path: root/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupportUI.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupportUI.c')
1 files changed, 754 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupportUI.c b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupportUI.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd881a021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/MdeModulePkg/Universal/EbcDxe/EbcDebugger/EdbSupportUI.c
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+/** @file
+Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+#include "Edb.h"
+ Set the current coordinates of the cursor position.
+ @param Column The position to set the cursor to.
+ @param Row The position to set the cursor to.
+ @param LineLength Length of a line.
+ @param TotalRow Total row of a screen.
+ @param Str Point to the string.
+ @param StrPos The position of the string.
+ @param Len The length of the string.
+SetCursorPosition (
+ IN UINTN Column,
+ IN INTN Row,
+ IN UINTN LineLength,
+ IN UINTN TotalRow,
+ IN CHAR16 *Str,
+ IN UINTN StrPos,
+ );
+ Function waits for a given event to fire, or for an optional timeout to expire.
+ @param Event - The event to wait for
+ @param Timeout - An optional timeout value in 100 ns units.
+ @retval EFI_SUCCESS - Event fired before Timeout expired.
+ @retval EFI_TIME_OUT - Timout expired before Event fired..
+WaitForSingleEvent (
+ )
+ EFI_STATUS Status;
+ UINTN Index;
+ EFI_EVENT TimerEvent;
+ EFI_EVENT WaitList[2];
+ if (Timeout != 0) {
+ //
+ // Create a timer event
+ //
+ Status = gBS->CreateEvent (EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent);
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
+ //
+ // Set the timer event
+ //
+ gBS->SetTimer (
+ TimerEvent,
+ TimerRelative,
+ Timeout
+ );
+ //
+ // Wait for the original event or the timer
+ //
+ WaitList[0] = Event;
+ WaitList[1] = TimerEvent;
+ Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (2, WaitList, &Index);
+ gBS->CloseEvent (TimerEvent);
+ //
+ // If the timer expired, change the return to timed out
+ //
+ if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && Index == 1) {
+ Status = EFI_TIMEOUT;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ //
+ // No timeout... just wait on the event
+ //
+ Status = gBS->WaitForEvent (1, &Event, &Index);
+ ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status));
+ ASSERT (Index == 0);
+ }
+ return Status;
+ Move the cursor position one character backward.
+ @param LineLength Length of a line. Get it by calling QueryMode
+ @param Column Current column of the cursor position
+ @param Row Current row of the cursor position
+ConMoveCursorBackward (
+ IN UINTN LineLength,
+ IN OUT UINTN *Column,
+ )
+ ASSERT (Column != NULL);
+ ASSERT (Row != NULL);
+ //
+ // If current column is 0, move to the last column of the previous line,
+ // otherwise, just decrement column.
+ //
+ if (*Column == 0) {
+ (*Column) = LineLength - 1;
+ //
+ // if (*Row > 0) {
+ //
+ (*Row)--;
+ //
+ // }
+ //
+ } else {
+ (*Column)--;
+ }
+ Move the cursor position one character backward.
+ @param LineLength Length of a line. Get it by calling QueryMode
+ @param TotalRow Total row of a screen, get by calling QueryMode
+ @param Column Current column of the cursor position
+ @param Row Current row of the cursor position
+ConMoveCursorForward (
+ IN UINTN LineLength,
+ IN UINTN TotalRow,
+ IN OUT UINTN *Column,
+ )
+ ASSERT (Column != NULL);
+ ASSERT (Row != NULL);
+ //
+ // If current column is at line end, move to the first column of the nest
+ // line, otherwise, just increment column.
+ //
+ (*Column)++;
+ if (*Column >= LineLength) {
+ (*Column) = 0;
+ if ((*Row) < TotalRow - 1) {
+ (*Row)++;
+ }
+ }
+ Get user input.
+ @param Prompt The prompt string.
+ @param InStr Point to the input string.
+ @param StrLength The max length of string user can input.
+Input (
+ OUT CHAR16 *InStr,
+ IN UINTN StrLength
+ )
+ UINTN Column;
+ UINTN Row;
+ UINTN StartColumn;
+ UINTN Update;
+ UINTN Delete;
+ UINTN Len;
+ UINTN StrPos;
+ UINTN Index;
+ UINTN LineLength;
+ UINTN TotalRow;
+ UINTN SkipLength;
+ UINTN OutputLength;
+ UINTN TailRow;
+ UINTN TailColumn;
+ BOOLEAN InsertMode;
+ BOOLEAN NeedAdjust;
+ UINTN SubIndex;
+ CHAR16 *CommandStr;
+ ConOut = gST->ConOut;
+ ConIn = gST->ConIn;
+ ASSERT (ConOut != NULL);
+ ASSERT (ConIn != NULL);
+ ASSERT (InStr != NULL);
+ if (Prompt != NULL) {
+ ConOut->OutputString (ConOut, Prompt);
+ }
+ //
+ // Read a line from the console
+ //
+ Len = 0;
+ StrPos = 0;
+ OutputLength = 0;
+ Update = 0;
+ Delete = 0;
+ InsertMode = TRUE;
+ NeedAdjust = FALSE;
+ //
+ // If buffer is not large enough to hold a CHAR16, do nothing.
