path: root/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Logger/StringTable.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Logger/StringTable.py')
1 files changed, 860 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Logger/StringTable.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Logger/StringTable.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13c015844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/Logger/StringTable.py
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
+## @file
+# This file is used to define strings used in the UPT tool
+# Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+This file contains user visible strings in a format that can be used for
+import gettext
+# string table starts here...
+## strings are classified as following types
+# MSG_...: it is a message string
+# ERR_...: it is a error string
+# WRN_...: it is a warning string
+# HLP_...: it is a help string
+_ = gettext.gettext
+ "UEFI Packaging Tool (UEFIPT)\n"
+ "%prog [options]"
+ )
+# Version and Copyright
+MSG_VERSION = _("UEFI Packaging Tool (UEFIPT) - Revision " + \
+MSG_COPYRIGHT = _("Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018 Intel Corporation All Rights Reserved.")
+MSG_USAGE = _("%s [options]\n%s" % ("UPT", MSG_VERSION_COPYRIGHT))
+MSG_DESCRIPTION = _("The UEFIPT is used to create, " + \
+ "install or remove a UEFI Distribution Package. " + \
+ "If WORKSPACE environment variable is present, " + \
+ "then UPT will install packages to the location specified by WORKSPACE, " + \
+ "otherwise UPT will install packages to the current directory. " + \
+ "Option -n will override this default installation location")
+# INF Parser related strings.
+ "The Header comment section should start with an @file at the top.")
+ "The Header comment is missing. It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_UNKNOWN_SECTION = _("An unknown section was found. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing. ")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_NO_SECTION_ERROR = _("No section was found. "
+ "A section must be included before continuing.")
+ _("Build Option format incorrect.")
+ "The format of binary %s item is incorrect. "
+ "It should contain at least %d elements.")
+ "The format of binary %s item is invalid, "
+ "it should contain not more than %d elements.")
+ "The Binary FileType is incorrect. It should in %s")
+ "The Binary File: %s not exist.")
+ "The Binary File Name item not exist")
+ "Only this type is allowed: \"%s\".")
+ _("Multiple define sections found. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("More than 1 %s is defined in DEFINES section. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("Incorrect name format for : %s")
+ _("The format of this GUID is incorrect: %s")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_FROMAT_INVALID = _("Incorrect format: %s")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_FILE_NOT_EXIST = _("This file does not exist: %s")
+ _("The file does not exist or not in sub-directories "
+ "or has an incorrect file name of the directory containing the INF or DEC file: %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing")
+ _("The SHADOW keyword is only valid for"
+ " SEC, PEI_CORE and PEIM module types.")
+ _("The format of the section header is incorrect")
+ _("A module can't have a Depex section when its module type is %s")
+ _("A base type library class can't have a Depex section with module type not defined.")
+ _("A library class can't have a Depex section when its supported module type list is not defined.")
+ _("A driver can't have a Depex section when its module type is UEFI_DRIVER.")
+ _("Cannot determine the module's Depex type. The Depex's module types are conflict")
+ "No %s found in INF file, please check it.")
+ _("The module type of [Depex] section is invalid, not support type of %s")
+ _("Missing content in: %s")
+ _("The [Depex] section contains invalid content: %s")
+ _("The format is incorrect. The section type keyword of the content in the"
+ " [Depex] section is only for 'PEI_DEPEX', 'DXE_DEPEX', 'SMM_DEPEX', "
+ "it does not support type: %s")
+ _("This format is incorrect. "
+ "The UserID: %s in [UserExtension] section is incorrect.")
+ _("This format is incorrect. "
+ "IdString: %s in [UserExtension] section is incorrect.")
+ _("The format is incorrect. "
+ "You can only have a Library name and a Feature flag in one line.")
+ _("Format invalid. Please specify a library name.")
+ _("The format is incorrect. It should be formatted as follows: "
+ "FileName, Family | TagName | ToolCode | FeatureFlagExpr.")
+ _("The PCD section type is incorrect. The value should be this list: %s")
+ _("PcdName format invalid."
+ "Should like following: PcdName | Value | FeatureFlag.")
+ _("Format invalid."
+ "Should like following: <TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName> ")
+ _("The format is incorrect. "
+ "It should be formatted as follows: CName | FeatureFlag.")
+ _("The format is incorrect. "
+ "It should be formatted as follows: <TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>")
+ _("The format is incorrect. "
+ "Multiple usage descriptions must be described on subsequent lines.")
