path: root/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py
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1 files changed, 971 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f86c749c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/AutoGen/WorkspaceAutoGen.py
@@ -0,0 +1,971 @@
+## @file
+# Create makefile for MS nmake and GNU make
+# Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+## Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os.path as path
+import hashlib
+from collections import defaultdict
+from GenFds.FdfParser import FdfParser
+from Workspace.WorkspaceCommon import GetModuleLibInstances
+from AutoGen import GenMake
+from AutoGen.AutoGen import AutoGen
+from AutoGen.PlatformAutoGen import PlatformAutoGen
+from AutoGen.BuildEngine import gDefaultBuildRuleFile
+from Common.ToolDefClassObject import gDefaultToolsDefFile
+from Common.StringUtils import NormPath
+from Common.BuildToolError import *
+from Common.DataType import *
+from Common.Misc import *
+import json
+## Regular expression for splitting Dependency Expression string into tokens
+gDepexTokenPattern = re.compile("(\(|\)|\w+| \S+\.inf)")
+## Regular expression for match: PCD(xxxx.yyy)
+gPCDAsGuidPattern = re.compile(r"^PCD\(.+\..+\)$")
+## Workspace AutoGen class
+# This class is used mainly to control the whole platform build for different
+# architecture. This class will generate top level makefile.
+class WorkspaceAutoGen(AutoGen):
+ # call super().__init__ then call the worker function with different parameter count
+ def __init__(self, Workspace, MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not hasattr(self, "_Init"):
+ self._InitWorker(Workspace, MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._Init = True
+ ## Initialize WorkspaceAutoGen
+ #
+ # @param WorkspaceDir Root directory of workspace
+ # @param ActivePlatform Meta-file of active platform
+ # @param Target Build target
+ # @param Toolchain Tool chain name
+ # @param ArchList List of architecture of current build
+ # @param MetaFileDb Database containing meta-files
+ # @param BuildConfig Configuration of build
+ # @param ToolDefinition Tool chain definitions
+ # @param FlashDefinitionFile File of flash definition
+ # @param Fds FD list to be generated
+ # @param Fvs FV list to be generated
+ # @param Caps Capsule list to be generated
+ # @param SkuId SKU id from command line
+ #
+ def _InitWorker(self, WorkspaceDir, ActivePlatform, Target, Toolchain, ArchList, MetaFileDb,
+ BuildConfig, ToolDefinition, FlashDefinitionFile='', Fds=None, Fvs=None, Caps=None, SkuId='', UniFlag=None,
+ Progress=None, BuildModule=None):
+ self.BuildDatabase = MetaFileDb
+ self.MetaFile = ActivePlatform
+ self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir
+ self.Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, TAB_ARCH_COMMON, Target, Toolchain]
+ GlobalData.gActivePlatform = self.Platform
+ self.BuildTarget = Target
+ self.ToolChain = Toolchain
+ self.ArchList = ArchList
+ self.SkuId = SkuId
+ self.UniFlag = UniFlag
+ self.TargetTxt = BuildConfig
+ self.ToolDef = ToolDefinition
+ self.FdfFile = FlashDefinitionFile
+ self.FdTargetList = Fds if Fds else []
+ self.FvTargetList = Fvs if Fvs else []
+ self.CapTargetList = Caps if Caps else []
+ self.AutoGenObjectList = []
+ self._GuidDict = {}
+ # there's many relative directory operations, so ...
+ os.chdir(self.WorkspaceDir)
+ self.MergeArch()
+ self.ValidateBuildTarget()
+ EdkLogger.info("")
+ if self.ArchList:
+ EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Architecture(s)", ' '.join(self.ArchList)))
+ EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Build target", self.BuildTarget))
+ EdkLogger.info('%-16s = %s' % ("Toolchain", self.ToolChain))
+ EdkLogger.info('\n%-24s = %s' % ("Active Platform", self.Platform))
+ if BuildModule:
+ EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Active Module", BuildModule))
+ if self.FdfFile:
+ EdkLogger.info('%-24s = %s' % ("Flash Image Definition", self.FdfFile))
+ EdkLogger.verbose("\nFLASH_DEFINITION = %s" % self.FdfFile)
+ if Progress:
+ Progress.Start("\nProcessing meta-data")
+ #
+ # Mark now build in AutoGen Phase
+ #
+ #
+ # Collect Platform Guids to support Guid name in Fdfparser.
