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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library')
13 files changed, 7495 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/CommentGenerating.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/CommentGenerating.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bded508f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/CommentGenerating.py @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define comment generating interface
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.DataType import TAB_SPACE_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_INF_GUIDTYPE_VAR
+from Library.DataType import USAGE_ITEM_NOTIFY
+from Library.DataType import ITEM_UNDEFINED
+from Library.DataType import TAB_HEADER_COMMENT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_SPECIAL_COMMENT
+from Library.DataType import END_OF_LINE
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_START
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_END
+from Library.DataType import TAB_STAR
+from Library.DataType import TAB_PCD_PROMPT
+from Library.UniClassObject import ConvertSpecialUnicodes
+from Library.Misc import GetLocalValue
+## GenTailCommentLines
+# @param TailCommentLines: the tail comment lines that need to be generated
+# @param LeadingSpaceNum: the number of leading space needed for non-first
+# line tail comment
+def GenTailCommentLines (TailCommentLines, LeadingSpaceNum = 0):
+ TailCommentLines = TailCommentLines.rstrip(END_OF_LINE)
+ TAB_SPACE_SPLIT).join(GetSplitValueList(TailCommentLines, END_OF_LINE))
+ return CommentStr
+## GenGenericComment
+# @param CommentLines: Generic comment Text, maybe Multiple Lines
+def GenGenericComment (CommentLines):
+ if not CommentLines:
+ return ''
+ CommentLines = CommentLines.rstrip(END_OF_LINE)
+ (GetSplitValueList(CommentLines, END_OF_LINE)) + END_OF_LINE
+ return CommentStr
+## GenGenericCommentF
+# similar to GenGenericComment but will remove <EOL> at end of comment once,
+# and for line with only <EOL>, '#\n' will be generated instead of '# \n'
+# @param CommentLines: Generic comment Text, maybe Multiple Lines
+# @return CommentStr: Generated comment line
+def GenGenericCommentF (CommentLines, NumOfPound=1, IsPrompt=False, IsInfLibraryClass=False):
+ if not CommentLines:
+ return ''
+ #
+ # if comment end with '\n', then remove it to prevent one extra line
+ # generate later on
+ #
+ if CommentLines.endswith(END_OF_LINE):
+ CommentLines = CommentLines[:-1]
+ CommentStr = ''
+ if IsPrompt:
+ CommentLines.replace(END_OF_LINE, '') + END_OF_LINE
+ else:
+ CommentLineList = GetSplitValueList(CommentLines, END_OF_LINE)
+ FindLibraryClass = False
+ for Line in CommentLineList:
+ # If this comment is for @libraryclass and it has multiple lines
+ # make sure the second lines align to the first line after @libraryclass as below
+ #
+ # ## @libraryclass XYZ FIRST_LINE
+ #
+ if IsInfLibraryClass and Line.find(u'@libraryclass ') > -1:
+ FindLibraryClass = True
+ if Line == '':
+ CommentStr += TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT * NumOfPound + END_OF_LINE
+ else:
+ if FindLibraryClass and Line.find(u'@libraryclass ') > -1:
+ elif FindLibraryClass:
+ CommentStr += TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT * NumOfPound + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT * 16 + Line + END_OF_LINE
+ else:
+ return CommentStr
+## GenHeaderCommentSection
+# Generate Header comment sections
+# @param Abstract One line of abstract
+# @param Description multiple lines of Description
+# @param Copyright possible multiple copyright lines
+# @param License possible multiple license lines
+def GenHeaderCommentSection(Abstract, Description, Copyright, License, IsBinaryHeader=False, \
+ Content = ''
+ #
+ # Convert special character to (c), (r) and (tm).
+ #
+ Abstract = ConvertSpecialUnicodes(Abstract)
+ Description = ConvertSpecialUnicodes(Description)
+ if IsBinaryHeader:
+ Content += CommChar * 2 + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + TAB_BINARY_HEADER_COMMENT + '\r\n'
+ elif CommChar == TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT:
+ else:
+ Content += CommChar * 2 + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + TAB_HEADER_COMMENT + '\r\n'
+ if Abstract:
+ Abstract = Abstract.rstrip('\r\n')
+ Content += CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + ('\r\n' + CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT).join(GetSplitValueList\
+ (Abstract, '\n'))
+ Content += '\r\n' + CommChar + '\r\n'
+ else:
+ Content += CommChar + '\r\n'
+ if Description:
+ Description = Description.rstrip('\r\n')
+ Content += CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + ('\r\n' + CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT).join(GetSplitValueList\
+ (Description, '\n'))
+ Content += '\r\n' + CommChar + '\r\n'
+ #
+ # There is no '#\n' line to separate multiple copyright lines in code base
+ #
+ if Copyright:
+ Copyright = Copyright.rstrip('\r\n')
+ Content += CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + ('\r\n' + CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT).join\
+ (GetSplitValueList(Copyright, '\n'))
+ Content += '\r\n' + CommChar + '\r\n'
+ if License:
+ License = License.rstrip('\r\n')
+ Content += CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + ('\r\n' + CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT).join(GetSplitValueList\
+ (License, '\n'))
+ Content += '\r\n' + CommChar + '\r\n'
+ if CommChar == TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT:
+ Content += CommChar + TAB_SPACE_SPLIT + TAB_STAR + TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_END + '\r\n'
+ else:
+ Content += CommChar * 2 + '\r\n'
+ return Content
+## GenInfPcdTailComment
+# Generate Pcd tail comment for Inf, this would be one line comment
+# @param Usage: Usage type
+# @param TailCommentText: Comment text for tail comment
+def GenInfPcdTailComment (Usage, TailCommentText):
+ if (Usage == ITEM_UNDEFINED) and (not TailCommentText):
+ return ''
+ CommentLine = TAB_SPACE_SPLIT.join([Usage, TailCommentText])
+ return GenTailCommentLines(CommentLine)
+## GenInfProtocolPPITailComment
+# Generate Protocol/PPI tail comment for Inf
+# @param Usage: Usage type
+# @param TailCommentText: Comment text for tail comment
+def GenInfProtocolPPITailComment (Usage, Notify, TailCommentText):
+ if (not Notify) and (Usage == ITEM_UNDEFINED) and (not TailCommentText):
+ return ''
+ if Notify:
+ CommentLine = USAGE_ITEM_NOTIFY + " ## "
+ else:
+ CommentLine = ''
+ CommentLine += TAB_SPACE_SPLIT.join([Usage, TailCommentText])
+ return GenTailCommentLines(CommentLine)
+## GenInfGuidTailComment
+# Generate Guid tail comment for Inf
+# @param Usage: Usage type
+# @param TailCommentText: Comment text for tail comment
+def GenInfGuidTailComment (Usage, GuidTypeList, VariableName, TailCommentText):
+ GuidType = GuidTypeList[0]
+ if (Usage == ITEM_UNDEFINED) and (GuidType == ITEM_UNDEFINED) and \
+ (not TailCommentText):
+ return ''
+ FirstLine = Usage + " ## " + GuidType
+ if GuidType == TAB_INF_GUIDTYPE_VAR:
+ FirstLine += ":" + VariableName
+ CommentLine = TAB_SPACE_SPLIT.join([FirstLine, TailCommentText])
+ return GenTailCommentLines(CommentLine)
+## GenDecGuidTailComment
+# @param SupModuleList: Supported module type list
+def GenDecTailComment (SupModuleList):
+ CommentLine = TAB_SPACE_SPLIT.join(SupModuleList)
+ return GenTailCommentLines(CommentLine)
+## _GetHelpStr
+# get HelpString from a list of HelpTextObject, the priority refer to
+# related HLD
+# @param HelpTextObjList: List of HelpTextObject
+# @return HelpStr: the help text string found, '' means no help text found
+def _GetHelpStr(HelpTextObjList):
+ ValueList = []
+ for HelpObj in HelpTextObjList:
+ ValueList.append((HelpObj.GetLang(), HelpObj.GetString()))
+ return GetLocalValue(ValueList, True)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/CommentParsing.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/CommentParsing.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ba9830d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/CommentParsing.py @@ -0,0 +1,593 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define comment parsing interface
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import re
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.StringUtils import CleanString2
+from Library.DataType import HEADER_COMMENT_NOT_STARTED
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import HEADER_COMMENT_LICENSE
+from Library.DataType import HEADER_COMMENT_ABSTRACT
+from Library.DataType import HEADER_COMMENT_COPYRIGHT
+from Library.DataType import HEADER_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION
+from Library.DataType import TAB_SPACE_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_COMMA_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import SUP_MODULE_LIST
+from Library.DataType import TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_PCD_VALIDRANGE
+from Library.DataType import TAB_PCD_VALIDLIST
+from Library.DataType import TAB_PCD_EXPRESSION
+from Library.DataType import TAB_PCD_PROMPT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_CAPHEX_START
+from Library.DataType import TAB_HEX_START
+from Library.DataType import PCD_ERR_CODE_MAX_SIZE
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidRangeExpr
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidListExpr
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidLogicalExpr
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import TextObject
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import PcdErrorObject
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
+from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+## ParseHeaderCommentSection
+# Parse Header comment section lines, extract Abstract, Description, Copyright
+# , License lines
+# @param CommentList: List of (Comment, LineNumber)
+# @param FileName: FileName of the comment
+def ParseHeaderCommentSection(CommentList, FileName = None, IsBinaryHeader = False):
+ Abstract = ''
+ Description = ''
+ Copyright = ''
+ License = ''
+ EndOfLine = "\n"
+ if IsBinaryHeader:
+ else:
+ #
+ # first find the last copyright line
+ #
+ Last = 0
+ for Index in range(len(CommentList)-1, 0, -1):
+ Line = CommentList[Index][0]
+ if _IsCopyrightLine(Line):
+ Last = Index
+ break
+ for Item in CommentList:
+ Line = Item[0]
+ LineNo = Item[1]
+ if not Line.startswith(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) and Line:
+ Comment = CleanString2(Line)[1]
+ Comment = Comment.strip()
+ #
+ # if there are blank lines between License or Description, keep them as they would be
+ # indication of different block; or in the position that Abstract should be, also keep it
+ # as it indicates that no abstract
+ #
+ if not Comment and HeaderCommentStage not in [HEADER_COMMENT_LICENSE, \
+ continue
+ if HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_NOT_STARTED:
+ if Comment.startswith(STR_HEADER_COMMENT_START):
+ else:
+ License += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ if HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_ABSTRACT:
+ #
+ # in case there is no abstract and description
+ #
+ if not Comment:
+ elif _IsCopyrightLine(Comment):
+ Result, ErrMsg = _ValidateCopyright(Comment)
+ ValidateCopyright(Result, ST.WRN_INVALID_COPYRIGHT, FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg)
+ Copyright += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ Abstract += Comment + EndOfLine
+ elif HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_DESCRIPTION:
+ #
+ # in case there is no description
+ #
+ if _IsCopyrightLine(Comment):
+ Result, ErrMsg = _ValidateCopyright(Comment)
+ ValidateCopyright(Result, ST.WRN_INVALID_COPYRIGHT, FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg)
+ Copyright += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ Description += Comment + EndOfLine
+ elif HeaderCommentStage == HEADER_COMMENT_COPYRIGHT:
+ if _IsCopyrightLine(Comment):
+ Result, ErrMsg = _ValidateCopyright(Comment)
+ ValidateCopyright(Result, ST.WRN_INVALID_COPYRIGHT, FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg)
+ Copyright += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ #
+ # Contents after copyright line are license, those non-copyright lines in between
+ # copyright line will be discarded
+ #
+ if LineNo > Last:
+ if License:
+ License += EndOfLine
+ License += Comment + EndOfLine
+ else:
+ if not Comment and not License:
+ continue
+ License += Comment + EndOfLine
+ return Abstract.strip(), Description.strip(), Copyright.strip(), License.strip()
+## _IsCopyrightLine
+# check whether current line is copyright line, the criteria is whether there is case insensitive keyword "Copyright"
+# followed by zero or more white space characters followed by a "(" character
+# @param LineContent: the line need to be checked
+# @return: True if current line is copyright line, False else
+def _IsCopyrightLine (LineContent):
+ LineContent = LineContent.upper()
+ Result = False
+ ReIsCopyrightRe = re.compile(r"""(^|\s)COPYRIGHT *\(""", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsCopyrightRe.search(LineContent):
+ Result = True
+ return Result
+## ParseGenericComment
+# @param GenericComment: Generic comment list, element of
+# (CommentLine, LineNum)
+# @param ContainerFile: Input value for filename of Dec file
+def ParseGenericComment (GenericComment, ContainerFile=None, SkipTag=None):
+ if ContainerFile:
+ pass
+ HelpTxt = None
+ HelpStr = ''
+ for Item in GenericComment:
+ CommentLine = Item[0]
+ Comment = CleanString2(CommentLine)[1]
+ if SkipTag is not None and Comment.startswith(SkipTag):
+ Comment = Comment.replace(SkipTag, '', 1)
+ HelpStr += Comment + '\n'
+ if HelpStr:
+ HelpTxt = TextObject()
+ if HelpStr.endswith('\n') and not HelpStr.endswith('\n\n') and HelpStr != '\n':
+ HelpStr = HelpStr[:-1]
+ HelpTxt.SetString(HelpStr)
+ return HelpTxt
+## ParsePcdErrorCode
+# @param Value: original ErrorCode value
+# @param ContainerFile: Input value for filename of Dec file
+# @param LineNum: Line Num
+def ParsePcdErrorCode (Value = None, ContainerFile = None, LineNum = None):
+ try:
+ if Value.strip().startswith((TAB_HEX_START, TAB_CAPHEX_START)):
+ Base = 16
+ else:
+ Base = 10
+ ErrorCode = int(Value, Base)
+ if ErrorCode > PCD_ERR_CODE_MAX_SIZE or ErrorCode < 0:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ "The format %s of ErrorCode is not valid, should be UNIT32 type or long type" % Value,
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+ ErrorCode = '0x%x' % ErrorCode
+ return ErrorCode
+ except ValueError as XStr:
+ if XStr:
+ pass
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ "The format %s of ErrorCode is not valid, should be UNIT32 type or long type" % Value,
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+## ParseDecPcdGenericComment
+# @param GenericComment: Generic comment list, element of (CommentLine,
+# LineNum)
+# @param ContainerFile: Input value for filename of Dec file
+def ParseDecPcdGenericComment (GenericComment, ContainerFile, TokenSpaceGuidCName, CName, MacroReplaceDict):
+ HelpStr = ''
+ PromptStr = ''
+ PcdErr = None
+ PcdErrList = []
+ ValidValueNum = 0
+ ValidRangeNum = 0
+ ExpressionNum = 0
+ for (CommentLine, LineNum) in GenericComment:
+ Comment = CleanString2(CommentLine)[1]
+ #
+ # To replace Macro
+ #
+ MACRO_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*\$\([A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*\)'
+ MatchedStrs = re.findall(MACRO_PATTERN, Comment)
+ for MatchedStr in MatchedStrs:
+ if MatchedStr:
+ Macro = MatchedStr.strip().lstrip('$(').rstrip(')').strip()
+ if Macro in MacroReplaceDict:
+ Comment = Comment.replace(MatchedStr, MacroReplaceDict[Macro])
+ if Comment.startswith(TAB_PCD_VALIDRANGE):
+ if ValidValueNum > 0 or ExpressionNum > 0:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+ else:
+ PcdErr = PcdErrorObject()
+ PcdErr.SetTokenSpaceGuidCName(TokenSpaceGuidCName)
+ PcdErr.SetCName(CName)
+ PcdErr.SetFileLine(Comment)
+ PcdErr.SetLineNum(LineNum)
+ ValidRangeNum += 1
+ ValidRange = Comment.replace(TAB_PCD_VALIDRANGE, "", 1).strip()
+ Valid, Cause = _CheckRangeExpression(ValidRange)
+ if Valid:
+ ValueList = ValidRange.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ if len(ValueList) > 1:
+ PcdErr.SetValidValueRange((TAB_VALUE_SPLIT.join(ValueList[1:])).strip())
+ PcdErr.SetErrorNumber(ParsePcdErrorCode(ValueList[0], ContainerFile, LineNum))
+ else:
+ PcdErr.SetValidValueRange(ValidRange)
+ PcdErrList.append(PcdErr)
+ else:
+ Logger.Error("Parser",
+ Cause,
+ ContainerFile,
+ LineNum)
+ elif Comment.startswith(TAB_PCD_VALIDLIST):
+ if ValidRangeNum > 0 or ExpressionNum > 0:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+ elif ValidValueNum > 0:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+ else:
+ PcdErr = PcdErrorObject()
+ PcdErr.SetTokenSpaceGuidCName(TokenSpaceGuidCName)
+ PcdErr.SetCName(CName)
+ PcdErr.SetFileLine(Comment)
+ PcdErr.SetLineNum(LineNum)
+ ValidValueNum += 1
+ ValidValueExpr = Comment.replace(TAB_PCD_VALIDLIST, "", 1).strip()
+ Valid, Cause = _CheckListExpression(ValidValueExpr)
+ if Valid:
+ ValidValue = Comment.replace(TAB_PCD_VALIDLIST, "", 1).replace(TAB_COMMA_SPLIT, TAB_SPACE_SPLIT)
+ ValueList = ValidValue.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ if len(ValueList) > 1:
+ PcdErr.SetValidValue((TAB_VALUE_SPLIT.join(ValueList[1:])).strip())
+ PcdErr.SetErrorNumber(ParsePcdErrorCode(ValueList[0], ContainerFile, LineNum))
+ else:
+ PcdErr.SetValidValue(ValidValue)
+ PcdErrList.append(PcdErr)
+ else:
+ Logger.Error("Parser",
+ Cause,
+ ContainerFile,
+ LineNum)
+ elif Comment.startswith(TAB_PCD_EXPRESSION):
+ if ValidRangeNum > 0 or ValidValueNum > 0:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+ else:
+ PcdErr = PcdErrorObject()
+ PcdErr.SetTokenSpaceGuidCName(TokenSpaceGuidCName)
+ PcdErr.SetCName(CName)
+ PcdErr.SetFileLine(Comment)
+ PcdErr.SetLineNum(LineNum)
+ ExpressionNum += 1
+ Expression = Comment.replace(TAB_PCD_EXPRESSION, "", 1).strip()
+ Valid, Cause = _CheckExpression(Expression)
+ if Valid:
+ ValueList = Expression.split(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ if len(ValueList) > 1:
+ PcdErr.SetExpression((TAB_VALUE_SPLIT.join(ValueList[1:])).strip())
+ PcdErr.SetErrorNumber(ParsePcdErrorCode(ValueList[0], ContainerFile, LineNum))
+ else:
+ PcdErr.SetExpression(Expression)
+ PcdErrList.append(PcdErr)
+ else:
+ Logger.Error("Parser",
+ Cause,
+ ContainerFile,
+ LineNum)
+ elif Comment.startswith(TAB_PCD_PROMPT):
+ if PromptStr:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ File = ContainerFile,
+ Line = LineNum)
+ PromptStr = Comment.replace(TAB_PCD_PROMPT, "", 1).strip()
+ else:
+ if Comment:
+ HelpStr += Comment + '\n'
+ #
+ # remove the last EOL if the comment is of format 'FOO\n'
+ #
+ if HelpStr.endswith('\n'):
+ if HelpStr != '\n' and not HelpStr.endswith('\n\n'):
+ HelpStr = HelpStr[:-1]
+ return HelpStr, PcdErrList, PromptStr
+## ParseDecPcdTailComment
+# @param TailCommentList: Tail comment list of Pcd, item of format (Comment, LineNum)
+# @param ContainerFile: Input value for filename of Dec file
+# @retVal SupModuleList: The supported module type list detected
+# @retVal HelpStr: The generic help text string detected
+def ParseDecPcdTailComment (TailCommentList, ContainerFile):
+ assert(len(TailCommentList) == 1)
+ TailComment = TailCommentList[0][0]
+ LineNum = TailCommentList[0][1]
+ Comment = TailComment.lstrip(" #")
+ ReFindFirstWordRe = re.compile(r"""^([^ #]*)""", re.DOTALL)
+ #
+ # get first word and compare with SUP_MODULE_LIST
+ #
+ MatchObject = ReFindFirstWordRe.match(Comment)
+ if not (MatchObject and MatchObject.group(1) in SUP_MODULE_LIST):
+ return None, Comment
+ #
+ # parse line, it must have supported module type specified
+ #
+ if Comment.find(TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT) == -1:
+ SupMode, HelpStr = GetSplitValueList(Comment, TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, 1)
+ SupModuleList = []
+ for Mod in GetSplitValueList(SupMode, TAB_SPACE_SPLIT):
+ if not Mod:
+ continue
+ elif Mod not in SUP_MODULE_LIST:
+ Logger.Error("UPT",
+ ContainerFile,
+ LineNum)
+ else:
+ SupModuleList.append(Mod)
+ return SupModuleList, HelpStr
+## _CheckListExpression
+# @param Expression: Pcd value list expression
+def _CheckListExpression(Expression):
+ ListExpr = ''
+ if TAB_VALUE_SPLIT in Expression:
+ ListExpr = Expression[Expression.find(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)+1:]
+ else:
+ ListExpr = Expression
+ return IsValidListExpr(ListExpr)
+## _CheckExpression
+# @param Expression: Pcd value expression
+def _CheckExpression(Expression):
+ Expr = ''
+ if TAB_VALUE_SPLIT in Expression:
+ Expr = Expression[Expression.find(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)+1:]
+ else:
+ Expr = Expression
+ return IsValidLogicalExpr(Expr, True)
+## _CheckRangeExpression
+# @param Expression: Pcd range expression
+def _CheckRangeExpression(Expression):
+ RangeExpr = ''
+ if TAB_VALUE_SPLIT in Expression:
+ RangeExpr = Expression[Expression.find(TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)+1:]
+ else:
+ RangeExpr = Expression
+ return IsValidRangeExpr(RangeExpr)
+## ValidateCopyright
+def ValidateCopyright(Result, ErrType, FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg):
+ if not Result:
+ Logger.Warn("\nUPT", ErrType, FileName, LineNo, ErrMsg)
+## _ValidateCopyright
+# @param Line: Line that contains copyright information, # stripped
+# @retval Result: True if line is conformed to Spec format, False else
+# @retval ErrMsg: the detailed error description
+def _ValidateCopyright(Line):
+ if Line:
+ pass
+ Result = True
+ ErrMsg = ''
+ return Result, ErrMsg
+def GenerateTokenList (Comment):
+ #
+ # Tokenize Comment using '#' and ' ' as token separators
+ #
+ ReplacedComment = None
+ while Comment != ReplacedComment:
+ ReplacedComment = Comment
+ Comment = Comment.replace('##', '#').replace(' ', ' ').replace(' ', '#').strip('# ')
+ return Comment.split('#')
+# Comment - Comment to parse
+# TypeTokens - A dictionary of type token synonyms
+# RemoveTokens - A list of tokens to remove from help text
+# ParseVariable - True for parsing [Guids]. Otherwise False
+def ParseComment (Comment, UsageTokens, TypeTokens, RemoveTokens, ParseVariable):
+ #
+ # Initialize return values
+ #
+ Usage = None
+ Type = None
+ String = None
+ Comment = Comment[0]
+ NumTokens = 2
+ if ParseVariable:
+ #
+ # Remove white space around first instance of ':' from Comment if 'Variable'
+ # is in front of ':' and Variable is the 1st or 2nd token in Comment.
+ #
+ List = Comment.split(':', 1)
+ if len(List) > 1:
+ SubList = GenerateTokenList (List[0].strip())
+ if len(SubList) in [1, 2] and SubList[-1] == 'Variable':
+ if List[1].strip().find('L"') == 0:
+ Comment = List[0].strip() + ':' + List[1].strip()
+ #
+ # Remove first instance of L"<VariableName> from Comment and put into String
+ # if and only if L"<VariableName>" is the 1st token, the 2nd token. Or
+ # L"<VariableName>" is the third token immediately following 'Variable:'.
