path: root/meson/mesonbuild/backend/xcodebackend.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meson/mesonbuild/backend/xcodebackend.py')
1 files changed, 1708 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson/mesonbuild/backend/xcodebackend.py b/meson/mesonbuild/backend/xcodebackend.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff48ecf1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/mesonbuild/backend/xcodebackend.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1708 @@
+# Copyright 2014-2021 The Meson development team
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from . import backends
+from .. import build
+from .. import dependencies
+from .. import mesonlib
+from .. import mlog
+import uuid, os, operator
+import typing as T
+from ..mesonlib import MesonException, OptionKey
+from ..interpreter import Interpreter
+INDENT = '\t'
+XCODETYPEMAP = {'c': 'sourcecode.c.c',
+ 'a': 'archive.ar',
+ 'cc': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
+ 'cxx': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
+ 'cpp': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
+ 'c++': 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp',
+ 'm': 'sourcecode.c.objc',
+ 'mm': 'sourcecode.cpp.objcpp',
+ 'h': 'sourcecode.c.h',
+ 'hpp': 'sourcecode.cpp.h',
+ 'hxx': 'sourcecode.cpp.h',
+ 'hh': 'sourcecode.cpp.hh',
+ 'inc': 'sourcecode.c.h',
+ 'swift': 'sourcecode.swift',
+ 'dylib': 'compiled.mach-o.dylib',
+ 'o': 'compiled.mach-o.objfile',
+ 's': 'sourcecode.asm',
+ 'asm': 'sourcecode.asm',
+ }
+LANGNAMEMAP = {'c': 'C',
+ 'cpp': 'CPLUSPLUS',
+ 'objc': 'OBJC',
+ 'objcpp': 'OBJCPLUSPLUS',
+ 'swift': 'SWIFT_'
+ }
+OPT2XCODEOPT = {'0': '0',
+ 'g': '0',
+ '1': '1',
+ '2': '2',
+ '3': '3',
+ 's': 's',
+ }
+BOOL2XCODEBOOL = {True: 'YES', False: 'NO'}
+LINKABLE_EXTENSIONS = {'.o', '.a', '.obj', '.so', '.dylib'}
+class FileTreeEntry:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.subdirs = {}
+ self.targets = []
+class PbxItem:
+ def __init__(self, value, comment = ''):
+ self.value = value
+ self.comment = comment
+class PbxArray:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.items = []
+ def add_item(self, item, comment=''):
+ if isinstance(item, PbxArrayItem):
+ self.items.append(item)
+ else:
+ self.items.append(PbxArrayItem(item, comment))
+ def write(self, ofile, indent_level):
+ ofile.write('(\n')
+ indent_level += 1
+ for i in self.items:
+ if i.comment:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.value} {i.comment},\n')
+ else:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.value},\n')
+ indent_level -= 1
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + ');\n')
+class PbxArrayItem:
+ def __init__(self, value, comment = ''):
+ self.value = value
+ if comment:
+ if '/*' in comment:
+ self.comment = comment
+ else:
+ self.comment = f'/* {comment} */'
+ else:
+ self.comment = comment
+class PbxComment:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ assert(isinstance(text, str))
+ assert('/*' not in text)
+ self.text = f'/* {text} */'
+ def write(self, ofile, indent_level):
+ ofile.write(f'\n{self.text}\n')
+class PbxDictItem:
+ def __init__(self, key, value, comment = ''):
+ self.key = key
+ self.value = value
+ if comment:
+ if '/*' in comment:
+ self.comment = comment
+ else:
+ self.comment = f'/* {comment} */'
+ else:
+ self.comment = comment
+class PbxDict:
+ def __init__(self):
+ # This class is a bit weird, because we want to write PBX dicts in
+ # defined order _and_ we want to write intermediate comments also in order.
+ self.keys = set()
+ self.items = []
+ def add_item(self, key, value, comment=''):
+ item = PbxDictItem(key, value, comment)
+ assert(key not in self.keys)
+ self.keys.add(key)
+ self.items.append(item)
+ def add_comment(self, comment):
+ if isinstance(comment, str):
+ self.items.append(PbxComment(str))
+ else:
+ assert(isinstance(comment, PbxComment))
+ self.items.append(comment)
+ def write(self, ofile, indent_level):
+ ofile.write('{\n')
+ indent_level += 1
+ for i in self.items:
+ if isinstance(i, PbxComment):
+ i.write(ofile, indent_level)
+ elif isinstance(i, PbxDictItem):
+ if isinstance(i.value, (str, int)):
+ if i.comment:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = {i.value} {i.comment};\n')
+ else:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = {i.value};\n')
+ elif isinstance(i.value, PbxDict):
+ if i.comment:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} {i.comment} = ')
+ else:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = ')
+ i.value.write(ofile, indent_level)
+ elif isinstance(i.value, PbxArray):
+ if i.comment:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} {i.comment} = ')
+ else:
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + f'{i.key} = ')
+ i.value.write(ofile, indent_level)
+ else:
+ print(i)
+ print(i.key)
+ print(i.value)
+ raise RuntimeError('missing code')
+ else:
+ print(i)
+ raise RuntimeError('missing code2')
+ indent_level -= 1
+ ofile.write(indent_level*INDENT + '}')
+ if indent_level == 0:
+ ofile.write('\n')
+ else:
+ ofile.write(';\n')
+class XCodeBackend(backends.Backend):
+ def __init__(self, build: T.Optional[build.Build], interpreter: T.Optional[Interpreter]):
+ super().__init__(build, interpreter)
+ self.name = 'xcode'
+ self.project_uid = self.environment.coredata.lang_guids['default'].replace('-', '')[:24]
+ self.buildtype = self.environment.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('buildtype'))
+ self.project_conflist = self.gen_id()
+ self.maingroup_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.all_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.all_buildconf_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.buildtypes = [self.buildtype]
+ self.test_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.test_command_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.test_buildconf_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.regen_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.regen_command_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.regen_buildconf_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.regen_dependency_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.top_level_dict = PbxDict()
+ self.generator_outputs = {}
+ # In Xcode files are not accessed via their file names, but rather every one of them
+ # gets an unique id. More precisely they get one unique id per target they are used
+ # in. If you generate only one id per file and use them, compilation will work but the
+ # UI will only show the file in one target but not the others. Thus they key is
+ # a tuple containing the target and filename.
+ self.buildfile_ids = {}
+ # That is not enough, though. Each target/file combination also gets a unique id
+ # in the file reference section. Because why not. This means that a source file
+ # that is used in two targets gets a total of four unique ID numbers.
+ self.fileref_ids = {}
+ def write_pbxfile(self, top_level_dict, ofilename):
+ tmpname = ofilename + '.tmp'
+ with open(tmpname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile:
+ ofile.write('// !$*UTF8*$!\n')
+ top_level_dict.write(ofile, 0)
+ os.replace(tmpname, ofilename)
+ def gen_id(self):
+ return str(uuid.uuid4()).upper().replace('-', '')[:24]
+ def get_target_dir(self, target):
+ dirname = os.path.join(target.get_subdir(), self.environment.coredata.get_option(OptionKey('buildtype')))
+ #os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), dirname), exist_ok=True)
+ return dirname
+ def get_custom_target_output_dir(self, target):
+ dirname = target.get_subdir()
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), dirname), exist_ok=True)
+ return dirname
+ def target_to_build_root(self, target):
+ if self.get_target_dir(target) == '':
+ return ''
+ directories = os.path.normpath(self.get_target_dir(target)).split(os.sep)
+ return os.sep.join(['..'] * len(directories))
+ def object_filename_from_source(self, target, source):
+ # Xcode has the following naming scheme:
+ # projectname.build/debug/prog@exe.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/func.o
+ project = self.build.project_name
+ buildtype = self.buildtype
+ tname = target.get_id()
+ arch = 'x86_64'
+ if isinstance(source, mesonlib.File):
+ source = source.fname
+ stem = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source))[0]
+ return f'{project}.build/{buildtype}/{tname}.build/Objects-normal/{arch}/{stem}.o'
+ def generate(self):
+ self.serialize_tests()
+ # Cache the result as the method rebuilds the array every time it is called.