+ //
+ if (StrLength < 1) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ //
+ // Get the screen setting and the current cursor location
+ //
+ StartColumn = ConOut->Mode->CursorColumn;
+ Column = StartColumn;
+ Row = ConOut->Mode->CursorRow;
+ ConOut->QueryMode (ConOut, ConOut->Mode->Mode, &LineLength, &TotalRow);
+ if (LineLength == 0) {
+ return ;
+ }
+ SetMem (InStr, StrLength * sizeof (CHAR16), 0);
+ Done = FALSE;
+ do {
+ //
+ // Read a key
+ //
+ WaitForSingleEvent (ConIn->WaitForKey, 0);
+ ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (ConIn, &Key);
+ switch (Key.UnicodeChar) {
+ //
+ // All done, print a newline at the end of the string
+ //
+ TailRow = Row + (Len - StrPos + Column) / LineLength;
+ TailColumn = (Len - StrPos + Column) % LineLength;
+ Done = TRUE;
+ break;
+ if (StrPos != 0) {
+ //
+ // If not move back beyond string beginning, move all characters behind
+ // the current position one character forward
+ //
+ StrPos -= 1;
+ Update = StrPos;
+ Delete = 1;
+ CopyMem (InStr + StrPos, InStr + StrPos + 1, sizeof (CHAR16) * (Len - StrPos));
+ //
+ // Adjust the current column and row
+ //
+ ConMoveCursorBackward (LineLength, &Column, &Row);
+ NeedAdjust = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (Key.UnicodeChar >= ' ') {
+ //
+ // If we are at the buffer's end, drop the key
+ //
+ if (Len == StrLength - 1 && (InsertMode || StrPos == Len)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // If in insert mode, move all characters behind the current position
+ // one character backward to make space for this character. Then store
+ // the character.
+ //
+ if (InsertMode) {
+ for (Index = Len; Index > StrPos; Index -= 1) {
+ InStr[Index] = InStr[Index - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ InStr[StrPos] = Key.UnicodeChar;
+ Update = StrPos;
+ StrPos += 1;
+ OutputLength = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ switch (Key.ScanCode) {
+ //
+ // Move characters behind current position one character forward
+ //
+ if (Len != 0) {
+ Update = StrPos;
+ Delete = 1;
+ CopyMem (InStr + StrPos, InStr + StrPos + 1, sizeof (CHAR16) * (Len - StrPos));
+ NeedAdjust = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCAN_LEFT:
+ //
+ // Adjust current cursor position
+ //
+ if (StrPos != 0) {
+ StrPos -= 1;
+ ConMoveCursorBackward (LineLength, &Column, &Row);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCAN_RIGHT:
+ //
+ // Adjust current cursor position
+ //
+ if (StrPos < Len) {
+ StrPos += 1;
+ ConMoveCursorForward (LineLength, TotalRow, &Column, &Row);
+ }
+ break;
+ case SCAN_HOME:
+ //
+ // Move current cursor position to the beginning of the command line
+ //
+ Row -= (StrPos + StartColumn) / LineLength;
+ Column = StartColumn;
+ StrPos = 0;
+ break;
+ case SCAN_END:
+ //
+ // Move current cursor position to the end of the command line
+ //
+ TailRow = Row + (Len - StrPos + Column) / LineLength;
+ TailColumn = (Len - StrPos + Column) % LineLength;
+ Row = TailRow;
+ Column = TailColumn;
+ StrPos = Len;
+ break;
+ case SCAN_ESC:
+ //
+ // Prepare to clear the current command line
+ //
+ InStr[0] = 0;
+ Update = 0;
+ Delete = Len;
+ Row -= (StrPos + StartColumn) / LineLength;
+ Column = StartColumn;
+ OutputLength = 0;
+ NeedAdjust = TRUE;
+ break;
+ //
+ // Toggle the SEnvInsertMode flag
+ //
+ InsertMode = (BOOLEAN)!InsertMode;
+ break;
+ case SCAN_UP:
+ case SCAN_DOWN:
+ //
+ // show history
+ //
+ CopyMem (InStr, mInputBufferHistory, StrLength * sizeof(CHAR16));
+ StrPos = StrLen (mInputBufferHistory);
+ Update = 0;
+ Delete = 0;
