks are resolved.
+jdk = dependency('jdk', version : '>=1.8')
+Currently this system dependency only works on `linux`, `win32`, and `darwin`.
+This can easily be extended given the correct information about your compiler
+and platform in an issue.
+## `meson subprojects update --reset` now re-extract tarballs
+When using `--reset` option, the source tree of `[wrap-file]` subprojects is now
+deleted and re-extracted from cached tarballs, or re-downloaded. This is because
+Meson has no way to know if the source tree or the wrap file has been modified,
+and `--reset` should guarantee that latest code is being used on next reconfigure.
+Use `--reset` with caution if you do local changes on non-git subprojects.
+## Allow using generator with CustomTaget or Index of CustomTarget.
+Calling `generator.process()` with either a CustomTaget or Index of CustomTarget
+as files is now permitted.
+## Qt Dependency uses a Factory
+This separates the Pkg-config and QMake based discovery methods into two
+distinct classes in the backend. This allows using
+`dependency.get_variable()` and `dependency.get_pkg_config_variable()`, as
+well as being a cleaner implementation.
+## Purge subprojects folder
+It is now possible to purge a subprojects folder of artifacts created
+from wrap-based subprojects including anything in `packagecache`. This is useful
+when you want to return to a completely clean source tree or busting caches with
+stale patch directories or caches. By default the command will only print out
+what it is removing. You need to pass `--confirm` to the command for actual
+artifacts to be purged.
+By default all wrap-based subprojects will be purged.
+- `meson subprojects purge` prints non-cache wrap artifacts which will be
+- `meson subprojects purge --confirm` purges non-cache wrap artifacts.
+- `meson subprojects purge --confirm --include-cache` also removes the cache
+- `meson subprojects purge --confirm subproj1 subproj2` removes non-cache wrap
+artifacts associated with the listed subprojects.
+## Check if native or cross-file properties exist
+It is now possible to check whether a native property or a cross-file property
+exists with `meson.has_external_property('foo')`. This is useful if the
+property in question is a boolean and one wants to distinguish between
+"set" and "not provided" which can't be done the usual way by passing a
+fallback parameter to `meson.get_external_property()` in this particular case.
+## `summary()` accepts features
+Build feature options can be passed to `summary()` as the value to be printed.
+## Address sanitizer support for Visual Studio
+The `b_sanitize` option for enabling Address sanitizer now works with
+the Visual Studio compilers. This requires [a sufficiently new version
+of Visual
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Release-notes-for-0.59.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+title: Release 0.59.0
+short-description: Release notes for 0.59.0
+# New features
+## Unescaped variables in pkgconfig files
+Spaces in variable values are escaped with `\`, this is required in the case the
+value is a path that and is used in `cflags` or `libs` arguments. This was an
+undocumented behaviour that caused issues in the case the variable is a space
+separated list of items.
+For backward compatibility reasons this behaviour could not be changed, new
+keyword arguments have thus been added: `unescaped_variables` and
+pkg = import('pkgconfig')
+ variables: {
+ 'mypath': '/path/with spaces/are/escaped',
+ },
+ unescaped_variables: {
+ 'mylist': 'Hello World Is Not Escaped',
+ },
+## The custom_target() function now accepts a feed argument
+It is now possible to provide a `feed: true` argument to `custom_target()` to
+pipe the target's input file to the program's standard input.
+## Separate functions for qt preprocess
+`qt.preprocess` is a large, complicated function that does a lot of things,
+a new set of `compile_*` functions have been provided as well. These are
+conceptually simpler, as they do a single thing.
+## Cython as as first class language
+Meson now supports Cython as a first class language. This means you can write:
+project('my project', 'cython')
+py = import('python').find_installation()
+dep_py = py.dependency()
+ 'foo',
+ 'foo.pyx',
+ dependencies : dep_py,
+And avoid the step through a generator that was previously required.
+## Support for the Wine Resource Compiler
+Users can now choose `wrc` as the `windres` binary in their cross files and
+`windows.compile_resources` will handle it correctly. Together with `winegcc`
+patches in Wine 6.12 this enables basic support for compiling projects as a
+winelib by specifying `winegcc`/`wineg++` as the compiler and `wrc` as the
+resource compiler in a cross file.
+## New `vs2012` and `vs2013` backend options
+Adds the ability to generate Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 projects. This is an
+extension to the existing Visual Studio 2010 projects so that it is no longer
+required to manually upgrade the generated Visual Studio 2010 projects.
+Generating Visual Studio 2010 projects has also been fixed since its developer
+command prompt does not provide a `%VisualStudioVersion%` envvar.
+## Developer environment
+Expand the support for the `link_whole:` project option for pre-Visual Studio 2015
+Update 2, where previously Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 or later was required for
+this, for the Ninja backend as well as the vs2010 (as well as the newly-added
+vs2012 and vs2013 backends).
+## Fs Module now accepts files objects
+It is now possible to define a `files()` object and run most Fs module
+functions on the file, rather than passing a string and hoping it is in the
+same directory.
+## Compiler argument checking for `get_supported_arguments`
+The compiler method `get_supported_arguments` now supports
+a new keyword argument named `checked` that can be set to
+one of `warn`, `require` or `off` (defaults to `off`) to
+enforce argument checks.
+## New custom dependency for libintl
+Meson can now find the library needed for translating messages via gettext.
+This works both on systems where libc provides gettext, such as GNU or musl,
+and on systems where the gettext project's standalone intl support library is
+required, such as macOS.
+Rather than doing something such as:
+intl_dep = dependency('', required: false)
+if cc.has_function('ngettext')
+ intl_found = true
+ intl_dep = cc.find_library('intl', required: false)
+ intl_found = intl_dep.found()
+if intl_found
+ # build options that need gettext
+ conf.set('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
+one may simply use:
+intl_dep = dependency('intl')
+if intl_dep.found()
+ # build options that need gettext
+ conf.set('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
+## Parallelized `meson subprojects` commands
+All `meson subprojects` commands are now run on each subproject in parallel by
+default. The number of processes can be controlled with `--num-processes`
+This speeds up considerably IO-bound operations such as downloads and git fetch.
+## Using Vala no longer requires C in the project languages
+Meson will now add C automatically. Since the use of C is an implementation
+detail of Vala, Meson shouldn't require users to add it.
+## The `import()` function gains `required` and `disabler` arguments
+In addition, modules now have a `found()` method, like programs and
+dependencies. This allows them to be conditionally required, and used in most
+places that an object with a `found()` method can be.
+## Objective C/C++ standard versions
+Objective C and C++ compilations will from now on use the language
+versions set in `c_std` and `cpp_std`, respectively. It is not
+possible to set the language version separately for Objective C and
+plain C.
+## Qt.preprocess source arguments deprecated
+The `qt.preprocess` method currently has this signature:
+`qt.preprocess(name: str | None, *srcs: str)`, this is not a nice signature
+because it's confusing, and there's a `sources` keyword argument as well.
+Both of these pass sources through unmodified, this is a bit of a historical
+accident, and not the way that any other module works. These have been
+deprecated, so instead of:
+sources = qt.preprocess(
+ name,
+ list, of, sources,
+ sources : [more, sources],
+ ... # things to process,
+ 'foo',
+ sources,
+processed = qt.preprocess(
+ name,
+ ... # thins to process
+ 'foo',
+ 'list', 'of', 'sources', 'more', 'sources', processed,
+## New `build target` methods
+The [`build target` object](Reference-manual.md#build-target-object) now supports
+the following two functions, to ensure feature compatebility with
+[`external program` objects](Reference-manual.html#external-program-object):
+- `found()`: Always returns `true`. This function is meant
+ to make executables objects feature compatible with
+ `external program` objects. This simplifies
+ use-cases where an executable is used instead of an external program.
+- `path()`: **(deprecated)** does the exact same as `full_path()`.
+ **NOTE:** This function is solely kept for compatebility
+ with `external program` objects. It will be
+ removed once the, also deprecated, corresponding `path()` function in the
+ `external program` object is removed.
+## Automatically set up Visual Studio environment
+When Meson is run on Windows it will automatically set up the
+environment to use Visual Studio if no other compiler toolchain
+can be detected. This means that you can run Meson commands from
+any command prompt or directly from any IDE. This sets up the
+64 bit native environment. If you need any other, then you
+need to set it up manually as before.
+## `gnome.compile_schemas()` sets `GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR` into devenv
+When using `gnome.compile_schemas()` the location of the compiled schema is
+added to `GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR` environment variable when using
+[`meson devenv`](Commands.md#devenv) command.
+## `update_desktop_database` added to `gnome.post_install()`
+Applications that install a `.desktop` file containing a `MimeType` need to update
+the cache upon installation. Most applications do that using a custom script,
+but it can now be done by Meson directly.
+See [`gnome.post_install()`](Gnome-module.md#gnomepost_install).
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+# Release notes
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+# Release procedure
+**This page is WIP. The following procedure is not yet approved for use**
+# Trunk
+Meson operates under the principle that trunk should (in theory) be
+always good enough for release. That is, all code merged in trunk must
+pass all unit tests. Any broken code should either be fixed or
+reverted immediately.
+People who are willing to tolerate the occasional glitch should be
+able to use Meson trunk for their day to day development if they so
+# Major releases
+Major releases are currently in the form 0.X.0, where X is an
+increasing number. We aim to do a major release roughly once a month,
+though the schedule is not set in stone.
+Before a major release is made a stable branch will be made, and
+0.X.0-rc1 release candidate will be made. A new milestone for 0.X.0
+will be made, and all bugs effecting the RC will be assigned to this
+milestone. Patches fixing bugs in the milestone will be picked to the
+stable branch, and normal development will continue on the master
+branch. Every week after after this a new release candidate will be
+made until all bugs are resolved in that milestone. When all of the
+bugs are fixed the 0.X.0 release will be made.
+# Bugfix releases
+Bugfix releases contain only minor fixes to major releases and are
+designated by incrementing the last digit of the version number. The
+criteria for a bug fix release is one of the following:
+ - release has a major regression compared to the previous release (making
+ existing projects unbuildable)
+ - the release has a serious bug causing data loss or equivalent
+ - other unforeseen major issue
+In these cases a bug fix release can be made. It shall contain _only_
+the fix for the issue (or issues) in question and other minor bug
+fixes. Only changes that have already landed in trunk will be
+considered for inclusion. No new functionality shall be added.
+# Requesting a bug fix release
+The process for requesting that a bug fix release be made goes roughly
+as follows:
+ - file a bug about the core issue
+ - file a patch fixing it if possible
+ - contact the development team and request a bug fix release (IRC is the
+ preferred contact medium)
+The request should contain the following information:
+ - the issue in question
+ - whether it has already caused problems for real projects
+ - an estimate of how many people and projects will be affected
+There is no need to write a long and complicated request report.
+Something like the following is sufficient:
+> The latest release has a regression where trying to do Foo using Bar
+breaks. This breaks all projects that use both, which includes at
+least [list of affected projects]. This causes problems for X amount
+of people and because of this we should do a bugfix release.
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+# Reproducible builds
+A reproducible build means the following (as quoted from [the
+reproducible builds project site](https://reproducible-builds.org/)):
+> Reproducible builds are a set of software development practices that
+ create a verifiable path from human readable source code to the
+ binary code used by computers.
+Roughly what this means is that if two different people compile the
+project from source, their outputs are bitwise identical to each
+other. This allows people to verify that binaries downloadable from
+the net actually come from the corresponding sources and have not, for
+example, had malware added to them.
+Meson aims to support reproducible builds out of the box with zero
+additional work (assuming the rest of the build environment is set up
+for reproducibility). If you ever find a case where this is not
+happening, it is a bug. Please file an issue with as much information
+as possible and we'll get it fixed.
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+short-description: Automatic modification of the build system files
+# Meson file rewriter
+Since version 0.50.0, Meson has the functionality to perform some
+basic modification on the `meson.build` files from the command line.
+The currently supported operations are:
+- For build targets:
+ - Add/Remove source files
+ - Add/Remove targets
+ - Modify a select set of kwargs
+ - Print some JSON information
+- For dependencies:
+ - Modify a select set of kwargs
+- For the project function:
+ - Modify a select set of kwargs
+ - Modify the default options list
+The rewriter has both, a normal command line interface and a "script
+mode". The normal CLI is mostly designed for everyday use. The "script
+mode", on the other hand, is meant to be used by external programs
+(IDEs, graphical frontends, etc.)
+The rewriter itself is considered stable, however the user interface
+and the "script mode" API might change in the future. These changes
+may also break backwards comaptibility to older releases.
+We are also open to suggestions for API improvements.
+## Using the rewriter
+All rewriter functions are accessed via `meson rewrite`. The Meson
+rewriter assumes that it is run inside the project root directory. If
+this isn't the case, use `--sourcedir` to specify the actual project
+source directory.
+### Adding and removing sources
+The most common operations will probably be the adding and removing of source
+files to a build target. This can be easily done with:
+meson rewrite target <target name/id> {add/rm} [list of sources]
+For instance, given the following example
+src = ['main.cpp', 'fileA.cpp']
+exe1 = executable('testExe', src)
+the source `fileB.cpp` can be added with:
+meson rewrite target testExe add fileB.cpp
+After executing this command, the new `meson.build` will look like this:
+src = ['main.cpp', 'fileA.cpp', 'fileB.cpp']
+exe1 = executable('testExe', src)
+In this case, `exe1` could also have been used for the target name.
+This is possible because the rewriter also searches for assignments
+and unique Meson IDs, which can be acquired with introspection. If
+there are multiple targets with the same name, Meson will do nothing
+and print an error message.
+For more information see the help output of the rewriter target
+### Setting the project version
+It is also possible to set kwargs of specific functions with the
+rewriter. The general command for setting or removing kwargs is:
+meson rewrite kwargs {set/delete} <function type> <function ID> <key1> <value1> <key2> <value2> ...
+For instance, setting the project version can be achieved with this command:
+meson rewrite kwargs set project / version 1.0.0
+Currently, only the following function types are supported:
+- dependency
+- target (any build target, the function ID is the target name/ID)
+- project (the function ID must be `/` since project() can only be called once)
+For more information see the help output of the rewrite kwargs command.
+Note msys bash may expand `/` to a path. Passing `//` will be
+converted to `/` by msys bash but in order to keep usage
+shell-agnostic, the rewrite command also allows `//` as the function
+ID such that it will work in both msys bash and other shells.
+### Setting the project default options
+For setting and deleting default options, use the following command:
+meson rewrite default-options {set/delete} <opt1> <value1> <opt2> <value2> ...
+## Limitations
+Rewriting a Meson file is not guaranteed to keep the indentation of
+the modified functions. Additionally, comments inside a modified
+statement will be removed. Furthermore, all source files will be
+sorted alphabetically.
+For instance adding `e.c` to srcs in the following code
+# Important comment
+srcs = [
+'a.c', 'c.c', 'f.c',
+# something important about b
+ 'b.c', 'd.c', 'g.c'
+would result in the following code:
+# Important comment
+srcs = [
+ 'a.c',
+ 'b.c',
+ 'c.c',
+ 'd.c',
+ 'e.c',
+ 'f.c',
+ 'g.c'
+## Using the "script mode"
+The "script mode" should be the preferred API for third party
+programs, since it offers more flexibility and higher API stability.
+The "scripts" are stored in JSON format and executed with `meson
+rewrite command <JSON file or string>`.
+The JSON format is defined as follows:
+ {
+ "type": "function to execute",
+ ...
+ }, {
+ "type": "other function",
+ ...
+ },
+ ...
+Each object in the main array must have a `type` entry which specifies which
+function should be executed.
+Currently, the following functions are supported:
+- target
+- kwargs
+- default_options
+### Target modification format
+The format for the type `target` is defined as follows:
+ "type": "target",
+ "target": "target ID/name/assignment variable",
+ "operation": "one of ['src_add', 'src_rm', 'target_rm', 'target_add', 'info']",
+ "sources": ["list", "of", "source", "files", "to", "add, remove"],
+ "subdir": "subdir where the new target should be added (only has an effect for operation 'tgt_add')",
+ "target_type": "function name of the new target -- same as in the CLI (only has an effect for operation 'tgt_add')"
+The keys `sources`, `subdir` and `target_type` are optional.
+### kwargs modification format
+The format for the type `target` is defined as follows:
+ "type": "kwargs",
+ "function": "one of ['dependency', 'target', 'project']",
+ "id": "function ID",
+ "operation": "one of ['set', 'delete', 'add', 'remove', 'remove_regex', 'info']",
+ "kwargs": {
+ "key1": "value1",
+ "key2": "value2",
+ ...
+ }
+### Default options modification format
+The format for the type `default_options` is defined as follows:
+ "type": "default_options",
+ "operation": "one of ['set', 'delete']",
+ "options": {
+ "opt1": "value1",
+ "opt2": "value2",
+ ...
+ }
+For operation `delete`, the values of the `options` can be anything
+(including `null`)
+## Extracting information
+The rewriter also offers operation `info` for the types `target` and
+`kwargs`. When this operation is used, Meson will print a JSON dump to
+stderr, containing all available information to the rewriter about the
+build target / function kwargs in question.
+The output format is currently experimental and may change in the future.
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+short-description: Targets to run external commands
+# Run targets
+Sometimes you need to have a target that just runs an external
+command. As an example you might have a build target that reformats
+your source code, runs `cppcheck` or something similar. In Meson this
+is accomplished with a so called *run target*.
+The recommended way of doing this is writing the command(s) you want
+to run to a script file. Here's an example script.
+inspector_command -o "${MESON_BUILD_ROOT}/inspection_result.txt"
+Note the two environment variables `MESON_SOURCE_ROOT` and
+`MESON_BUILD_ROOT`. These are absolute paths to your project's source
+and build directories and they are automatically set up by Meson. In
+addition to these Meson also sets up the variable `MESON_SUBDIR`,
+which points to the subdirectory where the run command was specified.
+Most commands don't need to set up this.
+Note how the script starts by cd'ing into the source dir. Meson does
+not guarantee that the script is run in any specific directory.
+Whether you need to do the same depends on what your custom target
+wants to do.
+To make this a run target we write it to a script file called
+`scripts/inspect.sh` and specify it in the top level Meson file like
+ command : 'scripts/inspect.sh')
+Run targets are not run by default. To run it run the following command.
+$ meson compile inspector
+All additional entries in `run_target`'s `command` array are passed
+unchanged to the inspector script, so you can do things like this:
+ command : ['scripts/inspect.sh', '--exclude', 'tests'])
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+short-description: Building a project with Meson
+# Running Meson
+There are two different ways of invoking Meson. First, you can run it
+directly from the source tree with the command
+`/path/to/source/meson.py`. Second, Meson may also be installed in which case
+the command is simply `meson`. In this manual we only use the latter
+format for simplicity.
+At the time of writing only a command line version of Meson is
+available. This means that Meson must be invoked using the terminal.
+If you wish to use the MSVC compiler, you need to run Meson under
+"Visual Studio command prompt".
+All available Meson commands are listed on the [commands reference
+## Configuring the build directory
+Let us assume that we have a source tree that has a Meson build
+system. This means that at the topmost directory has a file called
+`meson.build`. We run the following commands to get the build started.
+cd /path/to/source/root
+meson setup builddir
+We invoke Meson with the `setup` command, giving it the location of the build
+directory. Meson uses [out of source
+Hint: The syntax of Meson is `meson [command] [arguments] [options]`.
+The `setup` command takes a `builddir` and a `srcdir` argument. If no
+`srcdir` is given Meson will deduce the `srcdir` based on `pwd` and
+the location of `meson.build`.
+Meson then loads the build configuration file and writes the
+corresponding build backend in the build directory. By default Meson
+generates a *debug build*, which turns on basic warnings and debug
+information and disables compiler optimizations.
+Additionally, the invocation can pass options to Meson. The list of
+options is documented [here](Builtin-options.md).
+You can specify a different type of build with the `--buildtype` command line
+argument. It can have one of the following values.
+| value | meaning |
+| ------ | -------- |
+| `plain` | no extra build flags are used, even for compiler warnings, useful for distro packagers and other cases where you need to specify all arguments by yourself |
+| `debug` | debug info is generated but the result is not optimized, this is the default |
+| `debugoptimized` | debug info is generated and the code is optimized (on most compilers this means `-g -O2`) |
+| `release` | full optimization, no debug info |
+The build directory is mandatory. The reason for this is that it
+simplifies the build process immensely. Meson will not, under any
+circumstances, write files inside the source directory (if it does, it
+is a bug and should be fixed). This means that the user does not need
+to add a bunch of files to their revision control's ignore list. It
+also means that you can create arbitrarily many build directories for
+any given source tree.