+ _("This section format is incorrect: %s.")
+ _("This section has multiple section names, "
+ "only one section name is permitted.")
+ _("The 'common' ARCH must not be used with the specified ARCHs.")
+ _("This TagName is incorrect: %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("TagName is not permitted: %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("ToolCode is not permitted: %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("This family is incorrect: %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing. ")
+ _("This SectionName is incorrect: %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("TokenSpaceGuidCName must be valid C variable format.")
+ _("PcdCName must be valid C variable format.")
+ _("The PCD value is incorrect. It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("Incorrect feature flag expression: %s")
+ _("The feature flag expression is missing. Please specify a feature flag.")
+ _("Incorrect CName: %s. You must specify a valid C variable name.")
+ _("Missing CName. Specify a valid C variable name.")
+ _("The Define section contains an invalid keyword: \"%s\"."
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ _("The following file listed in the module "
+ "directory is not listed in the INF: %s")
+ _("VERSION_NUMBER deprecated. "
+ "The INF file %s should be modified to use the VERSION_STRING instead.")
+ _("The INF file %s defines both VERSION_NUMBER and VERSION_STRING, "
+ERR_INF_PARSER_EDKI_COMMENT_IN_EDKII = _("The EDKI style comment is not supported in EDKII modules")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_FEATUREPCD_USAGE_INVALID = _("The usage for FeaturePcd can only"
+ " be type of \"CONSUMES\".")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_ITEM_NO_NAME = _("No name specified")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_DEFINE_ITEM_NO_VALUE = _("No value specified")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_MODULETYPE_INVALID = _("Drivers and applications are not allowed to have a MODULE_TYPE of \"BASE\". "
+"Only libraries are permitted to a have a MODULE_TYPE of \"BASE\".")
+ERR_INF_GET_PKG_DEPENDENCY_FAIL = _("Failed to get PackageDependencies information from file %s")
+ERR_INF_NO_PKG_DEPENDENCY_INFO = _("There are no packages defined that use the AsBuilt PCD information.")
+# Item duplicate
+_('"%s" is redefined in its dependent DEC files')
+ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE = _("%s define duplicated! "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ERR_INF_PARSER_ITEM_DUPLICATE_COMMON = _("%s define duplicated! Item listed"
+"in an architectural section must not be listed in the common architectural"
+"section.It must be corrected before continuing.")
+_("%s define duplicated! Each UserExtensions section header must have a "
+ "unique set of UserId, IdString and Arch values. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+_("The name 'NULL' for LibraryClass is a reserved word."
+"Please don't use it.")
+_("Using global MACRO in INF/DEC is not permitted: %s . "
+"It must be corrected before continuing.")
+_("MACRO expand incorrectly, can not find the MACRO definition. "
+"It must be corrected before continuing.")
+# AsBuilt related
+ERR_LIB_CONTATIN_ASBUILD_AND_COMMON = _("A binary INF file should not contain both AsBuilt LIB_INSTANCES information "
+ "and a common library entry.")
+ERR_LIB_INSTANCE_MISS_GUID = _("Could not get FILE_GUID definition from instance INF file.")
+ERR_BO_CONTATIN_ASBUILD_AND_COMMON = _("A binary INF file should contain either AsBuilt information "
+ "or a common build option entry, not both.")
+ERR_ASBUILD_PCD_SECTION_TYPE = _("The AsBuilt INF file contains a PCD section type that is not permitted: %s.")
+ERR_ASBUILD_PATCHPCD_FORMAT_INVALID = _("The AsBuilt PatchPcd entry must contain 3 elements: PcdName|Value|Offset")
+ERR_ASBUILD_PCDEX_FORMAT_INVALID = _("The AsBuilt PcdEx entry must contain one element: PcdName")
+ _("The AsBuilt PCD value %s is incorrect or not align with its datum type %s. "
+ "It must be corrected before continuing.")
+ERR_ASBUILD_PCD_TOKENSPACE_GUID_VALUE_MISS = _("Package file value could not be retrieved for %s.")
+ERR_ASBUILD_PCD_DECLARITION_MISS = _("PCD Declaration in DEC files could not be found for: %s.")
+ERR_ASBUILD_PCD_OFFSET_FORMAT_INVALID = _("PCD offset format invalid, number of (0-4294967295) or"
+"Hex number of UINT32 allowed : %s.")
