diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/.pytool/Plugin/EccCheck/EccCheck.py')
-rw-r--r-- | roms/edk2/.pytool/Plugin/EccCheck/EccCheck.py | 309 |
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/.pytool/Plugin/EccCheck/EccCheck.py b/roms/edk2/.pytool/Plugin/EccCheck/EccCheck.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eee1ff7a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/.pytool/Plugin/EccCheck/EccCheck.py @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +# @file EccCheck.py
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os
+import shutil
+import re
+import csv
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from typing import List, Dict, Tuple
+import logging
+from io import StringIO
+from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment
+from edk2toolext.environment.plugintypes.ci_build_plugin import ICiBuildPlugin
+from edk2toolext.environment.var_dict import VarDict
+from edk2toollib.utility_functions import RunCmd
+class EccCheck(ICiBuildPlugin):
+ """
+ A CiBuildPlugin that finds the Ecc issues of newly added code in pull request.
+ Configuration options:
+ "EccCheck": {
+ "ExceptionList": [],
+ "IgnoreFiles": []
+ },
+ """
+ ReModifyFile = re.compile(r'[B-Q,S-Z]+[\d]*\t(.*)')
+ FindModifyFile = re.compile(r'\+\+\+ b\/(.*)')
+ LineScopePattern = (r'@@ -\d*\,*\d* \+\d*\,*\d* @@.*')
+ LineNumRange = re.compile(r'@@ -\d*\,*\d* \+(\d*)\,*(\d*) @@.*')
+ def GetTestName(self, packagename: str, environment: VarDict) -> tuple:
+ """ Provide the testcase name and classname for use in reporting
+ testclassname: a descriptive string for the testcase can include whitespace
+ classname: should be patterned <packagename>.<plugin>.<optionally any unique condition>
+ Args:
+ packagename: string containing name of package to build
+ environment: The VarDict for the test to run in
+ Returns:
+ a tuple containing the testcase name and the classname
+ (testcasename, classname)
+ """
+ return ("Check for efi coding style for " + packagename, packagename + ".EccCheck")
+ ##
+ # External function of plugin. This function is used to perform the task of the ci_build_plugin Plugin
+ #
+ # - package is the edk2 path to package. This means workspace/packagepath relative.
+ # - edk2path object configured with workspace and packages path
+ # - PkgConfig Object (dict) for the pkg
+ # - EnvConfig Object
+ # - Plugin Manager Instance
+ # - Plugin Helper Obj Instance
+ # - Junit Logger
+ # - output_stream the StringIO output stream from this plugin via logging
+ def RunBuildPlugin(self, packagename, Edk2pathObj, pkgconfig, environment, PLM, PLMHelper, tc, output_stream=None):
+ edk2_path = Edk2pathObj.WorkspacePath
+ python_path = os.path.join(edk2_path, "BaseTools", "Source", "Python")
+ env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment()
+ env.set_shell_var('PYTHONPATH', python_path)
+ env.set_shell_var('WORKSPACE', edk2_path)
+ self.ECC_PASS = True
+ self.ApplyConfig(pkgconfig, edk2_path, packagename)
+ modify_dir_list = self.GetModifyDir(packagename)
+ patch = self.GetDiff(packagename)
+ ecc_diff_range = self.GetDiffRange(patch, packagename, edk2_path)
+ self.GenerateEccReport(modify_dir_list, ecc_diff_range, edk2_path)
+ ecc_log = os.path.join(edk2_path, "Ecc.log")
+ self.RevertCode()
+ if self.ECC_PASS:
+ tc.SetSuccess()
+ self.RemoveFile(ecc_log)
+ return 0
+ else:
+ with open(ecc_log, encoding='utf8') as output:
+ ecc_output = output.readlines()
+ for line in ecc_output:
+ logging.error(line.strip())
+ self.RemoveFile(ecc_log)
+ tc.SetFailed("EccCheck failed for {0}".format(packagename), "Ecc detected issues")
+ return 1
+ def RevertCode(self) -> None:
+ submoudle_params = "submodule update --init"