+ self.build_targets = self.build.get_build_targets()
+ self.custom_targets = self.build.get_custom_targets()
+ self.generate_filemap()
+ self.generate_buildstylemap()
+ self.generate_build_phase_map()
+ self.generate_build_configuration_map()
+ self.generate_build_configurationlist_map()
+ self.generate_project_configurations_map()
+ self.generate_buildall_configurations_map()
+ self.generate_test_configurations_map()
+ self.generate_native_target_map()
+ self.generate_native_frameworks_map()
+ self.generate_custom_target_map()
+ self.generate_generator_target_map()
+ self.generate_source_phase_map()
+ self.generate_target_dependency_map()
+ self.generate_pbxdep_map()
+ self.generate_containerproxy_map()
+ self.generate_target_file_maps()
+ self.generate_build_file_maps()
+ self.proj_dir = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), self.build.project_name + '.xcodeproj')
+ os.makedirs(self.proj_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ self.proj_file = os.path.join(self.proj_dir, 'project.pbxproj')
+ objects_dict = self.generate_prefix(self.top_level_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXAggregateTarget section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_aggregate_target(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXAggregateTarget section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXBuildFile section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_build_file(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXBuildFile section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXBuildStyle section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_build_style(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXBuildStyle section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXContainerItemProxy section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_container_item_proxy(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXContainerItemProxy section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXFileReference section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_file_reference(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXFileReference section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_frameworks_buildphase(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXGroup section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_group(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXGroup section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXNativeTarget section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_native_target(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXNativeTarget section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXProject section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_project(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXProject section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_shell_build_phase(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_sources_build_phase(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin PBXTargetDependency section'))
+ self.generate_pbx_target_dependency(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End PBXTargetDependency section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin XCBuildConfiguration section'))
+ self.generate_xc_build_configuration(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End XCBuildConfiguration section'))
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('Begin XCConfigurationList section'))
+ self.generate_xc_configurationList(objects_dict)
+ objects_dict.add_comment(PbxComment('End XCConfigurationList section'))
+ self.generate_suffix(self.top_level_dict)
+ self.write_pbxfile(self.top_level_dict, self.proj_file)
+ self.generate_regen_info()
+ def get_xcodetype(self, fname):
+ xcodetype = XCODETYPEMAP.get(fname.split('.')[-1].lower())
+ if not xcodetype:
+ xcodetype = 'sourcecode.unknown'
+ return xcodetype
+ def generate_filemap(self):
+ self.filemap = {} # Key is source file relative to src root.
+ self.target_filemap = {}
+ for name, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ for s in t.sources:
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ self.filemap[s] = self.gen_id()
+ for o in t.objects:
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
+ self.filemap[o] = self.gen_id()
+ self.target_filemap[name] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_buildstylemap(self):
+ self.buildstylemap = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
+ def generate_build_phase_map(self):
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ # generate id for our own target-name
+ t.buildphasemap = {}
+ t.buildphasemap[tname] = self.gen_id()
+ # each target can have it's own Frameworks/Sources/..., generate id's for those
+ t.buildphasemap['Frameworks'] = self.gen_id()
+ t.buildphasemap['Resources'] = self.gen_id()
+ t.buildphasemap['Sources'] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_build_configuration_map(self):
+ self.buildconfmap = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ bconfs = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
+ self.buildconfmap[t] = bconfs
+ for t in self.custom_targets:
+ bconfs = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
+ self.buildconfmap[t] = bconfs
+ def generate_project_configurations_map(self):
+ self.project_configurations = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
+ def generate_buildall_configurations_map(self):
+ self.buildall_configurations = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
+ def generate_test_configurations_map(self):
+ self.test_configurations = {self.buildtype: self.gen_id()}
+ def generate_build_configurationlist_map(self):
+ self.buildconflistmap = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ self.buildconflistmap[t] = self.gen_id()
+ for t in self.custom_targets:
+ self.buildconflistmap[t] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_native_target_map(self):
+ self.native_targets = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ self.native_targets[t] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_custom_target_map(self):
+ self.shell_targets = {}
+ self.custom_target_output_buildfile = {}
+ self.custom_target_output_fileref = {}
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ self.shell_targets[tname] = self.gen_id()
+ if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
+ continue
+ (srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t)
+ for o in ofilenames:
+ self.custom_target_output_buildfile[o] = self.gen_id()
+ self.custom_target_output_fileref[o] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_generator_target_map(self):
+ # Generator objects do not have natural unique ids
+ # so use a counter.
+ self.generator_fileref_ids = {}
+ self.generator_buildfile_ids = {}
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ generator_id = 0
+ for genlist in t.generated:
+ if not isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
+ continue
+ self.gen_single_target_map(genlist, tname, t, generator_id)
+ generator_id += 1
+ # FIXME add outputs.
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ generator_id = 0
+ for genlist in t.sources:
+ if not isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
+ continue
+ self.gen_single_target_map(genlist, tname, t, generator_id)
+ generator_id += 1
+ def gen_single_target_map(self, genlist, tname, t, generator_id):
+ k = (tname, generator_id)
+ assert(k not in self.shell_targets)
+ self.shell_targets[k] = self.gen_id()
+ ofile_abs = []
+ for i in genlist.get_inputs():
+ for o_base in genlist.get_outputs_for(i):
+ o = os.path.join(self.get_target_private_dir(t), o_base)
+ ofile_abs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
+ assert(k not in self.generator_outputs)
+ self.generator_outputs[k] = ofile_abs
+ buildfile_ids = []
+ fileref_ids = []
+ for i in range(len(ofile_abs)):
+ buildfile_ids.append(self.gen_id())
+ fileref_ids.append(self.gen_id())
+ self.generator_buildfile_ids[k] = buildfile_ids
+ self.generator_fileref_ids[k] = fileref_ids
+ def generate_native_frameworks_map(self):
+ self.native_frameworks = {}
+ self.native_frameworks_fileref = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets.values():
+ for dep in t.get_external_deps():
+ if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
+ for f in dep.frameworks:
+ self.native_frameworks[f] = self.gen_id()
+ self.native_frameworks_fileref[f] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_target_dependency_map(self):
+ self.target_dependency_map = {}
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ for target in t.link_targets:
+ if isinstance(target, build.CustomTargetIndex):
+ k = (tname, target.target.get_basename())
+ if k in self.target_dependency_map:
+ continue
+ else:
+ k = (tname, target.get_basename())
+ assert(k not in self.target_dependency_map)
+ self.target_dependency_map[k] = self.gen_id()
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ k = tname
+ assert(k not in self.target_dependency_map)
+ self.target_dependency_map[k] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_pbxdep_map(self):
+ self.pbx_dep_map = {}
+ self.pbx_custom_dep_map = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ self.pbx_dep_map[t] = self.gen_id()
+ for t in self.custom_targets:
+ self.pbx_custom_dep_map[t] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_containerproxy_map(self):
+ self.containerproxy_map = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ self.containerproxy_map[t] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_target_file_maps(self):
+ self.generate_target_file_maps_impl(self.build_targets)
+ self.generate_target_file_maps_impl(self.custom_targets)
+ def generate_target_file_maps_impl(self, targets):
+ for tname, t in targets.items():
+ for s in t.sources:
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ continue
+ k = (tname, s)
+ assert(k not in self.buildfile_ids)
+ self.buildfile_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
+ assert(k not in self.fileref_ids)
+ self.fileref_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
+ if not hasattr(t, 'objects'):
+ continue
+ for o in t.objects:
+ if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
+ # Extracted objects do not live in "the Xcode world".
