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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py')
-rw-r--r-- | roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py | 225 |
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b02f663b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Ecc/Xml/XmlRoutines.py @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +## @file
+# This is an XML API that uses a syntax similar to XPath, but it is written in
+# standard python so that no extra python packages are required to use it.
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import codecs
+from Common.LongFilePathSupport import OpenLongFilePath as open
+## Create a element of XML
+# @param Name
+# @param String
+# @param NodeList
+# @param AttributeList
+# @revel Element
+def CreateXmlElement(Name, String, NodeList, AttributeList):
+ Doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ Element = Doc.createElement(Name)
+ if String != '' and String is not None:
+ Element.appendChild(Doc.createTextNode(String))
+ for Item in NodeList:
+ if isinstance(Item, type([])):
+ Key = Item[0]
+ Value = Item[1]
+ if Key != '' and Key is not None and Value != '' and Value is not None:
+ Node = Doc.createElement(Key)
+ Node.appendChild(Doc.createTextNode(Value))
+ Element.appendChild(Node)
+ else:
+ Element.appendChild(Item)
+ for Item in AttributeList:
+ Key = Item[0]
+ Value = Item[1]
+ if Key != '' and Key is not None and Value != '' and Value is not None:
+ Element.setAttribute(Key, Value)
+ return Element
+## Get a list of XML nodes using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a list of XML DOM nodes from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty list is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM node.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+# @revel Nodes A list of XML nodes matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlList(Dom, String):
+ if String is None or String == "" or Dom is None or Dom == "":
+ return []
+ if Dom.nodeType == Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ Dom = Dom.documentElement
+ if String[0] == "/":
+ String = String[1:]
+ TagList = String.split('/')
+ Nodes = [Dom]
+ Index = 0
+ End = len(TagList) - 1
+ while Index <= End:
+ ChildNodes = []
+ for Node in Nodes:
+ if Node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and Node.tagName == TagList[Index]:
+ if Index < End:
+ ChildNodes.extend(Node.childNodes)
+ else:
+ ChildNodes.append(Node)
+ Nodes = ChildNodes
+ ChildNodes = []
+ Index += 1
+ return Nodes
+## Get a single XML node using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a single XML DOM node from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM node.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+# @revel Node A single XML node matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlNode(Dom, String):
+ if String is None or String == "" or Dom is None or Dom == "":
+ return ""
+ if Dom.nodeType == Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ Dom = Dom.documentElement
+ if String[0] == "/":
+ String = String[1:]
+ TagList = String.split('/')
+ Index = 0
+ End = len(TagList) - 1
+ ChildNodes = [Dom]
+ while Index <= End:
+ for Node in ChildNodes:
+ if Node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and Node.tagName == TagList[Index]:
+ if Index < End:
+ ChildNodes = Node.childNodes
+ else:
+ return Node
+ break
+ Index += 1
+ return ""
+## Get a single XML element using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a single XML element from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Strin A XPath style path.
+# @revel Element An XML element matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlElement(Dom, String):
+ try:
+ return XmlNode(Dom, String).firstChild.data.strip()
+ except:
+ return ""
+## Get a single XML element of the current node.
+# Return a single XML element specified by the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @revel Element An XML element in current root Dom.
+def XmlElementData(Dom):
+ try:
+ return Dom.firstChild.data.strip()
+ except:
+ return ""
+## Get a list of XML elements using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a list of XML elements from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty list is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+# @revel Elements A list of XML elements matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlElementList(Dom, String):
+ return map(XmlElementData, XmlList(Dom, String))
+## Get the XML attribute of the current node.
+# Return a single XML attribute named Attribute from the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom or Attribute is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Attribute The name of Attribute.
+# @revel Element A single XML element matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlAttribute(Dom, Attribute):
+ try:
+ return Dom.getAttribute(Attribute).strip()
+ except:
+ return ''
+## Get the XML node name of the current node.
+# Return a single XML node name from the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @revel Element A single XML element matching XPath style Sting.
+def XmlNodeName(Dom):
+ try:
+ return Dom.nodeName.strip()
+ except:
+ return ''
+## Parse an XML file.
+# Parse the input XML file named FileName and return a XML DOM it stands for.
+# If the input File is not a valid XML file, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param FileName The XML file name.
+# @revel Dom The Dom object achieved from the XML file.
+def XmlParseFile(FileName):
+ try:
+ XmlFile = codecs.open(FileName,encoding='utf_8_sig')
+ Dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(XmlFile)
+ XmlFile.close()
+ return Dom
+ except Exception as X:
+ print(X)
+ return ""
+# This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed
+# into another script.
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Nothing to do here. Could do some unit tests.
+ A = CreateXmlElement('AAA', 'CCC', [['AAA', '111'], ['BBB', '222']], [['A', '1'], ['B', '2']])
+ B = CreateXmlElement('ZZZ', 'CCC', [['XXX', '111'], ['YYY', '222']], [['A', '1'], ['B', '2']])
+ C = CreateXmlList('DDD', 'EEE', [A, B], ['FFF', 'GGG'])
+ print(C.toprettyxml(indent = " "))
+ pass