+ #
+ self.CollectPlatformGuids()
+ GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = True
+ self.ProcessModuleFromPdf()
+ self.ProcessPcdType()
+ self.ProcessMixedPcd()
+ self.VerifyPcdsFromFDF()
+ self.CollectAllPcds()
+ for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
+ Pa.FillData_LibConstPcd()
+ self.GeneratePkgLevelHash()
+ #
+ # Check PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.
+ #
+ self._CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict()
+ #
+ # Check PCD type and definition between DSC and DEC
+ #
+ self._CheckPcdDefineAndType()
+ self.CreateBuildOptionsFile()
+ self.CreatePcdTokenNumberFile()
+ self.GeneratePlatformLevelHash()
+ #
+ # Merge Arch
+ #
+ def MergeArch(self):
+ if not self.ArchList:
+ ArchList = set(self.Platform.SupArchList)
+ else:
+ ArchList = set(self.ArchList) & set(self.Platform.SupArchList)
+ if not ArchList:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
+ ExtraData = "Invalid ARCH specified. [Valid ARCH: %s]" % (" ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))
+ elif self.ArchList and len(ArchList) != len(self.ArchList):
+ SkippedArchList = set(self.ArchList).symmetric_difference(set(self.Platform.SupArchList))
+ EdkLogger.verbose("\nArch [%s] is ignored because the platform supports [%s] only!"
+ % (" ".join(SkippedArchList), " ".join(self.Platform.SupArchList)))
+ self.ArchList = tuple(ArchList)
+ # Validate build target
+ def ValidateBuildTarget(self):
+ if self.BuildTarget not in self.Platform.BuildTargets:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID,
+ ExtraData="Build target [%s] is not supported by the platform. [Valid target: %s]"
+ % (self.BuildTarget, " ".join(self.Platform.BuildTargets)))
+ def CollectPlatformGuids(self):
+ oriInfList = []
+ oriPkgSet = set()
+ PlatformPkg = set()
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ oriInfList = Platform.Modules
+ for ModuleFile in oriInfList:
+ ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Platform._Arch, Platform._Target, Platform._Toolchain]
+ oriPkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)
+ for Pkg in oriPkgSet:
+ Guids = Pkg.Guids
+ GlobalData.gGuidDict.update(Guids)
+ if Platform.Packages:
+ PlatformPkg.update(Platform.Packages)
+ for Pkg in PlatformPkg:
+ Guids = Pkg.Guids
+ GlobalData.gGuidDict.update(Guids)
+ @cached_property
+ def FdfProfile(self):
+ if not self.FdfFile:
+ self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition
+ FdfProfile = None
+ if self.FdfFile:
+ Fdf = FdfParser(self.FdfFile.Path)
+ Fdf.ParseFile()
+ GlobalData.gFdfParser = Fdf
+ if Fdf.CurrentFdName and Fdf.CurrentFdName in Fdf.Profile.FdDict:
+ FdDict = Fdf.Profile.FdDict[Fdf.CurrentFdName]
+ for FdRegion in FdDict.RegionList:
+ if str(FdRegion.RegionType) == 'FILE' and self.Platform.VpdToolGuid in str(FdRegion.RegionDataList):
+ if int(FdRegion.Offset) % 8 != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The VPD Base Address %s must be 8-byte aligned.' % (FdRegion.Offset))
+ FdfProfile = Fdf.Profile
+ else:
+ if self.FdTargetList:
+ EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FD [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FdTargetList))
+ self.FdTargetList = []
+ if self.FvTargetList:
+ EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. FV [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.FvTargetList))
+ self.FvTargetList = []
+ if self.CapTargetList:
+ EdkLogger.info("No flash definition file found. Capsule [%s] will be ignored." % " ".join(self.CapTargetList))
+ self.CapTargetList = []
+ return FdfProfile
+ def ProcessModuleFromPdf(self):
+ if self.FdfProfile:
+ for fvname in self.FvTargetList:
+ if fvname.upper() not in self.FdfProfile.FvDict:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID,
+ "No such an FV in FDF file: %s" % fvname)
+ # In DSC file may use FILE_GUID to override the module, then in the Platform.Modules use FILE_GUIDmodule.inf as key,
+ # but the path (self.MetaFile.Path) is the real path
+ for key in self.FdfProfile.InfDict:
+ if key == 'ArchTBD':
+ MetaFile_cache = defaultdict(set)
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ Current_Platform_cache = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ for Pkey in Current_Platform_cache.Modules:
+ MetaFile_cache[Arch].add(Current_Platform_cache.Modules[Pkey].MetaFile)
+ for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:
+ ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ if ModuleFile in MetaFile_cache[Arch]:
+ break
+ else:
+ ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:
+ EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)
+ else:
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ if Arch == key:
+ Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ MetaFileList = set()
+ for Pkey in Platform.Modules:
+ MetaFileList.add(Platform.Modules[Pkey].MetaFile)
+ for Inf in self.FdfProfile.InfDict[key]:
+ ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
+ if ModuleFile in MetaFileList:
+ continue
+ ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ if not ModuleData.IsBinaryModule:
+ EdkLogger.error('build', PARSER_ERROR, "Module %s NOT found in DSC file; Is it really a binary module?" % ModuleFile)
+ # parse FDF file to get PCDs in it, if any
+ def VerifyPcdsFromFDF(self):
+ if self.FdfProfile:
+ PcdSet = self.FdfProfile.PcdDict
+ self.VerifyPcdDeclearation(PcdSet)
+ def ProcessPcdType(self):
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ Platform.Pcds
+ # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict
+ Libs = []
+ for BuildData in list(self.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
+ if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
+ continue
+ if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf' and str(BuildData) in Platform.Modules :
+ Libs.extend(GetModuleLibInstances(BuildData, Platform,
+ self.BuildDatabase,
+ Arch,
+ self.BuildTarget,
+ self.ToolChain,
+ self.Platform.MetaFile,
+ EdkLogger
+ ))
+ for BuildData in list(self.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
+ if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
+ continue
+ if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
+ for key in BuildData.Pcds:
+ if BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending:
+ if key in Platform.Pcds:
+ PcdInPlatform = Platform.Pcds[key]
+ if PcdInPlatform.Type:
+ BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type
+ BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
+ if BuildData.MetaFile in Platform.Modules:
+ PlatformModule = Platform.Modules[str(BuildData.MetaFile)]
+ if key in PlatformModule.Pcds:
+ PcdInPlatform = PlatformModule.Pcds[key]
+ if PcdInPlatform.Type:
+ BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInPlatform.Type
+ BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
+ else:
+ #Pcd used in Library, Pcd Type from reference module if Pcd Type is Pending
+ if BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending:
+ if bool(BuildData.LibraryClass):
+ if BuildData in set(Libs):
+ ReferenceModules = BuildData.ReferenceModules
+ for ReferenceModule in ReferenceModules:
+ if ReferenceModule.MetaFile in Platform.Modules:
+ RefPlatformModule = Platform.Modules[str(ReferenceModule.MetaFile)]
+ if key in RefPlatformModule.Pcds:
+ PcdInReferenceModule = RefPlatformModule.Pcds[key]
+ if PcdInReferenceModule.Type:
+ BuildData.Pcds[key].Type = PcdInReferenceModule.Type
+ BuildData.Pcds[key].Pending = False
+ break
+ def ProcessMixedPcd(self):
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ SourcePcdDict_Keys = SourcePcdDict.keys()
+ BinaryPcdDict_Keys = BinaryPcdDict.keys()
+ # generate the SourcePcdDict and BinaryPcdDict
+ for BuildData in list(self.BuildDatabase._CACHE_.values()):
+ if BuildData.Arch != Arch:
+ continue
+ if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
+ for key in BuildData.Pcds:
+ if TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
+ if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:
+ BinaryPcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ else:
+ SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ elif TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
+ if BuildData.MetaFile.Ext == '.inf':
+ if BuildData.IsBinaryModule:
+ BinaryPcdDict[TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ else:
+ SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ elif TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
+ SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ elif TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD in BuildData.Pcds[key].Type:
+ SourcePcdDict[TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD].add((BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ #
+ # A PCD can only use one type for all source modules
+ #
+ for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
+ for j in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
+ if i != j:
+ Intersections = SourcePcdDict[i].intersection(SourcePcdDict[j])
+ if len(Intersections) > 0:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "Building modules from source INFs, following PCD use %s and %s access method. It must be corrected to use only one access method." % (i, j),
+ ExtraData='\n\t'.join(str(P[1]+'.'+P[0]) for P in Intersections)
+ )
+ #
+ # intersection the BinaryPCD for Mixed PCD
+ #
+ for i in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:
+ for j in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:
+ if i != j:
+ Intersections = BinaryPcdDict[i].intersection(BinaryPcdDict[j])
+ for item in Intersections:
+ NewPcd1 = (item[0] + '_' + i, item[1])
+ NewPcd2 = (item[0] + '_' + j, item[1])
+ if item not in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ GlobalData.MixedPcd[item] = [NewPcd1, NewPcd2]
+ else:
+ if NewPcd1 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
+ GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd1)
+ if NewPcd2 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
+ GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd2)
+ #
+ # intersection the SourcePCD and BinaryPCD for Mixed PCD
+ #
+ for i in SourcePcdDict_Keys:
+ for j in BinaryPcdDict_Keys:
+ if i != j:
+ Intersections = SourcePcdDict[i].intersection(BinaryPcdDict[j])
+ for item in Intersections:
+ NewPcd1 = (item[0] + '_' + i, item[1])
+ NewPcd2 = (item[0] + '_' + j, item[1])
+ if item not in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ GlobalData.MixedPcd[item] = [NewPcd1, NewPcd2]
+ else:
+ if NewPcd1 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
+ GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd1)
+ if NewPcd2 not in GlobalData.MixedPcd[item]:
+ GlobalData.MixedPcd[item].append(NewPcd2)
+ BuildData = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ for key in BuildData.Pcds:
+ for SinglePcd in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ if (BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName, BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenSpaceGuidCName) == SinglePcd:
+ for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[SinglePcd]:
+ Pcd_Type = item[0].split('_')[-1]
+ if (Pcd_Type == BuildData.Pcds[key].Type) or (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX and BuildData.Pcds[key].Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_EX_TYPE_SET) or \
+ (Pcd_Type == TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC and BuildData.Pcds[key].Type in PCD_DYNAMIC_TYPE_SET):
+ Value = BuildData.Pcds[key]
+ Value.TokenCName = BuildData.Pcds[key].TokenCName + '_' + Pcd_Type
+ if len(key) == 2:
+ newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1])
+ elif len(key) == 3:
+ newkey = (Value.TokenCName, key[1], key[2])
+ del BuildData.Pcds[key]
+ BuildData.Pcds[newkey] = Value
+ break
+ break
+ if self.FdfProfile:
+ PcdSet = self.FdfProfile.PcdDict
+ # handle the mixed pcd in FDF file
+ for key in PcdSet:
+ if key in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ Value = PcdSet[key]
+ del PcdSet[key]
+ for item in GlobalData.MixedPcd[key]:
+ PcdSet[item] = Value
+ #Collect package set information from INF of FDF
+ @cached_property
+ def PkgSet(self):
+ if not self.FdfFile:
+ self.FdfFile = self.Platform.FlashDefinition
+ if self.FdfFile:
+ ModuleList = self.FdfProfile.InfList
+ else:
+ ModuleList = []
+ Pkgs = {}
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ PkgSet = set()
+ for mb in [self.BuildDatabase[m, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain] for m in Platform.Modules]:
+ PkgSet.update(mb.Packages)
+ for Inf in ModuleList:
+ ModuleFile = PathClass(NormPath(Inf), GlobalData.gWorkspace, Arch)
+ if ModuleFile in Platform.Modules:
+ continue
+ ModuleData = self.BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ PkgSet.update(ModuleData.Packages)
+ PkgSet.update(Platform.Packages)
+ Pkgs[Arch] = list(PkgSet)
+ return Pkgs
+ def VerifyPcdDeclearation(self,PcdSet):
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ Platform = self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain]
+ Pkgs = self.PkgSet[Arch]
+ DecPcds = set()
+ DecPcdsKey = set()
+ for Pkg in Pkgs:
+ for Pcd in Pkg.Pcds:
+ DecPcds.add((Pcd[0], Pcd[1]))
+ DecPcdsKey.add((Pcd[0], Pcd[1], Pcd[2]))
+ Platform.SkuName = self.SkuId
+ for Name, Guid,Fileds in PcdSet:
+ if (Name, Guid) not in DecPcds:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "PCD (%s.%s) used in FDF is not declared in DEC files." % (Guid, Name),
+ File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][0],
+ Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][1]
+ )
+ else:
+ # Check whether Dynamic or DynamicEx PCD used in FDF file. If used, build break and give a error message.
+ if (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD) in DecPcdsKey \
+ or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE) in DecPcdsKey \
+ or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG) in DecPcdsKey:
+ continue
+ elif (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC) in DecPcdsKey or (Name, Guid, TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX) in DecPcdsKey:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "Using Dynamic or DynamicEx type of PCD [%s.%s] in FDF file is not allowed." % (Guid, Name),
+ File = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][0],
+ Line = self.FdfProfile.PcdFileLineDict[Name, Guid, Fileds][1]
+ )
+ def CollectAllPcds(self):
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
+ #
+ # Explicitly collect platform's dynamic PCDs
+ #
+ Pa.CollectPlatformDynamicPcds()
+ Pa.CollectFixedAtBuildPcds()
+ self.AutoGenObjectList.append(Pa)
+ # We need to calculate the PcdTokenNumber after all Arch Pcds are collected.