+ continue
+ if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
+ o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
+ if isinstance(o, str):
+ o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
+ k = (tname, o)
+ assert(k not in self.buildfile_ids)
+ self.buildfile_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
+ assert(k not in self.fileref_ids)
+ self.fileref_ids[k] = self.gen_id()
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Unknown input type ' + str(o))
+ def generate_build_file_maps(self):
+ for buildfile in self.interpreter.get_build_def_files():
+ assert(isinstance(buildfile, str))
+ self.buildfile_ids[buildfile] = self.gen_id()
+ self.fileref_ids[buildfile] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_source_phase_map(self):
+ self.source_phase = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ self.source_phase[t] = self.gen_id()
+ def generate_pbx_aggregate_target(self, objects_dict):
+ self.custom_aggregate_targets = {}
+ self.build_all_tdep_id = self.gen_id()
+ # FIXME: filter out targets that are not built by default.
+ target_dependencies = list(map(lambda t: self.pbx_dep_map[t], self.build_targets))
+ custom_target_dependencies = [self.pbx_custom_dep_map[t] for t in self.custom_targets]
+ aggregated_targets = []
+ aggregated_targets.append((self.all_id, 'ALL_BUILD',
+ self.all_buildconf_id,
+ [],
+ [self.regen_dependency_id] + target_dependencies + custom_target_dependencies))
+ aggregated_targets.append((self.test_id,
+ self.test_buildconf_id,
+ [self.test_command_id],
+ [self.regen_dependency_id, self.build_all_tdep_id]))
+ aggregated_targets.append((self.regen_id,
+ self.regen_buildconf_id,
+ [self.regen_command_id],
+ []))
+ for tname, t in self.build.get_custom_targets().items():
+ ct_id = self.gen_id()
+ self.custom_aggregate_targets[tname] = ct_id
+ build_phases = []
+ dependencies = [self.regen_dependency_id]
+ generator_id = 0
+ for s in t.sources:
+ if not isinstance(s, build.GeneratedList):
+ continue
+ build_phases.append(self.shell_targets[(tname, generator_id)])
+ for d in s.depends:
+ dependencies.append(self.pbx_custom_dep_map[d.get_id()])
+ generator_id += 1
+ build_phases.append(self.shell_targets[tname])
+ aggregated_targets.append((ct_id, tname, self.buildconflistmap[tname], build_phases, dependencies))
+ # Sort objects by ID before writing
+ sorted_aggregated_targets = sorted(aggregated_targets, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+ for t in sorted_aggregated_targets:
+ agt_dict = PbxDict()
+ name = t[1]
+ buildconf_id = t[2]
+ build_phases = t[3]
+ dependencies = t[4]
+ agt_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXAggregateTarget')
+ agt_dict.add_item('buildConfigurationList', buildconf_id, f'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "{name}"')
+ bp_arr = PbxArray()
+ agt_dict.add_item('buildPhases', bp_arr)
+ for bp in build_phases:
+ bp_arr.add_item(bp, 'ShellScript')
+ dep_arr = PbxArray()
+ agt_dict.add_item('dependencies', dep_arr)
+ for td in dependencies:
+ dep_arr.add_item(td, 'PBXTargetDependency')
+ agt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
+ agt_dict.add_item('productName', f'"{name}"')
+ objects_dict.add_item(t[0], agt_dict, name)
+ def generate_pbx_build_file(self, objects_dict):
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ for dep in t.get_external_deps():
+ if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
+ for f in dep.frameworks:
+ fw_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.native_frameworks[f], fw_dict, f'{f}.framework in Frameworks')
+ fw_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
+ fw_dict.add_item('fileRef', self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f)
+ for s in t.sources:
+ in_build_dir = False
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ if s.is_built:
+ in_build_dir = True
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ continue
+ sdict = PbxDict()
+ k = (tname, s)
+ idval = self.buildfile_ids[k]
+ fileref = self.fileref_ids[k]
+ if in_build_dir:
+ fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), s)
+ else:
+ fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s)
+ compiler_args = ''
+ sdict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
+ sdict.add_item('fileRef', fileref, fullpath)
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, sdict)
+ for o in t.objects:
+ if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
+ # Object files are not source files as such. We add them
+ # by hand in linker flags. It is also not particularly
+ # clear how to define build files in Xcode's file format.
+ continue
+ if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
+ o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
+ elif isinstance(o, str):
+ o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
+ idval = self.buildfile_ids[(tname, o)]
+ k = (tname, o)
+ fileref = self.fileref_ids[k]
+ assert(o not in self.filemap)
+ self.filemap[o] = idval
+ fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), o)
+ fullpath2 = fullpath
+ o_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, o_dict, fullpath)
+ o_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
+ o_dict.add_item('fileRef', fileref, fullpath2)
+ generator_id = 0
+ for g in t.generated:
+ if not isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
+ continue
+ self.create_generator_shellphase(objects_dict, tname, generator_id)
+ generator_id += 1
+ # Custom targets are shell build phases in Xcode terminology.
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
+ continue
+ (srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t)
+ for o in ofilenames:
+ custom_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.custom_target_output_buildfile[o], custom_dict, f'/* {o} */')
+ custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
+ custom_dict.add_item('fileRef', self.custom_target_output_fileref[o])
+ generator_id = 0
+ for g in t.sources:
+ if not isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
+ continue
+ self.create_generator_shellphase(objects_dict, tname, generator_id)
+ generator_id += 1
+ def create_generator_shellphase(self, objects_dict, tname, generator_id):
+ file_ids = self.generator_buildfile_ids[(tname, generator_id)]
+ ref_ids = self.generator_fileref_ids[(tname, generator_id)]
+ assert(len(ref_ids) == len(file_ids))
+ for i in range(len(file_ids)):
+ file_o = file_ids[i]
+ ref_id = ref_ids[i]
+ odict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(file_o, odict)
+ odict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildFile')
+ odict.add_item('fileRef', ref_id)
+ def generate_pbx_build_style(self, objects_dict):
+ # FIXME: Xcode 9 and later does not uses PBXBuildStyle and it gets removed. Maybe we can remove this part.
+ for name, idval in self.buildstylemap.items():
+ styledict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, styledict, name)
+ styledict.add_item('isa', 'PBXBuildStyle')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
+ styledict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
+ settings_dict.add_item('COPY_PHASE_STRIP', 'NO')
+ styledict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
+ def generate_pbx_container_item_proxy(self, objects_dict):
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ proxy_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.containerproxy_map[t], proxy_dict, 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
+ proxy_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
+ proxy_dict.add_item('containerPortal', self.project_uid, 'Project object')
+ proxy_dict.add_item('proxyType', '1')
+ proxy_dict.add_item('remoteGlobalIDString', self.native_targets[t])
+ proxy_dict.add_item('remoteInfo', '"' + t + '"')
+ def generate_pbx_file_reference(self, objects_dict):
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ for dep in t.get_external_deps():
+ if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
+ for f in dep.frameworks:
+ fw_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], fw_dict, f)
+ fw_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ fw_dict.add_item('lastKnownFileType', 'wrapper.framework')
+ fw_dict.add_item('name', f'{f}.framework')
+ fw_dict.add_item('path', f'System/Library/Frameworks/{f}.framework')
+ fw_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SDKROOT')
+ for s in t.sources:
+ in_build_dir = False
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ if s.is_built:
+ in_build_dir = True
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ if not isinstance(s, str):
+ continue
+ idval = self.fileref_ids[(tname, s)]
+ fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s)
+ src_dict = PbxDict()
+ xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(s)
+ name = os.path.basename(s)
+ path = s
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, src_dict, fullpath)
+ src_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ src_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + xcodetype + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
+ if in_build_dir:
+ src_dict.add_item('name', '"' + name + '"')
+ # This makes no sense. This should say path instead of name
+ # but then the path gets added twice.