+# XML parser related strings
+ _("The XML section/attribute '%s' is required under %s, it can't be missing or empty")
+ _("The VariableName of the GUID in the XML tree does not conform to the packaging specification. "
+ "Only a Hex Byte Array of UCS-2 format or L\"string\" is allowed): %s %s %s")
+ERR_XML_INVALID_LIB_SUPMODLIST = _("The LIBRARY_CLASS entry %s must have the list appended using the format as: \n"
+ _("There is a mismatch of SupArchList %s between the EntryPoint, UnloadImage, Constructor, "
+ "and Destructor elements in the ModuleSurfaceArea.ModuleProperties: SupArchList: %s. ")
+ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST = _("The SupModList attribute of the CONSTRUCTOR or DESTRUCTOR element: %s does not "
+"match the Supported Module Types listed after LIBRARY_CLASS = <Keyword> | %s")
+ERR_XML_INVALID_EXTERN_SUPMODLIST_NOT_LIB = _("The module is not a library module. "
+ "The MODULE_TYPE : %s listed in the ModuleSurfaceArea.Header "
+ "must match the SupModList attribute %s")
+ERR_XML_INVALID_BINARY_FILE_TYPE = _("Invalid binary file type %s.")
+# Verbosity related strings.
+ "The distribution package file %s already exists.\nPress Y to override it."
+ " To exit the application, press any other key.")
+ "\nChecking to see if module exists in workspace started ...")
+ _("Checking to see if module exists in workspace ... Done.")
+ "\nChecking to see if module depex met by workspace started ...")
+ "Checking to see if module depex met by workspace ... Done.")
+ "\nChecking to see if package exists in workspace started ...")
+ "Checking to see if package exists in workspace ... Done.")
+ _("\nChecking to see if DP exists in workspace ... Done.")
+MSG_CHECK_DP_FINISH = _("Check DP exists in workspace ... Done.")
+MSG_MODULE_DEPEND_ON = _("Module %s depends on Package %s")
+MSG_INIT_IPI_START = _("\nInitialize IPI database started ...")
+MSG_INIT_IPI_FINISH = _("Initialize IPI database ... Done.")
+ "\nGetting list of DP install information started ...")
+ "\nGetting list of DP install information started ...")
+MSG_GET_DP_INSTALL_INFO_FINISH = _("Getting DP install information ... Done.")
+ "Unzipping and parsing distribution package XML file ... ")
+MSG_INSTALL_PACKAGE = _("Installing package ... %s")
+MSG_INSTALL_MODULE = _("Installing module ... %s")
+ "Provide new filename for distribution file to be saved:\n")
+MSG_UPDATE_PACKAGE_DATABASE = _("Update Distribution Package Database ...")
+MSG_PYTHON_ON = _("(Python %s on %s) ")
+MSG_EDKII_MAIL_ADDR = 'devel@edk2.groups.io'
+ "\n(Please send email to %s for\n"
+ " help, attach the following call stack trace.)\n")
+MSG_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE_STARTED = _("Removing temp files started ... ")
+MSG_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE_DONE = _("Removing temp files ... Done.")
+MSG_FINISH = _("Successfully Done.")
+MSG_COMPRESS_DISTRIBUTION_PKG = _("Compressing Distribution Package File ...")
+ "Some packages or modules depend on this distribution package.\n"
+ "Do you really want to remove it?")
+ "This file has been modified: %s. Do you want to remove it?"
+ "Press Y to remove or other key to keep it")
+ "This is a newly created file: %s. Are you sure you want to remove it? "
+ "Press Y to remove or any other key to keep it")
+ "Press Y to delete all files or press any other key to quit:")
+MSG_REMOVE_FILE = _("Removing file: %s ...")
+MSG_INITIALIZE_ECC_STARTED = _("\nInitialize ECC database started ...")
+MSG_INITIALIZE_ECC_DONE = _("Initialize ECC database ... Done.")
+MSG_DEFINE_STATEMENT_FOUND = _("DEFINE statement '%s' found in section %s")
+MSG_PARSING = _("Parsing %s ...")
+_("Repackaging is not allowed on this file: %s. "
+ "It was installed from distribution %s(Guid %s Version %s).")
+MSG_INVALID_MODULE_INTRODUCED = _("Some modules are not valid after removal.")
