path: root/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/build.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/build.py')
1 files changed, 2728 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/build.py b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/build.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c4cfe38ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/build/build.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2728 @@
+## @file
+# build a platform or a module
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2020, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# Copyright (c) 2018, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development, L.P.<BR>
+# Copyright (c) 2020, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+# Import Modules
+from __future__ import print_function
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os.path as path
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import glob
+import time
+import platform
+import traceback
+import multiprocessing
+from threading import Thread,Event,BoundedSemaphore
+import threading
+from linecache import getlines
+from subprocess import Popen,PIPE, STDOUT
+from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
+from AutoGen.PlatformAutoGen import PlatformAutoGen
+from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGen import ModuleAutoGen
+from AutoGen.WorkspaceAutoGen import WorkspaceAutoGen
+from AutoGen.AutoGenWorker import AutoGenWorkerInProcess,AutoGenManager,\
+ LogAgent
+from AutoGen import GenMake
+from Common import Misc as Utils
+from Common.TargetTxtClassObject import TargetTxtDict
+from Common.ToolDefClassObject import ToolDefDict
+from buildoptions import MyOptionParser
+from Common.Misc import PathClass,SaveFileOnChange,RemoveDirectory
+from Common.StringUtils import NormPath
+from Common.MultipleWorkspace import MultipleWorkspace as mws
+from Common.BuildToolError import *
+from Common.DataType import *
+import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger
+from Workspace.WorkspaceDatabase import BuildDB
+from BuildReport import BuildReport
+from GenPatchPcdTable.GenPatchPcdTable import PeImageClass,parsePcdInfoFromMapFile
+from PatchPcdValue.PatchPcdValue import PatchBinaryFile
+import Common.GlobalData as GlobalData
+from GenFds.GenFds import GenFds, GenFdsApi
+import multiprocessing as mp
+from multiprocessing import Manager
+from AutoGen.DataPipe import MemoryDataPipe
+from AutoGen.ModuleAutoGenHelper import WorkSpaceInfo, PlatformInfo
+from GenFds.FdfParser import FdfParser
+from AutoGen.IncludesAutoGen import IncludesAutoGen
+from GenFds.GenFds import resetFdsGlobalVariable
+## standard targets of build command
+gSupportedTarget = ['all', 'genc', 'genmake', 'modules', 'libraries', 'fds', 'clean', 'cleanall', 'cleanlib', 'run']
+## build configuration file
+gBuildConfiguration = "target.txt"
+gToolsDefinition = "tools_def.txt"
+TemporaryTablePattern = re.compile(r'^_\d+_\d+_[a-fA-F0-9]+$')
+TmpTableDict = {}
+## Check environment PATH variable to make sure the specified tool is found
+# If the tool is found in the PATH, then True is returned
+# Otherwise, False is returned
+def IsToolInPath(tool):
+ if 'PATHEXT' in os.environ:
+ extns = os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(os.path.pathsep)
+ else:
+ extns = ('',)
+ for pathDir in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.path.pathsep):
+ for ext in extns:
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pathDir, tool + ext)):
+ return True
+ return False
+## Check environment variables
+# Check environment variables that must be set for build. Currently they are
+# WORKSPACE The directory all packages/platforms start from
+# EDK_TOOLS_PATH The directory contains all tools needed by the build
+# PATH $(EDK_TOOLS_PATH)/Bin/<sys> must be set in PATH
+# If any of above environment variable is not set or has error, the build
+# will be broken.
+def CheckEnvVariable():
+ # check WORKSPACE
+ if "WORKSPACE" not in os.environ:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
+ ExtraData="WORKSPACE")
+ WorkspaceDir = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["WORKSPACE"]))
+ if not os.path.exists(WorkspaceDir):
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "WORKSPACE doesn't exist", ExtraData=WorkspaceDir)
+ elif ' ' in WorkspaceDir:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "No space is allowed in WORKSPACE path",
+ ExtraData=WorkspaceDir)
+ os.environ["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
+ # set multiple workspace
+ PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
+ mws.setWs(WorkspaceDir, PackagesPath)
+ for Path in mws.PACKAGES_PATH:
+ if not os.path.exists(Path):
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, "One Path in PACKAGES_PATH doesn't exist", ExtraData=Path)
+ elif ' ' in Path:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, "No space is allowed in PACKAGES_PATH", ExtraData=Path)
+ os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"] = os.path.normcase(os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"])
+ # check EDK_TOOLS_PATH
+ if "EDK_TOOLS_PATH" not in os.environ:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
+ ExtraData="EDK_TOOLS_PATH")
+ # check PATH
+ if "PATH" not in os.environ:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ATTRIBUTE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "Environment variable not found",
+ ExtraData="PATH")
+ GlobalData.gWorkspace = WorkspaceDir
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["WORKSPACE"] = WorkspaceDir
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"] = os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"]
+## Get normalized file path
+# Convert the path to be local format, and remove the WORKSPACE path at the
+# beginning if the file path is given in full path.
+# @param FilePath File path to be normalized
+# @param Workspace Workspace path which the FilePath will be checked against
+# @retval string The normalized file path
+def NormFile(FilePath, Workspace):
+ # check if the path is absolute or relative
+ if os.path.isabs(FilePath):
+ FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(FilePath)
+ else:
+ FileFullPath = os.path.normpath(mws.join(Workspace, FilePath))
+ Workspace = mws.getWs(Workspace, FilePath)
+ # check if the file path exists or not
+ if not os.path.isfile(FileFullPath):
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData="\t%s (Please give file in absolute path or relative to WORKSPACE)" % FileFullPath)
+ # remove workspace directory from the beginning part of the file path
+ if Workspace[-1] in ["\\", "/"]:
+ return FileFullPath[len(Workspace):]
+ else:
+ return FileFullPath[(len(Workspace) + 1):]
+## Get the output of an external program
+# This is the entrance method of thread reading output of an external program and
+# putting them in STDOUT/STDERR of current program.
+# @param From The stream message read from
+# @param To The stream message put on
+# @param ExitFlag The flag used to indicate stopping reading
+def ReadMessage(From, To, ExitFlag,MemTo=None):
+ while True:
+ # read one line a time
+ Line = From.readline()
+ # empty string means "end"
+ if Line is not None and Line != b"":
+ LineStr = Line.rstrip().decode(encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
+ if MemTo is not None:
+ if "Note: including file:" == LineStr.lstrip()[:21]:
+ MemTo.append(LineStr)
+ else:
+ To(LineStr)
+ MemTo.append(LineStr)
+ else:
+ To(LineStr)
+ else:
+ break
+ if ExitFlag.isSet():
+ break
+class MakeSubProc(Popen):
+ def __init__(self,*args, **argv):
+ super(MakeSubProc,self).__init__(*args, **argv)
+ self.ProcOut = []
+## Launch an external program
+# This method will call subprocess.Popen to execute an external program with
+# given options in specified directory. Because of the dead-lock issue during
+# redirecting output of the external program, threads are used to to do the
+# redirection work.
+# @param Command A list or string containing the call of the program
+# @param WorkingDir The directory in which the program will be running
+def LaunchCommand(Command, WorkingDir,ModuleAuto = None):
+ BeginTime = time.time()
+ # if working directory doesn't exist, Popen() will raise an exception
+ if not os.path.isdir(WorkingDir):
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_NOT_FOUND, ExtraData=WorkingDir)
+ # Command is used as the first Argument in following Popen().
+ # It could be a string or sequence. We find that if command is a string in following Popen(),
+ # ubuntu may fail with an error message that the command is not found.
+ # So here we may need convert command from string to list instance.
+ if platform.system() != 'Windows':
+ if not isinstance(Command, list):
+ Command = Command.split()
+ Command = ' '.join(Command)
+ Proc = None
+ EndOfProcedure = None
+ try:
+ # launch the command
+ Proc = MakeSubProc(Command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, env=os.environ, cwd=WorkingDir, bufsize=-1, shell=True)
+ # launch two threads to read the STDOUT and STDERR
+ EndOfProcedure = Event()
+ EndOfProcedure.clear()
+ if Proc.stdout:
+ StdOutThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Proc.stdout, EdkLogger.info, EndOfProcedure,Proc.ProcOut))
+ StdOutThread.setName("STDOUT-Redirector")
+ StdOutThread.setDaemon(False)
+ StdOutThread.start()
+ # waiting for program exit
+ Proc.wait()
+ except: # in case of aborting
+ # terminate the threads redirecting the program output
+ EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
+ if EndOfProcedure is not None:
+ EndOfProcedure.set()
+ if Proc is None:
+ if not isinstance(Command, type("")):
+ Command = " ".join(Command)
+ EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE, "Failed to start command", ExtraData="%s [%s]" % (Command, WorkingDir))
+ if Proc.stdout:
+ StdOutThread.join()
+ # check the return code of the program
+ if Proc.returncode != 0:
+ if not isinstance(Command, type("")):
+ Command = " ".join(Command)
+ # print out the Response file and its content when make failure
+ RespFile = os.path.join(WorkingDir, 'OUTPUT', 'respfilelist.txt')
+ if os.path.isfile(RespFile):
+ f = open(RespFile)
+ RespContent = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ EdkLogger.info(RespContent)
+ EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE, ExtraData="%s [%s]" % (Command, WorkingDir))
+ if ModuleAuto:
+ iau = IncludesAutoGen(WorkingDir,ModuleAuto)
+ if ModuleAuto.ToolChainFamily == TAB_COMPILER_MSFT:
+ iau.CreateDepsFileForMsvc(Proc.ProcOut)
+ else:
+ iau.UpdateDepsFileforNonMsvc()
+ iau.UpdateDepsFileforTrim()
+ iau.CreateModuleDeps()
+ iau.CreateDepsInclude()
+ iau.CreateDepsTarget()
+ return "%dms" % (int(round((time.time() - BeginTime) * 1000)))
+## The smallest unit that can be built in multi-thread build mode
+# This is the base class of build unit. The "Obj" parameter must provide
+# __str__(), __eq__() and __hash__() methods. Otherwise there could be build units
+# missing build.
+# Currently the "Obj" should be only ModuleAutoGen or PlatformAutoGen objects.
+class BuildUnit:
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Obj The object the build is working on
+ # @param Target The build target name, one of gSupportedTarget
+ # @param Dependency The BuildUnit(s) which must be completed in advance
+ # @param WorkingDir The directory build command starts in
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Obj, BuildCommand, Target, Dependency, WorkingDir="."):
+ self.BuildObject = Obj
+ self.Dependency = Dependency
+ self.WorkingDir = WorkingDir
+ self.Target = Target
+ self.BuildCommand = BuildCommand
+ if not BuildCommand:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
+ "No build command found for this module. "
+ "Please check your setting of %s_%s_%s_MAKE_PATH in Conf/tools_def.txt file." %
+ (Obj.BuildTarget, Obj.ToolChain, Obj.Arch),
+ ExtraData=str(Obj))
+ ## str() method
+ #
+ # It just returns the string representation of self.BuildObject
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ #
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.BuildObject)
+ ## "==" operator method
+ #
+ # It just compares self.BuildObject with "Other". So self.BuildObject must
+ # provide its own __eq__() method.
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Other The other BuildUnit object compared to
+ #
+ def __eq__(self, Other):
+ return Other and self.BuildObject == Other.BuildObject \
+ and Other.BuildObject \
+ and self.BuildObject.Arch == Other.BuildObject.Arch
+ ## hash() method
+ #
+ # It just returns the hash value of self.BuildObject which must be hashable.
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ #
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.BuildObject) + hash(self.BuildObject.Arch)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(self.BuildObject)
+## The smallest module unit that can be built by nmake/make command in multi-thread build mode
+# This class is for module build by nmake/make build system. The "Obj" parameter
+# must provide __str__(), __eq__() and __hash__() methods. Otherwise there could
+# be make units missing build.
+# Currently the "Obj" should be only ModuleAutoGen object.
+class ModuleMakeUnit(BuildUnit):
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Obj The ModuleAutoGen object the build is working on
+ # @param Target The build target name, one of gSupportedTarget
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Obj, BuildCommand,Target):
+ Dependency = [ModuleMakeUnit(La, BuildCommand,Target) for La in Obj.LibraryAutoGenList]
+ BuildUnit.__init__(self, Obj, BuildCommand, Target, Dependency, Obj.MakeFileDir)
+ if Target in [None, "", "all"]:
+ self.Target = "tbuild"
+## The smallest platform unit that can be built by nmake/make command in multi-thread build mode
+# This class is for platform build by nmake/make build system. The "Obj" parameter
+# must provide __str__(), __eq__() and __hash__() methods. Otherwise there could
+# be make units missing build.
+# Currently the "Obj" should be only PlatformAutoGen object.
+class PlatformMakeUnit(BuildUnit):
+ ## The constructor
+ #
+ # @param self The object pointer
+ # @param Obj The PlatformAutoGen object the build is working on
+ # @param Target The build target name, one of gSupportedTarget
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Obj, BuildCommand, Target):
+ Dependency = [ModuleMakeUnit(Lib, BuildCommand, Target) for Lib in self.BuildObject.LibraryAutoGenList]
+ Dependency.extend([ModuleMakeUnit(Mod, BuildCommand,Target) for Mod in self.BuildObject.ModuleAutoGenList])
+ BuildUnit.__init__(self, Obj, BuildCommand, Target, Dependency, Obj.MakeFileDir)
+## The class representing the task of a module build or platform build
+# This class manages the build tasks in multi-thread build mode. Its jobs include
+# scheduling thread running, catching thread error, monitor the thread status, etc.