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ #Pcd TokenNumber
+ Pa = PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain, Arch)
+ self.UpdateModuleDataPipe(Arch, {"PCD_TNUM":Pa.PcdTokenNumber})
+ def UpdateModuleDataPipe(self,arch, attr_dict):
+ for (Target, Toolchain, Arch, MetaFile) in AutoGen.Cache():
+ if Arch != arch:
+ continue
+ try:
+ AutoGen.Cache()[(Target, Toolchain, Arch, MetaFile)].DataPipe.DataContainer = attr_dict
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ #
+ # Generate Package level hash value
+ #
+ def GeneratePkgLevelHash(self):
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ GlobalData.gPackageHash = {}
+ if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
+ for Pkg in self.PkgSet[Arch]:
+ self._GenPkgLevelHash(Pkg)
+ def CreateBuildOptionsFile(self):
+ #
+ # Create BuildOptions Macro & PCD metafile, also add the Active Platform and FDF file.
+ #
+ content = 'gCommandLineDefines: '
+ content += str(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)
+ content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
+ content += 'BuildOptionPcd: '
+ content += str(GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd)
+ content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
+ content += 'Active Platform: '
+ content += str(self.Platform)
+ content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
+ if self.FdfFile:
+ content += 'Flash Image Definition: '
+ content += str(self.FdfFile)
+ content += TAB_LINE_BREAK
+ SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'), content, False)
+ def CreatePcdTokenNumberFile(self):
+ #
+ # Create PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd.
+ #
+ PcdTokenNumber = 'PcdTokenNumber: '
+ Pa = self.AutoGenObjectList[0]
+ if Pa.PcdTokenNumber:
+ if Pa.DynamicPcdList:
+ for Pcd in Pa.DynamicPcdList:
+ PcdTokenNumber += TAB_LINE_BREAK
+ PcdTokenNumber += str((Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName))
+ PcdTokenNumber += ' : '
+ PcdTokenNumber += str(Pa.PcdTokenNumber[Pcd.TokenCName, Pcd.TokenSpaceGuidCName])
+ SaveFileOnChange(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'), PcdTokenNumber, False)
+ def GeneratePlatformLevelHash(self):
+ #
+ # Get set of workspace metafiles
+ #
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = self._GetMetaFiles(self.BuildTarget, self.ToolChain)
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFileList = sorted(AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles, key=lambda x: str(x))
+ #
+ # Retrieve latest modified time of all metafiles
+ #
+ SrcTimeStamp = 0
+ for f in AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles:
+ if os.stat(f)[8] > SrcTimeStamp:
+ SrcTimeStamp = os.stat(f)[8]
+ self._SrcTimeStamp = SrcTimeStamp
+ if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
+ FileList = []
+ m = hashlib.md5()
+ for file in AllWorkSpaceMetaFileList:
+ if file.endswith('.dec'):
+ continue
+ f = open(file, 'rb')
+ Content = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ m.update(Content)
+ FileList.append((str(file), hashlib.md5(Content).hexdigest()))
+ HashDir = path.join(self.BuildDir, "Hash_Platform")
+ HashFile = path.join(HashDir, 'Platform.hash.' + m.hexdigest())
+ SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, m.hexdigest(), False)
+ HashChainFile = path.join(HashDir, 'Platform.hashchain.' + m.hexdigest())
+ GlobalData.gPlatformHashFile = HashChainFile
+ try:
+ with open(HashChainFile, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(FileList, f, indent=2)
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[cache warning]: fail to save hashchain file:%s" % HashChainFile)
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ # Copy platform hash files to cache destination
+ FileDir = path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest, self.OutputDir, self.BuildTarget + "_" + self.ToolChain, "Hash_Platform")
+ CacheFileDir = FileDir
+ CreateDirectory(CacheFileDir)
+ CopyFileOnChange(HashFile, CacheFileDir)
+ CopyFileOnChange(HashChainFile, CacheFileDir)
+ #
+ # Write metafile list to build directory
+ #
+ AutoGenFilePath = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen')
+ if os.path.exists (AutoGenFilePath):
+ os.remove(AutoGenFilePath)
+ if not os.path.exists(self.BuildDir):
+ os.makedirs(self.BuildDir)
+ with open(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'AutoGen'), 'w+') as file:
+ for f in AllWorkSpaceMetaFileList:
+ print(f, file=file)
+ return True
+ def _GenPkgLevelHash(self, Pkg):