+For example, if we wanted to test building the source code with the
+Clang compiler instead of the system default, we could just type the
+following commands:
+cd /path/to/source/root
+CC=clang CXX=clang++ meson setup buildclang
+This separation is even more powerful if your code has multiple
+configuration options (such as multiple data backends). You can create
+a separate subdirectory for each of them. You can also have build
+directories for optimized builds, code coverage, static analysis and
+so on. They are all neatly separated and use the same source tree.
+Changing between different configurations is just a question of
+changing to the corresponding directory.
+Unless otherwise mentioned, all following command line invocations are
+meant to be run in the source directory.
+By default, Meson will use the Ninja backend to build your project. If
+you wish to use any of the other backends, you need to pass the
+corresponding argument during configuration time. As an example, here
+is how you would use Meson to generate a Visual Studio solution.
+meson setup <build dir> --backend=vs
+You can then open the generated solution with Visual Studio and
+compile it in the usual way. A list of backends can be obtained with
+`meson setup --help`.
+## Environment variables
+Sometimes you want to add extra compiler flags, this can be done by
+passing them in environment variables when calling Meson. See [the
+for a list of all the environment variables. Be aware however these
+environment variables are only used for the native compiler and will
+not affect the compiler used for cross-compiling, where the flags
+specified in the cross file will be used.
+Furthermore it is possible to stop Meson from adding flags itself by
+using the `--buildtype=plain` option, in this case you must provide
+the full compiler and linker arguments needed.
+## Building from the source
+To start the build, simply type the following command.
+meson compile -C builddir
+See [`meson compile` description](Commands.md#compile) for more info.
+### Building directly with ninja
+By default Meson uses the [Ninja build
+system](https://ninja-build.org/) to actually build the code. To start
+the build, simply type the following command.
+ninja -C builddir
+The main usability difference between Ninja and Make is that Ninja
+will automatically detect the number of CPUs in your computer and
+parallelize itself accordingly. You can override the amount of
+parallel processes used with the command line argument `-j <num
+It should be noted that after the initial configure step `ninja` is
+the only command you ever need to type to compile. No matter how you
+alter your source tree (short of moving it to a completely new
+location), Meson will detect the changes and regenerate itself
+accordingly. This is especially handy if you have multiple build
+directories. Often one of them is used for development (the "debug"
+build) and others only every now and then (such as a "static analysis"
+build). Any configuration can be built just by `cd`'ing to the
+corresponding directory and running Ninja.
+## Running tests
+Meson provides native support for running tests. The command to do
+that is simple.
+meson test -C builddir
+See [`meson test` description](Commands.md#test) for more info.
+Meson does not force the use of any particular testing framework. You
+are free to use GTest, Boost Test, Check or even custom executables.
+Note: it can be also invoked directly with ninja with the following command:
+ninja -C builddir test
+## Installing
+Installing the built software is just as simple.
+meson install -C builddir
+See [`meson install` description](Commands.md#install) for more info.
+Note that Meson will only install build targets explicitly tagged as
+installable, as detailed in the [installing targets
+By default Meson installs to `/usr/local`. This can be changed by
+passing the command line argument `--prefix /your/prefix` to Meson
+during configure time. Meson also supports the `DESTDIR` variable used
+in e.g. building packages. It is used like this:
+DESTDIR=/path/to/staging meson install -C builddir
+Note: it can be also invoked directly with ninja with the following
+ninja -C builddir install
+## Command line help
+Meson has a standard command line help feature. It can be accessed
+with the following command.
+ meson --help
+## Exit status
+Meson exits with status 0 if successful, 1 for problems with the
+command line or meson.build file, and 2 for internal errors.
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+short-description: Rust language integration module
+ - name: Dylan Baker
+ email: dylan@pnwbakers.com
+ years: [2020, 2021]
+# Unstable Rust module
+*(new in 0.57.0)*
+**Note** Unstable modules make no backwards compatible API guarantees.
+The rust module provides helper to integrate rust code into Meson. The
+goal is to make using rust in Meson more pleasant, while still
+remaining mesonic, this means that it attempts to make Rust work more
+like Meson, rather than Meson work more like rust.
+## Functions
+### test(name: string, target: library | executable, dependencies: []Dependency)
+This function creates a new rust unittest target from an existing rust
+based target, which may be a library or executable. It does this by
+copying the sources and arguments passed to the original target and
+adding the `--test` argument to the compilation, then creates a new
+test target which calls that executable, using the rust test protocol.
+This accepts all of the keyword arguments as the
+[`test`](Reference-manual.md#test) function except `protocol`, it will set
+that automatically.
+Additional, test only dependencies may be passed via the dependencies
+### bindgen(*, input: string | BuildTarget | []string | []BuildTarget, output: strng, include_directories: []include_directories, c_args: []string, args: []string)
+This function wraps bindgen to simplify creating rust bindings around C
+libraries. This has two advantages over hand-rolling ones own with a
+`generator` or `custom_target`:
+- It handles `include_directories`, so one doesn't have to manually convert them to `-I...`
+- It automatically sets up a depfile, making the results more reliable
+It takes the following keyword arguments
+- input — A list of Files, Strings, or CustomTargets. The first element is
+ the header bindgen will parse, additional elements are dependencies.
+- output — the name of the output rust file
+- include_directories — A list of `include_directories` objects, these are
+ passed to clang as `-I` arguments
+- c_args — A list of string arguments to pass to clang untouched
+- args — A list of string arguments to pass to `bindgen` untouched.
+rust = import('unstable-rust')
+inc = include_directories('..'¸ '../../foo')
+generated = rust.bindgen(
+ 'myheader.h',
+ 'generated.rs',
+ include_directories : [inc, include_directories('foo')],
+ args : ['--no-rustfmt-bindings'],
+ c_args : ['-DFOO=1'],
+If the header depeneds on generated headers, those headers must be passed to
+`bindgen` as well to ensure proper dependency ordering, static headers do not
+need to be passed, as a proper depfile is generated:
+h1 = custom_target(...)
+h2 = custom_target(...)
+r1 = rust.bindgen(
+ [h1, h2], # h1 includes h2,
+ 'out.rs',
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+# Shipping prebuilt binaries as wraps
+A common dependency case, especially on Windows, is the need to
+provide dependencies as prebuilt binaries rather than Meson projects
+that you build from scratch. Common reasons include not having access
+to source code, not having the time and effort to rewrite a legacy
+system's build definitions to Meson or just the fact that compiling
+the dependency projects takes too long.
+Packaging a project is straightforward. As an example let's look at a
+case where the project consists of one static library called `bob` and
+some headers. To create a binary dependency project we put the static
+library at the top level and headers in a subdirectory called
+`include`. The Meson build definition would look like the following.
+project('binary dep', 'c')
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+bin_dep = declare_dependency(
+ dependencies : cc.find_library('bob', dirs : meson.current_source_dir()),
+ include_directories : include_directories('include'))
+Now you can use this subproject as if it was a Meson project:
+project('using dep', 'c')
+bob_dep = subproject('bob').get_variable('bin_dep')
+executable('prog', 'prog.c', dependencies : bob_dep)
+Note that often libraries compiled with different compilers (or even
+compiler flags) might not be compatible. If you do this, then you are
+responsible for verifying that your libraries are compatible, Meson
+will not check things for you.
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+# Unstable SIMD module
+This module provides helper functionality to build code with SIMD instructions.
+Available since 0.42.0.
+**Note**: this module is unstable. It is only provided as a technology
+preview. Its API may change in arbitrary ways between releases or it
+might be removed from Meson altogether.
+## Usage
+This module is designed for the use case where you have an algorithm
+with one or more SIMD implementation and you choose which one to use
+at runtime.
+The module provides one method, `check`, which is used like this:
+ rval = simd.check('mysimds',
+ mmx : 'simd_mmx.c',
+ sse : 'simd_sse.c',
+ sse2 : 'simd_sse2.c',
+ sse3 : 'simd_sse3.c',
+ ssse3 : 'simd_ssse3.c',
+ sse41 : 'simd_sse41.c',
+ sse42 : 'simd_sse42.c',
+ avx : 'simd_avx.c',
+ avx2 : 'simd_avx2.c',
+ neon : 'simd_neon.c',
+ compiler : cc)
+Here the individual files contain the accelerated versions of the
+functions in question. The `compiler` keyword argument takes the
+compiler you are going to use to compile them. The function returns an
+array with two values. The first value is a bunch of libraries that
+contain the compiled code. Any SIMD code that the compiler can't
+compile (for example, Neon instructions on an x86 machine) are
+ignored. You should pass this value to the desired target using
+`link_with`. The second value is a `configuration_data` object that
+contains true for all the values that were supported. For example if
+the compiler did support sse2 instructions, then the object would have
+`HAVE_SSE2` set to 1.
+Generating code to detect the proper instruction set at runtime is
+straightforward. First you create a header with the configuration
+object and then a chooser function that looks like this:
+ void (*fptr)(type_of_function_here) = NULL;
+ if(fptr == NULL && neon_available()) {
+ fptr = neon_accelerated_function;
+ }
+ #endif
+ #if HAVE_AVX2
+ if(fptr == NULL && avx2_available()) {
+ fptr = avx_accelerated_function;
+ }
+ #endif
+ ...
+ if(fptr == NULL) {
+ fptr = default_function;
+ }
+Each source file provides two functions, the `xxx_available` function
+to query whether the CPU currently in use supports the instruction set
+and `xxx_accelerated_function` that is the corresponding accelerated
+At the end of this function the function pointer points to the fastest
+available implementation and can be invoked to do the computation.
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+# A simple comparison
+In this experiment we generated one thousand C files with contents
+that looked like this.
+int func23() { return 0; }
+The function number was different in each file. In addition there was
+a main C file that just called each function in turn. We then
+generated build system files for *Meson*, *CMake*, *SCons*, *Premake*
+and *Autotools* that compiled these files into a single executable.
+With this we measured three different things. The first is
+configuration time, that is, the time the build system takes to
+generate necessary build files. This is usually called the *configure
+step*. The time was measured in seconds.
+The second thing to measure was the build time. This should be limited
+by the compiler and in the optimal case should be the same for every
+build system. Four parallel processes were used in this test.
+The third thing we measured was the empty build time. This measures
+how much time the build system takes to check the states of all source
+files because if any of them could potentially cause a rebuild.
+Since CMake has two different backends, Make and Ninja, we ran the
+tests on both of them. All tests were run on a 2011 era Macbook Pro
+running Ubuntu 13/04. The tests were run multiple times and we always
+took the fastest time.
+Here are the results for configuration time.
+![Configuration times](images/conftime.png)
+The reason SCons got zero seconds on this test is because you cannot
+separate configure and build steps. They run as one unit. Autotools is
+the clear loser of this test as it is over an order of magnitude
+slower than the second slowest one. This configuration time includes
+both autogen and configure. All other systems take less than one
+second to do this setup, which is fast enough for a human being to
+interpret as instantaneous.
+![Build times](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/jpakkane/meson/buildtime.png)
+Build times are a bit more even. SCons is the slowest, being almost
+ten seconds slower than the second slowest. Some of it is work from
+the configure step but it still has the worst performance. Premake is
+the fastest Make-based build system narrowly beating out Autotools.
+Both Ninja-based build systems are faster than all non-Ninja ones with
+Meson being slightly faster. In practice the difference is minimal.
+The advantages of Ninja can be seen by comparing CMake's times when
+using Make or Ninja. It is possible to shave off 3.5 seconds (over
+20%) of the total build time just by changing the backend. The
+project's CMake configuration files don't need any changes.
+![No-op time](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/jpakkane/meson/emptytime.png)
+Empty build times reflect the performance of regular build times.
+SCons is again the slowest taking over three seconds compared to
+Meson, which takes only 0.03 seconds, a difference of two orders of
+magnitude. Even Autotools, the fastest Make-based system, is almost
+one order of magnitude slower. Ninja holds the top spots just like in
+the previous test.
+Build system performance matters. Even with this extremely simple
+example we can find differences between various popular build systems.
+As the project size increases, these differences grow even larger.
+(The author has witnessed no-op build times of 30 seconds for Make
+versus less than one second for Ninja when compiling the Clang
+compiler.) Keeping incremental build times low is one of the major
+keys of programmer productivity as it allows developers to iterate
+faster and stay in the creative zone.
+Original scripts
+Those who want to run these experiments themselves can download the scripts here:
+* [Generator script](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/jpakkane/meson/gen_src.py)
+* [Measurement script](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/jpakkane/meson/measure.py)
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+short-description: Simple getting started guide
+# The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Installing and Using Meson
+This page is meant for people who are new to using Meson and possibly
+even to compiling C and/or C++ code in general. It is meant to contain
+one simple way of getting your build environment up and running. If
+you are more experienced and have your own preferred way of installing
+and using development software, feel free to use that instead. This
+guide only deals with Linux, Windows and macOS platforms. If you use
+some other platform, such as one of the BSDs, you probably already
+know how to install development tools on it (probably better than we
+do, even).
+There are three phases to getting a development environment running.
+1. Installing a compiler toolchain
+2. Installing Meson
+3. Creating a project and building it
+## Installing a compiler toolchain
+### Linux
+All Linux distributions provide easy access to development tools.
+Typically you need to open a terminal and execute one command, which
+depends on your distro.
+ - Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives: `sudo apt install build-essential`
+ - Fedora, Centos, RHEL and derivatives: `sudo dnf install gcc-c++`
+ - Arch: `sudo pacman -S gcc`
+### Windows
+The most common development toolchain on Windows is Visual Studio,
+which can be downloaded from [the Visual Studio web
+site](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/). Select the Community
+version unless you have bought a license.
+![Download page of Visual Studio](images/win_dlvs.png)
+Download the installer and run it. When you are given a list of things
+to install, select *Desktop development with C++*. This installs both
+a C and a C++ compiler.
+![Installing the Visual Studio compilers](images/win_installvs.png)
+Once the installer finishes the compiler toolchain is ready to use.
+### macOS
+On macOS the development toolchain must be installed via the Mac app
+store. Search for an app called XCode and install it.
+![App store page for XCode](images/osx_xcode.png)
+*Note:* Installing XCode is not sufficient by itself. You also need to
+start XCode' GUI application once. This will make XCode download and
+install more files that are needed for compilation.
+## Installing Meson
+### Linux
+Installing Meson is just as simple as installing the compiler toolchain.
+ - Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives: `sudo apt install meson ninja-build`
+ - Fedora, Centos, RHEL and derivatives: `sudo dnf install meson ninja-build`
+ - Arch: `sudo pacman -S meson`
+### Windows
+Meson provides a standard Windows `.msi` installer that can be
+downloaded from [the Releases
+![Meson installed download](images/win_downloadmeson.png)
+Download and run it to install all the necessary bits. You can verify
+that your installation is working by running the Visual Studio
+developer tools command prompt that can be found in the start menu.
+![Devtool prompt](images/win_vstoolsprompt.png)
+You should be able to run both `meson` and `ninja` and query their
+![A working Windows install](images/win_working.png)
+### macOS
+Start by downloading the installation package from [the Releases
+![Downloading the macOS installer](images/meson_mac1.png)
+Double click the downloaded installer to start. If you are running a
+new macOS version, it might refuse to run the application with the
+following error message:
+![A macOS signing warning](images/meson_mac2.png)
+This can be fixed by starting System Preferences, selecting the
+Security and Privacy entry. At the bottom it shows the blocked app and
+you can enable it by clicking on the "Open anyway" button.
+![Security settings](images/meson_mac3.png)
+Now the installer should start. If not, double click on the downloaded
+installer file again.
+![Installer running](images/meson_mac4.png)
+Once the installation is finished you can verify that the system is working via the terminal app.
+![A successful install](images/meson_mac5.png)
+## Running Meson
+Start a terminal application. On Windows you have to use the Visual
+Studio Developer Tools Command Prompt as discussed above, because the
+compilers are only available in that terminal. You also need to change
+into your home directory (Linux and macOS terminals start in the home
+directory by default).
+ cd \users\username
+Create a new directory to hold your project.
+ mkdir testproject
+ cd testproject
+Use Meson to create and build a new sample project.
+ meson init --name testproject --build
+This will create a project skeleton for you and compile it. The result
+is put in the `build` subdirectory and can be run directly from there.
+ build/testproject
+![All finished and ready to go](images/linux_alldone.png)
+The project is now ready for development. You can edit the code with
+any editor and it is rebuilt by going in the `build` subdirectory and
+executing the `meson compile` command. If your version of Meson is too
+old, you can compile the project by running the command `ninja`
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+short-description: Source set module
+ - name: Paolo Bonzini
+ email: pbonzini@redhat.com
+ years: [2019]
+# Source set module
+This module provides support for building many targets against a
+single set of files; the choice of which files to include in each
+target depends on the contents of a dictionary or a
+`configuration_data` object. The module can be loaded with:
+ssmod = import('sourceset')
+A simple example of using the module looks like this:
+ss = ssmod.source_set()
+# Include main.c unconditionally
+# Include a.c if configuration key FEATURE1 is true
+ss.add(when: 'FEATURE1', if_true: files('a.c'))
+# Include zlib.c if the zlib dependency was found, and link zlib
+# in the executable
+ss.add(when: zlib, if_true: files('zlib.c'))
+# many more rules here...
+ssconfig = ss.apply(config)
+executable('exe', sources: ssconfig.sources(),
+ dependencies: ssconfig.dependencies())
+and it would be equivalent to
+sources = files('main.c')
+dependencies = []
+if config['FEATURE1'] then
+ sources += [files('a.c')]
+if zlib.found() then
+ sources += [files('zlib.c')]
+ dependencies += [zlib]
+# many more "if"s here...
+executable('exe', sources: sources, dependencies: dependencies())
+Sourcesets can be used with a single invocation of the `apply` method,
+similar to the example above, but the module is especially useful when
+multiple executables are generated by applying the same rules to many
+different configurations.
+*Added 0.51.0*
+## Functions
+### `source_set()`
+Create and return a new source set object.
+**Returns**: a [source set][`source_set` object]
+## `source_set` object
+The `source_set` object provides methods to add files to a source set
+and to query it. The source set becomes immutable after any method but
+`add` is called.
+### Methods
+#### `add()`
+source_set.add([when: varnames_and_deps],
+ [if_true: sources_and_deps],
+ [if_false: list_of_alt_sources])
+Add a *rule* to a source set. A rule determines the conditions under
+which some source files or dependency objects are included in a build
+configuration. All source files must be present in the source tree or
+they can be created in the build tree via `configure_file`,
+`custom_target` or `generator`.
+`varnames_and_deps` is a list of conditions for the rule, which can be
+either strings or dependency objects (a dependency object is anything
+that has a `found()` method). If *all* the strings evaluate to true
+and all dependencies are found, the rule will evaluate to true;
+`apply()` will then include the contents of the `if_true` keyword
+argument in its result. Otherwise, that is if any of the strings in
+the positional arguments evaluate to false or any dependency is not
+found, `apply()` will instead use the contents of the `if_false`
+keyword argument.
+Dependencies can also appear in `sources_and_deps`. In this case, a
+missing dependency will simply be ignored and will *not* disable the
+rule, similar to how the `dependencies` keyword argument works in
+build targets.
+**Note**: It is generally better to avoid mixing source sets and
+disablers. This is because disablers will cause the rule to be dropped
+altogether, and the `list_of_alt_sources` would not be taken into
+account anymore.
+#### `add_all()`
+source_set.add_all(when: varnames_and_deps,
+ if_true: [source_set1, source_set2, ...])
+source_set.add_all(source_set1, source_set2, ...)
+Add one or more source sets to another.
+For each source set listed in the arguments, `apply()` will consider
+their rules only if the conditions in `varnames_and_deps` are
+evaluated positively. For example, the following:
+sources_b = ssmod.source_set()
+sources_b.add(when: 'HAVE_A', if_true: 'file.c')
+sources = ssmod.source_set()
+sources.add_all(when: 'HAVE_B', if_true: sources_b)
+is equivalent to:
+sources = ssmod.source_set()
+sources.add(when: ['HAVE_A', 'HAVE_B'], if_true: 'file.c')
+#### `all_sources()`
+list source_set.all_sources(...)
+Returns a list of all sources that were placed in the source set using
+`add` (including nested source sets) and that do not have a not-found
+dependency. If a rule has a not-found dependency, only the `if_false`
+sources are included (if any).
+**Returns**: a list of file objects
+#### `all_dependencies()` *(since 0.52.0)*
+list source_set.all_dependencies(...)
+Returns a list of all dependencies that were placed in the source set
+using `add` (including nested source sets) and that were found.