+class BuildTask:
+ # queue for tasks waiting for schedule
+ _PendingQueue = OrderedDict()
+ _PendingQueueLock = threading.Lock()
+ # queue for tasks ready for running
+ _ReadyQueue = OrderedDict()
+ _ReadyQueueLock = threading.Lock()
+ # queue for run tasks
+ _RunningQueue = OrderedDict()
+ _RunningQueueLock = threading.Lock()
+ # queue containing all build tasks, in case duplicate build
+ _TaskQueue = OrderedDict()
+ # flag indicating error occurs in a running thread
+ _ErrorFlag = threading.Event()
+ _ErrorFlag.clear()
+ _ErrorMessage = ""
+ # BoundedSemaphore object used to control the number of running threads
+ _Thread = None
+ # flag indicating if the scheduler is started or not
+ _SchedulerStopped = threading.Event()
+ _SchedulerStopped.set()
+ ## Start the task scheduler thread
+ #
+ # @param MaxThreadNumber The maximum thread number
+ # @param ExitFlag Flag used to end the scheduler
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def StartScheduler(MaxThreadNumber, ExitFlag):
+ SchedulerThread = Thread(target=BuildTask.Scheduler, args=(MaxThreadNumber, ExitFlag))
+ SchedulerThread.setName("Build-Task-Scheduler")
+ SchedulerThread.setDaemon(False)
+ SchedulerThread.start()
+ # wait for the scheduler to be started, especially useful in Linux
+ while not BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ ## Scheduler method
+ #
+ # @param MaxThreadNumber The maximum thread number
+ # @param ExitFlag Flag used to end the scheduler
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def Scheduler(MaxThreadNumber, ExitFlag):
+ BuildTask._SchedulerStopped.clear()
+ try:
+ # use BoundedSemaphore to control the maximum running threads
+ BuildTask._Thread = BoundedSemaphore(MaxThreadNumber)
+ #
+ # scheduling loop, which will exits when no pending/ready task and
+ # indicated to do so, or there's error in running thread
+ #
+ while (len(BuildTask._PendingQueue) > 0 or len(BuildTask._ReadyQueue) > 0 \
+ or not ExitFlag.isSet()) and not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, "Pending Queue (%d), Ready Queue (%d)"
+ % (len(BuildTask._PendingQueue), len(BuildTask._ReadyQueue)))
+ # get all pending tasks
+ BuildTask._PendingQueueLock.acquire()
+ BuildObjectList = list(BuildTask._PendingQueue.keys())
+ #
+ # check if their dependency is resolved, and if true, move them
+ # into ready queue
+ #
+ for BuildObject in BuildObjectList:
+ Bt = BuildTask._PendingQueue[BuildObject]
+ if Bt.IsReady():
+ BuildTask._ReadyQueue[BuildObject] = BuildTask._PendingQueue.pop(BuildObject)
+ BuildTask._PendingQueueLock.release()
+ # launch build thread until the maximum number of threads is reached
+ while not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
+ # empty ready queue, do nothing further
+ if len(BuildTask._ReadyQueue) == 0:
+ break
+ # wait for active thread(s) exit
+ BuildTask._Thread.acquire(True)
+ # start a new build thread
+ Bo, Bt = BuildTask._ReadyQueue.popitem()
+ # move into running queue
+ BuildTask._RunningQueueLock.acquire()
+ BuildTask._RunningQueue[Bo] = Bt
+ BuildTask._RunningQueueLock.release()
+ Bt.Start()
+ # avoid tense loop
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # avoid tense loop
+ time.sleep(0.01)
+ # wait for all running threads exit
+ if BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
+ EdkLogger.quiet("\nWaiting for all build threads exit...")
+ # while not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet() and \
+ while len(BuildTask._RunningQueue) > 0:
+ EdkLogger.verbose("Waiting for thread ending...(%d)" % len(BuildTask._RunningQueue))
+ EdkLogger.debug(EdkLogger.DEBUG_8, "Threads [%s]" % ", ".join(Th.getName() for Th in threading.enumerate()))
+ # avoid tense loop
+ time.sleep(0.1)
+ except BaseException as X:
+ #
+ # TRICK: hide the output of threads left running, so that the user can
+ # catch the error message easily
+ #
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.ERROR)
+ BuildTask._ErrorFlag.set()
+ BuildTask._ErrorMessage = "build thread scheduler error\n\t%s" % str(X)
+ BuildTask._PendingQueue.clear()
+ BuildTask._ReadyQueue.clear()
+ BuildTask._RunningQueue.clear()
+ BuildTask._TaskQueue.clear()
+ BuildTask._SchedulerStopped.set()
+ ## Wait for all running method exit
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def WaitForComplete():
+ BuildTask._SchedulerStopped.wait()
+ ## Check if the scheduler is running or not
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def IsOnGoing():
+ return not BuildTask._SchedulerStopped.isSet()
+ ## Abort the build
+ @staticmethod
+ def Abort():
+ if BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
+ BuildTask._ErrorFlag.set()
+ BuildTask.WaitForComplete()
+ ## Check if there's error in running thread
+ #
+ # Since the main thread cannot catch exceptions in other thread, we have to
+ # use threading.Event to communicate this formation to main thread.
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def HasError():
+ return BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet()
+ ## Get error message in running thread
+ #
+ # Since the main thread cannot catch exceptions in other thread, we have to
+ # use a static variable to communicate this message to main thread.
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def GetErrorMessage():
+ return BuildTask._ErrorMessage
+ ## Factory method to create a BuildTask object
+ #
+ # This method will check if a module is building or has been built. And if
+ # true, just return the associated BuildTask object in the _TaskQueue. If
+ # not, create and return a new BuildTask object. The new BuildTask object
+ # will be appended to the _PendingQueue for scheduling later.
+ #
+ # @param BuildItem A BuildUnit object representing a build object
+ # @param Dependency The dependent build object of BuildItem
+ #
+ @staticmethod
+ def New(BuildItem, Dependency=None):
+ if BuildItem in BuildTask._TaskQueue:
+ Bt = BuildTask._TaskQueue[BuildItem]
+ return Bt
+ Bt = BuildTask()
+ Bt._Init(BuildItem, Dependency)
+ BuildTask._TaskQueue[BuildItem] = Bt
+ BuildTask._PendingQueueLock.acquire()
+ BuildTask._PendingQueue[BuildItem] = Bt
+ BuildTask._PendingQueueLock.release()
+ return Bt
+ ## The real constructor of BuildTask
+ #
+ # @param BuildItem A BuildUnit object representing a build object
+ # @param Dependency The dependent build object of BuildItem
+ #
+ def _Init(self, BuildItem, Dependency=None):
+ self.BuildItem = BuildItem
+ self.DependencyList = []
+ if Dependency is None:
+ Dependency = BuildItem.Dependency
+ else:
+ Dependency.extend(BuildItem.Dependency)
+ self.AddDependency(Dependency)
+ # flag indicating build completes, used to avoid unnecessary re-build
+ self.CompleteFlag = False
+ ## Check if all dependent build tasks are completed or not
+ #
+ def IsReady(self):
+ ReadyFlag = True
+ for Dep in self.DependencyList:
+ if Dep.CompleteFlag == True:
+ continue
+ ReadyFlag = False
+ break
+ return ReadyFlag
+ ## Add dependent build task
+ #
+ # @param Dependency The list of dependent build objects
+ #
+ def AddDependency(self, Dependency):
+ for Dep in Dependency:
+ if not Dep.BuildObject.IsBinaryModule and not Dep.BuildObject.CanSkipbyCache(GlobalData.gModuleCacheHit):
+ self.DependencyList.append(BuildTask.New(Dep)) # BuildTask list
+ ## The thread wrapper of LaunchCommand function
+ #
+ # @param Command A list or string contains the call of the command
+ # @param WorkingDir The directory in which the program will be running
+ #
+ def _CommandThread(self, Command, WorkingDir):
+ try:
+ self.BuildItem.BuildObject.BuildTime = LaunchCommand(Command, WorkingDir,self.BuildItem.BuildObject)
+ self.CompleteFlag = True
+ # Run hash operation post dependency to account for libs
+ # Run if --hash or --binary-destination
+ if GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ self.BuildItem.BuildObject.GenModuleHash()
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ self.BuildItem.BuildObject.GenCMakeHash()
+ except:
+ #
+ # TRICK: hide the output of threads left running, so that the user can
+ # catch the error message easily
+ #
+ if not BuildTask._ErrorFlag.isSet():
+ GlobalData.gBuildingModule = "%s [%s, %s, %s]" % (str(self.BuildItem.BuildObject),
+ self.BuildItem.BuildObject.Arch,
+ self.BuildItem.BuildObject.ToolChain,
+ self.BuildItem.BuildObject.BuildTarget
+ )
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.ERROR)
+ BuildTask._ErrorFlag.set()
+ BuildTask._ErrorMessage = "%s broken\n %s [%s]" % \
+ (threading.currentThread().getName(), Command, WorkingDir)
+ # indicate there's a thread is available for another build task
+ BuildTask._RunningQueueLock.acquire()
+ BuildTask._RunningQueue.pop(self.BuildItem)
+ BuildTask._RunningQueueLock.release()
+ BuildTask._Thread.release()
+ ## Start build task thread
+ #
+ def Start(self):
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building ... %s" % repr(self.BuildItem))
+ Command = self.BuildItem.BuildCommand + [self.BuildItem.Target]
+ self.BuildTread = Thread(target=self._CommandThread, args=(Command, self.BuildItem.WorkingDir))
+ self.BuildTread.setName("build thread")
+ self.BuildTread.setDaemon(False)
+ self.BuildTread.start()
+## The class contains the information related to EFI image
+class PeImageInfo():
+ ## Constructor
+ #
+ # Constructor will load all required image information.
+ #
+ # @param BaseName The full file path of image.
+ # @param Guid The GUID for image.
+ # @param Arch Arch of this image.
+ # @param OutputDir The output directory for image.
+ # @param DebugDir The debug directory for image.
+ # @param ImageClass PeImage Information
+ #
+ def __init__(self, BaseName, Guid, Arch, OutputDir, DebugDir, ImageClass):
+ self.BaseName = BaseName
+ self.Guid = Guid
+ self.Arch = Arch
+ self.OutputDir = OutputDir
+ self.DebugDir = DebugDir
+ self.Image = ImageClass
+ self.Image.Size = (self.Image.Size // 0x1000 + 1) * 0x1000
+## The class implementing the EDK2 build process
+# The build process includes:
+# 1. Load configuration from target.txt and tools_def.txt in $(WORKSPACE)/Conf
+# 2. Parse DSC file of active platform
+# 3. Parse FDF file if any
+# 4. Establish build database, including parse all other files (module, package)
+# 5. Create AutoGen files (C code file, depex file, makefile) if necessary
+# 6. Call build command
+class Build():
+ ## Constructor
+ #
+ # Constructor will load all necessary configurations, parse platform, modules
+ # and packages and the establish a database for AutoGen.
+ #
+ # @param Target The build command target, one of gSupportedTarget
+ # @param WorkspaceDir The directory of workspace
+ # @param BuildOptions Build options passed from command line
+ #
+ def __init__(self, Target, WorkspaceDir, BuildOptions,log_q):
+ self.WorkspaceDir = WorkspaceDir
+ self.Target = Target
+ self.PlatformFile = BuildOptions.PlatformFile
+ self.ModuleFile = BuildOptions.ModuleFile
+ self.ArchList = BuildOptions.TargetArch
+ self.ToolChainList = BuildOptions.ToolChain
+ self.BuildTargetList= BuildOptions.BuildTarget
+ self.Fdf = BuildOptions.FdfFile
+ self.FdList = BuildOptions.RomImage
+ self.FvList = BuildOptions.FvImage
+ self.CapList = BuildOptions.CapName
+ self.SilentMode = BuildOptions.SilentMode
+ self.ThreadNumber = 1
+ self.SkipAutoGen = BuildOptions.SkipAutoGen
+ self.Reparse = BuildOptions.Reparse
+ self.SkuId = BuildOptions.SkuId
+ if self.SkuId:
+ GlobalData.gSKUID_CMD = self.SkuId
+ self.ConfDirectory = BuildOptions.ConfDirectory
+ self.SpawnMode = True
+ self.BuildReport = BuildReport(BuildOptions.ReportFile, BuildOptions.ReportType)
+ self.AutoGenTime = 0
+ self.MakeTime = 0
+ self.GenFdsTime = 0
+ self.MakeFileName = ""
+ TargetObj = TargetTxtDict()
+ ToolDefObj = ToolDefDict((os.path.join(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"),"Conf")))
+ self.TargetTxt = TargetObj.Target
+ self.ToolDef = ToolDefObj.ToolDef
+ GlobalData.BuildOptionPcd = BuildOptions.OptionPcd if BuildOptions.OptionPcd else []
+ #Set global flag for build mode
+ GlobalData.gIgnoreSource = BuildOptions.IgnoreSources
+ GlobalData.gUseHashCache = BuildOptions.UseHashCache
+ GlobalData.gBinCacheDest = BuildOptions.BinCacheDest
+ GlobalData.gBinCacheSource = BuildOptions.BinCacheSource
+ GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread = not BuildOptions.NoGenfdsMultiThread
+ GlobalData.gDisableIncludePathCheck = BuildOptions.DisableIncludePathCheck
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest and not GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData="--binary-destination must be used together with --hash.")
