path: root/meson/test cases/nasm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'meson/test cases/nasm')
-rw-r--r--meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/hello.asm27
-rw-r--r--meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/meson.build55
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/hello.asm b/meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/hello.asm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf4bf9688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/hello.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+; hello.asm a first program for nasm for Linux, Intel, gcc
+; assemble: nasm -f elf -l hello.lst hello.asm
+; link: gcc -o hello hello.o
+; run: hello
+; output is: Hello World
+%include "config.asm"
+ SECTION .data ; data section
+msg: db "Hello World",10 ; the string to print, 10=cr
+len: equ $-msg ; "$" means "here"
+ ; len is a value, not an address
+ SECTION .text ; code section
+ global main ; make label available to linker
+main: ; standard gcc entry point
+ mov edx,len ; arg3, length of string to print
+ mov ecx,msg ; arg2, pointer to string
+ mov ebx,1 ; arg1, where to write, screen
+ mov eax,4 ; write sysout command to int 80 hex
+ int 0x80 ; interrupt 80 hex, call kernel
+ mov ebx,HELLO ; exit code, 0=normal
+ mov eax,1 ; exit command to kernel
+ int 0x80 ; interrupt 80 hex, call kernel
diff --git a/meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/meson.build b/meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..85ecaf1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson/test cases/nasm/1 configure file/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+project('nasm config file', 'c')
+if host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' and host_machine.system() == 'windows'
+ asm_format = 'win32'
+elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' and host_machine.system() == 'windows'
+ asm_format = 'win64'
+elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86' and host_machine.system() == 'linux'
+ asm_format = 'elf32'
+elif host_machine.cpu_family() == 'x86_64' and host_machine.system() == 'linux'
+ asm_format = 'elf64'
+ error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: skipping test on this platform')
+nasm = find_program('nasm', required: false)
+if not nasm.found()
+ error('MESON_SKIP_TEST: nasm not available')
+conf = configuration_data()
+conf.set('HELLO', 0)
+asm_gen = generator(nasm,
+ output : '@BASENAME@.o',
+ arguments : [
+ '-f', asm_format,
+ '-i', meson.current_source_dir() + '/',
+ '-i', join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), ''),
+ '-P', join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), 'config.asm'),
+ '@INPUT@',
+ '-o', '@OUTPUT@'])
+config_file = configure_file(
+ output: 'config.asm',
+ configuration: conf,
+ output_format: 'nasm',
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+link_args = cc.get_supported_link_arguments(['-no-pie'])
+exe = executable('hello', asm_gen.process('hello.asm'),
+ link_args: link_args,
+test('test-nasm-configure-file', exe)
+exe2 = executable('hello2', objects : exe.extract_all_objects(),
+ link_args: link_args,
+test('test-nasm-extract-all-objects', exe2)