+ src_dict.add_item('path', '"' + name + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'BUILD_ROOT')
+ else:
+ src_dict.add_item('name', '"' + name + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('path', '"' + path + '"')
+ src_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
+ generator_id = 0
+ for g in t.generated:
+ if not isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
+ continue
+ outputs = self.generator_outputs[(tname, generator_id)]
+ ref_ids = self.generator_fileref_ids[tname, generator_id]
+ assert(len(ref_ids) == len(outputs))
+ for i in range(len(outputs)):
+ o = outputs[i]
+ ref_id = ref_ids[i]
+ odict = PbxDict()
+ name = os.path.basename(o)
+ objects_dict.add_item(ref_id, odict, o)
+ xcodetype = self.get_xcodetype(o)
+ rel_name = mesonlib.relpath(o, self.environment.get_source_dir())
+ odict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ odict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + xcodetype + '"')
+ odict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
+ odict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
+ odict.add_item('path', f'"{rel_name}"')
+ odict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
+ generator_id += 1
+ for o in t.objects:
+ if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
+ # Same as with pbxbuildfile.
+ continue
+ if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
+ fullpath = o.absolute_path(self.environment.get_source_dir(), self.environment.get_build_dir())
+ o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
+ else:
+ o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
+ fullpath = os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), o)
+ idval = self.fileref_ids[(tname, o)]
+ rel_name = mesonlib.relpath(fullpath, self.environment.get_source_dir())
+ o_dict = PbxDict()
+ name = os.path.basename(o)
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, o_dict, fullpath)
+ o_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ o_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + self.get_xcodetype(o) + '"')
+ o_dict.add_item('fileEncoding', '4')
+ o_dict.add_item('name', f'"{name}"')
+ o_dict.add_item('path', f'"{rel_name}"')
+ o_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
+ for tname, idval in self.target_filemap.items():
+ target_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, target_dict, tname)
+ t = self.build_targets[tname]
+ fname = t.get_filename()
+ reftype = 0
+ if isinstance(t, build.Executable):
+ typestr = 'compiled.mach-o.executable'
+ path = fname
+ elif isinstance(t, build.SharedLibrary):
+ typestr = self.get_xcodetype('dummy.dylib')
+ path = fname
+ else:
+ typestr = self.get_xcodetype(fname)
+ path = '"%s"' % t.get_filename()
+ target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ target_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
+ if ' ' in path and path[0] != '"':
+ target_dict.add_item('path', f'"{path}"')
+ else:
+ target_dict.add_item('path', path)
+ target_dict.add_item('refType', reftype)
+ target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR')
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
+ continue
+ (srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t)
+ for s in t.sources:
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ elif isinstance(s, str):
+ s = os.path.joni(t.subdir, s)
+ else:
+ continue
+ custom_dict = PbxDict()
+ typestr = self.get_xcodetype(s)
+ custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ custom_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
+ custom_dict.add_item('name', f'"{s}"')
+ custom_dict.add_item('path', f'"{s}"')
+ custom_dict.add_item('refType', 0)
+ custom_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tname, s)], custom_dict)
+ for o in ofilenames:
+ custom_dict = PbxDict()
+ typestr = self.get_xcodetype(o)
+ custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ custom_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
+ custom_dict.add_item('name', o)
+ custom_dict.add_item('path', os.path.join(self.src_to_build, o))
+ custom_dict.add_item('refType', 0)
+ custom_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.custom_target_output_fileref[o], custom_dict)
+ for buildfile in self.interpreter.get_build_def_files():
+ basename = os.path.split(buildfile)[1]
+ buildfile_dict = PbxDict()
+ typestr = self.get_xcodetype(buildfile)
+ buildfile_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFileReference')
+ buildfile_dict.add_item('explicitFileType', '"' + typestr + '"')
+ buildfile_dict.add_item('name', f'"{basename}"')
+ buildfile_dict.add_item('path', f'"{buildfile}"')
+ buildfile_dict.add_item('refType', 0)
+ buildfile_dict.add_item('sourceTree', 'SOURCE_ROOT')
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.fileref_ids[buildfile], buildfile_dict)
+ def generate_pbx_frameworks_buildphase(self, objects_dict):
+ for t in self.build_targets.values():
+ bt_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(t.buildphasemap['Frameworks'], bt_dict, 'Frameworks')
+ bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXFrameworksBuildPhase')
+ bt_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
+ file_list = PbxArray()
+ bt_dict.add_item('files', file_list)
+ for dep in t.get_external_deps():
+ if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
+ for f in dep.frameworks:
+ file_list.add_item(self.native_frameworks[f], f'{f}.framework in Frameworks')
+ bt_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
+ def generate_pbx_group(self, objects_dict):
+ groupmap = {}
+ target_src_map = {}
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ groupmap[t] = self.gen_id()
+ target_src_map[t] = self.gen_id()
+ for t in self.custom_targets:
+ groupmap[t] = self.gen_id()
+ target_src_map[t] = self.gen_id()
+ projecttree_id = self.gen_id()
+ resources_id = self.gen_id()
+ products_id = self.gen_id()
+ frameworks_id = self.gen_id()
+ main_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.maingroup_id, main_dict)
+ main_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ main_children = PbxArray()
+ main_dict.add_item('children', main_children)
+ main_children.add_item(projecttree_id, 'Project tree')
+ main_children.add_item(resources_id, 'Resources')
+ main_children.add_item(products_id, 'Products')
+ main_children.add_item(frameworks_id, 'Frameworks')
+ main_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ self.add_projecttree(objects_dict, projecttree_id)
+ resource_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(resources_id, resource_dict, 'Resources')
+ resource_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ resource_children = PbxArray()
+ resource_dict.add_item('children', resource_children)
+ resource_dict.add_item('name', 'Resources')
+ resource_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ frameworks_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(frameworks_id, frameworks_dict, 'Frameworks')
+ frameworks_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ frameworks_children = PbxArray()
+ frameworks_dict.add_item('children', frameworks_children)
+ # write frameworks
+ for t in self.build_targets.values():
+ for dep in t.get_external_deps():
+ if isinstance(dep, dependencies.AppleFrameworks):
+ for f in dep.frameworks:
+ frameworks_children.add_item(self.native_frameworks_fileref[f], f)
+ frameworks_dict.add_item('name', 'Frameworks')
+ frameworks_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ target_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(groupmap[tname], target_dict, tname)
+ target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ target_children = PbxArray()
+ target_dict.add_item('children', target_children)
+ target_children.add_item(target_src_map[tname], 'Source files')
+ if t.subproject:
+ target_dict.add_item('name', f'"{t.subproject} • {t.name}"')
+ else:
+ target_dict.add_item('name', f'"{t.name}"')
+ target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ source_files_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(target_src_map[tname], source_files_dict, 'Source files')
+ source_files_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ source_file_children = PbxArray()
+ source_files_dict.add_item('children', source_file_children)
+ for s in t.sources:
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ elif isinstance(s, str):
+ s = os.path.joni(t.subdir, s)
+ else:
+ continue
+ source_file_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tname, s)], s)
+ source_files_dict.add_item('name', '"Source files"')
+ source_files_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ # And finally products
+ product_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(products_id, product_dict, 'Products')
+ product_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ product_children = PbxArray()
+ product_dict.add_item('children', product_children)
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ product_children.add_item(self.target_filemap[t], t)
+ product_dict.add_item('name', 'Products')
+ product_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ def write_group_target_entry(self, objects_dict, t):
+ tid = t.get_id()
+ group_id = self.gen_id()
+ target_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(group_id, target_dict, tid)
+ target_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ target_children = PbxArray()
+ target_dict.add_item('children', target_children)
+ target_dict.add_item('name', f'"{t} · target"')
+ target_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ source_files_dict = PbxDict()
+ for s in t.sources:
+ if isinstance(s, mesonlib.File):
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ elif isinstance(s, str):
+ s = os.path.joni(t.subdir, s)
+ else:
+ continue
+ target_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tid, s)], s)
+ for o in t.objects:
+ if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
+ # Do not show built object files in the project tree.