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource and not GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData="--binary-source must be used together with --hash.")
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest and GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData="--binary-destination can not be used together with --binary-source.")
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ BinCacheSource = os.path.normpath(GlobalData.gBinCacheSource)
+ if not os.path.isabs(BinCacheSource):
+ BinCacheSource = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, BinCacheSource)
+ GlobalData.gBinCacheSource = BinCacheSource
+ else:
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource is not None:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Invalid value of option --binary-source.")
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ BinCacheDest = os.path.normpath(GlobalData.gBinCacheDest)
+ if not os.path.isabs(BinCacheDest):
+ BinCacheDest = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, BinCacheDest)
+ GlobalData.gBinCacheDest = BinCacheDest
+ else:
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest is not None:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, ExtraData="Invalid value of option --binary-destination.")
+ GlobalData.gDatabasePath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, GlobalData.gDatabasePath))
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache')):
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache'))
+ self.Db = BuildDB
+ self.BuildDatabase = self.Db.BuildObject
+ self.Platform = None
+ self.ToolChainFamily = None
+ self.LoadFixAddress = 0
+ self.UniFlag = BuildOptions.Flag
+ self.BuildModules = []
+ self.HashSkipModules = []
+ self.Db_Flag = False
+ self.LaunchPrebuildFlag = False
+ self.PlatformBuildPath = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache', '.PlatformBuild')
+ if BuildOptions.CommandLength:
+ GlobalData.gCommandMaxLength = BuildOptions.CommandLength
+ # print dot character during doing some time-consuming work
+ self.Progress = Utils.Progressor()
+ # print current build environment and configuration
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("WORKSPACE", os.environ["WORKSPACE"]))
+ if "PACKAGES_PATH" in os.environ:
+ # WORKSPACE env has been converted before. Print the same path style with WORKSPACE env.
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PACKAGES_PATH", os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["PACKAGES_PATH"]))))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("EDK_TOOLS_PATH", os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_PATH"]))
+ if "EDK_TOOLS_BIN" in os.environ:
+ # Print the same path style with WORKSPACE env.
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("EDK_TOOLS_BIN", os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(os.environ["EDK_TOOLS_BIN"]))))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("CONF_PATH", GlobalData.gConfDirectory))
+ if "PYTHON3_ENABLE" in os.environ:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PYTHON3_ENABLE", PYTHON3_ENABLE))
+ if "PYTHON_COMMAND" in os.environ:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PYTHON_COMMAND", os.environ["PYTHON_COMMAND"]))
+ self.InitPreBuild()
+ self.InitPostBuild()
+ if self.Prebuild:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("PREBUILD", self.Prebuild))
+ if self.Postbuild:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("%-16s = %s" % ("POSTBUILD", self.Postbuild))
+ if self.Prebuild:
+ self.LaunchPrebuild()
+ TargetObj = TargetTxtDict()
+ ToolDefObj = ToolDefDict((os.path.join(os.getenv("WORKSPACE"), "Conf")))
+ self.TargetTxt = TargetObj.Target
+ self.ToolDef = ToolDefObj.ToolDef
+ if not (self.LaunchPrebuildFlag and os.path.exists(self.PlatformBuildPath)):
+ self.InitBuild()
+ self.AutoGenMgr = None
+ EdkLogger.info("")
+ os.chdir(self.WorkspaceDir)
+ self.log_q = log_q
+ GlobalData.file_lock = mp.Lock()
+ # Init cache data for local only
+ GlobalData.gPackageHashFile = dict()
+ GlobalData.gModulePreMakeCacheStatus = dict()
+ GlobalData.gModuleMakeCacheStatus = dict()
+ GlobalData.gHashChainStatus = dict()
+ GlobalData.gCMakeHashFile = dict()
+ GlobalData.gModuleHashFile = dict()
+ GlobalData.gFileHashDict = dict()
+ GlobalData.gModuleAllCacheStatus = set()
+ GlobalData.gModuleCacheHit = set()
+ def StartAutoGen(self,mqueue, DataPipe,SkipAutoGen,PcdMaList,cqueue):
+ try:
+ if SkipAutoGen:
+ return True,0
+ feedback_q = mp.Queue()
+ error_event = mp.Event()
+ FfsCmd = DataPipe.Get("FfsCommand")
+ if FfsCmd is None:
+ FfsCmd = {}
+ GlobalData.FfsCmd = FfsCmd
+ auto_workers = [AutoGenWorkerInProcess(mqueue,DataPipe.dump_file,feedback_q,GlobalData.file_lock,cqueue,self.log_q,error_event) for _ in range(self.ThreadNumber)]
+ self.AutoGenMgr = AutoGenManager(auto_workers,feedback_q,error_event)
+ self.AutoGenMgr.start()
+ for w in auto_workers:
+ w.start()
+ if PcdMaList is not None:
+ for PcdMa in PcdMaList:
+ # SourceFileList calling sequence impact the makefile string sequence.
+ # Create cached SourceFileList here to unify its calling sequence for both
+ # CanSkipbyPreMakeCache and CreateCodeFile/CreateMakeFile.
+ RetVal = PcdMa.SourceFileList
+ # Force cache miss for PCD driver
+ if GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheDest and self.Target in [None, "", "all"]:
+ cqueue.put((PcdMa.MetaFile.Path, PcdMa.Arch, "PreMakeCache", False))
+ PcdMa.CreateCodeFile(False)
+ PcdMa.CreateMakeFile(False,GenFfsList = DataPipe.Get("FfsCommand").get((PcdMa.MetaFile.Path, PcdMa.Arch),[]))
+ PcdMa.CreateAsBuiltInf()
+ # Force cache miss for PCD driver
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource and self.Target in [None, "", "all"]:
+ cqueue.put((PcdMa.MetaFile.Path, PcdMa.Arch, "MakeCache", False))
+ self.AutoGenMgr.join()
+ rt = self.AutoGenMgr.Status
+ err = 0
+ if not rt:
+ return rt, err
+ except FatalError as e:
+ return False, e.args[0]
+ except:
+ return False, UNKNOWN_ERROR
+ ## Load configuration
+ #
+ # This method will parse target.txt and get the build configurations.
+ #
+ def LoadConfiguration(self):
+ # if no ARCH given in command line, get it from target.txt
+ if not self.ArchList:
+ self.ArchList = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TARGET_ARCH]
+ self.ArchList = tuple(self.ArchList)
+ # if no build target given in command line, get it from target.txt
+ if not self.BuildTargetList:
+ self.BuildTargetList = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TARGET]
+ # if no tool chain given in command line, get it from target.txt
+ if not self.ToolChainList:
+ self.ToolChainList = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG]
+ if self.ToolChainList is None or len(self.ToolChainList) == 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE, ExtraData="No toolchain given. Don't know how to build.\n")
+ # check if the tool chains are defined or not
+ NewToolChainList = []
+ for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
+ if ToolChain not in self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_TAG]:
+ EdkLogger.warn("build", "Tool chain [%s] is not defined" % ToolChain)
+ else:
+ NewToolChainList.append(ToolChain)
+ # if no tool chain available, break the build
+ if len(NewToolChainList) == 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ ExtraData="[%s] not defined. No toolchain available for build!\n" % ", ".join(self.ToolChainList))
+ else:
+ self.ToolChainList = NewToolChainList
+ ToolChainFamily = []
+ ToolDefinition = self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase
+ for Tool in self.ToolChainList:
+ if TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY not in ToolDefinition or Tool not in ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY] \
+ or not ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][Tool]:
+ EdkLogger.warn("build", "No tool chain family found in configuration for %s. Default to MSFT." % Tool)
+ ToolChainFamily.append(TAB_COMPILER_MSFT)
+ else:
+ ToolChainFamily.append(ToolDefinition[TAB_TOD_DEFINES_FAMILY][Tool])
+ self.ToolChainFamily = ToolChainFamily
+ if not self.PlatformFile:
+ PlatformFile = self.TargetTxt.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_ACTIVE_PLATFORM]
+ if not PlatformFile:
+ # Try to find one in current directory
+ WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd()
+ FileList = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkingDirectory, '*.dsc')))
+ FileNum = len(FileList)
+ if FileNum >= 2:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
+ ExtraData="There are %d DSC files in %s. Use '-p' to specify one.\n" % (FileNum, WorkingDirectory))
+ elif FileNum == 1:
+ PlatformFile = FileList[0]
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", RESOURCE_NOT_AVAILABLE,
+ ExtraData="No active platform specified in target.txt or command line! Nothing can be built.\n")
+ self.PlatformFile = PathClass(NormFile(PlatformFile, self.WorkspaceDir), self.WorkspaceDir)
+ self.ThreadNumber = ThreadNum()
+ ## Initialize build configuration
+ #
+ # This method will parse DSC file and merge the configurations from
+ # command line and target.txt, then get the final build configurations.
+ #
+ def InitBuild(self):
+ # parse target.txt, tools_def.txt, and platform file
+ self.LoadConfiguration()
+ # Allow case-insensitive for those from command line or configuration file
+ ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = self.PlatformFile.Validate(".dsc", False)
+ if ErrorCode != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
+ def InitPreBuild(self):
+ self.LoadConfiguration()
+ ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = self.PlatformFile.Validate(".dsc", False)
+ if ErrorCode != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
+ if self.BuildTargetList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = self.BuildTargetList[0]
+ if self.ArchList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = self.ArchList[0]
+ if self.ToolChainList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = self.ToolChainList[0]
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = self.ToolChainList[0]
+ if self.ToolChainFamily:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[0]
+ if 'PREBUILD' in GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines:
+ self.Prebuild = GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines.get('PREBUILD')
+ else:
+ self.Db_Flag = True
+ Platform = self.Db.MapPlatform(str(self.PlatformFile))
+ self.Prebuild = str(Platform.Prebuild)
+ if self.Prebuild:
+ PrebuildList = []
+ #
+ # Evaluate all arguments and convert arguments that are WORKSPACE
+ # relative paths to absolute paths. Filter arguments that look like
+ # flags or do not follow the file/dir naming rules to avoid false
+ # positives on this conversion.
+ #
+ for Arg in self.Prebuild.split():
+ #
+ # Do not modify Arg if it looks like a flag or an absolute file path
+ #
+ if Arg.startswith('-') or os.path.isabs(Arg):
+ PrebuildList.append(Arg)
+ continue
+ #
+ # Do not modify Arg if it does not look like a Workspace relative
+ # path that starts with a valid package directory name
+ #
+ if not Arg[0].isalpha() or os.path.dirname(Arg) == '':
+ PrebuildList.append(Arg)
+ continue
+ #
+ # If Arg looks like a WORKSPACE relative path, then convert to an
+ # absolute path and check to see if the file exists.
+ #
+ Temp = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, Arg)
+ if os.path.isfile(Temp):
+ Arg = Temp
+ PrebuildList.append(Arg)
+ self.Prebuild = ' '.join(PrebuildList)
+ self.Prebuild += self.PassCommandOption(self.BuildTargetList, self.ArchList, self.ToolChainList, self.PlatformFile, self.Target)
+ def InitPostBuild(self):
+ if 'POSTBUILD' in GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines:
+ self.Postbuild = GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines.get('POSTBUILD')
+ else:
+ Platform = self.Db.MapPlatform(str(self.PlatformFile))
+ self.Postbuild = str(Platform.Postbuild)
+ if self.Postbuild:
+ PostbuildList = []
+ #
+ # Evaluate all arguments and convert arguments that are WORKSPACE
+ # relative paths to absolute paths. Filter arguments that look like
+ # flags or do not follow the file/dir naming rules to avoid false
+ # positives on this conversion.
+ #
+ for Arg in self.Postbuild.split():
+ #
+ # Do not modify Arg if it looks like a flag or an absolute file path
+ #
+ if Arg.startswith('-') or os.path.isabs(Arg):
+ PostbuildList.append(Arg)
+ continue
+ #
+ # Do not modify Arg if it does not look like a Workspace relative
+ # path that starts with a valid package directory name
+ #
+ if not Arg[0].isalpha() or os.path.dirname(Arg) == '':
+ PostbuildList.append(Arg)
+ continue
+ #
+ # If Arg looks like a WORKSPACE relative path, then convert to an
+ # absolute path and check to see if the file exists.