+**Returns**: a list of dependencies
+#### `apply()`
+source_files source_set.apply(conf_data[, strict: false])
+Match the source set against a dictionary or a `configuration_data`
+object and return a *source configuration* object. A source
+configuration object allows you to retrieve the sources and
+dependencies for a specific configuration.
+By default, all the variables that were specified in the rules have to
+be present in `conf_data`. However, in some cases the convention is
+that `false` configuration symbols are absent in `conf_data`; this is
+the case for example when the configuration was loaded from a Kconfig
+file. In that case you can specify the `strict: false` keyword
+argument, which will treat absent variables as false.
+**Returns**: a [source configuration][`source_configuration` object]
+## `source_configuration` object
+The `source_configuration` object provides methods to query the result of an
+`apply` operation on a source set.
+### Methods
+#### `sources()`
+Return the source files corresponding to the applied configuration.
+**Returns**: a list of file objects
+#### `dependencies()`
+Return the dependencies corresponding to the applied configuration.
+**Returns**: a list of dependency objects
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+short-description: Style recommendations for Meson files
+# Style recommendations
+This page lists some recommendations on organizing and formatting your
+Meson build files.
+## Tabs or spaces?
+Always spaces.
+## Naming Variable
+Snake case (stylized as `snake_case`) refers to the style of writing in which
+each space is replaced by an underscore (`_`) character, and the first letter of
+each word written in lowercase. It is the most common naming convention used
+in Meson build scripts as identifiers for variable.
+Let say you would like to refer to your executable so something like `my_exe`.
+## Dependency usage
+The `dependency` function is the recommended way to handle
+dependencies. If your wrap files have the necessary `[provide]`
+entries, everything will work automatically both when compiling your
+own and when using system dependencies.
+You should only need `subproject` when you need to extract non dependencies/programs.
+## Naming options
+There are two ways of naming project options. As an example for
+booleans the first one is `foo` and the second one is `enable-foo`.
+The former style is recommended, because in Meson options have strong
+type, rather than being just strings.
+You should try to name options the same as is common in other
+projects. This is especially important for yielding options, because
+they require that both the parent and subproject options have the same
+# Global arguments
+Prefer `add_project_arguments` to `add_global_arguments` because using
+the latter prevents using the project as a subproject.
+# Cross compilation arguments
+Try to keep cross compilation arguments away from your build files as
+much as possible. Keep them in the cross file instead. This adds
+portability, since all changes needed to compile to a different
+platform are isolated in one place.
+# Sorting source paths
+The source file arrays should all be sorted. This makes it easier to
+spot errors and often reduces merge conflicts. Furthermore, the paths
+should be sorted with a natural sorting algorithm, so that numbers are
+sorted in an intuitive way (`1, 2, 3, 10, 20` instead of `1, 10, 2,
+20, 3`).
+Numbers should also be sorted before characters (`a111` before `ab0`).
+Furthermore, strings should be sorted case insensitive.
+Additionally, if a path contains a directory it should be sorted before
+normal files. This rule also applies recursively for subdirectories.
+The following example shows correct source list definition:
+sources = files([
+ 'aaa/a1.c',
+ 'aaa/a2.c',
+ 'bbb/subdir1/b1.c',
+ 'bbb/subdir2/b2.c',
+ 'bbb/subdir10/b3.c',
+ 'bbb/subdir20/b4.c',
+ 'bbb/b5.c',
+ 'bbb/b6.c',
+ 'f1.c',
+ 'f2.c',
+ 'f10.c',
+ 'f20.c'
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+short-description: Using Meson projects as subprojects within other Meson projects
+# Subprojects
+Some platforms do not provide a native packaging system. In these
+cases it is common to bundle all third party libraries in your source
+tree. This is usually frowned upon because it makes it hard to add
+these kinds of projects into e.g. those Linux distributions that
+forbid bundled libraries.
+Meson tries to solve this problem by making it extremely easy to
+provide both at the same time. The way this is done is that Meson
+allows you to take any other Meson project and make it a part of your
+build without (in the best case) any changes to its Meson setup. It
+becomes a transparent part of the project.
+It should be noted that this is only guaranteed to work for subprojects
+that are built with Meson. The reason is the simple fact that there is
+no possible way to do this reliably with mixed build systems. Because of
+this, only Meson subprojects are described here.
+[CMake based subprojects](CMake-module.md#cmake-subprojects) are also
+supported but not guaranteed to work.
+## A subproject example
+Usually dependencies consist of some header files plus a library to
+link against. To declare this internal dependency use
+`declare_dependency` function.
+As an example, suppose we have a simple project that provides a shared
+library. Its `meson.build` would look like this.
+project('libsimple', 'c')
+inc = include_directories('include')
+libsimple = shared_library('simple',
+ 'simple.c',
+ include_directories : inc,
+ install : true)
+libsimple_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : inc,
+ link_with : libsimple)
+### Naming convention for dependency variables
+Ideally the dependency variable name should be of `<project_name>_dep`
+form. This way one can just use it without even looking inside build
+definitions of that subproject.
+In cases where there are multiple dependencies need to be declared,
+the default one should be named as `<project_name>_dep` (e.g.
+`gtest_dep`), and others can have `<project_name>_<other>_<name>_dep`
+form (e.g. `gtest_main_dep` - gtest with main function).
+There may be exceptions to these rules where common sense should be applied.
+### Adding variables to the dependency
+*New in 0.54.0*
+In some cases a project may define special variables via pkg-config or
+cmake that a caller needs to know about. Meson provides a
+`dependency.get_variable` method to hide what kind of dependency is
+provided, and this is available to subprojects as well. Use the
+`variables` keyword to add a dict of strings:
+my_dep = declare_dependency(..., variables : {'var': 'value', 'number': '3'})
+Which another project can access via:
+var = my_dep.get_variable(internal : 'var', cmake : 'CMAKE_VAR')
+The values of the dict must be strings, as pkg-config and cmake will
+return variables as strings.
+### Build options in subproject
+All Meson features of the subproject, such as project options keep
+working and can be set in the master project. There are a few
+limitations, the most important being that global compiler arguments
+must be set in the main project before calling subproject. Subprojects
+must not set global arguments because there is no way to do that
+reliably over multiple subprojects. To check whether you are running
+as a subproject, use the `is_subproject` function.
+## Using a subproject
+All subprojects must be inside `subprojects` directory. The
+`subprojects` directory must be at the top level of your project.
+Subproject declaration must be in your top level `meson.build`.
+### A simple example
+Let's use `libsimple` as a subproject.
+At the top level of your project create `subprojects` directory.
+Then copy `libsimple` into `subprojects` directory.
+Your project's `meson.build` should look like this.
+project('my_project', 'cpp')
+libsimple_proj = subproject('libsimple')
+libsimple_dep = libsimple_proj.get_variable('libsimple_dep')
+ 'my_project.cpp',
+ dependencies : libsimple_dep,
+ install : true)
+Note that the subproject object is *not* used as the dependency, but
+rather you need to get the declared dependency from it with
+`get_variable` because a subproject may have multiple declared
+### Toggling between system libraries and embedded sources
+When building distro packages it is very important that you do not
+embed any sources. Some distros have a rule forbidding embedded
+dependencies so your project must be buildable without them or
+otherwise the packager will hate you.
+Here's how you would use system libraries and fall back to embedding sources
+if the dependency is not available.
+project('my_project', 'cpp')
+libsimple_dep = dependency('libsimple', required : false)
+if not libsimple_dep.found()
+ libsimple_proj = subproject('libsimple')
+ libsimple_dep = libsimple_proj.get_variable('libsimple_dep')
+ 'my_project.cpp',
+ dependencies : libsimple_dep,
+ install : true)
+Because this is such a common operation, Meson provides a shortcut for
+this use case.
+dep = dependency('foo', fallback : [subproject_name, variable_name])
+The `fallback` keyword argument takes two items, the name of the
+subproject and the name of the variable that holds the dependency. If
+you need to do something more complicated, such as extract several
+different variables, then you need to do it yourself with the manual
+method described above.
+Using this shortcut the build definition would look like this.
+project('my_project', 'cpp')
+libsimple_dep = dependency('libsimple', fallback : ['libsimple', 'libsimple_dep'])
+ 'my_project.cpp',
+ dependencies : libsimple_dep,
+ install : true)
+With this setup when libsimple is provided by the system, we use it.
+When that is not the case we use the embedded version (the one from
+Note that `libsimple_dep` can point to an external or an internal
+dependency but you don't have to worry about their differences. Meson
+will take care of the details for you.
+### Subprojects depending on other subprojects
+Subprojects can use other subprojects, but all subprojects must reside
+in the top level `subprojects` directory. Recursive use of subprojects
+is not allowed, though, so you can't have subproject `a` that uses
+subproject `b` and have `b` also use `a`.
+## Obtaining subprojects
+Meson ships with a dependency system to automatically obtain
+dependency subprojects. It is documented in the [Wrap dependency
+system manual](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md).
+## Command-line options
+The usage of subprojects can be controlled by users and distros with
+the following command-line options:
+* **--wrap-mode=nodownload**
+ Meson will not use the network to download any subprojects or
+ fetch any wrap information. Only pre-existing sources will be used.
+ This is useful (mostly for distros) when you want to only use the
+ sources provided by a software release, and want to manually handle
+ or provide missing dependencies.
+* **--wrap-mode=nofallback**
+ Meson will not use subproject fallbacks for any dependency
+ declarations in the build files, and will only look for them in the
+ system. Note that this does not apply to unconditional subproject()
+ calls, and those are meant to be used for sources that cannot be
+ provided by the system, such as copylibs.
+ This option may be overridden by `--force-fallback-for` for specific
+ dependencies.
+* **--wrap-mode=forcefallback**
+ Meson will not look at the system for any dependencies which have
+ subproject fallbacks available, and will *only* use subprojects for
+ them. This is useful when you want to test your fallback setup, or
+ want to specifically build against the library sources provided by
+ your subprojects.
+* **--force-fallback-for=list,of,dependencies**
+ Meson will not look at the system for any dependencies listed there,
+ provided a fallback was supplied when the dependency was declared.
+ This option takes precedence over `--wrap-mode=nofallback`, and when
+ used in combination with `--wrap-mode=nodownload` will only work
+ if the dependency has already been downloaded.
+ This is useful when your project has many fallback dependencies,
+ but you only want to build against the library sources for a few
+ of them.
+ **Warning**: This could lead to mixing system and subproject version of the
+ same library in the same process. Take this case as example:
+ - Libraries `glib-2.0` and `gstreamer-1.0` are installed on your system.
+ - `gstreamer-1.0` depends on `glib-2.0`, pkg-config file `gstreamer-1.0.pc`
+ has `Requires: glib-2.0`.
+ - In your application build definition you do:
+ ```meson
+ executable('app', ...,
+ dependencies: [
+ dependency('glib-2.0', fallback: 'glib'),
+ dependency('gstreamer-1.0', fallback: 'gstreamer')],
+ )
+ ```
+ - You configure with `--force-fallback-for=glib`.
+ This result in linking to two different versions of library `glib-2.0`
+ because `dependency('glib-2.0', fallback: 'glib')` will return the
+ subproject dependency, but `dependency('gstreamer-1.0', fallback: 'gstreamer')`
+ will not fallback and return the system dependency, including `glib-2.0`
+ library. To avoid that situation, every dependency that itself depend on
+ `glib-2.0` must also be forced to fallback, in this case with
+ `--force-fallback-for=glib,gsteamer`.
+* **--wrap-mode=nopromote**
+ *Since 0.56.0* Meson will automatically use wrap files found in subprojects
+ and copy them into the main project. That new behavior can be disabled by
+ passing `--wrap-mode=nopromote`. In that case only wraps found in the main
+ project will be used.
+## `meson subprojects` command
+*Since 0.49.0*
+`meson subprojects` has various subcommands to manage all subprojects.
+If the subcommand fails on any subproject the execution continues with
+other subprojects. All subcommands accept `--sourcedir` argument
+pointing to the root source dir of the main project.
+*Since 0.56.0* all subcommands accept `--types <file|git|hg|svn>`
+argument to run the subcommands only on subprojects of the given
+types. Multiple types can be set as comma separated list e.g. `--types
+*Since 0.56.0* If the subcommand fails on any subproject an error code
+is returned at the end instead of retuning success.
+### Download subprojects
+*Since 0.49.0*
+Meson will automatically download needed subprojects during configure,
+unless **--wrap-mode=nodownload** option is passed. It is sometimes
+preferable to download all subprojects in advance, so the Meson
+configure can be performed offline. The command-line `meson
+subprojects download` can be used for that, it will download all
+missing subprojects, but will not update already fetched subprojects.
+### Update subprojects
+*Since 0.49.0*
+Once a subproject has been fetched, Meson will not update it automatically.
+For example if the wrap file tracks a git branch, it won't pull latest commits.
+To pull latest version of all your subprojects at once, just run the command:
+`meson subprojects update`.
+- If the wrap file comes from wrapdb, the latest version of the wrap file will
+ be pulled and used next time meson reconfigure the project. This can be
+ triggered using `meson --reconfigure`. Previous source tree is not deleted, to
+ prevent from any loss of local changes. *Since 0.58.0* If `--reset` is
+ specified, the source tree is deleted and new source is extracted.
+- If subproject is currently in detached mode, a checkout of the revision from
+ wrap file is performed. *Since 0.56.0* a rebase is also performed in case the
+ revision already existed locally but was outdated. If `--reset` is specified,
+ a hard reset is performed instead of rebase.
+- If subproject is currently at the same branch as specified by the wrap file,
+ a rebase on `origin` commit is performed. *Since 0.56.0* If `--reset` is
+ specified, a hard reset is performed instead of rebase.
+- If subproject is currently in a different branch as specified by the wrap file,
+ it is skipped unless `--rebase` option is passed in which case a rebase on
+ `origin` commit is performed. *Since 0.56.0* the `--rebase` argument is
+ deprecated and has no effect. Instead, a checkout of the revision from wrap file
+ file is performed and a rebase is also performed in case the revision already
+ existed locally by was outdated. If `--reset` is specified, a hard reset is
+ performed instead of rebase.
+- *Since 0.56.0* if the `url` specified in wrap file is different to the URL set
+ on `origin` for a git repository it will not be updated, unless `--reset` is
+ specified in which case the URL of `origin` will be reset first.
+- *Since 0.56.0* If the subproject directory is not a git repository but has a
+ `[wrap-git]` the subproject is ignored, unless `--reset` is specified in which
+ case the directory is deleted and the new repository is cloned.
+### Start a topic branch across all git subprojects
+*Since 0.49.0*
+The command-line `meson subprojects checkout <branch_name>` will
+checkout a branch, or create one with `-b` argument, in every git
+subprojects. This is useful when starting local changes across
+multiple subprojects. It is still your responsibility to commit and
+push in each repository where you made local changes.
+To come back to the revision set in wrap file (i.e. master), just run
+`meson subprojects checkout` with no branch name.
+*Since 0.56.0* any pending changes are now stashed before checkout a new branch.
+### Execute a command on all subprojects
+*Since 0.51.0*
+The command-line `meson subprojects foreach <command> [...]` will
+execute a command in each subproject directory. For example this can
+be useful to check the status of subprojects (e.g. with `git status`
+or `git diff`) before performing other actions on them.
+## Why must all subprojects be inside a single directory?
+There are several reasons.
+First of all, to maintain any sort of sanity, the system must prevent going
+inside other subprojects with `subdir()` or variations thereof. Having the
+subprojects in well defined places makes this easy. If subprojects could be
+anywhere at all, it would be a lot harder.
+Second of all it is extremely important that end users can easily see what
+subprojects any project has. Because they are in one, and only one, place,
+reviewing them becomes easy.
+This is also a question of convention. Since all Meson projects have the same
+layout w.r.t subprojects, switching between projects becomes easier. You don't
+have to spend time on a new project traipsing through the source tree looking
+for subprojects. They are always in the same place.
+Finally if you can have subprojects anywhere, this increases the possibility of
+having many different (possibly incompatible) versions of a dependency in your
+source tree. Then changing some code (such as changing the order you traverse
+directories) may cause a completely different version of the subproject to be
+used by accident.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Syntax.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Syntax.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be3292f98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Syntax.md
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+short-description: Syntax and structure of Meson files
+# Syntax
+The syntax of Meson's specification language has been kept as simple
+as possible. It is *strongly typed* so no object is ever converted to
+another under the covers. Variables have no visible type which makes
+Meson *dynamically typed* (also known as *duck typed*).
+The main building blocks of the language are *variables*, *numbers*,
+*booleans*, *strings*, *arrays*, *function calls*, *method calls*, *if
+statements* and *includes*.
+Usually one Meson statement takes just one line. There is no way to
+have multiple statements on one line as in e.g. *C*. Function and
+method calls' argument lists can be split over multiple lines. Meson
+will autodetect this case and do the right thing.
+In other cases, *(added 0.50)* you can get multi-line statements by
+ending the line with a `\`. Apart from line ending whitespace has no
+syntactic meaning.
+## Variables
+Variables in Meson work just like in other high level programming
+languages. A variable can contain a value of any type, such as an
+integer or a string. Variables don't need to be predeclared, you can
+just assign to them and they appear. Here's how you would assign
+values to two different variables.
+var1 = 'hello'
+var2 = 102
+One important difference in how variables work in Meson is that all
+objects are immutable. When you see an operation which appears like
+a mutation, actually a new object is created and assigned to the
+name. This is different from, for example, how Python works for
+objects, but similar to e.g. Python strings.
+var1 = [1, 2, 3]
+var2 = var1
+var2 += [4]
+# var2 is now [1, 2, 3, 4]
+# var1 is still [1, 2, 3]
+## Numbers
+Meson supports only integer numbers. They are declared simply by
+writing them out. Basic arithmetic operations are supported.
+x = 1 + 2
+y = 3 * 4
+d = 5 % 3 # Yields 2.
+Hexadecimal literals are supported since version 0.45.0:
+int_255 = 0xFF
+Octal and binary literals are supported since version 0.47.0:
+int_493 = 0o755
+int_1365 = 0b10101010101
+Strings can be converted to a number like this:
+string_var = '42'
+num = string_var.to_int()
+Numbers can be converted to a string:
+int_var = 42
+string_var = int_var.to_string()
+## Booleans
+A boolean is either `true` or `false`.
+truth = true
+Booleans can be converted to a string or to a number:
+bool_var = true
+string_var = bool_var.to_string()
+int_var = bool_var.to_int()
+## Strings
+Strings in Meson are declared with single quotes. To enter a literal
+single quote do it like this:
+single quote = 'contains a \' character'
+The full list of escape sequences is:
+* `\\` Backslash
+* `\'` Single quote
+* `\a` Bell
+* `\b` Backspace
+* `\f` Formfeed
+* `\n` Newline
+* `\r` Carriage Return
+* `\t` Horizontal Tab
+* `\v` Vertical Tab
+* `\ooo` Character with octal value ooo
+* `\xhh` Character with hex value hh
+* `\uxxxx` Character with 16-bit hex value xxxx
+* `\Uxxxxxxxx` Character with 32-bit hex value xxxxxxxx
+* `\N{name}` Character named name in Unicode database
+As in python and C, up to three octal digits are accepted in `\ooo`.
+Unrecognized escape sequences are left in the string unchanged, i.e., the
+backslash is left in the string.
+### String concatenation
+Strings can be concatenated to form a new string using the `+` symbol.
+str1 = 'abc'
+str2 = 'xyz'
+combined = str1 + '_' + str2 # combined is now abc_xyz
+### String path building
+*(Added 0.49)*
+You can concatenate any two strings using `/` as an operator to build paths.
+This will always use `/` as the path separator on all platforms.
+joined = '/usr/share' / 'projectname' # => /usr/share/projectname
+joined = '/usr/local' / '/etc/name' # => /etc/name
+joined = 'C:\\foo\\bar' / 'builddir' # => C:/foo/bar/builddir
+joined = 'C:\\foo\\bar' / 'D:\\builddir' # => D:/builddir
+Note that this is equivalent to using [`join_paths()`](Reference-manual.md#join_paths),
+which was obsoleted by this operator.
+### Strings running over multiple lines
+Strings running over multiple lines can be declared with three single
+quotes, like this:
+multiline_string = '''#include <foo.h>
+int main (int argc, char ** argv) {
+ return FOO_SUCCESS;
+These are raw strings that do not support the escape sequences listed
+above. These strings can also be combined with the string formatting
+functionality described below.
+### String formatting
+#### .format()
+Strings can be built using the string formatting functionality.