+ continue
+ if isinstance(o, mesonlib.File):
+ o = os.path.join(o.subdir, o.fname)
+ else:
+ o = os.path.join(t.subdir, o)
+ target_children.add_item(self.fileref_ids[(tid, o)], o)
+ source_files_dict.add_item('name', '"Source files"')
+ source_files_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ return group_id
+ def add_projecttree(self, objects_dict, projecttree_id):
+ root_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(projecttree_id, root_dict, "Root of project tree")
+ root_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ target_children = PbxArray()
+ root_dict.add_item('children', target_children)
+ root_dict.add_item('name', '"Project root"')
+ root_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ project_tree = self.generate_project_tree()
+ self.write_tree(objects_dict, project_tree, target_children, '')
+ def write_tree(self, objects_dict, tree_node, children_array, current_subdir):
+ subdir_dict = PbxDict()
+ subdir_children = PbxArray()
+ for subdir_name, subdir_node in tree_node.subdirs.items():
+ subdir_id = self.gen_id()
+ objects_dict.add_item(subdir_id, subdir_dict)
+ children_array.add_item(subdir_id)
+ subdir_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXGroup')
+ subdir_dict.add_item('children', subdir_children)
+ subdir_dict.add_item('name', f'"{subdir_name}"')
+ subdir_dict.add_item('sourceTree', '"<group>"')
+ self.write_tree(objects_dict, subdir_node, subdir_children, os.path.join(current_subdir, subdir_name))
+ for target in tree_node.targets:
+ group_id = self.write_group_target_entry(objects_dict, target)
+ children_array.add_item(group_id)
+ potentials = [os.path.join(current_subdir, 'meson.build'),
+ os.path.join(current_subdir, 'meson_options.txt')]
+ for bf in potentials:
+ i = self.fileref_ids.get(bf, None)
+ if i:
+ children_array.add_item(i)
+ def generate_project_tree(self):
+ tree_info = FileTreeEntry()
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ self.add_target_to_tree(tree_info, t)
+ return tree_info
+ def add_target_to_tree(self, tree_root, t):
+ current_node = tree_root
+ path_segments = t.subdir.split('/')
+ for s in path_segments:
+ if not s:
+ continue
+ if s not in current_node.subdirs:
+ current_node.subdirs[s] = FileTreeEntry()
+ current_node = current_node.subdirs[s]
+ current_node.targets.append(t)
+ def generate_pbx_native_target(self, objects_dict):
+ for tname, idval in self.native_targets.items():
+ ntarget_dict = PbxDict()
+ t = self.build_targets[tname]
+ objects_dict.add_item(idval, ntarget_dict, tname)
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXNativeTarget')
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('buildConfigurationList', self.buildconflistmap[tname], f'Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "{tname}"')
+ buildphases_array = PbxArray()
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('buildPhases', buildphases_array)
+ generator_id = 0
+ for g in t.generated:
+ # Custom target are handled via inter-target dependencies.
+ # Generators are built as a shellscriptbuildphase.
+ if isinstance(g, build.GeneratedList):
+ buildphases_array.add_item(self.shell_targets[(tname, generator_id)], f'Generator {generator_id}/{tname}')
+ generator_id += 1
+ for bpname, bpval in t.buildphasemap.items():
+ buildphases_array.add_item(bpval, f'{bpname} yyy')
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('buildRules', PbxArray())
+ dep_array = PbxArray()
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('dependencies', dep_array)
+ dep_array.add_item(self.regen_dependency_id)
+ # These dependencies only tell Xcode that the deps must be built
+ # before this one. They don't set up linkage or anything
+ # like that. Those are set up in the XCBuildConfiguration.
+ for lt in self.build_targets[tname].link_targets:
+ # NOT DOCUMENTED, may need to make different links
+ # to same target have different targetdependency item.
+ if isinstance(lt, build.CustomTarget):
+ dep_array.add_item(self.pbx_custom_dep_map[lt.get_id()], lt.name)
+ elif isinstance(lt, build.CustomTargetIndex):
+ dep_array.add_item(self.pbx_custom_dep_map[lt.target.get_id()], lt.target.name)
+ else:
+ idval = self.pbx_dep_map[lt.get_id()]
+ dep_array.add_item(idval, 'PBXTargetDependency')
+ for o in t.objects:
+ if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
+ source_target_id = o.target.get_id()
+ idval = self.pbx_dep_map[source_target_id]
+ dep_array.add_item(idval, 'PBXTargetDependency')
+ generator_id = 0
+ for o in t.generated:
+ if isinstance(o, build.CustomTarget):
+ dep_array.add_item(self.pbx_custom_dep_map[o.get_id()], o.name)
+ elif isinstance(o, build.CustomTargetIndex):
+ dep_array.add_item(self.pbx_custom_dep_map[o.target.get_id()], o.target.name)
+ generator_id += 1
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('name', f'"{tname}"')
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('productName', f'"{tname}"')
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('productReference', self.target_filemap[tname], tname)
+ if isinstance(t, build.Executable):
+ typestr = 'com.apple.product-type.tool'
+ elif isinstance(t, build.StaticLibrary):
+ typestr = 'com.apple.product-type.library.static'
+ elif isinstance(t, build.SharedLibrary):
+ typestr = 'com.apple.product-type.library.dynamic'
+ else:
+ raise MesonException('Unknown target type for %s' % tname)
+ ntarget_dict.add_item('productType', f'"{typestr}"')
+ def generate_pbx_project(self, objects_dict):
+ project_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.project_uid, project_dict, 'Project object')
+ project_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXProject')
+ attr_dict = PbxDict()
+ project_dict.add_item('attributes', attr_dict)
+ attr_dict.add_item('BuildIndependentTargetsInParallel', 'YES')
+ project_dict.add_item('buildConfigurationList', self.project_conflist, f'Build configuration list for PBXProject "{self.build.project_name}"')
+ project_dict.add_item('buildSettings', PbxDict())
+ style_arr = PbxArray()
+ project_dict.add_item('buildStyles', style_arr)
+ for name, idval in self.buildstylemap.items():
+ style_arr.add_item(idval, name)
+ project_dict.add_item('compatibilityVersion', '"Xcode 3.2"')
+ project_dict.add_item('hasScannedForEncodings', 0)
+ project_dict.add_item('mainGroup', self.maingroup_id)
+ project_dict.add_item('projectDirPath', '"' + self.environment.get_source_dir() + '"')
+ project_dict.add_item('projectRoot', '""')
+ targets_arr = PbxArray()
+ project_dict.add_item('targets', targets_arr)
+ targets_arr.add_item(self.all_id, 'ALL_BUILD')
+ targets_arr.add_item(self.test_id, 'RUN_TESTS')
+ targets_arr.add_item(self.regen_id, 'REGENERATE')
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ targets_arr.add_item(self.native_targets[t], t)
+ for t in self.custom_targets:
+ targets_arr.add_item(self.custom_aggregate_targets[t], t)
+ def generate_pbx_shell_build_phase(self, objects_dict):
+ self.generate_test_shell_build_phase(objects_dict)
+ self.generate_regen_shell_build_phase(objects_dict)
+ self.generate_custom_target_shell_build_phases(objects_dict)
+ self.generate_generator_target_shell_build_phases(objects_dict)
+ def generate_test_shell_build_phase(self, objects_dict):
+ shell_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.test_command_id, shell_dict, 'ShellScript')
+ shell_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
+ shell_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
+ shell_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
+ shell_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
+ shell_dict.add_item('outputPaths', PbxArray())
+ shell_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
+ shell_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
+ cmd = mesonlib.get_meson_command() + ['test', '--no-rebuild', '-C', self.environment.get_build_dir()]
+ cmdstr = ' '.join(["'%s'" % i for i in cmd])
+ shell_dict.add_item('shellScript', f'"{cmdstr}"')
+ shell_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
+ def generate_regen_shell_build_phase(self, objects_dict):
+ shell_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.regen_command_id, shell_dict, 'ShellScript')
+ shell_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
+ shell_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
+ shell_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
+ shell_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
+ shell_dict.add_item('outputPaths', PbxArray())
+ shell_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
+ shell_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
+ cmd = mesonlib.get_meson_command() + ['--internal', 'regencheck', os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), 'meson-private')]
+ cmdstr = ' '.join(["'%s'" % i for i in cmd])
+ shell_dict.add_item('shellScript', f'"{cmdstr}"')
+ shell_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
+ def generate_custom_target_shell_build_phases(self, objects_dict):
+ # Custom targets are shell build phases in Xcode terminology.