+ if Pkg.PackageName in GlobalData.gPackageHash:
+ return
+ PkgDir = os.path.join(self.BuildDir, Pkg.Arch, "Hash_Pkg", Pkg.PackageName)
+ CreateDirectory(PkgDir)
+ FileList = []
+ m = hashlib.md5()
+ # Get .dec file's hash value
+ f = open(Pkg.MetaFile.Path, 'rb')
+ Content = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ m.update(Content)
+ FileList.append((str(Pkg.MetaFile.Path), hashlib.md5(Content).hexdigest()))
+ # Get include files hash value
+ if Pkg.Includes:
+ for inc in sorted(Pkg.Includes, key=lambda x: str(x)):
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(str(inc)):
+ for File in sorted(Files):
+ File_Path = os.path.join(Root, File)
+ f = open(File_Path, 'rb')
+ Content = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ m.update(Content)
+ FileList.append((str(File_Path), hashlib.md5(Content).hexdigest()))
+ GlobalData.gPackageHash[Pkg.PackageName] = m.hexdigest()
+ HashDir = PkgDir
+ HashFile = path.join(HashDir, Pkg.PackageName + '.hash.' + m.hexdigest())
+ SaveFileOnChange(HashFile, m.hexdigest(), False)
+ HashChainFile = path.join(HashDir, Pkg.PackageName + '.hashchain.' + m.hexdigest())
+ GlobalData.gPackageHashFile[(Pkg.PackageName, Pkg.Arch)] = HashChainFile
+ try:
+ with open(HashChainFile, 'w') as f:
+ json.dump(FileList, f, indent=2)
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[cache warning]: fail to save hashchain file:%s" % HashChainFile)
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ # Copy Pkg hash files to cache destination dir
+ FileDir = path.join(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest, self.OutputDir, self.BuildTarget + "_" + self.ToolChain, Pkg.Arch, "Hash_Pkg", Pkg.PackageName)
+ CacheFileDir = FileDir
+ CreateDirectory(CacheFileDir)
+ CopyFileOnChange(HashFile, CacheFileDir)
+ CopyFileOnChange(HashChainFile, CacheFileDir)
+ def _GetMetaFiles(self, Target, Toolchain):
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles = set()
+ #
+ # add fdf
+ #
+ if self.FdfFile:
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add (self.FdfFile.Path)
+ for f in GlobalData.gFdfParser.GetAllIncludedFile():
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add (f.FileName)
+ #
+ # add dsc
+ #
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(self.MetaFile.Path)
+ #
+ # add build_rule.txt & tools_def.txt
+ #
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gDefaultBuildRuleFile))
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, gDefaultToolsDefFile))
+ # add BuildOption metafile
+ #
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'BuildOptions'))
+ # add PcdToken Number file for Dynamic/DynamicEx Pcd
+ #
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(os.path.join(self.BuildDir, 'PcdTokenNumber'))
+ for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(Pa.ToolDefinitionFile)
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ #
+ # add dec
+ #
+ for Package in PlatformAutoGen(self, self.MetaFile, Target, Toolchain, Arch).PackageList:
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(Package.MetaFile.Path)
+ #
+ # add included dsc
+ #
+ for filePath in self.BuildDatabase[self.MetaFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]._RawData.IncludedFiles:
+ AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles.add(filePath.Path)
+ return AllWorkSpaceMetaFiles
+ def _CheckPcdDefineAndType(self):
+ # This dict store PCDs which are not used by any modules with specified arches
+ UnusedPcd = OrderedDict()
+ for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
+ # Key of DSC's Pcds dictionary is PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid
+ for Pcd in Pa.Platform.Pcds:
+ PcdType = Pa.Platform.Pcds[Pcd].Type
+ # If no PCD type, this PCD comes from FDF
+ if not PcdType:
+ continue
+ # Try to remove Hii and Vpd suffix
+ if PcdType.startswith(TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX):
+ elif PcdType.startswith(TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC):
+ for Package in Pa.PackageList:
+ # Key of DEC's Pcds dictionary is PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid, PcdType
+ if (Pcd[0], Pcd[1], PcdType) in Package.Pcds:
+ break
+ for Type in PcdTypeSet:
+ if (Pcd[0], Pcd[1], Type) in Package.Pcds:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "Type [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] in DSC file doesn't match the type [%s] defined in DEC file." \
+ % (Pa.Platform.Pcds[Pcd].Type, Pcd[1], Pcd[0], Type),
+ ExtraData=None
+ )
+ return