+template = 'string: @0@, number: @1@, bool: @2@'
+res = template.format('text', 1, true)
+# res now has value 'string: text, number: 1, bool: true'
+As can be seen, the formatting works by replacing placeholders of type
+`@number@` with the corresponding argument.
+#### Format strings
+*(Added 0.58)*
+Format strings can be used as a non-positional alternative to the
+string formatting functionality described above.
+n = 10
+m = 'hi'
+s = f'int: @n@, string: @m@'
+# s now has the value 'int: 10, string: hi'
+Currently only identity-expressions are supported inside of format
+strings, meaning you cannot use arbitrary Meson expressions inside of them.
+n = 10
+m = 5
+# The following is not a valid format string
+s = f'result: @n + m@'
+### String methods
+Strings also support a number of other methods that return transformed
+#### .replace()
+Since 0.58.0, you can replace a substring from a string.
+# Replaces all instances of one substring with another
+s = 'semicolons;as;separators'
+s = s.replace('as', 'are')
+# 's' now has the value of 'semicolons;are;separators'
+#### .strip()
+# Similar to the Python str.strip(). Removes leading/ending spaces and newlines
+define = ' -Dsomedefine '
+stripped_define = define.strip()
+# 'stripped_define' now has the value '-Dsomedefine'
+#### .to_upper(), .to_lower()
+target = 'x86_FreeBSD'
+upper = target.to_upper() # t now has the value 'X86_FREEBSD'
+lower = target.to_lower() # t now has the value 'x86_freebsd'
+#### .to_int()
+version = '1'
+# Converts the string to an int and throws an error if it can't be
+ver_int = version.to_int()
+#### .contains(), .startswith(), .endswith()
+target = 'x86_FreeBSD'
+is_fbsd = target.to_lower().contains('freebsd')
+# is_fbsd now has the boolean value 'true'
+is_x86 = target.startswith('x86') # boolean value 'true'
+is_bsd = target.to_lower().endswith('bsd') # boolean value 'true'
+#### .substring()
+Since 0.56.0, you can extract a substring from a string.
+# Similar to the Python str[start:end] syntax
+target = 'x86_FreeBSD'
+platform = target.substring(0, 3) # prefix string value 'x86'
+system = target.substring(4) # suffix string value 'FreeBSD'
+The method accepts negative values where negative `start` is relative to the end of
+string `len(string) - start` as well as negative `end`.
+string = 'foobar'
+string.substring(-5, -3) # => 'oo'
+string.substring(1, -1) # => 'ooba'
+#### .split(), .join()
+# Similar to the Python str.split()
+components = 'a b c d '.split()
+# components now has the value ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
+components = 'a b c d '.split(' ')
+# components now has the value ['a', 'b', '', '', 'c', 'd', '']
+# Similar to the Python str.join()
+output = ' '.join(['foo', 'bar'])
+# Output value is 'foo bar'
+pathsep = ':'
+path = pathsep.join(['/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/local/bin'])
+# path now has the value '/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin'
+# For joining path elements, you should use path1 / path2
+# This has the advantage of being cross-platform
+path = '/usr' / 'local' / 'bin'
+# path now has the value '/usr/local/bin'
+# For sources files, use files():
+my_sources = files('foo.c')
+my_sources += files('bar.c')
+# This has the advantage of always calculating the correct relative path, even
+# if you add files in another directory or use them in a different directory
+# than they're defined in
+# Example to set an API version for use in library(), install_header(), etc
+project('project', 'c', version: '0.2.3')
+version_array = meson.project_version().split('.')
+# version_array now has the value ['0', '2', '3']
+api_version = '.'.join([version_array[0], version_array[1]])
+# api_version now has the value '0.2'
+# We can do the same with .format() too:
+api_version = '@0@.@1@'.format(version_array[0], version_array[1])
+# api_version now (again) has the value '0.2'
+#### .underscorify()
+name = 'Meson Docs.txt#Reference-manual'
+# Replaces all characters other than `a-zA-Z0-9` with `_` (underscore)
+# Useful for substituting into #defines, filenames, etc.
+underscored = name.underscorify()
+# underscored now has the value 'Meson_Docs_txt_Reference_manual'
+#### .version_compare()
+version = '1.2.3'
+# Compare version numbers semantically
+is_new = version.version_compare('>=2.0')
+# is_new now has the boolean value false
+# Supports the following operators: '>', '<', '>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '='
+Meson version comparison conventions include:
+'3.6'.version_compare('>=3.6.0') == false
+It is best to be unambiguous and specify the full revision level to compare.
+## Arrays
+Arrays are delimited by brackets. An array can contain an arbitrary number of objects of any type.
+my_array = [1, 2, 'string', some_obj]
+Accessing elements of an array can be done via array indexing:
+my_array = [1, 2, 'string', some_obj]
+second_element = my_array[1]
+last_element = my_array[-1]
+You can add more items to an array like this:
+my_array += ['foo', 3, 4, another_obj]
+When adding a single item, you do not need to enclose it in an array:
+my_array += ['something']
+# This also works
+my_array += 'else'
+Note appending to an array will always create a new array object and
+assign it to `my_array` instead of modifying the original since all
+objects in Meson are immutable.
+Since 0.49.0, you can check if an array contains an element like this:
+my_array = [1, 2]
+if 1 in my_array
+# This condition is true
+if 1 not in my_array
+# This condition is false
+### Array methods
+The following methods are defined for all arrays:
+ - `length`, the size of the array
+ - `contains`, returns `true` if the array contains the object given as argument, `false` otherwise
+ - `get`, returns the object at the given index, negative indices count from the back of the array, indexing out of bounds is a fatal error. Provided for backwards-compatibility, it is identical to array indexing.
+## Dictionaries
+Dictionaries are delimited by curly braces. A dictionary can contain
+an arbitrary number of key: value pairs. Keys are required to be
+strings, but values can be objects of any type. Prior to *0.53.0* keys
+were required to be literal strings, i.e., you could not use a
+variable containing a string value as a key.
+my_dict = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 'baz'}
+Keys must be unique:
+# This will fail
+my_dict = {'foo': 42, 'foo': 43}
+Dictionaries are immutable and do not have a guaranteed order.
+Dictionaries are available since 0.47.0.
+Visit the [Reference Manual](Reference-manual.md#dictionary-object) to read
+about the methods exposed by dictionaries.
+Since 0.49.0, you can check if a dictionary contains a key like this:
+my_dict = {'foo': 42, 'bar': 43}
+if 'foo' in my_dict
+# This condition is true
+if 42 in my_dict
+# This condition is false
+if 'foo' not in my_dict
+# This condition is false
+*Since 0.53.0* Keys can be any expression evaluating to a string
+value, not limited to string literals any more.
+d = {'a' + 'b' : 42}
+k = 'cd'
+d += {k : 43}
+## Function calls
+Meson provides a set of usable functions. The most common use case is
+creating build objects.
+executable('progname', 'prog.c')
+Most functions take only few positional arguments but several keyword
+arguments, which are specified like this:
+ sources: 'prog.c',
+ c_args: '-DFOO=1')
+Starting with version 0.49.0 keyword arguments can be specified
+dynamically. This is done by passing dictionary representing the
+keywords to set in the `kwargs` keyword. The previous example would be
+specified like this:
+d = {'sources': 'prog.c',
+ 'c_args': '-DFOO=1'}
+ kwargs: d)
+A single function can take keyword argumets both directly in the
+function call and indirectly via the `kwargs` keyword argument. The
+only limitation is that it is a hard error to pass any particular key
+both as a direct and indirect argument.
+d = {'c_args': '-DFOO'}
+executable('progname', 'prog.c',
+ c_args: '-DBAZ=1',
+ kwargs: d) # This is an error!
+Attempting to do this causes Meson to immediately exit with an error.
+## Method calls
+Objects can have methods, which are called with the dot operator. The
+exact methods it provides depends on the object.
+myobj = some_function()
+## If statements
+If statements work just like in other languages.
+var1 = 1
+var2 = 2
+if var1 == var2 # Evaluates to false
+ something_broke()
+elif var3 == var2
+ something_else_broke()
+ everything_ok()
+opt = get_option('someoption')
+if opt != 'foo'
+ do_something()
+## Logical operations
+Meson has the standard range of logical operations which can be used in
+`if` statements.
+if a and b
+ # do something
+if c or d
+ # do something
+if not e
+ # do something
+if not (f or g)
+ # do something
+Logical operations work only on boolean values.
+## Foreach statements
+To do an operation on all elements of an iterable, use the `foreach`
+> Note that Meson variables are immutable. Trying to assign a new value
+> to the iterated object inside a foreach loop will not affect foreach's
+> control flow.
+### Foreach with an array
+Here's an example of how you could define two executables
+with corresponding tests using arrays and foreach.
+progs = [['prog1', ['prog1.c', 'foo.c']],
+ ['prog2', ['prog2.c', 'bar.c']]]
+foreach p : progs
+ exe = executable(p[0], p[1])
+ test(p[0], exe)
+### Foreach with a dictionary
+Here's an example of you could iterate a set of components that
+should be compiled in according to some configuration. This uses
+a [dictionary][dictionaries], which is available since 0.47.0.
+components = {
+ 'foo': ['foo.c'],
+ 'bar': ['bar.c'],
+ 'baz': ['baz.c'],
+# compute a configuration based on system dependencies, custom logic
+conf = configuration_data()
+conf.set('USE_FOO', 1)
+# Determine the sources to compile
+sources_to_compile = []
+foreach name, sources : components
+ if conf.get('USE_@0@'.format(name.to_upper()), 0) == 1
+ sources_to_compile += sources
+ endif
+### Foreach `break` and `continue`
+Since 0.49.0 `break` and `continue` keywords can be used inside foreach loops.
+items = ['a', 'continue', 'b', 'break', 'c']
+result = []
+foreach i : items
+ if i == 'continue'
+ continue
+ elif i == 'break'
+ break
+ endif
+ result += i
+# result is ['a', 'b']
+## Comments
+A comment starts with the `#` character and extends until the end of the line.
+some_function() # This is a comment
+## Ternary operator
+The ternary operator works just like in other languages.
+x = condition ? true_value : false_value
+The only exception is that nested ternary operators are forbidden to
+improve legibility. If your branching needs are more complex than this
+you need to write an `if/else` construct.
+## Includes
+Most source trees have multiple subdirectories to process. These can
+be handled by Meson's `subdir` command. It changes to the given
+subdirectory and executes the contents of `meson.build` in that
+subdirectory. All state (variables etc) are passed to and from the
+subdirectory. The effect is roughly the same as if the contents of the
+subdirectory's Meson file would have been written where the include
+command is.
+test_data_dir = 'data'
+## User-defined functions and methods
+Meson does not currently support user-defined functions or methods.
+The addition of user-defined functions would make Meson
+Turing-complete which would make it harder to reason about and more
+difficult to integrate with tools like IDEs. More details about this
+are [in the
+If because of this limitation you find yourself copying and pasting
+code a lot you may be able to use a [`foreach` loop
+## Stability Promises
+Meson is very actively developed and continuously improved. There is a
+possibility that future enhancements to the Meson build system will
+require changes to the syntax. Such changes might be the addition of
+new reserved keywords, changing the meaning of existing keywords or
+additions around the basic building blocks like statements and
+fundamental types. It is planned to stabilize the syntax with the 1.0
+## Grammar
+This is the full Meson grammar, as it is used to parse Meson build definition files:
+additive_expression: multiplicative_expression | (additive_expression additive_operator multiplicative_expression)
+additive_operator: "+" | "-"
+argument_list: positional_arguments ["," keyword_arguments] | keyword_arguments
+array_literal: "[" [expression_list] "]"
+assignment_expression: conditional_expression | (logical_or_expression assignment_operator assignment_expression)
+assignment_operator: "=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "+=" | "-="
+boolean_literal: "true" | "false"
+build_definition: (NEWLINE | statement)*
+condition: expression
+conditional_expression: logical_or_expression | (logical_or_expression "?" expression ":" assignment_expression
+decimal_literal: DECIMAL_NUMBER
+DECIMAL_NUMBER: /[1-9][0-9]*/
+dictionary_literal: "{" [key_value_list] "}"
+equality_expression: relational_expression | (equality_expression equality_operator relational_expression)
+equality_operator: "==" | "!="
+expression: assignment_expression
+expression_list: expression ("," expression)*
+expression_statement: expression
+function_expression: id_expression "(" [argument_list] ")"
+hex_literal: "0x" HEX_NUMBER
+HEX_NUMBER: /[a-fA-F0-9]+/
+id_expression: IDENTIFIER
+IDENTIFIER: /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*/
+identifier_list: id_expression ("," id_expression)*
+integer_literal: decimal_literal | octal_literal | hex_literal
+iteration_statement: "foreach" identifier_list ":" id_expression NEWLINE (statement | jump_statement)* "endforeach"
+jump_statement: ("break" | "continue") NEWLINE
+key_value_item: expression ":" expression
+key_value_list: key_value_item ("," key_value_item)*
+keyword_item: id_expression ":" expression
+keyword_arguments: keyword_item ("," keyword_item)*
+literal: integer_literal | string_literal | boolean_literal | array_literal | dictionary_literal
+logical_and_expression: equality_expression | (logical_and_expression "and" equality_expression)
+logical_or_expression: logical_and_expression | (logical_or_expression "or" logical_and_expression)
+method_expression: postfix_expression "." function_expression
+multiplicative_expression: unary_expression | (multiplicative_expression multiplicative_operator unary_expression)
+multiplicative_operator: "*" | "/" | "%"
+octal_literal: "0o" OCTAL_NUMBER
+OCTAL_NUMBER: /[0-7]+/
+positional_arguments: expression ("," expression)*
+postfix_expression: primary_expression | subscript_expression | function_expression | method_expression
+primary_expression: literal | ("(" expression ")") | id_expression
+relational_expression: additive_expression | (relational_expression relational_operator additive_expression)
+relational_operator: ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "in" | ("not" "in")
+selection_statement: "if" condition NEWLINE (statement)* ("elif" condition NEWLINE (statement)*)* ["else" (statement)*] "endif"
+statement: (expression_statement | selection_statement | iteration_statement) NEWLINE
+string_literal: ("'" STRING_SIMPLE_VALUE "'") | ("'''" STRING_MULTILINE_VALUE "'''")
+STRING_SIMPLE_VALUE: \.*?(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?'\
+subscript_expression: postfix_expression "[" expression "]"
+unary_expression: postfix_expression | (unary_operator unary_expression)
+unary_operator: "not" | "+" | "-"
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/Threads.md b/meson/docs/markdown/Threads.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b12d4c513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/docs/markdown/Threads.md
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+short-description: Enabling thread support
+# Threads
+Meson has a very simple notational shorthand for enabling thread
+support on your build targets. First you obtain the thread dependency
+object like this:
+thread_dep = dependency('threads')
+And then you just use it in a target like this:
+executable('threadedprogram', ...
+ dependencies : thread_dep)
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+short-description: Simplest tutorial
+# Tutorial
+This page shows from the ground up how to create a Meson build
+definition for a simple project. Then we expand it to use external
+dependencies to show how easily they can be integrated into your
+This tutorial has been written mostly for Linux usage. It assumes that
+you have GTK development libraries available on the system. On
+Debian-derived systems such as Ubuntu they can be installed with the
+following command:
+sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev
+It is possible to build the GUI application on other platforms, such
+as Windows and macOS, but you need to install the needed dependencies.
+The humble beginning
+Let's start with the most basic of programs, the classic hello
+example. First we create a file `main.c` which holds the source. It
+looks like this.
+#include <stdio.h>
+// main is where all program execution starts
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ printf("Hello there.\n");
+ return 0;
+Then we create a Meson build description and put it in a file called
+`meson.build` in the same directory. Its contents are the following.
+project('tutorial', 'c')
+executable('demo', 'main.c')
+That is all. Note that unlike Autotools you [do not need to add any
+source headers to the list of
+We are now ready to build our application. First we need
+to initialize the build by going into the source directory and issuing
+the following commands.
+$ meson setup builddir
+We create a separate build directory to hold all of the compiler
+output. Meson is different from some other build systems in that it
+does not permit in-source builds. You must always create a separate
+build directory. Common convention is to put the default build
+directory in a subdirectory of your top level source directory.
+When Meson is run it prints the following output.
+ The Meson build system
+ version: 0.13.0-research
+ Source dir: /home/jpakkane/mesontutorial
+ Build dir: /home/jpakkane/mesontutorial/builddir
+ Build type: native build
+ Project name is "tutorial".
+ Using native c compiler "ccache cc". (gcc 4.8.2)
+ Creating build target "demo" with 1 files.
+Now we are ready to build our code.
+$ cd builddir
+$ ninja
+If your Meson version is newer than 0.55.0, you can use the new
+backend-agnostic build command:
+$ cd builddir
+$ meson compile
+For the rest of this document we are going to use the latter form.
+Once the executable is built we can run it.
+$ ./demo
+This produces the expected output.
+ Hello there.
+Adding dependencies
+Just printing text is a bit old fashioned. Let's update our program to
+create a graphical window instead. We'll use the
+[GTK+](https://gtk.org) widget toolkit. First we edit the main file to
+use GTK+. The new version looks like this.
+#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+// Should provided the active view for a GTK application
+static void activate(GtkApplication* app, gpointer user_data)
+ GtkWidget *window;
+ GtkWidget *label;
+ window = gtk_application_window_new (app);
+ label = gtk_label_new("Hello GNOME!");
+ gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), label);
+ gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW (window), "Welcome to GNOME");
+ gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW (window), 200, 100);
+ gtk_widget_show_all(window);
+} // end of function activate
+// main is where all program execution starts
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ GtkApplication *app;
+ int status;
+ app = gtk_application_new(NULL, G_APPLICATION_FLAGS_NONE);
+ g_signal_connect(app, "activate", G_CALLBACK(activate), NULL);
+ status = g_application_run(G_APPLICATION(app), argc, argv);
+ g_object_unref(app);
+ return status;
+} // end of function main
+Then we edit the Meson file, instructing it to find and use the GTK+
+project('tutorial', 'c')
+gtkdep = dependency('gtk+-3.0')
+executable('demo', 'main.c', dependencies : gtkdep)
+If your app needs to use multiple libraries, you need to use separate
+[`dependency()`](Reference-manual.md#dependency) calls for each, like so:
+gtkdeps = [dependency('gtk+-3.0'), dependency('gtksourceview-3.0')]
+We don't need it for the current example.
+Now we are ready to build. The thing to notice is that we do *not*
+need to recreate our build directory, run any sort of magical commands
+or the like. Instead we just type the exact same command as if we were
+rebuilding our code without any build system changes.
+$ meson compile
+Once you have set up your build directory the first time, you don't
+ever need to run the `meson` command again. You always just run `meson
+compile`. Meson will automatically detect when you have done changes
+to build definitions and will take care of everything so users don't
+have to care. In this case the following output is produced.
+ [1/1] Regenerating build files
+ The Meson build system
+ version: 0.13.0-research
+ Source dir: /home/jpakkane/mesontutorial
+ Build dir: /home/jpakkane/mesontutorial/builddir
+ Build type: native build
+ Project name is "tutorial".
+ Using native c compiler "ccache cc". (gcc 4.8.2)
+ Found pkg-config version 0.26.
+ Dependency gtk+-3.0 found: YES
+ Creating build target "demo" with 1 files.
+ [1/2] Compiling c object demo.dir/main.c.o
+ [2/2] Linking target demo
+Note how Meson noticed that the build definition has changed and reran
+itself automatically. The program is now ready to be run:
+$ ./demo
+This creates the following GUI application.
+![GTK+ sample application screenshot](images/gtksample.png)
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+short-description: Meson's own unit-test system
+# Unit tests
+Meson comes with a fully functional unit test system. To use it simply
+build an executable and then use it in a test.
+e = executable('prog', 'testprog.c')
+test('name of test', e)
+You can add as many tests as you want. They are run with the command `meson
+Meson captures the output of all tests and writes it in the log file
+## Test parameters
+Some tests require the use of command line arguments or environment
+variables. These are simple to define.
+test('command line test', exe, args : ['first', 'second'])
+test('envvar test', exe2, env : ['key1=value1', 'key2=value2'])
+Note how you need to specify multiple values as an array.
+By default, environment variable
+[`MALLOC_PERTURB_`](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/mallopt.3.html) is
+set to a random value between 1..255. This can help find memory leaks on
+configurations using glibc, including with non-GCC compilers. This feature
+can be disabled as discussed in [test()](Reference-manual.md#test).