+ #
+ End = -1
+ Start = Comment.find('Variable:L"')
+ if Start >= 0:
+ String = Comment[Start + 9:]
+ End = String[2:].find('"')
+ else:
+ Start = Comment.find('L"')
+ if Start >= 0:
+ String = Comment[Start:]
+ End = String[2:].find('"')
+ if End >= 0:
+ SubList = GenerateTokenList (Comment[:Start])
+ if len(SubList) < 2:
+ Comment = Comment[:Start] + String[End + 3:]
+ String = String[:End + 3]
+ Type = 'Variable'
+ NumTokens = 1
+ #
+ # Initialize HelpText to Comment.
+ # Content will be remove from HelpText as matching tokens are found
+ #
+ HelpText = Comment
+ #
+ # Tokenize Comment using '#' and ' ' as token separators
+ #
+ List = GenerateTokenList (Comment)
+ #
+ # Search first two tokens for Usage and Type and remove any matching tokens
+ # from HelpText
+ #
+ for Token in List[0:NumTokens]:
+ if Usage is None and Token in UsageTokens:
+ Usage = UsageTokens[Token]
+ HelpText = HelpText.replace(Token, '')
+ if Usage is not None or not ParseVariable:
+ for Token in List[0:NumTokens]:
+ if Type is None and Token in TypeTokens:
+ Type = TypeTokens[Token]
+ HelpText = HelpText.replace(Token, '')
+ if Usage is not None:
+ for Token in List[0:NumTokens]:
+ if Token in RemoveTokens:
+ HelpText = HelpText.replace(Token, '')
+ #
+ # If no Usage token is present and set Usage to UNDEFINED
+ #
+ if Usage is None:
+ Usage = 'UNDEFINED'
+ #
+ # If no Type token is present and set Type to UNDEFINED
+ #
+ if Type is None:
+ Type = 'UNDEFINED'
+ #
+ # If Type is not 'Variable:', then set String to None
+ #
+ if Type != 'Variable':
+ String = None
+ #
+ # Strip ' ' and '#' from the beginning of HelpText
+ # If HelpText is an empty string after all parsing is
+ # complete then set HelpText to None
+ #
+ HelpText = HelpText.lstrip('# ')
+ if HelpText == '':
+ HelpText = None
+ #
+ # Return parsing results
+ #
+ return Usage, Type, String, HelpText
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/DataType.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/DataType.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd216786a --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/DataType.py @@ -0,0 +1,949 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define class for data type structure
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Module List Items
+ "SEC",
+ "PEIM",
+ ]
+# Usage List Items
+TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X = 'en-x-tianocore'
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+TAB_PCD_EXPRESSION = '@Expression'
+TAB_PCD_PROMPT = '@Prompt'
+# Dictionary of usage tokens and their synonyms
+ }
+ }
+# Dictionary of GUID type tokens
+ "Event" : "Event",
+ "File" : "File",
+ "FV" : "FV",
+ "GUID" : "GUID",
+ "Guid" : "GUID",
+ "HII" : "HII",
+ "HOB" : "HOB",
+ "Hob" : "HOB",
+ "Hob:" : "HOB",
+ "SystemTable" : "SystemTable",
+ "TokenSpaceGuid" : "TokenSpaceGuid",
+ }
+# Dictionary of Protocol Notify tokens and their synonyms
+ }
+# Dictionary of PPI Notify tokens and their synonyms
+ }
+ }
+ "FULL" : "FULL",
+ "S2_RESUME" : "S2_RESUME",
+ "S3_RESUME" : "S3_RESUME",
+ "S4_RESUME" : "S4_RESUME",
+ "S5_RESUME" : "S5_RESUME",
+ }
+ "PHIT" : "PHIT",
+ }
+# Usage List Items for Protocol
+# End of Line
+# Use this but not os.linesep for os.linesep has bug in it.
+END_OF_LINE = '\n'
+# Arch List Items
+ARCH_LIST = ["IA32",
+ "X64",
+ "IPF",
+ "EBC",
+# PCD driver type list items
+# Boot Mode List Items
+ "S2_RESUME",
+ "S3_RESUME",
+ "S4_RESUME",
+ "S5_RESUME",
+# Event Type List Items
+# Hob Type List Items
+GUID_TYPE_LIST = ["Event", "File", "FV", "GUID", "HII", "HOB",
+ "SystemTable", "TokenSpaceGuid", "Variable"]
+# PCD Usage Type List of Package
+PCD_USAGE_TYPE_LIST_OF_PACKAGE = ["FeatureFlag", "PatchableInModule",
+ "FixedAtBuild", "Dynamic", "DynamicEx"]
+# PCD Usage Type List of Module
+# PCD Usage Type List of UPT
+# Binary File Type List
+BINARY_FILE_TYPE_LIST = ["PE32", "PIC", "TE", "DXE_DEPEX", "VER", "UI", "COMPAT16", "FV", "BIN", "RAW",
+ "ACPI", "ASL",
+ ]
+ "UEFI_IMAGE", "PE32", "PIC",
+ "FV", "TE",
+ "BIN", "VER", "UI"
+ ]
+# Possible values for COMPONENT_TYPE, and their descriptions, are listed in
+# the table,
+# "Component (module) Types." For each component, the BASE_NAME and
+# are required. The COMPONENT_TYPE definition is case sensitive.
+ "FILE",
+ "LOGO",
+ "LEGACY16",
+ "PE32_PEIM",
+ ]
+# Common Definitions
+TAB_SPLIT = '.'
+TAB_SLASH = '\\'
+TAB_STAR = '*'
+TAB_ENCODING_UTF16LE = 'utf_16_le'
+TAB_PCD_ERROR = 'Error'
+TAB_PCD_ERROR_SECTION_COMMENT = 'Error message section'
+TAB_UNI_FILE_SUFFIXS = ['.uni', '.UNI', '.Uni']
+TAB_ARCH_IA32 = 'IA32'
+TAB_ARCH_X64 = 'X64'
+ ]
+ ]
+ '<DXE_DEPEX>',
+ ]
+TAB_LIBRARIES = 'Libraries'
+TAB_SOURCE = 'Source'
+TAB_SOURCES = 'Sources'
+TAB_BINARIES = 'Binaries'
+TAB_INCLUDES = 'Includes'
+TAB_GUIDS = 'Guids'
+TAB_PROTOCOLS = 'Protocols'
+TAB_PPIS = 'Ppis'
+TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES = 'LibraryClasses'
+TAB_PACKAGES = 'Packages'
+TAB_PCDS = 'Pcds'
+## Dynamic-ex PCD types
+INF_PCD_SECTION_LIST = ["FixedPcd".upper(), "FeaturePcd".upper(), \
+ "PatchPcd".upper(), "Pcd".upper(), "PcdEx".upper()]
+TAB_DEPEX = 'Depex'
+TAB_SKUIDS = 'SkuIds'
+TAB_LIBRARIES = 'Libraries'
+TAB_COMPONENTS = 'Components'
+TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS = 'BuildOptions'
+TAB_NMAKE = 'Nmake'
+TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS = 'UserExtensions'
+TAB_INCLUDE = '!include'
+TAB_PRIVATE = 'Private'
+TAB_INTEL = 'Intel'
+# Common Define
+# Inf Definitions
+TAB_INF_PCD = 'Pcd'
+# Dec Definitions
+# Dsc Definitions
+# TargetTxt Definitions
+# ToolDef Definitions
+# Conditional Statements
+TAB_IF = '!if'
+TAB_END_IF = '!endif'
+TAB_ELSE_IF = '!elseif'
+TAB_ELSE = '!else'
+TAB_IF_DEF = '!ifdef'
+TAB_IF_N_DEF = '!ifndef'
+TAB_IF_EXIST = '!if exist'
+# Unknown section
+# Header section (virtual section for abstract, description, copyright,
+# license)
+TAB_HEADER = 'Header'
+# Build database path
+DATABASE_PATH = ":memory:"
+# used by ECC
+# Dependency Expression
+ "END", "SOR", "TRUE", "FALSE", '(', ')']
+# used to indicate the state of processing header comment section of dec,
+# inf files
+# Static values for data models
+MODEL_FILE_C = 1001
+MODEL_FILE_H = 1002
+MODEL_PCD = 4000
+ "INTEL",
+ "GCC",
+ "RVCT"
+ ]
+PCD_ERR_CODE_MAX_SIZE = 4294967295
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ExpressionValidate.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ExpressionValidate.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7718ca12e --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ExpressionValidate.py @@ -0,0 +1,567 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to check PCD logical expression
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from __future__ import print_function
+# Import Modules
+import re
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+## IsValidBareCString
+# Check if String is comprised by whitespace(0x20), !(0x21), 0x23 - 0x7E
+# or '\n', '\t', '\f', '\r', '\b', '\0', '\\'
+# @param String: string to be checked
+def IsValidBareCString(String):
+ EscapeList = ['n', 't', 'f', 'r', 'b', '0', '\\', '"']
+ PreChar = ''
+ LastChar = ''
+ for Char in String:
+ LastChar = Char
+ if PreChar == '\\':
+ if Char not in EscapeList:
+ return False
+ if Char == '\\':
+ PreChar = ''
+ continue
+ else:
+ IntChar = ord(Char)
+ if IntChar != 0x20 and IntChar != 0x09 and IntChar != 0x21 \
+ and (IntChar < 0x23 or IntChar > 0x7e):
+ return False
+ PreChar = Char
+ # Last char cannot be \ if PreChar is not \
+ if LastChar == '\\' and PreChar == LastChar:
+ return False
+ return True
+def _ValidateToken(Token):
+ Token = Token.strip()
+ Index = Token.find("\"")
+ if Index != -1:
+ return IsValidBareCString(Token[Index+1:-1])
+ return True
+## _ExprError
+# @param Exception: Exception
+class _ExprError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, Error = ''):
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ self.Error = Error
+## _ExprBase
+class _ExprBase:
+ HEX_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+'
+ INT_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*[0-9]+'
+ MACRO_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*\$\(([A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)\)'
+ '[\t\s]*[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*[\t\s]*\.[\t\s]*[_a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
+ QUOTED_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*L?"[^"]*"'
+ BOOL_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*(true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE)'
+ def __init__(self, Token):
+ self.Token = Token
+ self.Index = 0
+ self.Len = len(Token)
+ ## SkipWhitespace
+ #
+ def SkipWhitespace(self):
+ for Char in self.Token[self.Index:]:
+ if Char not in ' \t':
+ break
+ self.Index += 1
+ ## IsCurrentOp
+ #
+ # @param OpList: option list
+ #
+ def IsCurrentOp(self, OpList):
+ self.SkipWhitespace()
+ LetterOp = ["EQ", "NE", "GE", "LE", "GT", "LT", "NOT", "and", "AND",
+ "or", "OR", "XOR"]
+ OpMap = {
+ '|' : '|',
+ '&' : '&',
+ '!' : '=',
+ '>' : '=',
+ '<' : '='
+ }
+ for Operator in OpList:
+ if not self.Token[self.Index:].startswith(Operator):
+ continue
+ self.Index += len(Operator)
+ Char = self.Token[self.Index : self.Index + 1]
+ if (Operator in LetterOp and (Char == '_' or Char.isalnum())) \
+ or (Operator in OpMap and OpMap[Operator] == Char):
+ self.Index -= len(Operator)
+ break
+ return True
+ return False
+## _LogicalExpressionParser
+# @param _ExprBase: _ExprBase object
+class _LogicalExpressionParser(_ExprBase):
+ #
+ # STRINGITEM can only be logical field according to spec
+ #
+ #
+ # Evaluate to True or False
+ #
+ #
+ # Just arithmetic expression
+ #
+ ARITH = 1
+ def __init__(self, Token):
+ _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token)
+ self.Parens = 0
+ def _CheckToken(self, MatchList):
+ for Match in MatchList:
+ if Match and Match.start() == 0:
+ if not _ValidateToken(
+ self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+Match.end()]
+ ):
+ return False
+ self.Index += Match.end()
+ if self.Token[self.Index - 1] == '"':
+ return True
+ if self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+1] == '_' or \
+ self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+1].isalnum():
+ self.Index -= Match.end()
+ return False
+ Token = self.Token[self.Index - Match.end():self.Index]
+ if Token.strip() in ["EQ", "NE", "GE", "LE", "GT", "LT",
+ "NOT", "and", "AND", "or", "OR", "XOR"]:
+ self.Index -= Match.end()
+ return False
+ return True
+ return False
+ def IsAtomicNumVal(self):
+ #
+ # Hex number
+ #
+ Match1 = re.compile(self.HEX_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ #
+ # Number
+ #
+ Match2 = re.compile(self.INT_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ #
+ # Macro
+ #
+ Match3 = re.compile(self.MACRO_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ #
+ # PcdName
+ #
+ Match4 = re.compile(self.PCD_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ return self._CheckToken([Match1, Match2, Match3, Match4])
+ def IsAtomicItem(self):
+ #
+ # Macro
+ #
+ Match1 = re.compile(self.MACRO_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ #
+ # PcdName
+ #
+ Match2 = re.compile(self.PCD_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ #
+ # Quoted string
+ #
+ Match3 = re.compile(self.QUOTED_PATTERN).\
+ match(self.Token[self.Index:].replace('\\\\', '//').\
+ replace('\\\"', '\\\''))
+ return self._CheckToken([Match1, Match2, Match3])
+ ## A || B
+ #
+ def LogicalExpression(self):
+ Ret = self.SpecNot()
+ while self.IsCurrentOp(['||', 'OR', 'or', '&&', 'AND', 'and', 'XOR', 'xor', '^']):
+ if self.Token[self.Index-1] == '|' and self.Parens <= 0:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_OR % self.Token)
+ if Ret not in [self.ARITH, self.LOGICAL, self.REALLOGICAL, self.STRINGITEM]:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.SpecNot()
+ if Ret not in [self.ARITH, self.LOGICAL, self.REALLOGICAL, self.STRINGITEM]:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.REALLOGICAL
+ return Ret
+ def SpecNot(self):
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(["NOT", "!", "not"]):
+ return self.SpecNot()
+ return self.Rel()
+ ## A < B, A > B, A <= B, A >= B
+ #
+ def Rel(self):
+ Ret = self.Expr()
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(["<=", ">=", ">", "<", "GT", "LT", "GE", "LE",
+ "==", "EQ", "!=", "NE"]):
+ if Ret == self.STRINGITEM:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.Expr()
+ if Ret == self.REALLOGICAL:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.REALLOGICAL
+ return Ret
+ ## A + B, A - B
+ #
+ def Expr(self):
+ Ret = self.Factor()
+ while self.IsCurrentOp(["+", "-", "&", "|", "^", "XOR", "xor"]):
+ if self.Token[self.Index-1] == '|' and self.Parens <= 0:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_OR)
+ if Ret == self.STRINGITEM or Ret == self.REALLOGICAL:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.Factor()
+ if Ret == self.STRINGITEM or Ret == self.REALLOGICAL:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.ARITH
+ return Ret
+ ## Factor
+ #
+ def Factor(self):
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(["("]):
+ self.Parens += 1
+ Ret = self.LogicalExpression()
+ if not self.IsCurrentOp([")"]):
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RIGHT_PAREN % \
+ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:]))
+ self.Parens -= 1
+ return Ret
+ if self.IsAtomicItem():
+ if self.Token[self.Index - 1] == '"':
+ return self.STRINGITEM
+ return self.LOGICAL
+ elif self.IsAtomicNumVal():
+ return self.ARITH
+ else:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_FACTOR % \
+ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token))
+ ## IsValidLogicalExpression
+ #
+ def IsValidLogicalExpression(self):
+ if self.Len == 0:
+ return False, ST.ERR_EXPRESS_EMPTY
+ try:
+ if self.LogicalExpression() not in [self.ARITH, self.LOGICAL, self.REALLOGICAL, self.STRINGITEM]:
+ return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_LOGICAL % self.Token
+ except _ExprError as XExcept:
+ return False, XExcept.Error
+ self.SkipWhitespace()
+ if self.Index != self.Len:
+ return False, (ST.ERR_EXPR_BOOLEAN % \
+ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token))
+ return True, ''
+## _ValidRangeExpressionParser
+class _ValidRangeExpressionParser(_ExprBase):
+ INT_RANGE_PATTERN = '[\t\s]*[0-9]+[\t\s]*-[\t\s]*[0-9]+'
+ '[\t\s]*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+[\t\s]*-[\t\s]*0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+'
+ def __init__(self, Token):
+ _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token)
+ self.Parens = 0
+ self.HEX = 1
+ self.INT = 2
+ self.IsParenHappen = False
+ self.IsLogicalOpHappen = False
+ ## IsValidRangeExpression
+ #
+ def IsValidRangeExpression(self):
+ if self.Len == 0:
+ try:
+ if self.RangeExpression() not in [self.HEX, self.INT]:
+ return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE % self.Token
+ except _ExprError as XExcept:
+ return False, XExcept.Error
+ self.SkipWhitespace()
+ if self.Index != self.Len:
+ return False, (ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE % self.Token)
+ return True, ''
+ ## RangeExpression
+ #
+ def RangeExpression(self):
+ Ret = self.Unary()
+ while self.IsCurrentOp(['OR', 'AND', 'and', 'or']):
+ self.IsLogicalOpHappen = True
+ if not self.IsParenHappen:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_PAREN_NOT_USED % self.Token)
+ self.IsParenHappen = False
+ Ret = self.Unary()
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(['XOR']):
+ Ret = self.Unary()
+ return Ret
+ ## Unary
+ #
+ def Unary(self):
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(["NOT"]):
+ return self.Unary()
+ return self.ValidRange()
+ ## ValidRange
+ #
+ def ValidRange(self):
+ Ret = -1
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(["("]):
+ self.IsLogicalOpHappen = False
+ self.IsParenHappen = True
+ self.Parens += 1
+ if self.Parens > 1:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE_DOUBLE_PAREN_NESTED % self.Token)
+ Ret = self.RangeExpression()
+ if not self.IsCurrentOp([")"]):
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RIGHT_PAREN % self.Token)
+ self.Parens -= 1
+ return Ret
+ if self.IsLogicalOpHappen:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_PAREN_NOT_USED % self.Token)
+ if self.IsCurrentOp(["LT", "GT", "LE", "GE", "EQ", "XOR"]):
+ IntMatch = \
+ re.compile(self.INT_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ HexMatch = \
+ re.compile(self.HEX_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ if HexMatch and HexMatch.start() == 0:
+ self.Index += HexMatch.end()
+ Ret = self.HEX
+ elif IntMatch and IntMatch.start() == 0:
+ self.Index += IntMatch.end()
+ Ret = self.INT
+ else:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE_FACTOR % (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token))
+ else:
+ IntRangeMatch = re.compile(
+ self.INT_RANGE_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]
+ )
+ HexRangeMatch = re.compile(
+ self.HEX_RANGE_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:]
+ )
+ if HexRangeMatch and HexRangeMatch.start() == 0:
+ self.Index += HexRangeMatch.end()
+ Ret = self.HEX
+ elif IntRangeMatch and IntRangeMatch.start() == 0:
+ self.Index += IntRangeMatch.end()
+ Ret = self.INT
+ else:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_RANGE % self.Token)
+ return Ret
+## _ValidListExpressionParser
+class _ValidListExpressionParser(_ExprBase):
+ VALID_LIST_PATTERN = '(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+)([\t\s]*,[\t\s]*(0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|[0-9]+))*'
+ def __init__(self, Token):
+ _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token)
+ self.NUM = 1
+ def IsValidListExpression(self):
+ if self.Len == 0:
+ return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST_EMPTY
+ try:
+ if self.ListExpression() not in [self.NUM]:
+ return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST % self.Token
+ except _ExprError as XExcept:
+ return False, XExcept.Error
+ self.SkipWhitespace()
+ if self.Index != self.Len:
+ return False, (ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST % self.Token)
+ return True, ''
+ def ListExpression(self):
+ Ret = -1
+ self.SkipWhitespace()
+ ListMatch = re.compile(self.VALID_LIST_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ if ListMatch and ListMatch.start() == 0:
+ self.Index += ListMatch.end()
+ Ret = self.NUM
+ else:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_LIST % self.Token)
+ return Ret
+## _StringTestParser
+class _StringTestParser(_ExprBase):
+ def __init__(self, Token):
+ _ExprBase.__init__(self, Token)
+ ## IsValidStringTest
+ #
+ def IsValidStringTest(self):
+ if self.Len == 0:
+ return False, ST.ERR_EXPR_EMPTY
+ try:
+ self.StringTest()
+ except _ExprError as XExcept:
+ return False, XExcept.Error
+ return True, ''
+ ## StringItem
+ #
+ def StringItem(self):
+ Match1 = re.compile(self.QUOTED_PATTERN)\
+ .match(self.Token[self.Index:].replace('\\\\', '//')\
+ .replace('\\\"', '\\\''))
+ Match2 = re.compile(self.MACRO_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ Match3 = re.compile(self.PCD_PATTERN).match(self.Token[self.Index:])
+ MatchList = [Match1, Match2, Match3]
+ for Match in MatchList:
+ if Match and Match.start() == 0:
+ if not _ValidateToken(
+ self.Token[self.Index:self.Index+Match.end()]
+ ):
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_STRING_ITEM % \
+ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:]))
+ self.Index += Match.end()
+ Token = self.Token[self.Index - Match.end():self.Index]
+ if Token.strip() in ["EQ", "NE"]:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_STRING_ITEM % \
+ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:]))
+ return
+ else:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_STRING_ITEM % \
+ (self.Token, self.Token[self.Index:]))
+ ## StringTest
+ #
+ def StringTest(self):
+ self.StringItem()
+ if not self.IsCurrentOp(["==", "EQ", "!=", "NE"]):
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_EQUALITY % \
+ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token))
+ self.StringItem()
+ if self.Index != self.Len:
+ raise _ExprError(ST.ERR_EXPR_BOOLEAN % \
+ (self.Token[self.Index:], self.Token))
+# Check syntax of string test
+# @param Token: string test token
+def IsValidStringTest(Token, Flag=False):
+ #
+ # Not do the check right now, keep the implementation for future enhancement.
+ #
+ if not Flag:
+ return True, ""
+ return _StringTestParser(Token).IsValidStringTest()
+# Check syntax of logical expression
+# @param Token: expression token
+def IsValidLogicalExpr(Token, Flag=False):
+ #
+ # Not do the check right now, keep the implementation for future enhancement.
+ #
+ if not Flag:
+ return True, ""
+ return _LogicalExpressionParser(Token).IsValidLogicalExpression()
+# Check syntax of range expression
+# @param Token: range expression token
+def IsValidRangeExpr(Token):
+ return _ValidRangeExpressionParser(Token).IsValidRangeExpression()
+# Check syntax of value list expression token
+# @param Token: value list expression token
+def IsValidListExpr(Token):
+ return _ValidListExpressionParser(Token).IsValidListExpression()
+# Check whether the feature flag expression is valid or not
+# @param Token: feature flag expression
+def IsValidFeatureFlagExp(Token, Flag=False):
+ #
+ # Not do the check right now, keep the implementation for future enhancement.
+ #
+ if not Flag:
+ return True, "", Token
+ else:
+ if Token in ['TRUE', 'FALSE', 'true', 'false', 'True', 'False',
+ '0x1', '0x01', '0x0', '0x00']:
+ return True, ""
+ Valid, Cause = IsValidStringTest(Token, Flag)
+ if not Valid:
+ Valid, Cause = IsValidLogicalExpr(Token, Flag)
+ if not Valid:
+ return False, Cause
+ return True, ""
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+# print IsValidRangeExpr('LT 9')
+ print(_LogicalExpressionParser('gCrownBayTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciDevice1BridgeAddressLE0').IsValidLogicalExpression())
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/GlobalData.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/GlobalData.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e88fb1e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/GlobalData.py @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define common static strings and global data used by UPT
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# The workspace directory
+# INF module directory
+# the directory to holds upt related files
+gUPT_DIR = r"Conf/upt/"
+# Log file for invalid meta-data files during force removing
+gINVALID_MODULE_FILE = gUPT_DIR + r"Invalid_Modules.log"
+# File name for content zip file in the distribution
+gCONTENT_FILE = "dist.content"
+# File name for XML file in the distribution
+gDESC_FILE = 'dist.pkg'
+# Case Insensitive flag
+# All Files dictionary
+gALL_FILES = {}
+# Database instance
+gDB = None
+# list for files that are found in module level but not in INF files,
+# items are (File, ModulePath), all these should be relative to $(WORKSPACE)
+# Global Current Line
+# Global pkg list
+# Flag used to take WARN as ERROR.