+ else:
+ UnusedPcd.setdefault(Pcd, []).append(Pa.Arch)
+ for Pcd in UnusedPcd:
+ EdkLogger.warn(
+ 'build',
+ "The PCD was not specified by any INF module in the platform for the given architecture.\n"
+ "\tPCD: [%s.%s]\n\tPlatform: [%s]\n\tArch: %s"
+ % (Pcd[1], Pcd[0], os.path.basename(str(self.MetaFile)), str(UnusedPcd[Pcd])),
+ ExtraData=None
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "%s [%s]" % (self.MetaFile, ", ".join(self.ArchList))
+ ## Return the directory to store FV files
+ @cached_property
+ def FvDir(self):
+ return path.join(self.BuildDir, TAB_FV_DIRECTORY)
+ ## Return the directory to store all intermediate and final files built
+ @cached_property
+ def BuildDir(self):
+ return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildDir
+ ## Return the build output directory platform specifies
+ @cached_property
+ def OutputDir(self):
+ return self.Platform.OutputDirectory
+ ## Return platform name
+ @cached_property
+ def Name(self):
+ return self.Platform.PlatformName
+ ## Return meta-file GUID
+ @cached_property
+ def Guid(self):
+ return self.Platform.Guid
+ ## Return platform version
+ @cached_property
+ def Version(self):
+ return self.Platform.Version
+ ## Return paths of tools
+ @cached_property
+ def ToolDefinition(self):
+ return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].ToolDefinition
+ ## Return directory of platform makefile
+ #
+ # @retval string Makefile directory
+ #
+ @cached_property
+ def MakeFileDir(self):
+ return self.BuildDir
+ ## Return build command string
+ #
+ # @retval string Build command string
+ #
+ @cached_property
+ def BuildCommand(self):
+ # BuildCommand should be all the same. So just get one from platform AutoGen
+ return self.AutoGenObjectList[0].BuildCommand
+ ## Check the PCDs token value conflict in each DEC file.
+ #
+ # Will cause build break and raise error message while two PCDs conflict.
+ #
+ # @return None
+ #
+ def _CheckAllPcdsTokenValueConflict(self):
+ for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
+ for Package in Pa.PackageList:
+ PcdList = list(Package.Pcds.values())
+ PcdList.sort(key=lambda x: int(x.TokenValue, 0))
+ Count = 0
+ while (Count < len(PcdList) - 1) :
+ Item = PcdList[Count]
+ ItemNext = PcdList[Count + 1]
+ #
+ # Make sure in the same token space the TokenValue should be unique
+ #
+ if (int(Item.TokenValue, 0) == int(ItemNext.TokenValue, 0)):
+ SameTokenValuePcdList = []
+ SameTokenValuePcdList.append(Item)
+ SameTokenValuePcdList.append(ItemNext)
+ RemainPcdListLength = len(PcdList) - Count - 2
+ for ValueSameCount in range(RemainPcdListLength):
+ if int(PcdList[len(PcdList) - RemainPcdListLength + ValueSameCount].TokenValue, 0) == int(Item.TokenValue, 0):
+ SameTokenValuePcdList.append(PcdList[len(PcdList) - RemainPcdListLength + ValueSameCount])
+ else:
+ break;
+ #
+ # Sort same token value PCD list with TokenGuid and TokenCName
+ #
+ SameTokenValuePcdList.sort(key=lambda x: "%s.%s" % (x.TokenSpaceGuidCName, x.TokenCName))
+ SameTokenValuePcdListCount = 0
+ while (SameTokenValuePcdListCount < len(SameTokenValuePcdList) - 1):
+ Flag = False
+ TemListItem = SameTokenValuePcdList[SameTokenValuePcdListCount]
+ TemListItemNext = SameTokenValuePcdList[SameTokenValuePcdListCount + 1]
+ if (TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName == TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and (TemListItem.TokenCName != TemListItemNext.TokenCName):
+ for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ if (TemListItem.TokenCName, TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem] or \
+ (TemListItemNext.TokenCName, TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:
+ Flag = True
+ if not Flag:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "The TokenValue [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] is conflict with: [%s.%s] in %s"\
+ % (TemListItem.TokenValue, TemListItem.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TemListItem.TokenCName, TemListItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName, TemListItemNext.TokenCName, Package),
+ ExtraData=None
+ )
+ SameTokenValuePcdListCount += 1
+ Count += SameTokenValuePcdListCount
+ Count += 1
+ PcdList = list(Package.Pcds.values())
+ PcdList.sort(key=lambda x: "%s.%s" % (x.TokenSpaceGuidCName, x.TokenCName))
+ Count = 0
+ while (Count < len(PcdList) - 1) :
+ Item = PcdList[Count]
+ ItemNext = PcdList[Count + 1]
+ #
+ # Check PCDs with same TokenSpaceGuidCName.TokenCName have same token value as well.