+ #
+ Temp = mws.join(self.WorkspaceDir, Arg)
+ if os.path.isfile(Temp):
+ Arg = Temp
+ PostbuildList.append(Arg)
+ self.Postbuild = ' '.join(PostbuildList)
+ self.Postbuild += self.PassCommandOption(self.BuildTargetList, self.ArchList, self.ToolChainList, self.PlatformFile, self.Target)
+ def PassCommandOption(self, BuildTarget, TargetArch, ToolChain, PlatformFile, Target):
+ BuildStr = ''
+ if GlobalData.gCommand and isinstance(GlobalData.gCommand, list):
+ BuildStr += ' ' + ' '.join(GlobalData.gCommand)
+ TargetFlag = False
+ ArchFlag = False
+ ToolChainFlag = False
+ PlatformFileFlag = False
+ if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.BuildTarget:
+ TargetFlag = True
+ if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.TargetArch:
+ ArchFlag = True
+ if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.ToolChain:
+ ToolChainFlag = True
+ if GlobalData.gOptions and not GlobalData.gOptions.PlatformFile:
+ PlatformFileFlag = True
+ if TargetFlag and BuildTarget:
+ if isinstance(BuildTarget, list) or isinstance(BuildTarget, tuple):
+ BuildStr += ' -b ' + ' -b '.join(BuildTarget)
+ elif isinstance(BuildTarget, str):
+ BuildStr += ' -b ' + BuildTarget
+ if ArchFlag and TargetArch:
+ if isinstance(TargetArch, list) or isinstance(TargetArch, tuple):
+ BuildStr += ' -a ' + ' -a '.join(TargetArch)
+ elif isinstance(TargetArch, str):
+ BuildStr += ' -a ' + TargetArch
+ if ToolChainFlag and ToolChain:
+ if isinstance(ToolChain, list) or isinstance(ToolChain, tuple):
+ BuildStr += ' -t ' + ' -t '.join(ToolChain)
+ elif isinstance(ToolChain, str):
+ BuildStr += ' -t ' + ToolChain
+ if PlatformFileFlag and PlatformFile:
+ if isinstance(PlatformFile, list) or isinstance(PlatformFile, tuple):
+ BuildStr += ' -p ' + ' -p '.join(PlatformFile)
+ elif isinstance(PlatformFile, str):
+ BuildStr += ' -p' + PlatformFile
+ BuildStr += ' --conf=' + GlobalData.gConfDirectory
+ if Target:
+ BuildStr += ' ' + Target
+ return BuildStr
+ def LaunchPrebuild(self):
+ if self.Prebuild:
+ EdkLogger.info("\n- Prebuild Start -\n")
+ self.LaunchPrebuildFlag = True
+ #
+ # The purpose of .PrebuildEnv file is capture environment variable settings set by the prebuild script
+ # and preserve them for the rest of the main build step, because the child process environment will
+ # evaporate as soon as it exits, we cannot get it in build step.
+ #
+ PrebuildEnvFile = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory, '.cache', '.PrebuildEnv')
+ if os.path.isfile(PrebuildEnvFile):
+ os.remove(PrebuildEnvFile)
+ if os.path.isfile(self.PlatformBuildPath):
+ os.remove(self.PlatformBuildPath)
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ args = ' && '.join((self.Prebuild, 'set > ' + PrebuildEnvFile))
+ Process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
+ else:
+ args = ' && '.join((self.Prebuild, 'env > ' + PrebuildEnvFile))
+ Process = Popen(args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
+ # launch two threads to read the STDOUT and STDERR
+ EndOfProcedure = Event()
+ EndOfProcedure.clear()
+ if Process.stdout:
+ StdOutThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stdout, EdkLogger.info, EndOfProcedure))
+ StdOutThread.setName("STDOUT-Redirector")
+ StdOutThread.setDaemon(False)
+ StdOutThread.start()
+ if Process.stderr:
+ StdErrThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stderr, EdkLogger.quiet, EndOfProcedure))
+ StdErrThread.setName("STDERR-Redirector")
+ StdErrThread.setDaemon(False)
+ StdErrThread.start()
+ # waiting for program exit
+ Process.wait()
+ if Process.stdout:
+ StdOutThread.join()
+ if Process.stderr:
+ StdErrThread.join()
+ if Process.returncode != 0 :
+ EdkLogger.error("Prebuild", PREBUILD_ERROR, 'Prebuild process is not success!')
+ if os.path.exists(PrebuildEnvFile):
+ f = open(PrebuildEnvFile)
+ envs = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ envs = [l.split("=", 1) for l in envs ]
+ envs = [[I.strip() for I in item] for item in envs if len(item) == 2]
+ os.environ.update(dict(envs))
+ EdkLogger.info("\n- Prebuild Done -\n")
+ def LaunchPostbuild(self):
+ if self.Postbuild:
+ EdkLogger.info("\n- Postbuild Start -\n")
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ Process = Popen(self.Postbuild, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
+ else:
+ Process = Popen(self.Postbuild, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
+ # launch two threads to read the STDOUT and STDERR
+ EndOfProcedure = Event()
+ EndOfProcedure.clear()
+ if Process.stdout:
+ StdOutThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stdout, EdkLogger.info, EndOfProcedure))
+ StdOutThread.setName("STDOUT-Redirector")
+ StdOutThread.setDaemon(False)
+ StdOutThread.start()
+ if Process.stderr:
+ StdErrThread = Thread(target=ReadMessage, args=(Process.stderr, EdkLogger.quiet, EndOfProcedure))
+ StdErrThread.setName("STDERR-Redirector")
+ StdErrThread.setDaemon(False)
+ StdErrThread.start()
+ # waiting for program exit
+ Process.wait()
+ if Process.stdout:
+ StdOutThread.join()
+ if Process.stderr:
+ StdErrThread.join()
+ if Process.returncode != 0 :
+ EdkLogger.error("Postbuild", POSTBUILD_ERROR, 'Postbuild process is not success!')
+ EdkLogger.info("\n- Postbuild Done -\n")
+ ## Build a module or platform
+ #
+ # Create autogen code and makefile for a module or platform, and the launch
+ # "make" command to build it
+ #
+ # @param Target The target of build command
+ # @param Platform The platform file
+ # @param Module The module file
+ # @param BuildTarget The name of build target, one of "DEBUG", "RELEASE"
+ # @param ToolChain The name of toolchain to build
+ # @param Arch The arch of the module/platform
+ # @param CreateDepModuleCodeFile Flag used to indicate creating code
+ # for dependent modules/Libraries
+ # @param CreateDepModuleMakeFile Flag used to indicate creating makefile
+ # for dependent modules/Libraries
+ #
+ def _BuildPa(self, Target, AutoGenObject, CreateDepsCodeFile=True, CreateDepsMakeFile=True, BuildModule=False, FfsCommand=None, PcdMaList=None):
+ if AutoGenObject is None:
+ return False
+ if FfsCommand is None:
+ FfsCommand = {}
+ # skip file generation for cleanxxx targets, run and fds target
+ if Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
+ # for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
+ mqueue = mp.Queue()
+ for m in AutoGenObject.GetAllModuleInfo:
+ mqueue.put(m)
+ mqueue.put((None,None,None,None,None,None,None))
+ AutoGenObject.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"CommandTarget": self.Target}
+ AutoGenObject.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"Workspace_timestamp": AutoGenObject.Workspace._SrcTimeStamp}
+ AutoGenObject.CreateLibModuelDirs()
+ AutoGenObject.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"LibraryBuildDirectoryList":AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList}
+ AutoGenObject.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"ModuleBuildDirectoryList":AutoGenObject.ModuleBuildDirectoryList}
+ AutoGenObject.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"FdsCommandDict": AutoGenObject.Workspace.GenFdsCommandDict}
+ self.Progress.Start("Generating makefile and code")
+ data_pipe_file = os.path.join(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, "GlobalVar_%s_%s.bin" % (str(AutoGenObject.Guid),AutoGenObject.Arch))
+ AutoGenObject.DataPipe.dump(data_pipe_file)
+ cqueue = mp.Queue()
+ autogen_rt,errorcode = self.StartAutoGen(mqueue, AutoGenObject.DataPipe, self.SkipAutoGen, PcdMaList, cqueue)
+ AutoGenIdFile = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory,".AutoGenIdFile.txt")
+ with open(AutoGenIdFile,"w") as fw:
+ fw.write("Arch=%s\n" % "|".join((AutoGenObject.Workspace.ArchList)))
+ fw.write("BuildDir=%s\n" % AutoGenObject.Workspace.BuildDir)
+ fw.write("PlatformGuid=%s\n" % str(AutoGenObject.Guid))
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ if not autogen_rt:
+ self.AutoGenMgr.TerminateWorkers()
+ self.AutoGenMgr.join(1)
+ raise FatalError(errorcode)
+ AutoGenObject.CreateCodeFile(False)
+ AutoGenObject.CreateMakeFile(False)
+ else:
+ # always recreate top/platform makefile when clean, just in case of inconsistency
+ AutoGenObject.CreateCodeFile(True)
+ AutoGenObject.CreateMakeFile(True)
+ if EdkLogger.GetLevel() == EdkLogger.QUIET:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building ... %s" % repr(AutoGenObject))
+ BuildCommand = AutoGenObject.BuildCommand
+ if BuildCommand is None or len(BuildCommand) == 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
+ "No build command found for this module. "
+ "Please check your setting of %s_%s_%s_MAKE_PATH in Conf/tools_def.txt file." %
+ (AutoGenObject.BuildTarget, AutoGenObject.ToolChain, AutoGenObject.Arch),
+ ExtraData=str(AutoGenObject))
+ # run
+ if Target == 'run':
+ return True
+ # build modules
+ if BuildModule:
+ BuildCommand = BuildCommand + [Target]
+ LaunchCommand(BuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ self.GenDestCache()
+ elif GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ # Only for --hash
+ # Update PreMakeCacheChain files
+ self.GenLocalPreMakeCache()
+ self.BuildModules = []
+ return True
+ # build library
+ if Target == 'libraries':
+ DirList = []
+ for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryAutoGenList:
+ if not Lib.IsBinaryModule:
+ DirList.append((os.path.join(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, Lib.BuildDir),Lib))
+ for Lib, LibAutoGen in DirList:
+ NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, self.MakeFileName)), 'pbuild']
+ LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir,LibAutoGen)
+ return True
+ # build module
+ if Target == 'modules':
+ DirList = []
+ for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryAutoGenList:
+ if not Lib.IsBinaryModule:
+ DirList.append((os.path.join(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, Lib.BuildDir),Lib))
+ for Lib, LibAutoGen in DirList:
+ NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, self.MakeFileName)), 'pbuild']
+ LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir,LibAutoGen)
+ DirList = []
+ for ModuleAutoGen in AutoGenObject.ModuleAutoGenList:
+ if not ModuleAutoGen.IsBinaryModule:
+ DirList.append((os.path.join(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, ModuleAutoGen.BuildDir),ModuleAutoGen))
+ for Mod,ModAutoGen in DirList:
+ NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Mod, self.MakeFileName)), 'pbuild']
+ LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir,ModAutoGen)
+ self.CreateAsBuiltInf()
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ self.GenDestCache()
+ elif GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ # Only for --hash
+ # Update PreMakeCacheChain files
+ self.GenLocalPreMakeCache()
+ self.BuildModules = []
+ return True
+ # cleanlib
+ if Target == 'cleanlib':
+ for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
+ LibMakefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, self.MakeFileName))
+ if os.path.exists(LibMakefile):
+ NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', LibMakefile, 'cleanall']
+ LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
+ return True
+ # clean
+ if Target == 'clean':
+ for Mod in AutoGenObject.ModuleBuildDirectoryList:
+ ModMakefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Mod, self.MakeFileName))
+ if os.path.exists(ModMakefile):
+ NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', ModMakefile, 'cleanall']
+ LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
+ for Lib in AutoGenObject.LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
+ LibMakefile = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(Lib, self.MakeFileName))
+ if os.path.exists(LibMakefile):
+ NewBuildCommand = BuildCommand + ['-f', LibMakefile, 'cleanall']
+ LaunchCommand(NewBuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
+ return True
+ # cleanall
+ if Target == 'cleanall':
+ try:
+ #os.rmdir(AutoGenObject.BuildDir)
+ RemoveDirectory(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, True)
+ except WindowsError as X:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_DELETE_FAILURE, ExtraData=str(X))
+ return True
+ ## Build a module or platform
+ #
+ # Create autogen code and makefile for a module or platform, and the launch
+ # "make" command to build it
+ #
+ # @param Target The target of build command
+ # @param Platform The platform file
+ # @param Module The module file
+ # @param BuildTarget The name of build target, one of "DEBUG", "RELEASE"
+ # @param ToolChain The name of toolchain to build
+ # @param Arch The arch of the module/platform
+ # @param CreateDepModuleCodeFile Flag used to indicate creating code
+ # for dependent modules/Libraries
+ # @param CreateDepModuleMakeFile Flag used to indicate creating makefile
+ # for dependent modules/Libraries
+ #
+ def _Build(self, Target, AutoGenObject, CreateDepsCodeFile=True, CreateDepsMakeFile=True, BuildModule=False):
+ if AutoGenObject is None:
+ return False
+ # skip file generation for cleanxxx targets, run and fds target
+ if Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
+ # for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
+ if not self.SkipAutoGen or Target == 'genc':
+ self.Progress.Start("Generating code")
+ AutoGenObject.CreateCodeFile(CreateDepsCodeFile)
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ if Target == "genc":
+ return True
+ if not self.SkipAutoGen or Target == 'genmake':
+ self.Progress.Start("Generating makefile")
+ AutoGenObject.CreateMakeFile(CreateDepsMakeFile)
+ #AutoGenObject.CreateAsBuiltInf()
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ if Target == "genmake":
+ return True
+ else:
+ # always recreate top/platform makefile when clean, just in case of inconsistency
+ AutoGenObject.CreateCodeFile(True)
+ AutoGenObject.CreateMakeFile(True)
+ if EdkLogger.GetLevel() == EdkLogger.QUIET:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Building ... %s" % repr(AutoGenObject))
+ BuildCommand = AutoGenObject.BuildCommand
+ if BuildCommand is None or len(BuildCommand) == 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_MISSING,
+ "No build command found for this module. "
+ "Please check your setting of %s_%s_%s_MAKE_PATH in Conf/tools_def.txt file." %
+ (AutoGenObject.BuildTarget, AutoGenObject.ToolChain, AutoGenObject.Arch),
+ ExtraData=str(AutoGenObject))
+ # build modules
+ if BuildModule:
+ if Target != 'fds':
+ BuildCommand = BuildCommand + [Target]
+ AutoGenObject.BuildTime = LaunchCommand(BuildCommand, AutoGenObject.MakeFileDir)
+ self.CreateAsBuiltInf()
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ self.GenDestCache()
+ elif GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ # Only for --hash
+ # Update PreMakeCacheChain files
+ self.GenLocalPreMakeCache()
+ self.BuildModules = []
+ return True
+ # genfds
+ if Target == 'fds':
+ if GenFdsApi(AutoGenObject.GenFdsCommandDict, self.Db):
+ EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE)
+ Threshold = self.GetFreeSizeThreshold()
+ if Threshold:
+ self.CheckFreeSizeThreshold(Threshold, AutoGenObject.FvDir)
+ return True
+ # run
+ if Target == 'run':
+ return True
+ # build library
+ if Target == 'libraries':
+ pass
+ # not build modules
+ # cleanall
+ if Target == 'cleanall':
+ try:
+ #os.rmdir(AutoGenObject.BuildDir)
+ RemoveDirectory(AutoGenObject.BuildDir, True)
+ except WindowsError as X:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_DELETE_FAILURE, ExtraData=str(X))
+ return True
+ ## Rebase module image and Get function address for the input module list.