+# By default, only ERROR message will break the tools execution.
+# Used to specify the temp directory to hold the unpacked distribution files
+# Flag used to mark whether the INF file is Binary INF or not.
+# Used by FileHook module.
+# Used by PCD parser
+gPackageDict = {}
+# Used by Library instance parser
+# {FilePath: FileObj}
+# Store the list of DIST
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77ba3584e --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Misc.py @@ -0,0 +1,989 @@ +## @file
+# Common routines used by all tools
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import os.path
+from os import access
+from os import F_OK
+from os import makedirs
+from os import getcwd
+from os import chdir
+from os import listdir
+from os import remove
+from os import rmdir
+from os import linesep
+from os import walk
+from os import environ
+import re
+from collections import OrderedDict as Sdict
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Logger import ToolError
+from Library import GlobalData
+from Library.DataType import SUP_MODULE_LIST
+from Library.DataType import END_OF_LINE
+from Library.DataType import TAB_SPLIT
+from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_US
+from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN
+from Library.DataType import TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X
+from Library.DataType import TAB_UNI_FILE_SUFFIXS
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidHexVersion
+from Library.ParserValidate import IsValidPath
+from Object.POM.CommonObject import TextObject
+from Core.FileHook import __FileHookOpen__
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+## Convert GUID string in xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx style to C
+# structure style
+# @param Guid: The GUID string
+def GuidStringToGuidStructureString(Guid):
+ GuidList = Guid.split('-')
+ Result = '{'
+ for Index in range(0, 3, 1):
+ Result = Result + '0x' + GuidList[Index] + ', '
+ Result = Result + '{0x' + GuidList[3][0:2] + ', 0x' + GuidList[3][2:4]
+ for Index in range(0, 12, 2):
+ Result = Result + ', 0x' + GuidList[4][Index:Index + 2]
+ Result += '}}'
+ return Result
+## Check whether GUID string is of format xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+# @param GuidValue: The GUID value
+def CheckGuidRegFormat(GuidValue):
+ ## Regular expression used to find out register format of GUID
+ #
+ RegFormatGuidPattern = re.compile("^\s*([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-"
+ "([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\s*$")
+ if RegFormatGuidPattern.match(GuidValue):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## Convert GUID string in C structure style to
+# xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+# @param GuidValue: The GUID value in C structure format
+def GuidStructureStringToGuidString(GuidValue):
+ GuidValueString = GuidValue.lower().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").\
+ replace(" ", "").replace(";", "")
+ GuidValueList = GuidValueString.split(",")
+ if len(GuidValueList) != 11:
+ return ''
+ try:
+ return "%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x" % (
+ int(GuidValueList[0], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[1], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[2], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[3], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[4], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[5], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[6], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[7], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[8], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[9], 16),
+ int(GuidValueList[10], 16)
+ )
+ except BaseException:
+ return ''
+## Create directories
+# @param Directory: The directory name
+def CreateDirectory(Directory):
+ if Directory is None or Directory.strip() == "":
+ return True
+ try:
+ if not access(Directory, F_OK):
+ makedirs(Directory)
+ except BaseException:
+ return False
+ return True
+## Remove directories, including files and sub-directories in it
+# @param Directory: The directory name
+def RemoveDirectory(Directory, Recursively=False):
+ if Directory is None or Directory.strip() == "" or not \
+ os.path.exists(Directory):
+ return
+ if Recursively:
+ CurrentDirectory = getcwd()
+ chdir(Directory)
+ for File in listdir("."):
+ if os.path.isdir(File):
+ RemoveDirectory(File, Recursively)
+ else:
+ remove(File)
+ chdir(CurrentDirectory)
+ rmdir(Directory)
+## Store content in file
+# This method is used to save file only when its content is changed. This is
+# quite useful for "make" system to decide what will be re-built and what
+# won't.
+# @param File: The path of file
+# @param Content: The new content of the file
+# @param IsBinaryFile: The flag indicating if the file is binary file
+# or not
+def SaveFileOnChange(File, Content, IsBinaryFile=True):
+ if os.path.exists(File):
+ if IsBinaryFile:
+ try:
+ if Content == __FileHookOpen__(File, "rb").read():
+ return False
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ else:
+ try:
+ if Content == __FileHookOpen__(File, "r").read():
+ return False
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(File))
+ if IsBinaryFile:
+ try:
+ FileFd = __FileHookOpen__(File, "wb")
+ FileFd.write(Content)
+ FileFd.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ else:
+ try:
+ FileFd = __FileHookOpen__(File, "w")
+ FileFd.write(Content)
+ FileFd.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error(None, ToolError.FILE_CREATE_FAILURE, ExtraData=File)
+ return True
+## Get all files of a directory
+# @param Root: Root dir
+# @param SkipList : The files need be skipped
+def GetFiles(Root, SkipList=None, FullPath=True):
+ OriPath = os.path.normpath(Root)
+ FileList = []
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in walk(Root):
+ if SkipList:
+ for Item in SkipList:
+ if Item in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove(Item)
+ if Item in Files:
+ Files.remove(Item)
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.startswith('.'):
+ Dirs.remove(Dir)
+ for File in Files:
+ if File.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ File = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, File))
+ if not FullPath:
+ File = File[len(OriPath) + 1:]
+ FileList.append(File)
+ return FileList
+## Get all non-metadata files of a directory
+# @param Root: Root Dir
+# @param SkipList : List of path need be skipped
+# @param FullPath: True if the returned file should be full path
+# @param PrefixPath: the path that need to be added to the files found
+# @return: the list of files found
+def GetNonMetaDataFiles(Root, SkipList, FullPath, PrefixPath):
+ FileList = GetFiles(Root, SkipList, FullPath)
+ NewFileList = []
+ for File in FileList:
+ ExtName = os.path.splitext(File)[1]
+ #
+ # skip '.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', '.fdf' files
+ #
+ if ExtName.lower() not in ['.dec', '.inf', '.dsc', '.fdf']:
+ NewFileList.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(PrefixPath, File)))
+ return NewFileList
+## Check if given file exists or not
+# @param File: File name or path to be checked
+# @param Dir: The directory the file is relative to
+def ValidFile(File, Ext=None):
+ File = File.replace('\\', '/')
+ if Ext is not None:
+ FileExt = os.path.splitext(File)[1]
+ if FileExt.lower() != Ext.lower():
+ return False
+ if not os.path.exists(File):
+ return False
+ return True
+## RealPath
+# @param File: File name or path to be checked
+# @param Dir: The directory the file is relative to
+# @param OverrideDir: The override directory
+def RealPath(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
+ NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[NewFile]
+ if not NewFile and OverrideDir:
+ NewFile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(OverrideDir, File))
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[NewFile]
+ return NewFile
+## RealPath2
+# @param File: File name or path to be checked
+# @param Dir: The directory the file is relative to
+# @param OverrideDir: The override directory
+def RealPath2(File, Dir='', OverrideDir=''):
+ if OverrideDir:
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[os.path.normpath(os.path.join\
+ (OverrideDir, File))]
+ if NewFile:
+ if OverrideDir[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ return NewFile[len(OverrideDir):], NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
+ else:
+ return NewFile[len(OverrideDir) + 1:], \
+ NewFile[0:len(OverrideDir)]
+ NewFile = GlobalData.gALL_FILES[os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Dir, File))]
+ if NewFile:
+ if Dir:
+ if Dir[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ return NewFile[len(Dir):], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
+ else:
+ return NewFile[len(Dir) + 1:], NewFile[0:len(Dir)]
+ else:
+ return NewFile, ''
+ return None, None
+## CommonPath
+# @param PathList: PathList
+def CommonPath(PathList):
+ Path1 = min(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
+ Path2 = max(PathList).split(os.path.sep)
+ for Index in range(min(len(Path1), len(Path2))):
+ if Path1[Index] != Path2[Index]:
+ return os.path.sep.join(Path1[:Index])
+ return os.path.sep.join(Path1)
+## PathClass
+class PathClass(object):
+ def __init__(self, File='', Root='', AlterRoot='', Type='', IsBinary=False,
+ Arch='COMMON', ToolChainFamily='', Target='', TagName='', \
+ ToolCode=''):
+ self.Arch = Arch
+ self.File = str(File)
+ if os.path.isabs(self.File):
+ self.Root = ''
+ self.AlterRoot = ''
+ else:
+ self.Root = str(Root)
+ self.AlterRoot = str(AlterRoot)
+ #
+ # Remove any '.' and '..' in path
+ #
+ if self.Root:
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.Root, self.File))
+ self.Root = os.path.normpath(CommonPath([self.Root, self.Path]))
+ #
+ # eliminate the side-effect of 'C:'
+ #
+ if self.Root[-1] == ':':
+ self.Root += os.path.sep
+ #
+ # file path should not start with path separator
+ #
+ if self.Root[-1] == os.path.sep:
+ self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root):]
+ else:
+ self.File = self.Path[len(self.Root) + 1:]
+ else:
+ self.Path = os.path.normpath(self.File)
+ self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(self.File)
+ self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
+ if self.Root:
+ if self.SubDir:
+ self.Dir = os.path.join(self.Root, self.SubDir)
+ else:
+ self.Dir = self.Root
+ else:
+ self.Dir = self.SubDir
+ if IsBinary:
+ self.Type = Type
+ else:
+ self.Type = self.Ext.lower()
+ self.IsBinary = IsBinary
+ self.Target = Target
+ self.TagName = TagName
+ self.ToolCode = ToolCode
+ self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily
+ self._Key = None
+ ## Convert the object of this class to a string
+ #
+ # Convert member Path of the class to a string
+ #
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.Path
+ ## Override __eq__ function
+ #
+ # Check whether PathClass are the same
+ #
+ def __eq__(self, Other):
+ if isinstance(Other, type(self)):
+ return self.Path == Other.Path
+ else:
+ return self.Path == str(Other)
+ ## Override __hash__ function
+ #
+ # Use Path as key in hash table
+ #
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.Path)
+ ## _GetFileKey
+ #
+ def _GetFileKey(self):
+ if self._Key is None:
+ self._Key = self.Path.upper()
+ return self._Key
+ ## Validate
+ #
+ def Validate(self, Type='', CaseSensitive=True):
+ if GlobalData.gCASE_INSENSITIVE:
+ CaseSensitive = False
+ if Type and Type.lower() != self.Type:
+ return ToolError.FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH, '%s (expect %s but got %s)' % \
+ (self.File, Type, self.Type)
+ RealFile, RealRoot = RealPath2(self.File, self.Root, self.AlterRoot)
+ if not RealRoot and not RealFile:
+ RealFile = self.File
+ if self.AlterRoot:
+ RealFile = os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, self.File)
+ elif self.Root:
+ RealFile = os.path.join(self.Root, self.File)
+ return ToolError.FILE_NOT_FOUND, os.path.join(self.AlterRoot, RealFile)
+ ErrorCode = 0
+ ErrorInfo = ''
+ if RealRoot != self.Root or RealFile != self.File:
+ if CaseSensitive and (RealFile != self.File or \
+ (RealRoot != self.Root and RealRoot != \
+ self.AlterRoot)):
+ ErrorCode = ToolError.FILE_CASE_MISMATCH
+ ErrorInfo = self.File + '\n\t' + RealFile + \
+ " [in file system]"
+ self.SubDir, self.Name = os.path.split(RealFile)
+ self.BaseName, self.Ext = os.path.splitext(self.Name)
+ if self.SubDir:
+ self.Dir = os.path.join(RealRoot, self.SubDir)
+ else:
+ self.Dir = RealRoot
+ self.File = RealFile
+ self.Root = RealRoot
+ self.Path = os.path.join(RealRoot, RealFile)
+ return ErrorCode, ErrorInfo
+ Key = property(_GetFileKey)
+## Get current workspace
+# get WORKSPACE from environment variable if present,if not use current working directory as WORKSPACE
+def GetWorkspace():
+ #
+ # check WORKSPACE
+ #
+ if "WORKSPACE" in environ:
+ WorkspaceDir = os.path.normpath(environ["WORKSPACE"])
+ if not os.path.exists(WorkspaceDir):
+ Logger.Error("UPT",
+ ExtraData="%s" % WorkspaceDir)
+ else:
+ WorkspaceDir = os.getcwd()
+ if WorkspaceDir[-1] == ':':
+ WorkspaceDir += os.sep
+ PackagesPath = os.environ.get("PACKAGES_PATH")
+ mws.setWs(WorkspaceDir, PackagesPath)
+ return WorkspaceDir, mws.PACKAGES_PATH
+## Get relative path
+# use full path and workspace to get relative path
+# the destination of this function is mainly to resolve the root path issue(like c: or c:\)
+# @param Fullpath: a string of fullpath
+# @param Workspace: a string of workspace
+def GetRelativePath(Fullpath, Workspace):
+ RelativePath = ''
+ if Workspace.endswith(os.sep):
+ RelativePath = Fullpath[Fullpath.upper().find(Workspace.upper())+len(Workspace):]
+ else:
+ RelativePath = Fullpath[Fullpath.upper().find(Workspace.upper())+len(Workspace)+1:]
+ return RelativePath
+## Check whether all module types are in list
+# check whether all module types (SUP_MODULE_LIST) are in list
+# @param ModuleList: a list of ModuleType
+def IsAllModuleList(ModuleList):
+ NewModuleList = [Module.upper() for Module in ModuleList]
+ for Module in SUP_MODULE_LIST:
+ if Module not in NewModuleList:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+## Dictionary that use comment(GenericComment, TailComment) as value,
+# if a new comment which key already in the dic is inserted, then the
+# comment will be merged.
+# Key is (Statement, SupArch), when TailComment is added, it will ident
+# according to Statement
+class MergeCommentDict(dict):
+ ## []= operator
+ #
+ def __setitem__(self, Key, CommentVal):
+ GenericComment, TailComment = CommentVal
+ if Key in self:
+ OrigVal1, OrigVal2 = dict.__getitem__(self, Key)
+ Statement = Key[0]
+ dict.__setitem__(self, Key, (OrigVal1 + GenericComment, OrigVal2 \
+ + len(Statement) * ' ' + TailComment))
+ else:
+ dict.__setitem__(self, Key, (GenericComment, TailComment))
+ ## =[] operator
+ #
+ def __getitem__(self, Key):
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, Key)
+## GenDummyHelpTextObj
+# @retval HelpTxt: Generated dummy help text object
+def GenDummyHelpTextObj():
+ HelpTxt = TextObject()
+ HelpTxt.SetString(' ')
+ return HelpTxt
+## ConvertVersionToDecimal, the minor version should be within 0 - 99
+# <HexVersion> ::= "0x" <Major> <Minor>
+# <Major> ::= (a-fA-F0-9){4}
+# <Minor> ::= (a-fA-F0-9){4}
+# <DecVersion> ::= (0-65535) ["." (0-99)]
+# @param StringIn: The string contains version defined in INF file.
+# It can be Decimal or Hex
+def ConvertVersionToDecimal(StringIn):
+ if IsValidHexVersion(StringIn):
+ Value = int(StringIn, 16)
+ Major = Value >> 16
+ Minor = Value & 0xFFFF
+ MinorStr = str(Minor)
+ if len(MinorStr) == 1:
+ MinorStr = '0' + MinorStr
+ return str(Major) + '.' + MinorStr
+ else:
+ if StringIn.find(TAB_SPLIT) != -1:
+ return StringIn
+ elif StringIn:
+ return StringIn + '.0'
+ else:
+ #
+ # when StringIn is '', return it directly
+ #
+ return StringIn
+## GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey
+# Remove hash key at the header of string and return the remain.
+# @param String: The string need to be processed.
+def GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey(String):
+ ReturnString = ''
+ PattenRemoveHashKey = re.compile(r"^[#+\s]+", re.DOTALL)
+ String = String.strip()
+ if String == '':
+ return String
+ LineList = GetSplitValueList(String, END_OF_LINE)
+ for Line in LineList:
+ ValueList = PattenRemoveHashKey.split(Line)
+ if len(ValueList) == 1:
+ ReturnString += ValueList[0] + END_OF_LINE
+ else:
+ ReturnString += ValueList[1] + END_OF_LINE
+ if ReturnString.endswith('\n') and not ReturnString.endswith('\n\n') and ReturnString != '\n':
+ ReturnString = ReturnString[:-1]
+ return ReturnString
+## ConvPathFromAbsToRel
+# Get relative file path from absolute path.
+# @param Path: The string contain file absolute path.
+# @param Root: The string contain the parent path of Path in.
+def ConvPathFromAbsToRel(Path, Root):
+ Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
+ Root = os.path.normpath(Root)
+ FullPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, Path))
+ #
+ # If Path is absolute path.
+ # It should be in Root.
+ #
+ if os.path.isabs(Path):
+ return FullPath[FullPath.find(Root) + len(Root) + 1:]
+ else:
+ return Path
+## ConvertPath
+# Convert special characters to '_', '\' to '/'
+# return converted path: Test!1.inf -> Test_1.inf
+# @param Path: Path to be converted
+def ConvertPath(Path):
+ RetPath = ''
+ for Char in Path.strip():
+ if Char.isalnum() or Char in '.-_/':
+ RetPath = RetPath + Char
+ elif Char == '\\':
+ RetPath = RetPath + '/'
+ else:
+ RetPath = RetPath + '_'
+ return RetPath
+## ConvertSpec
+# during install, convert the Spec string extract from UPD into INF allowable definition,
+# the difference is period is allowed in the former (not the first letter) but not in the latter.
+# return converted Spec string
+# @param SpecStr: SpecStr to be converted
+def ConvertSpec(SpecStr):
+ RetStr = ''
+ for Char in SpecStr:
+ if Char.isalnum() or Char == '_':
+ RetStr = RetStr + Char
+ else:
+ RetStr = RetStr + '_'
+ return RetStr
+## IsEqualList
+# Judge two lists are identical(contain same item).
+# The rule is elements in List A are in List B and elements in List B are in List A.
+# @param ListA, ListB Lists need to be judged.
+# @return True ListA and ListB are identical
+# @return False ListA and ListB are different with each other
+def IsEqualList(ListA, ListB):
+ if ListA == ListB:
+ return True
+ for ItemA in ListA:
+ if not ItemA in ListB:
+ return False
+ for ItemB in ListB:
+ if not ItemB in ListA:
+ return False
+ return True
+## ConvertArchList
+# Convert item in ArchList if the start character is lower case.
+# In UDP spec, Arch is only allowed as: [A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9])*
+# @param ArchList The ArchList need to be converted.
+# @return NewList The ArchList been converted.
+def ConvertArchList(ArchList):
+ NewArchList = []
+ if not ArchList:
+ return NewArchList
+ if isinstance(ArchList, list):
+ for Arch in ArchList:
+ Arch = Arch.upper()
+ NewArchList.append(Arch)
+ elif isinstance(ArchList, str):
+ ArchList = ArchList.upper()
+ NewArchList.append(ArchList)
+ return NewArchList
+## ProcessLineExtender
+# Process the LineExtender of Line in LineList.
+# If one line ends with a line extender, then it will be combined together with next line.
+# @param LineList The LineList need to be processed.
+# @return NewList The ArchList been processed.
+def ProcessLineExtender(LineList):
+ NewList = []
+ Count = 0
+ while Count < len(LineList):
+ if LineList[Count].strip().endswith("\\") and Count + 1 < len(LineList):
+ NewList.append(LineList[Count].strip()[:-2] + LineList[Count + 1])
+ Count = Count + 1
+ else:
+ NewList.append(LineList[Count])
+ Count = Count + 1
+ return NewList
+## ProcessEdkComment
+# Process EDK style comment in LineList: c style /* */ comment or cpp style // comment
+# @param LineList The LineList need to be processed.
+# @return LineList The LineList been processed.
+# @return FirstPos Where Edk comment is first found, -1 if not found
+def ProcessEdkComment(LineList):
+ FindEdkBlockComment = False
+ Count = 0
+ StartPos = -1
+ EndPos = -1
+ FirstPos = -1
+ while(Count < len(LineList)):
+ Line = LineList[Count].strip()
+ if Line.startswith("/*"):
+ #
+ # handling c style comment
+ #
+ StartPos = Count
+ while Count < len(LineList):
+ Line = LineList[Count].strip()
+ if Line.endswith("*/"):
+ if (Count == StartPos) and Line.strip() == '/*/':
+ Count = Count + 1
+ continue
+ EndPos = Count
+ FindEdkBlockComment = True
+ break
+ Count = Count + 1
+ if FindEdkBlockComment:
+ if FirstPos == -1:
+ FirstPos = StartPos
+ for Index in range(StartPos, EndPos+1):
+ LineList[Index] = ''
+ FindEdkBlockComment = False
+ elif Line.find("//") != -1 and not Line.startswith("#"):
+ #
+ # handling cpp style comment
+ #
+ LineList[Count] = Line.replace("//", '#')
+ if FirstPos == -1:
+ FirstPos = Count
+ Count = Count + 1
+ return LineList, FirstPos
+## GetLibInstanceInfo
+# Get the information from Library Instance INF file.
+# @param string. A string start with # and followed by INF file path
+# @param WorkSpace. The WorkSpace directory used to combined with INF file path.
+# @return GUID, Version
+def GetLibInstanceInfo(String, WorkSpace, LineNo):
+ FileGuidString = ""
+ VerString = ""
+ OriginalString = String
+ String = String.strip()
+ if not String:
+ return None, None
+ #
+ # Remove "#" characters at the beginning
+ #
+ String = GetHelpStringByRemoveHashKey(String)
+ String = String.strip()
+ #
+ # Validate file name exist.
+ #
+ FullFileName = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(WorkSpace, String)))
+ if not (ValidFile(FullFileName)):
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME,
+ Line=LineNo,
+ ExtraData=OriginalString)
+ #
+ # Validate file exist/format.
+ #
+ if IsValidPath(String, WorkSpace):
+ IsValidFileFlag = True
+ else:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=GlobalData.gINF_MODULE_NAME,
+ Line=LineNo,
+ ExtraData=OriginalString)
+ return False
+ if IsValidFileFlag:
+ FileLinesList = []
+ try:
+ FInputfile = open(FullFileName, "r")
+ try:
+ FileLinesList = FInputfile.readlines()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=FullFileName)
+ finally:
+ FInputfile.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ Logger.Error("InfParser",
+ File=FullFileName)
+ ReFileGuidPattern = re.compile("^\s*FILE_GUID\s*=.*$")
+ ReVerStringPattern = re.compile("^\s*VERSION_STRING\s*=.*$")
+ FileLinesList = ProcessLineExtender(FileLinesList)
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ if ReFileGuidPattern.match(Line):
+ FileGuidString = Line
+ if ReVerStringPattern.match(Line):
+ VerString = Line
+ if FileGuidString:
+ FileGuidString = GetSplitValueList(FileGuidString, '=', 1)[1]
+ if VerString:
+ VerString = GetSplitValueList(VerString, '=', 1)[1]
+ return FileGuidString, VerString
+## GetLocalValue
+# Generate the local value for INF and DEC file. If Lang attribute not present, then use this value.
+# If present, and there is no element without the Lang attribute, and one of the elements has the rfc1766 code is
+# "en-x-tianocore", or "en-US" if "en-x-tianocore" was not found, or "en" if "en-US" was not found, or startswith 'en'
+# if 'en' was not found, then use this value.
+# If multiple entries of a tag exist which have the same language code, use the last entry.
+# @param ValueList A list need to be processed.