+ #
+ if (Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName == ItemNext.TokenSpaceGuidCName) and (Item.TokenCName == ItemNext.TokenCName) and (int(Item.TokenValue, 0) != int(ItemNext.TokenValue, 0)):
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "The TokenValue [%s] of PCD [%s.%s] in %s defined in two places should be same as well."\
+ % (Item.TokenValue, Item.TokenSpaceGuidCName, Item.TokenCName, Package),
+ ExtraData=None
+ )
+ Count += 1
+ ## Generate fds command
+ @property
+ def GenFdsCommand(self):
+ return (GenMake.TopLevelMakefile(self)._TEMPLATE_.Replace(GenMake.TopLevelMakefile(self)._TemplateDict)).strip()
+ @property
+ def GenFdsCommandDict(self):
+ FdsCommandDict = {}
+ LogLevel = EdkLogger.GetLevel()
+ if LogLevel == EdkLogger.VERBOSE:
+ FdsCommandDict["verbose"] = True
+ elif LogLevel <= EdkLogger.DEBUG_9:
+ FdsCommandDict["debug"] = LogLevel - 1
+ elif LogLevel == EdkLogger.QUIET:
+ FdsCommandDict["quiet"] = True
+ FdsCommandDict["GenfdsMultiThread"] = GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread
+ if GlobalData.gIgnoreSource:
+ FdsCommandDict["IgnoreSources"] = True
+ FdsCommandDict["OptionPcd"] = []
+ for pcd in GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd:
+ if pcd[2]:
+ pcdname = '.'.join(pcd[0:3])
+ else:
+ pcdname = '.'.join(pcd[0:2])
+ if pcd[3].startswith('{'):
+ FdsCommandDict["OptionPcd"].append(pcdname + '=' + 'H' + '"' + pcd[3] + '"')
+ else:
+ FdsCommandDict["OptionPcd"].append(pcdname + '=' + pcd[3])
+ MacroList = []
+ # macros passed to GenFds
+ MacroDict = {}
+ MacroDict.update(GlobalData.gGlobalDefines)
+ MacroDict.update(GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines)
+ for MacroName in MacroDict:
+ if MacroDict[MacroName] != "":
+ MacroList.append('"%s=%s"' % (MacroName, MacroDict[MacroName].replace('\\', '\\\\')))
+ else:
+ MacroList.append('"%s"' % MacroName)
+ FdsCommandDict["macro"] = MacroList
+ FdsCommandDict["fdf_file"] = [self.FdfFile]
+ FdsCommandDict["build_target"] = self.BuildTarget
+ FdsCommandDict["toolchain_tag"] = self.ToolChain
+ FdsCommandDict["active_platform"] = str(self)
+ FdsCommandDict["conf_directory"] = GlobalData.gConfDirectory
+ FdsCommandDict["build_architecture_list"] = ','.join(self.ArchList)
+ FdsCommandDict["platform_build_directory"] = self.BuildDir
+ FdsCommandDict["fd"] = self.FdTargetList
+ FdsCommandDict["fv"] = self.FvTargetList
+ FdsCommandDict["cap"] = self.CapTargetList
+ return FdsCommandDict
+ ## Create makefile for the platform and modules in it
+ #
+ # @param CreateDepsMakeFile Flag indicating if the makefile for
+ # modules will be created as well
+ #
+ def CreateMakeFile(self, CreateDepsMakeFile=False):
+ if not CreateDepsMakeFile:
+ return
+ for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
+ Pa.CreateMakeFile(CreateDepsMakeFile)
+ ## Create autogen code for platform and modules
+ #
+ # Since there's no autogen code for platform, this method will do nothing
+ # if CreateModuleCodeFile is set to False.
+ #
+ # @param CreateDepsCodeFile Flag indicating if creating module's
+ # autogen code file or not
+ #
+ def CreateCodeFile(self, CreateDepsCodeFile=False):
+ if not CreateDepsCodeFile:
+ return
+ for Pa in self.AutoGenObjectList:
+ Pa.CreateCodeFile(CreateDepsCodeFile)
+ ## Create AsBuilt INF file the platform
+ #
+ def CreateAsBuiltInf(self):
+ return