diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/WorkspaceCommon.py')
-rw-r--r-- | roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/WorkspaceCommon.py | 256 |
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/WorkspaceCommon.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/WorkspaceCommon.py new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53027a0e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/Workspace/WorkspaceCommon.py @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +## @file
+# Common routines used by workspace
+# Copyright (c) 2012 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+from Common.DataType import SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED
+from Common.DataType import SUP_MODULE_HOST_APPLICATION
+from .BuildClassObject import LibraryClassObject
+import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
+from Workspace.BuildClassObject import StructurePcd
+from Common.BuildToolError import RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE
+from Common.BuildToolError import OPTION_MISSING
+from Common.BuildToolError import BUILD_ERROR
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+class OrderedListDict(OrderedDict):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(OrderedListDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.default_factory = list
+ def __missing__(self, key):
+ self[key] = Value = self.default_factory()
+ return Value
+## Get all packages from platform for specified arch, target and toolchain
+# @param Platform: DscBuildData instance
+# @param BuildDatabase: The database saves all data for all metafiles
+# @param Arch: Current arch
+# @param Target: Current target
+# @param Toolchain: Current toolchain
+# @retval: List of packages which are DecBuildData instances
+def GetPackageList(Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain):
+ PkgSet = set()
+ if Platform.Packages:
+ PkgSet.update(Platform.Packages)
+ for ModuleFile in Platform.Modules:
+ Data = BuildDatabase[ModuleFile, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+ PkgSet.update(Data.Packages)
+ for Lib in GetLiabraryInstances(Data, Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain):
+ PkgSet.update(Lib.Packages)
+ return list(PkgSet)
+## Get all declared PCD from platform for specified arch, target and toolchain
+# @param Platform: DscBuildData instance
+# @param BuildDatabase: The database saves all data for all metafiles
+# @param Arch: Current arch
+# @param Target: Current target
+# @param Toolchain: Current toolchain
+# @retval: A dictionary contains instances of PcdClassObject with key (PcdCName, TokenSpaceGuid)
+# @retval: A dictionary contains real GUIDs of TokenSpaceGuid
+def GetDeclaredPcd(Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain, additionalPkgs):
+ PkgList = GetPackageList(Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain)
+ PkgList = set(PkgList)
+ PkgList |= additionalPkgs
+ DecPcds = {}
+ GuidDict = {}
+ for Pkg in PkgList:
+ Guids = Pkg.Guids
+ GuidDict.update(Guids)
+ for Pcd in Pkg.Pcds:
+ PcdCName = Pcd[0]
+ PcdTokenName = Pcd[1]
+ if GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ for PcdItem in GlobalData.MixedPcd:
+ if (PcdCName, PcdTokenName) in GlobalData.MixedPcd[PcdItem]:
+ PcdCName = PcdItem[0]
+ break
+ if (PcdCName, PcdTokenName) not in DecPcds:
+ DecPcds[PcdCName, PcdTokenName] = Pkg.Pcds[Pcd]
+ return DecPcds, GuidDict
+## Get all dependent libraries for a module
+# @param Module: InfBuildData instance
+# @param Platform: DscBuildData instance
+# @param BuildDatabase: The database saves all data for all metafiles
+# @param Arch: Current arch
+# @param Target: Current target
+# @param Toolchain: Current toolchain
+# @retval: List of dependent libraries which are InfBuildData instances
+def GetLiabraryInstances(Module, Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain):
+ return GetModuleLibInstances(Module, Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain,Platform.MetaFile,EdkLogger)
+def GetModuleLibInstances(Module, Platform, BuildDatabase, Arch, Target, Toolchain, FileName = '', EdkLogger = None):
+ if Module.LibInstances:
+ return Module.LibInstances
+ ModuleType = Module.ModuleType
+ # add forced library instances (specified under LibraryClasses sections)
+ #
+ # If a module has a MODULE_TYPE of USER_DEFINED,
+ # do not link in NULL library class instances from the global [LibraryClasses.*] sections.