+# @param UseFirstValue: True to use the first value, False to use the last value
+# @return LocalValue
+def GetLocalValue(ValueList, UseFirstValue=False):
+ Value1 = ''
+ Value2 = ''
+ Value3 = ''
+ Value4 = ''
+ Value5 = ''
+ for (Key, Value) in ValueList:
+ if Key == TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X:
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value1:
+ Value1 = Value
+ else:
+ Value1 = Value
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value2:
+ Value2 = Value
+ else:
+ Value2 = Value
+ if Key == TAB_LANGUAGE_EN:
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value3:
+ Value3 = Value
+ else:
+ Value3 = Value
+ if Key.startswith(TAB_LANGUAGE_EN):
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value4:
+ Value4 = Value
+ else:
+ Value4 = Value
+ if Key == '':
+ if UseFirstValue:
+ if not Value5:
+ Value5 = Value
+ else:
+ Value5 = Value
+ if Value1:
+ return Value1
+ if Value2:
+ return Value2
+ if Value3:
+ return Value3
+ if Value4:
+ return Value4
+ if Value5:
+ return Value5
+ return ''
+## GetCharIndexOutStr
+# Get comment character index outside a string
+# @param Line: The string to be checked
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+# @retval Index
+def GetCharIndexOutStr(CommentCharacter, Line):
+ #
+ # remove whitespace
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Check whether comment character is in a string
+ #
+ InString = False
+ for Index in range(0, len(Line)):
+ if Line[Index] == '"':
+ InString = not InString
+ elif Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and InString :
+ pass
+ elif Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and (Index +1) < len(Line) and Line[Index+1] == CommentCharacter \
+ and not InString :
+ return Index
+ return -1
+## ValidateUNIFilePath
+# Check the UNI file path
+# @param FilePath: The UNI file path
+def ValidateUNIFilePath(Path):
+ Suffix = Path[Path.rfind(TAB_SPLIT):]
+ #
+ # Check if the suffix is one of the '.uni', '.UNI', '.Uni'
+ #
+ if Suffix not in TAB_UNI_FILE_SUFFIXS:
+ Logger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=Path)
+ #
+ # Check if '..' in the file name(without suffix)
+ #
+ if (TAB_SPLIT + TAB_SPLIT) in Path:
+ Logger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=Path)
+ #
+ # Check if the file name is valid according to the DEC and INF specification
+ #
+ Pattern = '[a-zA-Z0-9_][a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]*'
+ FileName = Path.replace(Suffix, '')
+ InvalidCh = re.sub(Pattern, '', FileName)
+ if InvalidCh:
+ Logger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=Path)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ParserValidate.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ParserValidate.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62f406141 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/ParserValidate.py @@ -0,0 +1,727 @@ +## @file ParserValidate.py
+# Functions for parser validation
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+import os.path
+import re
+import platform
+from Library.DataType import MODULE_LIST
+from Library.DataType import COMPONENT_TYPE_LIST
+from Library.DataType import PCD_USAGE_TYPE_LIST_OF_MODULE
+from Library.DataType import TAB_SPACE_SPLIT
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidBareCString
+from Library.ExpressionValidate import IsValidFeatureFlagExp
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+## __HexDigit() method
+# Whether char input is a Hex data bit
+# @param TempChar: The char to test
+def __HexDigit(TempChar):
+ if (TempChar >= 'a' and TempChar <= 'f') or \
+ (TempChar >= 'A' and TempChar <= 'F') \
+ or (TempChar >= '0' and TempChar <= '9'):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## IsValidHex() method
+# Whether char input is a Hex data.
+# @param TempChar: The char to test
+def IsValidHex(HexStr):
+ if not HexStr.upper().startswith("0X"):
+ return False
+ CharList = [c for c in HexStr[2:] if not __HexDigit(c)]
+ if len(CharList) == 0:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## Judge the input string is valid bool type or not.
+# <TRUE> ::= {"TRUE"} {"true"} {"True"} {"0x1"} {"0x01"}
+# <FALSE> ::= {"FALSE"} {"false"} {"False"} {"0x0"} {"0x00"}
+# <BoolType> ::= {<TRUE>} {<FALSE>}
+# @param BoolString: A string contained the value need to be judged.
+def IsValidBoolType(BoolString):
+ #
+ # Valid True
+ #
+ if BoolString == 'TRUE' or \
+ BoolString == 'True' or \
+ BoolString == 'true' or \
+ BoolString == '0x1' or \
+ BoolString == '0x01':
+ return True
+ #
+ # Valid False
+ #
+ elif BoolString == 'FALSE' or \
+ BoolString == 'False' or \
+ BoolString == 'false' or \
+ BoolString == '0x0' or \
+ BoolString == '0x00':
+ return True
+ #
+ # Invalid bool type
+ #
+ else:
+ return False
+## Is Valid Module Type List or not
+# @param ModuleTypeList: A list contain ModuleType strings need to be
+# judged.
+def IsValidInfMoudleTypeList(ModuleTypeList):
+ for ModuleType in ModuleTypeList:
+ return IsValidInfMoudleType(ModuleType)
+## Is Valid Module Type or not
+# @param ModuleType: A string contain ModuleType need to be judged.
+def IsValidInfMoudleType(ModuleType):
+ if ModuleType in MODULE_LIST:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## Is Valid Component Type or not
+# @param ComponentType: A string contain ComponentType need to be judged.
+def IsValidInfComponentType(ComponentType):
+ if ComponentType.upper() in COMPONENT_TYPE_LIST:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## Is valid Tool Family or not
+# @param ToolFamily: A string contain Tool Family need to be judged.
+# Family := [A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9])*
+def IsValidToolFamily(ToolFamily):
+ ReIsValidFamily = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9]{0,}$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidFamily.match(ToolFamily) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## Is valid Tool TagName or not
+# The TagName sample is MYTOOLS and VS2005.
+# @param TagName: A string contain Tool TagName need to be judged.
+def IsValidToolTagName(TagName):
+ if TagName.strip() == '':
+ return True
+ if TagName.strip() == '*':
+ return True
+ if not IsValidWord(TagName):
+ return False
+ return True
+## Is valid arch or not
+# @param Arch The arch string need to be validated
+# <OA> ::= (a-zA-Z)(A-Za-z0-9){0,}
+# <arch> ::= {"IA32"} {"X64"} {"IPF"} {"EBC"} {<OA>}
+# {"common"}
+# @param Arch: Input arch
+def IsValidArch(Arch):
+ if Arch == 'common':
+ return True
+ ReIsValidArch = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,}$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidArch.match(Arch) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## Is valid family or not
+# <Family> ::= {"MSFT"} {"GCC"} {"INTEL"} {<Usr>} {"*"}
+# <Usr> ::= [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]{0,}
+# @param family: The family string need to be validated
+def IsValidFamily(Family):
+ Family = Family.strip()
+ if Family == '*':
+ return True
+ if Family == '':
+ return True
+ ReIsValidFamily = re.compile(r"^[A-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9]{0,}$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidFamily.match(Family) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## Is valid build option name or not
+# @param BuildOptionName: The BuildOptionName string need to be validated
+def IsValidBuildOptionName(BuildOptionName):
+ if not BuildOptionName:
+ return False
+ ToolOptionList = GetSplitValueList(BuildOptionName, '_', 4)
+ if len(ToolOptionList) != 5:
+ return False
+ ReIsValidBuildOption1 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\*)|([A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)$")
+ ReIsValidBuildOption2 = re.compile(r"^\s*(\*)|([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*)$")
+ if ReIsValidBuildOption1.match(ToolOptionList[0]) is None:
+ return False
+ if ReIsValidBuildOption1.match(ToolOptionList[1]) is None:
+ return False
+ if ReIsValidBuildOption2.match(ToolOptionList[2]) is None:
+ return False
+ if ToolOptionList[3] == "*" and ToolOptionList[4] not in ['FAMILY', 'DLL', 'DPATH']:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidToken
+# Check if pattern string matches total token
+# @param ReString: regular string
+# @param Token: Token to be matched
+def IsValidToken(ReString, Token):
+ Match = re.compile(ReString).match(Token)
+ return Match and Match.start() == 0 and Match.end() == len(Token)
+## IsValidPath
+# Check if path exist
+# @param Path: Absolute path or relative path to be checked
+# @param Root: Root path
+def IsValidPath(Path, Root):
+ Path = Path.strip()
+ OrigPath = Path.replace('\\', '/')
+ Path = os.path.normpath(Path).replace('\\', '/')
+ Root = os.path.normpath(Root).replace('\\', '/')
+ FullPath = mws.join(Root, Path)
+ if not os.path.exists(FullPath):
+ return False
+ #
+ # If Path is absolute path.
+ # It should be in Root.
+ #
+ if os.path.isabs(Path):
+ if not Path.startswith(Root):
+ return False
+ return True
+ #
+ # Check illegal character
+ #
+ for Rel in ['/', './', '../']:
+ if OrigPath.startswith(Rel):
+ return False
+ for Rel in ['//', '/./', '/../']:
+ if Rel in OrigPath:
+ return False
+ for Rel in ['/.', '/..', '/']:
+ if OrigPath.endswith(Rel):
+ return False
+ Path = Path.rstrip('/')
+ #
+ # Check relative path
+ #
+ for Word in Path.split('/'):
+ if not IsValidWord(Word):
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidInstallPath
+# Check if an install path valid or not.
+# Absolute path or path starts with '.' or path contains '..' are invalid.
+# @param Path: path to be checked
+def IsValidInstallPath(Path):
+ if platform.platform().find("Windows") >= 0:
+ if os.path.isabs(Path):
+ return False
+ else:
+ if Path[1:2] == ':':
+ return False
+ if os.path.isabs(Path):
+ return False
+ if Path.startswith('.'):
+ return False
+ if Path.find('..') != -1:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidCFormatGuid
+# Check if GUID format has the from of {8,4,4,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}}
+# @param Guid: Guid to be checked
+def IsValidCFormatGuid(Guid):
+ #
+ # Valid: { 0xf0b11735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38,
+ # 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }}
+ # Invalid: { 0xf0b11735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38,
+ # 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }} 0x123
+ # Invalid: { 0xf0b1 1735, 0x87a0, 0x4193, {0xb2, 0x66, 0x53, 0x8c, 0x38,
+ # 0xaf, 0x48, 0xce }}
+ #
+ List = ['{', 10, ',', 6, ',', 6, ',{', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4,
+ ',', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4, ',', 4, '}}']
+ Index = 0
+ Value = ''
+ SepValue = ''
+ for Char in Guid:
+ if Char not in '{},\t ':
+ Value += Char
+ continue
+ if Value:
+ try:
+ #
+ # Index may out of bound
+ #
+ if not SepValue or SepValue != List[Index]:
+ return False
+ Index += 1
+ SepValue = ''
+ if not Value.startswith('0x') and not Value.startswith('0X'):
+ return False
+ #
+ # Index may out of bound
+ #
+ if not isinstance(List[Index], type(1)) or \
+ len(Value) > List[Index] or len(Value) < 3:
+ return False
+ #
+ # Check if string can be converted to integer
+ # Throw exception if not
+ #
+ int(Value, 16)
+ except BaseException:
+ #
+ # Exception caught means invalid format
+ #
+ return False
+ Value = ''
+ Index += 1
+ if Char in '{},':
+ SepValue += Char
+ return SepValue == '}}' and Value == ''
+## IsValidPcdType
+# Check whether the PCD type is valid
+# @param PcdTypeString: The PcdType string need to be checked.
+def IsValidPcdType(PcdTypeString):
+ if PcdTypeString.upper() in PCD_USAGE_TYPE_LIST_OF_MODULE:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+## IsValidWord
+# Check whether the word is valid.
+# <Word> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_)(a-zA-Z0-9_-){0,} Alphanumeric characters with
+# optional
+# dash "-" and/or underscore "_" characters. No whitespace
+# characters are permitted.
+# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
+def IsValidWord(Word):
+ if not Word:
+ return False
+ #
+ # The first char should be alpha, _ or Digit.
+ #
+ if not Word[0].isalnum() and \
+ not Word[0] == '_' and \
+ not Word[0].isdigit():
+ return False
+ LastChar = ''
+ for Char in Word[1:]:
+ if (not Char.isalpha()) and \
+ (not Char.isdigit()) and \
+ Char != '-' and \
+ Char != '_' and \
+ Char != '.':
+ return False
+ if Char == '.' and LastChar == '.':
+ return False
+ LastChar = Char
+ return True
+## IsValidSimpleWord
+# Check whether the SimpleWord is valid.
+# <SimpleWord> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9)(a-zA-Z0-9_-){0,}
+# A word that cannot contain a period character.
+# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
+def IsValidSimpleWord(Word):
+ ReIsValidSimpleWord = \
+ re.compile(r"^[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z\-_]*$", re.DOTALL)
+ Word = Word.strip()
+ if not Word:
+ return False
+ if not ReIsValidSimpleWord.match(Word):
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidDecVersion
+# Check whether the decimal version is valid.
+# <DecVersion> ::= (0-9){1,} ["." (0-9){1,}]
+# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
+def IsValidDecVersion(Word):
+ if Word.find('.') > -1:
+ ReIsValidDecVersion = re.compile(r"[0-9]+\.?[0-9]+$")
+ else:
+ ReIsValidDecVersion = re.compile(r"[0-9]+$")
+ if ReIsValidDecVersion.match(Word) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidHexVersion
+# Check whether the hex version is valid.
+# <HexVersion> ::= "0x" <Major> <Minor>
+# <Major> ::= <HexDigit>{4}
+# <Minor> ::= <HexDigit>{4}
+# @param Word: The word string need to be checked.
+def IsValidHexVersion(Word):
+ ReIsValidHexVersion = re.compile(r"[0][xX][0-9A-Fa-f]{8}$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidHexVersion.match(Word) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidBuildNumber
+# Check whether the BUILD_NUMBER is valid.
+# ["BUILD_NUMBER" "=" <Integer>{1,4} <EOL>]
+# @param Word: The BUILD_NUMBER string need to be checked.
+def IsValidBuildNumber(Word):
+ ReIsValieBuildNumber = re.compile(r"[0-9]{1,4}$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValieBuildNumber.match(Word) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidDepex
+# Check whether the Depex is valid.
+# @param Word: The Depex string need to be checked.
+def IsValidDepex(Word):
+ Index = Word.upper().find("PUSH")
+ if Index > -1:
+ return IsValidCFormatGuid(Word[Index+4:].strip())
+ ReIsValidCName = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_\s\.]*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidCName.match(Word) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidNormalizedString
+# Check
+# <NormalizedString> ::= <DblQuote> [{<Word>} {<Space>}]{1,} <DblQuote>
+# <Space> ::= 0x20
+# @param String: string to be checked
+def IsValidNormalizedString(String):
+ if String == '':
+ return True
+ for Char in String:
+ if Char == '\t':
+ return False
+ StringList = GetSplitValueList(String, TAB_SPACE_SPLIT)
+ for Item in StringList:
+ if not Item:
+ continue
+ if not IsValidWord(Item):
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidIdString
+# Check whether the IdString is valid.
+# @param IdString: The IdString need to be checked.
+def IsValidIdString(String):
+ if IsValidSimpleWord(String.strip()):
+ return True
+ if String.strip().startswith('"') and \
+ String.strip().endswith('"'):
+ String = String[1:-1]
+ if String.strip() == "":
+ return True
+ if IsValidNormalizedString(String):
+ return True
+ return False
+## IsValidVersionString
+# Check whether the VersionString is valid.
+# <AsciiString> ::= [ [<WhiteSpace>]{0,} [<AsciiChars>]{0,} ] {0,}
+# <WhiteSpace> ::= {<Tab>} {<Space>}
+# <Tab> ::= 0x09
+# <Space> ::= 0x20
+# <AsciiChars> ::= (0x21 - 0x7E)
+# @param VersionString: The VersionString need to be checked.
+def IsValidVersionString(VersionString):
+ VersionString = VersionString.strip()
+ for Char in VersionString:
+ if not (Char >= 0x21 and Char <= 0x7E):
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidPcdValue
+# Check whether the PcdValue is valid.
+# @param VersionString: The PcdValue need to be checked.
+def IsValidPcdValue(PcdValue):
+ for Char in PcdValue:
+ if Char == '\n' or Char == '\t' or Char == '\f':
+ return False
+ #
+ # <Boolean>
+ #
+ if IsValidFeatureFlagExp(PcdValue, True)[0]:
+ return True
+ #
+ # <Number> ::= {<Integer>} {<HexNumber>}
+ # <Integer> ::= {(0-9)} {(1-9)(0-9){1,}}
+ # <HexNumber> ::= "0x" <HexDigit>{1,}
+ # <HexDigit> ::= (a-fA-F0-9)
+ #
+ if IsValidHex(PcdValue):
+ return True
+ ReIsValidIntegerSingle = re.compile(r"^\s*[0-9]\s*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidIntegerSingle.match(PcdValue) is not None:
+ return True
+ ReIsValidIntegerMulti = re.compile(r"^\s*[1-9][0-9]+\s*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidIntegerMulti.match(PcdValue) is not None:
+ return True
+ #
+ # <StringVal> ::= {<StringType>} {<Array>} {"$(" <MACRO> ")"}
+ # <StringType> ::= {<UnicodeString>} {<CString>}
+ #
+ ReIsValidStringType = re.compile(r"^\s*[\"L].*[\"]\s*$")
+ if ReIsValidStringType.match(PcdValue):
+ IsTrue = False
+ if PcdValue.strip().startswith('L\"'):
+ StringValue = PcdValue.strip().lstrip('L\"').rstrip('\"')
+ if IsValidBareCString(StringValue):
+ IsTrue = True
+ elif PcdValue.strip().startswith('\"'):
+ StringValue = PcdValue.strip().lstrip('\"').rstrip('\"')
+ if IsValidBareCString(StringValue):
+ IsTrue = True
+ if IsTrue:
+ return IsTrue
+ #
+ # <Array> ::= {<CArray>} {<NList>} {<CFormatGUID>}
+ # <CArray> ::= "{" [<NList>] <CArray>{0,} "}"
+ # <NList> ::= <HexByte> ["," <HexByte>]{0,}
+ # <HexDigit> ::= (a-fA-F0-9)
+ # <HexByte> ::= "0x" <HexDigit>{1,2}
+ #
+ if IsValidCFormatGuid(PcdValue):
+ return True
+ ReIsValidByteHex = re.compile(r"^\s*0x[0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}\s*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if PcdValue.strip().startswith('{') and PcdValue.strip().endswith('}') :
+ StringValue = PcdValue.strip().lstrip('{').rstrip('}')
+ ValueList = StringValue.split(',')
+ AllValidFlag = True
+ for ValueItem in ValueList:
+ if not ReIsValidByteHex.match(ValueItem.strip()):
+ AllValidFlag = False
+ if AllValidFlag:
+ return True
+ #
+ # NList
+ #
+ AllValidFlag = True
+ ValueList = PcdValue.split(',')
+ for ValueItem in ValueList:
+ if not ReIsValidByteHex.match(ValueItem.strip()):
+ AllValidFlag = False
+ if AllValidFlag:
+ return True
+ return False
+## IsValidCVariableName
+# Check whether the PcdValue is valid.
+# @param VersionString: The PcdValue need to be checked.
+def IsValidCVariableName(CName):
+ ReIsValidCName = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidCName.match(CName) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidIdentifier
+# <Identifier> ::= <NonDigit> <Chars>{0,}
+# <Chars> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_)
+# <NonDigit> ::= (a-zA-Z_)
+# @param Ident: identifier to be checked
+def IsValidIdentifier(Ident):
+ ReIdent = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z_][0-9A-Za-z_]*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIdent.match(Ident) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidDecVersionVal
+# {(0-9){1,} "." (0-99)}
+# @param Ver: version to be checked
+def IsValidDecVersionVal(Ver):
+ ReVersion = re.compile(r"[0-9]+(\.[0-9]{1,2})$")
+ if ReVersion.match(Ver) is None:
+ return False
+ return True
+## IsValidLibName
+# (A-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9){0,} and could not be "NULL"
+def IsValidLibName(LibName):
+ if LibName == 'NULL':
+ return False
+ ReLibName = re.compile("^[A-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*$")
+ if not ReLibName.match(LibName):
+ return False
+ return True
+# IsValidUserId
+# <UserId> ::= (a-zA-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9_.){0,}
+# Words that contain period "." must be encapsulated in double quotation marks.
