path: root/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli/c/enc/ringbuffer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli/c/enc/ringbuffer.h')
1 files changed, 167 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli/c/enc/ringbuffer.h b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli/c/enc/ringbuffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8dce14803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/C/BrotliCompress/brotli/c/enc/ringbuffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ Distributed under MIT license.
+ See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
+/* Sliding window over the input data. */
+#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
+#include "../common/platform.h"
+#include <brotli/types.h>
+#include "./memory.h"
+#include "./quality.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
+extern "C" {
+/* A RingBuffer(window_bits, tail_bits) contains `1 << window_bits' bytes of
+ data in a circular manner: writing a byte writes it to:
+ `position() % (1 << window_bits)'.
+ For convenience, the RingBuffer array contains another copy of the
+ first `1 << tail_bits' bytes:
+ buffer_[i] == buffer_[i + (1 << window_bits)], if i < (1 << tail_bits),
+ and another copy of the last two bytes:
+ buffer_[-1] == buffer_[(1 << window_bits) - 1] and
+ buffer_[-2] == buffer_[(1 << window_bits) - 2]. */
+typedef struct RingBuffer {
+ /* Size of the ring-buffer is (1 << window_bits) + tail_size_. */
+ const uint32_t size_;
+ const uint32_t mask_;
+ const uint32_t tail_size_;
+ const uint32_t total_size_;
+ uint32_t cur_size_;
+ /* Position to write in the ring buffer. */
+ uint32_t pos_;
+ /* The actual ring buffer containing the copy of the last two bytes, the data,
+ and the copy of the beginning as a tail. */
+ uint8_t* data_;
+ /* The start of the ring-buffer. */
+ uint8_t* buffer_;
+} RingBuffer;
+static BROTLI_INLINE void RingBufferInit(RingBuffer* rb) {
+ rb->cur_size_ = 0;
+ rb->pos_ = 0;
+ rb->data_ = 0;
+ rb->buffer_ = 0;
+static BROTLI_INLINE void RingBufferSetup(
+ const BrotliEncoderParams* params, RingBuffer* rb) {
+ int window_bits = ComputeRbBits(params);
+ int tail_bits = params->lgblock;
+ *(uint32_t*)&rb->size_ = 1u << window_bits;
+ *(uint32_t*)&rb->mask_ = (1u << window_bits) - 1;
+ *(uint32_t*)&rb->tail_size_ = 1u << tail_bits;
+ *(uint32_t*)&rb->total_size_ = rb->size_ + rb->tail_size_;
+static BROTLI_INLINE void RingBufferFree(MemoryManager* m, RingBuffer* rb) {
+ BROTLI_FREE(m, rb->data_);
+/* Allocates or re-allocates data_ to the given length + plus some slack
+ region before and after. Fills the slack regions with zeros. */
+static BROTLI_INLINE void RingBufferInitBuffer(
+ MemoryManager* m, const uint32_t buflen, RingBuffer* rb) {
+ static const size_t kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere = 7;
+ uint8_t* new_data = BROTLI_ALLOC(
+ m, uint8_t, 2 + buflen + kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere);
+ size_t i;
+ if (BROTLI_IS_OOM(m) || BROTLI_IS_NULL(new_data)) return;
+ if (rb->data_) {
+ memcpy(new_data, rb->data_,
+ 2 + rb->cur_size_ + kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere);
+ BROTLI_FREE(m, rb->data_);
+ }
+ rb->data_ = new_data;
+ rb->cur_size_ = buflen;
+ rb->buffer_ = rb->data_ + 2;
+ rb->buffer_[-2] = rb->buffer_[-1] = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < kSlackForEightByteHashingEverywhere; ++i) {
+ rb->buffer_[rb->cur_size_ + i] = 0;
+ }
+static BROTLI_INLINE void RingBufferWriteTail(
+ const uint8_t* bytes, size_t n, RingBuffer* rb) {
+ const size_t masked_pos = rb->pos_ & rb->mask_;
+ if (BROTLI_PREDICT_FALSE(masked_pos < rb->tail_size_)) {
+ /* Just fill the tail buffer with the beginning data. */
+ const size_t p = rb->size_ + masked_pos;
+ memcpy(&rb->buffer_[p], bytes,
+ BROTLI_MIN(size_t, n, rb->tail_size_ - masked_pos));
+ }
+/* Push bytes into the ring buffer. */
+static BROTLI_INLINE void RingBufferWrite(
+ MemoryManager* m, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t n, RingBuffer* rb) {
+ if (rb->pos_ == 0 && n < rb->tail_size_) {
+ /* Special case for the first write: to process the first block, we don't
+ need to allocate the whole ring-buffer and we don't need the tail
+ either. However, we do this memory usage optimization only if the
+ first write is less than the tail size, which is also the input block
+ size, otherwise it is likely that other blocks will follow and we
+ will need to reallocate to the full size anyway. */
+ rb->pos_ = (uint32_t)n;
+ RingBufferInitBuffer(m, rb->pos_, rb);
+ if (BROTLI_IS_OOM(m)) return;
+ memcpy(rb->buffer_, bytes, n);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rb->cur_size_ < rb->total_size_) {
+ /* Lazily allocate the full buffer. */
+ RingBufferInitBuffer(m, rb->total_size_, rb);
+ if (BROTLI_IS_OOM(m)) return;
+ /* Initialize the last two bytes to zero, so that we don't have to worry
+ later when we copy the last two bytes to the first two positions. */
+ rb->buffer_[rb->size_ - 2] = 0;
+ rb->buffer_[rb->size_ - 1] = 0;
+ /* Initialize tail; might be touched by "best_len++" optimization when
+ ring buffer is "full". */
+ rb->buffer_[rb->size_] = 241;
+ }
+ {
+ const size_t masked_pos = rb->pos_ & rb->mask_;
+ /* The length of the writes is limited so that we do not need to worry
+ about a write */
+ RingBufferWriteTail(bytes, n, rb);
+ if (BROTLI_PREDICT_TRUE(masked_pos + n <= rb->size_)) {
+ /* A single write fits. */
+ memcpy(&rb->buffer_[masked_pos], bytes, n);
+ } else {
+ /* Split into two writes.
+ Copy into the end of the buffer, including the tail buffer. */
+ memcpy(&rb->buffer_[masked_pos], bytes,
+ BROTLI_MIN(size_t, n, rb->total_size_ - masked_pos));
+ /* Copy into the beginning of the buffer */
+ memcpy(&rb->buffer_[0], bytes + (rb->size_ - masked_pos),
+ n - (rb->size_ - masked_pos));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ BROTLI_BOOL not_first_lap = (rb->pos_ & (1u << 31)) != 0;
+ uint32_t rb_pos_mask = (1u << 31) - 1;
+ rb->buffer_[-2] = rb->buffer_[rb->size_ - 2];
+ rb->buffer_[-1] = rb->buffer_[rb->size_ - 1];
+ rb->pos_ = (rb->pos_ & rb_pos_mask) + (uint32_t)(n & rb_pos_mask);
+ if (not_first_lap) {
+ /* Wrap, but preserve not-a-first-lap feature. */
+ rb->pos_ |= 1u << 31;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
+} /* extern "C" */