+ #
+ def _RebaseModule (self, MapBuffer, BaseAddress, ModuleList, AddrIsOffset = True, ModeIsSmm = False):
+ if ModeIsSmm:
+ AddrIsOffset = False
+ for InfFile in ModuleList:
+ sys.stdout.write (".")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ ModuleInfo = ModuleList[InfFile]
+ ModuleName = ModuleInfo.BaseName
+ ModuleOutputImage = ModuleInfo.Image.FileName
+ ModuleDebugImage = os.path.join(ModuleInfo.DebugDir, ModuleInfo.BaseName + '.efi')
+ ## for SMM module in SMRAM, the SMRAM will be allocated from base to top.
+ if not ModeIsSmm:
+ BaseAddress = BaseAddress - ModuleInfo.Image.Size
+ #
+ # Update Image to new BaseAddress by GenFw tool
+ #
+ LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--rebase", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleOutputImage], ModuleInfo.OutputDir)
+ LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--rebase", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleDebugImage], ModuleInfo.DebugDir)
+ else:
+ #
+ # Set new address to the section header only for SMM driver.
+ #
+ LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--address", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleOutputImage], ModuleInfo.OutputDir)
+ LaunchCommand(["GenFw", "--address", str(BaseAddress), "-r", ModuleDebugImage], ModuleInfo.DebugDir)
+ #
+ # Collect function address from Map file
+ #
+ ImageMapTable = ModuleOutputImage.replace('.efi', '.map')
+ FunctionList = []
+ if os.path.exists(ImageMapTable):
+ OrigImageBaseAddress = 0
+ ImageMap = open(ImageMapTable, 'r')
+ for LinStr in ImageMap:
+ if len (LinStr.strip()) == 0:
+ continue
+ #
+ # Get the preferred address set on link time.
+ #
+ if LinStr.find ('Preferred load address is') != -1:
+ StrList = LinStr.split()
+ OrigImageBaseAddress = int (StrList[len(StrList) - 1], 16)
+ StrList = LinStr.split()
+ if len (StrList) > 4:
+ if StrList[3] == 'f' or StrList[3] == 'F':
+ Name = StrList[1]
+ RelativeAddress = int (StrList[2], 16) - OrigImageBaseAddress
+ FunctionList.append ((Name, RelativeAddress))
+ ImageMap.close()
+ #
+ # Add general information.
+ #
+ if ModeIsSmm:
+ MapBuffer.append('\n\n%s (Fixed SMRAM Offset, BaseAddress=0x%010X, EntryPoint=0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleName, BaseAddress, BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.EntryPoint))
+ elif AddrIsOffset:
+ MapBuffer.append('\n\n%s (Fixed Memory Offset, BaseAddress=-0x%010X, EntryPoint=-0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleName, 0 - BaseAddress, 0 - (BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.EntryPoint)))
+ else:
+ MapBuffer.append('\n\n%s (Fixed Memory Address, BaseAddress=0x%010X, EntryPoint=0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleName, BaseAddress, BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.EntryPoint))
+ #
+ # Add guid and general seciton section.
+ #
+ TextSectionAddress = 0
+ DataSectionAddress = 0
+ for SectionHeader in ModuleInfo.Image.SectionHeaderList:
+ if SectionHeader[0] == '.text':
+ TextSectionAddress = SectionHeader[1]
+ elif SectionHeader[0] in ['.data', '.sdata']:
+ DataSectionAddress = SectionHeader[1]
+ if AddrIsOffset:
+ MapBuffer.append('(GUID=%s, .textbaseaddress=-0x%010X, .databaseaddress=-0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleInfo.Guid, 0 - (BaseAddress + TextSectionAddress), 0 - (BaseAddress + DataSectionAddress)))
+ else:
+ MapBuffer.append('(GUID=%s, .textbaseaddress=0x%010X, .databaseaddress=0x%010X)\n' % (ModuleInfo.Guid, BaseAddress + TextSectionAddress, BaseAddress + DataSectionAddress))
+ #
+ # Add debug image full path.
+ #
+ MapBuffer.append('(IMAGE=%s)\n\n' % (ModuleDebugImage))
+ #
+ # Add function address
+ #
+ for Function in FunctionList:
+ if AddrIsOffset:
+ MapBuffer.append(' -0x%010X %s\n' % (0 - (BaseAddress + Function[1]), Function[0]))
+ else:
+ MapBuffer.append(' 0x%010X %s\n' % (BaseAddress + Function[1], Function[0]))
+ ImageMap.close()
+ #
+ # for SMM module in SMRAM, the SMRAM will be allocated from base to top.
+ #
+ if ModeIsSmm:
+ BaseAddress = BaseAddress + ModuleInfo.Image.Size
+ ## Collect MAP information of all FVs
+ #
+ def _CollectFvMapBuffer (self, MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList):
+ if self.Fdf:
+ # First get the XIP base address for FV map file.
+ GuidPattern = re.compile("[-a-fA-F0-9]+")
+ GuidName = re.compile(r"\(GUID=[-a-fA-F0-9]+")
+ for FvName in Wa.FdfProfile.FvDict:
+ FvMapBuffer = os.path.join(Wa.FvDir, FvName + '.Fv.map')
+ if not os.path.exists(FvMapBuffer):
+ continue
+ FvMap = open(FvMapBuffer, 'r')
+ #skip FV size information
+ FvMap.readline()
+ FvMap.readline()
+ FvMap.readline()
+ FvMap.readline()
+ for Line in FvMap:
+ MatchGuid = GuidPattern.match(Line)
+ if MatchGuid is not None:
+ #
+ # Replace GUID with module name
+ #
+ GuidString = MatchGuid.group()
+ if GuidString.upper() in ModuleList:
+ Line = Line.replace(GuidString, ModuleList[GuidString.upper()].Name)
+ MapBuffer.append(Line)
+ #
+ # Add the debug image full path.
+ #
+ MatchGuid = GuidName.match(Line)
+ if MatchGuid is not None:
+ GuidString = MatchGuid.group().split("=")[1]
+ if GuidString.upper() in ModuleList:
+ MapBuffer.append('(IMAGE=%s)\n' % (os.path.join(ModuleList[GuidString.upper()].DebugDir, ModuleList[GuidString.upper()].Name + '.efi')))
+ FvMap.close()
+ ## Collect MAP information of all modules
+ #
+ def _CollectModuleMapBuffer (self, MapBuffer, ModuleList):
+ sys.stdout.write ("Generate Load Module At Fix Address Map")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ PatchEfiImageList = []
+ PeiModuleList = {}
+ BtModuleList = {}
+ RtModuleList = {}
+ SmmModuleList = {}
+ PeiSize = 0
+ BtSize = 0
+ RtSize = 0
+ # reserve 4K size in SMRAM to make SMM module address not from 0.
+ SmmSize = 0x1000
+ for ModuleGuid in ModuleList:
+ Module = ModuleList[ModuleGuid]
+ GlobalData.gProcessingFile = "%s [%s, %s, %s]" % (Module.MetaFile, Module.Arch, Module.ToolChain, Module.BuildTarget)
+ OutputImageFile = ''
+ for ResultFile in Module.CodaTargetList:
+ if str(ResultFile.Target).endswith('.efi'):
+ #
+ # module list for PEI, DXE, RUNTIME and SMM
+ #
+ OutputImageFile = os.path.join(Module.OutputDir, Module.Name + '.efi')
+ ImageClass = PeImageClass (OutputImageFile)
+ if not ImageClass.IsValid:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FILE_PARSE_FAILURE, ExtraData=ImageClass.ErrorInfo)
+ ImageInfo = PeImageInfo(Module.Name, Module.Guid, Module.Arch, Module.OutputDir, Module.DebugDir, ImageClass)
+ PeiModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
+ PeiSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
+ BtModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
+ BtSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
+ RtModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
+ RtSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
+ SmmModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
+ SmmSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
+ if Module.ModuleType == SUP_MODULE_DXE_SMM_DRIVER:
+ PiSpecVersion = Module.Module.Specification.get('PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION', '0x00000000')
+ # for PI specification < PI1.1, DXE_SMM_DRIVER also runs as BOOT time driver.
+ if int(PiSpecVersion, 16) < 0x0001000A:
+ BtModuleList[Module.MetaFile] = ImageInfo
+ BtSize += ImageInfo.Image.Size
+ break
+ #
+ # EFI image is final target.
+ # Check EFI image contains patchable FixAddress related PCDs.
+ #
+ if OutputImageFile != '':
+ ModuleIsPatch = False
+ for Pcd in Module.ModulePcdList:
+ ModuleIsPatch = True
+ break
+ if not ModuleIsPatch:
+ for Pcd in Module.LibraryPcdList:
+ ModuleIsPatch = True
+ break
+ if not ModuleIsPatch:
+ continue
+ #
+ # Module includes the patchable load fix address PCDs.
+ # It will be fixed up later.
+ #
+ PatchEfiImageList.append (OutputImageFile)
+ #
+ # Get Top Memory address
+ #
+ ReservedRuntimeMemorySize = 0
+ TopMemoryAddress = 0
+ if self.LoadFixAddress == 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
+ TopMemoryAddress = 0
+ else:
+ TopMemoryAddress = self.LoadFixAddress
+ if TopMemoryAddress < RtSize + BtSize + PeiSize:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS is too low to load driver")
+ #
+ # Patch FixAddress related PCDs into EFI image
+ #
+ for EfiImage in PatchEfiImageList:
+ EfiImageMap = EfiImage.replace('.efi', '.map')
+ if not os.path.exists(EfiImageMap):
+ continue
+ #
+ # Get PCD offset in EFI image by GenPatchPcdTable function
+ #
+ PcdTable = parsePcdInfoFromMapFile(EfiImageMap, EfiImage)
+ #
+ # Patch real PCD value by PatchPcdValue tool
+ #
+ for PcdInfo in PcdTable:
+ ReturnValue = 0
+ ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_PEI_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (PeiSize // 0x1000))
+ ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_DXE_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (BtSize // 0x1000))
+ ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_RUNTIME_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (RtSize // 0x1000))
+ elif PcdInfo[0] == TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_SMM_PAGE_SIZE and len (SmmModuleList) > 0:
+ ReturnValue, ErrorInfo = PatchBinaryFile (EfiImage, PcdInfo[1], TAB_PCDS_PATCHABLE_LOAD_FIX_ADDRESS_SMM_PAGE_SIZE_DATA_TYPE, str (SmmSize // 0x1000))
+ if ReturnValue != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "Patch PCD value failed", ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
+ MapBuffer.append('PEI_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (PeiSize // 0x1000))
+ MapBuffer.append('BOOT_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (BtSize // 0x1000))
+ MapBuffer.append('RUNTIME_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (RtSize // 0x1000))
+ if len (SmmModuleList) > 0:
+ MapBuffer.append('SMM_CODE_PAGE_NUMBER = 0x%x\n' % (SmmSize // 0x1000))
+ PeiBaseAddr = TopMemoryAddress - RtSize - BtSize
+ BtBaseAddr = TopMemoryAddress - RtSize
+ RtBaseAddr = TopMemoryAddress - ReservedRuntimeMemorySize
+ self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, PeiBaseAddr, PeiModuleList, TopMemoryAddress == 0)
+ self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, BtBaseAddr, BtModuleList, TopMemoryAddress == 0)
+ self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, RtBaseAddr, RtModuleList, TopMemoryAddress == 0)
+ self._RebaseModule (MapBuffer, 0x1000, SmmModuleList, AddrIsOffset=False, ModeIsSmm=True)
+ MapBuffer.append('\n\n')
+ sys.stdout.write ("\n")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ ## Save platform Map file
+ #
+ def _SaveMapFile (self, MapBuffer, Wa):
+ #
+ # Map file path is got.