+def IsValidUserId(UserId):
+ UserId = UserId.strip()
+ Quoted = False
+ if UserId.startswith('"') and UserId.endswith('"'):
+ Quoted = True
+ UserId = UserId[1:-1]
+ if not UserId or not UserId[0].isalpha():
+ return False
+ for Char in UserId[1:]:
+ if not Char.isalnum() and not Char in '_.':
+ return False
+ if Char == '.' and not Quoted:
+ return False
+ return True
+# Check if a UTF16-LE file has a BOM header
+def CheckUTF16FileHeader(File):
+ FileIn = open(File, 'rb').read(2)
+ if FileIn != b'\xff\xfe':
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Parsing.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Parsing.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fb133745 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Parsing.py @@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define common parsing related functions used in parsing
+# INF/DEC/DSC process
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# Import Modules
+import os.path
+import re
+from Library.StringUtils import RaiseParserError
+from Library.StringUtils import GetSplitValueList
+from Library.StringUtils import CheckFileType
+from Library.StringUtils import CheckFileExist
+from Library.StringUtils import CleanString
+from Library.StringUtils import NormPath
+from Logger.ToolError import FILE_NOT_FOUND
+from Logger.ToolError import FatalError
+from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
+from Library import DataType
+from Library.Misc import GuidStructureStringToGuidString
+from Library.Misc import CheckGuidRegFormat
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Parser.DecParser import Dec
+from . import GlobalData
+## GetBuildOption
+# Parse a string with format "[<Family>:]<ToolFlag>=Flag"
+# Return (Family, ToolFlag, Flag)
+# @param String: String with BuildOption statement
+# @param File: The file which defines build option, used in error report
+def GetBuildOption(String, File, LineNo= -1):
+ (Family, ToolChain, Flag) = ('', '', '')
+ if String.find(DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT) < 0:
+ RaiseParserError(String, 'BuildOptions', File, \
+ '[<Family>:]<ToolFlag>=Flag', LineNo)
+ else:
+ List = GetSplitValueList(String, DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, MaxSplit=1)
+ if List[0].find(':') > -1:
+ Family = List[0][ : List[0].find(':')].strip()
+ ToolChain = List[0][List[0].find(':') + 1 : ].strip()
+ else:
+ ToolChain = List[0].strip()
+ Flag = List[1].strip()
+ return (Family, ToolChain, Flag)
+## Get Library Class
+# Get Library of Dsc as <LibraryClassKeyWord>|<LibraryInstance>
+# @param Item: String as <LibraryClassKeyWord>|<LibraryInstance>
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for
+# error report
+def GetLibraryClass(Item, ContainerFile, WorkspaceDir, LineNo= -1):
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item[0])
+ if len(List) != 2:
+ RaiseParserError(Item[0], 'LibraryClasses', ContainerFile, \
+ '<LibraryClassKeyWord>|<LibraryInstance>')
+ else:
+ CheckFileType(List[1], '.Inf', ContainerFile, \
+ 'library class instance', Item[0], LineNo)
+ CheckFileExist(WorkspaceDir, List[1], ContainerFile, \
+ 'LibraryClasses', Item[0], LineNo)
+ if Item[1] != '':
+ SupMod = Item[1]
+ return (List[0], List[1], SupMod)
+## Get Library Class
+# Get Library of Dsc as <LibraryClassKeyWord>[|<LibraryInstance>]
+# [|<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>]
+# @param Item: String as <LibraryClassKeyWord>|<LibraryInstance>
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used for
+# error report
+def GetLibraryClassOfInf(Item, ContainerFile, WorkspaceDir, LineNo= -1):
+ ItemList = GetSplitValueList((Item[0] + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2))
+ if len(ItemList) > 5:
+ RaiseParserError\
+ (Item[0], 'LibraryClasses', ContainerFile, \
+ '<LibraryClassKeyWord>[|<LibraryInstance>]\
+ [|<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>]')
+ else:
+ CheckFileType(ItemList[1], '.Inf', ContainerFile, 'LibraryClasses', \
+ Item[0], LineNo)
+ CheckFileExist(WorkspaceDir, ItemList[1], ContainerFile, \
+ 'LibraryClasses', Item[0], LineNo)
+ if ItemList[2] != '':
+ CheckPcdTokenInfo(ItemList[2], 'LibraryClasses', \
+ ContainerFile, LineNo)
+ if Item[1] != '':
+ SupMod = Item[1]
+ return (ItemList[0], ItemList[1], ItemList[2], SupMod)
+## CheckPcdTokenInfo
+# Check if PcdTokenInfo is following <TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>
+# @param TokenInfoString: String to be checked
+# @param Section: Used for error report
+# @param File: Used for error report
+def CheckPcdTokenInfo(TokenInfoString, Section, File, LineNo= -1):
+ Format = '<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>'
+ if TokenInfoString != '' and TokenInfoString is not None:
+ TokenInfoList = GetSplitValueList(TokenInfoString, DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ if len(TokenInfoList) == 2:
+ return True
+ RaiseParserError(TokenInfoString, Section, File, Format, LineNo)
+## Get Pcd
+# Get Pcd of Dsc as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<Value>
+# [|<Type>|<MaximumDatumSize>]
+# @param Item: String as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|
+# <Value>[|<Type>|<MaximumDatumSize>]
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error
+# report
+def GetPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, MaximumDatumSize, Token = '', '', '', '', ''
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2)
+ if len(List) < 4 or len(List) > 6:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, \
+ '<PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<Value>\
+ [|<Type>|<MaximumDatumSize>]', LineNo)
+ else:
+ Value = List[1]
+ MaximumDatumSize = List[2]
+ Token = List[3]
+ if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo):
+ (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ return (TokenName, TokenGuid, Value, MaximumDatumSize, Token, Type)
+## Get FeatureFlagPcd
+# Get FeatureFlagPcd of Dsc as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|TRUE/FALSE
+# @param Item: String as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>
+# .<TokenCName>|TRUE/FALSE
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error
+# report
+def GetFeatureFlagPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, Value = '', '', ''
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item)
+ if len(List) != 2:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, \
+ '<PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|TRUE/FALSE', \
+ LineNo)
+ else:
+ Value = List[1]
+ if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo):
+ (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ return (TokenName, TokenGuid, Value, Type)
+## Get DynamicDefaultPcd
+# Get DynamicDefaultPcd of Dsc as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>
+# |<Value>[|<DatumTyp>[|<MaxDatumSize>]]
+# @param Item: String as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error
+# report
+def GetDynamicDefaultPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, DatumTyp, MaxDatumSize = '', '', '', '', ''
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2)
+ if len(List) < 4 or len(List) > 8:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, \
+ '<PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<Value>\
+ [|<DatumTyp>[|<MaxDatumSize>]]', LineNo)
+ else:
+ Value = List[1]
+ DatumTyp = List[2]
+ MaxDatumSize = List[3]
+ if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo):
+ (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ return (TokenName, TokenGuid, Value, DatumTyp, MaxDatumSize, Type)
+## Get DynamicHiiPcd
+# Get DynamicHiiPcd of Dsc as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<String>|
+# <VariableGuidCName>|<VariableOffset>[|<DefaultValue>[|<MaximumDatumSize>]]
+# @param Item: String as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error
+# report
+def GetDynamicHiiPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, List1, List2, List3, List4, List5 = \
+ '', '', '', '', '', '', ''
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 2)
+ if len(List) < 6 or len(List) > 8:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, \
+ '<PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<String>|\
+ <VariableGuidCName>|<VariableOffset>[|<DefaultValue>\
+ [|<MaximumDatumSize>]]', LineNo)
+ else:
+ List1, List2, List3, List4, List5 = \
+ List[1], List[2], List[3], List[4], List[5]
+ if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo):
+ (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ return (TokenName, TokenGuid, List1, List2, List3, List4, List5, Type)
+## Get DynamicVpdPcd
+# Get DynamicVpdPcd of Dsc as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|
+# <VpdOffset>[|<MaximumDatumSize>]
+# @param Item: String as <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the pcd, used for error
+# report
+def GetDynamicVpdPcd(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, List1, List2 = '', '', '', ''
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT)
+ if len(List) < 3 or len(List) > 4:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, \
+ '<PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<TokenCName>|<VpdOffset>\
+ [|<MaximumDatumSize>]', LineNo)
+ else:
+ List1, List2 = List[1], List[2]
+ if CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[0], 'Pcds' + Type, ContainerFile, LineNo):
+ (TokenGuid, TokenName) = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ return (TokenName, TokenGuid, List1, List2, Type)
+## GetComponent
+# Parse block of the components defined in dsc file
+# Set KeyValues as [ ['component name', [lib1, lib2, lib3],
+# [bo1, bo2, bo3], [pcd1, pcd2, pcd3]], ...]
+# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
+# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
+def GetComponent(Lines, KeyValues):
+ (FindBlock, FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, FindPcdsDynamic, \
+ FindPcdsDynamicEx) = (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, \
+ False)
+ ListItem = None
+ LibraryClassItem = []
+ BuildOption = []
+ Pcd = []
+ for Line in Lines:
+ Line = Line[0]
+ #
+ # Ignore !include statement
+ #
+ if Line.upper().find(DataType.TAB_INCLUDE.upper() + ' ') > -1 or \
+ Line.upper().find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ') > -1:
+ continue
+ if FindBlock == False:
+ ListItem = Line
+ #
+ # find '{' at line tail
+ #
+ if Line.endswith('{'):
+ FindBlock = True
+ ListItem = CleanString(Line.rsplit('{', 1)[0], \
+ #
+ # Parse a block content
+ #
+ if FindBlock:
+ if Line.find('<LibraryClasses>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (True, False, False, False, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<BuildOptions>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, True, False, False, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsFeatureFlag>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, True, False, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsPatchableInModule>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, True, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsFixedAtBuild>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, True, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsDynamic>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, True, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsDynamicEx>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
+ continue
+ if Line.endswith('}'):
+ #
+ # find '}' at line tail
+ #
+ KeyValues.append([ListItem, LibraryClassItem, \
+ BuildOption, Pcd])
+ (FindBlock, FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, \
+ FindPcdsFeatureFlag, FindPcdsPatchableInModule, \
+ FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
+ LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, Pcd = [], [], []
+ continue
+ if FindBlock:
+ if FindLibraryClass:
+ LibraryClassItem.append(Line)
+ elif FindBuildOption:
+ BuildOption.append(Line)
+ elif FindPcdsFeatureFlag:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG_NULL, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsPatchableInModule:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE_NULL, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsFixedAtBuild:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD_NULL, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsDynamic:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_NULL, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsDynamicEx:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX_DEFAULT_NULL, Line))
+ else:
+ KeyValues.append([ListItem, [], [], []])
+ return True
+## GetExec
+# Parse a string with format "InfFilename [EXEC = ExecFilename]"
+# Return (InfFilename, ExecFilename)
+# @param String: String with EXEC statement
+def GetExec(String):
+ InfFilename = ''
+ ExecFilename = ''
+ if String.find('EXEC') > -1:
+ InfFilename = String[ : String.find('EXEC')].strip()
+ ExecFilename = String[String.find('EXEC') + len('EXEC') : ].strip()
+ else:
+ InfFilename = String.strip()
+ return (InfFilename, ExecFilename)
+## GetComponents
+# Parse block of the components defined in dsc file
+# Set KeyValues as [ ['component name', [lib1, lib2, lib3], [bo1, bo2, bo3],
+# [pcd1, pcd2, pcd3]], ...]
+# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
+# @param Key: Reserved
+# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+# @retval True Get component successfully
+def GetComponents(Lines, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
+ if Lines.find(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END) > -1:
+ Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
+ (FindBlock, FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, FindPcdsDynamic, \
+ FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
+ ListItem = None
+ LibraryClassItem = []
+ BuildOption = []
+ Pcd = []
+ LineList = Lines.split('\n')
+ for Line in LineList:
+ Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
+ if Line is None or Line == '':
+ continue
+ if FindBlock == False:
+ ListItem = Line
+ #
+ # find '{' at line tail
+ #
+ if Line.endswith('{'):
+ FindBlock = True
+ ListItem = CleanString(Line.rsplit('{', 1)[0], CommentCharacter)
+ #
+ # Parse a block content
+ #
+ if FindBlock:
+ if Line.find('<LibraryClasses>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (True, False, False, False, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<BuildOptions>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, True, False, False, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsFeatureFlag>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, True, False, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsPatchableInModule>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, True, False, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsFixedAtBuild>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, True, False, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsDynamic>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, True, False)
+ continue
+ if Line.find('<PcdsDynamicEx>') != -1:
+ (FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, FindPcdsFeatureFlag, \
+ FindPcdsPatchableInModule, FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, \
+ FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, False, True)
+ continue
+ if Line.endswith('}'):
+ #
+ # find '}' at line tail
+ #
+ KeyValues.append([ListItem, LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, \
+ Pcd])
+ (FindBlock, FindLibraryClass, FindBuildOption, \
+ FindPcdsFeatureFlag, FindPcdsPatchableInModule, \
+ FindPcdsFixedAtBuild, FindPcdsDynamic, FindPcdsDynamicEx) = \
+ (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False)
+ LibraryClassItem, BuildOption, Pcd = [], [], []
+ continue
+ if FindBlock:
+ if FindLibraryClass:
+ LibraryClassItem.append(Line)
+ elif FindBuildOption:
+ BuildOption.append(Line)
+ elif FindPcdsFeatureFlag:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsPatchableInModule:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsFixedAtBuild:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsDynamic:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC, Line))
+ elif FindPcdsDynamicEx:
+ Pcd.append((DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX, Line))
+ else:
+ KeyValues.append([ListItem, [], [], []])
+ return True
+## Get Source
+# Get Source of Inf as <Filename>[|<Family>[|<TagName>[|<ToolCode>
+# [|<PcdFeatureFlag>]]]]
+# @param Item: String as <Filename>[|<Family>[|<TagName>[|<ToolCode>
+# [|<PcdFeatureFlag>]]]]
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class, used
+# for error report
+def GetSource(Item, ContainerFile, FileRelativePath, LineNo= -1):
+ ItemNew = Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT * 4
+ List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew)
+ if len(List) < 5 or len(List) > 9:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Sources', ContainerFile, \
+ '<Filename>[|<Family>[|<TagName>[|<ToolCode>\
+ [|<PcdFeatureFlag>]]]]', LineNo)
+ List[0] = NormPath(List[0])
+ CheckFileExist(FileRelativePath, List[0], ContainerFile, 'Sources', \
+ Item, LineNo)
+ if List[4] != '':
+ CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[4], 'Sources', ContainerFile, LineNo)
+ return (List[0], List[1], List[2], List[3], List[4])
+## Get Binary
+# Get Binary of Inf as <Filename>[|<Family>[|<TagName>[|<ToolCode>
+# [|<PcdFeatureFlag>]]]]
+# @param Item: String as <Filename>[|<Family>[|<TagName>
+# [|<ToolCode>[|<PcdFeatureFlag>]]]]
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class,
+# used for error report
+def GetBinary(Item, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ ItemNew = Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
+ List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew)
+ if len(List) < 3 or len(List) > 5:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Binaries', ContainerFile, \
+ "<FileType>|<Filename>[|<Target>\
+ [|<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>]]", LineNo)
+ if len(List) >= 4:
+ if List[3] != '':
+ CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[3], 'Binaries', ContainerFile, LineNo)
+ return (List[0], List[1], List[2], List[3])
+ elif len(List) == 3:
+ return (List[0], List[1], List[2], '')
+## Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis
+# Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis of Inf as <GuidCName>[|<PcdFeatureFlag>]
+# @param Item: String as <GuidCName>[|<PcdFeatureFlag>]
+# @param Type: Type of parsing string
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class,
+# used for error report
+def GetGuidsProtocolsPpisOfInf(Item):
+ ItemNew = Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
+ List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew)
+ return (List[0], List[1])
+## Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis
+# Get Guids/Protocols/Ppis of Dec as <GuidCName>=<GuidValue>
+# @param Item: String as <GuidCName>=<GuidValue>
+# @param Type: Type of parsing string
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class,
+# used for error report
+def GetGuidsProtocolsPpisOfDec(Item, Type, ContainerFile, LineNo= -1):
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item, DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT)
+ if len(List) != 2:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, Type, ContainerFile, '<CName>=<GuidValue>', \
+ LineNo)
+ #
+ #convert C-Format Guid to Register Format
+ #
+ if List[1][0] == '{' and List[1][-1] == '}':
+ RegisterFormatGuid = GuidStructureStringToGuidString(List[1])
+ if RegisterFormatGuid == '':
+ RaiseParserError(Item, Type, ContainerFile, \
+ 'CFormat or RegisterFormat', LineNo)
+ else:
+ if CheckGuidRegFormat(List[1]):
+ RegisterFormatGuid = List[1]
+ else:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, Type, ContainerFile, \
+ 'CFormat or RegisterFormat', LineNo)
+ return (List[0], RegisterFormatGuid)
+## GetPackage
+# Get Package of Inf as <PackagePath>[|<PcdFeatureFlag>]
+# @param Item: String as <PackagePath>[|<PcdFeatureFlag>]
+# @param Type: Type of parsing string
+# @param ContainerFile: The file which describes the library class,
+# used for error report
+def GetPackage(Item, ContainerFile, FileRelativePath, LineNo= -1):
+ ItemNew = Item + DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
+ List = GetSplitValueList(ItemNew)
+ CheckFileType(List[0], '.Dec', ContainerFile, 'package', List[0], LineNo)
+ CheckFileExist(FileRelativePath, List[0], ContainerFile, 'Packages', \
+ List[0], LineNo)
+ if List[1] != '':
+ CheckPcdTokenInfo(List[1], 'Packages', ContainerFile, LineNo)
+ return (List[0], List[1])
+## Get Pcd Values of Inf
+# Get Pcd of Inf as <TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>[|<Value>]
+# @param Item: The string describes pcd
+# @param Type: The type of Pcd
+# @param File: The file which describes the pcd, used for error report
+def GetPcdOfInf(Item, Type, File, LineNo):
+ Format = '<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>[|<Value>]'
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, InfType = '', '', '', ''
+ if Type == DataType.TAB_PCDS_FIXED_AT_BUILD:
+ InfType = DataType.TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD
+ InfType = DataType.TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD
+ elif Type == DataType.TAB_PCDS_FEATURE_FLAG:
+ InfType = DataType.TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD
+ elif Type == DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC_EX:
+ InfType = DataType.TAB_INF_PCD_EX
+ elif Type == DataType.TAB_PCDS_DYNAMIC:
+ InfType = DataType.TAB_INF_PCD
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item, DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, 1)
+ TokenInfo = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ if len(TokenInfo) != 2:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, InfType, File, Format, LineNo)
+ else:
+ TokenGuid = TokenInfo[0]
+ TokenName = TokenInfo[1]
+ if len(List) > 1:
+ Value = List[1]
+ else:
+ Value = None
+ return (TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, InfType)
+## Get Pcd Values of Dec
+# Get Pcd of Dec as <TokenSpcCName>.<TokenCName>|<Value>|<DatumType>|<Token>
+# @param Item: Pcd item
+# @param Type: Pcd type
+# @param File: Dec file
+# @param LineNo: Line number
+def GetPcdOfDec(Item, Type, File, LineNo= -1):
+ Format = '<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>|<Value>|<DatumType>|<Token>'
+ TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, DatumType, Token = '', '', '', '', ''
+ List = GetSplitValueList(Item)
+ if len(List) != 4:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, File, Format, LineNo)
+ else:
+ Value = List[1]
+ DatumType = List[2]
+ Token = List[3]
+ TokenInfo = GetSplitValueList(List[0], DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ if len(TokenInfo) != 2:
+ RaiseParserError(Item, 'Pcds' + Type, File, Format, LineNo)
+ else:
+ TokenGuid = TokenInfo[0]
+ TokenName = TokenInfo[1]
+ return (TokenGuid, TokenName, Value, DatumType, Token, Type)
+## Parse DEFINE statement
+# Get DEFINE macros
+# @param LineValue: A DEFINE line value
+# @param StartLine: A DEFINE start line
+# @param Table: A table
+# @param FileID: File ID
+# @param Filename: File name
+# @param SectionName: DEFINE section name
+# @param SectionModel: DEFINE section model
+# @param Arch: DEFINE arch
+def ParseDefine(LineValue, StartLine, Table, FileID, SectionName, \
+ SectionModel, Arch):
+ Logger.Debug(Logger.DEBUG_2, ST.MSG_DEFINE_STATEMENT_FOUND % (LineValue, \
+ SectionName))
+ Define = \
+ GetSplitValueList(CleanString\
+ (LineValue[LineValue.upper().\
+ find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE.upper() + ' ') + \
+ len(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ') : ]), \
+ DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ Table.Insert(DataType.MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, Define[0], Define[1], '', \
+ '', '', Arch, SectionModel, FileID, StartLine, -1, \
+ StartLine, -1, 0)
+## InsertSectionItems
+# Insert item data of a section to a dict
+# @param Model: A model
+# @param CurrentSection: Current section
+# @param SectionItemList: Section item list
+# @param ArchList: Arch list
+# @param ThirdList: Third list
+# @param RecordSet: Record set
+def InsertSectionItems(Model, SectionItemList, ArchList, \
+ ThirdList, RecordSet):
+ #
+ # Insert each item data of a section
+ #
+ for Index in range(0, len(ArchList)):
+ Arch = ArchList[Index]
+ Third = ThirdList[Index]
+ if Arch == '':
+ Arch = DataType.TAB_ARCH_COMMON
+ Records = RecordSet[Model]
+ for SectionItem in SectionItemList:
+ LineValue, StartLine, Comment = SectionItem[0], \
+ SectionItem[1], SectionItem[2]
+ Logger.Debug(4, ST.MSG_PARSING % LineValue)
+ #
+ # And then parse DEFINE statement
+ #
+ if LineValue.upper().find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE.upper() + ' ') > -1:
+ continue
+ #
+ # At last parse other sections
+ #
+ IdNum = -1
+ Records.append([LineValue, Arch, StartLine, IdNum, Third, Comment])
+ if RecordSet != {}:
+ RecordSet[Model] = Records
+## GenMetaDatSectionItem
+# @param Key: A key
+# @param Value: A value
+# @param List: A list
+def GenMetaDatSectionItem(Key, Value, List):
+ if Key not in List:
+ List[Key] = [Value]
+ else:
+ List[Key].append(Value)
+## GetPkgInfoFromDec
+# get package name, guid, version info from dec files
+# @param Path: File path
+def GetPkgInfoFromDec(Path):
+ PkgName = None
+ PkgGuid = None
+ PkgVersion = None
+ Path = Path.replace('\\', '/')
+ if not os.path.exists(Path):
+ Logger.Error("\nUPT", FILE_NOT_FOUND, File=Path)
+ if Path in gPKG_INFO_DICT:
+ return gPKG_INFO_DICT[Path]
+ try:
+ DecParser = None
+ if Path not in GlobalData.gPackageDict:
+ DecParser = Dec(Path)
+ GlobalData.gPackageDict[Path] = DecParser
+ else:
+ DecParser = GlobalData.gPackageDict[Path]
+ PkgName = DecParser.GetPackageName()
+ PkgGuid = DecParser.GetPackageGuid()
+ PkgVersion = DecParser.GetPackageVersion()
+ gPKG_INFO_DICT[Path] = (PkgName, PkgGuid, PkgVersion)
+ return PkgName, PkgGuid, PkgVersion
+ except FatalError:
+ return None, None, None
+## GetWorkspacePackage
+# Get a list of workspace package information.
+def GetWorkspacePackage():
+ DecFileList = []
+ WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE
+ PackageDir = GlobalData.gPACKAGE_PATH
+ for PkgRoot in [WorkspaceDir] + PackageDir:
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(PkgRoot):
+ if 'CVS' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('CVS')
+ if '.svn' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('.svn')
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.startswith('.'):
+ Dirs.remove(Dir)
+ for FileSp in Files:
+ if FileSp.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ Ext = os.path.splitext(FileSp)[1]
+ if Ext.lower() in ['.dec']:
+ DecFileList.append\
+ (os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, FileSp)))
+ #
+ # abstract package guid, version info from DecFile List
+ #
+ PkgList = []
+ for DecFile in DecFileList:
+ (PkgName, PkgGuid, PkgVersion) = GetPkgInfoFromDec(DecFile)
+ if PkgName and PkgGuid and PkgVersion:
+ PkgList.append((PkgName, PkgGuid, PkgVersion, DecFile))
+ return PkgList
+## GetWorkspaceModule
+# Get a list of workspace modules.
+def GetWorkspaceModule():
+ InfFileList = []
+ WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE
+ for Root, Dirs, Files in os.walk(WorkspaceDir):
+ if 'CVS' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('CVS')
+ if '.svn' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('.svn')
+ if 'Build' in Dirs:
+ Dirs.remove('Build')
+ for Dir in Dirs:
+ if Dir.startswith('.'):
+ Dirs.remove(Dir)
+ for FileSp in Files:
+ if FileSp.startswith('.'):
+ continue
+ Ext = os.path.splitext(FileSp)[1]
+ if Ext.lower() in ['.inf']:
+ InfFileList.append\
+ (os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Root, FileSp)))
+ return InfFileList
+## MacroParser used to parse macro definition
+# @param Line: The content contain linestring and line number
+# @param FileName: The meta-file file name
+# @param SectionType: Section for the Line belong to
+# @param FileLocalMacros: A list contain Macro defined in [Defines] section.
+def MacroParser(Line, FileName, SectionType, FileLocalMacros):
+ MacroDefPattern = re.compile("^(DEFINE)[ \t]+")
+ LineContent = Line[0]
+ LineNo = Line[1]
+ Match = MacroDefPattern.match(LineContent)
+ if not Match:
+ #
+ # Not 'DEFINE/EDK_GLOBAL' statement, call decorated method
+ #
+ return None, None
+ TokenList = GetSplitValueList(LineContent[Match.end(1):], \
+ DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT, 1)
+ #
+ # Syntax check
+ #
+ if not TokenList[0]:
+ ExtraData=LineContent, File=FileName, Line=LineNo)
+ if len(TokenList) < 2:
+ ExtraData=LineContent, File=FileName, Line=LineNo)
+ Name, Value = TokenList
+ #
+ # DEFINE defined macros
+ #
+ if SectionType == DataType.MODEL_META_DATA_HEADER:
+ FileLocalMacros[Name] = Value
+ ReIsValidMacroName = re.compile(r"^[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidMacroName.match(Name) is None:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ ExtraData=LineContent,
+ File=FileName,
+ Line=LineNo)
+ # Validate MACRO Value
+ #
+ # <MacroDefinition> ::= [<Comments>]{0,}
+ # "DEFINE" <MACRO> "=" [{<PATH>} {<VALUE>}] <EOL>
+ # <Value> ::= {<NumVal>} {<Boolean>} {<AsciiString>} {<GUID>}
+ # {<CString>} {<UnicodeString>} {<CArray>}
+ #
+ # The definition of <NumVal>, <PATH>, <Boolean>, <GUID>, <CString>,
+ # <UnicodeString>, <CArray> are subset of <AsciiString>.
+ #
+ ReIsValidMacroValue = re.compile(r"^[\x20-\x7e]*$", re.DOTALL)
+ if ReIsValidMacroValue.match(Value) is None:
+ Logger.Error('Parser',
+ ExtraData=LineContent,
+ File=FileName,
+ Line=LineNo)
+ return Name, Value
+## GenSection
+# generate section contents
+# @param SectionName: indicate the name of the section, details refer to
+# INF, DEC specs
+# @param SectionDict: section statement dict, key is SectionAttrs(arch,
+# moduletype or platform may exist as needed) list
+# separated by space,
+# value is statement
+def GenSection(SectionName, SectionDict, SplitArch=True, NeedBlankLine=False):
+ Content = ''
+ for SectionAttrs in SectionDict:
+ StatementList = SectionDict[SectionAttrs]
+ if SectionAttrs and SectionName != 'Defines' and SectionAttrs.strip().upper() != DataType.TAB_ARCH_COMMON:
+ if SplitArch:
+ ArchList = GetSplitValueList(SectionAttrs, DataType.TAB_SPACE_SPLIT)
+ else:
+ if SectionName != 'UserExtensions':
+ ArchList = GetSplitValueList(SectionAttrs, DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT)
+ else:
+ ArchList = [SectionAttrs]
+ for Index in range(0, len(ArchList)):
+ ArchList[Index] = ConvertArchForInstall(ArchList[Index])
+ Section = '[' + SectionName + '.' + (', ' + SectionName + '.').join(ArchList) + ']'
+ else:
+ Section = '[' + SectionName + ']'
+ Content += '\n' + Section + '\n'
+ if StatementList is not None:
+ for Statement in StatementList:
+ LineList = Statement.split('\n')
+ NewStatement = ""
+ for Line in LineList:
+ # ignore blank comment
+ if not Line.replace("#", '').strip() and SectionName not in ('Defines', 'Hob', 'Event', 'BootMode'):
+ continue
+ # add two space before non-comments line except the comments in Defines section
+ if Line.strip().startswith('#') and SectionName == 'Defines':
+ NewStatement += "%s\n" % Line
+ continue
+ NewStatement += " %s\n" % Line
+ if NeedBlankLine:
+ Content += NewStatement + '\n'
+ else:
+ Content += NewStatement
+ if NeedBlankLine:
+ Content = Content[:-1]
+ if not Content.replace('\\n', '').strip():
+ return ''
+ return Content
+## ConvertArchForInstall
+# if Arch.upper() is in "IA32", "X64", "IPF", and "EBC", it must be upper case. "common" must be lower case.