+ RunCmd("git", submoudle_params)
+ reset_params = "reset HEAD --hard"
+ RunCmd("git", reset_params)
+ def GetDiff(self, pkg: str) -> List[str]:
+ return_buffer = StringIO()
+ params = "diff --unified=0 origin/master HEAD"
+ RunCmd("git", params, outstream=return_buffer)
+ p = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
+ patch = p.split("\n")
+ return_buffer.close()
+ return patch
+ def RemoveFile(self, file: str) -> None:
+ if os.path.exists(file):
+ os.remove(file)
+ return
+ def GetModifyDir(self, pkg: str) -> List[str]:
+ return_buffer = StringIO()
+ params = "diff --name-status" + ' HEAD' + ' origin/master'
+ RunCmd("git", params, outstream=return_buffer)
+ p1 = return_buffer.getvalue().strip()
+ dir_list = p1.split("\n")
+ return_buffer.close()
+ modify_dir_list = []
+ for modify_dir in dir_list:
+ file_path = self.ReModifyFile.findall(modify_dir)
+ if file_path:
+ file_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path[0])
+ else:
+ continue
+ if pkg in file_dir and file_dir != pkg:
+ modify_dir_list.append('%s' % file_dir)
+ else:
+ continue
+ modify_dir_list = list(set(modify_dir_list))
+ return modify_dir_list
+ def GetDiffRange(self, patch_diff: List[str], pkg: str, workingdir: str) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]]:
+ IsDelete = True
+ StartCheck = False
+ range_directory: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]] = {}
+ for line in patch_diff:
+ modify_file = self.FindModifyFile.findall(line)
+ if modify_file and pkg in modify_file[0] and not StartCheck and os.path.isfile(modify_file[0]):
+ modify_file_comment_dic = self.GetCommentRange(modify_file[0], workingdir)
+ IsDelete = False
+ StartCheck = True
+ modify_file_dic = modify_file[0]
+ modify_file_dic = modify_file_dic.replace("/", os.sep)
+ range_directory[modify_file_dic] = []
+ elif line.startswith('--- '):
+ StartCheck = False
+ elif re.match(self.LineScopePattern, line, re.I) and not IsDelete and StartCheck:
+ start_line = self.LineNumRange.search(line).group(1)
+ line_range = self.LineNumRange.search(line).group(2)
+ if not line_range:
+ line_range = '1'
+ range_directory[modify_file_dic].append((int(start_line), int(start_line) + int(line_range) - 1))
+ for i in modify_file_comment_dic:
+ if int(i[0]) <= int(start_line) <= int(i[1]):
+ range_directory[modify_file_dic].append(i)
+ return range_directory
+ def GetCommentRange(self, modify_file: str, workingdir: str) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
+ modify_file_path = os.path.join(workingdir, modify_file)
+ with open(modify_file_path) as f:
+ line_no = 1
+ comment_range: List[Tuple[int, int]] = []
+ Start = False
+ for line in f:
+ if line.startswith('/**'):
+ start_no = line_no
+ Start = True
+ if line.startswith('**/') and Start:
+ end_no = line_no
+ Start = False
+ comment_range.append((int(start_no), int(end_no)))
+ line_no += 1
+ if comment_range and comment_range[0][0] == 1:
+ del comment_range[0]
+ return comment_range
+ def GenerateEccReport(self, modify_dir_list: List[str], ecc_diff_range: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]],
+ edk2_path: str) -> None:
+ ecc_need = False
+ ecc_run = True
+ config = os.path.join(edk2_path, "BaseTools", "Source", "Python", "Ecc", "config.ini")
+ exception = os.path.join(edk2_path, "BaseTools", "Source", "Python", "Ecc", "exception.xml")
+ report = os.path.join(edk2_path, "Ecc.csv")
+ for modify_dir in modify_dir_list:
+ target = os.path.join(edk2_path, modify_dir)
+ logging.info('Run ECC tool for the commit in %s' % modify_dir)
+ ecc_need = True
+ ecc_params = "-c {0} -e {1} -t {2} -r {3}".format(config, exception, target, report)
+ return_code = RunCmd("Ecc", ecc_params, workingdir=edk2_path)