+## Coverage
+If you enable coverage measurements by giving Meson the command line
+flag `-Db_coverage=true`, you can generate coverage reports after
+running the tests (running the tests is required to gather the list of
+functions that get called). Meson will autodetect what coverage
+generator tools you have installed and will generate the corresponding
+targets. These targets are `coverage-xml` and `coverage-text` which
+are both provided by [Gcovr](http://gcovr.com) (version 3.3 or higher)
+and `coverage-html`, which requires
+[Lcov](https://ltp.sourceforge.io/coverage/lcov.php) and
+[GenHTML](https://linux.die.net/man/1/genhtml) or
+[Gcovr](http://gcovr.com). As a convenience, a high-level `coverage`
+target is also generated which will produce all 3 coverage report
+types, if possible.
+The output of these commands is written to the log directory `meson-logs` in
+your build directory.
+## Parallelism
+To reduce test times, Meson will by default run multiple unit tests in
+parallel. It is common to have some tests which can not be run in
+parallel because they require unique hold on some resource such as a
+file or a D-Bus name. You have to specify these tests with a keyword
+test('unique test', t, is_parallel : false)
+Meson will then make sure that no other unit test is running at the
+same time. Non-parallel tests take longer to run so it is recommended
+that you write your unit tests to be parallel executable whenever
+By default Meson uses as many concurrent processes as there are cores
+on the test machine. You can override this with the environment
+variable `MESON_TESTTHREADS` like this.
+$ MESON_TESTTHREADS=5 meson test
+## Priorities
+*(added in version 0.52.0)*
+Tests can be assigned a priority that determines when a test is
+*started*. Tests with higher priority are started first, tests with
+lower priority started later. The default priority is 0, Meson makes
+no guarantee on the ordering of tests with identical priority.
+test('started second', t, priority : 0)
+test('started third', t, priority : -50)
+test('started first', t, priority : 1000)
+Note that the test priority only affects the starting order of tests
+and subsequent tests are affected by how long it takes previous tests
+to complete. It is thus possible that a higher-priority test is still
+running when lower-priority tests with a shorter runtime have
+## Skipped tests and hard errors
+Sometimes a test can only determine at runtime that it can not be run.
+For the default `exitcode` testing protocol, the GNU standard approach
+in this case is to exit the program with error code 77. Meson will
+detect this and report these tests as skipped rather than failed. This
+behavior was added in version 0.37.0.
+For TAP-based tests, skipped tests should print a single line starting
+with `1..0 # SKIP`.
+In addition, sometimes a test fails set up so that it should fail even
+if it is marked as an expected failure. The GNU standard approach in
+this case is to exit the program with error code 99. Again, Meson will
+detect this and report these tests as `ERROR`, ignoring the setting of
+`should_fail`. This behavior was added in version 0.50.0.
+## Testing tool
+The goal of the Meson test tool is to provide a simple way to run
+tests in a variety of different ways. The tool is designed to be run
+in the build directory.
+The simplest thing to do is just to run all tests.
+$ meson test
+### Run subsets of tests
+For clarity, consider the meson.build containing:
+test('A', ..., suite: 'foo')
+test('B', ..., suite: ['foo', 'bar'])
+test('C', ..., suite: 'bar')
+test('D', ..., suite: 'baz')
+Specify test(s) by name like:
+$ meson test A D
+Tests belonging to a suite `suite` can be run as follows
+$ meson test --suite (sub)project_name:suite
+Since version *0.46*, `(sub)project_name` can be omitted if it is the
+top-level project.
+Multiple suites are specified like:
+$ meson test --suite foo --suite bar
+NOTE: If you choose to specify both suite(s) and specific test
+name(s), the test name(s) must be contained in the suite(s). This
+however is redundant-- it would be more useful to specify either
+specific test names or suite(s).
+### Other test options
+Sometimes you need to run the tests multiple times, which is done like this:
+$ meson test --repeat=10
+Invoking tests via a helper executable such as Valgrind can be done with the
+`--wrap` argument
+$ meson test --wrap=valgrind testname
+Arguments to the wrapper binary can be given like this:
+$ meson test --wrap='valgrind --tool=helgrind' testname
+Meson also supports running the tests under GDB. Just doing this:
+$ meson test --gdb testname
+Meson will launch `gdb` all set up to run the test. Just type `run` in
+the GDB command prompt to start the program.
+The second use case is a test that segfaults only rarely. In this case
+you can invoke the following command:
+$ meson test --gdb --repeat=10000 testname
+This runs the test up to 10 000 times under GDB automatically. If the
+program crashes, GDB will halt and the user can debug the application.
+Note that testing timeouts are disabled in this case so `meson test`
+will not kill `gdb` while the developer is still debugging it. The
+downside is that if the test binary freezes, the test runner will wait
+Sometimes, the GDB binary is not in the PATH variable or the user
+wants to use a GDB replacement. Therefore, the invoked GDB program can
+be specified *(added 0.52.0)*:
+$ meson test --gdb --gdb-path /path/to/gdb testname
+$ meson test --print-errorlogs
+Meson will report the output produced by the failing tests along with
+other useful information as the environmental variables. This is
+useful, for example, when you run the tests on Travis-CI, Jenkins and
+the like.
+For further information see the command line help of Meson by running
+`meson test -h`.
+## Legacy notes
+If `meson test` does not work for you, you likely have a old version
+of Meson. In that case you should call `mesontest` instead. If
+`mesontest` doesn't work either you have a very old version prior to
+0.37.0 and should upgrade.
+## Test outputs
+Meson will write several different files with detailed results of
+running tests. These will be written into $builddir/meson-logs/
+### testlog.json
+This is not a proper json file, but a file containing one valid json
+object per line. This is file is designed so each line is streamed out
+as each test is run, so it can be read as a stream while the test
+harness is running
+### testlog.junit.xml
+This is a valid JUnit XML description of all tests run. It is not
+streamed out, and is written only once all tests complete running.
+When tests use the `tap` protocol each test will be recorded as a
+testsuite container, with each case named by the number of the result.
+When tests use the `gtest` protocol Meson will inject arguments to the
+test to generate it's own JUnit XML, which Meson will include as part
+of this XML file.
+*New in 0.55.0*
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+short-description: Unity builds are a technique for reducing build times
+# Unity builds
+Unity builds are a technique for cutting down build times. The way it
+works is relatively straightforward. Suppose we have source files
+`src1.c`, `src2.c` and `src3.c`. Normally we would run the compiler
+three times, once for each file. In a unity build we instead compile
+all these sources in a single unit. The simplest approach is to create
+a new source file that looks like this.
+This is then compiled rather than the individual files. The exact
+speedup depends on the code base, of course, but it is not uncommon to
+obtain more than 50% speedup in compile times. This happens even
+though the Unity build uses only one CPU whereas individual compiles
+can be run in parallel. Unity builds can also lead to faster code,
+because the compiler can do more aggressive optimizations (e.g.
+The downside is that incremental builds are as slow as full rebuilds
+(because that is what they are). Unity compiles also use more memory,
+which may become an issue in certain scenarios. There may also be some
+bugs in the source that need to be fixed before Unity compiles work.
+As an example, if both `src1.c` and `src2.c` contain a static function
+or variable of the same name, there will be a clash.
+Meson has built-in support for unity builds. To enable them, just pass
+`--unity on` on the command line or enable unity builds with the GUI.
+No code changes are necessary apart from the potential clash issue
+discussed above. Meson will automatically generate all the necessary
+inclusion files for you.
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+# Use of Python
+Meson is implemented in Python. This has both positive and negative
+sides. The main thing people seem to be mindful about is the
+dependency on Python to build source code. This page discusses various
+aspects of this problem.
+# Dependency hell
+There have been many Python programs that are difficult to maintain on
+multiple platforms. The reasons come mostly from dependencies. The
+program may use dependencies that are hard to compile on certain
+platforms, are outdated, conflict with other dependencies, not
+available on a given Python version and so on.
+Meson avoids dependency problems with one simple rule: Meson is not
+allowed to have any dependencies outside the Python basic library. The
+only thing you need is Python 3 (and possibly Ninja).
+## Reimplementability
+Meson has been designed in such a way that the implementation language
+is never exposed in the build definitions. This makes it possible (and
+maybe even easy) to reimplement Meson in any other programming
+language. There are currently no plans to reimplement Meson, but we
+will make sure that Python is not exposed inside the build
+## Cross platform tooling
+There is no one technical solution or programming language that works
+natively on all operating systems currently in use. When Autotools was
+designed in the late 80s, Unix shell was available pretty much
+anywhere. This is no longer the case.
+It is also the case that as any project gets larger, sooner or later
+it requires code generation, scripting or other tooling. This seems to
+be inevitable. Because there is no scripting language that would be
+available everywhere, these tools either need to be rewritten for each
+platform (which is a lot of work and is prone to errors) or the
+project needs to take a dependency on _something_.
+Any project that uses Meson (at least the current version) can rely on
+the fact that Python 3 will always be available, because you can't
+compile the project without it. All tooling can then be done in Python
+3 with the knowledge that it will run on any platform without any
+extra dependencies (modulo the usual porting work). This reduces
+maintenance effort on multiplatform projects by a fair margin.
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+title: Users
+# List of projects using Meson
+If you have a project that uses Meson that you want to add to this
+list, please [file a
+for it. All the software on this list is tested for regressions before
+release, so it's highly recommended that projects add themselves
+here. Some additional projects are listed in the [`meson` GitHub
+ - [2048.cpp](https://github.com/plibither8/2048.cpp), a fully featured terminal version of the game "2048" written in C++
+ - [Aravis](https://github.com/AravisProject/aravis), a glib/gobject based library for video acquisition using Genicam cameras
+ - [Akira](https://github.com/akiraux/Akira), a native Linux app for UI and UX design built in Vala and Gtk
+ - [AQEMU](https://github.com/tobimensch/aqemu), a Qt GUI for QEMU virtual machines, since version 0.9.3
+ - [Arduino sample project](https://github.com/jpakkane/mesonarduino)
+ - [bolt](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/bolt/bolt), userspace daemon to enable security levels for Thunderbolt™ 3 on Linux
+ - [Budgie Desktop](https://github.com/budgie-desktop/budgie-desktop), a desktop environment built on GNOME technologies
+ - [Bzip2](https://gitlab.com/federicomenaquintero/bzip2), the bzip2 compressor/decompressor
+ - [Cage](https://github.com/Hjdskes/cage), a Wayland kiosk
+ - [canfigger](https://github.com/andy5995/canfigger), simple configuration file parser library
+ - [casync](https://github.com/systemd/casync), Content-Addressable Data Synchronization Tool
+ - [cinnamon-desktop](https://github.com/linuxmint/cinnamon-desktop), the cinnamon desktop library
+ - [Cozy](https://github.com/geigi/cozy), a modern audio book player for Linux and macOS using GTK+ 3
+ - [dav1d](https://code.videolan.org/videolan/dav1d), an AV1 decoder
+ - [dbus-broker](https://github.com/bus1/dbus-broker), Linux D-Bus Message Broker
+ - [DOSBox Staging](https://github.com/dosbox-staging/dosbox-staging), DOS/x86 emulator
+ - [DPDK](http://dpdk.org/browse/dpdk), Data Plane Development Kit, a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing
+ - [DXVK](https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk), a Vulkan-based Direct3D 11 implementation for Linux using Wine
+ - [elementary OS](https://github.com/elementary/), Linux desktop oriented distribution
+ - [Emeus](https://github.com/ebassi/emeus), constraint based layout manager for GTK+
+ - [Entangle](https://entangle-photo.org/), tethered camera control and capture desktop application
+ - [ESP8266 Arduino sample project](https://github.com/trilader/arduino-esp8266-meson), sample project for using the ESP8266 Arduino port with Meson
+ - [FeedReader](https://github.com/jangernert/FeedReader), a modern desktop application designed to complement existing web-based RSS accounts
+ - [Flecs](https://github.com/SanderMertens/flecs), a Fast and Lightweight ECS (Entity Component System) C library
+ - [Foliate](https://github.com/johnfactotum/foliate), a simple and modern GTK eBook reader, built with GJS and Epub.js
+ - [Fractal](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Fractal/), a Matrix messaging client for GNOME
+ - [Frida](https://github.com/frida/frida-core), a dynamic binary instrumentation toolkit
+ - [fwupd](https://github.com/hughsie/fwupd), a simple daemon to allow session software to update firmware
+ - [GameMode](https://github.com/FeralInteractive/gamemode), a daemon/lib combo for Linux that allows games to request a set of optimisations be temporarily applied to the host OS
+ - [Geary](https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Geary), an email application built around conversations, for the GNOME 3 desktop.
+ - [GLib](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib), cross-platform C library used by GTK+ and GStreamer
+ - [Glorytun](https://github.com/angt/glorytun), a multipath UDP tunnel
+ - [GNOME Boxes](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-boxes), a GNOME hypervisor
+ - [GNOME Builder](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-builder), an IDE for the GNOME platform
+ - [GNOME MPV](https://github.com/gnome-mpv/gnome-mpv), GNOME frontend to the mpv video player
+ - [GNOME Recipes](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/recipes), application for cooking recipes
+ - [GNOME Software](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-software), an app store for GNOME
+ - [GNOME Twitch](https://github.com/vinszent/gnome-twitch), an app for viewing Twitch streams on GNOME desktop
+ - [GNOME Usage](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-usage), a GNOME application for visualizing system resources
+ - [GNU FriBidi](https://github.com/fribidi/fribidi), the open source implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
+ - [Graphene](https://ebassi.github.io/graphene/), a thin type library for graphics
+ - [Grilo](https://git.gnome.org/browse/grilo) and [Grilo plugins](https://git.gnome.org/browse/grilo-plugins), the Grilo multimedia framework
+ - [GStreamer](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gstreamer), multimedia framework
+ - [GTK+](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk), the multi-platform toolkit used by GNOME
+ - [GtkDApp](https://gitlab.com/csoriano/GtkDApp), an application template for developing Flatpak apps with Gtk+ and D
+ - [GVfs](https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/), a userspace virtual filesystem designed to work with the I/O abstraction of GIO
+ - [Hardcode-Tray](https://github.com/bil-elmoussaoui/Hardcode-Tray), fixes hardcoded tray icons in Linux
+ - [HarfBuzz](https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz), a text shaping engine
+ - [HelenOS](http://helenos.org), a portable microkernel-based multiserver operating system
+ - [HexChat](https://github.com/hexchat/hexchat), a cross-platform IRC client in C
+ - [IGT](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/drm/igt-gpu-tools), Linux kernel graphics driver test suite
+ - [inih](https://github.com/benhoyt/inih) (INI Not Invented Here), a small and simple .INI file parser written in C
+ - [Irssi](https://github.com/irssi/irssi), a terminal chat client in C
+ - [iSH](https://github.com/tbodt/ish), Linux shell for iOS
+ - [Janet](https://github.com/janet-lang/janet), a functional and imperative programming language and bytecode interpreter
+ - [json](https://github.com/nlohmann/json), JSON for Modern C++
+ - [JsonCpp](https://github.com/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp), a C++ library for interacting with JSON
+ - [Json-glib](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/json-glib), GLib-based JSON manipulation library
+ - [Kiwix libraries](https://github.com/kiwix/kiwix-lib)
+ - [Knot Resolver](https://gitlab.labs.nic.cz/knot/knot-resolver), Full caching DNS resolver implementation
+ - [Ksh](https://github.com/att/ast), a Korn Shell
+ - [Lc0](https://github.com/LeelaChessZero/lc0), LeelaChessZero is a UCI-compliant chess engine designed to play chess via neural network
+ - [Le](https://github.com/kirushyk/le), machine learning framework
+ - [libcamera](https://git.linuxtv.org/libcamera.git/), a library to handle complex cameras on Linux, ChromeOS and Android
+ - [Libdrm](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm), a library for abstracting DRM kernel interfaces
+ - [libeconf](https://github.com/openSUSE/libeconf), Enhanced config file parsing library, which merges config files placed in several locations into one
+ - [Libepoxy](https://github.com/anholt/libepoxy/), a library for handling OpenGL function pointer management
+ - [libfuse](https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse), the reference implementation of the Linux FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) interface
+ - [Libgit2-glib](https://git.gnome.org/browse/libgit2-glib), a GLib wrapper for libgit2
+ - [libglvnd](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/glvnd/libglvnd), Vendor neutral OpenGL dispatch library for Unix-like OSes
+ - [Libhttpseverywhere](https://git.gnome.org/browse/libhttpseverywhere), a library to enable httpseverywhere on any desktop app
+ - [libmodulemd](https://github.com/fedora-modularity/libmodulemd), a GObject Introspected library for managing [Fedora Project](https://getfedora.org/) module metadata.
+ - [Libosmscout](https://github.com/Framstag/libosmscout), a C++ library for offline map rendering, routing and location
+lookup based on OpenStreetMap data
+ - [libratbag](https://github.com/libratbag/libratbag), provides a DBus daemon to configure input devices, mainly gaming mice.
+ - [libspng](https://github.com/randy408/libspng), a C library for reading and writing Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
+format files
+ - [libui](https://github.com/andlabs/libui), a simple and portable (but not inflexible) GUI library in C that uses the native GUI technologies of each platform it supports
+ - [Libva](https://github.com/intel/libva), an implementation for the VA (VIdeo Acceleration) API
+ - [Libvirt](https://libvirt.org), a toolkit to manage virtualization platforms
+ - [Libzim](https://github.com/openzim/libzim), the reference implementation for the ZIM file format
+ - [Marker](https://github.com/fabiocolacio/Marker), a GTK-3 markdown editor
+ - [Mesa](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/mesa/), an open source graphics driver project
+ - [MiracleCast](https://github.com/albfan/miraclecast), connect external monitors to your system via Wifi-Display specification aka Miracast
+ - [mrsh](https://github.com/emersion/mrsh), a minimal POSIX shell
+ - [Nautilus](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus), the GNOME file manager
+ - [Nemo](https://github.com/linuxmint/nemo), the file manager for the Cinnamon desktop environment
+ - [OcherBook](https://github.com/ccoffing/OcherBook), an open source book reader for Kobo devices
+ - [oomd](https://github.com/facebookincubator/oomd), a userspace Out-Of-Memory (OOM) killer for Linux systems
+ - [OpenH264](https://github.com/cisco/openh264), open source H.264 codec
+ - [OpenHMD](https://github.com/OpenHMD/OpenHMD), a free and open source API and drivers for immersive technology, such as head mounted displays with built in head tracking
+ - [OpenTitan](https://github.com/lowRISC/opentitan), an open source silicon Root of Trust (RoT) project.
+ - [Orc](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/orc), the Optimized Inner Loop Runtime Compiler
+ - [OTS](https://github.com/khaledhosny/ots), the OpenType Sanitizer, parses and serializes OpenType files (OTF, TTF) and WOFF and WOFF2 font files, validating and sanitizing them as it goes. Used by Chromium and Firefox
+ - [Outlier](https://github.com/kerolasa/outlier), a small Hello World style Meson example project
+ - [p11-kit](https://github.com/p11-glue/p11-kit), PKCS#11 module aggregator
+ - [Pacman](https://gitlab.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman.git), a package manager for Arch Linux
+ - [Pango](https://git.gnome.org/browse/pango/), an Internationalized text layout and rendering library
+ - [Parzip](https://github.com/jpakkane/parzip), a multithreaded reimplementation of Zip
+ - [Peek](https://github.com/phw/peek), simple animated GIF screen recorder with an easy to use interface
+ - [PicoLibc](https://github.com/keith-packard/picolibc), a standard C library for small embedded systems with limited RAM
+ - [PipeWire](https://github.com/PipeWire/pipewire), a framework for video and audio for containerized applications
+ - [Paper Rock Scissors](https://github.com/michaelbrockus/paper_rock_scissors), a game with weapons themed at home paper rock scissors style.