+ OutputLength = 0;
+ TailRow = Row + (StrPos + StartColumn) / LineLength;
+ TailColumn = (StrPos + StartColumn) % LineLength;
+ Row = TailRow;
+ Column = TailColumn;
+ NeedAdjust = FALSE;
+ ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, StartColumn, Row);
+ for (SubIndex = 0; SubIndex < EFI_DEBUG_INPUS_BUFFER_SIZE - (StartColumn - EFI_DEBUG_PROMPT_COLUMN); SubIndex++) {
+ mBackupSpace[SubIndex] = L' ';
+ }
+ EDBPrint (mBackupSpace);
+ SetMem (mBackupSpace, (EFI_DEBUG_INPUS_BUFFER_SIZE - (StartColumn - EFI_DEBUG_PROMPT_COLUMN)) * sizeof(CHAR16), 0);
+ ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, StartColumn, Row);
+ Len = StrPos;
+ break;
+ case SCAN_F1:
+ case SCAN_F2:
+ case SCAN_F3:
+ case SCAN_F4:
+ case SCAN_F5:
+ case SCAN_F6:
+ case SCAN_F7:
+ case SCAN_F8:
+ case SCAN_F9:
+ case SCAN_F10:
+ case SCAN_F11:
+ case SCAN_F12:
+ CommandStr = GetCommandNameByKey (Key);
+ if (CommandStr != NULL) {
+ StrnCpyS (InStr, StrLength, CommandStr, StrLength - 1);
+ return ;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Done) {
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // If we need to update the output do so now
+ //
+ if (Update != -1) {
+ if (NeedAdjust) {
+ ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row);
+ for (SubIndex = 0; SubIndex < EFI_DEBUG_INPUS_BUFFER_SIZE - (Column - EFI_DEBUG_PROMPT_COLUMN); SubIndex++) {
+ mBackupSpace[SubIndex] = L' ';
+ }
+ EDBPrint (mBackupSpace);
+ SetMem (mBackupSpace, (EFI_DEBUG_INPUS_BUFFER_SIZE - (Column - EFI_DEBUG_PROMPT_COLUMN)) * sizeof(CHAR16), 0);
+ ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row);
+ NeedAdjust = FALSE;
+ }
+ EDBPrint (InStr + Update);
+ Len = StrLen (InStr);
+ if (Delete != 0) {
+ SetMem (InStr + Len, Delete * sizeof (CHAR16), 0x00);
+ }
+ if (StrPos > Len) {
+ StrPos = Len;
+ }
+ Update = (UINTN) -1;
+ //
+ // After using print to reflect newly updates, if we're not using
+ // BACKSPACE and DELETE, we need to move the cursor position forward,
+ // so adjust row and column here.
+ //
+ if (Key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE && !(Key.UnicodeChar == 0 && Key.ScanCode == SCAN_DELETE)) {
+ //
+ // Calulate row and column of the tail of current string
+ //
+ TailRow = Row + (Len - StrPos + Column + OutputLength) / LineLength;
+ TailColumn = (Len - StrPos + Column + OutputLength) % LineLength;
+ //
+ // If the tail of string reaches screen end, screen rolls up, so if
+ // Row does not equal TailRow, Row should be decremented
+ //
+ // (if we are recalling commands using UPPER and DOWN key, and if the
+ // old command is too long to fit the screen, TailColumn must be 79.
+ //
+ if (TailColumn == 0 && TailRow >= TotalRow && (UINTN) Row != TailRow) {
+ Row--;
+ }
+ //
+ // Calculate the cursor position after current operation. If cursor
+ // reaches line end, update both row and column, otherwise, only
+ // column will be changed.
+ //
+ if (Column + OutputLength >= LineLength) {
+ SkipLength = OutputLength - (LineLength - Column);
+ Row += SkipLength / LineLength + 1;
+ if ((UINTN) Row > TotalRow - 1) {
+ Row = TotalRow - 1;
+ }
+ Column = SkipLength % LineLength;
+ } else {
+ Column += OutputLength;
+ }
+ }
+ Delete = 0;
+ }
+ //
+ // Set the cursor position for this key
+ //
+ SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row, LineLength, TotalRow, InStr, StrPos, Len);
+ } while (!Done);
+ CopyMem (mInputBufferHistory, InStr, StrLength * sizeof(CHAR16));
+ //
+ // Return the data to the caller
+ //
+ return ;
+ Set the current coordinates of the cursor position.