+# Anything else, the case must be preserved
+# @param Arch: the arch string that need to be converted, it should be stripped before pass in
+# @return: the arch string that get converted
+def ConvertArchForInstall(Arch):
+ if Arch.upper() in [DataType.TAB_ARCH_IA32, DataType.TAB_ARCH_X64,
+ DataType.TAB_ARCH_IPF, DataType.TAB_ARCH_EBC]:
+ Arch = Arch.upper()
+ elif Arch.upper() == DataType.TAB_ARCH_COMMON:
+ Arch = Arch.lower()
+ return Arch
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/StringUtils.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/StringUtils.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fbc5177ca --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/StringUtils.py @@ -0,0 +1,982 @@ +## @file
+# This file is used to define common string related functions used in parsing
+# process
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import re
+import os.path
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+import Library.DataType as DataType
+from Logger.ToolError import FORMAT_INVALID
+from Logger.ToolError import PARSER_ERROR
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+# Regular expression for matching macro used in DSC/DEC/INF file inclusion
+gMACRO_PATTERN = re.compile("\$\(([_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)\)", re.UNICODE)
+## GetSplitValueList
+# Get a value list from a string with multiple values split with SplitTag
+# The default SplitTag is DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
+# 'AAA|BBB|CCC' -> ['AAA', 'BBB', 'CCC']
+# @param String: The input string to be splitted
+# @param SplitTag: The split key, default is DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT
+# @param MaxSplit: The max number of split values, default is -1
+def GetSplitValueList(String, SplitTag=DataType.TAB_VALUE_SPLIT, MaxSplit= -1):
+ return list(map(lambda l: l.strip(), String.split(SplitTag, MaxSplit)))
+## MergeArches
+# Find a key's all arches in dict, add the new arch to the list
+# If not exist any arch, set the arch directly
+# @param Dict: The input value for Dict
+# @param Key: The input value for Key
+# @param Arch: The Arch to be added or merged
+def MergeArches(Dict, Key, Arch):
+ if Key in Dict.keys():
+ Dict[Key].append(Arch)
+ else:
+ Dict[Key] = Arch.split()
+## GenDefines
+# Parse a string with format "DEFINE <VarName> = <PATH>"
+# Generate a map Defines[VarName] = PATH
+# Return False if invalid format
+# @param String: String with DEFINE statement
+# @param Arch: Supported Arch
+# @param Defines: DEFINE statement to be parsed
+def GenDefines(String, Arch, Defines):
+ if String.find(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ') > -1:
+ List = String.replace(DataType.TAB_DEFINE + ' ', '').\
+ split(DataType.TAB_EQUAL_SPLIT)
+ if len(List) == 2:
+ Defines[(CleanString(List[0]), Arch)] = CleanString(List[1])
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return -1
+ return 1
+## GetLibraryClassesWithModuleType
+# Get Library Class definition when no module type defined
+# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
+# @param Key: Reserved
+# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+def GetLibraryClassesWithModuleType(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
+ NewKey = SplitModuleType(Key)
+ Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
+ LineList = Lines.splitlines()
+ for Line in LineList:
+ Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
+ if Line != '' and Line[0] != CommentCharacter:
+ KeyValues.append([CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter), NewKey[1]])
+ return True
+## GetDynamics
+# Get Dynamic Pcds
+# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
+# @param Key: Reserved
+# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+def GetDynamics(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
+ #
+ # Get SkuId Name List
+ #
+ SkuIdNameList = SplitModuleType(Key)
+ Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
+ LineList = Lines.splitlines()
+ for Line in LineList:
+ Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
+ if Line != '' and Line[0] != CommentCharacter:
+ KeyValues.append([CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter), SkuIdNameList[1]])
+ return True
+## SplitModuleType
+# Split ModuleType out of section defien to get key
+# [LibraryClass.Arch.ModuleType|ModuleType|ModuleType] -> [
+# 'LibraryClass.Arch', ['ModuleType', 'ModuleType', 'ModuleType'] ]
+# @param Key: String to be parsed
+def SplitModuleType(Key):
+ KeyList = Key.split(DataType.TAB_SPLIT)
+ #
+ # Fill in for arch
+ #
+ KeyList.append('')
+ #
+ # Fill in for moduletype
+ #
+ KeyList.append('')
+ ReturnValue = []
+ KeyValue = KeyList[0]
+ if KeyList[1] != '':
+ KeyValue = KeyValue + DataType.TAB_SPLIT + KeyList[1]
+ ReturnValue.append(KeyValue)
+ ReturnValue.append(GetSplitValueList(KeyList[2]))
+ return ReturnValue
+## Replace macro in string
+# This method replace macros used in given string. The macros are given in a
+# dictionary.
+# @param String String to be processed
+# @param MacroDefinitions The macro definitions in the form of dictionary
+# @param SelfReplacement To decide whether replace un-defined macro to ''
+# @param Line: The content contain line string and line number
+# @param FileName: The meta-file file name
+def ReplaceMacro(String, MacroDefinitions=None, SelfReplacement=False, Line=None, FileName=None, Flag=False):
+ LastString = String
+ if MacroDefinitions is None:
+ MacroDefinitions = {}
+ while MacroDefinitions:
+ QuotedStringList = []
+ HaveQuotedMacroFlag = False
+ if not Flag:
+ MacroUsed = gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(String)
+ else:
+ ReQuotedString = re.compile('\"')
+ QuotedStringList = ReQuotedString.split(String)
+ if len(QuotedStringList) >= 3:
+ HaveQuotedMacroFlag = True
+ Count = 0
+ MacroString = ""
+ for QuotedStringItem in QuotedStringList:
+ Count += 1
+ if Count % 2 != 0:
+ MacroString += QuotedStringItem
+ if Count == len(QuotedStringList) and Count % 2 == 0:
+ MacroString += QuotedStringItem
+ MacroUsed = gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(MacroString)
+ #
+ # no macro found in String, stop replacing
+ #
+ if len(MacroUsed) == 0:
+ break
+ for Macro in MacroUsed:
+ if Macro not in MacroDefinitions:
+ if SelfReplacement:
+ String = String.replace("$(%s)" % Macro, '')
+ Logger.Debug(5, "Delete undefined MACROs in file %s line %d: %s!" % (FileName, Line[1], Line[0]))
+ continue
+ if not HaveQuotedMacroFlag:
+ String = String.replace("$(%s)" % Macro, MacroDefinitions[Macro])
+ else:
+ Count = 0
+ for QuotedStringItem in QuotedStringList:
+ Count += 1
+ if Count % 2 != 0:
+ QuotedStringList[Count - 1] = QuotedStringList[Count - 1].replace("$(%s)" % Macro,
+ MacroDefinitions[Macro])
+ elif Count == len(QuotedStringList) and Count % 2 == 0:
+ QuotedStringList[Count - 1] = QuotedStringList[Count - 1].replace("$(%s)" % Macro,
+ MacroDefinitions[Macro])
+ RetString = ''
+ if HaveQuotedMacroFlag:
+ Count = 0
+ for QuotedStringItem in QuotedStringList:
+ Count += 1
+ if Count != len(QuotedStringList):
+ RetString += QuotedStringList[Count - 1] + "\""
+ else:
+ RetString += QuotedStringList[Count - 1]
+ String = RetString
+ #
+ # in case there's macro not defined
+ #
+ if String == LastString:
+ break
+ LastString = String
+ return String
+## NormPath
+# Create a normal path
+# And replace DEFINE in the path
+# @param Path: The input value for Path to be converted
+# @param Defines: A set for DEFINE statement
+def NormPath(Path, Defines=None):
+ IsRelativePath = False
+ if Defines is None:
+ Defines = {}
+ if Path:
+ if Path[0] == '.':
+ IsRelativePath = True
+ #
+ # Replace with Define
+ #
+ if Defines:
+ Path = ReplaceMacro(Path, Defines)
+ #
+ # To local path format
+ #
+ Path = os.path.normpath(Path)
+ if IsRelativePath and Path[0] != '.':
+ Path = os.path.join('.', Path)
+ return Path
+## CleanString
+# Remove comments in a string
+# Remove spaces
+# @param Line: The string to be cleaned
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content,
+# default is DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+def CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter=DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, AllowCppStyleComment=False):
+ #
+ # remove whitespace
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Replace EDK1's comment character
+ #
+ if AllowCppStyleComment:
+ Line = Line.replace(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT, CommentCharacter)
+ #
+ # remove comments, but we should escape comment character in string
+ #
+ InString = False
+ for Index in range(0, len(Line)):
+ if Line[Index] == '"':
+ InString = not InString
+ elif Line[Index] == CommentCharacter and not InString:
+ Line = Line[0: Index]
+ break
+ #
+ # remove whitespace again
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ return Line
+## CleanString2
+# Split comments in a string
+# Remove spaces
+# @param Line: The string to be cleaned
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content,
+# default is DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT
+def CleanString2(Line, CommentCharacter=DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT, AllowCppStyleComment=False):
+ #
+ # remove whitespace
+ #
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Replace EDK1's comment character
+ #
+ if AllowCppStyleComment:
+ Line = Line.replace(DataType.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT, CommentCharacter)
+ #
+ # separate comments and statements
+ #
+ LineParts = Line.split(CommentCharacter, 1)
+ #
+ # remove whitespace again
+ #
+ Line = LineParts[0].strip()
+ if len(LineParts) > 1:
+ Comment = LineParts[1].strip()
+ #
+ # Remove prefixed and trailing comment characters
+ #
+ Start = 0
+ End = len(Comment)
+ while Start < End and Comment.startswith(CommentCharacter, Start, End):
+ Start += 1
+ while End >= 0 and Comment.endswith(CommentCharacter, Start, End):
+ End -= 1
+ Comment = Comment[Start:End]
+ Comment = Comment.strip()
+ else:
+ Comment = ''
+ return Line, Comment
+## GetMultipleValuesOfKeyFromLines
+# Parse multiple strings to clean comment and spaces
+# The result is saved to KeyValues
+# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
+# @param Key: Reserved
+# @param KeyValues: To store data after parsing
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+def GetMultipleValuesOfKeyFromLines(Lines, Key, KeyValues, CommentCharacter):
+ if Key:
+ pass
+ if KeyValues:
+ pass
+ Lines = Lines.split(DataType.TAB_SECTION_END, 1)[1]
+ LineList = Lines.split('\n')
+ for Line in LineList:
+ Line = CleanString(Line, CommentCharacter)
+ if Line != '' and Line[0] != CommentCharacter:
+ KeyValues += [Line]
+ return True
+## GetDefineValue
+# Parse a DEFINE statement to get defined value
+# DEFINE Key Value
+# @param String: The content to be parsed
+# @param Key: The key of DEFINE statement
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, used to ignore comment content
+def GetDefineValue(String, Key, CommentCharacter):
+ if CommentCharacter:
+ pass
+ String = CleanString(String)
+ return String[String.find(Key + ' ') + len(Key + ' ') : ]
+## GetSingleValueOfKeyFromLines
+# Parse multiple strings as below to get value of each definition line
+# Key1 = Value1
+# Key2 = Value2
+# The result is saved to Dictionary
+# @param Lines: The content to be parsed
+# @param Dictionary: To store data after parsing
+# @param CommentCharacter: Comment char, be used to ignore comment content
+# @param KeySplitCharacter: Key split char, between key name and key value.
+# Key1 = Value1, '=' is the key split char
+# @param ValueSplitFlag: Value split flag, be used to decide if has
+# multiple values
+# @param ValueSplitCharacter: Value split char, be used to split multiple
+# values. Key1 = Value1|Value2, '|' is the value
+# split char
+def GetSingleValueOfKeyFromLines(Lines, Dictionary, CommentCharacter, KeySplitCharacter, \
+ ValueSplitFlag, ValueSplitCharacter):
+ Lines = Lines.split('\n')
+ Keys = []
+ Value = ''
+ DefineValues = ['']
+ SpecValues = ['']
+ for Line in Lines:
+ #
+ # Handle DEFINE and SPEC
+ #
+ if Line.find(DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_DEFINE + ' ') > -1:
+ if '' in DefineValues:
+ DefineValues.remove('')
+ DefineValues.append(GetDefineValue(Line, DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_DEFINE, CommentCharacter))
+ continue
+ if Line.find(DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC + ' ') > -1:
+ if '' in SpecValues:
+ SpecValues.remove('')
+ SpecValues.append(GetDefineValue(Line, DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC, CommentCharacter))
+ continue
+ #
+ # Handle Others
+ #
+ LineList = Line.split(KeySplitCharacter, 1)
+ if len(LineList) >= 2:
+ Key = LineList[0].split()
+ if len(Key) == 1 and Key[0][0] != CommentCharacter:
+ #
+ # Remove comments and white spaces
+ #
+ LineList[1] = CleanString(LineList[1], CommentCharacter)
+ if ValueSplitFlag:
+ Value = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), LineList[1].split(ValueSplitCharacter)))
+ else:
+ Value = CleanString(LineList[1], CommentCharacter).splitlines()
+ if Key[0] in Dictionary:
+ if Key[0] not in Keys:
+ Dictionary[Key[0]] = Value
+ Keys.append(Key[0])
+ else:
+ Dictionary[Key[0]].extend(Value)
+ else:
+ Dictionary[DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_MACRO][Key[0]] = Value[0]
+ if DefineValues == []:
+ DefineValues = ['']
+ if SpecValues == []:
+ SpecValues = ['']
+ Dictionary[DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_DEFINE] = DefineValues
+ Dictionary[DataType.TAB_INF_DEFINES_SPEC] = SpecValues
+ return True
+## The content to be parsed
+# Do pre-check for a file before it is parsed
+# Check $()
+# Check []
+# @param FileName: Used for error report
+# @param FileContent: File content to be parsed
+# @param SupSectionTag: Used for error report
+def PreCheck(FileName, FileContent, SupSectionTag):
+ if SupSectionTag:
+ pass
+ LineNo = 0
+ IsFailed = False
+ NewFileContent = ''
+ for Line in FileContent.splitlines():
+ LineNo = LineNo + 1
+ #
+ # Clean current line
+ #
+ Line = CleanString(Line)
+ #
+ # Remove commented line
+ #
+ if Line.find(DataType.TAB_COMMA_SPLIT) == 0:
+ Line = ''
+ #
+ # Check $()
+ #
+ if Line.find('$') > -1:
+ if Line.find('$(') < 0 or Line.find(')') < 0:
+ Logger.Error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, Line=LineNo, File=FileName, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
+ #
+ # Check []
+ #
+ if Line.find('[') > -1 or Line.find(']') > -1:
+ #
+ # Only get one '[' or one ']'
+ #
+ if not (Line.find('[') > -1 and Line.find(']') > -1):
+ Logger.Error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, Line=LineNo, File=FileName, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
+ #
+ # Regenerate FileContent
+ #
+ NewFileContent = NewFileContent + Line + '\r\n'
+ if IsFailed:
+ Logger.Error("Parser", FORMAT_INVALID, Line=LineNo, File=FileName, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
+ return NewFileContent
+## CheckFileType
+# Check if the Filename is including ExtName
+# Return True if it exists
+# Raise a error message if it not exists
+# @param CheckFilename: Name of the file to be checked
+# @param ExtName: Ext name of the file to be checked
+# @param ContainerFilename: The container file which describes the file to be
+# checked, used for error report
+# @param SectionName: Used for error report
+# @param Line: The line in container file which defines the file
+# to be checked
+def CheckFileType(CheckFilename, ExtName, ContainerFilename, SectionName, Line, LineNo= -1):
+ if CheckFilename != '' and CheckFilename is not None:
+ (Root, Ext) = os.path.splitext(CheckFilename)
+ if Ext.upper() != ExtName.upper() and Root:
+ ContainerFile = open(ContainerFilename, 'r').read()
+ if LineNo == -1:
+ LineNo = GetLineNo(ContainerFile, Line)
+ ErrorMsg = ST.ERR_SECTIONNAME_INVALID % (SectionName, CheckFilename, ExtName)
+ Logger.Error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, Line=LineNo, \
+ File=ContainerFilename, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
+ return True
+## CheckFileExist
+# Check if the file exists
+# Return True if it exists
+# Raise a error message if it not exists
+# @param CheckFilename: Name of the file to be checked
+# @param WorkspaceDir: Current workspace dir
+# @param ContainerFilename: The container file which describes the file to
+# be checked, used for error report
+# @param SectionName: Used for error report
+# @param Line: The line in container file which defines the
+# file to be checked
+def CheckFileExist(WorkspaceDir, CheckFilename, ContainerFilename, SectionName, Line, LineNo= -1):
+ CheckFile = ''
+ if CheckFilename != '' and CheckFilename is not None:
+ CheckFile = WorkspaceFile(WorkspaceDir, CheckFilename)
+ if not os.path.isfile(CheckFile):
+ ContainerFile = open(ContainerFilename, 'r').read()
+ if LineNo == -1:
+ LineNo = GetLineNo(ContainerFile, Line)
+ ErrorMsg = ST.ERR_CHECKFILE_NOTFOUND % (CheckFile, SectionName)
+ Logger.Error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg,
+ File=ContainerFilename, Line=LineNo, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
+ return CheckFile
+## GetLineNo
+# Find the index of a line in a file
+# @param FileContent: Search scope
+# @param Line: Search key
+def GetLineNo(FileContent, Line, IsIgnoreComment=True):
+ LineList = FileContent.splitlines()
+ for Index in range(len(LineList)):
+ if LineList[Index].find(Line) > -1:
+ #
+ # Ignore statement in comment
+ #
+ if IsIgnoreComment:
+ if LineList[Index].strip()[0] == DataType.TAB_COMMENT_SPLIT:
+ continue
+ return Index + 1
+ return -1
+## RaiseParserError
+# Raise a parser error
+# @param Line: String which has error
+# @param Section: Used for error report
+# @param File: File which has the string
+# @param Format: Correct format
+def RaiseParserError(Line, Section, File, Format='', LineNo= -1):
+ if LineNo == -1:
+ LineNo = GetLineNo(open(os.path.normpath(File), 'r').read(), Line)
+ ErrorMsg = ST.ERR_INVALID_NOTFOUND % (Line, Section)
+ if Format != '':
+ Format = "Correct format is " + Format
+ Logger.Error("Parser", PARSER_ERROR, ErrorMsg, File=File, Line=LineNo, \
+ ExtraData=Format, RaiseError=Logger.IS_RAISE_ERROR)
+## WorkspaceFile
+# Return a full path with workspace dir
+# @param WorkspaceDir: Workspace dir
+# @param Filename: Relative file name
+def WorkspaceFile(WorkspaceDir, Filename):
+ return os.path.join(NormPath(WorkspaceDir), NormPath(Filename))
+## Split string
+# Remove '"' which startswith and endswith string
+# @param String: The string need to be split
+def SplitString(String):
+ if String.startswith('\"'):
+ String = String[1:]
+ if String.endswith('\"'):
+ String = String[:-1]
+ return String
+## Convert To Sql String
+# Replace "'" with "''" in each item of StringList
+# @param StringList: A list for strings to be converted
+def ConvertToSqlString(StringList):
+ return list(map(lambda s: s.replace("'", "''"), StringList))
+## Convert To Sql String
+# Replace "'" with "''" in the String
+# @param String: A String to be converted
+def ConvertToSqlString2(String):
+ return String.replace("'", "''")
+## GetStringOfList
+# Get String of a List
+# @param Lines: string list
+# @param Split: split character
+def GetStringOfList(List, Split=' '):
+ if not isinstance(List, type([])):
+ return List
+ Str = ''
+ for Item in List:
+ Str = Str + Item + Split
+ return Str.strip()
+## Get HelpTextList
+# Get HelpTextList from HelpTextClassList
+# @param HelpTextClassList: Help Text Class List
+def GetHelpTextList(HelpTextClassList):
+ List = []
+ if HelpTextClassList:
+ for HelpText in HelpTextClassList:
+ if HelpText.String.endswith('\n'):
+ HelpText.String = HelpText.String[0: len(HelpText.String) - len('\n')]
+ List.extend(HelpText.String.split('\n'))
+ return List
+## Get String Array Length
+# Get String Array Length
+# @param String: the source string
+def StringArrayLength(String):
+ if String.startswith('L"'):
+ return (len(String) - 3 + 1) * 2
+ elif String.startswith('"'):
+ return (len(String) - 2 + 1)
+ else:
+ return len(String.split()) + 1
+## RemoveDupOption
+# Remove Dup Option
+# @param OptionString: the option string
+# @param Which: Which flag
+# @param Against: Against flag
+def RemoveDupOption(OptionString, Which="/I", Against=None):
+ OptionList = OptionString.split()
+ ValueList = []
+ if Against:
+ ValueList += Against
+ for Index in range(len(OptionList)):
+ Opt = OptionList[Index]
+ if not Opt.startswith(Which):
+ continue
+ if len(Opt) > len(Which):
+ Val = Opt[len(Which):]
+ else:
+ Val = ""
+ if Val in ValueList:
+ OptionList[Index] = ""
+ else:
+ ValueList.append(Val)
+ return " ".join(OptionList)
+## Check if the string is HexDgit
+# Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at
+# least one character
+# or valid Hexs (started with 0x, following by hexdigit letters)
+# , false otherwise.
+# @param string: input string
+def IsHexDigit(Str):
+ try:
+ int(Str, 10)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ if len(Str) > 2 and Str.upper().startswith('0X'):
+ try:
+ int(Str, 16)
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return False
+## Check if the string is HexDgit and its integer value within limit of UINT32
+# Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at
+# least one character
+# or valid Hexs (started with 0x, following by hexdigit letters)
+# , false otherwise.
+# @param string: input string
+def IsHexDigitUINT32(Str):
+ try:
+ Value = int(Str, 10)
+ if (Value <= 0xFFFFFFFF) and (Value >= 0):
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ if len(Str) > 2 and Str.upper().startswith('0X'):
+ try:
+ Value = int(Str, 16)
+ if (Value <= 0xFFFFFFFF) and (Value >= 0):
+ return True
+ except ValueError:
+ return False
+ return False
+## CleanSpecialChar
+# The ASCII text files of type INF, DEC, INI are edited by developers,
+# and may contain characters that cannot be directly translated to strings that
+# are conformant with the UDP XML Schema. Any characters in this category
+# (0x00-0x08, TAB [0x09], 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0E-0x1F, 0x80-0xFF)
+# must be converted to a space character[0x20] as part of the parsing process.
+def ConvertSpecialChar(Lines):
+ RetLines = []
+ for line in Lines:
+ ReMatchSpecialChar = re.compile(r"[\x00-\x08]|\x09|\x0b|\x0c|[\x0e-\x1f]|[\x7f-\xff]")
+ RetLines.append(ReMatchSpecialChar.sub(' ', line))
+ return RetLines
+## __GetTokenList
+# Assume Str is a valid feature flag expression.