+ - [Pithos](https://github.com/pithos/pithos), a Pandora Radio client
+ - [Pitivi](https://github.com/pitivi/pitivi/), a nonlinear video editor
+ - [Playerctl](https://github.com/acrisci/playerctl), mpris command-line controller and library for spotify, vlc, audacious, bmp, cmus, and others
+ - [Polari](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/polari), an IRC client
+ - [qboot](https://github.com/bonzini/qboot), a minimal x86 firmware for booting Linux kernels
+ - [radare2](https://github.com/radare/radare2), unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools (not the default)
+ - [rmw](https://remove-to-waste.info), safe-remove utility for the command line
+ - [Rizin](https://rizin.re), Free and Open Source Reverse Engineering Framework
+ - [QEMU](https://qemu.org), a processor emulator and virtualizer
+ - [RxDock](https://gitlab.com/rxdock/rxdock), a protein-ligand docking software designed for high throughput virtual screening (fork of rDock)
+ - [scrcpy](https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy), a cross platform application that provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB or over TCP/IP
+ - [Sequeler](https://github.com/Alecaddd/sequeler), a friendly SQL client for Linux, built with Vala and Gtk
+ - [Siril](https://gitlab.com/free-astro/siril), an image processing software for amateur astronomy
+ - [SSHFS](https://github.com/libfuse/sshfs), allows you to mount a remote filesystem using SFTP
+ - [sway](https://github.com/swaywm/sway), i3-compatible Wayland compositor
+ - [Sysprof](https://git.gnome.org/browse/sysprof), a profiling tool
+ - [systemd](https://github.com/systemd/systemd), the init system
+ - [szl](https://github.com/dimkr/szl), a lightweight, embeddable scripting language
+ - [Taisei Project](https://taisei-project.org/), an open-source Touhou Project clone and fangame
+ - [Terminology](https://github.com/billiob/terminology), a terminal emulator based on the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
+ - [Tilix](https://github.com/gnunn1/tilix), a tiling terminal emulator for Linux using GTK+ 3
+ - [Tizonia](https://github.com/tizonia/tizonia-openmax-il), a command-line cloud music player for Linux with support for Spotify, Google Play Music, YouTube, SoundCloud, TuneIn, Plex servers and Chromecast devices
+ - [UFJF-MLTK](https://github.com/mateus558/UFJF-Machine-Learning-Toolkit), A C++ cross-platform framework for machine learning algorithms development and testing
+ - [Vala Language Server](https://github.com/benwaffle/vala-language-server), code intelligence engine for the Vala and Genie programming languages
+ - [Valum](https://github.com/valum-framework/valum), a micro web framework written in Vala
+ - [Venom](https://github.com/naxuroqa/Venom), a modern Tox client for the GNU/Linux desktop
+ - [VMAF](https://github.com/Netflix/vmaf) (by Netflix), a perceptual video quality assessment based on multi-method fusion
+ - [Wayland](https://github.com/wayland-project/wayland) and [Weston](https://github.com/wayland-project/weston), a next generation display server
+ - [wlroots](https://github.com/swaywm/wlroots), a modular Wayland compositor library
+ - [wxFormBuilder](https://github.com/wxFormBuilder/wxFormBuilder), RAD tool for wxWidgets GUI design
+ - [xi-gtk](https://github.com/eyelash/xi-gtk), a GTK+ front-end for the Xi editor
+ - [Xorg](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver), the X.org display server (not the default yet)
+ - [X Test Suite](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/test/xts), The X.org test suite
+ - [zathura](https://github.com/pwmt/zathura), a highly customizable and functional document viewer based on the
+girara user interface library and several document libraries
+ - [Zrythm](https://git.zrythm.org/cgit/zrythm), a cross-platform digital audio workstation using GTK+ 3
+ - [ZStandard](https://github.com/facebook/zstd/commit/4dca56ed832c6a88108a2484a8f8ff63d8d76d91), a compression algorithm developed at Facebook (not used by default)
+Note that a more up-to-date list of GNOME projects that use Meson can
+be found
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+# Using multiple build directories
+One of the main design goals of Meson has been to build all projects
+out-of-source. This means that *all* files generated during the build
+are placed in a separate subdirectory. This goes against common Unix
+tradition where you build your projects in-source. Building out of
+source gives two major advantages.
+First of all this makes for very simple `.gitignore` files. In
+classical build systems you may need to have tens of lines of
+definitions, most of which contain wildcards. When doing out of source
+builds all of this busywork goes away. A common ignore file for a
+Meson project only contains a few lines that are the build directory
+and IDE project files.
+Secondly this makes it very easy to clean your projects: just delete
+the build subdirectory and you are done. There is no need to guess
+whether you need to run `make clean`, `make distclean`, `make
+mrproper` or something else. When you delete a build subdirectory
+there is no possible way to have any lingering state from your old
+The true benefit comes from somewhere else, though.
+## Multiple build directories for the same source tree
+Since a build directory is fully self contained and treats the source
+tree as a read-only piece of data, it follows that you can have
+arbitrarily many build trees for any source tree at the same time.
+Since all build trees can have different configuration, this is
+extremely powerful. Now you might be wondering why one would want to
+have multiple build setups at the same time. Let's examine this by
+setting up a hypothetical project.
+The first thing to do is to set up the default build, that is, the one
+we are going to use over 90% of the time. In this we use the system
+compiler and build with debug enabled and no optimizations so it
+builds as fast as possible. This is the default project type for
+Meson, so setting it up is simple.
+ mkdir builddir
+ meson builddir
+Another common setup is to build with debug and optimizations to, for
+example, run performance tests. Setting this up is just as simple.
+ mkdir buildopt
+ meson --buildtype=debugoptimized buildopt
+For systems where the default compiler is GCC, we would like to
+compile with Clang, too. So let's do that.
+ mkdir buildclang
+ CC=clang CXX=clang++ meson buildclang
+You can add cross builds, too. As an example, let's set up a Linux ->
+Windows cross compilation build using MinGW.
+ mkdir buildwine
+ meson --cross-file=mingw-cross.txt buildwine
+The cross compilation file sets up Wine so that not only can you
+compile your application, you can also run the unit test suite just by
+issuing the command `meson test`.
+To compile any of these build types, just cd into the corresponding
+build directory and run `meson compile` or instruct your IDE to do the
+same. Note that once you have set up your build directory once, you
+can just run Ninja and Meson will ensure that the resulting build is
+fully up to date according to the source. Even if you have not touched
+one of the directories in weeks and have done major changes to your
+build configuration, Meson will detect this and bring the build
+directory up to date (or print an error if it can't do that). This
+allows you to do most of your work in the default directory and use
+the others every now and then without having to babysit your build
+## Specialized uses
+Separate build directories allows easy integration for various
+different kinds of tools. As an example, Clang comes with a static
+analyzer. It is meant to be run from scratch on a given source tree.
+The steps to run it with Meson are very simple.
+ rm -rf buildscan
+ mkdir buildscan
+ scan-build meson buildscan
+ cd buildscan
+ scan-build ninja
+These commands are the same for every single Meson project, so they
+could even be put in a script turning static analysis into a single
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+# Using the WrapDB
+The Wrap database is a web service that provides Meson build
+definitions to projects that do not have it natively. Using it is
+simple. The service can be found
+The front page lists all projects that are on the service. Select the
+one you want and click it. The detail page lists available versions by
+branch and revision id. The branch names come from upstream releases
+and revision ids are version numbers internal to the database.
+Whenever the packaging is updated a new revision is released to the
+service a new revision with a bigger revision id is added. Usually you
+want to select the newest branch with the highest revision id.
+You can get the actual wrap file which tells Meson how to fetch the
+project by clicking on the download link on the page. As an example,
+the wrap file for [zlib-1.2.8, revision
+looks like this. You can find detailed documentation about it in [the
+Wrap manual](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md).
+ [wrap-file]
+ directory = zlib-1.2.8
+ source_url = http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
+ source_filename = zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
+ source_hash = 36658cb768a54c1d4dec43c3116c27ed893e88b02ecfcb44f2166f9c0b7f2a0d
+ patch_url = https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com/v1/projects/zlib/1.2.8/4/get_zip
+ patch_filename = zlib-1.2.8-4-wrap.zip
+ patch_hash = 2327a42c8f73a4289ee8c9cd4abc43b324d0decc28d6e609e927f0a50321af4a
+Add this file to your project with the name `subprojects/zlib.wrap`.
+Then you can use it in your `meson.build` file with this directive:
+ zproj = subproject('zlib')
+When Meson encounters this it will automatically download, unpack and
+patch the source files.
+## Contributing build definitions
+The contents of the Wrap database are tracked in git repos of the
+[Mesonbuild project](https://github.com/mesonbuild). The actual
+process is simple and described in [submission
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+short-description: How to use Meson in Visual Studio
+# Using with Visual Studio
+In order to generate Visual Studio projects, Meson needs to know the
+settings of your installed version of Visual Studio. The only way to
+get this information is to run Meson under the Visual Studio Command
+You can always find the Visual Studio Command Prompt by searching from
+the Start Menu. However, the name is different for each Visual Studio
+version. With Visual Studio 2019, look for "x64 Native Tools Command
+Prompt for VS 2019". The next steps are [the same as
+1. `cd` into your source directory
+1. `meson setup builddir`, which will create and setup the build directory
+1. `meson compile -C builddir`, to compile your code. You can also use `ninja -C builddir` here if you are using the default Ninja backend.
+If you wish to generate Visual Studio project files, pass `--backend
+vs`. At the time of writing the Ninja backend is more mature than the
+VS backend so you might want to use it for serious work.
+# Using Clang-CL with Visual Studio
+*(new in 0.52.0)*
+You will first need to get a copy of llvm+clang for Windows, such versions
+are available from a number of sources, including the llvm website. Then you
+will need the [llvm toolset extension for visual
+You then need to either use a [native file](Native-environments.md#binaries)
+or `set CC=clang-cl`, and `set CXX=clang-cl` to use those compilers, Meson
+will do the rest.
+This only works with visual studio 2017 and 2019.
+There is currently no support in Meson for clang/c2.
+# Using Intel-CL (ICL) with Visual Studio
+*(new in 0.52.0)*
+To use ICL you need only have ICL installed and launch an ICL development
+shell like you would for the ninja backend and Meson will take care of it.
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+# Using wraptool
+Wraptool is a subcommand of Meson that allows you to manage your
+source dependencies using the WrapDB database. It gives you all things
+you would expect, such as installing and updating dependencies. The
+wrap tool works on all platforms, the only limitation is that the wrap
+definition works on your target platform. If you find some Wraps that
+don't work, please file bugs or, even better, patches.
+All code examples here assume that you are running the commands in
+your top level source directory. Lines that start with the `$` mark
+are commands to type.
+## Simple querying
+The simplest operation to do is to query the list of packages
+available. To list them all issue the following command:
+ $ meson wrap list
+ box2d
+ enet
+ gtest
+ libjpeg
+ liblzma
+ libpng
+ libxml2
+ lua
+ ogg
+ sqlite
+ vorbis
+ zlib
+Usually you want to search for a specific package. This can be done
+with the `search` command:
+ $ meson wrap search jpeg
+ libjpeg
+To determine which versions of libjpeg are available to install, issue
+the `info` command:
+ $ meson wrap info libjpeg
+ Available versions of libjpeg:
+ 9a 2
+The first number is the upstream release version, in this case
+`9a`. The second number is the Wrap revision number. They don't relate
+to anything in particular, but larger numbers imply newer
+releases. You should always use the newest available release.
+## Installing dependencies
+Installing dependencies is just as straightforward. First just create
+the `subprojects` directory at the top of your source tree and issue
+the install command.
+ $ meson wrap install libjpeg
+ Installed libjpeg branch 9a revision 2
+Now you can issue a `subproject('libjpeg')` in your `meson.build` file
+to use it.
+To check if your projects are up to date you can issue the `status` command.
+ $ meson wrap status
+ Subproject status
+ libjpeg up to date. Branch 9a, revision 2.
+ zlib not up to date. Have 1.2.8 2, but 1.2.8 4 is available.
+In this case `zlib` has a newer release available. Updating it is
+ $ meson wrap update zlib
+ Updated zlib to branch 1.2.8 revision 4
+Wraptool can do other things besides these. Documentation for these
+can be found in the command line help, which can be accessed by
+`meson wrap --help`.
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+title: Vala
+short-description: Compiling Vala and Genie programs
+# Compiling Vala applications and libraries
+Meson supports compiling applications and libraries written in
+[Vala](https://vala-project.org/) and
+[Genie](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Genie) . A skeleton `meson.build` file:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+You must always specify the `glib-2.0` and `gobject-2.0` libraries as
+dependencies, because all current Vala applications use them.
+[GLib](https://developer.gnome.org/glib/stable/) is used for basic data types
+and [GObject](https://developer.gnome.org/gobject/stable/) is used for the
+runtime type system.
+## Using libraries
+Meson uses the [`dependency()`](Reference-manual.md#dependency)
+function to find the relevant VAPI, C headers and linker flags when it
+encounters a Vala source file in a build target. Vala needs a VAPI
+file and a C header or headers to use a library. The VAPI file helps
+map Vala code to the library's C programming interface. It is the
+tool that makes finding these installed files all work seamlessly
+behind the scenes. When a `pkg-config` file doesn't exist for the
+library then the [`find_library()`](Reference-manual.md#find_library)
+method of the [compiler object](Reference-manual.md#compiler-object)
+needs to be used. Examples are given later.
+Note Vala uses libraries that follow the C Application Binary Interface (C ABI).
+The library, however, could be written in C, Vala, Rust, Go, C++ or any other
+language that can generate a binary compatible with the C ABI and so provides C
+### The simplest case
+This first example is a simple addition to the `meson.build` file because:
+ * the library has a `pkg-config` file, `gtk+-3.0.pc`
+ * the VAPI is distributed with Vala and so installed with the Vala compiler
+ * the VAPI is installed in Vala's standard search path
+ * the VAPI, `gtk+-3.0.vapi`, has the same name as the `pkg-config` file
+Everything works seamlessly in the background and only a single extra line is
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ dependency('gtk+-3.0'),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+GTK+ is the graphical toolkit used by GNOME, elementary OS and other
+desktop environments. The binding to the library, the VAPI file, is
+distributed with Vala.
+Other libraries may have a VAPI that is distributed with the library
+itself. Such libraries will have their VAPI file installed along with
+their other development files. The VAPI is installed in Vala's
+standard search path and so works just as seamlessly using the
+`dependency()` function.
+### Targeting a version of GLib
+Meson's [`dependency()`](Reference-manual.md#dependency) function
+allows a version check of a library. This is often used to check a
+minimum version is installed. When setting a minimum version of GLib,
+Meson will also pass this to the Vala compiler using the
+`--target-glib` option.
+This is needed when using GTK+'s user interface definition files with
+Vala's `[GtkTemplate]`, `[GtkChild]` and `[GtkCallback]` attributes.
+This requires `--target-glib 2.38`, or a newer version, to be passed
+to Vala. With Meson this is simply done with:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>=2.38'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ dependency('gtk+-3.0'),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+Using `[GtkTemplate]` also requires the GTK+ user interface definition
+files to be built in to the binary as GResources. For completeness,
+the next example shows this:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>=2.38'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ dependency('gtk+-3.0'),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+sources += import( 'gnome' ).compile_resources(
+ 'project-resources',
+ 'src/resources/resources.gresource.xml',
+ source_dir: 'src/resources',
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+### Adding to Vala's search path
+So far we have covered the cases where the VAPI file is either
+distributed with Vala or the library. A VAPI can also be included in
+the source files of your project. The convention is to put it in the
+`vapi` directory of your project.
+This is needed when a library does not have a VAPI or your project
+needs to link to another component in the project that uses the C ABI.
+For example if part of the project is written in C.
+The Vala compiler's `--vapidir` option is used to add the project
+directory to the VAPI search path. In Meson this is done with the
+`add_project_arguments()` function:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+vapi_dir = meson.current_source_dir() / 'vapi'
+add_project_arguments(['--vapidir', vapi_dir], language: 'vala')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ dependency('foo'), # 'foo.vapi' will be resolved as './vapi/foo.vapi'
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+If the VAPI is for an external library then make sure that the VAPI
+name corresponds to the pkg-config file name.
+The [`vala-extra-vapis`
+repository](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/vala-extra-vapis) is a
+community maintained repository of VAPIs that are not distributed.
+Developers use the repository to share early work on new bindings and
+improvements to existing bindings. So the VAPIs can frequently change.
+It is recommended VAPIs from this repository are copied in to your
+project's source files.
+This also works well for starting to write new bindings before they
+are shared with the `vala-extra-vapis` repository.
+### Libraries without pkg-config files
+A library that does not have a corresponding pkg-config file may mean
+`dependency()` is unsuitable for finding the C and Vala interface
+files. In this case it is necessary to use the `find_library()` method
+of the compiler object.
+The first example uses Vala's POSIX binding. There is no pkg-config
+file because POSIX includes the standard C library on Unix systems.
+All that is needed is the VAPI file, `posix.vapi`. This is included
+with Vala and installed in Vala's standard search path. Meson just
+needs to be told to only find the library for the Vala compiler:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('posix'),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+The next example shows how to link with a C library where no
+additional VAPI is needed. The standard maths functions are already
+bound in `glib-2.0.vapi`, but the GNU C library requires linking to
+the maths library separately. In this example Meson is told to find
+the library only for the C compiler:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m', required: false),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+The `required: false` means the build will continue when using another
+C library that does not separate the maths library. See [Add math
+library (-lm) portably](howtox.md#add-math-library-lm-portably).
+The final example shows how to use a library that does not have a
+pkg-config file and the VAPI is in the `vapi` directory of your
+project source files:
+project('vala app', 'vala', 'c')
+vapi_dir = meson.current_source_dir() / 'vapi'
+add_project_arguments(['--vapidir', vapi_dir], language: 'vala')
+dependencies = [
+ dependency('glib-2.0'),
+ dependency('gobject-2.0'),
+ meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('foo'),
+ meson.get_compiler('vala').find_library('foo', dirs: vapi_dir),
+sources = files('app.vala')
+executable('app_name', sources, dependencies: dependencies)
+The `find_library()` method of the C compiler object will try to find the C
+header files and the library to link with.
+The `find_library()` method of the Vala compiler object needs to have the `dir`
+keyword added to include the project VAPI directory. This is not added
+automatically by `add_project_arguments()`.
+### Working with the Vala Preprocessor
+Passing arguments to [Vala's
+requires specifying the language as `vala`. For example, the following
+statement sets the preprocessor symbol `USE_FUSE`:
+add_project_arguments('-D', 'USE_FUSE', language: 'vala')
+If you need to pass an argument to the C pre-processor then specify
+the language as c. For example to set FUSE_USE_VERSION to 26 use:
+add_project_arguments('-DFUSE_USE_VERSION=26', language: 'c')
+## Building libraries
+### Changing C header and VAPI names
+Meson's [`library`](Reference-manual.md#library) target automatically
+outputs the C header and the VAPI. They can be renamed by setting the
+`vala_header` and `vala_vapi` arguments respectively:
+foo_lib = shared_library('foo', 'foo.vala',
+ vala_header: 'foo.h',
+ vala_vapi: 'foo-1.0.vapi',
+ dependencies: [glib_dep, gobject_dep],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: [true, true, true])
+In this example, the second and third elements of the `install_dir`
+array indicate the destination with `true` to use default directories
+(i.e. `include` and `share/vala/vapi`).
+### GObject Introspection and language bindings
+A 'binding' allows another programming language to use a library
+written in Vala. Because Vala uses the GObject type system as its
+runtime type system it is very easy to use introspection to generate a
+binding. A Meson build of a Vala library can generate the GObject
+introspection metadata. The metadata is then used in separate projects
+with [language specific
+tools](https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/LibraryWritingBindings) to
+generate a binding.
+The main form of metadata is a GObject Introspection Repository (GIR)
+XML file. GIRs are mostly used by languages that generate bindings at
+compile time. Languages that generate bindings at runtime mostly use a
+typelib file, which is generated from the GIR.
+Meson can generate a GIR as part of the build. For a Vala library the
+`vala_gir` option has to be set for the `library`:
+foo_lib = shared_library('foo', 'foo.vala',
+ vala_gir: 'Foo-1.0.gir',
+ dependencies: [glib_dep, gobject_dep],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: [true, true, true, true])
+The `true` value in `install_dir` tells Meson to use the default
+directory (i.e. `share/gir-1.0` for GIRs). The fourth element in the
+`install_dir` array indicates where the GIR file will be installed.