+ #
+ MapFilePath = os.path.join(Wa.BuildDir, Wa.Name + '.map')
+ #
+ # Save address map into MAP file.
+ #
+ SaveFileOnChange(MapFilePath, ''.join(MapBuffer), False)
+ if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
+ sys.stdout.write ("\nLoad Module At Fix Address Map file can be found at %s\n" % (MapFilePath))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ ## Build active platform for different build targets and different tool chains
+ #
+ def _BuildPlatform(self):
+ SaveFileOnChange(self.PlatformBuildPath, '# DO NOT EDIT \n# FILE auto-generated\n', False)
+ for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = BuildTarget
+ index = 0
+ for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = ToolChain
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = ToolChain
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[index]
+ index += 1
+ Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
+ self.WorkspaceDir,
+ self.PlatformFile,
+ BuildTarget,
+ ToolChain,
+ self.ArchList,
+ self.BuildDatabase,
+ self.TargetTxt,
+ self.ToolDef,
+ self.Fdf,
+ self.FdList,
+ self.FvList,
+ self.CapList,
+ self.SkuId,
+ self.UniFlag,
+ self.Progress
+ )
+ self.Fdf = Wa.FdfFile
+ self.LoadFixAddress = Wa.Platform.LoadFixAddress
+ self.BuildReport.AddPlatformReport(Wa)
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ # Add ffs build to makefile
+ CmdListDict = {}
+ if GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread and self.Fdf:
+ CmdListDict = self._GenFfsCmd(Wa.ArchList)
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ PcdMaList = []
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
+ Pa = PlatformAutoGen(Wa, self.PlatformFile, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
+ for Module in Pa.Platform.Modules:
+ # Get ModuleAutoGen object to generate C code file and makefile
+ Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, Module, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile,Pa.DataPipe)
+ if Ma is None:
+ continue
+ if Ma.PcdIsDriver:
+ Ma.PlatformInfo = Pa
+ Ma.Workspace = Wa
+ PcdMaList.append(Ma)
+ self.BuildModules.append(Ma)
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"FfsCommand":CmdListDict}
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"Workspace_timestamp": Wa._SrcTimeStamp}
+ self._BuildPa(self.Target, Pa, FfsCommand=CmdListDict,PcdMaList=PcdMaList)
+ # Create MAP file when Load Fix Address is enabled.
+ if self.Target in ["", "all", "fds"]:
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
+ #
+ # Check whether the set fix address is above 4G for 32bit image.
+ #
+ if (Arch == 'IA32' or Arch == 'ARM') and self.LoadFixAddress != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and self.LoadFixAddress >= 0x100000000:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS can't be set to larger than or equal to 4G for the platform with IA32 or ARM arch modules")
+ #
+ # Get Module List
+ #
+ ModuleList = {}
+ for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
+ for Ma in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
+ if Ma is None:
+ continue
+ if not Ma.IsLibrary:
+ ModuleList[Ma.Guid.upper()] = Ma
+ MapBuffer = []
+ if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
+ #
+ # Rebase module to the preferred memory address before GenFds
+ #
+ self._CollectModuleMapBuffer(MapBuffer, ModuleList)
+ if self.Fdf:
+ #
+ # create FDS again for the updated EFI image
+ #
+ self._Build("fds", Wa)
+ #
+ # Create MAP file for all platform FVs after GenFds.
+ #
+ self._CollectFvMapBuffer(MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList)
+ #
+ # Save MAP buffer into MAP file.
+ #
+ self._SaveMapFile (MapBuffer, Wa)
+ self.CreateGuidedSectionToolsFile(Wa)
+ ## Build active module for different build targets, different tool chains and different archs
+ #
+ def _BuildModule(self):
+ for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = BuildTarget
+ index = 0
+ for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
+ WorkspaceAutoGenTime = time.time()
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = ToolChain
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = ToolChain
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[index]
+ index += 1
+ #
+ # module build needs platform build information, so get platform
+ # AutoGen first
+ #
+ Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
+ self.WorkspaceDir,
+ self.PlatformFile,
+ BuildTarget,
+ ToolChain,
+ self.ArchList,
+ self.BuildDatabase,
+ self.TargetTxt,
+ self.ToolDef,
+ self.Fdf,
+ self.FdList,
+ self.FvList,
+ self.CapList,
+ self.SkuId,
+ self.UniFlag,
+ self.Progress,
+ self.ModuleFile
+ )
+ self.Fdf = Wa.FdfFile
+ self.LoadFixAddress = Wa.Platform.LoadFixAddress
+ Wa.CreateMakeFile(False)
+ # Add ffs build to makefile
+ CmdListDict = None
+ if GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread and self.Fdf:
+ CmdListDict = self._GenFfsCmd(Wa.ArchList)
+ GlobalData.file_lock = mp.Lock()
+ GlobalData.FfsCmd = CmdListDict
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ MaList = []
+ ExitFlag = threading.Event()
+ ExitFlag.clear()
+ self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - WorkspaceAutoGenTime)))
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ AutoGenStart = time.time()
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
+ Pa = PlatformAutoGen(Wa, self.PlatformFile, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
+ for Module in Pa.Platform.Modules:
+ if self.ModuleFile.Dir == Module.Dir and self.ModuleFile.Name == Module.Name:
+ Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, Module, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile,Pa.DataPipe)
+ if Ma is None:
+ continue
+ if Ma.PcdIsDriver:
+ Ma.PlatformInfo = Pa
+ Ma.Workspace = Wa
+ MaList.append(Ma)
+ if GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheDest and self.Target in [None, "", "all"]:
+ if Ma.CanSkipbyPreMakeCache():
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.PreMakeCacheMiss.add(Ma)
+ # Not to auto-gen for targets 'clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds'
+ if self.Target not in ['clean', 'cleanlib', 'cleanall', 'run', 'fds']:
+ # for target which must generate AutoGen code and makefile
+ if not self.SkipAutoGen or self.Target == 'genc':
+ self.Progress.Start("Generating code")
+ Ma.CreateCodeFile(True)
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ if self.Target == "genc":
+ return True
+ if not self.SkipAutoGen or self.Target == 'genmake':
+ self.Progress.Start("Generating makefile")
+ if CmdListDict and self.Fdf and (Module.Path, Arch) in CmdListDict:
+ Ma.CreateMakeFile(True, CmdListDict[Module.Path, Arch])
+ del CmdListDict[Module.Path, Arch]
+ else:
+ Ma.CreateMakeFile(True)
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ if self.Target == "genmake":
+ return True
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource and self.Target in [None, "", "all"]:
+ if Ma.CanSkipbyMakeCache():
+ continue
+ else:
+ self.MakeCacheMiss.add(Ma)
+ self.BuildModules.append(Ma)
+ self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - AutoGenStart)))
+ MakeStart = time.time()
+ for Ma in self.BuildModules:
+ if not Ma.IsBinaryModule:
+ Bt = BuildTask.New(ModuleMakeUnit(Ma, Pa.BuildCommand,self.Target))
+ # Break build if any build thread has error
+ if BuildTask.HasError():
+ # we need a full version of makefile for platform
+ ExitFlag.set()
+ BuildTask.WaitForComplete()
+ Pa.CreateMakeFile(False)
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
+ # Start task scheduler
+ if not BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
+ BuildTask.StartScheduler(self.ThreadNumber, ExitFlag)
+ # in case there's an interruption. we need a full version of makefile for platform
+ Pa.CreateMakeFile(False)
+ if BuildTask.HasError():
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
+ self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeStart)))
+ MakeContiue = time.time()
+ ExitFlag.set()
+ BuildTask.WaitForComplete()
+ self.CreateAsBuiltInf()
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ self.GenDestCache()
+ elif GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ # Only for --hash
+ # Update PreMakeCacheChain files
+ self.GenLocalPreMakeCache()
+ self.BuildModules = []
+ self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeContiue)))
+ if BuildTask.HasError():
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
+ self.BuildReport.AddPlatformReport(Wa, MaList)
+ if MaList == []:
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ 'build',
+ "Module for [%s] is not a component of active platform."\
+ " Please make sure that the ARCH and inf file path are"\
+ " given in the same as in [%s]" % \
+ (', '.join(Wa.ArchList), self.PlatformFile),
+ ExtraData=self.ModuleFile
+ )
+ # Create MAP file when Load Fix Address is enabled.
+ if self.Target == "fds" and self.Fdf:
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ #
+ # Check whether the set fix address is above 4G for 32bit image.
+ #
+ if (Arch == 'IA32' or Arch == 'ARM') and self.LoadFixAddress != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and self.LoadFixAddress >= 0x100000000:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS can't be set to larger than or equal to 4G for the platorm with IA32 or ARM arch modules")
+ #
+ # Get Module List
+ #
+ ModuleList = {}
+ for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
+ for Ma in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
+ if Ma is None:
+ continue
+ if not Ma.IsLibrary:
+ ModuleList[Ma.Guid.upper()] = Ma
+ MapBuffer = []
+ if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
+ #
+ # Rebase module to the preferred memory address before GenFds
+ #
+ self._CollectModuleMapBuffer(MapBuffer, ModuleList)
+ #
+ # create FDS again for the updated EFI image
+ #
+ GenFdsStart = time.time()
+ self._Build("fds", Wa)
+ self.GenFdsTime += int(round((time.time() - GenFdsStart)))
+ #
+ # Create MAP file for all platform FVs after GenFds.
+ #
+ self._CollectFvMapBuffer(MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList)
+ #
+ # Save MAP buffer into MAP file.
+ #
+ self._SaveMapFile (MapBuffer, Wa)
+ def _GenFfsCmd(self,ArchList):
+ # convert dictionary of Cmd:(Inf,Arch)
+ # to a new dictionary of (Inf,Arch):Cmd,Cmd,Cmd...
+ CmdSetDict = defaultdict(set)
+ GenFfsDict = GenFds.GenFfsMakefile('', GlobalData.gFdfParser, self, ArchList, GlobalData)
+ for Cmd in GenFfsDict:
+ tmpInf, tmpArch = GenFfsDict[Cmd]
+ CmdSetDict[tmpInf, tmpArch].add(Cmd)
+ return CmdSetDict
+ def VerifyAutoGenFiles(self):
+ AutoGenIdFile = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory,".AutoGenIdFile.txt")
+ try:
+ with open(AutoGenIdFile) as fd:
+ lines = fd.readlines()
+ except:
+ return None
+ for line in lines:
+ if "Arch" in line:
+ ArchList = line.strip().split("=")[1].split("|")
+ if "BuildDir" in line:
+ BuildDir = line.split("=")[1].strip()
+ if "PlatformGuid" in line:
+ PlatformGuid = line.split("=")[1].strip()
+ GlobalVarList = []
+ for arch in ArchList:
+ global_var = os.path.join(BuildDir, "GlobalVar_%s_%s.bin" % (str(PlatformGuid),arch))
+ if not os.path.exists(global_var):
+ return None
+ GlobalVarList.append(global_var)
+ for global_var in GlobalVarList:
+ data_pipe = MemoryDataPipe()
+ data_pipe.load(global_var)
+ target = data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("Target")
+ toolchain = data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ToolChain")
+ archlist = data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ArchList")
+ Arch = data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("Arch")
+ active_p = data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("ActivePlatform")
+ workspacedir = data_pipe.Get("P_Info").get("WorkspaceDir")
+ PackagesPath = os.getenv("PACKAGES_PATH")
+ mws.setWs(workspacedir, PackagesPath)
+ LibraryBuildDirectoryList = data_pipe.Get("LibraryBuildDirectoryList")
+ ModuleBuildDirectoryList = data_pipe.Get("ModuleBuildDirectoryList")
+ for m_build_dir in LibraryBuildDirectoryList:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(m_build_dir,self.MakeFileName)):
+ return None
+ for m_build_dir in ModuleBuildDirectoryList:
+ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(m_build_dir,self.MakeFileName)):
+ return None
+ Wa = WorkSpaceInfo(
+ workspacedir,active_p,target,toolchain,archlist
+ )
+ Pa = PlatformInfo(Wa, active_p, target, toolchain, Arch,data_pipe)
+ Wa.AutoGenObjectList.append(Pa)
+ return Wa
+ def SetupMakeSetting(self,Wa):
+ BuildModules = []
+ for Pa in Wa.AutoGenObjectList:
+ for m in Pa._MbList:
+ ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa,m.MetaFile, Pa.BuildTarget, Wa.ToolChain, Pa.Arch, Pa.MetaFile,Pa.DataPipe)
+ BuildModules.append(ma)
+ fdf_file = Wa.FlashDefinition
+ if fdf_file:
+ Fdf = FdfParser(fdf_file.Path)
+ Fdf.ParseFile()
+ GlobalData.gFdfParser = Fdf
+ if Fdf.CurrentFdName and Fdf.CurrentFdName in Fdf.Profile.FdDict:
+ FdDict = Fdf.Profile.FdDict[Fdf.CurrentFdName]
+ for FdRegion in FdDict.RegionList:
+ if str(FdRegion.RegionType) == 'FILE' and self.Platform.VpdToolGuid in str(FdRegion.RegionDataList):
+ if int(FdRegion.Offset) % 8 != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FORMAT_INVALID, 'The VPD Base Address %s must be 8-byte aligned.' % (FdRegion.Offset))
+ Wa.FdfProfile = Fdf.Profile
+ self.Fdf = Fdf
+ else:
+ self.Fdf = None
+ return BuildModules
+ ## Build a platform in multi-thread mode
+ #
+ def PerformAutoGen(self,BuildTarget,ToolChain):
+ WorkspaceAutoGenTime = time.time()
+ Wa = WorkspaceAutoGen(
+ self.WorkspaceDir,
+ self.PlatformFile,
+ BuildTarget,
+ ToolChain,
+ self.ArchList,
+ self.BuildDatabase,
+ self.TargetTxt,
+ self.ToolDef,
+ self.Fdf,
+ self.FdList,
+ self.FvList,
+ self.CapList,
+ self.SkuId,
+ self.UniFlag,
+ self.Progress
+ )
+ self.Fdf = Wa.FdfFile
+ self.LoadFixAddress = Wa.Platform.LoadFixAddress
+ self.BuildReport.AddPlatformReport(Wa)
+ Wa.CreateMakeFile(False)
+ # Add ffs build to makefile
+ CmdListDict = {}
+ if GlobalData.gEnableGenfdsMultiThread and self.Fdf:
+ CmdListDict = self._GenFfsCmd(Wa.ArchList)
+ self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - WorkspaceAutoGenTime)))
+ BuildModules = []
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ PcdMaList = []
+ AutoGenStart = time.time()
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['ARCH'] = Arch
+ Pa = PlatformAutoGen(Wa, self.PlatformFile, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
+ if Pa is None:
+ continue
+ ModuleList = []
+ for Inf in Pa.Platform.Modules:
+ ModuleList.append(Inf)
+ # Add the INF only list in FDF
+ if GlobalData.gFdfParser is not None:
+ for InfName in GlobalData.gFdfParser.Profile.InfList:
+ Inf = PathClass(NormPath(InfName), self.WorkspaceDir, Arch)
+ if Inf in Pa.Platform.Modules:
+ continue
+ ModuleList.append(Inf)
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"FfsCommand":CmdListDict}
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"Workspace_timestamp": Wa._SrcTimeStamp}
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"CommandTarget": self.Target}
+ Pa.CreateLibModuelDirs()
+ # Fetch the MakeFileName.
