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-rw-r--r-- | roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupport.h | 477 |
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupport.h b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupport.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba8b936b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupport.h @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@ +/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#ifndef _EFI_EDB_SUPPORT_H_
+#define _EFI_EDB_SUPPORT_H_
+#include <Uefi.h>
+#define EFI_DEBUG_MAX_PRINT_BUFFER (80 * 4)
+ Convert hex string to uint.
+ @param Str - The string
+Xtoi (
+ CHAR16 *Str
+ );
+ Convert hex string to uint.
+ @param Str - The string
+LXtoi (
+ CHAR16 *Str
+ );
+ Convert hex string to uint.
+ @param Str - The string
+Atoi (
+ CHAR16 *Str
+ );
+ Convert hex string to uint.
+ @param Str - The string
+AsciiXtoi (
+ CHAR8 *Str
+ );
+ Convert hex string to uint.
+ @param Str - The string
+AsciiAtoi (
+ CHAR8 *Str
+ );
+ Compare the Unicode and Ascii string pointed by String to the string pointed by String2.
+ @param String - Unicode String to process
+ @param String2 - Ascii string to process
+ @return Return a positive integer if String is lexicall greater than String2; Zero if
+ the two strings are identical; and a negative interger if String is lexically
+ less than String2.
+StrCmpUnicodeAndAscii (
+ IN CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CHAR8 *String2
+ );
+ Compare the Unicode string pointed by String to the string pointed by String2.
+ @param String - Unicode String to process
+ @param String2 - Unicode string to process
+ @return Return a positive integer if String is lexically greater than String2; Zero if
+ the two strings are identical; and a negative integer if String is lexically
+ less than String2.
+StriCmp (
+ IN CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CHAR16 *String2
+ );
+ Compare the Unicode and Ascii string pointed by String to the string pointed by String2.
+ @param String - Unicode String to process
+ @param String2 - Ascii string to process
+ @return Return a positive integer if String is lexically greater than String2; Zero if
+ the two strings are identical; and a negative integer if String is lexically
+ less than String2.
+StriCmpUnicodeAndAscii (
+ IN CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CHAR8 *String2
+ );
+ Verify if the string is end with the sub string.
+ @param Str - The string where to search the sub string
+ @param SubStr - The substring.
+StrEndWith (
+ IN CHAR16 *Str,
+ IN CHAR16 *SubStr
+ );
+ Duplicate a string.
+ @param Src The string to be duplicated.
+CHAR16 *
+StrDuplicate (
+ IN CHAR16 *Src
+ );
+ Find the next token after one or more specified characters.
+ @param String Point to the string where to find the substring.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR16 *
+StrGetNewTokenLine (
+ IN CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CHAR16 *CharSet
+ );
+ Find the next token after one or more specified characters.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR16 *
+StrGetNextTokenLine (
+ IN CHAR16 *CharSet
+ );
+ Find the next token after one specificed characters.
+ @param String Point to the string where to find the substring.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR16 *
+StrGetNewTokenField (
+ IN CHAR16 *String,
+ IN CHAR16 *CharSet
+ );
+ Find the next token after one specificed characters.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR16 *
+StrGetNextTokenField (
+ IN CHAR16 *CharSet
+ );
+ Patch a character to the end of a string.
+ @param Buffer The string to be patched.
+ @param Patch The patch character.
+PatchForStrTokenAfter (
+ IN CHAR16 *Buffer,
+ IN CHAR16 Patch
+ );
+ Patch a character at the beginning of a string.
+ @param Buffer The string to be patched.
+ @param Patch The patch character.
+PatchForStrTokenBefore (
+ IN CHAR16 *Buffer,
+ IN CHAR16 Patch
+ );
+ Find the next token after one or more specified characters.
+ @param String Point to the string where to find the substring.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR8 *
+AsciiStrGetNewTokenLine (
+ IN CHAR8 *String,
+ IN CHAR8 *CharSet
+ );
+ Find the next token after one or more specified characters.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR8 *
+AsciiStrGetNextTokenLine (
+ IN CHAR8 *CharSet
+ );
+ Find the next token after one specificed characters.
+ @param String Point to the string where to find the substring.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR8 *
+AsciiStrGetNewTokenField (
+ IN CHAR8 *String,
+ IN CHAR8 *CharSet
+ );
+ Find the next token after one specificed characters.
+ @param CharSet Point to the string to be found.
+CHAR8 *
+AsciiStrGetNextTokenField (
+ IN CHAR8 *CharSet
+ );
+ Patch a character to the end of a string.
+ @param Buffer The string to be patched.
+ @param Patch The patch character.
+PatchForAsciiStrTokenAfter (
+ IN CHAR8 *Buffer,
+ IN CHAR8 Patch
+ );
+ Patch a character at the beginning of a string.
+ @param Buffer The string to be patched.
+ @param Patch The patch character.
+PatchForAsciiStrTokenBefore (
+ IN CHAR8 *Buffer,
+ IN CHAR8 Patch
+ );
+ Shell Library.
+ Get user input.
+ @param Prompt The prompt string.
+ @param InStr Point to the input string.
+ @param StrLen The max length of string user can input.
+Input (
+ OUT CHAR16 *InStr,
+ );
+ SetPageBreak.
+SetPageBreak (
+ );
+ Print a Unicode string to the output device.
+ @param Format A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
+ terminated Unicode strings to be printed
+EDBPrint (
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
+ ...
+ );
+ Print a Unicode string to the output buffer.
+ @param Buffer A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
+ Unicode string.
+ @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
+ @param Format A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
+ terminated Unicode strings to be printed
+EDBSPrint (
+ OUT CHAR16 *Buffer,
+ IN INTN BufferSize,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
+ ...
+ );
+ Print a Unicode string to the output buffer with specified offset..
+ @param Buffer A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
+ Unicode string.
+ @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
+ @param Offset The offset of the buffer.
+ @param Format A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
+ terminated Unicode strings to be printed
+EDBSPrintWithOffset (
+ OUT CHAR16 *Buffer,
+ IN INTN BufferSize,
+ IN UINTN Offset,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
+ ...
+ );
+ Read a file.
+ If ScanFs is FLASE, it will use DebuggerPrivate->Vol as default Fs.
+ If ScanFs is TRUE, it will scan all FS and check the file.
+ If there is only one file match the name, it will be read.
+ If there is more than one file match the name, it will return Error.
+ @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure
+ @param FileName - The file to be read.
+ @param BufferSize - The file buffer size
+ @param Buffer - The file buffer
+ @param ScanFs - Need Scan all FS
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS - read file successfully
+ @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND - file not found
+ @retval EFI_NO_MAPPING - there is duplicated files found
+ReadFileToBuffer (
+ IN CHAR16 *FileName,
+ OUT UINTN *BufferSize,
+ OUT VOID **Buffer,
+ );
+ Get file name under this dir with index
+ @param DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure
+ @param DirName - The dir to be read.
+ @param FileName - The file name pattern under this dir
+ @param Index - The file index under this dir
+ @return File Name which match the pattern and index.
+CHAR16 *
+GetFileNameUnderDir (
+ IN CHAR16 *DirName,
+ IN CHAR16 *FileName,
+ );