+To then generate a typelib file use a custom target with the
+`g-ir-compiler` program and a dependency on the library:
+g_ir_compiler = find_program('g-ir-compiler')
+custom_target('foo typelib', command: [g_ir_compiler, '--output', '@OUTPUT@', '@INPUT@'],
+ input: meson.current_build_dir() / 'Foo-1.0.gir',
+ output: 'Foo-1.0.typelib',
+ depends: foo_lib,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: get_option('libdir') / 'girepository-1.0')
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+short-description: Videos about Meson
+# Videos
+ - [Behind (and under) the scenes of the Meson build
+ system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLN6wL7ExHU), Linux.conf.au
+ 2020
+ - [Behind the Scenes of a C++ Build
+ System](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34KzT2yvQuM), CppCon 2019
+ - [Compiling Multi-Million Line C++ Code Bases Effortlessly with the
+ Meson Build system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCZLnopmYBM),
+ CppCon 2018
+ - [The Meson Build System, 4+ years of work to become an overnight
+ success](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHdTzdXkhRY), Linux.conf.au 2018
+ - [Power through simplicity, using Python in the Meson Build
+ System](https://youtu.be/3jF3oVsjIEM), Piter.py, 2017
+ - [Meson and the changing Linux build
+ landscape](https://media.ccc.de/v/ASG2017-111-meson_and_the_changing_linux_build_landscape),
+ All Systems Go 2017
+ - [Meson, compiling the world with
+ Python](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEO4DC8hm34), Europython
+ 2017
+ - [Builds, dependencies and deployment in a modern multiplatform
+ world](https://www.youtube.com/embed/CTJtKtQ8R5k), Linux.conf.au
+ 2016
+ - [New world, new tools](https://www.youtube.com/embed/0-gx1qU2pPo),
+ Libre Application Summit 2016
+ - [Making build systems not
+ suck](https://www.youtube.com/embed/KPi0AuVpxLI), Linux.conf.au
+ 2015, Auckland, New Zealand
+ - [Lightning talk at FOSDEM
+ 2014](http://mirror.onet.pl/pub/mirrors/video.fosdem.org/2014/H2215_Ferrer/Sunday/Introducing_the_Meson_build_system.webm),
+ The first ever public presentation on Meson
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+# Visual Studio's external build projects
+Visual Studio supports developing projects that have an external build
+system. If you wish to use this integration method, here is how you
+set it up. This documentation describes Visual Studio 2019. Other
+versions have not been tested, but they should work roughly in the
+same way.
+## Creating and compiling
+Check out your entire project in some directory. Then open Visual
+Studio and select `File -> New -> Project` and from the list of
+project types select `Makefile project`. Click `Next`.
+Type your project's name In the `Project name` entry box. In this
+example we're going to use `testproj`. Next select the `Location`
+entry and browse to the root of your projet sources. Make sure that
+the checkbox `Place solution and project in the same directory` is
+checked. Click `Create`.
+The next dialog page defines build commands, which you should set up
+as follows:
+| entry | value |
+| ----- | ----- |
+|build | `meson compile -C $(Configuration)` |
+|clean | `meson compile -C $(Configuration) --clean` |
+|rebuild| `meson compile -C $(Configuration) --clean && meson compile -C $(Configuration)` |
+|Output | `$(Configuration)\name_of_your_executable.exe|
+Then click `Finish`.
+Visual Studio has created a subdirectory in your source root. It is
+named after the project name. In this case it would be `testproj`. Now
+you need to set up Meson for building both Debug and Release versions
+in this directory. Open a VS dev tool terminal, go to the source root
+and issue the following commands.
+meson testproj\Debug
+meson testproj\Release --buildtype=debugoptimized
+Now you should have a working VS solution that compiles and runs both
+in Debug and Release modes.
+## Adding sources to the project
+This project is not very useful on its own, because it does not list
+any source files. VS does not seem to support adding entire source
+trees at once, so you have to add sources to the solution manually.
+In the main view go to `Solution Explorer`, right click on the project
+you just created and select `Add -> Existing Item`, browse to your
+source tree and select all files you want to have in this project. Now
+you can use the editor and debugger as in a normal VS project.
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+# Windows module
+This module provides functionality used to build applications for
+## Methods
+### compile_resources
+Compiles Windows `rc` files specified in the positional arguments.
+Returns an opaque object that you put in the list of sources for the
+target you want to have the resources in. This method has the
+following keyword argument.
+- `args` lists extra arguments to pass to the resource compiler
+- `depend_files` lists resource files that the resource script depends on
+ (e.g. bitmap, cursor, font, html, icon, message table, binary data or manifest
+ files referenced by the resource script) (*since 0.47.0*)
+- `depends` lists target(s) that this target depends on, even though it does not
+ take them as an argument (e.g. as above, but generated) (*since 0.47.0*)
+- `include_directories` lists directories to be both searched by the resource
+ compiler for referenced resource files, and added to the preprocessor include
+ search path.
+The resource compiler executable used is the first which exists from the
+following list:
+1. The `windres` executable given in the `[binaries]` section of the cross-file
+2. The `WINDRES` environment variable
+3. The resource compiler which is part of the same toolset as the C or C++ compiler in use.
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+# Wrap best practices and tips
+There are several things you need to take into consideration when
+writing a Meson build definition for a project. This is especially
+true when the project will be used as a subproject. This page lists a
+few things to consider when writing your definitions.
+## Do not put config.h in external search path
+Many projects use a `config.h` header file that they use for
+configuring their project internally. These files are never installed
+to the system header files so there are no inclusion collisions. This
+is not the case with subprojects, your project tree may have an
+arbitrary number of configuration files, so we need to ensure they
+don't clash.
+The basic problem is that the users of the subproject must be able to
+include subproject headers without seeing its `config.h` file. The
+most correct solution is to rename the `config.h` file into something
+unique, such as `foobar-config.h`. This is usually not feasible unless
+you are the maintainer of the subproject in question.
+The pragmatic solution is to put the config header in a directory that
+has no other header files and then hide that from everyone else. One
+way is to create a top level subdirectory called `internal` and use
+that to build your own sources, like this:
+subdir('internal') # create config.h in this subdir
+internal_inc = include_directories('internal')
+shared_library('foo', 'foo.c', include_directories : internal_inc)
+Many projects keep their `config.h` in the top level directory that
+has no other source files in it. In that case you don't need to move
+it but can just do this instead:
+internal_inc = include_directories('.') # At top level meson.build
+## Make libraries buildable both as static and shared
+Some platforms (e.g. iOS) requires linking everything in your main app
+statically. In other cases you might want shared libraries. They are
+also faster during development due to Meson's relinking optimization.
+However building both library types on all builds is slow and
+Your project should use the `library` method that can be toggled
+between shared and static with the `default_library` builtin option.
+mylib = library('foo', 'foo.c')
+## Declare generated headers explicitly
+Meson's Ninja backend works differently from Make and other
+systems. Rather than processing things directory per directory, it
+looks at the entire build definition at once and runs the individual
+compile jobs in what might look to the outside as a random order.
+The reason for this is that this is much more efficient so your builds
+finish faster. The downside is that you have to be careful with your
+dependencies. The most common problem here is headers that are
+generated at compile time with e.g. code generators. If these headers
+are needed when building code that uses these libraries, the compile
+job might be run before the code generation step. The fix is to make
+the dependency explicit like this:
+myheader = custom_target(...)
+mylibrary = shared_library(...)
+mydep = declare_dependency(link_with : mylibrary,
+ include_directories : include_directories(...),
+ sources : myheader)
+And then you can use the dependency in the usual way:
+executable('dep_using_exe', 'main.c',
+ dependencies : mydep)
+Meson will ensure that the header file has been built before compiling `main.c`.
+## Avoid exposing compilable source files in declare_dependency
+The main use for the `sources` argument in `declare_dependency` is to
+construct the correct dependency graph for the backends, as
+demonstrated in the previous section. It is extremely important to
+note that it should *not* be used to directly expose compilable
+sources (`.c`, `.cpp`, etc.) of dependencies, and should rather only
+be used for header/config files. The following example will illustrate
+what can go wrong if you accidentally expose compilable source files.
+So you've read about unity builds and how Meson natively supports
+them. You decide to expose the sources of dependencies in order to
+have unity builds that include their dependencies. For your support
+library you do
+my_support_sources = files(...)
+mysupportlib = shared_library(
+ ...
+ sources : my_support_sources,
+ ...)
+mysupportlib_dep = declare_dependency(
+ ...
+ link_with : mylibrary,
+ sources : my_support_sources,
+ ...)
+And for your main project you do:
+mylibrary = shared_library(
+ ...
+ dependencies : mysupportlib_dep,
+ ...)
+myexe = executable(
+ ...
+ link_with : mylibrary,
+ dependencies : mysupportlib_dep,
+ ...)
+This is extremely dangerous. When building, `mylibrary` will build and
+link the support sources `my_support_sources` into the resulting
+shared library. Then, for `myexe`, these same support sources will be
+compiled again, will be linked into the resulting executable, in
+addition to them being already present in `mylibrary`. This can
+quickly run afoul of the [One Definition Rule
+(ODR)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Definition_Rule) in C++, as
+you have more than one definition of a symbol, yielding undefined
+behavior. While C does not have a strict ODR rule, there is no
+language in the standard which guarantees such behavior to work.
+Violations of the ODR can lead to weird idiosyncratic failures such as
+segfaults. In the overwhelming number of cases, exposing library
+sources via the `sources` argument in `declare_dependency` is thus
+incorrect. If you wish to get full cross-library performance, consider
+building `mysupportlib` as a static library instead and employing LTO.
+There are exceptions to this rule. If there are some natural
+constraints on how your library is to be used, you can expose sources.
+For instance, the WrapDB module for GoogleTest directly exposes the
+sources of GTest and GMock. This is valid, as GTest and GMock will
+only ever be used in *terminal* link targets. A terminal target is the
+final target in a dependency link chain, for instance `myexe` in the
+last example, whereas `mylibrary` is an intermediate link target. For
+most libraries this rule is not applicable though, as you cannot in
+general control how others consume your library, and as such should
+not expose sources.
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+# Wrap dependency system manual
+One of the major problems of multiplatform development is wrangling
+all your dependencies. This is awkward on many platforms, especially
+on ones that do not have a built-in package manager. The latter problem
+has been worked around by having third party package managers. They
+are not really a solution for end user deployment, because you can't
+tell them to install a package manager just to use your app. On these
+platforms you must produce self-contained applications. Same applies
+when destination platform is missing (up-to-date versions of) your
+application's dependencies.
+The traditional approach to this has been to bundle dependencies
+inside your own project. Either as prebuilt libraries and headers or
+by embedding the source code inside your source tree and rewriting
+your build system to build them as part of your project.
+This is both tedious and error prone because it is always done by
+hand. The Wrap dependency system of Meson aims to provide an automated
+way to do this.
+## How it works
+Meson has a concept of [subprojects](Subprojects.md). They are a way
+of nesting one Meson project inside another. Any project that builds
+with Meson can detect that it is built as a subproject and build
+itself in a way that makes it easy to use (usually this means as a
+static library).
+To use this kind of a project as a dependency you could just copy and
+extract it inside your project's `subprojects` directory.
+However there is a simpler way. You can specify a Wrap file that tells
+Meson how to download it for you. If you then use this subproject in
+your build, Meson will automatically download and extract it during
+build. This makes subproject embedding extremely easy.
+All wrap files must have a name of `<project_name>.wrap` form and be
+in `subprojects` dir.
+Currently Meson has four kinds of wraps:
+- wrap-file
+- wrap-git
+- wrap-hg
+- wrap-svn
+## wrap format
+Wrap files are written in ini format, with a single header containing
+the type of wrap, followed by properties describing how to obtain the
+sources, validate them, and modify them if needed. An example
+wrap-file for the wrap named `libfoobar` would have a filename
+`libfoobar.wrap` and would look like this:
+directory = libfoobar-1.0
+source_url = https://example.com/foobar-1.0.tar.gz
+source_filename = foobar-1.0.tar.gz
+source_hash = 5ebeea0dfb75d090ea0e7ff84799b2a7a1550db3fe61eb5f6f61c2e971e57663
+An example wrap-git will look like this:
+url = https://github.com/libfoobar/libfoobar.git
+revision = head
+## Accepted configuration properties for wraps
+- `directory` - name of the subproject root directory, defaults to the
+ name of the wrap.
+Since *0.55.0* those can be used in all wrap types, they were
+previously reserved to `wrap-file`:
+- `patch_url` - download url to retrieve an optional overlay archive
+- `patch_fallback_url` - fallback URL to be used when download from `patch_url` fails *Since: 0.55.0*
+- `patch_filename` - filename of the downloaded overlay archive
+- `patch_hash` - sha256 checksum of the downloaded overlay archive
+- `patch_directory` - *Since 0.55.0* Overlay directory, alternative to `patch_filename` in the case
+ files are local instead of a downloaded archive. The directory must be placed in
+ `subprojects/packagefiles`.
+### Specific to wrap-file
+- `source_url` - download url to retrieve the wrap-file source archive
+- `source_fallback_url` - fallback URL to be used when download from `source_url` fails *Since: 0.55.0*
+- `source_filename` - filename of the downloaded source archive
+- `source_hash` - sha256 checksum of the downloaded source archive
+- `lead_directory_missing` - for `wrap-file` create the leading
+ directory name. Needed when the source file does not have a leading
+ directory.
+Since *0.55.0* it is possible to use only the `source_filename` and
+`patch_filename` value in a .wrap file (without `source_url` and
+`patch_url`) to specify a local archive in the
+`subprojects/packagefiles` directory. The `*_hash` entries are
+optional when using this method. This method should be preferred over
+the old `packagecache` approach described below.
+Since *0.49.0* if `source_filename` or `patch_filename` is found in the
+project's `subprojects/packagecache` directory, it will be used instead
+of downloading the file, even if `--wrap-mode` option is set to
+`nodownload`. The file's hash will be checked.
+### Specific to VCS-based wraps
+- `url` - name of the wrap-git repository to clone. Required.
+- `revision` - name of the revision to checkout. Must be either: a
+ valid value (such as a git tag) for the VCS's `checkout` command, or
+ (for git) `head` to track upstream's default branch. Required.
+### Specific to wrap-git
+- `depth` - shallowly clone the repository to X number of commits. Note
+ that git always allow shallowly cloning branches, but in order to
+ clone commit ids shallowly, the server must support
+ `uploadpack.allowReachableSHA1InWant=true`. *(since 0.52.0)*
+- `push-url` - alternative url to configure as a git push-url. Useful if
+ the subproject will be developed and changes pushed upstream.
+ *(since 0.37.0)*
+- `clone-recursive` - also clone submodules of the repository
+ *(since 0.48.0)*
+## wrap-file with Meson build patch
+Unfortunately most software projects in the world do not build with
+Meson. Because of this Meson allows you to specify a patch URL.
+For historic reasons this is called a "patch", however, it serves as an
+overlay to add or replace files rather than modifying them. The file
+must be an archive; it is downloaded and automatically extracted into
+the subproject. The extracted files will include a Meson build
+definition for the given subproject.
+This approach makes it extremely simple to embed dependencies that
+require build system changes. You can write the Meson build definition
+for the dependency in total isolation. This is a lot better than doing
+it inside your own source tree, especially if it contains hundreds of
+thousands of lines of code. Once you have a working build definition,
+just zip up the Meson build files (and others you have changed) and
+put them somewhere where you can download them.
+Prior to *0.55.0* Meson build patches were only supported for
+wrap-file mode. When using wrap-git, the repository must contain all
+Meson build definitions. Since *0.55.0* Meson build patches are
+supported for any wrap modes, including wrap-git.
+## `provide` section
+*Since *0.55.0*
+Wrap files can define the dependencies it provides in the `[provide]`
+dependency_names = foo-1.0
+When a wrap file provides the dependency `foo-1.0`, as above, any call to
+`dependency('foo-1.0')` will automatically fallback to that subproject even if
+no `fallback` keyword argument is given. A wrap file named `foo.wrap` implicitly
+provides the dependency name `foo` even when the `[provide]` section is missing.
+Optional dependencies, like `dependency('foo-1.0', required: get_option('foo_opt'))`
+where `foo_opt` is a feature option set to `auto`, will not fallback to the
+subproject defined in the wrap file, for 2 reasons:
+- It allows for looking the dependency in other ways first, for example using
+ `cc.find_library('foo')`, and only fallback if that fails:
+# this won't use fallback defined in foo.wrap
+foo_dep = dependency('foo-1.0', required: false)
+if not foo_dep.found()
+ foo_dep = cc.find_library('foo', has_headers: 'foo.h', required: false)
+ if not foo_dep.found()
+ # This will use the fallback
+ foo_dep = dependency('foo-1.0')
+ # or
+ foo_dep = dependency('foo-1.0', required: false, fallback: 'foo')
+ endif
+- Sometimes not-found dependency is preferable to a fallback when the
+ feature is not explicitly requested by the user. In that case
+ `dependency('foo-1.0', required: get_option('foo_opt'))` will only
+ fallback when the user sets `foo_opt` to `enabled` instead of
+ `auto`.
+*Since 0.58.0* optional dependency like above will fallback to the subproject
+defined in the wrap file in the case `wrap_mode` is set to `forcefallback`
+or `force_fallback_for` contains the subproject.
+If it is desired to fallback for an optional dependency, the
+`fallback` or `allow_fallback` keyword arguments must be passed
+explicitly. *Since 0.56.0*, `dependency('foo-1.0', required:
+get_option('foo_opt'), allow_fallback: true)` will use the fallback
+even when `foo_opt` is set to `auto`. On version *0.55.0* the same
+effect could be achieved with `dependency('foo-1.0', required:
+get_option('foo_opt'), fallback: 'foo')`.
+This mechanism assumes the subproject calls
+`meson.override_dependency('foo-1.0', foo_dep)` so Meson knows which
+dependency object should be used as fallback. Since that method was
+introduced in version *0.54.0*, as a transitional aid for projects
+that do not yet make use of it the variable name can be provided in
+the wrap file with entries in the format `foo-1.0 = foo_dep`.
+For example when using a recent enough version of glib that uses
+`meson.override_dependency()` to override `glib-2.0`, `gobject-2.0`
+and `gio-2.0`, a wrap file would look like:
+dependency_names = glib-2.0, gobject-2.0, gio-2.0
+With older version of glib dependency variable names need to be
+Programs can also be provided by wrap files, with the `program_names`
+program_names = myprog, otherprog
+With such wrap file, `find_program('myprog')` will automatically
+fallback to use the subproject, assuming it uses
+## Using wrapped projects
+Wraps provide a convenient way of obtaining a project into your
+subproject directory. Then you use it as a regular subproject (see
+## Getting wraps
+Usually you don't want to write your wraps by hand.
+There is an online repository called
+[WrapDB](https://wrapdb.mesonbuild.com) that provides many
+dependencies ready to use. You can read more about WrapDB
+There is also a Meson subcommand to get and manage wraps (see [using
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+# Wrap review guidelines
+In order to get a package in the Wrap database it must be reviewed and
+accepted by someone with admin rights. Here is a list of items to
+check in the review. If some item is not met it does not mean that the
+package is rejected. What should be done will be determined on a
+case-by-case basis. Similarly meeting all these requirements does not
+guarantee that the package will get accepted. Use common sense.
+## Setting up the tools
+The [mesonwrap repository](https://github.com/mesonbuild/mesonwrap)
+provides tools to maintain the WrapDB. Read-only features such can be
+used by anyone without Meson admin rights.
+## Personal access token
+Some tools require access to the Github API. A [personal access
+token](https://github.com/settings/tokens) may be required if the
+freebie Github API quota is exhausted. `public_repo` scope is required
+for write operations.
+$ cat ~/.config/mesonwrap.ini
+github_token = <github token>
+## Setting up the review tooling
+The [Mesonwrap](https://github.com/mesonbuild/mesonwrap/) repository
+contains review tooling. It is used to do the actual review, but
+submitters can also use it to check their MRs. All issues reported by
+the tool must be fixed, so using the tool can speed up the review
+process considerably.
+The tool has some dependencies that are not available in all Linux
+distributions. Thus using a Python
+[Virtualenv](https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/). The tool can be
+installed with the following commands.
+git clone https://github.com/mesonbuild/mesonwrap.git
+cd mesonwrap
+python3 -m venv venv
+source venv/bin/activate
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+# You may need to install Meson and Ninja here as well depending on your setup
+python3 setup.py install
+mesonwrap review <see arguments below>
+exit <when you are finished>
+## Reviewing code
+mesonwrap review zlib --pull-request=1 [--approve]
+Since not every check can be automated please pay attention to the
+following during the review:
+- Download link points to an authoritative upstream location.
+- Version branch is created from master.
+- Except for the existing code, `LICENSE.build` is mandatory.
+- `project()` has a version and it matches the source version.
+- `project()` has a license.
+- Complex `configure_file()` inputs are documented.
+ If the file is a copy of a project file make sure it is clear what was changed.
+- Unit tests are enabled if the project provides them.
+- There are no guidelines if `install()` is a good or a bad thing in wraps.
+- If the project can't be tested on the host platform consider using the `--cross-file` flag.
+ See [the issue](https://github.com/mesonbuild/mesonwrap/issues/125).
+Encourage wrap readability. Use your own judgement.
+## Approval
+If the code looks good use the `--approve` flag to merge it.
+The tool automatically creates a release.