+ self.MakeFileName = Pa.MakeFileName
+ if not self.MakeFileName:
+ self.MakeFileName = Pa.MakeFile
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"LibraryBuildDirectoryList":Pa.LibraryBuildDirectoryList}
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"ModuleBuildDirectoryList":Pa.ModuleBuildDirectoryList}
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"FdsCommandDict": Wa.GenFdsCommandDict}
+ # Prepare the cache share data for multiprocessing
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"gPlatformHashFile":GlobalData.gPlatformHashFile}
+ ModuleCodaFile = {}
+ for ma in Pa.ModuleAutoGenList:
+ ModuleCodaFile[(ma.MetaFile.File,ma.MetaFile.Root,ma.Arch,ma.MetaFile.Path)] = [item.Target for item in ma.CodaTargetList]
+ Pa.DataPipe.DataContainer = {"ModuleCodaFile":ModuleCodaFile}
+ # ModuleList contains all driver modules only
+ for Module in ModuleList:
+ # Get ModuleAutoGen object to generate C code file and makefile
+ Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, Module, BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile,Pa.DataPipe)
+ if Ma is None:
+ continue
+ if Ma.PcdIsDriver:
+ Ma.PlatformInfo = Pa
+ Ma.Workspace = Wa
+ PcdMaList.append(Ma)
+ self.AllDrivers.add(Ma)
+ self.AllModules.add(Ma)
+ mqueue = mp.Queue()
+ cqueue = mp.Queue()
+ for m in Pa.GetAllModuleInfo:
+ mqueue.put(m)
+ module_file,module_root,module_path,module_basename,\
+ module_originalpath,module_arch,IsLib = m
+ Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, PathClass(module_path, Wa), BuildTarget,\
+ ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile,Pa.DataPipe)
+ self.AllModules.add(Ma)
+ data_pipe_file = os.path.join(Pa.BuildDir, "GlobalVar_%s_%s.bin" % (str(Pa.Guid),Pa.Arch))
+ Pa.DataPipe.dump(data_pipe_file)
+ mqueue.put((None,None,None,None,None,None,None))
+ autogen_rt, errorcode = self.StartAutoGen(mqueue, Pa.DataPipe, self.SkipAutoGen, PcdMaList, cqueue)
+ if not autogen_rt:
+ self.AutoGenMgr.TerminateWorkers()
+ self.AutoGenMgr.join(1)
+ raise FatalError(errorcode)
+ if GlobalData.gUseHashCache:
+ for item in GlobalData.gModuleAllCacheStatus:
+ (MetaFilePath, Arch, CacheStr, Status) = item
+ Ma = ModuleAutoGen(Wa, PathClass(MetaFilePath, Wa), BuildTarget,\
+ ToolChain, Arch, self.PlatformFile,Pa.DataPipe)
+ if CacheStr == "PreMakeCache" and Status == False:
+ self.PreMakeCacheMiss.add(Ma)
+ if CacheStr == "PreMakeCache" and Status == True:
+ self.PreMakeCacheHit.add(Ma)
+ GlobalData.gModuleCacheHit.add(Ma)
+ if CacheStr == "MakeCache" and Status == False:
+ self.MakeCacheMiss.add(Ma)
+ if CacheStr == "MakeCache" and Status == True:
+ self.MakeCacheHit.add(Ma)
+ GlobalData.gModuleCacheHit.add(Ma)
+ self.AutoGenTime += int(round((time.time() - AutoGenStart)))
+ AutoGenIdFile = os.path.join(GlobalData.gConfDirectory,".AutoGenIdFile.txt")
+ with open(AutoGenIdFile,"w") as fw:
+ fw.write("Arch=%s\n" % "|".join((Wa.ArchList)))
+ fw.write("BuildDir=%s\n" % Wa.BuildDir)
+ fw.write("PlatformGuid=%s\n" % str(Wa.AutoGenObjectList[0].Guid))
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ BuildModules.extend(self.MakeCacheMiss)
+ elif GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ BuildModules.extend(self.PreMakeCacheMiss)
+ else:
+ BuildModules.extend(self.AllDrivers)
+ self.Progress.Stop("done!")
+ return Wa, BuildModules
+ def _MultiThreadBuildPlatform(self):
+ SaveFileOnChange(self.PlatformBuildPath, '# DO NOT EDIT \n# FILE auto-generated\n', False)
+ for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TARGET'] = BuildTarget
+ index = 0
+ for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
+ resetFdsGlobalVariable()
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOLCHAIN'] = ToolChain
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['TOOL_CHAIN_TAG'] = ToolChain
+ GlobalData.gGlobalDefines['FAMILY'] = self.ToolChainFamily[index]
+ index += 1
+ ExitFlag = threading.Event()
+ ExitFlag.clear()
+ if self.SkipAutoGen:
+ Wa = self.VerifyAutoGenFiles()
+ if Wa is None:
+ self.SkipAutoGen = False
+ Wa, self.BuildModules = self.PerformAutoGen(BuildTarget,ToolChain)
+ else:
+ GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = True
+ self.BuildModules = self.SetupMakeSetting(Wa)
+ else:
+ Wa, self.BuildModules = self.PerformAutoGen(BuildTarget,ToolChain)
+ Pa = Wa.AutoGenObjectList[0]
+ GlobalData.gAutoGenPhase = False
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[cache Summary]: Total module num: %s" % len(self.AllModules))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[cache Summary]: PreMakecache miss num: %s " % len(self.PreMakeCacheMiss))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("[cache Summary]: Makecache miss num: %s " % len(self.MakeCacheMiss))
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ MakeStart = time.time()
+ for Ma in set(self.BuildModules):
+ # Generate build task for the module
+ if not Ma.IsBinaryModule:
+ Bt = BuildTask.New(ModuleMakeUnit(Ma, Pa.BuildCommand,self.Target))
+ # Break build if any build thread has error
+ if BuildTask.HasError():
+ # we need a full version of makefile for platform
+ ExitFlag.set()
+ BuildTask.WaitForComplete()
+ Pa.CreateMakeFile(False)
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
+ # Start task scheduler
+ if not BuildTask.IsOnGoing():
+ BuildTask.StartScheduler(self.ThreadNumber, ExitFlag)
+ # in case there's an interruption. we need a full version of makefile for platform
+ if BuildTask.HasError():
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
+ self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeStart)))
+ MakeContiue = time.time()
+ #
+ #
+ # All modules have been put in build tasks queue. Tell task scheduler
+ # to exit if all tasks are completed
+ #
+ ExitFlag.set()
+ BuildTask.WaitForComplete()
+ if GlobalData.gBinCacheDest:
+ self.GenDestCache()
+ elif GlobalData.gUseHashCache and not GlobalData.gBinCacheSource:
+ # Only for --hash
+ # Update PreMakeCacheChain files
+ self.GenLocalPreMakeCache()
+ #
+ # Get Module List
+ #
+ ModuleList = {ma.Guid.upper(): ma for ma in self.BuildModules}
+ self.BuildModules = []
+ self.MakeTime += int(round((time.time() - MakeContiue)))
+ #
+ # Check for build error, and raise exception if one
+ # has been signaled.
+ #
+ if BuildTask.HasError():
+ EdkLogger.error("build", BUILD_ERROR, "Failed to build module", ExtraData=GlobalData.gBuildingModule)
+ # Create MAP file when Load Fix Address is enabled.
+ if self.Target in ["", "all", "fds"]:
+ for Arch in Wa.ArchList:
+ #
+ # Check whether the set fix address is above 4G for 32bit image.
+ #
+ if (Arch == 'IA32' or Arch == 'ARM') and self.LoadFixAddress != 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF and self.LoadFixAddress >= 0x100000000:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", PARAMETER_INVALID, "FIX_LOAD_TOP_MEMORY_ADDRESS can't be set to larger than or equal to 4G for the platorm with IA32 or ARM arch modules")
+ #
+ # Rebase module to the preferred memory address before GenFds
+ #
+ MapBuffer = []
+ if self.LoadFixAddress != 0:
+ self._CollectModuleMapBuffer(MapBuffer, ModuleList)
+ if self.Fdf:
+ #
+ # Generate FD image if there's a FDF file found
+ #
+ GenFdsStart = time.time()
+ if GenFdsApi(Wa.GenFdsCommandDict, self.Db):
+ EdkLogger.error("build", COMMAND_FAILURE)
+ Threshold = self.GetFreeSizeThreshold()
+ if Threshold:
+ self.CheckFreeSizeThreshold(Threshold, Wa.FvDir)
+ #
+ # Create MAP file for all platform FVs after GenFds.
+ #
+ self._CollectFvMapBuffer(MapBuffer, Wa, ModuleList)
+ self.GenFdsTime += int(round((time.time() - GenFdsStart)))
+ #
+ # Save MAP buffer into MAP file.
+ #
+ self._SaveMapFile(MapBuffer, Wa)
+ self.CreateGuidedSectionToolsFile(Wa)
+ ## GetFreeSizeThreshold()
+ #
+ # @retval int Threshold value
+ #
+ def GetFreeSizeThreshold(self):
+ Threshold = None
+ Threshold_Str = GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines.get('FV_SPARE_SPACE_THRESHOLD')
+ if Threshold_Str:
+ try:
+ if Threshold_Str.lower().startswith('0x'):
+ Threshold = int(Threshold_Str, 16)
+ else:
+ Threshold = int(Threshold_Str)
+ except:
+ EdkLogger.warn("build", 'incorrect value for FV_SPARE_SPACE_THRESHOLD %s.Only decimal or hex format is allowed.' % Threshold_Str)
+ return Threshold
+ def CheckFreeSizeThreshold(self, Threshold=None, FvDir=None):
+ if not isinstance(Threshold, int):
+ return
+ if not isinstance(FvDir, str) or not FvDir:
+ return
+ FdfParserObject = GlobalData.gFdfParser
+ FvRegionNameList = [FvName for FvName in FdfParserObject.Profile.FvDict if FdfParserObject.Profile.FvDict[FvName].FvRegionInFD]
+ for FvName in FdfParserObject.Profile.FvDict:
+ if FvName in FvRegionNameList:
+ FvSpaceInfoFileName = os.path.join(FvDir, FvName.upper() + '.Fv.map')
+ if os.path.exists(FvSpaceInfoFileName):
+ FileLinesList = getlines(FvSpaceInfoFileName)
+ for Line in FileLinesList:
+ NameValue = Line.split('=')
+ if len(NameValue) == 2 and NameValue[0].strip() == 'EFI_FV_SPACE_SIZE':
+ FreeSizeValue = int(NameValue[1].strip(), 0)
+ if FreeSizeValue < Threshold:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", FV_FREESIZE_ERROR,
+ '%s FV free space %d is not enough to meet with the required spare space %d set by -D FV_SPARE_SPACE_THRESHOLD option.' % (
+ FvName, FreeSizeValue, Threshold))
+ break
+ ## Generate GuidedSectionTools.txt in the FV directories.