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ if not isinstance(t, build.CustomTarget):
+ continue
+ (srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(t, absolute_outputs=True)
+ fixed_cmd, _ = self.as_meson_exe_cmdline(t.name,
+ cmd[0],
+ cmd[1:],
+ #workdir=None,
+ env=t.env)
+ custom_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.shell_targets[tname], custom_dict, f'/* Custom target {tname} */')
+ custom_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
+ custom_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
+ custom_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
+ custom_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
+ outarray = PbxArray()
+ custom_dict.add_item('name', '"Generate {}."'.format(ofilenames[0]))
+ custom_dict.add_item('outputPaths', outarray)
+ for o in ofilenames:
+ outarray.add_item(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
+ custom_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
+ custom_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
+ workdir = self.environment.get_build_dir()
+ quoted_cmd = []
+ for c in fixed_cmd:
+ quoted_cmd.append(c.replace('"', chr(92) + '"'))
+ cmdstr = ' '.join([f"\\'{x}\\'" for x in quoted_cmd])
+ custom_dict.add_item('shellScript', f'"cd {workdir}; {cmdstr}"')
+ custom_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
+ def generate_generator_target_shell_build_phases(self, objects_dict):
+ for tname, t in self.build_targets.items():
+ generator_id = 0
+ for genlist in t.generated:
+ if isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
+ self.generate_single_generator_phase(tname, t, genlist, generator_id, objects_dict)
+ generator_id += 1
+ for tname, t in self.custom_targets.items():
+ generator_id = 0
+ for genlist in t.sources:
+ if isinstance(genlist, build.GeneratedList):
+ self.generate_single_generator_phase(tname, t, genlist, generator_id, objects_dict)
+ generator_id += 1
+ def generate_single_generator_phase(self, tname, t, genlist, generator_id, objects_dict):
+ generator = genlist.get_generator()
+ exe = generator.get_exe()
+ exe_arr = self.build_target_to_cmd_array(exe)
+ workdir = self.environment.get_build_dir()
+ gen_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.shell_targets[(tname, generator_id)], gen_dict, f'"Generator {generator_id}/{tname}"')
+ infilelist = genlist.get_inputs()
+ outfilelist = genlist.get_outputs()
+ gen_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXShellScriptBuildPhase')
+ gen_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
+ gen_dict.add_item('files', PbxArray())
+ gen_dict.add_item('inputPaths', PbxArray())
+ gen_dict.add_item('name', f'"Generator {generator_id}/{tname}"')
+ commands = [["cd", workdir]] # Array of arrays, each one a single command, will get concatenated below.
+ k = (tname, generator_id)
+ ofile_abs = self.generator_outputs[k]
+ outarray = PbxArray()
+ gen_dict.add_item('outputPaths', outarray)
+ for of in ofile_abs:
+ outarray.add_item(of)
+ for i in infilelist:
+ # This might be needed to be added to inputPaths. It's not done yet as it is
+ # unclear whether it is necessary, what actually happens when it is defined
+ # and currently the build works without it.
+ #infile_abs = i.absolute_path(self.environment.get_source_dir(), self.environment.get_build_dir())
+ infilename = i.rel_to_builddir(self.build_to_src)
+ base_args = generator.get_arglist(infilename)
+ for o_base in genlist.get_outputs_for(i):
+ o = os.path.join(self.get_target_private_dir(t), o_base)
+ args = []
+ for arg in base_args:
+ arg = arg.replace("@INPUT@", infilename)
+ arg = arg.replace('@OUTPUT@', o).replace('@BUILD_DIR@', self.get_target_private_dir(t))
+ arg = arg.replace("@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@", os.path.join(self.build_to_src, t.subdir))
+ args.append(arg)
+ args = self.replace_outputs(args, self.get_target_private_dir(t), outfilelist)
+ args = self.replace_extra_args(args, genlist)
+ if generator.capture:
+ # When capturing, stdout is the output. Forward it with the shell.
+ full_command = ['('] + exe_arr + args + ['>', o, ')']
+ else:
+ full_command = exe_arr + args
+ commands.append(full_command)
+ gen_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
+ gen_dict.add_item('shellPath', '/bin/sh')
+ quoted_cmds = []
+ for cmnd in commands:
+ q = []
+ for c in cmnd:
+ if ' ' in c:
+ q.append(f'\\"{c}\\"')
+ else:
+ q.append(c)
+ quoted_cmds.append(' '.join(q))
+ cmdstr = '"' + ' && '.join(quoted_cmds) + '"'
+ gen_dict.add_item('shellScript', cmdstr)
+ gen_dict.add_item('showEnvVarsInLog', 0)
+ def generate_pbx_sources_build_phase(self, objects_dict):
+ for name in self.source_phase.keys():
+ phase_dict = PbxDict()
+ t = self.build_targets[name]
+ objects_dict.add_item(t.buildphasemap[name], phase_dict, 'Sources')
+ phase_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase')
+ phase_dict.add_item('buildActionMask', 2147483647)
+ file_arr = PbxArray()
+ phase_dict.add_item('files', file_arr)
+ for s in self.build_targets[name].sources:
+ s = os.path.join(s.subdir, s.fname)
+ if not self.environment.is_header(s):
+ file_arr.add_item(self.buildfile_ids[(name, s)], os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), s))
+ generator_id = 0
+ for gt in t.generated:
+ if isinstance(gt, build.CustomTarget):
+ (srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(gt)
+ for o in ofilenames:
+ file_arr.add_item(self.custom_target_output_buildfile[o],
+ os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
+ elif isinstance(gt, build.CustomTargetIndex):
+ for o in gt.get_outputs():
+ file_arr.add_item(self.custom_target_output_buildfile[o],
+ os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o))
+ elif isinstance(gt, build.GeneratedList):
+ genfiles = self.generator_buildfile_ids[(name, generator_id)]
+ generator_id += 1
+ for o in genfiles:
+ file_arr.add_item(o)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError('Unknown input type: ' + str(gt))
+ phase_dict.add_item('runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing', 0)
+ def generate_pbx_target_dependency(self, objects_dict):
+ all_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.build_all_tdep_id, all_dict, 'ALL_BUILD')
+ all_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXTargetDependency')
+ all_dict.add_item('target', self.all_id)
+ targets = []
+ targets.append((self.regen_dependency_id, self.regen_id, 'REGEN', None))
+ for t in self.build_targets:
+ idval = self.pbx_dep_map[t] # VERIFY: is this correct?
+ targets.append((idval, self.native_targets[t], t, self.containerproxy_map[t]))
+ for t in self.custom_targets:
+ idval = self.pbx_custom_dep_map[t]
+ targets.append((idval, self.custom_aggregate_targets[t], t, None))#self.containerproxy_map[t]))
+ # Sort object by ID
+ sorted_targets = sorted(targets, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
+ for t in sorted_targets:
+ t_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(t[0], t_dict, 'PBXTargetDependency')
+ t_dict.add_item('isa', 'PBXTargetDependency')
+ t_dict.add_item('target', t[1], t[2])
+ if t[3] is not None:
+ t_dict.add_item('targetProxy', t[3], 'PBXContainerItemProxy')
+ def generate_xc_build_configuration(self, objects_dict):
+ # First the setup for the toplevel project.
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ bt_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.project_configurations[buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
+ bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
+ bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
+ settings_dict.add_item('ARCHS', '"$(NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL)"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH', 'YES')
+ settings_dict.add_item('SWIFT_VERSION', '5.0')
+ settings_dict.add_item('SDKROOT', '"macosx"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('SYMROOT', '"%s/build"' % self.environment.get_build_dir())
+ bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
+ # Then the all target.