+If you need to create a release manually (because, for example, a MR
+was merged by hand), the command to do it is the following:
+mesonwrap publish reponame version
+An example invocation would look like this:
+mesonwrap publish expat 2.2.9
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+# Meson WrapDB packages
+This is a list of projects that have either an upstream Meson build system, or a
+port maintained by the Meson team. [They can be used by your project to provide
+its dependencies](Wrap-dependency-system-manual.md).
+Use the command line `meson wrap install <project>` to install the wrap file of
+any of those projects into your project's `subprojects/` directory.
+See [Meson command line documentation](Using-wraptool.md).
+If you wish to add your own project into this list, please submit your wrap file
+in a [Pull Request](https://github.com/mesonbuild/wrapdb).
+See [Meson documentation](Adding-new-projects-to-wrapdb.md)
+for more details.
+{{ wrapdb-table.md }}
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+## Quick References
+* [Functions](Reference-manual.md)
+* [Options](Build-options.md)
+* [Configuration](Configuration.md)
+* [Dependencies](Dependencies.md)
+* [Tests](Unit-tests.md)
+* [Syntax](Syntax.md)
+### [Modules](Module-reference.md)
+* [gnome](Gnome-module.md)
+* [i18n](i18n-module.md)
+* [pkgconfig](Pkgconfig-module.md)
+* [rust](Rust-module.md)
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+## compile_resources
+*New in 0.59.0*
+Compiles Qt's resources collection files (.qrc) into c++ files for compilation.
+It takes no positional arguments, and the following keyword arguments:
+ - `name` (string | empty): if provided a single .cpp file will be generated,
+ and the output of all qrc files will be combined in this file, otherwise
+ each qrc file be written to it's own cpp file.
+ - `sources` (File | string)[]: A list of sources to be transpiled. Required,
+ must have at least one source
+ - `extra_args` string[]: Extra arguments to pass directly to `qt-rcc`
+ - `method` string: The method to use to detect qt, see `dependency()` for more
+ information.
+## compile_ui
+*New in 0.59.0*
+Compiles Qt's ui files (.ui) into header files.
+It takes no positional arguments, and the following keyword arguments:
+ - `sources` (File | string)[]: A list of sources to be transpiled. Required,
+ must have at least one source
+ - `extra_args` string[]: Extra arguments to pass directly to `qt-uic`
+ - `method` string: The method to use to detect qt, see `dependency()` for more
+ information.
+## compile_moc
+*New in 0.59.0*
+Compiles Qt's moc files (.moc) into header and/or source files. At least one of
+the keyword arguments `headers` and `sources` must be provided.
+It takes no positional arguments, and the following keyword arguments:
+ - `sources` (File | string)[]: A list of sources to be transpiled into .moc
+ files for manual inclusion.
+ - `headers` (File | string)[]: A list of headers to be transpiled into .cpp files
+ - `extra_args` string[]: Extra arguments to pass directly to `qt-moc`
+ - `method` string: The method to use to detect qt, see `dependency()` for more
+ information.
+ - `include_directories` (string | IncludeDirectory)[]: A list of `include_directory()`
+ objects used when transpiling the .moc files
+## preprocess
+Consider using `compile_resources`, `compile_ui`, and `compile_moc` instead.
+Takes sources for moc, uic, and rcc, and converts them into c++ files for
+Has the following signature: `qt.preprocess(name: str | None, *sources: str)`
+If the `name` parameter is passed then all of the rcc files will be wirtten to a single output file
+The variadic `sources` arguments have been deprecated since Meson 0.59.0, as has the `sources` keyword argument. These passed files unmodified through the preprocessor, don't do this, just add the output of the generator to another sources list:
+sources = files('a.cpp', 'main.cpp', 'bar.c')
+sources += qt.preprocess(qresources : ['resources'])
+This method takes the following keyword arguments:
+ - `qresources` (string | File)[]: Passed to the RCC compiler
+ - `ui_files`: (string | File | CustomTarget)[]: Passed the `uic` compiler
+ - `moc_sources`: (string | File | CustomTarget)[]: Passed the `moc` compiler. These are converted into .moc files meant to be `#include`ed
+ - `moc_headers`: (string | File | CustomTarget)[]: Passied the `moc` compiler. These will be converted into .cpp files
+ - `include_directories` (IncludeDirectories | string)[], the directories to add to header search path for `moc`
+ - `moc_extra_arguments` string[]: any additional arguments to `moc`. Since v0.44.0.
+ - `uic_extra_arguments` string[]: any additional arguments to `uic`. Since v0.49.0.
+ - `rcc_extra_arguments` string[]: any additional arguments to `rcc`. Since v0.49.0.
+ - `dependencies` Dependency[]: dependency objects needed by moc. Available since v0.48.0.
+ - `sources`: a list of extra sources, which are added to the output unchaged. Deprecated in 0.59.0.
+It returns an array of targets and sources to pass to a compilation target.
+## compile_translations (since v0.44.0)
+This method generates the necessary targets to build translation files with
+lrelease, it takes no positional arguments, and the following keyword arguments:
+ - `ts_files` (str | File)[], the list of input translation files produced by Qt's lupdate tool.
+ - `install` bool: when true, this target is installed during the install step (optional).
+ - `install_dir` string: directory to install to (optional).
+ - `build_by_default` bool: when set to true, to have this target be built by
+ default, that is, when invoking `meson compile`; the default value is false
+ (optional).
+ - `qresource` string: rcc source file to extract ts_files from; cannot be used
+ with ts_files kwarg. Available since v0.56.0.
+ - `rcc_extra_arguments` string[]: any additional arguments to `rcc` (optional),
+ when used with `qresource. Available since v0.56.0.
+Returns either: a list of custom targets for the compiled
+translations, or, if using a `qresource` file, a single custom target
+containing the processed source file, which should be passed to a main
+build target.
+## has_tools
+This method returns `true` if all tools used by this module are found,
+`false` otherwise.
+It should be used to compile optional Qt code:
+qt5 = import('qt5')
+if qt5.has_tools(required: get_option('qt_feature'))
+ moc_files = qt5.preprocess(...)
+ ...
+This method takes the following keyword arguments:
+- `required` bool | FeatureOption: by default, `required` is set to `false`. If `required` is set to
+ `true` or an enabled [`feature`](Build-options.md#features) and some tools are
+ missing Meson will abort.
+- `method` string: method used to find the Qt dependency (`auto` by default).
+*Since: 0.54.0*
+## Dependencies
+See [Qt dependencies](Dependencies.md#qt4-qt5)
+The 'modules' argument is used to include Qt modules in the project.
+See the Qt documentation for the [list of
+The 'private_headers' argument allows usage of Qt's modules private
+headers. (since v0.47.0)
+## Example
+A simple example would look like this:
+qt5 = import('qt5')
+qt5_dep = dependency('qt5', modules: ['Core', 'Gui'])
+inc = include_directories('includes')
+moc_files = qt5.compile_moc(headers : 'myclass.h',
+ extra_arguments: ['-DMAKES_MY_MOC_HEADER_COMPILE'],
+ include_directories: inc,
+ dependencies: qt5_dep)
+translations = qt5.compile_translations(ts_files : 'myTranslation_fr.ts', build_by_default : true)
+executable('myprog', 'main.cpp', 'myclass.cpp', moc_files,
+ include_directories: inc,
+ dependencies : qt5_dep)
+Sometimes, translations are embedded inside the binary using qresource
+files. In this case the ts files do not need to be explicitly listed,
+but will be inferred from the built qm files listed in the qresource
+file. For example:
+qt5 = import('qt5')
+qt5_dep = dependency('qt5', modules: ['Core', 'Gui'])
+lang_cpp = qt5.compile_translations(qresource: 'lang.qrc')
+executable('myprog', 'main.cpp', lang_cpp,
+ dependencies: qt5_dep)
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+title: fallback wraptool
+# In case of emergency
+In case wraptool is down we have created a backup script that you can
+use to download wraps directly from the GitHub repos. It is not as
+slick and may have bugs but at least it will allow you to use wraps.
+## Using it
+To list all available wraps:
+ ghwt.py list
+To install a wrap, go to your source root, make sure that the
+`subprojects` directory exists and run this command:
+ ghwt.py install <projectname> [<branchname>]
+This will stage the subproject ready to use. If you have multiple
+subprojects you need to download them all manually.
+Specifying branch name is optional. If not specified, the list of
+potential branches is sorted alphabetically and the last branch is
+*Note* The tool was added in 0.32.0, for versions older than that you
+need to delete the `foo.wrap` file to work around this issue.
+## How to upgrade an existing dir/fix broken state/any other problem
+Nuke the contents of `subprojects` and start again.
+## Known issues
+Some repositories show up in the list but are not installable. They
+would not show up in the real WrapDB because they are works in
+GitHub web API limits the amount of queries you can do to 60/hour. If
+you exceed that you need to wait for the timer to reset.
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+# How do I do X in Meson?
+This page lists code snippets for common tasks. These are written
+mostly using the C compiler, but the same approach should work on
+almost all other compilers.
+## Set compiler
+When first running Meson, set it in an environment variable.
+$ CC=mycc meson <options>
+Note that environment variables like `CC` only works in native builds.
+The `CC` refers to the compiler for the host platform, that is the
+compiler used to compile programs that run on the machine we will
+eventually install the project on. The compiler used to build things
+that run on the machine we do the building can be specified with
+`CC_FOR_BUILD`. You can use it in cross builds.
+Note that environment variables are never the idiomatic way to do
+anything with Meson, however. It is better to use the native and cross
+files. And the tools for the host platform in cross builds can only be
+specified with a cross file.
+There is a table of all environment variables supported
+## Set linker
+*New in 0.53.0*
+Like the compiler, the linker is selected via the `<compiler
+variable>_LD` environment variable, or through the `<compiler
+entry>_ld` entry in a native or cross file. You must be aware of
+whether you're using a compiler that invokes the linker itself (most
+compilers including GCC and Clang) or a linker that is invoked
+directly (when using MSVC or compilers that act like it, including
+Clang-Cl). With the former `c_ld` or `CC_LD` should be the value to
+pass to the compiler's special argument (such as `-fuse-ld` with clang
+and gcc), with the latter it should be an executable, such as
+*NOTE* In Meson 0.53.0 the `ld` entry in the cross/native file and the
+`LD` environment variable were used, this resulted in a large number
+of regressions and was changed in 0.53.1 to `<lang>_ld` and `<comp
+$ CC=clang CC_LD=lld meson <options>
+$ CC=clang-cl CC_LD=link meson <options>
+or in a cross or native file:
+c = 'clang'
+c_ld = 'lld'
+There is a table of all environment variables supported
+## Set default C/C++ language version
+project('myproj', 'c', 'cpp',
+ default_options : ['c_std=c11', 'cpp_std=c++11'])
+The language version can also be set on a per-target basis.
+executable(..., override_options : ['c_std=c11'])
+## Enable threads
+Lots of people seem to do this manually with `find_library('pthread')`
+or something similar. Do not do that. It is not portable. Instead do
+thread_dep = dependency('threads')
+executable(..., dependencies : thread_dep)
+## Set extra compiler and linker flags from the outside (when e.g. building distro packages)
+The behavior is the same as with other build systems, with environment
+variables during first invocation. Do not use these when you need to
+rebuild the source
+$ CFLAGS=-fsomething LDFLAGS=-Wl,--linker-flag meson <options>
+## Use an argument only with a specific compiler
+First check which arguments to use.
+if meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() == 'clang'
+ extra_args = ['-fclang-flag']
+ extra_args = []
+Then use it in a target.
+executable(..., c_args : extra_args)
+If you want to use the arguments on all targets, then do this.
+if meson.get_compiler('c').get_id() == 'clang'
+ add_global_arguments('-fclang-flag', language : 'c')
+## Set a command's output to configuration
+txt = run_command('script', 'argument').stdout().strip()
+cdata = configuration_data()
+cdata.set('SOMETHING', txt)
+## Generate configuration data from files
+`The [fs module](#Fs-modules) offers the `read` function` which enables adding
+the contents of arbitrary files to configuration data (among other uses):
+fs = import('fs')
+cdata = configuration_data()
+copyright = fs.read('LICENSE')
+cdata.set('COPYRIGHT', copyright)
+if build_machine.system() == 'linux'
+ os_release = fs.read('/etc/os-release')
+ cdata.set('LINUX_BUILDER', os_release)
+## Generate a runnable script with `configure_file`
+`configure_file` preserves metadata so if your template file has
+execute permissions, the generated file will have them too.
+## Producing a coverage report
+First initialize the build directory with this command.
+$ meson <other flags> -Db_coverage=true
+Then issue the following commands.
+$ meson compile
+$ meson test
+$ meson compile coverage-html (or coverage-xml)
+The coverage report can be found in the meson-logs subdirectory.
+*New in 0.55.0* llvm-cov support for use with clang
+## Add some optimization to debug builds
+By default the debug build does not use any optimizations. This is the
+desired approach most of the time. However some projects benefit from
+having some minor optimizations enabled. GCC even has a specific
+compiler flag `-Og` for this. To enable its use, just issue the
+following command.
+$ meson configure -Dc_args=-Og
+This causes all subsequent builds to use this command line argument.
+## Use address sanitizer
+Clang comes with a selection of analysis tools such as the [address
+sanitizer](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/AddressSanitizer.html). Meson
+has native support for these with the `b_sanitize` option.
+$ meson <other options> -Db_sanitize=address
+After this you just compile your code and run the test suite. Address
+sanitizer will abort executables which have bugs so they show up as
+test failures.
+## Use Clang static analyzer
+Install scan-build program, then do this:
+$ meson setup builddir
+$ ninja -C builddir scan-build
+You can use the `SCANBUILD` environment variable to choose the
+scan-build executable.
+$ SCANBUILD=<your exe> ninja -C builddir scan-build
+You can use it for passing arguments to scan-build program by
+creating a script, for example:
+scan-build -v --status-bugs "$@"
+And then pass it through the variable (remember to use absolute path):
+$ SCANBUILD=$(pwd)/my-scan-build.sh ninja -C builddir scan-build
+## Use profile guided optimization
+Using profile guided optimization with GCC is a two phase
+operation. First we set up the project with profile measurements
+enabled and compile it.
+$ meson setup <Meson options, such as --buildtype=debugoptimized> -Db_pgo=generate
+$ meson compile -C builddir
+Then we need to run the program with some representative input. This
+step depends on your project.
+Once that is done we change the compiler flags to use the generated
+information and rebuild.
+$ meson configure -Db_pgo=use
+$ meson compile
+After these steps the resulting binary is fully optimized.
+## Add math library (`-lm`) portably
+Some platforms (e.g. Linux) have a standalone math library. Other
+platforms (pretty much everyone else) do not. How to specify that `m`
+is used only when needed?
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+m_dep = cc.find_library('m', required : false)
+executable(..., dependencies : m_dep)
+## Install an executable to `libexecdir`
+executable(..., install : true, install_dir : get_option('libexecdir'))
+## Use existing `Find<name>.cmake` files
+Meson can use the CMake `find_package()` ecosystem if CMake is
+installed. To find a dependency with custom `Find<name>.cmake`, set
+the `cmake_module_path` property to the path in your project where the
+CMake scripts are stored.
+Example for a `FindCmakeOnlyDep.cmake` in a `cmake` subdirectory:
+cm_dep = dependency('CmakeOnlyDep', cmake_module_path : 'cmake')
+The `cmake_module_path` property is only needed for custom CMake scripts. System
+wide CMake scripts are found automatically.
+More information can be found [here](Dependencies.md#cmake)
+## Get a default not-found dependency?
+null_dep = dependency('', required : false)
+This can be used in cases where you want a default value, but might override it
+# Not needed on Windows!
+my_dep = dependency('', required : false)
+if host_machine.system() in ['freebsd', 'netbsd', 'openbsd', 'dragonfly']
+ my_dep = dependency('some dep', required : false)
+elif host_machine.system() == 'linux'
+ my_dep = dependency('some other dep', required : false)
+ 'myexe',
+ my_sources,
+ deps : [my_dep]
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+# I18n module
+This module provides internationalisation and localisation functionality.
+## Usage
+To use this module, just do: **`i18n = import('i18n')`**. The
+following functions will then be available as methods on the object
+with the name `i18n`. You can, of course, replace the name `i18n` with
+anything else.
+### i18n.gettext()
+Sets up gettext localisation so that translations are built and placed
+into their proper locations during install. Takes one positional
+argument which is the name of the gettext module.
+* `args`: list of extra arguments to pass to `xgettext` when
+ generating the pot file
+* `data_dirs`: (*Added 0.36.0*) list of directories to be set for
+ `GETTEXTDATADIRS` env var (Requires gettext 0.19.8+), used for local
+ its files
+* `languages`: list of languages that are to be generated. As of
+ 0.37.0 this is optional and the
+ [LINGUAS](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/html_node/po_002fLINGUAS.html)
+ file is read.
+* `preset`: (*Added 0.37.0*) name of a preset list of arguments,
+ current option is `'glib'`, see
+ [source](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/blob/master/mesonbuild/modules/i18n.py)
+ for for their value
+* `install`: (*Added 0.43.0*) if false, do not install the built translations.
+* `install_dir`: (*Added 0.50.0*) override default install location, default is `localedir`
+This function also defines targets for maintainers to use:
+**Note**: These output to the source directory
+* `<project_id>-pot`: runs `xgettext` to regenerate the pot file
+* `<project_id>-update-po`: regenerates the `.po` files from current `.pot` file
+* `<project_id>-gmo`: builds the translations without installing
+### i18n.merge_file()
+This merges translations into a text file using `msgfmt`. See
+for normal keywords. In addition it accepts these keywords:
+* `data_dirs`: (*Added 0.41.0*) list of directories for its files (See
+ also `i18n.gettext()`)
+* `po_dir`: directory containing translations, relative to current directory
+* `type`: type of file, valid options are `'xml'` (default) and `'desktop'`
+* `args`: (*Added 0.51.0*) list of extra arguments to pass to `msgfmt`
+*Added 0.37.0*
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Binary files differ
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Binary files differ
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+render-subpages: false
+# The Meson Build system
+## Overview
+Meson is an open source build system meant to be both extremely fast,
+and, even more importantly, as user friendly as possible.
+The main design point of Meson is that every moment a developer spends
+writing or debugging build definitions is a second wasted. So is every
+second spent waiting for the build system to actually start compiling
+## Features
+* multiplatform support for Linux, macOS, Windows, GCC, Clang, Visual Studio and others
+* supported languages include C, C++, D, Fortran, Java, Rust
+* build definitions in a very readable and user friendly non-Turing complete DSL
+* cross compilation for many operating systems as well as bare metal
+* optimized for extremely fast full and incremental builds without sacrificing correctness
+* built-in multiplatform dependency provider that works together with distro packages
+* fun!
+## Quickstart for beginners
+Are you an absolute beginner when it comes to programming? No worries,
+read [this beginner guide](SimpleStart.md) to get started.
+## Community
+There are two main methods of connecting with other Meson
+developers. The easiest way for most people is a web chat. The channel
+to use is `#mesonbuild` either via Matrix ([web
+interface](https://app.element.io/#/room/#mesonbuild:matrix.org)) or
+[OFTC IRC](https://www.oftc.net/).
+The second one is the mailing list, which is hosted at
+[Google Groups](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/mesonbuild).
+### [Projects using Meson](Users.md)
+Many projects are using Meson and they're
+a great resource for learning what to (and what not to!) do when
+converting existing projects to Meson.
+[A short list of Meson users can be found here](Users.md)
+but there are many more. We would love to hear about your success
+stories too and how things could be improved too!
+## Development
+All development on Meson is done on the [GitHub
+project](https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson). Instructions for
+contributing can be found on the [contribution page](Contributing.md).
+You do not need to sign a CLA to contribute to Meson.
diff --git a/meson/docs/markdown/legal.md b/meson/docs/markdown/legal.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# Legal information
+Meson is copyrighted by all members of the Meson development team.
+Meson is licensed under the [Apache 2 license].
+Meson is a registered trademark of Jussi Pakkanen.
+## Meson logo licensing
+Meson's logo is (C) Jussi Pakkanen and used by the Meson project with
+specific permission. It is not licensed under the same terms as the
+rest of the project.
+If you are a third party and want to use the Meson logo, you must
+first obtain written permission from Jussi Pakkanen.
+## Website licensing
+The meson website content is released under [Creative Commons
+Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International].
+All code samples on the website are released under [CC0 1.0 Universal].
+[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
+[CC0 1.0 Universal]: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
+[Apache 2 license]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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+Add release note snippets to their own files, one file per snippet.