+ @param Column The position to set the cursor to.
+ @param Row The position to set the cursor to.
+ @param LineLength Length of a line.
+ @param TotalRow Total row of a screen.
+ @param Str Point to the string.
+ @param StrPos The position of the string.
+ @param Len The length of the string.
+SetCursorPosition (
+ IN UINTN Column,
+ IN INTN Row,
+ IN UINTN LineLength,
+ IN UINTN TotalRow,
+ IN CHAR16 *Str,
+ IN UINTN StrPos,
+ )
+ CHAR16 Backup;
+ ASSERT (ConOut != NULL);
+ ASSERT (Str != NULL);
+ Backup = 0;
+ if (Row >= 0) {
+ ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, Column, Row);
+ return ;
+ }
+ if (Len - StrPos > Column * Row) {
+ Backup = *(Str + StrPos + Column * Row);
+ *(Str + StrPos + Column * Row) = 0;
+ }
+ EDBPrint (L"%s", Str + StrPos);
+ if (Len - StrPos > Column * Row) {
+ *(Str + StrPos + Column * Row) = Backup;
+ }
+ ConOut->SetCursorPosition (ConOut, 0, 0);
+ SetPageBreak.
+SetPageBreak (
+ )
+ CHAR16 Str[3];
+ BOOLEAN OmitPrint;
+ //
+ // Check
+ //
+ if (!mDebuggerPrivate.EnablePageBreak) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"Press ENTER to continue, 'q' to exit:");
+ OmitPrint = FALSE;
+ //
+ // Wait for user input
+ //
+ Str[0] = ' ';
+ Str[1] = 0;
+ Str[2] = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ WaitForSingleEvent (gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, 0);
+ gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &Key);
+ //
+ // handle control keys
+ //
+ if (Key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_NULL) {
+ if (Key.ScanCode == SCAN_ESC) {
+ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"\r\n");
+ OmitPrint = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) {
+ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, L"\r\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ //
+ // Echo input
+ //
+ Str[1] = Key.UnicodeChar;
+ if (Str[1] == CHAR_BACKSPACE) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, Str);
+ if ((Str[1] == L'q') || (Str[1] == L'Q')) {
+ OmitPrint = TRUE;
+ } else {
+ OmitPrint = FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return OmitPrint;
+ Print a Unicode string to the output device.
+ @param Format A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
+ terminated Unicode strings to be printed
+EDBPrint (
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
+ ...
+ )
+ UINTN Return;
+ VA_LIST Marker;
+ VA_START (Marker, Format);
+ Return = UnicodeVSPrint (Buffer, sizeof (Buffer), Format, Marker);
+ VA_END (Marker);
+ if (gST->ConOut != NULL) {
+ //
+ // To be extra safe make sure ConOut has been initialized
+ //
+ gST->ConOut->OutputString (gST->ConOut, Buffer);
+ }
+ return Return;
+ Print a Unicode string to the output buffer.
+ @param Buffer A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
+ Unicode string.
+ @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
+ @param Format A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
+ terminated Unicode strings to be printed
+EDBSPrint (
+ OUT CHAR16 *Buffer,
+ IN INTN BufferSize,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
+ ...
+ )
+ UINTN Return;
+ VA_LIST Marker;
+ ASSERT (BufferSize > 0);
+ VA_START (Marker, Format);
+ Return = UnicodeVSPrint (Buffer, (UINTN)BufferSize, Format, Marker);
+ VA_END (Marker);
+ return Return;
+ Print a Unicode string to the output buffer with specified offset..
+ @param Buffer A pointer to the output buffer for the produced Null-terminated
+ Unicode string.
+ @param BufferSize The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by StartOfBuffer.
+ @param Offset The offset of the buffer.
+ @param Format A Null-terminated Unicode format string.
+ @param ... The variable argument list that contains pointers to Null-
+ terminated Unicode strings to be printed
+EDBSPrintWithOffset (
+ OUT CHAR16 *Buffer,
+ IN INTN BufferSize,
+ IN UINTN Offset,
+ IN CONST CHAR16 *Format,
+ ...
+ )
+ UINTN Return;
+ VA_LIST Marker;
+ ASSERT (BufferSize - (Offset * sizeof(CHAR16)) > 0);
+ VA_START (Marker, Format);
+ Return = UnicodeVSPrint (Buffer + Offset, (UINTN)(BufferSize - (Offset * sizeof(CHAR16))), Format, Marker);
+ VA_END (Marker);
+ return Return;