path: root/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbDisasmSupport.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbDisasmSupport.h')
1 files changed, 567 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbDisasmSupport.h b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbDisasmSupport.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1e7a468e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbDisasmSupport.h
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#ifdef EFI32
+// To use 012l instead of 016l because space is not enough
+#define EDB_PRINT_ADDRESS_FORMAT L"%012lx: "
+#define OPCODE_MAX 0x40
+ Set offset for Instruction name and content.
+ @param InstructionNameOffset - Instruction name offset
+ @param InstructionContentOffset - Instruction content offset
+EdbSetOffset (
+ IN UINTN InstructionNameOffset,
+ IN UINTN InstructionContentOffset
+ );
+ Pre instruction string construction.
+ @return Instruction string
+CHAR16 *
+EdbPreInstructionString (
+ );
+ Post instruction string construction.
+ @return Instruction string
+CHAR16 *
+EdbPostInstructionString (
+ );
+ Print the instruction name.
+ @param Name - instruction name
+ @return Instruction name offset
+EdbPrintInstructionName (
+ IN CHAR16 *Name
+ );
+ Get Sign, NaturalUnits, and ConstantUnits of the WORD data.
+ @param Data16 - WORD data
+ @param NaturalUnits - Natural Units of the WORD
+ @param ConstantUnits - Constant Units of the WORD
+ @return Sign value of WORD
+EdbGetNaturalIndex16 (
+ IN UINT16 Data16,
+ OUT UINTN *NaturalUnits,
+ OUT UINTN *ConstantUnits
+ );
+ Get Sign, NaturalUnits, and ConstantUnits of the DWORD data.
+ @param Data32 - DWORD data
+ @param NaturalUnits - Natural Units of the DWORD
+ @param ConstantUnits - Constant Units of the DWORD
+ @return Sign value of DWORD
+EdbGetNaturalIndex32 (
+ IN UINT32 Data32,
+ OUT UINTN *NaturalUnits,
+ OUT UINTN *ConstantUnits
+ );
+ Get Sign, NaturalUnits, and ConstantUnits of the QWORD data.
+ @param Data64 - QWORD data
+ @param NaturalUnits - Natural Units of the QWORD
+ @param ConstantUnits - Constant Units of the QWORD
+ @return Sign value of QWORD
+EdbGetNaturalIndex64 (
+ IN UINT64 Data64,
+ OUT UINT64 *NaturalUnits,
+ OUT UINT64 *ConstantUnits
+ );
+ Print the hexical WORD raw index data to instruction content.
+ @param Data16 - WORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintRawIndexData16 (
+ IN UINT16 Data16
+ );
+ Print the hexical DWORD raw index data to instruction content.
+ @param Data32 - DWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintRawIndexData32 (
+ IN UINT32 Data32
+ );
+ Print the hexical QWORD raw index data to instruction content.
+ @param Data64 - QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintRawIndexData64 (
+ IN UINT64 Data64
+ );
+ Print register 1 in operands.
+ @param Operands - instruction operands
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintRegister1 (
+ IN UINT8 Operands
+ );
+ Print register 2 in operands.
+ @param Operands - instruction operands
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintRegister2 (
+ IN UINT8 Operands
+ );
+ Print dedicated register 1 in operands.
+ @param Operands - instruction operands
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintDedicatedRegister1 (
+ IN UINT8 Operands
+ );
+ Print dedicated register 2 in operands.
+ @param Operands - instruction operands
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintDedicatedRegister2 (
+ IN UINT8 Operands
+ );
+ Print the hexical UINTN index data to instruction content.
+ @param Sign - Signed bit of UINTN data
+ @param NaturalUnits - natural units of UINTN data
+ @param ConstantUnits - natural units of UINTN data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintIndexData (
+ IN UINTN NaturalUnits,
+ IN UINTN ConstantUnits
+ );
+ Print the hexical QWORD index data to instruction content.
+ @param Sign - Signed bit of QWORD data
+ @param NaturalUnits - natural units of QWORD data
+ @param ConstantUnits - natural units of QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintIndexData64 (
+ IN UINT64 NaturalUnits,
+ IN UINT64 ConstantUnits
+ );
+ Print the hexical BYTE immediate data to instruction content.
+ @param Data - BYTE data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintImmData8 (
+ IN UINT8 Data
+ );
+ Print the hexical WORD immediate data to instruction content.
+ @param Data - WORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintImmData16 (
+ IN UINT16 Data
+ );
+ Print the hexical DWORD immediate data to instruction content.
+ @param Data - DWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintImmData32 (
+ IN UINT32 Data
+ );
+ Print the hexical QWORD immediate data to instruction content.
+ @param Data - QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintImmData64 (
+ IN UINT64 Data
+ );
+ Print the decimal UINTN immediate data to instruction content.
+ @param Data - UINTN data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintImmDatan (
+ );
+ Print the decimal QWORD immediate data to instruction content.
+ @param Data64 - QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintImmData64n (
+ IN UINT64 Data64
+ );
+ Print the hexical BYTE to instruction content.
+ @param Data8 - BYTE data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData8 (
+ IN UINT8 Data8
+ );
+ Print the hexical WORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data16 - WORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData16 (
+ IN UINT16 Data16
+ );
+ Print the hexical DWORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data32 - DWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData32 (
+ IN UINT32 Data32
+ );
+ Print the hexical QWORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data64 - QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData64 (
+ IN UINT64 Data64
+ );
+ Print the decimal unsigned UINTN to instruction content.
+ @param Data - unsigned UINTN data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintDatan (
+ );
+ Print the decimal unsigned QWORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data64 - unsigned QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData64n (
+ IN UINT64 Data64
+ );
+ Print the decimal signed BYTE to instruction content.
+ @param Data8 - signed BYTE data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData8s (
+ IN UINT8 Data8
+ );
+ Print the decimal signed WORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data16 - signed WORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData16s (
+ IN UINT16 Data16
+ );
+ Print the decimal signed DWORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data32 - signed DWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData32s (
+ IN UINT32 Data32
+ );
+ Print the decimal signed QWORD to instruction content.
+ @param Data64 - signed QWORD data
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintData64s (
+ IN UINT64 Data64
+ );
+ Print the comma to instruction content.
+ @return Instruction content offset
+EdbPrintComma (
+ );
+ Find the symbol string according to address, then print it.
+ @param Address - instruction address
+ @retval 1 - symbol string is found and printed
+ @retval 0 - symbol string not found
+EdbFindAndPrintSymbol (
+ IN UINTN Address
+ );
+ Print the EBC byte code.
+ @param InstructionAddress - instruction address
+ @param InstructionNumber - instruction number
+EdbPrintRaw (
+ IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS InstructionAddress,
+ IN UINTN InstructionNumber
+ );
+ Print the EBC asm code.
+ @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure
+ @param SystemContext - EBC system context.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS - show disasm successfully
+EdbShowDisasm (
+ );
+ Get register value according to the system context, and register index.
+ @param SystemContext - EBC system context.
+ @param Index - EBC register index
+ @return register value
+GetRegisterValue (
+ IN UINT8 Index
+ );