+# Return a list which contains tokens: alpha numeric token and other token
+# Whitespace are not stripped
+def __GetTokenList(Str):
+ InQuote = False
+ Token = ''
+ TokenOP = ''
+ PreChar = ''
+ List = []
+ for Char in Str:
+ if InQuote:
+ Token += Char
+ if Char == '"' and PreChar != '\\':
+ InQuote = not InQuote
+ List.append(Token)
+ Token = ''
+ continue
+ if Char == '"':
+ if Token and Token != 'L':
+ List.append(Token)
+ Token = ''
+ if TokenOP:
+ List.append(TokenOP)
+ TokenOP = ''
+ InQuote = not InQuote
+ Token += Char
+ continue
+ if not (Char.isalnum() or Char in '_'):
+ TokenOP += Char
+ if Token:
+ List.append(Token)
+ Token = ''
+ else:
+ Token += Char
+ if TokenOP:
+ List.append(TokenOP)
+ TokenOP = ''
+ if PreChar == '\\' and Char == '\\':
+ PreChar = ''
+ else:
+ PreChar = Char
+ if Token:
+ List.append(Token)
+ if TokenOP:
+ List.append(TokenOP)
+ return List
+## ConvertNEToNOTEQ
+# Convert NE operator to NOT EQ
+# For example: 1 NE 2 -> 1 NOT EQ 2
+# @param Expr: Feature flag expression to be converted
+def ConvertNEToNOTEQ(Expr):
+ List = __GetTokenList(Expr)
+ for Index in range(len(List)):
+ if List[Index] == 'NE':
+ List[Index] = 'NOT EQ'
+ return ''.join(List)
+## ConvertNOTEQToNE
+# Convert NOT EQ operator to NE
+# For example: 1 NOT NE 2 -> 1 NE 2
+# @param Expr: Feature flag expression to be converted
+def ConvertNOTEQToNE(Expr):
+ List = __GetTokenList(Expr)
+ HasNOT = False
+ RetList = []
+ for Token in List:
+ if HasNOT and Token == 'EQ':
+ # At least, 'NOT' is in the list
+ while not RetList[-1].strip():
+ RetList.pop()
+ RetList[-1] = 'NE'
+ HasNOT = False
+ continue
+ if Token == 'NOT':
+ HasNOT = True
+ elif Token.strip():
+ HasNOT = False
+ RetList.append(Token)
+ return ''.join(RetList)
+## SplitPcdEntry
+# Split an PCD entry string to Token.CName and PCD value and FFE.
+# NOTE: PCD Value and FFE can contain "|" in its expression. And in INF specification, have below rule.
+# When using the characters "|" or "||" in an expression, the expression must be encapsulated in
+# open "(" and close ")" parenthesis.
+# @param String An PCD entry string need to be split.
+# @return List [PcdTokenCName, Value, FFE]
+def SplitPcdEntry(String):
+ if not String:
+ return ['', '', ''], False
+ PcdTokenCName = ''
+ PcdValue = ''
+ PcdFeatureFlagExp = ''
+ ValueList = GetSplitValueList(String, "|", 1)
+ #
+ # Only contain TokenCName
+ #
+ if len(ValueList) == 1:
+ return [ValueList[0]], True
+ NewValueList = []
+ if len(ValueList) == 2:
+ PcdTokenCName = ValueList[0]
+ InQuote = False
+ InParenthesis = False
+ StrItem = ''
+ for StrCh in ValueList[1]:
+ if StrCh == '"':
+ InQuote = not InQuote
+ elif StrCh == '(' or StrCh == ')':
+ InParenthesis = not InParenthesis
+ if StrCh == '|':
+ if not InQuote or not InParenthesis:
+ NewValueList.append(StrItem.strip())
+ StrItem = ' '
+ continue
+ StrItem += StrCh
+ NewValueList.append(StrItem.strip())
+ if len(NewValueList) == 1:
+ PcdValue = NewValueList[0]
+ return [PcdTokenCName, PcdValue], True
+ elif len(NewValueList) == 2:
+ PcdValue = NewValueList[0]
+ PcdFeatureFlagExp = NewValueList[1]
+ return [PcdTokenCName, PcdValue, PcdFeatureFlagExp], True
+ else:
+ return ['', '', ''], False
+ return ['', '', ''], False
+## Check if two arches matched?
+# @param Arch1
+# @param Arch2
+def IsMatchArch(Arch1, Arch2):
+ if 'COMMON' in Arch1 or 'COMMON' in Arch2:
+ return True
+ try:
+ if isinstance(Arch1, list) and isinstance(Arch2, list):
+ for Item1 in Arch1:
+ for Item2 in Arch2:
+ if Item1 == Item2:
+ return True
+ elif isinstance(Arch1, list):
+ return Arch2 in Arch1
+ elif isinstance(Arch2, list):
+ return Arch1 in Arch2
+ else:
+ if Arch1 == Arch2:
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+# Search all files in FilePath to find the FileName with the largest index
+# Return the FileName with index +1 under the FilePath
+def GetUniFileName(FilePath, FileName):
+ Files = []
+ try:
+ Files = os.listdir(FilePath)
+ except:
+ pass
+ LargestIndex = -1
+ IndexNotFound = True
+ for File in Files:
+ if File.upper().startswith(FileName.upper()) and File.upper().endswith('.UNI'):
+ Index = File.upper().replace(FileName.upper(), '').replace('.UNI', '')
+ if Index:
+ try:
+ Index = int(Index)
+ except Exception:
+ Index = -1
+ else:
+ IndexNotFound = False
+ Index = 0
+ if Index > LargestIndex:
+ LargestIndex = Index + 1
+ if LargestIndex > -1 and not IndexNotFound:
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(FilePath, FileName + str(LargestIndex) + '.uni'))
+ else:
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(FilePath, FileName + '.uni'))
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/UniClassObject.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/UniClassObject.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d25f30014 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/UniClassObject.py @@ -0,0 +1,1074 @@ +## @file
+# Collect all defined strings in multiple uni files.
+# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+Collect all defined strings in multiple uni files
+from __future__ import print_function
+# Import Modules
+import os, codecs, re
+import distutils.util
+from Logger import ToolError
+from Logger import Log as EdkLogger
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Library.StringUtils import GetLineNo
+from Library.Misc import PathClass
+from Library.Misc import GetCharIndexOutStr
+from Library import DataType as DT
+from Library.ParserValidate import CheckUTF16FileHeader
+# Static definitions
+UNICODE_WIDE_CHAR = u'\\wide'
+UNICODE_NARROW_CHAR = u'\\narrow'
+WIDE_CHAR = u'\uFFF1'
+CR = u'\u000D'
+LF = u'\u000A'
+NULL = u'\u0000'
+TAB = u'\t'
+BACK_SPLASH = u'\\'
+gLANG_CONV_TABLE = {'eng':'en', 'fra':'fr', \
+ 'aar':'aa', 'abk':'ab', 'ave':'ae', 'afr':'af', 'aka':'ak', 'amh':'am', \
+ 'arg':'an', 'ara':'ar', 'asm':'as', 'ava':'av', 'aym':'ay', 'aze':'az', \
+ 'bak':'ba', 'bel':'be', 'bul':'bg', 'bih':'bh', 'bis':'bi', 'bam':'bm', \
+ 'ben':'bn', 'bod':'bo', 'bre':'br', 'bos':'bs', 'cat':'ca', 'che':'ce', \
+ 'cha':'ch', 'cos':'co', 'cre':'cr', 'ces':'cs', 'chu':'cu', 'chv':'cv', \
+ 'cym':'cy', 'dan':'da', 'deu':'de', 'div':'dv', 'dzo':'dz', 'ewe':'ee', \
+ 'ell':'el', 'epo':'eo', 'spa':'es', 'est':'et', 'eus':'eu', 'fas':'fa', \
+ 'ful':'ff', 'fin':'fi', 'fij':'fj', 'fao':'fo', 'fry':'fy', 'gle':'ga', \
+ 'gla':'gd', 'glg':'gl', 'grn':'gn', 'guj':'gu', 'glv':'gv', 'hau':'ha', \
+ 'heb':'he', 'hin':'hi', 'hmo':'ho', 'hrv':'hr', 'hat':'ht', 'hun':'hu', \
+ 'hye':'hy', 'her':'hz', 'ina':'ia', 'ind':'id', 'ile':'ie', 'ibo':'ig', \
+ 'iii':'ii', 'ipk':'ik', 'ido':'io', 'isl':'is', 'ita':'it', 'iku':'iu', \
+ 'jpn':'ja', 'jav':'jv', 'kat':'ka', 'kon':'kg', 'kik':'ki', 'kua':'kj', \
+ 'kaz':'kk', 'kal':'kl', 'khm':'km', 'kan':'kn', 'kor':'ko', 'kau':'kr', \
+ 'kas':'ks', 'kur':'ku', 'kom':'kv', 'cor':'kw', 'kir':'ky', 'lat':'la', \
+ 'ltz':'lb', 'lug':'lg', 'lim':'li', 'lin':'ln', 'lao':'lo', 'lit':'lt', \
+ 'lub':'lu', 'lav':'lv', 'mlg':'mg', 'mah':'mh', 'mri':'mi', 'mkd':'mk', \
+ 'mal':'ml', 'mon':'mn', 'mar':'mr', 'msa':'ms', 'mlt':'mt', 'mya':'my', \
+ 'nau':'na', 'nob':'nb', 'nde':'nd', 'nep':'ne', 'ndo':'ng', 'nld':'nl', \
+ 'nno':'nn', 'nor':'no', 'nbl':'nr', 'nav':'nv', 'nya':'ny', 'oci':'oc', \
+ 'oji':'oj', 'orm':'om', 'ori':'or', 'oss':'os', 'pan':'pa', 'pli':'pi', \
+ 'pol':'pl', 'pus':'ps', 'por':'pt', 'que':'qu', 'roh':'rm', 'run':'rn', \
+ 'ron':'ro', 'rus':'ru', 'kin':'rw', 'san':'sa', 'srd':'sc', 'snd':'sd', \
+ 'sme':'se', 'sag':'sg', 'sin':'si', 'slk':'sk', 'slv':'sl', 'smo':'sm', \
+ 'sna':'sn', 'som':'so', 'sqi':'sq', 'srp':'sr', 'ssw':'ss', 'sot':'st', \
+ 'sun':'su', 'swe':'sv', 'swa':'sw', 'tam':'ta', 'tel':'te', 'tgk':'tg', \
+ 'tha':'th', 'tir':'ti', 'tuk':'tk', 'tgl':'tl', 'tsn':'tn', 'ton':'to', \
+ 'tur':'tr', 'tso':'ts', 'tat':'tt', 'twi':'tw', 'tah':'ty', 'uig':'ug', \
+ 'ukr':'uk', 'urd':'ur', 'uzb':'uz', 'ven':'ve', 'vie':'vi', 'vol':'vo', \
+ 'wln':'wa', 'wol':'wo', 'xho':'xh', 'yid':'yi', 'yor':'yo', 'zha':'za', \
+ 'zho':'zh', 'zul':'zu'}
+## Convert a python unicode string to a normal string
+# Convert a python unicode string to a normal string
+# UniToStr(u'I am a string') is 'I am a string'
+# @param Uni: The python unicode string
+# @retval: The formatted normal string
+def UniToStr(Uni):
+ return repr(Uni)[2:-1]
+## Convert a unicode string to a Hex list
+# Convert a unicode string to a Hex list
+# UniToHexList('ABC') is ['0x41', '0x00', '0x42', '0x00', '0x43', '0x00']
+# @param Uni: The python unicode string
+# @retval List: The formatted hex list
+def UniToHexList(Uni):
+ List = []
+ for Item in Uni:
+ Temp = '%04X' % ord(Item)
+ List.append('0x' + Temp[2:4])
+ List.append('0x' + Temp[0:2])
+ return List
+## Convert special unicode characters
+# Convert special characters to (c), (r) and (tm).
+# @param Uni: The python unicode string
+# @retval NewUni: The converted unicode string
+def ConvertSpecialUnicodes(Uni):
+ OldUni = NewUni = Uni
+ NewUni = NewUni.replace(u'\u00A9', '(c)')
+ NewUni = NewUni.replace(u'\u00AE', '(r)')
+ NewUni = NewUni.replace(u'\u2122', '(tm)')
+ if OldUni == NewUni:
+ NewUni = OldUni
+ return NewUni
+## GetLanguageCode1766
+# Check the language code read from .UNI file and convert RFC 4646 codes to RFC 1766 codes
+# RFC 1766 language codes supported in compatibility mode
+# RFC 4646 language codes supported in native mode
+# @param LangName: Language codes read from .UNI file
+# @retval LangName: Valid language code in RFC 1766 format or None
+def GetLanguageCode1766(LangName, File=None):
+ return LangName
+ length = len(LangName)
+ if length == 2:
+ if LangName.isalpha():
+ for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys():
+ if gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(Key) == LangName.lower():
+ return Key
+ elif length == 3:
+ if LangName.isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()):
+ return LangName
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ "Invalid RFC 1766 language code : %s" % LangName,
+ File)
+ elif length == 5:
+ if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-':
+ for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys():
+ if gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(Key) == LangName[0:2].lower():
+ return Key
+ elif length >= 6:
+ if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-':
+ for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys():
+ if gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(Key) == LangName[0:2].lower():
+ return Key
+ if LangName[0:3].isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) is None and LangName[3] == '-':
+ for Key in gLANG_CONV_TABLE.keys():
+ if Key == LangName[0:3].lower():
+ return Key
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ "Invalid RFC 4646 language code : %s" % LangName,
+ File)
+## GetLanguageCode
+# Check the language code read from .UNI file and convert RFC 1766 codes to RFC 4646 codes if appropriate
+# RFC 1766 language codes supported in compatibility mode
+# RFC 4646 language codes supported in native mode
+# @param LangName: Language codes read from .UNI file
+# @retval LangName: Valid lanugage code in RFC 4646 format or None
+def GetLanguageCode(LangName, IsCompatibleMode, File):
+ length = len(LangName)
+ if IsCompatibleMode:
+ if length == 3 and LangName.isalpha():
+ TempLangName = gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower())
+ if TempLangName is not None:
+ return TempLangName
+ return LangName
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ "Invalid RFC 1766 language code : %s" % LangName,
+ File)
+ if (LangName[0] == 'X' or LangName[0] == 'x') and LangName[1] == '-':
+ return LangName
+ if length == 2:
+ if LangName.isalpha():
+ return LangName
+ elif length == 3:
+ if LangName.isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) is None:
+ return LangName
+ elif length == 5:
+ if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-':
+ return LangName
+ elif length >= 6:
+ if LangName[0:2].isalpha() and LangName[2] == '-':
+ return LangName
+ if LangName[0:3].isalpha() and gLANG_CONV_TABLE.get(LangName.lower()) is None and LangName[3] == '-':
+ return LangName
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ "Invalid RFC 4646 language code : %s" % LangName,
+ File)
+## FormatUniEntry
+# Formatted the entry in Uni file.
+# @param StrTokenName StrTokenName.
+# @param TokenValueList A list need to be processed.
+# @param ContainerFile ContainerFile.
+# @return formatted entry
+def FormatUniEntry(StrTokenName, TokenValueList, ContainerFile):
+ SubContent = ''
+ PreFormatLength = 40
+ if len(StrTokenName) > PreFormatLength:
+ PreFormatLength = len(StrTokenName) + 1
+ for (Lang, Value) in TokenValueList:
+ if not Value or Lang == DT.TAB_LANGUAGE_EN_X:
+ continue
+ if Lang == '':
+ if Lang == 'eng':
+ elif len(Lang.split('-')[0]) == 3:
+ Lang = GetLanguageCode(Lang.split('-')[0], True, ContainerFile)
+ else:
+ Lang = GetLanguageCode(Lang, False, ContainerFile)
+ ValueList = Value.split('\n')
+ SubValueContent = ''
+ for SubValue in ValueList:
+ if SubValue.strip():
+ SubValueContent += \
+ ' ' * (PreFormatLength + len('#language en-US ')) + '\"%s\\n\"' % SubValue.strip() + '\r\n'
+ SubValueContent = SubValueContent[(PreFormatLength + len('#language en-US ')):SubValueContent.rfind('\\n')] \
+ + '\"' + '\r\n'
+ SubContent += ' '*PreFormatLength + '#language %-5s ' % Lang + SubValueContent
+ if SubContent:
+ SubContent = StrTokenName + ' '*(PreFormatLength - len(StrTokenName)) + SubContent[PreFormatLength:]
+ return SubContent
+## StringDefClassObject
+# A structure for language definition
+class StringDefClassObject(object):
+ def __init__(self, Name = None, Value = None, Referenced = False, Token = None, UseOtherLangDef = ''):
+ self.StringName = ''
+ self.StringNameByteList = []
+ self.StringValue = ''
+ self.StringValueByteList = ''
+ self.Token = 0
+ self.Referenced = Referenced
+ self.UseOtherLangDef = UseOtherLangDef
+ self.Length = 0
+ if Name is not None:
+ self.StringName = Name
+ self.StringNameByteList = UniToHexList(Name)
+ if Value is not None:
+ self.StringValue = Value
+ self.StringValueByteList = UniToHexList(self.StringValue)
+ self.Length = len(self.StringValueByteList)
+ if Token is not None:
+ self.Token = Token
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.StringName) + ' ' + \
+ repr(self.Token) + ' ' + \
+ repr(self.Referenced) + ' ' + \
+ repr(self.StringValue) + ' ' + \
+ repr(self.UseOtherLangDef)
+ def UpdateValue(self, Value = None):
+ if Value is not None:
+ if self.StringValue:
+ self.StringValue = self.StringValue + '\r\n' + Value
+ else:
+ self.StringValue = Value
+ self.StringValueByteList = UniToHexList(self.StringValue)
+ self.Length = len(self.StringValueByteList)
+## UniFileClassObject
+# A structure for .uni file definition
+class UniFileClassObject(object):
+ def __init__(self, FileList = None, IsCompatibleMode = False, IncludePathList = None):
+ self.FileList = FileList
+ self.File = None
+ self.IncFileList = FileList
+ self.UniFileHeader = ''
+ self.Token = 2
+ self.LanguageDef = [] #[ [u'LanguageIdentifier', u'PrintableName'], ... ]
+ self.OrderedStringList = {} #{ u'LanguageIdentifier' : [StringDefClassObject] }
+ self.OrderedStringDict = {} #{ u'LanguageIdentifier' : {StringName:(IndexInList)} }
+ self.OrderedStringListByToken = {} #{ u'LanguageIdentifier' : {Token: StringDefClassObject} }
+ self.IsCompatibleMode = IsCompatibleMode
+ if not IncludePathList:
+ self.IncludePathList = []
+ else:
+ self.IncludePathList = IncludePathList
+ if len(self.FileList) > 0:
+ self.LoadUniFiles(FileList)
+ #
+ # Get Language definition
+ #
+ def GetLangDef(self, File, Line):
+ Lang = distutils.util.split_quoted((Line.split(u"//")[0]))
+ if len(Lang) != 3:
+ try:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(File.Path, mode='rb', encoding='utf_8').readlines()
+ except UnicodeError as Xstr:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(File.Path, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16').readlines()
+ except UnicodeError as Xstr:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(File.Path, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16_le').readlines()
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ "File read failure: %s" % str(Xstr),
+ ExtraData=File)
+ LineNo = GetLineNo(FileIn, Line, False)
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ "Wrong language definition",
+ ExtraData="""%s\n\t*Correct format is like '#langdef en-US "English"'""" % Line,
+ File = File, Line = LineNo)
+ else:
+ LangName = GetLanguageCode(Lang[1], self.IsCompatibleMode, self.File)
+ LangPrintName = Lang[2]
+ IsLangInDef = False
+ for Item in self.LanguageDef:
+ if Item[0] == LangName:
+ IsLangInDef = True
+ break
+ if not IsLangInDef:
+ self.LanguageDef.append([LangName, LangPrintName])
+ #
+ # Add language string
+ #
+ self.AddStringToList(u'$LANGUAGE_NAME', LangName, LangName, 0, True, Index=0)
+ self.AddStringToList(u'$PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME', LangName, LangPrintName, 1, True, Index=1)
+ if not IsLangInDef:
+ #
+ # The found STRING tokens will be added into new language string list
+ # so that the unique STRING identifier is reserved for all languages in the package list.