+ if return_code != 0:
+ ecc_run = False
+ break
+ if not ecc_run:
+ logging.error('Fail to run ECC tool')
+ self.ParseEccReport(ecc_diff_range, edk2_path)
+ if not ecc_need:
+ logging.info("Doesn't need run ECC check")
+ revert_params = "checkout -- {}".format(exception)
+ RunCmd("git", revert_params)
+ return
+ def ParseEccReport(self, ecc_diff_range: Dict[str, List[Tuple[int, int]]], edk2_path: str) -> None:
+ ecc_log = os.path.join(edk2_path, "Ecc.log")
+ ecc_csv = "Ecc.csv"
+ file = os.listdir(edk2_path)
+ row_lines = []
+ ignore_error_code = self.GetIgnoreErrorCode()
+ if ecc_csv in file:
+ with open(ecc_csv) as csv_file:
+ reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
+ for row in reader:
+ for modify_file in ecc_diff_range:
+ if modify_file in row[3]:
+ for i in ecc_diff_range[modify_file]:
+ line_no = int(row[4])
+ if i[0] <= line_no <= i[1] and row[1] not in ignore_error_code:
+ row[0] = '\nEFI coding style error'
+ row[1] = 'Error code: ' + row[1]
+ row[3] = 'file: ' + row[3]
+ row[4] = 'Line number: ' + row[4]
+ row_line = '\n *'.join(row)
+ row_lines.append(row_line)
+ break
+ break
+ if row_lines:
+ self.ECC_PASS = False
+ with open(ecc_log, 'a') as log:
+ all_line = '\n'.join(row_lines)
+ all_line = all_line + '\n'
+ log.writelines(all_line)
+ return
+ def ApplyConfig(self, pkgconfig: Dict[str, List[str]], edk2_path: str, pkg: str) -> None:
+ if "IgnoreFiles" in pkgconfig:
+ for a in pkgconfig["IgnoreFiles"]:
+ a = os.path.join(edk2_path, pkg, a)
+ a = a.replace(os.sep, "/")
+ logging.info("Ignoring Files {0}".format(a))
+ if os.path.exists(a):
+ if os.path.isfile(a):
+ self.RemoveFile(a)
+ elif os.path.isdir(a):
+ shutil.rmtree(a)
+ else:
+ logging.error("EccCheck.IgnoreInf -> {0} not found in filesystem. Invalid ignore files".format(a))
+ if "ExceptionList" in pkgconfig:
+ exception_list = pkgconfig["ExceptionList"]
+ exception_xml = os.path.join(edk2_path, "BaseTools", "Source", "Python", "Ecc", "exception.xml")
+ try:
+ logging.info("Appending exceptions")
+ self.AppendException(exception_list, exception_xml)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.error("Fail to apply exceptions")
+ raise e
+ return
+ def AppendException(self, exception_list: List[str], exception_xml: str) -> None:
+ error_code_list = exception_list[::2]
+ keyword_list = exception_list[1::2]
+ dom_tree = xml.dom.minidom.parse(exception_xml)
+ root_node = dom_tree.documentElement
+ for error_code, keyword in zip(error_code_list, keyword_list):
+ customer_node = dom_tree.createElement("Exception")
+ keyword_node = dom_tree.createElement("KeyWord")
+ keyword_node_text_value = dom_tree.createTextNode(keyword)
+ keyword_node.appendChild(keyword_node_text_value)
+ customer_node.appendChild(keyword_node)
+ error_code_node = dom_tree.createElement("ErrorID")
+ error_code_text_value = dom_tree.createTextNode(error_code)
+ error_code_node.appendChild(error_code_text_value)
+ customer_node.appendChild(error_code_node)
+ root_node.appendChild(customer_node)
+ with open(exception_xml, 'w') as f:
+ dom_tree.writexml(f, indent='', addindent='', newl='\n', encoding='UTF-8')
+ return
+ def GetIgnoreErrorCode(self) -> set:
+ """
+ Below are kinds of error code that are accurate in ecc scanning of edk2 level.
+ But EccCheck plugin is partial scanning so they are always false positive issues.
+ The mapping relationship of error code and error message is listed BaseTools/Sourc/Python/Ecc/EccToolError.py
+ """
+ ignore_error_code = {
+ "10000",
+ "10001",
+ "10002",
+ "10003",
+ "10004",
+ "10005",
+ "10006",
+ "10007",
+ "10008",
+ "10009",
+ "10010",
+ "10011",
+ "10012",
+ "10013",
+ "10015",
+ "10016",
+ "10017",
+ "10022",
+ }
+ return ignore_error_code