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ bt_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.buildall_configurations[buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
+ bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
+ bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
+ settings_dict.add_item('SYMROOT', '"%s"' % self.environment.get_build_dir())
+ warn_array = PbxArray()
+ warn_array.add_item('"$(inherited)"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('WARNING_CFLAGS', warn_array)
+ bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
+ # Then the test target.
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ bt_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.test_configurations[buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
+ bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
+ bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
+ settings_dict.add_item('SYMROOT', '"%s"' % self.environment.get_build_dir())
+ warn_array = PbxArray()
+ settings_dict.add_item('WARNING_CFLAGS', warn_array)
+ warn_array.add_item('"$(inherited)"')
+ bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
+ # Now finally targets.
+ for target_name, target in self.build_targets.items():
+ self.generate_single_build_target(objects_dict, target_name, target)
+ for target_name, target in self.custom_targets.items():
+ bt_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.buildconfmap[target_name][buildtype], bt_dict, buildtype)
+ bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
+ bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
+ settings_dict.add_item('ARCHS', '"$(NATIVE_ARCH_ACTUAL)"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH', 'YES')
+ settings_dict.add_item('SDKROOT', '"macosx"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('SYMROOT', '"%s/build"' % self.environment.get_build_dir())
+ bt_dict.add_item('name', f'"{buildtype}"')
+ def determine_internal_dep_link_args(self, target, buildtype):
+ links_dylib = False
+ dep_libs = []
+ for l in target.link_targets:
+ if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule) and isinstance(l, build.Executable):
+ continue
+ if isinstance(l, build.CustomTargetIndex):
+ rel_dir = self.get_custom_target_output_dir(l.target)
+ libname = l.get_filename()
+ elif isinstance(l, build.CustomTarget):
+ rel_dir = self.get_custom_target_output_dir(l)
+ libname = l.get_filename()
+ else:
+ rel_dir = self.get_target_dir(l)
+ libname = l.get_filename()
+ abs_path = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), rel_dir, libname)
+ dep_libs.append("'%s'" % abs_path)
+ if isinstance(l, build.SharedLibrary):
+ links_dylib = True
+ if isinstance(l, build.StaticLibrary):
+ (sub_libs, sub_links_dylib) = self.determine_internal_dep_link_args(l, buildtype)
+ dep_libs += sub_libs
+ links_dylib = links_dylib or sub_links_dylib
+ return (dep_libs, links_dylib)
+ def generate_single_build_target(self, objects_dict, target_name, target):
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ dep_libs = []
+ links_dylib = False
+ headerdirs = []
+ for d in target.include_dirs:
+ for sd in d.incdirs:
+ cd = os.path.join(d.curdir, sd)
+ headerdirs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), cd))
+ headerdirs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), cd))
+ for extra in d.extra_build_dirs:
+ headerdirs.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), extra))
+ (dep_libs, links_dylib) = self.determine_internal_dep_link_args(target, buildtype)
+ if links_dylib:
+ dep_libs = ['-Wl,-search_paths_first', '-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names'] + dep_libs
+ dylib_version = None
+ if isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
+ if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
+ ldargs = []
+ else:
+ ldargs = ['-dynamiclib']
+ ldargs += ['-Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names'] + dep_libs
+ install_path = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), target.subdir, buildtype)
+ dylib_version = target.soversion
+ else:
+ ldargs = dep_libs
+ install_path = ''
+ if dylib_version is not None:
+ product_name = target.get_basename() + '.' + dylib_version
+ else:
+ product_name = target.get_basename()
+ ldargs += target.link_args
+ # Swift is special. Again. You can't mix Swift with other languages
+ # in the same target. Thus for Swift we only use
+ if self.is_swift_target(target):
+ linker, stdlib_args = target.compilers['swift'], []
+ else:
+ linker, stdlib_args = self.determine_linker_and_stdlib_args(target)
+ if not isinstance(target, build.StaticLibrary):
+ ldargs += self.build.get_project_link_args(linker, target.subproject, target.for_machine)
+ ldargs += self.build.get_global_link_args(linker, target.for_machine)
+ cargs = []
+ for dep in target.get_external_deps():
+ cargs += dep.get_compile_args()
+ ldargs += dep.get_link_args()
+ for o in target.objects:
+ # Add extracted objects to the link line by hand.
+ if isinstance(o, build.ExtractedObjects):
+ added_objs = set()
+ for objname_rel in o.get_outputs(self):
+ objname_abs = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), o.target.subdir, objname_rel)
+ if objname_abs not in added_objs:
+ added_objs.add(objname_abs)
+ ldargs += [r'\"' + objname_abs + r'\"']
+ generator_id = 0
+ for o in target.generated:
+ if isinstance(o, build.GeneratedList):
+ outputs = self.generator_outputs[target_name, generator_id]
+ generator_id += 1
+ for o_abs in outputs:
+ if o_abs.endswith('.o') or o_abs.endswith('.obj'):
+ ldargs += [r'\"' + o_abs + r'\"']
+ else:
+ if isinstance(o, build.CustomTarget):
+ (srcs, ofilenames, cmd) = self.eval_custom_target_command(o)
+ for ofname in ofilenames:
+ if os.path.splitext(ofname)[-1] in LINKABLE_EXTENSIONS:
+ ldargs += [r'\"' + os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), ofname) + r'\"']
+ elif isinstance(o, build.CustomTargetIndex):
+ for ofname in o.get_outputs():
+ if os.path.splitext(ofname)[-1] in LINKABLE_EXTENSIONS:
+ ldargs += [r'\"' + os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), ofname) + r'\"']
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(o)
+ if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
+ options = self.environment.coredata.options
+ ldargs += linker.get_std_shared_module_link_args(options)
+ elif isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
+ ldargs += linker.get_std_shared_lib_link_args()
+ ldstr = ' '.join(ldargs)
+ valid = self.buildconfmap[target_name][buildtype]
+ langargs = {}
+ for lang in self.environment.coredata.compilers[target.for_machine]:
+ if lang not in LANGNAMEMAP:
+ continue
+ compiler = target.compilers.get(lang)
+ if compiler is None:
+ continue
+ # Start with warning args
+ warn_args = compiler.get_warn_args(self.get_option_for_target(OptionKey('warning_level'), target))
+ copt_proxy = self.get_compiler_options_for_target(target)
+ std_args = compiler.get_option_compile_args(copt_proxy)
+ # Add compile args added using add_project_arguments()
+ pargs = self.build.projects_args[target.for_machine].get(target.subproject, {}).get(lang, [])
+ # Add compile args added using add_global_arguments()
+ # These override per-project arguments
+ gargs = self.build.global_args[target.for_machine].get(lang, [])
+ targs = target.get_extra_args(lang)
+ args = warn_args + std_args + pargs + gargs + targs
+ if lang == 'swift':
+ # For some reason putting Swift module dirs in HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS does not work,
+ # but adding -I/path to manual args does work.
+ swift_dep_dirs = self.determine_swift_dep_dirs(target)
+ for d in swift_dep_dirs:
+ args += compiler.get_include_args(d, False)
+ if args:
+ lang_cargs = cargs
+ if compiler and target.implicit_include_directories:
+ # It is unclear what is the cwd when xcode runs. -I. does not seem to
+ # add the root build dir to the search path. So add an absolute path instead.
+ # This may break reproducible builds, in which case patches are welcome.
+ lang_cargs += self.get_custom_target_dir_include_args(target, compiler, absolute_path=True)
+ # Xcode can not handle separate compilation flags for C and ObjectiveC. They are both
+ # put in OTHER_CFLAGS. Same with C++ and ObjectiveC++.