+ #
+ def CreateGuidedSectionToolsFile(self,Wa):
+ for BuildTarget in self.BuildTargetList:
+ for ToolChain in self.ToolChainList:
+ FvDir = Wa.FvDir
+ if not os.path.exists(FvDir):
+ continue
+ for Arch in self.ArchList:
+ # Build up the list of supported architectures for this build
+ prefix = '%s_%s_%s_' % (BuildTarget, ToolChain, Arch)
+ # Look through the tool definitions for GUIDed tools
+ guidAttribs = []
+ for (attrib, value) in self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary.items():
+ if attrib.upper().endswith('_GUID'):
+ split = attrib.split('_')
+ thisPrefix = '_'.join(split[0:3]) + '_'
+ if thisPrefix == prefix:
+ guid = self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[attrib]
+ guid = guid.lower()
+ toolName = split[3]
+ path = '_'.join(split[0:4]) + '_PATH'
+ path = self.ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary[path]
+ path = self.GetRealPathOfTool(path)
+ guidAttribs.append((guid, toolName, path))
+ # Write out GuidedSecTools.txt
+ toolsFile = os.path.join(FvDir, 'GuidedSectionTools.txt')
+ toolsFile = open(toolsFile, 'wt')
+ for guidedSectionTool in guidAttribs:
+ print(' '.join(guidedSectionTool), file=toolsFile)
+ toolsFile.close()
+ ## Returns the real path of the tool.
+ #
+ def GetRealPathOfTool (self, tool):
+ if os.path.exists(tool):
+ return os.path.realpath(tool)
+ return tool
+ ## Launch the module or platform build
+ #
+ def Launch(self):
+ self.AllDrivers = set()
+ self.AllModules = set()
+ self.PreMakeCacheMiss = set()
+ self.PreMakeCacheHit = set()
+ self.MakeCacheMiss = set()
+ self.MakeCacheHit = set()
+ if not self.ModuleFile:
+ if not self.SpawnMode or self.Target not in ["", "all"]:
+ self.SpawnMode = False
+ self._BuildPlatform()
+ else:
+ self._MultiThreadBuildPlatform()
+ else:
+ self.SpawnMode = False
+ self._BuildModule()
+ if self.Target == 'cleanall':
+ RemoveDirectory(os.path.dirname(GlobalData.gDatabasePath), True)
+ def CreateAsBuiltInf(self):
+ for Module in self.BuildModules:
+ Module.CreateAsBuiltInf()
+ def GenDestCache(self):
+ for Module in self.AllModules:
+ Module.GenPreMakefileHashList()
+ Module.GenMakefileHashList()
+ Module.CopyModuleToCache()
+ def GenLocalPreMakeCache(self):
+ for Module in self.PreMakeCacheMiss:
+ Module.GenPreMakefileHashList()
+ ## Do some clean-up works when error occurred
+ def Relinquish(self):
+ OldLogLevel = EdkLogger.GetLevel()
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.ERROR)
+ Utils.Progressor.Abort()
+ if self.SpawnMode == True:
+ BuildTask.Abort()
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(OldLogLevel)
+def ParseDefines(DefineList=[]):
+ DefineDict = {}
+ if DefineList is not None:
+ for Define in DefineList:
+ DefineTokenList = Define.split("=", 1)
+ if not GlobalData.gMacroNamePattern.match(DefineTokenList[0]):
+ EdkLogger.error('build', FORMAT_INVALID,
+ "The macro name must be in the pattern [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*",
+ ExtraData=DefineTokenList[0])
+ if len(DefineTokenList) == 1:
+ DefineDict[DefineTokenList[0]] = "TRUE"
+ else:
+ DefineDict[DefineTokenList[0]] = DefineTokenList[1].strip()
+ return DefineDict
+def LogBuildTime(Time):
+ if Time:
+ TimeDurStr = ''
+ TimeDur = time.gmtime(Time)
+ if TimeDur.tm_yday > 1:
+ TimeDurStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", TimeDur) + ", %d day(s)" % (TimeDur.tm_yday - 1)
+ else:
+ TimeDurStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", TimeDur)
+ return TimeDurStr
+ else:
+ return None
+def ThreadNum():
+ OptionParser = MyOptionParser()
+ if not OptionParser.BuildOption and not OptionParser.BuildTarget:
+ OptionParser.GetOption()
+ BuildOption, BuildTarget = OptionParser.BuildOption, OptionParser.BuildTarget
+ ThreadNumber = BuildOption.ThreadNumber
+ GlobalData.gCmdConfDir = BuildOption.ConfDirectory
+ if ThreadNumber is None:
+ TargetObj = TargetTxtDict()
+ ThreadNumber = TargetObj.Target.TargetTxtDictionary[TAB_TAT_DEFINES_MAX_CONCURRENT_THREAD_NUMBER]
+ if ThreadNumber == '':
+ ThreadNumber = 0
+ else:
+ ThreadNumber = int(ThreadNumber, 0)
+ if ThreadNumber == 0:
+ try:
+ ThreadNumber = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ except (ImportError, NotImplementedError):
+ ThreadNumber = 1
+ return ThreadNumber
+## Tool entrance method
+# This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options.
+# If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know
+# if it's executed successfully or not.
+# @retval 0 Tool was successful
+# @retval 1 Tool failed
+LogQMaxSize = ThreadNum() * 10
+def Main():
+ StartTime = time.time()
+ #
+ # Create a log Queue
+ #
+ LogQ = mp.Queue(LogQMaxSize)
+ # Initialize log system
+ EdkLogger.LogClientInitialize(LogQ)
+ GlobalData.gCommand = sys.argv[1:]
+ #
+ # Parse the options and args
+ #
+ OptionParser = MyOptionParser()
+ if not OptionParser.BuildOption and not OptionParser.BuildTarget:
+ OptionParser.GetOption()
+ Option, Target = OptionParser.BuildOption, OptionParser.BuildTarget
+ GlobalData.gOptions = Option
+ GlobalData.gCaseInsensitive = Option.CaseInsensitive
+ # Set log level
+ LogLevel = EdkLogger.INFO
+ if Option.verbose is not None:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.VERBOSE)
+ LogLevel = EdkLogger.VERBOSE
+ elif Option.quiet is not None:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
+ LogLevel = EdkLogger.QUIET
+ elif Option.debug is not None:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(Option.debug + 1)
+ LogLevel = Option.debug + 1
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.INFO)
+ if Option.WarningAsError == True:
+ EdkLogger.SetWarningAsError()
+ Log_Agent = LogAgent(LogQ,LogLevel,Option.LogFile)
+ Log_Agent.start()
+ if platform.platform().find("Windows") >= 0:
+ GlobalData.gIsWindows = True
+ else:
+ GlobalData.gIsWindows = False
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Build environment: %s" % platform.platform())
+ EdkLogger.quiet(time.strftime("Build start time: %H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y\n", time.localtime()));
+ ReturnCode = 0
+ MyBuild = None
+ BuildError = True
+ try:
+ if len(Target) == 0:
+ Target = "all"
+ elif len(Target) >= 2:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "More than one targets are not supported.",
+ ExtraData="Please select one of: %s" % (' '.join(gSupportedTarget)))
+ else:
+ Target = Target[0].lower()
+ if Target not in gSupportedTarget:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Not supported target [%s]." % Target,
+ ExtraData="Please select one of: %s" % (' '.join(gSupportedTarget)))
+ #
+ # Check environment variable: EDK_TOOLS_PATH, WORKSPACE, PATH
+ #
+ CheckEnvVariable()
+ GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines.update(ParseDefines(Option.Macros))
+ Workspace = os.getenv("WORKSPACE")
+ #
+ # Get files real name in workspace dir
+ #
+ GlobalData.gAllFiles = Utils.DirCache(Workspace)
+ WorkingDirectory = os.getcwd()
+ if not Option.ModuleFile:
+ FileList = glob.glob(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(WorkingDirectory, '*.inf')))
+ FileNum = len(FileList)
+ if FileNum >= 2:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "There are %d INF files in %s." % (FileNum, WorkingDirectory),
+ ExtraData="Please use '-m <INF_FILE_PATH>' switch to choose one.")
+ elif FileNum == 1:
+ Option.ModuleFile = NormFile(FileList[0], Workspace)
+ if Option.ModuleFile:
+ if os.path.isabs (Option.ModuleFile):
+ if os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath(Option.ModuleFile)).find (Workspace) == 0:
+ Option.ModuleFile = NormFile(os.path.normpath(Option.ModuleFile), Workspace)
+ Option.ModuleFile = PathClass(Option.ModuleFile, Workspace)
+ ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = Option.ModuleFile.Validate(".inf", False)
+ if ErrorCode != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
+ if Option.PlatformFile is not None:
+ if os.path.isabs (Option.PlatformFile):
+ if os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath(Option.PlatformFile)).find (Workspace) == 0:
+ Option.PlatformFile = NormFile(os.path.normpath(Option.PlatformFile), Workspace)
+ Option.PlatformFile = PathClass(Option.PlatformFile, Workspace)
+ if Option.FdfFile is not None:
+ if os.path.isabs (Option.FdfFile):
+ if os.path.normcase (os.path.normpath(Option.FdfFile)).find (Workspace) == 0:
+ Option.FdfFile = NormFile(os.path.normpath(Option.FdfFile), Workspace)
+ Option.FdfFile = PathClass(Option.FdfFile, Workspace)
+ ErrorCode, ErrorInfo = Option.FdfFile.Validate(".fdf", False)
+ if ErrorCode != 0:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", ErrorCode, ExtraData=ErrorInfo)
+ if Option.Flag is not None and Option.Flag not in ['-c', '-s']:
+ EdkLogger.error("build", OPTION_VALUE_INVALID, "UNI flag must be one of -c or -s")
+ MyBuild = Build(Target, Workspace, Option,LogQ)
+ GlobalData.gCommandLineDefines['ARCH'] = ' '.join(MyBuild.ArchList)
+ if not (MyBuild.LaunchPrebuildFlag and os.path.exists(MyBuild.PlatformBuildPath)):
+ MyBuild.Launch()
+ #
+ # All job done, no error found and no exception raised
+ #
+ BuildError = False
+ except FatalError as X:
+ if MyBuild is not None:
+ # for multi-thread build exits safely
+ MyBuild.Relinquish()
+ if Option is not None and Option.debug is not None:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
+ ReturnCode = X.args[0]
+ except Warning as X:
+ # error from Fdf parser
+ if MyBuild is not None:
+ # for multi-thread build exits safely
+ MyBuild.Relinquish()
+ if Option is not None and Option.debug is not None:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
+ else:
+ EdkLogger.error(X.ToolName, FORMAT_INVALID, File=X.FileName, Line=X.LineNumber, ExtraData=X.Message, RaiseError=False)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ if MyBuild is not None:
+ # for multi-thread build exits safely
+ MyBuild.Relinquish()
+ ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR
+ if Option is not None and Option.debug is not None:
+ EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
+ except:
+ if MyBuild is not None:
+ # for multi-thread build exits safely
+ MyBuild.Relinquish()
+ # try to get the meta-file from the object causing exception
+ Tb = sys.exc_info()[-1]
+ MetaFile = GlobalData.gProcessingFile
+ while Tb is not None:
+ if 'self' in Tb.tb_frame.f_locals and hasattr(Tb.tb_frame.f_locals['self'], 'MetaFile'):
+ MetaFile = Tb.tb_frame.f_locals['self'].MetaFile
+ Tb = Tb.tb_next
+ EdkLogger.error(
+ "\nbuild",
+ "Unknown fatal error when processing [%s]" % MetaFile,
+ ExtraData="\n(Please send email to %s for help, attaching following call stack trace!)\n" % MSG_EDKII_MAIL_ADDR,
+ RaiseError=False
+ )
+ EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc())
+ ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR
+ finally:
+ Utils.Progressor.Abort()
+ Utils.ClearDuplicatedInf()
+ if ReturnCode == 0:
+ try:
+ MyBuild.LaunchPostbuild()
+ Conclusion = "Done"
+ except:
+ Conclusion = "Failed"
+ elif ReturnCode == ABORT_ERROR:
+ Conclusion = "Aborted"
+ else:
+ Conclusion = "Failed"
+ FinishTime = time.time()
+ BuildDuration = time.gmtime(int(round(FinishTime - StartTime)))
+ BuildDurationStr = ""
+ if BuildDuration.tm_yday > 1:
+ BuildDurationStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", BuildDuration) + ", %d day(s)" % (BuildDuration.tm_yday - 1)
+ else:
+ BuildDurationStr = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", BuildDuration)
+ if MyBuild is not None:
+ if not BuildError:
+ MyBuild.BuildReport.GenerateReport(BuildDurationStr, LogBuildTime(MyBuild.AutoGenTime), LogBuildTime(MyBuild.MakeTime), LogBuildTime(MyBuild.GenFdsTime))
+ EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.QUIET)
+ EdkLogger.quiet("\n- %s -" % Conclusion)
+ EdkLogger.quiet(time.strftime("Build end time: %H:%M:%S, %b.%d %Y", time.localtime()))
+ EdkLogger.quiet("Build total time: %s\n" % BuildDurationStr)
+ Log_Agent.kill()
+ Log_Agent.join()
+ return ReturnCode
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ mp.set_start_method('spawn')
+ except:
+ pass
+ r = Main()
+ ## 0-127 is a safe return range, and 1 is a standard default error
+ if r < 0 or r > 127: r = 1
+ sys.exit(r)