+MSG_CHECK_LOG_FILE = _("Please check log file %s for full list")
+ "Provide new filename:\n")
+MSG_RELATIVE_PATH_ONLY = _("Please specify a relative path, full path is not allowed: %s")
+ "Select package location. To quit with no input, press [Enter].")
+MSG_CHECK_DP_FOR_REPLACE = _("Verifying the dependency rule for replacement of distributions:\n %s replaces %s")
+MSG_CHECK_DP_FOR_INSTALL = _("Verifying the dependency rule for installation of distribution:\n %s")
+MSG_REPLACE_ALREADY_INSTALLED_DP = _("Distribution with the same GUID/Version is already installed, "
+ "replace would result in two instances, which is not allowed")
+MSG_RECOVER_START = _('An error was detected, recovery started ...')
+MSG_RECOVER_DONE = _('Recovery completed.')
+MSG_RECOVER_FAIL = _('Recovery failed.')
+# Error related strings.
+ "Module %s's dependency on package %s (GUID %s Version %s) "
+ "cannot be satisfied")
+ "This module is not installed in the workspace: %s\n")
+ "This directory already exists: %s.\n"
+ "Select another location. Press [Enter] with no input to quit:")
+ERR_USER_INTERRUPT = _("The user has paused the application")
+ "Only one .content and one .pkg file in ZIP file are allowed.")
+ "Must have one .content and one .pkg file in the ZIP file.")
+ "This file already exists: %s.\n"
+ "Select another path to continue. To quit with no input press [Enter]:")
+ "One distribution package must be specified")
+ "This file is invalid in the distribution package: %s")
+ "This distribution package does not meet the dependency requirements")
+_("Unknown unrecoverable error when installing: %s")
+_("Unknown unrecoverable error during replacement of distributions: %s replaces %s")
+ERR_OPTION_NOT_FOUND = _("Options not found")
+ERR_INVALID_PACKAGE_NAME = _("Incorrect package name: %s. ")
+_("Incorrect package path: %s. The path must be a relative path.")
+ERR_NOT_FOUND = _("This was not found: %s")
+ERR_INVALID_MODULE_NAME = _("This is not a valid module name: %s")
+ERR_INVALID_METAFILE_PATH = _('This file must be in sub-directory of WORKSPACE: %s.')
+_("Incorrect module path: %s. The path must be a relative path.")
+ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_CREATING_ERR = _("Unknown error when creating: %s")
+ "This distribution package not installed: %s")
+ "The distribution package is not installed.")
+ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_REMOVING_ERR = _("Unknown error when removing package")
+ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_INVENTORYWS_ERR = _("Unknown error when inventorying WORKSPACE")
+ "The WORKSPACE environment variable must be configured.")
+ERR_NO_TEMPLATE_FILE = _("This package information data file is not found: %s")
+ "Not supported debug level. Use default level instead.")
+ "Option -t is required during distribution creation.")
+ "Option -o is required during distribution replacement.")
+ "Option -u is required during distribution replacement.")
+ "Options -i, -c and -r are mutually exclusive.")
+_("Option -c and -i are mutually exclusive.")
+_("Option -i and -r are mutually exclusive.")
+_("Option -c and -r are mutually exclusive.")
+_("Option -u and -c/-i/-r are mutually exclusive.")
+_("Option -l and -c/-i/-r/-u are mutually exclusive.")
+ERR_FAILED_LOAD = _("Failed to load %s\n\t%s")
+ "${%s} has different repeat time from others.")
+ERR_KEY_NOTALLOWED = _("This keyword is not allowed: %s")
+ERR_NOT_FOUND_ENVIRONMENT = _("Environment variable not found")
+ "Whitespace characters are not allowed in the WORKSPACE path. ")
+ERR_MACRONAME_INVALID = _("Incorrect MACRO name: %s")
+ERR_MACROVALUE_INVALID = _("Incorrect MACRO value: %s")
+ "This variable can only be defined via environment variable: %s")
+ "EDK_GLOBAL defined a macro with the same name as one defined by 'DEFINE'")
+ "An incorrect section name was found: %s. 'The correct file is '%s' .")
+ "Can't find file '%s' defined in section '%s'")
+ "Incorrect statement '%s' was found in section '%s'")
+ERR_TEMPLATE_NOTFOUND = _("This package information data file is not found: %s")
+ERR_SECTION_NAME_INVALID = _('Incorrect section name: %s')
+ "This section already defined: %s.")
+ _('The section needs to be specified first.')
+ERR_KEYWORD_INVALID = _('Invalid keyword: %s')
+ERR_VALUE_INVALID = _("Invalid \"%s\" value in section [%s].")
+ 'The directory "%s" must contain this file: "%s".')
+ "Keyword in this section can only be used once: %s.")
+ 'This file does not exist: %s.')
+ "The copyright content must contain the word \"Copyright\" (case insensitive).")
+_('File list format is incorrect.'
+ 'The correct format is: filename|key=value[|key=value]')
+ "The value of attribute \"%s\" includes illegal character.")
+ 'Unknown attribute name: %s.')
+ERR_EMPTY_VALUE = _("Empty value is not allowed")
+ERR_KEYWORD_MANDATORY = _('This keyword is mandatory: %s')
+ 'Value of key [%s] must be true or false, current: [%s]')
+ 'GUID must have the format of 8-4-4-4-12 with HEX value. '
+ 'Current value: [%s]')
+ 'The value of key [%s] must be a decimal number. Found: [%s]')
+ 'XmlSpecification value must be 1.1, current: %s.')
+ERR_INVALID_GUID = _("Incorrect GUID value string: %s")
+ _("File or directory not found in workspace")
+ERR_FILE_OPEN_FAILURE = _("Could not open file")
+ERR_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE = _("Could not write file.")
+ERR_FILE_PARSE_FAILURE = _("Could not parse file")
+ERR_FILE_READ_FAILURE = _("Could not read file")
+ERR_FILE_CREATE_FAILURE = _("Could not create file")
+ERR_FILE_CHECKSUM_FAILURE = _("Checksum of file is incorrect")
+ERR_FILE_COMPRESS_FAILURE = _("File compression did not correctly")
+ _("File decompression did not complete correctly")
+ERR_FILE_MOVE_FAILURE = _("Move file did not complete successfully")
+ERR_FILE_DELETE_FAILURE = _("File could not be deleted")
+ERR_FILE_COPY_FAILURE = _("File did not copy correctly")
+ERR_FILE_POSITIONING_FAILURE = _("Could not find file seek position")
+ERR_FILE_TYPE_MISMATCH = _("Incorrect file type")
+ERR_FILE_CASE_MISMATCH = _("File name case mismatch")
+ERR_FILE_DUPLICATED = _("Duplicate file found")
+ERR_FILE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error encountered on file")
+ERR_FILE_NAME_INVALIDE = _("This file name is invalid, it must not be an absolute path or "
+ "contain a period \".\" or \"..\": %s.")
+ERR_OPTION_UNKNOWN = _("Unknown option")
+ERR_OPTION_MISSING = _("Missing option")
+ERR_OPTION_CONFLICT = _("Options conflict")
+ERR_OPTION_VALUE_INVALID = _("Invalid option value")
+ERR_OPTION_DEPRECATED = _("Deprecated option")
+ERR_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = _("Unsupported option")
+ERR_OPTION_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error when processing options")
+ERR_PARAMETER_INVALID = _("Invalid parameter")
+ERR_PARAMETER_MISSING = _("Missing parameter")
+ERR_PARAMETER_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error in parameters")
+ERR_FORMAT_INVALID = _("Invalid syntax/format")
+ERR_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED = _("Syntax/format not supported")
+ERR_FORMAT_UNKNOWN = _("Unknown format")
+ERR_FORMAT_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error in syntax/format ")
+ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE = _("Not available")
+ERR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATE_FAILURE = _("A resource allocation has failed")
+ERR_RESOURCE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error")
+ERR_ATTRIBUTE_RETRIEVE_FAILURE = _("Unable to retrieve")
+ERR_ATTRIBUTE_SET_FAILURE = _("Unable to set")
+ERR_ATTRIBUTE_UPDATE_FAILURE = _("Unable to update")
+ERR_ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error when accessing")
+ERR_COMMAND_FAILURE = _("Unable to execute command")
+ERR_IO_NOT_READY = _("Not ready")
+ERR_IO_BUSY = _("Busy")
+ERR_IO_TIMEOUT = _("Timeout")
+ERR_IO_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error in IO operation")
+ERR_UNKNOWN_ERROR = _("Unknown error")
+ERR_UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR = _("Already installed")
+ERR_UPT_ENVIRON_MISSING_ERROR = _("Environ missing")
+ERR_UPT_REPKG_ERROR = _("File not allowed for RePackage")
+ERR_UPT_DB_UPDATE_ERROR = _("Update database did not complete successfully")
+ERR_UPT_INI_PARSE_ERROR = _("INI file parse error")
+_("Header comment section must have copyright information")
+_("Header comment section must have license information")
+_("Binary Header comment section must have abstract,description,copyright,license information")
+_("the inf file at most support one BinaryHeader at the fileheader section.")
+ERR_INVALID_COMMENT_FORMAT = _("Comment must start with #")
+ERR_USER_ABORT = _("User has stopped the application")
+_("Distribution file extension should be '.dist'. Current given: '%s'.")
+_("Only distribution filename without path allowed during remove. Current given: '%s'.")
+ _("Module %s is not a standalone module (found in Package %s)")
+ _("UPT is already running, only one instance is allowed")
+ERR_MUL_DEC_ERROR = _("Multiple DEC files found within one package directory tree %s: %s, %s")
+ERR_INSTALL_FILE_FROM_EMPTY_CONTENT = _("Error file to be installed is not found in content file: %s")
+ERR_INSTALL_FILE_DEC_FILE_ERROR = _("Could not obtain the TokenSpaceGuidCName and the PcdCName from the DEC files "
+"that the package depends on for this pcd entry: TokenValue: %s Token: %s")
+ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_SA_MODULE = _("Stand-alone module distribution does not allow EDK 1 INF")
+_("Distribution file to be installed is not found in current working directory or workspace: %s")
+_("Distribution file for replace function was not found in the current working directory or workspace: %s")
+_("Only a distribution file name without a path is allowed for "
+ "the distribution to be replaced during replace. Current given: '%s'.")
+_("Only Language entry can contain a couple of matched quote in one line")
+ERR_UNIPARSE_NO_SECTION_EXIST = _("No PackageDef or ModuleDef section exists in the UNI file.")
+ERR_UNIPARSE_STRNAME_FORMAT_ERROR = _("The String Token Name %s must start with \"STR_\"")
+ERR_UNIPARSE_SEP_LANGENTRY_LINE = _("Each <LangEntry> should be in a separate line :%s.")
+_("There are same entries : %s in the UNI file, every kind of entry should be only one.")
+_("The string entry order in UNI file should be <AbstractStrings>, <DescriptionStrings>, \
+<BinaryAbstractStrings>, <BinaryDescriptionStrings>.")
+ERR_UNIPARSE_STRTOKEN_FORMAT_ERROR = _("The String Token Type %s must be one of the '_PROMPT', '_HELP' and '_ERR_'.")
+ERR_UNIPARSE_LINEFEED_UNDER_EXIST = _("Line feed should not exist under this line: %s.")
+ERR_UNIPARSE_LINEFEED_UP_EXIST = _("Line feed should not exist up this line: %s.")
+ERR_UNI_MISS_STRING_ENTRY = _("String entry missed in this Entry, %s.")
+ERR_UNI_MISS_LANGENTRY = _("Language entry missed in this Entry, %s.")
+ERR_BINARY_HEADER_ORDER = _("Binary header must follow the file header.")
+ERR_NO_SOURCE_HEADER = _("File header statement \"## @file\" must exist at the first place.")
+ERR_UNI_FILE_SUFFIX_WRONG = _("The UNI file must have an extension of '.uni', '.UNI' or '.Uni'")
+ERR_UNI_FILE_NAME_INVALID = _("The use of '..', '../' and './' in the UNI file is prohibited.")
+ERR_UNI_SUBGUID_VALUE_DEFINE_DEC_NOT_FOUND = _("There are no DEC file to define the GUID value for \
+this GUID CName: '%s'.")
+# Expression error message
+_('Missing ")" in expression "%s".')
+_('"%s" is expected to be HEX, integer, macro, quoted string or PcdName in '
+ 'expression "%s".')
+_('"%s" is expected to be HEX, integer, macro, quoted string or PcdName in '
+ 'expression [%s].')
+_('"%s" is expected to be ==, EQ, != or NE in expression "%s".')
+_('The string "%s" in expression "%s" can not be recognized as a part of the logical expression.')
+ERR_EXPR_EMPTY = _('Boolean value cannot be empty.')
+ERR_EXPRESS_EMPTY = _('Expression can not be empty.')
+_('The following is not a valid logical expression: "%s".')
+ERR_EXPR_OR = _('The expression: "%s" must be encapsulated in open "(" and close ")" '
+ 'parenthesis when using | or ||.')
+_('The following is not a valid range expression: "%s".')
+_('"%s" is expected to be HEX, integer in valid range expression "%s".')
+_('Double parentheses nested is not allowed in valid range expression: "%s".')
+ERR_EXPR_RANGE_EMPTY = _('Valid range can not be empty.')
+ERR_EXPR_LIST_EMPTY = _('Valid list can not be empty.')
+ERR_PAREN_NOT_USED = _('Parenthesis must be used on both sides of "OR", "AND" in valid range : %s.')
+_('The following is not a valid list expression: "%s".')
+# DEC parser error message
+_('Must have at least one statement in section %s.')
+_('%s already defined in define section.')
+_('No arch and others can be followed for define section.')
+_('The DEC file does not allow multiple define sections.')
+_("Field [%s] is required in define section.")
+_("Wrong define section format, must be KEY = Value.")
+_("Unknown key [%s] in define section.")
+_("Specification value must be HEX numbers or decimal numbers.")
+_("Package name must be AlphaNumeric characters.")
+_("GUID format error, must be HEX value with form 8-4-4-4-12.")
+_("Version number must be decimal number.")
+_("UNI file name format error or file does not exist.")
+_("Incorrect path: [%s].")
+_("Library class format error, must be Libraryclass|Headerpath.")
+_("Class name or file name must not be empty.")
+_("Class name format error, must start with upper case letter followed with "
+ "zero or more alphanumeric characters.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_PATH_EXT = _("File name must be end with .h.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_PATH_DOT = _("Path must not include '..'.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_LIBCLASS_PATH_EXIST = _("File name [%s] does not exist.")
+_("TokenSpaceGuidCName must be valid C variable format.")
+_("Incorrect PcdName. The format must be TokenSpaceGuidCName.PcdCName"
+ "|PcdData|PcdType|Token.")
+_("Incorrect PCD name. The correct format must be "
+ "<TokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCName>.")
+_("PcdCName must be valid C variable format.")
+_('Incorrect PCD data type. A PCD data type must be one of '
+ '"UINT8", "UINT16", "UINT32", "UINT64", "VOID*", "BOOLEAN".')
+_("Incorrect value [%s] of type [%s]. Value must be printable and in the "
+ "form of{...} for array, or ""..."" for string, or L""..."""
+ "for unicode string.")
+_("Pcd value can not be empty.")
+_("Invalid value [%s] of type [%s]; must be expression, TRUE, FALSE, 0 or 1.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_INT = _("Incorrect value [%s] of type [%s]."\
+" Value must be a hexadecimal, decimal or octal in C language format.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_INT_NEGTIVE = _("Incorrect value [%s] of type [%s];"
+ " must not be signed number.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_INT_EXCEED = _("Incorrect value [%s] of type [%s]; "
+ "the number is too long for this type.")
+_("PcdFeatureFlag only allow BOOLEAN type.")
+_("An incorrect PCD token found: [%s]. "
+ "It must start with 0x followed by 1 - 8 hexadecimal. ")
+ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_TOKEN_INT = _("Incorrect token number [%s]. "
+ "This token number exceeds the maximal value of unsigned 32.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_TOKEN_UNIQUE = _("Token number must be unique to the token space: %s.")
+_("No GUID name or value specified, must be <CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>.")
+_("No GUID name specified, must be <CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>.")
+_("No GUID value specified, must be <CName> = <GuidValueInCFormat>.")
+_("Incorrect GUID value format, must be <GuidValueInCFormat:"
+ "{8,4,4,{2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2}}>.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_CGUID_NOT_FOUND = _("Unable to find the GUID value of this GUID CName : '%s'.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_FILEOPEN = _("Unable to open: [%s].")
+ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_EMPTY = _("Empty sections are not allowed.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE = _("Incorrect UserExtensions format. "
+ "Must be UserExtenxions.UserId.IdString[.Arch]+.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UE_USERID = _("Invalid UserId, must be underscore"
+ "or alphanumeric characters.")
+ _("Incorrect IdString, must be \" ... \".")
+_("Unknown arch, must be 'common' or start with upper case letter followed by"
+ " zero or more upper case letters and numbers.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_COMMA = _("Section cannot end with comma.")
+_("'COMMON' must not be used with specific ARCHs in the same section.")
+_("Section header must start with and end with brackets[].")
+_("Missing a sub-section name in section: [%s]. "
+ "All sub-sections need to have names. ")
+ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_SUBTOOMANY = _("Too many DOT splits in [%s].")
+ERR_DECPARSE_SECTION_UNKNOW = _("Section name [%s] unknown.")
+_("[%s] must not be in the same section as other types of PCD.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_PAIR = _("No macro name/value given.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_NAME = _("No macro name given.")
+_("Macro name must start with upper case letter followed "
+"by zero or more upper case letters or numbers. Current macro name is: [%s].")
+_('Cannot mix different section names %s.')
+_('Backslash must be the last character on a line and '
+ 'preceded by a space character.')
+_('Empty line after previous line that has backslash is not allowed.')
+ "\"%s\" already defined in line %d.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_MACRO_RESOLVE = _("Macro %s in %s cannot be resolved.")
+ _("Duplicated UserExtensions header found.")
+ _("Missing '|' between Pcd's error code and Pcd's error message.")
+ _("Missing Pcd's error message.")
+ _("There is no error message matched with this Pcd error code : %s in both DEC and UNI file.")
+ERR_DECPARSE_PCD_NODEFINED = _("The PCD : %s used in the Expression is undefined.")
+# Used to print the current line content which cause error raise.
+# Be attached to the end of every error message above.
+ERR_DECPARSE_LINE = _(" Parsing line: \"%s\".")
+# Warning related strings.
+ "A package with this GUID and Version already exists: "
+ "GUID %s, Version %s.")
+WRN_MODULE_EXISTED = _("This module already exists: %s")
+WRN_FILE_EXISTED = _("This file already exists: %s")
+_("This file already exist and cannot be overwritten: %s")
+WRN_DIST_PKG_INSTALLED = _("This distribution package %s has previously been installed.")
+ "Distribution is not found at location %s")
+ "A PCD can only have one type of @ValidRange, @ValidList, and @Expression comment")
+ "A PCD can only have one of @ValidList comment")
+ "A PCD can only have one of @Prompt comment")
+WRN_MISSING_USAGE = _("Missing usage")
+WRN_INVALID_GUID_TYPE = _("This is and incorrect Guid type: %s")
+WRN_MISSING_GUID_TYPE = _("Missing Guid Type")
+WRN_INVALID_USAGE = _("This is an incorrect Usage: %s")
+ _("This is an incorrect HOB type: %s")
+ _("This is an incorrect EVENT type: %s")
+ _("This is an incorrect BOOTMODE type: %s")
+ _("This is an incorrect Module type: %s")
+ _("Parsing of this module did not complete correctly: %s.")
+ _("EDK 1 module file found: %s")
+ _("Copyright information is not right")
+WARN_SPECIAL_SECTION_LOCATION_WRONG = _("Warning. A special section should be "
+ "at the end of a file or at the end of a section.")
+ _("File not found. The DEC file for a package cannot be found in GUID/Version/Install path: %s %s %s")
+ _("option selection of --custom-path will override the option --use-guided-paths")
+# Help related strings.
+ "Print DEBUG statements, where DEBUG_LEVEL is 0-9")
+HLP_PRINT_INFORMATIONAL_STATEMENT = _("Print informational statements")
+ "Returns only the exit code, informational and error messages are"
+ " not displayed")
+ "Returns the exit code and displays error messages only")
+ "Specify the UEFI Distribution Package filename to install")
+ "Specify the UEFI Distribution Package filename to create")
+ "Specify the UEFI Distribution Package filename to remove")
+ "Specify Package Information Data filename to create package")
+ "Specify dec file names to create package")
+ "Specify inf file names to create package")
+ "List the UEFI Distribution Packages that have been installed")
+ "Starting the tool in graphical mode is not supported in this version")
+ "Disable user prompts for removing modified files. Valid only when -r is present")
+ "Enable user prompting for alternate installation directories")
+ "Skip the check for multiple instances")
+ "Specify the UEFI Distribution Package file name to replace the existing file name")
+ "Specify the UEFI Distribution Package file name to be replaced")
+ "Install packages to the following directory path by default: <PackageName>_<PACKAGE_GUID>_<PACKAGE_VERSION>")
+ "Specify the UEFI Distribution Package filenames to install")
+MSG_TEST_INSTALL_PASS = _("All distribution package file are satisfied for dependence check.")
+MSG_TEST_INSTALL_FAIL = _("NOT all distribution package file are satisfied for dependence check.")