+ if lang == 'objc':
+ lang = 'c'
+ elif lang == 'objcpp':
+ lang = 'cpp'
+ langname = LANGNAMEMAP[lang]
+ if langname in langargs:
+ langargs[langname] += args
+ else:
+ langargs[langname] = args
+ langargs[langname] += lang_cargs
+ symroot = os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), target.subdir)
+ bt_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(valid, bt_dict, buildtype)
+ bt_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCBuildConfiguration')
+ settings_dict = PbxDict()
+ bt_dict.add_item('buildSettings', settings_dict)
+ settings_dict.add_item('COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES', 'YES')
+ if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
+ settings_dict.add_item('DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION', '""')
+ settings_dict.add_item('DYLIB_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION', '""')
+ else:
+ if dylib_version is not None:
+ settings_dict.add_item('DYLIB_CURRENT_VERSION', f'"{dylib_version}"')
+ if target.prefix:
+ settings_dict.add_item('EXECUTABLE_PREFIX', target.prefix)
+ if target.suffix:
+ suffix = '.' + target.suffix
+ settings_dict.add_item('EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX', suffix)
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_GENERATE_DEBUGGING_SYMBOLS', BOOL2XCODEBOOL[self.get_option_for_target(OptionKey('debug'), target)])
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_INLINES_ARE_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'NO')
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL', OPT2XCODEOPT[self.get_option_for_target(OptionKey('optimization'), target)])
+ if target.has_pch:
+ # Xcode uses GCC_PREFIX_HEADER which only allows one file per target/executable. Precompiling various header files and
+ # applying a particular pch to each source file will require custom scripts (as a build phase) and build flags per each
+ # file. Since Xcode itself already discourages precompiled headers in favor of modules we don't try much harder here.
+ pchs = target.get_pch('c') + target.get_pch('cpp') + target.get_pch('objc') + target.get_pch('objcpp')
+ # Make sure to use headers (other backends require implementation files like *.c *.cpp, etc; these should not be used here)
+ pchs = [pch for pch in pchs if pch.endswith('.h') or pch.endswith('.hh') or pch.endswith('hpp')]
+ if pchs:
+ if len(pchs) > 1:
+ mlog.warning(f'Unsupported Xcode configuration: More than 1 precompiled header found "{pchs!s}". Target "{target.name}" might not compile correctly.')
+ relative_pch_path = os.path.join(target.get_subdir(), pchs[0]) # Path relative to target so it can be used with "$(PROJECT_DIR)"
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_PRECOMPILE_PREFIX_HEADER', 'YES')
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_PREFIX_HEADER', f'"$(PROJECT_DIR)/{relative_pch_path}"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS', '""')
+ settings_dict.add_item('GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN', 'NO')
+ header_arr = PbxArray()
+ unquoted_headers = []
+ unquoted_headers.append(self.get_target_private_dir_abs(target))
+ if target.implicit_include_directories:
+ unquoted_headers.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_build_dir(), target.get_subdir()))
+ unquoted_headers.append(os.path.join(self.environment.get_source_dir(), target.get_subdir()))
+ if headerdirs:
+ for i in headerdirs:
+ i = os.path.normpath(i)
+ unquoted_headers.append(i)
+ for i in unquoted_headers:
+ header_arr.add_item(f'"\\"{i}\\""')
+ settings_dict.add_item('HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS', header_arr)
+ settings_dict.add_item('INSTALL_PATH', f'"{install_path}"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS', '""')
+ if isinstance(target, build.SharedModule):
+ settings_dict.add_item('LIBRARY_STYLE', 'BUNDLE')
+ settings_dict.add_item('MACH_O_TYPE', 'mh_bundle')
+ elif isinstance(target, build.SharedLibrary):
+ settings_dict.add_item('LIBRARY_STYLE', 'DYNAMIC')
+ self.add_otherargs(settings_dict, langargs)
+ settings_dict.add_item('OTHER_LDFLAGS', f'"{ldstr}"')
+ settings_dict.add_item('OTHER_REZFLAGS', '""')
+ if ' ' in product_name:
+ settings_dict.add_item('PRODUCT_NAME', f'"{product_name}"')
+ else:
+ settings_dict.add_item('PRODUCT_NAME', product_name)
+ settings_dict.add_item('SECTORDER_FLAGS', '""')
+ settings_dict.add_item('SYMROOT', f'"{symroot}"')
+ sysheader_arr = PbxArray()
+ # XCode will change every -I flag that points inside these directories
+ # to an -isystem. Thus set nothing in it since we control our own
+ # include flags.
+ settings_dict.add_item('SYSTEM_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS', sysheader_arr)
+ settings_dict.add_item('USE_HEADERMAP', 'NO')
+ warn_array = PbxArray()
+ settings_dict.add_item('WARNING_CFLAGS', warn_array)
+ warn_array.add_item('"$(inherited)"')
+ bt_dict.add_item('name', buildtype)
+ def add_otherargs(self, settings_dict, langargs):
+ for langname, args in langargs.items():
+ if args:
+ quoted_args = []
+ for a in args:
+ # This works but
+ # a) it's ugly as sin
+ # b) I don't know why it works or why every backslash must be escaped into eight backslashes
+ a = a.replace(chr(92), 8*chr(92)) # chr(92) is backslash, this how we smuggle it in without Python's quoting grabbing it.
+ a = a.replace(r'"', r'\\\"')
+ if ' ' in a or "'" in a:
+ a = r'\"' + a + r'\"'
+ quoted_args.append(a)
+ settings_dict.add_item(f'OTHER_{langname}FLAGS', '"' + ' '.join(quoted_args) + '"')
+ def generate_xc_configurationList(self, objects_dict):
+ # FIXME: sort items
+ conf_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.project_conflist, conf_dict, f'Build configuration list for PBXProject "{self.build.project_name}"')
+ conf_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
+ confs_arr = PbxArray()
+ conf_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', confs_arr)
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ confs_arr.add_item(self.project_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
+ conf_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
+ conf_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
+ # Now the all target
+ all_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.all_buildconf_id, all_dict, 'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "ALL_BUILD"')
+ all_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
+ conf_arr = PbxArray()
+ all_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ conf_arr.add_item(self.buildall_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
+ all_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
+ all_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
+ # Test target
+ test_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.test_buildconf_id, test_dict, 'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "RUN_TEST"')
+ test_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
+ conf_arr = PbxArray()
+ test_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ conf_arr.add_item(self.test_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
+ test_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
+ test_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
+ # Regen target
+ regen_dict = PbxDict()
+ objects_dict.add_item(self.regen_buildconf_id, test_dict, 'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "REGENERATE"')
+ regen_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
+ conf_arr = PbxArray()
+ regen_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
+ for buildtype in self.buildtypes:
+ conf_arr.add_item(self.test_configurations[buildtype], buildtype)
+ regen_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
+ regen_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
+ for target_name in self.build_targets:
+ t_dict = PbxDict()
+ listid = self.buildconflistmap[target_name]
+ objects_dict.add_item(listid, t_dict, f'Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "{target_name}"')
+ t_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
+ conf_arr = PbxArray()
+ t_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
+ idval = self.buildconfmap[target_name][self.buildtype]
+ conf_arr.add_item(idval, self.buildtype)
+ t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
+ t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
+ for target_name in self.custom_targets:
+ t_dict = PbxDict()
+ listid = self.buildconflistmap[target_name]
+ objects_dict.add_item(listid, t_dict, f'Build configuration list for PBXAggregateTarget "{target_name}"')
+ t_dict.add_item('isa', 'XCConfigurationList')
+ conf_arr = PbxArray()
+ t_dict.add_item('buildConfigurations', conf_arr)
+ idval = self.buildconfmap[target_name][self.buildtype]
+ conf_arr.add_item(idval, self.buildtype)
+ t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationIsVisible', 0)
+ t_dict.add_item('defaultConfigurationName', self.buildtype)
+ def generate_prefix(self, pbxdict):
+ pbxdict.add_item('archiveVersion', '1')
+ pbxdict.add_item('classes', PbxDict())
+ pbxdict.add_item('objectVersion', '46')
+ objects_dict = PbxDict()
+ pbxdict.add_item('objects', objects_dict)
+ return objects_dict
+ def generate_suffix(self, pbxdict):
+ pbxdict.add_item('rootObject', self.project_uid, 'Project object')