+ #
+ if Module.ModuleType != SUP_MODULE_USER_DEFINED:
+ for LibraryClass in Platform.LibraryClasses.GetKeys():
+ if LibraryClass.startswith("NULL") and Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass, Module.ModuleType]:
+ Module.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass] = Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass, Module.ModuleType]
+ # add forced library instances (specified in module overrides)
+ for LibraryClass in Platform.Modules[str(Module)].LibraryClasses:
+ if LibraryClass.startswith("NULL"):
+ Module.LibraryClasses[LibraryClass] = Platform.Modules[str(Module)].LibraryClasses[LibraryClass]
+ # EdkII module
+ LibraryConsumerList = [Module]
+ Constructor = []
+ ConsumedByList = OrderedListDict()
+ LibraryInstance = OrderedDict()
+ if not Module.LibraryClass:
+ EdkLogger.verbose("")
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Library instances of module [%s] [%s]:" % (str(Module), Arch))
+ while len(LibraryConsumerList) > 0:
+ M = LibraryConsumerList.pop()
+ for LibraryClassName in M.LibraryClasses:
+ if LibraryClassName not in LibraryInstance:
+ # override library instance for this module
+ LibraryPath = Platform.Modules[str(Module)].LibraryClasses.get(LibraryClassName,Platform.LibraryClasses[LibraryClassName, ModuleType])
+ if LibraryPath is None:
+ LibraryPath = M.LibraryClasses.get(LibraryClassName)
+ if LibraryPath is None:
+ if not Module.LibraryClass:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ "Instance of library class [%s] is not found" % LibraryClassName,
+ File=FileName,
+ ExtraData="in [%s] [%s]\n\tconsumed by module [%s]" % (str(M), Arch, str(Module)))
+ else:
+ return []
+ LibraryModule = BuildDatabase[LibraryPath, Arch, Target, Toolchain]
+ # for those forced library instance (NULL library), add a fake library class
+ if LibraryClassName.startswith("NULL"):
+ LibraryModule.LibraryClass.append(LibraryClassObject(LibraryClassName, [ModuleType]))
+ elif LibraryModule.LibraryClass is None \
+ or len(LibraryModule.LibraryClass) == 0 \
+ and ModuleType not in LibraryModule.LibraryClass[0].SupModList):
+ # only USER_DEFINED can link against any library instance despite of its SupModList
+ if not Module.LibraryClass:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
+ "Module type [%s] is not supported by library instance [%s]" \
+ % (ModuleType, LibraryPath), File=FileName,
+ ExtraData="consumed by [%s]" % str(Module))
+ else:
+ return []
+ LibraryInstance[LibraryClassName] = LibraryModule
+ LibraryConsumerList.append(LibraryModule)
+ if not Module.LibraryClass:
+ EdkLogger.verbose("\t" + str(LibraryClassName) + " : " + str(LibraryModule))
+ else:
+ LibraryModule = LibraryInstance[LibraryClassName]
+ if LibraryModule is None:
+ continue
+ if LibraryModule.ConstructorList != [] and LibraryModule not in Constructor:
+ Constructor.append(LibraryModule)
+ # don't add current module itself to consumer list
+ if M != Module:
+ if M in ConsumedByList[LibraryModule]:
+ continue
+ ConsumedByList[LibraryModule].append(M)
+ #
+ # Initialize the sorted output list to the empty set
+ #
+ SortedLibraryList = []
+ #
+ # Q <- Set of all nodes with no incoming edges
+ #
+ LibraryList = [] #LibraryInstance.values()
+ Q = []
+ for LibraryClassName in LibraryInstance:
+ M = LibraryInstance[LibraryClassName]
+ LibraryList.append(M)
+ if not ConsumedByList[M]:
+ Q.append(M)
+ #
+ # start the DAG algorithm
+ #
+ while True:
+ EdgeRemoved = True
+ while Q == [] and EdgeRemoved:
+ EdgeRemoved = False
+ # for each node Item with a Constructor
+ for Item in LibraryList:
+ if Item not in Constructor:
+ continue
+ # for each Node without a constructor with an edge e from Item to Node
+ for Node in ConsumedByList[Item]:
+ if Node in Constructor:
+ continue
+ # remove edge e from the graph if Node has no constructor
+ ConsumedByList[Item].remove(Node)
+ EdgeRemoved = True
+ if not ConsumedByList[Item]:
+ # insert Item into Q
+ Q.insert(0, Item)
+ break
+ if Q != []:
+ break
+ # DAG is done if there's no more incoming edge for all nodes
+ if Q == []:
+ break
+ # remove node from Q
+ Node = Q.pop()
+ # output Node
+ SortedLibraryList.append(Node)
+ # for each node Item with an edge e from Node to Item do
+ for Item in LibraryList:
+ if Node not in ConsumedByList[Item]:
+ continue
+ # remove edge e from the graph
+ ConsumedByList[Item].remove(Node)
+ if ConsumedByList[Item]:
+ continue
+ # insert Item into Q, if Item has no other incoming edges
+ Q.insert(0, Item)
+ #
+ # if any remaining node Item in the graph has a constructor and an incoming edge, then the graph has a cycle
+ #
+ for Item in LibraryList:
+ if ConsumedByList[Item] and Item in Constructor and len(Constructor) > 1:
+ if not Module.LibraryClass:
+ ErrorMessage = "\tconsumed by " + "\n\tconsumed by ".join(str(L) for L in ConsumedByList[Item])
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, 'Library [%s] with constructors has a cycle' % str(Item),
+ ExtraData=ErrorMessage, File=FileName)
+ else:
+ return []
+ if Item not in SortedLibraryList:
+ SortedLibraryList.append(Item)
+ #
+ # Build the list of constructor and destructor names
+ # The DAG Topo sort produces the destructor order, so the list of constructors must generated in the reverse order
+ #
+ SortedLibraryList.reverse()
+ Module.LibInstances = SortedLibraryList
+ SortedLibraryList = [lib.SetReferenceModule(Module) for lib in SortedLibraryList]
+ return SortedLibraryList