+ #
+ FirstLangName = self.LanguageDef[0][0]
+ if LangName != FirstLangName:
+ for Index in range (2, len (self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName])):
+ Item = self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName][Index]
+ if Item.UseOtherLangDef != '':
+ OtherLang = Item.UseOtherLangDef
+ else:
+ OtherLang = FirstLangName
+ self.OrderedStringList[LangName].append (StringDefClassObject(Item.StringName,
+ '',
+ Item.Referenced,
+ Item.Token,
+ OtherLang))
+ self.OrderedStringDict[LangName][Item.StringName] = len(self.OrderedStringList[LangName]) - 1
+ return True
+ #
+ # Get String name and value
+ #
+ def GetStringObject(self, Item):
+ Language = ''
+ Value = ''
+ Name = Item.split()[1]
+ # Check the string name is the upper character
+ if Name != '':
+ MatchString = re.match('[A-Z0-9_]+', Name, re.UNICODE)
+ if MatchString is None or MatchString.end(0) != len(Name):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ 'The string token name %s in UNI file %s must be upper case character.' %(Name, self.File))
+ LanguageList = Item.split(u'#language ')
+ for IndexI in range(len(LanguageList)):
+ if IndexI == 0:
+ continue
+ else:
+ Language = LanguageList[IndexI].split()[0]
+ #.replace(u'\r\n', u'')
+ Value = \
+ LanguageList[IndexI][LanguageList[IndexI].find(u'\"') + len(u'\"') : LanguageList[IndexI].rfind(u'\"')]
+ Language = GetLanguageCode(Language, self.IsCompatibleMode, self.File)
+ self.AddStringToList(Name, Language, Value)
+ #
+ # Get include file list and load them
+ #
+ def GetIncludeFile(self, Item, Dir = None):
+ if Dir:
+ pass
+ FileName = Item[Item.find(u'!include ') + len(u'!include ') :Item.find(u' ', len(u'!include '))][1:-1]
+ self.LoadUniFile(FileName)
+ #
+ # Pre-process before parse .uni file
+ #
+ def PreProcess(self, File, IsIncludeFile=False):
+ if not os.path.exists(File.Path) or not os.path.isfile(File.Path):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ #
+ # Check file header of the Uni file
+ #
+# if not CheckUTF16FileHeader(File.Path):
+# EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+# ExtraData='The file %s is either invalid UTF-16LE or it is missing the BOM.' % File.Path)
+ try:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(File.Path, mode='rb', encoding='utf_8').readlines()
+ except UnicodeError as Xstr:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(File.Path, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16').readlines()
+ except UnicodeError:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(File.Path, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16_le').readlines()
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ #
+ # get the file header
+ #
+ Lines = []
+ HeaderStart = False
+ HeaderEnd = False
+ if not self.UniFileHeader:
+ FirstGenHeader = True
+ else:
+ FirstGenHeader = False
+ for Line in FileIn:
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ if Line == u'':
+ continue
+ if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT) and (Line.find(DT.TAB_HEADER_COMMENT) > -1) \
+ and not HeaderEnd and not HeaderStart:
+ HeaderStart = True
+ if not Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT) and HeaderStart and not HeaderEnd:
+ HeaderEnd = True
+ if Line.startswith(DT.TAB_COMMENT_EDK1_SPLIT) and HeaderStart and not HeaderEnd and FirstGenHeader:
+ self.UniFileHeader += Line + '\r\n'
+ continue
+ #
+ # Use unique identifier
+ #
+ FindFlag = -1
+ LineCount = 0
+ MultiLineFeedExits = False
+ #
+ # 0: initial value
+ # 1: single String entry exist
+ # 2: line feed exist under the some single String entry
+ #
+ StringEntryExistsFlag = 0
+ for Line in FileIn:
+ Line = FileIn[LineCount]
+ LineCount += 1
+ Line = Line.strip()
+ #
+ # Ignore comment line and empty line
+ #
+ if Line == u'' or Line.startswith(u'//'):
+ #
+ # Change the single line String entry flag status
+ #
+ if StringEntryExistsFlag == 1:
+ StringEntryExistsFlag = 2
+ #
+ # If the '#string' line and the '#language' line are not in the same line,
+ # there should be only one line feed character between them
+ #
+ if MultiLineFeedExits:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ continue
+ MultiLineFeedExits = False
+ #
+ # Process comment embedded in string define lines
+ #
+ FindFlag = Line.find(u'//')
+ if FindFlag != -1 and Line.find(u'//') < Line.find(u'"'):
+ Line = Line.replace(Line[FindFlag:], u' ')
+ if FileIn[LineCount].strip().startswith('#language'):
+ Line = Line + FileIn[LineCount]
+ FileIn[LineCount-1] = Line
+ FileIn[LineCount] = '\r\n'
+ LineCount -= 1
+ for Index in range (LineCount + 1, len (FileIn) - 1):
+ if (Index == len(FileIn) -1):
+ FileIn[Index] = '\r\n'
+ else:
+ FileIn[Index] = FileIn[Index + 1]
+ continue
+ CommIndex = GetCharIndexOutStr(u'/', Line)
+ if CommIndex > -1:
+ if (len(Line) - 1) > CommIndex:
+ if Line[CommIndex+1] == u'/':
+ Line = Line[:CommIndex].strip()
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ Line = Line.replace(UNICODE_WIDE_CHAR, WIDE_CHAR)
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\\\\', u'\u0006')
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\\r\\n', CR + LF)
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\\n', CR + LF)
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\\r', CR)
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\\t', u'\t')
+ Line = Line.replace(u'''\"''', u'''"''')
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\t', u' ')
+ Line = Line.replace(u'\u0006', u'\\')
+ #
+ # Check if single line has correct '"'
+ #
+ if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > -1 and Line.find('"') > Line.find(u'#language'):
+ if not Line.endswith('"'):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData='''The line %s misses '"' at the end of it in file %s'''
+ % (LineCount, File.Path))
+ #
+ # Between Name entry and Language entry can not contain line feed
+ #
+ if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') == -1:
+ MultiLineFeedExits = True
+ if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.find(u'"') < 0:
+ MultiLineFeedExits = True
+ #
+ # Between Language entry and String entry can not contain line feed
+ #
+ if Line.startswith(u'#language') and len(Line.split()) == 2:
+ MultiLineFeedExits = True
+ #
+ # Check the situation that there only has one '"' for the language entry
+ #
+ if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.count(u'"') == 1:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData='''The line %s misses '"' at the end of it in file %s'''
+ % (LineCount, File.Path))
+ #
+ # Check the situation that there has more than 2 '"' for the language entry
+ #
+ if Line.startswith(u'#string') and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.replace(u'\\"', '').count(u'"') > 2:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData='''The line %s has more than 2 '"' for language entry in file %s'''
+ % (LineCount, File.Path))
+ #
+ # Between two String entry, can not contain line feed
+ #
+ if Line.startswith(u'"'):
+ if StringEntryExistsFlag == 2:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_LINEFEED_UP_EXIST % Line, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ StringEntryExistsFlag = 1
+ if not Line.endswith('"'):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData='''The line %s misses '"' at the end of it in file %s'''
+ % (LineCount, File.Path))
+ #
+ # Check the situation that there has more than 2 '"' for the language entry
+ #
+ if Line.strip() and Line.replace(u'\\"', '').count(u'"') > 2:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData='''The line %s has more than 2 '"' for language entry in file %s'''
+ % (LineCount, File.Path))
+ elif Line.startswith(u'#language'):
+ if StringEntryExistsFlag == 2:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNI_MISS_STRING_ENTRY % Line, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ StringEntryExistsFlag = 0
+ else:
+ StringEntryExistsFlag = 0
+ Lines.append(Line)
+ #
+ # Convert string def format as below
+ #
+ # #string MY_STRING_1
+ # #language eng
+ # "My first English string line 1"
+ # "My first English string line 2"
+ # #string MY_STRING_1
+ # #language spa
+ # "Mi segunda secuencia 1"
+ # "Mi segunda secuencia 2"
+ #
+ if not IsIncludeFile and not Lines:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ NewLines = []
+ StrName = u''
+ ExistStrNameList = []
+ for Line in Lines:
+ if StrName and not StrName.split()[1].startswith(DT.TAB_STR_TOKENCNAME + DT.TAB_UNDERLINE_SPLIT):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_STRNAME_FORMAT_ERROR % StrName.split()[1], \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if StrName and len(StrName.split()[1].split(DT.TAB_UNDERLINE_SPLIT)) == 4:
+ StringTokenList = StrName.split()[1].split(DT.TAB_UNDERLINE_SPLIT)
+ if (StringTokenList[3].upper() in [DT.TAB_STR_TOKENPROMPT, DT.TAB_STR_TOKENHELP] and \
+ StringTokenList[3] not in [DT.TAB_STR_TOKENPROMPT, DT.TAB_STR_TOKENHELP]) or \
+ (StringTokenList[2].upper() == DT.TAB_STR_TOKENERR and StringTokenList[2] != DT.TAB_STR_TOKENERR):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_STRTOKEN_FORMAT_ERROR % StrName.split()[1], \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if Line.count(u'#language') > 1:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if Line.startswith(u'//'):
+ continue
+ elif Line.startswith(u'#langdef'):
+ if len(Line.split()) == 2:
+ NewLines.append(Line)
+ continue
+ elif len(Line.split()) > 2 and Line.find(u'"') > 0:
+ NewLines.append(Line[:Line.find(u'"')].strip())
+ NewLines.append(Line[Line.find(u'"'):])
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ elif Line.startswith(u'#string'):
+ if len(Line.split()) == 2:
+ StrName = Line
+ if StrName:
+ if StrName.split()[1] not in ExistStrNameList:
+ ExistStrNameList.append(StrName.split()[1].strip())
+ elif StrName.split()[1] in [DT.TAB_INF_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_DESCRIPTION, \
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_MULTI_ENTRY_EXIST % StrName.split()[1], \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ continue
+ elif len(Line.split()) == 4 and Line.find(u'#language') > 0:
+ if Line[Line.find(u'#language')-1] != ' ' or \
+ Line[Line.find(u'#language')+len(u'#language')] != u' ':
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if Line.find(u'"') > 0:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ StrName = Line.split()[0] + u' ' + Line.split()[1]
+ if StrName:
+ if StrName.split()[1] not in ExistStrNameList:
+ ExistStrNameList.append(StrName.split()[1].strip())
+ elif StrName.split()[1] in [DT.TAB_INF_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_DESCRIPTION, \
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_MULTI_ENTRY_EXIST % StrName.split()[1], \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if IsIncludeFile:
+ if StrName not in NewLines:
+ NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip())
+ else:
+ NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip())
+ NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'#language'):]).strip())
+ elif len(Line.split()) > 4 and Line.find(u'#language') > 0 and Line.find(u'"') > 0:
+ if Line[Line.find(u'#language')-1] != u' ' or \
+ Line[Line.find(u'#language')+len(u'#language')] != u' ':
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if Line[Line.find(u'"')-1] != u' ':
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ StrName = Line.split()[0] + u' ' + Line.split()[1]
+ if StrName:
+ if StrName.split()[1] not in ExistStrNameList:
+ ExistStrNameList.append(StrName.split()[1].strip())
+ elif StrName.split()[1] in [DT.TAB_INF_ABSTRACT, DT.TAB_INF_DESCRIPTION, \
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_MULTI_ENTRY_EXIST % StrName.split()[1], \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if IsIncludeFile:
+ if StrName not in NewLines:
+ NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip())
+ else:
+ NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'#language')]).strip())
+ NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'#language'):Line.find(u'"')]).strip())
+ NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'"'):]).strip())
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ elif Line.startswith(u'#language'):
+ if len(Line.split()) == 2:
+ if IsIncludeFile:
+ if StrName not in NewLines:
+ NewLines.append(StrName)
+ else:
+ NewLines.append(StrName)
+ NewLines.append(Line)
+ elif len(Line.split()) > 2 and Line.find(u'"') > 0:
+ if IsIncludeFile:
+ if StrName not in NewLines:
+ NewLines.append(StrName)
+ else:
+ NewLines.append(StrName)
+ NewLines.append((Line[:Line.find(u'"')]).strip())
+ NewLines.append((Line[Line.find(u'"'):]).strip())
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ elif Line.startswith(u'"'):
+ if u'#string' in Line or u'#language' in Line:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ NewLines.append(Line)
+ else:
+ print(Line)
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if StrName and not StrName.split()[1].startswith(u'STR_'):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNIPARSE_STRNAME_FORMAT_ERROR % StrName.split()[1], \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if StrName and not NewLines:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ Message=ST.ERR_UNI_MISS_LANGENTRY % StrName, \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ #
+ # Check Abstract, Description, BinaryAbstract and BinaryDescription order,
+ # should be Abstract, Description, BinaryAbstract, BinaryDescription
+ AbstractPosition = -1
+ DescriptionPosition = -1
+ BinaryAbstractPosition = -1
+ BinaryDescriptionPosition = -1
+ for StrName in ExistStrNameList:
+ if DT.TAB_HEADER_ABSTRACT.upper() in StrName:
+ if 'BINARY' in StrName:
+ BinaryAbstractPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName)
+ else:
+ AbstractPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName)
+ if DT.TAB_HEADER_DESCRIPTION.upper() in StrName:
+ if 'BINARY' in StrName:
+ BinaryDescriptionPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName)
+ else:
+ DescriptionPosition = ExistStrNameList.index(StrName)
+ OrderList = sorted([AbstractPosition, DescriptionPosition])
+ BinaryOrderList = sorted([BinaryAbstractPosition, BinaryDescriptionPosition])
+ Min = OrderList[0]
+ Max = OrderList[1]
+ BinaryMin = BinaryOrderList[0]
+ BinaryMax = BinaryOrderList[1]
+ if BinaryDescriptionPosition > -1:
+ if not(BinaryDescriptionPosition == BinaryMax and BinaryAbstractPosition == BinaryMin and \
+ BinaryMax > Max):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ elif BinaryAbstractPosition > -1:
+ if not(BinaryAbstractPosition > Max):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if DescriptionPosition > -1:
+ if not(DescriptionPosition == Max and AbstractPosition == Min and \
+ DescriptionPosition > AbstractPosition):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID, \
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ if not self.UniFileHeader:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ return NewLines
+ #
+ # Load a .uni file
+ #
+ def LoadUniFile(self, File = None):
+ if File is None:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ Message='No unicode file is given',
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ self.File = File
+ #
+ # Process special char in file
+ #
+ Lines = self.PreProcess(File)
+ #
+ # Get Unicode Information
+ #
+ for IndexI in range(len(Lines)):
+ Line = Lines[IndexI]
+ if (IndexI + 1) < len(Lines):
+ SecondLine = Lines[IndexI + 1]
+ if (IndexI + 2) < len(Lines):
+ ThirdLine = Lines[IndexI + 2]
+ #
+ # Get Language def information
+ #
+ if Line.find(u'#langdef ') >= 0:
+ self.GetLangDef(File, Line + u' ' + SecondLine)
+ continue
+ Name = ''
+ Language = ''
+ Value = ''
+ CombineToken = False
+ #
+ # Get string def information format as below
+ #
+ # #string MY_STRING_1
+ # #language eng
+ # "My first English string line 1"
+ # "My first English string line 2"
+ # #string MY_STRING_1
+ # #language spa
+ # "Mi segunda secuencia 1"
+ # "Mi segunda secuencia 2"
+ #
+ if Line.find(u'#string ') >= 0 and Line.find(u'#language ') < 0 and \
+ SecondLine.find(u'#string ') < 0 and SecondLine.find(u'#language ') >= 0 and \
+ ThirdLine.find(u'#string ') < 0 and ThirdLine.find(u'#language ') < 0:
+ if Line.find('"') > 0 or SecondLine.find('"') > 0:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FORMAT_INVALID,
+ ExtraData=File.Path)
+ Name = Line[Line.find(u'#string ') + len(u'#string ') : ].strip(' ')
+ Language = SecondLine[SecondLine.find(u'#language ') + len(u'#language ') : ].strip(' ')
+ for IndexJ in range(IndexI + 2, len(Lines)):
+ if Lines[IndexJ].find(u'#string ') < 0 and Lines[IndexJ].find(u'#language ') < 0 and \
+ Lines[IndexJ].strip().startswith(u'"') and Lines[IndexJ].strip().endswith(u'"'):
+ if Lines[IndexJ][-2] == ' ':
+ CombineToken = True
+ if CombineToken:
+ if Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1].strip():
+ Value = Value + Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1].rstrip() + ' '
+ else:
+ Value = Value + Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1]
+ CombineToken = False
+ else:
+ Value = Value + Lines[IndexJ].strip()[1:-1] + '\r\n'
+ else:
+ IndexI = IndexJ
+ break
+ if Value.endswith('\r\n'):
+ Value = Value[: Value.rfind('\r\n')]
+ Language = GetLanguageCode(Language, self.IsCompatibleMode, self.File)
+ self.AddStringToList(Name, Language, Value)
+ continue
+ #
+ # Load multiple .uni files
+ #
+ def LoadUniFiles(self, FileList):
+ if len(FileList) > 0:
+ for File in FileList:
+ FilePath = File.Path.strip()
+ if FilePath.endswith('.uni') or FilePath.endswith('.UNI') or FilePath.endswith('.Uni'):
+ self.LoadUniFile(File)
+ #
+ # Add a string to list
+ #
+ def AddStringToList(self, Name, Language, Value, Token = 0, Referenced = False, UseOtherLangDef = '', Index = -1):
+ for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef:
+ if Language == LangNameItem[0]:
+ break
+ if Language not in self.OrderedStringList:
+ self.OrderedStringList[Language] = []
+ self.OrderedStringDict[Language] = {}
+ IsAdded = True
+ if Name in self.OrderedStringDict[Language]:
+ IsAdded = False
+ if Value is not None:
+ ItemIndexInList = self.OrderedStringDict[Language][Name]
+ Item = self.OrderedStringList[Language][ItemIndexInList]
+ Item.UpdateValue(Value)
+ Item.UseOtherLangDef = ''
+ if IsAdded:
+ Token = len(self.OrderedStringList[Language])
+ if Index == -1:
+ self.OrderedStringList[Language].append(StringDefClassObject(Name,
+ Value,
+ Referenced,
+ Token,
+ UseOtherLangDef))
+ self.OrderedStringDict[Language][Name] = Token
+ for LangName in self.LanguageDef:
+ #
+ # New STRING token will be added into all language string lists.
+ # so that the unique STRING identifier is reserved for all languages in the package list.
+ #
+ if LangName[0] != Language:
+ if UseOtherLangDef != '':
+ OtherLangDef = UseOtherLangDef
+ else:
+ OtherLangDef = Language
+ self.OrderedStringList[LangName[0]].append(StringDefClassObject(Name,
+ '',
+ Referenced,
+ Token,
+ OtherLangDef))
+ self.OrderedStringDict[LangName[0]][Name] = len(self.OrderedStringList[LangName[0]]) - 1
+ else:
+ self.OrderedStringList[Language].insert(Index, StringDefClassObject(Name,
+ Value,
+ Referenced,
+ Token,
+ UseOtherLangDef))
+ self.OrderedStringDict[Language][Name] = Index
+ #
+ # Set the string as referenced
+ #
+ def SetStringReferenced(self, Name):
+ #
+ # String stoken are added in the same order in all language string lists.
+ # So, only update the status of string stoken in first language string list.
+ #
+ Lang = self.LanguageDef[0][0]
+ if Name in self.OrderedStringDict[Lang]:
+ ItemIndexInList = self.OrderedStringDict[Lang][Name]
+ Item = self.OrderedStringList[Lang][ItemIndexInList]
+ Item.Referenced = True
+ #
+ # Search the string in language definition by Name
+ #
+ def FindStringValue(self, Name, Lang):
+ if Name in self.OrderedStringDict[Lang]:
+ ItemIndexInList = self.OrderedStringDict[Lang][Name]
+ return self.OrderedStringList[Lang][ItemIndexInList]
+ return None
+ #
+ # Search the string in language definition by Token
+ #
+ def FindByToken(self, Token, Lang):
+ for Item in self.OrderedStringList[Lang]:
+ if Item.Token == Token:
+ return Item
+ return None
+ #
+ # Re-order strings and re-generate tokens
+ #
+ def ReToken(self):
+ if len(self.LanguageDef) == 0:
+ return None
+ #
+ # Retoken all language strings according to the status of string stoken in the first language string.
+ #
+ FirstLangName = self.LanguageDef[0][0]
+ # Convert the OrderedStringList to be OrderedStringListByToken in order to faciliate future search by token
+ for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef:
+ self.OrderedStringListByToken[LangNameItem[0]] = {}
+ #
+ # Use small token for all referred string stoken.
+ #
+ RefToken = 0
+ for Index in range (0, len (self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName])):
+ FirstLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName][Index]
+ if FirstLangItem.Referenced == True:
+ for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef:
+ LangName = LangNameItem[0]
+ OtherLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[LangName][Index]
+ OtherLangItem.Referenced = True
+ OtherLangItem.Token = RefToken
+ self.OrderedStringListByToken[LangName][OtherLangItem.Token] = OtherLangItem
+ RefToken = RefToken + 1
+ #
+ # Use big token for all unreferred string stoken.
+ #
+ UnRefToken = 0
+ for Index in range (0, len (self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName])):
+ FirstLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[FirstLangName][Index]
+ if FirstLangItem.Referenced == False:
+ for LangNameItem in self.LanguageDef:
+ LangName = LangNameItem[0]
+ OtherLangItem = self.OrderedStringList[LangName][Index]
+ OtherLangItem.Token = RefToken + UnRefToken
+ self.OrderedStringListByToken[LangName][OtherLangItem.Token] = OtherLangItem
+ UnRefToken = UnRefToken + 1
+ #
+ # Show the instance itself
+ #
+ def ShowMe(self):
+ print(self.LanguageDef)
+ #print self.OrderedStringList
+ for Item in self.OrderedStringList:
+ print(Item)
+ for Member in self.OrderedStringList[Item]:
+ print(str(Member))
+ #
+ # Read content from '!include' UNI file
+ #
+ def ReadIncludeUNIfile(self, FilaPath):
+ if self.File:
+ pass
+ if not os.path.exists(FilaPath) or not os.path.isfile(FilaPath):
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser",
+ ExtraData=FilaPath)
+ try:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(FilaPath, mode='rb', encoding='utf_8').readlines()
+ except UnicodeError as Xstr:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(FilaPath, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16').readlines()
+ except UnicodeError:
+ FileIn = codecs.open(FilaPath, mode='rb', encoding='utf_16_le').readlines()
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.Error("Unicode File Parser", ToolError.FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=FilaPath)
+ return FileIn
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Xml/XmlRoutines.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Xml/XmlRoutines.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94e97fa45 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Xml/XmlRoutines.py @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +## @file
+# This is an XML API that uses a syntax similar to XPath, but it is written in
+# standard python so that no extra python packages are required to use it.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import re
+import codecs
+from Logger.ToolError import PARSER_ERROR
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+## Create a element of XML
+# @param Name
+# @param String
+# @param NodeList
+# @param AttributeList
+def CreateXmlElement(Name, String, NodeList, AttributeList):
+ Doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document()
+ Element = Doc.createElement(Name)
+ if String != '' and String is not None:
+ Element.appendChild(Doc.createTextNode(String))
+ for Item in NodeList:
+ if isinstance(Item, type([])):
+ Key = Item[0]
+ Value = Item[1]
+ if Key != '' and Key is not None and Value != '' and Value is not None:
+ Node = Doc.createElement(Key)
+ Node.appendChild(Doc.createTextNode(Value))
+ Element.appendChild(Node)
+ else:
+ Element.appendChild(Item)
+ for Item in AttributeList:
+ Key = Item[0]
+ Value = Item[1]
+ if Key != '' and Key is not None and Value != '' and Value is not None:
+ Element.setAttribute(Key, Value)
+ return Element
+## Get a list of XML nodes using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a list of XML DOM nodes from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty list is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM node.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+def XmlList(Dom, String):
+ if String is None or String == "" or Dom is None or Dom == "":
+ return []
+ if Dom.nodeType == Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ Dom = Dom.documentElement
+ if String[0] == "/":
+ String = String[1:]
+ TagList = String.split('/')
+ Nodes = [Dom]
+ Index = 0
+ End = len(TagList) - 1
+ while Index <= End:
+ ChildNodes = []
+ for Node in Nodes:
+ if Node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and Node.tagName == \
+ TagList[Index]:
+ if Index < End:
+ ChildNodes.extend(Node.childNodes)
+ else:
+ ChildNodes.append(Node)
+ Nodes = ChildNodes
+ ChildNodes = []
+ Index += 1
+ return Nodes
+## Get a single XML node using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a single XML DOM node from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM node.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+def XmlNode(Dom, String):
+ if String is None or String == "" or Dom is None or Dom == "":
+ return None
+ if Dom.nodeType == Dom.DOCUMENT_NODE:
+ Dom = Dom.documentElement
+ if String[0] == "/":
+ String = String[1:]
+ TagList = String.split('/')
+ Index = 0
+ End = len(TagList) - 1
+ ChildNodes = [Dom]
+ while Index <= End:
+ for Node in ChildNodes:
+ if Node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and \
+ Node.tagName == TagList[Index]:
+ if Index < End:
+ ChildNodes = Node.childNodes
+ else:
+ return Node
+ break
+ Index += 1
+ return None
+## Get a single XML element using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a single XML element from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Strin A XPath style path.
+def XmlElement(Dom, String):
+ try:
+ return XmlNode(Dom, String).firstChild.data.strip()
+ except BaseException:
+ return ""
+## Get a single XML element using XPath style syntax.
+# Similar with XmlElement, but do not strip all the leading and tailing space
+# and newline, instead just remove the newline and spaces introduced by
+# toprettyxml()
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Strin A XPath style path.
+def XmlElement2(Dom, String):
+ try:
+ HelpStr = XmlNode(Dom, String).firstChild.data
+ gRemovePrettyRe = re.compile(r"""(?:(\n *) )(.*)\1""", re.DOTALL)
+ HelpStr = re.sub(gRemovePrettyRe, r"\2", HelpStr)
+ return HelpStr
+ except BaseException:
+ return ""
+## Get a single XML element of the current node.
+# Return a single XML element specified by the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+def XmlElementData(Dom):
+ try:
+ return Dom.firstChild.data.strip()
+ except BaseException:
+ return ""
+## Get a list of XML elements using XPath style syntax.
+# Return a list of XML elements from the root Dom specified by XPath String.
+# If the input Dom or String is not valid, then an empty list is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param String A XPath style path.
+def XmlElementList(Dom, String):
+ return list(map(XmlElementData, XmlList(Dom, String)))
+## Get the XML attribute of the current node.
+# Return a single XML attribute named Attribute from the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom or Attribute is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+# @param Attribute The name of Attribute.
+def XmlAttribute(Dom, Attribute):
+ try:
+ return Dom.getAttribute(Attribute)
+ except BaseException:
+ return ''
+## Get the XML node name of the current node.
+# Return a single XML node name from the current root Dom.
+# If the input Dom is not valid, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param Dom The root XML DOM object.
+def XmlNodeName(Dom):
+ try:
+ return Dom.nodeName.strip()
+ except BaseException:
+ return ''
+## Parse an XML file.
+# Parse the input XML file named FileName and return a XML DOM it stands for.
+# If the input File is not a valid XML file, then an empty string is returned.
+# @param FileName The XML file name.
+def XmlParseFile(FileName):
+ try:
+ XmlFile = codecs.open(FileName, 'rb')
+ Dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(XmlFile)
+ XmlFile.close()
+ return Dom
+ except BaseException as XExcept:
+ XmlFile.close()
+ Logger.Error('\nUPT', PARSER_ERROR, XExcept, File=FileName, RaiseError=True)
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Xml/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Xml/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..172e49845 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/Xml/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +## @file
+# Python 'Library' package initialization file.
+# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
+# as containing package.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/__init__.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07b5b75dd --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Library/__init__.py @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +## @file
+# Python 'Library' package initialization file.
+# This file is required to make Python interpreter treat the directory
+# as containing package.
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent